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2023-12-05 12:25:34 +01:00
-- This file was included in WWP MIB release 04-16-00-0047
DisplayString, RowStatus, TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress
cienaCesStatistics, cienaCesNotifications
CienaGlobalState, CienaStatsClear
LAST-UPDATED "201609140000Z"
"Ciena Corp."
" Mib Meister
115 North Sullivan Road
Spokane Valley, WA 99037
Phone: +1 509 242 9000
Email: support@ciena.com"
"This module defines the performance monitor statistics objects."
REVISION "201609140000Z"
"The following tables have been expanded with additional statitistics
added to the ExtendedTxRxProfile:
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTable, cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTable,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTable, cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTable,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinTable, cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinTable
The stats that were added:
RxUcastPkts, RxInErrorPkts, 1519To2047OctsPkts, 2048To4095OctsPkts, 4096To9216OctsPkts,
TxUcastPkts, Tx64OctsPkts, Tx65To127OctsPkts, Tx128To255OctsPkts, Tx256To511OctsPkts,
Tx512To1023OctsPkts, Tx1024To1518OctsPkts, Tx1519To2047OctsPkts, Tx2048To4095OctsPkts,
Tx4096To9216OctsPkts,TxDeferPkts, LinkUp, LinkDown, LinkFlap
The cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTable was also made obsolete."
REVISION "201605270000Z"
"Defined cienaCesPmBasicTxStats branch to support the BasicTx PM Profile statistics.
Defined cienaCesPmThreshold and all corresponding objects that fall beneath its OID
for support of PM Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCA) features.
Defined cienaCesPmMIBNotifications to contain PM NOTIFICATION-TYPE macros, along
with trap definitions supporting the PM TCA features.
Defined the following TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs as part of PM TCA feature support:
PmTcaUnsigned64, PmTcaConfigStatus, PmTcaUnits, PmTcaAlertState, PmTcaWatermarkType,
PmTcaScheme, PmTcaThresholdType, PmTcaIntProfCfgAttrs, PmStatBitmap, PmTimeDate.
Added tpRsvpIngressCorout(20) enumeration to PmInterfaceType.
Removed the range restrictions of cienaCesPmInstanceNextIndex and
cienaCesPmInstanceIndex objects.
Clarified the DESCRIPTION clauses of objects cienaCesPmInstanceNextIndex,
cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId, cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId2,
Updated cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId2 object to read-create, allowing support for
row creations to specify secondary interface id for instances where single interface
id is not sufficient to uniquely identify an interface."
REVISION "201604080000Z"
"Added ETSI stats for the follwing profile types:
REVISION "201603080000Z"
"Added the following new profile types:
REVISION "201602240000Z"
"Added the following tables, and all objects defined within:
REVISION "201512180000Z"
"Added the following objects:
Added the following tables, and all objects defined within:
REVISION "201511300000Z"
"Renamed tdmT1PortStats to tdmAnsiPortStats(11), and renamed
tdmE1PortStats to tdmEtsiPortStats(12), in PmProfileType."
REVISION "201508140000Z"
"Defined nodes: cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXref and cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAuto.
Defined cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAutoTable."
REVISION "201501190000Z"
"Added ptp(17), otu(18), and odu(19) enumerations to PmInterfaceType.
Added basicPtp(15), basicOtu(16), and basicOdu(17) to PmProfileType.
Defined PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp,PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu,PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu.
Defined PmInteger32Milli and PmCounter64Atto.
Defined cienaCesPmBasicPtpStats and all corresponding objects that fall beneath its OID.
Defined cienaCesPmBasicOtuStats and all corresponding objects that fall beneath its OID.
Defined cienaCesPmBasicOduStats and all corresponding objects that fall beneath its OID."
REVISION "201403190000Z"
"Added tpStaticTransitUnidir(15) and tpStaticTransitCorout(16) enumerations to PmInterfaceType.
Added basictxrxBiDir(14) enumeration to PmProfileType.
Defined cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStats and all corresponding objects that fall beneath its OID."
REVISION "201309170000Z"
"Added cienaCesPmInstanceHistoryClear."
REVISION "201308080000Z"
DESCRIPTION "Added the following objects:
Added the following tables, and all objects defined within:
Changed STATUS clause to deprecated for the following tables, and all objects defined within:
REVISION "201305150000Z"
"Added enumeration overflow(7) to PmBinState.
Modified cienaCesPmInstanceBinCount to accept 0 bins.
Added cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceOperState."
REVISION "201303280000Z"
"Added object: cienaCesPmInstanceConfigurationMode.
Added object: cienaCesPmInstanceAlignment.
Added enumeration idf(6) to PmBinState.
Added tdmPort(13), tdmVc(14) to PmInterfaceType.
Added tdmT1PortStats(11), tdmE1PortStats(12), tdmPwStats(13), to PmProfileType.
Changed the MAX-ACCESS clause of cienaCesPmInstanceType from read-only to read-create.
Defined cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStats and all corresponding objects that fall beneath its OID.
Defined cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStats and all corresponding objects that fall beneath its OID.
Defined cienaCesPmTdmPwStats and all corresponding objects that fall beneath its OID."
REVISION "201203290000Z"
"Added the new RxLOutRangePkts counter to all applicable tables"
REVISION "201203280000Z"
"Changed the behavior of cienaCesPmInstanceStartTime,
cienaCesPmInstanceStartDate, cienaCesPmInstanceEndTime and
If only the start date is set, the start time is set to the
first second on that day, i.e., 00:00:00. If only the end date
is set, the end time is set to the last second of that day,
i.e., 23:59:59. Previously, a time or date not set by one of
these OIDs would be set to the current time or date. End dates
set in the past are now rejected. They were previously accepted.
When read, dates and times are in UTC or local time, depending
on the system 'timestamp' setting. They were previously in UTC.
The trailing newline has been removed from the date/time string.
A trailing Z is added to indicate UTC."
REVISION "201202200000Z"
"Changed the type of cienaCesPmInstanceStartTimeValue and
cienaCesPmInstanceEndTimeValue from TimeTicks to Integer32.
The values had previously been treated as Integer32.
Changed the DEFVAL of cienaCesPmInstanceCollectionTimeFormat
from utc to none. The actual default value used previously was none."
REVISION "201110260000Z"
"Added new types in PmInterfaceType and PmProfileType. Added a new object
cienaCesPmInstanceDynamic in cienaCesPmInstanceTable."
REVISION "201106200000Z"
"Added cienaCesPmEgressQueueStats and cienaCesPmQueueGroupStats."
REVISION "201103060000Z"
"Added cienaCesPmPersistenceInterval and cienaCesPmPersistenceStorage"
::= { cienaCesStatistics 1 }
-- Node definitions
cienaCesPmGlobal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmMib 1}
cienaCesPmMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmMib 2 }
cienaCesPmInstance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmMIBObjects 2 }
cienaCesPmStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmMIBObjects 3 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 2 }
cienaCesPmIgmpStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 3 }
cienaCesPmAccessStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 4 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 6 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 7 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmStatistics 18 }
cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXref OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmMIBObjects 4 }
cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAuto OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXref 1 }
cienaCesPmThreshold OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmMib 3 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfile OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmThreshold 1 }
cienaCesPmInstanceThreshold OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmThreshold 2 }
cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTca OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmThreshold 3 }
cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTca OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmThreshold 4 }
cienaCesPmMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesNotifications 40 }
cienaCesPmMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesPmMIBNotificationPrefix 0 }
--Textual Conventions
PmConfigurationMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Configuration mode of the PM."
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Alignment value of the PM."
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Instance type of the PM."
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the PM Bin."
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interface type of the PM instance."
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Profile type of the PM instance."
PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Provides a bitmap where each bit represents a field defined within the PM Profile.
This may be used within a table to define an object that may highlight a particular
characteristic about each field defined within the PM Profile.
Each bit should correspond to a particular field within the PM Profile and, as such,
correspond to a particular object within the same table row with matching ordering
and naming conventions as specified by the field names, as defined below."
PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Provides a bitmap where each bit represents a field defined within the PM Profile.
This may be used within a table to define an object that may highlight a particular
characteristic about each field defined within the PM Profile.
Each bit should correspond to a particular field within the PM Profile and, as such,
correspond to a particular object within the same table row with matching ordering
and naming conventions as specified by the field names, as defined below."
PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Provides a bitmap where each bit represents a field defined within the PM Profile.
This may be used within a table to define an object that may highlight a particular
characteristic about each field defined within the PM Profile.
Each bit should correspond to a particular field within the PM Profile and, as such,
correspond to a particular object within the same table row with matching ordering
and naming conventions as specified by the field names, as defined below."
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A value using Integer32 to represent a decimal number in units of thousandths.
To derive the decimal equivalent of an object with this SYNTAX, divide the
Integer32 value by 1000."
SYNTAX Integer32
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A value using Counter64 to represent a decimal number in units of quintillionths.
To derive the decimal equivalent of an object with this SYNTAX, divide the
Counter64 value by 1000000000000000000."
SYNTAX Counter64
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A value using Counter64 to represent a decimal number for use
by the PM TCA feature for purposes of representing values for
TCA related data fields such as basis, boundary and watermark
SYNTAX Counter64
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object represents the status of configuration of a PM
Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) feature. For features which
require multiple optional attributes, this status may
indicate when such attributes are not configured in a way to
enable such feature. Objects using this textual convention
should indicate the feature it represents and the necessary
attributes for its configuration."
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The way in which data is intrepreted, handled, and
represented by the PM Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) feature."
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Value used by state driven PM TCA features to incidate the
current or historical alert state of a PM instance."
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Value used by objects to indicate an accompanying watermark
object type. The DESCRIPTION clause of objects using this
textual convention should indicate the accompanying watermark
object to which this type applies.
A value of high indicates the watermark represents a high
watermark, representing the highest value during a specified
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Value used to define the way in which statistics are used by
the PM TCA features.
A value of inclusiveOr is used to indicate that any single
statistic which matches the criteria used by the feature will
be used. For high watermark determination, this means that
for a given sample interval, the highest single applicable
statistic will be used to set a new high watermark value and
all other applicable statistics are ignored."
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Value used to describe configuration related to PM TCA
thresholds. Objects using this textual convention should
specify in their DESCRIPTION clause the corresponding object
to which this type applies, thereby defining how its value
should be intrepreted."
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Bitmap representing configuration attributes associated with
an interval profile used by the PM TCA features. This is
intended to represent attributes which may be modified after
an interval profile has been created. For this reason,
attributes which may not be modified are not included in
this textual convention."
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Objects of this type represent a group of zero or more
statistics applicable to the data model as described in such
object's DESCRIPTION clause. An object may use this textual
convention to represent a set of statistics for a particular
PM profile, depending on the profile associated with the data
set used by the object.
The bitmap represents sub-identifier values for a particular
bin type branch underneath a particular pm profile branch in
the cienaCesPmStatistics branch.
The DESCRIPTION clause of an object using this textual
convention should indicate the way in which the appropriate
PM profile branch is identified, and the particular bin type
branch to which the data applies.
For example, an object using this textual convention returns
a value with single bit set at statisticSubIdentifier9(9).
The object is discovered to be associated with a PM instance
with an accompanying value of 'basictxrx' for its
cienaCesPmInstanceProfileType object. The DESCRIPTION clause
of the object with this textual convention indicates that the
object value is applicable to statistics in the Current Bin
of the PM profile. The provided information means that the
applicable cienaCesPmStatistics branch is
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStats. Within the
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStats branch, the branch for the Current
Bin, cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinTable, should be used. Within
the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinTable is the listing of objects
defined in cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry. The object value
statisticSubIdentifier9(9) would then apply to the row with
object sub-identifier value of 9. In this case the statistic
is cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxDroppedBytes at OID ending
with the sub-identifier value of 9."
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "String representing time and date of a specified event.
Value will be reported in local time or UTC as determined by
the system 'timestamp' setting, formatted as
'Wed Jun 30 21:49:03 2016'. A trailing 'Z' indicates UTC.
When there is no time value to report, objects using this
textual convention may return a string of characters
describing condition in a way that is applicable to the
data being represented by the object."
cienaCesPmGlobalState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaGlobalState
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object allows the user to globally configure the PM administrative state.
This object must be enabled in order for a PM instance to be operationally enabled."
::= { cienaCesPmGlobal 1 }
cienaCesPmPersistenceInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (60..86400)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object allows the user to globally configure the PM persistence interval."
::= { cienaCesPmGlobal 2 }
cienaCesPmPersistenceStorage OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object allows the user to globally configure the PM persistence storage."
::= { cienaCesPmGlobal 3 }
cienaCesPmInstanceNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object contains an unused value for cienaCesPmInstanceIndex,
or a zero to indicate that none exist. When creating a PM instance entry in
the cienaCesPmInstanceTable, the cienaCesPmNextAvailablePmInstanceIndex value may
be used for cienaCesPmInstanceIndex in the new table entry."
::= { cienaCesPmMIBObjects 1 }
-- PM instance Table
cienaCesPmInstanceTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmInstanceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) table listing the configuration
parameters for the PM instance table.
To create an entry in this table, cienaCesPmPmProfileType,
cienaCesPmInterfaceType, cienaCesPmInterfaceId and
cienaCesPmInstanceName must be specified and
cienaCesPmInstanceRowStatus must be set to createAndGo."
::= { cienaCesPmInstance 1 }
cienaCesPmInstanceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmInstanceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmInstanceTable."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceTable 1 }
CienaCesPmInstanceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmInstanceIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmInstanceName DisplayString,
cienaCesPmInstanceType PmInstanceType,
cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceType PmInterfaceType,
cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceName DisplayString,
cienaCesPmInstanceProfileType PmProfileType,
cienaCesPmInstanceStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmInstanceStartDate DisplayString,
cienaCesPmInstanceEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmInstanceEndDate DisplayString,
cienaCesPmInstanceBinCount Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmInstanceBinDuration INTEGER,
cienaCesPmInstanceAdminState CienaGlobalState,
cienaCesPmInstanceOperState CienaGlobalState,
cienaCesPmInstanceCollectionTimeFormat INTEGER,
cienaCesPmInstanceStartTimeValue Integer32,
cienaCesPmInstanceEndTimeValue Integer32,
cienaCesPmInstanceRowStatus RowStatus,
cienaCesPmInstanceClear CienaStatsClear,
cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId2 Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmInstanceDynamic TruthValue,
cienaCesPmInstanceConfigurationMode PmConfigurationMode,
cienaCesPmInstanceAlignment PmAlignment,
cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceOperState CienaGlobalState,
cienaCesPmInstanceHistoryClear CienaStatsClear
cienaCesPmInstanceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A unique identifier for the PM instance entry."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmInstanceName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31))
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Name for the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmInstanceType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInstanceType
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Type for the PM instance."
DEFVAL {ondemand}
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInterfaceType
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interface type associated with the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Interface ID associated with the PM instance uniquely identifying the interface
associated with the PM instance.
The value of this object depends on the interface type and may be encoded to
suit. For example, when the cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceType is of type port(1)
the value of this object refers to a port identifier (PGID).
For some interface types, the value of this object is not sufficient to uniquely
identify an interface. In such cases, the cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId2 object
is used to provide further resolution for uniquely identifying the interface.
For such interfaces, the value of this object and the cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId2
object may be normalized during row creation as evident by subsequent get of this
object and the cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId2 object."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interface name associated with the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmInstanceProfileType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileType
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Profile type of the PM instance statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmInstanceStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "When set, specifies the collection start time for the PM instance in the local time
zone. The input time format is hh:mm or hh:mm:ss. If not set, but
cienaCesPmInstanceStartDate is set, the time defaults to 00:00:00.
When read, indicates the collection start date and time for the PM instance in
local time or UTC, as determined by the system 'timestamp' setting, formatted as
'Wed Jun 30 21:49:08 1993'. A trailing 'Z' indicates UTC."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmInstanceStartDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "When set, specifies the collection start date for the PM instance in the local time
zone. The input date format is [yy]yy-mm-dd or mm-dd. If the year is omitted, the
current year is used.
