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-- ################################################################################
-- =========================================================================
-- Interpretation of the Interface Table for VLAN and encapsulation
-- interfaces:
-- ifIndex Same interpretation as RFC1573. A unique value,
-- greater than zero for each VLAN/Encapsulation interface.
-- ifDescr Same interpretation as RFC1573. A textual string
-- containing information about the interface. This
-- string should include the name of the manufacturer,
-- the product name, the version of the software, and that
-- the entry is a vlan or encapsulation interface.
-- Example: "VLAN Red"
-- Example: "802.1Q Encapsulation Tag 004"
-- ifType propVirtual(53)
-- ifMtu Equivalent to the least common denominator MTU of the
-- set of ports associated with the VLAN or ENCAPS interface.
-- For example, if the VLAN contains one ethernet port, then
-- the value of this object is 1518. If the VLAN contains
-- all FDDI ports, the value of this object is 4500. If
-- a vlan contains a mix of ethernet and FDDI ports, the
-- value of this object is 1518. If there are no ports associated
-- with the interface, then the ifMtu is zero.
-- ifSpeed The value of this object is zero, as defined by RFC1573
-- for sub-layers that have no concept of bandwidth.
-- ifPhysAddress The value of this object is always equal to a null octet
-- string.
-- ifAdminStatus Always equal to up(1). SetRequest-PDUs fail.
-- ifOperStatus The value of this object is equal to up(1) if the
-- ifOperStatus of at least one port in in the set of ports
-- stacked below the VLAN layer is up(1). The value of this
-- object is down(2) if the ifOperStatus of all ports stacked
-- below the vlan layer is down(2). The value of this
-- object is down(2) if there are no ports stacked below the
-- the vlan sublayer.
-- ifLastChange Same interpretation as RFC1573. The value of sysUpTime
-- at the time the interface entered its current operational
-- state. If the current state was entered prior to the
-- last re-initialization of the local network management
-- subsystem, then this object contains a zero value.
-- ifInOctets These objects return NO_SUCH_NAME on reads and writes.
-- ifInUcastPkts This approach is more desireable than returning zero
-- ifInNUcastPkt on reads because NMS's cannot differentiate between
-- ifInDiscards returning a zero for non-support vs returning a real
-- ifInErrors zero value for the counter. Inability to distinguish
-- ifInUnknownProtos between these two cases would essentially prevent
-- ifOutOctets future implementation of these objects, therefore
-- ifOutUcastPkts NO_SUCH_NAME is returned to indicate no-support.
-- ifOutNUcastPkts Future implementations may choose to return real values
-- ifOutDiscards for these counters.
-- ifOutDiscards "
-- ifOutErrors "
-- ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable "
-- ifConnectorPresent "
-- ifHighSpeed "
-- ifName "
-- ifOutQLen Deprecated in RFC1573. Set to zero if present.
-- ifSpecific Deprecated in RFC1573. Set to {0.0} if present.
-- linkUp TRAP Not supported for the vlan/encaps sublayers
-- linkDown TRAP Not supported for the vlan/encaps sublayer
-- ======================================================================
RowStatus, TruthValue,
MacAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC
DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC
Integer32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI
Counter64 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB
InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB;
LAST-UPDATED "201310230000Z"
ORGANIZATION "Extreme Networks, Inc."
CONTACT-INFO "www.extremenetworks.com"
DESCRIPTION "Extreme Virtual LAN objects"
::= { extremeAgent 2 }
-- The objects are arranged into the following groups:
extremeVlanGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { extremeVlan 1 }
extremeVirtualGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { extremeVlan 2 }
extremeEncapsulationGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { extremeVlan 3 }
extremeVlanIpGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { extremeVlan 4 }
extremeProtocolGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { extremeVlan 5 }
extremeVlanOpaqueGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { extremeVlan 6 }
extremeVlanStackGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { extremeVlan 7 }
extremeVlanStatsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { extremeVlan 8 }
extremeVlanAggregationGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { extremeVlan 9 }
extremeVlanTranslationGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { extremeVlan 10 }
extremePrivateVlan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { extremeVlan 11 }
-- Extreme Networks Vlan Type Textual Convention
-- vlanLayer2(1) = The globally identified VLAN interface is protocol
-- independent and based on port grouping. The configuration of
-- port grouping is controlled through the ifStackTable.
ExtremeVlanType ::= INTEGER {
ExtremeVlanEncapsType ::= INTEGER {
-- All groups in this MIB are optional. Support for a
-- particular group is dependent upon the capabilities
-- of the network device.
-- The VLAN Group
-- The VLAN mapping group contains objects for
-- identifying VLANs within a device, and for mapping
-- these VLANs to a global identifier. It consists of the
-- extremeVlanGlobalMappingTable and the extremeVlanIfTable.
-- The Virtual Group
-- The virtual group contains the extremeNextVirtIfIndex object.
-- In the future, other groups and object will be added as
-- capabilities are added.
-- The Encapsulation Group
-- The Encapsulation Group contains objects for identifying
-- and configuring encapsulation entries within a device.
-- It consists of the extremeVlanEncapsIfTable.
-- The Forwarding Database Group
-- Contains objects for managing MAC-layer FDBs, including
-- the extremeVlanDot1qStaticTable
-- The Extreme Networks VLAN Global Mapping Table
-- This table is implemented by all Extreme Networks network devices
-- that support interfaces to globally identified VLANs.
extremeVlanGlobalMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeVlanGlobalMappingEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"This table lists VLAN interfaces that are globally
identified. A single entry exists in this list for
each VLAN interface in the system that is bound to
a global identifier."
