CM-COMMON-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter64, Counter32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC fsp150cm FROM ADVA-MIB; cmCommonMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202101270000Z" ORGANIZATION "ADVA Optical Networking SE" CONTACT-INFO "Web URL: E-mail: Postal: ADVA Optical Networking SE Campus Martinsried Fraunhoferstrasse 9a 82152 Martinsried/Munich Germany Phone: +49 089 89 06 65 0 Fax: +49 089 89 06 65 199 " DESCRIPTION "This module defines the Common MIB definitions used by the FSP150CM and FSP150CC product lines. Copyright (C) ADVA." REVISION "202101270000Z" DESCRIPTION " Notes from release 202005120000Z, (1) Added TEXTUAL-CONVENTION: SfpIdentifierValue. Notes from release 201908140000Z (1) add xg120Proac product Notes from release 201903110000Z (1) add xg118ProacSH product Notes from release 201809240000Z (1) add xg118ProSH product Notes from release 201807260000Z (1) add ge102ProH and ge102ProEFMH product Notes from release 201804190000Z (1) add xg116ProH product Notes from release 201611100000Z (1) add xg116Pro product (2) add xg120Pro subproduct Notes from release 201607110000Z (1) renamed FlowSecureState to FlowSecState since it cannot be moved from fsp150cm-connectguard.mib Notes from release 201607080000Z (1) moved FlowSecureState from fsp150cm-connectguard.mib Notes from release 201502040000Z (1) add xg210c subproduct Notes from release 201412010000Z, (1) Added new Textual Convention: Decimal32 Notes from release 201405210000Z, (1) Added new EthernetMediaType literals: - auto, - none. Notes from release 201311280000Z (1) Added new Secondary State literal - mon-tx Notes from release 201202150000Z (post GE20x R5.2.3CC) (1) Added speed-auto-detect to EthernetPortSpeed Notes from release 201108010000Z (1) Post EG-X merge (R5.1.1) Notes from release 201107080000Z (1)Moved CmPmIntervalType from fsp150cm-perf.mib to this MIB (2)Added interval-5min to TC CmPmIntervalType Notes from release 201002120000Z (1)New Textual Conventions : ClassOfServiceType and SignalDirectionType (2)New product OIDs (used for sysOid) : ge201 and ge201se Notes from release 200803160000Z, (1)EthernetPortSpeed textual convention now has additional literals, speed-auto-1000MB-full-master and speed-auto-1000MB-full-slave (2)Added textual convention SfpMediaType Notes from release 200803030000Z, (1)MIB version ready for release FSP150CM." ::= {fsp150cm 1} -- sub products in the F3 family subproducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmCommonMIB 1 } f3Capabilities OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmCommonMIB 2 } -- NEMI HUB shelf product nemihubshelf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 1 } -- GE101 NID product ge101 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 2 } -- GE206 NID product ge206 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 3 } -- GE201 NID product ge201 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 4 } -- GE201-SE NID product (GE201 with SyncE) ge201se OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 5 } -- GE206F NID product (GE206 with 6 Access Ports with SFPs) ge206f OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 6 } -- CMAGG NID product cmagg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 7 } -- GE112 NID product (GE112 with 2 Access Ports with SFPs) ge112 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 8 } -- GE114 NID product (GE114 with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 9 } -- GE206v NID product (GE206 with 6 Access Ports w SFPs, expansion cards) ge206v OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 10 } -- XG210 NID product (10G NID with expansion cards) xg210 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 11 } -- T1804 NID product (T1804 with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) t1804 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 12 } -- T3204 NID product (T3204 with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) t3204 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 13 } -- SyncProbe product gesyncprobe OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 14 } -- GE114H NID product (GE114H with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114H OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 15 } -- GE114PH NID product (GE114PH with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114PH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 16 } -- GE114S NID product (GE114S with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114S OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 17 } -- GE114SH NID product (GE114SH with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114SH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 18 } -- SH1PCS NID product (10G NID with expansion cards) sh1pcs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 19 } -- GE112Pro NID product (GE112Pro with 2 Access Ports with SFPs) ge112Pro OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 20 } -- GE112ProM NID product (GE112ProM with 2 Access Ports with SFPs) ge112ProM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 21 } -- GE114Pro NID product (GE114Pro with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114Pro OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 22 } -- GE114ProC NID product (GE114ProC with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114ProC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 23 } -- GE114ProS