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2023-12-05 12:25:34 +01:00
-- Change log is now represented using the standard MODULE-IDENTITY REVISION and DESCRIPTION pairs below
Counter32, Unsigned32
TruthValue, DisplayString
infra93MibMonitored MODULE-IDENTITY
LAST-UPDATED "201908301538Z"
ORGANIZATION "www.taitradio.com"
CONTACT-INFO "Tait Communications
245 Wooldridge Road
PO Box 1645
New Zealand
phone: +64 3358 3399
email: support@taitradio.com"
DESCRIPTION "rctRfTransmitter, rctRfReceiver, rctSelectedChannel related Monitored values
in the TB93XX series Base Stations"
REVISION "201908301538Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.24.00 - Added linearTransmissionCapability object group.
- This group is optional and will be present only for systems
equipped with a linear power amplifier.
- This group contains the following alarms:
- Added optional pmuInfoGroup object group.
- pmuAlarmsGroup and pmuStateGroup are now optional."
REVISION "201905290000Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.23.00 - Minor text revisions"
REVISION "201903300000Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.22.00 - healthNetworkConnLogChan1State, healthNetworkConnLogChan2State references updated"
REVISION "201808300000Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.21.00 - Added audio line configured levels, tx-key, rx-gate and rf repeat
- Added receiver disabled state monitored value."
REVISION "201807300000Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.20.00 - Clarified the meaning of the configuration invalid alarm"
REVISION "201805220026Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.19.00 - Added new logical channel states TEST and POLL
- modified textual convention value for INVALID from 4 to 255"
REVISION "201709140130Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.18.00 - Add channel group name to current channel properties
- nwSvpPort Monitored value in the TB93XX series Base Stations"
REVISION "201708241400Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.17.00 - Two backup NTP servers added
- Added channelgroup properties - status, localBufferLevel, furthestBufferLevel, marshalingType, marshallingDuration, Receiver and Transmitter synchronization status/reason
- Added DMR Central Voter and DMR IP Networking Satellite licences
- Added single-base-station as an option for channelgroup status
- Added monitoring parameters for channelgroup network characteristics -
nwChannelGroupLateStreamsCount, nwChannelGroupOverflowCount, nwChannelGroupUnderflowCount
nwChannelGroupLostPacketsCount, nwChannelGroupJitter
- TX Buffer alarm added"
REVISION "201705051500Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.16.00 - Simulcast related alarms added"
REVISION "201703070000Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.15.00 - Fixed missing MAX-ACCESS entires on OIDs: linkInfoDMRNodeIPAddress, linkInfoDMRNodePriority, linkInfoMPTNodeIPAddress, linkInfoMPTNodePriority"
REVISION "201702030000Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.14.01 - Fixed missing MAX-ACCESS entires on OIDs: linkInfoDMRNodeIPAddress, linkInfoDMRNodePriority, linkInfoMPTNodeIPAddress, linkInfoMPTNodePriority"
REVISION "201612050000Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.14.00 - Added support for MPT conventional fallback
- Added status of the MPT fallback node
- Added status of the DMR fallback node
- Added state of the receiver's analog gate
- Added the node controller IP addresses and priorities for DMR and MPT
- Added the colour code of the channel"
REVISION "201607010000Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.13.00 - Added configured Ntp server visibility
- Copied PMU State items from TB9400 MIB
- Updated DCS formatting description"
REVISION "201602180000Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.12.00 - Updated ControlProtocolStatus description tfor name change from dmr-rx-only to dmr-hibernate.
- Updated ControlProtocolStatus description to include dmr-tier2-aligned mode.
- Updated where logical receiver gating information comes from."
REVISION "201511030400Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.11.00 - Fixed missing alarm getters for pa reverse power high, pa final 2 temperature high and pmu output current high
- Added licenceAnalogConventional
- Updated description for infoStandaloneNodeStatus
- updated alarm range descriptions
- added temperature for reciter board (rctTemperatureBoard)"
REVISION "201503230400Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.10.00 - Added DMR Conventional license state"
REVISION "201410301500Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.09.00 - Description text reviewed"
REVISION "201407290000Z"
DESCRIPTION "Version 1.08.00 - Report the number of interference events"
REVISION "201407100000Z"
DESCRIPTION "1.07.00 - Able to monitor the running state of the secure shell interface"
REVISION "201404140000Z"
DESCRIPTION "1.06.00 - Add system alarms for TDMA"
REVISION "201404130000Z"
DESCRIPTION "1.05.00 - Added values for use during coverage testing"
REVISION "201403140000Z"
DESCRIPTION "1.04.01 - Modified description of the inactive logical channel state"
REVISION "201401260000Z"
DESCRIPTION "1.04.00 - Moved textual convention module identity OID to start at 1"
REVISION "201401141100Z"
DESCRIPTION "1.03.03 - Addition of interference counter and interference over threshold"
REVISION "201401010000Z"
DESCRIPTION "These versions were recorded prior to utilization of the MODULE-IDENTITY change log:
1.03.02 - Modified textual convention for states of logical channels, OFF(0)=>INACTIVE(0)
1.03.01 - Updated description for dmr-two-slot-data now that it is supported
1.03.00 - Addition of packet lost counters
1.02.00 - Addition of licenses and module detail information
1.00.04 - New standalone node alarms
Two alarms have been added for the standalone node. This resulted in two new traps:
systemFallbackControlled and systemDuplicateNodePriority. Also two new OIDs in the MIB:
systemAlarmFallbackControlled and systemAlarmDuplicateNodePriority
1.00.03 - Modifications to names of states
offline(0) enum has been renamed to unconnected(0)
unconnected(1) enum has been DEPRECATED and will no longer be used by new base station
idle(2) enum has been renamed to standby(2)
The consequences for mismatched old base stations with new MIBs and new base
stations with old MIBs are as follows:
Old base station queried with new MIBs in NMS:
offline(0) => unconnected(0)
unconnected(1) => deprecated_unconnected(1)
idle(2) => standby(2)
New base station queried with old MIBs in NMS:
unconnected(0) => offline(0)
standby(2) => idle(2)
offline(0) enum has been renamed to off(0)
1.00.02 - Initial version prior to change log entries"
::= { infra93-94MibModule 2 }
infra93MIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { taitGeneric 2 }
monitored OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { infra93MIB 2 }
mibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { monitored 1 }
productInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mibObjects 1 }
productSummary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { productInfo 1 }
info OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { productSummary 1 }
health OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { productSummary 2 }
productEnabledFeatures OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { productInfo 2 }
modules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mibObjects 2 }
reciter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modules 2 }
rctSummary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { reciter 1}
rctInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rctSummary 1 }
rctHealth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rctSummary 2 }
rctSelectedChannel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { reciter 2 }
rctRfReceiveQuality OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { reciter 3 }
rctRfReceiver OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { reciter 4 }
rctRfTransmitter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { reciter 5 }
rctTemperature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { reciter 6 }
rctSystemInterface OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { reciter 7 }
powerAmplifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modules 3 }
paSummary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerAmplifier 1 }
paInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { paSummary 1 }
paHealth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { paSummary 2 }
paTxOutput OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerAmplifier 2 }
paTemperature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerAmplifier 4 }
paGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerAmplifier 5 }
powerManagementUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modules 4 }
pmuSummary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerManagementUnit 1 }
pmuInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pmuSummary 1 }
pmuHealth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pmuSummary 2 }
pmuSubmodules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pmuSummary 3 }
pmuState OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { powerManagementUnit 2 }
frontPanel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modules 5 }
fpSummary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frontPanel 1 }
fpInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fpSummary 1 }
fpHealth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fpSummary 2 }
alarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mibObjects 3 }
alarmSummary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarms 1 }
reciterAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarms 3 }
paAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarms 4 }
pmuAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarms 5 }
customAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarms 6 }
fpAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarms 7 }
systemAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarms 8 }
networkLinks OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mibObjects 4 }
networkLinksSummary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkLinks 1 }
linkInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkLinksSummary 1 }
linkHealth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkLinksSummary 2 }
networkInterfaces OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mibObjects 5 }
nwNtpInterface OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkInterfaces 1 }
nwChannelGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkInterfaces 2 }
nwPorts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { networkInterfaces 3 }
mibConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { monitored 5}
mibGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mibConformance 1}
mibCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mibConformance 2}
-- Monitored Objects
-- Product Summary
licenceDmrFull OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "DMR Full license. The base station is licensed for operation on a DMR Full system.