::= { extremeVlanGroup 1 }
extremeVlanGlobalMappingEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanGlobalMappingEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An individual VLAN interface global mapping entry.
Entries in this table are created by setting the
extremeVlanIfGlobalIdentifier object in the
extremeVlanIfTable to a non-zero value."
INDEX { extremeVlanGlobalMappingIdentifier }
::= { extremeVlanGlobalMappingTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanGlobalMappingEntry ::=
extremeVlanGlobalMappingIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"An index into the extremeVlanGlobalMappingTable and an
administratively assigned global VLAN identifier. The
value of this object globally identifies the VLAN interface.
For VLAN interfaces, on different network devices, which are
part of the same globally identified VLAN, the value of this
object will be the same."
::= { extremeVlanGlobalMappingEntry 1 }
extremeVlanGlobalMappingIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The value of extremeVlanIfIndex for the VLAN interface in the
extremeVlanIfTable, which is bound to the global identifier
specified by this entry."
::= { extremeVlanGlobalMappingEntry 2 }
-- The Extreme Networks VLAN Interface Table
-- This table is implemented by all Extreme Networks network devices
-- that support VLAN interfaces.
extremeVlanIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table lists VLAN interfaces that exist within
a device. A single entry exists in this list for each
VLAN interface in the system. A VLAN interface may
be created, destroyed and/or mapped to a globally
identified vlan."
::= { extremeVlanGroup 2 }
extremeVlanIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanIfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An individual VLAN interface entry. When an NMS wishes
to create a new entry in this table, it must obtain a
non-zero index from the extremeNextAvailableVirtIfIndex
object. Row creation in this table will fail if the
chosen index value does not match the current value
returned from the extremeNextAvailableVirtIfIndex object."
INDEX { extremeVlanIfIndex }
::= { extremeVlanIfTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanIfEntry ::=
extremeVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The index value of this row and the vlan's ifIndex in the
ifTable. The NMS obtains the index value for this row by
reading the extremeNextAvailableVirtIfIndex object."
::= { extremeVlanIfEntry 1 }
extremeVlanIfDescr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32))
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This is a description of the VLAN interface."
::= {extremeVlanIfEntry 2}
extremeVlanIfType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanType
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The VLAN interface type."
::= { extremeVlanIfEntry 3 }
extremeVlanIfGlobalIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS deprecated
"An administratively assigned global VLAN identifier. For
VLAN interfaces, on different network devices, which are
part of the same globally identified VLAN, the value of this
object will be the same.
The binding between a global identifier and a VLAN
interface can be created or removed. To create a binding
an NMS must write a non-zero value to this object. To
delete a binding, the NMS must write a zero to this
object. The value 1 is reserved for the default VLAN and
this cannot be deleted or re-assigned."
::= { extremeVlanIfEntry 4 }
extremeVlanIfStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The status column for this VLAN interface.
This OBJECT can be set to:
The following values may be read:
Setting this object to createAndGo(4) causes the agent
to attempt to create and commit the row based on
the contents of the objects in the row. If all necessary
information is present in the row and the values are
acceptible to the agent, the agent will change the
status to active(1). If any of the necessary objects
are not available, the agent will reject the creation
Setting this object to createAndWait(5) causes a row
in this table to be created. The agent sets the
status to notInService(2) if all of the information is
present in the row and the values are acceptable to the
agent; otherwise, the agent sets the status to notReady(3).
Setting this object to active(1) is only valid when
the current status is active(1) or notInService(2).
When the state of the row transitions is set to active(1),
the agent creates the corresponding row in the ifTable.
Setting this object to destroy(6) will remove the
corresponding VLAN interface, remove the entry in this
table, and the corresponding entries in the
extremeVlanGlobalMappingTable and the ifTable.
In order for a set of this object to destroy(6) to succeed,
all dependencies on this row must have been removed. These
will include any stacking dependencies in the ifStackTable
and any protocol specific tables dependencies."
::= { extremeVlanIfEntry 6 }
extremeVlanIfIgnoreStpFlag OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Enable/disable STP for this VLAN interface. Setting this
object to true will cause the ports on this VLAN to ignore
STP BPDUs. When a vlan is first created, the Default value
is FALSE, which means that the VLAN uses STP port information"
::= { extremeVlanIfEntry 7 }
extremeVlanIfIgnoreBpduFlag OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Setting this object to true causes this VLAN's BPDU's to be ignored by
the Spanning Tree process. This can be used to keep the root bridge within
one's own network when external switches also fall within the same Spanning
Tree Domain. When a vlan is first created, the Default value is FALSE."
::= { extremeVlanIfEntry 8 }
extremeVlanIfLoopbackModeFlag OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Setting this object to true causes loopback mode to be enabled on this VLAN."
::= { extremeVlanIfEntry 9 }
extremeVlanIfVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4095)
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The VLAN ID of this VLAN."
::= { extremeVlanIfEntry 10 }
extremeVlanIfEncapsType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanEncapsType
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The encapsulation algorithm used when encapsulating
packets transmitted, or de-encapsulating packets
received through this interface."
::= { extremeVlanIfEntry 11 }
extremeVlanIfAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Enable/disable this VLAN interface. Setting this
object to true will administratively enable this VLAN."
::= { extremeVlanIfEntry 12 }
-- The Extreme Networks VLAN Encapsulation Interface Table
-- VLAN Encapsulation refers to the ability to multiplex
-- several VLANs over a single network segment by explicitly
-- labeling eack packet with a tag that identifies the packet's
-- VLAN membership.
