APRISAXE-TC-4RF DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- -- File: $Id: 4RF-APRISAXE-TC.txt,v 1.111 2007/08/01 04:52:02 ma Exp $ -- -- Copyright: 2004 4RF COMMUNICATIONS LTD -- -- Description: -- Textual Conventions for AprisaXE project. -- -- Versions: -- -- Release 3 -- Added support for 4-wire cards and configurable cross-connections -- -- Notes: -- None -- IMPORTS -- Standard imports MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, OBJECT-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- 4RF Specific imports fourRFModules FROM MIB-4RF; -- Module Identification fourRFAprisaXETCModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200704300000Z" ORGANIZATION "www.4rf.com" CONTACT-INFO "postal: 4RF Communications Ltd 26 Glover Street Ngauranga PO Box 13-506 Wellington 6032 New Zealand phone: +64 4 499 6000 email: support@4rf.com" DESCRIPTION "Textual Conventions for the AprisaXE project" -- Revision history -- (in reverse chronological order) REVISION "200704300000Z" DESCRIPTION "Second draft" REVISION "200412030152Z" DESCRIPTION "First draft" ::= { fourRFModules 6 } AprisaXESlotNumber ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents a slot number in the AprisaXE, the slots include the modem, transmitter and receiver as well as the MUX cards. H/W Slot Card Slot Name 0 Aux/Modem Aux 1 MUX Card H 2 MUX Card G 3 MUX Card F 4 MUX Card E 5 MUX Card D 6 MUX Card C 7 MUX Card B 8 MUX Card A 9 Transmitter Transmitter 10 Receiver Receiver Slots may or may not be populated." SYNTAX INTEGER { rxSlot (0), txSlot (1), -- MUX card slots slotA (2), slotB (3), slotC (4), slotD (5), slotE (6), slotF (7), slotG (8), slotH (9), -- Modem auxSlot (10), noSlot (255) } AprisaXEHardwareVersion ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents a single byte hardware version number." SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..255 ) AprisaXECardType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to identify the type of MUX card in a slot. The values for the enumerations match the hardware type values returned from the MUX card FPGAs and EEPROMs." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), -- No card present motherboard ('E0'h), transmitterCard ('E3'h), receiverCard ('E4'h), quadJETCard ('E5'h), quadFourWireCard ('E7'h), dualFXOCard ('E8'h), dualFXSCard ('E9'h), modemCard ('EA'h), quadV24Card ('EB'h), hssCard ('EC'h), pscCard ('ED'h), picCard ('EE'h), dualJETCard ('D5'h), singleJETCard ('C5'h) } AprisaXEAlarmSource ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to identify the source of an alarm." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), -- Card level alarms modem (1), transmitter (2), receiver (3), quadJET (4), quadFourWire (5), dualFxo (6), dualFxs (7), quadV24 (8), highSpeedSync (9), psc (10), pic (11), dualJET (12), singleJET (13), -- External alarms external1 (50), external2 (51), -- Remote alarms remote (60), -- User specified user1 (70), user2 (71), -- System level alarms, e.g. card mismatch, s/w upgrade system (100), swUpgrade (101) } AprisaXEPortNumber ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to identify a port e.g. reporting an alarm. Not all alarms are associated with a port, in these cases noPort will be used." SYNTAX INTEGER { noPort (0), -- We have up to four ports per MUX card portOne (1), portTwo (2), portThree (3), portFour (4) } AprisaXEAlarmOutput ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to map alarm to external outputs." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), -- Map to external outputs externalOutput1 (1), externalOutput2 (2), externalOutput3 (3), externalOutput4 (4) } AprisaXEAlarmMapping ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to map alarm to external outputs." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), localMajor (1), localMinor (2), remoteMajor (3), remoteMinor (4), remoteInput1 (5), remoteInput2 (6) } AprisaXEAlarmPolarity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to indicate the polarity indicating an alarm present on the external outputs." SYNTAX INTEGER { polarityLow (0), polarityHigh (1) } AprisaXEAdcVoltage ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-3" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A voltage read from an ADC, in millivolts." SYNTAX Integer32 AprisaXEDbValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-1" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value displayed in dB's." SYNTAX Integer32 AprisaXEIQData ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "2x:" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A sequence of IQ data pairs, each individual value is 16 bit thus a single IQ pair is 32 bits." SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (0..200) ) AprisaXEAlarmType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of an alarm." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), -- Transmitter Alarms txADCChZeroHi (1), -- ADC zero high threshold has been passed txADCChZeroLo (2), -- ADC zero low threshold has been passed txADCChOneHi (3), -- ADC one high threshold has been passed txADCChOneLo (4), -- ADC one low threshold has been passed txADCChTwoHi (5), -- ADC two high threshold has been passed txADCChTwoLo (6), -- ADC two low threshold has been passed txADCChThreeHi (7), -- ADC three high threshold has been passed txADCChThreeLo (8), -- ADC three low threshold has been passed txADCChFourHi (9), -- ADC four high threshold has been passed txADCChFourLo (10), -- ADC four low threshold has been passed txADCChFiveHi (11), -- ADC five high threshold has been passed txADCChFiveLo (12), -- ADC five low threshold has been passed txADCChSixHi (13), -- ADC six high threshold has been passed txADCChSixLo (14), -- ADC six low threshold has been passed txADCChSevenHi (15), -- ADC seven high threshold has been passed txADCChSevenLo (16), -- ADC seven low threshold has been passed txADCChEightHi (17), -- ADC eight high threshold has been passed txADCChEightLo (18), -- ADC eight low threshold has been passed txADCChNineHi (19), -- ADC nine high threshold has been passed txADCCNineLo (20), -- ADC nine low threshold has been passed txADCChTenHi (21), -- ADC ten high threshold has been passed txADCChTenLo (22), -- ADC ten low threshold has been passed txADCChElevenHi (23), -- ADC eleven high threshold has been passed txADCChElevenLo (24), -- ADC eleven low threshold has been passed txSynthLD (25), -- Synth is not locked tx5VFail (26), -- 5V supply has failed tx11VFail (27), -- 11V supply is off/has failed tx28VFail (28), -- 28V supply has failed txEEFail (29), -- EEPROM contents are corrupt txTSensorFail (30), -- Temperature sensor has failed txReturnLoss (31), -- Return loss is too high txAmplifierBalance (32), -- One side of amplifier has failed txMibFail (33), -- MIB is are corrupt in EEPROM -- Receiver Alarms rxADCChZeroHi (50), -- ADC zero high threshold has been passed rxADCChZeroLo (51), -- ADC zero low threshold has been passed rxADCChOneHi (52), -- ADC one high threshold has