enterprises, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32,
            Counter32, Gauge32, IpAddress
        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
    TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, RowStatus, DisplayString,
    TimeStamp, DateAndTime
        FROM SNMPv2-TC
        FROM SNMPv2-CONF
    ifIndex, InterfaceIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero
        FROM IF-MIB

        LAST-UPDATED "201001050000Z" -- 4th January 2010
        ORGANIZATION "Arris International"
            "   Network Management
                Postal: Arris International.
                        4300 Cork Airport Business Park
                        Cork Airport, Kinsale Road
                        Cork, Ireland.
                Tel:    +353 21 7305 800
                Fax:    +353 21 4321 972"

            "This MIB manages the MPEG / VIDEO software on the Arris CMTS."
        ::= { arrisD5UEQam 1 }

    d5VideoObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { d5MpegVideoMIB 1 }

    D5TransportStreamIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "An identifier that uniquely identifies an MPEG Transport Stream in
             the D5 MPEG Manager. This could represent an incoming or outgoing
             TS, or could represent an SPTS or MPTS."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER ( 1..65535 )

    D5ElementaryStreamType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "A convenient type definition for MPEG Elementary Stream Type
        SYNTAX    INTEGER ( 1..255 )

    D5DescriptorTag ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "A convenient type definition for MPEG Descriptor Tags values."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER ( 1..255 )

    D5DescriptorIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "An identifier that uniquely identifies an MPEG Descriptor within a
            given Program or Elementary Stream."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER ( 1..65535 )

    D5DescriptorBuffer ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "A buffer that contains MPEG Descriptor data."
        SYNTAX    OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))

        STATUS    current
            "A convenient type definition for MPEG PID values."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER ( 0..8192 )

        STATUS    current
            "A convenient type definition for MPEG Program Number values."
        SYNTAX    Unsigned32

    D5MappingType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "A convenient type definition for mapping rules. These can be as
                static  - configured by the operator to over-ride the default
                dynamic - allocated by Q5 on the fly and currently in operation
                default - representing the default rule but not in operation."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER {

        STATUS    current
            "A convenient type definition for PID - whether PSI or ES."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER {

        STATUS    current
            "A convenient type definition for Programs - whether PSI or ES."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER {

    D5RemappingRuleSourceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "A convenient type definition for the source of rule used to create
             a dynamic PID/PROG remapping
                qam         - A Qam remap rule was used to create the remapping
                udpIp       - A Udp/IP rule was used to create the remapping
                nsg         - Remapping was made by NSG mode default rules
                passThrough - Remapping was made by passThrough mode default
                default - Remapping was made by arris mode default rules"

        SYNTAX    INTEGER {

    D5TransportStreamStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS  current
            "A convenient type definition for MPEG transport stream status
             states. These can be as follows
                active     - currently passing video traffic
                timedOut   - No video passing currently, in transition from
                             active to inactive states
                inactive   - not passing ANY traffic - used for statically
                             configured streams"
        SYNTAX    INTEGER {

        STATUS  current
            "A convenient type definition for MPEG PID status states. These can
             be as follows
                active     - currently passing video traffic
                timedOut   - No video passing currently, in transition from
                             active to inactive states
                inactive   - not passing ANY traffic - used for statically
                             configured PIDs"
        SYNTAX    INTEGER {

        STATUS  current
            "A convenient type definition for MPEG Program status states. These
             can be as follows
                active     - currently passing video traffic
                timedOut   - No video passing currently, in transition from
                             active to inactive states
                inactive   - not passing ANY traffic - used for statically
                             configured programs"
        SYNTAX    INTEGER {

    D5TransportStreamDirection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "A convenient type definition for the direction of a Transport
                incoming - the Transport Stream is being received by the D5,
                            typically over IP
                outgoing - the Transport Stream is being generated by the D5 and
                            sent to a QAM."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER {

    D5VideoChannelContainerNameType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "A unique name that identifies a particular channel-container."
        SYNTAX    DisplayString (SIZE (0..16))

    D5VideoDefaultMappingScheme ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "A convenient type definition for the default-mappings that are
             supported by the D5.  The default-mapping schemes are used to
             identify which QAM to map an input TS to, where the TS has no
             static configuration associated with it.
                udpPortLegacy  - The earlier version of the Arris default UDP-
                           port mapping scheme may used to map a TS to an output
                           QAM channel.  Each QAM channel has a pre-defined
                           associated range of UDP-ports which map to specific
                           program-numbers on that QAM channel.
                udpPort  - The Arris default UDP-port mapping scheme is used
                           to map a TS to an output QAM channel.  Each QAM
                           channel has a pre-defined associated range of UDP-
                           ports which map to specific program-numbers on that
                           QAM channel.
                disabled - The default mapping schemes are disabled.  Only video
                           streams that are statically configured can pass
                           through the D5."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER {

    D5PersistenceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "A convenient type definition that defines whether or not a rule
             should be saved persistently across system reboots."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER {

    D5VideoQamLogQamState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "Defines the status of the log entry:
                one-shot    Log entry describes a one off event (no START/STOP
                active      Log entry is currently active. This means that the
                            START event has occured and the STOP event is
                complete    Both the START and STOP  events for this log entry
                            have fired"
        SYNTAX    INTEGER {

    D5VideoProgramOverSubscriptionAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "Defines the status of the log entry:
                none            No action is performed, program monitoring is not
                notification    An event is logged indicating that the program
                                has exceeded it's bandwidth.
                recover         Action will be taken to recover the bandwidth in
                                questions. Typically the program will be removed."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER {

    D5GeneratePat ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        STATUS    current
            "Defines the controls on the PAT generation:
                enable-auto     Enable the auto-generation of the PAT table
                disable         Disable to local generation of the PAT table
                force-nit-entry Enable the auto-generation of the PAT table but
                                force the NIT entry (i.e. program_number '0')
                                to the value specified by the 'nit-pid'
                                configuration. This is used for video-si
                                streams, where the egress NIT PID defaults
                                to that specified in the ingress PAT."
        SYNTAX    INTEGER {

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Global MPEG Processing configuration settings including defaults for qams
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    d5VideoControlGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { d5VideoObjects 1 }
            d5vControlPatInterval   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Retransmission interval for PAT tables in milliseconds."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 1 }

            d5vControlPmtInterval   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Retransmission interval for PMT tables in milliseconds."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 2 }

            d5vControlNitInterval   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Retransmission interval for NIT tables in milliseconds."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 3 }

            d5vControlSdtInterval   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Retransmission interval for SDT tables in milliseconds."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 4 }

            d5vControlOriginalNetworkId   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "DVB original-network-id to be used in downstream ."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 5 }

            d5vControlNetworkId   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "DVB network-id to be used in downstream ."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 6 }

            d5vControlNetworkName   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "DVB network-name to be used in downstream ."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 7 }

            d5vControlTimeoutInterval   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Timeout interval for incoming streams in milliseconds."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 8 }

            d5vControlNitPID   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "PID value to use when generating NIT tables."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 9 }

            d5vControlAutoGeneratePAT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5GeneratePat
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of PAT tables is enabled"
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 10 }

            d5vControlAutoGenerateCAT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of CAT tables is enabled"
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 11 }

            d5vControlAutoGeneratePMT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of PMT tables is enabled"
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 12 }

            d5vControlAutoGenerateNIT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of NIT tables is enabled(and the associated entry
                     in the PAT table for the NIT-PID)"
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 13 }

            d5vControlAutoGenerateSDT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of SDT tables is enabled"
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 14 }

            d5vControlAutoGenerateTDT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of TDT tables is enabled"
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 15 }

            d5vControlAutoGenerateTOT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of TOT tables is enabled"
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 16 }

            d5vControlPassThroughType   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX    INTEGER {
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "This can be used to disable the default Arris prog/pid
                     remapping scheme, and use pass-through remapping instead.
                      Can also be used to enable MPTS-pass-through mode.
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 17 }

            d5vControlCatInterval   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Retransmission interval for CAT tables in milliseconds."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 18 }

            d5vControlMaxProgramsPerQamChannel   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..63)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Maximum number of programs allowed on a Qam channel at any
                     one time.(Some QAM H/W may restrict to 31)
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 19 }

            d5vControlAllowEsDvbPids    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag that determines whether or not DVB-reserved PIDS are
                     allowed to be used for elementary-streams."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 20 }

            d5vControlDefaultMappingScheme    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5VideoDefaultMappingScheme
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The mapping scheme to be used for input transport-streams
                     that have no associated static-configuration."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 21 }

            d5vControlFastPsiTableUpdates   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If this is set to TRUE, then PSI table updates are sent
                     down the RF as soon as the new PSI table has been
                     calculated.  Otherwise, PSI table updates are made in such
                     a way that the  repetition interval for that table on the
                     RF remains constant."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 22 }

            d5vControlCycleOutputPids   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If this is set to TRUE, then the D5 cycles through the pool
                     of unused PIDs when creating new PID remappings. The
                     purpose of this is to limit the amound of PID reusage E.g.
                     if a set-top using a buffered PMT table to view a program
                     where the program may have been deleted and the PIDs may be
                     in use by a different program now."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 23 }

            d5vControlOverSubscriptionSafetyMargin OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The amount of bandwidth in Kbps for the D5 to maintain
                     as unused bandwidth on each QAM.  Purpose of this being
                     to help prevent over-subscription from occuring at the
                     cost of some wasted bandwidth."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 24 }

            d5vControlOverSubscriptionRecoveryEnabled   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If this is set to TRUE, then the D5 will attempt to
                     recover automatically from a QAM-overscribed condition by
                     shutting down active programs selectively.  It selects
                     which programs to shut down by order of most recently
                     activated, checks the new bitrates, then continues to
                     shutdown more programs as neccessary untill the total
                     bandwidth fits within the QAM available bandwidth."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 25 }
            d5vControlFilterCaDescMode   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX    INTEGER {