-- The only tagging scheme supported by this MIB is IEEE 802.1Q
-- Some ports support tagging, some don't. For ports that support
-- tagging, they may have some VLANs that operate in tagging mode,
-- some not in tagging mode.
-- The encapsulation interface will be creatable by the NMS using
-- the extremeVlanIfTable. This table will allow the NMS to define
-- certain attributes of the encapsulation including an encapsulation
-- algorithm and a tag value. Using the ifStack table, an encapsulation
-- interface may be stacked underneath a VLAN interface and on top of port(s).
-- Example ifTable Stacking:
-- +=======================+=======================+
-- | VLAN Xface 9 | VLAN Xface 11 |
-- +=======================+=======================+
-- +=======================+
-- | ENCAPS Xface 10 |
-- +=======================+
-- +=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+
-- | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |<=== Ports
-- +=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+=====+
-- ifStackTable Instances:
-- ifStackHigher ifStackLower
-- 0 9
-- 0 11
-- 1 0
-- 2 0
-- 3 0
-- 4 0
-- 9 10
-- 10 1
-- 10 2
-- 10 3
-- 10 4
-- 11 5
-- 11 6
-- 11 7
-- 11 8
-- A stack that contains a VLAN, encapsulation and a port interface,
-- specifies:
-- * For packets received through the given port that use the given
-- encapsulation scheme and contain the given tag, those packets
-- are members of the given VLAN.
-- * For unencapsulated packets from the given VLAN that are to be
-- transmitted out the given port, those packets must first be
-- encapsulated using the given encapsulation algorithm and tag.
-- This table is implemented by all Extreme Networks network devices
-- that support the encapsulation of multiple VLANs over a single
-- interface.
extremeVlanEncapsIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeVlanEncapsIfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table lists VLAN encapsulation interfaces that
exist within a device. A single entry exists in this
list for each VLAN encapsulation interface in the
system. A VLAN encapsulation interface may be created
or destroyed."
::= { extremeEncapsulationGroup 1 }
extremeVlanEncapsIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanEncapsIfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An individual VLAN encapsulation interface entry.
When an NMS wishes to create a new entry in this table,
it must obtain a non-zero index from the
extremeNextAvailableVirtIfIndex object. Row creation
in this table will fail if the chosen index value does
not match the current value returned from the
extremeNextAvailableVirtIfIndex object."
INDEX { extremeVlanEncapsIfIndex }
::= { extremeVlanEncapsIfTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanEncapsIfEntry ::=
extremeVlanEncapsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The index value of this row and the encapsulation
interface's ifIndex in the ifTable. The NMS obtains
the index value used for creating a row in this table
by reading the extremeNextAvailableVirtIfIndex object."
::= { extremeVlanEncapsIfEntry 1 }
extremeVlanEncapsIfType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanEncapsType
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The encapsulation algorithm used when encapsulating
packets transmitted, or de-encapsulating packets
received through this interface."
::= {extremeVlanEncapsIfEntry 2}
extremeVlanEncapsIfTag OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The tag used when encapsulating packets transmitted,
or de-encapsulating packets received through this
::= { extremeVlanEncapsIfEntry 3 }
extremeVlanEncapsIfStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The row status for this VLAN encapsulation interface.
This OBJECT can be set to:
The following values may be read:
In order for a row to become active, the NMS must set
extremeVlanEncapsIfTagType and extremeVlanEncapsIfTag
to some valid and consistent values.
Setting this object to createAndGo(4) causes the agent
to attempt to create and commit the row based on the
contents of the objects in the row. If all necessary
information is present in the row, the agent will
create the row and change the status to active(1). If
any of the necessary objects are not available, or
specify an invalid configuration, the row will not be
created and the agent will return an appropriate error.
Setting this object to createAndWait(5) causes a row in
in this table to be created. If all necessary objects
in the row have been assigned values and specify a
valid configuration, the status of the row will be set
to notInService(2); otherwise, the status will be set
to notReady(3).
This object may only be set to createAndGo(4) or
createAndWait(5) if it does not exist.
Setting this object to active(1) when the status is
notInService(2) causes the agent to commit the
row. Setting this object to active(1) when its value
is already active(1) is a no-op.
Setting this object to destroy(6) will remove the
corresponding VLAN encapsulation interface, remove the
entry in this table, and remove the corresponding entry
in the ifTable.
In order for a set of this object to destroy(6) to
succeed, all dependencies on this row must have been
removed. These will include any references to this
interface in the ifStackTable."
::= { extremeVlanEncapsIfEntry 4 }
-- The extremeNextAvailableVirtIfIndex
extremeNextAvailableVirtIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The value of the next available virtual ifIndex. This
object is used by an NMS to select an index value
for row-creation in tables indexed by ifIndex. The
current value of this object is changed to a new
value when the current value is written to an agent's
table, that is indexed by ifIndex. Row creation
using the current value of this object, allocates
a virtual ifIndex. Note the following:
1. A newly created row does not have to be active(1)
for the agent to allocate the virtual ifIndex.
2. Race conditions between multiple NMS's end when
a row is created. Rows are deemed created when
a setRequest is successfully committed (i.e.
the errorStats is noError(0)).
3. An agent that exhausts its supply of virual
ifIndex values returns zero as the value of this
object. This can be used by an NMS as an indication
to deleted unused rows and reboot the device."
::= { extremeVirtualGroup 1 }
-- The IP VLAN Interface Information Table
-- The IP VLAN Interface Information table is supported by
-- network devices that support IP VLAN interfaces.
