MPIOS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- TITLE: Maipu Vxworks System Objects IMPORTS DisplayString, TruthValue,RowStatus, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC Counter FROM RFC1155-SMI mpMgmt FROM MAIPU-SMI Counter64, Counter32, IpAddress, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI; mpios MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "0101050000Z" ORGANIZATION "Maipu DataComm" CONTACT-INFO " Maipu DataComm Customer Service Postal: Consulate Drive Chengdu, Sichuan 610041 China Tel: 86-028-5161006 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "The process and memory information of MP2600 infomation!" ::= { mpMgmt 20 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Textual Conventions -- ------------------------------------------------------------- EnabledStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A simple status value for the object." SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } iosSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mpios 1 } iosObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iosSystem 1 } -- Groups defined in this MIB sysMemory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iosObjects 1 } -- Memory Group -- This group provides the memory usage information on the target. -- All variables in this group are read only. numBytesFree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of bytes free in the system memory " -- DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { sysMemory 1 } numBlocksFree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of blocks free in the system memory " -- DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { sysMemory 2 } avgBlockSizeFree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The average block size that is free in the system memory " -- DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { sysMemory 3 } maxBlockSizeFree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The largest block size that is free in the memory " -- DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { sysMemory 4 } numBytesAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of bytes of system memory that have been allocated by tasks and system services " -- DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { sysMemory 5 } numBlocksAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of blocks of system memory that have been allocated in the system " -- DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { sysMemory 6 } avgBlockSizeAlloc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The average memory block size that has been allocated in the system " -- DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { sysMemory 7 } memoryTotalBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total available memory bytes" -- DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { sysMemory 8 } allocBytesPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The allocated bytes percent which value is allocated bytes divided by total bytes, This value can be in the range from 0 to 100." -- DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { sysMemory 9 } sysTask OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iosObjects 2 } -- Task Group -- This group provides access to the target's task table. -- Tasks can be suspended, created, resumed and deleted. -- Individual parameters can also be changed. While changing -- task information, it should be remembered that the information -- from this group is only a snapshot of the task table entries. -- VxWorks tasks can be created by creating an entry in the -- tasktable. An entry should be created with an index of zero. -- The other parameters that must be specified are: name, priority, -- stacksize, entry point and other options. taskTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TaskEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the target's task table. Each entry in this table represents a task" ::= { sysTask 1 } taskEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TaskEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry contains information with regards to a task in the system " INDEX { taskId } ::= { taskTable 1 } TaskEntry ::= SEQUENCE { taskId Unsigned32, taskName DisplayString, taskPriority Integer32, taskStatus INTEGER, taskOptions Integer32, taskMain DisplayString, taskStackPtr Unsigned32, taskStackBase Unsigned32, taskStackPos Unsigned32, taskStackEnd Unsigned32, taskStackSize Unsigned32, taskStackSizeUsage Unsigned32, taskStackMaxUsed Unsigned32, taskStackFree Unsigned32, taskErrorStatus Integer32 } taskId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This is the task ID assigned by VxWorks to a task in the system. A taskId of zero specifies a new task." ::= { taskEntry 1 } taskName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This is the name of the VxWorks task. This value can only be specified (set) at task creation." ::= { taskEntry 2 } taskPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority of the VxWorks task. This value can be in the range from 0, the highest priority, to 255, the lowest priority." ::= { taskEntry 3 } taskStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { task-ready(1), -- Task is ready to run. task-suspended(2), -- Task is suspended. task-delay(3), -- Task is delayed. task-deleted(4) -- Task is to be deleted. } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field specifies the current task status. It can be used to change the current task state. For example, to suspend a task, the value of taskStatus is changed to task-suspended, to delete a task the value is changed to task-deleted, etc..." ::= { taskEntry 4 } taskOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value represents the sum of the following options: value option 1 