                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If this is configured, then the D5 will remove
                     CA_Descriptors from incoming streams. This includes
                     descriptors in CAT and PMT tables, and in the case of
                     PMT it includes the 1st and 2nd loop. This is set to
                     'neither' by default."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 26 }

            d5vControlAllowTsidDuplication  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If this is set to TRUE, then the D5 chassis can be
                     configured with identical TSIDs on multiple QAM channels
                     .  Duplicate TSIDs should be used with some caution
                     because the use of such is not currently compatible with
                     conditional-access encryption, channel-container
                     replication, or PSIG generation.  This is set to FALSE by
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 27 }

            d5vControlPcrDriftCorrection   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      deprecated
                    "If this is set to TRUE, then PCR drift correction of input
                     MPEG streams is enabled on the resultant output stream.
                     Otherwise, the functionality is disabled."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 28 }

            d5vControlProgramOverSubscription   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5VideoProgramOverSubscriptionAction
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If this is set to TRUE, then the D5 will attempt to
                     recover automatically from a QAM-overscribed condition by
                     shutting down active programs selectively.  It selects
                     which programs to shut down by order of most recently
                     activated, checks the new bitrates, then continues to
                     shutdown more programs as neccessary untill the total
                     bandwidth fits within the QAM available bandwidth."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 29 }

            d5vControlProgramOverSubscriptionPeriod OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      deprecated
                    "The period of time in seconds over which bandwidth
                     is monitored before an over-subscription action is
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 30 }

            d5vControlProgramOverSubscriptionThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The amount of bandwidth in percent by which a program
                     stream may exceed it's configured limit before triggering
                     the action specified by d5vControlProgramOverSubscription."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 31 }

            d5vControlPreEncDetect   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If this is set to TRUE, then the D5 will detect Motorola
                     pre-encrypted streams, and will avoid re-encrypting the
                     traffic when forwarding it downstream. If set to TRUE,
                     the d5vControlFilterCaDesc setting is ignored for any
                     pre-encrypted streams that match this rule, because the
                     stream could not otherwise be decrypted."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 32 }

            d5vControlUtilPercentThresh OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The percentage utilization threshold of the QAM bandwidth
                     at which the D5 will generate an alarm. The purpose of this
                     is to facilitate monitoring of QAM bandwidth where the QAM
                     might not necessarily be oversubscribed.
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 33 }

            d5vControlDefaultPidMappingProgramStart OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The starting program-number to map to the start of the default
                     mapping pid range.
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 34 }

            d5vControlDefaultPidMappingProgramCount OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..2048)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of programs to use for the default pid range.
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 35 }

            d5vControlDefaultPidMappingPidCount OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (2..31)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of PIDs to use per-program.  Determines the
                     PID offset for each program number in the default range.
                     There is a legal limit of 4096 on the values of 
                      d5vControlDefaultPidMappingProgramCount multiplied by
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 36 }

            d5vControlOnProgramConflictDisconnectOlderStream OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If enabled, program conflicts trigger the older of the two
                     streams to be disconnected.  I.E. the newer stream takes
                     the program number.
                     NOTE: this only affects streams which have the same
                     destination udp&IP values, and differ by source-IP.
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 37 }

            d5vControlPcrDriftCorrectionGain   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..10000)
                UNITS           "1/10000"
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      deprecated
                    "Gain-control used in PCR-drift calculation.  In units of
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 38 }

            d5vControlPcrDriftCorrectionUpperThreshold   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..10000)
                UNITS           "1/10 milliseconds"
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      deprecated
                    "Upper-threshold used in PCR-drift calculation.  In units of
                     tenths of milliseconds."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 39 }

            d5vControlPcrDriftCorrectionLowerThreshold   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..1000)
                UNITS           "1/10 milliseconds"
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      deprecated
                    "Lower-threshold used in PCR-drift calculation.  In units of
                     tenths of milliseconds."
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 40 }

            d5vControlNullDroppingRate   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..7500)
                UNITS           "Kbps"
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      deprecated
                    "The rate used when performing NULL packet dropping.
                     In units of Kbps - setting will be rounded up 
                     to the nearest 150 Kbps multiple"
                ::= { d5VideoControlGroup 41 }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- QAM table (root of outgoing transport-streams in the MIB)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    d5VideoQamStreamTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoQamStreamEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This table stores MPEG Video related data on a per QAM channel
                 basis. Ultimately this table will AUGMENT that supported by the
                 QAM RF Manager but for the moment it is standalone but using
                 the same index, ifIndex"
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 2 }

        d5VideoQamStreamEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoQamStreamEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { ifIndex }
            ::= { d5VideoQamStreamTable 1 }

            D5VideoQamStreamEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vQamNitPID                  D5PID,
                d5vQamTransportStreamID       Unsigned32,
                d5vQamTsMibIndex              D5TransportStreamIndex,
                d5vQamTotalPatsTx             Counter32,
                d5vQamTotalProgramsTx         Counter32,
                d5vQamCurrentProgramsTx       Gauge32,
                d5vQamPatInterval             Unsigned32,
                d5vQamPmtInterval             Unsigned32,
                d5vQamNitInterval             Unsigned32,
                d5vQamSdtInterval             Unsigned32,
                d5vQamOriginalNetworkId       Unsigned32,
                d5vQamNetworkId               Unsigned32,
                d5vQamNetworkName             DisplayString,
                d5vQamPassThroughType         INTEGER,
                d5vQamConfVideoSiStreamEnabled TruthValue,
                d5vQamConfVideoSiStreamUdpDest Unsigned32,
                d5vQamConfVideoSiStreamIpSrc   IpAddress,
                d5vQamConfVideoSiStreamIpDest  IpAddress,
                d5vQamActiveVideoSiStreamEnabled TruthValue,
                d5vQamActiveVideoSiStreamUdpDest Unsigned32,
                d5vQamActiveVideoSiStreamIpSrc   IpAddress,
                d5vQamActiveVideoSiStreamIpDest  IpAddress,
                d5vQamStreamStatus            D5TransportStreamStatus,
                d5vQamTimeActivated           TimeStamp,
                d5vQamTimeActive              Counter32,
                d5vQamTimeDeactivated         TimeStamp,
                d5vQamAutoGeneratePAT         D5GeneratePat,
                d5vQamAutoGenerateCAT         TruthValue,
                d5vQamAutoGeneratePMT         TruthValue,
                d5vQamAutoGenerateNIT         TruthValue,
                d5vQamAutoGenerateSDT         TruthValue,
                d5vQamAutoGenerateTDT         TruthValue,
                d5vQamAutoGenerateTOT         TruthValue,
                d5vQamCatInterval             Unsigned32,
                d5vQamMaxProgramsPerQamChannel Unsigned32,
                d5vQamAllowEsDvbPids          TruthValue,
                d5vQamDefaultMappingScheme    D5VideoDefaultMappingScheme,
                d5vQamFastPsiTableUpdates     TruthValue,
                d5vQamCycleOutputPids         TruthValue,
                d5vQamOverSubscribed          TruthValue,
                d5vQamOverSubscriptionSafetyMargin    Unsigned32,
                d5vQamOverSubscriptionRecoveryEnabled TruthValue,
                d5vQamFilterCaDescMode        INTEGER,
                d5vQamPcrDriftCorrection      TruthValue,
                d5vQamPreEncDetect            TruthValue,
                d5vQamUtilPercentThresh       Unsigned32,
                d5vQamOnProgramConflictDisconnectOlderStream    TruthValue,
                d5vQamNullDroppingRate        Unsigned32,
                d5vQamConfVideoSiStreamTsidRemap TruthValue

            d5vQamNitPID   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The PID value to us when generating NIT tables on this QAM
                     channel. The default value is 16, the DVB requirement"
                DEFVAL { 16 }
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 1 }

            d5vQamTransportStreamID   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The MPEG transport_stream_id used when transmitting PAT
                     tables on this QAM channel.  The default value is specific
                     to the slot number where the QAM channel is located."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 2 }

            d5vQamTsMibIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5TransportStreamIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The index of the outgoing Transport Stream on this QAM
                     channel. A value of 0 means there are no MPEG Programs
                     being transmitted at present, so there will be no related
                     entry in the d5vTransportStreamTable."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 3 }

            d5vQamTotalPatsTx   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Counter32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The total number of unique PAT Tables that have been
                     generated for this QAM channel."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 4 }

            d5vQamTotalProgramsTx   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Counter32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The accumulated number of Programs transmitted on this QAM
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 5 }

            d5vQamCurrentProgramsTx   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Gauge32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The  number of Programs currently being transmitted on this
                     QAM channel."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 6 }

            d5vQamPatInterval   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Retransmission interval for PAT tables in milliseconds."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 7 }

            d5vQamPmtInterval   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Retransmission interval for PMT tables in milliseconds."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 8 }

            d5vQamNitInterval   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Retransmission interval for NIT tables in milliseconds."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 9 }

            d5vQamSdtInterval   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Retransmission interval for SDT tables in milliseconds."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 10 }

            d5vQamOriginalNetworkId   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "DVB original-network-id to be used in downstream ."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 11 }

            d5vQamNetworkId   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "DVB network-id to be used in downstream ."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 12 }

            d5vQamNetworkName   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      DisplayString
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "DVB network-name to be used in downstream ."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 13 }

            d5vQamPassThroughType   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX    INTEGER {
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "This can be used to disable the default Arris prog/pid
                     remapping scheme, and use pass-through remapping instead.
                      Can also be used to enable MPTS-pass-through mode.
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 14 }

            d5vQamConfVideoSiStreamEnabled   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Used to enable/disable video-si-stream configuration.
                     At least one of UDP/src-IP/dest-IP must be non-zero for
                     this video-si-stream rule to be functional."
                 ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 15 }

            d5vQamConfVideoSiStreamUdpDest   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Video-si-stream UDP destination port.(A value of 0 in
                     a rule means that the udp-port can be ANY value for
                 ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 16 }

            d5vQamConfVideoSiStreamIpSrc   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Video-si-stream IP source address.(A value of 0 in
                     a rule means that the src-IP can be ANY value for
                 ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 17 }

            d5vQamConfVideoSiStreamIpDest   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Video-si-stream IP destination address.(A value of 0 in
                     a rule means that the dest-IP can be ANY value for
                 ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 18 }

            d5vQamActiveVideoSiStreamEnabled   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Used to indicate if the QAM is currently passing a
                 ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 19 }

            d5vQamActiveVideoSiStreamUdpDest   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Active video-si-stream UDP destination port."
                 ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 20 }

            d5vQamActiveVideoSiStreamIpSrc   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Active video-si-stream IP source address."
                 ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 21 }

            d5vQamActiveVideoSiStreamIpDest   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Active video-si-stream IP destination address."
                 ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 22 }

            d5vQamStreamStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5TransportStreamStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Current status of this QAM Transport stream"
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 23 }

            d5vQamTimeActivated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this stream was last activated.
                           Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 24 }

            d5vQamTimeActive OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX          Counter32
                UNITS           "seconds"
                MAX-ACCESS      read-only
                STATUS          current
                    "The total time that MPEG stream has been active."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 25 }

            d5vQamTimeDeactivated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this stream was last
                     deactivated.  Zero if not-known."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 26 }

            d5vQamAutoGeneratePAT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5GeneratePat
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of PAT tables is enabled"
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 27 }

            d5vQamAutoGenerateCAT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of CAT tables is enabled"
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 28 }

            d5vQamAutoGeneratePMT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of PMT tables is enabled"
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 29 }

            d5vQamAutoGenerateNIT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of NIT tables is enabled(and the associated entry
                     in the PAT table for the NIT-PID)"
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 30 }

            d5vQamAutoGenerateSDT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of SDT tables is enabled"
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 31 }

            d5vQamAutoGenerateTDT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of TDT tables is enabled"
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 32 }

            d5vQamAutoGenerateTOT   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag specifying whether or not the auto-generation by the
                     D5 of TOT tables is enabled"
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 33 }

            d5vQamCatInterval   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Retransmission interval for CAT tables in milliseconds."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 34 }

            d5vQamMaxProgramsPerQamChannel   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..63)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Maximum number of programs allowed on a Qam channel at any
                     one time.(Some QAM H/W may restrict to 31)
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 35 }

