-- This file was included in WWP MIB release 04-16-00-0047


   Integer32, Counter32, Gauge32,  OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, Unsigned32
        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
   DisplayString, RowStatus
        FROM SNMPv2-TC
   InetAddressType, InetAddress
   CienaGlobalState, CienaStatsClear
   cienaCesConfig, cienaCesNotifications

 cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
        LAST-UPDATED "201606210000Z"
        ORGANIZATION "Ciena, Inc"
            "   Mib Meister
                115 North Sullivan Road
                Spokane Valley, WA 99037
                Phone:  +1 509 242 9000
                Email:  support@ciena.com"
                "The MIB module to manage DHCPv6 client on Ciena CES products."

        REVISION "201606210000Z"
                "LDRA - updated cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsVcName to 
                allow the VC name length up to 31 characters."
        REVISION "201601190000Z"
                "LDRA - updated Dhcpv6LdraVsName and Dhcpv6LdraMplsName 
                to allow the VS name length up to 31 characters."

        REVISION "201511020000Z"
                "LDRA - added missing DHCP Relay global statistic."

        REVISION "201508060000Z"
                "LDRA - added support for Q-in-Q VS and MPLS VS relay agents."

        REVISION "201310170000Z"
                "LDRA - added new global statistics, ability to clear global stats."

        REVISION "201309240000Z"
                "Added length checks for LDRA IntId, rid values. EnterpriseID can be unsigned 32"

        REVISION "201307190000Z"
                "Added support for Lightweight DHCPv6 Relay Agent (LDRA). The
                functionality is similar to that for the L2 relay agent."

        REVISION "201302111900Z"
                "The ReconfigureState was included by mistake.  It should not
                be visible to the SNMP user until the feature is completed."

        REVISION "201302110000Z"
                "The OptionCodeIndex incorrectly began at 0.
                It was changed to begin at 1."

        REVISION "201302080000Z"
                "The notification cienaCesDhcpv6ClientOptionDisabledNotification,
                neither implemented nor released, was removed."

        REVISION "201211150000Z"
            "Initial creation."

        ::= { cienaCesConfig 30 }

 -- Node definitions

 cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIB 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6Client     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIBObjects 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIBObjects 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgentGlobalAttrs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 1 }

 -- Notifications

 cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIBNotificationPrefix  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesNotifications 30}
 cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIBNotifications       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIBNotificationPrefix 0 }

 -- Conformance information

 cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIB 2 }
 cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIBConformance 1 }
 cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientMIBConformance 2 }

 -- The DHCPv6 client table - global settings

 cienaCesDhcpv6AdminState     OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         CienaGlobalState
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
        "This object indicates if the DHCPv6 client is administratively enabled."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6Client 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6IfName  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         DisplayString(SIZE (0..32))
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
        "The interface associated with the DHCPV6 client."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6Client 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6RapidCommitState         OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX                             CienaGlobalState
     MAX-ACCESS                         read-only
     STATUS                             current
        "This object indicates if rapid commit option is enabled on the DHCPv6 client."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6Client 3 }

-- cienaCesDhcpv6ReconfigureState       OBJECT-TYPE
--     SYNTAX                           CienaGlobalState
--     MAX-ACCESS                       read-only
--     STATUS                           current
--      "This object indicates if reconfigure option is enabled on the DHCPv6 client."
--     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6Client 4 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6PrefLifetimeReq  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Integer32(0..2147483647)
     UNITS          "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
        "The requested preferred lifetime for the IPv6 address expressed in seconds."
     DEFVAL         { 0 }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6Client 5 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6ValidLifetimeReq  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Integer32(0..2147483647)
     UNITS          "seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
        "The requested valid lifetime for the IPv6 address expressed in seconds."
     DEFVAL         { 0 }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6Client 6 }