VX_SUPERVISOR_MODE(read-only) 2 VX_UNBREAKABLE (break points ignored) 4 VX_DEALLOC_STACK (deallocate stack) 8 VX_FP_TASK (floating point support) 16 VX_STDIO (read-only) 128 VX_PRIVATE_ENV (private env. variables) 256 VX_NO_STACK_FILL (don't fill stack) All the options above can be set at task creation time. However, once the task is executing the only option that can be changed is VX_UNBREAKABLE. The option is toggled based on the current setting." ::= { taskEntry 5 } taskMain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the name of the entry function for the VxWorks task. This name can only be specified when a task is created (entry added in the table). The symbol must exist in the VxWorks target." ::= { taskEntry 6 } taskStackPtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the saved stack pointer for the task." ::= { taskEntry 7 } taskStackBase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the address of the bottom of the stack of the VxWorks task." ::= { taskEntry 8 } taskStackPos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the effective top of the stack in the current task state." ::= { taskEntry 9 } taskStackEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the address of the top of the stack of the VxWorks task." ::= { taskEntry 10 } taskStackSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the actual size of the stack in bytes. The size of the stack can only be specified at task creation (adding an entry to the table)." ::= { taskEntry 11 } taskStackSizeUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes currently in use by the task from the stack." ::= { taskEntry 12 } taskStackMaxUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the maximum number of bytes that have been used by the task from the stack." ::= { taskEntry 13 } taskStackFree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the number of bytes that are free currently in the task stack." ::= { taskEntry 14 } taskErrorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the most recent error status for this task." ::= { taskEntry 15 } -- ************************* taskDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is description for error task. If the task runs well the string will be null." ::= { sysTask 2 } -- cpu -- ******* CPU ******* sysCpu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iosObjects 3 } sysCpuStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noSpyCpu(1), spyCpu(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the status of collecting CPU utilization rate which include two status: spyCpu (2), noSpyCpu(1), if you want to get cpuUtilTable and cpuTaskTable, you must make status to spy cpu" ::= { sysCpu 1 } sysCpuTaskTabView OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { detailed(1), simple(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the status of cpuTaskTable view: detailed view is showing every task info and simple view is only showing task which had used cpu" ::= { sysCpu 2 } checkCpuTimeInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..3600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "check cpu time interval,unit is second" ::= { sysCpu 3 } cpuTaskTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpuTaskEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the target's task cpu table. Each entry in this table represents a task" ::= { sysCpu 4 } cpuTaskEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpuTaskEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Each entry contains information with regards to a task cpu in the system " INDEX { cpuTaskId } ::= { cpuTaskTable 1 } CpuTaskEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpuTaskId Integer32, cpuTaskName OCTET STRING, cpuTaskPri Integer32, cpuTaskDeltaUtil Integer32, cpuTaskDeltaTicks Integer32, cpuTaskAverageUtil Integer32, cpuTaskTotalTicks Integer32, cpuTaskCurrentUtil Integer32 } cpuTaskId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This is the task ID assigned by VxWorks to a task in the system. A taskId of zero specifies a new task." ::= { cpuTaskEntry 1 } cpuTaskName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This is the name of the VxWorks task. This value can only be specified (set) at task creation." ::= { cpuTaskEntry 2 } cpuTaskPri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority of the VxWorks task. This value can be in the range from 0, the highest priority, to 255, the lowest priority." ::= { cpuTaskEntry 3 } cpuTaskDeltaUtil OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CPU utilization of the VxWorks task during DeltaTicks. This value can be in the range from 0 to 100." ::= {cpuTaskEntry 4 } cpuTaskDeltaTicks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The task CPU utilization delta ticks." ::= { cpuTaskEntry 5 } cpuTaskAverageUtil OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CPU utilization of the VxWorks task during TotalTicks. This value can be in the range from 0 to 100." ::= { cpuTaskEntry 6 } cpuTaskTotalTicks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total ticks till cpuTaskStatus been start, until the status be end." ::= { cpuTaskEntry 7 } cpuTaskCurrentUtil OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The cpu current utilization " ::= { cpuTaskEntry 8 } cpuUtilTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CpuUtilEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The Sys CPU total utilization table " ::= { sysCpu 5 } cpuUtilEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CpuUtilEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The Sys CPU utilization table at a certain period of time, include two kind of time interval: one is from spy cpu to current show cpu, the other is from last show cpu to current show cpu" INDEX { cpuUtilCpuId } ::= { cpuUtilTable 1 } CpuUtilEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cpuUtilCpuId Integer32, cpuUtilDeltaUtil Integer32, cpuUtilDeltaUsedTicks Integer32, cpuUtilDeltaTicks Integer32, cpuUtilDeltaTimes Integer32, cpuUtilAverageUtil Integer32, cpuUtilTotalUsedTicks Integer32, cpuUtilTotalTicks Integer32, cpuUtilTotalTimes Integer32, cpuUtilCurrentUtil Integer32 } cpuUtilCpuId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "cpu id for multi-cpu device" ::= { cpuUtilEntry 1 } cpuUtilDeltaUtil OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Sys CPU utilization in delta times" ::= { cpuUtilEntry 2 } cpuUtilDeltaUsedTicks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The System used ticks in delta ticks" ::= { cpuUtilEntry 3 } cpuUtilDeltaTicks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Sys CPU utilization ticks in delta times" ::= { cpuUtilEntry 4 } cpuUtilDeltaTimes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The delta times, unit is second" ::= { cpuUtilEntry 5 } cpuUtilAverageUtil OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Sys CPU utilization in total times" ::= { cpuUtilEntry 6 } cpuUtilTotalUsedTicks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Sys CPU utilization used ticks in total times" ::= { cpuUtilEntry 7 } cpuUtilTotalTicks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Sys CPU utilization ticks in total times" ::= { cpuUtilEntry 8 } cpuUtilTotalTimes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total times, unit is second" ::= { cpuUtilEntry 9 } cpuUtilCurrentUtil OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The cpu current utilization" ::= { cpuUtilEntry 10 } -- sys cpu/mainBoard temperature sysTemperature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iosObjects 4 } sysCpuTemper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Get current system environment cpu temperature" ::= { sysTemperature 1 } sysCpuAlertTemper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Get or set current system environment cpu alarm temperature default is 85¡ãC" ::= { sysTemperature 2 } sysMainBoardTemper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Get current system environment main borad temperature" ::= { sysTemperature 3 } sysMainBoardAlertTemper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Get or set current system environment main board alarm temperature default is 65 ¡ãC" ::= { sysTemperature 4 } sysAlertTrapInt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send alert trap time interval when system temperature is always more than alert temperature, unit is second,default is 60 s" ::= { sysTemperature 5 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sysNFI OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iosObjects 200 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sysRtrGbl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNFI 1 } sysRtrCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR global switch enable--enable RTR module disable--no RTR module" ::= { sysRtrGbl 1 } sysRtrResponder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rtr Responder TRUE--Rtr Responder False--no Rtr Responder on valid in jitter entity now" ::= { sysRtrGbl 2 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sysRtrEntityMgt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNFI 2 } sysRtrEntityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysRtrEntityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rtr entity table,config or view information about Rtr entity" ::= { sysRtrEntityMgt 100 } sysRtrEntityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SysRtrEntityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rtr entity,config or view information about Rtr entity" INDEX { rtrEntityId } ::= { sysRtrEntityTable 1 } SysRtrEntityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rtrEntityId INTEGER, rtrEntityName DisplayString, rtrEntityType INTEGER, rtrEntityLogType INTEGER, rtrEntityLogMaxSize INTEGER, rtrEntityLogFilter INTEGER, rtrEntityThreshold INTEGER, rtrEntityRowStatus RowStatus } rtrEntityId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..2000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rtr entity Id,index" ::= { sysRtrEntityEntry 1 } rtrEntityName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr entity name,araised aumatically,read-only" ::= { sysRtrEntityEntry 2 } rtrEntityType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { icmpEcho(1), jitter(2), flowStatistics(3), udpecho(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr entity,inlcuding icmpEcho,jitter,flow statistics,udpecho" ::= { sysRtrEntityEntry 3 } rtrEntityLogType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { local(1), remote(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR entity logging type¡£ local£stored in the device file system remote£remote services" ::= { sysRtrEntityEntry 4 } rtrEntityLogMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..500) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr entity's log with max lines, if log type is local" ::= { sysRtrEntityEntry 5 } rtrEntityLogFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { all(1), error(2), overThreshold(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR entity log filter options" ::= { sysRtrEntityEntry 6 } rtrEntityThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR entity log filter threshhod,only valid with icmpEcho entity" ::= { sysRtrEntityEntry 7 } rtrEntityRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr entity row status" ::= { sysRtrEntityEntry 8 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sysRtrGroupMgt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNFI 3 } sysRtrGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysRtrGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rtr group table" ::= { sysRtrGroupMgt 