When read, indicates the collection start date and time for the PM instance in
local time or UTC, as determined by the system 'timestamp' setting, formatted as
'Wed Jun 30 21:49:08 1993'. A trailing 'Z' indicates UTC."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmInstanceEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "When set, specifies the collection end time for the PM instance in the local time
zone. The input time format is hh:mm or hh:mm:ss. If not set, but
cienaCesPmInstanceEndDate is set, the time defaults to 23:59:59.
When read, indicates the collection end date and time for the PM instance in
local time or UTC, as determined by the system 'timestamp' setting, formatted
as 'Wed Jun 30 21:49:08 1993'. A trailing 'Z' indicates UTC."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmInstanceEndDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "When set, specifies the collection end date for the PM instance in the local time
zone. The input date format is [yy]yy-mm-dd or mm-dd. If the year is omitted, the
current year is used.
When read, indicates the collection end date and time for the PM instance in
local time or UTC, as determined by the system 'timestamp' setting, formatted
as 'Wed Jun 30 21:49:08 1993'. A trailing 'Z' indicates UTC."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmInstanceBinCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Represents the number of history bins for the PM instance. A value of 0 indicates that
there are no history bins other than the 24hrHistoryBin. The current and current24Hr bins
are not included in this bin count and still exist as well."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmInstanceBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Represents the bin duration for the PM instance."
DEFVAL {minutes-15}
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmInstanceAdminState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaGlobalState
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Administrative state of the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmInstanceOperState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaGlobalState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Operational state for the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmInstanceCollectionTimeFormat OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object allows the user to choose the reference time of PM instance collection
start and end times. The value none(0) sets the start time to now and the end time to
none, ignoring any time values specified by the user. The value utc(1) sets the start
and end time value references to the Unix Epoch, January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. The
value relative-to-now(2) sets the start and end time value references to now. The
default value is none(0).
This object returns a value of none(0) on GET."
DEFVAL {none}
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmInstanceStartTimeValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object specifies the collection start time of the PM instance in seconds from the
reference time specified by the value of the cienaCesPmInstanceCollectionTimeFormat
If the collection time format is set to utc(1), then this object specifies the start
time value in the Unix Epoch, starting January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. If the
cienaCesPmInstanceCollectionTimeFormat is set to relative-to-now(2), this object
specifies the start time in seconds from now. If the
cienaCesPmInstanceCollectionTimeFormat object has a value of none(0), the value of this
object is ignored and the start time is set to now.
This object returns a value of 0 on GET. The start date/time for the PM instance is displayed
using the cienaCesPmInstanceStartDate/cienaCesPmInstanceStartTime objects."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmInstanceEndTimeValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object specifies the collection end time of the PM instance in seconds from the
reference time specified by the value of the cienaCesPmInstanceCollectionTimeFormat
If the collection time format is set to utc(1), then this object specifies the end time
value relative to the Unix Epoch, January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. If the
cienaCesPmInstanceCollectionTimeFormat is set to relative-to-now(2), this object
specifies the end time in seconds from now. If the value of the
cienaCesPmInstanceCollectionTimeFormat object is none(0), the value of this object is
ignored and no specific collection end time is specified.
This object returns a value of 0 on GET. The end date/time for the PM instance is displayed
using the cienaCesPmInstanceEndDate/cienaCesPmInstanceEndTime objects."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 18 }
--row status
cienaCesPmInstanceRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Used to manage the creation and deletion of the conceptual rows in this table.
To create a row in this table, set this object to 'createAndGo'.
To delete a row in this table, set this object to 'destroy'.
When creating a row in this table, the index object cienaCesPmInstanceIndex
must specify a valid, unused index or specify value zero which will cause
the new row to be created at the next available index. Prior to creating the
new row, the cienaCesPmInstanceNextIndex object may be referenced to fetch
the next available index."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmInstanceClear OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaStatsClear
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Clears the current counts for the bins associated with given instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId2 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"InterfaceId2 in the PM instance acts as a secondary identifying index in cases where
the cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId object cannot uniquely identify the interface
associated with the PM instance.
For interfaces which do not utilize this secondary object, the value of this object
is zero and unused during new row creation.
For interfaces which utilize this secondary object, the value of this object is specific
to the interface type. During new row creation, the value of this object may be used
along with the cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId object value to uniquely identify the
interface, and such usage may result in the normalization of the values for this object
and the cienaCesPmInstanceInterface object, as evident by subsequent get of this
object and the cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId object."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 21}
cienaCesPmInstanceDynamic OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Dynamic PM instances are not created via CLI or SNMP."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 22}
cienaCesPmInstanceConfigurationMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmConfigurationMode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Configuration mode for the PM instance."
DEFVAL {user}
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmInstanceAlignment OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmAlignment
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Alignment value for the PM instance."
DEFVAL {localClock}
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceOperState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaGlobalState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Operational state for the attached interface monitored by the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmInstanceHistoryClear OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaStatsClear
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Setting this object to clear(1) will clear the History and 24HrHistory bins associated
with the given instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry 26 }
--ExtendedTxRx Profile for ports
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the extended TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStats 1 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the stats for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on. The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinUndersizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinOversizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinFragmentsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinJabbersPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin64OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin65To127OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin128To255OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin256To511OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin512To1023OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin1024To1518OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxTBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxExDeferPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxGiantPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxUnderRunPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxLCheckErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxLOutRangePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxLateCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxExCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxSingleCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinDropEvents Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinInDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxLOutRangePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxUcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxInErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin1519To2047OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin2048To4095OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin4096To9216OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxUcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx64OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx65To127OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx128To255OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx256To511OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx512To1023OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx1024To1518OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx1519To2047OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx2048To4095OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx4096To9216OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxDeferPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinLinkUp Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinLinkDown Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinLinkFlap Counter64
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Bin Number associated with the ExtendedTxRxHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received by this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packets received by this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packets received with CRC errors by this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of multicast packets received for the given port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of broadcast packets received by this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinUndersizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinOversizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets but less than or equal to the MTU
(excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets)
and were otherwise well formed."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinFragmentsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were less
than 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but
including FCS octets) and had either a bad Frame
Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of
octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral
number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinJabbersPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets), and had either a bad
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number
of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a
non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin64OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were 64 octets in length
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin65To127OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin128To255OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin256To511OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin512To1023OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin1024To1518OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of octets transmitted on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxTBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of octets transmitted on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets transmitted on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of broadcast packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxExDeferPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of excessive defer packets transmitted on a port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 27}
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxGiantPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of too big packets transmitted on a port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 28 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxUnderRunPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of underrun packets transmitted on a port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 29 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of CRC error packets transmitted on a port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 30 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxLCheckErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of length check error packets transmitted on a port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 31 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of out of range packets transmitted on a port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 32 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxLateCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of late collision packets transmitted on a port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 33 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxExCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of excessive collision packets transmitted on a port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 34 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxSingleCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of single collision packets transmitted on a port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 35 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of collision packets transmitted on a port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 36 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinDropEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packet drop events on a port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 37 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packet discards on a port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 38 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The pause packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 39 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The pause packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 40 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 41 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 42 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 43 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 44 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than than the MTU
(excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise
well formed."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 45 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 46 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinRxInErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of in error packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 47 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin1519To2047OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
1519 and 2047 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 48 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin2048To4095OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
2048 and 4095 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 49 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBin4096To9216OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
4096 and 9216 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 50 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 51 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx64OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
64 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 52 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx65To127OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 53 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx128To255OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 54 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx256To511OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 55 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx512To1023OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 56 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx1024To1518OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 57 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx1519To2047OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
1519 and 2047 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 58 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx2048To4095OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
2048 and 4095 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 59 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTx4096To9216OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
4096 and 9216 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 60 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinTxDeferPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of defer packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 61 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinLinkUp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link up events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 62 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinLinkDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link down events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 63 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinLinkFlap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link flap events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHistoryBinEntry 64 }
--Extended Tx Rx Curr Bin Statistics Table
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the extended TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStats 2 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinUndersizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinOversizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinFragmentsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinJabbersPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin64OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin65To127OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin128To255OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin256To511OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin512To1023OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin1024To1518OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxTBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxExDeferPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxGiantPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxUnderRunPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxLCheckErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxLOutRangePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxLateCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxExCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxSingleCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinDropEvents Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinInDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxLOutRangePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxUcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxInErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin1519To2047OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin2048To4095OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin4096To9216OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxUcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx64OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx65To127OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx128To255OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx256To511OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx512To1023OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx1024To1518OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx1519To2047OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx2048To4095OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx4096To9216OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxDeferPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinLinkUp Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinLinkDown Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinLinkFlap Counter64
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time for this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of current statistics for this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 2}
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration to collect current statistics for this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 3}
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the current statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packets received with CRC errors by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of multicast packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of broadcast packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinUndersizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinOversizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets but less than or equal to the MTU
(excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets)
and were otherwise well formed."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinFragmentsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were less
than 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but
including FCS octets) and had either a bad Frame
Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of
octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral
number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinJabbersPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets), and had either a bad
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number
of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a
non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin64OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were 64 octets in length
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin65To127OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin128To255OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin256To511OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin512To1023OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin1024To1518OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of octets transmitted on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxTBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of octets transmitted on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets transmitted on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of broadcast packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxExDeferPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of excessive defer packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxGiantPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of too big packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxUnderRunPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of underrun packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 27 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of CRC error packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 28 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxLCheckErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of length check error packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 29 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of out of range packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 30 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxLateCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of collision packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 31 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxExCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of excessive collision packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 32 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxSingleCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of single collision packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 33 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of collision packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 34 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinDropEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packet drop events on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 35 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packet discard events on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 36 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The pause packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 37 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The pause packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 38 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 39 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 40 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 41 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 42 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than than the MTU
(excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise
well formed."
::= {cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 43 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 44 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinRxInErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of in error packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 45 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin1519To2047OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
1519 and 2047 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 46 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin2048To4095OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
2048 and 4095 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 47 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBin4096To9216OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
4096 and 9216 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 48 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 49 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx64OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
64 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 50 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx65To127OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 51 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx128To255OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 52 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx256To511OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 53 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx512To1023OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 54 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx1024To1518OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 55 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx1519To2047OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
1519 and 2047 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 56 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx2048To4095OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
2048 and 4095 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 57 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTx4096To9216OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
4096 and 9216 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 58 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinTxDeferPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of defer packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 59 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinLinkUp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link up events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 60 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinLinkDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link down events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 61 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinLinkFlap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link flap events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurrBinEntry 62 }
--24 Hours Current Bin
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the extended TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStats 3 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 hours."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinUndersizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinOversizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinFragmentsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinJabbersPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin64OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin65To127OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin128To255OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin256To511OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin512To1023OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin1024To1518OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxTBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxExDeferPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxGiantPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxUnderRunPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxLCheckErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxLOutRangePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxLateCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxExCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxSingleCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinDropEvents Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinInDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxLOutRangePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxUcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxInErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin1519To2047OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin2048To4095OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin4096To9216OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxUcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx64OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx65To127OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx128To255OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx256To511OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx512To1023OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx1024To1518OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx1519To2047OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx2048To4095OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx4096To9216OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxDeferPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinLinkUp Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinLinkDown Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinLinkFlap Counter64
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time for the current 24 hour statistics for this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the current 24 hour statistics for this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of current 24 hour statistics for this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the current 24 hour statistics collection for this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the current 24 hour statistics for this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packets received with CRC errors by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of multicast packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of broadcast packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinUndersizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinOversizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets but less than or equal to the MTU
(excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets)
and were otherwise well formed."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinFragmentsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were less
than 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but
including FCS octets) and had either a bad Frame
Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of
octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral
number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinJabbersPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets), and had either a bad
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number
of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a
non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin64OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were 64 octets in length
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin65To127OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin128To255OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin256To511OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin512To1023OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin1024To1518OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of octets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxTBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of octets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of broadcast packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxExDeferPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of excessive defer packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxGiantPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of too big packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 27 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxUnderRunPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of underrun packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 28 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of CRC error packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 29 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxLCheckErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of length check error packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 30 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of out of range packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 31 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxLateCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of late collision packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 32 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxExCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of excessive collision packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 33 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxSingleCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of single collision packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 34 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of collision packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 35 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinDropEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packet drop events on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 36 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packet discard events on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 37 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The pause packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 38 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The pause packets received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 39 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 40 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 41 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 42 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 43 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than than the MTU
(excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise
well formed."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 44 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 45 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinRxInErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of in error packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 46 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin1519To2047OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
1519 and 2047 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 47 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin2048To4095OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
2048 and 4095 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 48 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBin4096To9216OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
4096 and 9216 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 49 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 50 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx64OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
64 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 51 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx65To127OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 52 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx128To255OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 53 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx256To511OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 54 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx512To1023OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 55 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx1024To1518OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 56 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx1519To2047OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
1519 and 2047 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 57 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx2048To4095OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
2048 and 4095 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 58 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTx4096To9216OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
4096 and 9216 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 59 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinTxDeferPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of defer packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 60 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinLinkUp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link up events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 61 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinLinkDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link down events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 62 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinLinkFlap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link flap events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 63 }
--24 Hours History Bin
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the extended TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStats 4 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hour bins."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinUndersizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinOversizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinFragmentsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinJabbersPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin64OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin65To127OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin128To255OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin256To511OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin512To1023OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin1024To1518OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxTBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxExDeferPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxGiantPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxUnderRunPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxLCheckErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxLOutRangePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxLateCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxExCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxSingleCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinDropEvents Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinInDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxLOutRangePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxUcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxInErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin1519To2047OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin2048To4095OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin4096To9216OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxUcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx64OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx65To127OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx128To255OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx256To511OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx512To1023OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx1024To1518OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx1519To2047OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx2048To4095OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx4096To9216OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxDeferPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinLinkUp Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinLinkDown Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinLinkFlap Counter64
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packets received with CRC errors by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of multicast packets received for the given PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of broadcast packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinUndersizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinOversizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets but less than or equal to the MTU
(excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets)
and were otherwise well formed."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinFragmentsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were less
than 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but
including FCS octets) and had either a bad Frame
Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of
octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral
number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinJabbersPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets), and had either a bad
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number
of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a
non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin64OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were 64 octets in length
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin65To127OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin128To255OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin256To511OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin512To1023OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin1024To1518OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of octets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxTBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of octets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of broadcast packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxExDeferPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of excessive defer packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxGiantPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of too big packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxUnderRunPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of underrun packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of CRC error packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 27 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxLCheckErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of length check error packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 28 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of out of range packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 29 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxLateCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of late collision packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 30 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxExCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of excessive collision packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 31 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxSingleCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of single collision packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 32 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of collision packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 33 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinDropEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packet drop events on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 34 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packet discards on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 35 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The pause packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 36 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The pause packets received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 37 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 38 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 39 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 40 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 41 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than the MTU (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise
well formed."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 42 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 43 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 44 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 45 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinRxInErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of in error packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 46 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin1519To2047OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
1519 and 2047 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 47 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin2048To4095OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
2048 and 4095 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 48 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBin4096To9216OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
4096 and 9216 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 49 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 50 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx64OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
64 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 51 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx65To127OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 52 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx128To255OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 53 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx256To511OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 54 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx512To1023OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 55 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx1024To1518OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 56 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx1519To2047OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
1519 and 2047 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 57 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx2048To4095OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
2048 and 4095 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 58 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTx4096To9216OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
4096 and 9216 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 59 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinTxDeferPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of defer packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 60 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinLinkUp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link up events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 61 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinLinkDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link down events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 62 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinLinkFlap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link flap events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxHist24HBinEntry 63 }
--AllTime Bin
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS obsolete
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the extended TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStats 5 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS obsolete
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTable.