 -- DHCPOption List
 -- the Multi DHCP client Table

 cienaCesDhcpv6ClientOptionTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpv6ClientOptionEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "List of options supported by the DHCPv6 client."
    ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6Client 7 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6ClientOptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      CienaCesDhcpv6ClientOptionEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
            "An entry containing list of options supported by DHCPv6 client."
    INDEX   { cienaCesDhcpv6OptionCodeIndex }
    ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientOptionTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpv6ClientOptionEntry ::=
        cienaCesDhcpv6OptionCodeIndex                   Integer32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6OptionDesc                        DisplayString,
        cienaCesDhcpv6OptionCode                        Integer32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6OptionState                       CienaGlobalState

 cienaCesDhcpv6OptionCodeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX                     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS                 not-accessible
     STATUS                     current
             "Specifies the index used for this entry."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientOptionEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6OptionDesc OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX                     DisplayString
     MAX-ACCESS                 read-only
     STATUS                     current
             "Specifies the description for the given DHCPv6 option code."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientOptionEntry 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6OptionCode OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX                     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
     MAX-ACCESS                 read-only
     STATUS                     current
             "Specifies the option code specified by RFC specification."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientOptionEntry 3 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6OptionState      OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX                     CienaGlobalState
     MAX-ACCESS                 read-only
     STATUS                     current
             "Specifies if the given option is enabled/disabled."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientOptionEntry 4 }

 -- Per Session Status
 -- DHCPv6 client Session Table

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessTable   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry
        MAX-ACCESS              not-accessible
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "List of active DHCPv6 client sessions."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6Client 8 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  CienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry
        MAX-ACCESS              not-accessible
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "An entry in the cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessTable."
        INDEX                      { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessMgmtIntfIndex }
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessTable 1 }

CienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
   cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessMgmtIntfIndex        Integer32,
   cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessState                INTEGER,
   cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessAutoConfigState      INTEGER,
   cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessUpTime               Integer32,
   cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessPrefLifetime         Integer32,
   cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessValidLifetime        Integer32,
   cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessLeaseExpire          Integer32,
   cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessClientId             DisplayString,
   cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessServerIpAddrType     InetAddressType,
   cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessServerIpAddr         InetAddress,
   cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessServerId             DisplayString,
   cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessT1Time               Integer32,
   cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessT2Time               Integer32

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessMgmtIntfIndex           OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Integer32 (1..65535)
        MAX-ACCESS              not-accessible
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION             "The mgmt interface index."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry 1 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessState           OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The DHCPv6 client state of this session."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry 2 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessAutoConfigState         OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The DHCPv6 autoconfiguration state of this session
                          set by the router advertisement."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry 3 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessUpTime          OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION             "The total length of time that this session has had active
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry 4 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessPrefLifetime    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Integer32
        UNITS                   "seconds"
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The preferred lifetime in seconds of the current lease."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry 5 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessValidLifetime   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Integer32
        UNITS                   "seconds"
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The valid lifetime in seconds of the current lease."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry 6 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessLeaseExpire     OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The remaining seconds until the current lease expires."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry 7 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessClientId                OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The full 'client ID' value associated with this lease."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry 8 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessServerIpAddrType        OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  InetAddressType
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION             "The IP address type (IPv6) of the server from which this lease was obtained."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry 9 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessServerIpAddr    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  InetAddress
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION             "The IP address of the server from which this lease was obtained."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry 10 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessServerId                OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The full 'server ID' value associated with this lease."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry 11 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessT1Time  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Integer32
        UNITS                   "seconds"
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION             "The  lease renewal (T1) time in seconds."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry 12 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessT2Time  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Integer32
        UNITS                   "seconds"
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION             "The  lease rebind (T2) time in seconds."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessEntry 13 }

 -- DHCPv6 Client Session Statistics

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
            "The (conceptual) table listing the statistics for DHCPv6 per
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6Client 9 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      CienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
           "An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsTable."
     INDEX {cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsMgmtIntfIndex}
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsTable 1 }

CienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry ::=  SEQUENCE {
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsMgmtIntfIndex      Integer32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsClear              CienaStatsClear,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsPktsRx             Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsReply              Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsAdvert             Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsRecfg              Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsInvalid            Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsPktsTx             Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsSolicit            Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsRequest            Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsConfirm            Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsRenew              Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsRebind             Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsInfoReq            Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsRelease            Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsDecline            Gauge32,
        cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsTxFail             Gauge32

