F3-POPM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter64 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DateAndTime, TruthValue, VariablePointer, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC neIndex, shelfIndex, slotIndex FROM CM-ENTITY-MIB cmEthernetAccPortEntry, cmEthernetNetPortEntry FROM CM-FACILITY-MIB cmEthernetAccPortStatsEntry, cmEthernetNetPortStatsEntry, cmEthernetAccPortHistoryEntry, cmEthernetNetPortHistoryEntry FROM CM-PERFORMANCE-MIB fsp150cm FROM ADVA-MIB PerfCounter64 FROM CM-COMMON-MIB; f3POPMMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201110100000Z" ORGANIZATION "ADVA Optical Networking" CONTACT-INFO " Raghav Trivedi ADVA Optical Networking, Inc. Tel: +1 972 759-1239 E-mail: rtrivedi@advaoptical.com Postal: 2301 N. Greenville Ave. #300 Richardson, TX USA 75082" DESCRIPTION "This module documents the Precision Optical Power Monitoring features provided by the F3 product line of products. Copyright (C) ADVA Optical Networking." REVISION "201110100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Notes from release 201110100000Z, (1)Added following variables for clearing POPM alarms f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorClearAction, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorClearAction Notes from release 201109060000Z, (1)Initial MIB version for release FSP150CM 3.4." ::= {fsp150cm 16} -- -- OID definitions -- f3POPMObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {f3POPMMib 1} f3POPMPerfObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {f3POPMMib 2} f3POPMConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {f3POPMMib 3} -- -- Textual Conventions -- POPMGlitchRejectionLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Provides ability to manage the glitch rejection level, none -- no glitch rejection low -- single glitch rejection medium -- three glitch rejection high -- five glitch rejection ." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), low (2), medium (3), high (4) } POPMState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Provides the enumerations for POPM State not-applicable --not applicable state inoperable --enabled, port is unassigned not-available --not available state calibrating --enabled, operational, computing monitoring --enabled, operational, monitoring paused --enabled, signal out-of-range, signal out-of-variance inhibited-R --enabled, LOS (revertive) inhibited-NR --enabled, sampling error (non-revertive) ." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable (1), inoperable (2), not-available (3), calibrating (4), monitoring (5), paused (6), inhibited-R (7), inhibited-NR (8) } POPMClearAlarmsAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Provides ability to clear the alarms on POPR function." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(0), clear (1) } -- -- Ethernet Access Port - Precision Optical Power Monitor -- f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF F3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides ability to manage the Precision Optical Power feature on Ethernet Access Ports." ::= { f3POPMObjects 2 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row in the f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorTable." AUGMENTS { cmEthernetAccPortEntry } ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorTable 1 } F3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEnabled TruthValue, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorOperRangeHi Integer32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorOperRangeLow Integer32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorVariance Integer32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorWindowSize Integer32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorGlitchRejectionLevel POPMGlitchRejectionLevel, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorState POPMState, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorClearAction POPMClearAlarmsAction } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables/disables Precision Optical Power monitoring on the Ethernet Access Port." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEntry 1 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorOperRangeHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the higher operating range, in 10ths of dbm, for Precision Optical Power monitoring." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEntry 2 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorOperRangeLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the lower operating range, in 10ths of dbm, for Precision Optical Power monitoring." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEntry 3 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorVariance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the maximum absolute variance, from average, in 10ths of dbm, for Precision Optical Power monitoring." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEntry 4 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the window size (time in seconds), for Precision Optical Power monitoring." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEntry 5 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorGlitchRejectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX POPMGlitchRejectionLevel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the maximum number of sequential variance violations constituting a glitch." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEntry 6 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX POPMState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the current state of the Precision Optical Monitoring processing." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEntry 7 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorClearAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX POPMClearAlarmsAction MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the ability to clear outstanding Precision Optical Monitoring alarms." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEntry 8 } -- -- Ethernet Network Port - Precision Optical Power Monitor -- f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF F3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides ability to manage the Precision Optical Power feature on Ethernet Network Ports." ::= { f3POPMObjects 1 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row in the f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorTable." AUGMENTS { cmEthernetNetPortEntry } ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorTable 1 } F3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEnabled TruthValue, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorOperRangeHi Integer32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorOperRangeLow Integer32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorVariance Integer32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorWindowSize Integer32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorGlitchRejectionLevel POPMGlitchRejectionLevel, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorState POPMState, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorClearAction POPMClearAlarmsAction } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables/disables Precision Optical Power monitoring on the Ethernet Network Port." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEntry 1 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorOperRangeHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the higher operating range, in 10ths of dbm, for Precision Optical Power monitoring." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEntry 2 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorOperRangeLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the lower operating range, in 10ths of dbm, for Precision Optical Power monitoring." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEntry 3 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorVariance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the maximum absolute variance, from average, in 10ths of dbm, for Precision Optical Power monitoring." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEntry 4 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the window size (time in seconds), for Precision Optical Power monitoring." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEntry 5 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorGlitchRejectionLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX POPMGlitchRejectionLevel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the maximum number of sequential variance violations constituting a glitch." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEntry 6 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX POPMState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the current state of the Precision Optical Monitoring processing." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEntry 7 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorClearAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX POPMClearAlarmsAction MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides the ability to clear outstanding Precision Optical Monitoring alarms." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEntry 8 } -- -- Ethernet Access Port POPM Current Statistics Table -- f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF F3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of Ethernet Access Port Precision Optical Power related statistics. These reflect the current data." ::= { f3POPMPerfObjects 1 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row in the f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsTable. Entries exist in this table for each Ethernet interface/port." AUGMENTS { cmEthernetAccPortStatsEntry } ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsTable 1 } F3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPR Integer32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsAOPR Integer32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPRVar Integer32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPRMaxVar Integer32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPRGlitchRejects Unsigned32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPRRTR Unsigned32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPROOR Unsigned32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPROOV Unsigned32 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Precision Optical Power Receive (in dBm) for the physical layer. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsEntry 1 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsAOPR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Precision Optical Power Receive (in dBm) for the physical layer. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsEntry 2 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPRVar OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signed variance of Optical Power Receive, from average. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsEntry 3 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPRMaxVar OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signed maximum variance of Optical Power Receive, from average. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsEntry 4 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPRGlitchRejects OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of glitch rejections. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsEntry 5 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPRRTR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the POPM state machine reverts to the running state from the inhibited R state. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsEntry 6 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPROOR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the Precision Optical Power is out of range. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsEntry 7 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPROOV OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the Precision Optical Power out of variance occurrences. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsEntry 8 } -- -- Ethernet Access Port POPM Current Statistics Table -- f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF F3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of Ethernet Access Port Precision Optical Power related statistics. These reflect the current data." ::= { f3POPMPerfObjects 2 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row in the f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryTable. Entries exist in this table for each Ethernet interface/port." AUGMENTS { cmEthernetAccPortHistoryEntry } ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryTable 1 } F3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPR Integer32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryAOPR Integer32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPRVar Integer32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPRMaxVar Integer32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPRGlitchRejects Unsigned32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPRRTR Unsigned32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPROOR Unsigned32, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPROOV Unsigned32 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Precision Optical Power Receive (in dBm) for the physical layer. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryEntry 1 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryAOPR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Precision Optical Power Receive (in dBm) for the physical layer. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryEntry 2 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPRVar OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signed variance of Optical Power Receive, from average. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryEntry 3 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPRMaxVar OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signed maximum variance of Optical Power Receive, from average. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryEntry 4 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPRGlitchRejects OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of glitch rejections. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryEntry 5 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPRRTR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the POPM state machine reverts to the running state from the inhibited R state. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryEntry 6 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPROOR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the Precision Optical Power is out of range. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryEntry 7 } f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPROOV OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the Precision Optical Power out of variance occurrences. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryEntry 8 } -- -- Ethernet Network Port POPM Current Statistics Table -- f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF F3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of Ethernet Network Port Precision Optical Power related statistics. These reflect the current data." ::= { f3POPMPerfObjects 3 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row in the f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsTable. Entries exist in this table for each Ethernet interface/port." AUGMENTS { cmEthernetNetPortStatsEntry } ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsTable 1 } F3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPR Integer32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsAOPR Integer32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPRVar Integer32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPRMaxVar Integer32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPRGlitchRejects Unsigned32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPRRTR Unsigned32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPROOR Unsigned32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPROOV Unsigned32 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Precision Optical Power Receive (in dBm) for the physical layer. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsEntry 1 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsAOPR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Precision Optical Power Receive (in dBm) for the physical layer. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsEntry 2 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPRVar OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signed variance of Optical Power Receive, from average. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsEntry 3 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPRMaxVar OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signed maximum variance of Optical Power Receive, from average. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsEntry 4 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPRGlitchRejects OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of glitch rejections. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsEntry 5 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPRRTR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the POPM state machine reverts to the running state from the inhibited R state. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsEntry 6 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPROOR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the Precision Optical Power is out of range. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsEntry 7 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPROOV OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the Precision Optical Power out of variance occurrences. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsEntry 8 } -- -- Ethernet Network Port POPM Current History Table -- f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF F3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of Ethernet Network Port Precision Optical Power related statistics. These reflect the current data." ::= { f3POPMPerfObjects 4 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual row in the f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryTable. Entries exist in this table for each Ethernet interface/port." AUGMENTS { cmEthernetNetPortHistoryEntry } ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryTable 1 } F3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPR Integer32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryAOPR Integer32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPRVar Integer32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPRMaxVar Integer32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPRGlitchRejects Unsigned32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPRRTR Unsigned32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPROOR Unsigned32, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPROOV Unsigned32 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Precision Optical Power Receive (in dBm) for the physical layer. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryEntry 1 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryAOPR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average Precision Optical Power Receive (in dBm) for the physical layer. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryEntry 2 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPRVar OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signed variance of Optical Power Receive, from average. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryEntry 3 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPRMaxVar OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signed maximum variance of Optical Power Receive, from average. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Power monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryEntry 4 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPRGlitchRejects OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of glitch rejections. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryEntry 5 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPRRTR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the POPM state machine reverts to the running state from the inhibited R state. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryEntry 6 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPROOR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the Precision Optical Power is out of range. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryEntry 7 } f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPROOV OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of times the Precision Optical Power out of variance occurrences. This is applicable only if Precision Optical Layer monitoring is enabled." ::= { f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryEntry 8 } -- -- Conformance -- f3POPMCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {f3POPMConformance 1} f3POPMGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {f3POPMConformance 2} f3POPMCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the requirements for conformance to the POPM Object group." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { f3POPMFacilityGroup, f3POPMStatsGroup } ::= { f3POPMCompliances 1 } f3POPMFacilityGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorEnabled, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorOperRangeHi, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorOperRangeLow, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorVariance, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorWindowSize, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorGlitchRejectionLevel, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorState, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMonitorClearAction, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorEnabled, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorOperRangeHi, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorOperRangeLow, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorVariance, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorWindowSize, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorGlitchRejectionLevel, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorState, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMonitorClearAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects used to manage the F3 POPM Functionality ." ::= { f3POPMGroups 1 } f3POPMStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPR, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsAOPR, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPRVar, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPRMaxVar, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPRGlitchRejects, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPRRTR, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPROOR, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMStatsOPROOV, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPR, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryAOPR, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPRVar, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPRMaxVar, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPRGlitchRejects, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPRRTR, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPROOR, f3EthernetAccPortPOPMHistoryOPROOV, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPR, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsAOPR, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPRVar, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPRMaxVar, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPRGlitchRejects, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPRRTR, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPROOR, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMStatsOPROOV, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPR, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryAOPR, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPRVar, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPRMaxVar, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPRGlitchRejects, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPRRTR, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPROOR, f3EthernetNetPortPOPMHistoryOPROOV } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects used to manage the F3 POPM Functionality ." ::= { f3POPMGroups 2 } END