            d5vQamAllowEsDvbPids    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Flag that determines whether or not DVB-reserved PIDS are
                     allowed to be used for elementary-streams."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 36 }

            d5vQamDefaultMappingScheme    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5VideoDefaultMappingScheme
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The mapping scheme to be used for input transport-streams
                     that have no associated static-configuration.
                      NOTE: the udpPortLegacy scheme cannot be configured
                     against an individual QAM-channel.  If so desired, it may
                     be turned on globally in the d5vControlDefaultMappingScheme
                     MIB entry.
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 37 }

            d5vQamFastPsiTableUpdates   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If this is set to TRUE, then PSI table updates are sent
                     down the RF as soon as the new PSI table has been
                     calculated.  Otherwise, PSI table updates are made in such
                     a way that the  repetition interval for that table on the
                     RF remains constant. (Set to FALSE by default)"
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 38 }

            d5vQamCycleOutputPids   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If this is set to TRUE, then the D5 cycles through the pool
                     of unused PIDs when creating new PID remappings. The
                     purpose of this is to limit the amound of PID reusage E.g.
                     if a set-top using a buffered PMT table to view a program
                     where the program may have been deleted and the PIDs may be
                     in use by a different program now. (Set to FALSE by default
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 39 }

            d5vQamOverSubscribed   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Indicates if the bandwidth of this QAM is currently
                     over-subscribed.  If the QAM is currently over-subscribed,
                     some programs will suffer packet-loss.  The affected
                     programs are identified in the d5QamProgramPcrBufferTable."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 40 }

            d5vQamOverSubscriptionSafetyMargin OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The amount of bandwidth in Kbps for the D5 to maintain
                     as unused bandwidth on each QAM.  Purpose of this being
                     to help prevent over-subscription from occuring at the
                     cost of some wasted bandwidth."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 41 }

            d5vQamOverSubscriptionRecoveryEnabled   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If this is set to TRUE, then the D5 will attempt to
                     recover automatically from a QAM-overscribed condition by
                     shutting down active programs selectively.  It selects
                     which programs to shut down by order of most recently
                     activated, checks the new bitrates, then continues to
                     shutdown more programs as neccessary untill the total
                     bandwidth fits within the QAM available bandwidth."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 42 }

            d5vQamFilterCaDescMode   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX    INTEGER {
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If this is configured, then the D5 will remove
                     CA_Descriptors from incoming streams destined for this QAM.
                     This includes descriptors in CAT and PMT tables, and in
                     the case of PMT includes the 1st and 2nd loop. This is
                     set to 'neither' by default."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 43 }

           d5vQamPcrDriftCorrection   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      deprecated
                    "If this is set to TRUE, then PCR drift correction of input
                     MPEG streams is enabled on the resultant output stream.
                     Otherwise, the functionality is disabled."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 44 }

           d5vQamPreEncDetect   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If this is set to TRUE, then the D5 will detect Motorola
                     pre-encrypted streams, and will avoid re-encrypting the
                     traffic when forwarding it downstream. If set to TRUE,
                     the d5vControlFilterCaDesc setting is ignored for any
                     pre-encrypted streams that match this rule, because the
                     stream could not otherwise be decrypted."
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 45 }

            d5vQamUtilPercentThresh OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The percentage utilization threshold of the QAM bandwidth
                     at which the D5 will generate an alarm. The purpose of this
                     is to facilitate monitoring of QAM bandwidth where the QAM
                     might not necessarily be oversubscribed.
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 46 }

            d5vQamOnProgramConflictDisconnectOlderStream OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "If enabled, program conflicts trigger the older of the two
                     streams to be disconnected.  I.E. the newer stream takes
                     the program number.
                     NOTE: this only affects streams which have the same
                     destination udp&IP values, and differ by source-IP.
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 47 }

            d5vQamNullDroppingRate   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..7500)
                UNITS           "Kbps"
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      deprecated
                    "The rate used when performing NULL packet dropping.
                     In units of Kbps - setting will be rounded up 
                     to the nearest 150 Kbps multiple"
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 48 }

            d5vQamConfVideoSiStreamTsidRemap OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The default behaviour of video-si streams is not to remap
                     the ingress Transport_Stream_id so that the TS_ID in the
                     PAT matches the value in the other SI tables. Enabling
                     this parameter, overrides the default behaviour and remaps
                     the TS_ID in the PAT to the value configured on the QAM
                     NOTE: this only affects streams which are configured as
                ::= { d5VideoQamStreamEntry 49 }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- UDP/IP table (root of incoming transport-streams in the MIB)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    d5VideoUdpIpStreamTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This table displays the current incoming Transport Streams and
                 can be configured with specific rules to override the default
                 Program Number mappings. This table has a higher precedence
                 than the d5VideoUdpPortPnTable. If the IP Address associated
                 with an incoming TS matches a configured entry in this table
                 then the associated mapping will apply, otherwise the default
                 mapping from d5vUdpPortPnTable will apply and an dynamic entry
                 will be created in this table.
                   Active entries contain a reference to either a specific QAM
                 or a specific channel-container.  When a stream is treated as
                 a virtual-program, the d5vIpActiveChanContName field is set to
                 indicate which channel-container this stream is being mapped
                 to.  For any individual active entry in this table, either 
                 d5vIpActiveQamIfIndex or d5vIpActiveChanContName is set - not
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 3 }

        d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vIpUdpIndex, d5vIpSrcIndex, d5vIpDestIndex }
            ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamTable 1 }

            D5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vIpUdpIndex             Unsigned32,
                d5vIpSrcIndex             IpAddress,
                d5vIpDestIndex            IpAddress,
                d5vIpRowStatus            RowStatus,
                d5vIpTsMibIndex           D5TransportStreamIndex,
                d5vIpMappingType          D5MappingType,
                d5vIpConfQamIfIndex       InterfaceIndexOrZero,
                d5vIpStreamStatus         D5TransportStreamStatus,
                d5vIpActiveQamIfIndex     InterfaceIndexOrZero,
                d5vIpActiveChanContName   D5VideoChannelContainerNameType,
                d5vIpTimeActivated        TimeStamp,
                d5vIpTimeActive           Counter32,
                d5vIpTimeDeactivated      TimeStamp,
                d5vIpConfProgPassThroughEnabled     TruthValue,
                d5vIpActiveProgPassThroughEnabled   TruthValue,
                d5vIpConfPidPassThroughEnabled      TruthValue,
                d5vIpActivePidPassThroughEnabled    TruthValue,
                d5vIpConfRedundantMulticast         TruthValue,
                d5vIpActiveRedundantMulticast       TruthValue,
                d5vIpConfPersistence      D5PersistenceType

           d5vIpUdpIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The destination UDP Port to be mapped to the specified QAM
                     Channel and Program Number.(A value of 0 in a rule means
                     that the udp-port can be ANY value for pattern-matching)"
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 1 }

           d5vIpSrcIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The SRC IP address of the TS to be mapped to the specified
                     QAM Channel and Program Number.(A value of 0 in a rule
                     means that the src-IP can be ANY value for pattern-matching
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 2 }

           d5vIpDestIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The DEST IP address of the TS to be mapped to the specified
                     QAM Channel and Program Number.(A value of 0 in a rule
                     means that the dest-IP can be ANY value for
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 3 }

            d5vIpRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 4 }

            d5vIpTsMibIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5TransportStreamIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The index of the entry in the d5VideoStreamTable
                     for corresponding to this table entry."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 5 }

            d5vIpMappingType   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5MappingType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The type of entry, configured or dynamic."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 6 }

            d5vIpConfQamIfIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The ifIndex of the QAM channel that this IP transport
                     stream is configured to be mapped to.  A value of 0
                     indicates that no mapping is configured."
                DEFVAL { 0 }
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 7 }

            d5vIpStreamStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5TransportStreamStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Current status of this IP Transport stream"
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 8 }

            d5vIpActiveQamIfIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The ifIndex of the QAM channel that this stream is
                     currently mapped to."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 9 }

            d5vIpActiveChanContName   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5VideoChannelContainerNameType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The name of the channel-container that this stream is
                     currently mapped to."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 10 }

            d5vIpTimeActivated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this stream was last activated.
                           Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 11 }

            d5vIpTimeActive OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX          Counter32
                UNITS           "seconds"
                MAX-ACCESS      read-only
                STATUS          current
                    "The total time that MPEG stream has been active."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 12 }

            d5vIpTimeDeactivated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this stream was last
                     deactivated.  Zero if not-known."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 13 }

            d5vIpConfProgPassThroughEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This can be used to configure default PROG remapping
                     for this stream.  If this is set to TRUE, input PROGs are
                     mapped to identical output PROGs (as if pass-through
                     mode were enabled on the QAM).
                DEFVAL {FALSE}
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 14 }

            d5vIpActiveProgPassThroughEnabled   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Indicates if default PROG-remapping is currently
                     enabled for this stream. (May differ from the value of
                     d5vIpConfProgPassThroughEnabled where a dynamic entry is
                     created based on static-rules).
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 15 }

            d5vIpConfPidPassThroughEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This can be used to configure default PID remapping
                     for this stream.  If this is set to TRUE, input PIDs are
                     mapped to identical output PIDs (as if pass-through
                     mode were enabled on the QAM).
                DEFVAL {FALSE}
                 ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 16 }

            d5vIpActivePidPassThroughEnabled   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Indicates if default PID-remapping is currently
                     enabled for this stream. (May differ from the value of
                     d5vIpConfPidPassThroughEnabled where a dynamic entry is
                     created based on static-rules).
                 ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 17 }

            d5vIpConfRedundantMulticast OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This can be used to configure a video stream for redundancy
                     May be set to TRUE only if the d5vIpSrcIndex is set to 0
                     and the d5vIpDestIndex is set to a valid multicast address
                     and the d5vIpUdpIndex is set to a non-zero value.
                       When this value is set to TRUE, the D5 WAN card doesn't
                     distinguish between packets with different srcIp values,
                     where the d5vIpUdpIndex and d5vIpDestIndex match this rule.
                DEFVAL {FALSE}
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 18 }

            d5vIpActiveRedundantMulticast OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "Indicates if redundant-multicast is currently enabled for
                     this stream. (May differ from the value of
                     d5vIpConfRedundantMulticast where a dynamic entry is
                     created based on static-rules).
                DEFVAL {FALSE}
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 19 }

            d5vIpConfPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                     This setting is only meaningful for entries that have
                     a d5vIpMappingType of static
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamEntry 20 }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- MPEG Transport Streams, Programs, Elementary Streams and Descriptor Tables
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    d5VideoStreamTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoStreamEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This table stores basic information on all Transport Streams
                 in the D5. It covers both incoming and outgoing ones. The MPEG
                 Manager automatically creates any entry in this table when it
                 detects a new incoming TS or begins to generate a new outgoing
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 4 }

        d5VideoStreamEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoStreamEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vStreamDirectionIndex, d5vStreamTsMibIndex}
            ::= { d5VideoStreamTable 1 }

