ARRIS-CM-DEVICE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI arrisProdIdCM FROM ARRIS-MIB TruthValue, DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; arrisCmDevMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "0212100000Z" -- December 10, 2002 ORGANIZATION "ARRIS Broadband" CONTACT-INFO "Robert Coley Postal: ARRIS Broadband 3871 Lakefield Drive Suite 300 Suwanee, GA 30024-1242 U.S.A. Phone: +1 770-622-8400 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module supplies the basic proprietary (ARRIS-specific) management objects for ARRIS Cable Modem (CM) devices." -- Revision history REVISION "0211080000Z" -- November 08, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added object 'arrisCmDevEnableDocsis20'." REVISION "0210290000Z" -- October 29, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added object 'arrisCmDevProvMethodIndicator'." REVISION "0210230000Z" -- October 23, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Added objects 'arrisCmDevSwImageName' and 'arrisCmDevSwImageBuildTime'." REVISION "0207100000Z" -- July 10, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Initial version" ::= { arrisProdIdCM 1 } -- Textual Conventions ArrsCmDevProvMethod ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These are the various provisioning methods that are supported by the device." SYNTAX INTEGER { docsisOnly(0), fullPacketCable(1), packetCableMinusKDC(2), cps(3), gupi(4), singleMAC(5) } arrisCmDevMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { arrisCmDevMib 1 } arrisCmDevBase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {arrisCmDevMibObjects 1 } -- This MIB module contains the following groups. arrisCmDevCmSetup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { arrisCmDevMibObjects 2} arrisCmDevCmTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { arrisCmDevMibObjects 3} -- Production groups arrisCmDevPermanentSetup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { arrisCmDevCmSetup 2} arrisCmDevOperationalSetup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { arrisCmDevCmSetup 3} arrisCmDevSalesSetup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { arrisCmDevCmSetup 4} arrisCmDevManufacturingTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { arrisCmDevCmTest 2} arrisCmDevOperationalTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { arrisCmDevCmTest 3} arrisCmDevWanIsolationState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off-InActiveMode(1), on-ActiveMode(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object controls the state of WAN Isolation. The meaning of the state is as follows: off-InActiveMode(1) - Data traffic passes freely between the home user�s network and the outside network (i.e. the Internet). In this mode, the WAN Isolation state is considered 'InActive'. on-ActiveMode(2) - The home user�s network is isolated from the Internet. Data traffic will not pass between the home user's network and the Internet. In this mode, the WAN Isolation state is considered 'Active'." ::= { arrisCmDevBase 1 } arrisCmDevSwImageName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the software image currently operating on this device." ::= { arrisCmDevBase 2 } arrisCmDevSwImageBuildTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The build date and time of the software image currently operating on this device." ::= { arrisCmDevBase 3 } -- arrisCmDevOperationalSetup Group objects -- -- [ARRIS NOTE: For the published (publicly available) MIB, the MAX-ACCESS clause should -- have a value of 'read-only' for the 'arrisCmDevProvMethodIndicator' object.] arrisCmDevProvMethodIndicator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArrsCmDevProvMethod MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the method used to provision the device. This object should only be changed by the configuration file. The following provisioning methods are supported: docsisOnly(0) - DOCSIS-only provisioning fullPacketCable(1) - fully PacketCable compliant provisioning packetCableMinusKDC(2) - same as 'fullPacketCable', except with IPSEC and SNMPv3 disabled cps(3) - compatible with CPS2000 (SNMPv2; IPSEC disabled) gupi(4) - SNMPv2, with no SNMP Informs and IPSEC disabled singleMAC(5) - single config file (SNMPv2, single IP address, single MAC address, no SNMP Informs, IPSEC disabled)" ::= { arrisCmDevOperationalSetup 2 } arrisCmDevEnableDocsis20 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to enable/disable DOCSIS 2.0 operation mode. This object is stored into NVRAM and will be operational after the next reboot of the device. Set to true(1) to enable DOCSIS 2.0 operation mode. Set to false(2) to disable DOCSIS 2.0 operation mode. Setting this object to the same value that is already stored in NVRAM will do nothing. After the successful setting of this object, the device will automatically reboot." ::= { arrisCmDevOperationalSetup 3 } END