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2023-12-05 12:25:34 +01:00
-- ################################################################################
DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC
TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC
IpAddress, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI
snmpTargetAddrEntry FROM SNMP-TARGET-MIB
InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB;
LAST-UPDATED "201301071200Z"
ORGANIZATION "Extreme Networks, Inc."
CONTACT-INFO "www.extremenetworks.com"
DESCRIPTION "Extreme-specific SNMPv3 objects"
::= { extremeAgent 23 }
extremeTarget OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { extremeSnmpv3 1 }
extremeUsm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { extremeSnmpv3 2 }
extremeTargetAddrExtTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ExtremeTargetAddrExtEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"This table is an extension to the snmpTargetAddrTable found in the
SNMP-TARGET-MIB. It contains Extreme Networks specific objects needed for
each management target."
::= { extremeTarget 1 }
extremeTargetAddrExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ExtremeTargetAddrExtEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"An entry in the extremeTargetAddrExtTable."
AUGMENTS { snmpTargetAddrEntry }
::= { extremeTargetAddrExtTable 1 }
ExtremeTargetAddrExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
extremeTargetAddrExtIgnoreMPModel TruthValue,
extremeTargetAddrExtStandardMode TruthValue,
extremeTargetAddrExtTrapDestIndex Integer32,
extremeTargetAddrExtUseEventComm TruthValue,
extremeTargetAddrExtTrapSrcIp IpAddress,
extremeTargetAddrExtVrName DisplayString,
extremeTargetAddrExtTrapSrcAddrType InetAddressType,
extremeTargetAddrExtTrapSrcAddr InetAddress
extremeTargetAddrExtIgnoreMPModel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"When this object is set to TRUE, the version of the trap/notification sent to
the corresponding management target (trap receiver) will be the same as in
releases of Extremeware prior to 7.1.0. Thus, the value of the
snmpTargetParamsMPModel object in the snmpTargetParamsTable will be ignored while
determining the version of the trap/notification to be sent. When a trap-receiver
is created via the RMON trapDestTable or from the CLI command 'configure snmp add
trapreceiver ....', the value of this object will be set to TRUE for the
corresponding entry in this table."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { extremeTargetAddrExtEntry 1 }
extremeTargetAddrExtStandardMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"When this object is set to TRUE, the management target will be treated as
a 'standard mode' one, in that any Extreme Networks specific extra varbinds
present in a standards-based trap/notification will not be sent to this
management target. Only the varbinds defined in the standard will be sent."
DEFVAL { false }
::= { extremeTargetAddrExtEntry 2 }
extremeTargetAddrExtTrapDestIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"This object contains the value of the trapDestIndex in the corresponding
entry of the RMON trapDestTable."
::= { extremeTargetAddrExtEntry 3 }
extremeTargetAddrExtUseEventComm OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object is used only when sending RMON alarms as SNMPv3 traps.
When it is set to TRUE and an RMON risingAlarm or fallingAlarm is being sent
for an event, then the eventCommunity in the RMON event table is compared to
the snmpTargetAddrName in the snmpTargetAddrTable. The alarm is sent to the
target only when the two are the same. This behavior is exhibited only when the
snmpTargetParamsMPModel corresponding to the target indicates an SNMPv3 trap. For
SNMPv1/v2c traps, the community in the RMON trapDestTable is used for the
comparision, which is the 'regular' method, as per the standards.
When this object is set to FALSE, then the RMON alarm (if being sent as an SNMPv3
trap) is sent without using the event community for any comparision."
DEFVAL { true }
::= { extremeTargetAddrExtEntry 4 }
-- This object can be used only for IPv4 addresses. If this is set, then
-- extremeTargetAddrExtTrapSrcAddr must not be set. Similarly if
-- extremeTargetAddrExtTrapSrcAddr is set, then extremeTargetAddrExtTrapSrcIp
-- must not be set. When extremeTargetAddrExtTrapSrcAddr is set to a non IPv4
-- address, the value of this object shall be 0. When extremeTargetAddrExtTrapSrcAddr
-- is set to a IPv4 address, this object shall return the same value as
-- extremeTargetAddrExtTrapSrcAddr.
extremeTargetAddrExtTrapSrcIp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS deprecated
"This object contains the source IP address from which traps have to be sent out.
If this object is assigned an IP address that does not belong to the switch,
an error is thrown."
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { extremeTargetAddrExtEntry 5}
extremeTargetAddrExtVrName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32))
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
"This object contains the virtual router name through which the SNMP Traps are being sent out. If extremeTargetAddrExtVrName is not specified then the SNMP Traps will be sent out through either VR-Mgmt or VR-Default."
::= { extremeTargetAddrExtEntry 6}
extremeTargetAddrExtTrapSrcAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object indicates the transport type of the address contained in extremeTargetAddrExtTrapSrcAddr."
::= { extremeTargetAddrExtEntry 7}
extremeTargetAddrExtTrapSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
"This object contains the source address the NE shall use when sending a message to the target."
::= { extremeTargetAddrExtEntry 8}
extremeUsm3DESPrivProtocol OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The 3DES-EDE Symmetric Encryption Protocol. This is the protocol
as specified in draft-reeder-snmpv3-usm-3desede-00."
REFERENCE "-Data Encryption Standard, National Institute
of Standards and Technology. Federal Information Processing
Standard (FIPS) Publication 46-3,(1999, pending approval).
Will supersede FIPS Publication 46-2.
- Data Encryption Algorithm, American National Standards
Institute. ANSI X3.92-1981,(December, 1980).
- DES Modes of Operation, National Institute of Standards
and Technology. Federal Information Processing Standard
(FIPS) Publication 81,(December, 1980).
- Data Encryption Algorithm - Modes of Operation, American
National Standards Institute. ANSI X3.106-1983, (May 1983)."
::= { extremeUsm 1 }
extremeUsmAesCfb192Protocol OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The CFB128-AES-192 Privacy Protocol."
STANDARD (DRAFT). Federal Information Processing Standard
(FIPS) Publication 197. (November 2001).
- Dworkin, M., NIST Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes
of Operation, Methods and Techniques (DRAFT). NIST Special
Publication 800-38A (December 2001)."
::= { extremeUsm 2 }
extremeUsmAesCfb256Protocol OBJECT-IDENTITY
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The CFB128-AES-256 Privacy Protocol."
STANDARD (DRAFT). Federal Information Processing Standard
(FIPS) Publication 197 (November 2001).
- Dworkin, M., NIST Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes
of Operation, Methods and Techniques (DRAFT). NIST Special
Publication 800-38A (December 2001)."
::= { extremeUsm 3 }