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { productEnabledFeatures 300 }
licenceDmrExpress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "DMR Express 6 license. The base station is licensed for operation on a DMR Express system.
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { productEnabledFeatures 302 }
licenceDmrAccess OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "DMR Access license. The base station is licensed for operation on a DMR Access system.
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { productEnabledFeatures 303 }
licenceDmrConventional OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "DMR Conventional license. The base station is licensed for operation on a DMR concentional system.
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { productEnabledFeatures 304 }
licenceAnalogConventional OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Analog Conventional licence. The base station is licenced for Analog conventional operation
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { productEnabledFeatures 301 }
licenceDmrExpress20 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "DMR Express 20 license. The base station is licensed for operation on a DMR Express 20 system.
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { productEnabledFeatures 305 }
licenceDmrCentralVoter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "DMR Central Voter license. The base station is licensed for operation as a DMR Central Voter.
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { productEnabledFeatures 306 }
licenceDmrNetworkSatellite OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "DMR IP Networking Satellite license. The base station is licensed for operation as a DMR IP
Networking satellite.
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { productEnabledFeatures 307 }
-- Base Station Info
infoTransmitterStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TransmitterStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The current status of the transmitter.
unknown(0): The transmitter is in an unknown, probably faulty state.
unconfigured(1): The transmitter requires configuration before it can transmit.
untuned(2): Something is wrong with the configuration, so the exciter is unable to set the selected frequency.
idle(3): The transmitter is not transmitting on either channel.
transmitting(4): The transmitter is actively transmitting.
calibrating(5): The transmitter is being calibrated.
fault(6): There is a detected fault with the transmitter."
::= { info 1 }
infoStandaloneNodeStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX StandaloneNodeStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
DESCRIPTION "The current status of standalone mode.
offline(0): A maintainer has taken the base station offline. The base station is not under node control.
standby(1): The standalone node is enabled and ready to become active if the base station loses contact with the node.
The standby state can also occur if the base station has lost contact with the node, but an activated major alarm at the base station prevents the standalone node from becoming active.
active(2): The base station has lost connection with the node and is in standalone node mode.
disabled(4): The standalone node feature is disabled in configuration.
running(5): The standalone node is contending with other embedded nodes on the site to take over as the master node.
master(6): The standalone node is acting as a master node and has set up a control channel on this base station."
::= { info 2 }
infoMPTFallbackNodeStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX FallbackNodeStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The current status of the MPT fallback node."
::= { info 3 }
infoDMRFallbackNodeStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX FallbackNodeStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The current status of the DMR fallback node."
::= { info 4 }
-- Base Station Health
healthRunMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX BaseStationMode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current base station mode.
Offline means that a maintainer has taken the base station out of service.
offline(0): The base station is currently offline. It is out of service. It does not transmit or receive user traffic. It communicates with a web browser but not with nodes.
online(1): The base station is currently online. This is its normal operating mode.
unknown(2): The base station mode is unknown. This indicates a faulty condition."
::= { health 2 }
healthNetworkConnLogChan1State OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX LogicalChannelState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the state of logical channel 1.
inactive(0): The logical channel is not transmitting.
idle(1): The logical channel is currently idle. It is not currently a traffic channel or a control channel.
traffic(2): The logical channel is currently operating as a traffic channel (voice/data).
control(3): The logical channel is currently operating as a control channel.
test(4): The logical channel is currently operating as a test channel.
poll(5): The logical channel is currently operating as a poll channel.
invalid(255): The logical channel configuration is invalid."
::= { health 3 }
healthNetworkConnLogChan2State OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX LogicalChannelState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Indicates the state of logical channel 2.
inactive(0): The logical channel is not transmitting.
idle(1): The logical channel is currently idle. It is not currently a traffic channel or a control channel.
traffic(2): The logical channel is currently operating as a traffic channel (voice/data).
control(3): The logical channel is currently operating as a control channel.
test(4): The logical channel is currently operating as a test channel.
poll(5): The logical channel is currently operating as a poll channel.
invalid(255): The logical channel configuration is invalid."
::= { health 4 }
healthSecureShellRunning OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the remote secure shell interface is running.
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { health 5 }
-- Reciter Information
rctInfoProductCode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The reciter product code. Product codes are explained in the Specifications Manual."
::= { rctInfo 1 }
rctInfoSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The reciter serial number. A unique identifier assigned to the module in the factory."
::= { rctInfo 2 }
rctInfoHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The reciter hardware version number."
::= { rctInfo 3 }
rctInfoFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The version number of the firmware currently installed on the Reciter."
::= { rctInfo 4 }
-- Reciter Receiver
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The current strength of the received signal in dBm.
Range: -12000..-6000"
::= { rctRfReceiver 1 }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The current strength of the received signal on logical channel 1 in dBm.
