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2023-12-05 12:25:34 +01:00
-- ============================================================================
-- Extreme Policy-Based QoS
TruthValue, RowStatus
DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB
extremeAgent, PortList, L4Port
extremeQosPolicy MODULE-IDENTITY
LAST-UPDATED "9903030000Z"
ORGANIZATION "Extreme Networks, Inc."
CONTACT-INFO "www.extremenetworks.com"
"Extreme QoS Policy configuration objects"
::= { extremeAgent 7 }
-- ============================================================================
-- Rules
-- ============================================================================
-- Policy rules are used to define the forwarding behaviour of either data
-- traffic or of signaling messages e.g. RSVP. At the ExtremeWare device <->
-- EEM interface, rules are of the following format:
-- <rule> ::= <rule_id>, <scope>, <direction>, <filter>, <treatment>
-- <rule_id> ::= INTEGER
-- <scope> ::= signaled | inband
-- <direction> ::= forward | backward | any
-- <filter> ::= <inport> |
-- <outports>, <filterspec> |
-- <outports>, <iptosspec>
-- <inport> ::= <physport> | any
-- <outports> ::= <physport>* | any
-- <physport> ::= INTEGER | SLOT:INTEGER
-- The following fields may be used for classification of traffic into a QoS treatment:
-- - IP destination/range
-- - IP source/range
-- - Incoming IP Type-of-Service/mask/match
-- - transport-layer ProtocolNumber (TCP,UDP,other,any)
-- - TCP/UDP destination port number
-- - TCP/UDP source port number
-- These may be used in limited combinations to form compound patterns e.g.
-- IntServ filterspecs based on {IP src/dest, IP protocol number, TCP/UDP
-- src/dest} 5-tuples.
-- <filterspec> ::= <ipsrcrange> <ipdestrange> <ipproto> <srcport> <dstport>
-- <ipsrcrange> ::= IPADDRESS IPADDRESS
-- <ipdestrange> ::= IPADDRESS IPADDRESS
-- <ipproto> ::= tcp | udp | other | any
-- <srcport> ::= INTEGER(0..65535) | any
-- <dstport> ::= INTEGER(0..65535) | any
-- <iptosspec> ::= <iptosmatch> <iptosmask> - match if IPTOS & iptosmask == iptosmatch
-- <iptosmatch> ::= INTEGER 0..255
-- <iptosmask> ::= INTEGER 0..255
-- N.B. IPTOS support is not available on first generation (1-G) silicon
-- IPTOS values are therefore ignored in EW 5.0.
-- Each rule is assigned an identifier, unique within each device. The rule is
-- tagged as applying to either signaled data flows (i.e. RSVP) or to be
-- applied directly to the data itself. The direction of flow is also specified
-- : these apply to the direction of the *data* flow and indicate whether the
-- rule should be applied to one or both directions of a matching data or
-- signal flow.
-- This table specifies which physical input and output ports and what traffic
-- patterns are included in a rule.
-- Note: these filter fields are in addition to the existing extremeQosByVlanMappingTable
-- table. ExtremeWare currently has a fixed precedence of filter rules: VLAN has the lowest
-- precedence, followed by source physicalport, 802.1p, MAC and then IP/TCP/UDP as highest
-- precedence. This implies that any entry in this extremeQosFilterTable takes precedence over
-- any VLAN match that might indicate a QoS profile in extremeQosByVlanMappingTable. In addition,
-- any entry that indicates a <filterspec> that is not "any" takes precedence over a filter
-- indicating an individual <inport>. Any attempt to write a rule that indicates an individual
-- extremeQosRuleInPort as well as non-DEFVAL value for any of {<ipsrcrange> <ipdestrange>
-- <ipproto> <srcport> <dstport>} will be rejected by the agent.
-- In other words, in the language of policy management, there is an implied rule precedence
-- which is used to resolve conflicts in the case where an incoming data packet could potentially
-- be classified as matching 2 or more rules. Some conflicts can be indicated at the time a
-- policy rule is applied to the device but others can only be detected and resolved at the
-- time a rule is invoked by an incoming message.
extremeNextAvailableQosRuleIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The value of the next available QoS Rule index. This
object is used by an NMS to select an index value
for row-creation in the extremeQosRuleTable. The
current value of this object is changed to a new
value when the current value is written to an agent's
table. Row creation using the current value of this object
allocates a extremeQosRuleIndex. Note the following:
1. A newly created row does not have to be active(1)
for the agent to allocate the extremeQosRuleIndex.
