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2023-12-05 12:25:34 +01:00
-- File Name : horizon_hc_MIB_1.01.00.mib
-- Version : 1.01.00
-- Date : Jan 10, 2008
-- Author : DragonWave Inc.
Counter, Gauge,TimeTicks
PhysAddress ::= OCTET STRING
DisplayString ::= OCTET STRING
-- Important!! For HP OpenView, the following OID definition for ISO must be commented out,
-- otherwise it won't compile. HP openView has already defined ISO.
-- iso OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 1 }
::= { horizon 2 }
-- Node definitions
::= { horizonOdu 1 }
hzOduAuthentication OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { horizonOdu 2 }
hzOduNetworkManagement OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { horizonOdu 3 }
hzOduNetworkInterface OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { horizonOdu 4 }
hzOduWirelessInterface OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { horizonOdu 5 }
::= { horizonOdu 6 }
::= { horizonOdu 7 }
::= { horizonOdu 8 }
::= { horizonOdu 9 }
::= { horizonOdu 10 }
hzOduManagementSessions OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { horizonOdu 11 }
::= { horizonOdu 12 }
::= { horizonOdu 13 }
hzOduRapidLinkShutdown OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { horizonOdu 14 }
::= { horizonOdu 15 }
::= { horizonOdu 16 }
::= { horizonOdu 17 }
-- -------------
-- hzOduSystem
-- -------------
::= { hzOduSystem 1 }
::= { hzOduSystem 2 }
::= { hzOduSystem 3 }
::= { hzOduSystem 4 }
::= { hzOduSystem 5 }
::= { hzOduSystem 6 }
::= { hzOduSystem 7 }
-- ----------------------------
-- hzOduInventory
-- ----------------------------
::= { hzOduInventory 1 }
::= { hzOduInventory 2 }
-- ----------------------------
-- hzOduGeneral
-- ----------------------------
hzOduResetSystem OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS write-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Writing '1' to this object resets the NIC, Modem, and radio."
::= { hzOduSysGeneral 1 }
SYNTAX INTEGER { save ( 1 ) }
ACCESS write-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Writing '1' to this object save all MIB values. Note: If the horizon type is
'apng120' or 'apng170' and the radio band doesn't match the horizon type,
Mib can't be saved."
::= { hzOduSysGeneral 2 }
hzOduOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { up ( 1 ) , down ( 2 ) , testing ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current operational state of the system.
Testing indicates that no operational packets can be passed."
::= { hzOduSysGeneral 3 }
hzOduAirInterfaceEncryption OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "OBSOLETE. This enables encryption on the air interface. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduSysGeneral 4 }
hzOduSystemRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Sets system redundancy on/off. If there are any radio failures then the system will automatically switch
to redundant system."
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduSysGeneral 5 }
--- ----------------------------
-- hzOduSysSpeed
-- ----------------------------
hzOduSystemCurrentSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..1000 )
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Changes the working speed of the horizon.
Writes are only valid if system is a FLEX. Due to backwards compatibility issue, 0 value should
be treated as 0 Mbps."
::= { hzOduSysSpeed 1 }
hzOduSystemLicensedSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..1000 )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the maximum speed that this system can operate at. Due to backwards compatibility issue, 0 value should
be treated as 0 Mbps."
::= { hzOduSysSpeed 2 }
hzOduSystemMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {cw-test( 1 ), hc50-67-qpsk ( 5 ) , hc50-110-16qam ( 6 ) ,
hc50-171-32qam ( 7 ) , hc50-215-64QAM ( 8 ), hc50-271-128qam ( 9 ),
hc50-322-256qam ( 10 ), hc50-371-256qam ( 11 ) ,
hc56-65-qpsk(12), hc56-111-16qam(13), hc56-216-32qam(14), hc56-290-128qam(15),
hc56-385-256qam(16), hc28-37-qpsk(17), hc28-48-qpsk(18), hc28-71-16qam(19),
hc28-100-32qam(20), hc28-144-128qam(21), hc28-190-256qam(22), hc14-23-qpsk(23),
hc14-36-16qam(24), hc14-47-32qam(25), hc14-70-128qam(26), hc14-95-256qam(27)
hc40-57-qpsk(28), hc40-111-16qam(29), hc30-107-32qam(30), hc40-110-32qam(31),
hc40-142-32qam(32), hc40-181-64qam(33), hc30-165-128qam(34), hc40-200-128qam(35),
hc40-212-128qam(36), hc30-212-256qam(37), hc40-277-256qam(38), hc40-58-qpsk(39),
hc25-33-qpsk(40), hc25-53-16qam(41), hc25-80-32qam(42), hc25-107-128qam(43),
hc25-174-256qam(44), hc50-364-256qam(45)}
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific type of system this is."
::= { hzOduSysSpeed 3 }
hzOduUpgradeLicensedSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS write-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enter your apngFLEX key here along with the maximum speed for
that key to upgrade the FLEX system.
Format: [speed] [key]
Example: 50 abc123"
::= { hzOduSysSpeed 4 }
--- ----------------------------
-- hzOduSysRedundancy
-- ----------------------------
hzOduSystemRedundancyMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ), primary-hsb-1wire ( 2 ), secondary-hsb-1wire ( 3 ),
primary-hsb-2wire ( 4 ), secondary-hsb-2wire ( 5 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "allows the user to set system redundancy mode:
[ off | primary-hsb-1wire | secondary-hsb-1wire | primary-hsb-2wire | secondary-hsb-2wire ]"
::= { hzOduSysRedundancy 1 }
hzOduSystemRedundancyOverride OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { primary ( 1 ), secondary ( 2 ), auto ( 3 ), manual ( 4 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Allows the user to override the active link. User can forces
the link to stay on either primary or secondary link."
::= { hzOduSysRedundancy 2 }
hzOduSystemRedundancyLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the redundancy link status."
::= { hzOduSysRedundancy 3 }
hzOduSystemRedundancyStandbyEnetState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { on ( 1 ), off ( 2 ), pulse ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Allows the user to set standby enet(port1) state."
::= { hzOduSysRedundancy 4 }
hzOduSystemRedundancyStateSwitch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { on ( 1 ) }
ACCESS write-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Allows the user to switch redundancy state."
::= { hzOduSysRedundancy 5 }
--- ----------------------------
-- hzOduHwInventory
-- -------------
hzOduUnitSerialNo OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing Serial no of the Unit."
::= { hzOduHwInventory 1 }
hzOduUnitAssemblylNo OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing assembly no of the Unit."
::= { hzOduHwInventory 2 }
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing Serial no of the IF."
::= { hzOduHwInventory 3 }
hzOduIfAssemblylNo OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing assembly no of the IF."
::= { hzOduHwInventory 4 }
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing Serial no of the RF."
::= { hzOduHwInventory 5 }
hzOduRfAssemblylNo OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing assembly no of the RF."
::= { hzOduHwInventory 6 }
hzOduNccSerialNo OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing Serial no of the NCC."
::= { hzOduHwInventory 7 }
hzOduNccAssemblylNo OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing assembly no of the NCC."
::= { hzOduHwInventory 8 }
hzOduDiplexerSerialNo OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing Serial no of the Diplexer."
::= { hzOduHwInventory 9 }
hzOduDiplexerAssemblylNo OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing assembly no of the Diplexer."
::= { hzOduHwInventory 10 }
-- ----------------------------
-- hzOduSwInventory
-- -------------
hzOduSystemOmniVersionNo OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The version number of the Omni."
::= { hzOduSwInventory 1 }
hzOduModemOmniVersionNo OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The version number of the Modem FPGA."
::= { hzOduSwInventory 2 }
hzOduFrequencyFileVersionNo OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The version number of the FrequencyFile."
::= { hzOduSwInventory 3 }
hzOduMibVersionNo OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The version number of the MIB."
::= { hzOduSwInventory 4 }
-- ----------------------------
-- hzOduAtpc
-- ----------------------------
hzOduAtpcEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether Automatic Transmit Power Control (ATPC) is enabled."
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduAtpc 1 }
hzOduAtpcCoordinatedPowerDbm OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "This defines the coordinated power level.
The value is multiplied by 10. e.g. A display
of 133 is actually 13.3 dBm.
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduAtpc 2 }
-- ----------------------------
-- hzOduAam
-- ----------------------------
hzOduAamEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether Automatic Adaptive Modulation(AAM) is enabled."
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduAam 1 }
-- ----------------------
-- hzOduPeerSysInfo
-- ---------------------
hzOduPeerMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The MAC Address of the peer network interface card."
::= { hzOduPeerSysInfo 1 }
hzOduPeerIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The IP Address of the peer network interface card."
::= { hzOduPeerSysInfo 2 }
hzOduPeerSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The subnet mask for the peer network interface card."
::= { hzOduPeerSysInfo 3 }
--- ----------------------------
-- hzOduAuthentication
-- ----------------------------
hzOduUniquePeerAuthenticationKey OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 34 ) )
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the peer node that this node will communicate with.
This is only used when authentication mode is set to unique."
::= { hzOduAuthentication 1 }
hzOduPeerDetectedSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the peer node that the system is presently communicating
with. This is only used when authentication is set to unique."
::= { hzOduAuthentication 2 }
hzOduAuthenticationMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { none ( 1 ) , unique ( 2 ) , group ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "This sets the authentication mode for the system.If configured for unique
authentication, an horizon node only exchanges user traffic with one other
horizon node. The serial number is used in this case.
If configured for group authentication, an horizon node exchanges user
traffic with another horizon node of the same group and uses the
authentication keys."
DEFVAL { none }
::= { hzOduAuthentication 3 }
hzOduAuthenticationFailureAction OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { blockTraffic ( 1 ) , passTraffic ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "This sets the authentication failure action for the system.
Block traffic will block all user traffic including remote
management access. Pass traffic will allow all user traffic
to be sent and recieved"
DEFVAL { blockTraffic }
::= { hzOduAuthentication 4 }
hzOduPeerAuthenticationStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { notAuthenticated ( 1 ) , authenticated ( 2 ) ,explicitAuthenticationFailure ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies the current authentication status of the system.
Authenticated means authentication is on and the system
has been authenticated, notAuthenticated means authentication
is off or the system has not communicated yet with the other node,
explicit authentication failure means authentication is on and
authentication has failed"
::= { hzOduAuthentication 5 }
-- NetworkManagement
hzOduMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The MAC Address of the network interface card."