-- A row must be created in this table for each IP
-- VLAN interface. The index used is the
-- same index as that used to create the IP VLAN interface
-- in the extremeVlanIfTable.
extremeVlanIpTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A list of IP VLAN interface information
entries. Entries in this table are related
to entries in the extremeVlanIfTable by using the
same index."
::= { extremeVlanIpGroup 1 }
extremeVlanIpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanIpEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A extremeVlanIpEntry contains layer 3
information about a particular IP VLAN
INDEX { extremeVlanIfIndex }
::= { extremeVlanIpTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanIpEntry ::=
extremeVlanIpNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The IP network number for the IP VLAN interface defined
in the extremeVlanIfTable identified with the same index."
::= { extremeVlanIpEntry 1 }
extremeVlanIpNetMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The IP network mask corresponding to the IP Network
address defined by extremeVlanIpIpNetAddress. "
::= { extremeVlanIpEntry 2 }
extremeVlanIpStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The status column for this IP VLAN entry.
This object can be set to:
The following values may be read:
Setting this object to active(1) or createAndGo(4) causes
the agent to attempt to create and commit the row based on
the contents of the objects in the row. If all necessary
information is present in the row and the values are
acceptible to the agent, the agent will change the
status to active(1). If any of the necessary objects
are not available, the agent will reject the row
creation request.
Setting this object to createAndWait(5) is not supported.
When the status changes to active(1), the agent applies the
IP parmeters to the IP VLAN interface identified by the
corresponding value of the extremeVlanIpIndex object.
Setting this object to destroy(6) will remove the IP
parmeters from the IP VLAN interface and remove the
entry from this table."
::= { extremeVlanIpEntry 3 }
extremeVlanIpForwardingState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Indicates whether the IP Forwarding on this Vlan is
Enable or not. A true value indicates that the Vlan is
::= { extremeVlanIpEntry 4 }
-- Protocol Definition Table
-- we choose to define our own table as existing tables are
-- overcomplex (RMON Protocol MIB, etc.)
extremeVlanProtocolTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeVlanProtocolEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Table of defined combinations of protocol IDs
that make up one protocol definition name.
All members of one protocol definition share
the same extremeVlanProtocolIndex. A given
protocol ID may appear in the definition of
just one protocol definition. This table will
typically contain some default entries for
popular protocols chosen by ExtremeWare."
::= { extremeProtocolGroup 1 }
extremeVlanProtocolEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanProtocolEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"One member protocol ID of a protocol definition."
INDEX { extremeVlanProtocolIndex,
extremeVlanProtocolIdIndex }
::= { extremeVlanProtocolTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanProtocolEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
extremeVlanProtocolIndex INTEGER,
extremeVlanProtocolIdIndex INTEGER,
extremeVlanProtocolName DisplayString,
extremeVlanProtocolDllEncapsType INTEGER,
extremeVlanProtocolId INTEGER,
extremeVlanProtocolStatus RowStatus,
extremeVlanProtocolDestAddress MacAddress,
extremeVlanProtocolDestAddressValid TruthValue,
extremeVlanProtocolUserFieldOffset Integer32,
extremeVlanProtocolUserFieldValue OCTET STRING,
extremeVlanProtocolUserFieldMask OCTET STRING
extremeVlanProtocolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"An index representing a protocol grouping of
protocol ID values. A limited number of
protocol groupings may be defined (up to 7
in ExtremeWare and 16 in EXOS). 0 is used
for internal purposes."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolEntry 1 }
extremeVlanProtocolIdIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"An index representing a particular protocol ID
within a protocol grouping. A limited number of
protocol IDs may be defined per
extremeVlanProtocolIndex (up to 6 in ExtremeWare
and 16 in EXOS). 0 is used for internal purposes."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolEntry 2 }
extremeVlanProtocolName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..32))
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"A human-readable string representing this protocol.
This string should be the same for all entries
sharing a given extremeVlanProtocolIndex.
A ExtremeVlanProtocolEntry with
extremeVlanProtocolName of ANY represents a match
on all protocols: this entry may not be modified."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolEntry 3 }
extremeVlanProtocolDllEncapsType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), ethertype(2),
llc(3), llcSnapEthertype(4), none(5) }
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Represents the type of data-link encapsulation
in which the extremeVlanProtocolId protocol ID
is carried. The value any(1) is used to indicate
a wildcard and matches all encapsulations and
protocol IDs that are not explicitly mentioned
in this table. Entries of type any(1) may not
be created. The value none(5) is used to indicate
that no protocol IDs match this entry. A value
of none(5) may not be set by a manager."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolEntry 4 }
extremeVlanProtocolId OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The protocol ID: for entries of type ethertype(2)
or llcSnapEthertype(4) this represents a 16-bit
protocol ID. For entries of type llc(3) it
represents a concatenation of LLC DSAP+SSAP in
network byte order. This value is not valid
for extremeVlanProtocolDllEncapsType values of
any(1) or none(5)."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolEntry 5 }
extremeVlanProtocolStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The row status variable, used according to
row installation and removal conventions."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolEntry 6 }
extremeVlanProtocolDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MacAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The destination MAC Address of the protocol. If the protocol
does not have a defined destination MAC address, then
extremeVlanProtocolDestAddressValid must be set to false."