2. Race conditions between multiple NMS's end when
a row is created. Rows are deemed created when
a setRequest is successfully committed (i.e.
the errorStats is noError(0)).
3. An agent that exhausts its supply of extremeQosRuleIndex
values returns zero as the value of this
object. This can be used by an NMS as an indication
to deleted unused rows and reboot the device."
::= { extremeQosPolicy 1 }
extremeQosClearIPFdb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Setting this to true will clear the hardware IP
flow table."
::= { extremeQosPolicy 4 }
extremeQosClearFdb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"Setting this to true will clear the hardware MAC
flow table."
::= { extremeQosPolicy 5 }
extremeQosRuleTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Table of QoS policy rules. Entries that duplicate the exact
same set of policy conditions are not allowed."
::= { extremeQosPolicy 2 }
extremeQosRuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeQosRuleEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Entry in table of QoS policy rules"
INDEX { extremeQosRuleIndex }
::= { extremeQosRuleTable 1 }
ExtremeQosRuleEntry ::= SEQUENCE
extremeQosRuleIndex INTEGER,
extremeQosRuleScope INTEGER,
extremeQosRuleDirection INTEGER,
extremeQosRuleInPort INTEGER,
extremeQosRuleInPortMask PortList,
extremeQosRuleDestAddrStart IpAddress,
extremeQosRuleDestAddrEnd IpAddress,
extremeQosRuleSrcAddrStart IpAddress,
extremeQosRuleSrcAddrEnd IpAddress,
extremeQosRuleProtocol INTEGER,
extremeQosRuleDestL4PortStart L4Port,
extremeQosRuleSourceL4PortStart L4Port,
extremeQosRuleTosMask OCTET STRING,
extremeQosRuleTosMatch OCTET STRING,
extremeQosRuleQosProfileIndex INTEGER,
extremeQosRuleOwner OwnerString,
extremeQosRuleRowStatus RowStatus,
extremeQosRuleDestL4PortEnd L4Port,
extremeQosRuleSourceL4PortEnd L4Port,
extremeQosRulePrecedence INTEGER,
extremeQosRuleCounter Counter64,
extremeQosRuleName DisplayString
extremeQosRuleIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"An index into the table of QoS policy pattern
rules. The index for a manager to use for creating
new rows is determined by reading the value of
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 1 }
extremeQosRuleScope OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { any (1), signaled(2), inband(3) }
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The scope of conditions in which this rule applies.
The value 'signaled' means that the policy rule is
applied only to QoS signaling messages e.g. RSVP. The
value 'inband' means that the policy rule is applied
only to data traffic passing through this node. the
value 'any' means that the policy is applied to any
of the above conditions.
Only the value 'any' is supported in ExtremeWare 6.0."
DEFVAL { any }
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 2 }
extremeQosRuleDirection OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), forward(2), backward(3) }
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The direction in which this rule applies. The value
'forward' means that the rule is applied to data streams
in the direction specified by the classification pattern.
The value 'backward' means that the rule is applied in
the reverse direction. The value 'any' means that the
rule is applied for traffic in either direction of data
flow. Note that the direction is applied to where the data
flow itself will go, not to the direction of any signaling
messages e.g. RSVP.
Only the value 'forward' is supported in ExtremeWare 6.0."
DEFVAL { forward }
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 3 }
extremeQosRuleInPort OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The ifIndex value of the physical switch input port for which
this rule applies. Rules that indicate an individual value
for this object have a lower precedence in ExtremeWare than
rules that specify IP patterns. Conversely, rules that use IP
patterns must apply to all physical ports and specify a value
of 0 for this object.
