-- =================================================================
-- Copyright (c) 2004-2019 New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd.  All rights reserved.
-- Description:
-- A configuration management and statistical MIB, includes configuration of
-- RADIUS Server, and statistics about accounting server which complements
-- the IETF standard MIB as described in RFC2620.  In addition, there are four
-- traps supported to notify client the RADIUS Server's down and up state.
-- Version: V2.6
-- History:
--  V1.0 Initial version 2004-07-13
--  V1.1 2004-10-12 updated by gaolong
--       Set size of DisplayString from 0 to 255.
--  V1.2 2005-03-10 updated by xulei
--       Modified description of this MIB
--       Modified MAX-ACCESS of nodes in hh3cRdInfoTable
--       Modified description of nodes in hh3cRdInfoTable
--       Added nodes of hh3cRdInfoTable
--       Added hh3cRdAccInfoTable
--       Added hh3cRadiusAccServerTable
--       Added Traps
--  V1.3 2005-05-08 updated by xulei
--       Modified MAX-ACCESS of hh3cRdPrimAccState and hh3cRdSecAccState
--  V1.4 2005-06-03 updated by xulei
--       Modified SYNTAX and DESCRIPTION of hh3cRdAccPacketUnit
--  V1.5 2008-05-19 updated by yangxu
--       Added nodes of hh3cRdAccInfoTable
--       Added node of hh3cRdAcctOnEnable
--       Added node of hh3cRdAcctOnSendTimes
--       Added node of hh3cRdAcctOnSendInterval
--  V1.6 2008-07-18 updated by d04528
--       Added nodes of hh3cRadiusAuthenticating
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAuthClient
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAuthServerTable
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAuthServerEntry
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAuthFailureTimes
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAuthTimeoutTimes
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAuthRejectTimes
--  V1.7 2009-04-30 update by h02978
--       Added node of hh3cRdSecKey
--       Added node of hh3cRdSecAccKey
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAuthServerUpTrap
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAccServerUpTrap
--  V1.8 2009-08-05 update by h02978
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAuthErrThreshold
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAuthErrTrap
--  V1.9 2010-03-29 Modifyed by x04730
--       Modify SYNTAX of hh3cRdAccRealTime
--       2010-07-14 Modifyed by x04730
--       Modify SYNTAX of hh3cRdQuietTime
--       Modify SYNTAX of hh3cRdAccQuietTime
--       2010-08-26 update by y06401
--       Added hh3cRadiusSchAuthTable
--       Added hh3cRadiusSchAccTable
--  V2.0 2010-03-29 Modifyed by y07111
--       Added nodes of hh3cRadiusStatistic
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusStatAccReq
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusStatAccAck
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusStatLogoutReq
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusStatLogoutAck
--  V2.1 2011-11-28, Added by xuyonggang
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusServerTrapVarObjects
--       2012-02-28 Modifyed by y002965
--       Added table of hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerTable
--       Added table of hh3cRdSecondaryAcctServerTable
--       Added node of hh3cRdPrimVpnName
--       Added node of hh3cRdSecVpnName
--       Added node of hh3cRdAuthNasIpAddrType
--       Added node of hh3cRdAuthNasIpAddr
--       Added node of hh3cRdPrimAccVpnName
--       Added node of hh3cRdSecAccVpnName
--       Added node of hh3cRdAccNasIpAddrType
--       Added node of hh3cRdAccNasIpAddr
--       Change the length of hh3cRdSecAccKey
--       Change the length of hh3cRdAccKey
--       Change the length of hh3cRdSecKey
--       Change the length of hh3cRdKey
--  V2.2 2012-10-11, Added by liubo
--       Added node of hh3cRdAuthNasIpv6Addr
--       Added node of hh3cRdAccNasIpv6Addr
--       Modified the length of hh3cRdSecAccKey
--       Modified the length of hh3cRdAccKey
--       Modified the length of hh3cRdSecKey
--       Modified the length of hh3cRdKey
--       Modified the length of hh3cRdPrimVpnName
--       Modified the length of hh3cRdSecVpnName
--       Modified the length of hh3cRdPrimAccVpnName
--       Modified the length of hh3cRdSecAccVpnName
--       Modified the length of hh3cRdSecondaryAuthVpnName
--       Modified the length of hh3cRdSecondaryAccVpnName
--       Modified the length of hh3cRdSecondaryAuthKey
--       Modified the length of hh3cRdSecondaryAccKey
--       Modified the default value and description of hh3cRdAcctOnSendTimes
--  V2.3 2013-03-30, Modified by luyu
--       Modified description of hh3cRdSecondaryAccUdpPort
--       Modified the default value and description of hh3cRadiusSchAccPrimUdpPort
--       Modified the default value and description of hh3cRadiusSchAccSecUdpPort
--  V2.4 2014-06-07, Modified by liubo
--       Modified description of hh3cRdSecondaryAuthRowStatus
--       Modified description of hh3cRdSecondaryAccRowStatus
--  V2.5 2016-11-03, Modified by yemingxia
--       Modified the value range of hh3cRdAccRealTime
--       Added node of hh3cRdAccRealTimeUnit
--  V2.6 2019-01-12, Modified by yuhua
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAuthenticationServerUpTrap
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAccountingServerUpTrap
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAuthenticationServerDownTrap
--       Added node of hh3cRadiusAccountingServerDownTrap
-- =================================================================
            FROM HH3C-OID-MIB
        IpAddress, Integer32, Counter32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE,
        Unsigned32,Counter64, TimeTicks
            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
        RowStatus, TruthValue, DisplayString
            FROM SNMPv2-TC
        InetAddressType, InetAddress
            FROM IPV6-TC
        radiusAuthServerIndex, radiusAuthServerAddress, radiusAuthClientServerPortNumber
        radiusAccServerIndex, radiusAccServerAddress, radiusAccClientServerPortNumber