DEFVAL { '000000000000'H }
::= { extremeVlanProtocolEntry 7 }
extremeVlanProtocolDestAddressValid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Indicates whether the protocol defines a destination MAC address
or not. If the protocol defines a destination MAC address, this
field should be set to true and
extremeVlanProtocolDestAddressValid must be set to the
destination MAC address for the protocol."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { extremeVlanProtocolEntry 8 }
extremeVlanProtocolUserFieldOffset OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The offset of the user defined field, from the start of the PDU."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { extremeVlanProtocolEntry 9 }
extremeVlanProtocolUserFieldValue OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The value of the user defined field. If the protocol does not use
user defined fields, this object must be set to zero length."
DEFVAL { ''H }
::= { extremeVlanProtocolEntry 10 }
extremeVlanProtocolUserFieldMask OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The mask for the user defined field. The length of this object
must be the same as that of extremeVlanProtocolUserFieldValue."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolEntry 11 }
-- Protocol-based VLAN Table (extremeware)
extremeVlanProtocolVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeVlanProtocolVlanEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Table to apply one of the protocol definitions
in extremeVlanProtocolTable to a given VLAN
This applies to all ports that are untagged
in this VLAN). A limited number of protocols
may be applied simultaneously in one device
(up to 8 in ExtremeWare)."
::= { extremeProtocolGroup 2 }
extremeVlanProtocolVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanProtocolVlanEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A mapping of untagged packets of one protocol
onto a particular VLAN."
INDEX { extremeVlanProtocolVlanIfIndex,
extremeVlanProtocolVlanProtocolIndex }
::= { extremeVlanProtocolVlanTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanProtocolVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
extremeVlanProtocolVlanIfIndex Integer32,
extremeVlanProtocolVlanProtocolIndex Integer32,
extremeVlanProtocolVlanStatus RowStatus
extremeVlanProtocolVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
--SYNTAX INTEGER (extremeware)
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The index value of this row and the vlan's ifIndex in the
ifTable. The NMS obtains the index value for this row by
reading the extremeNextAvailableVirtIfIndex object."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolVlanEntry 1 }
extremeVlanProtocolVlanProtocolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
--SYNTAX INTEGER (extremeware)
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"An index representing a protocol grouping of
protocol ID values. A limited number of
protocol groupings may be defined (up to 7
in ExtremeWare)."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolVlanEntry 2 }
extremeVlanProtocolVlanStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The row status variable, used according to
row installation and removal conventions."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolVlanEntry 3 }
-- Protocol Definition Table (Deprecated, supporting walk only )
-- This table will display only entries that do not define a destination
-- address and do not define an user field
extremeVlanProtocolDefTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeVlanProtocolDefEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"Table of defined combinations of protocols and
DLLEncaps type. This table will
typically contain some default entries for
popular protocols chosen by ExtremeWare."
::= { extremeProtocolGroup 3 }
extremeVlanProtocolDefEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanProtocolDefEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"One member representing combination of protocol and
DLLEncaps Type."
INDEX { extremeVlanProtocolDefName,
::= { extremeVlanProtocolDefTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanProtocolDefEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
extremeVlanProtocolDefName DisplayString,
extremeVlanProtocolDefDllEncapsType INTEGER,
extremeVlanProtocolDefValue INTEGER,
extremeVlanProtocolDefStatus RowStatus
extremeVlanProtocolDefName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..32))
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"A human-readable string representing this protocol.
A ExtremeVlanProtocolEntry with
extremeVlanProtocol2Name of ANY represents a match
on all protocols: this entry may not be modified."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolDefEntry 1 }
extremeVlanProtocolDefDllEncapsType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), ethertype(2),
llc(3), llcSnapEthertype(4), none(5) }
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"Represents the type of data-link encapsulation
in which the protocol designated by
extremeVlanProtocolDefName is carried.
The value any(1) is used to indicate
a wildcard and matches all encapsulations and
protocol IDs that are not explicitly mentioned
in this table. Entries of type any(1) may not
be created. The value none(5) is used to indicate
that no protocol IDs match this entry. A value
of none(5) may not be set by a manager."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolDefEntry 2 }
extremeVlanProtocolDefValue OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"The protocol ID: for entries of type ethertype(2)
or llcSnapEthertype(4) this represents a 16-bit
protocol ID. For entries of type llc(3) it
represents a concatenation of LLC DSAP+SSAP in
network byte order. This value is not valid
for extremeVlanProtocolDefDllEncapsType values of
any(1) or none(5)."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolDefEntry 3 }
extremeVlanProtocolDefStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The row status variable, used according to
row installation and removal conventions."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolDefEntry 4 }
-- Protocol-based VLAN Table (EXOS, supporting walk only )
extremeVlanProtocolBindingTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeVlanProtocolBindingEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Table to apply one of the protocol definitions
in extremeVlanProtocolDefTable to a given VLAN
This applies to all ports that are untagged
in this VLAN). A limited number of protocols
may be applied simultaneously in one device
(up to 8 in ExtremeWare)."
::= { extremeProtocolGroup 4 }
extremeVlanProtocolBindingEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanProtocolBindingEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A mapping of untagged packets of one protocol
onto a particular VLAN."
INDEX { extremeVlanProtocolBindingIfIndex }
::= { extremeVlanProtocolBindingTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanProtocolBindingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
extremeVlanProtocolBindingIfIndex Integer32,
extremeVlanProtocolBindingName DisplayString,
extremeVlanProtocolBindingStatus RowStatus
extremeVlanProtocolBindingIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The index value of this row and the vlan's ifIndex in the
ifTable. The NMS obtains the index value for this row by
reading the extremeNextAvailableVirtIfIndex object."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolBindingEntry 1 }
extremeVlanProtocolBindingName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..31))
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"A human-readable string representing this protocol.