100 } sysRtrGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SysRtrGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rtr group entity" INDEX { rtrGroupId } ::= { sysRtrGroupTable 1 } SysRtrGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rtrGroupId INTEGER, rtrGroupName DisplayString, rtrGroupInterval INTEGER, rtrGroupEntityMembers DisplayString, rtrGroupRowStatus RowStatus } rtrGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..2000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr group id,index" ::= { sysRtrGroupEntry 1 } rtrGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr group name,araised aumatically, read-only" ::= { sysRtrGroupEntry 2 } rtrGroupInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..10000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr group interval, seconds" ::= { sysRtrGroupEntry 3 } rtrGroupEntityMembers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR group members£¬string type£º 1£¬3£¬10-20£¬50 string length no more than 255, separated by comma,no space in the string¡£" ::= { sysRtrGroupEntry 4 } rtrGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr group table row status" ::= { sysRtrGroupEntry 5 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sysRtrScheduleMgt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNFI 4 } sysRtrScheduleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysRtrScheduleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr schedule table" ::= { sysRtrScheduleMgt 100 } sysRtrScheduleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SysRtrScheduleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr schedule table entry" INDEX { rtrScheduleId } ::= { sysRtrScheduleTable 1 } SysRtrScheduleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rtrScheduleId Unsigned32, rtrScheduleType INTEGER, rtrScheduleObjId INTEGER, rtrScheduleStartTimeFlag INTEGER, rtrScheduleAfterTime DisplayString, rtrScheduleStartTime DisplayString, rtrScheduleAgeOut Unsigned32, rtrScheduleLifeFlag INTEGER, rtrScheduleLifeTime Unsigned32, rtrScheduleRepeat Unsigned32, rtrScheduleInterval Unsigned32, rtrScheduleRowStatus RowStatus } rtrScheduleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr schedule Id,index" ::= { sysRtrScheduleEntry 1 } rtrScheduleType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { entity(1), group(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr schedule type" ::= { sysRtrScheduleEntry 2 } rtrScheduleObjId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..2000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "id of rtrschedule object which means rtr group or entity." ::= { sysRtrScheduleEntry 3 } rtrScheduleStartTimeFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { startNow(1), afterTime(2), startTime(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR schedule start time¡£ startNow£» afterTime£» startTime--start at the given time" ::= { sysRtrScheduleEntry 4 } rtrScheduleAfterTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR schedule given time¡£ type string£º HH:MM:SS valid when sysRtrScheduleFlag is afterTimeʱ." ::= { sysRtrScheduleEntry 5 } rtrScheduleStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR schedule given time¡£ type string£º HH:MM:SS,mm,dd,yyyy valid when sysRtrScheduleFlag is startTime." ::= { sysRtrScheduleEntry 6 } rtrScheduleAgeOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..2073600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr schedule ageout time in second." ::= { sysRtrScheduleEntry 7 } rtrScheduleLifeFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { forever(1), repeatAndDie(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr schedule's life forever,if config, no need to config lifetime and repeat times repeatAndDie,if config, need to config lifetime and repeat times" ::= { sysRtrScheduleEntry 8 } rtrScheduleLifeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr schedule's lieftime in second, valid only when rtrScheduleLifeFlag is repeatAndDie." ::= { sysRtrScheduleEntry 9 } rtrScheduleRepeat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr schedule's repeat times, valid only when rtrScheduleLifeFlag is repeatAndDie." ::= { sysRtrScheduleEntry 10 } rtrScheduleInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr schedule interval in second" ::= { sysRtrScheduleEntry 11 } rtrScheduleRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "rtr schedule row status" ::= { sysRtrScheduleEntry 12 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sysRtrIcmpEchoMgt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNFI 5 } sysRtrIcmpEchoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysRtrIcmpEchoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR ICMP entity table" ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoMgt 100 } sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SysRtrIcmpEchoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR ICMP entity entry" INDEX { rtrIcmpEchoEntityId } ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoTable 1 } SysRtrIcmpEchoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rtrIcmpEchoEntityId INTEGER, rtrIcmpEchoTargetIp IpAddress, rtrIcmpEchoPktNum Unsigned32, rtrIcmpEchoPktLen INTEGER, rtrIcmpEchoTimeout INTEGER, rtrIcmpEchoSchInterval Unsigned32, rtrIcmpEchoExtendFlag TruthValue, rtrIcmpEchoVrfName DisplayString, rtrIcmpEchoSourceIp IpAddress, rtrIcmpEchoTos INTEGER, rtrIcmpEchoSetDf TruthValue, rtrIcmpEchoVerifyData TruthValue, rtrIcmpEchoIsScheduling TruthValue, rtrIcmpEchoPktTotalSend Counter32, rtrIcmpEchoPktTotalRcvd Counter32, rtrIcmpEchoSuccessRate INTEGER, rtrIcmpEchoRowStatus RowStatus } rtrIcmpEchoEntityId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..2000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP entity ID,index" ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 1 } rtrIcmpEchoTargetIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMPECHO(ping) destination address" ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 2 } rtrIcmpEchoPktNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..200000000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP PING send packets number once" ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 3 } rtrIcmpEchoPktLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(36..18024) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP PING send packets size" ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 4 } rtrIcmpEchoTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..3600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP ping reply timeout in seconds." ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 5 } rtrIcmpEchoSchInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IcmpEcho interval in seconds." ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 6 } rtrIcmpEchoExtendFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP extern ping flag, have set Tos,verify data,DF,sourceIp and vrf or yet." ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 7 } rtrIcmpEchoVrfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vrfname type string, valid only rtrIcmpEchoExtendFlag is TRUE" ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 8 } rtrIcmpEchoSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP source IP address, valid only rtrIcmpEchoExtendFlag is TRUE." ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 9 } rtrIcmpEchoTos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP TOS value, valid only rtrIcmpEchoExtendFlag is TRUE." ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 10 } rtrIcmpEchoSetDf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP pakcet DF bit, valid only rtrIcmpEchoExtendFlag is TRUE" ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 11 } rtrIcmpEchoVerifyData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP verifay data flag, valid only rtrIcmpEchoExtendFlag is TRUE" ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 12 } rtrIcmpEchoIsScheduling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "whether icmpEcho entity is in scheduling" ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 13 } rtrIcmpEchoPktTotalSend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "total packets which send by the ICMP entity." ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 14 } rtrIcmpEchoPktTotalRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "total packets which receive by the ICMP entity." ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 15 } rtrIcmpEchoSuccessRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "total success rate till now" ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 16 } rtrIcmpEchoRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICMP row status" ::= { sysRtrIcmpEchoEntry 17 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sysRtrJitterMgt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNFI 6 } sysRtrJitterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysRtrJitterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR JITTER entity table" ::= { sysRtrJitterMgt 100 } sysRtrJitterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SysRtrJitterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR JITTER entity entry" INDEX { rtrJitterEntityId } ::= { sysRtrJitterTable 1 } SysRtrJitterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rtrJitterEntityId INTEGER, rtrJitterState INTEGER, rtrJitterTargetIp IpAddress, rtrJitterTargetPort Unsigned32, rtrJitterCodec INTEGER, rtrJitterPktLen INTEGER, rtrJitterPktNum INTEGER, rtrJitterPktInterval INTEGER, rtrJitterSchInterval Unsigned32, rtrJitterSourceIp IpAddress, rtrJitterSourcePort Unsigned32, rtrJitterTimeout Unsigned32, rtrJitterVrfName DisplayString, rtrJitterTos INTEGER, rtrJitterMinRtt INTEGER, rtrJitterMaxRtt INTEGER, rtrJitterPktLossSd INTEGER, rtrJitterPktLossDs INTEGER, rtrJitterDsMin INTEGER, rtrJitterDsMax INTEGER, rtrJitterSdMin INTEGER, rtrJitterSdMax INTEGER, rtrJitterDelayDsMin INTEGER, rtrJitterDelayDsMax INTEGER, rtrJitterDelaySdMin INTEGER, rtrJitterDelaySdMax INTEGER, rtrJitterIcpifMin DisplayString, rtrJitterIcpifMax DisplayString, rtrJitterMosMin DisplayString, rtrJitterMosMax DisplayString, rtrJitterRowStatus RowStatus } rtrJitterEntityId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..2000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER entity id,index" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 1 } rtrJitterState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { init(1), closed(2), request(3), transmit(4), finished(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTE entity£º1£init£¬2£close£¬ 3£send request£¬4-send packets£¬ 5£finish" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 2 } rtrJitterTargetIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER responder destination ip address" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 3 } rtrJitterTargetPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER responder destination port" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 4 } rtrJitterCodec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { g711MULAW(1), g711ALAW(2), g729A(3), userDefined(4), invalid(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER codec type,including: 1 G711MULAW,2 G711ALAW,3 G729A,4 USER_DEFINED 5 UNKOWN" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 5 } rtrJitterPktLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(16..1500) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER codec packet length, read-writable when rtrJitterCodec is USER_DEFINED else read-only type:byte." ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 6 } rtrJitterPktNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..6000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER codec packet number, read-writable when rtrJitterCodec is USER_DEFINED else read-only." ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 7 } rtrJitterPktInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(20..6000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER codec packet send interval, read-writable when rtrJitterCodec is USER_DEFINED else read-only, type:ms" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 8 } rtrJitterSchInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Jitter schedule interval, read-writable when rtrJitterCodec is USER_DEFINED else read-only, type:s" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 9 } rtrJitterSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER source IP address" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 10 } rtrJitterSourcePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER source port" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 11 } rtrJitterTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..604800000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER timeout value,type:ms, notice,the value must no less than then interval between two schedule" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 12 } rtrJitterVrfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER vrf" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 13 } rtrJitterTos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER pakcet TOS value" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 14 } rtrJitterMinRtt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER minimal round-trip-time value in ms" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 15 } rtrJitterMaxRtt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER maximal round-trip-time value in ms" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 16 } rtrJitterPktLossSd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER total lossed pakcets which send by the source " ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 17 } rtrJitterPktLossDs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER total loss pakcets which send by the target" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 18 } rtrJitterDsMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER minimal destination to source jitter in millisecond" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 19 } rtrJitterDsMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER maximal destionation to source jitter in millisecond" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 20 } rtrJitterSdMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER minimal source to destination jitter in millisecond" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 21 } rtrJitterSdMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER maximal source to destination jitter in millisecond" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 22 } rtrJitterDelayDsMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER minimal destination to source delay in millisecond" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 23 } rtrJitterDelayDsMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER maximal destination to source delay in millisecond" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 24 } rtrJitterDelaySdMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER minimal souce to destionation delay in millisecond" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 25 } rtrJitterDelaySdMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER maximal source to destination delay in millisecond" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 26 } rtrJitterIcpifMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER minimal icpif" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 27 } rtrJitterIcpifMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER maximal icpif" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 28 } rtrJitterMosMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER minimal MOS" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 29 } rtrJitterMosMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER maximal MOS" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 30 } rtrJitterRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "JITTER row status" ::= { sysRtrJitterEntry 31 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sysRtrFlowStatisticsMgt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNFI 7 } sysRtrFlowStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR flow statistics table" ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsMgt 100 } sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR flow statistics entry" INDEX { rtrFlStatisticsEntityId } ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsTable 1 } SysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rtrFlStatisticsEntityId INTEGER, rtrFlStatisticsIfName DisplayString, rtrFlStatisticsInterval INTEGER, rtrFlStaInputMaxPkts Counter64, rtrFlStaTmInputMaxPkts DisplayString, rtrFlStaInputMaxFlow Counter64, rtrFlStaTmInputMaxFlow DisplayString, rtrFlStaInputMinPkts Counter64, rtrFlStaTmInputMinPkts DisplayString, rtrFlStaInputMinFlow Counter64, rtrFlStaTmInputMinFlow DisplayString, rtrFlStaOutputMaxPkts Counter64, rtrFlStaTmOutputMaxPkts DisplayString, rtrFlStaOutputMaxFlow Counter64, rtrFlStaTmOutputMaxFlow DisplayString, rtrFlStaOutputMinPkts Counter64, rtrFlStaTmOutputMinPkts DisplayString, rtrFlStaOutputMinFlow Counter64, rtrFlStaTmOutputMinFlow DisplayString, rtrFlowStatisticsRowStatus RowStatus } rtrFlStatisticsEntityId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..2000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "flow