    hh3cRadius MODULE-IDENTITY
    LAST-UPDATED "201901121800Z"            -- January 12, 2019 at 18:00 GMT
        "New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd."
        "Platform Team New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.
        Hai-Dian District Beijing P.R. China
        "The HH3C-RADIUS-MIB contains objects to
        Manage configuration and Monitor running state
        for RADIUS feature."
    REVISION "201901121800Z"        -- January 12, 2019 at 18:00 GMT
        "Added node of hh3cRadiusAuthenticationServerUpTrap.
         Added node of hh3cRadiusAccountingServerUpTrap.
         Added node of hh3cRadiusAuthenticationServerDownTrap.
         Added node of hh3cRadiusAccountingServerDownTrap"
    REVISION "201611031800Z"        -- November 3, 2016 at 18:00 GMT
        "Modified the value range of hh3cRdAccRealTime.
        Added node of hh3cRdAccRealTimeUnit"
    REVISION "201406071800Z"        -- June 7, 2014 at 18:00 GMT
        "Modified description of hh3cRdSecondaryAuthRowStatus.
        Modified description of hh3cRdSecondaryAccRowStatus"
    ::= { hh3cCommon 13 }

    hh3cRdObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRadius 1 }

    hh3cRdInfoTable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cRdInfoEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "The (conceptual) table listing RADIUS authentication servers."
    ::= { hh3cRdObjects 1 }

    hh3cRdInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Hh3cRdInfoEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "An entry (conceptual row) representing a RADIUS authentication server."
        INDEX { hh3cRdGroupName }
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoTable 1 }

    Hh3cRdInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        hh3cRdGroupName          DisplayString,
        hh3cRdPrimAuthIp         IpAddress,
        hh3cRdPrimUdpPort        Integer32,
        hh3cRdPrimState          INTEGER,
        hh3cRdSecAuthIp          IpAddress,
        hh3cRdSecUdpPort         Integer32,
        hh3cRdSecState           INTEGER,
        hh3cRdKey                DisplayString,
        hh3cRdRetry              Integer32,
        hh3cRdTimeout            Integer32,
        hh3cRdPrimAuthIpAddrType InetAddressType,
        hh3cRdPrimAuthIpAddr     InetAddress,
        hh3cRdSecAuthIpAddrType  InetAddressType,
        hh3cRdSecAuthIpAddr      InetAddress,
        hh3cRdServerType         INTEGER,
        hh3cRdQuietTime          Integer32,
        hh3cRdUserNameFormat     INTEGER,
        hh3cRdRowStatus          RowStatus,
        hh3cRdSecKey             DisplayString,
        hh3cRdPrimVpnName        DisplayString,
        hh3cRdSecVpnName         DisplayString,
        hh3cRdAuthNasIpAddrType  InetAddressType,
        hh3cRdAuthNasIpAddr      IpAddress,
        hh3cRdAuthNasIpv6Addr    Ipv6Address

    hh3cRdGroupName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (1..32))
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "The name of the RADIUS authentication group referred to in this table
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 1 }

    hh3cRdPrimAuthIp OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS deprecated
        "The IP address of primary RADIUS authentication server."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 2 }

    hh3cRdPrimUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The UDP port the client is using to send requests to
        primary RADIUS authentication server.  Default value is 1812."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 3 }

    hh3cRdPrimState OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The state of the primary RADIUS authentication server.
        1 (active) The primary authentication server is in active state.
        2 (block)  The primary authentication server is in block state."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 4 }

    hh3cRdSecAuthIp OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS deprecated
        "The IP address of secondary RADIUS authentication server."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 5 }

    hh3cRdSecUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The UDP port the client is using to send requests to
        secondary RADIUS authentication server.  Default value is 1812."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 6 }

    hh3cRdSecState OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The state of the secondary RADIUS authentication server.
        1 (active) The secondary authentication server is in active state.
        2 (block)  The secondary authentication server is in block state."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 7 }

    hh3cRdKey OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (0..64))
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The secret shared between the RADIUS client and RADIUS
        authentication server used in encoding and decoding
        sensitive data.
        When read, hh3cRdKey always returns an Octet String of length zero."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 8 }

    hh3cRdRetry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The number of attempts the client will make when trying to send
        requests to a server before it will consider the attempt failed.
        Default value is 3."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 9 }

    hh3cRdTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The timeout value the client will use when sending requests to a server.
        The unit is second.  Default value is 3."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 10 }

