--  enterasys-mib-names.txt
--  This module provides authoritative definitions for Enterasys
--  Networks' MIB Names.  
--  This module will be extended, as needed.

--  Enterasys Networks reserves the right to make changes in
--  specification and other information contained in this document
--  without prior notice.  The reader should consult Enterasys
--  Networks to determine whether any such changes have been made.
--  In no event shall Enterasys Networks be liable for any incidental,
--  indirect, special, or consequential damages whatsoever (including
--  but not limited to lost profits) arising out of or related to this
--  document or the information contained in it, even if Enterasys
--  Networks has been advised of, known, or should have known, the
--  possibility of such damages.
--  Enterasys Networks grants vendors, end-users, and other interested 
--  parties a non-exclusive license to use this Specification in connection 
--  with the management of Enterasys products.

--  Copyright June, 2002 Enterasys Networks, Inc.

        FROM SNMPv2-SMI;

etsysModuleName  MODULE-IDENTITY
    LAST-UPDATED "200311061515Z"  -- Thu Nov  6 15:15 GMT 2003
    ORGANIZATION "Enterasys Networks, Inc"
        "Postal:  Enterasys Networks
                  50 Minuteman Rd.
                  Andover, MA 01810-1008
         Phone:   +1 978 684 1000
         E-mail:  support@enterasys.com
         WWW:     http://www.enterasys.com"
        "This MIB module defines a portion of the SNMP enterprise
         MIBs under Enterasys Networks enterprise OID.

         This module embodies the top level hierarchy of all
         OIDs, MIBs, AGENT-CAPABILITIES statements, and X.509
         PKI certificates for Enterasys Networks' products.

         This leaf lexicographically falls under the etsysMibs branch
         of the enterasys enterprise tree."

    REVISION    "200311061515Z"  -- Thu Nov  6 15:15 GMT 2003
    DESCRIPTION "Corrected the postal code in the CONTACT-INFO clause."

    REVISION    "200310231719Z"  -- Thu Oct 23 17:19 GMT 2003
    DESCRIPTION "Updated CONTACT-INFO and sections 2, 6, and 7."

    REVISION    "200206141602Z"  -- Fri Jun 14 16:02 GMT 2002
    DESCRIPTION "Minor change to the Applicability section."

    REVISION    "200206141402Z"  -- Fri Jun 14 14:02 GMT 2002
    DESCRIPTION "Updated the CONTACT-INFO clause.
                 Added a branch for management of Enterasys specific 
                 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificates."

    REVISION    "200011132121Z"
                 Removed company address from the document header."

    REVISION    "200010051300Z"
    DESCRIPTION "Obsoleted etsysNamesMib, etsysConformance,
                 etsysConformName, etsysConformOID.  This is the 
                 first non-experimental version of this module."

    REVISION    "200004070000Z"
    DESCRIPTION "Fix many of the bugs in the first edit."

    REVISION    "200003210000Z"
    DESCRIPTION "The initial version of this MIB module."
    ::= { enterprises 5624 1 2 1 } 

-- Global definition for Enterasys tree
    STATUS      current
        "Global definition of the enterasys enterprise branch
         as provided by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
    ::= { enterprises 5624 }

etsysMibs      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterasys 1 }
-- All MIBs are under this branch.

etsysOids      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterasys 2 }
-- All OIDs are under this branch.

etsysAgentCaps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterasys 3 }
-- All Agent Capabilities Statements are under this branch.

etsysX509Pki   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterasys 509 }
-- All X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificates are under this branch.

etsysModules   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etsysMibs 2 }
-- All OIDs to be used for MODULE-IDENTITY macro invocation 
-- are under this branch.  Further expansion of this branch is 
-- detailed in the ENTERASYS-MIB-ORG module.

    STATUS      obsolete
    DESCRIPTION "Obsolete."
    ::= { etsysMibs 1 }

etsysConformance OBJECT-IDENTITY 
    STATUS      obsolete
    DESCRIPTION "Obsolete."
    ::= { etsysMibs 3 }

etsysConformName OBJECT-IDENTITY 
    STATUS      obsolete
    DESCRIPTION "Obsolete"
    ::= { etsysConformance 1 }

    STATUS      obsolete
    DESCRIPTION "Obsolete"
    ::= { etsysConformance 2 }