been passed rxADCChOneLo (53), -- ADC one low threshold has been passed rxADCChTwoHi (54), -- ADC two high threshold has been passed rxADCChTwoLo (55), -- ADC two low threshold has been passed rxADCChThreeHi (56), -- ADC three high threshold has been passed rxADCChThreeLo (57), -- ADC three low threshold has been passed rxADCChFourHi (58), -- ADC four high threshold has been passed rxADCChFourLo (59), -- ADC four low threshold has been passed rxADCChFiveHi (60), -- ADC five high threshold has been passed rxADCChFiveLo (61), -- ADC five low threshold has been passed rxADCChSixHi (62), -- ADC six high threshold has been passed rxADCChSixLo (63), -- ADC six low threshold has been passed rxADCChSevenHi (64), -- ADC seven high threshold has been passed rxADCChSevenLo (65), -- ADC seven low threshold has been passed rxADCChEightHi (66), -- ADC eight high threshold has been passed rxADCChEightLo (67), -- ADC eight low threshold has been passed rxADCChNineHi (68), -- ADC nine high threshold has been passed rxADCCNineLo (69), -- ADC nine low threshold has been passed rxADCChTenHi (70), -- ADC ten high threshold has been passed rxADCChTenLo (71), -- ADC ten low threshold has been passed rxRSSIHi (72), rxRSSILo (73), rx12VFail (74), rxSynthLD (75), rxEEFail (76), rxOff (77), rxMibFail (78), -- MIB is are corrupt in EEPROM --Modem Alarms mdLOS (100), mdLink (101), mdStatus (102), mdDemodAlignmentLost (103), mdTdmAlignmentLost (104), mdRefAFail (105), mdRefBFail (106), mdClkSyncFail (107), mdNetClkConfig (108), mdUCEPresent (109), mdInitFail (110), mdEEFail (120), --General Mux alarms muxId (150), muxInit (151), muxStat (152), muxClk (153), muxMibEEFail (154), muxCharEEFail (155), --E1/T1 Mux Alarms e1LOF (200), -- Loss of frame e1AIS (201), e1RAI (202), e1RMAI (203), e1TS16AIS (204), e1TS16LOS (205), e1LOS (206), e1CRC4 (207), t1LOF (220), -- Loss of frame t1AIS (221), t1RAI (222), t1LOS (226), t1CRC6 (227), --motherboard alarms mbHwHsc (250), -- Unsupported hardware version was detected mbFan1Fail (251), -- Fan 1 has failed mbFan2Fail (252), -- Fan 2 has failed mbInvalidConfig (253), mbCardMismatch (254), -- Expected and actual installed MUX card mismatch mbEEFail (255), -- General EEPROM configuration problem --cross connect alarms ccDataFail (300), -- Cross-connection data is invalid ccNoBandwidth (301), -- Insufficient bandwidth for specified cross-connects --mhsb alarms mhsbSwitchToStandby (325), -- External alarms externalAlarm1 (350), -- External Input alarm 1 is present externalAlarm2 (351), -- External Input alarm 2 is present externalOutputAlarm1 (352), -- An alarm is active on External Output 1 externalOutputAlarm2 (353), -- An alarm is active on External Output 2 externalOutputAlarm3 (354), -- An alarm is active on External Output 3 externalOutputAlarm4 (355), -- An alarm is active on External Output 4 -- Remote Alarms remoteMajorAlarm (400), -- A major alarm is present on the remote terminal remoteMinorAlarm (401), -- A minor alarm is present on the remote terminal --FXO alarms fxoCodecOvld (402), fxoBillToneOvld (403), fxoUnplug (404), fxoCurrentOvld (405), --FXS ALARMS fxsCalibError (406), fxsDCDCError (407), fxsCASLock (408), -- HSS Alarms hssTdmLock (500), hss32MhzReset (501), hssTdmReset (502), hssLoss (503), hssRxFifoFull (504), hssRxFifoEmpty (505), hssTxFifoFull (506), hssTxFifoEmpty (507), hssRxClockInvalid (508), hssTxClockInvalid (509), -- V24 Alarms v24CtrlLineLoss (525), --Generic Alarms altImageTableUsed (550), defaultImageTableUsed (551), uploadFail (552), -- PSC Alarms pscDemuxAlignmentLost (575), pscTDMAlignmentLost (576), pscMuxAlignmentError (577), pscCompanionTxFail (578), pscSoftwareOverride (579), pscInvalidSwitchValue (580), -- HSD Alarms hsdParamMismatch (600), hsdCompanionLost (601), hsdPMTxFreq (602), hsdPMRxFreq (603), hsdPMTermModState (604), hsdPMTermRfChWidth (605), hsdPMTxPower (606), hsdPMModemIntlvEna (607), -- Used to check alarm ranges lastAlarm (608) } AprisaXEChannelControlType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to set the control the channels, enabling and disabling E1/T1 ports." SYNTAX INTEGER { off (0), on (1) } AprisaXETdmPortType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to set the port out to the TDM bus." SYNTAX INTEGER { tdmAo (0), tdmBo (1), tdmCo (2), tdmDo (3), tdmAi (4), tdmBi (5), tdmCi (6), tdmDi (7) } AprisaXETdmBus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to set the TDM bus to use." SYNTAX INTEGER { tdmBusA (0), tdmBusB (1), tdmBusC (2), tdmBusD (3) } AprisaXEQuadJetTrafficType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to set the traffic rate for the Quad JET card." SYNTAX INTEGER { e1Traffic (0), t1Traffic (1), j1Traffic (2) } AprisaXEQuadJetLineEncoding ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to set the line encoding for the Quad JET card the default is HDB3 for E1 and B8ZS for T1." SYNTAX INTEGER { defaultLineEncoding (0), hDB3LineEncoding (2), b8ZSLineEncoding (4), amiLineEncoding (1) } AprisaXEQuadJetWaveFormShapers ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to set the T1 Tx Waveform Shaper for a port; The default value is 0~133 ft." SYNTAX INTEGER { wfs0To133Ft (2), wfs133To266Ft (3), wfs266To399Ft (4), wfs399To533Ft (5), wfs533To655Ft (6) } AprisaXEQuadJetMultiframeEnable ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to enable/disable support for transport of T1 SF and ESF multiframe sync for a port." SYNTAX INTEGER { t1MFOff (0), t1MFOn (1) } AprisaXEDataStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the state of receiver, transmitter or MUX card MIB orcharacterisation data." SYNTAX INTEGER { invalid (0), valid (1) } AprisaXEAdpcmCompression ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This defines the Compression available on ADPCM." SYNTAX INTEGER { kbits16 (0), kbits24 (1), kbits32 (2), kbits64 (3), kbits0 (4) } AprisaXESignalState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the state of CAS signalling." SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (0), invert (1) } AprisaXEPcmLaw ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of PCM encoding available." SYNTAX INTEGER { alaw (0), ulaw (1) } AprisaXE4WRxGain ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The gain in half dB steps for 4wire mux cards." SYNTAX INTEGER { dbpos40 (0), dbpos35 (1), dbpos30 (2), dbpos25 (3), dbpos20 (4), dbpos15 (5), dbpos10 (6), dbpos05 (7), dbpos0 (8), dbneg05 (9), dbneg10 (10), dbneg15 (11), dbneg20 (12), dbneg25 (13), dbneg30 (14), dbneg35 (15), dbneg40 (16), dbneg45 (17), dbneg50 (18), dbneg55 (19), dbneg60 (20), dbneg65 (21), dbneg70 (22), dbneg75 (23), dbneg80 (24), dbneg85 (25), dbneg90 (26), dbneg95 (27), dbneg100 (28), dbneg105 (29), dbneg110 (30), dbneg115 (31), dbneg120 (32), dbneg125 (33), dbneg130 (34), dbneg135 (35), dbneg140 (36) } AprisaXE4WTxGain ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The gain in half dB steps for 4wire mux cards." SYNTAX INTEGER { pos140 (0), pos135 (1), pos130 (2), pos125 (3), pos120 (4), pos115 (5), pos110 (6), pos105 (7), pos100 (8), pos95 (9), pos90 (10), pos85 (11), pos80 (12), pos75 (13), pos70 (14), pos65 (15), pos60 (16), pos55 (17), pos50 (18), pos45 (19), pos40 (20), pos35 (21), pos30 (22), pos25 (23), pos20 (24), pos15 (25), pos10 (26), pos05 (27), pos0 (28), neg05 (29), neg10 (30), neg15 (31), neg20 (32), neg25 (33), neg30 (34), neg35 (35), neg40 (36) } AprisaXE4WInputLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The input (A->D) level in half dB steps for the 4wire mux cards." SYNTAX INTEGER { q4emadpos40 (36), q4emadpos35 (35), q4emadpos30 (34), q4emadpos25 (33), q4emadpos20 (32), q4emadpos15 (31), q4emadpos10 (30), q4emadpos05 (29), q4emadpos0 (28), q4emadneg05 (27), q4emadneg10 (26), q4emadneg15 (25), q4emadneg20 (24), q4emadneg25 (23), q4emadneg30 (22), q4emadneg35 (21), q4emadneg40 (20), q4emadneg45 (19), q4emadneg50 (18), q4emadneg55 (17), q4emadneg60 (16), q4emadneg65 (15), q4emadneg70 (14), q4emadneg75 (13), q4emadneg80 (12), q4emadneg85 (11), q4emadneg90 (10), q4emadneg95 (9), q4emadneg100 (8), q4emadneg105 (7), q4emadneg110 (6), q4emadneg115 (5), q4emadneg120 (4), q4emadneg125 (3), q4emadneg130 (2), q4emadneg135 (1), q4emadneg140 (0) } AprisaXE4WOutputLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The output (D->A) level in half dB steps for the 4wire mux cards." SYNTAX INTEGER { q4emdapos40 (0), q4emdapos35 (1), q4emdapos30 (2), q4emdapos25 (3), q4emdapos20 (4), q4emdapos15 (5), q4emdapos10 (6), q4emdapos05 (7), q4emdapos0 (8), q4emdaneg05 (9), q4emdaneg10 (10), q4emdaneg15 (11), q4emdaneg20 (12), q4emdaneg25 (13), q4emdaneg30 (14), q4emdaneg35 (15), q4emdaneg40 (16), q4emdaneg45 (17), q4emdaneg50 (18), q4emdaneg55 (19), q4emdaneg60 (20), q4emdaneg65 (21), q4emdaneg70 (22), q4emdaneg75 (23), q4emdaneg80 (24), q4emdaneg85 (25), q4emdaneg90 (26), q4emdaneg95 (27), q4emdaneg100 (28), q4emdaneg105 (29), q4emdaneg110 (30), q4emdaneg115 (31), q4emdaneg120 (32), q4emdaneg125 (33), q4emdaneg130 (34), q4emdaneg135 (35), q4emdaneg140 (36) } AprisaXEFXSInputLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The output (A->D) level in half dB steps for the DFXS mux cards." SYNTAX INTEGER { -- dfxsadpos30 (25), -- dfxsadpos25 (24), dfxsadpos20 (23), dfxsadpos15 (22), dfxsadpos10 (21), dfxsadpos05 (20), dfxsadpos0 (19), dfxsadneg05 (18), dfxsadneg10 (17), dfxsadneg15 (16), dfxsadneg20 (15), dfxsadneg25 (14), dfxsadneg30 (13), dfxsadneg35 (12), dfxsadneg40 (11), dfxsadneg45 (10), dfxsadneg50 (9), dfxsadneg55 (8), dfxsadneg60 (7), dfxsadneg65 (6), dfxsadneg70 (5), dfxsadneg75 (4), dfxsadneg80 (3), dfxsadneg85 (2), dfxsadneg90 (1) } AprisaXEFXSOutputLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The output (D->A) level in half dB steps for the DFXS mux cards." SYNTAX INTEGER { dfxsdapos25 (1), dfxsdapos20 (2), dfxsdapos15 (3), dfxsdapos10 (4), dfxsdapos05 (5), dfxsdapos0 (6), dfxsdaneg05 (7), dfxsdaneg10 (8), dfxsdaneg15 (9), dfxsdaneg20 (10), dfxsdaneg25 (11), dfxsdaneg30 (12), dfxsdaneg35 (13), dfxsdaneg40 (14), dfxsdaneg45 (15), dfxsdaneg50 (16), dfxsdaneg55 (17), dfxsdaneg60 (18), dfxsdaneg65 (19), dfxsdaneg70 (20), dfxsdaneg75 (21), dfxsdaneg80 (22), dfxsdaneg85 (23), dfxsdaneg90 (24), dfxsdaneg95 (25) } AprisaXEFXOInputLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The output (A->D) level in half dB steps for the DFXO mux cards." SYNTAX INTEGER { dfxoadpos10 (22), dfxoadpos05 (21), dfxoadpos0 (20), dfxoadneg05 (19), dfxoadneg10 (18), dfxoadneg15 (17), dfxoadneg20 (16), dfxoadneg25 (15), dfxoadneg30 (14), dfxoadneg35 (13), dfxoadneg40 (12), dfxoadneg45 (11), dfxoadneg50 (10), dfxoadneg55 (9), dfxoadneg60 (8), dfxoadneg65 (7), dfxoadneg70 (6), dfxoadneg75 (5), dfxoadneg80 (4), dfxoadneg85 (3), dfxoadneg90 (2), dfxoadneg95 (1), dfxoadneg100 (0) } AprisaXEFXOOutputLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The output (D->A) level in half dB steps for the DFXO mux cards." SYNTAX INTEGER { dfxodapos10 (18), dfxodapos05 (19), dfxodapos0 (20), dfxodaneg05 (21), dfxodaneg10 (22), dfxodaneg15 (23), dfxodaneg20 (24), dfxodaneg25 (25), dfxodaneg30 (26), dfxodaneg35 (27), dfxodaneg40 (28), dfxodaneg45 (29), dfxodaneg50 (30), dfxodaneg55 (31), dfxodaneg60 (32), dfxodaneg65 (33), dfxodaneg70 (34), dfxodaneg75 (35), dfxodaneg80 (36), dfxodaneg85 (37), dfxodaneg90 (38), dfxodaneg95 (39), dfxodaneg100 (40) } AprisaXEFXOCountry ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The country code for FXO mux cards this will need to be completed later." SYNTAX INTEGER { argentina (0), australia (1), austria (2), bahrain (3), belgium (4), brazil (5), bulgaria (6), canada (7), chile (8), china (9), columbia (10), croatia (11), cyprus (12), czechrep (13), denmark (14), ecuador (15), egypt (16), elslavador (17), finland (18), france (19), germany (20), greece (21), guam (22), hongkong (23), hungary (24), iceland (25), india (26), indonesia (27), ireland (28), israel (29), italy (30), japan (31), jordan (32), kazakhstan (33), kuwait (34), latvia (35), lebanon (36), luxembourg (37), macao (38), malaysia (39), malta (40), mexico (41), morocco (42), netherlands (43), newzealand (44), nigeria (45), norway (46), oman (47), pakistan (48), peru (49), philippines (50), poland (51), portugal (52), romania (53), russia (54), saudiarabia (55), singapore (56), slovakia (57), slovenia (58), southafrica (59), southkorea (60), spain (61), sweden (62), switzerland (63), syria (64), taiwan (65), tbr21 (66), thailand (67), uae (68), uk (69), usa (70), yemen (71) } AprisaXEFXSPMLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of SPM level." SYNTAX INTEGER { l0 (0), l1 (1), l2 (2), l3 (3), l4 (4), l5 (5), l6 (6), l7 (7), l8 (8), l9 (9), l10 (10), l11 (11), l12 (12), l13 (13), l14 (14), l15 (15), l16 (16), l17 (17), l18 (18), l19 (19), l20 (20), l21 (21), l22 (22), l23 (23), l24 (24), l25 (25), l26 (26), l27 (27) } AprisaXEFXSPathMute ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the Path Mute function for the DFXS." SYNTAX INTEGER { noMute (0), muteRx (16), muteTx (32) } AprisaXETableCommand ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A command sent to add or delete table entries." SYNTAX INTEGER { noCommand (0), addCommand (1), deleteCommand (2) } AprisaXEQuadJetConnectionType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether a connection is for data or CAS signalling." SYNTAX INTEGER { dataConnection (0), casConnection (1), tsLoopbackConnection (2) } AprisaXEInterfaceCnxnType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This describes the interface connection type. The values are arbitrary and are primarily used to identify instances of aggregate connections." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), -- Unused connection unframedE1Intf (1), unframedT1Intf (2), aggregateIntf (3), fourWireIntf (4), fxoIntf (5), fxsIntf (6), v24AsyncIntf (7), custEthernetIntf (8), mgmtEthernetIntf (9), syncSerialIntf (10), -- aggregateCasIntf (11), hssControlIntf (12), dropAndInsertIntf (13) } AprisaXEConnectionID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents a unique cross-connection identifier." SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..65535 ) AprisaXEPcmMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current PCM mode." SYNTAX INTEGER { pcm31c (0), pcm30c (1), pcm31 (2), pcm30 (3), unframed (4), off (5), -- The port is off t1sf (6), t1esf (7), t1sf4 (8), t1esf16 (10) } AprisaXESerialEquipmentMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mode describing the behaviour of the serial interface." SYNTAX INTEGER { noCable (0), dceMode (1), dteMode (2) } AprisaXEHssSerialMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mode describing the type of serial interface, e.g. V.35." SYNTAX INTEGER { v11Mode (0), rs530AMode (1), rs530Mode (2), x21Mode (3), v35Mode (4), rs449v36Mode (5), rs232v28Mode (6), noSerialCable (7) } AprisaXE2WireSignalState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the state of the CAS signalling bits as normal, inverted and disabled." SYNTAX INTEGER { fxTransNormal (0), fxTransInvert (1), fxForcedNormal (2), fxForcedInvert (3) } AprisaXEEthernetPortNumber ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ethernet port numbers." SYNTAX INTEGER { eth1 (1), eth2 (2), eth3 (3), eth4 (4) } AprisaXEEthernetGroup ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used for Ethernet groupings." SYNTAX INTEGER { user1 (1), user2 (2), user3 (3), user4 (4), userAndMgmt (5) } AprisaXEEthernetFrameRate ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frame rate limits allowed by the Marvell switch." SYNTAX INTEGER { unlimited (0), limit128kbps (1), limit256kbps (2), limit512kbps (3), limit1Mbps (4), limit2Mbps (5), limit4Mbps (6), limit8Mbps (7) } AprisaXEEthernetPortPriority ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the bandwidth allocated to a port." SYNTAX INTEGER { fromFrame (0), low (1), medium (3), high (5), vHigh (7) } AprisaXEEthernetGrouping ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether Ethernet Grouping is enabled or disabled." SYNTAX INTEGER { ethGroupDisabled (0), ethGroupEnabled (1) } AprisaXEEthernetPrioQueueScheduling ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the QOS priority scheduling scheme." SYNTAX INTEGER { weighted (0), strict (1) } AprisaXEEthernetPrioQueueMapping ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the QOS priority mapping scheme." SYNTAX INTEGER { standard (0), cisco (1) } AprisaXEDefaultAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether, or not, MIB values should be defaulted." SYNTAX INTEGER { dontSetToDefaults (0), setToDefaults (1) } AprisaXEQuadJetLoopbacks ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the E1 loopback setting on a port; OFF, Line or Radio Facing." SYNTAX INTEGER { e1LoopbacksOff (0), e1LineLoopbackOn (1), e1RadioLoopbackOn (2) } AprisaXECCActivationStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current state of cross connect activation for the port." SYNTAX INTEGER { ccActivated (0), ccActivationFailed (1), ccBusyActivating (2) } AprisaXESysSoftwareStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates consistency of inventory file and system software." SYNTAX INTEGER { sysInventoryConsistent (0), sysInventoryInconsistent (1) } AprisaXEPSCActiveRadio ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the active radio for the PSC card." SYNTAX INTEGER { autoSelect (1), manualA (0), manualB (2) } AprisaXEPSCActiveTx ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the active transmitter card." SYNTAX INTEGER { TxA (0), TxB (1) } END