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2023-12-05 12:25:34 +01:00
-- ============================================================================
-- AT-SETUP.MIB, Allied Telesis enterprise MIB:
-- Device Setup for the AlliedWare Plus(tm) operating system
-- Copyright (c) 2010 by Allied Telesis, Inc.
-- All rights reserved.
-- ============================================================================
DisplayString, TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
LAST-UPDATED "201404300000Z"
"Allied Telesis, Inc."
"The AT Setup MIB for managing the software installation and
configuration files."
REVISION "201404300000Z"
"Updated decriptions to refer to chassisMappingTable"
REVISION "201310140000Z"
"Added new requirement to the objects nextBootLastSetResult and backupLastSetResult,
as to check for the existence of a valid release license on the device. If a valid license
is not found then these objects will give an appropriate error message."
REVISION "201209210000Z"
"Added chassis switch (e.g. SBx8100) descriptions to stack-related MIB objects"
REVISION "201011200000Z"
"Addition of new objects to support system file operations on
stacked devices."
REVISION "201010080000Z"
"Minor changes to help messages."
REVISION "201009100000Z"
"Generic syntax tidy up."
REVISION "201009080000Z"
"Added backupConfig object. The nextBootPath and bootcnfgPath objects will
now accept a file stored in card:. The nextBootPath object will only accept
a file on card if this is supported by the bootloader."
REVISION "201006150015Z"
"MIB revision history dates in descriptions updated."
REVISION "201004090000Z"
"A set to the runCnfgSaveAs object will now be immediately responded before
the actual saving operation starts. This prevents the request from being
timed out while the saving is still progressing. A new object
runCnfgSaveAsStatus is defined which can be polled to obtain the status of
the current/previous saving operation."
REVISION "200810020000Z"
"Added support for obtaining GUI applet version information."
REVISION "200809300000Z"
"Add branch serviceConfig."
REVISION "200809240000Z"
"Moved file copy branch to the new AT-FILEv2 MIB.
Allowed clearing of currentFirmware, nextBootFirmware and nextBootConfig
by setting the path objects with an empty string."
REVISION "200805210000Z"
"Initial revision."
::= { modules 500 }
-- Textual Conventions
SystemFileOperationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
"Indicates the current status of an attempt to modify a system
file setting."
-- Node definitions
restartDevice OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1)
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS deprecated
"This object forces a standalone unit or stack of devices to
restart immediately when set with a value of 1. For a chassis
switch, this object causes the whole chassis to restart
immediately. Reading the object will always return zero.
NOTE: This object has been replaced by the
restartStkMemberDevice object."
::= { setup 1 }
restartStkMemberDevice OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object causes a specified device to restart immediately.
The restart is initiated by setting its value to the device's
stack member ID. For a chassis switch, it corresponds to the
card ID. For VCStack Plus, 1-12 refers to the cards on VCS
stack member 1 and 13-24 refers to the cards on VCS stack
member 2. Refer to chassisMappingTable for more details.
This object causes the specified card to restart immediately.
Setting its value to zero will cause all devices in the stack
(or a standalone device) to restart. Reading the object will
always return zero."
::= { setup 4 }
-- ---------------------------------------------------------- --
-- The firmware objects
-- ---------------------------------------------------------- --
firmware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { setup 2 }
currentFirmware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { firmware 1 }
currSoftVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The major.minor.interim version of the firmware that the device is
currently running. Will return 0 if the version cannot be determined."
::= { currentFirmware 1 }
currSoftName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The name of the firmware that the device is currently running."
::= { currentFirmware 2 }
currSoftSaveAs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS deprecated
"Set with a filename to save the currently running software to
the root of flash. Only one save operation can be executed at a
time across all SNMP users, and the filename must not contain
whitespace characters.
Immediately upon executing the set action, the actual firmware
save operation will be started and continue on the device until
it has completed or a failure occurs.
Subsequent reads of the object will return one of several
saving x A saving operation is currently in
progress. Another save cannot be started
while the object is returning this value.
x success The last save operation was successfully
x failure: [error] The last save operation failed, due to the
descriptive message attached. The most
common failure is lack of disk space.
idle There is no save operation in progress and
a new one may be started.
Upon reading a success or failure message, the message will be
cleared and the next read will result in an 'idle' message. A
new save operation can now be executed.
NOTE: This object has been replaced by objects currSoftSaveToFile,
currSoftSaveStatus and currSoftLastSaveResult."