This table lists the stats for the All Time bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinUndersizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinOversizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinFragmentsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinJabbersPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBin64OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBin65To127OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBin128To255OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBin256To511OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBin512To1023OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBin1024To1518OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxTBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxExDeferPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxGiantPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxUnderRunPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxLCheckErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxLOutRangePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxLateCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxExCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxSingleCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinDropEvents Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinInDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxLOutRangePkts Counter64
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of bytes received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of packets received with CRC errors by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of multicast packets received for the given PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of broadcast packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinUndersizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of packets received that were
less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinOversizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets but less than or equal to the MTU
(excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets)
and were otherwise well formed."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinFragmentsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of packets received that were less
than 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but
including FCS octets) and had either a bad Frame
Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of
octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral
number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinJabbersPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets), and had either a bad
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number
of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a
non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBin64OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were 64 octets in length
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBin65To127OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBin128To255OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBin256To511OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBin512To1023OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBin1024To1518OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between
1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of octets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxTBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of octets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of broadcast packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of multicast packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxExDeferPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of excessive defer packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxGiantPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of too big packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxUnderRunPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of underrun packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of CRC error packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxLCheckErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of length check error packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of out of range packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxLateCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of late collision packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 27 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxExCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of excessive collision packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 28 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxSingleCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of single collision packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 29 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of collision packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 30 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinDropEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of packet drop events on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 31 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of packet discards on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 32 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The pause packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 33 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The pause packets received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 34 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 35 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 36 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 37 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 38 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinRxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than the MTU (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise
well formed."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 39 }
--ExtendedTxRx Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStats 6 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinUndersizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinOversizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinFragmentsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinJabbersPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin64OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin65To127OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin128To255OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin256To511OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin512To1023OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin1024To1518OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxTBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxExDeferPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxGiantPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxUnderRunPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxLCheckErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxLOutRangePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxLateCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxExCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxSingleCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinDropEvents Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinInDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxLOutRangePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxUcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxInErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin1519To2047OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin2048To4095OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin4096To9216OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxUcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx64OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx65To127OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx128To255OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx256To511OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx512To1023OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx1024To1518OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx1519To2047OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx2048To4095OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx4096To9216OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxDeferPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinLinkUp Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinLinkDown Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinLinkFlap Counter64
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packets received with CRC errors by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of multicast packets received for the given PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of broadcast packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinUndersizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinOversizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets but less than or equal to the MTU
(excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets)
and were otherwise well formed."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinFragmentsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were less
than 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but
including FCS octets) and had either a bad Frame
Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of
octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral
number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinJabbersPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets), and had either a bad
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number
of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a
non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin64OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were 64 octets in length
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin65To127OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin128To255OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin256To511OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin512To1023OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin1024To1518OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between
1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of octets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxTBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of octets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of broadcast packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxExDeferPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of excessive defer packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxGiantPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of too big packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxUnderRunPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of underrun packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of CRC error packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxLCheckErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of length check error packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 27 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of out of range packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 28 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxLateCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of late collision packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 29 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxExCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of excessive collision packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 30 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxSingleCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of single collision packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 31 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of collision packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 32 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinDropEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packet drop events on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 33 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packet discards on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 34 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The pause packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 35 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The pause packets received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 36 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 37 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 38 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 39 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 40 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than the MTU (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise
well formed."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 41 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 42 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinRxInErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of in error packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 43 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin1519To2047OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
1519 and 2047 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 44 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin2048To4095OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
2048 and 4095 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 45 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBin4096To9216OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
4096 and 9216 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 46 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 47 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx64OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
64 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 48 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx65To127OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 49 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx128To255OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 50 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx256To511OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 51 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx512To1023OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 52 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx1024To1518OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 53 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx1519To2047OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
1519 and 2047 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 54 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx2048To4095OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
2048 and 4095 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 55 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTx4096To9216OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
4096 and 9216 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 56 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinTxDeferPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of defer packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 57 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinLinkUp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link up events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 58 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinLinkDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link down events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 59 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatsBinLinkFlap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link flap events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 60 }
--ExtendedTxRx Profile Stats, totalstatistics bin
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxStats 7 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinUndersizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinOversizePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinFragmentsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinJabbersPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin64OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin65To127OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin128To255OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin256To511OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin512To1023OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin1024To1518OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxTBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxBcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxMcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxExDeferPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxGiantPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxUnderRunPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxCrcErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxLCheckErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxLOutRangePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxLateCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxExCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxSingleCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxCollPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinDropEvents Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinInDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxPausePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxLOutRangePkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxUcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxInErrorPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin1519To2047OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin2048To4095OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin4096To9216OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxUcastPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx64OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx65To127OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx128To255OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx256To511OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx512To1023OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx1024To1518OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx1519To2047OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx2048To4095OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx4096To9216OctsPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxDeferPkts Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinLinkUp Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinLinkDown Counter64,
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinLinkFlap Counter64
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packets received with CRC errors by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of multicast packets received for the given PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of broadcast packets received by this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinUndersizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
less than 64 octets long (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinOversizePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets but less than or equal to the MTU
(excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets)
and were otherwise well formed."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinFragmentsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were less
than 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but
including FCS octets) and had either a bad Frame
Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of
octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral
number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinJabbersPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets), and had either a bad
Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number
of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a
non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin64OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were 64 octets in length
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin65To127OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin128To255OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin256To511OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin512To1023OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin1024To1518OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad packets) received that were between
1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of octets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxTBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of octets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxBcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of broadcast packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxMcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxExDeferPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of excessive defer packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxGiantPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of too big packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxUnderRunPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of underrun packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxCrcErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of CRC error packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxLCheckErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of length check error packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of out of range packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 27 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxLateCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of late collision packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 28 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxExCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of excessive collision packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 29 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxSingleCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of single collision packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 30 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxCollPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of collision packets transmitted on the interface."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 31 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinDropEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packet drop events on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 32 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of packet discards on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 33 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The pause packets transmitted on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 34 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxPausePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The pause packets received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 35 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 36 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 37 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 38 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 39 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxLOutRangePkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received that were
longer than the MTU (excluding framing bits,
but including FCS octets) and were otherwise
well formed."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 40 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 41 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinRxInErrorPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of in error packets received on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 42 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin1519To2047OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
1519 and 2047 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 43 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin2048To4095OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
2048 and 4095 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 44 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBin4096To9216OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) received that were between
4096 and 9216 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 45 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 46 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx64OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
64 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 47 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx65To127OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
65 and 127 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 48 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx128To255OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
128 and 255 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 49 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx256To511OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
256 and 511 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 50 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx512To1023OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 51 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx1024To1518OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 52 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx1519To2047OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
1519 and 2047 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 53 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx2048To4095OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
2048 and 4095 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 54 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTx4096To9216OctsPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets (including bad
packets) transmitted that were between
4096 and 9216 octets in length inclusive
(excluding framing bits but including FCS octets)."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 55 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinTxDeferPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of defer packets transmitted on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 56 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinLinkUp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link up events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 57 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinLinkDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link down events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 58 }
cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatsBinLinkFlap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of link flap events on the port."
::= { cienaCesPmExtendedTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 59 }
--BasicTxRx Profile Stats
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the basic TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStats 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Bin number associated with the PmBasicTxRxHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= {cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHistoryBinEntry 18 }
-- BasicTxRx Current Bin Table
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the basic TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStats 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 1}
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurrBinEntry 16 }
--BasicTxRx Profile Stats - current 24 hour bin table
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only Table listing the basic TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStats 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 Hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinEntry 17 }
--BasicTxRx Profile Stats - history 24 hour bin table
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the basic TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStats 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinBasicTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinEntry 17 }
--BasicTxRx Profile Stats
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the basic TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStats 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the All Time bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinBasicTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinEntry 12 }
--BasicTxRx Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStats 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatsBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
--BasicTxRx Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxStats 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatsBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
--IGMP Profile Stats
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmIgmpStats 1 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmIGMPHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumJoins Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumLeaves Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueries Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumHostDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumBadChecksum Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumResourceExceed Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero Counter64
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Bin number associated with the PmIGMPHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumJoins OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of join messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumLeaves OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of leave messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because the queries came too soon."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number queries discarded because the port was down."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because the port was blocked."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because of no server logical interfaces."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
router to send query."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
membership reports."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of messages discarded by the
router. This happens when a join comes in from
a router port."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumHostDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of messages discarded by the
host. This happens when a join or leave comes
in a port, but no router port is established."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumBadChecksum OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received with bad
IP checksum."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP Layer 2 and Layer 3 mismatch packets
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of unknown type IGMP
packets received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumResourceExceed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP packets discarded because there were not enough resources
to process these messages. This could happen when the rate of the incoming IGMP messages
is very high."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because they had zero source IP."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHistoryBinEntry 23 }
--IGMP Profile Stats
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmIgmpStats 2 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmIGMPCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumJoins Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumLeaves Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueries Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumHostDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumBadChecksum Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumResourceExceed Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero Counter64
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumJoins OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of join messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumLeaves OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of leave messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because the queries came too soon."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number queries discarded because the port was down."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because the port was blocked."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total query discarded because of no server logical interfaces."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
router to send query."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
membership reports."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of messages discarded by the
router. This happens when a join comes in from
a router port."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumHostDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of messages discarded by the
host. This happens when a join or leave comes
in a port, but no router port is established."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumBadChecksum OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received with bad
IP checksum."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP Layer 2 and Layer 3 mismatch packets
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of unknown type IGMP
packets received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumResourceExceed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP packets discarded because there were not enough resources
to process these messages. This could happen when the rate of the incoming IGMP messages
is very high."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because they had zero source IP."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurrBinEntry 21 }
--IGMP Profile Stats for current 24 hour bin.
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmIgmpStats 3 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmIGMPCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumJoins Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumLeaves Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueries Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumHostDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumBadChecksum Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumResourceExceed Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero Counter64
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumJoins OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of join messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumLeaves OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of leave messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because the queries came too soon."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number queries discarded because the port was down."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because the port was blocked."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because of no server logical interfaces."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
router to send query."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
membership reports."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of messages discarded by the
router. This happens when a join comes in from
a router port."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumHostDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of messages discarded by the
host. This happens when a join or leave comes
in a port, but no router port is established."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumBadChecksum OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received with bad
IP checksum."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP Layer 2 and Layer 3 mismatch packets
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of unknown type IGMP
packets received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumResourceExceed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP packets discarded because there were not enough resources
to process these messages. This could happen when the rate of the incoming IGMP messages
is very high."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because they had zero source IP."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPCurr24HBinEntry 22 }
--IGMP Profile Stats for history 24 hour bin.
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only Table listing the Bin Statistics"
::= { cienaCesPmIgmpStats 4}
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmIGMPHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumJoins Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumLeaves Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueries Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumHostDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumBadChecksum Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumResourceExceed Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 1}
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumJoins OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of join messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumLeaves OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of leave messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because the queries came too soon."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number queries discarded because the port was down."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because the port was blocked."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because of no server logical interfaces."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
router to send query."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
membership reports."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of messages discarded by the
router. This happens when a join comes in from
a router port."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumHostDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of messages discarded by the
host. This happens when a join or leave comes
in a port, but no router port is established."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumBadChecksum OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received with bad
IP checksum."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP Layer 2 and Layer 3 mismatch packets
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of unknown type IGMP
packets received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumResourceExceed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP packets discarded because there were not enough resources
to process these messages. This could happen when the rate of the incoming IGMP messages
is very high."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because they had zero source IP."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPHist24HBinEntry 22 }
--IGMP Profile Stats
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmIgmpStats 5 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmIGMPAllTimeBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the All Time bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumJoins Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumLeaves Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueries Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumHostDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumBadChecksum Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumResourceExceed Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero Counter64
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumJoins OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of join messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumLeaves OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of leave messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of queries received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of queries discarded."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of queries discarded because the queries came too soon."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number queries discarded because the port was down."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of queries discarded because the port was blocked."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of queries discarded because of no server logical interfaces."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
router to send query."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
membership reports."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of messages discarded by the
router. This happens when a join comes in from
a router port."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumHostDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of messages discarded by the
host. This happens when a join or leave comes
in a port, but no router port is established."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumBadChecksum OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of packets received with bad
IP checksum."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of IGMP Layer 2 and Layer 3 mismatch packets
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of unknown type IGMP
packets received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumResourceExceed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of IGMP packets discarded because there were not enough resources
to process these messages. This could happen when the rate of the incoming IGMP messages
is very high."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of queries discarded because they had zero source IP."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPAllTimeBinEntry 17 }
--IGMP Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmIgmpStats 6 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumJoins Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumLeaves Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueries Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumHostDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumBadChecksum Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumResourceExceed Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero Counter64
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumJoins OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of join messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumLeaves OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of leave messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because the queries came too soon."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number queries discarded because the port was down."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because the port was blocked."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because of no server logical interfaces."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
router to send query."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
membership reports."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of messages discarded by the
router. This happens when a join comes in from
a router port."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumHostDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of messages discarded by the
host. This happens when a join or leave comes
in a port, but no router port is established."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumBadChecksum OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received with bad
IP checksum."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP Layer 2 and Layer 3 mismatch packets
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of unknown type IGMP
packets received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumResourceExceed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP packets discarded because there were not enough resources
to process these messages. This could happen when the rate of the incoming IGMP messages
is very high."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmIGMPStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because they had zero source IP."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPStatisticsBinEntry 19 }
--IGMP Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmIgmpStats 7 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumJoins Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumLeaves Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueries Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumHostDiscards Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumBadChecksum Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumResourceExceed Counter64,
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero Counter64
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumJoins OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of join messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumLeaves OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of leave messages received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsQueryCameTooSoon OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because the queries came too soon."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number queries discarded because the port was down."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsPortBlock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because the port was blocked."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsLiNoServerLI OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because of no server logical interfaces."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
router to send query."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumReplyTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of timeouts waiting for the
membership reports."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumRouterDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of messages discarded by the
router. This happens when a join comes in from
a router port."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumHostDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of messages discarded by the
host. This happens when a join or leave comes
in a port, but no router port is established."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumBadChecksum OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of packets received with bad
IP checksum."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumL2L3Mismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP Layer 2 and Layer 3 mismatch packets
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumUnknownPktType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of unknown type IGMP
packets received."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumResourceExceed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of IGMP packets discarded because there were not enough resources
to process these messages. This could happen when the rate of the incoming IGMP messages
is very high."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatsBinIgmpnumQueryDiscardsSrcIpZero OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of queries discarded because they had zero source IP."
::= { cienaCesPmIGMPTotalStatisticsBinEntry 18 }
--Access profile stats
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessStats 1 }
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmAccessHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinAccessHitBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinAccessHitFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Bin number associated with the PmAccessHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEntry 1}
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinAccessHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of access hit bytes for the history bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinAccessHitFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of access hit frames for the history bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHistoryBinEntry 8 }
-- Pm Access Curr Bin Table
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmAccessCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessStats 2}
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmAccessCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmAccessCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmAccessCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinAccessHitBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinAccessHitFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinAccessHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of access hit bytes for the current bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinAccessHitFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of access hit frames for the current bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurrBinEntry 6 }
--Access profile stats - current 24 Hour bin stats.
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessStats 3 }
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmAccessCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 hours."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinAccessHitBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinAccessHitFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinAccessHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of access hit bytes for the 24 hours bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinAccessHitFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of access hit frames for the 24 hours bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
--Access profile stats - history 24 Hour bin stats.
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessStats 4 }
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmAccessHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinAccessHitBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinAccessHitFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinAccessHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of access hit bytes for the history 24 hours bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinAccessHitFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of access hit frames for the history 24 hours bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessHist24HBinEntry 7 }
--Access profile stats
cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessStats 5 }
cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmAccessAllTimeBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the All Time bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinAccessHitBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinAccessHitFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinAccessHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of access hit bytes for the All Time bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinAccessHitFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The total number of access hit frames for the All Time bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessAllTimeBinEntry 4 }
--Access Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmAccessStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmAccessStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessStats 6 }
cienaCesPmAccessStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmAccessStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmAccessStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmAccessStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmAccessStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmAccessStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmAccessStatsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmAccessStatsBinAccessHitBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmAccessStatsBinAccessHitFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmAccessStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmAccessStatsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmAccessStatsBinAccessHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of access hit bytes for the All Time bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmAccessStatsBinAccessHitFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of access hit frames for the All Time bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
--Access Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmAccessTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmAccessTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessStats 7 }
cienaCesPmAccessTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmAccessTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmAccessTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmAccessTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmAccessTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmAccessTotalStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmAccessTotalStatsBinAccessHitBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmAccessTotalStatsBinAccessHitFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmAccessTotalStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmAccessTotalStatsBinAccessHitBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of access hit bytes for the All Time bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmAccessTotalStatsBinAccessHitFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The total number of access hit frames for the All Time bin."
::= { cienaCesPmAccessTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
--FloodContainer Profile Stats
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStats 1 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmIGMPBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinBcastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinBcastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinL2McastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinL2McastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Bin number associated with the PmFloodContainerHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinBcastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Dropped broadcast bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinBcastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Broadcast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinL2McastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Multicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinL2McastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Multicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Unicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Unicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHistoryBinEntry 12 }
-- Pm Contain Current Bin Table
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStats 2 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmIGMPBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinBcastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinBcastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinL2McastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinL2McastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinBcastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Broadcast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinBcastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Broadcast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinL2McastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"L2 multicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinL2McastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"L2 multicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Unknown unicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Unknown unicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurrBinEntry 10 }
--FloodContainer bin current 24H bin stats.
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStats 3 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmIGMPBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinBcastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinBcastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinL2McastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinL2McastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinBcastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Broadcast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinBcastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Broadcast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinL2McastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"L2 multicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinL2McastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"L2 multicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Unknown unicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Unknown unicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
--FloodContainer bin history 24H bin stats.
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStats 4 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmIGMPBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinBcastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinBcastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinL2McastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinL2McastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinBcastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Broadcast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinBcastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Broadcast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinL2McastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"L2 multicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinL2McastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"L2 multicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Unicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Unicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerHist24HBinEntry 11 }
-- FloodContainer All time bin Table.
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStats 5 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmIGMPBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the All Time bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinBcastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinBcastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinL2McastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinL2McastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinBcastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"Broadcast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinBcastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"Broadcast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinL2McastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"L2 multicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinL2McastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"L2 multicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"Unknown unicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"Unknown unicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerAllTimeBinEntry 6 }
--FloodContainer Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStats 6 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinBcastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinBcastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinL2McastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinL2McastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinBcastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Broadcast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinBcastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Broadcast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinL2McastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "L2 multicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinL2McastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "L2 multicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unknown unicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatsBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unknown unicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
--FloodContainer Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerStats 7 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinBcastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinBcastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinL2McastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinL2McastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinBcastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Broadcast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinBcastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Broadcast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinL2McastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "L2 multicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinL2McastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "L2 multicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinUnknownUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unknown unicast dropped bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatsBinUnknownUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unknown unicast dropped frames."
::= { cienaCesPmFloodContainerTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
-- BASIC Rx Bin
--BasicRx Profile Stats
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the basic TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStats 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Bin number associated with the PmBasicTxRxBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= {cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= {cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinBasicRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHistoryBinEntry 14 }
--BasicRx Profile Stats for interface
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the basic Rx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStats 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinBasicRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurrBinEntry 12 }
--BasicRx Profile Stats - current 24 hour bin table
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the basic TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStats 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 Hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted bytes."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted frames."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked bytes received."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked frames received."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped"
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinBasicRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxCurr24HBinEntry 13 }
--BasicTxRx Profile Stats for PM instance - history 24 hour bin table
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the basic TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStats 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of dropped bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinBasicRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxHist24HBinEntry 13 }
--BasicRx Profile Stats
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the basic TxRx profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStats 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxAllTimeBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the All Time bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinBasicRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxAllTimeBinEntry 8 }
--BasicRx Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStats 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxStatsBinBasicRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
--BasicRx Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxStats 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatsBinBasicRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicRxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
-- Queue Group Bin
--QueueGroup Profile Stats
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the egress queue profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStats 1 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinIndex,cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex Integer32,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Bin number associated with the PmEgressQueueBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This object indicates a unique index for every queue
in the queue group."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= {cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= {cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of enqueued bytes on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of enqueued frames on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHistoryBinEntry 11 }
--QueueGroup Profile Stats - Current bin table
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the queue group profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStats 2 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex ,cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of enqueued bytes for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex"
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of enqueued frames for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex"
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex"
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurrBinEntry 8 }
--QueueGroup Profile Stats - current 24 hour bin table
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the queue group profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStats 3 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex ,cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of enqueued bytes for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of enqueued frames for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
--QueueGroup Profile Stats for PM instance - history 24 hour bin table
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the queue group profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStats 4 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex,cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of enqueued bytes on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of enqueued frames on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of dropped bytes on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupHist24HBinEntry 9 }
--QueueGroup Profile Stats
cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the queue group profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStats 5 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the All Time bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex,cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of enqueued bytes on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of enqueued frames on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupAllTimeBinEntry 4 }
--QueueGroup Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmQueueGroupStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStats 6 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmQueueGroupStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex,cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmQueueGroupStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatsBinEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatsBinEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatsBinDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatsBinDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatsBinEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of enqueued bytes on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatsBinEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of enqueued frames on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatsBinDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatsBinDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
--QueueGroup Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupStats 7 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex,cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatsBinEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatsBinEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatsBinDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatsBinDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatsBinEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of enqueued bytes on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatsBinEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of enqueued frames on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatsBinDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received bytes dropped on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatsBinDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received frames dropped on this PM instance for this cienaCesPmQueueGroupQueueIndex."
::= { cienaCesPmQueueGroupTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
-- Egress Queue Bin
--EgressQueue Profile Stats
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the egress queue profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStats 1 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinMulticastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinMulticastDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Bin number associated with the PmEgressQueueBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= {cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= {cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received unicast bytes that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received unicast frames that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry 8}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast bytes that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry 9}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast frames that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry 10}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinMulticastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast bytes that were dropped before being enqueued on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry 11}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinMulticastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast frames that were dropped before being enqueued on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHistoryBinEntry 12}
--EgressQueue Profile Stats for interface
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the egress queue profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStats 2 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinMulticastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinMulticastDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received unicast bytes that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received unicast frames that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry 6}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast bytes that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry 7}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast frames that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry 8}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinMulticastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast bytes that were dropped before being enqueued on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry 9}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinMulticastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast frames that were dropped before being enqueued on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurrBinEntry 10}
--EgressQueue Profile Stats - current 24 hour bin table
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the egress queue profile statistics"
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStats 3 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinMulticastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinMulticastDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received unicast bytes that were dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of received unicast frames that were dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry 7}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast bytes that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry 8}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast frames that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry 9}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinMulticastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast bytes that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry 10}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinMulticastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast frames that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueCurr24HBinEntry 11}
--EgressQueue Profile Stats for PM instance - history 24 hour bin table
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the egress queue profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStats 4 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinMulticastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinMulticastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast bytes that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast frames that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast bytes that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry 6}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast frames that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry 7}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinMulticastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast bytes that were dropped before being enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry 8}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinMulticastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast frames that were dropped before being enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry 9}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueHist24HBinEntry 11 }
--EgressQueue Profile Stats
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the egress queue profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStats 5 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the All Time bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinMulticastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinMulticastDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of unicast bytes that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of unicast frames that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of multicast bytes that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinEntry 3}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of multicast frames that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinEntry 4}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinMulticastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of multicast bytes that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinEntry 5}
cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinMulticastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
"The number of multicast frames that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueAllTimeBinEntry 6}
--EgressQueue Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStats 6 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinMulticastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinMulticastDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast bytes that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast frames that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast bytes that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast frames that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinMulticastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast bytes that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatsBinMulticastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast frames that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
--EgressQueue Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueStats 7 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinUnicastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinUnicastDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinMulticastDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinMulticastDroppedFrames Counter64
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinUnicastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast bytes that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinUnicastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of unicast frames that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinMulticastEnqueuedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast bytes that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinMulticastEnqueuedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast frames that were enqueued at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinMulticastDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast bytes that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatsBinMulticastDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of multicast frames that were dropped at egress on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmEgressQueueTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
--TdmT1Port Profile Stats, history bins
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStats 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinLossl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinCvp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinSesp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinUasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinSasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinFcp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinAsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinTtp Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Bin number associated with the PmTdmT1PortHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinLossl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinCvp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinSesp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinUasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinSasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, SEF/AIS seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinFcp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Failure count."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinAsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinTtp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHistoryBinEntry 18 }
--TdmT1Port Profile Stats, current bin
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStats 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmT1PortCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinLossl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinCvp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinSesp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinUasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinSasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinFcp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinAsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinTtp Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinLossl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinCvp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinSesp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinUasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinSasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, SEF/AIS seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinFcp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Failure count."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinAsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinTtp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurrBinEntry 16 }
--TdmT1Port Profile Stats, current 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStats 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinLossl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinCvp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinSesp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinUasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinSasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinFcp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinAsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinTtp Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinLossl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinCvp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinSesp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinUasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinSasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, SEF/AIS seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinFcp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Failure count."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinAsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinTtp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortCurr24HBinEntry 16 }
--TdmT1Port Profile Stats, history 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only Table listing the Bin Statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStats 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinLossl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinCvp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinSesp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinUasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinSasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinFcp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinAsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinTtp Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinLossl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinCvp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinSesp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinUasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinSasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, SEF/AIS seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinFcp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Failure count."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinAsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinTtp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortHist24HBinEntry 17 }
--TdmT1Port Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStats 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinLossl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinCvp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinSesp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinUasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinSasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinFcp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinAsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinTtp Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinLossl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinCvp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinSesp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinUasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinSasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, SEF/AIS seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinFcp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Failure count."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinAsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinTtp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
--TdmT1Port Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortStats 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinLossl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinCvp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinSesp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinUasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinSasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinFcp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinAsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinTtp Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinLossl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinCvp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinSesp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinUasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinSasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, SEF/AIS seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinFcp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Failure count."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinAsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinTtp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path, Total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmT1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
--TdmE1Port Profile Stats, history bins
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStats 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEb Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinBbe Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinAs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinTt Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Bin number associated with the PmTdmE1PortHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored blocks."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinBbe OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Background block errors."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinAs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinTt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHistoryBinEntry 13 }
--TdmE1Port Profile Stats, current bin
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStats 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmE1PortCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEb Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinBbe Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinAs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinTt Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored blocks."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinBbe OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Background block errors."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinAs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinTt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurrBinEntry 11 }
--TdmE1Port Profile Stats, current 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStats 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEb Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinBbe Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinAs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinTt Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored blocks."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinBbe OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Background block errors."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinAs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinTt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
--TdmE1Port Profile Stats, history 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only Table listing the Bin Statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStats 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEb Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinBbe Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinAs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinTt Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored blocks."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinBbe OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Background block errors."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinAs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinTt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortHist24HBinEntry 12 }
--TdmE1Port Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStats 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEb Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinBbe Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinAs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinTt Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored blocks."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinBbe OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Background block errors."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinAs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinTt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
--TdmE1Port Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortStats 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEb Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinBbe Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinAs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinTt Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored blocks."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinBbe OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Background block errors."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinAs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinTt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmE1PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
--TdmPw Profile Stats, history bins
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStats 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmPwHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinMiss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinReorder Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinMissorder Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinMalformed Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinUnderrun Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinOverrun Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinLops Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinLbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinRbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinMbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinRxPkt Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinTxPkt Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinSesp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinUasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinCvp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinFcp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinAsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinTtp Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Bin number associated with the PmTdmPwHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinMiss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of missing PWE packets."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinReorder OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of successfully reordered packets."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinMissorder OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of packets that cannot be reordered or dropped."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinMalformed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of packets with invalid payload size of header."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinUnderrun OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of PDV buffer empty events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinOverrun OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of PDV buffer full events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinLops OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of LOPS events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinLbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of L-bit set events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinRbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of R-bit set events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinMbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of M-bit set events (CESoP specific counter)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinRxPkt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid received packet over a service instance (i.e. PW)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinTxPkt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid transmit packet over a service instance (i.e. PW)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinSesp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinUasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinCvp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of path code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinFcp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of path fault events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinAsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 27 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinTtp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path total times seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHistoryBinEntry 28 }
--TdmPw Profile Stats, current bin
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStats 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmPwCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinMiss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinReorder Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinMissorder Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinMalformed Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinUnderrun Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinOverrun Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinLops Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinLbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinRbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinMbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinRxPkt Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinTxPkt Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinSesp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinUasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinCvp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinFcp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinAsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinTtp Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinMiss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of missing PWE packets."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinReorder OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of successfully reordered packets."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinMissorder OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of packets that cannot be reordered or dropped."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinMalformed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of packets with invalid payload size of header."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinUnderrun OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of PDV buffer empty events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinOverrun OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of PDV buffer full events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinLops OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of LOPS events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinLbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of L-bit set events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinRbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of R-bit set events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinMbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of M-bit set events (CESoP specific counter)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinRxPkt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid received packet over a service instance (i.e. PW)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinTxPkt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid transmit packet over a service instance (i.e. PW)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinSesp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinUasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinCvp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of path code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinFcp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of path fault events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinAsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinTtp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurrBinEntry 26 }
--TdmPw Profile Stats, current 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStats 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmPwCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinMiss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinReorder Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinMissorder Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinMalformed Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinUnderrun Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinOverrun Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinLops Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinLbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinRbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinMbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinRxPkt Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinTxPkt Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinSesp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinUasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinCvp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinFcp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinAsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinTtp Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinMiss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of missing PWE packets."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinReorder OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of successfully reordered packets."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinMissorder OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of packets that cannot be reordered or dropped."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinMalformed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of packets with invalid payload size of header."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinUnderrun OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of PDV buffer empty events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinOverrun OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of PDV buffer full events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinLops OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of LOPS events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinLbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of L-bit set events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinRbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of R-bit set events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinMbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of M-bit set events (CESoP specific counter)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinRxPkt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid received packet over a service instance (i.e. PW)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinTxPkt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid transmit packet over a service instance (i.e. PW)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinSesp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinUasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinCvp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of path code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinFcp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of path fault events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinAsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinTtp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwCurr24HBinEntry 26 }
--TdmPw Profile Stats, history 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only Table listing the Bin Statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStats 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmPwHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinMiss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinReorder Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinMissorder Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinMalformed Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinUnderrun Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinOverrun Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinLops Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinLbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinRbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinMbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinRxPkt Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinTxPkt Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinSesp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinUasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinCvp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinFcp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinAsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinTtp Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinMiss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of missing PWE packets."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinReorder OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of successfully reordered packets."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinMissorder OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of packets that cannot be reordered or dropped."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinMalformed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of packets with invalid payload size of header."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinUnderrun OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of PDV buffer empty events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinOverrun OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of PDV buffer full events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinLops OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of LOPS events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinLbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of L-bit set events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinRbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of R-bit set events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinMbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of M-bit set events (CESoP specific counter)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinRxPkt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid received packet over a service instance (i.e. PW)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinTxPkt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid transmit packet over a service instance (i.e. PW)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinSesp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinUasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinCvp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of path code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinFcp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of path fault events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinAsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinTtp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwHist24HBinEntry 27 }
--TdmPw Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStats 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmPwStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinMiss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinReorder Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinMissorder Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinMalformed Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinUnderrun Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinOverrun Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinLops Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinLbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinRbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinMbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinRxPkt Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinTxPkt Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinSesp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinUasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinCvp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinFcp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinAsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinTtp Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinMiss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of missing PWE packets."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinReorder OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of successfully reordered packets."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinMissorder OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of packets that cannot be reordered or dropped."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinMalformed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of packets with invalid payload size of header."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinUnderrun OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of PDV buffer empty events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinOverrun OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of PDV buffer full events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinLops OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of LOPS events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinLbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of L-bit set events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinRbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of R-bit set events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinMbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of M-bit set events (CESoP specific counter)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinRxPkt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid received packet over a service instance (i.e. PW)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinTxPkt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid transmit packet over a service instance (i.e. PW)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinSesp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinUasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinCvp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of path code violation events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinFcp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of path fault counts."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinAsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinTtp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStatisticsBinEntry 24 }
--TdmPw Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwStats 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinMiss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinReorder Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinMissorder Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinMalformed Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinUnderrun Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinOverrun Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinLops Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinLbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinRbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinMbit Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinRxPkt Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinTxPkt Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinSesp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinUasp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinCvp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinFcp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinAsp Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinTtp Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinMiss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of missing PWE packets."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinReorder OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of successfully reordered packets."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinMissorder OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of packets that cannot be reordered or dropped."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinMalformed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of packets with invalid payload size of header."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinUnderrun OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of PDV buffer empty events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinOverrun OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of PDV buffer full events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinLops OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of LOPS events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinLbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of L-bit set events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinRbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of R-bit set events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinMbit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of M-bit set events (CESoP specific counter)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinRxPkt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid received packet over a service instance (i.e. PW)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinTxPkt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid transmit packet over a service instance (i.e. PW)."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinSesp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinUasp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinCvp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of path code violation events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinFcp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of path fault events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinAsp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinTtp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Path total time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmPwTotalStatisticsBinEntry 23 }
--BasicTxRxBiDir Profile Stats, history bins
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStats 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Bin number associated with the PmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinFwdTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 27 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 28 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 29 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinRevTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHistoryBinEntry 30 }
--BasicTxRxBiDir Profile Stats, current bin
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStats 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinFwdTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 27 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinRevTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurrBinEntry 28 }
--BasicTxRxBiDir Profile Stats, current 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStats 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 Hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinFwdTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 27 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinRevTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirCurr24HBinEntry 28 }
--BasicTxRxBiDir Profile Stats, history 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStats 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicFwdTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 27 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 28 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinBasicRevTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirHist24HBinEntry 29 }
--BasicTxRxBiDir Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStats 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinFwdTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatsBinRevTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStatisticsBinEntry 26 }
--BasicTxRxBiDir Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirStats 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdTxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxAcceptedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxAcceptedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxYellowBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxYellowFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxDroppedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxDroppedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxFramesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinFwdTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of forward tunnel frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxAcceptedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel accepted bytes on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxAcceptedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel accepted frames on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel remarked bytes received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxYellowFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel remarked frames received on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel received bytes dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel received frames dropped on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevRxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames received per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel bytes transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatsBinRevTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse tunnel frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxRxBiDirTotalStatisticsBinEntry 25 }
--BasicPtp Profile Stats, history bins
