APEX-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, IpAddress, TimeTicks, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Counter32, Unsigned32, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC giproducts FROM BCS-IDENT-MIB trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3, trapChangedValueDisplayString, trapChangedValueOID, trapChangedValueIpAddress, trapChangedValueInteger FROM BCS-TRAPS-MIB; -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ apex MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201410220000Z" ORGANIZATION "ARRIS Enterprises, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "The Technical Assistance Center (TAC) provides assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To open a case, use one of these contact methods: Customers in North America should call the TAC at : 1-888-944-HELP (1-888-944-4357) Customers outside North America should call the TAC at: 1-215-323-2345 For Spanish language support, call the TAC at : 1-215-323-2346 Contact the TAC by e-mail at : Tac.Helpdesk@arrisi.com" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for the APEX." REVISION "201410220000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 2.10: Nov 18, 2014 - Updated description of apexAlarmQamModuleRemovalFault Oct 22, 2014 - Added fileSet4 to apexQrmDownloadFileSet. Oct 17, 2014 - Added apexGbeStatInTsCurPacketDropCount to apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry in apexGbeStatusInputTsTable. - Changed apexGbeStatInTsPacketDropCount to apexGbeStatInTsTotPacketDropCount. Oct 13, 2014 - Added apexMcSimConfig - Added apexOutputProgramMcSimAccessCriteriaString. Sep 26, 2014 - Added apexGbeStatInTsPacketDropCount to apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry in apexGbeStatusInputTsTable. - Added apexEnableGbeInputStreamPacketDrop to apexConfigAlarms. - Added apexAlarmGbeInputStreamPacketDrop to apexAlarms. - Added apexGbeStatInTsPacketDropError to apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry in apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorTable. - Added apexGbeStatusInputTsDropCounter. - Added trapGbeInputStreamPacketDrop. - Added apexGbeConfigInputDataTsMaxRate to apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry in apexGbeConfigInputDataTsTable. Sep 24, 2014 - Updated the version - Added new Alarm configuration parameter apexEnableQamModuleRemovalFault in apexConfAlarmEnable. - Added new Fault Alarm apexAlarmQamModuleRemovalFault in apexAlarms. - Added new Fault Trigger apexChassisRedundancyFailOverQamModuleRemoval in apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral. - Added new Trap trapQamModuleRemovalFault in apexTraps. Sep 18, 2014 - Updated the version. - Added new status parameter apexOutputProgramCurrentCSN to the apexOutputProgramTable. - Added apexOutputTsConfAutoSDTEnable. " REVISION "201408040000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 2.9: July 30, 2014 - Updated the version. - Updated valid range of apexEcmEmmFirstPid to (2..7591) " REVISION "201406270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 2.8: June 27, 2014 - Updated the description of apexSimulcryptExternalEisSetting, apexOutputTsConfEncryptionType. June 27, 2014 - Updated the description of apexOutputTsConfSimulcryptMode. Jun 17, 2014 - Changed the name of apexOutputProgramRdsSimAC to apexOutputProgramMcSimAccessCriteria. - Changed the name of to apexOutputProgramSimAcStatus apexOutputProgramMcSimAccessCriteriaStatus Jun 05, 2014 - Updated the description of apexOutputTsConfOperatingMode. Jun 04, 2014 - Added two new status values for apexRdsConnectionStatus. Jun 02,2014 - Added apexPsPowerFaultFilter May 28, 2014 - Updated valid range of apexEcmEmmFirstPid to (2..7590) May 21, 2014 - Renamed apexChassisRedundancyMCSimEntitlementMismatchStatus to apexChassisRedundancyMCSimEntitlementStatus - Renamed apexChassisRedundancyAppliedEncAlgorithmMismatchStatus to apexChassisRedundancyAppliedEncAlgorithmStatus May 14, 2014 - Added apexChassisRedundancyMCSimEntitlementMismatchStatus, apexChassisRedundancyAppliedEncAlgorithmMismatchStatus. May 12, 2014 - Added the following MIB objects. apexEncryptionConfApplyChange apexEncryptionConfInvalidApplyText May 8,2014 - Added (fixed/missing MediaCipher Simulcrypt mib objects) Mar 13, 2014 - Added apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusTable. March 07, 2014 - Added apexUls for support of MediaCipher Simulcrypt Oct 22, 2013 - Added the following objects apexOutputProgramRdsSimAC apexOutputProgramSimAcStatus apexRdsDeviceId - Updated the following MIB objects apexEncryptionConfAlgorithm - Added new Algorithms for Sierra Mode apexEncryptionStatAlgorithm - Added new Algorithms for Sierra Mode - Updated the description for the following object apexOutputTsConfOperatingMode " REVISION "201301250000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 2.7: Jan 25, 2013 - Updated the description for the following object apexPsiCcErrorDetectionEnabled - changed the default value to enable Jan 04, 2013 - Updated the description for the following objects apexPsiCcErrorDetectionTimeout apexPsiCcErrorDetectionEnabled December 28, 2012 - Added the following objects under the group apexPsiConfigGeneral apexPsiCcErrorDetectionTimeout apexPsiCcErrorDetectionEnabled " REVISION "201208270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 2.6: August 27, 2012 - Added apexEventLossOfInputAncillaryPid and trapLossOfInputAncillaryPidEvent August 21, 2012 - Moved the SNMP community string change MIB parameters to private mib July 20, 2012 - Added trap trapSnmpCommunityStringChanged and the apex event apexEventSnmpCommunityStringChanged Changed the OID (and moved) the trap trapEasMessageNotReceived and the apex event apexEventEasMessageNotReceived. July 17, 2012 - Added the below MIB objects to detect and notify the loss of input ancillary PID. apexPidMapInputAncillaryPidDetection, apexPidMapInputAncillaryPidDetectionTimeout, apexAlarmLossOfInputAncillaryPid, apexEnableLossOfInputAncillaryPid, trapLossOfInputAncillaryPid - Added the apexOutputAncillaryPid to report the average bitrate of each ancillary PID July 12, 2012 - Added apexEventEasMessageNotReceived and updated the description of trapEasMessageNotReceived July 04, 2012 - Updated the description of apexPidMapConfigApplyChange parameter - Renamed apexPidMapConfigApplyChange as apexBulkPidMapInvalidApplyText and moved under apexPidMapStatus June 21, 2012 - Added the below new objects to support autonegotiation configuration. apexOampNetworkDuplexMode, apexOampNetworkSpeed, apexDataIpNetworkDuplexMode, apexDataIpNetworkSpeed - Added the below new objects to get the current autonegotiation enable/disbale status. apexOampCurrentAutoNegotiateState, apexDataIpCurrentAutoNegotiateState - Removed the text 'disabled is not supported' from the description for the following objects as disabling of autonogotiation is supported. apexOampAutoNegotiate, apexDataIpAutoNegotiate - Added the following new objects to support EAS message not received event. apexEasMessageReceiveTimeoutDuration, apexEasMessageReceiveTimeoutEventEnable, apexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusTable, trapEasMessageNotReceived - Modified apexDtaGeneralConfigCatEmmPidInterface to support GIGE input. - Added apexManualRoutingServiceStatus to support maping of error status for the services in apexManualRouteTable. - Added apexBulkPidMapApplyTable,apexBulkPidMapTable and apexPidMapConfigGeneral to support ancillary PID routing for all QAM's. " REVISION "201102150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 2.5: February 15, 2011 - Updated the description for apexDtaConfigApplyChange - Corrected the range of values for apexQamRfPortChannelInfoChanA. January 27, 2011 - Updated the description for apexDtaGeneralConfigInvalidApplyText. January 10, 2011 - Added apexChassisRedundancyRedundantApexSecIp, apexChassisRedundancyRedundantHBEnable, apexChassisRedundancyCurrHBIntfIPStatus December 20, 2010 - apexQamConfigApplyTable does not set apply change for apexQamChannelConfigTable - Added channel apply table apexQamChannelConfigApplyTable - Added status MIB variables for 4x4 