::= { currentFirmware 3 }
currSoftSaveToFile OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Set with a URL (e.g. 'flash:/filename.rel' or
'card:/filename.rel') to save the currently running software to
the root of flash or SD card. Only one save operation can be
executed at a time across all SNMP users, and an operation may
not be started unless the current value of currSoftSaveStatus
is 'idle'. The URL must not contain whitespace characters.
Immediately upon executing the set action, the actual firmware
save operation will be started and continue on the device until
it has completed or a failure occurs. The current status of the
operation can be determined by reading currSoftSaveStatus, and
the result of the last completed operation is indicated by
When read, this object will return the URL of the last
firmware save operation that was attempted."
::= { currentFirmware 4 }
currSoftSaveStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SystemFileOperationType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Returns the status of any current operation to store the
running software to a release file. The following values may
be returned:
1 (idle) There is no release file save operation
in progress.
2 (success) The last release file save operation
completed successfully.
3 (failure) The last release file save operation
4 (saving) A release file save operation is
currently in progress.
When a read of this object returns a value of 'success' or
'failure', it will immediately be reset to 'idle' and a new
operation may be initiated if desired. A detailed description
of the last completed operation may be determined by reading
::= { currentFirmware 5 }
currSoftLastSaveResult OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Gives an indication of the result of the last completed SNMP
operation to save the running firmware to a release file."
::= { currentFirmware 6 }
nextBootFirmware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { firmware 2 }
nextBootVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The major.minor.interim version of the firmware that the
device is currently set to boot from. Will return 0 if the
version cannot be determined."
::= { nextBootFirmware 1 }
nextBootPath OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The full path of the release to be used the next time the
device restarts. There is no guarantee that the file
referenced exists (i.e. it may have been deleted since the boot
path was last set).
Only one set operation can be executed at a time across all
SNMP users, and an operation may not be started unless the
current value of nextBootSetStatus is 'idle'. The path must not
contain whitespace characters.
Immediately upon setting this object, the system will attempt
to set the new boot path, and the process will continue on the
device until it has completed or a failure occurs. The current
status of the operation can be determined by reading
nextBootSetStatus, and the result of the last completed
operation is indicated by nextBootLastSetResult.
This object can be set with an empty string in order to clear
the current boot firmware. Otherwise, the path should be of the
form 'flash:/filename.rel' or 'card:/filename.rel'.
There are several requirements that must be met in order to set
a boot release file successfully:
- The file must exist.
- The file must be in the root of flash (on the active master
in a stacked environment) or card.
- The file must not be the same as the currently set backup
- The file must have a .rel suffix.
- The file must be a valid release file.
- In a stacked environment, there must be enough disk space
available to store the release file on each stack member.
- The device must have a current release license for the
specified release."
::= { nextBootFirmware 2 }
nextBootSetStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SystemFileOperationType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Returns the status of any current operation to set the next
boot release file. The following values may be returned:
1 (idle) There is no boot release setting
operation in progress.
2 (success) The last boot release setting
operation completed successfully.
3 (failure) The last boot release setting
operation failed.
5 (syncing) A boot release setting operation is
currently in progress and the file is
being syncronised across the stack or
When a read of this object returns a value of 'success' or
'failure', it will immediately be reset to 'idle' and a new
operation may be initiated if desired. A detailed description
of the last completed operation may be determined by reading
::= { nextBootFirmware 3 }
nextBootLastSetResult OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Gives an indication of the result of the last completed SNMP
operation to set the boot release filename."
::= { nextBootFirmware 4 }
backupFirmware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { firmware 3 }
backupVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The major.minor.interim version of the firmware that the
device will boot from as a backup. This will return 0 if the
version cannot be determined."
::= { backupFirmware 1 }
backupPath OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The full path of the release file to be used as a backup in
the event of the main release file failing to boot. There is no
guarantee that the file referenced exists (i.e. it may have
been deleted since the backup path was last set).
Only one set operation can be executed at a time across all
SNMP users, and an operation may not be started unless the
current value of backupSetStatus is 'idle'. The path must not
contain whitespace characters.
Immediately upon setting this object, the system will attempt
to set the new backup path, and the process will continue on
the device until it has completed or a failure occurs. The
current status of the operation can be determined by reading
backupSetStatus, and the result of the last completed operation
is indicated by backupLastSetResult.
This object can be set with an empty string in order to clear
the current backup firmware. Otherwise, the path should be of
the form 'flash:/filename.rel' or 'card:/filename.rel'.
There are several requirements that must be met in order to set
a backup release file successfully:
- The file must exist.