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsMgmtIntfIndex              OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Integer32 (1..65535)
        MAX-ACCESS              not-accessible
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION             "The mgmt interface index."
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 1 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsClear      OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                          CienaStatsClear
        MAX-ACCESS                      read-write
        STATUS                          current
            "This object clears the DHCPv6 session statistics."
        DEFVAL { 0 }
        ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 2}

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsPktsRx     OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 packets received by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 3 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsReply      OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 reply messages received by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 4 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsAdvert     OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 advertise messages received by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 5 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsRecfg      OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 reconfigure messages received by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 6 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsInvalid    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 invalid messages received by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 7 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsPktsTx     OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 messages sent by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 8 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsSolicit    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 solicit messages sent by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 9 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsRequest    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 request messages sent by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 10 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsConfirm    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 confirm messages sent by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 11 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsRenew      OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 renew messages sent by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 12 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsRebind     OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 rebind messages sent by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 13 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsInfoReq    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 information request messages sent by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 14 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsRelease    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 release messages sent by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 15 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsDecline    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 decline messages sent by the client."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 16 }

cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsTxFail     OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX                  Gauge32
        MAX-ACCESS              read-only
        STATUS                  current
        DESCRIPTION      "The number of DHCPv6 messages the client was unable to send."
          ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6ClientSessStatsEntry 17 }

 -- DHCPv6 Relay Agent Functionality
 -- LDRA is LightWeight DHCPv6 Relay Agent

--- Global Lightweight DHCPv6 Relay Agent (LDRA) fields

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraState OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         CienaGlobalState
     MAX-ACCESS     read-write
     STATUS         current
             "Specifies the global state of the Lightweight DHCPv6 Relay Agent."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgentGlobalAttrs 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraInterfaceId OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS     read-write
     STATUS         current
             "Specifies the type of data to use in the InterfaceID option of LDRA messages."
    ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgentGlobalAttrs 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRemoteId OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS     read-write
     STATUS         current
             "Specifies the type of data to use in the RemoteID option of LDRA messages."
    ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgentGlobalAttrs 3 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRemoteIdOption OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS     read-write
     STATUS         current
             "If on, the RemoteID option will be added to client messages being relayed by LDRA."
    ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgentGlobalAttrs 4 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRemoteIdEnterpriseNo OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
     MAX-ACCESS     read-write
     STATUS         current
             "If the RemoteID option is on, this value will be used as the Enterprise Number in the
             RemoteID option field. Uses Broadband Forum value 3561 as default"
    ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgentGlobalAttrs 5 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraForward   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets forwarded rather than relayed.
             These are valid DHCPv6 frames that don't have a defined relay."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgentGlobalAttrs 6 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRelayed   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets processed by
             the LDRA and not dropped."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgentGlobalAttrs 7 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraDropped   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets processed by the LDRA and dropped.
             Inspect the detailed statistics on each relay for more details related to dropped packets."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgentGlobalAttrs 8 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraGlobalStatsClear OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaStatsClear
     MAX-ACCESS   read-write
     STATUS       current
             "This object when set to 'clear(1)', clears the global DHCPv6 LDRA stats."
     DEFVAL { 0 }
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgentGlobalAttrs 9 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraNotForRelay  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets passed to the relay,
             but were determined to not belong to the relay. The packets are dropped."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgentGlobalAttrs 10 }

 -- Table to control DHCPv6 LDRA functionality on each L2 VLAN
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStateTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX             SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraStateEntry
     MAX-ACCESS         not-accessible
     STATUS             current
             "Table allows changing configuration of DHCPv6 LDRA functionality
             for each cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStateEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX             CienaCesDhcpV6LdraStateEntry
     MAX-ACCESS         not-accessible
     STATUS             current
             "Entry in the table to configure DHCPv6 LDRA functionality."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStateTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan         Integer32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraAdminState   CienaGlobalState,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraOperState    CienaGlobalState,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRowStatus    RowStatus

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Integer32 (1..24576)
     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the VLAN on which DHCPv6 LDRA is configured."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStateEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraAdminState   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         CienaGlobalState
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "This object allows the user to disable or enable DHCPv6 LDRA functionality on
             the given VLAN specified by cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStateEntry 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraOperState   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         CienaGlobalState
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object shows the operational status of the DHCPv6 LDRA on given VLAN."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStateEntry 3 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "Set this object to 'Destroy' to terminate DHCPv6 LDRA Relaying
              on the VLAN specified by cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan.