apexQamModuleStatBoardTemperature, apexQamModuleStatBoardTemperatureFault, apexQamModuleStat5VdcSupplym, apexQamModuleStat5VdcFault, apexQamModuleStat3dot3VdcSupply, apexQamModuleStat3dot3VdcFault, apexQamModuleStatCommError, apexQamModuleStatCodeInitError - Added QAM versions MIB variable apexQamQrmRevFpga2 - Added QAM version status MIB variable apexQamQrmRevStatFpga2 - Added QAM file revision information MIB variables apexQrmFileRevFpga2 and apexQrmFileRevDateTime - Added EM support MIB tables apexQamRfPortChannelInfoTable and apexQamChannelIdTable - Added 4x4 error codes dc5VoltError,dc3-3VoltError,commLost,codeVersions, codeDownload,codeDownloadError - Number of RF ports increased to 12 for apexQamConfigApplyRfPortNum - Number of RF ports increased to 12 for apexQamRfPortStatRfPortNum - Number of RF ports increased to 12 for apexQamRfPortMuteStatusRfPortNum - Number of File Revisisons increased to 3 for apexQrmFileRevFileSetNum - Number of RF ports increased to 12 for apexRpcRfPortNum - Number of RF ports increased to 12 for apexEasServerNum - Added qam4x4Channel for apexQamModuleStatInstalled - Added any4x4 for apexQamRfRedundStatusMismatch MIB parameter - Added fileSet3 for apexQrmDownloadFileSet MIB parameter December 10, 2010 - Updated RF Port and OTS numbers mapping in the description for apexDtaConfigApplyChange. December 6, 2010 - Changed the range of apexDtaConfigApplyIndex and apexDtaRfPortConfigIndex from '1 to 6' to '1 to 12' to support 4x4 QAM also. December 3, 2010 - Added apexOutputTsStatusServicesMuxed new OutputStream stats field November 23, 2010 - Added new pid-remapping mode 'unrestricted' November 18, 2010 - Added new configuration parameter apexProgramBasedPmtOffset - Added new pid remapping mode remapProgramBased2 November 11, 2010 - Obsoleted apexEventChassisRedunPrimaryForceFailover, apexEventChassisRedunSecondaryForceFailover. - Added apexChassisRedundancyGigEMismatchStatus, apexChassisRedundancyQamMismatchStatus, apexChassisRedundancyFirmwareMismatchStatus. - Added apexChassisRedundancyGigE12LinkStatus, apexChassisRedundancyGigE34LinkStatus. " REVISION "201008170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 2.3: August 17, 2010 - Added new values for apexRtspConfMhaSbeApsLevel. July 23, 2010 - Added apexChassisRedundancyPrimaryStandbyOverride which will force the primary apex to go active " REVISION "201006300000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 2.2: June 30, 2010 - Renamed apexManRteGbeInRedConfigStatMapTable to apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapTable, and moved the table to apexManualRoutingStatus Group. June 29, 2010 - Added apexManRteGbeInRedConfigStatMapTable to provide the mapping between apexManRteGbeInRedTable and apexInputTsStatTable. - Corrected parent node for apexManRteGbeInRedApplyEntry to apexManRteGbeInRedApplyTable. June 25, 2010 - Obsoleted apexEasApplyChange, apexEasPhysInType, apexEasPhysInPort, apexEasRcvUdpPort, apexEasMulticastIpAddress, apexEasSourceIpAddress. - Added apexEasServerTable containing apexEasServerNum, apexEasServerPhysInType, apexEasServerPhysInPort, apexEasServerRcvUdpPort, apexEasServerMulticastIpAddress, apexEasServerSourceIpAddress. - Added apexEasServerApplyTable which includes apexEasServerApplyChange. June 24, 2010 - Added enumeration to apexQamRfPortStatCodeInitError. June 22, 2010 - Changed range of apexQamRfPortStatNumChannelsActive to 0..8. - Changed descriptions of apexQamModuleStatTemperature, apexQamModuleStatPowerFault, apexQamQrmRevFpga, apexQamRfPortStatTemperature, and apexQamQrmRevBootLoaderFw. - Moved apexRpcRfPortTable and apexRpcRfChannelTable to the apexRpcConfig group and renumbered apexRpcAvgBandwidthEnable, and apexRpcApplyChange in apexRpcConfigGeneral. June 16, 2010 - Added apexRpcDeviceName, apexRpcDeviceType, apexRpcControlInterface, apexRpcNumShellSessions, apexRpcRfPortTable, apexRpcRfChannelTable, apexRpcAvgBandwidthEnable, apexRpcApplyChange. June 14, 2010 - Added apexOutputTsStatusScgsProvisioned. June 10, 2010 - Moved apexRdsEventTable to apexRdsStatus group from apexManualRoutingStatus group. June 04, 2010 - Removed apexDtaEventTable. - Renamed apexIppvEventTable to apexRdsEventTable and renamed all the members from apexIPPVEvent*** to apexRdsEvent***. - Added apexRdsEventPrkmWkemAvailable and apexRdsEventCcmAvailable members in the table apexRdsEventTable. June 03, 2010 - Modified the scalar apexOutputProgramDtaServiceEncryptionMode to apexOutputProgramDtaEncryptionMode. - Updated the description of apexRdsSetDefault. May 28, 2010 - Added the following MIB variables apexDtaEventTable, apexOutputProgramDtaServiceEncryptionMode apexOutputProgramDtaServiceEncryptionMode. May 27, 2010 - Added apexChassisRedundancyEventTable. May 25, 2010 - Added apexOutputTsStatusMessageGenerationNum. May 18, 2010 - Changed apexPidMapIndex and apexPidMapApplyIndex size. May 10, 2010 - Added the static routing configuration table apexFastEnetRoutingTable. May 5, 2010 - Added Follow DTCP support variables, apexSesContConfFollowDtcp and apexUdpMapFollowDtcp. April 13, 2010 - Updated the resource descriptions for MIB variables after review. April 7, 2010 - Changed description of apexDepiSessionConfigUdpPort to reflect new range. March 25, 2010 - Added the following configuration parameters: apexIppvEventTable, apexOutputProgramProgramType, apexRdsConfigRds2Enable, apexRdsConfigServerUrl, apexRdsStatusServerIp, apexRdsStatusServerPort, apexRdsStatusServerRootDirPath, and apexRdsStatusValidation. March 10, 2010 - Changed the apexDepiSessionConfigUdpPort field possible range. March 8, 2010 - Added apexDepiSessionStatusSessionID new Depi Session Status field. " REVISION "201003050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 2.1: March 5, 2010 - Changed comment in apexSesContConfRedundType description field. February 19, 2010 - Change range for MHA and RTSP Manager ports. " REVISION "201001190000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 2.0: January 19, 2010 - Added comments in apexPsipStatusInputMessageType description field. - Added comments in apexPsipStatusOutputMessageType description field. January 13, 2010 - Added apexRtspConfMhaSbe, apexRtspConfMhaSbeEncryptionMode, apexRtspConfMhaSbeCciLevel, apexRtspConfMhaSbeApsLevel, apexRtspConfMhaSbeCitSetting, apexRtspConfMhaSbeApplyChange, apexRtspConfMhaGeneral, and apexRtspConfMhaUdpMapEnable. - Added 'Not supported' to apexDepiControlConfigType. December 28, 2009 - Added apexGbeIpFragmentedPkts and apexGbeTotalIpFragmentedPkts. December 22, 2009 - Changed SYNTAX of apexPsipConfigApplyChange and apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange to ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE. December 18, 2009 - Changed apexPsipApplyChange to apexPsipConfigApplyChange in descriptions for apexPsipConfigGeneral entries. - Changed apexPsipApplyTimeChange to apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange in descriptions for apexPsipConfigTime entries. - Changed SDM file annotation to config.ini for apexGbeConfInputUnicastTimeout, apexGbeConfInputMulticastTimeout, and apexGbeConfLossOfInputTsType. December 17, 2009 - Deleted duplicate header comment and removed extraneous line termination characters. December 14, 2009 - Added SDM Commit annotations and additional text to the descriptions of apexMcEmmInsertionMode, apexMcEmmInsertionPid1Enable, apexMcEmmInsertionPid1, apexMcEmmInsertionPid2Enable, and apexMcEmmInsertionPid2. December 3, 2009 - Removed 'Not supported' from apexOutputTsConfPsipEnable description. November 17, 2009 - Added apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundFaultCondition. November 12, 2009 - Added zero as valid integer and updated description for apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundActiveIf. November 6, 2009 - Corrected index in apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry. November 5, 2009 - Changed description for apexGbeConfIfRedundForceFailover. November 4, 2009 - Added apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedund and apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancy. - Corrected range on apexChassisRedundancyUdpPort November 2, 2009 - Added trapGigeToHostCommFault October 30, 2009 - Added