CM-PROTECTION-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TruthValue, RowStatus, StorageType, VariablePointer, MacAddress, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC neIndex, shelfIndex, slotIndex FROM CM-ENTITY-MIB fsp150cm FROM ADVA-MIB; cmProtectionMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201006230000Z" ORGANIZATION "ADVA Optical Networking" CONTACT-INFO " Raghav Trivedi ADVA Optical Networking, Inc. Tel: +1 972 759-1239 E-mail: Postal: 2301 N. Greenville Ave. #300 Richardson, TX USA 75082" DESCRIPTION "This module defines the Protection MIB definitions used by the F3 (FSP150CM/CC) product lines. Copyright (C) ADVA Optical Networking." REVISION "201006230000Z" DESCRIPTION "Notes from release 201006230000Z, (1)Added universalring as CmProtSwitchMode for R4.4CC. Notes from release 200803030000Z, (1)MIB version ready for release FSP150CM 3.1." ::= {fsp150cm 7} -- -- OID definitions -- cmProtObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cmProtectionMIB 1} cmProtNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cmProtectionMIB 2} cmProtConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cmProtectionMIB 3} -- -- Textual Conventions -- CmProtSwitchMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerations for Protection Switch Mode. oneplusone - 1+1, this is the NPCUP mode, dualactiverx - In this mode, traffic is bridged in A2N direction (same as 1+1), however both network ports receive customer traffic in N2A direction. In this mode, both network ports are working, i.e. there is no protection. universalring - In this mode, traffic is bridged in A2N direction (same as 1+1), both network ports receive customer traffic in N2A direction. In this mode, both network ports are working, i.e. no protection. The main difference w.r.t dualactiverx is that traffic in N2A direction, which does not match the service definition is steered to the other network port, i.e. non-service matching traffic from N1 goes to N2 and vice versa." SYNTAX INTEGER { oneplusone (1), dualactiverx(2), universalring(3) } CmProtSwitchDirection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerations for Protection Switch Direction. unidirectional - Unidirectional Protection Switching, bidirectional - Bidirectional Protection Switching." SYNTAX INTEGER { unidirectional (1), bidirectional (2) } CmProtSwitchAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerations for User initiated Protection Switch Action. manualfromworking - Manual Switch from Working, forcedfromworking - Forced Switch from Working, manualfromprotect - Manual Switch from Protect, forcedfromprotect - Forced Switch from Protect, lockoutfromprotect - Lockout from Protect" SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), releaseprotswitch (2), manualfromworking (3), forcedfromworking (4), manualfromprotect (5), forcedfromprotect (6), lockoutfromprotect(7) } CmProtUnitType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerations for Protection Unit Type. working - Working Protection Unit, protect - Protect Protection Unit." SYNTAX INTEGER { working (1), protect (2) } CmProtUnitState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerations for Protection Unit State. active - Active Protection Unit, standby - Standby Protection Unit." SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), standby (2) } CmProtGroupStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerations for Protection Status. nooutstandingreq - No oustanding request, sf-protect - Signal failure on protect, sf-working - Signal failure on working, sd-protect - Signal degrade on protect, sd-working - Signal degrade on working, manual-protect - Manual on protect manual-working - Manual on working forced-working - Forced on working forced-protect - Forced on protect lockout-protect - Lockout on protect waitToRestore - Wait to restore" SYNTAX INTEGER { nooutstandingreq (1), sf-protect (2), sf-working (3), sd-protect (4), sd-working (5), manual-protect (6), manual-working (7), forced-protect (8), forced-working (9), lockout-protect (10), waitToRestore (11) } -- -- Facility Protection Group Table -- cmFacProtGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmFacProtGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries corresponding to the Facility Protection Groups. Entries can be created/deleted in this table by management application action." ::= { cmProtObjects 1 } cmFacProtGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmFacProtGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular Protection Group." INDEX { neIndex, shelfIndex, slotIndex, cmFacProtGroupIndex } ::= { cmFacProtGroupTable 1 } CmFacProtGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cmFacProtGroupIndex Integer32, cmFacProtGroupUserLabel DisplayString, cmFacProtGroupSwitchMode CmProtSwitchMode, cmFacProtGroupRevertive TruthValue, cmFacProtGroupWaitToRestore Integer32, cmFacProtGroupDirection CmProtSwitchDirection, cmFacProtGroupWorkPort VariablePointer, cmFacProtGroupProtPort VariablePointer, cmFacProtGroupStatus CmProtGroupStatus, cmFacProtGroupAction CmProtSwitchAction, cmFacProtGroupStorageType StorageType, cmFacProtGroupRowStatus RowStatus, cmFacProtGroupMacAddress MacAddress } cmFacProtGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index value associated with the Facility Protection Group." ::= { cmFacProtGroupEntry 1 } cmFacProtGroupUserLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User Label associated with the Facility Protection Group." ::= { cmFacProtGroupEntry 2 } cmFacProtGroupSwitchMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmProtSwitchMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Facility Protection Group's Protection Switch Mode." ::= { cmFacProtGroupEntry 3 } cmFacProtGroupRevertive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether the Facility Protection is revertive or not. This object is not applicable for cmFacProtGroupSwitchMode 