--MibName=raisecomOpticalMonitorMIB -- ***************************************************************** -- RAISECOM-OPTICAL-MONITOR-MIB.my -- -- May 2006, chenyu -- -- Copyright(c) 2003-2005 by RAISECOM TECH, Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- ***************************************************************** RAISECOM-OPTICAL-MONITOR-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Integer32, Unsigned32, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, TimeTicks FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF ifIndex FROM IF-MIB EnableVar FROM SWITCH-TC raisecomAgent FROM RAISECOM-BASE-MIB; raisecomOpticalMonitorMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200606060000Z" ORGANIZATION "Raisecom, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Raise Systems Postal: Beijing, China Tel: 86-010-82884499 E-mail: chenyu@raisecom.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module defines objects to monitor optical characteristics on the optical interfaces in a network element. " REVISION "200606060000Z" DESCRIPTION "The initial revision of this MIB." ::={ raisecomAgent 9 } -- Textual Conventions OpticalParameterType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the optical parameter that is being monitored. Valid values are - temperature(1) supplyVoltage(2) biasCurrent(3) txOutputPower(4) receivedPower(5) " SYNTAX INTEGER { temperature(1), supplyVoltage(2), biasCurrent(3), txOutputPower(4), receivedPower(5) } OpticalParameterValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the optical parameter that is being monitored. The range of values varies depending on the type of optical parameter being monitored, as identified by a corresponding object with syntax OpticalParameterType. When the optical parameter being monitored is 'temperature', the supported range is from -32768 to 32768, in units of 1/256 degrees centigrade. Example: A value of 6016 represents a temperature reading of 23.5 degrees C. When the optical parameter being monitored is 'supplyVoltage', the supported range is from 0 to 65535, in units of 1/10 millivolts. Example: A value of 55000 represents a supplyVoltage reading of 5.5 V. When the optical parameter being monitored is 'biasCurrent', the supported range is from 0 to 65535, in units of 1/500 microamperes. Example: A value of 500 represents a bias current reading of 1 microamperes. When the optical parameter being monitored is 'txOutputPower', the supported range is from 0 to 65535, in units of 1/10000 mW ..and express in units of dBm�� Example: A value of 60000 represents a txOutputPower reading of 7.78 dBm. When the optical parameter being monitored is 'receivedPower', the supported range is from 0 to 65535, in units of 1/10000 mW ..and express in units of dBm�� Example: A value of 60000 represents a receivedPower reading of 7.78 dBm. " SYNTAX Integer32 (-1000000..65535 ) OpticalPMPeriod ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the time period over which performance monitoring data has been collected." SYNTAX INTEGER { fifteenMin(1), twentyFourHour(2) } -- MIB Object Definitions raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {raisecomOpticalMonitorMIB 1 } -- groups in this MIB module raisecomOpticalMonGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBObjects 1 } raisecomOpticalPMGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBObjects 2 } -- raisecomTranceiverInfoTable raisecomTranceiverInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RaisecomTranceiverInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trancetver information Table." ::= { raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBObjects 4 } raisecomTranceiverInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RaisecomTranceiverInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the raisecomSfpAccessA0Table." INDEX { ifIndex } ::={ raisecomTranceiverInfoTable 1 } RaisecomTranceiverInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { raisecomTranceiverType OCTET STRING, raisecomTranceiverConnectorType OCTET STRING, raisecomTranceiverWavelength Integer32, raisecomTranceiverVendorName OCTET STRING, raisecomTranceiverVendorPN OCTET STRING, raisecomTranceiverVendorSN OCTET STRING, raisecomTransceiverFiberType INTEGER, raisecomTransceiverTransferDistance Integer32 } raisecomTranceiverType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the interface, such as 1000_BASE_SX_SFP" ::= { raisecomTranceiverInfoEntry 1 } raisecomTranceiverConnectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ConnectorType of the interface, such as SC/LC" ::= { raisecomTranceiverInfoEntry 2 } raisecomTranceiverWavelength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Wavelength of the interface, measured in nm." ::= { raisecomTranceiverInfoEntry 3 } raisecomTranceiverVendorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vendor name of the interface." ::= { raisecomTranceiverInfoEntry 4 } raisecomTranceiverVendorPN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vendor part number of the interface." ::= { raisecomTranceiverInfoEntry 5 } raisecomTranceiverVendorSN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vendor serial number of the interface." ::= { raisecomTranceiverInfoEntry 6 } raisecomTransceiverFiberType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { single-mode(1), multi-mode(2), none(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Types of the fiber, single_mode, multi_mode, none." ::= { raisecomTranceiverInfoEntry 7 } raisecomTransceiverTransferDistance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The max distance which the interface could transmit, measured in meter." ::= { raisecomTranceiverInfoEntry 