Any attempt to write a rule that indicates an individual
value for this object together with non-default values for any
of { extremeQosRuleDestAddrStart, extremeQosRuleDestAddrEnd,
extremeQosRuleSrcAddrStart, extremeQosRuleSrcAddrEnd,
extremeQosRuleProtocol, extremeQosRuleDestL4PortStart,
extremeQosRuleDestL4PortEnd, extremeQosRuleSourceL4PortStart,
extremeQosRuleSourceL4PortEnd and extremeQosRuleInPortMask }
will be rejected by the agent."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 4 }
extremeQosRuleInPortMask OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The list of physical switch input ports which further
qualifies an IP flow. This object is an octet string
with the MSB of octet 0 indicating port 0 and LSB indicating
port 7. Similarly, the MSB of octet 1 indicates port 8 and it's
LSB indicates port 15 and so on. The port numbers are 0-based.
This object has no meaning for rules defined on physical ports
that are not associated with an IP flow. Port based rules can be
defined by assigning a non zero value to extremeQosRuleInPort. Any
attempt to set this value without specifying the source/destination
address range and/or source/destination l4 port range will be rejected
by the agent. For IP flows that apply to all physical ports
in the switch, this will be a zero length octet string."
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 5 }
extremeQosRuleDestAddrStart OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The start of the destination IP address range for which this
rule applies.If this object has any value other than the
default then this rule takes precedence over any rule that
specifies an individual physical input port, a VLAN or any
incoming implicit 802.1p traffic class rule.
Any attempt to write a rule that indicates a non-default value
for this object together with an individual port value for
extremeQosRuleInPort will be rejected by the agent."
DEFVAL { '00000000'h } --
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 6 }
extremeQosRuleDestAddrEnd OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The end of the destination IP address range for which this
rule applies. If this object has any value other than the
default then this rule takes precedence over any rule that
specifies an individual physical input port, a VLAN or any
incoming implicit 802.1p traffic class rule.
Any attempt to write a rule that indicates a non-default value
for this object together with an individual port value for
extremeQosRuleInPort will be rejected by the agent."
DEFVAL { 'ffffffff'h } --
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 7 }
extremeQosRuleSrcAddrStart OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The start of the source IP address range for which this rule
applies. If this object has any value other than the default
then this rule takes precedence over any rule that specifies
an individual physical input port, a VLAN or any incoming
implicit 802.1p traffic class rule.
Any attempt to write a rule that indicates a non-default value
for this object together with an individual port value for
extremeQosRuleInPort will be rejected by the agent."
DEFVAL { '00000000'h } --
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 8 }
extremeQosRuleSrcAddrEnd OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The end of the source IP address range for which this rule
applies. If this object has any value other than the default
then this rule takes precedence over any rule that specifies
an individual physical input port, a VLAN or any incoming
implicit 802.1p traffic class rule.
Any attempt to write a rule that indicates a non-default value
for this object together with an individual port value for
extremeQosRuleInPort will be rejected by the agent."
DEFVAL { 'ffffffff'h } --
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 9 }
extremeQosRuleProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { any(1), udp(2), tcp(3), other(4),
tcpPermitEstablished(5), icmp(6) }
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The IP protocol number for which this rule applies. If this
object has any value other than 'any' then this rule
takes precedence over any rule that specifies an individual
physical input port, a VLAN or any incoming implicit 802.1p
traffic class rule.
Any attempt to write a rule that indicates a non-default value
for this object together with an individual port value for
extremeQosRuleInPort will be rejected by the agent."
DEFVAL { any }
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 10 }
extremeQosRuleDestL4PortStart OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The destination starting layer 4 port number that would
be used to match an IP flow. The value of 0 means that all
layer 4 information would be ignored when matching an IP
flow. If this object has any value other than 0 then this
rule takes precedence over any rule that specifies an
individual physical input port, a VLAN or any incoming
implicit 802.1p traffic class rule.
Any attempt to write a rule that indicates a non-default value
for this object together with an individual port value for
extremeQosRuleInPort will be rejected by the agent.
Any attempt to write an ICMP rule specifying an IP pattern
with a non-default value for this object will be rejected by the
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 11 }
extremeQosRuleSourceL4PortStart OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The source starting layer 4 port number that would be
used to match an IP flow. The value of 0 means that all
layer 4 information would be ignored when matching an IP
flow. If this object has any value other than 0 then this
rule takes precedence over any rule that specifies an
individual physical input port, a VLAN or any incoming
implicit 802.1p traffic class rule.
Any attempt to write a rule that indicates a non-default value
for this object together with an individual port value for
extremeQosRuleInPort will be rejected by the agent.