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStats 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinFieldsUnsupported PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinFieldsInvalid PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprnOch Integer32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprMinOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprMaxOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprAvgOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOptOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOptMinOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOptMaxOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOptAvgOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprnOts Integer32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprMinOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprMaxOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprAvgOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinDgdAvgOch Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinDgdMaxOch Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Bin number associated with the PmBasicPtpHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinFieldsUnsupported OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
unsupported. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be disregarded."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinFieldsInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
invalid. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be treated as untrustworthy."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprnOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Normalized Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprMinOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Minimum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Maximum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Average Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOptOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Optical Power Transmit, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOptMinOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Minimum Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOptMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Maximum Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOptAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Average Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprnOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Normalized Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprMinOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Minimum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprMaxOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Maximum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinOprAvgOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Average Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinDgdAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Differential Group Delay (Average), Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinDgdMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Differential Group Delay (Max), Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHistoryBinEntry 24 }
--BasicPtp Profile Stats, current bin
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStats 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinFieldsUnsupported PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinFieldsInvalid PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprnOch Integer32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprMinOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprMaxOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprAvgOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOptOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOptMinOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOptMaxOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOptAvgOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprnOts Integer32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprMinOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprMaxOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprAvgOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinDgdAvgOch Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinDgdMaxOch Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinFieldsUnsupported OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
unsupported. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be disregarded."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinFieldsInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
invalid. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be treated as untrustworthy."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprnOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Normalized Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprMinOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Minimum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Maximum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Average Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOptOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Optical Power Transmit, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOptMinOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Minimum Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOptMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Maximum Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOptAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Average Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprnOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Normalized Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprMinOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Minimum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprMaxOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Maximum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinOprAvgOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Average Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinDgdAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Differential Group Delay (Average), Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinDgdMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Differential Group Delay (Max), Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurrBinEntry 22 }
--BasicPtp Profile Stats, current 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStats 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 Hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinFieldsUnsupported PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinFieldsInvalid PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprnOch Integer32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprMinOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprMaxOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprAvgOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOptOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOptMinOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOptMaxOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOptAvgOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprnOts Integer32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprMinOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprMaxOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprAvgOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinDgdAvgOch Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinDgdMaxOch Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinFieldsUnsupported OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
unsupported. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be disregarded."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinFieldsInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
invalid. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be treated as untrustworthy."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprnOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Normalized Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprMinOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Minimum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Maximum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Average Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOptOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Optical Power Transmit, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOptMinOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Minimum Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOptMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Maximum Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOptAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Average Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprnOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Normalized Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprMinOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Minimum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprMaxOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Maximum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinOprAvgOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Average Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinDgdAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Differential Group Delay (Average), Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinDgdMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Differential Group Delay (Max), Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpCurr24HBinEntry 22 }
--BasicPtp Profile Stats, history 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStats 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinFieldsUnsupported PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinFieldsInvalid PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprnOch Integer32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprMinOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprMaxOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprAvgOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOptOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOptMinOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOptMaxOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOptAvgOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprnOts Integer32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprMinOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprMaxOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprAvgOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinDgdAvgOch Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinDgdMaxOch Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinFieldsUnsupported OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
unsupported. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be disregarded."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinFieldsInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicPtp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
invalid. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be treated as untrustworthy."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprnOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Normalized Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprMinOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Minimum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Maximum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Average Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOptOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Optical Power Transmit, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOptMinOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Minimum Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOptMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Maximum Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOptAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Average Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprnOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Normalized Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprMinOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Minimum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprMaxOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Maximum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinOprAvgOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Average Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinDgdAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Differential Group Delay (Average), Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinDgdMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Differential Group Delay (Max), Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpHist24HBinEntry 23 }
--BasicPtp Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStats 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprnOch Integer32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprMinOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprMaxOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprAvgOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOptOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOptMinOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOptMaxOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOptAvgOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprnOts Integer32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprMinOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprMaxOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprAvgOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinDgdAvgOch Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinDgdMaxOch Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprnOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Normalized Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprMinOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Minimum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Maximum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Average Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOptOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Optical Power Transmit, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOptMinOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Minimum Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOptMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Maximum Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOptAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Average Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprnOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Normalized Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprMinOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Minimum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprMaxOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Maximum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinOprAvgOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Average Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinDgdAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Differential Group Delay (Average), Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatsBinDgdMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Differential Group Delay (Max), Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStatisticsBinEntry 18 }
--BasicPtp Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpStats 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprnOch Integer32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprMinOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprMaxOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprAvgOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOptOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOptMinOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOptMaxOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOptAvgOch PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprnOts Integer32,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprMinOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprMaxOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprAvgOts PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinDgdAvgOch Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinDgdMaxOch Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprnOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Normalized Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprMinOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Minimum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Maximum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Average Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOptOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Optical Power Transmit, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOptMinOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Minimum Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOptMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Maximum Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOptAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Average Optical Channel Power Transmit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprnOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Normalized Optical Power Receive, Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprMinOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Minimum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprMaxOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Maximum Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinOprAvgOts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Average Optical Channel Power Receive."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinDgdAvgOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Differential Group Delay (Average), Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatsBinDgdMaxOch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Differential Group Delay (Max), Optical Channel."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicPtpTotalStatisticsBinEntry 17 }
--BasicOtu Profile Stats, history bins
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStats 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinFieldsUnsupported PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinFieldsInvalid PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinCvOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinSesOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinSefsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinFecOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinHccsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinPrfBerOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinPrfBerMaxOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinPfBerEOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinQMinOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinQMaxOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinQAvgOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinQStdevOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinUncFecBlkOtu Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Bin number associated with the PmBasicOtuHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinFieldsUnsupported OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
unsupported. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be disregarded."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinFieldsInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
invalid. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be treated as untrustworthy."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinCvOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Coding Violation, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinSesOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinSefsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Framed Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinFecOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Forward Error Correction, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinHccsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "High Correction Count Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinPrfBerOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Pre-FEC Bit Error Rate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinPrfBerMaxOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Pre-FEC Bit Max Error Rate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinPfBerEOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Post-FEC Bit Error Rate Estimate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinQMinOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Minimum, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinQMaxOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Maximum, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinQAvgOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Average, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinQStdevOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Standard Deviation, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinUncFecBlkOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Uncorrected FEC blocks, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHistoryBinEntry 22 }
--BasicOtu Profile Stats, current bin
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStats 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinFieldsUnsupported PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinFieldsInvalid PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinCvOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinSesOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinSefsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinFecOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinHccsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinPrfBerOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinPrfBerMaxOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinPfBerEOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinQMinOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinQMaxOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinQAvgOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinQStdevOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinUncFecBlkOtu Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinFieldsUnsupported OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
unsupported. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be disregarded."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinFieldsInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
invalid. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be treated as untrustworthy."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinCvOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Coding Violation, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinSesOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinSefsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Framed Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinFecOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Forward Error Correction, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinHccsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "High Correction Count Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinPrfBerOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Pre-FEC Bit Error Rate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinPrfBerMaxOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Pre-FEC Bit Max Error Rate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinPfBerEOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Post-FEC Bit Error Rate Estimate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinQMinOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Minimum, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinQMaxOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Maximum, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinQAvgOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Average, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinQStdevOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Standard Deviation, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinUncFecBlkOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Uncorrected FEC blocks, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurrBinEntry 20 }
--BasicOtu Profile Stats, current 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStats 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 Hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinFieldsUnsupported PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinFieldsInvalid PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinCvOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinSesOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinSefsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinFecOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinHccsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinPrfBerOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinPrfBerMaxOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinPfBerEOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinQMinOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinQMaxOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinQAvgOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinQStdevOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinUncFecBlkOtu Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinFieldsUnsupported OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
unsupported. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be disregarded."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinFieldsInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
invalid. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be treated as untrustworthy."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinCvOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Coding Violation, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinSesOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinSefsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Framed Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinFecOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Forward Error Correction, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinHccsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "High Correction Count Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinPrfBerOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Pre-FEC Bit Error Rate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinPrfBerMaxOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Pre-FEC Bit Max Error Rate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinPfBerEOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Post-FEC Bit Error Rate Estimate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinQMinOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Minimum, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinQMaxOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Maximum, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinQAvgOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Average, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinQStdevOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Standard Deviation, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinUncFecBlkOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Uncorrected FEC blocks, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuCurr24HBinEntry 20 }
--BasicOtu Profile Stats, history 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStats 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinFieldsUnsupported PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinFieldsInvalid PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinCvOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinSesOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinSefsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinFecOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinHccsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinPrfBerOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinPrfBerMaxOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinPfBerEOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinQMinOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinQMaxOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinQAvgOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinQStdevOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinUncFecBlkOtu Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinFieldsUnsupported OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
unsupported. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be disregarded."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinFieldsInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOtu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
invalid. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be treated as untrustworthy."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinCvOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Coding Violation, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinSesOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinSefsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Framed Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinFecOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Forward Error Correction, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinHccsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "High Correction Count Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinPrfBerOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Pre-FEC Bit Error Rate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinPrfBerMaxOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Pre-FEC Bit Max Error Rate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinPfBerEOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Post-FEC Bit Error Rate Estimate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinQMinOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Minimum, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinQMaxOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Maximum, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinQAvgOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Average, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinQStdevOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Standard Deviation, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinUncFecBlkOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Uncorrected FEC blocks, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuHist24HBinEntry 21 }
--BasicOtu Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStats 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinCvOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinEsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinSesOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinSefsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinFecOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinHccsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinPrfBerOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinPrfBerMaxOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinPfBerEOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinQMinOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinQMaxOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinQAvgOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinQStdevOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinUncFecBlkOtu Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinCvOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Coding Violation, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinEsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinSesOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinSefsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Framed Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinFecOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Forward Error Correction, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinHccsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "High Correction Count Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinPrfBerOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Pre-FEC Bit Error Rate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinPrfBerMaxOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Pre-FEC Bit Max Error Rate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinPfBerEOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Post-FEC Bit Error Rate Estimate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinQMinOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Minimum, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinQMaxOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Maximum, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinQAvgOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Average, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinQStdevOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Standard Deviation, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatsBinUncFecBlkOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Uncorrected FEC blocks, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStatisticsBinEntry 16 }
--BasicOtu Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuStats 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinCvOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinEsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinSesOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinSefsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinFecOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinHccsOtu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinPrfBerOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinPrfBerMaxOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinPfBerEOtu PmCounter64Atto,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinQMinOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinQMaxOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinQAvgOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinQStdevOtu PmInteger32Milli,
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinUncFecBlkOtu Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinCvOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Coding Violation, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinEsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinSesOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinSefsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Framed Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinFecOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Forward Error Correction, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinHccsOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "High Correction Count Seconds, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinPrfBerOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Pre-FEC Bit Error Rate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinPrfBerMaxOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Pre-FEC Bit Max Error Rate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinPfBerEOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmCounter64Atto
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Post-FEC Bit Error Rate Estimate, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinQMinOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Minimum, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinQMaxOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Maximum, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinQAvgOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Average, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinQStdevOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmInteger32Milli
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Quality Factor Standard Deviation, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatsBinUncFecBlkOtu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Uncorrected FEC blocks, Optical Transport Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOtuTotalStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
--BasicOdu Profile Stats, history bins
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStats 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinFieldsUnsupported PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinFieldsInvalid PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinCvOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEsOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinSesOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinUasOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinFcOdu Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Bin number associated with the PmBasicOduHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinFieldsUnsupported OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
unsupported. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be disregarded."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinFieldsInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
invalid. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be treated as untrustworthy."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinCvOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Coding Violation, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEsOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinSesOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinUasOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinFcOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Failure Count, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHistoryBinEntry 13 }
--BasicOdu Profile Stats, current bin
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStats 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinFieldsUnsupported PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinFieldsInvalid PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinCvOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEsOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinSesOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinUasOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinFcOdu Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinFieldsUnsupported OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
unsupported. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be disregarded."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinFieldsInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
invalid. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be treated as untrustworthy."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinCvOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Coding Violation, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEsOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinSesOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinUasOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinFcOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Failure Count, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurrBinEntry 11 }
--BasicOdu Profile Stats, current 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStats 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 Hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinFieldsUnsupported PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinFieldsInvalid PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinCvOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEsOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinSesOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinUasOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinFcOdu Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinFieldsUnsupported OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
unsupported. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be disregarded."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinFieldsInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
invalid. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be treated as untrustworthy."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinCvOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Coding Violation, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEsOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinSesOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinUasOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinFcOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Failure Count, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
--BasicOdu Profile Stats, history 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStats 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinFieldsUnsupported PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinFieldsInvalid PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinCvOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEsOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinSesOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinUasOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinFcOdu Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinFieldsUnsupported OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
unsupported. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be disregarded."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinFieldsInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmProfileFieldMapBasicOdu
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mapping of the fields within this profile which have been declared
invalid. The value of any fields indicated by this object within
the same table row should be treated as untrustworthy."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinCvOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Coding Violation, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEsOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinSesOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinUasOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinFcOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Failure Count, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduHist24HBinEntry 12 }
--BasicOdu Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStats 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinCvOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinEsOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinSesOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinUasOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinFcOdu Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinCvOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Coding Violation, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinEsOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinSesOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinUasOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduStatsBinFcOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Failure Count, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
--BasicOdu Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduStats 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatsBinCvOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatsBinEsOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatsBinSesOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatsBinUasOdu Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatsBinFcOdu Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatsBinCvOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Coding Violation, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatsBinEsOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatsBinSesOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatsBinUasOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable Seconds, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatsBinFcOdu OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Failure Count, Optical Data Unit."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicOduTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
--TdmOCnPort Profile Stats, history bins
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStats 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinAisl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinUasl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinSess Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinLoss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinCvs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinSefss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEb Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinBbe Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinAs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinTt Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Bin number associated with the PmTdmOCnPortHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinAisl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Alarm indication signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinUasl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinSess OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinLoss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinCvs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Code violation count."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinSefss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Severely errored frame seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Blocks."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinBbe OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Backgroup Block Errors."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinAs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinTt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHistoryBinEntry 23 }
--TdmOCnPort Profile Stats, current bin
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStats 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinAisl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinUasl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinSess Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinLoss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinCvs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinSefss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEb Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinBbe Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinAs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinTt Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinAisl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Alarm indication signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinUasl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinSess OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinLoss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinCvs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Code violation count."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinSefss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Severely errored frame seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Blocks."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinBbe OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Backgroup Block Errors."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinAs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinTt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurrBinEntry 21 }
--TdmOCnPort Profile Stats, current 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStats 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinAisl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinUasl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinSess Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinLoss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinCvs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinSefss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEb Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinBbe Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinAs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinTt Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinAisl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Alarm indication signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinUasl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinSess OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinLoss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinCvs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Code violation count."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinSefss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Severely errored frame seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Blocks."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinBbe OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Backgroup Block Errors."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinAs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinTt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortCurr24HBinEntry 21 }
--TdmOCnPort Profile Stats, history 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only Table listing the Bin Statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStats 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinAisl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinUasl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinSess Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinLoss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinCvs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinSefss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEb Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinBbe Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinAs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinTt Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinAisl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Alarm indication signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinUasl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinSess OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinLoss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinCvs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Code violation count."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinSefss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Severely errored frame seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Blocks."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinBbe OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Backgroup Block Errors."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinAs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinTt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortHist24HBinEntry 22 }
--TdmOCnPort Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStats 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinAisl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinUasl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinSess Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinLoss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinCvs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinSefss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEb Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinBbe Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinAs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinTt Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinAisl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Alarm indication signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinUasl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinSess OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinLoss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinCvs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Code violation count."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinSefss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Severely errored frame seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Blocks."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinBbe OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Backgroup Block Errors."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinAs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinTt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStatisticsBinEntry 19 }
--TdmOCnPort Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortStats 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinAisl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinUasl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinSess Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinLoss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinCvs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinSefss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEb Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinBbe Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinSes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinAs Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinUas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinTt Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinAisl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Alarm indication signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinUasl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinSess OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinLoss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinCvs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Code violation count."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinSefss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Section, Severely errored frame seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored Blocks."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinBbe OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Backgroup Block Errors."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinSes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinAs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Available seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinUas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinTt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Time seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmOCnPortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 18 }
--TdmDS3Port Profile Stats, history bins
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStats 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM instance, as
specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance. History bins are displayed in the order
so that #1 bin always represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous to that
and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins (with start time >0),
as indicated by the operational state of the corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinLoss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinPcv Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinPes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinPses Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinPuas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinSefs Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Bin number associated with the PmTdmDS3PortHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinLoss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinPcv OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of p-bit code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinPes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinPses OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinPuas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit unavilable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinSefs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored frame seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHistoryBinEntry 15 }
--TdmDS3Port Profile Stats, current bin
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStats 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinLoss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinPcv Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinPes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinPses Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinPuas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinSefs Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinLoss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinPcv OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of p-bit code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinPes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinPses OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinPuas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinSefs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored frame seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurrBinEntry 13 }
--TdmDS3Port Profile Stats, current 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStats 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinLoss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinPcv Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinPes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinPses Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinPuas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinSefs Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinLoss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinPcv OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of p-bit code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinPes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinPses OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinPuas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinSefs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored frame seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortCurr24HBinEntry 13 }
--TdmDS3Port Profile Stats, history 24 hour bin
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only Table listing the Bin Statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStats 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinLoss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinPcv Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinPes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinPses Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinPuas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinSefs Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time for the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinLoss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinPcv OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of p-bit code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinPes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinPses OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinPuas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinSefs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored frame seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortHist24HBinEntry 14 }
--TdmDS3Port Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStats 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinLoss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinPcv Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinPes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinPses Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinPuas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinSefs Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinLoss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinPcv OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of p-bit code violation events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinPes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinPses OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "C-bit severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinPuas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinSefs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored frame seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStatisticsBinEntry 11 }
--TdmDS3Port Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortStats 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaPortPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinCvl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEsl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinSesl Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinLoss Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinPcv Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinPes Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinPses Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinPuas Counter64,
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinSefs Counter64
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinCvl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Code violations."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEsl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinSesl OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Severely Errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinLoss OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Line, Loss of signal seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinPcv OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of p-bit code violation events."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinPes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinPses OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit severely errored seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinPuas OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "P-bit unavailable seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinSefs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Severely errored frame seconds."
