ADTRAN-AOS-QOS DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Unsigned32, Integer32 ,Counter32, Counter64, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF InterfaceIndex, ifIndex FROM IF-MIB adIdentity FROM ADTRAN-MIB adGenAOSConformance, adGenAOSRouter FROM ADTRAN-AOS; adGenAOSQoSMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200806250000Z" -- June 25, 2008 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ ORGANIZATION "ADTRAN, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Technical Support Dept. Postal: ADTRAN, Inc. 901 Explorer Blvd. Huntsville, AL 35806 Tel: +1 800 726-8663 Fax: +1 256 963 6217 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB contains QoS statistical information." REVISION "201106170000Z" -- June 17, 2011 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ DESCRIPTION "Changed description of adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQType. Changes by Michael Weir." REVISION "201105170000Z" -- May 17, 2011 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ DESCRIPTION "Added enumeration values to adGenAOSQosMapMatchType and adGenAOSQoSMapProtocolMatchType for QoS IPv6 configurations. Changes by Reba Holland." REVISION "201005190000Z" -- May 5, 2010 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ DESCRIPTION "Added adGenAOSQoSMapPriorityStrictRateLimiting to adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesTable. Changes by David Wallace." REVISION "200903040000Z" -- March 4, 2009 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ DESCRIPTION "Added configuration information to adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesTable and shaping statistics to adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTable. Added adGenAOSQoSMapMatchTable and adGenAOSQoSMapShaperTable. Changes by Reba Holland." REVISION "200809160000Z" -- September 17, 2008 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ DESCRIPTION "Added rate statistics to adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryTable and adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterTable. Added adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsTable. The adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsTable will initially display only default class information. Changes by Reba Holland." REVISION "200808200000Z" -- August 20, 2008 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ DESCRIPTION "Changed name of OIDs adGenAOSQoSMapEntryActionType, adGenAOSQoSMapBWType, adGenAOSQoSMapBWValue, to adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingActionType, adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingBWType, adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingBWValue. Changes by Reba Holland." REVISION "200807110000Z" -- July 11, 2008 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ DESCRIPTION "Added adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTable. Changed adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryTable to use ifIndex, adGenAOSMapEntryId, and adGenAOSQoSMapParentEntryId as indices. Changed adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterTable to use adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterParentId as an index. Changes by Reba Holland." REVISION "200806250000Z" -- June 25, 2008 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ DESCRIPTION "Added the following to the adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesTable - adGenAOSQoSMapEntrySetName, adGenAOSQoSMapEntryActionType, adGenAOSQoSMapBWType, adGenAOSQoSMapBWValue. Changed adGenAOSQos to be under the adGenAOSRouter tree instead of the adGenAOSCommon tree. Changed name, indices and OIDS of adGenQOSQoSConversationTable to adGenAOSQoSClassConversationTable. Changed name, indices and OIDS of adGenQOSQoSConvHistoryTable to adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryTable. Changes by Reba Holland." REVISION "200806060000Z" -- June 6, 2008 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ DESCRIPTION "Changed the following from Integer32 to Unsigned32 - adGenAOSQoSMapSetId, adGenAOSQoSMapEntryId adGenAOSQoSHistoryConvId, adGenAOSQoSHistorySetId, adGenAOSQoSHistoryEntryId, adGenAOSQoSConvId. Changed description of adGenAOSQoSConvHistoryTable and adGenAOSQoSConversationTable. Removed adGenAOSQoSMapSetId as an index to adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterTable and added adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterSetId as an entry. Changes by Reba Holland." REVISION "200806040000Z" -- June 4, 2008 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ DESCRIPTION "Added adGenAOSQoSMapChildSetName to adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesTable. Changed indices of adGenAOSQoSConvHistoryTable. Changed description and indices of adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesTable. Changed OID name of adGenAOSQoSRateLimiterTable to adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterTable. Changes by Reba Holland." REVISION "200804170000Z" -- April 17, 2008 / YYYYMMDDHHMMZ DESCRIPTION "First Draft of ADTRAN-AOS-QOS MIB module. ********************************** QoS Overview ********************************** This MIB allows read-only access to quality of service (QoS)statistical information for QoS enabled ADTRAN products. A QoS-policy is defined using a QoS map in the ADTRAN Operating System (AOS) command line interface (CLI). The QoS map is a named list with sequenced entries. An entry contains match references and one or more actions. Multiple map entries for the same QoS map are differentiated by a sequence number. The sequence number is used to assign match order. Once created, a QoS map must be applied to an interface in order to actively process traffic. Any traffic for the interface that does not explicitly match a map entry is sent using the default queuing method for the interface (such as weighted fair queuing (WFQ). All QoS configuration must be done by the ADTRAN command line interface (CLI) or the WEB GUI." ::= { adIdentity 10000 53 2 1 } adGenAOSQos OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSRouter 1 } -- Textual Conventions Unsigned64 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An unsigned 64-bit quantity. Currently using Counter64 SYNTAX for encoding rules." SYNTAX Counter64 -- ======================================================================== -- -- QoS Map Table -- TID - TID_QOS_MAP_SET adGenAOSQoSMapSetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSQoSMapSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Named list of configured QoS maps." ::= { adGenAOSQos 1 } adGenAOSQoSMapSetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdGenAOSQoSMapSetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The parameters for a particular QoS map." INDEX { adGenAOSQoSMapSetId } ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapSetTable 1 } AdGenAOSQoSMapSetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adGenAOSQoSMapSetId Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapSetName DisplayString, adGenAOSQoSMapIsChild TruthValue } -- CID_QOS_MAP_SET_ID adGenAOSQoSMapSetId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a unique number chosen by the system to identify a row in the adGenAOSQoSMapTable." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapSetEntry 1 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_SET_NAME adGenAOSQoSMapSetName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique string used to identify QoS map." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapSetEntry 2 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_SET_IS_CHILD adGenAOSQoSMapIsChild OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies this map as a child of another map if true." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapSetEntry 3 } -- -- QoS Map Entry Table -- TID_QOS_MAP_ENTRY adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of sequenced entries for a named QoS map." ::= { adGenAOSQos 2 } adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The parameters for a particular sequenced entry of a named QoS map." INDEX { adGenAOSQoSMapSetId, adGenAOSQoSMapEntryId } ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesTable 1 } AdGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adGenAOSQoSMapEntryId Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapSeqNum Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapEntrySetName DisplayString, adGenAOSQoSMapChildSetName DisplayString, adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingActionType INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingBWType INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingBWValue Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingBurstValue Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapMatchAll INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSMapDscpMarkState INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSMapDscpMarkValue Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapDscpMarkString DisplayString, adGenAOSQoSMapPrecedenceMarkState INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSMapPrecedenceMarkValue Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapCosMarkState INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSMapCosMarkValue Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapShapeState INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSMapShapeValue Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapShapeBurst Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapShapeEthOverhead INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSMapClearCounters INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSMapPriorityStrictRateLimiting INTEGER -- adGenAOSQoSMapEntryDescription DisplayString, } -- CID_QOS_MAP_ENTRY_ID adGenAOSQoSMapEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a unique number chosen by the system and is used in conjunction with adGenAOSQoSMapSetId to identify a unique row in the adGenAOSQoSMapEntryTable." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 1 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_SEQ_NUMBER adGenAOSQoSMapSeqNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a unique number configured by the user to identify a sequence of entries in a named list of maps." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 2 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_CHILD_SET_NAME adGenAOSQoSMapEntrySetName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique string used to identify QoS map." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 3 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_CHILD_SET_NAME adGenAOSQoSMapChildSetName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique string used to identify QoS child map." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 4 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_ACTION_TYPE adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingActionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), priority (2), classBased(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the type of queuing configured for this map entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 5 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_BW_TYPE -- CID_QOS_MAP_PRIORITY_BW_TYPE adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingBWType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), absolute (2), percent (3), percentRemaining (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the type of bandwidth queuing." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 6 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_CLASS_BANDWIDTH -- CID_QOS_MAP_BANDWIDTH adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingBWValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configured bandwidth for this map entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 7 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_BURST adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingBurstValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority burst size in bytes." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 8 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_MATCH_ALL_ENABLE adGenAOSQoSMapMatchAll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If enabled match case requires all of multiple conditions to be met (logical AND). If disabled match case requires any of multiple conditions to be met (logical OR)." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 9 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_DSCP_MARK_ENABLE adGenAOSQoSMapDscpMarkState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of packet IP DSCP field marking." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 10 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_DSCP_MARK_VALUE adGenAOSQoSMapDscpMarkValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mark packet IP DSCP field with this value (0-63)." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 11 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_DSCP_MARK_ALIAS adGenAOSQoSMapDscpMarkString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mark packet IP DSCP field with this string value. Possible mark values are: af11 - AF11 dscp (001010) af12 - AF12 dscp (001100) af13 - AF13 dscp (001110) af21 - AF21 dscp (010010) af22 - AF22 dscp (010100) af23 - AF23 dscp (010110) af31 - AF31 dscp (011010) af32 - AF32 dscp (011100) af33 - AF33 dscp (011110) af41 - AF41 dscp (100010) af42 - AF42 dscp (100100) af43 - AF43 dscp (100110) cs1 - CS1(precedence 1) dscp (001000) cs2 - CS2(precedence 2) dscp (010000) cs3 - CS3(precedence 3) dscp (011000) cs4 - CS4(precedence 4) dscp (100000) cs5 - CS5(precedence 5) dscp (101000) cs6 - CS6(precedence 6) dscp (110000) cs7 - CS7(precedence 7) dscp (111000) default - Default dscp (000000) ef - EF dscp (101110)" ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 12 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_PRECEDENCE_MARK_ENABLE adGenAOSQoSMapPrecedenceMarkState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of packet IP precedence field marking." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 13 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_PRECEDENCE_MARK_VALUE adGenAOSQoSMapPrecedenceMarkValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mark packet IP Precedence field with this value." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 14 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_COS_MARK_ENABLE adGenAOSQoSMapCosMarkState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of packet Ethernet VLAN Priority field marking." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 15 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_COS_MARK_VALUE adGenAOSQoSMapCosMarkValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mark packet Ethernet VLAN Priority field with this value." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 16 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_SHAPE_ENABLE adGenAOSQoSMapShapeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of traffic shaping." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 17 } --CID_QOS_MAP_SHAPE_VALUE adGenAOSQoSMapShapeValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shaper's committed information rate in bps." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 18 } --CID_QOS_MAP_SHAPE_BURST adGenAOSQoSMapShapeBurst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shaper's burst size in bytes." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 19 } --CID_QOS_MAP_SHAPE_ETHERNET_OVERHEAD_ENABLE adGenAOSQoSMapShapeEthOverhead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of inclusion of Ethernet CRC and VLAN tag bytes in the packet size." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 20 } -- CID_CLEAR_COUNTERS adGenAOSQoSMapClearCounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clear the map entry statistics. This is a write-only variable. A read will always return a value of '1'." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 21 } --CID_QOS_MAP_PRIORITY_STRICT_RATE_LIMITING adGenAOSQoSMapPriorityStrictRateLimiting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If enabled, all priority packets that exceed the configured bandwidth will be dropped." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 22 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_ENTRY_DESCRIPTION -- adGenAOSQoSMapEntryDescription OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX DisplayString -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "User defined string used to identify QoS map entry." -- ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapEntriesEntry 23 } -- -- QoS Interface Table adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of interfaces and the QoS map data for that interface." ::= { adGenAOSQos 3 } adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays list of interfaces and the QoS map data for that interface. Note: some interfaces may not support QoS or may support only a portion of the QoS data." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTable 1 } AdGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceName DisplayString, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceOutboundMapSetName DisplayString, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceInboundMapSetName DisplayString, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceMapState INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQType INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQSubqPktLimit Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQSize Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQPktHighWater Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQMaxTotal Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQDrops Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQHdlcRingLimit Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQAvailableBW Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQConvActive Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQConvMaxActive Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQConvMaxTotal Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTrafficShapingRate Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTrafficShapingBurst Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperValue Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperCurrentBudgetSize Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperMaxBudgetSize Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperBytesPerTick Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperTickRate Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperQPktDepth Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperQPktDrops Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperQPktSent Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperQPktDelayed Unsigned32 } -- Cid_IF_NAME adGenAOSQoSInterfaceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique string used to identify this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 1 } -- Cid_Output_Qos_Map_Set_Name adGenAOSQoSInterfaceOutboundMapSetName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique string used to identify the outbound QoS map applied to this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 2 } -- Cid_Input_Qos_Map_Set_Name adGenAOSQoSInterfaceInboundMapSetName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique string used to identify the inbound QoS map applied to this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 3 } --Qos::CID_QOS_MAP_SET_STATE adGenAOSQoSInterfaceMapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies state of QoS map attached to this interface. There may be inadequate bandwidth to enable." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 4 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_TXQ_TYPE adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fifo (1), fifoAged (2), weightedFair (3), roundRobin (4), priority (5), none (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the effective queueing method for this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 5 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_TXQ_SUBQ_PKT_LIMIT adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQSubqPktLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies output packet threshold for the sub-queues on this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 6 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_TXQ_SIZE adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies output queue size for this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 7 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_TXQ_PKT_HIGH_WATER adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQPktHighWater OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies output queue high water mark for this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 8 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_TXQ_MAX_TOTAL adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQMaxTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies output queue max total for this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 9 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_TXQ_DROPS adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQDrops OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies output queue drops for this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 10 } --Qos::CID_QOS_TXQ_HDLC_RING_LIMIT adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQHdlcRingLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies HDLC tx buffer descriptor ring limit for this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 11 } --Qos::CID_QOS_AVAILABLE_BANDWIDTH adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQAvailableBW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies available bandwidth in kilobits/sec." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 12 } -- CID_QOS_TXQ_CONVERSATIONS_ACTIVE adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQConvActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies number of active conversations for this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 13 } --Qos::CID_QOS_TXQ_CONVERSATIONS_MAX_ACTIVE adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQConvMaxActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies number of max active conversations for this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 14 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_TXQ_CONVERSATIONS_MAX_TOTAL adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQConvMaxTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies max total conversations for this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 15 } -- adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTrafficShapingRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Outbound traffic shaping rate in bits per second." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 16 } adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTrafficShapingBurst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Outbound traffic shaping burst in bytes." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 17 } -- QOS::CID_QOS_SHAPER_SHAPE_VALUE adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shaper value for traffic on an interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 18 } -- QOS::CID_QOS_SHAPER_CURRENT_BUCKET_SIZE adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperCurrentBudgetSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current budget size of the interface shaper." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 19 } -- QOS::CID_QOS_SHAPER_MAX_BUCKET_SIZE adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperMaxBudgetSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum budget size of the interface shaper." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 20 } -- QOS::CID_QOS_SHAPER_BITS_PER_TICK adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperBytesPerTick OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bytes added to the budget." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 21 } -- QOS::CID_QOS_SHAPER_TICK_RATE adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperTickRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "How often, in milliseconds, that bytes are added to the budget." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 22 } -- QOS::CID_QOS_SHAPER_QUEUE_PKT_DEPTH adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperQPktDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interface shaper queue depth." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 23 } -- QOS::CID_QOS_SHAPER_QUEUE_PKT_DROPS adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperQPktDrops OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interface shaper queue drops for this interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 24 } -- QOS::CID_QOS_SHAPER_QUEUE_PKT_SENT adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperQPktSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sent packets for this interface shaper queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 25 } -- QOS::CID_QOS_SHAPER_QUEUE_PKT_DELAYED adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperQPktDelayed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Delayed packets for this interface shaper queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceEntry 26 } -- QoS Class Based Conversation History Table -- TID_QOS_CLASS_BASED_CONVERSATION_HISTORY adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays QoS class based conversation history." ::= { adGenAOSQos 4 } adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The class based conversation history for a particular sequenced entry of a named QoS map." INDEX { ifIndex, adGenAOSQoSMapEntryId, adGenAOSQoSMapParentEntryId } ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryTable 1 } AdGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adGenAOSQoSMapParentEntryId Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSClassConvSetId Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSHistoryClassConvId Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryMatches Counter32, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryDiscards Counter32, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryMatchesBytes Counter64, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryDiscardsBytes Counter64, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryDepth Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryHighWater Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryByteMatchRate Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryByteDiscardRate Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryBitMatchRate Unsigned64, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryBitDiscardRate Unsigned64 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_PARENT_ENTRY_ID adGenAOSQoSMapParentEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a unique number chosen by the system and the parent QoS map. This will always be zero for conversations in the base interface queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry 1 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_SET_ID adGenAOSQoSClassConvSetId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a unique number used to identify which row in the adGenAOSQoSMapSetTable this conversation is associated." ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry 2 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_ID adGenAOSQoSHistoryClassConvId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a unique number chosen by the system and is used in conjuntion with adGenAOSQoSMapSetId, adGenAOSQoSMapEntryId, and ifIndex to identify a unique row in the AdGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryTable." ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry 3 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_MATCHES adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryMatches OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of conversation packets matched on this sub-queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry 4 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_DISCARDS adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of conversation packets discarded on this sub-queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry 5 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_MATCHES_BYTES adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryMatchesBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of conversation bytes matched on this sub-queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry 6 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_DISCARDS_BYTES adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryDiscardsBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of conversation bytes discarded on this sub-queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry 7 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_DEPTH adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current conversation queue depth on this sub-queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry 8 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_HIGH_WATER adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryHighWater OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum depth in sub-queue since counter statistics were last cleared." ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry 9 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_MATCH_RATE adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryByteMatchRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes matched per second for this sub-queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry 10 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_DISCARD_RATE adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryByteDiscardRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes discarded per second for this sub-queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry 11 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_MATCH_RATE*8 adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryBitMatchRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bits matched per second for this sub-queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry 12 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_DISCARD_RATE adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryBitDiscardRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bits discarded per second for this sub-queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryEntry 13 } -- -- QoS Conversation Table -- TID_QOS_CONVERSATIONS adGenAOSQoSConversationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSQoSConversationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays real-time head-of-queue packets in the conversation sub-queue." ::= { adGenAOSQos 5 } adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdGenAOSQoSConversationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conversation for a particular sequenced entry of a named QoS map." INDEX { ifIndex, adGenAOSQoSConvId, adGenAOSQoSMapConvParentEntryId } ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationTable 1 } AdGenAOSQoSConversationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adGenAOSQoSConvId Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapConvParentEntryId Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSConvMatches Counter32, adGenAOSQoSConvDiscards Counter32, adGenAOSQoSConvMatchesBytes Counter64, adGenAOSQoSConvDiscardsBytes Counter64, adGenAOSQoSConvDepth Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSConvHighWater Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSConvWeight Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSConvPktLen Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSConvProttype INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSConvSubQType INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSConvPktHeader OCTET STRING } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_ID adGenAOSQoSConvId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a unique number chosen by the system and is used in conjuntion with adGenAOSQoSMapConvParentEntryId, and ifIndex to identify a unique row in the AdGenAOSQoConversationTable." ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry 1 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_PARENT_ENTRY_ID adGenAOSQoSMapConvParentEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a unique number chosen by the system and is used in conjuntion with adGenAOSQoSConvId, and ifIndex to identify a unique row in the AdGenAOSQoConversationTable." ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry 2 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_MATCHES adGenAOSQoSConvMatches OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of conversation packets matched." ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry 3 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_DISCARDS adGenAOSQoSConvDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of conversation packets discarded." ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry 4 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_MATCHES_BYTES adGenAOSQoSConvMatchesBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of conversation bytes matched." ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry 5 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_DISCARDS_BYTES adGenAOSQoSConvDiscardsBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of conversation bytes discarded." ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry 6 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_DEPTH adGenAOSQoSConvDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current conversation queue depth." ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry 7 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_HIGH_WATER adGenAOSQoSConvHighWater OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum depth in sub-queue since a clear counters occurred." ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry 8 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_WEIGHT adGenAOSQoSConvWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Debug display of Ratio given to packets of the conversation to determine relative priority. The weight is lower for higher priority values, reflecting quicker response time." ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry 9 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_WEIGHT adGenAOSQoSConvPktLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Length in bytes of the packet at the head of the conversation sub-queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry 10 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_PROTTYPE adGenAOSQoSConvProttype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unset (1), ip (2), bridging (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protocol type of the packet at the head of the conversation sub-queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry 11 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_SUBQUEUE_TYPE adGenAOSQoSConvSubQType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bestEffort (1), classBased (2), unclassified (3), priorityUser (4), prioritySystem (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "What type of queueing has been configured for the conversation sub-queue given by the conversation index. It will correspond to the protocol type configured in the map entry for the map applied to the interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry 12 } -- CID_QOS_CONVERSATION_PKT_HEADER adGenAOSQoSConvPktHeader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Header of the packet at the head of the conversation sub-queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSConversationEntry 13 } -- -- QoS Priority Queue Rate Limiter Table -- TID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays priority queue rate limiter statistics. This table will be empty if no priority queue classes are configured in the qos map applied to a particular interface." ::= { adGenAOSQos 6 } adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority queue statistics for a particular sequenced entry of a named QoS map. An entry will only be present if the action type of the corresponding map entry has priority queueing enabled." INDEX { ifIndex, adGenAOSQoSMapEntryId, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterParentEntryId } ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterTable 1 } AdGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterParentEntryId Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterSetId Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterCurrBudget Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterMaxBudget Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterUpdateTimestamp Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterBudgetRate Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterMaxFillTime Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterMatches Counter32, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterDrops Counter32, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterMatchesBytes Counter64, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterDropsBytes Counter64, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterClearCounters INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterByteMatchRate Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterByteDiscardRate Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterBitMatchRate Unsigned64, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterBitDiscardRate Unsigned64 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_PARENT_ENTRY_ID adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterParentEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a unique number chosen by the system and the parent QoS map. This will always be zero for conversations in the base interface queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 1 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_SET_ID adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterSetId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a unique number used to identify which row in the adGenAOSQoSMapSetTable this conversation is associated." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 2 } -- CID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER_CURR_BUDGET adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterCurrBudget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current rate limiter burst budget." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 3 } -- CID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER_MAX_BUDGET adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterMaxBudget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum rate limiter burst budget." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 4 } -- CID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterUpdateTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rate limiter budget update timestamp in milliseconds." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 5 } -- CID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER_BUDGET_RATE adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterBudgetRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rate of byte budget increase." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 6 } -- CID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER_MAX_FILL_TIME adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterMaxFillTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "time to accumulate a full budget." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 7 } -- CID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER_MATCHES adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterMatches OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of packets matched." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 8 } -- CID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER_DROPS adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterDrops OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of packets discarded." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 9 } -- CID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER_MATCHES_BYTES adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterMatchesBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes matched." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 10 } -- CID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER_DROPS_BYTES adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterDropsBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of packets discarded." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 11 } -- CID_CLEAR_COUNTERS adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterClearCounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clear the rate limiter statistics. This is a write-only variable. A read will always return a value of '1'." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 12 } -- CID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER_MATCH_RATE adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterByteMatchRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes matched per second for this rate limiter." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 13 } -- CID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER_DISCARD_RATE adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterByteDiscardRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes discarded per second for this rate limiter." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 14 } -- CID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER_MATCH_RATE * 8 adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterBitMatchRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bits matched per second for this rate limiter." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 15 } -- CID_QOS_RATE_LIMITER_DISCARD_RATE * 8 adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterBitDiscardRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bits discarded per second for this rate limiter." ::= { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterEntry 16 } -- -- -- EQoS Classifier Statistics Table -- TID_EQOS_CLASS_STATS adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Statistics for the class map entry." ::= { adGenAOSQos 7 } adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the statistical information for the class map entry. Statistics for parent and child maps do not overlap. Also the adGenAOSQoSMapEntryId will always be 65535. The adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsTable will initially display only default class information." INDEX { ifIndex, adGenAOSQoSMapEntryId, adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierParentEntryId } ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsTable 1 } AdGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierParentEntryId Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSClassifierMatches Counter32, adGenAOSQoSClassifierDrops Counter32, adGenAOSQoSClassifierMatchBytes Counter64, adGenAOSQoSClassifierDropBytes Counter64, adGenAOSQoSClassifierPktMatchRate Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSClassifierPktDropRate Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSClassifierByteMatchRate Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSClassifierByteDropRate Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSClassifierBitMatchRate Unsigned64, adGenAOSQoSClassifierBitDropRate Unsigned64 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_PARENT_ENTRY_ID adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierParentEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a unique number chosen by the system and the parent QoS map. This will always be zero for classes in the base interface queue." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry 1 } -- Qos::CID_EQOS_CLASS_PACKET_MATCH_COUNT adGenAOSQoSClassifierMatches OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of packets matched by this classifier entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry 2 } -- Qos::CID_EQOS_CLASS_PACKET_DROP_COUNT adGenAOSQoSClassifierDrops OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of packets dropped by this classifier entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry 3 } -- Qos::CID_EQOS_CLASS_OCTET_MATCH_COUNT adGenAOSQoSClassifierMatchBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes matched by this classifier entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry 4 } -- Qos::CID_EQOS_CLASS_OCTET_DROP_COUNT adGenAOSQoSClassifierDropBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes dropped by this classifier entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry 5 } -- Qos::CID_EQOS_CLASS_PACKET_MATCH_RATE adGenAOSQoSClassifierPktMatchRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of packets matched per second by this classifier entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry 6 } -- Qos::CID_EQOS_CLASS_PACKET_DROP_RATE adGenAOSQoSClassifierPktDropRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of packets discarded per second by this classifier entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry 7 } -- Qos::CID_EQOS_CLASS_OCTET_MATCH_RATE adGenAOSQoSClassifierByteMatchRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes matched per second by this classifier entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry 8 } -- Qos::CID_EQOS_CLASS_OCTET_DROP_RATE adGenAOSQoSClassifierByteDropRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes discarded per second by this classifier entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry 9 } -- Qos::CID_EQOS_CLASS_OCTET_MATCH_RATE*8 adGenAOSQoSClassifierBitMatchRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bits matched per second by this classifier entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry 10 } -- Qos::CID_EQOS_CLASS_OCTET_DROP_RATE*8 adGenAOSQoSClassifierBitDropRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bits discarded per second by this classifier entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierStatsEntry 11 } -- -- Qos Map Entry Match Table -- TID_QOS_MAP_ENTRY_MATCH adGenAOSQoSMapMatchTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of sequenced match entries for a named QoS map." ::= { adGenAOSQos 8 } adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays match configuration information for each map entry." INDEX { adGenAOSQoSMapSetId, adGenAOSQoSMapEntryId, adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntryId } ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapMatchTable 1 } AdGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntryId Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapMatchType INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSMapMatchACL DisplayString, adGenAOSQoSMapRTPMatchStartPort Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapRTPMatchEndPort Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapRTPMatchPorts INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSMapDscpMatchValue DisplayString, adGenAOSQoSMapPrecedenceMatchValue Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapProtocolMatchType INTEGER, adGenAOSQoSMapVlanMatchValue Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapFrDlciMatchValue Unsigned32 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_ENTRY_MATCH_ID adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique value used to identify the match map entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry 1 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_MATCH_TYPE adGenAOSQoSMapMatchType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), acl (2), ipRTP (3), protocol (4), dscp (5), precedence (6), vlan (7), frameRelayDLCI (8), any (10), dscpIpv4 (11), dscpIpv6 (12), precedenceIpv4 (13), precedenceIpv6 (14), aclIpv6 (15), ipRTPIpv6 (16) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "What type of matching has been configured for the map entry." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry 2 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_ACL_ID adGenAOSQoSMapMatchACL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of ACL used for ACL matching." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry 3 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_IP_RTP_MATCH_START adGenAOSQoSMapRTPMatchStartPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Starting RTP destination port used for RTP packet matching." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry 4 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_IP_RTP_MATCH_END adGenAOSQoSMapRTPMatchEndPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ending RTP destination port used for RTP packet matching." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry 5 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_IP_RTP_MATCH_ALL adGenAOSQoSMapRTPMatchPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { even (1), odd (2), all (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines which ports in the start-end port range are used for matching. By default only even ports are use." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry 6 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_DSCP_MATCH_VALUE adGenAOSQoSMapDscpMatchValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configured IP packet DSCP values used for matching." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry 7 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_PRECEDENCE_MATCH_VALUE adGenAOSQoSMapPrecedenceMatchValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configured precedence values used for matching." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry 8 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_PROTOCOL_MATCH_TYPE adGenAOSQoSMapProtocolMatchType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), bridged (2), netBEIU (3), protocolIpv4 (4), protocolIpv6 (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines a protocol to use for matching." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry 9 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_VLAN_MATCH_VALUE adGenAOSQoSMapVlanMatchValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VLAN Id used for matching packets." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry 10 } -- CID_QOS_MAP_FR_DLCI_MATCH_VALUE adGenAOSQoSMapFrDlciMatchValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frame-Relay DLCI used for matching packets." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntry 11 } -- -- QoS Shaper Table -- TID_QOS_SHAPER adGenAOSQoSMapShaperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AdGenAOSQoSMapShaperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of class shapers for a named QoS map entry." ::= { adGenAOSQos 9 } adGenAOSQoSMapShaperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AdGenAOSQoSMapShaperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays class shaper configuration and statistic information for a map entry." INDEX { ifIndex, adGenAOSQoSMapEntryId } ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapShaperTable 1 } AdGenAOSQoSMapShaperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { adGenAOSQoSMapShaperShapeValue Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperCurrentBudgetSize Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperMaxBudgetSize Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperBytesPerTick Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperTickRate Unsigned32, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperQueuePktDepth Counter32, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperQueuePktDrops Counter32, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperQueuePktsSent Counter32, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperQueuePktsDelayed Counter32 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_SHAPER_SHAPE_VALUE, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperShapeValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configured shaper value used for shaping traffic." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapShaperEntry 1 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_SHAPER_CURRENT_BUCKET_SIZE, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperCurrentBudgetSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current budget size of shaper." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapShaperEntry 2 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_SHAPER_MAX_BUCKET_SIZE, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperMaxBudgetSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum budget size of shaper." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapShaperEntry 3 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_SHAPER_BITS_PER_TICK, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperBytesPerTick OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bytes added to the budget." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapShaperEntry 4 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_SHAPER_TICK_RATE, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperTickRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "How often, in milliseconds, that bytes are added to the budget." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapShaperEntry 5 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_SHAPER_QUEUE_PKT_DEPTH, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperQueuePktDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shaper queue packet depth." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapShaperEntry 6 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_SHAPER_QUEUE_PKT_DROPS, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperQueuePktDrops OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of number of shaper queue packet drops." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapShaperEntry 7 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_SHAPER_QUEUE_PKTS_SENT, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperQueuePktsSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of number of shaper queue packets sent." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapShaperEntry 8 } -- Qos::CID_QOS_SHAPER_QUEUE_PKTS_DELAYED, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperQueuePktsDelayed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of number of shaper queue packets delayed." ::= { adGenAOSQoSMapShaperEntry 9 } -- conformance information adGenAOSQoSConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSConformance 8 } adGenAOSQoSGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSQoSConformance 1 } adGenAOSQoSCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSQoSConformance 2 } -- -- MIB Compliance statements. -- -- Full compliance statement adGenAOSQoSFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement version 2 of the adGenAOSQoS MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { adGenAOSQoSMapGroup, adGenAOSQoSMapEntryGroup } GROUP adGenAOSQoSInterfaceGroup DESCRIPTION "This optional group is used to retrieve interface QoS information ." GROUP adGenAOSQoSConversationGroup DESCRIPTION "This optional group is used to retrieve conversation statistics of a sequenced entry of a named QoS map. Availability of data is dependent upon configuration and interface activity." GROUP adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryGroup DESCRIPTION "This optional group is used to retrieve classe based conversation history of a sequenced entry of a named QoS map. Availability of data is dependent upon configuration and interface activity." GROUP adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterGroup DESCRIPTION "This optional group is used to retrieve rate limiter statistics of a sequenced entry of a named QoS map. Availability of data is dependent upon configuration and interface activity." GROUP adGenAOSQoSClassifierGroup DESCRIPTION "This optional group is used to retrieve the class