A ExtremeVlanProtocolBindingEntry with
extremeVlanProtocolBindingName of ANY represents a
match on all protocols: this entry may not be modified."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolBindingEntry 2 }
extremeVlanProtocolBindingStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The row status variable, used according to
row installation and removal conventions."
::= { extremeVlanProtocolBindingEntry 3 }
-- The Extreme Networks VLAN Opaque Table
-- This table is implemented by all Extreme Networks network devices
-- that support VLAN interfaces.
extremeVlanOpaqueTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeVlanOpaqueEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table lists the ports associated with each VLAN interface."
::= { extremeVlanOpaqueGroup 1 }
extremeVlanOpaqueEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanOpaqueEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This represents the tagged and untagged ports on each slot per vlan."
INDEX { extremeVlanIfIndex, extremeSlotNumber }
::= { extremeVlanOpaqueTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanOpaqueEntry ::=
extremeVlanOpaqueTaggedPorts OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Each bit in the octet string represents one port.
A 1 means that the port is a tagged port in that vlan.
The bit value for a port is 0 otherwise."
::= { extremeVlanOpaqueEntry 1}
extremeVlanOpaqueUntaggedPorts OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Each bit in the octet string represents one port.
A 1 means that the port is an untagged port in that vlan.
The bit value for a port is 0 otherwise."
::= { extremeVlanOpaqueEntry 2 }
extremeVlanOpaqueTranslatedPorts OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Each bit in the octet string represents one port.
A 1 means that the port is a translated port in that vlan.
Translated ports are also tagged ports.
The bit value for a port is 0 otherwise."
::= { extremeVlanOpaqueEntry 3}
-- The Extreme Networks VLAN Opaque Control Table
-- This table is implemented by all Extreme Networks networks devices
-- on EXOS and that support VLAN interfaces. The table is
-- used to add/delete ports on a vlan. The table is transitional in nature
-- and SNMP read operations must not be performed on it. Use extremeVlanOpaqueTable
-- for reading the port membership association with vlans
extremeVlanOpaqueControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeVlanOpaqueControlEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table is used to configure the ports associated with each VLAN
interface. The table is used to add/delete ports on a vlan. The table is
transitional in nature and SNMP read operations must not be performed on it.
Use extremeVlanOpaqueTable for reading the port membership association with vlans"
::= { extremeVlanOpaqueGroup 2 }
extremeVlanOpaqueControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanOpaqueControlEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This represents a control table entry (command) to configure the tagged
and untagged ports on each slot per vlan. The first index of the entry is
the ifIndex of the VLAN and second index is the slot number of the ports.
When adding untagged ports to a VLAN, those ports maybe not be untagged ports
for another VLAN (assuming both VLANs use the ANY protocol filter). Such
ports must first be deleted from the other VLAN(s) or an error will occur.
The operation will succeed or fail in its entirety, no partial results on some of the ports."
INDEX { extremeVlanIfIndex, extremeSlotNumber }
::= { extremeVlanOpaqueControlTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanOpaqueControlEntry ::=
extremeVlanOpaqueControlPorts OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The octet string representing a list of ports in
bitwise form."
::= { extremeVlanOpaqueControlEntry 1}
extremeVlanOpaqueControlOperation OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The operation code for this entry.
addTagged(1) = Ports referred to in the extremeVlanOpaqueControlPorts
variable are added as tagged ports to the VLAN indicated
by the index. The ports belong to the slot number as
indicated by the second index of the variable.
addUntagged(2) = Ports referred to in the extremeVlanOpaqueControlPorts
variable are added as tagged ports to the VLAN indicated
by the index. The ports belong to the slot number as
indicated by the second index of the variable.
delete(3) = Ports referred to in the extremeVlanOpaqueControlPorts
variable are removed from the VLAN indicated by the index.
The ports belong to the slot number as indicated by the
second index of the variable.
addTranslated(4) = Ports referred to in the extremeVlanOpaqueControlPorts
variable are added as tagged translated ports to the
VLAN indicated by the index. The ports belong to the
slot number as indicated by the second index of the
::= { extremeVlanOpaqueControlEntry 2 }
extremeVlanOpaqueControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The status of this entry as per standard RowStatus
conventions. Note however, that only the CreateAndGo
state is supported."
::= { extremeVlanOpaqueControlEntry 3 }
-- The Extreme Networks VLAN Stack Table
-- This table is essentially the ifStackTable without entries for any ports
extremeVlanStackTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeVlanStackEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Represents those components of the ifStackTable that do not
contain a Physical interface."
::= { extremeVlanStackGroup 1 }
extremeVlanStackEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanStackEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Each entry in this read-only table defines which interfaces are
on top of which one. All information in the table is also
contained in ifStackTable. The Physical interfaces in the
ifStackTable are not represented here."
INDEX { extremeVlanStackHigherLayer, extremeVlanStackLowerLayer }
::= { extremeVlanStackTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanStackEntry ::=
extremeVlanStackHigherLayer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The higher layer in the logical vlan hierarchy."
::= { extremeVlanStackEntry 1}
extremeVlanStackLowerLayer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The lower layer in the logical vlan hierarchy."
::= { extremeVlanStackEntry 2 }
extremeVlanL2StatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeVlanL2StatsEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This tables contains per-VLAN layer 2 statistics information."