    hh3cRdPrimAuthIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX InetAddressType
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The IP addresses type (IPv4 or IPv6) of primary RADIUS authentication
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 11 }

    hh3cRdPrimAuthIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX InetAddress
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The IP address of primary RADIUS authentication server."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 12 }

    hh3cRdSecAuthIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX InetAddressType
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The IP addresses type (IPv4 or IPv6) of secondary RADIUS authentication
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 13 }

    hh3cRdSecAuthIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX InetAddress
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The IP address of secondary RADIUS authentication server."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 14 }

    hh3cRdServerType OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "Specify the type of RADIUS server.
        1 (standard) - Server based on RFC protocol(s).
        2 (iphotel) - Server for IP-Hotel or 201+ system.
        3 (portal) - Server for iTellin Portal system.
        4 (extended) - Server based on RADIUS extensions.
        Default type is standard."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 15 }

    hh3cRdQuietTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255)
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The time for server returning active.  The unit is minute.
         When the value is 0, the server state retains active.  Default value is 5."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 16 }

    hh3cRdUserNameFormat OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "Specify the user-name format that is sent to RADIUS server.
        1 (withoutdomain) - send the user-name without domain.
        2 (withdomain) - send the user-name with domain.
        3 (keeporignal) - send the user-name as it is entered.
        Default format is withdomain."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 17 }

    hh3cRdRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX   RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS   current
        "This object is responsible for managing the creation, deletion and
        modification of rows, which support active status and CreateAndGo,
        Destroy operation.  To create a new row, hh3cRdGroupName must be specified.
        To destroy an existent row, the hh3cRdGroupName MUST NOT be referred by
        hh3cDomainTable in hh3cDomainRadiusGroupName column."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 18 }

    hh3cRdSecKey OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (0..64))
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The secret shared between the RADIUS client and the secondary RADIUS
        authentication server used in encoding and decoding
        sensitive data.
        When read, hh3cRdSecKey always returns an Octet String of length zero."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 19 }

    hh3cRdPrimVpnName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (0..31))
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS current
        "The human-readable name of the VPN in which the primary RADIUS
        authentication server is placed."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 20 }

    hh3cRdSecVpnName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (0..31))
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS current
        "The human-readable name of the VPN in which the secondary RADIUS
        authentication server is placed."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 21 }

    hh3cRdAuthNasIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX InetAddressType
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The type (IPv4 or IPv6) of the source IP used to communicate with
        RADIUS authentication server."
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 22 }

    hh3cRdAuthNasIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The source IPv4 address used to communicate with the RADIUS authentication
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 23 }

    hh3cRdAuthNasIpv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Ipv6Address
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The source IPv6 address used to communicate with the RADIUS authentication
    ::= { hh3cRdInfoEntry 24 }

-- ***********************************************************************
--  Accounting Server Table
-- ***********************************************************************
    hh3cRdAccInfoTable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cRdAccInfoEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "The (conceptual) table listing RADIUS accounting servers."
    ::= { hh3cRdObjects 2 }

    hh3cRdAccInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Hh3cRdAccInfoEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "An entry (conceptual row) representing a RADIUS accounting server."
        INDEX { hh3cRdAccGroupName }
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoTable 1 }

    Hh3cRdAccInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        hh3cRdAccGroupName           DisplayString,
        hh3cRdPrimAccIpAddrType      InetAddressType,
        hh3cRdPrimAccIpAddr          InetAddress,
        hh3cRdPrimAccUdpPort         Integer32,
        hh3cRdPrimAccState           INTEGER,
        hh3cRdSecAccIpAddrType       InetAddressType,
        hh3cRdSecAccIpAddr           InetAddress,
        hh3cRdSecAccUdpPort          Integer32,
        hh3cRdSecAccState            INTEGER,
        hh3cRdAccKey                 DisplayString,
        hh3cRdAccRetry               Integer32,
        hh3cRdAccTimeout             Integer32,
        hh3cRdAccServerType          INTEGER,
        hh3cRdAccQuietTime           Integer32,
        hh3cRdAccFailureAction       INTEGER,
        hh3cRdAccRealTime            Integer32,
        hh3cRdAccRealTimeRetry       Integer32,
        hh3cRdAccSaveStopPktEnable   TruthValue,
        hh3cRdAccStopRetry           Integer32,
        hh3cRdAccDataFlowUnit        INTEGER,
        hh3cRdAccPacketUnit          INTEGER,
        hh3cRdAccRowStatus           RowStatus,
        hh3cRdAcctOnEnable           TruthValue,
        hh3cRdAcctOnSendTimes        Integer32,
        hh3cRdAcctOnSendInterval     Integer32,
        hh3cRdSecAccKey              DisplayString,
        hh3cRdPrimAccVpnName         DisplayString,
        hh3cRdSecAccVpnName          DisplayString,
        hh3cRdAccNasIpAddrType       InetAddressType,
        hh3cRdAccNasIpAddr           IpAddress,
        hh3cRdAccNasIpv6Addr         Ipv6Address,
        hh3cRdAccRealTimeUnit        INTEGER