            D5VideoStreamEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vStreamDirectionIndex           D5TransportStreamDirection,
                d5vStreamTsMibIndex               D5TransportStreamIndex,
                d5vStreamPatVersion               Unsigned32,
                d5vStreamTsID                       Unsigned32,
                d5vStreamProgramCount             Gauge32,
                d5vStreamPatCurrTimeCreated       TimeStamp,
                d5vStreamPatCurrTimeActive        Counter32,
                d5vStreamPatPrevTimeCreated       TimeStamp,
                d5vStreamCatVersion               Unsigned32,
                d5vStreamCatCurrTimeCreated       TimeStamp,
                d5vStreamCatCurrTimeActive        Counter32,
                d5vStreamCatPrevTimeCreated       TimeStamp

            d5vStreamDirectionIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5TransportStreamDirection
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The direction of this Transport Stream."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEntry 1 }

            d5vStreamTsMibIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5TransportStreamIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The unique index that identifies the Transport Stream
                     within the D5."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEntry 2 }

            d5vStreamPatVersion   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The version number of the current PAT Table for this
                     Transport Stream."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEntry 3 }

            d5vStreamTsID   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The MPEG transport_stream_id in the PAT tables on this
                     Transport Stream."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEntry 4 }

            d5vStreamProgramCount   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Gauge32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The  number of Programs currently in this Transport
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEntry 5 }

            d5vStreamPatCurrTimeCreated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when the current PAT was created.
                           Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEntry 6 }

            d5vStreamPatCurrTimeActive OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX          Counter32
                UNITS           "seconds"
                MAX-ACCESS      read-only
                STATUS          current
                DESCRIPTION    "The total time the current PAT has been active."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEntry 7 }

            d5vStreamPatPrevTimeCreated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when the predecessor of this PAT was
                     created.  Zero if not-known."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEntry 8 }

            d5vStreamCatVersion   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The version number of the current CAT Table for this
                     Transport Stream."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEntry 9 }

            d5vStreamCatCurrTimeCreated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when the current CAT was created.
                           Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEntry 10 }

            d5vStreamCatCurrTimeActive OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX          Counter32
                UNITS           "seconds"
                MAX-ACCESS      read-only
                STATUS          current
                DESCRIPTION    "The total time the current CAT has been active."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEntry 11 }

            d5vStreamCatPrevTimeCreated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when the predecessor of this CAT was
                     created.  Zero if not-known."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEntry 12 }

    d5VideoStreamProgramTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoStreamProgramEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This table stores basic information for each Program in each
                 Transport Stream known to the D5. Each entry in
                 d5VideoStreamTable will have at least one entry in this table."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 5 }

        d5VideoStreamProgramEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoStreamProgramEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vStreamProgTsMibIndex, d5vStreamProgIndex}
            ::= { d5VideoStreamProgramTable 1 }

            D5VideoStreamProgramEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vStreamProgTsMibIndex       D5TransportStreamIndex,
                d5vStreamProgIndex            D5Program,
                d5vStreamProgPmtVersion       Unsigned32,
                d5vStreamProgPmtPid           D5PID,
                d5vStreamProgPcrPid           D5PID,
                d5vStreamProgEsCount          Gauge32,
                d5vStreamProgDescCount        Gauge32,
                d5vStreamPmtCurrTimeCreated   TimeStamp,
                d5vStreamPmtCurrTimeActive    Counter32,
                d5vStreamPmtPrevTimeCreated   TimeStamp,
                d5vStreamProgBitrate          Unsigned32

            d5vStreamProgTsMibIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5TransportStreamIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The unique index that identifies the Transport Stream
                     containing this Program."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamProgramEntry 1 }

            d5vStreamProgIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5Program
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The Program Number for this program within the associated
                     Transport Stream."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamProgramEntry 2 }

            d5vStreamProgPmtVersion   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The version number of the current PMT Table for this
                ::= { d5VideoStreamProgramEntry 3 }

            d5vStreamProgPmtPid   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The MPEG PID used for the PMT Table for this Program."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamProgramEntry 4 }

            d5vStreamProgPcrPid   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The MPEG PID used to for the PCR for this Program."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamProgramEntry 5 }

            d5vStreamProgEsCount   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Gauge32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The  number of Elementary Streams currently in this
                ::= { d5VideoStreamProgramEntry 6 }

            d5vStreamProgDescCount   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Gauge32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The  number of Descriptors in the PMT 'first_loop' for this
                ::= { d5VideoStreamProgramEntry 7 }

            d5vStreamPmtCurrTimeCreated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when the current PMT was created.
                           Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamProgramEntry 8 }

            d5vStreamPmtCurrTimeActive OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX          Counter32
                UNITS           "seconds"
                MAX-ACCESS      read-only
                STATUS          current
                DESCRIPTION    "The total time the current PMT has been active."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamProgramEntry 9 }

            d5vStreamPmtPrevTimeCreated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when the predecessor of this PMT was
                     created.  Zero if not-known."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamProgramEntry 10 }

            d5vStreamProgBitrate    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The bitate in Kbps, of this Program. This may have a value
                     of 0 if the bitrate is not known."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamProgramEntry 11 }

    d5VideoStreamEsTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoStreamEsEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This table stores basic information for each Elementary Stream
                 in each Transport Stream known to the D5. Each entry in
                 d5VideoProgTable will have at least one entry in this table.
                 These entries are created automatically as the D5 processes PMT
                 table entries for each Elementary Stream in a Program"
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 6 }

        d5VideoStreamEsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoStreamEsEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vStreamEsTsMibIndex, d5vStreamEsProgIndex,
            ::= { d5VideoStreamEsTable 1 }

            D5VideoStreamEsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vStreamEsTsMibIndex             D5TransportStreamIndex,
                d5vStreamEsProgIndex              D5Program,
                d5vStreamEsPidIndex               D5PID,
                d5vStreamEsType                   D5ElementaryStreamType,
                d5vStreamEsDescCount              Gauge32

            d5vStreamEsTsMibIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5TransportStreamIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The unique index that identifies the Transport Stream
                     containing this Program."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEsEntry 1 }

            d5vStreamEsProgIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5Program
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The Program Number for this program within the associated
                     Transport Stream."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEsEntry 2 }

            d5vStreamEsPidIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The MPEG PID used for this Elementary Stream."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEsEntry 3 }

            d5vStreamEsType   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5ElementaryStreamType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The  type of this Elementary Streams."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEsEntry 4 }

            d5vStreamEsDescCount   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Gauge32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The  number of Descriptors in the PMT 'second_loop' for
                     this Elementary Stream."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamEsEntry 5 }

    d5VideoStreamDescTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoStreamDescEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This table stores MPEG Descriptors for each Elementary Stream
                 and Program known to the D5. The PMT PID is used to index
                 Program Descriptors while the Elementary Stream PID is used
                 when indexing ES Descriptors."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 7 }

        d5VideoStreamDescEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoStreamDescEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vStreamDescTsMibIndex, d5vStreamDescPidIndex,
            ::= { d5VideoStreamDescTable 1 }

            D5VideoStreamDescEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vStreamDescTsMibIndex           D5TransportStreamIndex,
                d5vStreamDescPidIndex             D5PID,
                d5vStreamDescIndex                D5DescriptorIndex,
                d5vStreamDescTag                  D5DescriptorTag,
                d5vStreamDescLen                  INTEGER,
                d5vStreamDescData                 D5DescriptorBuffer

            d5vStreamDescTsMibIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5TransportStreamIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The unique index that identifies the Transport Stream
                     containing this Descriptor."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamDescEntry 1 }

            d5vStreamDescPidIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The MPEG PID used for this Elementary Stream."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamDescEntry 2 }

            d5vStreamDescIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5DescriptorIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The Descriptor index."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamDescEntry 3 }

           d5vStreamDescTag   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5DescriptorTag
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The Descriptor tag."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamDescEntry 4 }

           d5vStreamDescLen   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      INTEGER ( 1..255)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The Descriptor length."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamDescEntry 5 }

            d5vStreamDescData   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5DescriptorBuffer
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The Descriptor data."
                ::= { d5VideoStreamDescEntry 6 }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Index Lookup tables
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    d5VideoLookupTsidToIfIndexTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoLookupTsidToIfIndexEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This table maps the transport_stream_id of a Transport Stream
                on a QAM channel to the ifIndex for that channel."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 8 }

        d5VideoLookupTsidToIfIndexEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoLookupTsidToIfIndexEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vQamTransportStreamID}
            ::= { d5VideoLookupTsidToIfIndexTable 1 }

            D5VideoLookupTsidToIfIndexEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vLookupTsidIfIndex          InterfaceIndex

            d5vLookupTsidIfIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The ifIndex for the QAM channel transmitting this
                ::= { d5VideoLookupTsidToIfIndexEntry 1 }

    d5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToIfIndexTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToIfIndexEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This table maps the TsIndex of an outgoing Transport Stream on
                 a QAM channel to the ifIndex for that channel. The Transport
                 Stream is assumed to be an 'outgoing' one."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 9 }

        d5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToIfIndexEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToIfIndexEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vQamTsMibIndex}
            ::= { d5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToIfIndexTable 1 }

            D5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToIfIndexEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vLookupTsIndexIfIndex             InterfaceIndex

            d5vLookupTsIndexIfIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The ifIndex for the QAM channel transmitting this
                ::= { d5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToIfIndexEntry 1 }

    d5VideoLookupQamTsMibIndexToInTsMibIndexTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoLookupQamTsMibIndexToInTsMibIndexEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This table maps the TransportStreamIndex of a Transport Stream
                on a QAM channel to the corresponding incoming
                  d5vTsMibIndex   - an outgoing Transport Stream
                  d5vInTsMibIndex - the corresponding incoming Transport
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 10 }

        d5VideoLookupQamTsMibIndexToInTsMibIndexEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoLookupQamTsMibIndexToInTsMibIndexEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vQamTsMibIndex, d5vLookupInTsMibIndex}
            ::= { d5VideoLookupQamTsMibIndexToInTsMibIndexTable 1 }

            D5VideoLookupQamTsMibIndexToInTsMibIndexEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                    d5vLookupInTsMibIndex   D5TransportStreamIndex

            d5vLookupInTsMibIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5TransportStreamIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "MIB TsIndex for an incoming transport stream(IP)."
                ::= { d5VideoLookupQamTsMibIndexToInTsMibIndexEntry 1 }

    d5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToUdpIpTable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToUdpIpEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This table maps the TransportStreamIndex of an incoming
                 Transport Stream to the IP address and UDP port for that
                 Transport Stream."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 11 }

        d5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToUdpIpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToUdpIpEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vIpTsMibIndex}
            ::= { d5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToUdpIpTable 1 }

