CISCOSB-TRAPS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- Title: CISCOSB ROS -- Private TRAPS MIB -- Version: 7.46 -- Date: 15-Jan-2007 IMPORTS NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI switch001 FROM CISCOSB-MIB rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity FROM CISCOSB-DEVICEPARAMS-MIB rldot1dStpTrapVrblifIndex, rldot1dStpTrapVrblVID FROM CISCOSB-BRIDGEMIBOBJECTS-MIB; rndNotifications MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201006250001Z" ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose , CA 95134-1706 USA Website: Cisco Small Business Support Community <>" DESCRIPTION "This private MIB module defines switch private notifications" REVISION "201006250000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial revision." ::= { switch001 0 } -- Enterprise-specific traps for switch001 -- Each enterprise-specific trap has two bound variables describing the exact nature of -- the trap. rndErrorDesc provides a detailed description of the problem, including the -- related interface number, board number or any other applicable variable. -- rndErrorSeverity describes the severity of this problem. -- Trap template -- ------------- -- TRAP-TYPE -- ENTERPRISE rndNotifications -- VARIABLES { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } -- DESCRIPTION -- "" -- ::= -- ------------- rxOverflowHWFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An RX buffer overflow has occurred in one of the LAN or link interfaces. The bound variable rndErrorDesc provides the interface number." ::= { rndNotifications 3 } txOverflowHWFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interport queue overflow has occurred in one of the LAN or link interfaces. The bound variable rndErrorDesc provides the interface number." ::= { rndNotifications 4 } routeTableOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An overflow condition has occurred in the Routing Table. The Routing Table is used for IP routing algorithm (RIP)." ::= { rndNotifications 5 } resetRequired NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that in order to perform the last SET request, a reset operation of the router/bridge is required. This occurs when the layer 2 routing algorithm is changed between SPF and Spanning Tree. The reset can be performed manually or using the variable rndAction." ::= { rndNotifications 10 } endTftp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that in the device finished a TFTP transaction with the management station. variable rndErrorDesc and rndErrorSeverity provides the actual message text and severity respectively." ::= { rndNotifications 12 } abortTftp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that in the device aborted a TFTP session with the management station. Variable rndErrorDesc and rndErrorSeverity provides the actual message text and severity respectively." ::= { rndNotifications 13 } startTftp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that the device has intiated a TFTP session. rndErrorDesc will contain the file type in question" ::= { rndNotifications 14 } faultBackUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Automantic switchover to backup link because of main link fault." ::= { rndNotifications 23 } mainLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communication returened to main link." ::= { rndNotifications 24 } ipxRipTblOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that in an OpenGate IPX RIP table overflow. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity provides the actual message text and severity respectively." ::= { rndNotifications 36 } ipxSapTblOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that in an OpenGate IPX SAP table overflow. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity provides the actual message text and severity respectively." ::= { rndNotifications 37 } facsAccessVoilation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that message that fits FACS statenebt with operation blockAndReport was forward to the interface. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== info ) and interface Number." ::= { rndNotifications 49 } autoConfigurationCompleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that auto comfiguration completetd succssefully. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== info )" ::= { rndNotifications 50 } forwardingTabOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that an overflow condition has occurred in the layer II Forward Table. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== warning )" ::={ rndNotifications 51 } framRelaySwitchConnectionUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a connection establish between the Frame relay Switch and the WanGate. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== warning )" ::= { rndNotifications 53 } framRelaySwitchConnectionDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a connection between the Frame Relay Switch and the WanGate failed. The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== warning )" ::= { rndNotifications 54 } errorsDuringInit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the an error occured during initialization The bound variable rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== error )" ::= { rndNotifications 61 } vlanDynPortAdded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rndNotifications 66 } vlanDynPortRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rndNotifications 67 } rsSDclientsTableOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This warning is generated when an overflow occurs in the