NOTE: For an ICMP rule that specifies an IP pattern, this
object has a different meaning in that it specifies the ICMP Type
and Code values, in the following manner: The value of the Type must
be shifted to the left by 8 bits and logical ORed with the value of the
Code. The result will be stored in this object. In this case, this
object can only contain values between 0 and 65535 inclusive since the
ICMP Type and Code values are limited between 0 and 255 each."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 12 }
extremeQosRuleTosMask OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS deprecated
"A mask for the incoming IP Type-of-Service field to be applied
when matching. The value of 0 means that any incoming IP ToS
field is ignored.
Only the default value is supported in ExtremeWare 6.0."
DEFVAL { '00'h }
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 13 }
extremeQosRuleTosMatch OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS deprecated
"If the value of the incoming IP Type-of-Service field, after
applying a mask of extremeQosRuleTosMask, is this value then
this rule is applied.
Only the default value is supported in ExtremeWare 6.0."
DEFVAL { '00'h }
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 14 }
extremeQosRuleQosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"A pointer into the extremeQosProfileTable indicating the
QoS treatment and actions to be applied to traffic matching
this rule. A value of 0 means that this traffic will be
dropped/discarded. The default value is that this traffic
gets the default QoS treatment and actions."
DEFVAL { 1 }
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 15 }
extremeQosRuleOwner OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX OwnerString(SIZE (0..32))
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"Indicates the identity of the manager that
configured this entry."
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 16 }
extremeQosRuleRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The row status for this QoS rule.
This OBJECT can be set to:
The following values may be read:
notReady(3). "
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 17 }
extremeQosRuleDestL4PortEnd OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The destination last layer 4 port number that would
determine the l4 port range to match an IP flow. The value
of 0 means that all layer 4 information would be ignored
when matching an IP flow. If this object has any value other
than 0 then this rule takes precedence over any rule that
specifies an individual physical input port, a VLAN or any
incoming implicit 802.1p traffic class rule.
Any attempt to write a rule that indicates a non-default value
for this object together with an individual port value for
extremeQosRuleInPort will be rejected by the agent.
Any attempt to write an ICMP rule specifying an IP pattern
with a non-default value for this object will be rejected by the
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 18 }
extremeQosRuleSourceL4PortEnd OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The source last layer 4 port number that would determine
the l4 port range to match an IP flow. The value of 0 means
that all layer 4 information would be ignored when matching
an IP flow. If this object has any value other than 0 then
this rule takes precedence over any rule that specifies an
individual physical input port, a VLAN or any incoming
implicit 802.1p traffic class rule.
Any attempt to write a rule that indicates a non-default value
for this object together with an individual port value for
extremeQosRuleInPort will be rejected by the agent.
Any attempt to write an ICMP rule specifying an IP pattern with
a non-default value for this object will be rejected by the agent."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 19 }
extremeQosRulePrecedence OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"The precedence used to select one rule over potentially
multiple rules that might match an L3/L4 flow. The rule
with highest precedence takes precedence over any rule
that specifies a matching flow, individual physical input
port, a VLAN or any incoming implicit 802.1p traffic class
Any attempt to write a rule that indicates a non-default value
for this object together with an individual port value for
extremeQosRuleInPort will be rejected by the agent."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 20 }
extremeQosRuleCounter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
" "
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 21 }
extremeQosRuleName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"A unique Qos rule name. If this is not specified then the system
generates one automatically."
::= { extremeQosRuleEntry 22 }
-- ================================================================================
-- Treatment/Action/QoSProfile
-- ================================================================================
-- Several parameters are accessible, to a greater or lesser extent, for
-- specifying the treatment received by traffic that is classified as matching
-- a static rule.
-- The following can be thought of as represented by a "per-hop behaviour" in
-- IETF DiffServ terminology or by a "QoS Profile" in Extreme terminology:
-- - relative priority
-- - minimum guaranteed bandwidth
-- - maximum limit on bandwidth
-- - limit on peak bandwidth
-- - reserved buffer allocation
-- - maximum limit on buffer allocation
-- - filter/drop
-- In addition, the following actions can also be thought of as a part of the
-- treatment:
-- - trap to policy server
-- - outgoing IP TOS/mark/mask
-- - outgoing 802.1p mark
-- A set of parameters specify the scheduling characteristics of per-class
-- queues and the marking of traffic that exits those queues. The term
-- "flowspec" is used loosely here although it has many of the characteristics
-- of an IntServ flowspec.