::= { cienaCesPmTdmDS3PortTotalStatisticsBinEntry 10 }
--BasicTx Profile Stats
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the basic Tx
profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxStats 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for all the history bins of the PM
instance, as specified by the bin-count object of the PM instance.
History bins are displayed in the order so that #1 bin always
represents the most recently completed bin and #2 - the bin previous
to that and so on.
The statistics are displayed for only the instances with valid bins
(with start time >0), as indicated by the operational state of the
corresponding PM instance."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceIndex, cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Bin number associated with the PmBasicTxHistoryBin entry."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= {cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHistoryBinEntry 10 }
-- BasicTx Current Bin Table
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only table listing the basic TxRx profile
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxStats 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current bin of the PM
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Duration of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurrBinEntry 8 }
--BasicTx Profile Stats - current 24 hour bin table
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) read-only Table listing the basic TxRx profile
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxStats 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the current 24 Hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinClearedTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinClearedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Cleared time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxCurr24HBinEntry 8 }
--BasicTx Profile Stats - history 24 hour bin table
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the basic TxRx
profile statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxStats 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinTable.
This table lists the statistics for the history 24 hours bin."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEndTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinDuration Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinState PmBinState,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinBasicTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinBasicTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinBasicTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinBasicTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection end time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
UNITS "minutes"
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interval of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "State of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinBasicTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinBasicTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinBasicTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinBasicTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxHist24HBinEntry 9 }
--BasicTx Profile Stats, statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxStats 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the
This table lists the statistics for the statistics bin of the
PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatsBinClearTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatsBinTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatsBinTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatsBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatsBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatsBinClearTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection clear time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatsBinTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatsBinTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatsBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxStatsBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxStatisticsBinEntry 6 }
--BasicTx Profile Stats, total statistics bin
cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatisticsBinTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) read-only table listing the bin statistics."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxStats 6 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatisticsBinEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatisticsBinEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the
This table lists the statistics for the total statistics bin
of the PM instance."
INDEX {cienaCesPmInstanceIndex}
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatisticsBinTable 1 }
CienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatisticsBinEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatsBinStartTime DisplayString,
cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatsBinTxForwardedBytes Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatsBinTxForwardedFrames Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatsBinTxBytesPerSec Counter64,
cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatsBinTxFramesPerSec Counter64
cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatsBinStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Collection start time of the bin."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatsBinTxForwardedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatsBinTxForwardedFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of frames forwarded on this PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatsBinTxBytesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes transmitted per second on this PM
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatsBinTxFramesPerSec OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of frames transmitted per second on this PM
::= { cienaCesPmBasicTxTotalStatisticsBinEntry 5 }
-- PM Instance Index Xref tables.
cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAutoTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAutoEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) table listing the cienaCesPmInstanceIndex values for each
row as identified by its unique combination of indexes, as specified by:
cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceType, cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId,
cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceId2, and cienaCesPmInstanceProfileType.
This table allows for direct lookup of a cienaCesPmInstanceIndex by
for each PM Instance that has been created automatically by the system.
This table provides lookup for PM Instances which are defined in the
cienaCesPmInstanceTable with a cienaCesPmInstanceConfigurationMode
value of auto.
By providing this direct method of determining a PM Instance index for
a given interface and profile type, an agent can more rapidly perform a
subsequent query of the applicable table underneath the cienaCesPmStatistics
branch to directly query statistics for the given interface and profile type."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAuto 1 }
cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAutoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAutoEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAutoTable."
INDEX { cienaCesPmInstanceInterfaceType,
cienaCesPmInstanceProfileType }
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAutoTable 1 }
CienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAutoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAutoValue Unsigned32
cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAutoValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The value returned by this object represents the cienaCesPmInstanceIndex
for the single auto-created PM Instance associated with the given indexes.
The value may be used as a subsequent index into any tables which are
indexed by the cienaCesPmInstanceIndex object, in order to obtain further
information about the PM Interface."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceIndexXrefAutoEntry 1 }
-- PM Interval Profile Table
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object contains an unused value for
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileIndex, or zero to indicate that no
index is available (table full). When creating an interval
profile in the cienaCesPmIntervalProfileTable, this object
may be used to determine an appropriate value for the
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileIndex object."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfile 1 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) table listing the configuration
parameters for the PM interval profile table.
To create an entry in this table, values are required
for cienaCesPmIntervalProfileName,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileSampleInterval, and
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileRowStatus must be set to createAndGo."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfile 2 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmIntervalProfileTable."
INDEX { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileTable 1 }
CienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileName DisplayString,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileSampleInterval INTEGER,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileCfgAttrsInUse PmTcaIntProfCfgAttrs,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileCfgAttrsUnset PmTcaIntProfCfgAttrs,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAdjustmentInterval Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAdjustmentThreshold Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAdjustmentThresholdPercentage Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileOverflowThreshold Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileOverflowThresholdPercentage Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileOverflowCount Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileUnderflowThreshold Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileUnderflowThresholdPercentage Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileUnderflowCount Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAlertInterval Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAlertThresholdPercentage Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileRowStatus RowStatus
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for the PM interval profile entry."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31))
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Name for the PM interval profile."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileSampleInterval OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The period of time for each sample interval. Value returned
should by one of the time periods supported by the system."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileCfgAttrsInUse OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaIntProfCfgAttrs
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object indicates the row entries with active configuration.
Corresponding rows with a set bit indicated by this object will be
used by the PM instances which are associated with this profile.
This object is automatically populated based on the row objects
which are successfully included during a row creation or are
successfully set or unset after a row has been created.
Each named bit in this object corresponds to the row object in this
table representing the same configuration attribute."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileCfgAttrsUnset OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaIntProfCfgAttrs
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object may be used to unset attributes, effectively disabling
the feature for which the attribute is used. When this object is
set, the indiciated configuration items will be unset which may
disable the feature which uses the specified configuration
attribute. Such changes will automatically apply to all PM
instances associated with the specified interval profile.
This object may only be set on an existing row. Attempts to
include this object during a row creation will be rejected.
This object will always return all bits zero.
Each named bit in this object corresponds to the row object in this
table representing the same configuration attribute."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAdjustmentInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..2592000)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The adjustment interval used by the Adjustment TCA feature.
The specified value must conform to the following criteria:
-Evenly divisible by the specified sample interval.
-Equal or greater than the sample interval.
-No more than a 1 month period (30 days).
Value 0 is used when the attribute is not in use, after having
been unset. Value 0 may not be set directly. The set request
will be rejected if the specified value does not conform to
the critera established for this attribute."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAdjustmentThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The threshold value which is applied against the adjustment
basis value maintained by the PM instance associated with this
interval profile. Sample values that are within this
threshold value (above and below) the basis value are
considered normal and not subject to causing an Adjustment
TCA event."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAdjustmentThresholdPercentage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..100)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The percentage amount of the adjustment basis which defines
the range of normal values (above and below) the basis.
Sample values which are outside this range are subject to
causing an Adjustment TCA event."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileOverflowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The threshold value which is applied against the adjustment
basis value maintained by the PM instance associated with this
interval profile. Sample values that are within this
threshold value (above) the basis value are considered normal
and not subject to causing an Overflow condition. Values that
exceed this range will cause an overflow condition to occur
at the end of the sample interval, which may cause an
Adjustment TCA if the overflow count has been reached."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileOverflowThresholdPercentage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..100)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The percentage amount of the adjustment basis which defines
the range of normal values (above) the basis. Sample values
that are within this threshold (above) the basis value are
considered normal and not subject to causing an Overflow
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileOverflowCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of consecutive sample intervals, all of which are
in overflow condition, before an Adjustment TCA occurs due to
overflow. Value 0 is used when the attribute is not in use,
after having been unset. Value 0 may not be set directly."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileUnderflowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The threshold value which is applied against the adjustment
basis value maintained by the PM instance associated with this
interval profile. Sample values that are within this
threshold value (below) the basis value are considered normal
and not subject to causing an underflow condition. Values
that precede this range will cause an underflow condition to
occur at the end of the sample interval, which may cause an
Adjustment TCA if the underflow count has been reached."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileUnderflowThresholdPercentage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..100)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The percentage amount of the adjustment basis which defines
the range of normal values (below) the basis. Sample values
that are within this threshold (below) the basis value are
considered normal and not subject to causing an underflow
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileUnderflowCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of consecutive sample intervals, all of which are
in underflow condition, before an adjustment TCA occurs due to
underflow. Value 0 may not be set directly. Value 0 may not
be set directly."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAlertInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..2592000)
UNITS "seconds"
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alert interval used by the Alert TCA feature.
The specified value must conform to the following criteria:
-Evenly divisible by the specified sample interval.
-Equal or greater than the sample interval.
-No more than a 1 month period (30 days).
Value 0 is used when the attribute is not in use, after having
been unset. Value 0 may not be set directly. The set request
will be rejected if the specified value does not conform to
the critera established for this attribute."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAlertThresholdPercentage OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..100)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The percentage amount of the alert basis which defines the
level below the basis at which point a sample reading is
subject to causing an Alert TCA at the end of the alert
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Used to manage the creation and deletion of the conceptual rows in
this table. Row deletion will not be allowed if the interval
profile is presently associated with one or more PM instances.
To create a row in this table, set this object to 'createAndGo'.
To delete a row in this table, set this object to 'destroy'."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileUsageTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmIntervalProfileUsageEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) table providing a list of the PM instances which
are configured to use each PM interval profile.
This table utilizes a dual indexing scheme allowing rows to
exist representing the present configuration of the interval
profiles and pm instances.
For each interval profile (primary index) there are zero or more
PM instances which are configured (secondary index). If an
interval profile has no PM Instances, there will be zero rows in
this table with the interval profile primary index."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfile 3 }
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileUsageEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmIntervalProfileUsageEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmIntervalProfileUsageTable."
INDEX { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileIndex,
cienaCesPmInstanceIndex }
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileUsageTable 1 }
CienaCesPmIntervalProfileUsageEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileInstanceOperState CienaGlobalState
cienaCesPmIntervalProfileInstanceOperState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaGlobalState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Operational state for the PM instance identified by the second
index of this table entry. This object provides a way to rapidly
determine the operational state of the PM instance(s) associated
with the interval profile, as identified by the primary index of
this table entry, in lieu of directly accessing or walking the
cienaCesPmInstanceOperState object."
::= { cienaCesPmIntervalProfileUsageEntry 1 }
-- PM Instance Threshold Table
cienaCesPmInstanceThresholdTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmInstanceThresholdEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) table listing parameters for the PM instance
table which are applicable to the PM Threshold feature."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceThreshold 1 }
cienaCesPmInstanceThresholdEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmInstanceThresholdEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmInstanceThresholdTable.
This table serves as an extension of the cienaCesPmInstanceTable,
representing configuration parameters for each PM instance,
specific to the PM Threshold feature(s)."
AUGMENTS { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry }
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceThresholdTable 1 }
CienaCesPmInstanceThresholdEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmInstanceIntervalProfileIndex Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmInstanceTcaStatisticsClear CienaStatsClear,
cienaCesPmInstanceTcaHistoryClear CienaStatsClear
cienaCesPmInstanceIntervalProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the interval profile associated with the
PM instance which will be used by the PM Threshold features
corresponding to a row in the cienaCesPmIntervalProfileTable
with a cienaCesPmIntervalProfileIndex of matching value.
When value is zero, the PM instance is not associated with any
interval profile and will not participate in the PM Threshold
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceThresholdEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmInstanceTcaStatisticsClear OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaStatsClear
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to clear(1) will clear the statistics that
track the operation of the PM TCA feature on the PM instance.
This will clear the various counters associated with the
Adjustment TCA and Alert TCA mechanism such as number of TCA
events and samples collected on behalf of the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceThresholdEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmInstanceTcaHistoryClear OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaStatsClear
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to clear(1) will clear the history records
related to the operation of the PM TCA feature on the PM
instance. This will clear all records of the last Adjustment
TCA events and the last Alert TCA event that have occurred on
the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceThresholdEntry 3 }
-- PM Instance Adjustment TCA Table
cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) table listing data for the PM instance table which
is applicable to the PM Threshold Adjustment TCA feature."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTca 1 }
cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the
This table serves as an extension of the cienaCesPmInstanceTable,
representing operational data for each PM instance, specific to the
PM Threshold Adjustment TCA feature."