::= { hzOduNetworkManagement 1 }
hzOduNetworkManagementInterface OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { port1 ( 1 ) , port2 ( 2 ), port2Extended(3) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Describes the network management interface connection options."
::= { hzOduNetworkManagement 2 }
hzOduIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The IP Address of the network interface card."
::= { hzOduNetworkManagement 3 }
hzOduSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The subnet mask for the network interface card."
::= { hzOduNetworkManagement 4 }
hzOduDefaultGateway OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The default gateway for the network interface card"
::= { hzOduNetworkManagement 5 }
hzOduTelnetAccessMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether Telnet access is allowed."
DEFVAL { enabled }
::= { hzOduNetworkManagement 6 }
hzOduSshAccessMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether ssh access is allowed."
DEFVAL { enabled }
::= { hzOduNetworkManagement 7 }
hzOduVlanTagEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether VLAN tagging is enabled."
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduNetworkManagement 8 }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduNetworkManagement 9 }
hzOduVlanTagPriority OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduNetworkManagement 10 }
::= { hzOduNetworkInterface 1 }
::= { hzOduNetworkInterface 2 }
hzOduEnetPort2Description OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Describes the functionality of the port2"
DEFVAL { on }
::= { hzOduEnetPort2 1 }
::= { hzOduEnetPort2 2 }
::= { hzOduEnetPort2 3 }
::= { hzOduEnetPort2 4 }
hzOduEnetPort1Description OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Describes the functionality of the port1"
DEFVAL { on }
::= { hzOduEnetPort1 1 }
::= { hzOduEnetPort1 2 }
::= { hzOduEnetPort1 3 }
::= { hzOduEnetPort1 4 }
-- hzOduEnetPort2Config
hzOduEnetPort2AutoNegotiation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { on ( 1 ) , off ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "port1 Turns auto-negotiation on or off. Turning off results in
the interface defaulting to 100BaseT, Full Duplex. "
DEFVAL { on }
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Config 1 }
hzOduEnetPort2Speed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { x10M( 1 ) , x100M( 2 ), x1000M( 3 ), auto(4) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Configure the port1 interface speed ."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Config 2}
hzOduEnetPort2Duplex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { full( 1 ) , half( 2 ), auto( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Configure the port1 interface duplex."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Config 3}
hzOduEnetPort2AdminState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { on( 1 ) , off( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Configure the port2 shutdown media."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Config 4}
-- Port2 STATUS
hzOduEnetPort2LinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { down ( 1 ) , up( 2 ) , invalid( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Port2 link status."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Status 1}
hzOduEnetPort2AutoNegotiationStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { on( 1 ) , off( 2 ) ,invalid(3) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Port2 AutoNegotiation status."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Status 2}
hzOduEnetPort2SpeedStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { x10M( 1 ) , x100M( 2 ), x1000M( 3 ), auto(4) ,invalid(5)}
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Port2 interface speed status."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Status 3}
hzOduEnetPort2DuplexStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { full( 1 ) , half( 2 ), auto( 3 ), invalid(4) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Port2 interface duplex status."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Status 4}
hzOduEnetPort2MediaStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { copper( 1 ) , fiber( 2 ), auto( 3 ) ,invalid(4)}
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the port1 interface media status."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Status 5}
hzOduEnetPort2TxFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of Port2 frames sent."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Stats 1 }
hzOduEnetPort2TxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of Port2 bytes sent."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Stats 2 }
hzOduEnetPort2RxFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of Port2 frames received."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Stats 3 }
hzOduEnetPort2RxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of Port2 bytes received."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Stats 4 }
hzOduEnetPort2RxFramesInError OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of Port2 frames received in error."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Stats 5 }
hzOduEnetPort2RxFramesCrcError OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of CRC error frames received for Port2."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Stats 6 }
hzOduEnetPort1AutoNegotiation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { on( 1 ) , off ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "port1 Turns auto-negotiation on or off. Turning off results in
the interface defaulting to 100BaseT, Full Duplex. "
DEFVAL { on }
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Config 1 }
hzOduEnetPort1Speed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { x10M( 1 ) , x100M( 2 ), x1000M( 3 ), auto(4) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Configure the port1 interface speed ."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Config 2}
hzOduEnetPort1Duplex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { full( 1 ) , half( 2 ), auto( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Configure the port1 interface duplex."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Config 3}
hzOduEnetPort1Media OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { copper( 1 ) , fiber( 2 ), auto( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Configure the port1 interface media."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Config 4}
hzOduEnetPort1AdminState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { on( 1 ) , off( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Configure the port1 interface media."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Config 5}
hzOduEnetPort1OpticalTransceiverState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { on ( 1 ) , off ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "When it is on, optical transmitter for port1 is enabled. Otherwise
optical transmitter is disabled."
DEFVAL { off }
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Config 6 }
hzOduEnetPort1PauseFrameEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "When PAUSE is enabled, port1 pause frames can be generated by the
system and the pause frames will flow toward the link partner
on the network. When PAUSE is not enabled,
no pause frames will be generated by the system. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Config 7 }
hzOduEnetPort1MaxFrameSize OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER ( 1600..9600 )
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "For port1 the default maximum frame size is 1600 bytes. The settable
maximum frame size must be a multiple of 128. If the chosen
maximum frame size is not a multiple of 128, its closest
number which is a multiple of 128 is actually used. The
settable lowest maximum frame size is 1664, and the settable
highest maximum frame size is 9600. If the chosen maximum
frame size is out of this range, the default maximum frame
size of 1600 is used. "
DEFVAL { 1600 }
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Config 8 }
hzOduEnetPort1DroppedEnetFramesThresholdParameters OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A read-write string: The threshold, in percent, and the number of seconds that it must exceed this threshold are programmed by the user. An example of the format of the string is as follows: '70 10'. The first parameter is the percentage of frames that are dropped, the second is the time in seconds that the threshold must be exceeded. The single quote marks i.e. ' ' are not used in the command."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Config 9 }
hzOduEnetPort1BandwidthUtilizationThresholdParameters OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A read-write string: The percentage of available bandwidth threshold and the number of seconds that it must exceed this threshold are programmed by the user. An example of the format of the string is as follows: '70 10'. The first parameter is the threshold point in percent, the number of seconds that the threshold must be exceeded. The single quote marks i.e. ' ' are not used in the command."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Config 10 }
hzOduEnetPort1LinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { down ( 1 ) , up( 2 ) , invalid( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the port1 link status."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Status 1}
hzOduEnetPort1AutoNegotiationStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { on( 1 ) , off( 2 ),invalid(3) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the port1 AutoNegotiation status."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Status 2}
hzOduEnetPort1SpeedStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { x10M( 1 ) , x100M( 2 ), x1000M( 3 ), auto(4) ,invalid(5)}
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the port1 interface speed status."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Status 3}
hzOduEnetPort1DuplexStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { full( 1 ) , half( 2 ), auto( 3 ) ,invalid(4)}
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the port1 interface duplex status."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Status 4}
hzOduEnetPort1MediaStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { copper( 1 ) , fiber( 2 ), auto( 3 ),invalid(4) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the port1 interface media status."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Status 5}
hzOduEnetPort1TxFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of port1 frames sent."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 1 }
hzOduEnetPort1TxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of port1 bytes sent."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 2 }
hzOduEnetPort1RxFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of port1 frames received."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 3 }
hzOduEnetPort1RxBytes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of port1 bytes received."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 4 }
hzOduEnetPort1RxFramesInError OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of port1 frames received in error."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 5 }
hzOduEnetPort1RxFramesCRCError OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of CRC error frames received for port1."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 6 }
hzOduEnetPort1BWUtilization OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The carried load over link capacity for port1."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 7 }
hzOduEnetPort1IngressDataRate OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The data rate coming into the ethernet for port1.
The data rate you see is multiplied by 100. e.g. A display
of 1530 is actually 15.30 Mpbs"
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 8 }
hzOduEnetPort1EgressDataRate OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The data rate going out of the ethernet for port1.
The data rate you see is multiplied by 100. e.g. A display
of 1530 is actually 15.30 Mpbs."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 9 }
hzOduEnetPort1FramesInQueue1 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of port1 frames passed through queue 1."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 10 }
hzOduEnetPort1FramesInQueue2 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of port1 frames passed through queue 2."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 11 }
hzOduEnetPort1FramesInQueue3 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of NIC frames passed through queue 3."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 12 }
hzOduEnetPort1FramesInQueue4 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of NIC frames passed through queue 4."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 13 }
hzOduEnetPort1FramesInQueue1Discarded OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of NIC frames received in queue 2 that
were discarded, but due to an error. One possible reason
is lack of buffer space."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 14 }
hzOduEnetPort1FramesInQueue2Discarded OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of port1 frames received in queue 2 that
were discarded, but due to an error. One possible reason
is lack of buffer space."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 15 }
hzOduEnetPort1FramesInQueue3Discarded OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of port1 frames received in queue 3 that
were discarded, but due to an error. One possible reason
is lack of buffer space."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 16 }
hzOduEnetPort1FramesInQueue4Discarded OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of port1 frames received in queue 4 that
were discarded, but due to an error. One possible reason
is lack of buffer space."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Stats 17 }
hzOduRadioBand OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { freqNone ( 1 ), fcc23-3-50 (2), etsi23-3-14 ( 3 ),fcc18-1-50 ( 4 ),ic18-1-50 ( 5 ),
brazil18-1-27p5 ( 6 ),brazil18-1-55 ( 7 ) ,etsi23-3-28(8) ,etsi23-3-56(9) ,uk23-3-56(10) ,
itu23-3-14(11) ,itu23-3-28(12) ,itu23-3-56(13) ,etsi18-2-13p75(14) ,etsi18-2-27p5(15) ,
etsi18-2-55(16) ,french18-2-13p75(17) ,french18-2-27p5(18) ,fcc23-2-50(19) ,mex23-2-28(20) ,
itu23-2-28(21), itu23-2-14(22) ,etsi23-2-14(23) ,etsi23-2-28(24), etsi23-2-56(25) ,uk23-2-56(26) ,
itu23-2-56(27) ,fcc23-1-50(28) ,mex23-1-28(29), itu23-1-28(30) ,itu23-1-14(31) ,itu23-1-56(32) ,
etsi18-3-13p75(33) ,etsi18-3-27p5(34) ,etsi18-3-55(35),france18-3-13p75(36), france18-3-27p5(37),
france23-3-56(38), france23-3-28(39), france23-3-14(40), france23-3-ext-28(41), france23-2-14(42),
france23-2-28(43), france23-2-56(44), brazil23-2-14(45), brazil23-2-28(46), brazil23-2-56(47),
brazil18-1-13p75(48), fcc-ic-18-1-40(49), fcc11-1-40(50), nz11-1-40(51), fcc11-1-30a(52),
fcc11-1-30b(53), ic11-1-30(54), itu11-1-40(55), fcc11-2-40(56), nz11-2-40(57), fcc11-2-30a(58),
fcc11-2-30b(59), ic11-2-30(60), itu11-2-40(61), etsi11-1-40(62), etsi11-2-40(63), ul24-1-50(64),
mvdds12-1-50(65), etsi13-1-14(66), etsi13-1-28(67), etsi13-2-14(68), etsi13-2-28(69), fcc28-1-50(70),
fcc28-1-25(71), fcc28-2-50(72), fcc28-2-25(73), etsi28-3-56(74), etsi28-3-28(75), etsi28-3-14(76),
etsi28-4-56(77), etsi28-4-28(78), etsi28-4-14(79), etsi15-4-7(80), etsi15-4-14(81), etsi15-4-28(82),
etsi15-4-56(83), mex15-4-7(84), mex15-4-14(85), nz-aus15-4-7(86), nz-aus15-4-14(87), nz-aus15-4-28(88),
fcc23-1-40(89), fcc23-2-40(90), fcc23-3-40(91)}
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The radio frequency standard used in the system.
