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AcPerfMediaServices DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN
enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI;
audioCodes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {enterprises 5003}
acRegistrations OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {audioCodes 7}
acGeneric OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {audioCodes 8}
acProducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {audioCodes 9}
acPerformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {audioCodes 10}
acPerfMediaServices MODULE-IDENTITY
LAST-UPDATED "200407121505Z" --Monday, July 12, 2004
"Postal: Support
AudioCodes LTD
1 Hayarden Street
Airport City
Lod, ISRAEL 70151
Tel: 972-3-9764000
Fax: 972-3-9764040
Email: support@audiocodes.com
Web: www.audiocodes.com"
"This MIB defines the enterprise-specific objects needed
to support performance management of the AudioCodes product.
Performance measurements are grouped into the following MIB trees:
acPerfIvr - performance measurements related to the IVR service
acPerfBct - performance measurements related to the BCT service
acPerfConf - performance measurements related to the Conferencing service
acPerfTt - performance measurements related to the Test Trunk service"
REVISION "200311200000Z"
"Version 4.4. November 20, 2003. Made these changes:
o Initial revision"
::= {acPerformance 2}
-- Abbreviations used:
-- Annc announcement(s)
-- IVR Interactive Voice Response
-- Conf Conferencing
-- NE network element
-- TT Test Trunks
-- The following conventions are used in this MIB:
-- The "Product" attribute lists the products in which the
-- performance measurement is maintained. Current products
-- are:
-- Media Servers
-- IPmedia 2000
-- Media Gateways
-- Mediant 2000/5000/8000 (wireline)
-- Stretto 2000/5000/8000 (wireless)
-- The "Capabilities" attribute lists the capabilities that must be
-- configured on the system for the performance measurement to be
-- maintained. The possible values are IVR, Conferencing, BCT, TT
-- and Trunking Gateway. Some performance measurements are not
-- related to any particular capabilities. In those cases, the value
-- of Capabilities attribute is "All".
-- Notes on IVR Service Performance Measurements
-- In response to a request to play an announcement, the media server
-- may play multiple audio segments. The media server maintains
-- performance data for the overall announcement request as well as
-- for the individual segments.
-- In naming of the performance measurements, "Play" is used to refer
-- to the overall announcement request. "PlaySegment" is used to refer
-- to the playing of an individual segment.
-- Notes on Play Collect
-- Play Collect involves playing of an initial prompt, collection of digits, followed
-- by actions which are dependent on the digits (or lack of digits) that are collected.
-- These are the prompts that can be specified (all are optional):
-- ip initial prompt
-- nd no digits reprompt (if not specified, use rp)
-- rp reprompt (if not specified, use ip)
-- fa failure, played once at end
-- sa success, played once at end
-- The request can specify the number of attempts, before playing the fa prompt. If no
-- number of attempts value is supplied on the request, then a default is used.
-- The prompts can be either simple or complex announcements.
-- Continuous Digit Collect operations, which can be considered a special type of play
-- collect, are not tracked by any of the acPlayCollect performance measurements,
-- but are instead tracked in a special group of performance measurements.
-- Notes on Continuous Digit Collect
-- Continuous Digit Collect - Digits are collected during the entire
-- life of a call. No prompts are played. Continuous Digit Collect
-- is typically used in a BCT call.
-- Continuous Digit Collect operations can be considered a special type of play
-- collect, but are not tracked by any of the acPlayCollect performance measurements.