::= { extremeVlanStatsGroup 1 }
extremeVlanL2StatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanL2StatsEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
INDEX { extremeVlanIfIndex }
::= { extremeVlanL2StatsTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanL2StatsEntry ::=
extremeVlanL2StatsIfDescr DisplayString,
extremeVlanL2StatsPktsToCpu Counter64,
extremeVlanL2StatsPktsLearnt Counter64,
extremeVlanL2StatsIgmpCtrlPktsSnooped Counter64,
extremeVlanL2StatsIgmpDataPktsSwitched Counter64
extremeVlanL2StatsIfDescr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This is a description(name) of the VLAN."
::= {extremeVlanL2StatsEntry 1}
extremeVlanL2StatsPktsToCpu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets of this VLAN sent to the CPU."
::= { extremeVlanL2StatsEntry 2 }
extremeVlanL2StatsPktsLearnt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets learnt on this VLAN."
::= { extremeVlanL2StatsEntry 3 }
extremeVlanL2StatsIgmpCtrlPktsSnooped OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP control packets snooped on this VLAN."
::= { extremeVlanL2StatsEntry 4 }
extremeVlanL2StatsIgmpDataPktsSwitched OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP data packets switched on this VLAN."
::= { extremeVlanL2StatsEntry 5 }
extremeVlanAggregationTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeVlanAggregationEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains the VLAN aggregation information."
::= { extremeVlanAggregationGroup 1 }
extremeVlanAggregationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanAggregationEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Information about the individual VLAN aggregation entry."
INDEX { extremeVlanAggregationSuperVlanIfIndex,
extremeVlanAggregationSubVlanIfIndex }
::= { extremeVlanAggregationTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanAggregationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
extremeVlanAggregationSuperVlanIfIndex Integer32,
extremeVlanAggregationSubVlanIfIndex Integer32,
extremeVlanAggregationSubVlanStartIpNetAddress IpAddress,
extremeVlanAggregationSubVlanStartIpNetMask IpAddress,
extremeVlanAggregationSubVlanEndIpNetAddress IpAddress,
extremeVlanAggregationSubVlanEndIpNetMask IpAddress,
extremeVlanAggregationStatus RowStatus
extremeVlanAggregationSuperVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The Super Vlan index for this entry."
::= { extremeVlanAggregationEntry 1 }
extremeVlanAggregationSubVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The Sub Vlan index for this entry."
::= { extremeVlanAggregationEntry 2 }
extremeVlanAggregationSubVlanStartIpNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This represents the start network address of the IP range."
::= { extremeVlanAggregationEntry 3 }
extremeVlanAggregationSubVlanStartIpNetMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This represents the start network address mask of the IP range"
::= { extremeVlanAggregationEntry 4 }
extremeVlanAggregationSubVlanEndIpNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This represents the end network address of the IP range."
::= { extremeVlanAggregationEntry 5 }
extremeVlanAggregationSubVlanEndIpNetMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This represents the end network address mask of the IP range."
::= { extremeVlanAggregationEntry 6 }
extremeVlanAggregationStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The status of this entry."
::= { extremeVlanAggregationEntry 7 }
extremeVlanAggregationConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeVlanAggregationConfigEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains the sub VLAN proxy setting information."
::= { extremeVlanAggregationGroup 2 }
extremeVlanAggregationConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanAggregationConfigEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Information about the individual VLAN aggregation entry."
INDEX { extremeVlanAggregationConfigSuperVlanIfIndex }
::= { extremeVlanAggregationConfigTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanAggregationConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
extremeVlanAggregationConfigSuperVlanIfIndex Integer32,
extremeVlanAggregationConfigSubVlanProxyEnable TruthValue
extremeVlanAggregationConfigSuperVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The Super Vlan index for this entry."
::= { extremeVlanAggregationConfigEntry 1 }
extremeVlanAggregationConfigSubVlanProxyEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The boolean flag that prevents normal communication between sub vlans."
::= { extremeVlanAggregationConfigEntry 2 }
extremeVlanTranslationTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeVlanTranslationEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains the VLAN translation information."
::= { extremeVlanTranslationGroup 1 }
extremeVlanTranslationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeVlanTranslationEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Information about the individual VLAN translation entry."
INDEX { extremeVlanTranslationSuperVlanIfIndex,
extremeVlanTranslationMemberVlanIfIndex }
::= { extremeVlanTranslationTable 1 }
ExtremeVlanTranslationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
extremeVlanTranslationSuperVlanIfIndex Integer32,
extremeVlanTranslationMemberVlanIfIndex Integer32,
extremeVlanTranslationStatus RowStatus
extremeVlanTranslationSuperVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The Super Vlan index for this entry."
::= { extremeVlanTranslationEntry 1 }
extremeVlanTranslationMemberVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The member Vlan index for this entry."
::= { extremeVlanTranslationEntry 2 }
extremeVlanTranslationStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The status of this entry."
::= { extremeVlanTranslationEntry 3 }
extremePortVlanStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremePortVlanStatsEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Vlan statistics per port."
::= { extremeVlanStatsGroup 2 }
extremePortVlanStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremePortVlanStatsEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Vlan port statistics Entry."