- The file must be in the root of flash (on the active master
in a stacked environment) or card.
- The file must not be the same as the currently set backup
- The file must have a .rel suffix.
- The file must be a valid release file.
- In a stacked environment, there must be enough disk space
available to store the release file on each stack member.
- The device must have a current release license for the
specified release."
::= { backupFirmware 2 }
backupSetStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SystemFileOperationType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Returns the status of any current operation to set the backup
boot release file. The following values may be returned:
1 (idle) There is no backup boot release setting
operation in progress.
2 (success) The last backup boot release setting
operation completed successfully.
3 (failure) The last backup boot release setting
operation failed.
5 (syncing) A backup boot release setting operation
is currently in progress and the file
is being syncronised across the stack
or system.
When a read of this object returns a value of 'success' or
'failure', it will immediately be reset to 'idle' and a new
operation may be initiated if desired. A detailed description
of the last completed operation may be determined by reading
::= { backupFirmware 3 }
backupLastSetResult OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Gives an indication of the result of the last completed SNMP
operation to set the backup boot release filename."
::= { backupFirmware 4 }
-- ---------------------------------------------------------- --
-- The configuration file objects
-- ---------------------------------------------------------- --
deviceConfiguration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { setup 3 }
runningConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { deviceConfiguration 1 }
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Set with a URL to save the running configuration to the flash
or card filesystem using that filename (e.g.
'flash:/myconfig.cfg' or 'card:/myconfig.cfg').
Only one set operation can be executed at a time across all
SNMP users, and an operation may not be started unless the
current value of runCnfgSaveAsStatus is 'idle'. The URL must
not contain whitespace characters.
Immediately upon setting this object, the system will attempt
to save the running configuration, and the process will
continue on the device until it has completed or a failure
occurs. The current status of the operation can be determined
by reading runCnfgSaveAsStatus, and the result of the last
completed operation is indicated by runCnfgLastSaveResult.
When read, this object will return the URL of the last
configuration save operation that was attempted."
::= { runningConfig 1 }
runCnfgSaveAsStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SystemFileOperationType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Returns the status of any current operation to save the
running configuration. The following values may be returned:
1 (idle) There is no config file save operation
in progress.
2 (success) The last config file save operation
completed successfully.
3 (failure) The last config file save operation
4 (saving) A config file save operation is
currently in progress.
When a read of this object returns a value of 'success' or
'failure', it will immediately be reset to 'idle' and a new
operation may be initiated if desired. A detailed description
of the last completed operation may be determined by reading
::= { runningConfig 2 }
runCnfgLastSaveResult OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Gives an indication of the result of the last completed SNMP
operation to save the running configuration."
::= { runningConfig 3 }
nextBootConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { deviceConfiguration 2 }
bootCnfgPath OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The full path of the configuration file to be used the next
time the device restarts. There is no guarantee that the file
referenced exists (i.e. it may have been deleted since the
configuration path was last set).
Only one set operation can be executed at a time across all
SNMP users, and an operation may not be started unless the
current value of bootCnfgSetStatus is 'idle'. The path must not
contain whitespace characters.
Immediately upon setting this object, the system will attempt
to set the new configuration path, and the process will
continue on the device until it has completed or a failure
occurs. The current status of the operation can be determined
by reading bootCnfgSetStatus, and the result of the last
completed operation is indicated by bootCnfgLastSetResult.
This object can be set with an empty string in order to clear
the current boot configuration. Otherwise, the path should be
of the form 'flash:/filename.cfg' or 'card:/filename.cfg'.
There are several requirements that must be met in order to set
a boot configuration file successfully:
- The file must exist.
- The file must be in the flash (on the active master in a
stacked environment) or card filesystems.
- The file must have a .cfg suffix.
- In a stacked environment, there must be enough disk space
available to store the configuration file on each stack
::= { nextBootConfig 1 }
bootCnfgExists OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object will return TRUE if the currently defined boot
configuration file exists, or FALSE otherwise."
::= { nextBootConfig 2 }
bootCnfgSetStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SystemFileOperationType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Returns the status of any current operation to set the next
boot configuration file. The following values may be returned:
1 (idle) There is no boot configuration setting
operation in progress.
2 (success) The last boot configuration setting
operation completed successfully.
3 (failure) The last boot configuration setting
operation failed.
5 (syncing) A boot configuration setting operation
is currently in progress and the file
is being syncronised across the stack
or system.