Frequency bands are divided into sub bands.
ie FCC 23 Ghz Band is comprised of fcc23a, fcc23b, fcc23c and
fcc23d which make up the entire FCC23 band"
DEFVAL { freqNone }
::= { hzOduFrequencies 1 }
hzOduFreqGroupSelected OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { txLow ( 1 ) , txHigh ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The frequency group selected for the system.
The frequency subbands are divided into frequency groups txHigh
and txLow. An horizon system must have one node configured to
txLow and the other node configure to txHigh"
::= { hzOduFrequencies 2 }
hzOduTxHighFreqTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A table of txHigh frequency settings for the system"
::= { hzOduFrequencies 3 }
hzOduTxHighFreqEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HzOduTxHighFreqEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A txHighFrequency entry containing all the frequency values"
INDEX { hzOduTxHighFreqIndex }
::= { hzOduTxHighFreqTable 1 }
HzOduTxHighFreqEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
hzOduTxHighFreqIndex INTEGER,
hzOduTxHighFreqChannelIndex DisplayString,
hzOduTxHighFreqTransmitRfFrequency INTEGER,
hzOduTxHighFreqReceiveRfFrequency INTEGER,
hzOduTxHighFreqProgrammed INTEGER
hzOduTxHighFreqIndex OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each frequency channel. "
::= { hzOduTxHighFreqEntry 1 }
hzOduTxHighFreqChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The channel index for the frequency."
::= { hzOduTxHighFreqEntry 2 }
hzOduTxHighFreqTransmitRfFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The RF TX frequency in MHz."
::= { hzOduTxHighFreqEntry 3 }
hzOduTxHighFreqReceiveRfFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The RF RX frequency in MHz."
::= { hzOduTxHighFreqEntry 4 }
hzOduTxHighFreqProgrammed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { active ( 1 ) , notActive ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies the operating frequency channel for the modem.
***Only 1 index may be selected in a 1 modem system."
DEFVAL { notActive }
::= { hzOduTxHighFreqEntry 5 }
hzOduTxLowFreqTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A table of txLow frequency settings for the system"
::= { hzOduFrequencies 4 }
hzOduTxLowFreqEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HzOduTxLowFreqEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A hzOduTxLowFrequeny entry containing the frequency values
for a specific index"
INDEX { hzOduTxLowFreqIndex }
::= { hzOduTxLowFreqTable 1 }
HzOduTxLowFreqEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
hzOduTxLowFreqIndex INTEGER,
hzOduTxLowFreqChannelIndex DisplayString,
hzOduTxLowFreqTransmitRfFrequency INTEGER,
hzOduTxLowFreqReceiveRfFrequency INTEGER,
hzOduTxLowFreqProgrammed INTEGER
hzOduTxLowFreqIndex OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each frequency channel. "
::= { hzOduTxLowFreqEntry 1 }
hzOduTxLowFreqChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The channel index for the frequency. "
::= { hzOduTxLowFreqEntry 2 }
hzOduTxLowFreqTransmitRfFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The RF TX frequency in MHz."
::= { hzOduTxLowFreqEntry 3 }
hzOduTxLowFreqReceiveRfFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The RF RX frequency in MHz."
::= { hzOduTxLowFreqEntry 4 }
hzOduTxLowFreqProgrammed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { active ( 1 ) , notActive ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies the operating frequency channel for the modem.
***Only 1 index may be selected in a 1 modem system. "
DEFVAL { notActive }
::= { hzOduTxLowFreqEntry 5 }
hzOduProgrammedFrequency OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { hzOduFrequencies 5 }
hzOduProgrammedFrequencyChannel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The channel that has been programmed into the system."
::= { hzOduProgrammedFrequency 1 }
hzOduProgrammedFrequencyTxRf OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The programmed RF TX frequency in MHz."
::= { hzOduProgrammedFrequency 2 }
hzOduProgrammedFrequencyRxRf OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The RF RX frequency in MHz."
::= { hzOduProgrammedFrequency 3 }
-- ----------------------------
-- hzOduWirelessInterface
-- ----------------------------
::= { hzOduWirelessInterface 1 }
hzOduWirelessPort1Description OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Describes the functionality of the Wireless Interface1"
DEFVAL { on }
::= { hzOduWirelessPort1 1 }
::= { hzOduWirelessPort1 2 }
::= { hzOduWirelessPort1 3 }
hzOduModem1AdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { up ( 1 ) , down ( 2 ) , testing ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current admin state of the interface. Testing
indicates that no operational packets can be passed."
::= { hzOduModem1 1 }
hzOduModem1OperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { up ( 1 ) , down ( 2 ) , testing ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current operational state of the interface. Testing
indicates that no operational packets can be passed."
::= { hzOduModem1 2 }
hzOduModem1Reset OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS write-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Writing 1 to this object causes the modem card to be reset.
All other values are not recognized. This variable always
reads back as 0. mdmOperStatus should be polled by the
user after this object is written to, to verify that the
modem card has been reset. Not applicable in this release"
::= { hzOduModem1 3 }
hzOduModem1ChannelizedRSL OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "An estimate of the modem's channelized RSL. Divide the value by 10 to get the actual RSL value"
::= { hzOduModem1 4 }
hzOduModem1ModulationType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { qpsk ( 1 ) , qam ( 2 ) , qam16 ( 3 ) , qam32 ( 4 ) , qam64 ( 5 ) , qam128 ( 6 ) , qam256 ( 7 ) , x8psk ( 8 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The modulation type of the modem, distinguished according
to the physical/link protocol."
::= { hzOduModem1 5 }
hzOduModem1CurrentRxSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "An estimate of the modem's current Rx bandwidth in bits per
second. Divide the value by 10000 to get the actual data rate in Mbps"
::= { hzOduModem1 6 }
hzOduModem1CurrentTxSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "An estimate of the modem's current Tx bandwidth in bits per
second. Divide the value by 10000 to get the actual data rate in Mbps"
::= { hzOduModem1 7 }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "SNR value in dB. Divide the value by 10 to get the actual SNR."
::= { hzOduModem1 8 }
hzOduModem1EbToNoiseRatio OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The ratio of the modem Estimated Energy per information bit to Noise power spectral density.
Divide the value by 10 to get the actual EbToNoiseRatio"
::= { hzOduModem1 9 }
hzOduModem1EqualizerStress OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the average magnitude of all the equalizer taps to provide a measure of how hard the equalizer is working."
::= { hzOduModem1 10 }
hzOduModem1SNRThresholdParameters OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A read-write string "
::= { hzOduModem1 11 }
hzOduModem1ChannelizedRslBelowThresholdParameters OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A read-write string: The threshold in dBm and the number of seconds threshold are programmed by the user. An example of the format of the string is as follows: '-75 10'. The first parameter power level in dBm, the second is the time in seconds that the threshold must be exceeded. In this example the threshold -75 dBm and the time is set to 10 seconds. The single quote marks i.e. ' ' are not used in the command."
::= { hzOduModem1 12 }
hzOduModem1LastChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeTicks
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime at the time the modem entered its
current operational state. If the current state was
entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local
network management subsystem, then this object contains
a zero value."
::= { hzOduModem1 13 }
hzOduModem1ChannelizedRSLUnsignedInt OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "An estimate of the modem's channelized RSL in dBm. The number is divided by 10. e.g. -432 is actually -43.2dBm.
Object provided mainly to accomodate plotting of negative RSL values which is not supported in some EMS (Ex: CastleRock).
Please use 'hzOduModem1ChannelizedRSL' object if your EMS supports plotting of -ve integer."
::= { hzOduModem1 14 }
hzOduModem1Statistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { hzOduModem1 15 }
hzOduModem1TxFrames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of Modem frames sent."
::= { hzOduModem1Statistics 1 }
hzOduModem1RxFramesOK OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of Modem frames received."
::= { hzOduModem1Statistics 2 }
hzOduModem1RxFramesError OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of Modem frames received in error."
::= { hzOduModem1Statistics 3 }
hzOduModem1RxFramesQueueDiscarded OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of Modem frames in the queue that were discarded."
::= { hzOduModem1Statistics 4 }
hzOduModem1TxBlocks OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of Modem blocks transmitted."
::= { hzOduModem1Statistics 5 }
hzOduModem1RxBlocksOK OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of Modem blocks received."
::= { hzOduModem1Statistics 6 }
hzOduModem1RxBlocksError OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current count of Modem blocks received in error."