Range: -12000..-6000"
::= { rctRfReceiver 2 }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The current strength of the received signal on logical channel 2 in dBm.
Range: -12000..-6000"
::= { rctRfReceiver 3 }
rctRfReceiverLC1RxGateState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Receiver gate state of logical channel 1. Only valid if the logical channel has received anything since powering up.
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { rctRfReceiver 4 }
rctRfReceiverLC2RxGateState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Receiver gate state of logical channel 2. Only valid if the logical channel has received anything since powering up.
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { rctRfReceiver 5 }
rctRfReceiverSelectedDecodeCTCSS OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX FrequencydHz
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The CTCSS value that the base station unmutes to."
::= { rctRfReceiver 8 }
rctRfReceiverSelectedDecodeSubAudibleType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SubAudibleType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The configured receive sub-audible signaling type."
::= { rctRfReceiver 9 }
rctRfReceiverSelectedSINADGatingLevel OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The configured signal-to-noise gating threshold in dB."
::= { rctRfReceiver 10 }
rctRfReceiverSelectedDecodeDCS OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The DCS value that the base station unmutes to."
::= { rctRfReceiver 11 }
rctRfReceiverSelectedFrequencyResponse OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RxFrequencyResponse
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Specifies the receive baseband frequency response that applies to the channel.
MPT Control channels have a flat speech charactieristic.
MPT Traffic channels have a de-emphasis characteristic.
Conventional analog channels take their setting from channel profile configuration.
'Flat speech' applies a constant gain to frequencies in the speech band (high pass above 300 Hz).
'De-emph speech' is a de-emphasis characteristic over the speech band (high pass above 300 Hz)."
::= { rctRfReceiver 12 }
rctRfReceiverAnalogGateState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Analog receiver gate state of the channel.
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { rctRfReceiver 13 }
rctRfReceiverIsDisabled OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Status of the receiver; if it is unavailable then the receiver can't be disabled in the current mode of operation.
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { rctRfReceiver 14}
-- Reciter RF transmitter
rctRfTxSelectedEncodeCTCSS OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX FrequencydHz
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The configured transmit CTCSS tone frequency in dHz."
::= { rctRfTransmitter 10 }
rctRfTxSelectedEncodeSubAudibleType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SubAudibleType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The configured transmit sub-audible signaling type"
::= { rctRfTransmitter 11 }
rctRfTxSelectFrequencyResponse OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TxFrequencyResponse
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Specifies the transmit baseband frequency response that applies to the channel.
MPT Control channels have a flat speech charactieristic.
MPT Traffic channels have a pre-emphasis characteristic.
Conventional analog channels take their setting from channel profile configuration.
'Flat speech' applies a constant gain to frequencies in the speech band (high pass above 300 Hz).
'Pre-emph speech' is a pre-emphasis characteristic over the speech band (high pass above 300 Hz)."
::= { rctRfTransmitter 12 }
rctRfTxSelectedEncodeDCS OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The DCS sub-audible signalling value that the base station applies while transmitting."
::= { rctRfTransmitter 13 }
rctRfTxSelectedEncodeSubAudibleDeviation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The deviation that CTCSS or DCS signaling will cause to the carrier frequency. It is in Hz."
::= { rctRfTransmitter 14 }
rctRfTxRfRepeatState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX OptionState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The current RF repeat state.
disabled(0): RF is not repeated. The reciter acts as a base station.
enabled(1): RF is repeated. The reciter acts as a repeater."
::= { rctRfTransmitter 16 }
-- Reciter temperature
rctTemperatureBoard OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Temperature
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The reciter temperature in degrees Celsius, measured on the reciter circuit board.
Range: -30..125"
::= { rctTemperature 1 }
-- Reciter system interface
rctSiConfiguredBalancedLineInLevel OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The configured level of the balanced line input in dBm.
Range: -30..0"
::= { rctSystemInterface 1 }
rctSiConfiguredBalancedLineOutLevel OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The configured level of the balanced line output in dBm.
Range: -30..0"
::= { rctSystemInterface 2 }
SYNTAX GateState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The state of the Tx key input.
Range: Active(1), Inactive(2)"
::= { rctSystemInterface 3 }
SYNTAX GateState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The state of the Rx Gate output.
Range: Active(1), Inactive(2)"
::= { rctSystemInterface 4 }
-- PA Information
paInfoProductCode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The power amplifier product code. Product codes are explained in the Specifications Manual."
::= { paInfo 1 }
paInfoSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Power amplifier serial number. A unique identifier assigned to the module in the factory."
::= { paInfo 2 }
paInfoHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The power amplifier hardware version number."
::= { paInfo 3 }
paInfoFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The version number of the firmware currently installed on the power amplifier."
::= { paInfo 4 }
-- Front panel Information
fpInfoProductCode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The product code for the front panel."
::= { fpInfo 1 }
fpInfoSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Front panel serial number. A unique identifier assigned to the front panel in the factory."
::= { fpInfo 2 }
fpInfoHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Front panel hardware version number."
::= { fpInfo 3 }
fpInfoFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The version number of the firmware currently installed on the front panel."
::= { fpInfo 4 }
-- PMU Information
pmuInfoProductCode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The product code for the PMU."
::= { pmuInfo 1 }
pmuInfoSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "PMU serial number. A unique identifier assigned to the PMU in the factory."
::= { pmuInfo 2 }
pmuInfoHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The PMU hardware version number."
::= { pmuInfo 3 }
pmuInfoFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The version number of the firmware currently installed on the PMU."
::= { pmuInfo 4 }
pmuInfoCalibrationUpdateDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Indicates when the PMU was last calibrated."
::= { pmuInfo 5 }
-- PMU state
pmuStateMainsInState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Condition
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The condition of the PMU's AC power input.
bad(0): The AC power input is off, or too low, or too high.
good(1): The AC power input is usable.
not fitted(2): The AC power input module is not fitted."
::= { pmuState 1 }
pmuStateBatteryInState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Condition
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The condition of the PMU's DC power input.
bad(0): The DC power input is off, or too low, or too high.
good(1): The DC power input is usable.
not fitted(2): The DC power input module is not fitted."
::= { pmuState 2 }
pmuStateBatteryInVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The measured voltage of the DC (battery) power supply to the PMU.
Range: 10.5..15.5."
::= { pmuState 3 }
pmuStateOutCurrent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CurrentmA
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The output current in mA that the PMU is supplying to the subrack (PA(s), reciter(s) and control panel).
Range: 0..20000."