    hh3cRdAccGroupName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (1..32))
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "The name of the RADIUS group referred to in this table entry."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 1 }

    hh3cRdPrimAccIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The IP addresses type (IPv4 or IPv6) of primary RADIUS accounting server."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 2 }

    hh3cRdPrimAccIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InetAddress
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The IP address of primary RADIUS accounting server."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 3 }

    hh3cRdPrimAccUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The UDP port the client is using to send requests to primary
        RADIUS accounting server.  Default value is 1813."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 4 }

    hh3cRdPrimAccState OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The state of the primary RADIUS accounting server.
        1 (active) The primary accounting server is in active state.
        2 (block)  The primary accounting server is in block state."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 5 }

    hh3cRdSecAccIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The IP addresses type (IPv4 or IPv6) of secondary RADIUS accounting
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 6 }

    hh3cRdSecAccIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InetAddress
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The IP address of secondary RADIUS accounting server."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 7 }

    hh3cRdSecAccUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The UDP port the client is using to send requests to secondary
        RADIUS accounting server.  Default value is 1813."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 8 }

    hh3cRdSecAccState OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The state of the secondary RADIUS accounting server.
        1 (active) The secondary accounting server is in active state.
        2 (block)  The secondary accounting server is in block state."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 9 }

    hh3cRdAccKey OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (0..64))
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The secret shared between the RADIUS client and RADIUS
        accounting server used in encoding and decoding sensitive data.
        When read, hh3cRdAccKey always returns an Octet String of length zero."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 10 }

    hh3cRdAccRetry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The number of attempt the client will make when trying to send
        requests to a server before it will consider the attempt failed.
        Default value is 3."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 11 }

    hh3cRdAccTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The timeout value the client will use when sending requests to a server.
        The unit is second.  Default value is 3."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 12 }

    hh3cRdAccServerType OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "Specify the type of RADIUS server.
        1 (standard) - Server based on RFC protocol(s).
        2 (iphotel) - Server for IP-Hotel or 201+ system.
        3 (portal) - Server for iTellin Portal system.
        4 (extended) - Server based on RADIUS extensions.
        Default type is standard."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 13 }

    hh3cRdAccQuietTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255)
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The time for server returning active.  The unit is minute.
         When the value is 0, the server state retains active.  Default value is 5."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 14 }

    hh3cRdAccFailureAction OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "Defines the action that authentication should take if
        authentication succeeds but the associated accounting start
        1 (ignore) - treat as authentication success; ignore
            accounting start failure.
        2 (reject) - treat as authentication failed if
            corresponding accounting start fails.
        Default value is 1(reject)."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 15 }

    hh3cRdAccRealTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Integer32 (0..71582)
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "Interval of realtime-accounting packets.
        The unit is defined by hh3cRdAccRealTimeUnit.
        When the value is 0, the device doesn't send realtime-accounting
        packets.  Default value is 12 minutes."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 16 }

    hh3cRdAccRealTimeRetry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255)
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The number of attempt the client will make when trying to send
        realtime-accounting packet to accounting server before it will
        consider the attempt failed.  Default value is 5."
        DEFVAL { 5 }
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 17 }

    hh3cRdAccSaveStopPktEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The control of whether save stop-accounting packet in local buffer
        and resend later when the accounting server doesn't respond.  When
        SaveStopPktEnable is set to false, the value of AccStopRetry will be
        ignored.  Default value is true."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 18 }

    hh3cRdAccStopRetry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Integer32 (10..65535)
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The number of attempt the client will make when trying to send
        stop-accounting packet to accounting server.  Default value is 500."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 19 }

    hh3cRdAccDataFlowUnit OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "Specify data flow format that is sent to RADIUS server.  The value
        SHOULD be set the same as the value of corresponding server.
        1 (byte) -  Specify 'byte' as the unit of data flow.
        2 (kiloByte) - Specify 'kilo-byte' as the unit of data flow.
        3 (megaByte) - Specify 'mega-byte' as the unit of data flow.
        4 (gigaByte) - Specify 'giga-byte' as the unit of data flow.
        Default value is 1."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 20 }

    hh3cRdAccPacketUnit OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "Specify packet format that is sent to RADIUS server.  The value
        SHOULD be set the same as the value of corresponding server.
        1 (onePacket)  - Specify 'one-packet' as the unit of packet.
        2 (kiloPacket) - Specify 'kilo-packet' as the unit of packet.
        3 (megaPacket) - Specify 'mega-packet' as the unit of packet.
        4 (gigaPacket) - Specify 'giga-packet' as the unit of packet.
        Default value is 1."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 21 }

    hh3cRdAccRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX   RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS   current
        "This object is responsible for managing the creation, deletion and
        modification of rows, which support active status and CreateAndGo,
        Destroy operation.  To create a new row, hh3cRdAccGroupName must be specified.
        To destroy an existent row, the hh3cRdAccGroupName MUST NOT be referred by
        hh3cDomainTable in hh3cDomainRadiusGroupName column."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 22 }

    hh3cRdAcctOnEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The control of Accounting-On function.  The Accounting-On function is
        used by the client to mark the start of accounting (for example, upon
        booting) by sending Accounting-On packets and to mark the end of
        accounting (for example, just before a scheduled reboot) by sending
        Accounting-Off packets.  Default value is false."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 23 }

