COMMON-TC-4RF DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- -- File: $Id: 4RF-COMMON-TC.txt,v 1.27 2007/05/07 00:19:51 pk Exp $ -- -- Copyright: 2004 4RF COMMUNICATIONS LTD -- -- Description: -- Common MIB sub-tree for 4RF Communications Ltd., used by all products. -- It defines some useful TEXT-CONVENTIONS relating to 4RF products. -- -- Versions: -- -- Notes: -- None -- IMPORTS -- Standard imports MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, DateAndTime FROM SNMPv2-TC -- 4RF Specific imports fourRFGeneric, fourRFModules FROM MIB-4RF; -- Module Identification fourRFCommonTCModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200704300000Z" ORGANIZATION "" CONTACT-INFO "postal: 4RF Communications Ltd 26 Glover Street Ngauranga PO Box 13-506 Wellington 6032 New Zealand phone: +64 4 499 6000 email:" DESCRIPTION "Common 4RF MIB Textual Conventions." -- Revision history -- (in reverse chronological order) REVISION "200704300000Z" DESCRIPTION "Second draft" REVISION "200402130000Z" DESCRIPTION "First draft" ::= { fourRFModules 4 } -- -- LED control types -- FourRFSimpleLedState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The possible states for a simple LED." SYNTAX INTEGER { off (0), on (1) } FourRFTriColourLedState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The possible states of a three-colour LED." SYNTAX INTEGER { off (0), green (1), red (2), orange (3) } -- -- Basic alarm control types -- FourRFAlarmSeverity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The possible alarm severities, not all values need be used." SYNTAX INTEGER { noSeverity (0), -- informational (1), -- warning (2), minor (3), major (4) -- critical (5) } FourRFAlarmPresent ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The possible alarm states, alarmPresent indicates that the alarm is active." SYNTAX INTEGER { noAlarmPresent (0), alarmPresent (1) } FourRFAlarmEnabled ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether an alarm is enabled or not, it may be useful to allow specific alarms to be enabled or disabled by the user." SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), enabled (1) } FourRFAlarmStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to identify current alarm status." SYNTAX INTEGER { noAlarm (0), informationAlarm (1), warningAlarm (2), minorAlarm (3), majorAlarm (4), criticalAlarm (5) } FourRFMHSBStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to give the state of an MHSB terminal." SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvailable (0), active (1), standby (2) } FourRFMHSBCommand ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to send a command to an MHSB terminal." SYNTAX INTEGER { noCommand (0), clearSwitchedAlarm (1), forceSwitchover (2) } -- -- Hardware version - an 8 bit integer value -- FourRFHardwareVersion ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hardware version details." SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE (0..32) ) -- -- Terminal/Module Serial Number -- FourRFSerialNumber ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A module/terminal serial number format xxxx-xxx." SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (8) ) -- -- Reset types -- FourRFResetType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The possible types of reset." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), softReset (1), hardReset (2), watchdogReset (3) } -- -- Image details -- FourRFImageType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The possible image types to upload." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), kernel (1), rootfs (2), mib (3), configuration (4), firmware (5) } FourRFImageStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The possible image status values, currentImage means it is the running. selectedImage means that the image has been selected and will be used following the next reboot of the system, currentNotSelected means that the image is currently in use but won't be following a reboot." SYNTAX INTEGER { inactiveImage (0), currentImage (1), currentNotSelected (2), selectedImage (3) } FourRFImageVersion ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The image version details." SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE (0..64) ) -- -- Other Types -- FourRFProcessResultType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The possible states for a process which takes time to complete." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), executing (1), writingToFlash (2), succeeded (3), failed (4) } FourRFTftpFileName ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a file to transfered using TFTP." SYNTAX DisplayString ( SIZE (0..255) ) FourRFFileSize ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A size of a file in bytes." SYNTAX Unsigned32 -- -- Useful Radio Related Types -- FourRFFrequency ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A frequency value in Hz." SYNTAX Unsigned32 FourRFTxPower ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A transmitter power value in dBm." SYNTAX INTEGER { noPower (0), dbm10 (10), dbm11 (11), dbm12 (12), dbm13 (13), dbm14 (14), dbm15 (15), dbm16 (16), dbm17 (17), dbm18 (18), dbm19 (19), dbm20 (20), dbm21 (21), dbm22 (22), dbm23 (23), dbm24 (24), dbm25 (25), dbm26 (26), dbm27 (27), dbm28 (28), dbm29 (29), dbm30 (30), dbm31 (31), dbm32 (32), dbm33 (33), dbm34 (34), dbm35 (35), dbm36 (36), dbm37 (37), dbm38 (38), dbm39 (39), dbm40 (40) } FourRFChannelWidth ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The possible channel width values." SYNTAX INTEGER { invalidChannel (0), channel20KHz (1), channel25KHz (2), channel50KHz (3), channel75KHz (4), channel100KHz (5), channel125KHz (6), channel150KHz (7), channel200KHz (9), channel250KHz (10), channel400KHz (13), channel500KHz (20), channel800KHz (25), channel1MHz (30), channel1point25MHz (33), channel1point35MHz (35), channel1point75MHz (40), channel2MHz (42), channel2point5MHz (45), channel3point5MHz (50), channel5point25MHz (55), channel7MHz (60), channel14MHz (70) } FourRFNetworkClockStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The possible modulation types for the radio." SYNTAX INTEGER { active (0), inactive (1), holdover (2) } FourRFRSSI ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-1" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A receiver RSSI value, in dBm." SYNTAX Integer32(-2000..2000) FourRFSNR ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-2" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A signal to noise ratio in dBm." SYNTAX Integer32 FourRFModulationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The possible modulation types for the radio." SYNTAX INTEGER { modQPSK (0), mod16QAM (1), mod32QAM (2), mod64QAM (3), mod128QAM (4), mod256QAM (5), -- Modulation off modNone (6) } FourRFTemperature ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A temperature value in degrees Celcius." SYNTAX Integer32 FourRFErrorCounter ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An error counter, e.g. for the uncorrectable error count." SYNTAX Counter32 FourRFRfBand ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to identify the frequency band of the transmitter The bands are: 330 to 400 MHz (300 MHz) 400 to 470 MHz (400 MHz) 1350 to 1550 MHz (1400 MHz) ." SYNTAX INTEGER { invalidBand (0), band300MHz (10), band400MHz (20), band700MHz (24), band800MHz (26), band900MHz (28), band1400MHz (30) } FourRFFanStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to identify current fan status." SYNTAX INTEGER { notFitted (0), fanOkay (1), fanFailed (2) } FourRFClockSource ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to identify the clock source for the terminal." SYNTAX INTEGER { networkClock (0), linkClock (1), internalClock (2) } FourRFNetworkClockSelect ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to select the priority of the clocks to use." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), primary (1), secondary (2) } FourRFLoopback ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to control loopback or monitor status." SYNTAX INTEGER { loopbackOff (0), loopbackOn (1) } -- -- Web User Handling -- FourRFWebUserGroup ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to identify the group to which a web user belongs." SYNTAX INTEGER { readOnlyGroup (0), readWriteGroup (1), adminGroup (2) } FourRFWebUserEnabled ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to identify whether a web user is enabled." SYNTAX INTEGER { userDisabled (0), userEnabled (1) } FourRFTimeZone ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to assign an offset in minutes based on GMT timezone." SYNTAX INTEGER { gmtMinusTwelve (-720), gmtMinusEleven (-660), gmtMinusTen (-600), gmtMinusNine (-540), gmtMinusEight (-480), gmtMinusSeven (-420), gmtMinusSix (-360), gmtMinusFive (-300), gmtMinusFour (-240), gmtMinusThreePointFive (-210), gmtMinusThree (-180), gmtMinusTwo (-120), gmtMinusOne (-60), gmt (0), gmtPlusOne (60), gmtPlusTwo (120), gmtPlusThree (180), gmtPlusFour (240), gmtPlusFive (300), gmtPlusSix (360), gmtPlusSeven (420), gmtPlusEight (480), gmtPlusNine (540), gmtPlusTen (600), gmtPlusEleven (660), gmtPlusTwelve (720), gmtPlusThirteen (800) } END