              Set this object to 'CreateAndGo' to enable DHCPv6 LDRA Relaying
              on the VLAN specified by cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStateEntry 4 }

 -- DHCPv6 LDRA Port Trust Table
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraTrustTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraTrustEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       deprecated
             "This table is used to specify the slot / ports and VLANs
              that the DHCPv6 LDRA can trust.
              This table has been deprecated in favor of the
              cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExtTrustTable which adds a column for port
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 3 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraTrustEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaCesDhcpV6LdraTrustEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       deprecated
             "Each entry in this table is used to specify the slot / port and VLAN to be trusted."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan, cienaCesDhcpv6LdraPort }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraTrustTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraTrustEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraPort         Integer32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraTrustMode    INTEGER

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraPort   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
     STATUS         current
             "This object is used as an index in the table and is used to specify the port."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraTrustEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraTrustMode   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         deprecated
             "This object is used to set the port as client trusted, server
             trusted or not trusted.

             Note that the client(1) mode is deprecated. That value will
             never be returned. Setting that value will set the mode to
             clientTrust(2) instead."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraTrustEntry 2 }

 -- DHCPv6 LDRA VLAN Statistics
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraStatsEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Table to display L2 statistics for each cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 4 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaCesDhcpV6LdraStatsEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Entry in the table to display LDRA stats."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraPktsForRelay                        Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRelayedClient                       Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRelayedServer                       Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraUntrustedClientPortPktsRx           Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraUntrustedServerPortPktsRx           Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraFailedValidationPktDrop             Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraInvalidConfigPktDrop                Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExceededHopCountPktDrop             Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExceedMTUPktDrop                    Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraNoTrustedServerPktDrop              Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraNoTrustedClientPktDrop              Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIPv6FragBadExtHdrPktDrop            Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraGeneralErrors                       Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsClear                          CienaStatsClear

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraPktsForRelay   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of packets sent to this relay process."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRelayedClient   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of client sourced DHCPv6 packets relayed."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRelayedServer   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of server sourced DHCPv6 packets relayed."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 3 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraUntrustedClientPortPktsRx OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
             "This object specifies the number of client DHCPv6 packets dropped because they were
             received on untrusted client ports."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 4 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraUntrustedServerPortPktsRx OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
             "This object specifies the number of server DHCPv6 packets dropped because they were
             received on untrusted server ports."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 5 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraFailedValidationPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due to failed validation."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 6 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraInvalidConfigPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due
             to LDRA configuration issues."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 7 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExceededHopCountPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due to hop count
             in the packet exceeding hop count the limit."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 8 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExceedMTUPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped because the new
             relay frame size would exceed the MTU."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 9 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraNoTrustedServerPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped because there are no server trusted ports configured."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 10 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraNoTrustedClientPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped because there are no client trusted ports configured."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 11 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIPv6FragBadExtHdrPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due to IPv6 packet
             extension headers that could not be processed."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 12 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraGeneralErrors OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due to unclassified errors."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 13 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsClear OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaStatsClear
     MAX-ACCESS   read-write
     STATUS       current
             "This object when set to 'true', clears DHCPv6 LDRA stats for given VLAN."
     DEFVAL { 0 }
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraStatsEntry 14 }

