-- -- -- ARBOR NETWORKS -- -- -- -- File: arbornet-tms.mib -- Created: April 27, 2007 -- Purpose: Peakflow TMS MIB -- describe any data which we provide -- describe any traps which we send -- -- PEAKFLOW-TMS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, IpAddress, TimeTicks, Integer32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC sysName FROM SNMPv2-MIB ifName FROM IF-MIB Ipv6Address, Ipv6AddressPrefix FROM IPV6-TC arbornetworksProducts FROM ARBOR-SMI; -- ============================================================================= peakflowTmsMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201403120000Z" -- March 12, 2014 ORGANIZATION "Arbor Networks, Inc." CONTACT-INFO " Arbor Networks, Inc. Arbor Technical Assistance Center Postal: 76 Blanchard Road Burlington, MA 01803 USA Tel: +1 866 212 7267 (toll free) +1 781 362 4300 Email: support@arbor.net " DESCRIPTION "Peakflow TMS MIB" -- Revision log, reverse chrono REVISION "201403120000Z" -- March 12, 2014 DESCRIPTION "Added entry for tmsTrapGreName field" REVISION "201309190000Z" -- September 19, 2013 DESCRIPTION "Added entry for tmsSpCommunicationDegraded trap" REVISION "201308190000Z" -- August 19, 2013 DESCRIPTION "Updated contact information" REVISION "201203291200Z" -- March 29, 2012 DESCRIPTION "Bug#50908: Fix reversed tmsSpCommunication enumerations." REVISION "201201121200Z" -- January 12, 2012 DESCRIPTION "Added tmsSystemPrefixesOk and tmsSystemPrefixesMissing traps." REVISION "201106141600Z" -- June 14, 2011 DESCRIPTION "Fix stray quote that was causing a syntax error." REVISION "201106031600Z" -- June 03, 2011 DESCRIPTION "Added performnace traps." REVISION "201106030000Z" -- June 03, 2011 DESCRIPTION "Fixed some typos and grammar problems." REVISION "201105230000Z" -- May 23, 2011 DESCRIPTION "Added IPv6 versions of existing IPv4 objects." REVISION "201101210000Z" -- January 21, 2011 DESCRIPTION "Added new traps (tmsAutomitigationBgp {Enabled/Disabled/Suspended}) for traffic-triggered automitigation BGP announcements." REVISION "201010280000Z" -- October 28, 2010 DESCRIPTION "Added new traps (tmsSpCommunicationDown and tmsSpCommunicationUp) for alerting about failed communication with Peakflow SP." REVISION "201009070000Z" -- September 7, 2010 DESCRIPTION "Added new traps (tmsFilesystemCritical and tmsFilesystemNominal) for new filesystem monitoring feature." REVISION "200905270000Z" -- May 27, 2009 DESCRIPTION "The March 11 2009 revision had accidentally obsoleted the tmsHostFault OID, rather than the hostFault trap. This is now fixed. The tmsHostFault OID is restored to current status and the hostFault trap is marked obsolete." REVISION "200905080000Z" -- May 08, 2009 DESCRIPTION "Update contact group name and company address." REVISION "200903110000Z" -- March 11, 2009 DESCRIPTION "Obsoleted the tmsHostFault trap." REVISION "200902130000Z" -- February 13, 2009 DESCRIPTION "Added new objects to support TMS 5.0" REVISION "200811130000Z" -- November 13, 2008 DESCRIPTION "Update contact info." REVISION "200804070000Z" -- April 07, 2008 DESCRIPTION "Prefixed Textual Conventions with 'Tms' for uniqueness" REVISION "200711200000Z" -- November 20, 2007 DESCRIPTION "Removed unused Textual Conventions, added display hints" REVISION "200704270000Z" -- April 27, 2007 DESCRIPTION "Initial revision" ::= { arbornetworksProducts 5 } -- ============================================================================= -- Textual Conventions -- ============================================================================= TmsTableIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used for an index into a table" SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) TmsTableIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of items in a table. May be zero if the table is empty." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) TmsPercentage ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A percentage value (0% - 100%)" SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) TmsHundredths ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-2" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An integer representing hundredths of a unit" SYNTAX Integer32 -- ============================================================================= -- peakflowTmsMgr -- ============================================================================= peakflowTmsMgr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { peakflowTmsMIB 2 } tmsHostFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "state of faults within a TMS device" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 1 } tmsHostUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "uptime of this host" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 2 } deviceCpuLoadAvg1min OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmsHundredths MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average number of processes in run queue during last 1 min." ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 3 } deviceCpuLoadAvg5min OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmsHundredths MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average number of processes in run queue during last 5 min." ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 4 } deviceCpuLoadAvg15min OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmsHundredths MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average number of processes in run queue during last 15 min." ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 5 } deviceDiskUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmsPercentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percentage of primary data partition used." ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 6 } devicePhysicalMemoryUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmsPercentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percentage of physical memory used." ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 7 } deviceSwapSpaceUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmsPercentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percentage of swap space used." ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 8 } tmsTrapString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temporary string for reporting information in traps" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 9 } tmsTrapDetail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temporary string for reporting additional detail (if any) about a trap" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 10 } tmsTrapSubhostName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temporary string for reporting the name of a subhost" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 11 } tmsTrapComponentName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temporary string for reporting the name of a program or device" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 12 } tmsTrapBgpPeer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of a BGP peer" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 13 } tmsTrapGreSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GRE source IP address" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 14 } tmsTrapGreDestination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GRE destination IP address" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 