statistics entity Id" ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 1 } rtrFlStatisticsIfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "interface name which will be statistic" ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 2 } rtrFlStatisticsInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(10..600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "monitor interval in second" ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 3 } rtrFlStaInputMaxPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "maximal pakcets received once sampling period " ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 4 } rtrFlStaTmInputMaxPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "maximal time between minimal received packets number and miximal received packets number" ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 5 } rtrFlStaInputMaxFlow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "maximal flow value received" ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 6 } rtrFlStaTmInputMaxFlow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "maximal time between minimal flow value and miximal flow vlaue" ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 7 } rtrFlStaInputMinPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "minimal pakcets received once sampling period " ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 8 } rtrFlStaTmInputMinPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "minimal time between minimal packets number and miximal packets number" ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 9 } rtrFlStaInputMinFlow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "minimal flow value received" ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 10 } rtrFlStaTmInputMinFlow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "minimal time between minimal flow value and miximal flow vlaue" ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 11 } rtrFlStaOutputMaxPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "maximal pakcets send once sampling period " ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 12 } rtrFlStaTmOutputMaxPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "maximal time between minimal send packets number and miximal send packets number" ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 13 } rtrFlStaOutputMaxFlow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "maximal flow send " ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 14 } rtrFlStaTmOutputMaxFlow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "maximal time between minimal send flow and miximal send flow " ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 15 } rtrFlStaOutputMinPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "minimal pakcets send once sampling period " ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 16 } rtrFlStaTmOutputMinPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "minimal time between minimal send packets number and miximal send packets number" ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 17 } rtrFlStaOutputMinFlow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "minimal flow send " ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 18 } rtrFlStaTmOutputMinFlow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "minimal time between minimal send flow and miximal send flow " ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 19 } rtrFlowStatisticsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "flow statistics row status" ::= { sysRtrFlowStatisticsEntry 20 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sysRtrUdpechoMgt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysNFI 8 } sysRtrUdpechoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysRtrUdpechoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR UDPECHO entity table" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoMgt 100 } sysRtrUdpechoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SysRtrUdpechoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTR UDPECHO entity entry" INDEX { rtrUdpechoEntityId } ::= { sysRtrUdpechoTable 1 } SysRtrUdpechoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rtrUdpechoEntityId INTEGER, rtrUdpechoState INTEGER, rtrUdpechoTargetIp IpAddress, rtrUdpechoTargetPort Unsigned32, rtrUdpechoPktLen INTEGER, rtrUdpechoSchInterval Unsigned32, rtrUdpechoSourceIp IpAddress, rtrUdpechoSourcePort Unsigned32, rtrUdpechoTimeout Unsigned32, rtrUdpechoVrfName DisplayString, rtrUdpechoTos INTEGER, rtrUdpechoPktLoss INTEGER, rtrUdpechoPktSucc INTEGER, rtrUdpechoDelay INTEGER, rtrUdpechoDelayMin INTEGER, rtrUdpechoDelayMax INTEGER, rtrUdpechoRowStatus RowStatus } rtrUdpechoEntityId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..2000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO entity id,index" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 1 } rtrUdpechoState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { init(1), closed(2), request(3), transmit(4), finished(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO entity£º1£init£¬2£close£¬ 3£send request£¬4-send packets£¬ 5£finish" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 2 } rtrUdpechoTargetIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO responder destination ip address" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 3 } rtrUdpechoTargetPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO responder destination port" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 4 } rtrUdpechoPktLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(4..1500) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO packet length" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 5 } rtrUdpechoSchInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO schedule