::= { hzOduModem1Statistics 7 }
hzOduRadio1OperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { up ( 1 ) , down ( 2 ) , testing ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The current operational state of the interface. Testing
indicates that no operational packets can be passed. Testing
also indicates that a firmware upgrade may be in progress"
::= { hzOduRadio1 1 }
hzOduRadio1TransmitPowerDbm OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "This defines the transmit level of the radio.
If ATPC is enabled, you can't change the transmit power.
The power you see is divided by 10. e.g. A display
of 133 is actually 13.3 dBm.
If the radio is operational and not muted, it is the
current transmitting power.
If the radio is operational and muted, it is the
programmed transmitting power, and will transmit at
this level when the radio is un-muted.
If the radio is not operational it is the programmed
transmitting power, and will transmit at this level
when the radio is operational and not muted.
If the radio does not have transmit calibration tables
programmed into its EEPROM, this transmit power level
cannot be used as it is not possible to accurately
calculate the actual transmit level. In this case this
object will return -99."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduRadio1 2 }
hzOduRadio1ProgrammedAntennaDiameter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { antenna12 ( 1 ) , antenna24 ( 2 ) , antenna36 ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "This defines the diameter of the antenna used by the system represented in inches."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduRadio1 3 }
hzOduRadio1PowerOption OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { normal ( 1 ) , highPower ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "This indicates the power option of the radio: normal or high power."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduRadio1 4 }
hzOduRadio1TxState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "This indicates the power option of the radio: normal or high power."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduRadio1 5 }
hzOduRadio1Temperature OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The Radio temperature in degree Centigrade. The actual temperature is got by dividing the number by 10. e.g. -432 is actually -43.2 degree centigrade."
::= { hzOduRadio1 6 }
-- hzOduCalendar
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A string in the format as follows:
Where XX = day of month (range 01 to 31)
YY = month of year(range 01 to 12)
ZZ = year (range 01 - 99)"
::= { hzOduCalendar 1 }
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A string in the format as follows:
Where aa = hour of day ( range 00 to 23 )
bb = minute of hour ( range 00 to 59 )
cc = second of minute( range 00 to 59 )
dd = hundredths of second (range 00 to 99)"
::= { hzOduCalendar 2 }
hzOduClearAlarmCounters OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { nicCounters ( 1 ) , modemCounters ( 2 ) , radioCounters ( 3 ) , allCounters ( 4 ), otherCounters (5) }
ACCESS write-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Clears the alarm counters for the specified group"
::= { hzOduAlarms 1 }
::= { hzOduAlarms 2 }
hzOduNetworkInterfaceAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { hzOduAlarms 3 }
::= { hzOduNetworkInterfaceAlarms 1 }
::= { hzOduNetworkInterfaceAlarms 2 }
hzOduWirelessInterfaceAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { hzOduAlarms 4 }
::= { hzOduWirelessInterfaceAlarms 4 }
::= { hzOduWirelessInterfaceAlarms 5 }
hzOduExplicitAuthenticationFailure OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Authentication of the peer horizon node has failed. The severity is critical, the probable cause is an incorrect authentication configuration on horizon faulty cable between the modem and radio, and recommended course of action is to check both ends of the link."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 1 }
hzOduExplicitAuthenticationFailureCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of times explicit authentication has failed."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 2 }
hzOduAamConfigMismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "In the near end Automatic Adaptive Modulation(AAM) feature set to on and in peer it is set to off"
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 3 }
hzOduAamConfigMismatchCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate number of seconds AAMConfigMismatch alarm has been active."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 4 }
hzOduAamActive OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates aam is active and system running on lowest modulation"
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 5 }
hzOduAamActiveCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate number of seconds AAMActive alarm has been active."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 6 }
hzOduAtpcConfigMismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "In the near end Automatic Transmit Power Control(ATPC) feature set to on and in peer it is set to off"
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 7 }
hzOduAtpcConfigMismatchCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate number of seconds AtpcConfigMismatch alarm has been active"
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 8 }
hzOduSntpServerUnavailableAlarm OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "All of the SNTP servers are not available. "
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 9 }
hzOduSntpServerUnavailableAlarmCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates how long in seconds all of the SNTP servers are not available."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 10 }
hzOduFrequencyFileInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Executing frequency file is valid or not"
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 11 }
hzOduFrequencyFileInvalidCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the time (in secs) since this alarm exist."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 12 }
hzOduAtpcAutoDisabled OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the ATPC set to off and system transmit at coordinated power."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 13 }
hzOduAtpcAutoDisabledCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the time (in secs) since this alarm exist."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 14 }
hzOduPartnerRedundancyModeMismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates partner redundancy mode mismatches."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 15 }
hzOduPartnerRedundancyModeMismatchCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the time (in secs) since this alarm exist."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 16 }
hzOduPartnerConfigurationMismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates partner configuration mismatches."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 17 }
hzOduPartnerConfigurationMismatchCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the time (in secs) since this alarm exist."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 18 }
hzOduHsbActiveOnSecondary OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the hsb active link is on secondary."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 19 }
hzOduHsbActiveOnSecondaryCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the time (in secs) since this alarm exist."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 20 }
hzOduHsbOverrideByUser OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the hsb mode is overrided by user."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 21 }
hzOduHsbOverrideByUserCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the time (in secs) since this alarm exist."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 22 }
hzOduHsbCrossLinkActive OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the hsb cross link is active."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 23 }
hzOduHsbCrossLinkActiveCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the time (in secs) since this alarm exist."
::= { hzOduSystemAlarms 24 }
hzOduEnetPort1DroppedEnetFramesThresholdExceeded OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The threshold for number of frames dropped has been exceeded. The threshold and the number of seconds that it must exceed this threshold are programmed by the user."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Alarms 1 }
hzOduEnetPort1DroppedEnetFramesThresholdCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate time, in seconds, that this alarm has been in the active state"
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Alarms 2 }
hzOduEnetPort1BandwidthUtilizationThresholdExceeded OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The threshold for the percentage of available bandwidth has been exceeded. The threshold and the number of seconds that it must exceed this threshold are programmed by the user."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Alarms 3 }
hzOduEnetPort1BandwidthUtilizationThresholdCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate time, in seconds, that this alarm has been in the active state"
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Alarms 4 }
hzOduEnetPort1RlsMismatch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "RLS configurations on the pair of systems are mismatched."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Alarms 5 }
hzOduEnetPort1RlsMismatchCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate time, in seconds, that this alarm has been in the active state"
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Alarms 6 }
hzOduEnetPort1RLSShutdownActivated OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "RLS shutdown is activated."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Alarms 7 }
hzOduEnetPort1RLSShutdownActivatedCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate time, in seconds, that this alarm has been in the active state"
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Alarms 8 }
hzOduEnetPort1EthernetLinkDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the Ethernet link is down or not. The severity is major, the probable cause is an incorrect configuration of the switch or router connected to horizon. The recommended course of action is to check the connection."
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Alarms 9 }
hzOduEnetPort1EthernetLinkDownActivatedCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate time, in seconds, that this alarm has been in the active state"
::= { hzOduEnetPort1Alarms 10 }
hzOduEnetPort2EthernetLinkDown OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the Ethernet link is down or not. The severity is major, the probable cause is an incorrect configuration of the switch or router connected to horizon. The recommended course of action is to check the connection."
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Alarms 1 }
hzOduEnetPort2EthernetLinkDownActivatedCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate time, in seconds, that this alarm has been in the active state"
::= { hzOduEnetPort2Alarms 2 }
hzOduModem1RxLossOfSignal OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Loss of signal lock from the demodulator. The severity is critical, the probable cause is lost synchronization with the far end, and recommended course of action is to check the operational state of both ends of the link."
::= { hzOduModem1Alarms 1 }
hzOduModem1RxLossOfSignalCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate number of seconds that this alarm has been active."
::= { hzOduModem1Alarms 2 }
hzOduModem1TxLossOfSync OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Loss of sync bytes at the input of the modulator. The severity is critical, the probable cause is physical interference in the air link, and recommended course of action is to check the line of site between the horizon nodes."
::= { hzOduModem1Alarms 3 }
hzOduModem1TxLossOfSyncCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate number of seconds that this alarm has been active."
::= { hzOduModem1Alarms 4 }
hzOduModem1SnrBelowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The demodulator SNR performance worse than programmed levels. The severity is major, the probable cause is physical interference in the air link path or misalignment of the radios or severe weather conditions, and recommended course of action is to check the line of site between the horizon nodes."
::= { hzOduModem1Alarms 5 }
hzOduModem1SnrBelowThresholdCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate number of seconds that this alarm has been active."
::= { hzOduModem1Alarms 6 }
hzOduModem1EqualizerStressExceedThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Equalizer Stress measured within the demodulator exceeds the threshold value."
::= { hzOduModem1Alarms 7 }
hzOduModem1EquilizerStressExceedThresholdCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate number of seconds that this alarm has been active."
::= { hzOduModem1Alarms 8 }
hzOduModem1HardwareFault OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
::= { hzOduModem1Alarms 9 }
hzOduModem1HardwareFaultCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate number of seconds that this alarm has been active."
::= { hzOduModem1Alarms 10 }
hzOduModem1ProgrammingError OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Encountered some problem while programming the modem."
::= { hzOduModem1Alarms 11 }
hzOduModem1ProgrammingErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the approximate number of seconds that this alarm has been active."
::= { hzOduModem1Alarms 12 }
hzOduRadio1SynthLostLock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Loss of signal lock from IF Synthesizer."
::= { hzOduRadio1Alarms 1 }
hzOduRadio1SynthLostLockCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of seconds that Loss of signal lock from IF Synthesizer."
::= { hzOduRadio1Alarms 2 }
hzOduRadio1TempCompCalTableNotAvail OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Temp comp table not available."
::= { hzOduRadio1Alarms 3 }
hzOduRadio1TempCompCalTableNotAvailCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of seconds that Temp comp table not available."
::= { hzOduRadio1Alarms 4 }
hzOduRadio1TxDetectorPwrBelowThresh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Tx power detector below threshold 1."
::= { hzOduRadio1Alarms 5 }
hzOduRadio1TxDetectorPwrBelowThreshCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of seconds that Tx power detector below threshold 1."