AUGMENTS { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry }
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaTable 1 }
CienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnits PmTcaUnits,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaScheme PmTcaScheme,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaStats PmStatBitmap,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValueMin PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValueMax PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaConfigStatus PmTcaConfigStatus,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUpperBoundaryValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLowerBoundaryValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaIntervalStartTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaIntervalEndTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaSampleStartTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaSampleEndTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaHighWatermarkTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaHighWatermarkStats PmStatBitmap,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaHighWatermarkValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowConfigStatus PmTcaConfigStatus,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowBoundaryValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowCurrentCount Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowHighWatermarkTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowHighWatermarkStats PmStatBitmap,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowHighWatermarkValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowConfigStatus PmTcaConfigStatus,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowBoundaryValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowCurrentCount Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowHighWatermarkTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowHighWatermarkStats PmStatBitmap,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowHighWatermarkValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaEventsTotal Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaEventsIntervalEndUpperBoundary Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaEventsIntervalEndLowerBoundary Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaEventsOverflowCountReached Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaEventsUnderflowCountReached Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaSamplesProcessedTotal Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaSamplesDiscardedTotal Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaSamplesProcessedCurrentInterval Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaSamplesDiscardedCurrentInterval Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaUnits PmTcaUnits,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaScheme PmTcaScheme,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaBasisValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaBasisValueMin PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaBasisValueMax PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaThresholdType PmTcaThresholdType,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaThresholdValue Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaBoundaryValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaWatermarkTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaWatermarkType PmTcaWatermarkType,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaWatermarkStats PmStatBitmap,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaWatermarkValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaUnits PmTcaUnits,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaScheme PmTcaScheme,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaBasisValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaBasisValueMin PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaBasisValueMax PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaThresholdType PmTcaThresholdType,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaThresholdValue Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaBoundaryValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaWatermarkTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaWatermarkType PmTcaWatermarkType,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaWatermarkStats PmStatBitmap,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaWatermarkValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaCount Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaUnits PmTcaUnits,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaScheme PmTcaScheme,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaBasisValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaBasisValueMin PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaBasisValueMax PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaThresholdType PmTcaThresholdType,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaThresholdValue Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaBoundaryValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaWatermarkTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaWatermarkType PmTcaWatermarkType,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaWatermarkStats PmStatBitmap,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaWatermarkValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaCount Unsigned32
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnits OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object defines the way in which the data is used by the
Adjustment TCA feature for the PM instance. This specifies
the way in which the statistics samples are handled and the
way in which the adjustment basis and threshold values are
When bitsPerSecond is specified, the data is intended to
represent a throughput as a rate of data in bits per second.
When analyzing samples for the Adjustment TCA feature, the
statistic value is internally adjusted so that it represents a
number of bits. For example a statistic that represents a
number of bytes is multiplied by 8 to determine the bit count.
The statistic value representing bits is then compared to the
boundary value(s) derived from the adjustment basis and
threshold value(s). The adjustment basis and threshold values
are considered to be values representing data in
bits-per-second and are not subjected to adjustment."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaScheme OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaScheme
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the way in which the statistics, as
identified by cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaStatistics object, are
used by the Adjustment TCA feature for the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaStats OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmStatBitmap
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The statistic(s) used by the PM instance, subject to the
Adjustment TCA feature. The PM profile is identified by the
cienaCesPmInstanceProfileType object in this same table row.
The PM profile table underneath the cienaCesPmStatistics
branch representing the Current Bin for the PM profile is
used by the Adjustment TCA feature for the PM instance. The
identified statistics are used by the Adjustment TCA feature
to determine new watermark values and to determine if overflow
or underflow conditions exist."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Base value against which the adjustment threshold is applied
to determine the boundary value(s) that trigger an Adjustment
TCA event. Value is provided to PM from the component which
manages the entity being monitored by the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValueMin OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Lowest value which the adjustment basis value will be allowed
to reach. May be used by PM to inhibit Adjustment TCA events
once the limit has been reached. Value is provided to PM from
the component which manages the entity being monitored by the
PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValueMax OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Highest value which the adjustment basis value will be allowed
to reach. May be used by PM to inhibit Adjustment TCA events
once the limit has been reached. Value is provided to PM from
the component which manages the entity being monitored by the
PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaConfigStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the Adjustment TCA configuration
attributes are configured in a way for periodic Adjustment TCA
events to occur on behalf of the PM Instance. This status
refers to the Adjustment TCA functionality comprising of the
following necessary configuration attributes:
1. cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAdjustmentInterval
2. cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAdjustmentThreshold or
noProfile indicates there is no interval profile configured
for the PM Instance.
notConfigured indicates the PM instance is configured with a
particular interval profile, however none of the necessary
configuration attributes for the Adjustment TCA feature are
partiallyConfigured indicates the PM instance is configured
with a particular interval profile and that some, but not all,
of the necessary configuration attributes for the Adjustment
TCA feature are configured.
configured indicates the PM instance is configured with a
particular interval profile and that all of the necessary
configuration attributes for the Adjustment TCA feature are
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUpperBoundaryValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Upper boundary established by adding the value represented as
the adjustment threshold to the adjustment basis. Statistic
readings which are equal or greater than this boundary are
subject to causing an Adjustment TCA event at the end of the
adjustment interval."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLowerBoundaryValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Lower boundary established by subtracting the value
represented as the adjustment threshold from the adjustment
basis. Statistic readings which are equal or less than this
boundary are subject to causing an Adjustment TCA event at the
end of the adjustment interval."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaIntervalStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date representing when the current Adjustment
Interval has started. This value will update whenever the
operational state of the pm instance changes and whenever
the adjustment interval period has elapsed."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaIntervalEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date representing when the current Adjustment
Interval will end. This value will update whenever the
interval start time changes."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaSampleStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date representing when the current sample
interval has started."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaSampleEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date representing when the current sample
interval will end."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaHighWatermarkTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date representing when the high watermark value
was established. An empty string is returned if no high
watermark has been determined."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaHighWatermarkStats OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmStatBitmap
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The statistic(s) which were used by the Adjustment TCA feature
to establish the watermark value identified by the
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaHighWatermarkValue object. Depending
on the value indicated by cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaScheme, this
may be the same or a subset of the statistics identified by
the cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaStats object."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaHighWatermarkValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Highest sample interval reading during the current adjustment
interval. This value resets to zero at the start of each
adjustment interval."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaConfigStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the Overflow component of the
Adjustment TCA feature configuration attributes are configured
in a way for preemptive Adjustment TCA events to occur on
behalf of the PM Instance due to overflow condition. This
status refers to the Adjustment TCA functionality comprising
of the following necessary configuration attributes:
1. cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAdjustmentInterval, and
2. cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAdjustmentThreshold or
3. cienaCesPmIntervalProfileOverflowThreshold or
4. cienaCesPmIntervalProfileOverflowCount
The Overflow component of the Adjustment TCA requires the
regular periodic Adjustment TCA feature to be configured.
For this reason, adjustment interval and threshold
configuration attributes are necessary before the overflow
component is deemed configured (attributes 1 and 2).
noProfile indicates there is no interval profile configured
for the PM Instance.
notConfigured indicates the PM instance is configured with a
particular interval profile, however none of the necessary
configuration attributes for the Overflow component of the
Adjustment TCA feature are configured.
partiallyConfigured indicates the PM instance is configured
with a particular interval profile and that some, but not all,
of the necessary configuration attributes for the Overflow
component of the Adjustment TCA feature are configured.
configured indicates the PM instance is configured with a
particular interval profile and that all of the necessary
configuration attributes for the Overflow component of the
Adjustment TCA feature are configured."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowBoundaryValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Boundary established by adding the value represented as the
overflow threshold to the adjustment basis. Statistic
readings which are equal or greater than this boundary at the
end of a sample interval represent an overflow condition and
are subject to causing the overflow current count to increment
which may lead to an Adjustment TCA when the configured
overflow count is reached."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowCurrentCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Current number of consecutive overflow conditions that have
occurred. A non-zero value indicates the PM instance is
presently in an overflow condition which may result in an
Adjustment TCA event when the count reaches the overflow count
configured in the PM instance's interval profile."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowHighWatermarkTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date representing when the overflow high
watermark value was established. An empty string is returned
if no overflow high watermark has been determined."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowHighWatermarkStats OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmStatBitmap
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The statistic(s) which were used by the Adjustment TCA feature
to establish the watermark value identified by the
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowHighWatermarkValue object.
Depending on the value indicated by
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaScheme, this may be the same or a
subset of the statistics identified by the
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaStats object."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowHighWatermarkValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Highest sample interval reading during the current series of
samples which qualify for declaring an overflow condition.
This value resets to zero at the start of each adjustment
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaConfigStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the Underflow component of the
Adjustment TCA feature configuration attributes are configured
in a way for preemptive Adjustment TCA events to occur on
behalf of the PM Instance due to underflow condition. This
status refers to the Adjustment TCA functionality comprising
of the following necessary configuration attributes:
1. cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAdjustmentInterval, and
2. cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAdjustmentThreshold or
3. cienaCesPmIntervalProfileUnderflowThreshold or
4. cienaCesPmIntervalProfileUnderflowCount
The Underflow component of the Adjustment TCA requires the
regular periodic Adjustment TCA feature to be configured.
For this reason, adjustment interval and threshold
configuration attributes are necessary before the underflow
component is deemed configured (attributes 1 and 2).
noProfile indicates there is no interval profile configured
for the PM Instance.
notConfigured indicates the PM instance is configured with a
particular interval profile, however none of the necessary
configuration attributes for the Underflow component of the
Adjustment TCA feature are configured.
partiallyConfigured indicates the PM instance is configured
with a particular interval profile and that some, but not all,
of the necessary configuration attributes for the Underflow
component of the Adjustment TCA feature are configured.
configured indicates the PM instance is configured with a
particular interval profile and that all of the necessary
configuration attributes for the Underflow component of the
Adjustment TCA feature are configured."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowBoundaryValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Boundary established by subtracting the value represented as
the underflow threshold from the adjustment basis. Statistic
readings which are equal or less than this boundary at the end
of a sample interval represent an underflow condition and are
subject to causing the underflow current count to increment
which may lead to an Adjustment TCA when the configured
underflow count is reached."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowCurrentCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Current number of consecutive underflow conditions that have
occurred. A non-zero value indicates the PM instance is
presently in an underflow condition which may result in an
Adjustment TCA event when the count reaches the underflow
count configured in the PM instance's interval profile."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowHighWatermarkTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date representing when the underflow high
watermark value was established. An empty string is returned
if no underflow high watermark has been determined."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowHighWatermarkStats OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmStatBitmap
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The statistic(s) which were used by the Adjustment TCA feature
to establish the watermark value identified by the
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowHighWatermarkValue object.
Depending on the value indicated by
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaScheme, this may be the same or a
subset of the statistics identified by the
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaStats object."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 27 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowHighWatermarkValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Highest sample interval reading during the current series of
samples which qualify for declaring an underflow condition.
This value resets to zero at the start of each adjustment
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 28 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaEventsTotal OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total number of Adjustment TCA events that have occurred for
the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 29 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaEventsIntervalEndUpperBoundary OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of Adjustment TCA events that have occurred for the PM
instance which occurred due to the end of Adjustment Interval
having been reached and the high watermark for the interval is
a value greater or equal to the upper boundary value."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 30 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaEventsIntervalEndLowerBoundary OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of Adjustment TCA events that have occurred for the PM
instance which occurred due to the end of Adjustment Interval
having been reached and the high watermark for the interval is
a value less than or equal to the lower boundary value."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 31 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaEventsOverflowCountReached OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of Adjustment TCA events that have occurred for the PM
instance which occurred due to a sample collection resulting
in an increment of the overflow current count value and the
overflow current count value reaching the configured overflow
count value."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 32 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaEventsUnderflowCountReached OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of Adjustment TCA events that have occurred for the PM
instance which occurred due to a sample collection resulting
in an increment of the underflow current count value and the
underflow current count value reaching the configured
underflow count value."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 33 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaSamplesProcessedTotal OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Number of valid samples that have been collected used by
the Adjustment TCA feature on the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 34 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaSamplesDiscardedTotal OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Number of samples that have been collected but not used
by the Adjustment TCA feature on the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 35 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaSamplesProcessedCurrentInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid samples that have been collected during the
current Adjustment Interval and used by the Adjustment TCA
feature on the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 36 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaSamplesDiscardedCurrentInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of samples that have been collected during the current
Adjustment Interval but not used by the Adjustment TCA feature
on the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 37 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date of the last (most recent) Adjustment TCA
which occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to end of
Adjustment Interval high watermark value being outside of the
upper and lower boundary region. An empty string is returned
if no such Adjustment TCA has occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 38 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaUnits OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnits that was in use
during the last Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of the
PM instance due to end of Adjustment Interval high watermark
value being outside of the upper and lower boundary region."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 39 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaScheme OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaScheme
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaScheme that was in use
during the last Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of the
PM instance due to end of Adjustment Interval high watermark
value being outside of the upper and lower boundary region."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 40 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaBasisValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The adjustment basis value that was in place when the last
Adjustment TCA occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to
end of Adjustment Interval high watermark value being outside
of the upper and lower boundary region. This refers to the
value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValue when such
Adjustment TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 41 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaBasisValueMin OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The adjustment basis minimum value that was in place when the
last Adjustment TCA occurred on behalf of the PM instance due
to end of Adjustment Interval high watermark value being
outside of the upper and lower boundary region. This refers
to the value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValueMin when such
Adjustment TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 42 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaBasisValueMax OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The adjustment basis maximum value that was in place when the
last Adjustment TCA occurred on behalf of the PM instance due
to end of Adjustment Interval high watermark value being
outside of the upper and lower boundary region. This refers
to the value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValueMax when such
Adjustment TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 43 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaThresholdType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaThresholdType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object defines the way in which the value returned for
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaThresholdValue should be
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 44 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaThresholdValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The threshold value that was used in the last Adjustment TCA
which occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to end of
Adjustment Interval high watermark value being outside of the
upper and lower boundary region. For such Adjustment TCA,
this refers to the value of the configured adjustment
threshold as specified in the interval profile associated with
the PM instance when the Adjustment TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 45 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaBoundaryValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The threshold boundary value which was reached, exceeded, or
preceeded, causing the last Adjustment TCA which occurred on
behalf of the PM instance due to end of Adjustment Interval
high watermark value being outside of the upper and lower
boundary region. For such Adjustment TCA, this can refer to
the value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUpperBoundaryValue or
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLowerBoundaryValue at the time of the
Adjustment TCA."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 46 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaWatermarkTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date that the watermark value used in the last
Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of the PM instance
due to end of Adjustment Interval high watermark value being
outside of the upper and lower boundary region was derived.
An empty string is returned if no such Adjustment TCA has
occurred for the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 47 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaWatermarkType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaWatermarkType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The type of watermark that was used in the logic that caused
the last Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of the PM
instance due to end of Adjustment Interval high watermark
value being outside of the upper and lower boundary region.
This refers to the watermark value reported by the
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaWatermarkValue object."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 48 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaWatermarkStats OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmStatBitmap
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The statistic(s) which were used by the Adjustment TCA feature
to establish the watermark value identified by the
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaWatermarkValue object.
