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2023-12-05 12:25:34 +01:00
-- File : adminMasterMib.mi2
-- Description : Sample ADMIN Master OID Definition MIB
-- Version : 0.6
-- Date : August 29, 2000
-- Copyright (c) 2000 admin Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-- Reproduction of this document is authorized on condition that this
-- copyright notice is included. This sample ADMIN Master Enterprise MIB
-- embodies proprietary intellectual property of admin Systems (ADMIN).
-- ADMIN retains all title and ownership in the specification, including any
-- revisions.
-- It is the intent of ADMIN to encourage the widespread use of this
-- specification in connection with the management of ADMIN-based products.
-- ADMIN grants vendors, end-users, and other interested parties a
-- non-exclusive license to use this specification in connection with the
-- management of ADMIN products.
-- This specification is supplied "AS IS", and ADMIN makes no warranty,
-- either express or implied, as to the use, operations, condition,
-- or performance of this specification.
-- Sample ADMIN Master Enterprise MIB
-- 1. This is a SMIv2 MIB - all definitions are automatically 'exported'.
-- 2. This MIB:
-- - defines the 'ADMIN Product' OIDs (used as IMPORTS)
-- - defines the 'ADMIN Major Category' OIDs (used as IMPORTS)
-- - defines the 'ADMIN Internal MIB Module' OIDs (used as IMPORTS)
-- - defines/documents the 'ADMIN Generic' MIB OIDs
-- - documents the 'ADMIN OEM swAPI' MIB OIDs
-- - documents the 'ADMIN OEM Product' MIB OIDs
-- 3. Note that the 'defined/documents' items provide a common place to
-- define or document the required OIDs. SMIv1 MIBs can be defined
-- here and then imported into the corresponding MIB. The SMIv2
-- 'MODULE-IDENTITY' macro does not allow the second OID parameter to
-- be imported from an external MIB file. The authors of these
-- 'documented' MIBs must verify, by procedure, that the values used
-- match the values in this document.
-- 4. Note that some MIB compilers do not accept two sets of comments on the
-- same line. Consequently, for commented out document items, do not
-- use a second comment on the same line.
-- 5. Note that the admin enterprise ID (13464) is used in the sample
-- MIBs. The customer "must" replace the admin enterprise ID with
-- the registered enterprise identifier for the specific company or
-- product. The customer must also replace the ADMIN information
-- located in the 'MODULE-IDENTITY' in each sample MIB.
LAST-UPDATED "0008290000Z" -- August 29, 2000
ORGANIZATION "Admin Systems, Inc."
CONTACT-INFO "Admin Systems, Inc.
E-mail: support@admin.com.cn"
DESCRIPTION "ADMIN Master MIB OID defines and documentation."
REVISION "0008290000Z" -- August 29, 2000
DESCRIPTION "Initial MIB creation."
::= { enterprises 13464 }
-- ADMIN Products
dataCom OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {admin 1}
transmission OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {admin 2}
wireCom OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {admin 3}
-- DataCom Products
vdsl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dataCom 1}
gbn OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dataCom 2 }
switch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dataCom 3}
adsl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dataCom 5}
bas OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dataCom 6}
voip OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dataCom 7}
mnt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dataCom 10}
--VDSL Products
S5330-28TX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {vdsl 1}
-- ADMIN Major MIB Categories
gbnPlatform OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gbn 1 }
gbnDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gbn 2 }
gbnService OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gbn 3 }
gbnL2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gbn 4 }
gbnL3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gbn 5 }
gbnLS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gbn 6 }
gbnServiceAAA OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gbnService 1 }
rmonMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gbnService 2}--gbnServiceRMON
gbnServiceMACNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gbnService 3}
-- Switch Products
S5330 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mnt 10 }
-- S5330
S5330-28TX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {S5330 24 }