apexQamRfPortStatCodeInitError, apexQamQrmRevisionStatusTable, apexQrmDownloadConfigTable, apexQrmDownloadSupported, apexQrmDownloadRequired, apexQrmDownloadFileSet, and apexQrmFileRevisionTable. October 29, 2009 - Made apexSesContConfRedundThreshold obsolete. October 29, 2009 - Added apexPsipStatusServiceTable. - Added apexPsipStatusOutputTable. - Added apexPsipStatusInputTable. October 29, 2009 - Added apexAlarmGigeToHostCommFault October 26, 2009 - Added apexGbeConfInRedundManualRouteRedundType and apexSesContConfRedundType. October 19, 2009 - Merged 2.3.x MIB (version 1.9). - Brought in version 1.9 Revision Description. October 7, 2009 - Added apexRtspStatQamMptsModeTable. October 2, 2009 - Added apexRtspConfMhaTable. September 30, 2009 - Added apexPsip group. September 17, 2009 - Added apexGbeRxDocsisFrames, apexGbeRxMpegDocsisFrames, and apexGbeTotalRxDocsisFrames. September 9, 2009 - Added apexGbeConfInputUnicastTimeout, apexGbeConfInputMulticastTimeout, and apexGbeConfLossOfInputTsType. June 2, 2009 - Merged 2.1.1E MIB (version 1.7). - Brought in version 1.7 Revision Description. " REVISION "200910160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 1.10: October 16, 2009 - Added apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion. " REVISION "200909140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 1.9: October 8, 2009 - Added enumeration for Watchdog Reboot Reason. September 14, 2009 - Corrected @Commit annotation in Chassis redundancy and DTA CAT configuration params. September 07, 2009 - Added apexChassisRedundancyGeneralConfigSyncStatusText. August 31, 2009 - Changed enumeration values of apexChassisRedundancyMulticastRedundancyMode. August 26, 2009 - Added apexQamRfPortMuteStatusTable. August 19, 2009 - Removed DTA Network pid params from apexQamRfConfigTable, DTA Enable from apexQamChannelConfigTable, and apexQamStatusInvalidApplyText. - Added apexDtaConfigApplyTable, apexDtaRfPortConfigTable and apexDtaOtsConfigTable. August 17, 2009 - Added apexChassisRedundancyUdpPort, apexChassisRedundancyRedundantApexIp, apexChassisRedundancyFailOverEnet2LinkLoss, apexChassisRedundancyStatusInvalidApplyText, apexEventChassisRedunPrimaryForceFailover, apexEventChassisRedunSecondaryForceFailover, apexEventChassisRedunFirmwareVersionMismatch, and apexEventChassisRedunQAMVersionMismatch. August 13, 2009 - Added apexDtaGeneralConfigInvalidApplyText, apexQamStatusInvalidApplyText to know DTA CAT, NET and EMM pid number validation status from host. August 06, 2009 - Removed apexEventChassisRedundancySecondaryFailOver. - Added apexAlarmChassisRedundancySecondaryFailover and apexEnableChassisRedundancySecondaryFailover. August 5, 2009 - DTA NET and CAT/EMM pid ranges and default values are changed. August 3, 2009 - Added apexDtaConfigApplyChange parameter. - Added/Merged Chassis level DTA parameters, RF Port level DTA parameters and DTA enable status for each OTS/QAM Channel. July 31, 2009 - Added apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange and apexChassisRedundancyConfigEnable. June 26, 2009 - Removed apexChassisRedundancyFailOverHwFault. June 25, 2009 - Added Suspend and Config Sync states to primary and secondary apex status params. June 9, 2009 - Added apexOampLinkActive and apexDataIpLinkActive. May 27, 2009 - Added Chassis Redundancy groups apexChassisRedundancyConfig and apexChassisRedundancyStatus. - Added Chassis Redundancy alarms, events, and traps. " REVISION "200906090000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 1.8: June 9, 2009 - Added apexOampLinkActive and apexDataIpLinkActive. " REVISION "200904200000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 1.7: Based on 2.1.0 and it does not contain MIB changes from MIB version 1.5 and 1.6. [Apex 2.2 release and Apex 2.1.4 release.] April 20, 2009 - Removed @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexDepiControlConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') from table objects and put into apexDepiControlConfigTable. - Did the same for apexDepiSessionConfigTable. April 08, 2009 - Put back apexDepiSessionStatusInSequenceDiscards back in. April 02, 2009 - Removed apexDepiSessionStatusInSequenceDiscards - Changed enums of Control and Session status March 19, 2009 - Updated the DEPI Statistics and status related MIBs. - Removed Mcmts from the DEPI related MIB groups - Renamed mcmtsDocsis operating mode to Depi - Renamed apexMcmtsDepiControlConfigDynamic to apexDepiControlConfigType - Added the DtiSyncLoss Trap February 9, 2009 - Added M-CMTS support group apexDepiControl. - Added mcmtsDocsis to apexOutputTsConfOperatingMode " REVISION "200904080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 1.6: [Note: Version 1.6 was for APEX Release 2.1.5. Changes in this version are also in Version 1.5. This description is added to the merged Version 2.0 for completeness.] April 8, 2009 - Added apexUdpMapMulticastTable, apexUdpMapMulticastApplyTable, apexUdpMapStatusGeneral, apexUdpMapMulticastInvalidApplyText. " REVISION "200904140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 1.5: April 14, 2009 - Added apexUdpMapStatusGeneral, apexUdpMapMulticastInvalidApplyText. April 13, 2009 - Added apexUdpMapMulticastTable, apexUdpMapMulticastApplyTable. March 31, 2009 - Added dvb-csa-simulcrypt to list for Encryption algorithm March 24, 2009 - Added apexGbeInputDataTsSmoothingPeriod, apexGbeInputDataTsBufferDepth apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyText, apexGbeConfigInputDataTsTable, apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyTable. " REVISION "200903230000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 1.4: March 24, 2009 - Added remapProgramBased to apexOutputTsConfPidRemappingMode. March 23, 2009 - Added 3, 5, and 7 to range of apexQamRfConfigNumChannelsEnabled. March 20, 2009 - Added apexEcmEmmFirstPid, apexEcmEmmNumberPids, apexSimulcryptExternalEisSetting, apexSimulcryptEmEnable - Changed range of apexUdpMapNumberProgs. February 12, 2009 - Added apexSimulcryptEmEnable. February 6, 2009 - Added apexGbeSfp. January 8, 2009 - Added apexOutputTsConfApplyTable and apexOutputTsStatusInvalidApplyText. - Fixed header comment group numbers for apexOutputTsConfig. " REVISION "200903100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 1.3: March 10, 2009 - Added apexGbeNominalBufferLevel. - Made apexGbeJitterAbsorption obsolete. February 18, 2009 - Added RF Redundancy and REM alarm codes to apexHwEventAlarmCode description. February 5, 2009 - Added 'warning' severity to apexAlarmRemFault description. January 21, 2009 - Changed apexQamRfConfigRfLevelAttenuation range and description. - Changed apexQamChanStatActive description to reflect QAM RF Redundancy. December 5, 2008 - Added apexQamRfRedundStatusInvalidApplyText and apexQamRfRedundConfigRemDirectIpOctet1. - Changed apexQamRfRedundConfigRemIpAddr to apexQamRfRedundConfigRemCommonIpAddr. November 25, 2008 - Added apexOutputTsStatusServicesInError. October 31, 2008 - Added apexDpmVersion. October 27, 2008 - Changed apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange Syntax to ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE. October 16, 2008 - Added apexQamRfRedundancyConfig. - Added apexQamRfRedundancyStatus. - Added apexOampInputTsAssignedCount to apexOampStatusGeneral. - Added apexDataIpInputTsAssignedCount, apexDataIpAddrInUse, apexDataIpSubnetMaskInUse, and apexDataIpInUseReason to apexDataIpStatusGeneral. - Added apexAlarmQamRfRedundFailOver, apexAlarmQamRfRedundMismatch, apexAlarmRemCommFault, apexAlarmRemFault, apexEnableQamRfRedundFailOver, apexEnableQamRfRedundMismatch, apexEnableRemCommFault, apexEnableRemFault, trapQamRfRedundFailOver, trapQamRfRedundMismatch, trapRemCommFault, trapRemFault. " REVISION "200807240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 1.2: July 24, 2008 - Added apexEncryptionEmmGoodDeliveryTimeMs, apexEncryptionEmmMaxDeliveryTimeMs apexEncryptionEmmMinDeliveryTimeMs, and apexEncryptionMcDiagTable to apexEncryptionCwgStatus section. July 15, 2008 - Added range to syntax of apexSntpUtcOffset. July 09, 2008 - Added 'annexC-Asia-Pacific' enumeration to apexQamConfigTransmissionMode. - Added enumerations to apexQamRfPortStatError and changed the description. - Added apexEncryptionCwgStatus variables for debug of cwg manager