::= { hzOduRadio1Alarms 6 }
hzOduRadio1DrainCurrentOutOfLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Radio current1 out of limits."
::= { hzOduRadio1Alarms 7 }
hzOduRadio1DrainCurrentOutOfLimitCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of seconds that Radio current1 out of limits."
::= { hzOduRadio1Alarms 8 }
hzOduRadio1TemperatureOutOfLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Radio temperature out of limits."
::= { hzOduRadio1Alarms 9 }
hzOduRadio1TemperatureOutOfLimitCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of seconds that Radio temperature out of limits."
::= { hzOduRadio1Alarms 10 }
hzOduSnmpTrapHostTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Table containing SNMP trap host entries."
::= { hzOduTraps 1 }
hzOduSnmpTrapHostEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HzOduSnmpTrapHostEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The snmp trap host entry containing all the trap host information"
INDEX { hzOduSnmpTrapHostIndex }
::= { hzOduSnmpTrapHostTable 1 }
HzOduSnmpTrapHostEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
hzOduSnmpTrapHostIndex INTEGER,
hzOduSnmpTrapHostMode INTEGER,
hzOduSnmpTrapHostIpAddress IpAddress,
hzOduSnmpTrapHostCommunityName DisplayString,
hzOduSnmpTrapHostActivated INTEGER
hzOduSnmpTrapHostIndex OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each trap host. "
::= { hzOduSnmpTrapHostEntry 1 }
hzOduSnmpTrapHostMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { static ( 1 ) , dns ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates how the snmp trap host is obtained for the system."
DEFVAL { static }
::= { hzOduSnmpTrapHostEntry 2 }
hzOduSnmpTrapHostIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates snmp trap host IP address. "
::= { hzOduSnmpTrapHostEntry 3 }
hzOduSnmpTrapHostCommunityName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The community string name used in Traps."
::= { hzOduSnmpTrapHostEntry 4 }
hzOduSnmpTrapHostActivated OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { notActive ( 1 ) , active ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether traps are to be sent to this specific host or not"
DEFVAL { notActive }
::= { hzOduSnmpTrapHostEntry 5 }
hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Table containing snmp V3 trap host entries"
::= { hzOduTraps 2 }
hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Contains the snmp v3 trap host information"
INDEX { hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsIndex }
::= { hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsTable 1 }
HzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsIndex INTEGER,
snmpV3TrapHostIpAddress IpAddress,
snmpV3TrapHostUserName DisplayString,
snmpV3TrapHostAuthProtocol INTEGER,
snmpV3TrapHostAuthPassword DisplayString,
snmpV3TrapHostPrivProtocol INTEGER,
snmpV3TrapHostPrivPassword DisplayString,
snmpV3TrapHostActivated INTEGER
hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each v3 trap host."
::= { hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsEntry 1 }
snmpV3TrapHostIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates snmp trap host IP address. "
::= { hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsEntry 2 }
snmpV3TrapHostUserName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The user name of the v3 trap host."
::= { hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsEntry 3 }
snmpV3TrapHostAuthProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { noAuth ( 1 ) , md5 ( 2 ), sha(3) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The authentication alogorithm used by the v3 trap host."
::= { hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsEntry 4 }
snmpV3TrapHostAuthPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The authentication password of the v3 trap host."
::= { hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsEntry 5 }
snmpV3TrapHostPrivProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { noPriv ( 1 ) , des ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The privacy encryiption alogorithm used by the v3 trap host."
::= { hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsEntry 6 }
snmpV3TrapHostPrivPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The privacy password of the v3 trap host."
::= { hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsEntry 7 }
snmpV3TrapHostActivated OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { notActive ( 1 ) , active ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether a specific v3 trap host is allowed to access the system"
DEFVAL { notActive }
::= { hzOduSnmpV3TrapHostsEntry 8 }
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
hzOduColdStartTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 3 }
hzOduLinkDownTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 4 }
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 5 }
hzOduExplicitAuthenticationFailureTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 6 }
hzOduAamConfigMismatchTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the aamConfigMismatch trap. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 7 }
hzOduAamActiveTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the aamActive trap. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 8 }
hzOduAtpcConfigMismatchTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the trap. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 9 }
hzOduSntpServersUnreachableTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the trap. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 10 }
hzOduFrequencyFileInvalidTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the trap. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 11 }
hzOduEnetPort1DroppedFramesThresholdExceedTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the trap. This trap, if enabled, will be sent when the dropped ethernet frames threshold is exceeded. If enabled, the system will send this trap to all trap hosts programmed in the system by the user."
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 12 }
hzOduEnetPort1BandwidthUtilizationThresholdExceedTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the trap. This trap, if enabled, will be sent when the ethernet bandwidth utilization threshold is exceeded. If enabled, the system will send this trap to all trap hosts programmed in the system by the user."
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 13 }
hzOduEnetPort1RlsMismatchTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the trap. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 14 }
hzOduEnetPort1RLSShutdownActivatedTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the trap. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 15 }
hzOduModem1RxLossOfSignalLockTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 16 }
hzOduModem1TxLossOfSyncTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 17 }
hzOduModem1SnrBelowThresholdTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 18 }
hzOduModem1EqualizerStressExceedThresholdTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 19 }
hzOduModem1ChannelizedRslBelowThresholdTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the trap. This trap, if enabled, will be sent when the radio receive signal level threshold is exceeded. If enabled, the system will send this trap to all trap hosts programmed in the system by the user."
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 20 }
hzOduModem1HardwareFaultTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 21 }
hzOduModem1ProgrammingErrorTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 22 }
hzOduRadio1SynthLostLockTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the ifSythLostLock trap. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 23 }
hzOduRadio1TempCompCalTableNotAvailTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the tempCompCalTableNotAvailable trap. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 24 }
hzOduRadio1TxDetectorPwrBelowThreshTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the txDetectorPwrBelowThresh trap. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 25 }
hzOduRadio1DrainCurrentOutOfLimitTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the radioCurrentOutOfLimitTrap trap. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 26 }
hzOduRadio1TemperatureOutOfLimitTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Enables or disables the radioTemperatureOutOfLimitTrap trap. "
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 27 }
hzOduTtyManagementSessionCommencedTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 28 }
hzOduTtyManagementSessionTerminatedTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 29 }
hzOduAtpcAutoDisabledTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 30 }
hzOduPartnerRedundancyModeMismatchTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 31 }
hzOduPartnerConfigurationMismatchTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 32 }
hzOduHsbActiveOnSecondaryTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 33 }
hzOduHsbOverrideByUserTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 34 }
hzOduHsbCrossLinkTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 35 }
hzOduHsbActiveOnPrimaryTrap OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether this trap is to be sent or not"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduTraps 36 }
hzOduSnmpUserAccess OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { explicitManagers ( 1 ) , any ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies the user access to the system.If access is set to managers then only managers with there ip addresses set in snmpManagersTable will be able to gain snmp access to the system. If access is set to any then any manager will be able to gain snmp access to the system"
::= { hzOduSnmp 1 }
hzOduSnmpManagerAnyCommunityName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The community string name used by the 'any' manager."
::= { hzOduSnmp 2 }
hzOduSnmpSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether SNMP SET requests are allowed."
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduSnmp 3 }
hzOduSnmpManagersTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Table containing snmp manager entries"
::= { hzOduSnmp 4 }
hzOduSnmpManagersEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HzOduSnmpManagersEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Contains the snmp manager information"
INDEX { hzOduSnmpManagersIndex }
::= { hzOduSnmpManagersTable 1 }
HzOduSnmpManagersEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
hzOduSnmpManagersIndex INTEGER,
hzOduSnmpManagerIpAddress IpAddress,
hzOduSnmpManagerCommunityName DisplayString,
hzOduSnmpManagerActivated INTEGER
hzOduSnmpManagersIndex OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each manager."
::= { hzOduSnmpManagersEntry 1 }
hzOduSnmpManagerIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the Manager."
::= { hzOduSnmpManagersEntry 2 }
hzOduSnmpManagerCommunityName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The community string name used by the manager."
::= { hzOduSnmpManagersEntry 3 }
hzOduSnmpManagerActivated OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { notActive ( 1 ) , active ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether a specific manager is allowed to access the system"
DEFVAL { notActive }
::= { hzOduSnmpManagersEntry 4 }
hzOduSnmpV3ManagersTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Table containing snmp V3 manager entries"
::= { hzOduSnmp 5 }
hzOduSnmpV3ManagersEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HzOduSnmpV3ManagersEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Contains the snmp v3 manager information"
INDEX { hzOduSnmpV3ManagersIndex }
::= { hzOduSnmpV3ManagersTable 1 }
HzOduSnmpV3ManagersEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
hzOduSnmpV3ManagersIndex INTEGER,
hzOduSnmpV3ManagerUserName DisplayString,
hzOduSnmpV3ManagerAuthProtocol INTEGER,
hzOduSnmpV3ManagerAuthPassword DisplayString,
hzOduSnmpV3ManagerPrivProtocol INTEGER,
hzOduSnmpV3ManagerPrivPassword DisplayString,
hzOduSnmpV3ManagerActivated INTEGER
hzOduSnmpV3ManagersIndex OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each v3 manager."
::= { hzOduSnmpV3ManagersEntry 1 }
hzOduSnmpV3ManagerUserName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The user name of the v3 Manager."
::= { hzOduSnmpV3ManagersEntry 2 }
hzOduSnmpV3ManagerAuthProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { noAuth ( 1 ) , md5 ( 2 ), sha(3) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The authentication alogorithm used by the v3 manager."
::= { hzOduSnmpV3ManagersEntry 3 }
hzOduSnmpV3ManagerAuthPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The authentication password of the v3 Manager."
::= { hzOduSnmpV3ManagersEntry 4 }
hzOduSnmpV3ManagerPrivProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { noPriv ( 1 ) , des ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The privacy encryiption alogorithm used by the v3 manager."
::= { hzOduSnmpV3ManagersEntry 5 }
hzOduSnmpV3ManagerPrivPassword OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The privacy password of the v3 Manager."
