-- Title:                CISCOSB
--                       SNA MIB
-- Version:              800
-- Date:                 12-May-2015

    switch001                                                           FROM CISCOSB-MIB
    OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY                                        FROM SNMPv2-SMI
    InetAddressType, InetAddress                                        FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB
    TestAndIncr, TimeInterval, DisplayString, RowStatus, TruthValue     FROM SNMPv2-TC;

                LAST-UPDATED "201101050000Z"
      ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc."

      "Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive
      San Jose , CA 95134-1706

      Website:  Cisco Small Business Support Community <>"

                      "This private MIB module is used for communication between 
                      SNA client and SNA server."
                REVISION "201505120000Z"
                      "Initial revision."
        ::= { switch001 229 }
rlSnaNextFreeSessionId  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       TestAndIncr
    MAX-ACCESS   read-write
    STATUS       current
    DESCRIPTION "The MIB allows several SNA clients operating at the same time to 
	             receive different session ids. Get operation on this MIB will return 
				 the next free session id number. An SNA client should then issue SET 
				 operation with the value it received. The response will be one of the 
                 - noError.
                 - inconsistentValue in case another client has already used this session id.
				 - resourceUnavailable in case the number of active sessions has already 
				   reached the maximum. 
				 In case of success, a new session events database is allocated for the session id."
    ::= { rlSna 1 } 

rlSnaClientAgentPollingTable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RlSnaClientAgentPollingEntry
   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   STATUS     current
    "This table maintains remote agents and MIBs the SNA client wants to poll. The SNA client can add
     an entry to this table, with an session-id of a currently connected client. Once an entry was added,
     the SNA application will poll the requested MIB in the requested agent. This will be done one time
     only or repeatadly (rlSnaClientAgentPollingEnable is set to TRUE). When the client diesconnects, all
     entries relevant to this client session-id are automatically deleted from the table. "
     ::= { rlSna 2 }

rlSnaClientAgentPollingEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX RlSnaClientAgentPollingEntry
   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   STATUS current
       " The row definition for this table."
   INDEX { rlSnaClientAgentClientSessionId, rlSnaClientAgentAgentAddressType, rlSnaClientAgentAgentAddress, IMPLIED rlSnaClientAgentMibName }  
   ::= { rlSnaClientAgentPollingTable 1 }  

RlSnaClientAgentPollingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { 
       rlSnaClientAgentClientSessionId    INTEGER,     
       rlSnaClientAgentAgentAddressType   InetAddressType,
       rlSnaClientAgentAgentAddress       InetAddress,
       rlSnaClientAgentMibName            DisplayString,
       rlSnaClientAgentMibFieldsMask      OCTET STRING,
       rlSnaClientAgentSecondaryMibName   DisplayString,
       rlSnaClientAgentPollingEnable      TruthValue,
       rlSnaClientAgentPollingInterval    TimeInterval,
       rlSnaClientAgentStatus             RowStatus

rlSnaClientAgentClientSessionId OBJECT-TYPE
   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   STATUS current
    "The session-id of a the client that requests the remote agent's MIB/s polling."
     ::=  { rlSnaClientAgentPollingEntry 1 }

rlSnaClientAgentAgentAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX InetAddressType
   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   STATUS current
    "Type of Remote Agent IP address, from which the client wants to poll MIB/s."
     ::=  { rlSnaClientAgentPollingEntry 2 }

rlSnaClientAgentAgentAddress OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX InetAddress
   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   STATUS current
    "IP address of the remote agent, from which the client wants to poll MIB/s."
     ::=  { rlSnaClientAgentPollingEntry 3 }

rlSnaClientAgentMibName OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..80))
   MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
   STATUS current
    "The name of a MIB table/ MIB scalar the SNA client wants to poll its values."  
     ::=  { rlSnaClientAgentPollingEntry 4 }

rlSnaClientAgentMibFieldsMask OBJECT-TYPE
   MAX-ACCESS read-create
   STATUS current
    "A bit-mask indicating which fields are requeted to be polled. For each requested
     field, the appropriate bit should be turned on. Empty mask means all entry fields
     should be polled." 
   DEFVAL  { "" }  
     ::=  { rlSnaClientAgentPollingEntry 5 }

rlSnaClientAgentSecondaryMibName OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80))
   MAX-ACCESS read-create
   STATUS current
    "The name of a secondary MIB table/ MIB scalar to be polled together with the 
     main MIB. In case the length of this value is 0, no MIB is being specified
     to be polled." 
   DEFVAL  { "" }     
     ::=  { rlSnaClientAgentPollingEntry 6 }

rlSnaClientAgentPollingEnable OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX TruthValue
   MAX-ACCESS read-create
   STATUS current
    "Indicates whether the specified MIB should be polled periodically 
     on the remote agent, or one time only."
   DEFVAL  { false }
     ::=  { rlSnaClientAgentPollingEntry 7 }

rlSnaClientAgentPollingInterval OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX TimeInterval  
   MAX-ACCESS read-create
   STATUS current
    "The time interval to wait until the next polling."
   DEFVAL      { 12000 } 
     ::=  { rlSnaClientAgentPollingEntry 8 }

rlSnaClientAgentStatus OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX RowStatus  
   MAX-ACCESS read-create
   STATUS current
    "The status field of the row. The user may use only 'createAndGo'
     and 'active' statuses."  
     ::=  { rlSnaClientAgentPollingEntry 9 }