ADTRAN-COMMON-AOS DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI adShared, adIdentityShared FROM ADTRAN-MIB adGenAOS, adGenAOSCommon FROM ADTRAN-AOS; adGenAOSCommonMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201409100000Z" -- September 10, 2014 ORGANIZATION "ADTRAN, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Technical Support Dept. Postal: ADTRAN, Inc. 901 Explorer Blvd. Huntsville, AL 35806 Tel: +1 800 726-8663 Fax: +1 256 963 6217 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB defines the Adtran OS Common enterprise tree node. It provides a basis for the definition of all other Adtran OS Common MIBs." REVISION "201501050000Z" -- January 5, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added adGenAOSDyingGasp." REVISION "201411052205Z" -- November 5, 2014 DESCRIPTION "Added adGenAOSOverTempProtection." REVISION "201409100000Z" -- September 10, 2014 DESCRIPTION "Fixed compile error and cleaned up warnings." REVISION "201308230000Z" -- August 23, 2013 DESCRIPTION "Added adGenAosIfPerfHistory." REVISION "200708230000Z" -- August 23, 2007 DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB module." ::= { adGenAOS 1 } adGenAOSUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSCommon 1 } adGenAOSSnmp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSCommon 2 } adAOSDownload OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSCommon 3 } adGenAOSCpuUtil OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSCommon 4 } adGenAOSMux OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSCommon 5 } adGenAOSFileSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSCommon 6 } adGenAosIfPerfHistory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSCommon 7 } adGenAOSFan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSCommon 8 } adGenAOSNetSync OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSCommon 9 } adGenAOSOverTempProtection OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSCommon 10 } adGenAOSDyingGasp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { adGenAOSCommon 11 } -- -- adGenAOS -- -- The features in Adtran OS products that support SNMP -- management appear in a list under the "adGenAOS" node. -- -- -- AOS Common Section - adGenAOSCommon -- -- Contains general information and config for AOS products -- identifier sequence - -- -- -- AOS Common Section - adGenAOSUnit -- -- Contains device information, contact information, and overall system health information." -- identifier sequence - -- -- -- AOS Common Section - adGenAOSSnmp -- -- defines how the method for configuring an ADTRAN OS -- device for SNMP community names and configuration for TRAP -- manager destinations." -- identifier sequence - -- -- -- AOS Common Section - adAOSDownload -- -- defines how the method for commanding an ADTRAN -- OS device to initiate a download or upload of configuration -- or firmware from a TFTP server. -- identifier sequence - -- -- -- AOS Common Section - adGenAOSCpuUtil -- -- Contains information regarding CPU utilization, Memory usage -- and system process status. -- identifier sequence - -- -- AOS Common Section - adGenAOSMux -- -- Contains informaging regarding the management of AOS products with -- TDM multiplexing and/or cross-connects. -- identifier sequence - -- -- -- AOS Common Section - adGenAOSFileSystem -- -- Contains device information, contact information, and -- overall system health information. -- identifier sequence - -- -- -- AOS Common Section - adGenAOSIfPerfHistory -- -- Contains performance history information for interfaces. -- identifier sequence - -- -- -- AOS Common Section - adGenAOSOverTempProtection -- -- Contains notifications for over-temperature events. -- identifier sequence - -- -- -- AOS Common Section - adGenAOSDyingGasp -- -- Contains notifications for dying gasp events. -- identifier sequence - -- END