acPerfIvr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {acPerfMediaServices 1}
acPerfIvrPlayRequests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of announcement requests received from the call
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 1}
acPerfIvrPlaySuccessful OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"Number of announcement requests processed successfully.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 2}
acPerfIvrPlayFailedDueToLackOfResources OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"Number of announcement requests which failed to be played because
some resource was not available.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 3}
acPerfIvrPlayInProgress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of announcement operations that are currently in progress.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 4}
acPerfIvrPlayDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The duration, in seconds, of all successful announcement
requests. The average duration of all requests (average hold time)
can be computed by dividing acPerfPlayDuration by acPerfPlaySuccessful.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 5}
acPerfIvrPlayFailedDueToProvMismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"Number of announcement requests which failed because of a provisioning mismatch.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 6}
acPerfIvrPlayCollectRequests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of play collect requests.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 7}
acPerfIvrPlayCollectSuccessful OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"Number of play collects completed successfully. A request is considered successful
if the entire sequence, from initial prompt to success/failure prompt, is played out
without a failure due to lack of resources, provisioning mismatch, or any other
media server failure. The failure of the user to enter the proper digits is not a
reason for failure of the request.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 8}
acPerfIvrPlayCollectFailedDueToLackOfResources OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of play collect requests that failed due to lack of resources.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 9}
acPerfIvrPlayCollectFailedDueToProvMismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of play collect requests that failed due a provisioning mismatch.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 10}
acPerfIvrPlayCollectInProgress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of play collect operations that are currently in progress.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 11}
acPerfIvrPlayCollectDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The duration, in seconds, of all successful play collect
requests. The average duration of all requests
can be computed by dividing acPlayCollectDuration by acPlayCollectSuccessful.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 12}
acPerfIvrContDigitCollectRequests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of continuous digit collect requests.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 13}
acPerfIvrContDigitCollectSuccessful OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"Number of continuous digit collects completed successfully.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 14}
acPerfIvrContDigitCollectFailedDueToLackOfResources OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of continuous digit collect requests that failed due to lack of resources.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 15}
acPerfIvrContDigitCollectInProgress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of continuous digit collect operations that are currently in progress.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 16}
acPerfIvrContDigitCollectDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The duration, in seconds, of all successful continuous digit collect
requests. The average duration of all requests
can be computed by dividing acDCCollectDuration by acDCCollectSuccessful.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfIvr 17}
acPerfBct OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {acPerfMediaServices 2}
acPerfBctRequests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of BCT contexts opened since the media server initialized
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfBct 1}
acPerfBctSuccessful OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"Number of BCT requests processed successfully.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfBct 2}
acPerfBctFailedDueToLackOfResources OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"Number of BCT requests which failed to be played because
some resource was not available.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfBct 3}
acPerfBctInProgress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of BCT calls that are currently in progress.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfBct 4}
acPerfBctDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The duration, in seconds, of all successful BCT contexts. The average
duration of all contexts can be computed by dividing acPerfBCTDuration
by acPerfBCTSuccessful.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfBct 5}
acPerfBctTotalParticipants OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of BCT participants since the media server initialized
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfBct 6}
acPerfBctCurrentNumberOfParticipants OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of participants in all BCT calls that are currently in progress.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfBct 7}
acPerfConf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {acPerfMediaServices 3}
acPerfConfRequests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of conferences processed since the last application restart. This is the number of conferences created
and not the number of members.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfConf 1}
acPerfConfSuccessful OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"Number of conference requests processed successfully.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfConf 2}
acPerfConfInProgress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of conferences currently in progress.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfConf 3}
acPerfConfDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The duration, in seconds, of all successful conference requests. The average
duration of all requests can be computed by dividing acPerfConfDuration
by acPerfConfSuccessful.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfConf 4}
acPerfConfFailedDueToLackOfResources OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of times a conference request was rejected due to lack of resources
since the last application restart.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfConf 5}
acPerfConfAddRequests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of requests to add a conferee to an existing conference.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfConf 6}
acPerfConfAddSuccessful OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of times a conferee was added successfuly to an existing conference.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfConf 7}
acPerfConfAddFailedDueToLackOfResources OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of times a conferee could not be added to an existing conference
due to a lack of resources.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfConf 8}
acPerfConfPortsUsed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of ports that were reserved for conferences since the last
application restart.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfConf 9}
acPerfConfPortsReserved OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of conference ports currently reserved. This includes
play ports, monitor ports and regular conferee ports.
A monitor port may be reserved by the call agent when setting up
a conference. The monitor port can then be used by one or more
listen-only conferees.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfConf 10}
acPerfTt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {acPerfMediaServices 4}
acPerfTtRequests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of test trunk calls requested.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfTt 1}
acPerfTtSuccessful OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of test trunk calls that were successfully setup and torn down.
This PM is not a reflection on whether the test actually passed or failed.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfTt 2}
acPerfTtInProgress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of test trunk calls that are currently in progress.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfTt 3}
acPerfTtDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The duration, in seconds, of all successful test trunk requests. This number
is The time between a test trunk call being initiated and completed. The average duration
of all requests can be computed by dividing acPerfTtDuration by acPerfTtSuccessful.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfTt 4}
acPerfTtFailedDueToLackOfResources OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of times a test trunk request was rejected due to lack of resources
since the last application restart.
Products: IPmedia 2000"
::= {acPerfTt 5}