ADTRAN-AOS-POWER DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Unsigned32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF adGenAOSPower, adGenAOSConformance FROM ADTRAN-AOS; adGenAOSPowerMonitor MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201009100000Z" ORGANIZATION "ADTRAN, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Technical Support Dept. Postal: ADTRAN, Inc. 901 Explorer Blvd. Huntsville, AL 35806 Tel: +1 800 726-8663 Fax: +1 256 963 6217 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for general configuration of power monitoring options for devices with battery backup." REVISION "201009100000Z" -- September 10, 2010 DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB module" REVISION "201302100000Z" -- February 7, 2013 DESCRIPTION "Added EPS and RPS connection and delivery traps to the existing adGenAOSPowerTraps. Also, added the RO adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsTable to allow OID support for the changes in EPS/RPS state changes." ::= { adGenAOSPower 1 } adGenAOSPowerTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSPower 0 } adGenAOSPowerRollOverCtl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSPowerMonitor 1 } adGenAOSPowerEpsRps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSPowerMonitor 2 } AdEpsPowerDeliveryStateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates Failure State of a power supply " SYNTAX INTEGER { delivering(1), notDelivering(2), failed(3), unknown(4) } AdRpsPowerDeliveryStateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates Failure State of a power supply " SYNTAX INTEGER { failed(1), busy(2), delivering(3), available(4), unknown(5) } AdPowerConnectionStateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates Failure State of a power supply " SYNTAX INTEGER { connected(1), notConnected(2), notApplicable(3), unknown(4) } -- -- Power Rollover Control -- adGenAOSPowerRolloverOnAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Integer value specifying whether or not unit is on AC power." ::= { adGenAOSPowerRollOverCtl 1 } adGenAOSPwrRollOvrEvntSecSinceEpoch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time (seconds since epoch) that a power rollover trap was generated." ::= { adGenAOSPowerRollOverCtl 2 } -- -- EPS/RPS Table -- adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSPowerEpsRpsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EPS/RPS Power Table." ::= { adGenAOSPowerEpsRps 1 } adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdGenAOSPowerEpsRpsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EPS/RPS entry for a particular VCID." INDEX { adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsInstanceId } ::= {adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsTable 1 } AdGenAOSPowerEpsRpsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsInstanceId Unsigned32, adGenAOSPowerEpsConnectionState AdPowerConnectionStateTC, adGenAOSPowerEpsDeliveryState AdEpsPowerDeliveryStateTC, adGenAOSPowerRpsConnectionState AdPowerConnectionStateTC, adGenAOSPowerRpsDeliveryState AdRpsPowerDeliveryStateTC } adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies a row in the adGenAOSEpsRpsTable." ::= { adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsEntry 1 } adGenAOSPowerEpsConnectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdPowerConnectionStateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text value specifying if an EPS is connected or not." ::= { adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsEntry 2 } adGenAOSPowerEpsDeliveryState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdEpsPowerDeliveryStateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text value specifying the delivery state of the EPS power." ::= { adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsEntry 3 } adGenAOSPowerRpsConnectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdPowerConnectionStateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text value specifying if an RPS is connected or not." ::= { adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsEntry 4 } adGenAOSPowerRpsDeliveryState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdRpsPowerDeliveryStateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text value specifying the delivery state of the RPS power." ::= { adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsEntry 5 } -- -- Notifications -- adGenAOSPowerRollover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { adGenAOSPowerRolloverOnAC, adGenAOSPwrRollOvrEvntSecSinceEpoch } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates the unit has had a change in power source, either from AC to DC or back again. The SecSinceEpoch represents the time (seconds since epoch) that the rollover occured." ::= { adGenAOSPowerTraps 1 } adGenAOSEpsConnectionChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsInstanceId, adGenAOSPowerEpsConnectionState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates the unit has had a change in the EPS connection state." ::= { adGenAOSPowerTraps 2 } adGenAOSEpsDeliveryChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsInstanceId, adGenAOSPowerEpsDeliveryState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates the unit has had a change in the EPS delivery state." ::= { adGenAOSPowerTraps 3 } adGenAOSRpsConnectionChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsInstanceId, adGenAOSPowerRpsConnectionState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates the unit has had a change in the RPS connection state." ::= { adGenAOSPowerTraps 4 } adGenAOSRpsDeliveryChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsInstanceId, adGenAOSPowerRpsDeliveryState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates the unit has had a change in the RPS delivery state." ::= { adGenAOSPowerTraps 5 } -- conformance information adGenAOSPowerConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSConformance 11 } adGenAOSPowerGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSPowerConformance 1 } adGenAOSPowerCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSPowerConformance 2 } -- -- MIB Compliance statements. -- -- Full compliance statement adGenAOSPowerFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement version 2 of the adGenAOSPower MIB. When this MIB is fully implemented, then such an implementation can claim full compliance." MODULE -- this module GROUP adGenAOSPowerRollOverCtlGroup DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing read/write configuration information for the management of power rollovers." GROUP adGenAOSPowerNotificationGroup DESCRIPTION "This mandatory group is used for the management of power rollover notifications." GROUP adGenAOSEpsRpsConfigurationGroup DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing read-only configuration information for the management of EPS and RPS." GROUP adGenAOSEpsNotificationGroup DESCRIPTION "This mandatory group is used for the management of EPS notifications." GROUP adGenAOSRpsNotificationGroup DESCRIPTION "This mandatory group is used for the management of RPS notifications." ::= { adGenAOSPowerCompliances 1 } adGenAOSPowerNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { adGenAOSPowerRollover } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap which may be used to enhance power event driven management of the Unit." ::= { adGenAOSPowerGroups 1 } adGenAOSPowerRollOverCtlGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { adGenAOSPwrRollOvrEvntSecSinceEpoch, adGenAOSPowerRolloverOnAC } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Unit SNMP Config Group." ::= { adGenAOSPowerGroups 2 } adGenAOSEpsNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { adGenAOSEpsConnectionChange, adGenAOSEpsDeliveryChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap used to indicate state changes of EPS." ::= { adGenAOSPowerGroups 3 } adGenAOSRpsNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { adGenAOSRpsConnectionChange, adGenAOSRpsDeliveryChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap used to indicate state changes of RPS." ::= { adGenAOSPowerGroups 4 } adGenAOSEpsRpsConfigurationGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { adGenAOSPowerEpsRpsInstanceId, adGenAOSPowerRpsConnectionState, adGenAOSPowerRpsDeliveryState, adGenAOSPowerEpsConnectionState, adGenAOSPowerEpsDeliveryState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Unit SNMP Config Group." ::= { adGenAOSPowerGroups 5 } END