--  ct-priority-classify-mib.txt
--  Revision: 01.00.00
--  Part Number:
--  Date: September 9, 1998
--  Cabletron Systems, Inc.
--  35 Industrial Way, P.O. Box 5005
--  Rochester, NH 03867-0505
--  (603) 332-9400
--  support@ctron.com
--  This module provides authoritative definitions for Cabletron's
--  enterprise-specific priority classification MIB.
--  This module will be extended, as required.
--  Cabletron Systems reserves the right to make changes in
--  specification and other information contained in this document
--  without prior notice.  The reader should consult Cabletron Systems
--  to determine whether any such changes have been made.
--  In no event shall Cabletron Systems be liable for any incidental,
--  indirect, special, or consequential damages whatsoever (including
--  but not limited to lost profits) arising out of or related to this
--  document or the information contained in it, even if Cabletron
--  Systems has been advised of, known, or should have known, the
--  possibility of such damages.
--  Cabletron grants vendors, end-users, and other interested parties
--  a non-exclusive license to use this Specification in connection
--  with the management of Cabletron products.
--  Copyright September 1998 Cabletron Systems

-- ============================================================================
-- Priority Classification Group
-- Priority Classification Group
-- This group will provide "Priority Classification", a method used to
-- identify, prioritize and deliver RTP and/or IP UDP packets to low delay
-- forwarding queues. RTP packets can be framed with an 802.1P/Q tag,
-- or the IP Type Of Service (TOS) field can be updated, or no packet
-- modifications only preferential delivery over other packets. UDP
-- Packets can only be put on a low delay queue without modification

-- Implementation of this group is optional. However, if one element
-- of a table is implemented, the entire table has to be implemented.
-- ============================================================================
            FROM RFC-1212

ctPriorityExtClassifyConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ctPriorityExt 5 }

pClassifyRTP    OBJECT IDENTIFIER       ::= { ctPriorityExtClassifyConfig 1 }
pClassifyUDP    OBJECT IDENTIFIER       ::= { ctPriorityExtClassifyConfig 2 }

pClassifyRTPLowDelayQueuePreference  OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..7)
        ACCESS          read-write
        STATUS          mandatory
                        "This value represents one of eight preference levels, 
                        0 through 7, with 0 being the worst and 7 the best. 
                        The value will be translated by the device into a three 
                        bit binary number. This value shall be used to put 
                        incoming RTP packets on an internal queue."
        DEFVAL { 7 }
        ::= { pClassifyRTP 1}

pClassifyRTCPParsing    OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          INTEGER{
        ACCESS          read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                        "This object will enable or disable parsing of all 
                        forwarded packets looking for RTCP packets. 
                        Enabled(2) means that all fowarded packets will be 
                        parsed for RTCP.  When an RTCP packet is found, the 
                        identification of the associated RTP 'connection' 
                        (next lower port number) is added to the list of low 
                        delay ports. Disabled(1) means that no packets will be
                        parsed. "
        DEFVAL          { disabled }
        ::= { pClassifyRTP 2 }

pClassifyRTPTable       OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF PClassifyRTPEntry
        ACCESS          not-accessible
        STATUS          mandatory
                        "A list describing which MIB-II interfaces
                        will allow 802.1 P/Q tagging or modification of the 
                        precedence field in the TOS portion of an IP packet or 
                        both.  It also specifies the tagging value and the TOS 
                        precedence where applicable. "
        ::= { pClassifyRTP 3 }

pClassifyRTPEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          PClassifyRTPEntry
        ACCESS          not-accessible
        STATUS          mandatory
                        "This entry for pClassifyRTPEntry."
        INDEX           { pClassifyRTPInterfaceNumber  }
        ::= {pClassifyRTPTable  1 }