            D5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToUdpIpEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vLookupTsMibIndexUdpPort                Unsigned32,
                d5vLookupTsMibIndexIpAddressSrc           IpAddress,
                d5vLookupTsMibIndexIpAddressDest          IpAddress

            d5vLookupTsMibIndexUdpPort   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The UDP receiving the Transport Stream for
                ::= { d5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToUdpIpEntry 1 }

            d5vLookupTsMibIndexIpAddressSrc   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The SRC IP address receiving the Transport Stream for
                ::= { d5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToUdpIpEntry 2 }

            d5vLookupTsMibIndexIpAddressDest   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The DEST IP address receiving the Transport Stream for
                ::= { d5VideoLookupTsMibIndexToUdpIpEntry 3 }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Tables of per udp/ip PID/PROG remappings to particular QAMs
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This table displays the active Program mappings for Transport
                 Streams. It is indexed using udp/ip/ip/inProg/qamIfIndex to
                 support multiple output programs for each input program."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 12 }

        d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vProgRemapUdpIndex, d5vProgRemapIpSrcIndex,
                    d5vProgRemapIpDestIndex, d5vProgRemapInProgIndex,
                    d5vProgRemapActiveQamIfIndex, d5vProgRemapOutProg
            ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapTable 1 }

            D5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vProgRemapUdpIndex           Unsigned32,
                d5vProgRemapIpSrcIndex         IpAddress,
                d5vProgRemapIpDestIndex        IpAddress,
                d5vProgRemapInProgIndex        D5Program,
                d5vProgRemapActiveQamIfIndex   InterfaceIndex,
                d5vProgRemapOutProg            D5Program,
                d5vProgRemapStatus             D5ProgStatus,
                d5vProgRemapActiveProgType     D5ProgType,
                d5vProgRemapTimeActivated      TimeStamp,
                d5vProgRemapTimeActive         Counter32,
                d5vProgRemapTimeDeactivated    TimeStamp

           d5vProgRemapUdpIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The destination UDP Port of the incoming TS."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry 1 }

           d5vProgRemapIpSrcIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The SRC IP address of the incoming TS."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry 2 }

           d5vProgRemapIpDestIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The DEST IP address of the incoming TS."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry 3 }

           d5vProgRemapInProgIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5Program
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The incoming Program value related to this Program
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry 4 }

           d5vProgRemapActiveQamIfIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The ifIndex of the QAM channel that this Program remapping
                     applies to."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry 5 }

           d5vProgRemapOutProg   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5Program
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The output Program value related to this Program mapping
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry 6 }

           d5vProgRemapStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5ProgStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Current status of this Program - whether active or not"
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry 7 }

           d5vProgRemapActiveProgType  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5ProgType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The type of Program whether PSI or Elementary stream."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry 8 }

           d5vProgRemapTimeActivated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this Program was last
                     activated.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry 9 }

           d5vProgRemapTimeActive OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX          Counter32
                UNITS           "seconds"
                MAX-ACCESS      read-only
                STATUS          current
                    "The total time that the Program has been active."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry 10 }

           d5vProgRemapTimeDeactivated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this Program was last
                     deactivated.  Zero if not-known."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamProgRemapEntry 11 }

    d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This table displays the active PID mappings for Transport
                 Streams. It is indexed using udp/ip/ip/inPid/qamIfIndex to
                 support multiple output programs for each input program."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 13 }

        d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vPidRemapUdpIndex, d5vPidRemapIpSrcIndex,
                    d5vPidRemapIpDestIndex, d5vPidRemapInPidIndex,
                    d5vPidRemapActiveQamIfIndex, d5vPidRemapOutPid
            ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapTable 1 }

            D5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vPidRemapUdpIndex           Unsigned32,
                d5vPidRemapIpSrcIndex         IpAddress,
                d5vPidRemapIpDestIndex        IpAddress,
                d5vPidRemapInPidIndex         D5PID,
                d5vPidRemapActiveQamIfIndex   InterfaceIndex,
                d5vPidRemapOutPid             D5PID,
                d5vPidRemapStatus             D5PidStatus,
                d5vPidRemapActivePidType      D5PidType,
                d5vPidRemapTimeActivated      TimeStamp,
                d5vPidRemapTimeActive         Counter32,
                d5vPidRemapTimeDeactivated    TimeStamp

           d5vPidRemapUdpIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The destination UDP Port of the incoming TS."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry 1 }

           d5vPidRemapIpSrcIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The SRC IP address of the incoming TS."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry 2 }

           d5vPidRemapIpDestIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The DEST IP address of the incoming TS."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry 3 }

           d5vPidRemapInPidIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The incoming PID value related to this PID remapping."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry 4 }

           d5vPidRemapActiveQamIfIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The ifIndex of the QAM channel that this PID remapping
                     applies to."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry 5 }

           d5vPidRemapOutPid   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The output PID value related to this PID mapping rule."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry 6 }

           d5vPidRemapStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PidStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Current status of this PID - whether active or not"
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry 7 }

           d5vPidRemapActivePidType  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PidType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The type of PID whether PSI or Elementary stream."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry 8 }

           d5vPidRemapTimeActivated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this PID was last activated.
                           Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry 9 }

           d5vPidRemapTimeActive OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX          Counter32
                UNITS           "seconds"
                MAX-ACCESS      read-only
                STATUS          current
                DESCRIPTION    "The total time that the PID has been active."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry 10 }

           d5vPidRemapTimeDeactivated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this PID was last deactivated.
                           Zero if not-known."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpStreamPidRemapEntry 11 }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Configured remapping/filtering Rules based on QAM port
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    d5VideoRuleQamProgRemapTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoRuleQamProgRemapEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "Table contains list of qam-channel based configured program
                 remapping rules."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 14 }

        d5VideoRuleQamProgRemapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoRuleQamProgRemapEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { ifIndex, d5vProgRemapInProgIndex }
            ::= { d5VideoRuleQamProgRemapTable 1 }

            D5VideoRuleQamProgRemapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vRQamProgRowStatus          RowStatus,
                d5vRQamProgOutProg            D5Program,
                d5vRQamProgMatchLastTime      TimeStamp,
                d5vRQamProgMatchCount         Counter32,
                d5vRQamProgPersistence        D5PersistenceType

           d5vRQamProgRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamProgRemapEntry 1 }

           d5vRQamProgOutProg   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5Program
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The output Program value related to this rule."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamProgRemapEntry 2 }

           d5vRQamProgMatchLastTime  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this rule was last
                     matched/used at run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamProgRemapEntry 3 }

           d5vRQamProgMatchCount  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Counter32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of times this rule was matched/used at
                     run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamProgRemapEntry 4 }

           d5vRQamProgPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamProgRemapEntry 5 }

    d5VideoRuleQamProgFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoRuleQamProgFilterEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "Table contains list of qam-channel based configured program
                 filter rules."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 15 }

        d5VideoRuleQamProgFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoRuleQamProgFilterEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { ifIndex, d5vProgRemapInProgIndex }
            ::= { d5VideoRuleQamProgFilterTable 1 }

            D5VideoRuleQamProgFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vRQamProgFiltRowStatus          RowStatus,
                d5vRQamProgFiltMatchLastTime      TimeStamp,
                d5vRQamProgFiltMatchCount         Counter32,
                d5vRQamProgFiltPersistence        D5PersistenceType

           d5vRQamProgFiltRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamProgFilterEntry 1 }

           d5vRQamProgFiltMatchLastTime  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this rule was last matched/used
                     at run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamProgFilterEntry 2 }

           d5vRQamProgFiltMatchCount  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Counter32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of times this rule was matched/used at run-time.
                           Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamProgFilterEntry 3 }

           d5vRQamProgFiltPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamProgFilterEntry 4 }

    d5VideoRuleQamPidRemapTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoRuleQamPidRemapEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "Table contains list of qam-channel based configured PID
                 remapping rules."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 16 }

        d5VideoRuleQamPidRemapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoRuleQamPidRemapEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { ifIndex, d5vPidRemapInPidIndex }
            ::= { d5VideoRuleQamPidRemapTable 1 }

            D5VideoRuleQamPidRemapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vRQamPidRowStatus         RowStatus,
                d5vRQamPidOutPid            D5PID,
                d5vRQamPidLastMatchTime     TimeStamp,
                d5vRQamPidMatchCount        Counter32,
                d5vRQamPidPersistence       D5PersistenceType

           d5vRQamPidRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamPidRemapEntry 1 }

           d5vRQamPidOutPid   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The output PID value related to this rule."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamPidRemapEntry 2 }

           d5vRQamPidLastMatchTime  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this rule was last
                     matched/used at run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamPidRemapEntry 3 }

           d5vRQamPidMatchCount  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Counter32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of times this rule was matched/used at
                     run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamPidRemapEntry 4 }

           d5vRQamPidPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamPidRemapEntry 5 }

    d5VideoRuleQamPidFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoRuleQamPidFilterEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "Table contains list of qam-channel based configured PID filter
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 17 }

        d5VideoRuleQamPidFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoRuleQamPidFilterEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { ifIndex, d5vPidRemapInPidIndex }
            ::= { d5VideoRuleQamPidFilterTable 1 }

            D5VideoRuleQamPidFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vRQamPidFiltRowStatus         RowStatus,
                d5vRQamPidFiltLastMatchTime     TimeStamp,
                d5vRQamPidFiltMatchCount        Counter32,
                d5vRQamPidFiltPersistence       D5PersistenceType

           d5vRQamPidFiltRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamPidFilterEntry 1 }

           d5vRQamPidFiltLastMatchTime  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this rule was last matched/used
                     at run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamPidFilterEntry 2 }

           d5vRQamPidFiltMatchCount  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Counter32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of times this rule was matched/used at run-time.
                           Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamPidFilterEntry 3 }

           d5vRQamPidFiltPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamPidFilterEntry 4 }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Configured remapping/filtering Rules based on UDP/IP identification
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoRuleUdpIpProgFilterEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "Table contains list of UDP/IP based configured program filter
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 18 }

        d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoRuleUdpIpProgFilterEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vProgRemapUdpIndex, d5vProgRemapIpSrcIndex,
                    d5vProgRemapIpDestIndex, d5vProgRemapInProgIndex }
            ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgFilterTable 1 }

            D5VideoRuleUdpIpProgFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vRUdpIpProgFiltRowStatus          RowStatus,
                d5vRUdpIpProgFiltMatchLastTime      TimeStamp,
                d5vRUdpIpProgFiltMatchCount         Counter32,
                d5vRUdpIpProgFiltPersistence        D5PersistenceType

           d5vRUdpIpProgFiltRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgFilterEntry 1 }

           d5vRUdpIpProgFiltMatchLastTime  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this rule was last matched/used
                     at run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgFilterEntry 2 }

           d5vRUdpIpProgFiltMatchCount  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Counter32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of times this rule was matched/used at run-time.
                           Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgFilterEntry 3 }

           d5vRUdpIpProgFiltPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgFilterEntry 4 }

    d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoRuleUdpIpPidFilterEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "Table contains list of UDP/IP based configured PID filter
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 19 }

        d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoRuleUdpIpPidFilterEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vPidRemapUdpIndex, d5vPidRemapIpSrcIndex,
                    d5vPidRemapIpDestIndex, d5vPidRemapInPidIndex }
            ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidFilterTable 1 }

            D5VideoRuleUdpIpPidFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vRUdpIpPidFiltRowStatus         RowStatus,
                d5vRUdpIpPidFiltLastMatchTime     TimeStamp,
                d5vRUdpIpPidFiltMatchCount        Counter32,
                d5vRUdpIpPidFiltPersistence       D5PersistenceType

           d5vRUdpIpPidFiltRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidFilterEntry 1 }

           d5vRUdpIpPidFiltLastMatchTime  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this rule was last matched/used
                     at run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidFilterEntry 2 }

           d5vRUdpIpPidFiltMatchCount  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Counter32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of times this rule was matched/used at run-time.
                           Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidFilterEntry 3 }

           d5vRUdpIpPidFiltPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidFilterEntry 4 }

    d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "Table contains list of udp/ip based configured program
                 remapping rules."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 20 }

        d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vRUdpIpProgUdpIndex,    d5vRUdpIpProgIpSrcIndex,
                    d5vRUdpIpProgIpDestIndex, d5vRUdpIpProgInProgIndex
            ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapTable 1 }

            D5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vRUdpIpProgUdpIndex           Unsigned32,
                d5vRUdpIpProgIpSrcIndex         IpAddress,
                d5vRUdpIpProgIpDestIndex        IpAddress,
                d5vRUdpIpProgInProgIndex        D5Program,
                d5vRUdpIpProgRowStatus          RowStatus,
                d5vRUdpIpProgOutProg            D5Program,
                d5vRUdpIpProgMatchLastTime      TimeStamp,
                d5vRUdpIpProgMatchCount         Counter32,
                d5vRUdpIpProgPersistence        D5PersistenceType,
                d5vRUdpIpProgExpectedBitrate    Unsigned32

           d5vRUdpIpProgUdpIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The destination UDP Port of the incoming TS.(A value of 0
                     in a rule means that the udp-port can be ANY value for
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry 1 }

           d5vRUdpIpProgIpSrcIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The SRC IP address of the incoming TS.(NOTE: a value of
                     '0' here indicates a don't care value for
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry 2 }

           d5vRUdpIpProgIpDestIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The DEST IP address of the incoming TS.(NOTE: a value of
                     '0' here indicates a don't care value for
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry 3 }

           d5vRUdpIpProgInProgIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5Program
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The incoming Program value related to this Program
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry 4 }

           d5vRUdpIpProgRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry 5 }

           d5vRUdpIpProgOutProg   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5Program
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The output Program value related to this Program mapping
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry 6 }

           d5vRUdpIpProgMatchLastTime  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this rule was last
                     matched/used at run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry 7 }

           d5vRUdpIpProgMatchCount  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Counter32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of times this rule was matched/used at
                     run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry 8 }

           d5vRUdpIpProgPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry 9 }

           d5vRUdpIpProgExpectedBitrate      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The expected bitate in Kbps, of the video program. If this
                     is set it is used to calculate the initial jitter-buffer
                     size to be used for the program when it is activated.
                    (may be set to 0 to indicated an unknown value)"
                DEFVAL { 0 }
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpProgRemapEntry 10 }

    d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "Table contains list of udp/ip based configured pid
                 remapping rules."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 21 }

        d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vRUdpIpPidUdpIndex, d5vRUdpIpPidIpSrcIndex,
                    d5vRUdpIpPidIpDestIndex, d5vRUdpIpPidInPidIndex}
            ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapTable 1 }

            D5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vRUdpIpPidUdpIndex           Unsigned32,
                d5vRUdpIpPidIpSrcIndex         IpAddress,
                d5vRUdpIpPidIpDestIndex        IpAddress,
                d5vRUdpIpPidInPidIndex         D5PID,
                d5vRUdpIpPidRowStatus          RowStatus,
                d5vRUdpIpPidOutPid             D5PID,
                d5vRUdpIpPidMatchLastTime      TimeStamp,
                d5vRUdpIpPidMatchCount         Counter32,
                d5vRUdpIpPidPersistence        D5PersistenceType

           d5vRUdpIpPidUdpIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The destination UDP Port of the incoming TS.(A value of 0
                     in a rule means that the udp-port can be ANY value for
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapEntry 1 }

           d5vRUdpIpPidIpSrcIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The SRC IP address of the incoming TS.(NOTE: a value of '0'
                     here indicates a don't care value for pattern-matching
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapEntry 2 }

           d5vRUdpIpPidIpDestIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The DEST IP address of the incoming TS.(NOTE: a value of
                     '0' here indicates a don't care value for pattern-matching
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapEntry 3 }

           d5vRUdpIpPidInPidIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The incoming PID value related to this PID remapping."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapEntry 4 }

           d5vRUdpIpPidRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapEntry 5 }

           d5vRUdpIpPidOutPid   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The output PID value related to this PID mapping rule."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapEntry 6 }

           d5vRUdpIpPidMatchLastTime  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this rule was last
                     matched/used at run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapEntry 7 }

           d5vRUdpIpPidMatchCount  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Counter32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of times this rule was matched/used at
                     run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapEntry 8 }

           d5vRUdpIpPidPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoRuleUdpIpPidRemapEntry 9 }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- SI-STREAM table (For controlling statically allocated streams that provide
--                  (P)SI tables for the QAM channel out-of-band to the actual
--                  video and audio streams
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This table displays the statically allocated SI-streams.
                 SI-streams are dedicated IP streams that provide SI table for
                 a particular QAM channel.  The data in an SI stream is sent to
                 the QAM without any PID remapping and it is assumed that the
                 SI-stream does not conflict with any elementary-streams, or
                 auto-generated (P)SI tables.
                 SI-streams are typically used when (P)SI table auto-generation
                 is disabled on the D5.
                   The variables d5vIpSiConfQamIfIndex and
                 d5vIpSiConfChanContName are mutually exclusive, where a value
                 of 0 for ifIndex or 0-length for d5vIpSiConfChanContName can be
                 used to indicate an unspecified value."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 22 }

        d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vIpUdpSiIndex, d5vIpSrcSiIndex, d5vIpDestSiIndex }
            ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamTable 1 }

            D5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vIpUdpSiIndex             Unsigned32,
                d5vIpSrcSiIndex             IpAddress,
                d5vIpDestSiIndex            IpAddress,
                d5vIpSiRowStatus            RowStatus,
                d5vIpSiTsMibIndex           D5TransportStreamIndex,
                d5vIpSiConfQamIfIndex       InterfaceIndexOrZero,
                d5vIpSiConfChanContName     D5VideoChannelContainerNameType,
                d5vIpSiStreamStatus         D5TransportStreamStatus,
                d5vIpSiTimeActivated        TimeStamp,
                d5vIpSiTimeActive           Counter32,
                d5vIpSiTimeDeactivated      TimeStamp,
                d5vIpSiPersistence          D5PersistenceType,
                d5vIpSiCopyback             Unsigned32

           d5vIpUdpSiIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The destination UDP Port to be mapped to the specified QAM
                     Channel and Program Number."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry 1 }

           d5vIpSrcSiIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The SRC IP address of the SI TS to be mapped to the
                     specified QAM Channel and Program Number."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry 2 }

           d5vIpDestSiIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The DEST IP address of the SI TS to be mapped to the
                     specified QAM Channel and Program Number."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry 3 }

            d5vIpSiRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry 4 }

            d5vIpSiTsMibIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5TransportStreamIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The index of the entry in the d5VideoStreamTable
                     for corresponding to this table entry."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry 5 }

            d5vIpSiConfQamIfIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The ifIndex of the QAM channel that this SI-stream is
                     configured to be mapped to."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry 6 }

            d5vIpSiConfChanContName   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5VideoChannelContainerNameType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The name of the channel-container that this SI-stream
                     is configured to be mapped to."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry 7 }

            d5vIpSiStreamStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5TransportStreamStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Current status of this IP SI Transport stream"
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry 8 }

            d5vIpSiTimeActivated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this stream was last activated.
                           Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry 9 }

            d5vIpSiTimeActive OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX          Counter32
                UNITS           "seconds"
                MAX-ACCESS      read-only
                STATUS          current
                    "The total time that MPEG stream has been active."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry 10 }

            d5vIpSiTimeDeactivated  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this stream was last
                     deactivated.  Zero if not-known."
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry 11 }

           d5vIpSiPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry 12 }

           d5vIpSiCopyback        OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to setup the SI stream as an EAS stream.
                DEFVAL { 0 }
                ::= { d5VideoUdpIpSiStreamEntry 13 }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Channel-container tables
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    d5VideoChannelContainerTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoChannelContainerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "Table contains list of channel-containers that can be used
                 to group individual QAM-channels together.  Channel-containers
                 can serve multiple purposes:
                   - group qam-channels to which an EMM can be multicast.
                   - group qam-channels to which an input transport-stream
                      can be replicated.
                   - ..."
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 30 }

        d5VideoChannelContainerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoChannelContainerEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vChanContName }
            ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerTable 1 }

            D5VideoChannelContainerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vChanContName             D5VideoChannelContainerNameType,
                d5vChanContRowStatus        RowStatus,
                d5vChanContServiceId        D5Program,
                d5vChanContPid              D5PID,
                d5vChanContPersistence      D5PersistenceType

            d5vChanContName   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5VideoChannelContainerNameType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "Channel-container identifier."
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerEntry 1 }

            d5vChanContRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerEntry 2 }

            d5vChanContServiceId   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5Program
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "Common program-number used for virtual-programs in this
                     (may be set to 0 to indicate an unspecified value)"
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerEntry 3 }

            d5vChanContPid   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "Common PID used for EMM or PDG data in this channel-
                     (may be set to 0 to indicate an unspecified value)"
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerEntry 4 }

           d5vChanContPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerEntry 5 }

    d5VideoChannelContainerQamTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoChannelContainerQamEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "Table contains list of QAM channel-container group memberships.
                 A single QAM can be a member of multiple replication groups.
                 A single QAM can also be a member of the same replication
                 group multiple times, using different output programs.
                 The index variables d5vChanContQamIfIndex and
                 d5vChanContQamTsidIndex must be considered mutually exclusive,
                 where a value of 0 for either ifIndex or TSID can be used to
                 indicate an unspecified value. 
                 One of, but not both of, these must be non-zero in any
                 particular row, in order to constitute a valid row-index.
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 31 }

        d5VideoChannelContainerQamEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoChannelContainerQamEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vChanContName, d5vChanContQamIfIndex,
                    d5vChanContQamTsidIndex, d5vChanContQamProgIndex
            ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerQamTable 1 }