'dualactiverx'." ::= { cmFacProtGroupEntry 4 } cmFacProtGroupWaitToRestore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..60|0) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in minutes to wait before reverting to Working facility in case of cmFacProtGroupRevertive set to revertive. This object is not applicable for cmFacProtGroupSwitchMode 'dualactiverx'." ::= { cmFacProtGroupEntry 5 } cmFacProtGroupDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmProtSwitchDirection MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Supported Protection Group Switch direction. This object is not applicable for cmFacProtGroupSwitchMode 'dualactiverx'." ::= { cmFacProtGroupEntry 6 } cmFacProtGroupWorkPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Facility Protection Group exists between 2 facilities (ports). This object represents the WORKING facility Port." ::= { cmFacProtGroupEntry 7 } cmFacProtGroupProtPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the PROTECT facility Network Element Port when cmFacProtGroupSwitchMode is oneplusone. In the case of dualactiverx, this represents the second active port." ::= { cmFacProtGroupEntry 8 } cmFacProtGroupStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmProtGroupStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the PROTECTION group status." ::= { cmFacProtGroupEntry 9 } cmFacProtGroupAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmProtSwitchAction MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User initiated protection switch action." ::= { cmFacProtGroupEntry 10 } cmFacProtGroupStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of storage configured for this entry." ::= { cmFacProtGroupEntry 11 } cmFacProtGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this row. An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all objects in the entry have an appropriate value, as described in the description clause for each writable object. The values of cmFacProtGroupRowStatus supported are createAndGo(4) and destroy(6). All mandatory attributes must be specified in a single SNMP SET request with cmFacProtGroupRowStatus value as createAndGo(4). Upon successful row creation, this object has a value of active(1). The cmFacProtGroupRowStatus object may be modified if the associated instance of this object is equal to active(1)." ::= { cmFacProtGroupEntry 12 } cmFacProtGroupMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows retrieval of the Mac Address of the PROTECTION group." ::= { cmFacProtGroupEntry 13 } -- -- Facility Protection Unit Table -- cmFacProtUnitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmFacProtUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries corresponding to the Facility Protection Units." ::= { cmProtObjects 2 } cmFacProtUnitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmFacProtUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular Protection Unit." INDEX { neIndex, shelfIndex, slotIndex, cmFacProtGroupIndex, cmFacProtUnitIndex } ::= { cmFacProtUnitTable 1 } CmFacProtUnitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cmFacProtUnitIndex Integer32, cmFacProtUnitType CmProtUnitType, cmFacProtUnitState CmProtUnitState, cmFacProtUnitPort VariablePointer } cmFacProtUnitIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index value associated with the Facility Protection Unit." ::= { cmFacProtUnitEntry 1 } cmFacProtUnitType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmProtUnitType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Facility Protection Unit's Type, i.e. whether working or protect." ::= { cmFacProtUnitEntry 2 } cmFacProtUnitState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmProtUnitState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Facility Protection Unit's State, i.e. whether active or standby." ::= { cmFacProtUnitEntry 3 } cmFacProtUnitPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Facility Protection Unit's points to a facility (port). This object represents the facility Network Element port." ::= { cmFacProtUnitEntry 4 } -- -- Multiplex Section Protection Group Table -- cmMSPGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmMSPGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries corresponding to the Multiplex Section Protection Groups. Entries can be created/deleted in this table by management application action." ::= { cmProtObjects 3 } cmMSPGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmMSPGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular Protection Group." INDEX { neIndex, cmMSPGroupIndex } ::= { cmMSPGroupTable 1 } CmMSPGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cmMSPGroupIndex Integer32, cmMSPGroupUserLabel DisplayString, cmMSPGroupSwitchMode CmProtSwitchMode, cmMSPGroupRevertive TruthValue, cmMSPGroupWaitToRestore Integer32, cmMSPGroupB2DEGTrigger TruthValue, cmMSPGroupDirection CmProtSwitchDirection, cmMSPGroupWorkPort VariablePointer, cmMSPGroupProtPort VariablePointer, cmMSPGroupStatus CmProtGroupStatus, cmMSPGroupAction CmProtSwitchAction, cmMSPGroupStorageType StorageType, cmMSPGroupRowStatus RowStatus, cmMSPGroupMacAddress MacAddress } cmMSPGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index value associated with the Multiplex Section Protection Group." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 1 } cmMSPGroupUserLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User Label associated with the Multiplex Section Protection Group." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 2 } cmMSPGroupSwitchMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmProtSwitchMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multiplex Section Protection Group's Protection Switch Mode." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 3 } cmMSPGroupRevertive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether the Multiplex Section Protection is revertive or not. This object is not applicable for cmMSPGroupSwitchMode 'dualactiverx'." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 4 } cmMSPGroupWaitToRestore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..60|0) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in minutes to wait before reverting to Working facility in case of cmMSPGroupRevertive set to revertive. This object is not applicable for cmMSPGroupSwitchMode 'dualactiverx'." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 5 } cmMSPGroupB2DEGTrigger OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "B2DEG is trigger of MSP or not." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 6 } cmMSPGroupDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmProtSwitchDirection MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Supported Protection Group Switch direction. This object is not applicable for cmMSPGroupSwitchMode 'dualactiverx'." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 7 } cmMSPGroupWorkPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multiplex Section Protection Group exists between 2 facilities (ports). This object represents the WORKING facility Port." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 8 } cmMSPGroupProtPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the PROTECT facility Network Element Port when cmMSPGroupSwitchMode is oneplusone. In the case of dualactiverx, this represents the second active port." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 9 } cmMSPGroupStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmProtGroupStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the PROTECTION group status." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 10 } cmMSPGroupAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmProtSwitchAction MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User initiated protection switch action." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 11 } cmMSPGroupStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of storage configured for this entry." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 12 } cmMSPGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this row. An entry MUST NOT exist in the active state unless all objects in the entry have an appropriate value, as described in the description clause for each writable object. The values of cmMSPGroupRowStatus supported are createAndGo(4) and destroy(6). All mandatory attributes must be specified in a single SNMP SET request with cmMSPGroupRowStatus value as createAndGo(4). Upon successful row creation, this object has a value of active(1). The cmMSPGroupRowStatus object may be modified if the associated instance of this object is equal to active(1)." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 13 } cmMSPGroupMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows retrieval of the Mac Address of the PROTECTION group." ::= { cmMSPGroupEntry 14 } -- -- Multiplex Section Protection Unit Table -- cmMSPUnitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CmMSPUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries corresponding to the Multiplex Section Protection Units." ::= { cmProtObjects 4 } cmMSPUnitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmMSPUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing information applicable to a particular Protection Unit." INDEX { neIndex, cmMSPGroupIndex, cmMSPUnitIndex } ::= { cmMSPUnitTable 1 } CmMSPUnitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cmMSPUnitIndex Integer32, cmMSPUnitType CmProtUnitType, cmMSPUnitState CmProtUnitState, cmMSPUnitPort VariablePointer } cmMSPUnitIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index value associated with the Multiplex Section Protection Unit." ::= { cmMSPUnitEntry 1 } cmMSPUnitType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmProtUnitType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multiplex Section Protection Unit's Type, i.e. whether working or protect." ::= { cmMSPUnitEntry 2 } cmMSPUnitState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CmProtUnitState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multiplex Section Protection Unit's State, i.e. whether active or standby." ::= { cmMSPUnitEntry 3 } cmMSPUnitPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Facility Protection Unit's points to a facility (port). This object represents the facility Network Element port." ::= { cmMSPUnitEntry 4 } -- -- Conformance -- cmProtCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cmProtConformance 1} cmProtGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cmProtConformance 2} cmProtCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the requirements for conformance to the CM Prot group." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { cmProtObjectGroup, cmMSProtObjectGroup } ::= { cmProtCompliances 1 } cmProtObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cmFacProtGroupIndex, cmFacProtGroupUserLabel, cmFacProtGroupSwitchMode, cmFacProtGroupRevertive, cmFacProtGroupWaitToRestore, cmFacProtGroupDirection, cmFacProtGroupWorkPort, cmFacProtGroupProtPort, cmFacProtGroupStatus, cmFacProtGroupAction, cmFacProtGroupStorageType, cmFacProtGroupRowStatus, cmFacProtGroupMacAddress, cmFacProtUnitIndex, cmFacProtUnitType, cmFacProtUnitState, cmFacProtUnitPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects used to manage the Protection Object group." ::= { cmProtGroups 1 } cmMSProtObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cmMSPGroupIndex, cmMSPGroupUserLabel, cmMSPGroupSwitchMode, cmMSPGroupRevertive, cmMSPGroupWaitToRestore, cmMSPGroupB2DEGTrigger, cmMSPGroupDirection, cmMSPGroupWorkPort, cmMSPGroupProtPort, cmMSPGroupStatus, cmMSPGroupAction, cmMSPGroupStorageType, cmMSPGroupRowStatus, cmMSPGroupMacAddress, cmMSPUnitIndex, cmMSPUnitType, cmMSPUnitState, cmMSPUnitPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects used to manage the Multiplex Section Protection Object group." ::= { cmProtGroups 2 } END