    hh3cRdAcctOnSendTimes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The number of Accounting-On packets the client will send before it
        considers the accounting server failed.  Default value is 50."
        DEFVAL { 50 }
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 24 }

    hh3cRdAcctOnSendInterval OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "Interval of Accounting-On packets.  The unit is second.
        Default value is 3."
        DEFVAL { 3 }
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 25 }

    hh3cRdSecAccKey OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (0..64))
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The secret shared between the RADIUS client and the secondary RADIUS
        accounting server used in encoding and decoding sensitive data.
        When read, hh3cRdSecAccKey always returns an Octet String of length zero."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 26 }

    hh3cRdPrimAccVpnName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (0..31))
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS current
        "The human-readable name of the VPN in which the primary RADIUS
        accounting server is placed."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 27 }

    hh3cRdSecAccVpnName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (0..31))
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS current
        "The human-readable name of the VPN in which the secondary RADIUS
        accounting server is placed."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 28 }

    hh3cRdAccNasIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX InetAddressType
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The type (IPv4 or IPv6) of the source IP used to communicate with
        RADIUS accounting server."
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 29 }

    hh3cRdAccNasIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The source IPv4 address used to communicate with the RADIUS accounting
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 30 }

    hh3cRdAccNasIpv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Ipv6Address
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The source IPv6 address used to communicate with the RADIUS accounting
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 31 }

    hh3cRdAccRealTimeUnit OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The interval unit of realtime-accounting packets.
        0  - minute.
        1  - second."
        DEFVAL { minute }
    ::= { hh3cRdAccInfoEntry 32 }

-- ***********************************************************************
--  Global configurations
-- ***********************************************************************
    hh3cRadiusGlobalConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRdObjects 3 }

    hh3cRadiusAuthErrThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100)
        UNITS "percentage"
        MAX-ACCESS read-write
        STATUS current
            "The threshold of authentication failure trap.  A trap will be sent
            when the percent of the unsuccessful authentication exceeds this threshold."
        DEFVAL { 30 }
        ::= { hh3cRadiusGlobalConfig 1 }

-- ***********************************************************************
--  Secondary Authentication Server Table
-- ***********************************************************************
    hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerTable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "The (conceptual) table listing RADIUS secondary authentication servers."
    ::= { hh3cRdObjects 4 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "An entry (conceptual row) representing a RADIUS secondary authentication server."
        INDEX { hh3cRdGroupName, hh3cRdSecondaryAuthIpAddrType, hh3cRdSecondaryAuthIpAddr,
                hh3cRdSecondaryAuthVpnName, hh3cRdSecondaryAuthUdpPort }
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerTable 1 }

    Hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        hh3cRdSecondaryAuthIpAddrType       InetAddressType,
        hh3cRdSecondaryAuthIpAddr           InetAddress,
        hh3cRdSecondaryAuthVpnName          DisplayString,
        hh3cRdSecondaryAuthUdpPort          Integer32,
        hh3cRdSecondaryAuthState            INTEGER,
        hh3cRdSecondaryAuthKey              DisplayString,
        hh3cRdSecondaryAuthRowStatus        RowStatus

    hh3cRdSecondaryAuthIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
        "The IP addresses type (IPv4 or IPv6) of secondary RADIUS authentication server."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerEntry 1 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAuthIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InetAddress
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
        "The IP address of secondary RADIUS authentication server."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerEntry 2 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAuthVpnName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (0..31))
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "The human-readable name of the VPN in which the secondary RADIUS
        authentication server is placed."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerEntry 3 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAuthUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32(1..65535)
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
        "The UDP port the client is using to send requests to secondary
        RADIUS authentication server.  Default value is 1812."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerEntry 4 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAuthState OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The state of the secondary RADIUS authentication server.
        1 (active) The secondary authentication server is in active state.
        2 (block)  The secondary authentication server is in block state."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerEntry 5 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAuthKey OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (0..64))
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The secret shared between the RADIUS client and the secondary RADIUS
        authentication server used in encoding and decoding sensitive data.
        When read, hh3cRdSecondaryAuthKey always returns an Octet String of length zero."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerEntry 6 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAuthRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX   RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS   current
        "This object is responsible for managing the creation, deletion and
        modification of rows, which support active status and CreateAndGo,
        Destroy operation.  To create a new row, hh3cRdGroupName must be specified.
        The number of rows with the same hh3cRdGroupName can't be more than 16."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAuthServerEntry 7 }

-- ***********************************************************************
--  Secondary Accounting Server Table
-- ***********************************************************************
    hh3cRdSecondaryAccServerTable  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cRdSecondaryAccServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "The (conceptual) table listing RADIUS secondary accounting servers."
    ::= { hh3cRdObjects 5 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAccServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Hh3cRdSecondaryAccServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "An entry (conceptual row) representing a RADIUS secondary accounting server."
        INDEX { hh3cRdAccGroupName, hh3cRdSecondaryAccIpAddrType, hh3cRdSecondaryAccIpAddr,
                hh3cRdSecondaryAccVpnName, hh3cRdSecondaryAccUdpPort }
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAccServerTable 1 }