::= { hzOduSnmpV3ManagersEntry 6 }
hzOduSnmpV3ManagerActivated OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { notActive ( 1 ) , active ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether a specific v3 manager is allowed to access the system"
DEFVAL { notActive }
::= { hzOduSnmpV3ManagersEntry 7 }
-- User Login information
::= { hzOduManagementSessions 1 }
hzOduTtySessionUser1Name OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 32 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The username of a management session using Telnet or HTTP. The session state variable must be checked to determine if the management session is currently in progress."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser1 1 }
hzOduTtySessionUser1ConnectionType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { informationNotAvailable ( 1 ) , serialPort ( 2 ) , enetPort2 ( 3 ) , enetPort1 ( 4 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The physical port used to log in to the system. The serial port is always local to the equipment. The 10BaseT connector may be local, or remote, depending on if the configuration of network management port. The inband connection is the port carrying customer traffic."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser1 2 }
hzOduTtySessionUser1State OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { informationNotAvailable ( 1 ) , sessionTerminated ( 2 ) , sessionInProgress ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The state of the session. The session is inProgress if the user is currently logged into the system. The session is terminated if the user has logged out of the system."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser1 3 }
::= { hzOduManagementSessions 2 }
hzOduTtySessionUser2Name OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 32 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The username of a person currently logged in to the system using Telnet or HTTP. This can be in-band or the side 10BT channel, if supported on this system."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser2 1 }
hzOduTtySessionUser2ConnectionType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { informationNotAvailable ( 1 ) , serialPort ( 2 ) , enetPort2 ( 3 ) , enetPort1 ( 4 )}
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The physical port used to log in to the system. The serial port is always local to the equipment. The 10BaseT connector may be local, or remote, depending on if the configuration of network management port. The inband connection is the port carrying customer traffic."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser2 2 }
hzOduTtySessionUser2State OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { informationNotAvailable ( 1 ) , sessionTerminated ( 2 ) , sessionInProgress ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The state of the session. The session is inProgress if the user is currently logged into the system. The session is terminated if the user has logged out of the system."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser2 3 }
::= { hzOduManagementSessions 3 }
hzOduTtySessionUser3Name OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 32 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The username of a person currently logged in to the system using Telnet or HTTP. This can be in-band or the side 10BT channel, if supported on this system."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser3 1 }
hzOduTtySessionUser3ConnectionType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { informationNotAvailable ( 1 ) , serialPort ( 2 ) , enetPort2 ( 3 ) , enetPort1 ( 4 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The physical port used to log in to the system. The serial port is always local to the equipment. The 10BaseT connector may be local, or remote, depending on if the configuration of network management port. The inband connection is the port carrying customer traffic."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser3 2 }
hzOduTtySessionUser3State OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { informationNotAvailable ( 1 ) , sessionTerminated ( 2 ) , sessionInProgress ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The state of the session. The session is inProgress if the user is currently logged into the system. The session is terminated if the user has logged out of the system."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser3 3 }
::= { hzOduManagementSessions 4 }
hzOduTtySessionUser4Name OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 32 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The username of a person currently logged in to the system using Telnet or HTTP. This can be in-band or the side 10BT channel, if supported on this system."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser4 1 }
hzOduTtySessionUser4ConnectionType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { informationNotAvailable ( 1 ) , serialPort ( 2 ) , enetPort2 ( 3 ) , enetPort1 ( 4 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The physical port used to log in to the system. The serial port is always local to the equipment. The 10BaseT connector may be local, or remote, depending on if the configuration of network management port. The inband connection is the port carrying customer traffic."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser4 2 }
hzOduTtySessionUser4State OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { informationNotAvailable ( 1 ) , sessionTerminated ( 2 ) , sessionInProgress ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The state of the session. The session is inProgress if the user is currently logged into the system. The session is terminated if the user has logged out of the system."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser4 3 }
::= { hzOduManagementSessions 5 }
hzOduTtySessionUser5Name OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 32 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The username of a person currently logged in to the system using Telnet or HTTP. This can be in-band or the side 10BT channel, if supported on this system."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser5 1 }
hzOduTtySessionUser5ConnectionType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { informationNotAvailable ( 1 ) , serialPort ( 2 ) , enetPort2 ( 3 ) , enetPort1 ( 4 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The physical port used to log in to the system. The serial port is always local to the equipment. The 10BaseT connector may be local, or remote, depending on if the configuration of network management port. The inband connection is the port carrying customer traffic."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser5 2 }
hzOduTtySessionUser5State OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { informationNotAvailable ( 1 ) , sessionTerminated ( 2 ) , sessionInProgress ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The state of the session. The session is inProgress if the user is currently logged into the system. The session is terminated if the user has logged out of the system."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser5 3 }
::= { hzOduManagementSessions 6 }
hzOduTtySessionUser6Name OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 32 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The username of a person currently logged in to the system using Telnet or HTTP. This can be in-band or the side 10BT channel, if supported on this system."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser6 1 }
hzOduTtySessionUser6ConnectionType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { informationNotAvailable ( 1 ) , serialPort ( 2 ) , enetPort2 ( 3 ) , enetPort1 ( 4 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The physical port used to log in to the system. The serial port is always local to the equipment. The 10BaseT connector may be local, or remote, depending on if the configuration of network management port. The inband connection is the port carrying customer traffic."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser6 2 }
hzOduTtySessionUser6State OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { informationNotAvailable ( 1 ) , sessionTerminated ( 2 ) , sessionInProgress ( 3 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The state of the session. The session is inProgress if the user is currently logged into the system. The session is terminated if the user has logged out of the system."
::= { hzOduTtySessionUser6 3 }
hzOduSessionUserInformation OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { hzOduManagementSessions 7 }
hzOduTtySessionUserName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 32 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "NOT IMPLEMENTED. Object type placeholder for username string for SNMP traps. The username of a person currently logged in to the system using Telnet or HTTP. This can be in-band or the side 10BT channel, if supported on this system."
::= { hzOduSessionUserInformation 1 }
hzOduTtySessionUserConnectionType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { informationNotAvailable ( 1 ) , serialPort ( 2 ) , enetPort2 ( 3 ) , enetPort1 ( 4 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "NOT IMPLEMENTED. Object type placeholder for connection type for SNMP traps. The physical port used to log in to the system. The serial port is always local to the equipment. The 10BaseT connector may be local, or remote, depending on if the configuration of network management port. The inband connection is the port carrying customer traffic."
::= { hzOduSessionUserInformation 2 }
-- HTTPS group
hzOduHttpEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether HTTP is enabled."
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduHttp 1 }
::= { hzOduHttp 2 }
hzOduHttpSecureCertificateStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 100 ) )
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Returns the HTTPS certificate status"
::= { hzOduHttpSecure 1 }
hzOduHttpSecureAccessForAdminUsers OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off( 1 ), on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "the HTTPS access requirement for Admin user group."
::= { hzOduHttpSecure 2 }
hzOduHttpSecureAccessForNocUsers OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off( 1 ), on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "the HTTPS access requirement for Noc user group."
::= { hzOduHttpSecure 3 }
hzOduHttpSecureAccessForSuperUsers OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off( 1 ), on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "the HTTPS access requirement for Super user group."
::= { hzOduHttpSecure 4 }
-- Giga Ethernet Qos
hzOduQosEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether QOS is enabled."
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduQos 1 }
SYNTAX INTEGER { cosVlan ( 1 ) ,
cosQinQiTag ( 2 ),
cosQinQoTag ( 3 ),
cosDscp ( 4 )}
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the class of service tag type. Based on the setting
Horizon will use the CoS value in the VLAN tag, or Q-in-Q inner
VLAN tag, Q-in-Q outer VLAN tag, or DSCP tag."
DEFVAL { cosVlan }
::= { hzOduQos 2 }
-- 802.1p priorities assignment.
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Sets the value of the Q-in-Q inner tag. This
tag is also used to classify the non-Q-in-Q VLAN. Default value is 0x8100."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduQos 3 }
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Sets the value of the Q-in-Q outer VLAN tag. Default value is 0x8100."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduQos 4 }
hzOduCosQueueMapping OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 15 .. 32 ) )
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "User queue assignments for CoS values 0 to 7.
There are 4 coS queues. Their corresponding
queue numbers are 1,2, 3, where 1 is the lowest priority queue and
4 is the highest priority queue.
CoS to queue mapping example: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4."
::= { hzOduQos 5 }
-- Queue operation mode
hzOduCosExpediteQueue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ), enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "This sets the user queue operation mode. (a) In expedite mode,
any Queue can be assigned 100% of CIR. Queue 4 is serviced first
and queue 1 is servcied last.(b) In non expedite mode, the sum of all CIRs
must be equal to 100%. In this mode higher priority queues
will be serviced first until that queue is emptied or
the defined CIR is reached."
DEFVAL { 1 }
::= { hzOduQos 6 }
-- user queues configuration.
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 32 ) )
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Committeed Information Rate (CIR) assignments for CoS queues
1 to 4. CIR is assigned as the percentage of system current speed.
When expedite queue is enabled any queue can be assigned 100% bandwidth.
When expedite queue is disabled the sum of CIR of all queues should be 100."
::= { hzOduQos 7 }
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 32 ) )
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Comitted Burst Size (CBS) for CoS queues 1 to 4. CBS is the percentage
of total packet buffer size. The sum of CBS's of all 4
queues must be equal to 100. Minimum CBS assignable to any queue
is 1."
::= { hzOduQos 8 }
hzOduCosDefaultValue OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Default CoS value assigned to the ethernet
frames that don't have VLAN or Q-in-Q tag."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduQos 9 }
hzOduCutThroughProcessing OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Sets cut through processing on/off."
::= { hzOduQos 10 }
-- hzOduRapidLinkShutdown
hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdown 1 }
hzOduRlsEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "<deprecated> The Rapid Link Shutdown feature: enabled or disabled.
Changing this option requires a system reset."
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer1 1 }
hzOduAutomaticLinkReestablish OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "<deprecated> If this feature is enabled, the link will be automatically reestablished.
If this feature is disabled, the user must explicitly use the manualReestablish object
to bring the link back up"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer1 2 }
hzOduManualLinkReestablish OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "<deprecated> This object is writeable ONLY if automaticLinkReestablish is set to disabled.
The user explicitly brings the link back up by setting this object to enabled.
The user explicitly brings the link down by setting this object to disabled.
to bring the link back up"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer1 3 }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "<deprecated> The link will be automatically shut down when this number of erred
modem frames threshold is exceeded during the time set in the
hysterisisErredMilliSeconds object.