statistics." GROUP adGenAOSQoSMapMatchGroup DESCRIPTION "This optional group is used to retrieve map entry match configuration." GROUP adGenAOSQoSMapShaperGroup DESCRIPTION "This optional group is used to retrieve map entry shaper configuration and statistics." ::= { adGenAOSQoSCompliances 1 } -- units of conformance adGenAOSQoSMapGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { adGenAOSQoSMapSetId, adGenAOSQoSMapSetName, adGenAOSQoSMapIsChild } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the statistics of the QoS maps." ::= { adGenAOSQoSGroup 1 } adGenAOSQoSMapEntryGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { adGenAOSQoSMapEntryId, adGenAOSQoSMapSeqNum, adGenAOSQoSMapEntrySetName, adGenAOSQoSMapChildSetName, adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingActionType, adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingBWType, adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingBWValue, adGenAOSQoSMapQueuingBurstValue, adGenAOSQoSMapMatchAll, adGenAOSQoSMapDscpMarkState, adGenAOSQoSMapDscpMarkValue, adGenAOSQoSMapDscpMarkString, adGenAOSQoSMapPrecedenceMarkState, adGenAOSQoSMapPrecedenceMarkValue, adGenAOSQoSMapCosMarkState, adGenAOSQoSMapCosMarkValue, adGenAOSQoSMapShapeState, adGenAOSQoSMapShapeValue, adGenAOSQoSMapShapeBurst, adGenAOSQoSMapShapeEthOverhead, adGenAOSQoSMapClearCounters, adGenAOSQoSMapPriorityStrictRateLimiting -- adGenAOSQoSMapEntryDescription, } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the statistics of a particular sequenced entry of a named QoS map." ::= { adGenAOSQoSGroup 2 } adGenAOSQoSInterfaceGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { adGenAOSQoSInterfaceName, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceOutboundMapSetName, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceInboundMapSetName, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceMapState, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQType, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQSubqPktLimit, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQSize, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQPktHighWater, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQMaxTotal, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQDrops, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQHdlcRingLimit, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQAvailableBW, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQConvActive, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQConvMaxActive, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTXQConvMaxTotal, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTrafficShapingRate, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceTrafficShapingBurst, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperValue, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperCurrentBudgetSize, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperMaxBudgetSize, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperBytesPerTick, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperTickRate, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperQPktDepth, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperQPktDrops, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperQPktSent, adGenAOSQoSInterfaceShaperQPktDelayed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the QoS map information for an interface." ::= { adGenAOSQoSGroup 3 } adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { adGenAOSQoSMapParentEntryId, adGenAOSQoSClassConvSetId, adGenAOSQoSHistoryClassConvId, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryMatches, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryDiscards, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryMatchesBytes, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryDiscardsBytes, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryDepth, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryHighWater, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryByteMatchRate, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryByteDiscardRate, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryBitMatchRate, adGenAOSQoSClassConvHistoryBitDiscardRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the class based conversation history of a particular sequenced entry of a named QoS map." ::= { adGenAOSQoSGroup 4 } adGenAOSQoSConversationGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { adGenAOSQoSConvId, adGenAOSQoSMapConvParentEntryId, adGenAOSQoSConvMatches, adGenAOSQoSConvDiscards, adGenAOSQoSConvMatchesBytes, adGenAOSQoSConvDiscardsBytes, adGenAOSQoSConvDepth, adGenAOSQoSConvHighWater, adGenAOSQoSConvWeight, adGenAOSQoSConvPktLen, adGenAOSQoSConvProttype, adGenAOSQoSConvSubQType, adGenAOSQoSConvPktHeader } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the conversation statistics of a particular sequenced entry of a named QoS map." ::= { adGenAOSQoSGroup 5 } adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterParentEntryId, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterSetId, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterCurrBudget, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterMaxBudget, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterUpdateTimestamp, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterBudgetRate, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterMaxFillTime, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterMatches, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterDrops, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterMatchesBytes, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterDropsBytes, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterClearCounters, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterByteMatchRate, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterByteDiscardRate, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterBitMatchRate, adGenAOSQoSPriorityRateLimiterBitDiscardRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the rate limiter statistics of a particular sequenced entry of a named QoS map." ::= { adGenAOSQoSGroup 6 } adGenAOSQoSClassifierGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { adGenAOSQoSMapClassifierParentEntryId, adGenAOSQoSClassifierMatches, adGenAOSQoSClassifierDrops, adGenAOSQoSClassifierMatchBytes, adGenAOSQoSClassifierDropBytes, adGenAOSQoSClassifierPktMatchRate, adGenAOSQoSClassifierPktDropRate, adGenAOSQoSClassifierByteMatchRate, adGenAOSQoSClassifierByteDropRate, adGenAOSQoSClassifierBitMatchRate, adGenAOSQoSClassifierBitDropRate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the class statistics." ::= { adGenAOSQoSGroup 7 } adGenAOSQoSMapMatchGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { adGenAOSQoSMapSetId, adGenAOSQoSMapSetName, adGenAOSQoSMapMatchEntryId, adGenAOSQoSMapMatchType, adGenAOSQoSMapMatchACL, adGenAOSQoSMapRTPMatchStartPort, adGenAOSQoSMapRTPMatchEndPort, adGenAOSQoSMapRTPMatchPorts, adGenAOSQoSMapDscpMatchValue, adGenAOSQoSMapPrecedenceMatchValue, adGenAOSQoSMapProtocolMatchType, adGenAOSQoSMapVlanMatchValue, adGenAOSQoSMapFrDlciMatchValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the match configuration of the QoS maps." ::= { adGenAOSQoSGroup 8 } adGenAOSQoSMapShaperGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { adGenAOSQoSMapShaperShapeValue, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperCurrentBudgetSize, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperMaxBudgetSize, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperBytesPerTick, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperTickRate, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperQueuePktDepth, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperQueuePktDrops, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperQueuePktsSent, adGenAOSQoSMapShaperQueuePktsDelayed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects designed to assist in retrieving the shaper configuration and statistics of the QoS map entries." ::= { adGenAOSQoSGroup 9 } END