 -- DHCPv6 LDRA Interface ID String Table
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIntidStringTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraIntidStringEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "This table is used to specify CID strings for slot / ports
             and VLANs that the DHCP relay agent can specify in Option 82 CID
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 5 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIntidStringEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaCesDhcpV6LdraIntidStringEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Each entry in this table is used to specify an interface id string for slot / port and VLAN combinations."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan, cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIntidStringPort }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIntidStringTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraIntidStringEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIntidStringPort          Integer32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIntidString              DisplayString,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIntidStringRowStatus     RowStatus

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIntidStringPort   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
     STATUS         current
             "This object is used as an index in the table and is used to specify the port."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIntidStringEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIntidString   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "This object is used to get and set the IntID string for the port."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIntidStringEntry 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIntidStringRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "Used to manage the creation and deletion of the conceptual rows in this table.
             To create a row in this table set this object to 'createAndGo'.
             To delete a row in this table set this object to 'destroy'."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraIntidStringEntry 3 }

 -- DHCPv6 LDRA RID String Table
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRidStringTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraRidStringEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "This table is used to specify RID strings for slot / ports
             and VLANs that the DHCP relay agent can specify in Option 82 RID
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 6 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRidStringEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaCesDhcpV6LdraRidStringEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Each entry in this table is used to specify an RID string for
             slot / port and VLAN combinations."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan, cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRidStringPort }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRidStringTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraRidStringEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRidStringPort            Integer32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRidString                DisplayString,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRidStringRowStatus       RowStatus

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRidStringPort   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
     STATUS         current
             "This MIB object is used as an index in the table and is used to specify the port."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRidStringEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRidString   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "This MIB object is used to get and set the RID string for the port."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRidStringEntry 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRidStringRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "Used to manage the creation and deletion of the
              conceptual rows in this table.

              To create a row in this table set this object
              to 'createAndGo'.

              To delete a row in this table set this object
              to 'destroy'."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraRidStringEntry 3 }

 -- DHCPv6 LDRA Extended Port Trust Table
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExtTrustTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraExtTrustEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "This table is used to specify the ports and VLANs that the
             DHCPv6 LDRA can trust. This table is the same as
             cienaCesDhcpv6LdraTrustTable with the addition of a column for
             the port status."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 7 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExtTrustEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaCesDhcpV6LdraExtTrustEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Each entry in this table is used to specify the port and VLAN to
             be trusted."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan, cienaCesDhcpv6LdraPort }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExtTrustTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraExtTrustEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExtPortState INTEGER,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExtTrustMode INTEGER

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExtPortState   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object reports whether the specified port is active or
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExtTrustEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExtTrustMode   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "This object is used to set the port as client trusted, server
             trusted or not trusted.

             Note that the client(1) mode is deprecated. That value will
             never be returned. Setting that value will set the mode to
             clientTrust(2) instead."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraExtTrustEntry 2 }

 -- Table to control DHCPv6 LDRA functionality on each L2 VS
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStateTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX             SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsStateEntry
     MAX-ACCESS         not-accessible
     STATUS             current
             "Table allows changing configuration of DHCPv6 LDRA functionality
             for each VS."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 8 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStateEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX             CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsStateEntry
     MAX-ACCESS         not-accessible
     STATUS             current
             "Entry in the table to configure DHCPv6 LDRA functionality."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsVlan }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStateTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsVlan         Integer32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsName         DisplayString,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsAdminState   CienaGlobalState,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsOperState    CienaGlobalState,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRowStatus    RowStatus

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsVlan   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Integer32 (1..24576)
     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the VS VLAN on which the DHCPv6 LDRA is configured."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStateEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsName   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         DisplayString (SIZE (1..31))
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object shows the name of the VS VLAN on which the DHCPv6 LDRA is configured."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStateEntry 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsAdminState   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         CienaGlobalState
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "This object allows the user to disable or enable DHCPv6 LDRA functionality on
             the given VS VLAN specified by cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsVlan."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStateEntry 3 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsOperState   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         CienaGlobalState
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object shows the operational status of the DHCPv6 LDRA on
             the given VS VLAN."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStateEntry 4 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "Set this object to 'Destroy' to terminate DHCPv6 LDRA Relaying
              on the VS VLAN specified by cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsVlan.