**NOTE: You must SET the writeRlsMonitorParametersToSystem object
to write this paramater to RAM. If you write and immediately
read this object, the previous value will be displayed.
You should SET all parameters in this folder first, and then write
to a '1' to the writeRlsMonitorParametersToSystem object.
You must also save the MIB via the writing the apSaveMIB object,
and then reset the system."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer1 4 }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "<deprecated> The time to determine a link that has excessive errors.
The link will be automatically shut down when this number of milliseconds
experiences the number of erred frames specified in the
hysterisisErredFramesPerMilliSecond object.
**NOTE: You must SET the writeRlsMonitorParametersToSystem object
to write this paramater to RAM. If you write and immediately
read this object, the previous value will be displayed.
You should SET all parameters in this folder first, and then write
to a '1' to the writeRlsMonitorParametersToSystem object.
You must also save the MIB via the writing the apSaveMIB object,
and then reset the system."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer1 5 }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "<deprecated> The link will be automatically brought back up when the number of erred
modem frames is less than this value ( only if automaticLinkReestablish
is set to enabled).
This threshold value cannot be crossed for the duration of time specified in the
hysterisisUnerredMilliSeconds object.
**NOTE: You must SET the writeRlsMonitorParametersToSystem object
to write this paramater to RAM. If you write and immediately
read this object, the previous value will be displayed.
You should SET all parameters in this folder first, and then write
to a '1' to the writeRlsMonitorParametersToSystem object.
You must also save the MIB via the writing the apSaveMIB object,
and then reset the system."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer1 6 }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "<deprecated> The time block to use to determine if the link is error free enough to
warrant it to automatically reestablish itself ( only if automaticLinkReestablish
is set to enabled).
The link will be brought back up automatically when this number of milliseconds
experiences less the number of acceptable erred frames specified in the
hysterisisUnerredFramesPerMilliSecond object.
**NOTE: You must SET the writeRlsMonitorParametersToSystem object
to write this paramater to RAM. If you write and immediately
read this object, the previous value will be displayed.
You should SET all parameters in this folder first, and then write
to a '1' to the writeRlsMonitorParametersToSystem object.
You must also save the MIB via the writing the apSaveMIB object,
and then reset the system."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer1 7 }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "<deprecated> This writes the following parameters to RAM:
Reading this object returns '1'."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer1 8 }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "<deprecated> "
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer1 9 }
hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdown 2 }
hzOduPrimaryRlsEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The Rapid Link Shutdown feature: enabled or disabled.
Changing this option requires a system reset."
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer2 1 }
hzOduPrimaryRlsHardFaultMonitor OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "This object has changed - Enable the rlsHardFaultMonitor for rapid detection of severely degrade link. When disabled the
only the RLS Link Degrade Monitor is used."
DEFVAL { off }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer2 2 }
hzOduPrimaryAutomaticLinkReestablish OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "If this feature is enabled, the link will be automatically reestablished
If this feature is disabled, the user must explicitly use the manualReestablish object
to bring the link back up"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer2 3 }
hzOduPrimaryManualLinkReestablish OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "This object is writeable ONLY if automaticLinkReestablish is set to disabled.
The user explicitly brings the link back up by setting this object to enabled.
The user explicitly brings the link down by setting this object to disabled.
to bring the link back up"
DEFVAL { disabled }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer2 4 }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "This object has changed - This writes RLS soft and hard fault monitor parameters to RAM
Reading this object returns '1'."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer2 5 }
hzOduPrimarySoftFaultMonitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer2 6 }
hzOduPrimaryHardFaultMonitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer2 7 }
hzOduPrimaryReceiveSignalLevelMonitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer2 8 }
::= { hzOduRapidLinkShutdownVer2 9 }
hzOduPrimaryEstablishErredFrameThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Maximum erred blocks, per sample, allowed for link establishment."
::= { hzOduPrimarySoftFaultMonitor 1 }
hzOduPrimaryShutdownErredFrameThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Minimum erred blocks, per sample, allowed before link shutdown."
::= { hzOduPrimarySoftFaultMonitor 2 }
hzOduPrimaryEstablishNumberOfSamples OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Minimum number of consecutive good samples required before link is established."
::= { hzOduPrimarySoftFaultMonitor 3 }
hzOduPrimaryShutdownNumberOfSamples OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Minimum number of consecutive erred samples before link is shutdown."
::= { hzOduPrimarySoftFaultMonitor 4 }
hzOduPrimaryEstablishSamplePeriod OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Period of Time, in milliseconds, for monitoring Establish Erred Frame Threshold."
::= { hzOduPrimarySoftFaultMonitor 5 }
hzOduPrimaryShutdownSamplePeriod OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Period of Time, in milliseconds, for monitoring Shutdown Erred Frame Threshold."
::= { hzOduPrimarySoftFaultMonitor 6 }
hzOduPrimaryQuickShutdownSamplePeriod OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Minimum number of milliseconds required to classify samples as erred."
::= { hzOduPrimarySoftFaultMonitor 7 }
hzOduPrimaryFaultSamplePeriod OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The period of time, in milliseconds, for which the
rlsFaultThreshold is applied."
::= { hzOduPrimaryHardFaultMonitor 1 }
hzOduPrimaryFaultThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The percentage of the rlsFaultSamplePeriodMilliSeconds period
which must be degraded before the link is
set to the 'impaired' state."
::= { hzOduPrimaryHardFaultMonitor 2 }
hzOduPrimaryRlsMakeRslMonitorRslValue OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 24 ) )
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The RSL threshold, in dBm. When Link is inactive and if RSL
is higher than this threshold for a desired
period, the link will become active."
::= { hzOduPrimaryReceiveSignalLevelMonitor 1 }
hzOduPrimaryRlsMakeRslMonitorPeriod OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The desired period, in seconds. When Link is inactive and if RSL
is higher than the desired threshold for this
period, the link will become active."
::= { hzOduPrimaryReceiveSignalLevelMonitor 2 }
-- rlsStatus
hzOduPrimaryRlsOption OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "RLS Option. On Basic: RLS enabled with base degrade monitoring;
On Advanced: RLS enabled with hard fault monitoring;
Off: Entire RLS feature disabled."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 1 }
hzOduPrimaryRlsState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Rapid Link Shutdown State. If the state is activated, that means
link is down; If the state is inactivated, that means that
link is up."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 2 }
hzOduPrimaryRlsMismatchState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "RLS Mismatch State. If the state is activated, that means RLS
configuration is mismatched with peer. If the state is OK,
that means RLS configuration is matched with peer."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 3 }
hzOduPrimaryDegradeMonitorState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Degrade Monitor State. If the state is activated, that means
the RLS Degrade Monitor is asserting the link down. If the
state is OK, that means the RLS Degrade Monitor is asserting
the link up."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 4 }
hzOduPrimaryHardFaultMonitorState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Hard Fault Monitor State. If the state is activated, that means
the Hard Fault Monitor is asserting the link down. If the state
is OK, that means the RLS Hard Fault Monitor is asserting the
link up."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 5 }
hzOduPrimaryMakeRslThresholdState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Make RSL Threshold State. If the state is not met, that means the
RLS signal level is below the threshold value. If the state is OK,
that means the RLS signal level is above the threshold value."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 6 }
hzOduPrimaryPeerRslState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Peer RSL State. If the state is activated, that means the peer has
activated RLS. If the state is OK, that means the Peer hasn't
activated RLS."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 7 }
hzOduPrimaryRadioInterfaceState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Radio Interface State. If the state is down, that means The radio
interface is not operational(muted,disconnected, not configured).
If the state is up, that means the radio interface is operational."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 8 }
hzOduPrimaryNetworkInterfaceState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Network Interface State. If the state is down, that means the network
interface (Ethernet/PHY) is not operational(disconnected, not
configured). If the state is up, that means the network interface
(Ethernet/PHY) is operational."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 9 }
hzOduPrimaryUserConfiguredEstablishFer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "User Configured Establish Frame Error Ratio required for the
link to be restored to service, set by the user. An example
value being '1.0E-7'."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 10 }
hzOduPrimaryMinimumAchievableEstablishFer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Minimum achievable Frame Error Ratio required for the link to be
restored to service. An example value being '1.0E-7'."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 11 }
hzOduPrimaryUserConfiguredShutdownFer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "User Configured Shutdown Frame Error Ratio required for the
link to remain in-service, set by the user. An example value
being '1.0E-7'."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 12 }
hzOduPrimaryMinimumAchievableShutdownFer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Minimum achievable Frame Error Ratio required for the link to
remain in-service. An example value being '1.0E-7'."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 13 }
hzOduPrimaryUserConfiguredEstablishMonitorTime OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "User Configured Establish Monitor Time, in milliseconds, for
which the 'User Configured Establish FER' must be achieved
to bring link into service, set by user"
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 14 }
hzOduPrimaryActualEstablishMonitorTime OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Actual Establish Monitor Time, in milliseconds, for which the
'User Configured Establish FER' must be achieved to bring
link into service, it's a multiple of the establish sample
period required to observe the FER"
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 15 }
hzOduPrimaryUserConfiguredShutdownMonitorTime OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "User Configured Shutdown Monitor Time, in milliseconds, for which
the 'User Configured Shutdown FER' must be met for the link to
remain in-service, set by user."
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 16 }
hzOduPrimaryActualShutdownMonitorTime OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Actual Shutdown Monitor Time, in milliseconds, for which the 'User
Configured Shutdown FER' must be met for the link to remain
in-service, it's a multiple of the shutdown sample period required
to observe the FER"
::= { hzOduPrimaryRlsStatus 17 }
-- hzOduSntp
hzOduSntpEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether SNTP feature is enabled."
DEFVAL { enabled }
::= { hzOduSntp 1 }
hzOduSntpOffset OBJECT-TYPE
-- This value is 10 times the actual value.
SYNTAX INTEGER ( -140 .. 140 )
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "System time offset from GMT."
DEFVAL { -40 }
::= { hzOduSntp 2 }
hzOduSntpServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Table containing sntp server entries"
::= { hzOduSntp 3 }
hzOduSntpServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HzOduSntpServerEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Contains the sntp server information"
INDEX { hzOduSntpServerIndex }
::= { hzOduSntpServerTable 1 }
HzOduSntpServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
hzOduSntpServerIndex INTEGER,
hzOduSntpServerIpAddress IpAddress,
hzOduSntpServerStatus INTEGER,
hzOduSntpServerStratum INTEGER
hzOduSntpServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each server."