When a read of this object returns a value of 'success' or
'failure', it will immediately be reset to 'idle' and a new
operation may be initiated if desired. A detailed description
of the last completed operation may be determined by reading
::= { nextBootConfig 3 }
bootCnfgLastSetResult OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Gives an indication of the result of the last completed SNMP
operation to set the boot configuration filename."
::= { nextBootConfig 4 }
defaultConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { deviceConfiguration 3 }
dfltCnfgPath OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The full path of the configuration file to be used upon device
restart, if no user-defined boot or backup configuration files
can be found. There is no guarantee that the file referenced
exists (i.e. it may have been deleted).
This object is not settable - the default configuration file is
always 'flash:/default.cfg'"
::= { defaultConfig 1 }
dfltCnfgExists OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object will return TRUE if the currently defined default
configuration file exists, or FALSE otherwise."
::= { defaultConfig 2 }
backupConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { deviceConfiguration 4 }
backupCnfgPath OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"The full path of the backup configuration file to be used the
next time the device restarts, if the boot configuration file
cannot be accessed. There is no guarantee that the file
referenced exists (i.e. it may have been deleted since the
backup configuration path was last set).
Only one set operation can be executed at a time across all
SNMP users, and an operation may not be started unless the
current value of backupCnfgSetStatus is 'idle'. The path must
not contain whitespace characters.
Immediately upon setting this object, the system will attempt
to set the new backup configuration path, and the process will
continue on the device until it has completed or a failure
occurs. The current status of the operation can be determined
by reading backupCnfgSetStatus, and the result of the last
completed operation is indicated by backupCnfgLastSetResult.
This object can be set with an empty string in order to clear
the current backup configuration. Otherwise, the path should be
of the form 'flash:/filename.cfg' or 'card:/filename.cfg'.
There are several requirements that must be met in order to set
a backup configuration file successfully:
- The file must exist.
- The file must be in the flash (on the active master in a
stacked environment) or card filesystems.
- The file must have a .cfg suffix.
- In a stacked environment, there must be enough disk space
available to store the configuration file on each stack
::= { backupConfig 1 }
backupCnfgExists OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object will return TRUE if the currently defined backup
configuration file exists, or FALSE otherwise."
::= { backupConfig 2 }
backupCnfgSetStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SystemFileOperationType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Returns the status of any current operation to set the next
backup boot configuration file. The following values may be
1 (idle) There is no backup boot configuration
setting operation in progress.
2 (success) The last backup boot configuration
setting operation completed
3 (failure) The last backup boot configuration
setting operation failed.
5 (syncing) A backup boot configuration setting
operation is currently in progress and
the file is being syncronised across
the stack or system.
When a read of this object returns a value of 'success' or
'failure', it will immediately be reset to 'idle' and a new
operation may be initiated if desired. A detailed description
of the last completed operation may be determined by reading
::= { backupConfig 3 }
backupCnfgLastSetResult OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Gives an indication of the result of the last completed SNMP
operation to set the backup boot configuration filename."
::= { backupConfig 4 }
serviceConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { setup 5 }
srvcTelnetEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object represents the state of the telnet server of a device.
A management application can find out the telnet server is either
enabled or disabled by reading this object.
To either enable or disable the telnet server, a management
application can SET this object with value 'enable(1)' or
'disable(2)' respectively."
::= { serviceConfig 1 }
srvcSshEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object represents the state of the ssh server of a device.
A management application can find out the ssh server is either
enabled or disabled by reading this object.
To either enable or disable the ssh server, a management
application can SET this object with value 'enable(1)' or
'disable(2)' respectively."
::= { serviceConfig 2 }
-- ---------------------------------------------------------- --
-- GUI applet configuration file objects
-- ---------------------------------------------------------- --
guiConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { setup 6 }
guiAppletConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { guiConfig 1 }
guiAppletSysSwVer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object represents the system software release that the
currently selected GUI applet was designed to run on.
The system will automatically search for GUI applet files
residing in the root directory of flash, and will select the
latest available one that is applicable to the currently
running system software. This will be the applet that is
uploaded to a user's web browser when they initiate use of the
::= { guiAppletConfig 1 }
guiAppletSwVer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object represents the software version of the currently
selected GUI applet.
The system will automatically search for GUI applet files
residing in the root directory of flash, and will select the
latest available one that is applicable to the currently
running system software. This will be the applet that is
uploaded to a user's web browser when they initiate use of the
::= { guiAppletConfig 2 }
-- at-setup.mib