8 } -- raisecomOpticalMonTable raisecomOpticalMonTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RaisecomOpticalMonEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides objects to monitor optical parameters in a network element. " ::={ raisecomOpticalMonGroup 1 } raisecomOpticalMonEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RaisecomOpticalMonEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the raisecomOpticalMonTable provides objects to monitor an optical parameter at an optical interface. " INDEX { ifIndex, raisecomOpticalMonParameterType } ::={ raisecomOpticalMonTable 1 } RaisecomOpticalMonEntry ::= SEQUENCE { raisecomOpticalMonParameterType OpticalParameterType, raisecomOpticalParameterValue OpticalParameterValue, raisecomOpticalParamHighAlarmThresh OpticalParameterValue, raisecomOpticalParamHighWarningThresh OpticalParameterValue, raisecomOpticalParamLowAlarmThresh OpticalParameterValue, raisecomOpticalParamLowWarningThresh OpticalParameterValue, raisecomOpticalParamAlarmStatus INTEGER, raisecomOpticalParamAlarmLastValue OpticalParameterValue, raisecomOpticalParamAlarmLastChange TimeTicks, raisecomOpticalMon15MinValidIntervals Unsigned32, raisecomOpticalMon24HrValidIntervals Unsigned32, raisecomOpticalMonValidStatus INTEGER } raisecomOpticalMonParameterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the optical parameter that is being monitored in this entry." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonEntry 1 } raisecomOpticalParameterValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the value measured for the particular optical parameter specified by the raisecomOpticalMonParameterType object." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonEntry 2 } raisecomOpticalParamHighAlarmThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the high alarm threshold on the optical parameter being monitored. An alarm condition will be raised if the value given by raisecomOpticalParameterValue goes from below the value of this object to above the value of this object, or if the initial value of raisecomOpticalParameterValue exceeds the value of this object. This alarm will be indicated in the raisecomOpticalParamAlarmStatus object." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonEntry 3 } raisecomOpticalParamHighWarningThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set a high warning threshold on the optical parameter being monitored. A threshold crossing condition will be indicated if the value given by raisecomOpticalParameterValue goes from below the value of this object to above the value of this object, or if the initial value of raisecomOpticalParameterValue exceeds the value of this object. This alarm will be indicated in the raisecomOpticalParamAlarmStatus object. " ::={ raisecomOpticalMonEntry 4 } raisecomOpticalParamLowAlarmThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set a low alarm threshold on the optical parameter being monitored. An alarm condition will be raised if the value given by raisecomOpticalParameterValue goes from above the value of this object to below the value of this object, or if the initial value of raisecomOpticalParameterValue is lower than the value of this object. This alarm will be indicated in the raisecomOpticalParamAlarmStatus object .." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonEntry 5 } raisecomOpticalParamLowWarningThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set a low warning threshold on the optical parameter being monitored. A threshold crossing condition will be indicated if the value given by raisecomOpticalParameterValue goes from above the value of this object to below the value of this object, or if the initial value of raisecomOpticalParameterValue object is lower than the value of this object. For network elements in the status indications, this threshold violation will be indicated in the raisecomOpticalParamAlarmStatus object ." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonEntry 6 } raisecomOpticalParamAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), high-alarm-threshold(1), high-warning-threshold(2), low-alarm-threshold(3), low-warning-threshold(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to indicate the current status of the thresholds for the monitored optical parameter on the interface. If a threshold is currently being exceeded on the interface, the object will be set. Otherwise, the object will be set to 0." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonEntry 7 } raisecomOpticalParamAlarmLastValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the optical parameter value at the last time a threshold related to a particular optical parameter was exceeded on the interface. If no threshold value is currently being exceeded, then the value '-1000000' is returned." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonEntry 8 } raisecomOpticalParamAlarmLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the value of sysUpTime at the last time a threshold related to a particular optical parameter was exceeded on the interface." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonEntry 9 } raisecomOpticalMon15MinValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..96) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the number of previous 15 minute intervals for which valid performance monitoring data has been stored on the interface. The value of this object will be n (where n is the maximum number of 15 minute intervals supported at this interface), unless the measurement was (re-)started within the last (nx15) minutes, in which case the value will be the number of previous 15 minute intervals for which the agent has some data." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonEntry 10 } raisecomOpticalMon24HrValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the number of previous 24 hour intervals for which valid performance monitoring data has been stored on the interface. The value of this object will be 0 if the measurement was (re-)started within the last 24 hours, or 1 otherwise." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonEntry 11 } raisecomOpticalMonValidStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { valid(1), invalid(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the parameter row is valid or not." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonEntry 12 } -- Notification related objects raisecomOpticalNotifyEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableVar MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the generation of raisecomOpticalMonParameterStatus notifications. " DEFVAL { enable} ::={ raisecomOpticalMonGroup 2 } raisecomOpticalDigitalDiagnoticEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableVar MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable digitaldiagnotic on the switch." DEFVAL { disable} ::={ raisecomOpticalMonGroup 3 } -- raisecomOpticalPMCurrent Table raisecomOpticalPMCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RaisecomOpticalPMCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains performance monitoring data for the various optical parameters, collected over the current 15 minute or the current 24 hour interval." ::={ raisecomOpticalPMGroup 1 } raisecomOpticalPMCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RaisecomOpticalPMCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the raisecomOpticalPMCurrentTable. It contains performance monitoring data for a monitored optical parameter at an interface, collected over the current 15 minute or the current 24 hour interval. " INDEX { ifIndex, raisecomOpticalPMCurrentPeriod, raisecomOpticalPMCurrentParamType } ::={ raisecomOpticalPMCurrentTable 1 } RaisecomOpticalPMCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { raisecomOpticalPMCurrentPeriod OpticalPMPeriod, raisecomOpticalPMCurrentParamType OpticalParameterType, raisecomOpticalPMCurrentMaxParam OpticalParameterValue, raisecomOpticalPMCurrentMinParam OpticalParameterValue, raisecomOpticalPMCurrentMeanParam OpticalParameterValue } raisecomOpticalPMCurrentPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalPMPeriod MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the optical parameter values given in this entry are collected over the current 15 minute or the current 24 hour interval." ::={ raisecomOpticalPMCurrentEntry 1 } raisecomOpticalPMCurrentParamType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the optical parameter that is being monitored, in this entry." ::={ raisecomOpticalPMCurrentEntry 2 } raisecomOpticalPMCurrentMaxParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the maximum value measured for the monitored optical parameter, in the current 15 minute or the current 24 hour interval." ::={ raisecomOpticalPMCurrentEntry 3 } raisecomOpticalPMCurrentMinParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the minimum value measured for the monitored optical parameter, in the current 15 minute or the current 24 hour interval." ::={ raisecomOpticalPMCurrentEntry 4 } raisecomOpticalPMCurrentMeanParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the average value of the monitored optical parameter, in the current 15 minute or the current 24 hour interval." ::={ raisecomOpticalPMCurrentEntry 5 } -- raisecomOpticalPMInterval Table raisecomOpticalPMIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RaisecomOpticalPMIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table stores performance monitoring data for the various optical parameters, collected over previous intervals. This table can have entries for one complete 24 hour interval and up to 96 complete 15 minute intervals. A system is required to store at least 4 completed 15 minute intervals. The number of valid 15 minute intervals in this table is indicated by the cOpticalMon15MinValidIntervals object and the number of valid 24 hour intervals is indicated by the cOpticalMon24HrValidIntervals object." ::={ raisecomOpticalPMGroup 2 } raisecomOpticalPMIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RaisecomOpticalPMIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the raisecomOpticalPMIntervalTable. It contains performance monitoring data for an optical parameter, collected over a previous interval. " INDEX { ifIndex, raisecomOpticalPMIntervalPeriod, raisecomOpticalPMIntervalNumber, raisecomOpticalPMIntervalParamType } ::={ raisecomOpticalPMIntervalTable 1 } RaisecomOpticalPMIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { raisecomOpticalPMIntervalPeriod OpticalPMPeriod, raisecomOpticalPMIntervalNumber Integer32, raisecomOpticalPMIntervalParamType OpticalParameterType, raisecomOpticalPMIntervalMaxParam OpticalParameterValue, raisecomOpticalPMIntervalMinParam OpticalParameterValue, raisecomOpticalPMIntervalMeanParam OpticalParameterValue } raisecomOpticalPMIntervalPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalPMPeriod MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the optical parameter values, given in this entry, are collected over a period of 15 minutes or 24 hours." ::={ raisecomOpticalPMIntervalEntry 1 } raisecomOpticalPMIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..96) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A number between 1 and 96, which identifies the interval for which the set of optical parameter values is