::= { hzOduSntpServerEntry 1 }
hzOduSntpServerIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the server."
::= { hzOduSntpServerEntry 2 }
hzOduSntpServerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { good (1) , failed (2) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The status of the sntp server."
::= { hzOduSntpServerEntry 3 }
hzOduSntpServerStratum OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Specifies the stratum of a server, 0 for failed server"
::= { hzOduSntpServerEntry 4 }
-- hzOduLogs
hzOduEventLogEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether event log is enabled."
DEFVAL { enabled }
::= { hzOduLogs 1 }
hzOduPerfmLogEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled ( 1 ) , enabled ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether performance log is enabled."
DEFVAL { enabled }
::= { hzOduLogs 2 }
hzOduPerfmLogInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE ( 0 .. 10 ) )
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Performance statistics are logged periodically by this interval."
::= { hzOduLogs 3 }
-- hzOduRadius
hzOduRadiusSuperUserAuthentication OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { off ( 1 ) , on( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION " The set strict mode on or off"
DEFVAL { off }
::= { hzOduRadius 1 }
hzOduRadiusServerTimeOut OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION " Timeout period for authentication requests"
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduRadius 2 }
hzOduRadiusServerDeadTime OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION " Time to declare an unresponsive server 'dead'"
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { hzOduRadius 3 }
hzOduRadiusServerReTransmit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { strict ( 1 ) , notstrict ( 2 ) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION " Maximum number of retransmits to an unresponsive server"
DEFVAL { enabled }
::= { hzOduRadius 4 }
hzOduRadiusServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Table containing radius server entries"
::= { hzOduRadius 5 }
hzOduRadiusServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HzOduRadiusServerEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "Contains the sntp server information"
INDEX { hzOduRadiusServerIndex }
::= { hzOduRadiusServerTable 1 }
HzOduRadiusServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
hzOduRadiusServerIndex INTEGER,
hzOduRadiusCfgdHostIpAddress IpAddress,
hzOduRadiusActiveHostIpAddress IpAddress
hzOduRadiusServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each server."
::= { hzOduRadiusServerEntry 1 }
hzOduRadiusCfgdHostIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the configured radius server."
::= { hzOduRadiusServerEntry 2 }
hzOduRadiusActiveHostIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the active radius server."
::= { hzOduRadiusServerEntry 3 }
coldStart TRAP-TYPE
"A coldStart trap signifies that the sending protocol entity is reinitializing itself such that the agent's configuration or the protocol entity implementation may be altered."
::= 0
-- for generic traps real trap value of linkDwon is 2.
linkDown TRAP-TYPE
"A linkDown trap signifies that the sending protocol entity recognizes a failure in one of the communication links represented in the agent's configuration."
::= 1
-- for generic traps real trap value of linkup is 3.
"A linkUp trap signifies that the sending protocol entity recognizes that one of the communication links represented in the agent's configuration has come up."
::= 2
hzOduExplicitAuthenticationFailureV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Authentication of the peer horizon node has failed. The severity is critical, the probable cause is an incorrect authentication configuration on horizon faulty cable between the modem and radio, and recommended course of action is to check both ends of the link."
::= 3
hzOduExplicitAuthenticationFailureClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "The condition has cleared. The peer node is now authenticated."
::= 4
hzOduAamConfigMisMatchV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Adaptive modulation configuration mismatch"
::= 5
hzOduAamConfigMisMatchClearV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Adaptive modulation configuration mismatch cleared"
::= 6
hzOduAamActiveV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Adaptive modulation on and system running on lowest modulation"
::= 7
hzOduAamActiveClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Adaptive modulation on system running on higher modulation"
::= 8
hzOduAtpcConfigMismatchV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "ATPC is set to on at near end however in the far end it is set to off."
::= 9
hzOduAtpcConfigMismatchClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "ATPC configuration mismatch is cleared"
::= 10
hzOduSntpServersUnreachableV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Can't reach any of the sntp servers"
::= 11
hzOduSntpServersUnreachableClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "At least one of SNTP servers is reachable"
::= 12
hzOduFrequencyFileInvalidV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "When the executing frequency file is invalid,
this trap is generated."
::= 13
hzOduEnetPort1DroppedFramesThresholdExceededV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "The ethernet dropped frames threshold has been detected above its threshold value."
::= 14
hzOduEnetPort1DroppedFramesThresholdExceededClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "The condition has cleared.The ethernet dropped frames threshold is now below its threshold value."
::= 15
hzOduEnetPort1BwUtilizationThresholdExceededV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "The ethernet bandwidth threshold has been detected above its threshold value."
::= 16
hzOduEnetPort1BwUtilizationThresholdExceededClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "The condition has cleared. The ethernet bandwidth threshold is now below its threshold value."
::= 17
hzOduEnetPort1RlsMismatchV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
::= 18
hzOduEnetPort1RlsMismatchClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "RLS mismatch cleared"
::= 19
hzOduEnetPort1RlsShutdownActivatedv1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "RLS shutdown is activated"
::= 20
hzOduEnetPort1RlsShutdownActivatedClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "RLS shutdown is not activated"
::= 21
hzOduModem1RxLossOfSignalLockV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Loss of signal lock from the demodulator. The severity is critical, the probable cause is lost synchronization with the far end, and recommended course of action is to check the operational state of both ends of the link."
::= 22
hzOduModem1RxLossOfSignalLockClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "The condition has cleared. The demodulator is synchronized."
::= 23
hzOduModem1TxLossOfSyncV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Loss of sync bytes at the input of the modulator. The severity is critical, the probable cause is physical
interference in the air link, and recommended course of action is to check the line of site between the horizon nodes."
::= 24
hzOduModem1TxLossOfSyncClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Tx Loss of sync bytes cleared."
::= 25
hzOduModem1SnrBelowThresholdV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "The demodulator SNR performance worse than programmed levels. The severity is major, the probable cause
is physical interference in the air link path or misalignment of the radios or severe weather conditions, and recommended course
of action is to check the line of site between the horizon nodes."
::= 26
hzOduModem1SnrBelowThresholdClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "SNR performance back to normal."
::= 27
hzOduModem1EqualizerStressExceedThresholdV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Equalizer Stress measured within the demodulator exceeds the threshold value."
::= 28
hzOduModem1EqualizerStressExceedThresholdClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Equalizer Stress measured within the demodulator is within the threshold value."
::= 29
hzOduEnetPort1ChannelizedRslBelowThresholdV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "The RSL has been detected below its minimum threshold."
::= 30
hzOduEnetPort1ChannelizedRslBelowThresholdClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "The condition has cleared. RSL is now above its minimum threshold."
::= 31
hzOduModem1HardwareFaultV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Power supply circuitry failed. Should be sent for diagnosis."
::= 32
hzOduModem1HardwareFaultClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Power supply circuitry is in good condition."
::= 33
hzOduModem1ProgrammingErrorV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Encountered problem while programming modem."
::= 34
hzOduModem1ProgrammingErrorClearedrV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Problem encountered while programming modem is gone."
::= 35
hzOduRadio1SynthLostLockV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "IF synth Lock is lost."
::= 36
hzOduRadio1SynthLostLockClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "IF synth Lock is lost cleared."
::= 37
hzOduRadio1TempCompCalTableNotAvailableV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Temp comp table not available."
::= 38
hzOduRadio1TempCompCalTableNotAvailableClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Temp comp table not available cleared."
::= 39
hzOduRadio1TxDetectorPwrBelowThreshV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Tx power detector below threshold."
::= 40
hzOduRadio1TxDetectorPwrBelowThreshClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Tx power detector below threshold cleared."
::= 41
hzOduRadio1DrainCurrentOutOfLimitV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Radio current out of limits."
::= 42
hzOduRadio1DrainCurrentOutOfLimitClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Radio current out of limits cleared."
::= 43
hzOduRadio1TemperatureOutOfLimitV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Radio temperature out of limits."
::= 44
hzOduRadio1TemperatureOutOfLimitClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Radio temperature out of limits cleared."
::= 45
hzOduTtySessionCommencedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
VARIABLES { hzOduTtySessionUserName,
hzOduTtySessionUserConnectionType }
DESCRIPTION "A person has successfully gained access to the ascii management port (telnet, local management port, or HTTP). The username is included in the Trap."
::= 46
hzOduTtySessionTerminatedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
VARIABLES { hzOduTtySessionUserName,
hzOduTtySessionUserConnectionType }
DESCRIPTION "A person has logged out of an ascii management port (telnet, local management port, or HTTP). The username is included in the Trap."
::= 47
hzOduAtpcTxAtCoordinatedPwrV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Atpc is enabled in the system and it is transmitting at maximum power."
::= 48
hzOduAtpcTxAtCoordinatedPwrClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Atpc is enabled in the system and it is back to regular power."
::= 49
hzOduPartnerRedundancyModeMismatchV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Hsb partner redundancy mode mismatch."
::= 50
hzOduPartnerRedundancyModeMismatchClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Hsb partner redundancy mode mismatch is cleared."
::= 51
hzOduPartnerConfigurationMismatchV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Hsb partner configuration mismatch."
::= 52
hzOduPartnerConfigurationMismatchClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Hsb partner configuration mismatch is cleared."
::= 53
hzOduHsbActiveOnSecondaryV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Hsb active on secondary."
::= 54
hzOduHsbActiveOnSecondaryClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Hsb active on secondary is cleared."
::= 55
hzOduHsbOverrideByUserV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Hsb override by user."
::= 56
hzOduHsbOverrideByUserClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Hsb active on secondary is cleared."
::= 57
hzOduHsbCrossLinkV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Hsb cross link by user."
::= 58
hzOduHsbCrossLinkClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Hsb cross link is cleared."
::= 59
hzOduHsbActiveOnPrimaryV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Hsb active on primary."
::= 60
hzOduHsbActiveOnPrimaryClearedV1Trap TRAP-TYPE
DESCRIPTION "Hsb active on primary is cleared."
::= 61