DOCS-IF-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, -- do not import BITS, Unsigned32, Integer32, Counter32, Counter64, TimeTicks, IpAddress, transmission FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, MacAddress, RowStatus, TruthValue, TimeInterval, TimeStamp FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF ifIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB IANAifType FROM IANAifType-MIB; docsIfMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200212200000Z" -- December 20, 2002 ORGANIZATION "IETF IPCDN Working Group" CONTACT-INFO " David Raftus Postal: Imedia Semiconductor 340 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 202 Ottawa Ontario Canada Phone: +1 613 592 1052 ext.222 E-mail: IETF IPCDN Working Group General Discussion: Subscribe: Archive: Co-chairs: Richard Woundy, Jean-Francois Mule," DESCRIPTION "This is the MIB Module for DOCSIS 2.0 compliant Radio Frequency (RF) interfaces in Cable Modems (CM) and Cable Modem Termination Systems (CMTS)." REVISION "200212200000Z" DESCRIPTION "pre-RFC draft v5: Modified by David Raftus to add channel utilization related objects, upstream channel equalization related objects, a cmts upstream minislot counter table, a cmts downstream byte counter table, 64 bit versions of existing 32 bit docsIfSigQTable objects, and perform some editorial adjustments. pre-RFC draft v4: Modified by David Raftus to fix docsIfUpChannelWidth range in compliance statements to accommodate 6.4Mhz channel at 5.12 Msymbol/sec. Also adjusted description of docsIfUpChannelStatus to use correct rowStatus terminology. pre-RFC draft v3: Modified by David Raftus to add new textual convention describing upstream modulation status. Also clarified some object descriptions, fixed error in docsIfSignalQualityEntry, fixed upstreamTable compliance statements. pre-RFC draft v2: Modified by David Raftus to add capability to adjust and verify upstream channel parameters as a group. Also adjusted syntax and clarified descriptions of selected objects. pre-RFC draft v1: Modified by Aviv Goren and David Raftus to accommodate Docsis 2.0 Advanced Phy capabilities, as well as to incorporate objects from the docsIfExt mib. Modified by Rich Woundy to use IPv6-friendly address objects, to accommodate EuroDOCSIS, and to correct the SYNTAX of various objects." REVISION "199908190000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Version, published as RFC 2670. Modified by Mike StJohns to fix problems identified by the first pass of the MIB doctor. Of special note, docsIfRangingResp and docsIfCmtsInsertionInterval were obsoleted and replaced by other objects with the same functionality, but more appropriate SYNTAX." ::= { transmission 127 } -- Textual Conventions TenthdBmV ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-1" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type represents power levels that are normally expressed in dBmV. Units are in tenths of a dBmV; for example, 5.1 dBmV will be represented as 51." SYNTAX Integer32 TenthdB ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-1" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type represents power levels that are normally expressed in dB. Units are in tenths of a dB; for example, 5.1 dB will be represented as 51." SYNTAX Integer32 DocsisVersion ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the DOCSIS version number." SYNTAX INTEGER { docsis10 (1), docsis11 (2), docsis20 (3) } DocsisQosVersion ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the quality of service level." SYNTAX INTEGER { docsis10 (1), docsis11 (2) } DocsisUpstreamType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the DOCSIS Upstream Channel Type." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), tdma (1), atdma (2), scdma (3), tdmaAndAtdma (4) } DocsisUpstreamTypeStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the DOCSIS Upstream Channel Type Status. The shared channel indicator type is not valid, since this type is used to specifically identify PHY mode." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), tdma (1), atdma (2), scdma (3) } docsIfMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIfMib 1 } docsIfBaseObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIfMibObjects 1 } docsIfCmObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIfMibObjects 2 } docsIfCmtsObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIfMibObjects 3 } -- -- BASE GROUP -- -- -- The following table is implemented on both the Cable Modem (CM) -- and the Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS). This table is -- read only for the CM. -- docsIfDownstreamChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfDownstreamChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes the attributes of downstream channels (frequency bands)." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 6-12 and Table 6-13." ::= { docsIfBaseObjects 1 } docsIfDownstreamChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfDownstreamChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry provides a list of attributes for a single Downstream channel. An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableDownstream(128)." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIfDownstreamChannelTable 1 } DocsIfDownstreamChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfDownChannelId Integer32, docsIfDownChannelFrequency Integer32, docsIfDownChannelWidth Integer32, docsIfDownChannelModulation INTEGER, docsIfDownChannelInterleave INTEGER, docsIfDownChannelPower TenthdBmV, docsIfDownChannelAnnex INTEGER } docsIfDownChannelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) identification of the downstream channel within this particular MAC interface. If the interface is down, the object returns the most current value. If the downstream channel ID is unknown, this object returns a value of 0." ::= { docsIfDownstreamChannelEntry 1 } docsIfDownChannelFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000000000) UNITS "hertz" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The center of the downstream frequency associated with this channel. This object will return the current tuner frequency. If a CMTS provides IF output, this object will return 0, unless this CMTS is in control of the final downstream RF frequency. See the associated compliance object for a description of valid frequencies that may be written to this object." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Tables 4-1, 6-14." ::= { docsIfDownstreamChannelEntry 2 } docsIfDownChannelWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16000000) UNITS "hertz" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bandwidth of this downstream channel. Most implementations are expected to support a channel width of 6 MHz (North America) and/or 8 MHz (Europe). See the associated compliance object for a description of the valid channel widths for this object." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 6-14." ::= { docsIfDownstreamChannelEntry 3 } docsIfDownChannelModulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), other(2), qam64(3), qam256(4), qam512(5), qam1024(6), qpsk(7), qam16(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The modulation type associated with this downstream channel. If the interface is down, this object either returns the configured value (CMTS), the most current value (CM), or the value of unknown(1). See the associated conformance object for write conditions and limitations. See the reference for specifics on the modulation profiles implied by qam64 and qam256." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 6-14." ::= { docsIfDownstreamChannelEntry 4 } docsIfDownChannelInterleave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), other(2), taps8Increment16(3), taps16Increment8(4), taps32Increment4(5), taps64Increment2(6), taps128Increment1(7), taps12increment17(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Forward Error Correction (FEC) interleaving used for this downstream channel. Values are defined as follows: taps8Increment16(3): protection 5.9/4.1 usec, latency .22/.15 msec taps16Increment8(4): protection 12/8.2 usec, latency .48/.33 msec taps32Increment4(5): protection 24/16 usec, latency .98/.68 msec taps64Increment2(6): protection 47/33 usec, latency 2/1.4 msec taps128Increment1(7): protection 95/66 usec, latency 4/2.8 msec taps12increment17(8): protection 18/14 usec, latency 0.43/0.32 msec taps12increment17 is implemented in conformance with EuroDOCSIS document 'Adapted MIB-definitions - and a clarification for MPEG-related issues - for EuroDOCSIS cable modem systems' by tComLabs and should only be used for a EuroDOCSIS MAC interface. If the interface is down, this object either returns the configured value (CMTS), the most current value (CM), or the value of unknown(1). The value of other(2) is returned if the interleave is known but not defined in the above list. See the associated conformance object for write conditions and limitations. See the reference for the FEC configuration described by the setting of this object." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 6-13." ::= { docsIfDownstreamChannelEntry 5 } docsIfDownChannelPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdBmV UNITS "dBmV" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At the CMTS, the operational transmit power. At the CM, the received power level. May be set to zero at the CM if power level measurement is not supported. If the interface is down, this object either returns the configured value (CMTS), the most current value (CM) or the value of 0. See the associated conformance object for write conditions and limitations. See the reference for recommended and required power levels." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References,Table 6-15." ::= { docsIfDownstreamChannelEntry 6 } docsIfDownChannelAnnex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), other(2), annexA(3), annexB(4), annexC(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object indicates the conformance of the implementation to important regional cable standards. annexA : Annex A from ITU-J83 is used. annexB : Annex B from ITU-J83 is used. annexC : Annex C from ITU-J83 is used. AnnexB is used for DOCSIS implementations" REFERENCE "Document [28] from References, Section 2.2" ::= { docsIfDownstreamChannelEntry 7 } -- -- The following table is implemented on both the CM and the CMTS. -- For the CM, only attached channels appear in the table. For the -- CM, this table is read only as well. -- docsIfUpstreamChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfUpstreamChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes the attributes of attached upstream channels." ::= { docsIfBaseObjects 2 } docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfUpstreamChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of attributes for a single upstream channel. For Docsis 2.0 CMTSs, an entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableUpstreamChannel (205). For Docsis 1.x CM/CMTSs and Docsis 2.0 CMs, an entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableUpstreamInterface (129)." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelTable 1 } DocsIfUpstreamChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfUpChannelId Integer32, docsIfUpChannelFrequency Integer32, docsIfUpChannelWidth Integer32, docsIfUpChannelModulationProfile Unsigned32, docsIfUpChannelSlotSize Unsigned32, docsIfUpChannelTxTimingOffset Unsigned32, docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffStart Integer32, docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffEnd Integer32, docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffStart Integer32, docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffEnd Integer32, docsIfUpChannelScdmaActiveCodes Unsigned32, docsIfUpChannelScdmaCodesPerSlot Integer32, docsIfUpChannelScdmaFrameSize Unsigned32, docsIfUpChannelScdmaHoppingSeed Unsigned32, docsIfUpChannelType DocsisUpstreamType, docsIfUpChannelCloneFrom InterfaceIndexOrZero, docsIfUpChannelUpdate TruthValue, docsIfUpChannelStatus RowStatus, docsIfUpChannelPreEqEnable TruthValue } docsIfUpChannelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CMTS identification of the upstream channel." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 1 } docsIfUpChannelFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1000000000) UNITS "hertz" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The center of the frequency band associated with this upstream interface. This object returns 0 if the frequency is undefined or unknown. Minimum permitted upstream frequency is 5,000,000 Hz for current technology. See the associated conformance object for write conditions and limitations." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 4-2." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 2 } docsIfUpChannelWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..64000000) UNITS "hertz" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bandwidth of this upstream interface. This object returns 0 if the interface width is undefined or unknown. Minimum permitted interface width is 200,000 Hz currently. See the associated conformance object for write conditions and limitations." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 6-12." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 3 } docsIfUpChannelModulationProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry identical to the docsIfModIndex in the docsIfCmtsModulationTable that describes this channel. This channel is further instantiated there by a grouping of interval usage codes which together fully describe the channel modulation. This object returns 0 if the docsIfCmtsModulationTable entry does not exist or docsIfCmtsModulationTable is empty. See the associated conformance object for write conditions and limitations." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 4 } docsIfUpChannelSlotSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable to TDMA and ATDMA channel types only. The number of 6.25 microsecond ticks in each upstream mini- slot. Returns zero if the value is undefined, unknown or in case of an SCDMA channel. See the associated conformance object for write conditions and limitations. " REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section" ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 5 } docsIfUpChannelTxTimingOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At the CM, a measure of the current round trip time obtained from the ranging offset (initial ranging offset + ranging offset adjustments). At the CMTS, the maximum of timing offset, among all the CMs that are/were present on the channel, taking into account all ( initial + periodic )timing offset corrections that were sent for each of the CMs. Generally, these measurements are positive, but if the measurements are negative, the value of this object is zero. Used for timing of CM upstream transmissions to ensure synchronized arrivals at the CMTS. Units are in terms of (6.25 microseconds/64)." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.18." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 6 } docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The initial random backoff window to use when retrying Ranging Requests. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used. See the associated conformance object for write conditions and limitations." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.3.4." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 7 } docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The final random backoff window to use when retrying Ranging Requests. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used. See the associated conformance object for write conditions and limitations." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.3.4." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 8 } docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The initial random backoff window to use when retrying transmissions. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used. See the associated conformance object for write conditions and limitations." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.3.4." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 9 } docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The final random backoff window to use when retrying transmissions. Expressed as a power of 2. A value of 16 at the CMTS indicates that a proprietary adaptive retry mechanism is to be used. See the associated conformance object for write conditions and limitations." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.3.4." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 10 } docsIfUpChannelScdmaActiveCodes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 64..128) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable for SCDMA channel types only. Number of active codes. Returns zero for Non-SCDMA channel types. Note that legal values from 64..128 MUST be non-prime." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section" ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 11 } docsIfUpChannelScdmaCodesPerSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0 | 2..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable for SCDMA channel types only. The number of SCDMA codes per mini-slot. Returns zero if the value is undefined, unknown or in case of a TDMA or ATDMA channel." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section" ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 12 } docsIfUpChannelScdmaFrameSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable for SCDMA channel types only. SCDMA Frame size in units of spreading intervals. This value returns zero for non SCDMA Profiles." REFERENCE " Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.12." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 13 } docsIfUpChannelScdmaHoppingSeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..32767) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Applicable for SCDMA channel types only. 15 bit seed used for code hopping sequence initialization. Returns zero for non-SCDMA channel types." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section" ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 14 } docsIfUpChannelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsisUpstreamType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the Upstream channel type. Given the channel type, other channel attributes can be checked for value validity at the time of entry creation and update." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.1." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 15 } docsIfUpChannelCloneFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Intended for use when a temporary inactive upstream table row is created for the purpose of manipulating SCDMA parameters for an active row. Refer to the descriptions of docsIfUpChannelStatus and docsIfUpChannelUpdate for details of this procedure. This object contains the ifIndex value of the active upstream row whose SCDMA parameters are to be adjusted. Although this object was created to facilitate SCDMA parameter adjustment, it may also be used at the vendor's discretion for non-SCDMA parameter adjustment. This object must contain a value of zero for active upstream rows." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 16 } docsIfUpChannelUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to perform the transfer of adjusted SCDMA parameters from the temporary upstream row to the active upstream row indicated by the docsIfUpChannelCloneFrom object. The transfer is initiated through an SNMP SET of TRUE to this object. The SNMP SET will fail with a GEN_ERROR (snmpv1) or COMMIT_FAILED_ERROR (snmpv2c/v3) if the adjusted SCDMA parameter values are not compatible with each other. Although this object was created to facilitate SCDMA parameter adjustment, it may also be used at the vendor's discretion for non-SCDMA parameter adjustment. An SNMP GET of this object always returns FALSE." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 17 } docsIfUpChannelStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is generally intended to be used for the creation of a temporary inactive upstream row for the purpose of adjusting the SCDMA channel parameters of an active upstream row. The recommended procedure is: 1) Create an inactive row through an SNMP SET using createAndWait(5). Use an ifIndex value outside the operational range of the system. 2) Set the docsIfUpChannelCloneFrom field to the ifIndex value of the active row whose SCDMA parameters require adjustment. 3) Adjust the SCDMA parameter values using the new temporary inactive row. 4) Update the active row by setting object docsIfUpChannelUpdate to TRUE. This SET will fail if the adjusted SCDMA parameters are not compatible with each other. 5) Delete the temporary row through an SNMP SET using DELETE. The following restrictions apply to this object: 1) This object must contain a value of active(1) for active rows. 2) Temporary inactive rows must be created using createAndWait(5). 3) The only possible status change of a row created using createAndWait(5) (ie notInService(2)) is to destroy(6). These temporary rows must never become active. 4) A status transition from active (1) to destroy (6) is not permitted. Entries with docsIfUpChannelStatus set to active(1) are logically linked to a physical interface, not temporarily created to clone parameters. The Interface MIB (RFC 2863) ifAdminStatus should be used to take an Upstream Channel offline. Although this object was created to facilitate SCDMA parameter adjustment, it may also be used at the vendor's discretion for non-SCDMA parameter adjustment." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 18 } docsIfUpChannelPreEqEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At the CMTS, used to enable or disable pre-equalization on the upstream channel represented by this table instance. At the CM, this object is read-only and reflects the status of pre-equalization as represented in the RNG-RSP." ::= { docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry 19 } -- The following table describes the attributes of each class of -- service. The entries in this table are referenced from the -- docsIfServiceEntries. They exist as a separate table in order to -- reduce redundant information in docsIfServiceTable. -- -- This table is implemented at both the CM and the CMTS. -- The CM need only maintain entries for the classes of service -- referenced by its docsIfServiceTable. -- docsIfQosProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfQosProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the attributes for each class of service." ::= { docsIfBaseObjects 3 } docsIfQosProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfQosProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the attributes for a single class of service. If implemented as read-create in the Cable Modem Termination System, creation of entries in this table is controlled by the value of docsIfCmtsQosProfilePermissions. If implemented as read-only, entries are created based on information in REG-REQ MAC messages received from Cable Modems (Cable Modem Termination System implementation), or based on information extracted from the TFTP option file (Cable Modem implementation). In the Cable Modem Termination system, read-only entries are removed if no longer referenced by docsIfCmtsServiceTable. An entry in this table must not be removed while it is referenced by an entry in docsIfCmServiceTable (Cable Modem) or docsIfCmtsServiceTable (Cable Modem Termination System). An entry in this table should not be changeable while it is referenced by an entry in docsIfCmtsServiceTable. If this table is created automatically, there should only be a single entry for each Class of Service. Multiple entries with the same Class of Service parameters are not recommended." INDEX { docsIfQosProfIndex } ::= { docsIfQosProfileTable 1 } DocsIfQosProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfQosProfIndex Integer32, docsIfQosProfPriority Integer32, docsIfQosProfMaxUpBandwidth Integer32, docsIfQosProfGuarUpBandwidth Integer32, docsIfQosProfMaxDownBandwidth Integer32, docsIfQosProfMaxTxBurst Integer32, -- Deprecated docsIfQosProfBaselinePrivacy TruthValue, docsIfQosProfStatus RowStatus, docsIfQosProfMaxTransmitBurst Integer32 } docsIfQosProfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16383) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index value that uniquely identifies an entry in the docsIfQosProfileTable." ::= { docsIfQosProfileEntry 1 } docsIfQosProfPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A relative priority assigned to this service when allocating bandwidth. Zero indicates lowest priority and seven indicates highest priority. Interpretation of priority is device-specific. MUST NOT be changed while this row is active." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Appendix C.1.1.4." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsIfQosProfileEntry 2 } docsIfQosProfMaxUpBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum upstream bandwidth, in bits per second, allowed for a service with this service class. Zero if there is no restriction of upstream bandwidth. MUST NOT be changed while this row is active." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Appendix C.1.1.4." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsIfQosProfileEntry 3 } docsIfQosProfGuarUpBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum guaranteed upstream bandwidth, in bits per second, allowed for a service with this service class. MUST NOT be changed while this row is active." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Appendix C.1.1.4." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsIfQosProfileEntry 4 } docsIfQosProfMaxDownBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum downstream bandwidth, in bits per second, allowed for a service with this service class. Zero if there is no restriction of downstream bandwidth. MUST NOT be changed while this row is active." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Appendix C.1.1.4." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsIfQosProfileEntry 5 } docsIfQosProfMaxTxBurst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of mini-slots that may be requested for a single upstream transmission. A value of zero means there is no limit. MUST NOT be changed while this row is active. This object has been deprecated and replaced by docsIfQosProfMaxTransmitBurst, to fix a mismatch of the units and value range with respect to the DOCSIS Maximum Upstream Channel Transmit Burst Configuration Setting." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, C.1.1.4." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsIfQosProfileEntry 6 } docsIfQosProfBaselinePrivacy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether Baseline Privacy is enabled for this service class. MUST NOT be changed while this row is active." DEFVAL { false } ::= { docsIfQosProfileEntry 7 } docsIfQosProfStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is object is to used to create or delete rows in this table. This object MUST NOT be changed from active while the row is referenced by the any entry in either docsIfCmServiceTable (on the CM), or the docsIfCmtsServiceTable (on the CMTS)." ::= { docsIfQosProfileEntry 8 } docsIfQosProfMaxTransmitBurst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of bytes that may be requested for a single upstream transmission. A value of zero means there is no limit. Note: This value does not include any physical layer overhead. MUST NOT be changed while this row is active." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Appendix C.1.1.4." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsIfQosProfileEntry 9 } docsIfSignalQualityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfSignalQualityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At the CM, describes the PHY signal quality of downstream channels. At the CMTS, describes the PHY signal quality of upstream channels. At the CMTS, this table may exclude contention intervals." ::= { docsIfBaseObjects 4 } docsIfSignalQualityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfSignalQualityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At the CM, describes the PHY characteristics of a downstream channel. At the CMTS, describes the PHY signal quality of an upstream channel. An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableUpstreamChannel(205) for Cable Modem Termination Systems and docsCableDownstream(128) for Cable Modems." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIfSignalQualityTable 1 } DocsIfSignalQualityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfSigQIncludesContention TruthValue, docsIfSigQUnerroreds Counter32, docsIfSigQCorrecteds Counter32, docsIfSigQUncorrectables Counter32, docsIfSigQSignalNoise TenthdB, docsIfSigQMicroreflections Integer32, docsIfSigQEqualizationData OCTET STRING, docsIfSigQExtUnerroreds Counter64, docsIfSigQExtCorrecteds Counter64, docsIfSigQExtUncorrectables Counter64 } docsIfSigQIncludesContention OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "true(1) if this CMTS includes contention intervals in the counters in this table. Always false(2) for CMs." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.4.1" ::= { docsIfSignalQualityEntry 1 } docsIfSigQUnerroreds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Codewords received on this channel without error. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.5." ::= { docsIfSignalQualityEntry 2 } docsIfSigQCorrecteds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Codewords received on this channel with correctable errors. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.5." ::= { docsIfSignalQualityEntry 3 } docsIfSigQUncorrectables OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Codewords received on this channel with uncorrectable errors. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.5." ::= { docsIfSignalQualityEntry 4 } docsIfSigQSignalNoise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signal/Noise ratio as perceived for this channel. At the CM, describes the Signal/Noise of the downstream channel. At the CMTS, describes the average Signal/Noise of the upstream channel." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Tables 4-1 and 4-2" ::= { docsIfSignalQualityEntry 5 } docsIfSigQMicroreflections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) UNITS "dBc" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total microreflections including in-channel response as perceived on this interface, measured in dBc below the signal level. This object is not assumed to return an absolutely accurate value, but should give a rough indication of microreflections received on this interface. It is up to the implementer to provide information as accurate as possible." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Tables 4-1 and 4-2" ::= { docsIfSignalQualityEntry 6 } docsIfSigQEqualizationData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At the CM, returns the equalization data for the downstream channel. At the CMTS, returns the average equalization data for the upstream channel. Returns an empty string if the value is unknown or if there is no equalization data available or defined." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-21." ::= { docsIfSignalQualityEntry 7 } docsIfSigQExtUnerroreds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Codewords received on this channel without error. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfSigQUnerroreds." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.5." ::= { docsIfSignalQualityEntry 8 } docsIfSigQExtCorrecteds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Codewords received on this channel with correctable errors. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfSigQCorrecteds." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.5." ::= { docsIfSignalQualityEntry 9 } docsIfSigQExtUncorrectables OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Codewords received on this channel with uncorrectable errors. This includes all codewords, whether or not they were part of frames destined for this device. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfSigQUncorrectables." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.5." ::= { docsIfSignalQualityEntry 10 } -- -- DOCSIS Version of the device -- docsIfDocsisBaseCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsisVersion MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of the DOCSIS capability of the device. This object mirrors docsIfDocsisCapability from the DocsIfExt mib." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Annex G." ::= { docsIfBaseObjects 5 } -- -- CABLE MODEM GROUP -- -- ####### -- -- The CM MAC Table -- docsIfCmMacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the attributes of each CM MAC interface, extending the information available from ifEntry." ::= { docsIfCmObjects 1 } docsIfCmMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfCmMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing objects describing attributes of each MAC entry, extending the information in ifEntry. An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableMaclayer(127)." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIfCmMacTable 1 } DocsIfCmMacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfCmCmtsAddress MacAddress, docsIfCmCapabilities BITS, docsIfCmRangingRespTimeout TimeTicks, docsIfCmRangingTimeout TimeInterval } docsIfCmCmtsAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the CMTS that is believed to control this MAC domain. At the CM, this will be the source address from SYNC, MAP, and other MAC-layer messages. If the CMTS is unknown, returns 00-00-00-00-00-00." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.2.2." ::= { docsIfCmMacEntry 1 } docsIfCmCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { atmCells(0), concatenation(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the capabilities of the MAC implementation at this interface. Note that packet transmission is always supported. Therefore, there is no specific bit required to explicitly indicate this capability. Note that BITS objects are encoded most significant bit first. For example, if bit 1 is set, the value of this object is the octet string '40'H." ::= { docsIfCmMacEntry 2 } -- This object has been obsoleted and replaced by -- docsIfCmRangingTimeout to correct the typing to TimeInterval. New -- implementations of the MIB should use docsIfCmRangingTimeout instead. docsIfCmRangingRespTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Waiting time for a Ranging Response packet." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.1.6." DEFVAL { 20 } ::= { docsIfCmMacEntry 3 } docsIfCmRangingTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Waiting time for a Ranging Response packet." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.1.6, timer T3." DEFVAL { 20 } ::= { docsIfCmMacEntry 4 } -- -- CM status table. -- This table is implemented only at the CM. -- docsIfCmStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table maintains a number of status objects and counters for Cable Modems." ::= { docsIfCmObjects 2 } docsIfCmStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfCmStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A set of status objects and counters for a single MAC layer instance in a Cable Modem. An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableMaclayer(127)." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIfCmStatusTable 1 } DocsIfCmStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfCmStatusValue INTEGER, docsIfCmStatusCode OCTET STRING, docsIfCmStatusTxPower TenthdBmV, docsIfCmStatusResets Counter32, docsIfCmStatusLostSyncs Counter32, docsIfCmStatusInvalidMaps Counter32, docsIfCmStatusInvalidUcds Counter32, docsIfCmStatusInvalidRangingResponses Counter32, docsIfCmStatusInvalidRegistrationResponses Counter32, docsIfCmStatusT1Timeouts Counter32, docsIfCmStatusT2Timeouts Counter32, docsIfCmStatusT3Timeouts Counter32, docsIfCmStatusT4Timeouts Counter32, docsIfCmStatusRangingAborteds Counter32, docsIfCmStatusDocsisOperMode DocsisQosVersion, docsIfCmStatusModulationType DocsisUpstreamTypeStatus, docsIfCmStatusEqualizationData OCTET STRING } docsIfCmStatusValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), notReady(2), notSynchronized(3), phySynchronized(4), usParametersAcquired(5), rangingComplete(6), ipComplete(7), todEstablished(8), securityEstablished(9), paramTransferComplete(10), registrationComplete(11), operational(12), accessDenied(13) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Cable Modem connectivity state, as specified in the RF Interface Specification. Interpretations for state values 1-12 are clearly outlined in the Document [25] reference given below. As stated in the description for object docsIfCmtsCmStatusValue, accessDenied(13)indicates the CMTS has sent a Registration Aborted message to the CM." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 11.2. Document [26] from References, Section" ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 1 } docsIfCmStatusCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status code for this Cable Modem as defined in the RF Interface Specification. The status code consists of a single character indicating error groups, followed by a two- or three-digit number indicating the status condition." REFERENCE "Document [26] from References, Appendix F." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 2 } docsIfCmStatusTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdBmV UNITS "dBmV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational transmit power for the attached upstream channel." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.18." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 3 } docsIfCmStatusResets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the CM reset or initialized this interface." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 4 } docsIfCmStatusLostSyncs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the CM lost synchronization with the downstream channel." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.3.2." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 5 } docsIfCmStatusInvalidMaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the CM received invalid MAP messages." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.3.4." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 6 } docsIfCmStatusInvalidUcds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the CM received invalid UCD messages." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.3.3." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 7 } docsIfCmStatusInvalidRangingResponses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the CM received invalid ranging response messages." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.3.6." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 8 } docsIfCmStatusInvalidRegistrationResponses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the CM received invalid registration response messages." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.3.8." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 9 } docsIfCmStatusT1Timeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times counter T1 expired in the CM." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Figure 9-2." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 10 } docsIfCmStatusT2Timeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times counter T2 expired in the CM." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Figure 9-2." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 11 } docsIfCmStatusT3Timeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times counter T3 expired in the CM." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Figure 9-2." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 12 } docsIfCmStatusT4Timeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times counter T4 expired in the CM." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Figure 9-2." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 13 } docsIfCmStatusRangingAborteds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the ranging process was aborted by the CMTS." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.3.3." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 14 } docsIfCmStatusDocsisOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsisQosVersion MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication whether the device has registered using 1.0 Class of Service or 1.1 Quality of Service. An unregistered CM should indicate 1.1 QOS for a docsIfDocsisBaseCapability value of Docsis 1.1/2.0. An unregistered CM should indicate 1.0 COS for a docsIfDocsisBaseCapability value of Docsis 1.0. This object mirrors docsIfCmDocsisOperMode from the docsIfExt mib." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Annex G." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 15 } docsIfCmStatusModulationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsisUpstreamTypeStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates modulation type status currently used by the CM. Since this object specifically identifies PHY mode, the shared upstream channel type is not permitted." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.1." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 16 } docsIfCmStatusEqualizationData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pre-equalization data for this CM after convolution with data indicated in the RNG-RSP. Returns an empty string if the value is unknown or if there is no equalization data available or defined. The value should be formatted as defined in the following REFERENCE." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Figure 8-23." ::= { docsIfCmStatusEntry 17 } -- -- The Cable Modem Service Table -- docsIfCmServiceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmServiceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the attributes of each upstream service queue on a CM." ::= { docsIfCmObjects 3 } docsIfCmServiceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfCmServiceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the attributes of an upstream bandwidth service queue. An entry in this table exists for each Service ID. The primary index is an ifIndex with an ifType of docsCableMaclayer(127)." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIfCmServiceId } ::= { docsIfCmServiceTable 1 } DocsIfCmServiceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfCmServiceId Integer32, docsIfCmServiceQosProfile Integer32, docsIfCmServiceTxSlotsImmed Counter32, docsIfCmServiceTxSlotsDed Counter32, docsIfCmServiceTxRetries Counter32, docsIfCmServiceTxExceededs Counter32, docsIfCmServiceRqRetries Counter32, docsIfCmServiceRqExceededs Counter32, docsIfCmServiceExtTxSlotsImmed Counter64, docsIfCmServiceExtTxSlotsDed Counter64 } docsIfCmServiceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16383) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies a service queue for upstream bandwidth. The attributes of this service queue are shared between the CM and the CMTS. The CMTS allocates upstream bandwidth to this service queue based on requests from the CM and on the class of service associated with this queue." ::= { docsIfCmServiceEntry 1 } docsIfCmServiceQosProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16383) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index in docsIfQosProfileTable describing the quality of service attributes associated with this particular service. If no associated entry in docsIfQosProfileTable exists, this object returns a value of zero." ::= { docsIfCmServiceEntry 2 } docsIfCmServiceTxSlotsImmed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of upstream mini-slots which have been used to transmit data PDUs in immediate (contention) mode. This includes only those PDUs that are presumed to have arrived at the headend (i.e., those which were explicitly acknowledged.) It does not include retransmission attempts or mini-slots used by Requests." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.4." ::= { docsIfCmServiceEntry 3 } docsIfCmServiceTxSlotsDed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of upstream mini-slots which have been used to transmit data PDUs in dedicated mode (i.e., as a result of a unicast Data Grant)." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.4." ::= { docsIfCmServiceEntry 4 } docsIfCmServiceTxRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of attempts to transmit data PDUs containing requests for acknowledgment that did not result in acknowledgment." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.4." ::= { docsIfCmServiceEntry 5 } docsIfCmServiceTxExceededs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of data PDUs transmission failures due to excessive retries without acknowledgment." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.4." ::= { docsIfCmServiceEntry 6 } docsIfCmServiceRqRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of attempts to transmit bandwidth requests which did not result in acknowledgment." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.4." ::= { docsIfCmServiceEntry 7 } docsIfCmServiceRqExceededs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of requests for bandwidth which failed due to excessive retries without acknowledgment." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.4." ::= { docsIfCmServiceEntry 8 } docsIfCmServiceExtTxSlotsImmed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of upstream mini-slots which have been used to transmit data PDUs in immediate (contention) mode. This includes only those PDUs that are presumed to have arrived at the headend (i.e., those which were explicitly acknowledged.) It does not include retransmission attempts or mini-slots used by Requests." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.4." ::= { docsIfCmServiceEntry 9 } docsIfCmServiceExtTxSlotsDed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of upstream mini-slots which have been used to transmit data PDUs in dedicated mode (i.e., as a result of a unicast Data Grant)." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.4." ::= { docsIfCmServiceEntry 10 } -- -- CMTS GROUP -- -- -- The CMTS MAC Table -- docsIfCmtsMacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the attributes of each CMTS MAC interface, extending the information available from ifEntry. Mandatory for all CMTS devices." ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 1 } docsIfCmtsMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfCmtsMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing objects describing attributes of each MAC entry, extending the information in ifEntry. An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableMaclayer(127)." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIfCmtsMacTable 1 } DocsIfCmtsMacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfCmtsCapabilities BITS, docsIfCmtsSyncInterval Integer32, docsIfCmtsUcdInterval Integer32, docsIfCmtsMaxServiceIds Integer32, docsIfCmtsInsertionInterval TimeTicks, -- Obsolete docsIfCmtsInvitedRangingAttempts Integer32, docsIfCmtsInsertInterval TimeInterval } docsIfCmtsCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { atmCells(0), concatenation(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the capabilities of the CMTS MAC implementation at this interface. Note that packet transmission is always supported. Therefore, there is no specific bit required to explicitly indicate this capability. Note that BITS objects are encoded most significant bit first. For example, if bit 1 is set, the value of this object is the octet string '40'H." ::= { docsIfCmtsMacEntry 1 } docsIfCmtsSyncInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..200) UNITS "Milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interval between CMTS transmission of successive SYNC messages at this interface." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.3." ::= { docsIfCmtsMacEntry 2 } docsIfCmtsUcdInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2000) UNITS "Milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interval between CMTS transmission of successive Upstream Channel Descriptor messages for each upstream channel at this interface." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.3" ::= { docsIfCmtsMacEntry 3 } docsIfCmtsMaxServiceIds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16383) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of service IDs that may be simultaneously active." ::= { docsIfCmtsMacEntry 4 } -- This object has been obsoleted and replaced by -- docsIfCmtsInsertInterval to fix a SYNTAX typing problem. New -- implementations of this MIB should use that object instead. docsIfCmtsInsertionInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The amount of time to elapse between each broadcast station maintenance grant. Broadcast station maintenance grants are used to allow new cable modems to join the network. Zero indicates that a vendor-specific algorithm is used instead of a fixed time. Maximum amount of time permitted by the specification is 2 seconds." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Annex B." ::= { docsIfCmtsMacEntry 5 } docsIfCmtsInvitedRangingAttempts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1024) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of attempts to make on invitations for ranging requests. A value of zero means the system should attempt to range forever." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 9.3.3 and Annex B." ::= { docsIfCmtsMacEntry 6 } docsIfCmtsInsertInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeInterval MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of time to elapse between each broadcast station maintenance grant. Broadcast station maintenance grants are used to allow new cable modems to join the network. Zero indicates that a vendor-specific algorithm is used instead of a fixed time. Maximum amount of time permitted by the specification is 2 seconds." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Annex B." ::= { docsIfCmtsMacEntry 7 } -- -- -- CMTS status table. -- docsIfCmtsStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For the MAC layer, this group maintains a number of status objects and counters." ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 2 } docsIfCmtsStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfCmtsStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status entry for a single MAC layer. An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableMaclayer(127)." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIfCmtsStatusTable 1 } DocsIfCmtsStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidRangeReqs Counter32, docsIfCmtsStatusRangingAborteds Counter32, docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidRegReqs Counter32, docsIfCmtsStatusFailedRegReqs Counter32, docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidDataReqs Counter32, docsIfCmtsStatusT5Timeouts Counter32 } docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidRangeReqs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts invalid RNG-REQ messages received on this interface." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.3.5." ::= { docsIfCmtsStatusEntry 1 } docsIfCmtsStatusRangingAborteds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts ranging attempts that were explicitly aborted by the CMTS." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.3.6." ::= { docsIfCmtsStatusEntry 2 } docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidRegReqs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts invalid REG-REQ messages received on this interface. That is, syntax, out of range parameters, or erroneous requests." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.3.7." ::= { docsIfCmtsStatusEntry 3 } docsIfCmtsStatusFailedRegReqs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts failed registration attempts. Included are docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidRegReqs, authentication and class of service failures." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.3.7." ::= { docsIfCmtsStatusEntry 4 } docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidDataReqs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts invalid data request messages received on this interface." ::= { docsIfCmtsStatusEntry 5 } docsIfCmtsStatusT5Timeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts the number of times counter T5 expired on this interface." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Figure 9-2." ::= { docsIfCmtsStatusEntry 6 } -- -- CM status table (within CMTS). -- This table is implemented only at the CMTS. -- It contains per CM status information available in the CMTS. -- docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A set of objects in the CMTS, maintained for each Cable Modem connected to this CMTS." ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 3 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status information for a single Cable Modem. An entry in this table exists for each Cable Modem that is connected to the CMTS implementing this table." INDEX { docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex } ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable 1 } DocsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex Integer32, docsIfCmtsCmStatusMacAddress MacAddress, docsIfCmtsCmStatusIpAddress IpAddress, -- Deprecated docsIfCmtsCmStatusDownChannelIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, docsIfCmtsCmStatusUpChannelIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, docsIfCmtsCmStatusRxPower TenthdBmV, docsIfCmtsCmStatusTimingOffset Unsigned32, docsIfCmtsCmStatusEqualizationData OCTET STRING, docsIfCmtsCmStatusValue INTEGER, docsIfCmtsCmStatusUnerroreds Counter32, docsIfCmtsCmStatusCorrecteds Counter32, docsIfCmtsCmStatusUncorrectables Counter32, docsIfCmtsCmStatusSignalNoise TenthdB, docsIfCmtsCmStatusMicroreflections Integer32, docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUnerroreds Counter64, docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtCorrecteds Counter64, docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUncorrectables Counter64, docsIfCmtsCmStatusDocsisRegMode DocsisQosVersion, docsIfCmtsCmStatusModulationType DocsisUpstreamTypeStatus, docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddressType InetAddressType, docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddress InetAddress, docsIfCmtsCmStatusValueLastUpdate TimeStamp } docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index value to uniquely identify an entry in this table. For an individual Cable Modem, this index value should not change during CMTS uptime." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 1 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of this Cable Modem. If the Cable Modem has multiple MAC addresses, this is the MAC address associated with the Cable interface." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 8.2.2." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 2 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "IP address of this Cable Modem. If the Cable Modem has no IP address assigned, or the IP address is unknown, this object returns a value of If the Cable Modem has multiple IP addresses, this object returns the IP address associated with the Cable interface. This object has been deprecated and replaced by docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddressType and docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddress, to enable IPv6 addressing in the future." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 3 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusDownChannelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IfIndex of the downstream channel this CM is connected to. If the downstream channel is unknown, this object returns a value of zero." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 4 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusUpChannelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IfIndex of the upstream channel this CM is connected to. If the upstream channel is unknown, this object returns a value of zero." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 5 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusRxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdBmV UNITS "dBmV" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The receive power as perceived for upstream data from this Cable Modem. If the receive power is unknown, this object returns a value of zero." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 6-11." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 6 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusTimingOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A measure of the current round trip time for this CM. Used for timing of CM upstream transmissions to ensure synchronized arrivals at the CMTS. Units are in terms of 6.25 microseconds/(64*256). Returns zero if the value is unknown." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.18." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 7 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusEqualizationData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Equalization data for this CM. Returns an empty string if the value is unknown or if there is no equalization data available or defined." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Figure 8-23." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 8 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ranging(2), rangingAborted(3), rangingComplete(4), ipComplete(5), registrationComplete(6), accessDenied(7), operational(8), -- deprecated, ECN OSS2-N-03069 registeredBPIInitializing(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Cable Modem connectivity state, as specified in the RF Interface Specification. Returned status information is the CM status as assumed by the CMTS, and indicates the following events: other(1) Any state other than below. ranging(2) The CMTS has received an Initial Ranging Request message from the CM, and the ranging process is not yet complete. rangingAborted(3) The CMTS has sent a Ranging Abort message to the CM. rangingComplete(4) The CMTS has sent a Ranging Complete message to the CM. ipComplete(5) The CMTS has received a DHCP reply message and forwarded it to the CM. registrationComplete(6) The CMTS has sent a Registration Response message to the CM. accessDenied(7) The CMTS has sent a Registration Aborted message to the CM. operational(8) If Baseline Privacy is enabled for the CM, the CMTS has completed Baseline Privacy initialization. If Baseline Privacy is not enabled, equivalent to registrationComplete. registeredBPIInitializing(9) Baseline Privacy is enabled, CMTS is in the process of completing the Baseline Privacy initialization. This state can last for a significant time in the case of failures during the process. After Baseline Privacy initialization is complete, the CMTS will repost back the value registrationComplete(6). The CMTS only needs to report states it is able to detect." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 11.2." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 9 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusUnerroreds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Codewords received without error from this Cable Modem." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.5." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 10 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusCorrecteds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Codewords received with correctable errors from this Cable Modem." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.5." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 11 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusUncorrectables OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Codewords received with uncorrectable errors from this Cable Modem." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.5." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 12 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusSignalNoise OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenthdB UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signal/Noise ratio as perceived for upstream data from this Cable Modem. If the Signal/Noise is unknown, this object returns a value of zero." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Tables 4-1 and 4-2." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 13 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusMicroreflections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) UNITS "dBc" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total microreflections including in-channel response as perceived on this interface, measured in dBc below the signal level. This object is not assumed to return an absolutely accurate value, but should give a rough indication of microreflections received on this interface. It is up to the implementer to provide information as accurate as possible." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Tables 4-1 and 4-2" ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 14 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUnerroreds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Codewords received without error from this Cable Modem." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.5." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 15 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtCorrecteds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Codewords received with correctable errors from this Cable Modem." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.5." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 16 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUncorrectables OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Codewords received with uncorrectable errors from this Cable Modem." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Section 6.2.5." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 17 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusDocsisRegMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsisQosVersion MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Indication whether the CM has registered using 1.0 Class of Service or 1.1 Quality of Service. This object mirrors docsIfCmtsCmStatusDocsisMode from the docsIfExt mib." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Annex G." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 18 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusModulationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsisUpstreamTypeStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates modulation type currently used by the CM. Since this object specifically identifies PHY mode, the shared type is not permitted. If the upstream channel is unknown, this object returns a value of zero." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 19 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of internet address of docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddress. If the cable modem Internet address is unassigned or unknown, then the value of this object is unknown(0)." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 20 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Internet address of this Cable Modem. If the Cable Modem has no Internet address assigned, or the Internet address is unknown, the value of this object is the empty string. If the Cable Modem has multiple Internet addresses, this object returns the Internet address associated with the Cable (i.e. RF MAC) interface." ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 21 } docsIfCmtsCmStatusValueLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime when docsIfCmtsCmStatusValue was last updated" ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 22 } -- -- The CMTS Service Table. -- docsIfCmtsServiceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsServiceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the attributes of upstream service queues in a Cable Modem Termination System." ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 4 } docsIfCmtsServiceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfCmtsServiceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the attributes of a single upstream bandwidth service queue. INTERNET-DRAFT DOCSIS RF Interface MIB November 2001 Entries in this table exist for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableMaclayer(127), and for each service queue (Service ID) within this MAC layer. Entries in this table are created with the creation of individual Service IDs by the MAC layer and removed when a Service ID is removed." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIfCmtsServiceId } ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceTable 1 } DocsIfCmtsServiceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfCmtsServiceId Integer32, docsIfCmtsServiceCmStatusIndex Integer32, -- Deprecated docsIfCmtsServiceAdminStatus INTEGER, docsIfCmtsServiceQosProfile Integer32, docsIfCmtsServiceCreateTime TimeStamp, docsIfCmtsServiceInOctets Counter32, docsIfCmtsServiceInPackets Counter32, docsIfCmtsServiceNewCmStatusIndex Integer32 } docsIfCmtsServiceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16383) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies a service queue for upstream bandwidth. The attributes of this service queue are shared between the Cable Modem and the Cable Modem Termination System. The CMTS allocates upstream bandwidth to this service queue based on requests from the CM and on the class of service associated with this queue." ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 1 } docsIfCmtsServiceCmStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Pointer to an entry in docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable identifying the Cable Modem using this Service Queue. If multiple Cable Modems are using this Service Queue, the value of this object is zero. This object has been deprecated and replaced by docsIfCmtsServiceNewCmStatusIndex, to fix a mismatch of the value range with respect to docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex (1..2147483647)." ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 2 } docsIfCmtsServiceAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2), destroyed(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allows a service class for a particular modem to be suppressed, (re-)enabled, or deleted altogether." ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 3 } docsIfCmtsServiceQosProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16383) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index in docsIfQosProfileTable describing the quality of service attributes associated with this particular service. If no associated docsIfQosProfileTable entry exists, this object returns a value of zero." ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 4 } docsIfCmtsServiceCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime when this entry was created." ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 5 } docsIfCmtsServiceInOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The cumulative number of Packet Data octets received on this Service ID. The count does not include the size of the Cable MAC header" ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 6 } docsIfCmtsServiceInPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The cumulative number of Packet Data packets received on this Service ID." ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 7 } docsIfCmtsServiceNewCmStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pointer (via docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex) to an entry in docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable identifying the Cable Modem using this Service Queue. If multiple Cable Modems are using this Service Queue, the value of this object is zero." ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 8 } -- -- The following table provides upstream channel modulation profiles. -- Entries in this table can be -- re-used by one or more upstream channels. An upstream channel will -- have a modulation profile -- for each value of docsIfModIntervalUsageCode. -- docsIfCmtsModulationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsModulationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes a modulation profile associated with one or more upstream channels." ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 5 } docsIfCmtsModulationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfCmtsModulationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes a modulation profile for an Interval Usage Code for one or more upstream channels. Entries in this table are created by the operator. Initial default entries may be created at system initialization time. No individual objects have to be specified in order to create an entry in this table. Note that some objects do not have DEFVALs, but do have calculated defaults and need not be specified during row creation. There is no restriction on the changing of values in this table while their associated rows are active." INDEX { docsIfCmtsModIndex, docsIfCmtsModIntervalUsageCode} ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationTable 1 } DocsIfCmtsModulationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfCmtsModIndex Integer32, docsIfCmtsModIntervalUsageCode INTEGER, docsIfCmtsModControl RowStatus, docsIfCmtsModType INTEGER, docsIfCmtsModPreambleLen Integer32, docsIfCmtsModDifferentialEncoding TruthValue, docsIfCmtsModFECErrorCorrection Integer32, docsIfCmtsModFECCodewordLength Integer32, docsIfCmtsModScramblerSeed Integer32, docsIfCmtsModMaxBurstSize Integer32, docsIfCmtsModGuardTimeSize Unsigned32, docsIfCmtsModLastCodewordShortened TruthValue, docsIfCmtsModScrambler TruthValue, docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverDepth Unsigned32, docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverBlockSize Unsigned32, docsIfCmtsModPreambleType INTEGER, docsIfCmtsModTcmErrorCorrectionOn TruthValue, docsIfCmtsModScdmaInterleaverStepSize Unsigned32, docsIfCmtsModScdmaSpreaderEnable TruthValue, docsIfCmtsModScdmaSubframeCodes Unsigned32, docsIfCmtsModChannelType DocsisUpstreamType } docsIfCmtsModIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index into the Channel Modulation table representing a group of Interval Usage Codes, all associated with the same channel." ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 1 } docsIfCmtsModIntervalUsageCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { request(1), requestData(2), initialRanging(3), periodicRanging(4), shortData(5), longData(6), advPhyShortData(9), advPhyLongData(10), ugs(11) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index into the Channel Modulation table which, when grouped with other Interval Usage Codes, fully instantiate all modulation sets for a given upstream channel." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-20." ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 2 } docsIfCmtsModControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Controls and reflects the status of rows in this table." ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 3 } docsIfCmtsModType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), qpsk(2), qam16(3), qam8(4), qam32(5), qam64(6), qam128(7), qam256(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The modulation type used on this channel. Returns other(1) if the modulation type is neither qpsk, qam16, qam8, qam32, qam64 or qam128. Type qam128 is used for SCDMA channels only. See the reference for the modulation profiles implied by different modulation types." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { qpsk } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 4 } docsIfCmtsModPreambleLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1536) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The preamble length for this modulation profile in bits. Default value is the minimum needed by the implementation at the CMTS for the given modulation profile." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 5 } docsIfCmtsModDifferentialEncoding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether or not differential encoding is used on this channel." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { false } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 6 } docsIfCmtsModFECErrorCorrection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of correctable errored bytes (t) used in forward error correction code. The value of 0 indicates no correction is employed. The number of check bytes appended will be twice this value." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 7 } docsIfCmtsModFECCodewordLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of data bytes (k) in the forward error correction codeword. This object is not used if docsIfCmtsModFECErrorCorrection is zero." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { 32 } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 8 } docsIfCmtsModScramblerSeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32767) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 15 bit seed value for the scrambler polynomial." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 9 } docsIfCmtsModMaxBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of mini-slots that can be transmitted during this channel's burst time. Returns zero if the burst length is bounded by the allocation MAP rather than this profile. Default value is 0 except for shortData, where it is 8." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 10 } docsIfCmtsModGuardTimeSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of symbol-times which must follow the end of this channel's burst. Default value is the minimum time needed by the implementation for this modulation profile." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 11 } docsIfCmtsModLastCodewordShortened OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the last FEC codeword is truncated." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { true } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 12 } docsIfCmtsModScrambler OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the scrambler is employed." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { false } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 13 } docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ATDMA Byte Interleaver Depth (Ir). This object returns 1 for non ATDMA profiles. " REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 14 } docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverBlockSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ATDMA Byte Interleaver Block size (Br). This object returns zero for non ATDMA profiles " REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { 18 } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 15 } docsIfCmtsModPreambleType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), qpsk0(1), qpsk1(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Preamble type for DOCSIS 2.0 bursts" REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { qpsk0 } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 16 } docsIfCmtsModTcmErrorCorrectionOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Trellis Code Modulation (TCM) On/Off. This value returns false for non S-CDMA profiles." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { false } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 17 } docsIfCmtsModScdmaInterleaverStepSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " S-CDMA Interleaver step size. This value returns zero for non S-CDMA profiles." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 18 } docsIfCmtsModScdmaSpreaderEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " S-CDMA spreader. This value returns false for non S-CDMA profiles. Default value for IUC 3 and 4 is OFF, for all other IUCs it is ON." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 19 } docsIfCmtsModScdmaSubframeCodes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..128) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " S-CDMA sub-frame size. This value returns zero for non S-CDMA profiles." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 20 } docsIfCmtsModChannelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsisUpstreamType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the modulation channel type for this modulation entry." REFERENCE "Document [25] from References, Table 8-19." DEFVAL { tdma } ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 21 } docsIfCmtsQosProfilePermissions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { createByManagement(0), updateByManagement(1), createByModems(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies permitted methods of creating entries in docsIfQosProfileTable. CreateByManagement(0) is set if entries can be created using SNMP. UpdateByManagement(1) is set if updating entries using SNMP is permitted. CreateByModems(2) is set if entries can be created based on information in REG-REQ MAC messages received from Cable Modems. Information in this object is only applicable if docsIfQosProfileTable is implemented as read-create. Otherwise, this object is implemented as read-only and returns CreateByModems(2). Either CreateByManagement(0) or CreateByModems(1) must be set when writing to this object. Note that BITS objects are encoded most significant bit first. For example, if bit 2 is set, the value of this object is the octet string '20'H." ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 6 } docsIfCmtsMacToCmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsMacToCmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table to provide a quick access index into the docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable. There is exactly one row in this table for each row in the docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable. In general, the management station should use this table only to get a pointer into the docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable (which corresponds to the CM's RF interface MAC address), and should not iterate (e.g. GetNext through) this table." ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 7 } docsIfCmtsMacToCmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfCmtsMacToCmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the docsIfCmtsMacToCmTable. An entry in this table exists for each Cable Modem that is connected to the CMTS implementing this table." INDEX { docsIfCmtsCmMac } ::= {docsIfCmtsMacToCmTable 1 } DocsIfCmtsMacToCmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfCmtsCmMac MacAddress, docsIfCmtsCmPtr Integer32 } docsIfCmtsCmMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RF side MAC address for the referenced CM. (E.g. the interface on the CM that has docsCableMacLayer(127) as its ifType." ::= { docsIfCmtsMacToCmEntry 1 } docsIfCmtsCmPtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An row index into docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable. When queried with the correct instance value (e.g. a CM's MAC address), returns the index in docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable which represents that CM." ::= { docsIfCmtsMacToCmEntry 2 } -- The following independent object and associated table provide -- operators with a mechanism to evaluate the load/utilization of -- both upstream and downstream physical channels. This information -- may be used for capacity planning and incident analysis, and may -- be particularly helpful in provisioning of high value QOS. -- -- Utilization is expressed as an index representing the calculated -- percentage utilization of the upstream or downstream channel in -- the most recent sampling interval (ie. utilization interval). -- Refer to the DESCRIPTION field of the docsIfCmtsChannelUtUtilization -- object for definitions and calculation details. docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..86400) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time interval in seconds over which the channel utilization index is calculated. All upstream/downstream channels use the same docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval. Setting a value of zero disables utilization reporting. A channel utilization index is calculated over a fixed window applying to the most recent docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval. It would therefore be prudent to use a relatively short docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval." ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 8 } docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reports utilization statistics for attached upstream and downstream physical channels." ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 9 } docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Utilization statistics for a single upstream or downstream physical channel. An entry exists in this table for each ifEntry with an ifType equal to docsCableDownstreamInterface (128) or docsCableUpstreamInterface (129)." INDEX { ifIndex, docsIfCmtsChannelUtIfType, docsIfCmtsChannelUtId } ::= { docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationTable 1 } DocsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfCmtsChannelUtIfType IANAifType, docsIfCmtsChannelUtId Integer32, docsIfCmtsChannelUtUtilization Integer32 } docsIfCmtsChannelUtIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IANAifType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The secondary index into this table. Indicates the IANA interface type associated with this physical channel. Only docsCableDownstreamInterface (128) and docsCableUpstreamInterface (129) are valid." ::= { docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry 1 } docsIfCmtsChannelUtId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tertiary index into this table. Indicates the CMTS identifier for this physical channel." ::= { docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry 2 } docsIfCmtsChannelUtUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The calculated and truncated utilization index for this physical upstream or downstream channel, accurate as of the most recent docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval. Upstream Channel Utilization Index: The upstream channel utilization index is expressed as a percentage of minislots utilized on the physical channel, regardless of burst type. For an Initial Maintenance region, the minislots for the complete region are considered utilized if the CMTS received an upstream burst within the region from any CM on the physical channel. For contention REQ and REQ/DATA regions, the minislots for a transmission opportunity within the region are considered utilized if the CMTS received an upstream burst within the opportunity from any CM on the physical channel. For all other regions, utilized minislots are those in which the CMTS granted bandwidth to any unicast SID on the physical channel. For an upstream interface that has multiple logical upstream channels enabled, the utilization index is a weighted sum of utilization indices for the logical channels. The weight for each utilization index is the percentage of upstream minislots allocated for the corresponding logical channel. Example: If 75% of bandwidth is allocated to the first logical channel and 25% to the second, and the utilization indices for each are 60 and 40 respectively, the utilization index for the upstream physical channel is (60 * 0.75) + (40 * 0.25) = 55. This figure applies to the most recent utilization interval. Downstream Channel Utilization Index: The downstream channel utilization index is a percentage expressing the ratio between bytes used to transmit data versus the total number of bytes transmitted in the raw bandwidth of the MPEG channel. As with the upstream utilization index, the calculated value represents the most recent utilization interval. Formula: Downstream utilization index = (100 * (data bytes / raw bytes)) = (100 * ((raw bytes - stuffed bytes) / raw bytes)) Definitions: Data bytes: Number of bytes transmitted as data in the docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval. Stuffed bytes: Number of filler bytes transmitted as non-data in the DocsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval. Raw bandwidth: Total number of bytes available for transmitting data, not including bytes used for headers and other overhead. Raw bytes: (raw bandwidth * docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval)." ::= { docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry 3 } -- The following table provides operators with input data appropriate for -- calculating downstream channel utilization. Operators may use the -- docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationTable, or perform their own polling of the -- docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterTable objects to characterize their downstream -- channel usage. -- The 32 bit counter objects are included to provide backward compatibility -- with SNMPv1 managers, which cannot access 64 bit counter objects. docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is implemented at the CMTS to collect downstream channel statistics for utilization calculations." ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 10 } docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry provides a list of traffic counters for a single downstream channel. An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableDownstream(128)." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterTable 1 } DocsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrId Integer32, docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrTotalBytes Counter32, docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrUsedBytes Counter32, docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtTotalBytes Counter64, docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtUsedBytes Counter64 } docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) identification of the downstream channel within this particular MAC interface. If the interface is down, the object returns the most current value. If the downstream channel ID is unknown, this object returns a value of 0." ::= { docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry 1 } docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrTotalBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At the CMTS, the total number of bytes in the Payload portion of MPEG Packets (ie. not including MPEG header or pointer_field) transported by this downstream channel since CMTS initialization. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtTotalBytes, included to provide back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers." ::= { docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry 2 } docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrUsedBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At the CMTS, the total number of DOCSIS data bytes transported by this downstream channel since CMTS initialization. The number of data bytes is defined as the total number of bytes transported in DOCSIS payloads minus the number of stuff bytes transported in DOCSIS payloads. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtUsedBytes, included to provide back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers." ::= { docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry 3 } docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtTotalBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At the CMTS, the total number of bytes in the Payload portion of MPEG Packets (ie. not including MPEG header or pointer_field) transported by this downstream channel since CMTS initialization. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrTotalBytes, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers." ::= { docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry 4 } docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtUsedBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At the CMTS, the total number of DOCSIS data bytes transported by this downstream channel since CMTS initialization. The number of data bytes is defined as the total number of bytes transported in DOCSIS payloads minus the number of stuff bytes transported in DOCSIS payloads. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrUsedBytes, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers." ::= { docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry 5 } -- The following table provides operators with input data appropriate for -- calculating upstream channel utilization, and for determining the traffic -- characteristics of upstream channels. -- Operators may use the docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationTable, or perform their own -- polling of the docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterTable objects for utilization -- determination. -- The first four 32 and 64 objects in this table are mandatory. Vendors may -- choose to implement the remaining optional objects to provide operators with -- finer characterization of upstream channel traffic patterns. -- The 32 bit counter objects are included to provide backward compatibility -- with SNMPv1 managers, which cannot access 64 bit counter objects. docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is implemented at the CMTS to provide upstream channel statistics appropriate for channel utilization calculations." ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 11 } docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DocsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of traffic statistics for a single upstream channel. For Docsis 2.0 CMTSs, an entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableUpstreamChannel (205). For Docsis 1.x CMTSs, an entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableUpstreamInterface (129)." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterTable 1 } DocsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrId Integer32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUcastGrantedMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalMslots Counter64, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUcastGrantedMslots Counter64, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnMslots Counter64, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnMslots Counter64, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqDataMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqDataMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqDataMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnInitMaintMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnInitMaintMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnInitMaintMslots Counter32, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnMslots Counter64, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqMslots Counter64, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqMslots Counter64, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqMslots Counter64, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqDataMslots Counter64, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqDataMslots Counter64, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqDataMslots Counter64, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnInitMaintMslots Counter64, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnInitMaintMslots Counter64, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnInitMaintMslots Counter64 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CMTS identification of the upstream channel." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 1 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of all minislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This count includes all IUCs and SIDs, even those allocated to the NULL SID for a 2.0 logical channel which is inactive. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is mandatory." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 2 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUcastGrantedMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of unicast granted minislots on the upstream logical channel, regardless of burst type. Unicast granted minislots are those in which the CMTS assigned bandwidth to any unicast SID on the logical channel. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUcastGrantedMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is mandatory." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 3 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention minislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This count includes all minislots assigned to a broadcast or multicast SID on the logical channel. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is mandatory." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 4 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention minislots utilized on the upstream logical channel. For contention regions, utilized minislots are those in which the CMTS correctly received an upstream burst from any CM on the upstream logical channel. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is mandatory." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 5 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of all minislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This count includes all IUCs and SIDs, even those allocated to the NULL SID for a 2.0 logical channel which is inactive. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is mandatory." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 6 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUcastGrantedMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of unicast granted minislots on the upstream logical channel, regardless of burst type. Unicast granted minislots are those in which the CMTS assigned bandwidth to any unicast SID on the logical channel. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUcastGrantedMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is mandatory." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 7 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention minislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This count includes all minislots assigned to a broadcast or multicast SID on the logical channel. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is mandatory." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 8 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention minislots utilized on the upstream logical channel. For contention regions, utilized minislots are those in which the CMTS correctly received an upstream burst from any CM on the upstream logical channel. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is mandatory." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 9 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention minislots subjected to collisions on the upstream logical channel. For contention regions, these are the minislots applicable to bursts that the CMTS detected, but could not correctly receive. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, a value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 10 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention request minislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This count includes all minislots for IUC1 assigned to a broadcast or multicast SID on the logical channel. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 11 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention request minislots utilized on this upstream logical channel. This count includes all contention minislots for IUC1 applicable to bursts that the CMTS correctly received. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 12 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention request minislots subjected to collisions on this upstream logical channel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC1 applicable to bursts that the CMTS detected, but could not correctly receive. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 13 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqDataMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention request data minislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This count includes all minislots for IUC2 assigned to a broadcast or multicast SID on the logical channel. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqDataMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 14 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqDataMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention request data minislots utilized on this upstream logical channel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC2 applicable to bursts that the CMTS correctly received. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqDataMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 15 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqDataMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention request data minislots subjected to collisions on this upstream logical channel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC2 applicable to bursts that the CMTS detected, but could not correctly receive. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqDataMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 16 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnInitMaintMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention initial maintenance minislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This includes all minislots for IUC3 assigned to a broadcast or multicast SID on the logical channel. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnInitMaintMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 17 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnInitMaintMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention initial maintenance minislots utilized on this upstream logical channel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC3 applicable to bursts that the CMTS correctly received. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnInitMaintMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 18 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnInitMaintMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention initial maintenance minislots subjected to collisions on this upstream logical channel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC3 applicable to bursts that the CMTS detected, but could not correctly receive. This is the 32 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnInitMaintMslots, and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 19 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of collision contention minislots on the upstream logical channel. For contention regions, these are the minislots applicable to bursts that the CMTS detected, but could not correctly receive. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, a value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 20 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention request minislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This count includes all minislots for IUC1 assigned to a broadcast or multicast SID on the logical channel. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 21 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention request minislots utilized on this upstream logical channel. This count includes all contention minislots for IUC1 applicable to bursts that the CMTS correctly received. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 22 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention request minislots subjected to collisions on this upstream logical channel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC1 applicable to bursts that the CMTS detected, but could not correctly receive. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 23 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqDataMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention request data minislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This count includes all minislots for IUC2 assigned to a broadcast or multicast SID on the logical channel. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqDataMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 24 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqDataMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention request data minislots utilized on this upstream logical channel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC2 applicable to bursts that the CMTS correctly received. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqDataMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 25 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqDataMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention request data minislots subjected to collisions on this upstream logical channel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC2 applicable to bursts that the CMTS detected, but could not correctly receive. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqDataMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 26 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnInitMaintMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of initial maintenance minislots defined for this upstream logical channel. This count includes all minislots for IUC3 assigned to a broadcast or multicast SID on the logical channel. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnInitMaintMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 27 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnInitMaintMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of initial maintenance minislots utilized on this upstream logical channel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC3 applicable to bursts that the CMTS correctly received. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnInitMaintMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 28 } docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnInitMaintMslots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention initial maintenance minislots subjected to collisions on this upstream logical channel. This includes all contention minislots for IUC3 applicable to bursts that the CMTS detected, but could not correctly receive. This is the 64 bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnInitMaintMslots, and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers. Support for this object is optional. If the object is not supported, A value of zero is returned." ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 29 } -- -- notification group is for future extension. -- docsIfNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIfMib 2 } docsIfConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIfMib 3 } docsIfCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIfConformance 1 } docsIfGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { docsIfConformance 2 } -- compliance statements docsIfBasicCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for devices that implement MCNS/DOCSIS compliant Radio Frequency Interfaces." MODULE -- docsIfMib -- unconditionally mandatory groups MANDATORY-GROUPS { docsIfBasicGroup } -- conditionally mandatory group GROUP docsIfCmGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is implemented only in Cable Modems, not in Cable Modem Termination Systems." -- conditionally mandatory group GROUP docsIfCmtsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is implemented only in Cable Modem Termination Systems, not in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfDownChannelFrequency WRITE-SYNTAX Integer32 (47000000..862000000) MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-write in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems. A range of 54MHz to 860MHz is appropriate for a cable plant using a North American Sub-Split channel plan. The spectrum range has been expanded to accommodate a lower edge of 47MHz and an upper edge of 862MHz for some European channel plans. If DOCSIS is extended to cover other types of channel plans (and frequency allocations) this object will be modified accordingly." OBJECT docsIfDownChannelWidth WRITE-SYNTAX Integer32 (6000000 | 8000000) MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "It is conformant to implement this object as read-only. In Cable Modems, this object is always implemented as read-only. The value of 6 MHz is appropriate for cable plants running under NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standards. The value of 8 MHz is appropriate for cable plants running under ETSI standards. For other regional standards, this object will be modified accordingly." OBJECT docsIfDownChannelModulation WRITE-SYNTAX INTEGER { qam64 (3), qam256 (4) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-write in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfDownChannelInterleave WRITE-SYNTAX INTEGER { taps8Increment16(3), taps16Increment8(4), taps32Increment4(5), taps64Increment2(6), taps128Increment1(7), taps12increment17(8) } MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-write in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfDownChannelPower MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-write in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelFrequency WRITE-SYNTAX Integer32 (5000000..65000000) MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-create in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems. A range of 5MHz to 42MHz is appropriate for a cable plant using a North American Sub-Split channel plan. The spectrum range has been expanded to accommodate an upper edge of 65MHz for some European channel plans. If DOCSIS is extended to cover other types of channel plans (and frequency allocations) this object will be modified accordingly." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelWidth WRITE-SYNTAX Integer32 (200000..6400000) MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-create in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems. The above value is appropriate for cable plants running under NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) standards. If DOCSIS is extended to work with other standard (e.g. European standards), this object will be modified accordingly." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelModulationProfile MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-create in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelSlotSize MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "This object is always read-only in Cable Modems. It is compliant to implement this object as read-only in Cable Modem Termination Systems." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffStart MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-create in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffEnd MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-create in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffStart MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-create in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffEnd MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-create in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelScdmaActiveCodes MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "This object is always read-only in Cable Modems. The number of active codes when SCDMA is in use must range from 64 to 128, and must be a non- Prime value. Providing this range allows for the following features and capabilities: 1) Power management in S-CDMA spreader-on frames (with a 3 dB spread) 2) Avoidance of code 0 3) Flexible minislot sizes with and without the use of code 0" OBJECT docsIfUpChannelScdmaCodesPerSlot MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-create in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelScdmaFrameSize MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-create in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelScdmaHoppingSeed MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "This object is always read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelType MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-create in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelCloneFrom MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-create in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelUpdate MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-create in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfUpChannelPreEqEnable MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Read-create in Cable Modem Termination Systems, read-only in Cable Modems." OBJECT docsIfQosProfPriority MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "This object is always read-only in Cable Modems. It is compliant to implement this object as read-only in Cable Modem Termination Systems." OBJECT docsIfQosProfPriority MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "This object is always read-only in Cable Modems. It is compliant to implement this object as read-only in Cable Modem Termination Systems." OBJECT docsIfQosProfMaxUpBandwidth MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "This object is always read-only in Cable Modems. It is compliant to implement this object as read-only in Cable Modem Termination Systems." OBJECT docsIfQosProfGuarUpBandwidth MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "This object is always read-only in Cable Modems. It is compliant to implement this object as read-only in Cable Modem Termination Systems." OBJECT docsIfQosProfMaxDownBandwidth MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "This object is always read-only in Cable Modems. It is compliant to implement this object as read-only in Cable Modem Termination Systems." OBJECT docsIfQosProfBaselinePrivacy MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "This object is always read-only in Cable Modems. It is compliant to implement this object as read-only in Cable Modem Termination Systems." OBJECT docsIfQosProfStatus MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "This object is always read-only in Cable Modems. It is compliant to implement this object as read-only in Cable Modem Termination Systems." OBJECT docsIfQosProfMaxTransmitBurst MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "This object is always read-only in Cable Modems. It is compliant to implement this object as read-only in Cable Modem Termination Systems." OBJECT docsIfCmtsServiceAdminStatus MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only." OBJECT docsIfCmtsSyncInterval MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only." OBJECT docsIfCmtsUcdInterval MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only." OBJECT docsIfCmtsInsertInterval MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only." OBJECT docsIfCmtsInvitedRangingAttempts MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only." OBJECT docsIfCmtsQosProfilePermissions MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only." ::= { docsIfCompliances 1 } docsIfBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsIfDownChannelId, docsIfDownChannelFrequency, docsIfDownChannelWidth, docsIfDownChannelModulation, docsIfDownChannelInterleave, docsIfDownChannelPower, docsIfDownChannelAnnex, docsIfUpChannelId, docsIfUpChannelFrequency, docsIfUpChannelWidth, docsIfUpChannelModulationProfile, docsIfUpChannelSlotSize, docsIfUpChannelTxTimingOffset, docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffStart, docsIfUpChannelRangingBackoffEnd, docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffStart, docsIfUpChannelTxBackoffEnd, docsIfUpChannelScdmaActiveCodes, docsIfUpChannelScdmaCodesPerSlot, docsIfUpChannelScdmaFrameSize, docsIfUpChannelScdmaHoppingSeed, docsIfUpChannelType, docsIfUpChannelCloneFrom, docsIfUpChannelUpdate, docsIfUpChannelStatus, docsIfUpChannelPreEqEnable, docsIfQosProfPriority, docsIfQosProfMaxUpBandwidth, docsIfQosProfGuarUpBandwidth, docsIfQosProfMaxDownBandwidth, docsIfQosProfBaselinePrivacy, docsIfQosProfStatus, docsIfQosProfMaxTransmitBurst, docsIfSigQIncludesContention, docsIfSigQUnerroreds, docsIfSigQCorrecteds, docsIfSigQUncorrectables, docsIfSigQSignalNoise, docsIfSigQMicroreflections, docsIfSigQEqualizationData, docsIfSigQExtUnerroreds, docsIfSigQExtCorrecteds, docsIfSigQExtUncorrectables, docsIfDocsisBaseCapability } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects implemented in both Cable Modems and Cable Modem Termination Systems." ::= { docsIfGroups 1 } docsIfCmGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsIfCmCmtsAddress, docsIfCmCapabilities, docsIfCmRangingTimeout, -- docsIfCmRangingRespTimeout, docsIfCmStatusValue, docsIfCmStatusCode, docsIfCmStatusTxPower, docsIfCmStatusResets, docsIfCmStatusLostSyncs, docsIfCmStatusInvalidMaps, docsIfCmStatusInvalidUcds, docsIfCmStatusInvalidRangingResponses, docsIfCmStatusInvalidRegistrationResponses, docsIfCmStatusT1Timeouts, docsIfCmStatusT2Timeouts, docsIfCmStatusT3Timeouts, docsIfCmStatusT4Timeouts, docsIfCmStatusRangingAborteds, docsIfCmStatusDocsisOperMode, docsIfCmStatusModulationType, docsIfCmStatusEqualizationData, docsIfCmServiceQosProfile, docsIfCmServiceTxSlotsImmed, docsIfCmServiceTxSlotsDed, docsIfCmServiceTxRetries, docsIfCmServiceTxExceededs, docsIfCmServiceRqRetries, docsIfCmServiceRqExceededs, docsIfCmServiceExtTxSlotsImmed, docsIfCmServiceExtTxSlotsDed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects implemented in Cable Modems." ::= { docsIfGroups 2 } docsIfCmtsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsIfCmtsCapabilities, docsIfCmtsSyncInterval, docsIfCmtsUcdInterval, docsIfCmtsMaxServiceIds, -- docsIfCmtsInsertionInterval, docsIfCmtsInvitedRangingAttempts, docsIfCmtsInsertInterval, docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidRangeReqs, docsIfCmtsStatusRangingAborteds, docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidRegReqs, docsIfCmtsStatusFailedRegReqs, docsIfCmtsStatusInvalidDataReqs, docsIfCmtsStatusT5Timeouts, docsIfCmtsCmStatusMacAddress, docsIfCmtsCmStatusDownChannelIfIndex, docsIfCmtsCmStatusUpChannelIfIndex, docsIfCmtsCmStatusRxPower, docsIfCmtsCmStatusTimingOffset, docsIfCmtsCmStatusEqualizationData, docsIfCmtsCmStatusValue, docsIfCmtsCmStatusUnerroreds, docsIfCmtsCmStatusCorrecteds, docsIfCmtsCmStatusUncorrectables, docsIfCmtsCmStatusSignalNoise, docsIfCmtsCmStatusMicroreflections, docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUnerroreds, docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtCorrecteds, docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUncorrectables, docsIfCmtsCmStatusDocsisRegMode, docsIfCmtsCmStatusModulationType, docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddressType, docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddress, docsIfCmtsCmStatusValueLastUpdate, docsIfCmtsServiceAdminStatus, docsIfCmtsServiceQosProfile, docsIfCmtsServiceCreateTime, docsIfCmtsServiceInOctets, docsIfCmtsServiceInPackets, docsIfCmtsServiceNewCmStatusIndex, docsIfCmtsModType, docsIfCmtsModControl, docsIfCmtsModPreambleLen, docsIfCmtsModDifferentialEncoding, docsIfCmtsModFECErrorCorrection, docsIfCmtsModFECCodewordLength, docsIfCmtsModScramblerSeed, docsIfCmtsModMaxBurstSize, docsIfCmtsModGuardTimeSize, docsIfCmtsModLastCodewordShortened, docsIfCmtsModScrambler, docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverDepth, docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverBlockSize, docsIfCmtsModPreambleType, docsIfCmtsModTcmErrorCorrectionOn, docsIfCmtsModScdmaInterleaverStepSize, docsIfCmtsModScdmaSpreaderEnable, docsIfCmtsModScdmaSubframeCodes, docsIfCmtsModChannelType, docsIfCmtsQosProfilePermissions, docsIfCmtsCmPtr, docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval, docsIfCmtsChannelUtUtilization, docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrTotalBytes, docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrUsedBytes, docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtTotalBytes, docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtUsedBytes, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUcastGrantedMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUcastGrantedMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqDataMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqDataMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqDataMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnInitMaintMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnInitMaintMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnInitMaintMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqDataMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqDataMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqDataMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnInitMaintMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnInitMaintMslots, docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnInitMaintMslots } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of objects implemented in Cable Modem Termination Systems." ::= { docsIfGroups 3 } docsIfObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsIfCmRangingRespTimeout, docsIfCmtsInsertionInterval } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Group of objects obsoleted." ::= { docsIfGroups 4 } docsIfDeprecatedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { docsIfQosProfMaxTxBurst, docsIfCmtsCmStatusIpAddress, docsIfCmtsServiceCmStatusIndex } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Group of objects deprecated." ::= { docsIfGroups 5 } END