processing in the field. June 26, 2008 - Increased range of apexPsiStatusIndex from 768 to 784. June 25, 2008 - Added apexQrmDownload group. - Added apexOutputProgramSourceId and apexOutputProgramProviderId. - Changed descriptions of apexManualRouteInputType, apexManualRouteSourceId, apexManualRouteProviderId, apexManRtePassThroughInputType, and apexPidMapInputType. - Added enumerations to apexRtspStatControllerDiscovery and apexRtspStatControllerConnection. June 23, 2008 - Added to apexAcpStatusTable: apexAcpUnitAttribute. June 20, 2008 - Added to apexAcpStatusTable: apexAcpEvenCsn and apexAcpOddCsn. June 6, 2008 - Added apexFastEnetInsertRateTable, apexFastEnetStatusPacketsTable, and apexFastEnetInsertPacketsTable. June 3, 2008 - Added udpMapping enumeration to apexInputTsStatRoutingType. - Added encryption status to apexOutputProgramTable: apexOutputProgramError, apexOutputProgramEncryptionMode, apexOutputProgramEncryptionStatus, apexOutputProgramEcmServiceId, apexOutputProgramCciLevel, apexOutputProgramApsLevel, apexOutputProgramCitSetting, apexOutputProgramNumberTiers, and apexOutputProgramTierData. June 2, 2008 - Added apexManualRouteRmdClear. May 12, 2008 - Added apexEncryption group and apexOutputTsConfEncryptionType. May 8, 2008 - Added apexRds group. - Added apexAlarmRdsCommFault and trapRdsCommFault. April 4, 2008 - Added apexUdpPortMapping group. - Added udpMapping enumeration to apexOutputTsConfOperatingMode. " REVISION "200807080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 1.1: July 8, 2008 - Added enumerations to apexQamRfPortStatError and changed the description. July 1, 2008 Changes to support ITU-T J.83 Annex A and C QAM: - Added 'annexC-Asia-Pacific' enumeration to apexQamStatusTransmissionMode. - Changed descriptions of: apexQamRfConfigNumChannelsEnabled, apexQamRfConfigSymbolRate, apexQamRfConfigEiaFrequencyPlan, apexQamRfConfigEiaChanNumChannelA, apexQamRfConfigRfCenterFreqChannelA, apexQamRfConfigRfChanSpacing, apexQamRfConfigInterleaverDepth1, and apexQamRfConfigInterleaverDepth2. " REVISION "200802181400Z" DESCRIPTION "Version 1.0: February 18, 2008 - Initial Revision." ::= {giproducts 31} -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- REUSABLE TYPE DEFINITIONS -- NetworkDuplexModeTYPE ::= INTEGER { halfDuplex (1), fullDuplex (2) } NetworkSpeedTYPE ::= INTEGER { speed10Mbps (1), speed100Mbps (2) } EnableDisableTYPE ::= INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } ActiveTYPE ::= INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notActive (1), active (2) } ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE ::= INTEGER { applyNotInProgress (1), apply (2), applyNotInProgressValidData (3), applyNotInProgressInvalidData (4) } ResetStatisticsTYPE ::= INTEGER { resetNotInProgress (1), reset (2) } ClearAlarmTYPE ::= INTEGER { clearAlarmNotInProgress (1), clearAlarm (2) } RateComparisonTYPE ::= INTEGER { dataRate (1), transportStreamRate (2) } InputTsStateTYPE ::= INTEGER { closed (0), openedInUse (1), openedBackup (2), openedTransToBackup (3), openedTransToInUse (4) } EthernetInterfaceTYPE ::= INTEGER { enet1 (1), enet2 (2) } InputInterfaceTYPE ::= INTEGER { enet1 (1), enet2 (2), gige1 (3), gige2 (4), gige3 (5), gige4 (6) } ClearCountersTYPE ::= INTEGER { clearNotInProgress (1), clear (2) } -- -- APEX MIB STRUCTURE -- -- The following duplicates the structure and entries in the APEX MIB. -- Object identifiers for groups are defined here. -- apexSys OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 1} apexSysConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexSys 1} apexSysConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexSysConfig 1} -- apexSaveConfig {apexSysConfigGeneral 1} -- apexProductName {apexSysConfigGeneral 2} -- apexBootMethod {apexSysConfigGeneral 3} -- apexAutoRebootEnable {apexSysConfigGeneral 4} apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexSysConfig 2} -- apexMcEmmInsertionMode {apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion 1} -- apexMcEmmInsertionPid1Enable {apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion 2} -- apexMcEmmInsertionPid1 {apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion 3} -- apexMcEmmInsertionPid2Enable {apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion 4} -- apexMcEmmInsertionPid2 {apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion 5} -- apexMcEmmInsertionApplyChange {apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion 6} apexSysStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexSys 2} apexSysStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexSysStatus 1} -- apexBootReason {apexSysStatusGeneral 1} -- apexMaxServiceMappings {apexSysStatsgGeneral 2} apexSysStatusVersions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexSysStatus 2} -- apexHostProcessorBootCodeVersion {apexSysStatusVersions 1} -- apexMuxFpgaVersion {apexSysStatusVersions 2} -- apexMuxFpgaEncryption {apexSysStatusVersions 3} -- apexMainBoardVersion {apexSysStatusVersions 4} -- apexHostApplicationDate {apexSysStatusVersions 5} -- apexProductType {apexSysStatusVersions 6} -- apexMainBoardType {apexSysStatusVersions 7} -- apexGlueFpgaVersion {apexSysStatusVersions 8} -- apexGlueCpldVersion {apexSysStatusVersions 9} -- apexDtiFpgaVersion {apexSysStatusVersions 10} -- apexMpc2FpgaVersion {apexSysStatusVersions 11} -- apexDpmVersion {apexSysStatusVersions 12} apexTime OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 2} apexTimeConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexTime 1} apexTimeConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexTimeConfig 1} -- apexTimeSource {apexTimeConfigGeneral 1} -- apexSntpUtcOffset {apexTimeConfigGeneral 2} -- apexSntpServerSpecified {apexTimeConfigGeneral 3} -- apexSntpServerIpAddr {apexTimeConfigGeneral 4} -- apexUserSuppliedTime {apexTimeConfigGeneral 5} apexTimeStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexTime 2} apexTimeStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexTimeStatus 1} -- apexSystemTime {apexTimeStatusGeneral 1} -- apexOperationalTime {apexTimeStatusGeneral 2} apexTemperature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 3} apexTemperatureConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexTemperature 1} apexTemperatureConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexTemperatureConfig 1} apexTemperatureStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexTemperature 2} apexTemperatureStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexTemperatureStatus 1} apexMainBoardTemperature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexTemperatureStatus 2} -- apexMainBoardTempFrontIntake {apexMainBoardTemperature 1} -- apexMainBoardTempMuxFpga {apexMainBoardTemperature 2} -- apexMainBoardTempAcpModule {apexMainBoardTemperature 3} -- apexMainBoardTempHostProcessor {apexMainBoardTemperature 4} apexMainBoardTemperatureFault OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexTemperatureStatus 3} -- apexMainBoardTempFrontIntakeFault {apexMainBoardTemperatureFault 1} -- apexMainBoardTempMuxFpgaFault {apexMainBoardTemperatureFault 2} -- apexMainBoardTempAcpModuleFault {apexMainBoardTemperatureFault 3} -- apexMainBoardTempHostProcessorFault {apexMainBoardTemperatureFault 4} apexPowerSupply OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 4} apexPsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPowerSupply 1} apexPsConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPsConfig 1} -- apexPsPowerFaultFilter {apexPsConfigGeneral 1} apexPsStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPowerSupply 2} apexPsStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPsStatus 1} -- apexPsStatusTable {apexPsStatus 2} -- apexPsStatusEntry {apexPsStatusTable 1} -- apexPsStatusPsNum {apexPsStatusEntry 1} -- apexPsStatusInstalled {apexPsStatusEntry 2} -- apexPsStatusOutputVoltage {apexPsStatusEntry 3} -- apexPsStatusOutputCurrent {apexPsStatusEntry 4} -- apexPsStatusFanSpeed {apexPsStatusEntry 5} -- apexPsStatusFanStatus {apexPsStatusEntry 6} -- apexPsStatusTemperatureStatus {apexPsStatusEntry 7} -- apexPsStatusInputPowerStatus {apexPsStatusEntry 8} -- apexPsStatusOutputPowerStatus {apexPsStatusEntry 9} -- apexPsStatusErrorStatus {apexPsStatusEntry 