::= { pmuState 4 }
pmuStateOutVoltage OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The actual voltage of the PMU output(s) to the PA(s) and reciter(s) in the subrack (nominally 28 V).
Range: 0..32."
::= { pmuState 5 }
pmuStateOutStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Condition
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The condition of the PMU power supply to the PA.
bad(0): The power supply is absent or its voltage is too low or too high.
good(1): The power supply is OK."
::= { pmuState 6 }
pmuStateAuxOutState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Condition
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The condition of the auxiliary power output.
bad(0): The auxiliary power is off, or its voltage is too high or too low.
good(1): The auxiliary power output is on.
not fitted(2): The auxiliary power module is not fitted."
::= { pmuState 7 }
pmuStateBusConnect OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The state of the DC supply to the PMU's standby converter.
Range: connected(1), not connected(2)"
::= { pmuState 9 }
-- Reciter Selected Channel
rctSelectedChannelNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Number of the currently selected channel.
Range: 1..1000"
::= { rctSelectedChannel 1 }
rctSelectedChannelName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Name of the current channel."
::= { rctSelectedChannel 2 }
rctSelectedChannelProfileName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Name of the channel profile assigned to the currently selected channel."
::= { rctSelectedChannel 3 }
rctSelectedChannelSigProfileName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Name of the signalling profile assigned to the currently selected channel."
::= { rctSelectedChannel 4 }
rctSelectedChannelTransmitPower OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Configured PA RF transmit power in watts for the current channel when it is powered by mains.
Range: 0..100"
::= { rctSelectedChannel 5 }
rctSelectedChannelTxFreq OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX FrequencyHz
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The transmit frequency of the current channel in Hz.
Range: 100000000..1000000000"
::= { rctSelectedChannel 6 }
rctSelectedChannelRxFreq OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX FrequencyHz
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The receive frequency of the current channel in Hz.
Range: 100000000..1000000000"
::= { rctSelectedChannel 7 }
rctSelectedChannelSystemType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX OperationalMode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The type of network configured in the channel profile of the currently selected channel,
analogConventional(1), dmrConventional(2), dmrTrunking(3), mptTrunking(4)"
::= { rctSelectedChannel 10 }
rctSelectedChannelColourCode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ColourCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The configured colour code for the currently selected channel"
::= { rctSelectedChannel 11 }
rctSelectedChannelGroupName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Name of the channel group assigned to the currently selected channel."
::= { rctSelectedChannel 12 }
rctRfRcvInterference OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Interference level is above configured RSSI threshold.
Range: true(1), false(2)"
::= { rctRfReceiveQuality 2 }
rctRfInterferenceCounter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Counter indicating cumulative number of seconds that interference has been present.
Range: 0..4294967295"
::= { rctRfReceiveQuality 3 }
rctRfInterferenceEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of times the receiver detects interference."
::= { rctRfReceiveQuality 4 }
-- PA Tx Output
paTxOutputForwardPower OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The measured forward power of the PA output in Watts.
Range: 0..100"
::= { paTxOutput 1 }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The transmitter's voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR)."
::= { paTxOutput 2 }
-- Link Info (Network Connections)
linkInfoCtrlProtocolStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ControlProtocolStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of the base station as reported to the node using the control protocol.
unconnected(0): The base station is not under node control.
deprecatedUnconnected(1): DEPRECATED - The base station is not in contact with a node.
standby(2): The base station is in contact with a node. Its air interface is not transmitting or receiving.
dmr-aligned(3): The base station is transmitting a framesync structure together with an idle pattern or a payload.
dmr-offset(4): Not currently used.
dmr-two-slot-data(5): The base station is carrying a data call that uses both logical channels.
dmr-hibernate(6): the base station is hibernating
analogue(7): Not currently used.
test-mode(8): Reserved.
dmr-tier2-aligned(9): The base station is transmitting a framesync struture for Tier 2 operation"
::= { linkInfo 1 }
linkInfoNetworkPacketCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total packets received from the network on control and data protocols. This is an accumulating number. The counter is large enough that the number rolls over infrequently, such as once every few months, depending on call volumes."
::= { linkInfo 2 }
linkInfoMPTCtrlProtocolStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MPTControlProtocolStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The status of the base station as reported to the node using the control protocol.
unconnected(0): The base-station is not connected to any MPT-IP node, neither external nor fallback.
idle(1): The base-station is connected to a MPT-IP node (either external or fallback). It is not transmitting anything on its air interface (transmitter is off).
control(2): The base-station is connected to a MPT-IP node (either external or fallback). Air interface transmitting and receiving MPT control channel signalling only.
traffic(3): The base-station is connected to a MPT-IP node (either external or fallback). Voice/Data packets are sent to and received from node, Air interface is transmitting as well as receiving.
conventional(4): The base-station is connected to a fallback node. Voice/Data packets are repeated locally from uplink to downlink. Air interface is transmitting as well as receiving."
::= { linkInfo 3 }
linkInfoDMRNodeIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the DMR Node Controlling the base station."
::= {linkInfo 4 }
linkInfoDMRNodePriority OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The priority of the DMR Node Controlling the base station."
::= {linkInfo 5 }
linkInfoMPTNodeIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the MPT Node Controlling the base station."
::= {linkInfo 6 }
linkInfoMPTNodePriority OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The priority of the MPT Node Controlling the base station."
::= {linkInfo 7 }
linkHealthNetworkPacketLostCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Total accumulated number of lost voice and control packets sent from the control and switching nodes. An increasing number indicates that the linking infrastructure has a problem or is congested."
::= { linkHealth 2 }
linkHealthNetworkJitterLastOver OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The maximum jitter measured in the last over."
::= { linkHealth 3 }
linkHealthNetworkJitterCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The total number of times the configured jitter threshold has been exceeded."
::= { linkHealth 4 }
linkHealthSequenceErrorsCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The result of lost packets - i.e. the number of times packets have been received out of sequence. This is an accumulating number."
::= { linkHealth 5 }
nwConfiguredNtpServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The IP address configured for the preferred NTP server used by the base-station.
The current status of NTP for the base-station including the selected server is
available via the NTPv4-MIB (RFC 5907)"
::= { nwNtpInterface 1 }
nwConfiguredNtpBackupServerAddress1 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The IP address configured for a backup NTP server used by the base-station.
The current status of NTP for the base-station including the backup servers is
available via the NTPv4-MIB (RFC 5907)"
::= { nwNtpInterface 2 }
nwConfiguredNtpBackupServerAddress2 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"The IP address configured for a backup NTP server used by the base-station.
The current status of NTP for the base-station including the backup servers is
available via the NTPv4-MIB (RFC 5907)"
::= { nwNtpInterface 3 }
-- Monitored Alarms: Summary -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
alarmSummaryBaseStation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Base station summary alarm. The base station currently has one or more active alarms.