              Set this object to 'CreateAndGo' to enable DHCPv6 LDRA Relaying
              on the VS VLAN specified by cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsVlan."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStateEntry 5 }

 -- DHCPv6 LDRA VS Trust Table
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsTrustTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsTrustEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "This table is used to specify the VLANs, ports and sub-VLANs
             that the DHCPv6 LDRA can trust."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 9 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsTrustEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsTrustEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Each entry in this table is used to specify the VLAN, port and
             sub-VLAN to be trusted."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsVlan, cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsPort, cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsSubVlan }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsTrustTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsTrustEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsPort         Integer32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsSubVlan      Integer32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsPortState    INTEGER,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsTrustMode    INTEGER

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsPort   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
     STATUS         current
             "This object is used as an index in the table and is used to specify the VS port."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsTrustEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsSubVlan   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Integer32 (0..24576)
     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the sub-VLAN on which the DHCPv6 LDRA
              is configured. Note that the special value 0 means that no
              sub-VLAN is associated with this particular trust entry."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsTrustEntry 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsPortState   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object reports whether the specified port and sub-VLAN is
             active or inactive."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsTrustEntry 3 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsTrustMode   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS     read-write
     STATUS         current
             "This object is used to set the port and sub-VLAN as client
             trusted, server trusted or not trusted.

             Note that the client(1) mode is deprecated. That value will
             never be returned. Setting that value will set the mode to
             clientTrust(2) instead."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsTrustEntry 4 }

 -- DHCPv6 LDRA VS Statistics
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsStatsEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Table to display VS statistics for each VS LDRA."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 10 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsStatsEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Entry in the table to display VS LDRA statistics."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsVlan }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsPktsForRelay                        Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRelayedClient                       Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRelayedServer                       Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsUntrustedClientPortPktsRx           Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsUntrustedServerPortPktsRx           Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsFailedValidationPktDrop             Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsInvalidConfigPktDrop                Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsExceededHopCountPktDrop             Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsExceedMTUPktDrop                    Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsNoTrustedServerPktDrop              Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsNoTrustedClientPktDrop              Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsIPv6FragBadExtHdrPktDrop            Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsGeneralErrors                       Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsClear                          CienaStatsClear

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsPktsForRelay   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of packets sent to this relay process."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRelayedClient   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of client sourced DHCPv6 packets relayed."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRelayedServer   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of server sourced DHCPv6 packets relayed."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 3 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsUntrustedClientPortPktsRx OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of client DHCPv6 packets dropped because they were
             received on untrusted client ports."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 4 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsUntrustedServerPortPktsRx OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of server DHCPv6 packets dropped because they were
             received on untrusted server ports."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 5 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsFailedValidationPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due to failed validation."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 6 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsInvalidConfigPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due
             to LDRA configuration issues."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 7 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsExceededHopCountPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due to hop count
             in the packet exceeding hop count the limit."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 8 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsExceedMTUPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped because the new
             relay frame size would exceed the MTU."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 9 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsNoTrustedServerPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped
             because there are no server trusted ports configured."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 10 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsNoTrustedClientPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped
             because there are no client trusted ports configured."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 11 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsIPv6FragBadExtHdrPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due to IPv6 packet
             extension headers that could not be processed."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 12 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsGeneralErrors OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object reports the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due to unclassified errors."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 13 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsClear OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         CienaStatsClear
     MAX-ACCESS     read-write
     STATUS         current
             "This object when set to 'true', clears DHCPv6 LDRA stats for given VLAN."
     DEFVAL { none }
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsStatsEntry 14 }

 -- DHCPv6 LDRA VS Interface ID String Table
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsIntidStringTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsIntidStringEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "This table is used to specify CID strings for VS ports and VLANs
             that the LDRA can specify in Option 82 CID information."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 11 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsIntidStringEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsIntidStringEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Each entry in this table is used to specify an interface ID
             string for VS port and VLAN combinations."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan, cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsPort }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsIntidStringTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsIntidStringEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsIntidString              DisplayString,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsIntidStringRowStatus     RowStatus