Since this object applies to the last Adjustment TCA which
occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to end of Adjustment
Interval high watermark value being outside of the upper and
lower boundary region, this object represents the value of
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaHighWatermarkStats at the time of such
Adjustment TCA."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 49 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastIntvlEndTcaWatermarkValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The watermark value that was used in the logic that caused the
last Adjustment TCA to occur on behalf of the PM instance due
to end of Adjustment Interval high watermark value being
outside of the upper and lower boundary region. For such
Adjustment TCA, this object represents the value of
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaHighWatermarkValue at the time the
Adjustment TCA."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 50 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date of the last (most recent) Adjustment TCA
which occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to end of
Sample Interval incrementing the current overflow count to
reach the configured overflow count associated with the
interval profile associated with the PM instance. An empty
string is returned if no such Adjustment TCA has occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 51 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaUnits OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnits that was in use
during the last Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of the
PM instance due to end of Sample Interval incrementing the
current overflow count to reach the configured overflow count
associated with the interval profile associated with the PM
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 52 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaScheme OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaScheme
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaScheme that was in use
during the last Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of the
PM instance due to end of Sample Interval incrementing the
current overflow count to reach the configured overflow count
associated with the interval profile associated with the PM
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 53 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaBasisValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The adjustment basis value that was in place when the last
Adjustment TCA occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to
end of Sample Interval incrementing the current overflow count
to reach the configured overflow count associated with the
interval profile associated with the PM instance. This refers
to the value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValue when such
Adjustment TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 54 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaBasisValueMin OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The adjustment basis minimum value that was in place when the
last Adjustment TCA occurred on behalf of the PM instance due
to end of Sample Interval incrementing the current overflow
count to reach the configured overflow count associated with
the interval profile associated with the PM instance. This
refers to the value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValueMin
when such Adjustment TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 55 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaBasisValueMax OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The adjustment basis maximum value that was in place when the
last Adjustment TCA occurred on behalf of the PM instance due
to end of Sample Interval incrementing the current overflow
count to reach the configured overflow count associated with
the interval profile associated with the PM instance. This
refers to the value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValueMax
when such Adjustment TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 56 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaThresholdType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaThresholdType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object defines the way in which the value returned for
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaThresholdValue should be
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 57 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaThresholdValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The threshold value that was used in the last Adjustment TCA
which occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to end of
Sample Interval incrementing the current overflow count to
reach the configured overflow count associated with the
interval profile associated with the PM instance. For such
Adjustment TCA, this refers to the value of the configured
overflow threshold as specified in the interval profile
associated with the PM instance when the Adjustment TCA
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 58 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaBoundaryValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The threshold boundary value which was reached or exceeded,
causing the last Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of
the PM instance due to end of Sample Interval incrementing the
current overflow count to reach the configured overflow count
associated with the interval profile associated with the PM
instance. For such Adjustment TCA, this refers to the value
of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowBoundaryValue at the time of
the Adjustment TCA."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 59 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaWatermarkTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date that the watermark value used in the last
Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of the PM instance
due to end of Sample Interval incrementing the current
overflow count to reach the configured overflow count
associated with the interval profile associated with the PM
instance was derived. An empty string is returned if no such
Adjustment TCA has occurred for the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 60 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaWatermarkType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaWatermarkType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The type of watermark that was used in the logic that caused
the last Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of the PM
instance due to end of Sample Interval incrementing the
current overflow count to reach the configured overflow count
associated with the interval profile associated with the PM
instance. This refers to the watermark value reported by the
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaWatermarkValue object."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 61 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaWatermarkStats OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmStatBitmap
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The statistic(s) which were used by the Adjustment TCA feature
to establish the watermark value identified by the
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaWatermarkValue object.
Since this object applies to the last Adjustment TCA which
occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to end of Sample
Interval incrementing the current overflow count to reach the
configured overflow count associated with the interval profile
associated with the PM instance, this object represents the
value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowHighWatermarkStats at
the time of such Adjustment TCA."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 62 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaWatermarkValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The watermark value that was used in the logic that caused the
last Adjustment TCA to occur on behalf of the PM instance due
to end of Sample Interval incrementing the current overflow
count to reach the configured overflow count associated with
the interval profile associated with the PM instance. For
such Adjustment TCA, this object represents the value of
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaOverflowHighWatermarkValue at the time
of the Adjustment TCA."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 63 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastOverflowTcaCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The overflow count that was used in the last Adjustment TCA
which occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to end of
Sample Interval incrementing the current overflow count to
reach the configured overflow count associated with the
interval profile associated with the PM instance. Since such
Adjustment TCA happened when the current count reaches the
configured overflow count, this object will effectively
report the configured overflow count that was in use at the
time the Adjustment TCA."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 64 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date of the last (most recent) Adjustment TCA
which occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to end of
Sample Interval incrementing the current underflow count to
reach the configured underflow count associated with the
interval profile associated with the PM instance. An empty
string is returned if no such Adjustment TCA has occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 65 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaUnits OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnits that was in use
during the last Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of the
PM instance due to end of Sample Interval incrementing the
current underflow count to reach the configured underflow
count associated with the interval profile associated with the
PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 66 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaScheme OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaScheme
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaScheme that was in use
during the last Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of the
PM instance due to end of Sample Interval incrementing the
current underflow count to reach the configured underflow
count associated with the interval profile associated with the
PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 67 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaBasisValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The adjustment basis value that was in place when the last
Adjustment TCA occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to
end of Sample Interval incrementing the current underflow count
to reach the configured underflow count associated with the
interval profile associated with the PM instance. This refers
to the value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValue when such
Adjustment TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 68 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaBasisValueMin OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The adjustment basis minimum value that was in place when the
last Adjustment TCA occurred on behalf of the PM instance due
to end of Sample Interval incrementing the current underflow
count to reach the configured underflow count associated with
the interval profile associated with the PM instance. This
refers to the value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValueMin
when such Adjustment TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 69 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaBasisValueMax OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The adjustment basis maximum value that was in place when the
last Adjustment TCA occurred on behalf of the PM instance due
to end of Sample Interval incrementing the current underflow
count to reach the configured underflow count associated with
the interval profile associated with the PM instance. This
refers to the value of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaBasisValueMax
when such Adjustment TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 70 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaThresholdType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaThresholdType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object defines the way in which the value returned for
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaThresholdValue should be
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 71 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaThresholdValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The threshold value that was used in the last Adjustment TCA
which occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to end of
Sample Interval incrementing the current underflow count to
reach the configured underflow count associated with the
interval profile associated with the PM instance. For such
Adjustment TCA, this refers to the value of the configured
underflow threshold as specified in the interval profile
associated with the PM instance when the Adjustment TCA
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 72 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaBoundaryValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The threshold boundary value which was reached or exceeded,
causing the last Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of
the PM instance due to end of Sample Interval incrementing the
current underflow count to reach the configured underflow count
associated with the interval profile associated with the PM
instance. For such Adjustment TCA, this refers to the value
of cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowBoundaryValue at the time
of the Adjustment TCA."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 73 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaWatermarkTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date that the watermark value used in the last
Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of the PM instance
due to end of Sample Interval incrementing the current
underflow count to reach the configured underflow count
associated with the interval profile associated with the PM
instance was derived. An empty string is returned if no such
Adjustment TCA has occurred for the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 74 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaWatermarkType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaWatermarkType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The type of watermark that was used in the logic that caused
the last Adjustment TCA which occurred on behalf of the PM
instance due to end of Sample Interval incrementing the
current underflow count to reach the configured underflow
count associated with the interval profile associated with the
PM instance. This refers to the watermark value reported by
the cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaWatermarkValue
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 75 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaWatermarkStats OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmStatBitmap
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The statistic(s) which were used by the Adjustment TCA feature
to establish the watermark value identified by the
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaWatermarkValue object.
Since this object applies to the last Adjustment TCA which
occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to end of Sample
Interval incrementing the current underflow count to reach the
configured underflow count associated with the interval
profile associated with the PM instance, this object
represents the value of
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowHighWatermarkStats at the time
of such Adjustment TCA."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 76 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaWatermarkValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The watermark value that was used in the logic that caused the
last Adjustment TCA to occur on behalf of the PM instance due
to end of Sample Interval incrementing the current underflow
count to reach the configured underflow count associated with
the interval profile associated with the PM instance. For
such Adjustment TCA, this object represents the value of
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaUnderflowHighWatermarkValue at the time
of the Adjustment TCA."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 77 }
cienaCesPmAdjustmentTcaLastUnderflowTcaCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The underflow count that was used in the last Adjustment TCA
which occurred on behalf of the PM instance due to end of
Sample Interval incrementing the current underflow count to
reach the configured underflow count associated with the
interval profile associated with the PM instance. Since such
Adjustment TCA happened when the current count reaches the
configured underflow count, this object will effectively
report the configured underflow count that was in use at the
time the Adjustment TCA."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAdjustmentTcaEntry 78 }
-- PM Instance Alert TCA Table
cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"The (conceptual) table listing data for the PM instance table which
is applicable to the PM Threshold Alert TCA feature."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTca 1 }
cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaTable.
This table serves as an extension of the cienaCesPmInstanceTable,
representing operational data for each PM instance, specific to the
PM Threshold Alert TCA feature."
AUGMENTS { cienaCesPmInstanceEntry }
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaTable 1 }
CienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cienaCesPmAlertTcaUnits PmTcaUnits,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaScheme PmTcaScheme,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaStats PmStatBitmap,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaBasisValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaConfigStatus PmTcaConfigStatus,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaBoundaryValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaIntervalStartTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaIntervalEndTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaSampleStartTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaSampleEndTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaHighWatermarkTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaHighWatermarkStats PmStatBitmap,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaHighWatermarkValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaState PmTcaAlertState,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaEventsTotal Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaSamplesProcessedTotal Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaSamplesDiscardedTotal Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaSamplesProcessedCurrentInterval Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaSamplesDiscardedCurrentInterval Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaUnits PmTcaUnits,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaScheme PmTcaScheme,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaBasisValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaThresholdType PmTcaThresholdType,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaThresholdValue Unsigned32,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaBoundaryValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaWatermarkTime PmTimeDate,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaWatermarkType PmTcaWatermarkType,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaWatermarkStats PmStatBitmap,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaWatermarkValue PmTcaUnsigned64,
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaState PmTcaAlertState
cienaCesPmAlertTcaUnits OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object defines the way in which the data is used by the
Alert TCA feature for the PM instance. This specifies the way
in which the statistics samples are handled and the way in
which the alert basis and threshold values are interpreted.
When bitsPerSecond is specified, the data is intended to
represent a throughput as a rate of data in bits per second.
When analyzing samples for the Alert TCA feature, the
statistic value is internally adjusted so that it represents a
number of bits. For example a statistic that represents a
number of bytes is multiplied by 8 to determine the bit count.
The statistic value representing bits is then compared to the
boundary value derived from the alert basis and threshold
values. The alert basis and threshold values are considered
to be values representing data in bits-per-second and are not
subjected to adjustment."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 1 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaScheme OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaScheme
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the way in which the statistics, as
identified by cienaCesPmAlertTcaStatistics object, are used by
the Alert TCA feature for the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 2 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaStats OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmStatBitmap
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The statistic(s) used by the PM instance, subject to the
Alert TCA feature. The PM profile is identified by the
cienaCesPmInstanceProfileType object in this same table row.
The PM profile table underneath the cienaCesPmStatistics
branch representing the Current Bin for the PM profile is
used by the Alert TCA feature for the PM instance. The
identified statistics are used by the Alert TCA feature to
determine a new watermark value."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 3 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaConfigStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the Alert TCA configuration
attributes are configured in a way for periodic Alert TCA
state monitoring and reporting to occur on behalf of the PM
Instance. This status refers to the Alert TCA functionality
comprising of the following necessary configuration
1. cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAlertInterval
2. cienaCesPmIntervalProfileAlertThresholdPercentage
noProfile indicates there is no interval profile configured
for the PM Instance.
notConfigured indicates the PM instance is configured with a
particular interval profile, however none of the necessary
configuration attributes for the Alert TCA feature are
partiallyConfigured indicates the PM instance is configured
with a particular interval profile and that some, but not all,
of the necessary configuration attributes for the Alert TCA
feature are configured.
configured indicates the PM instance is configured with a
particular interval profile and that all of the necessary
configuration attributes for the Alert TCA feature are
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 4 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaBasisValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Base value against which the alert threshold is applied to
determine the boundary value that triggers an Alert TCA event.
Value is provided to PM from the component which manages the
entity being monitored by the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 5 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaBoundaryValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Boundary established by subtracting the value represented as
the alert threshold from the alert basis. Statistic readings
which are equal or greater than this boundary are subject to
causing an Alert TCA event at the end of the alert interval."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 6 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaIntervalStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date representing when the current Alert Interval
has started. This value will update whenever the operational
state of the pm instance changes and whenever the alert
interval period has elapsed."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 7 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaIntervalEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date representing when the current Alert Interval
will end. This value will update whenever the interval start
time changes."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 8 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaSampleStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date representing when the current sample
interval has started."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 9 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaSampleEndTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date representing when the current sample
interval will end."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 10 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaHighWatermarkTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date representing when the high watermark value
was established. An empty string is returned if no high
watermark has been determined."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 11 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaHighWatermarkStats OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmStatBitmap
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The statistic(s) which were used by the Alert TCA feature to
establish the watermark value identified by the
cienaCesPmAlertTcaHighWatermarkValue object. Depending on the
value indicated by cienaCesPmAlertTcaScheme, this may be the
same or a subset of the statistics identified by the
cienaCesPmAlertTcaStats object."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 12 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaHighWatermarkValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Highest sample interval reading during the current alert
interval. This value resets to zero at the start of each
alert interval."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 13 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaAlertState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The current alert state of the PM instance. At the end of
each alert interval, the alert high watermark is compared to
the alert boundary value to determine if the current Alert TCA
state is normal or alert. This object indicates the state that
was determined at the end of the most recent alert interval.
This object will indicate a value of unspecified if an alert
interval has yet to end for the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 14 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaEventsTotal OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total number of Alert TCA events that have occurred for the PM
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 15 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaSamplesProcessedTotal OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Number of valid samples that have been collected used by
the Alert TCA feature on the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 16 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaSamplesDiscardedTotal OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total Number of samples that have been collected but not used
by the Alert TCA feature on the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 17 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaSamplesProcessedCurrentInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of valid samples that have been collected during the
current Alert Interval and used by the Alert TCA feature on
the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 18 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaSamplesDiscardedCurrentInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of samples that have been collected during the current
Alert Interval but not used by the Alert TCA feature on the PM
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 19 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date of the last Alert TCA for the PM instance.
An empty string is returned if no Alert TCAs have occurred for
the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 20 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaUnits OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The value of cienaCesPmAlertTcaUnits that was in use during
the last Alert TCA for the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 21 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaScheme OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaScheme
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The value of cienaCesPmAlertTcaScheme that was in use during
the last Alert TCA for the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 22 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaBasisValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alert basis value that was in place when the last Alert
TCA event occurred. This refers to the value of
cienaCesPmAlertTcaBasis when the last Alert TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 23 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaThresholdType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaThresholdType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This object defines the way in which the value returned for
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaThresholdValue should be
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 24 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaThresholdValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The threshold value that was used in the last Alert TCA event.
This refers to the configured alert threshold as specified in
the interval profile associated with the PM instance when the
last Alert TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 25 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaBoundaryValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The threshold boundary value which was reached or exceeded,
causing the last Alert TCA. This refers to the value of
cienaCesPmAlertTcaBoundaryValue when the last Alert TCA
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 26 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaWatermarkTime OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The time and date that the watermark value used in the last
Alert TCA was derived. An empty string is returned if no
Alert TCAs have occurred for the PM instance."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 27 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaWatermarkType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaWatermarkType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The type of watermark that was used in the logic that caused
the last Alert TCA event for the PM instance. This refers to
the watermark value reported by the
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaWatermarkValue object."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 28 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaWatermarkStats OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmStatBitmap
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The statistic(s) which were used by the Alert TCA feature to
establish the watermark value identified by the
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaWatermarkValue object. This refers
to the value of cienaCesPmAlertTcaHighWatermarkStats when the
Alert TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 29 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaWatermarkValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaUnsigned64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The watermark value that was used in the logic that caused the
last Alert TCA event for the PM instance. This refers to the
value of cienaCesPmAlertTcaHighWatermarkValue when the last
Alert TCA occurred."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 30 }
cienaCesPmAlertTcaLastTcaState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PmTcaAlertState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alert state that was in place during the last Alert TCA.
Alert TCA events occur whenever there are changes to the Alert
TCA state of the PM Instance. This object indicates whether
the last Alert TCA represented the PM instance having entered
the Alert TCA state by indicating a value of alert. This
object indicates whether the last Alert TCA represented the PM
instance having exited the Alert TCA state by indicating a
value of normal."
::= { cienaCesPmInstanceAlertTcaEntry 31 }
-- PM Notifications
cienaCesPmAlertTcaNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the device reports an Alert
Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA) event."
::= { cienaCesPmMIBNotifications 1 }