clients table." ::= { rndNotifications 68 } rsSDinactiveServer NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This warning is generated when a server does not respond to the dispatchers polling and is thought to be inactive." ::= { rndNotifications 69 } rsIpZhrConnectionsTableOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Zero Hop Routing connections Table has been overflown." ::= { rndNotifications 70 } rsIpZhrReqStaticConnNotAccepted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The requested static connection was not accepted because there is no available IP virtual address to allocate to it." ::= { rndNotifications 71 } rsIpZhrVirtualIpAsSource NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The virtual IP address appeared as a source IP. All the connections using it will be deleted and it will not be further allocated to new connections." ::= { rndNotifications 72 } rsIpZhrNotAllocVirtualIp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source IP address sent an ARP specifying a virtual IP which was not allocated for this source. This virtual IP will not be allocated to connections of this specific source IP." ::= { rndNotifications 73 } rsSnmpSetRequestInSpecialCfgState NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An incoming SNMP SET request was rejected because no such requests (except action requests) are accepted after start of new configuration reception or during sending the current configuration to an NMS." ::= { rndNotifications 74 } rsPingCompletion NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A rsPingCompleted trap is sent at the completion of a sequence of pings if such a trap was requested when the sequence was initiated. The trap severity is info. The trap text will specify the following information: rsPingCompletionStatus, rsPingSentPackets, rsPingReceivedPackets In addition to the above listed objects (which are always present), the message will also specify the following quantities: if any responses were received: rsPingMinReturnTime rsPingAvgReturnTime rsPingMaxReturnTime" ::= { rndNotifications 136 } pppSecurityViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that a PPP link got an unrecognized secret. The bound variables rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity(== warning ), interface Number. and pppSecurityIdentity" ::= { rndNotifications 137 } frDLCIStatudChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rndNotifications 138 } papFailedCommunication NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rndNotifications 139 } chapFailedCommunication NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rndNotifications 140 } rsWSDRedundancySwitch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whenever main server fails and backup takes over or server comes up after failure a trap of this type is issued." ::= { rndNotifications 141 } rsDhcpAllocationFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DHCP failed to allocate an IP address to a requesting host because of memory shortage or inadequate configuration of available IP addresses." ::= { rndNotifications 142 } -- Traps 143 - 144 reserved for IP Multicast rlIpFftStnOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP SFFT overflow." ::= { rndNotifications 145 } rlIpFftSubOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP NFFT overflow." ::= { rndNotifications 146 } rlIpxFftStnOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IPX SFFT overflow." ::= { rndNotifications 147 } rlIpxFftSubOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IPX NFFT overflow." ::= { rndNotifications 148 } rlIpmFftOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IPM FFT overflow." ::= { rndNotifications 149 } rlPhysicalDescriptionChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the physical decription of the device has changed" ::= { rndNotifications 150 } rldot1dStpPortStateForwarding NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity, rldot1dStpTrapVrblifIndex, rldot1dStpTrapVrblVID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap is sent by a bridge when any of its configured ports transitions from the Learning state to the Forwarding state." ::= { rndNotifications 151 } rldot1dStpPortStateNotForwarding NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity, rldot1dStpTrapVrblifIndex, rldot1dStpTrapVrblVID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap is sent by a bridge when any of its configured ports transitions from the Forwarding state to the Blocking state." ::= { rndNotifications 152 } rlPolicyDropPacketTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the packet drop due to the policy " ::= { rndNotifications 153 } rlPolicyForwardPacketTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the packet has forward based on policy" ::= { rndNotifications 154 } -- Trap 155 - 144 reserved for DVMRP rlIgmpProxyTableOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An IGMP PROXY Table overflow." ::= { rndNotifications 156 } rlIgmpV1MsgReceived NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An IGMP Message of v1 received on ifIndex. " ::= { rndNotifications 157 } rlVrrpEntriesDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One or more VRRP entries deleted due to IP interface deletion or transition. " ::= { rndNotifications 158 } rlHotSwapTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hot swap trap." ::= { rndNotifications 159 } rlTrunkPortAddedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that a port is added to a trunk" ::= { rndNotifications 160 } rlTrunkPortRemovedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This