Connect to the base station to see what these alarms are.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { alarmSummary 1 }
alarmSummaryReciter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Reciter summary alarm. The reciter currently has one or more active alarms. Connect to the base station to see what these alarms are.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { alarmSummary 2 }
alarmSummaryPowerAmplifier OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "PA summary alarm. The PA currently has one or more active alarms. Connect to the base station to see what these alarms are.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { alarmSummary 3 }
alarmSummaryPowerManagementUnit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "PMU summary alarm. The PMU currently has one or more active alarms. Connect to the base station to see what these alarms are.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { alarmSummary 4 }
alarmSummaryCustomAlarms OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Custom summary alarm. There are currently one or more active custom alarms. Connect to the base station to see what these alarms are.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { alarmSummary 5 }
alarmSummaryFrontPanel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Front panel summary alarm. The front panel currently has one or more active alarms. Connect to the base station to see what these alarms are.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { alarmSummary 6 }
alarmSummarySystem OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "System summary alarm. One or more system conditions have triggered alarms. This does not indicate a base station fault. Connect to the base station to see what these alarms are.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { alarmSummary 7 }
alarmSummaryMinor OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Minor summary alarm. The base station currently has one or more minor alarms. The node will select other channels in preference. Connect to the base station to see what these alarms are.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { alarmSummary 8 }
alarmSummaryMajor OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Major summary alarm. The base station currently has one or more major alarms. The node will take it out of service.
Connect to the base station to see what these alarms are.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { alarmSummary 9 }
-- Monitored Alarms: Reciter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rctAlarmRxSynthOutOfLock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Receiver synthesizer alarm. The receiver synthesizer is unable to lock on to the frequency it is configured to operate at.
In response, the base station disabled the receiver.
Check that this frequency is within the receiver's RF frequency range. If it is, send the reciter for repair.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { reciterAlarms 2 }
rctAlarmInvalidChannelSelected OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Channel invalid alarm. An invalid channel number was selected. The base station has stopped operating.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { reciterAlarms 3 }
rctAlarmOverTemperature OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Temperature high alarm. The reciter is approaching its maximum operating temperature.
Check if the ambient temperature high alarm is active (Monitor > Alarms > System) and that the reciter, PMU and PA fan Diagnose > Sub-Systems > Fan Tests).
This alarm could be caused by a high ambient temperature or a fan failure.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { reciterAlarms 10 }
rctAlarmTxCalibrationInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Transmitter calibration invalid alarm. This alarm activates if the exciter has become uncalibrated. Send the reciter for repair.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { reciterAlarms 13 }
rctAlarmRxCalibrationInvalid OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Reciter receiver calibration invalid alarm. The RSSI needs to be calibrated for the operational frequency of the channel.
Connect to the base station and re-calibrate the RSSI.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { reciterAlarms 14 }
rctAlarmInvalidConfiguration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Reciter hardware configuration invalid alarm, the base station modules are not compatible
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { reciterAlarms 15 }
rctAlarm25MHzSynthOutOfLock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Synthesizer out of lock alarm. The reciter's 25 MHz synthesizer cannot remain locked to the external reference.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { reciterAlarms 16 }
rctAlarm6144MHzSynthOutOfLock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Synthesizer out of lock alarm. The reciter's 61.44 MHz synthesizer cannot remain locked to the external reference.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { reciterAlarms 17 }
rctAlarmTxFSynthOutOfLock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The TxF synthesizer is unable to lock on to the frequency it is configured to operate at. In response, the base station disabled the transmitter.
Send the reciter for repair.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { reciterAlarms 18 }
rctAlarmSimulcastSynch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The base station cannot achieve synchronization to common time reference required for simulcast operation.
If simulcast not needed, uncheck simulcast box in channel profile. Otherwise, check 1PPS and External reference units and NTP server and connectors.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { reciterAlarms 19 }
rctAlarmReceiverSynch OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Reports whether the receiver is aligned with the transmit TDMA frame synchronization of the transmitters of the channel group.
Possible causes for the receiver unsynchronized alarm are:
1. The reciter does not have a valid 1PPS input and is not able to free run 1PPS [ref].
2. The reciter is not synchronized to a valid NTP server and is not able to free run NTP time.
This alarm should be disabled for other system types.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { reciterAlarms 20 }
rctAlarmTxRSynthOutOfLock OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The TxR synthesizer is unable to lock on to the frequency it is configured to operate at. In response, the base station disabled the transmitter.
Send the reciter for repair.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { reciterAlarms 21 }
-- Monitored Alarms: Power Amplifier -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
paAlarmNoPADetected OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "PA not detected alarm. The reciter has not received a response from a PA over the control bus.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 1 }
paAlarmInvalidFirmware OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "PA firmware invalid alarm. The firmware in the PA is invalid.
1. Connect to the base station and activate the latest PA firmware.
2. Replace the PA and send it for repair.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 2 }
paAlarmInvalidCalibration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Invalid PA calibration alarm. This alarm can only be triggered on start-up, when the PA carries out self-tests.
It indicates that settings stored in firmware have values outside acceptable limits. In response, the base station disables the transmitter.
Contact your regional Tait office for assistance.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 3 }
paAlarmForwardPowerLow OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Forward power low alarm. The PA forward power output is below the configured minimum limit.
If the VSWR is also raised, check for a load mismatch. Otherwise, there may be a fault in the output driver(s).
Replace the PA and send for repair.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 5 }
paAlarmPowerFoldback OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Power foldback alarm. The PA has detected a fault condition and, to prevent damage, reduced its power output to 35 Watts. (But only if the configured power output is higher than 35 Watts. If the configured output is less than or equal to 35, it stays the same.)
Check the other alarms to see what fault condition(s) have caused this. If the fault clears, the PA automatically returns to its previous power output level and the alarm returns to green.
This alarm causes the node to take the base station out of service. Once the problem is fixed, you need to send a test transmission to clear the alarm. Only then will the node bring the channel back into service.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 7 }
paAlarmReversePowerHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Reverse power high alarm. The PA's reverse power is above the configured maximum.
Check for a load mismatch. This alarm has a resolution of only 1W so it isn't sufficiently sensitive for power outputs below 20W.
Note: This alarm will not show if the transmit combiner uses an isolator.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 8 }
paAlarmShutdownImminent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "PA shut-down alarm. The PA is not operational. It detected a fault condition and disabled the transmitter to prevent damage.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 9 }
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "VSWR alarm. The PA's Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is above the configured threshold. A normal VSWR is <= 2:1.