        ::= SEQUENCE    {
        pClassifyRTPInterfaceNumber     INTEGER,
        pClassifyRTPState               INTEGER,
        pClassifyRTPTOSPrecedence       INTEGER,
        pClassifyRTPTagPriority         INTEGER,
        pClassifyRTPTagVID              INTEGER

pClassifyRTPInterfaceNumber     OBJECT-TYPE
        ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS  mandatory
                        "The index of the MIB-II interface that the 
                        packet is destined for."
        ::= { pClassifyRTPEntry 1 }

pClassifyRTPState       OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          INTEGER{
        ACCESS          read-write
        STATUS          mandatory
                        "This object will enable  or disable                                                                    modification of the TOS precedence field and the 802.1 
                        P/Q tagging. A value of NoModification(1) implies that 
                        modification is not allowed. OnlyQTag(2) means that only
                        802.1 P/Q tagging is allowed. When this object has a 
                        value OnlyQTOS(3), modification of only the TOS 
                        precedence field is permitted.  QTagAndQTOS means that 
                        both TOS precedence modification and P/Q tagging is 
        DEFVAL          { noModification }
        ::= { pClassifyRTPEntry 2 }

pClassifyRTPTOSPrecedence       OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..7)
        ACCESS          read-write
        STATUS          mandatory
                        "This value represents one of eight precedence levels, 
                        0 through 7, with 0 being the lowest and 7 the highest.
                        The value will be translated by the device into a three 
                        bit binary number for use as the precedence field in the
                        TOS portion of the IP Datagram.  This object is valid 
                        only if pClassifyRTPState is OnlyQTOS or QTagAndQTOS."
        DEFVAL { 7 }
        ::= { pClassifyRTPEntry 3 }

pClassifyRTPTagPriority         OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..7)
        ACCESS          read-write
        STATUS          mandatory
                        "This value represents one of eight priority levels, 
                        0 through 7, with 0 being the lowest and 7 the highest. 
                        The value will be translated by the device into a three 
                        bit binary number for use as the user_priority field of 
                        the TCI (Tag Control Information) format.  This object 
                        is only valid if pClassifyRTPState is OnlyQTag or 
        DEFVAL { 7 }
        ::= { pClassifyRTPEntry 4 }

        SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..4095)
        ACCESS          read-write
        STATUS          mandatory
                        "This value represents a twelve bit VLAN identifier 
                        (VID) as specified in the IEEE 802.1Q standard. This 
                        object will provide a twelve bit VID in the TCI (Tag 
                        Control Information) portion of a tagged frame as 
                        specified in the IEEE 802.1Q. This value will be used 
                        to classify qualified packets in accordance with the 
                        IEEE 802.1Q standard.  This object will also be used to
                        reclassify certain packets exiting the port specified
                        in pClassifyRTPInterfaceNumber whose TCI field contains 
                        a VID equal to the NULL VLAN ID.  This object is valid 
                        only if pClassifyRTPState is OnlyQTag or QTagAndQTOS."                                                  DEFVAL {1}
        ::= { pClassifyRTPEntry 5 }

-- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
pClassifyUDPTable       OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF PClassifyUDPEntry
        ACCESS          not-accessible
        STATUS          mandatory
                        " A list of UDP destination port numbers, UDP packets
                        whose port numbers appear in this table will be put on 
                        a low delay queue, and the preference specified."
        ::= { pClassifyUDP 1 }

pClassifyUDPEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          PClassifyUDPEntry
        ACCESS          not-accessible
        STATUS          mandatory
                        "A list of objects that describe the UDP port numbers                                           that qualify as candidates for low delay queue 
                        preference classification."
        INDEX    { pClassifyUDPPortNumber }
        ::= { pClassifyUDPTable 1 }

PClassifyUDPEntry ::=
        SEQUENCE {
        pClassifyUDPPortNumber                  INTEGER,
        pClassifyUDPState                       INTEGER,
        pClassifyUDPLowDelayQueuePreference     INTEGER

pClassifyUDPPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          INTEGER
        ACCESS          read-write
        STATUS          mandatory
                        "The UDP destination port number tha qualifies as a 
                        candidate for low delay classification."
        ::= { pClassifyUDPEntry 1 }

        SYNTAX          INTEGER{                                                                                                disabled(1),
        ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS  mandatory
                        "A packet with UDP port number equal to 
                        pClassifyUDPPortNumber will be put on a low_delay queue
                         if state is Enabled(2)."
        DEFVAL { disabled }
        ::= { pClassifyUDPEntry 2 }

pClassifyUDPLowDelayQueuePreference OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX          INTEGER (0..7)
        ACCESS          read-write
        STATUS          mandatory
                        "Preference with which packet with UDP destination port
                        number equal to pClassifyUDPPortNumberis put on the 
                        queue.  "                                                               
        DEFVAL { 7 }
        ::= { pClassifyUDPEntry 3 }