interval, type:s" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 6 } rtrUdpechoSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO source IP address" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 7 } rtrUdpechoSourcePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO source port" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 8 } rtrUdpechoTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..604800000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO timeout value,type:ms, notice,the value must no less than then interval between two schedule" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 9 } rtrUdpechoVrfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO vrf" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 10 } rtrUdpechoTos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO pakcet TOS value" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 11 } rtrUdpechoPktLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO total lossed pakcets which send by the source " ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 12 } rtrUdpechoPktSucc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO total pakcets sent and received successfully" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 13 } rtrUdpechoDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO destination to source and source to destinatino delay in millisecond" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 14 } rtrUdpechoDelayMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO maximal destination to source and source to destinatino delay in millisecond" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 15 } rtrUdpechoDelayMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO maximal destination to source and source to destinatino delay in millisecond" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 16 } rtrUdpechoRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDPECHO row status" ::= { sysRtrUdpechoEntry 17 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sysIfStatistic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iosObjects 300 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sysIfPktPriStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysIfStatistic 1 } sysIfPktPriStaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysIfPktPriStaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistics of interface's flow based on the precedence of IP packet. The index of this table is priority and ifIndex" ::= { sysIfPktPriStatistics 100 } sysIfPktPriStaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SysIfPktPriStaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The statistics of interface's flow based on the precedence of IP packet. The index of this table is priority and ifIndex" INDEX { sysIfPktPriority, sysIfIndex } ::= { sysIfPktPriStaTable 1 } SysIfPktPriStaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysIfPktPriority INTEGER, sysIfIndex INTEGER, sysIfDesc DisplayString, sysIfInOctets Counter, sysIfInUcastPkts Counter, sysIfInNUcastPkts Counter, sysIfInDiscards Counter, sysIfInErrors Counter, sysIfInUnkownProtos Counter, sysIfOutOctets Counter, sysIfOutUcastPkts Counter, sysIfOutNUcastPkts Counter, sysIfOutDiscards Counter, sysIfOutErrors Counter } sysIfPktPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { priority0(1), priority1(2), priority2(3), priority3(4), priority4(5), priority5(6), priority6(7), priority7(8), other(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The precedence of IP packet, it start from 1 to 9. Numeric one represent the precedence 0, two represent 1 and so on. 9 represent the number of non-IP packet." ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 1 } sysIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of interface in the system" ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 2 } sysIfDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of interface assigned to" ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 3 } sysIfInOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface received bytes at specified precedence" ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 4 } sysIfInUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of subnetwork-unicast packets delivered to a higher-layer protocol with specified precedence." ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 5 } sysIfInNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork- broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) packets delivered to a higher-layer protocol." ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 6 } sysIfInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded" ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 7 } sysIfInErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol." ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 8 } sysIfInUnkownProtos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol." ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 9 } sysIfOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters." ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 10 } sysIfOutUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted to a subnetwork-unicast address, including those that were discarded or not sent." ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 11 } sysIfOutNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted to a non- unicast (i.e., a subnetwork-broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) address, including those that were discarded or not sent." ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 12 } sysIfOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space." ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 13 } sysIfOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors." ::= { sysIfPktPriStaEntry 14 } END