F3-JDSU-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32, IpAddress, Unsigned32, Counter64 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DateAndTime, DisplayString, TruthValue, RowStatus, StorageType, MacAddress, VariablePointer, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC fsp150cm FROM ADVA-MIB VlanId, VlanPriority, AdminState, OperationalState, SecondaryState FROM CM-COMMON-MIB neIndex, shelfIndex, slotIndex FROM CM-ENTITY-MIB cmEthernetTrafficPortIndex, cmEthernetTrafficPortEntry FROM CM-FACILITY-MIB; f3JdsuMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201401020000Z" ORGANIZATION "ADVA Optical Networking" CONTACT-INFO " Jack Chen ADVA Optical Networking, Inc. Tel: +86755 86217400-8205 E-mail: jchen@advaoptical.com Postal: " DESCRIPTION "This module defines the JDSU MIB definitions used by the F3 (FSP150CM/CC) product lines. Copyright (C) ADVA Optical Networking." REVISION "201401020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Notes from release 201401020000Z" ::= {fsp150cm 31} -- -- OID definitions -- f3JdsuObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {f3JdsuMIB 1} f3JdsuNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {f3JdsuMIB 2} f3JdsuConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {f3JdsuMIB 3} -- -- Textual Conventions -- GeneratorStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The exact generator status." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), initial(2), helloIngress(3), helloCompleted(4), helloFailed(5), lookupIngress(6), lookupCompleted(7), lookupFailed(8), lookdownIngress(9), lookdownCompleted(10), lookdownFailed(11) } ItemOperation ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the save action." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(1), save(2) } UpdateReachStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action on update reachable status." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(1), update(2) } JdsuGeneratorFrameType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frame type of JDSU generator. frameType8023 means 802.3" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), frameType8023(2) } JdsuGeneratorPayloadType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frame type of JDSU generator." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), fixed(2), random(3) } GeneratorAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lookup or lookdown action of JDSU generator." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(1), loopUp(2), loopDown(3) } DiscoveryAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lookup or lookdown action of JDSU generator." SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(1), discover(2) } -- -- JDSU Generator Discover filter -- f3JdsuGeneratorPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VariablePointer MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the port which will raise a JDSU discovery." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 1 } f3JdsuGeneratorOuterVlanEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes whether the filter's Outer Vlan enabled." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 2 } f3JdsuGeneratorOuterVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Outer VlanId." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 3 } f3JdsuGeneratorOuterVlanPri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanPriority MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Outer Vlan Priority." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 4 } f3JdsuGeneratorOuterVlanEtherType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Outer Vlan Ether Type." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 5 } f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan1Enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes whether the filter's Inner Vlan1 enabled." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 6 } f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan1 ID." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 7 } f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan1Pri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanPriority MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan1 Priority." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 8 } f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan1EtherType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan1 Ether Type." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 9 } f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan2Enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes whether the filter's Inner Vlan2 enabled." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 10 } f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan2 ID." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 11 } f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan2Pri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanPriority MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan2 Priority." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 12 } f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan2EtherType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan2 Ether Type." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 13 } f3JdsuGeneratorFrameType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JdsuGeneratorFrameType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describe the filter's frame type. Its default value is 802.3." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 14 } f3JdsuGeneratorPayloadType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JdsuGeneratorPayloadType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of payload the remaining test frame shall contain, either fixed (incremental bytes or repeated bytes) or random (according to IEEE short continuous random test pattern). Default is random. This payload starts after the Ethernet frame header (including all VLAN tags)." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 15 } f3JdsuGeneratorFrameLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the length of the frame which shall be injected, The size range for all ports is from 64 to 9600." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 16 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoveryAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiscoveryAction MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the discovery action on the JDSU generator." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 17 } -- --JDSU Generator Discover -- f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF F3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries corresponding to JDSU Generator Discover Information." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 18 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row in the f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverTable." INDEX { neIndex, shelfIndex, slotIndex, cmEthernetTrafficPortIndex, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverDestMacAddr } ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverTable 1 } F3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry ::= SEQUENCE { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverDestMacAddr MacAddress, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverOuterVlanEnabled TruthValue, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverOuterVlanId VlanId, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverOuterVlanPri VlanPriority, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverOuterVlanEtherType Integer32, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan1Enabled TruthValue, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan1Id VlanId, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan1Pri VlanPriority, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan1EtherType Integer32, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan2Enabled TruthValue, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan2Id VlanId, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan2Pri VlanPriority, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan2EtherType Integer32, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverFrameType JdsuGeneratorFrameType, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverPayloadType JdsuGeneratorPayloadType, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverFrameLength Integer32, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverUnitTextId DisplayString, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverIfReachable TruthValue, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverGeneratorStatus GeneratorStatus, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverItemOperation ItemOperation, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverItemIfSaved TruthValue, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverGeneratorAction GeneratorAction } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverDestMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the destination MAC address for the test frames." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 1 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverOuterVlanEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes whether the filter's Outer Vlan enabled." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 2 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverOuterVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Outer Vlan ID." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 3 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverOuterVlanPri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanPriority MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Outer Vlan Priority." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 4 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverOuterVlanEtherType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describe the filter's Outer Vlan Ether Type." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 5 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan1Enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes whether the filter's Inner Vlan1 enabled." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 6 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describe the filter's Inner Vlan1 ID." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 7 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan1Pri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanPriority MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan1 Priority." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 8 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan1EtherType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan1 Ether Type." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 9 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan2Enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes whether the filter's Inner Vlan2 enabled." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 10 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan2 ID." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 11 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan2Pri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanPriority MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan2 Priority." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 12 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan2EtherType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan2 Ether Type." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 13 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverFrameType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JdsuGeneratorFrameType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's frame type. Its default value is 802.3." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 14 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverPayloadType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JdsuGeneratorPayloadType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of payload the remaining test frame shall contain, either fixed (incremental bytes or repeated bytes) or random (according to IEEE short continuous random test pattern). Default is random. This payload starts after the Ethernet frame header (including all VLAN tags)." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 15 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverFrameLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the length of the frame which shall be injected, The size range for all ports is from 64 to 9600." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 16 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverUnitTextId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the string from remote device. Normally it is system name of remote device." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 17 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverIfReachable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate whether the mac can be discovered or not exactly." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 18 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverGeneratorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GeneratorStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the generator status." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 19 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverItemOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ItemOperation MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "action save the discoverd items." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 20 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverItemIfSaved OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the discoverd item saved status." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 21 } f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverGeneratorAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GeneratorAction MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates looup or lookdown action." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverEntry 22 } -- --JDSU Generator Configure -- f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF F3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries corresponding to JDSU Generator Configure Information." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 19 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row in the f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureTable." INDEX { neIndex, shelfIndex, slotIndex, cmEthernetTrafficPortIndex, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureDestMacAddr } ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureTable 1 } F3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry ::= SEQUENCE { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureDestMacAddr MacAddress, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureOuterVlanEnabled TruthValue, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureOuterVlanId VlanId, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureOuterVlanPri VlanPriority, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureOuterVlanEtherType Integer32, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan1Enabled TruthValue, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan1Id VlanId, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan1Pri VlanPriority, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan1EtherType Integer32, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan2Enabled TruthValue, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan2Id VlanId, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan2Pri VlanPriority, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan2EtherType Integer32, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureFrameType JdsuGeneratorFrameType, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigurePayloadType JdsuGeneratorPayloadType, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureFrameLength Integer32, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureUnitTextId DisplayString, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureIfReachable TruthValue, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureReachableUpdate UpdateReachStatus, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureStatus GeneratorStatus, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureGeneratorAction GeneratorAction, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureStorageType StorageType, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureRowStatus RowStatus } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureDestMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the destination MAC address for the test frames." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 1 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureOuterVlanEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes whether the filter's Outer Vlan enabled." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 2 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureOuterVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Outer Vlan ID." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 3 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureOuterVlanPri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanPriority MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Outer Vlan Priority." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 4 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureOuterVlanEtherType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Outer Vlan Ether Type." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 5 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan1Enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes whether the filter's Inner Vlan1 enabled." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 6 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan1Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan1 ID." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 7 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan1Pri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanPriority MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan1 Priority." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 8 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan1EtherType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan1 Ether Type." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 9 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan2Enabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes whether the filter's Inner Vlan2 enabled." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 10 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan2Id OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan2 ID." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 11 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan2Pri OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanPriority MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan2 Priority." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 12 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan2EtherType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's Inner Vlan2 Ether Type." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 13 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureFrameType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JdsuGeneratorFrameType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the filter's frame type. Its default value is 802.3." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 14 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigurePayloadType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX JdsuGeneratorPayloadType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of payload the remaining test frame shall contain, either fixed (incremental bytes or repeated bytes) or random (according to IEEE short continuous random test pattern). Default is random. This payload starts after the Ethernet frame header (including all VLAN tags)." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 15 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureFrameLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the length of the frame which shall be injected, The size range for all ports is from 64 to 9600." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 16 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureUnitTextId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the string from remote device. Normally it is system name of remote device." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 17 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureIfReachable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the mac can be Configureed or not exactly." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 18 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureReachableUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UpdateReachStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Action on update the reachable status of the related item." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 19 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GeneratorStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the generator status exactly." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 20 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureGeneratorAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GeneratorAction MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates JDSU Generator lookup or lookdown action." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 21 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of storage configured for this entry." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 22 } f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this row. Note: one row can be deleted by set this item as destoryed." ::= { f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureEntry 23 } -- -- Traffic Port JDSU Ext Table -- f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuExtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF F3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of entries corresponding to Ethernet Traffic Port Facilities for JDSU configuration purposes." ::= { f3JdsuObjects 20 } f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuExtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row in the cmEthernetTrafficPortJdsuExtTable." AUGMENTS { cmEthernetTrafficPortEntry } ::= { f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuExtTable 1 } F3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuLoopbackEnabled TruthValue, f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuGenerationEanbled TruthValue, f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuLoopbackVlanList DisplayString } f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuLoopbackEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabled: reaction/response to JDSU in-band loopback requests and hallo requests. Disabled: Not reaction/response to JDSU in-band loopback requests and hallo requests. FPGA shall not filter the JDSU control frames to processor. From enabled to disabled, if there is already a JDSU loopback on the port, release current loopback. JDSU loopback doesn't need port in maintenance state. When JDSU Generation Enabled, this attribute can't be enabled." ::= { f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuExtEntry 1 } f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuGenerationEanbled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes whether the user would to raise a JDSU discovery action. When JDSU Loopback Enabled, this attribute cann't be enabled." ::= { f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuExtEntry 2 } f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuLoopbackVlanList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "In EG-X, up to 12 loopback can be supported and also up to 2 layer VLAN can be supported. The format is like 'OuterVid1-OuterPri1;InnerVid1-InnerPri1, OuterVid2-OuterPri2, OuterVid3-OuterPri3;InnerVid3-InnerPri3'('1-*;2-*, 3-*, 4-*;5-*')." ::= { f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuExtEntry 3 } f3JdsuCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {f3JdsuConformance 1} f3JdsuGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {f3JdsuConformance 2} f3JdsuCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the requirements for conformance to the f3 jdsu group." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { f3JdsuGroup } ::= { f3JdsuCompliances 1 } f3JdsuGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverDestMacAddr, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverOuterVlanEnabled, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverOuterVlanId, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverOuterVlanPri, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverOuterVlanEtherType, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan1Enabled, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan1Id, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan1Pri, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan1EtherType, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan2Enabled, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan2Id, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan2Pri, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverInnerVlan2EtherType, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverFrameType, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverPayloadType, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverFrameLength, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverUnitTextId, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverIfReachable, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverGeneratorStatus, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverItemOperation, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverItemIfSaved, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoverGeneratorAction, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureDestMacAddr, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureOuterVlanEnabled, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureOuterVlanId, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureOuterVlanPri, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureOuterVlanEtherType, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan1Enabled, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan1Id, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan1Pri, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan1EtherType, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan2Enabled, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan2Id, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan2Pri, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureInnerVlan2EtherType, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureFrameType, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigurePayloadType, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureFrameLength, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureUnitTextId, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureIfReachable, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureReachableUpdate, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureStatus, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureGeneratorAction, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureStorageType, f3JdsuGeneratorConfigureRowStatus, f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuLoopbackEnabled, f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuGenerationEanbled, f3EthernetTrafficPortJdsuLoopbackVlanList, f3JdsuGeneratorPort, f3JdsuGeneratorOuterVlanEnabled, f3JdsuGeneratorOuterVlanId, f3JdsuGeneratorOuterVlanPri, f3JdsuGeneratorOuterVlanEtherType, f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan1Enabled, f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan1Id, f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan1Pri, f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan1EtherType, f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan2Enabled, f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan2Id, f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan2Pri, f3JdsuGeneratorInnerVlan2EtherType, f3JdsuGeneratorFrameType, f3JdsuGeneratorPayloadType, f3JdsuGeneratorFrameLength, f3JdsuGeneratorDiscoveryAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects used to manage the JDSU functionality." ::= { f3JdsuGroups 1 } END