A high VSWR automatically means reduced output power. If the VSWR increases to 10:1 or more,
the PA folds back its power output to a low level. If the VSWR returns to 5:1 or less, the PA recovers.
Check for a load mismatch on the RF output.
This alarm causes the node to take the base station out of service.
Once the problem is fixed, you need to send a test transmission to clear the alarm. Only then will the node bring the channel back into service.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 10 }
paAlarmDriverCurrentHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Driver current high alarm. The driver is drawing excessive current. A fixed limit has been exceeded. Replace the PA and send it for repair.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 11 }
paAlarmFinal1CurrentHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Final 1 current high alarm. The current in the PA's final 1 output stage has exceeded a fixed limit.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 12 }
paAlarmFinal2CurrentHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Final 2 current high alarm. The current in the PA's final 2 output stage has exceeded a fixed limit.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 13 }
paAlarmCurrentImbalance OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Current imbalance alarm. One of the PA's final stages is drawing significantly more current than the other.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 14 }
paAlarmSupplyVoltageLow OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Supply voltage low alarm. The PA supply voltage is 26 V or less, probably because the battery supply to the PMU is running low.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 15 }
paAlarmSupplyVoltageHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Supply voltage high alarm. The power supplied to the PA is 29 V or more. The PMU is faulty and needs replacing,
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 16 }
paAlarmDriverTemperatureHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Driver temperature high alarm. The temperature in the PA's driver output stage has exceeded the configured threshold.
If it continues to rise and exceeds a built-in limit, the PA will fold back its power output.
To see the actual temperature, connect to the base station and select Diagnose > Sub-Systems > Fan Tests.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 17 }
paAlarmFinal1TemperatureHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Final 1 temperature high alarm. The temperature in the PA's final 1 output stage has exceeded the configured threshold.
If it continues to rise and exceeds a built-in limit, the PA will fold back its power output.
To see the actual temperature, connect to the base station and select Diagnose > Sub-Systems > Fan Tests.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 18 }
paAlarmFinal2TemperatureHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Final 2 temperature high alarm. The temperature in the PA's final 2 output stage has exceeded the configured threshold.
If it continues to rise and exceeds a built-in limit, the PA will fold back its power output.
To see the actual temperature, connect to the base station and select Diagnose > Sub-Systems > Fan Tests.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { paAlarms 19 }
-- Monitored Alarms: Power Management Unit
pmuAlarmNoPMUDetected OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "PMU not detected alarm. The reciter has not received a response from the PMU over the control bus.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { pmuAlarms 1 }
pmuAlarmInvalidFirmware OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "PMU firmware invalid alarm. The firmware in the PMU is invalid.
1. Connect to the base station and activate the PMU firmware.
2. Replace the PMU and send it for repair.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { pmuAlarms 2 }
pmuAlarmMainsFailure OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Mains supply alarm. The mains power supply to the PMU is absent or its voltage is outside acceptable limits.
The PMU is using DC power instead.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { pmuAlarms 4 }
pmuAlarmSelfTestFailure OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "PMU power-up fault. During start-up, the PMU detected an internal error and will reset itself.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { pmuAlarms 5 }
pmuAlarmShutdownImminent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Shut-down imminent alarm. A battery is currently powering the base station and its voltage has fallen below the configured power shut-down voltage.
The PMU will shut down 30 seconds after activating this alarm.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { pmuAlarms 6 }
pmuAlarmTemperatureHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "PMU temperature alarm. One of the PMU temperature sensors has detected a temperature that is above the fixed limit.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { pmuAlarms 7 }
pmuAlarmBatteryProtect OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Battery protection mode alarm. Battery protection mode is on. If mains power fails, the PMU will shut down to protect the battery.
Battery protection mode is entered when the battery voltage falls below the configured power shutdown voltage. Check the battery backup system.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { pmuAlarms 8 }
pmuAlarmBatteryVoltageLow OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Low battery voltage alarm. The DC voltage supply to the PMU is below the configured alarm threshold.
If mains power is lost, the PMU is likely to reduce its output voltage or shut down. Check the charging system.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { pmuAlarms 9 }
pmuAlarmBatteryVoltageHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Battery voltage high alarm. The voltage of the DC power supply to the PMU is higher than the configured maximum.
The base station takes no action until the voltage reaches the fixed maximum, when it shuts down.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { pmuAlarms 10 }
pmuAlarmCurrentOutHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "PMU high current alarm. The PMU is providing > 15 A of current and is automatically lowering its output voltage.
There is a short circuit or the PMU is faulty.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { pmuAlarms 11 }
pmuAlarmVoltageOutLow OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Output voltage low alarm. The PMU's DC output (nominally 28 V) is lower than the fixed minimum of 24 V.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { pmuAlarms 12 }
pmuAlarmVoltageOutHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "High voltage alarm. The PMU's DC output (nominally 28 V) is higher than the fixed maximum of 32 V.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { pmuAlarms 13 }
-- Monitored Alarms: System
systemAlarmAmbientTempLow OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Ambient temperature low alarm. The ambient temperature at the front panel air intake is below the configured minimum.
Fan operation and PA power output are unaffected by this alarm.
This alarm could indicate an air conditioning failure.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { systemAlarms 1 }
systemAlarmAmbientTempHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Ambient temperature high alarm. The ambient temperature at the front panel air intake has exceeded the configured maximum.
Fan operation and PA power output are unaffected by this alarm.
This alarm could indicate an air conditioning failure."
::= { systemAlarms 2 }
systemAlarmExternalRefAbsent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "External frequency reference absent alarm. The base station did not detect an external reference frequency source. It is now using its own source. An external reference is critical for simulcast applications and for K-band operation.
1. The source has become unplugged.
2. The source is not working.
3. There is no external reference source and the alarm was not disabled at installation time. You can disable the alarm (Configure > Alarms > Control).
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { systemAlarms 3 }
systemAlarmQoSJitter OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "QoS jitter alarm. The incoming voice stream has a jitter equal to or greater than the configured threshold.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { systemAlarms 4 }
systemAlarmQoSLostPackets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "QoS lost packets alarm. The number of lost packets in the incoming voice stream has equalled or exceeded the configured threshold.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { systemAlarms 5 }
systemAlarmFallbackControlled OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "This base station is controlled by an Embedded Node in fallback mode."
::= { systemAlarms 6 }
systemAlarmDuplicateNodePriority OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The base station's BSP priority is being used by another base station on the same site. This alarm is raised only if the base station has been configured as 'CCH Capable'."