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsIntidString   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "This object is used to get and set the IntID string for the port."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsIntidStringEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsIntidStringRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "Used to manage the creation and deletion of the conceptual rows in this table.
             To create a row in this table set this object to 'createAndGo'.
             To delete a row in this table set this object to 'destroy'."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsIntidStringEntry 2 }

 -- DHCPv6 LDRA VS RID String Table
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRidStringTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsRidStringEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "This table is used to specify RID strings for VS ports and VLANs
              that the DHCPv6 LDRA can specify in Option 82 RID information."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 12 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRidStringEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsRidStringEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Each entry in this table is used to specify an RID string for
             VS port and VLAN combinations."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVlan, cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsPort }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRidStringTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraVsRidStringEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRidString                DisplayString,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRidStringRowStatus       RowStatus

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRidString   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "This MIB object is used to get and set the RID string for the port."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRidStringEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRidStringRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "Used to manage the creation and deletion of the
              conceptual rows in this table.

              To create a row in this table set this object
              to 'createAndGo'.

              To delete a row in this table set this object
              to 'destroy'."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraVsRidStringEntry 2 }

 -- Table to control DHCPv6 LDRA functionality on MPLS
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStateTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX             SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsStateEntry
     MAX-ACCESS         not-accessible
     STATUS             current
             "Table allows changing configuration of DHCPv6 LDRA functionality
             for each MPLS VS."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 13 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStateEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX             CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsStateEntry
     MAX-ACCESS         not-accessible
     STATUS             current
             "Entry in the table to configure DHCPv6 LDRA functionality."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsId }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStateTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsId           Unsigned32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsName         DisplayString,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsAdminState   CienaGlobalState,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsOperState    CienaGlobalState,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRowStatus    RowStatus

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsId   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Unsigned32 (1..1677215)
     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the MPLS VS on which DHCPv6 LDRA is configured."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStateEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsName   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         DisplayString (SIZE (1..31))
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object shows the name of the MPLS VS on which DHCPv6 LDRA
             is configured."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStateEntry 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsAdminState   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         CienaGlobalState
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "This object allows the user to disable or enable DHCPv6 LDRA
             functionality on the given MPLS VS specified by
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStateEntry 3 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsOperState   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         CienaGlobalState
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object shows the operational status of the DHCPv6 LDRA on the given MPLS VS."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStateEntry 4 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "Set this object to 'Destroy' to terminate DHCPv6 LDRA Relaying
              on the MPLS VS specified by cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsId.

              Set this object to 'CreateAndGo' to enable DHCPv6 LDRA Relaying
              on the MPLS VS specified by cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsId."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStateEntry 5 }

 -- DHCPv6 LDRA MPLS Trust Table
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsTrustTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsTrustEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "This table is used to specify the MPLS VSs and interfaces that
             the DHCPv6 LDRA can trust."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 14 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsTrustEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsTrustEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Each entry in this table is used to specify the MPLS VS and
             interface to be trusted."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsId, cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsInterface }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsTrustTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsTrustEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsInterface        Unsigned32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsVcName           DisplayString,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsInterfaceState   INTEGER,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsTrustMode        INTEGER

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsInterface   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
     MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
     STATUS         current
             "This object is used as an index in the table and is used to
             specify the MPLS interface."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsTrustEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsVcName   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         DisplayString (SIZE (1..31))
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object shows the name of the MPLS VC."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsTrustEntry 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsInterfaceState   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object reports whether the specified interface is active or
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsTrustEntry 3 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsTrustMode   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         INTEGER {
     MAX-ACCESS     read-write
     STATUS         current
             "This object is used to set the interface as client trusted,
             server trusted or not trusted.