available. The interval identified by 1 is the most recently completed 15 minute or 24 hour interval, and the interval identified by N is the interval immediately preceding the one identified by N-1." ::={ raisecomOpticalPMIntervalEntry 2 } raisecomOpticalPMIntervalParamType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the optical parameter that is being monitored, in this entry." ::={ raisecomOpticalPMIntervalEntry 3 } raisecomOpticalPMIntervalMaxParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the maximum value measured for the optical parameter, in a particular 15 minute or 24 hour interval." ::={ raisecomOpticalPMIntervalEntry 4 } raisecomOpticalPMIntervalMinParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the minimum value measured for the optical parameter, in a particular 15 minute or 24 hour interval." ::={ raisecomOpticalPMIntervalEntry 5 } raisecomOpticalPMIntervalMeanParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the average value of the measured optical parameter, in a particular 15 minute or 24 hour interval." ::={ raisecomOpticalPMIntervalEntry 6 } -- Notifications raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { raisecomOpticalMonitorMIB 2 } raisecomOpticalMonParameterStatus NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { raisecomOpticalParameterValue, raisecomOpticalParamAlarmStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when any threshold related to an optical parameter is exceeded on an interface. This notification may be suppressed under the following conditions: - depending on the value of the raisecomOpticalNotifyEnable object. " ::={ raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBNotifications 1 } -- MIB Conformance Statements raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { raisecomOpticalMonitorMIB 3 } raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBConformance 1 } raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBConformance 2 } raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for network elements that monitor optical characteristics and thresholds on the optical interfaces in a network element." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { raisecomOpticalMIBMonGroup } GROUP raisecomOpticalMIBThresholdGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required for network elements that support thresholds on optical parameters." GROUP raisecomOpticalMIBPMGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required for network elements that support collection of optical performance monitoring data for 15 minute or 24 hour intervals." GROUP raisecomOpticalMIBNotifyEnableGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required for network elements that support the cOpticalMIBNotifGroup." GROUP raisecomOpticalMIBNotifGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required for network elements that generate notifications when a threshold is exceeded or cleared on an interface." OBJECT raisecomOpticalParamHighAlarmThresh MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT raisecomOpticalParamHighWarningThresh MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT raisecomOpticalParamLowAlarmThresh MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT raisecomOpticalParamLowWarningThresh MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT raisecomOpticalParamHighAlarmSev MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT raisecomOpticalParamHighWarningSev MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT raisecomOpticalParamLowAlarmSev MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT raisecomOpticalParamLowWarningSev MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBCompliances 1 } -- Units of Conformance raisecomOpticalMIBMonGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { raisecomOpticalParameterValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mandatory object that provides monitoring of optical characteristics." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 1 } raisecomOpticalMIBThresholdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { raisecomOpticalParamHighAlarmThresh, raisecomOpticalParamHighWarningThresh, raisecomOpticalParamLowAlarmThresh, raisecomOpticalParamLowWarningThresh, raisecomOpticalParamAlarmStatus, raisecomOpticalParamAlarmLastValue, raisecomOpticalParamAlarmLastChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that support thresholds on optical parameters and provide status information when the thresholds are exceeded ." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 2 } raisecomOpticalMIBPMGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { raisecomOpticalMon15MinValidIntervals, raisecomOpticalMon24HrValidIntervals, raisecomOpticalPMCurrentMaxParam, raisecomOpticalPMCurrentMinParam, raisecomOpticalPMCurrentMeanParam, raisecomOpticalPMIntervalMaxParam, raisecomOpticalPMIntervalMinParam, raisecomOpticalPMIntervalMeanParam } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that provide optical performance monitoring data for 15 minute and 24 hour intervals." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 3 } raisecomOpticalMIBNotifyEnableGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { raisecomOpticalNotifyEnable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An object to control the generation of notifications." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 4 } raisecomOpticalMIBNotifGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { raisecomOpticalMonParameterStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when a threshold on an optical parameter is exceeded or cleared." ::={ raisecomOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 5 } END