    Hh3cRdSecondaryAccServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        hh3cRdSecondaryAccIpAddrType       InetAddressType,
        hh3cRdSecondaryAccIpAddr           InetAddress,
        hh3cRdSecondaryAccVpnName          DisplayString,
        hh3cRdSecondaryAccUdpPort          Integer32,
        hh3cRdSecondaryAccState            INTEGER,
        hh3cRdSecondaryAccKey              DisplayString,
        hh3cRdSecondaryAccRowStatus        RowStatus

    hh3cRdSecondaryAccIpAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
        "The IP addresses type (IPv4 or IPv6) of secondary RADIUS accounting server."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAccServerEntry 1 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAccIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      InetAddress
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
        "The IP address of secondary RADIUS accounting server."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAccServerEntry 2 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAccVpnName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (0..31))
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "The human-readable name of the VPN in which the secondary RADIUS
        accounting server is placed."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAccServerEntry 3 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAccUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32(1..65535)
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
        "The UDP port the client is using to send requests to secondary
        RADIUS accounting server.  Default value is 1813."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAccServerEntry 4 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAccState OBJECT-TYPE
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The state of the secondary RADIUS accounting server.
        1 (active) The secondary accounting server is in active state.
        2 (block)  The secondary accounting server is in block state."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAccServerEntry 5 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAccKey OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE (0..64))
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The secret shared between the RADIUS client and the secondary RADIUS
        accounting server used in encoding and decoding sensitive data.
        When read, hh3cRdSecondaryAccKey always returns an Octet String of length zero."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAccServerEntry 6 }

    hh3cRdSecondaryAccRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX   RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS   current
        "This object is responsible for managing the creation, deletion and
        modification of rows, which support active status and CreateAndGo,
        Destroy operation.  To create a new row, hh3cRdAccGroupName must be specified.
        The number of rows with the same hh3cRdAccGroupName can't be more than 16."
    ::= { hh3cRdSecondaryAccServerEntry 7 }

-- ***********************************************************************
--  Supplement to RFC2620 RADIUS-ACC-CLIENT-MIB
-- ***********************************************************************

    hh3cRadiusAccounting OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRadius 2 }

    hh3cRadiusAccClient OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRadiusAccounting 1 }

    hh3cRadiusAccServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Hh3cRadiusAccServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  current
        "The (conceptual) table listing the RADIUS accounting
        servers with which the client shares a secret."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusAccClient 1 }

    hh3cRadiusAccServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Hh3cRadiusAccServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  current
        "An entry (conceptual row) representing a RADIUS accounting
        server with which a client shares a secret."
        INDEX { radiusAccServerIndex }
    ::= { hh3cRadiusAccServerTable 1 }

    Hh3cRadiusAccServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        hh3cRadiusAccClientStartRequests         Counter32,
        hh3cRadiusAccClientStartResponses        Counter32,
        hh3cRadiusAccClientInterimRequests       Counter32,
        hh3cRadiusAccClientInterimResponses      Counter32,
        hh3cRadiusAccClientStopRequests          Counter32,
        hh3cRadiusAccClientStopResponses         Counter32 }

    hh3cRadiusAccClientStartRequests   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  current
        "The number of RADIUS accounting start request sent to this
    ::= { hh3cRadiusAccServerEntry  1 }

    hh3cRadiusAccClientStartResponses   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  current
        "The number of RADIUS accounting start response received
        from this server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusAccServerEntry  2 }

    hh3cRadiusAccClientInterimRequests   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  current
        "The number of RADIUS interim accounting request sent to
        this server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusAccServerEntry  3 }

    hh3cRadiusAccClientInterimResponses   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  current
        "The number of RADIUS interim accounting response received
        from this server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusAccServerEntry  4 }

    hh3cRadiusAccClientStopRequests   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  current
        "The number of RADIUS stop accounting request sent to
        this RADIUS server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusAccServerEntry  5 }

    hh3cRadiusAccClientStopResponses   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  current
        "The number of RADIUS stop accounting response received
        from this server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusAccServerEntry  6 }

-- Traps

-- All trap definitions should be placed under this object.
    hh3cRadiusServerTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRadius 3 }

    hh3cRadiusAuthServerDownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS     { radiusAuthServerAddress,
        STATUS      obsolete
        "This trap is generated when the authentication RADIUS server
        does not respond to the client's requests for a period of time.
        This node is replaced by hh3cRadiusAuthenticationServerDownTrap."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusServerTrap 1 }

    hh3cRadiusAccServerDownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS     { radiusAccServerAddress,
        STATUS      obsolete
        "This trap is generated when the accounting RADIUS server
        does not respond to the client's requests for a period of time.
        This node is replaced by hh3cRadiusAccountingServerDownTrap."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusServerTrap 2 }

    hh3cRadiusServerTrapPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRadiusServerTrap 0 }

    hh3cRadiusAuthServerUpTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS     { radiusAuthServerAddress,
                     hh3cRadiusServerFirstTrapTime }
        STATUS      obsolete
        "This trap is generated when the device finds that the state of the
        RADIUS authentication server changes from unreachable to reachable.
        This node is replaced by hh3cRadiusAuthenticationServerUpTrap."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusServerTrapPrefix 1 }

    hh3cRadiusAccServerUpTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS     { radiusAccServerAddress,
                     hh3cRadiusServerFirstTrapTime }
        STATUS      obsolete
        "This trap is generated when the device finds that the state of the
        RADIUS accounting server changes from unreachable to unreachable.
        This node is replaced by hh3cRadiusAccountingServerUpTrap."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusServerTrapPrefix 2 }

    hh3cRadiusAuthErrTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS     { radiusAuthServerAddress,
                      radiusAuthClientServerPortNumber }
        STATUS      current
        "This trap is generated when the device finds that the percent of
        unsuccessful authentication exceeds a threshold, and the threshold
        is the value of node hh3cRadiusAuthErrThreshold."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusServerTrapPrefix 3 }

    hh3cRadiusAuthenticationServerUpTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS     { radiusAuthServerAddress,
                     hh3cRadiusServerFirstTrapTime }
        STATUS      current
        "This trap is generated when the device finds that the state of the
        RADIUS authentication server changes from unreachable to reachable.
        The node replaces hh3cRadiusAuthServerUpTrap."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusServerTrapPrefix 4 }

    hh3cRadiusAccountingServerUpTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS     { radiusAccServerAddress,
                     hh3cRadiusServerFirstTrapTime }
        STATUS      current
        "This trap is generated when the device finds that the state of the
        RADIUS accounting server changes from unreachable to reachable.
        The node replaces hh3cRadiusAccServerUpTrap."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusServerTrapPrefix 5 }

    hh3cRadiusAuthenticationServerDownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS     { radiusAuthServerAddress,
        STATUS      current
        "This trap is generated when the authentication RADIUS server
        does not respond to the client's requests for a period of time.
        The node replaces hh3cRadiusAuthServerDownTrap."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusServerTrapPrefix 6 }

    hh3cRadiusAccountingServerDownTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE
        OBJECTS     { radiusAccServerAddress,
        STATUS      current
        "This trap is generated when the accounting RADIUS server
        does not respond to the client's requests for a period of time.
        The node replaces hh3cRadiusAccServerDownTrap."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusServerTrapPrefix 7 }

-- ***********************************************************************
--  Supplement to RFC2618 RADIUS-AUTH-CLIENT-MIB
-- ***********************************************************************

    hh3cRadiusAuthenticating OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRadius 4 }

    hh3cRadiusAuthClient OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRadiusAuthenticating 1 }

    hh3cRadiusAuthServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF Hh3cRadiusAuthServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  current
        "The (conceptual) table listing the RADIUS authenticating
        servers with which the client shares a secret."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusAuthClient 1 }

    hh3cRadiusAuthServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Hh3cRadiusAuthServerEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS  current
        "An entry (conceptual row) representing a RADIUS authenticating
        server with which a client shares a secret."
        INDEX { radiusAuthServerIndex }
    ::= { hh3cRadiusAuthServerTable 1 }

    Hh3cRadiusAuthServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        hh3cRadiusAuthFailureTimes         Counter32,
        hh3cRadiusAuthTimeoutTimes        Counter32,
        hh3cRadiusAuthRejectTimes       Counter32}

    hh3cRadiusAuthFailureTimes   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  current
        "The number of RADIUS authenticating failed to this server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusAuthServerEntry  1 }

    hh3cRadiusAuthTimeoutTimes   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  current
        "The number of RADIUS authenticating timeout to this server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusAuthServerEntry  2 }

    hh3cRadiusAuthRejectTimes   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX  Counter32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  current
        "The number of RADIUS authenticating rejected to this server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusAuthServerEntry  3 }

-- ***********************************************************************
--  Radius Extend
-- ***********************************************************************
    hh3cRadiusExtend OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRadius 5 }

    hh3cRadiusExtendObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRadiusExtend 1 }
    hh3cRadiusExtendTables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRadiusExtend 2 }
    hh3cRadiusExtendTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRadiusExtend 3 }

-- ***********************************************************************
--  Radius Scheme Authentication Table
-- ***********************************************************************
    hh3cRadiusSchAuthTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cRadiusSchAuthEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "The (conceptual) table listing RADIUS authentication servers."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusExtendTables 1 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAuthEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Hh3cRadiusSchAuthEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "An entry (conceptual row) representing RADIUS authentication servers."
        INDEX { hh3cRadiusSchAuthGroupName}
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAuthTable 1 }