-- <treatment> ::= drop | <qos_profile>
-- <qos_profile> ::= <flowspec>, <action>
-- <flowspec> ::= <tokenBucket> | <absoluteBw> | <percentBw>, <buffers>, <priority>
-- <tokenBucket> ::= peakBW, sustBW, bucketSize
-- <absoluteBW> ::= minBW, maxPeakBW, maxSustBW
-- <percentBW> ::= minBWpercent, maxSustBWpercent, maxPeakBWpercent
-- <buffers> ::= maxQueueLength, minBufferAlloc
-- <priority> ::= relativePriority
-- <action> ::= <trap_to_server>, <mark_iptos>, <mark_8021p>
-- <trap_to_server> ::= TRUE | FALSE
-- <mark_iptos> ::= new_set_pattern, new_clear_pattern
-- <mark_8021p> ::= INTEGER 0..7 | unchanged
-- On any device using first-generation silicon, additional
-- parameters are hard coded:
-- mark_iptos = 0,0 (i.e. IPTOS unchanged)
-- Note: for the ExtremeWare 4.0 release, some of the parameters are not
-- exposed for modification through this interface: these are represented as
-- read-only - 6.0 behaviour is currently undefined.
-- In particular, hard-coded values for the following are used in 4.0:
-- maxPeakBWpercent ::= line rate or 100%
-- maxQueueLength ::= infinite or something approaching total buffers in
-- the device
-- minBufferAlloc ::= fixed at compile time <insert EW4.0 defaults>
-- mark_8021p ::= for packets entering untagged: 0, 2, 4 or 6 depending on
-- queue number for packets entering tagged: unchanged.
-- Existing table:
-- extremeQosProfileTable INDEX { extremeQosProfileIndex} SEQUENCE OF
-- {
-- extremeQosProfileIndex INTEGER ,
-- extremeQosProfileName DisplayString,
-- extremeQosProfileMinBw INTEGER (0..100),
-- extremeQosProfileMaxBw INTEGER (0..100),
-- extremeQosProfilePriority INTEGER {low, normal, medium, high}
-- extremeQosProfileRowStatus RowStatus
-- }
-- Added the following "flowspec" columns to extremeQosProfileTable:
-- extremeQosProfileMinBwBps INTEGER,
-- extremeQosProfileMaxSustBwBps INTEGER,
-- extremeQosProfileMaxPeakBwBps INTEGER,
-- extremeQosProfileBucketSizeOctets INTEGER,
-- extremeQosProfileMaxPeakBwPercent INTEGER (0..100),
-- extremeQosProfileMaxQueueLengthOctets INTEGER,
-- extremeQosProfileMinBufferAllocOctets INTEGER
-- Added the following "action" columns to extremeQosProfileTable:
-- extremeTrapToServer TruthValue, - send trap to policy server
-- extremeMarkIpTosSet OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)),
-- extremeMarkIpTosClear OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)),
-- extremeMark8021p INTEGER (0..7) or unchanged(8) - see above
-- ===========================================================================
-- Capabilities
-- ===========================================================================
extremeQosCapabilitiesTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeQosCapabilitiesEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Table of per-port QoS policy capabilities. An entry only
exists in this table for ifTable entries representing
physical ports. On a modular system with mixed capability
silicon it is necessary to indicate the QoS capabilities to
a manager."
::= { extremeQosPolicy 3 }
extremeQosCapabilitiesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeQosCapabilitiesEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"Entry in table of QoS policy capabilities for a given switch
AUGMENTS { ifEntry }
::= { extremeQosCapabilitiesTable 1 }
ExtremeQosCapabilitiesEntry ::= SEQUENCE
extremeQosCapMarkIpTosCapable TruthValue,
extremeQosCapMatchIpTosCapable TruthValue
extremeQosCapMarkIpTosCapable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This port is capable of supporting policies that involve
the changing of IP TOS octet values."
::= { extremeQosCapabilitiesEntry 1 }
extremeQosCapMatchIpTosCapable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This port is capable of supporting policies that involve
packet classification based on matching of IP TOS octet
::= { extremeQosCapabilitiesEntry 2 }