            D5VideoChannelContainerQamEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vChanContQamIfIndex       InterfaceIndexOrZero,
                d5vChanContQamTsidIndex     Unsigned32,
                d5vChanContQamProgIndex     D5Program,
                d5vChanContQamRowStatus     RowStatus,
                d5vChanContQamPersistence   D5PersistenceType

            d5vChanContQamIfIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The ifIndex of the QAM channel.
                    (may be set to 0 to indicated an unspecified value)"
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerQamEntry 1 }

            d5vChanContQamTsidIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The MPEG transport_stream_id of the QAM-channel.
                    (may be set to 0 to indicated an unspecified value)"
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerQamEntry 2 }

            d5vChanContQamProgIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5Program
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The output program number associated with this membership
                    (may be set to 0 to indicated an unspecified value)"
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerQamEntry 3 }

            d5vChanContQamRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerQamEntry 4 }

           d5vChanContQamPersistence    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerQamEntry 5 }

    d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "Table contains list of virtual programs with their associated
                 channel-container names.  Virtual programs are used for
                 creating replications where individual input streams are
                 copied to to multiple concurrent output QAMs/Programs.
                 (NOTE: a virtual-program can belong to no more than 1
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 32 }

        d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vChanContVProgUdpIndex, d5vChanContVProgSrcIpIndex,
                    d5vChanContVProgDestIpIndex }
            ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgTable 1 }

            D5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vChanContVProgUdpIndex        Unsigned32,
                d5vChanContVProgSrcIpIndex      IpAddress,
                d5vChanContVProgDestIpIndex     IpAddress,
                d5vChanContVProgRowStatus       RowStatus,
                d5vChanContVProgName            D5VideoChannelContainerNameType,
                d5vChanContVProgConfProgPassThroughEnabled  TruthValue,
                d5vChanContVProgConfPidPassThroughEnabled   TruthValue,
                d5vChanContVProgConfRedundantMulticast      TruthValue,
                d5vChanContVProgPersistence     D5PersistenceType,
                d5vChanContVProgExpectedBitrate Unsigned32,
                d5vChanContVProgConfVideoSiStreamEnabled TruthValue

           d5vChanContVProgUdpIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The destination UDP Port of the incoming TS.(A value of 0
                     in a rule means that the udp-port can be ANY value for
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry 1 }

           d5vChanContVProgSrcIpIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The SRC IP address of the incoming TS.(NOTE: a value of '0'
                     here indicates a don't care value for pattern-matching
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry 2 }

           d5vChanContVProgDestIpIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The DEST IP address of the incoming TS.(NOTE: a value of
                     '0' here indicates a don't care value for pattern-matching
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry 3 }

           d5vChanContVProgRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry 4 }

            d5vChanContVProgName    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5VideoChannelContainerNameType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "Channel-container identifier. Must match an entry in
                     the d5VideoChannelContainerTable table."
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry 5 }

            d5vChanContVProgConfProgPassThroughEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This can be used to configure default PROG remapping
                     for this stream.  If this is set to TRUE, input PROGs are
                     mapped to identical output PIDs (as if pass-through
                     mode were enabled on the QAM).
                DEFVAL {FALSE}
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry 6 }

            d5vChanContVProgConfPidPassThroughEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This can be used to configure default PID remapping
                     for this stream.  If this is set to TRUE, input PIDs are
                     mapped to identical output PIDs (as if pass-through
                     mode were enabled on the QAM).
                DEFVAL {FALSE}
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry 7 }

            d5vChanContVProgConfRedundantMulticast OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This can be used to configure a video stream for redundancy
                     May be set to TRUE only if the d5vIpSrcIndex is set to 0
                     and the d5vIpDestIndex is set to a valid multicast address
                     and the d5vIpUdpIndex is set to a non-zero value.
                       When this value is set to TRUE, the D5 WAN card doesn't
                     distinguish between packets with different srcIp values,
                     where the d5vIpUdpIndex and d5vIpDestIndex match this rule.
                DEFVAL {FALSE}
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry 8 }

           d5vChanContVProgPersistence    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry 9 }

           d5vChanContVProgExpectedBitrate      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32(0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The expected bitate in Kbps, of the video program. If this
                     is set it is used to calculate the initial jitter-buffer
                     size to be used for the program when it is activated.
                    (may be set to 0 to indicated an unknown value)"
                DEFVAL { 0 }
                ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry 10 }

           d5vChanContVProgConfVideoSiStreamEnabled   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "Used to configure this virtual-program to be treated as a
                DEFVAL {FALSE}
                 ::= { d5VideoChannelContainerVirtProgEntry 11 }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- QAM jitter-buffering tables
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    d5VideoQamJitterTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoQamJitterEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This Table contains list of rules that regulate the amount of
                 jitter buffering in milliseconds that is used used for video
                    Can be used to increase jitter buffering so that the D5 will
                 smooth out video programs that may have a lot of jitter, or 
                 alternatively to decrease jitter buffering so that the latency
                 through the D5 is reduced.
                    The low and high bitrate thresholds are not allowed to
                 overlap between rules that share the same ifIndex and serviceId
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 33 }

        d5VideoQamJitterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoQamJitterEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vQamJitterIfIndex, d5vQamJitterServiceId,
                    d5vQamJitterThreshBitrateLow, d5vQamJitterThreshBitrateHigh
            ::= { d5VideoQamJitterTable 1 }

            D5VideoQamJitterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vQamJitterIfIndex             InterfaceIndexOrZero,
                d5vQamJitterServiceId           D5Program,
                d5vQamJitterThreshBitrateLow    Unsigned32,
                d5vQamJitterThreshBitrateHigh   Unsigned32,
                d5vQamJitterMilliseconds        Unsigned32,
                d5vQamJitterRowStatus           RowStatus,
                d5vQamJitterPersistence         D5PersistenceType

            d5vQamJitterIfIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The ifIndex of the QAM channel associated with this rule.
                    (may be set to 0 to indicated an unspecified value)"
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterEntry 1 }

            d5vQamJitterServiceId   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5Program
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The output program number associated with this rule.
                    (may be set to 0 to indicated an unspecified value)"
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterEntry 2 }

            d5vQamJitterThreshBitrateLow   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The lower bitate threshold in Kbps, of the video stream(s)
                     for which this jitter setting is to be used.
                    (may be set to 0 to indicated an unspecified lower value)"
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterEntry 3 }

            d5vQamJitterThreshBitrateHigh   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The upper bitate threshold in Kbps, of the video stream(s)
                     for which this jitter setting is to be used.
                    (may be set to 0 to indicated an unspecified upper value)"
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterEntry 4 }

            d5vQamJitterMilliseconds   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..500)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "The setting for jitter-buffer length in milliseconds for
                     video programs matching this rule.
                     Can be set to a small value to reduce latency through the
                     box, or set to a higher value to compensate for more
                     jitter in the input video stream."
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterEntry 5 }

            d5vQamJitterRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterEntry 6 }

           d5vQamJitterPersistence    OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterEntry 7 }

    d5VideoQamJitterStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
                "This Table contains status information about the QAM dejitter
                 buffers on a per-program basis. Entries in this table only
                 persist for the life-time of the active programs, and are
                 created & deleted on the fly as programs are shutdown &
                 restarted. The counters are reset when the program is shutdown,
                 or when the jitter-buffer is reset.
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 34 }

        d5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5QamJitterStatusIfIndex, d5QamJitterStatusServiceId }
            ::= { d5VideoQamJitterStatusTable 1 }

            D5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                    d5QamJitterStatusIfIndex        InterfaceIndex,
                    d5QamJitterStatusServiceId      D5Program,
                    d5QamJitterStatusCurrStatus     INTEGER,
                    d5QamJitterStatusUnderflowCount Unsigned32,
                    d5QamJitterStatusOverflowCount  Unsigned32,
                    d5QamJitterStatusBufferLengthInBytes    Unsigned32,
                    d5QamJitterStatusFixedBufferLength      TruthValue,
                    d5QamJitterStatusBufferLengthInMs       Unsigned32,
                    d5vQamJitterStatusBitrate       Unsigned32,
                    d5QamJitterStatusResetQueue     TruthValue,
                    d5QamJitterStatusBufferSizeInBytes      Unsigned32

            d5QamJitterStatusIfIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      InterfaceIndex
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The ifIndex of the QAM channel associated with this entry."
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry 1 }

            d5QamJitterStatusServiceId   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5Program
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The output program number associated with this entry."
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry 2 }

            d5QamJitterStatusCurrStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      INTEGER {
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The status of the jitter buffer for this program.
                        idle          - waiting for input TS packets
                        fillingBuffer - waiting for the dejitter buffer to fill
                                        up for normal operation.
                        active        - operating normally, passing traffic.
                        underflow     - not receiving enough traffic, buffer has
                                        been reset.
                        overflow      - receiving too much traffic, buffer has
                                        been reset.
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry 3 }

            d5QamJitterStatusUnderflowCount   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Number of times the jitter buffer has underflowed during
                     the lifetime of this program."
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry 4 }

            d5QamJitterStatusOverflowCount   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Number of times the jitter buffer has overflowed during
                     the lifetime of this program."
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry 5 }

            d5QamJitterStatusBufferLengthInBytes   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of bytes in-use for the jitter buffer of this
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry 6 }

            d5QamJitterStatusFixedBufferLength   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "Indicates if the jitter buffer for this program consists
                     of a fixed number of bytes, or if the QAM-FPGA is
                     configured to reallocate memory dynamically
                     as the program-bitrate fluctuates."
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry 7 }

            d5QamJitterStatusBufferLengthInMs   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The size of the jitter buffer for this program in
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry 8 }

            d5vQamJitterStatusBitrate       OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The bitate in Kbps, of this Program. This may have a value
                     of 0 if the bitrate is not known."
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry 9 }

            d5QamJitterStatusResetQueue   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TruthValue
                MAX-ACCESS  read-write
                STATUS      current
                    "Write a value of TRUE to empty the jitter buffer,
                     (re)initialize the active buffer-length to the configured
                     value in the d5VideoQamJitterTable, and reset the jitter
                     buffer state back to the initial idle state.
                       NOTE: resetting the buffer results in a temporary loss
                     of MPEG output for the affected program since the buffer
                     is wiped and refilled."
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry 10 }

            d5QamJitterStatusBufferSizeInBytes   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of bytes allocated for the jitter buffer of
                     this program."
                ::= { d5VideoQamJitterStatusEntry 11 }

-- -----------------------------------------
-- d5VideoQamLogTable
-- -----------------------------------------

d5VideoQamLogTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoQamLogEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The (conceptual) table listing the router's PIM interfaces.
            IGMP and PIM are enabled on all interfaces listed in this
    ::= { d5VideoObjects 40 }

d5VideoQamLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     D5VideoQamLogEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "An entry (conceptual row) in the d5QamLogTable."
    INDEX      { d5vQamLogDateTimeIndex,d5vQamLogSubIndex }
    ::= { d5VideoQamLogTable 1 }