INDEX { extremeStatsPortIfIndex,
::= { extremePortVlanStatsTable 1 }
ExtremePortVlanStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
extremeStatsPortIfIndex Integer32,
extremeStatsVlanNameIndex DisplayString,
extremePortVlanStatsCntrType Integer32,
extremePortVlanUnicastReceivedPacketsCounter Counter64,
extremePortVlanMulticastReceivedPacketsCounter Counter64,
extremePortVlanBroadcastReceivedPacketsCounter Counter64,
extremePortVlanTotalReceivedBytesCounter Counter64,
extremePortVlanTotalReceivedFramesCounter Counter64,
extremePortVlanUnicastTransmittedPacketsCounter Counter64,
extremePortVlanMulticastTransmittedPacketsCounter Counter64,
extremePortVlanBroadcastTransmittedPacketsCounter Counter64,
extremePortVlanTotalTransmittedBytesCounter Counter64,
extremePortVlanTotalTransmittedFramesCounter Counter64,
extremePortConfigureVlanStatus RowStatus
extremeStatsPortIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The index of this table."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 1 }
extremeStatsVlanNameIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The index of this table."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 2 }
extremePortVlanStatsCntrType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The flag to decide what fields to display, basic
or extended. Currently, it is read-only and will
reflect whatever has been set for the switch
through the cli."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 3 }
extremePortVlanUnicastReceivedPacketsCounter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of Unicast packets received by a port
for a particular VLAN."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 4 }
extremePortVlanMulticastReceivedPacketsCounter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of Multicast packets received by a port
for a particular VLAN."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 5 }
extremePortVlanBroadcastReceivedPacketsCounter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of Broadcast packets received by a port
for a particular VLAN."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 6 }
extremePortVlanTotalReceivedBytesCounter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of bytes received by a port
for a particular VLAN."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 7 }
extremePortVlanTotalReceivedFramesCounter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of frames received by a port
for a particular VLAN."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 8 }
extremePortVlanUnicastTransmittedPacketsCounter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of Unicast packets transmitted by a
port for a particular VLAN."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 9 }
extremePortVlanMulticastTransmittedPacketsCounter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of Multicast packets transmitted by a port
for a particular VLAN."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 10 }
extremePortVlanBroadcastTransmittedPacketsCounter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of Broadcast packets transmitted by a port
for a particular VLAN."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 11 }
extremePortVlanTotalTransmittedBytesCounter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of bytes transmitted by a port
for a particular VLAN."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 12 }
extremePortVlanTotalTransmittedFramesCounter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of frames transmitted by a port
for a particular VLAN."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 13 }
extremePortConfigureVlanStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The row status variable, used according to
row installation and removal conventions."
::= { extremePortVlanStatsEntry 14 }
-- Private VLAN Table
extremePvlanTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains the Private VLAN information."
::= { extremePrivateVlan 1 }
extremePvlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremePvlanEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Information about the individual private VLAN entry."
INDEX { extremePvlanName }
::= { extremePvlanTable 1 }
ExtremePvlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
extremePvlanName DisplayString,
extremePvlanVrName DisplayString,
extremePvlanNetworkVlanIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero,
extremePvlanRowStatus RowStatus
extremePvlanName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..32))
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"PVLAN Name"
::= { extremePvlanEntry 1 }
extremePvlanVrName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..32))
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"VR Name for which PVLAN belongs."
DEFVAL { "VR-Default" }
::= { extremePvlanEntry 2 }
extremePvlanNetworkVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"VLAN IfIndex of the PVLAN Network VLAN."
::= { extremePvlanEntry 3 }
extremePvlanRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Supported actions taken on this row entry.
::= { extremePvlanEntry 4 }
-- Private VLAN Subscriber Table
extremePvlanSubscriberTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremePvlanSubscriberEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table contains the Private VLAN Subscriber VLAN
information. Subscriber VLANs carry user data traffic.
This data traffic is then aggregated and forwarded out
of a single Private VLAN Network VLAN. The Network VLAN may
or may not translate the Subscriber VLAN traffic tags into a
single tag depending on the Network VLAN configuration.
Subscriber VLANs can be Isolated or Non-Isolated. Isolated
Subscriber VLANs do not allow ports within the isolated
Subscriber VLAN to communicate with each other. Communication
is strictly with the Network VLAN ports."
::= { extremePrivateVlan 2 }
extremePvlanSubscriberEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremePvlanSubscriberEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This represents information about the individual private
VLAN Subscriber entry."
INDEX { extremePvlanName, extremePvlanSubscriberVlanIfIndex }
::= { extremePvlanSubscriberTable 1 }
ExtremePvlanSubscriberEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
extremePvlanSubscriberVlanIfIndex InterfaceIndex,
extremePvlanSubscriberType INTEGER,
extremePvlanSubscriberLoopBackPortIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero,
extremePvlanSubscriberRowStatus RowStatus
extremePvlanSubscriberVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"VLAN IfIndex of Subscriber VLAN. Subscriber VLANs are user
facing VLANs. There can be many Subscriber VLANs associated
with a private VLAN. User traffic from Subscriber VLANs are
aggregated and sent out the network ports of the Network VLAN.
There can only be a single Network VLAN for each Private VLAN."
::= { extremePvlanSubscriberEntry 1 }
extremePvlanSubscriberType OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Ports belonging to isolated Subscriber VLANs may not communicate
with other ports on the VLAN. Those ports may only communicate
with the network port. Ports belonging to non-isolated Subscriber
VLANs behave like normal VLAN ports and can communicate with all
other ports of the Subscriber in addition to the network port.
This cannot be modified. To change this value, user must delete
entry and re-create."
::= { extremePvlanSubscriberEntry 2 }
extremePvlanSubscriberLoopBackPortIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Loopback port for the Subscriber VLAN. Some Subscriber VLAN
configurations that have overlapping ports (ports assigned to
both Subscriber VLANS) must have a dedicated loopback ports
::= { extremePvlanSubscriberEntry 3 }
extremePvlanSubscriberRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Supported actions taken on this row entry.
::= { extremePvlanSubscriberEntry 4 }