::= { systemAlarms 7 }
systemAlarmNTPSynchronisation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The base station hasn't had received an NTP signal from a server and the clock might be out of synchronization.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { systemAlarms 8 }
systemAlarm1PPSAbsent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "In a simulcast system base stations must have a 1PPS pulse. This alarm should be disabled for other systems.
It is not applicable to receive only base stations. The alarm warns that the base station isn't receiving
a 1PPS pulse. If the base station loses the pulse but is still receiving its external reference, it phase-locks its transmit clock to
the external frequency reference in order to maintain synchronization. This is called Holdover mode and is a temporary measure. When the
holdover duration expires the base station becomes unsynchronized.
The 'Simulcast unsynchronized' alarm under 'Reciter' below indicates whether the base station is synchronized for simulcast operation.
The 'Receiver unsynchronised' alarm in this section indicates whether the base station receiver is synchronized.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { systemAlarms 9 }
systemAlarmQoSTransmitBuffer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Simulcast satellite base station is receiving packets that cannot fit into the transmit buffer.
The alarm can be raised due to one of the two reasons: packets arriving too late or too early.
See nwQosUnderflowCount and nwQosOverflowCount for the events that cause the alarm condition.
Most likely causes for packets being late are jitter, delay and configuration errors.
Most likely cause for packets being too early is preemption.
Use SNMP monitoring tools and base station's WUI (Monitoring->Interfaces->Channel Group) to identify the cause.
Refer to logs, if the event has happened too far in the past.
The alarm is asserted when rate of non-transmitted packets exceeds 1 percent.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { systemAlarms 10 }
systemAlarmCartesianLoopUnstable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "PA feedback loop to linearise transmitter can't achieve specified tolerances.
Check TxR cable connected properly, otherwise return for repair.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { systemAlarms 11 }
systemAlarmTxRCableAbsent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "PA feedback cable to reciter TxR is not working correctly/not present.
Ensure that the TxR cable between PA and Reciter TxR is unbroken and connected securely, or return for repair.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { systemAlarms 12 }
-- Monitored Alarms: Front Panel
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Fan alarm. The reciter has failed to detect Fan 1 when attempting to activate it upon start-up or when a module temperature threshold is exceeded. The fan may need replacing.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { fpAlarms 1 }
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Fan alarm. The reciter has failed to detect Fan 2 when attempting to activate it upon start-up or when a module temperature threshold is exceeded. The fan may need replacing.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { fpAlarms 2 }
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Fan alarm. The reciter has failed to detect Fan 3 when attempting to activate it upon start-up or when a module temperature threshold is exceeded. The fan may need replacing.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { fpAlarms 3 }
fpAlarmNoFPDetected OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The base station is unable to detect the front panel on the control bus. Check the connections of the D-range connector and system control bus cable.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { fpAlarms 4 }
fpAlarmInvalidFirmware OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Invalid front panel firmware alarm. Connect to the base station and select Tools > Firmware Download to acquire valid firmware. If the firmware is valid contact your regional Tait office for assistance.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { fpAlarms 5 }
-- Monitored Alarms: Custom -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
customAlarm1 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm 1. The state of digital input 1 has changed, triggering this alarm.
This occurs when external equipment has been connected to the input.
When configured as 'active high', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'high' (4.75V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'low'.
When configured as 'active low', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'low' (0V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'high'.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { customAlarms 1 }
customAlarm2 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm 2. The state of digital input 2 has changed, triggering this alarm.
This occurs when external equipment has been connected to the input.
When configured as 'active high', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'high' (4.75V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'low'.
When configured as 'active low', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'low' (0V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'high'.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { customAlarms 2 }
customAlarm3 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm 3. The state of digital input 3 has changed, triggering this alarm.
This occurs when external equipment has been connected to the input.
When configured as 'active high', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'high' (4.75V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'low'.
When configured as 'active low', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'low' (0V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'high'.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { customAlarms 3 }
customAlarm4 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm 4. The state of digital input 4 has changed, triggering this alarm.
This occurs when external equipment has been connected to the input.
When configured as 'active high', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'high' (4.75V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'low'.
When configured as 'active low', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'low' (0V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'high'.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { customAlarms 4 }
customAlarm5 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm 5. The state of digital input 5 has changed, triggering this alarm.
This occurs when external equipment has been connected to the input.
When configured as 'active high', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'high' (4.75V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'low'.
When configured as 'active low', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'low' (0V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'high'.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { customAlarms 5 }
customAlarm6 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm 6. The state of digital input 6 has changed, triggering this alarm.
This occurs when external equipment has been connected to the input.
When configured as 'active high', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'high' (4.75V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'low'.
When configured as 'active low', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'low' (0V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'high'.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { customAlarms 6 }
customAlarm7 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm 7. The state of digital input 7 has changed, triggering this alarm.
This occurs when external equipment has been connected to the input.
When configured as 'active high', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'high' (4.75V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'low'.
When configured as 'active low', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'low' (0V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'high'.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { customAlarms 7 }
customAlarm8 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm 8. The state of digital input 8 has changed, triggering this alarm.
This occurs when external equipment has been connected to the input.
When configured as 'active high', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'high' (4.75V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'low'.
When configured as 'active low', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'low' (0V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'high'.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { customAlarms 8 }
customAlarm9 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm 9. The state of digital input 9 has changed, triggering this alarm.
This occurs when external equipment has been connected to the input.
When configured as 'active high', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'high' (4.75V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'low'.
When configured as 'active low', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'low' (0V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'high'.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { customAlarms 9 }
customAlarm10 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm 10. The state of digital input 10 has changed, triggering this alarm.
This occurs when external equipment has been connected to the input.
When configured as 'active high', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'high' (4.75V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'low'.
When configured as 'active low', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'low' (0V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'high'.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { customAlarms 10 }
customAlarm11 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm 11. The state of digital input 11 has changed, triggering this alarm.
This occurs when external equipment has been connected to the input.
When configured as 'active high', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'high' (4.75V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'low'.
When configured as 'active low', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'low' (0V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'high'.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { customAlarms 11 }
customAlarm12 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AlarmState
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm 12. The state of digital input 12 has changed, triggering this alarm.
This occurs when external equipment has been connected to the input.
When configured as 'active high', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'high' (4.75V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'low'.
When configured as 'active low', a custom alarm is triggered when its input goes to 'low' (0V) and it is cleared when its input goes to 'high'.
Range: unavailable(0), cleared(1), raised(2), disabled(3)"
::= { customAlarms 12 }
-- Monitored network ports: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The configured Simulcast Voted protocol UDP port."