warning is generated when a port removed from a trunk." ::= { rndNotifications 161 } rlTrunkPortNotCapableTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that a port can not be added to a trunk because of device limitations or diffrent swIfType." ::= { rndNotifications 162 } -- Traps 163 - 169 reserved for IP Multicast rlLockPortTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that a locked port receive a frame with new source Mac Address." ::= { rndNotifications 170 } vlanDynVlanAdded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "add gvrp dynamic vlan" ::= { rndNotifications 171 } vlanDynVlanRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "remove gvrp dynamic vlan" ::= { rndNotifications 172 } vlanDynamicToStatic NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vlan status was changed from dynamic to static" ::= { rndNotifications 173 } vlanStaticToDynamic NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vlan status was changed from static to dynamic" ::= { rndNotifications 174 } dstrSysLog NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controller receive trap from member , and forward it as trap" ::= { rndNotifications 175 } rlEnvMonFanStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap indicating the fan state. rndErrorSeverity will be: 0 for fan state nomal, notPresent 1 for fan state warning, notFunctioning 2 for fan state critical 3 for fan state fatal The error text will specify the fan index, fan description and the exact fan state" ::= { rndNotifications 176 } rlEnvMonPowerSupplyStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap indicating the power supply state. rndErrorSeverity will be: 0 for power supply state nomal, notPresent 1 for power supply state warning, notFunctioning 2 for power supply state critical 3 for power supply state fatal The error text will specify the power supply index, power supply description and the exact power supply state" ::= { rndNotifications 177 } rlStackStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap indicating the stack connection state 0 for stack state connected, 1 for stack state disconnected " ::= { rndNotifications 178 } rlEnvMonTemperatureRisingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap indicating that the temperature in the device has exceeded the device specific safe temperature threshold." ::= { rndNotifications 179 } -- Traps 180, 181 reserved for copy -- Trap 182 reserved for IP Multicast rlBrgMacAddFailedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that adding dynamic mac/s failed due to full hash chain." ::= { rndNotifications 183 } rldot1xPortStatusAuthorizedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that port 802.1x status is authorized." ::= { rndNotifications 184 } rldot1xPortStatusUnauthorizedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap is indicating that port 802.1x status is unAuthorized." ::= { rndNotifications 185 } -- 186-191 are used in the rlPhysicalDescription MIB swIfTablePortLock NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap is indicating port lock hase began." ::= { rndNotifications 192 } swIfTablePortUnLock NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap is indicating port lock has ended." ::= { rndNotifications 193 } rlAAAUserLocked NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating that the user was locked after number of consecutives unsuccessful login attempts." ::= { rndNotifications 194 } -- 195-199 are used in the rlPhysicalDescription MIB bpduGuardPortSuspended NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating - Port was suspended because there was BPDU Guard violation." ::= { rndNotifications 202 } rldot1xSupplicantMacAuthorizedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that MAC authentication supplicant is authenticated and is allowed to access the network." ::= { rndNotifications 203 } rldot1xSupplicantMacUnauthorizedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap is indicating that Radius server rejects MAC authentication supplicant." ::= { rndNotifications 204 } stpLoopbackDetection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating - A loopback was detected on port." ::= { rndNotifications 205 } stpLoopbackDetectionResolved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating - A loopback detection resolved on port." ::= { rndNotifications 206 } loopbackDetectionPortSuspended NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating - A port has been suspended by Loopback Detection." ::= { rndNotifications 207 } -- Trap 208 reserved for rlIgmpMldSnoopTriplePlayPort -- 209-210 are used in the rllldp MIB -- 211 used by rlCopySWFinished -- 212 used by rlCopySWToUnits rlPortSuspended NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating - A port has been suspended by Any application." ::= { rndNotifications 213 } rlSpecialBpduDbOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating - Special BPDU DB Overflow." ::= { rndNotifications 214 } rldot1xSupplicantLoggedOutTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap is indicating that supplicant was logged out Since the ports time-range state was changed to inactive." ::= { rndNotifications 215 } rldot1xPortControlModeNotAutoTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap is indicating that altough ports time-range Is active now, it can not start working in mode auto." ::= { rndNotifications 216 } rlEeeLldpMultipleNeighbours NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating - Port has multiple LLDP remote link neighbours - EEE operational state will be FALSE." ::= { rndNotifications 