             Note that the client(1) mode is deprecated. That value will
             never be returned. Setting that value will set the mode to
             clientTrust(2) instead."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsTrustEntry 4 }

 -- DHCPv6 LDRA MPLS Statistics
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsStatsEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Table to display MPLS statistics for each MPLS LDRA."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 15 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsStatsEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Entry in the table to display MPLS LDRA statistics."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsId }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsPktsForRelay                        Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRelayedClient                       Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRelayedServer                       Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsUntrustedClientInterfacePktsRx      Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsUntrustedServerInterfacePktsRx      Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsFailedValidationPktDrop             Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsInvalidConfigPktDrop                Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsExceededHopCountPktDrop             Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsExceedMTUPktDrop                    Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsNoTrustedServerPktDrop              Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsNoTrustedClientPktDrop              Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsIPv6FragBadExtHdrPktDrop            Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsGeneralErrors                       Counter32,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsClear                          CienaStatsClear

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsPktsForRelay   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of packets sent to this relay process."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRelayedClient   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of client sourced DHCPv6 packets relayed."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 2 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRelayedServer   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of server sourced DHCPv6 packets relayed."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 3 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsUntrustedClientInterfacePktsRx OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of client DHCPv6 packets
             dropped because they were received on untrusted client
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 4 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsUntrustedServerInterfacePktsRx OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of server DHCPv6 packets
             dropped because they were received on untrusted server
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 5 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsFailedValidationPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due to failed validation."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 6 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsInvalidConfigPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due
             to LDRA configuration issues."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 7 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsExceededHopCountPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due to hop count
             in the packet exceeding hop count the limit."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 8 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsExceedMTUPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped because the new
             relay frame size would exceed the MTU."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 9 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsNoTrustedServerPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped
             because there are no server trusted interfaces configured."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 10 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsNoTrustedClientPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped
             because there are no client trusted interfaces configured."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 11 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsIPv6FragBadExtHdrPktDrop OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due to IPv6 packet
             extension headers that could not be processed."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 12 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsGeneralErrors OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS     read-only
     STATUS         current
             "This object specifies the number of DHCPv6 packets dropped due to unclassified errors."
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 13 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsClear OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         CienaStatsClear
     MAX-ACCESS     read-write
     STATUS         current
             "This object when set to 'true', clears DHCPv6 LDRA stats for given VLAN."
     DEFVAL { none }
 ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsStatsEntry 14 }

 -- DHCPv6 LDRA MPLS Interface ID String Table
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsIntidStringTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsIntidStringEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "This table is used to specify interface ID strings for MPLS VSs
             and interfaces that the DHCPv6 LDRA can specify in Option 82 CID
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 16 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsIntidStringEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsIntidStringEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Each entry in this table is used to specify an interface ID
             string for MPLS VS and interface combinations."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsId, cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsInterface }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsIntidStringTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsIntidStringEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsIntidString              DisplayString,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsIntidStringRowStatus     RowStatus

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsIntidString   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "This object is used to get and set the IntID string for the
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsIntidStringEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsIntidStringRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "Used to manage the creation and deletion of the conceptual rows in this table.
             To create a row in this table set this object to 'createAndGo'.
             To delete a row in this table set this object to 'destroy'."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsIntidStringEntry 2 }

 -- DHCPv6 LDRA MPLS RID String Table
 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRidStringTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsRidStringEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "This table is used to specify RID strings for MPLS VSs and
             interfaces that the DHCPv6 LDRA can specify in Option 82 RID
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6RelayAgent 17 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRidStringEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsRidStringEntry
     MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
     STATUS       current
             "Each entry in this table is used to specify an RID string for
             MPLS VS and interface combinations."
     INDEX { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsId, cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsInterface }
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRidStringTable 1 }

 CienaCesDhcpV6LdraMplsRidStringEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRidString                DisplayString,
     cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRidStringRowStatus       RowStatus

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRidString   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         DisplayString (SIZE (1..64))
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "This MIB object is used to get and set the RID string for the
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRidStringEntry 1 }

 cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRidStringRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX         RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS     read-create
     STATUS         current
             "Used to manage the creation and deletion of the
              conceptual rows in this table.

              To create a row in this table set this object
              to 'createAndGo'.

              To delete a row in this table set this object
              to 'destroy'."
     ::= { cienaCesDhcpv6LdraMplsRidStringEntry 2 }

 -- Notifications

 -- There are currently no DHCPv6 notifications.