::= { nwPorts 1 }
-- Monitored Channelgroup: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
nwChannelGroupStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ChannelGroupStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The voting role that the base station is currently playing within the channel group."
::= { nwChannelGroup 1 }
nwChannelGroupLocalBufferLevel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Milliseconds
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The lowest level of the transmit buffer, measured in milliseconds over a 5-second period."
::= { nwChannelGroup 2 }
nwChannelGroupEmptiestBufferLevel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Milliseconds
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The level of the transmit buffer (in ms) at the member that has got emptiest buffer-level.
It is the smallest transmit buffer of any channel group member.
If marshalling is self-regulating, the central voter is responsible for ensuring that there are no buffer underruns.
If marshalling is fixed, the marshalling duration must be long enough to prevent buffer underruns."
::= { nwChannelGroup 3 }
nwChannelGroupMarshallingType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimingControlType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "[Simulcast] The Marshalling Type configuration setting indicates how the marshalling time is determined.
fixed(0): Configuration defines the marshalling time.
self-regulating(1): The network element dynamically adjusts the marshalling time based on the size of the smallest transmit buffer in the channel group."
::= { nwChannelGroup 4 }
nwChannelGroupMarshallingDuration OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Milliseconds
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "In simulcast, the current marshalling duration (in ms). This is fixed in configuration or automatically regulated. This parameter is only used by the central voter (channel group master).
Range: 0..300"
::= { nwChannelGroup 5 }
nwChannelGroupReceiverSynchStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ReceiverSyncStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The receiver synchronization status indicates whether the base station's receiver is synchronized and if not then gives reasons why.
no-license(0): The base station does not have a license to operate in Simulcast mode.
non-channelgroup-operation(1):The current channel group profile does not enable channel group operation.
synchronized(2): The transmitter is able to synchronize its transmissions with the other members of the channel group. Simulcast is functioning properly.
never-had-1pps(3): The base station has never had a 1PPS signal. It is either faulty or absent and is therefore unsynchronized.
never-had-ntp(4): The base station has never had NTP so it is therefore unsynchronized.
missing-1pps-or-ntp(5): 1PPS or NTP is faulty or absent after initial synchronisation."
::= { nwChannelGroup 6 }
nwChannelGroupTransmitterSynchStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TransmitterSyncStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The Synchronization status indicates whether the base station's transmission is synchronized and if not then gives reasons why. A base station transmitter in a simulcast channel group must be synchronized for simulcast operation. An unsynchronized base station does not transmit, unless it is specifically configured to transmit even though unsynchronized.
no-license(0): The base station does not have a license to operate in Simulcast mode.
non-simulcast-operation(1): The current channel profile does not enable simulcast.
bad-frequency-reference(2): The base station has frequency reference either faulty or absent and is therefore unsynchronized.
never-had-1pps(3): The base station has never had a 1PPS. It is either faulty or absent and is therefore unsynchronized.
never-had-ntp(4): The base station has never had NTP so it is therefore unsynchronized.
missing-1pps-or-ntp(5): 1PPS or NTP is faulty or absent after initial synchronisation.
synchronized(6): The transmitter is able to synchronize its transmissions with the other members of the channel group. Simulcast is functioning properly.
non-channelgroup-operation(7):The current channel profile does not enable channel group operation."
::= { nwChannelGroup 7 }
nwChannelGroupLateStreamsCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of times any transmission stream arrives later than the required transmit time.
The count is aggregated one since system-startup."
::= { nwChannelGroup 8 }
nwChannelGroupOverflowCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of channelgroup messages that did not fit in the transmit buffer or were too far into the future.
The count is total such messages since system-startup."
::= { nwChannelGroup 9 }
nwChannelGroupUnderflowCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of times transmit-buffer ran empty, since system-startup."
::= { nwChannelGroup 10 }
nwChannelGroupLostPacketsCount OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were lost during a transmission stream, based on the packet sequence numbering.
The count is aggregated one since system-startup."
::= { nwChannelGroup 11 }
nwChannelGroupJitter OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The jitter-value calculated in compliance with RFC-1889. It is the mean deviation (absolute value)
of the difference in packet spacing at the receiver compared to the sender for a pair of packets. The value is in milliseconds."
::= { nwChannelGroup 12 }
healthGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The health Group."
::= { mibGroups 1 }
alarmSummaryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The alarmSummary Group."
::= { mibGroups 2 }
rctSelectedChannelGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The rctSelectedChannel Group."
::= { mibGroups 3 }
paTxOutputGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The paTxOutput Group."
::= { mibGroups 5 }
linkInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The linkInfo Group."
::= { mibGroups 6 }
customAlarmsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The customAlarms group."
::= { mibGroups 7 }
systemAlarmsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The systemAlarms Group."
::= { mibGroups 8 }
fpAlarmsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The fpAlarms Group."
::= { mibGroups 9 }
paAlarmsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The paAlarms Group."
::= { mibGroups 10 }
pmuAlarmsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The pmuAlarms Group."
::= { mibGroups 11 }
reciterAlarmsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The reciterAlarms Group."
::= { mibGroups 12 }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The info Group."
::= { mibGroups 13 }
rctReceiveQualityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The receive quality Group."
::= { mibGroups 14 }
rctReceiverGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The receiver Group."
::= { mibGroups 15 }
rctTemperatureGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The reciter temperature group."
::= { mibGroups 16 }
pmuStateGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The pmu status indications group."
::= { mibGroups 17 }
nwNtpInterfaceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The network ntp interface group."
::= { mibGroups 18 }
rctTransmitterGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The transmitter group."
::= { mibGroups 19 }
nwChannelGroupGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The group for channelgroup."
::= { mibGroups 20 }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Network ports"
::= { mibGroups 21 }
STATUS current
"The requirements for conformance to the TAIT-INFRA93SERIES-MIB."
MODULE -- this module
GROUP linearTransmissionCapability
DESCRIPTION "Information about linear PA or features requiring a linear PA
not reported if software running on TB7300 platform"
GROUP pmuAlarmsGroup
DESCRIPTION "PMU information not reported if software running on TB7300 platform"
GROUP pmuInfoGroup
DESCRIPTION "PMU information not reported if software running on TB7300 platform"
GROUP pmuStateGroup
DESCRIPTION "PMU information not reported if software running on TB7300 platform"
::= { mibCompliance 1 }
rctSystemInterfaceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Reciter system interface"
::= { mibGroups 22 }
linearTransmissionCapability OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "Information depending on existence of a linear power amplifier"
::= { mibGroups 23 }
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION "The PMU info group."
::= { mibGroups 24 }
deprecatedOidGroup OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS deprecated
::= { mibGroups 27 }