217 } rlEeeLldpSingleNeighbour NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating - Port has single LLDP remote link neighbour - EEE operational can be TRUE." ::= { rndNotifications 218 } rldot1xSupplicantQuietPeriodTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap is indicating that supplicant quiet period timeout is active now." ::= { rndNotifications 219 } -- 220 used by rlCopyMirrorFileIllegal rlStackVersionUpgradeTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that stack member is upgrading to the image or boot version of the stack controller." ::= { rndNotifications 222 } rlStackVersionDowngradeTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating that stack member is downgrading to the image or boot version of the stack controller." ::= { rndNotifications 223 } -- 224-226 used by CDP -- Trap 227 reserved for rlbrgIgmpSnoopQrrDuplicateIP -- 228-239 used by FHS -- 240-245 used by PoE -- 240 used by Poe Inrush - rlPethPowerPseInrushTestEnabled pseInrushPort NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that port in PD does not meet the inrush-current standard." ::= { rndNotifications 240 } pseOverloadPort NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that Port (x) requires more power than it should require." ::= { rndNotifications 241 } poePowerNegotiationInfo NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating power negotiation resolved power in Watts." ::= { rndNotifications 242 } poePowerNegotiation4Wire NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating power negotiation 4-Wire status." ::= { rndNotifications 243 } poePowerHWFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating power HW fail status." ::= { rndNotifications 244 } poePowerNegotiationExpiredInfo NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating power negotiation expired." ::= { rndNotifications 245 } -- Storm control rlStormControlMinRateTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating that port storm control rate limit is configured to minumum rate." ::= { rndNotifications 246 } -- AP rlApBackplanePortResolutionTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating about backplane ethernet port resolution." ::= { rndNotifications 247 } -- Sfp sfpPortPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that gbic is now present on port (X)." ::= { rndNotifications 248} sfpPortNotPresent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that gbic is not present anymore on port (X)." ::= { rndNotifications 249 } sfpPortLoss NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that loss Diagnosed on port (X)." ::= { rndNotifications 250} sfpPortNotLoss NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that loss isn't active anymore on port (X)." ::= { rndNotifications 251 } -- Storm control rlStormControlOccursTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating that port storm control occurs on a port." ::= { rndNotifications 252 } -- Radius Server rlRadiusServTrapAcct NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radius server accounting event trap." ::= { rndNotifications 255 } rlRadiusServTrapAuthFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radius server authentication failure event trap." ::= { rndNotifications 256 } rlRadiusServTrapAuthSuccess NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radius server authentication success event trap." ::= { rndNotifications 257 } rlRedundantFanStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap indicating the redundant fan status change." ::= { rndNotifications 258 } rldot1xSupplicantPortAuthorizedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating that 802.1x supplicant port status is authorized." ::= { rndNotifications 260 } rldot1xSupplicantPortUnauthorizedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating that 802.1x supplicant port status is unAuthorized." ::= { rndNotifications 261 } rldot1xCredentialTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating that credential is changed, rejected or not updated." ::= { rndNotifications 262 } poeNonPOEDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating Non POE Detected unit" ::= { rndNotifications 263} rlBoxUtilI2CReadFailureTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rndNotifications 264 } rlBoxUtilI2CWriteFailureTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { rndNotifications 265 } rlHostHlibCpldUpdateTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Informational trap indicating CPLD update FW is in progress" ::= { rndNotifications 266 } rlBrgPvstInconsistencyEnterStateTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap is sent by a bridge when any of its configured ports transitions to new inconsistency mode." ::= { rndNotifications 268 } rlBrgPvstInconsistencyExitStateTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap is sent by a bridge when any of its configured ports transitions from inconsistency mode to resolved mode." ::= { rndNotifications 269 } -- Sfp sfpPortNonCompliant NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating that non-compliant SFP is inserted on port (X)." ::= { rndNotifications 275 } poePowerPortHWFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating power HW fail status on a port." ::= { rndNotifications 276 } -- HTTP Client rlHttpClientCertAddressMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { rndErrorDesc, rndErrorSeverity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning trap indicating HTTP-TLS X.509 certificate validation error of Common-Name/Subject-Alternative-Name " ::= { rndNotifications 278 } END