NID product (GE114ProSH with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114ProSH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 24 } -- GE114ProCS NID product (GE114ProCSH with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114ProCSH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 25 } -- GE114ProHE NID product (GE114ProHE with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114ProHE OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 26 } -- MACSEC NID product xg210c OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 27 } -- GE112ProH NID product (GE112ProH with 2 Access Ports with SFPs) ge112ProH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 28 } -- GE114G NID product (GE114G with 2 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114G OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 29 } -- GE114ProVMH NID product (GE114ProVMH with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114ProVMH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 30 } -- GE114ProVMCH NID product (GE114ProVMCH with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114ProVMCH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 31 } -- GE114ProVMCSH NID product (GE114ProVMCSH with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114ProVMCSH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 32 } -- GE112ProVM NID product (GE112ProVM with 2 Access Ports with SFPs) ge112ProVM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 33 } -- GE101PRO NID product ge101Pro OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 34 } -- GO102PROS NID product go102ProS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 35 } -- GO102PROSP NID product go102ProSP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 36 } -- CX101PRO30A NID product cx101Pro30A OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 37 } -- CX102PRO30A NID product cx102Pro30A OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 38 } -- XG116Pro NID product xg116Pro OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 39 } -- XG120Pro NID product xg120Pro OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 40 } -- XG116ProH NID product xg116ProH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 41 } -- ge102ProH NID product ge102ProH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 42 } -- ge102ProEFMH NID product ge102ProEFMH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 43 } -- GO102PROSM NID product go102ProSM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 44 } -- XG118ProSH NID product xg118ProSH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 45 } -- XG118ProSH NID product xg118ProacSH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 46 } -- GE114ProVMSH NID product (GE114ProVMSH with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge114ProVMSH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 47 } -- GE104 NID product (GE104 with 4 Access Ports with SFPs) ge104 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 48 } -- XG120ProSH NID product xg120ProSH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { subproducts 49 } -- -- Textual Conventions -- PortType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerations for types of ports. eth-access - Ethernet Access Port, eth-network - Ethernet Network Port." SYNTAX INTEGER { eth-access (1), eth-network (2) } TrafficDirection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerations for direction of traffic. a2n - Access to Network direction, n2a - Network to Access direction, ingress - Entering system direction, egress - Away from system direction, n2n - Network to Network direction." SYNTAX INTEGER { a2n (1), n2a (2), ingress (3), egress (4), n2n (5) } VlanId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Textual Convention for the Vlan Id." SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4095) VlanPriority ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Textual Convention for the Vlan Priority." SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) VlanTagType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Textual Convention for the Type of VLAN Tag." SYNTAX INTEGER { inner-vlantag (1), outer-vlantag (2), n2a-priorityMapping(3), mplsLabel(4), vcLabel(5), encapOuterVlanTag(6) } AdminState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative State used for FSP150CM entities. in-service - represents normal, in-service, traffic passing state of the Entity; management - represents the traffic passing state, however, alarms are not reported maintenance- represents the mandatory state of operating loopbacks, ECPA test as well as Etherjack diagnosis operations, alarms are not reported disabled - represents the disabled state, user traffic is not passed, management traffic is passed, alarms are not reported unassigned - represents the disabled state, traffic(user or management) is not passed, alarms are not monitored. monitored - represents the monitored state. Used for retrieving performance monitoring on entity, but entity can't be used for normal operation. Alarms are reported " SYNTAX INTEGER { in-service (1), management (2), maintenance(3), disabled (4), unassigned (5), monitored (6) } OperationalState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational State used for FSP150CM entities. normal - represents operational state UP, outage - represents operational state DOWN." SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), outage (2) } SecondaryState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary state used for FSP150CM entities. active - Active, automaticinservice - Automatic In Service, facilityfailure - Facility Failure, fault - Fault, loopback - Loopback, maintenance - Maintenance, mismatchedeqpt - Mismatched Equipment, standbyhot - Standby Hot, supportingentityoutage - Supporting Entity Outage, unassigned - Unassigned, unequipped - Unequipped, disabled - Disabled, forcedoffline - Forced offline, initializing - Initializing, prtcl - Protocol, blckd - Blocked, mon-tx - Monitor TX, mir-rx - Mirror RX, cema - CEMA, lkdo - LKDO" SYNTAX BITS { not-applicable (0), active (1), automaticinservice (2), facilityfailure (3), fault (4), loopback (5), maintenance (6), mismatchedeqpt (7), standbyhot (8), supportingentityoutage (9), unassigned (10), unequipped (11), disabled (12), forcedoffline (13), initializing(14), prtcl(15), blckd(16), mon-tx(17), mir-rx(18), cema(19), lkdo(20), nomber(21) } EthernetPortSpeed ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the Ethernet Port Speed. speed-unknown : speed unknown speed-10MB-full : fixed speed 10MB full duplex speed-10MB-half : fixed speed 10MB half duplex speed-100MB-full : fixed speed 100MB full duplex speed-100MB-half : fixed speed 100MB half duplex speed-1000MB-full : fixed speed 1000MB full duplex speed-1000MB-half : fixed speed 1000MB half duplex speed-auto : Auto negotiation, advertise all speeds speed-auto-10MB-full : Auto negotiation, advertise 10MB full duplex speed-auto-10MB-half : Auto negotiation, advertise 10MB half duplex speed-auto-100MB-full: Auto negotiation, advertise 100MB full duplex speed-auto-100MB-half: Auto negotiation, advertise 100MB half duplex speed-auto-1000MB-full: Auto negotiation, advertise 1000MB full duplex speed-auto-1000MB-half: Auto negotiation, advertise 1000MB half duplex speed-negotiating : Auto negotiating, transient state speed-auto-1000MB-full-master : Auto negotiation, advertise 1000MB full duplex, sync master speed-auto-1000MB-full-slave : Auto negotiation, advertise 1000MB full duplex, sync slave speed-none : Used to denote speed, when negotiating speed-auto-1000MB-full-master-preferred : Auto negotiation, advertise 1000MB full duplex, preferred sync master speed-auto-1000MB-full-slave-preferred : Auto negotiation, advertise 1000MB full duplex, preferred sync slave speed-10G-full : fixed speed 10G full duplex speed-auto-detect : Auto detect speed; iterate through available speeds and test the link with remote end - if link is up at given speed, this speed is configured ." SYNTAX INTEGER { speed-unknown (0), speed-10MB-full (1), speed-10MB-half (2), speed-100MB-full(3), speed-100MB-half(4), speed-1000MB-full(5), speed-1000MB-half(6), speed-auto (7), speed-auto-10MB-full(8), speed-auto-10MB-half(9), speed-auto-100MB-full(10), speed-auto-100MB-half(11), speed-auto-1000MB-full(12), speed-auto-1000MB-half(13), speed-negotiating(14), speed-auto-1000MB-full-master(15), speed-auto-1000MB-full-slave(16), speed-none(17), speed-auto-1000MB-full-master-preferred(18), speed-auto-1000MB-full-slave-preferred(19), speed-10G-full (20), speed-auto-detect (21) } EthernetMediaType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the Ethernet Port Media Type." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(0), copper(1), fiber(2), coppersfp(3), --enumeration added in R4.4CC auto(4), none(5), xdsl(6), vmServerBackplane(7) } PerfCounter64 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This type represents a non-negative 64-bit integer. The initial value of this integer will be 0. It will increment with time, however, the value will revert back to 0 when the time period for history interval elapses. Typically, this will be noticed at 15minute intervals and 1 day intervals. Only the rollover interval periods will keep counting to a maximum 64-bit value and will wrap to 0 when this occurs." SYNTAX Counter64 PerfCounter32 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This type represents a non-negative 32-bit integer. The initial value of this integer will be 0. It will increment with time, however, the value will revert back to 0 when the time period for history interval elapses. Typically, this will be noticed at 15minute intervals and 1 day intervals. Only the rollover interval periods will keep counting to a maximum 32-bit value and will wrap to 0 when this occurs." SYNTAX Counter32 IpVersion ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This type allows choice of IPv4 or IPv6 address specification." SYNTAX INTEGER { ipv4(1), ipv6(2) } IpPriorityMapMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This type allows choice of IP Priority Mapping Mode." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(0), none(1), priomap-tos(2), priomap-dscp(3) } PriorityMapMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This type allows choice of Priority Mapping Mode." SYNTAX INTEGER { priomap-none(1), priomap-tos(2), priomap-dscp(3), priomap-8021p(4), -- Outer priomap-8021p-inner(5), priomap-exp(6), priomap-exp-inner(7) } SfpConnectorValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This lists the SFP connector values." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable (0), unknown (1), sc (2), fcs1cu (3), fcs2cu (4), bnc-tnc (5), fccoaxhdr (6), fjack (7), lc (8), mt-rj (9), mu (10), sg (11), optpigtail (12), hssdc (13), cupigtail (14), vendorspecific (15), rj45(16) } SfpIdentifierValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This lists the SFP identifier values." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(0), unknown(1), gbic(2), modsol(3), sfp(4), xbi300pin(5), xenpak(6), xfp(7), xff(8), xfpE(9), xpak(10), x2(11), vendorSpecific(12) } RestartType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Restart Type used across all card types." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(0), warm-start (1), cold-start (2), boot-maintenance (3), boot-normal (4), boot-pxe (5) } SfpMediaType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the SFP Media Type." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(0), singlemode(1), multimode(2), multimode62-5(3), copper(4) } ScheduleType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the Schedule Type of a scheduled operation." SYNTAX INTEGER { periodic(1), one-shot(2) } SchedActivityStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scheduled Group Activity Status." SYNTAX INTEGER { initial(1), active(2), suspended(3), completed(4) } SchedActivityAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scheduled Activity Action." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(0), suspend(1), resume(2) } MepDestinationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination MEP Types." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(0), mepid(1), macaddress(2) } ClassOfServiceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Class of Service Types." SYNTAX INTEGER { cos-not-applicable(0), cos-zero(1), cos-one(2), cos-two(3), cos-three(4), cos-four(5), cos-five(6), cos-six(7), cos-seven(8) } SignalDirectionType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signal Direction Type." SYNTAX INTEGER { input(1), output(2) } AfpTagControl ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the Afp Tag Control." SYNTAX INTEGER { ctag(1), stag(2), both(3) } CmP2PFlowType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the Agg Flow Type,incluing e-line." SYNTAX INTEGER { eline (1) } CmTrafficACLPriorityType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the Traffic acl priority type, including tos, dscp and traffic class." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(0), acl-tos(1), acl-dscp(2) } CmTrafficAclFilterActionType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerations for Access Control List permit - Permit access, deny - Deny access." SYNTAX INTEGER { permit (1), deny (2) } CmTrafficAclFilterType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the Traffic acl filter type, including MAC IPV4 IPV6." SYNTAX INTEGER { mac (1), ipv4 (2), ipv6 (3) } CmTrafficAclProtocolType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the Traffic acl protocol type, including tcp udp." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(0), tcp (1), udp (2) } VlanEthertype ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the Vlan Ether Type, cvlan, svlan." SYNTAX INTEGER { cvlan (1), svlan (2) } CmPmBinAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Provides ability to clear the contents of PM bin." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(0), clear (1) } CmPmIntervalType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the Performance Monitoring Interval Type." SYNTAX INTEGER { interval-15min (1), interval-1day (2), rollover (3), interval-5min (4) } TDMFrequencySourceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerations for TDM Frequency Source loopTiming, systemTiming, lineTiming" SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(0), loopTiming(1), systemTiming(2), lineTiming(3) } F3DisplayString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "2047a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is similar with DisplayString, and the difference is its length is 2047. Any object defined using this syntax may not exceed 2047 characters in length." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..2047)) Decimal32 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value is encoded in a Decimal32 interchange format. The decimal value should be calculated as follows: (-1)^sign x 10^(exponent-101) x mantissa The individual components of the equation are coded in two different formats depending on the range of the mantissa. Format A: Second and third bits can be: 00, 01 or 10 s EEeeeeee mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm sign: coded on a 1 bit - s exponent: coded on 8 bits - EEeeeeee where EE: 00, 01 or 10 mantissa: coded on 24 bits - 0mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm Format B: For a larger mantissa. Second and third bits are: 11 s 11 EEeeeeee mmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm sign: coded on a 1 bit - s exponent: coded on 8 bits - EEeeeeee where EE: 00, 01 or 10 mantissa: coded on 24 bits - 100mmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm" SYNTAX Unsigned32 UserInterfaceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes used user interface type." SYNTAX INTEGER { cli (1), gui (2), netconf (3), snmp (4) } -- same as FlowSecureState. Duplicated to avoid cyclic dependency FlowSecState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flow secure state." SYNTAX INTEGER { secureNormal (1), secureBlocked (2), unsecureNormal (3), unsecureBlocked (4) } UsbOperationalMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Types of usb operational mode." SYNTAX INTEGER { cellular-modem(1), srv-access (2), nte-access (3) } END