15 } tmsTrapNexthop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Nexthop IP address" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 16 } tmsTrapIpv6BgpPeer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6Address MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IPv6 address of a BGP peer" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 17 } tmsTrapIpv6GreSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6Address MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GRE source IPv6 address" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 18 } tmsTrapIpv6GreDestination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6Address MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GRE destination IPv6 address" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 19 } tmsTrapIpv6Nexthop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6Address MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Nexthop IPv6 address" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 20 } tmsTrapGreName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User-defined tunnel name" ::= { peakflowTmsMgr 21 } -- ============================================================================= -- peakflowTmsTraps -- ============================================================================= peakflowTmsTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { peakflowTmsMIB 3 } peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { peakflowTmsTraps 0 } hostFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsHostFault } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete; replaced by a number of more specific traps." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 1 } greTunnelDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapGreSource, tmsTrapGreDestination } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The greTunnelDown/greTunnelUp traps are generated when a GRE tunnel changes state." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 2 } greTunnelUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapGreSource, tmsTrapGreDestination } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The greTunnelDown/greTunnelUp traps are generated when a GRE tunnel changes state." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 3 } tmsLinkUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete; IF-MIB::linkUp is now used instead" ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 4 } tmsLinkDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Obsolete; IF-MIB::linkDown is now used instead" ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 5 } subHostUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapSubhostName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a subhost transitions to active" ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 6 } subHostDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapSubhostName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a subhost transitions to inactive" ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 7 } tmsBgpNeighborDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapBgpPeer } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a BGP neighbor transitions out of the ESTABLISHED state" ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 8 } tmsBgpNeighborUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapBgpPeer } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a BGP neighbor transitions into the ESTABLISHED state" ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 9 } tmsNexthopDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapNexthop, ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the nexthop host cannot be contacted" ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 10 } tmsNexthopUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapNexthop, ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the nexthop host cannot be contacted" ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 11 } tmsMitigationError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsMitigationIndex, tmsMitigationName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mitigation cannot run because of a configuration error" ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 12 } tmsMitigationSuspended NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsMitigationIndex, tmsMitigationName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mitigation has been suspended due to some external problem (nexthop not reachable, BGP down, etc.)" ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 13 } tmsMitigationRunning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsMitigationIndex, tmsMitigationName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A previously-detected mitigation problem has been cleared and the mitigation is now running" ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 14 } tmsConfigMissing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a TMS configuration file cannot be found." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 15 } tmsConfigError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when an error in a TMS configuration file is detected." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 16 } tmsConfigOk NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "All configuration problems have been corrected." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 17 } tmsHwDeviceDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A hardware device has failed." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 18 } tmsHwDeviceUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A hardware device failure has been corrected." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 19 } tmsHwSensorCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A hardware sensor is reading an alarm condition." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 20 } tmsHwSensorOk NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A hardware sensor is no longer reading an alarm condition." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 21 } tmsSwComponentDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapSubhostName, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A software program has failed." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 22 } tmsSwComponentUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapSubhostName, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A software program failure has been corrected." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 23 } tmsSystemStatusCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TMS system is experiencing a critical failure." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 24 } tmsSystemStatusDegraded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TMS system is experiencing degraded performance." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 25 } tmsSystemStatusNominal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TMS system has returned to normal behavior." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 26 } tmsFilesystemCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A filesystem is near capacity." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 27 } tmsFilesystemNominal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A filesystem is back below capacity alarm threshold." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 28 } tmsHwSensorUnknown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A hardware sensor is in an unknown state." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 29 } tmsSpCommunicationUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communication with SP host is up." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 30 } tmsSpCommunicationDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communication with SP host is down." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 31 } tmsSystemStatusError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TMS system is experiencing an error." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 32 } tmsAutomitigationBgpEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A previously-detected automitigation problem has been cleared and the automitigation BGP announcements have resumed." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 33 } tmsAutomitigationBgpDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Automitigation BGP announcements have been administratively disabled." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 34 } tmsAutomitigationBgpSuspended NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Automitigation BGP announcements have been suspended due to some external problem (nexthop not reachable, BGP down, etc.)" ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 35 } tmsIpv6GreTunnelDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapIpv6GreSource, tmsTrapIpv6GreDestination } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The greTunnelDown/greTunnelUp traps are generated when a GRE tunnel changes state." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 36 } tmsIpv6GreTunnelUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapIpv6GreSource, tmsTrapIpv6GreDestination } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The greTunnelDown/greTunnelUp traps are generated when a GRE tunnel changes state." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 37 } tmsIpv6BgpNeighborDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapIpv6BgpPeer } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a BGP neighbor transitions out of the ESTABLISHED state." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 38 } tmsIpv6BgpNeighborUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapIpv6BgpPeer } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when a BGP neighbor transitions into the ESTABLISHED state." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 39 } tmsIpv6NexthopDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapIpv6Nexthop, ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the nexthop host becomes unreachable." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 40 } tmsIpv6NexthopUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapIpv6Nexthop, ifName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the nexthop host becomes reachable." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 41 } tmsPerformanceOk NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the processed traffic rate matches the offered traffic rate." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 42 } tmsPerformanceLossy NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the processed traffic rate is lower than the offered traffic rate." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 43 } tmsSystemPrefixesOk NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BGP is currently advertising all mitigation prefixes." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 44 } tmsSystemPrefixesMissing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BGP is not currently advertising all mitigation prefixes." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 45 } tmsSpCommunicationDegraded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysName, tmsTrapString, tmsTrapDetail, tmsTrapComponentName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communication with SP host is degraded." ::= { peakflowTmsTrapsEnumerate 46 } -- ============================================================================= -- peakflowTmsObj -- ============================================================================= peakflowTmsObj OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { peakflowTmsMIB 5 } -- DPI Config -- Read from /etc/peakflow/dpi.conf tmsDpiConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { peakflowTmsObj 1 } tmsVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TMS software version" ::= { tmsDpiConfig 1 } tmsLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time of the last configuration change" ::= { tmsDpiConfig 2 } -- Mitigation Config -- Read from /etc/peakflow/mitigation/mitigation.conf tmsMitigationConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { peakflowTmsObj 2 } tmsMitigationLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Last time Mitigation configuration was updated" ::= { tmsMitigationConfig 1 } tmsMitigationNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmsTableIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of entries in the tmsMitigation table" ::= { tmsMitigationConfig 2 } tmsMitigationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TmsMitigationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of all mitigations in the TMS system" ::= { tmsMitigationConfig 3 } tmsMitigationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmsMitigationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a single mitigation" INDEX { tmsMitigationIndex } ::= { tmsMitigationTable 1 } TmsMitigationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tmsMitigationIndex TmsTableIndex, tmsMitigationId Unsigned32, tmsDestinationPrefix IpAddress, tmsDestinationPrefixMask Unsigned32, tmsMitigationName DisplayString, tmsIpv6DestinationPrefix Ipv6AddressPrefix, tmsIpv6DestinationPrefixMask Unsigned32 } tmsMitigationIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmsTableIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index in the tmsMitigation table. As of release 5.0 this is the same as the tmsMitigationId." ::= { tmsMitigationEntry 1 } tmsMitigationId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ID number of this mitigation" ::= { tmsMitigationEntry 2 } tmsDestinationPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IPv4 prefix to which this mitigation applies. The value indicates that the mitigation has no IPv4 prefix." ::= { tmsMitigationEntry 3 } tmsDestinationPrefixMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IPv4 prefix to which this mitigation applies. The value indicates that the mitigation has no IPv4 prefix." ::= { tmsMitigationEntry 4 } tmsMitigationName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of this mitigation" ::= { tmsMitigationEntry 5 } tmsIpv6DestinationPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ipv6AddressPrefix MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IPv6 prefix to which this mitigation applies. The value 0::/128 indicates that the mitigation has no IPv6 prefix." ::= { tmsMitigationEntry 6 } tmsIpv6DestinationPrefixMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..128) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IPv6 prefix to which this mitigation applies. The value 0::/128 indicates that the mitigation has no IPv6 prefix." ::= { tmsMitigationEntry 7 } END