D5VideoQamLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    d5vQamLogDateTimeIndex          DateAndTime,
    d5vQamLogSubIndex               Unsigned32,
    d5vQamLogSlotNum                Unsigned32,
    d5vQamLogPortNum                Unsigned32,
    d5vQamLogQamNum                 Unsigned32,
    d5vQamLogState                  D5VideoQamLogQamState,
    d5vQamLogDuration               Unsigned32,
    d5vQamLogDescription            DisplayString

d5vQamLogDateTimeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     DateAndTime
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "The Date/Time of event occurance."
    ::= { d5VideoQamLogEntry 1 }

d5vQamLogSubIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "Index used to address QAM event logs which occur at the same time."
    ::= { d5VideoQamLogEntry 2 }

d5vQamLogSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "QAM card associated with a particular event."
    ::= { d5VideoQamLogEntry 3 }

d5vQamLogPortNum OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "QAM card port number associated with a particular event."
    ::= { d5VideoQamLogEntry 4 }

    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "QAM card QAM number associated with a particular event."
    ::= { d5VideoQamLogEntry 5 }

d5vQamLogState OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     D5VideoQamLogQamState
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "Current state of the Event Log"
    ::= { d5VideoQamLogEntry 6 }

d5vQamLogDuration OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "Event Log duration in mSecs (only valid for START/STOP type entries)"
    ::= { d5VideoQamLogEntry 7 }

d5vQamLogDescription OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     DisplayString
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
            "QAM event description."
    ::= { d5VideoQamLogEntry 8 }

-- -----------------------------------------
-- video-si-stream Ghost PID tables
-- -----------------------------------------

d5VideoRuleSiStreamGhostPidFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoRuleSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "Table contains list of configured ghost PID filter rules.
              .  Ghost PIDs can only be used for video-si-streams.  The reason
             for this being that it's not reasonable to map multiple copies of
             the same input PID to a single output PID.  Tying ghost-pids to
             video-si-stream ensures that only one copy of a particular
             ghost-pid will be mapped to any particular QAM-channel at any one
             time, since only one video-si-stream can be active on a QAM-channel
             at a time.
    ::= { d5VideoObjects 42 }

    d5VideoRuleSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     D5VideoRuleSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
        INDEX { d5vPidRemapInPidIndex }
        ::= { d5VideoRuleSiStreamGhostPidFilterTable 1 }

        D5VideoRuleSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
            d5vRSiStreamGhostPidFiltRowStatus         RowStatus,
            d5vRSiStreamGhostPidFiltLastMatchTime     TimeStamp,
            d5vRSiStreamGhostPidFiltMatchCount        Counter32,
            d5vRSiStreamGhostPidFiltPersistence       D5PersistenceType

       d5vRSiStreamGhostPidFiltRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      RowStatus
            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
            STATUS      current
                "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
            ::= { d5VideoRuleSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 1 }

       d5vRSiStreamGhostPidFiltLastMatchTime  OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      TimeStamp
            MAX-ACCESS  read-only
            STATUS      current
                "The value of sysUpTime when this rule was last matched/used
                 at run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
            ::= { d5VideoRuleSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 2 }

       d5vRSiStreamGhostPidFiltMatchCount  OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      Counter32
            MAX-ACCESS  read-only
            STATUS      current
                "The number of times this rule was matched/used at run-time.
                       Zero if not-applicable."
            ::= { d5VideoRuleSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 3 }

       d5vRSiStreamGhostPidFiltPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
            STATUS      current
                "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                 non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                 card resets.
            DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
            ::= { d5VideoRuleSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 4 }

d5VideoRuleQamSiStreamGhostPidFilterTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoRuleQamSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "Table contains list of qam-channel based configured ghost PID rules
              .  Ghost PIDs can only be used for video-si-streams.  The reason
             for this being that it's not reasonable to map multiple copies of
             the same input PID to a single output PID.  Tying ghost-pids to
             video-si-stream ensures that only one copy of a particular
             ghost-pid will be mapped to any particular QAM-channel at any one
             time, since only one video-si-stream can be active on a QAM-channel
             at a time.
    ::= { d5VideoObjects 41 }

    d5VideoRuleQamSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     D5VideoRuleQamSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
        INDEX { ifIndex, d5vPidRemapInPidIndex }
        ::= { d5VideoRuleQamSiStreamGhostPidFilterTable 1 }

        D5VideoRuleQamSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
            d5vRQamSiStreamGhostPidFiltRowStatus         RowStatus,
            d5vRQamSiStreamGhostPidFiltLastMatchTime     TimeStamp,
            d5vRQamSiStreamGhostPidFiltMatchCount        Counter32,
            d5vRQamSiStreamGhostPidFiltPersistence       D5PersistenceType

       d5vRQamSiStreamGhostPidFiltRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      RowStatus
            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
            STATUS      current
                "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
            ::= { d5VideoRuleQamSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 1 }

       d5vRQamSiStreamGhostPidFiltLastMatchTime  OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      TimeStamp
            MAX-ACCESS  read-only
            STATUS      current
                "The value of sysUpTime when this rule was last matched/used
                 at run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
            ::= { d5VideoRuleQamSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 2 }

       d5vRQamSiStreamGhostPidFiltMatchCount  OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      Counter32
            MAX-ACCESS  read-only
            STATUS      current
                "The number of times this rule was matched/used at run-time.
                       Zero if not-applicable."
            ::= { d5VideoRuleQamSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 3 }

       d5vRQamSiStreamGhostPidFiltPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
            STATUS      current
                "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                 non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                 card resets.
            DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
            ::= { d5VideoRuleQamSiStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 4 }

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- QAM ca-system-id descriptor filter tables
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

d5VideoQamCaDescFiltTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoQamCaDescFiltEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
            "This Table contains a list of rules that regulate the filtering
             of ca-descriptors from input CAT and PMT tables based on
             specific ca-system-id values.
    ::= { d5VideoObjects 43 }

    d5VideoQamCaDescFiltEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     D5VideoQamCaDescFiltEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
        INDEX { d5vQamCaDescFiltIfIndex,
        ::= { d5VideoQamCaDescFiltTable 1 }

        D5VideoQamCaDescFiltEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
            d5vQamCaDescFiltIfIndex         InterfaceIndexOrZero,
            d5vQamCaDescFiltSysId           Unsigned32,
            d5vQamCaDescFiltCaDesc          INTEGER,
            d5vQamCaDescFiltRowStatus       RowStatus,
            d5vQamCaDescFiltPersistence     D5PersistenceType

        d5vQamCaDescFiltIfIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
            STATUS      current
                "The ifIndex of the QAM channel associated with this rule.
                (may be set to 0 to indicated an unspecified value)"
            ::= { d5VideoQamCaDescFiltEntry 1 }

        d5vQamCaDescFiltSysId   OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
            STATUS      current
                "The CA-system-ID value associated with this rule."
            ::= { d5VideoQamCaDescFiltEntry 2 }

        d5vQamCaDescFiltCaDesc   OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX    INTEGER {
            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
            STATUS      current
                "Controls the filtering of descriptors from the CAT table."
            DEFVAL { neither }
            ::= { d5VideoQamCaDescFiltEntry 3 }

        d5vQamCaDescFiltRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      RowStatus
            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
            STATUS      current
                "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
            ::= { d5VideoQamCaDescFiltEntry 4 }

       d5vQamCaDescFiltPersistence    OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
            MAX-ACCESS  read-create
            STATUS      current
                "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                 non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                 card resets.
            DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
            ::= { d5VideoQamCaDescFiltEntry 5 }

-- -----------------------------------------
-- video-stream Ghost PID tables
-- -----------------------------------------

    d5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidFilterEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
            "Table contains list of configured ghost PID filter rules. 
             Ghost PIDs may only be used for video-streams and
             can be in the range 1 to 8190. 
             Care must be taken not to map multiple copies of
             the same input PID to a single output PID.
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 45 }

        d5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidFilterEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltUdpIndex, d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltIpSrcIndex,
                    d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltIpDestIndex, d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltInPidIndex}
            ::= { d5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidTable 1 }

            D5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltUdpIndex           Unsigned32,
                d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltIpSrcIndex         IpAddress,
                d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltIpDestIndex        IpAddress,
                d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltInPidIndex         D5PID,
                d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltRowStatus          RowStatus,
                d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltMatchLastTime      TimeStamp,
                d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltMatchCount         Counter32,
                d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltPersistence        D5PersistenceType

           d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltUdpIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The destination UDP Port of the incoming TS.(A value of 0
                     in a rule means that the udp-port can be ANY value for
                ::= { d5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 1 }

           d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltIpSrcIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The SRC IP address of the incoming TS.(NOTE: a value of '0'
                     here indicates a don't care value for pattern-matching
                ::= { d5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 2 }

           d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltIpDestIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      IpAddress
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The DEST IP address of the incoming TS.(NOTE: a value of
                     '0' here indicates a don't care value for pattern-matching
                ::= { d5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 3 }

           d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltInPidIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The incoming ghost PID value related to this rule."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 4 }

           d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 5 }

           d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltMatchLastTime  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this rule was last
                     matched/used at run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 6 }

           d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltMatchCount  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Counter32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of times this rule was matched/used at
                     run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 7 }

           d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoRuleStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 8 }

    d5VideoRuleQamStreamGhostPidTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF D5VideoRuleQamStreamGhostPidFilterEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS     current
            "Table contains list of qam-channel based configured ghost PID rules. 
             Ghost PIDs may only be used for video-streams and
             can be in the range 1 to 8190. 
             Care must be taken not to map multiple copies of
             the same input PID to a single output PID.
        ::= { d5VideoObjects 44 }

        d5VideoRuleQamStreamGhostPidFilterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX     D5VideoRuleQamStreamGhostPidFilterEntry
            MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
            STATUS     current
            INDEX { ifIndex, d5vRStreamGhostPidFiltInPidIndex }
            ::= { d5VideoRuleQamStreamGhostPidTable 1 }

            D5VideoRuleQamStreamGhostPidFilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                d5vRQamStreamGhostPidFiltRowStatus         RowStatus,
                d5vRQamStreamGhostPidFiltOutPid            D5PID,
                d5vRQamStreamGhostPidFiltLastMatchTime     TimeStamp,
                d5vRQamStreamGhostPidFiltMatchCount        Counter32,
                d5vRQamStreamGhostPidFiltPersistence       D5PersistenceType

           d5vRQamStreamGhostPidFiltRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      RowStatus
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The RowStatus for controlling entries in this table."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 1 }

           d5vRQamStreamGhostPidFiltOutPid   OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PID
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "The output PID value related to this rule."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 2 }

           d5vRQamStreamGhostPidFiltLastMatchTime  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      TimeStamp
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The value of sysUpTime when this rule was last
                     matched/used at run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 3 }

           d5vRQamStreamGhostPidFiltMatchCount  OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      Counter32
                MAX-ACCESS  read-only
                STATUS      current
                    "The number of times this rule was matched/used at
                     run-time.  Zero if not-applicable."
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 4 }

           d5vRQamStreamGhostPidFiltPersistence      OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX      D5PersistenceType
                MAX-ACCESS  read-create
                STATUS      current
                    "This is used to toggle the table entry as being volatile or
                     non-volatile.  If set to volatile, it is not saved across
                     card resets.
                DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
                ::= { d5VideoRuleQamStreamGhostPidFilterEntry 5 }