    Hh3cRadiusSchAuthEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        hh3cRadiusSchAuthGroupName           DisplayString,
        hh3cRadiusSchAuthPrimIpAddr          IpAddress,
        hh3cRadiusSchAuthPrimUdpPort         Integer32,
        hh3cRadiusSchAuthPrimKey             DisplayString,
        hh3cRadiusSchAuthSecIpAddr           IpAddress,
        hh3cRadiusSchAuthSecUdpPort          Integer32,
        hh3cRadiusSchAuthSecKey              DisplayString,
        hh3cRadiusSchAuthRowStatus           RowStatus

    hh3cRadiusSchAuthGroupName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "The name of the RADIUS authentication server group referred to in this table entry."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAuthEntry 1 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAuthPrimIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The IP address of primary RADIUS authenticaiton server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAuthEntry 2 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAuthPrimUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The UDP port the client is using to send requests to primary
        RADIUS authentication server.  Default value is 1812."
        DEFVAL { 1812 }
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAuthEntry 3 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAuthPrimKey OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The secret shared between the RADIUS client and the primary RADIUS
        authentication server used in encoding and decoding sensitive data."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAuthEntry 4 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAuthSecIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The IP address of secondary RADIUS authenticaiton server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAuthEntry 5 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAuthSecUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The UDP port the client is using to send requests to secondary
        RADIUS authentication server.  Default value is 1812."
        DEFVAL { 1812 }
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAuthEntry 6 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAuthSecKey OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The secret shared between the RADIUS client and the secondary RADIUS
        authentication server used in encoding and decoding sensitive data."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAuthEntry 7 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAuthRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX   RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS   current
        "This object is responsible for managing the creation, deletion and
        modification of rows, which support active status and CreateAndGo,
        Destroy operation.
        To create a new row, hh3cRadiusSchAuthGroupName must be specified,
        and this action will create a corresponding domain that
        hh3cDomainRadiusGroupName is the same as hh3cRadiusSchAuthGroupName.
        To destroy an existent row, the hh3cRadiusSchAuthGroupName MUST NOT be
        referred by hh3cDomainTable in hh3cDomainRadiusGroupName column."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAuthEntry 8 }

-- ***********************************************************************
--  Radius Scheme Accounting Table
-- ***********************************************************************
    hh3cRadiusSchAccTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cRadiusSchAccEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "The (conceptual) table listing RADIUS accounting servers."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusExtendTables 2 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAccEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX Hh3cRadiusSchAccEntry
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "An entry (conceptual row) representing RADIUS accounting servers."
        INDEX { hh3cRadiusSchAccGroupName}
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAccTable 1 }

    Hh3cRadiusSchAccEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        hh3cRadiusSchAccGroupName           DisplayString,
        hh3cRadiusSchAccPrimIpAddr          IpAddress,
        hh3cRadiusSchAccPrimUdpPort         Integer32,
        hh3cRadiusSchAccPrimKey             DisplayString,
        hh3cRadiusSchAccSecIpAddr           IpAddress,
        hh3cRadiusSchAccSecUdpPort          Integer32,
        hh3cRadiusSchAccSecKey              DisplayString,
        hh3cRadiusSchAccRowStatus           RowStatus

    hh3cRadiusSchAccGroupName OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
        STATUS current
        "The name of the RADIUS accounting server group referred to in this table entry."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAccEntry 1 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAccPrimIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The IP address of primary RADIUS accounting server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAccEntry 2 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAccPrimUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The UDP port the client is using to send requests to primary
        RADIUS accounting server.  Default value is 1813."
        DEFVAL { 1813 }
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAccEntry 3 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAccPrimKey OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The secret shared between the RADIUS client and the primary RADIUS
        accounting server used in encoding and decoding sensitive data."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAccEntry 4 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAccSecIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      IpAddress
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The IP address of secondary RADIUS accounting server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAccEntry 5 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAccSecUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
        "The UDP port the client is using to send requests to secondary
        RADIUS accounting server.  Default value is 1813."
        DEFVAL { 1813 }
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAccEntry 6 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAccSecKey OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX DisplayString
        MAX-ACCESS read-create
        STATUS current
        "The secret shared between the RADIUS client and the secondary RADIUS
        accounting server used in encoding and decoding sensitive data."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAccEntry 7 }

    hh3cRadiusSchAccRowStatus   OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX   RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS   current
        "This object is responsible for managing the creation, deletion and
        modification of rows, which support active status and CreateAndGo,
        Destroy operation.
        To create a new row, hh3cRadiusSchAccGroupName must be specified,
        and this action will create a corresponding domain that
        hh3cDomainRadiusGroupName is the same as hh3cRadiusSchAccGroupName.
        To destroy an existent row, the hh3cRadiusSchAccGroupName MUST NOT be
        referred by hh3cDomainTable in hh3cDomainRadiusGroupName column."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusSchAccEntry 8 }
-- ***********************************************************************
-- ***********************************************************************
hh3cRadiusStatistic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRadius 6 }

hh3cRadiusStatAccReq OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "It shows the number of radius account request to the
        radius server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusStatistic 1 }

hh3cRadiusStatAccAck OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "It shows the number of radius account response from the
         radius server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusStatistic 2 }

hh3cRadiusStatLogoutReq OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "It shows the number of logout request to the radius server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusStatistic 3 }

hh3cRadiusStatLogoutAck OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
        "It shows the number of logout response from the radius server."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusStatistic 4 }

hh3cRadiusServerTrapVarObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cRadius 7 }

hh3cRadiusServerFirstTrapTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
    STATUS      current
        "Represents the first trap time."
    ::= { hh3cRadiusServerTrapVarObjects 1 }