10} -- apexPsStatusFaultCondition {apexPsStatusEntry 11} -- apexPsStatusDiagnosticData1 {apexPsStatusEntry 12} -- apexPsStatusDiagnosticData2 {apexPsStatusEntry 13} -- apexPsStatusCommError {apexPsStatusEntry 14} -- apexPsStatusVersionsTable {apexPsStatus 3} -- apexPsStatusVersionsEntry {apexPsStatusVersionsTable 1} -- apexPsStatusVersionsPsNum {apexPsStatusVersionsEntry 1} -- apexPsStatusVersionsModel {apexPsStatusVersionsEntry 3} -- apexPsStatusVersionsSerialNumber {apexPsStatusVersionsEntry 4} apexAsi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 5} apexAsiConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexAsi 1} apexAsiMonitorPortConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexAsiConfig 2} -- apexAsiMonitorPortOutputTsNum {apexAsiMonitorPortConfig 1} -- apexAsiMonitorPortEncryption {apexAsiMonitorPortConfig 3} apexFastEnet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 6} apexFastEnetConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexFastEnet 1} apexFastEnetConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexFastEnetConfig 1} -- apexFastEnetDefaultGateway {apexFastEnetConfigGeneral 1} -- apexFastEnetInsertRateTable {apexFastEnetConfigGeneral 2} -- apexFastEnetInsertRateEntry {apexFastEnetInsertRateTable 1} -- apexFastEnetInsertRateOutputTsNum {apexFastEnetInsertRateEntry 1} -- apexFastEnetInsertRate {apexFastEnetInsertRateEntry 2} -- apexFastEnetRoutingApplyChange {apexFastEnetConfigGeneral 3} -- apexFastEnetRoutingTable {apexFastEnetConfig 2} -- apexFastEnetRoutingEntry {apexFastEnetRoutingTable 1} -- apexFastEnetRoutingIndex {apexFastEnetRoutingEntry 1} -- apexFastEnetRoutingDestinIp {apexFastEnetRoutingEntry 2} -- apexFastEnetRoutingGatewayIp {apexFastEnetRoutingEntry 3} -- apexFastEnetRoutingSubnetMask {apexFastEnetRoutingEntry 4} apexFastEnetStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexFastEnet 2} apexFastEnetStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexFastEnetStatus 1} -- apexFastEnetMaxInputUdpPorts {apexFastEnetStatusGeneral 1} -- apexFastEnetStatusPacketsTable {apexFastEnetStatus 2} -- apexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry {apexFastEnetStatusPacketsTable 1} -- apexFastEnetPacketsPortNum {apexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry 1} -- apexFastEnetPacketsNumPkts {apexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry 2} -- apexFastEnetPacketsTotPkts {apexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry 3} -- apexFastEnetPacketsNumDiscarded {apexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry 4} -- apexFastEnetPacketsTotDiscarded {apexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry 5} -- apexFastEnetInsertPacketsTable {apexFastEnetStatus 3} -- apexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry {apexFastEnetInsertPacketsTable 1} -- apexFastEnetInsPacketsOutputTsNum {apexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry 1} -- apexFastEnetInsPacketsNumPkts {apexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry 2} -- apexFastEnetInsPacketsTotPkts {apexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry 3} -- apexFastEnetInsPacketsNumDiscarded {apexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry 4} -- apexFastEnetInsPacketsTotDiscarded {apexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry 5} apexOamp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexFastEnet 3} apexOampConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOamp 1} apexOampConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOampConfig 1} -- apexOampIpAddr {apexOampConfigGeneral 1} -- apexOampSubnetMask {apexOampConfigGeneral 2} -- apexOampAutoNegotiate {apexOampConfigGeneral 3} -- apexOampNetworkDuplexMode {apexOampConfigGeneral 4} -- apexOampNetworkSpeed {apexOampConfigGeneral 5} apexOampStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOamp 2} apexOampStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOampStatus 1} -- apexOampMacAddr {apexOampStatusGeneral 1} -- apexOampSpeed {apexOampStatusGeneral 2} -- apexOampDuplexMode {apexOampStatusGeneral 3} -- apexOampInputTsAssignedCount {apexOampStatusGeneral 4} -- apexOampLinkActive {apexOampStatusGeneral 5} -- apexOampCurrentAutoNegotiateState {apexOampStatusGeneral 6} apexDataIp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexFastEnet 4} apexDataIpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDataIp 1} apexDataIpConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDataIpConfig 1} -- apexDataIpAddr {apexDataIpConfigGeneral 1} -- apexDataIpSubnetMask {apexDataIpConfigGeneral 2} -- apexDataIpAutoNegotiate {apexDataIpConfigGeneral 3} -- apexDataIpNetworkDuplexMode {apexDataIpConfigGeneral 4} -- apexDataIpNetworkSpeed {apexDataIpConfigGeneral 5} apexDataIpStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDataIp 2} apexDataIpStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDataIpStatus 1} -- apexDataIpMacAddr {apexDataIpStatusGeneral 1} -- apexDataIpSpeed {apexDataIpStatusGeneral 2} -- apexDataIpDuplexMode {apexDataIpStatusGeneral 3} -- apexDataIpInputTsAssignedCount {apexDataIpStatusGeneral 4} -- apexDataIpAddrInUse {apexDataIpStatusGeneral 5} -- apexDataIpSubnetMaskInUse {apexDataIpStatusGeneral 6} -- apexDataIpInUseReason {apexDataIpStatusGeneral 7} -- apexDataIpLinkActive {apexDataIpStatusGeneral 8} -- apexDataIpCurrentAutoNegotiateState {apexDataIpStatusGeneral 9} apexGbe OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 7} apexGbeConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbe 1} apexGbeConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeConfig 1} -- apexGbeDefaultGateway1 {apexGbeConfigGeneral 1} -- apexGbeDefaultGateway2 {apexGbeConfigGeneral 2} -- apexGbeJitterAbsorption [obsolete] {apexGbeConfigGeneral 3} -- apexGbeGarpPeriodicity {apexGbeConfigGeneral 4} -- apexGbeConfigTableApplyChange {apexGbeConfigGeneral 5} -- apexGbeNominalBufferLevel {apexGbeConfigGeneral 6} -- apexGbeInputDataTsSmoothingPeriod {apexGbeConfigGeneral 7} -- apexGbeInputDataTsBufferDepth {apexGbeConfigGeneral 8} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyText {apexGbeConfigGeneral 9} -- apexGbeConfInputUnicastTimeout {apexGbeConfigGeneral 10} -- apexGbeConfInputMulticastTimeout {apexGbeConfigGeneral 11} -- apexGbeConfLossOfInputTsType {apexGbeConfigGeneral 12} -- apexGbeConfigTable {apexGbeConfig 2} -- apexGbeConfigEntry {apexGbeConfigTable 1} -- apexGbeConfigInterfaceNum {apexGbeConfigEntry 1} -- apexGbeConfigEnable {apexGbeConfigEntry 2} -- apexGbeConfigIpAddr {apexGbeConfigEntry 3} -- apexGbeConfigIpSubnetMask {apexGbeConfigEntry 4} -- apexGbeConfigAutoNegotiate {apexGbeConfigEntry 5} -- apexGbeConfigFrameBufferTable {apexGbeConfig 3} -- apexGbeConfigFrameBufferEntry {apexGbeConfigFrameBufferTable 1} -- apexGbeConfigFrameBufferProcessorNum {apexGbeConfigFrameBufferEntry 1} -- apexGbeConfigFrameBufferMaxInDataRate {apexGbeConfigFrameBufferEntry 2} -- apexGbeConfigFrameBufferAlarmThreshold {apexGbeConfigFrameBufferEntry 3} apexGbeConfigInputRedundancy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeConfig 4} apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeConfigInputRedundancy 1} -- apexGbeConfInRedundMonitorPeriod {apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral 1} -- apexGbeConfInRedundSwitchTime {apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral 2} -- apexGbeConfInRedundAutoSwitchBack {apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral 3} -- apexGbeConfInRedundForceToSecondary {apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral 4} -- apexGbeConfInRedundForceToPrimary {apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral 5} -- apexGbeConfInRedundManualRouteRedundType {apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral 6} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsTable {apexGbeConfig 5} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry {apexGbeConfigInputDataTsTable 1} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsIndex {apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 1} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEnable {apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 2} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsInterface {apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 3} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsUdp {apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 4} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsMulticastIp {apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 5} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsSourceIp {apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 6} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsMaxRate {apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 7} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyTable {apexGbeConfig 6} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyEntry {apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyTable 1} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyIndex {apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyEntry 1} -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyChange {apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyEntry 2} apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeConfig 7} apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancy 1} -- apexGbeConfIfRedundAutoSwitchBackEnable {apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyGeneral 1} -- apexGbeConfIfRedundAutoSwitchBackPeriod {apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyGeneral 2} -- apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyTable {apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancy 2} -- apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyEntry {apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyTable 1} -- apexGbeConfIfRedundIndex {apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyEntry 1} -- apexGbeConfIfRedundEnable {apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyEntry 2} -- apexGbeConfIfRedundForceFailover {apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyEntry 3} -- apexGbeConfIfRedundSuspendFailover {apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyEntry 4} -- apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyTable {apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancy 3} -- apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyEntry {apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyTable 1} -- apexGbeConfIfRedundApplyIndex {apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyEntry 1} -- apexGbeConfIfRedundApplyChange {apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyEntry 2} apexGbeStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbe 2} apexGbeStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeStatus 1} -- apexGbeBootCodeVersion {apexGbeStatusGeneral 1} -- apexGbeApplicationCodeVersion {apexGbeStatusGeneral 2} -- apexGbeMaxInputTs {apexGbeStatusGeneral 3} -- apexGbeRoutedPacketUpdateInterval {apexGbeStatusGeneral 4} -- apexGbeStatusTable {apexGbeStatus 2} -- apexGbeStatusEntry {apexGbeStatusTable 1} -- apexGbeStatusGbeInterfaceNum {apexGbeStatusEntry 1} -- apexGbeStatusMacAddr {apexGbeStatusEntry 2} -- apexGbeStatusLinkActive {apexGbeStatusEntry 3} -- apexGbeStatusIgmpVersion {apexGbeStatusEntry 4} -- apexGbeStatusLossOfPhysicalInput {apexGbeStatusEntry 5} -- apexGbeInputTsAssignedTable {apexGbeStatus 3} -- apexGbeInputTsAssignedEntry {apexGbeInputTsAssignedTable 1} -- apexGbeInputTsAssignedGbeInterfaceNum {apexGbeInputTsAssignedEntry 1} -- apexGbeInputTsAssignedCount {apexGbeInputTsAssignedEntry 2} -- apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortTable {apexGbeStatus 4} -- apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortEntry {apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortTable 1} -- apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortGbeInterfaceNum {apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortEntry 1} -- apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortCount {apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortEntry 2} -- apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketTable {apexGbeStatus 5} -- apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketEntry {apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketTable 1} -- apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketOutputTsNum {apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketEntry 1} -- apexGbeStatusTotRoutedPackets {apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketEntry 2} -- apexGbeStatusNumRoutedPackets {apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketEntry 3} apexGbeStatusFrameCounter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeStatus 6} apexGbeStatusFrameCounterGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeStatusFrameCounter 1} -- apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTableResetAll {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterGeneral 1} -- apexGbeFrameCounterUpdateInterval {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterGeneral 2} -- apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTable {apexGbeStatusFrameCounter 2} -- apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTable 1} -- apexGbeFrameCounterGbeInterfaceNum {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 1} -- apexGbeFrameCounterReset {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 2} -- apexGbeTotalRxSinglecastFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 3} -- apexGbeTotalRxMulticastFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 4} -- apexGbeTotalRxBroadcastFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 5} -- apexGbeTotalRxErrorFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 6} -- apexGbeTotalRxFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 7} -- apexGbeRxSinglecastFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 8} -- apexGbeRxMulticastFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 9} -- apexGbeRxBroadcastFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 10} -- apexGbeRxErrorFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 11} -- apexGbeRxFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 12} -- apexGbeTotalTxGoodFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 13} -- apexGbeTotalTxErrorFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 14} -- apexGbeTxGoodFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 15} -- apexGbeTxErrorFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 16} -- apexGbeRxDocsisFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 17} -- apexGbeRxMpegDocsisFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 18} -- apexGbeTotalRxDocsisFrames {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 19} -- apexGbeIpFragmentedPkts {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 20} -- apexGbeTotalIpFragmentedPkts {apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 21} apexGbeFrameBufferStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeStatus 7} apexGbeFrameBufferStatsGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeFrameBufferStats 1} -- apexGbeFrameBufferStatsTable {apexGbeFrameBufferStats 2} -- apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry {apexGbeFrameBufferStatsTable 1} -- apexGbeFrameBufferProcessorNum {apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 1} -- apexGbeFrameBufferResetLevelLimit {apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 2} -- apexGbeFrameBufferCurrMsLevel {apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 3} -- apexGbeFrameBufferCurrPercentFull {apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 4} -- apexGbeFrameBufferUnderflowLevel {apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 5} -- apexGbeFrameBufferOverflowLevel {apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 6} -- apexGbeFrameBufferAlarmStatus {apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 7} -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyTable {apexGbeFrameBufferStats 3} -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry {apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyTable 1} -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyProcessorNum {apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 1} -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyIndex {apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 2} -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyInInterface {apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 3} -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyInUdp {apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 4} -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyInMulticastIp {apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 5} -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyInSourceIp {apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 6} -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyMaxMsLevel {apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 7} -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyMaxPercentFull {apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 8} -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyGpsTime {apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 9} -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyOverflows {apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 10} -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyResets {apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 11} apexGbeStatusInputTransportStream OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeStatus 8} apexGbeStatusInputTsGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeStatusInputTransportStream 1} -- apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval {apexGbeStatusInputTsGeneral 1} -- apexGbeStatusInputTsTable {apexGbeStatusInputTransportStream 2} -- apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry {apexGbeStatusInputTsTable 1} -- apexGbeStatInTsInputTsNum {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 1} -- apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 2} -- apexGbeStatInTsPriCurDataCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 3} -- apexGbeStatInTsPriAvgDataCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 4} -- apexGbeStatInTsPriMinDataCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 5} -- apexGbeStatInTsPriPeakDataCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 6} -- apexGbeStatInTsPriCurStreamCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 7} -- apexGbeStatInTsPriAvgStreamCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 8} -- apexGbeStatInTsPriMinStreamCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 9} -- apexGbeStatInTsPriPeakStreamCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 10} -- apexGbeStatInTsSecCurDataCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 11} -- apexGbeStatInTsSecAvgDataCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 12} -- apexGbeStatInTsSecMinDataCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 13} -- apexGbeStatInTsSecPeakDataCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 14} -- apexGbeStatInTsSecCurStreamCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 15} -- apexGbeStatInTsSecAvgStreamCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 16} -- apexGbeStatInTsSecMinStreamCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 17} -- apexGbeStatInTsSecPeakStreamCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 18} -- apexGbeStatInTsTotPacketDropCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 19} -- apexGbeStatInTsCurPacketDropCount {apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 20} -- apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorTable {apexGbeStatusInputTransportStream 3} -- apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry {apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorTable 1} -- apexGbeStatInTsErrorInputTsNum {apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 1} -- apexGbeStatInTsPriErrorSummary {apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 2} -- apexGbeStatInTsPriLowBitRateError {apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 3} -- apexGbeStatInTsPriHighBitRateError {apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 4} -- apexGbeStatInTsMptsRedundPriError {apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 5} -- apexGbeStatInTsMptsRedundFailError {apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 6} -- apexGbeStatInTsSecErrorSummary {apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 7} -- apexGbeStatInTsSecLowBitRateError {apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 8} -- apexGbeStatInTsSecHighBitRateError {apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 9} -- apexGbeStatInTsPriLossInputError {apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 10} -- apexGbeStatInTsSecLossInputError {apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 11} -- apexGbeStatInTsPacketDropError {apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 12} apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedund OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeStatus 9} -- apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundTable {apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedund 1} -- apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry {apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundTable 1} -- apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundIndex {apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry 1} -- apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundActiveIf {apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry 2} -- apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundInvalidApplyText {apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry 3} -- apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundFaultCondition {apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry 4} apexGbeStatusInputTsDropCounter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeStatus 10} apexGbeStatusInputTsDropCounterGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeStatusInputTsDropCounter 1} -- apexGbeStatusInputTsDropCounterClearAll {apexGbeStatusInputTsDropCounterGeneral 1} apexGbeSfp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbe 3} apexGbeSfpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeSfp 1} apexGbeSfpConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeSfpConfig 1} -- apexGbeSfpUpdateStatus {apexGbeSfpConfigGeneral 1} apexGbeSfpStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeSfp 2} apexGbeSfpStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexGbeSfpStatus 1} -- apexGbeSfpStatusTable {apexGbeSfpStatus 2} -- apexGbeSfpStatusEntry {apexGbeSfpStatusTable 1} -- apexGbeSfpStatusGbeIfNum {apexGbeSfpStatusEntry 1} -- apexGbeSfpStatusVendorId {apexGbeSfpStatusEntry 2} -- apexGbeSfpStatusDiagInfo {apexGbeSfpStatusEntry 3} apexQam OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 8} apexQamConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexQam 1} apexQamConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexQamConfig 1} -- apexQamConfigTransmissionMode {apexQamConfigGeneral 1} apexQamModuleUpgrade OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexQamConfig 2} -- apexQamModuleUpgradeSlot {apexQamModuleUpgrade 1} -- apexQamModuleUpgradeCode {apexQamModuleUpgrade 2} -- apexQamModuleUpgradeApplyChange {apexQamModuleUpgrade 3} -- apexQamConfigApplyTable {apexQamConfig 3} -- apexQamConfigApplyEntry {apexQamConfigApplyTable 1} -- apexQamConfigApplyRfPortNum {apexQamConfigApplyEntry 1} -- apexQamConfigApplyChange {apexQamConfigApplyEntry 2} -- apexQamRfConfigTable {apexQamConfig 4} -- apexQamRfConfigEntry {apexQamRfConfigTable 1} -- apexQamRfConfigRfPortNum {apexQamRfConfigEntry 1} -- apexQamRfConfigNumChannelsEnabled {apexQamRfConfigEntry 2} -- apexQamRfConfigModulationMode {apexQamRfConfigEntry 3} -- apexQamRfConfigSymbolRate {apexQamRfConfigEntry 4} -- apexQamRfConfigSpectrumInvert {apexQamRfConfigEntry 5} -- apexQamRfConfigTuningMode {apexQamRfConfigEntry 6} -- apexQamRfConfigEiaFrequencyPlan {apexQamRfConfigEntry 7} -- apexQamRfConfigEiaChanNumChannelA {apexQamRfConfigEntry 8} -- apexQamRfConfigRfCenterFreqChannelA {apexQamRfConfigEntry 9} -- apexQamRfConfigRfChanSpacing {apexQamRfConfigEntry 10} -- apexQamRfConfigRfLevelAttenuation {apexQamRfConfigEntry 11} -- apexQamRfConfigRfLevelLowThreshold {apexQamRfConfigEntry 12} -- apexQamRfConfigRfLevelHighThreshold {apexQamRfConfigEntry 13} -- apexQamRfConfigMute {apexQamRfConfigEntry 14} -- apexQamRfConfigInterleaverDepth1 {apexQamRfConfigEntry 15} -- apexQamRfConfigInterleaverDepth2 {apexQamRfConfigEntry 16} -- apexQamChannelConfigTable {apexQamConfig 5} -- apexQamChannelConfigEntry {apexQamChannelConfigTable 1} -- apexQamChanConfigChannelNum {apexQamChannelConfigEntry 1} -- apexQamChanConfigInterleaverSelect {apexQamChannelConfigEntry 2} -- apexQamChanConfigTestMode {apexQamChannelConfigEntry 3} apexQamRfRedundancyConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexQamConfig 6} apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexQamRfRedundancyConfig 1} -- apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange {apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral 1} -- apexQamRfRedundConfigEnable {apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral 2} -- apexQamRfRedundConfigRemConnection {apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral 3} -- 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apexQamChannelsActiveCount {apexQamStatusGeneral 4} -- apexQamModuleStatusTable {apexQamStatus 2} -- apexQamModuleStatusEntry {apexQamModuleStatusTable 1} -- apexQamModuleStatQamModuleNum {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 1} -- apexQamModuleStatInstalled {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 2} -- apexQamModuleStatFanSpeed {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 3} -- apexQamModuleStatFanFault {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 4} -- apexQamModuleStatTemperature {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 5} -- apexQamModuleStatTemperatureFault {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 6} -- apexQamModuleStatError {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 7} -- apexQamModuleStatFaultCondition {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 8} -- apexQamModuleStatFaultSumm {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 9} -- apexQamModuleStatPowerFault {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 10} -- apexQamModuleStatBoardTemperature {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 11} -- apexQamModuleStatBoardTemperatureFault {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 12} -- apexQamModuleStat5VdcSupply {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 13} -- apexQamModuleStat5VdcFault {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 14} -- apexQamModuleStat3dot3VdcSupply {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 15} -- apexQamModuleStat3dot3VdcFault {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 16} -- apexQamModuleStatCommError {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 17} -- apexQamModuleStatCodeInitError {apexQamModuleStatusEntry 18} -- apexQamModuleSerialNumTable {apexQamStatus 3} -- apexQamModuleSerialNumEntry {apexQamModuleSerialNumTable 1} -- apexQamModuleSerialNumQamModuleNum {apexQamModuleSerialNumEntry 1} -- apexQamModuleSerialNumber {apexQamModuleSerialNumEntry 2} -- apexQamQrmRevisionTable {apexQamStatus 4} -- apexQamQrmRevisionEntry {apexQamQrmRevisionTable 1} -- apexQamQrmRevRfPortNum {apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 1} -- apexQamQrmRevBoardId {apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 2} -- apexQamQrmRevAppFw {apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 3} -- apexQamQrmRevBootLoaderFw {apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 4} -- apexQamQrmRevFpga {apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 5} -- apexQamQrmRevHw {apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 6} -- apexQamQrmRevSerialNumber {apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 7} -- apexQamQrmRevFpga2 {apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 8} -- apexQamRfPortStatusTable {apexQamStatus 5} -- apexQamRfPortStatusEntry {apexQamRfPortStatusTable 1} -- apexQamRfPortStatRfPortNum {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 1} -- apexQamRfPortStatInfoRate {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 2} -- apexQamRfPortStatNumChannelsActive {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 3} -- apexQamRfPortStatOutputLevel {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 4} -- apexQamRfPortStatOutputLevelFault {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 5} -- apexQamRfPortStatTemperature {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 6} -- apexQamRfPortStatTemperatureFault {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 7} -- apexQamRfPortStat5VdcSupply {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 8} -- apexQamRfPortStat5VdcFault {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 9} -- apexQamRfPortStat3dot3VdcSupply {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 10} -- apexQamRfPortStat3dot3VdcFault {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 11} -- apexQamRfPortStatFreqPllLock {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 12} -- apexQamRfPortStatRefClockPresent {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 13} -- apexQamRfPortStatRefClockLock {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 14} -- apexQamRfPortStatDataClockPresent {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 15} -- apexQamRfPortStatDataSyncFault {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 16} -- apexQamRfPortStatCommError {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 17} -- apexQamRfPortStatError {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 18} -- apexQamRfPortStatFaultCondition {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 19} -- apexQamRfPortStatChanFaultSumm {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 20} -- apexQamRfPortStatCodeInitError {apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 21} -- apexQamChannelStatusTable {apexQamStatus 6} -- apexQamChannelStatusEntry {apexQamChannelStatusTable 1} -- apexQamChanStatChannelNum {apexQamChannelStatusEntry 1} -- apexQamChanStatActive {apexQamChannelStatusEntry 2} -- apexQamChanStatRfFreq {apexQamChannelStatusEntry 3} -- apexQamChanStatEiaChanNum {apexQamChannelStatusEntry 4} -- apexQamChanStatDataPresent {apexQamChannelStatusEntry 5} -- apexQamChanStatError {apexQamChannelStatusEntry 6} -- apexQamChanStatFaultCondition {apexQamChannelStatusEntry 7} 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{apexQamRfPortMuteStatusEntry 2} -- apexQamQrmRevisionStatusTable {apexQamStatus 9} -- apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry {apexQamQrmRevisionTable 1} -- apexQamQrmRevStatQrmNum {apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 1} -- apexQamQrmRevStatBoardId {apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 2} -- apexQamQrmRevStatAppFw {apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 3} -- apexQamQrmRevStatBootLoaderFw {apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 4} -- apexQamQrmRevStatFpga {apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 5} -- apexQamQrmRevStatHw {apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 6} -- apexQamQrmRevStatQrmSupported {apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 7} -- apexQamQrmRevStatFpga2 {apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 8} -- apexQamRfPortChannelInfoTable {apexQamStatus 10} -- apexQamRfPortChannelInfoEntry {apexQamRfPortChannelInfoTable 1} -- apexQamRfPortChannelInfoRfPortNum {apexQamRfPortChannelInfoEntry 1} -- apexQamRfPortChannelInfoChanA {apexQamRfPortChannelInfoEntry 2} -- apexQamRfPortChannelInfoChanCount {apexQamRfPortChannelInfoEntry 3} -- apexQamChannelIdTable {apexQamStatus 11} -- apexQamChannelIdEntry {apexQamChannelIdTable 1} -- apexQamChannelIdChannelNum {apexQamChannelIdEntry 1} -- apexQamChannelIdSlotNum {apexQamChannelIdEntry 2} -- apexQamChannelIdRfPortNum {apexQamChannelIdEntry 3} -- apexQamChannelIdModuleRfPortNum {apexQamChannelIdEntry 4} -- apexQamChannelIdChannelLetter {apexQamChannelIdEntry 5} -- apexQamChannelIdChannelDescription {apexQamChannelIdEntry 6} apexQrmDownload OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexQam 3} apexQrmDownloadConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexQrmDownload 1} apexQrmDownloadConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexQrmDownloadConfig 1} -- apexQrmDownloadConfigTable {apexQrmDownloadConfig 2} -- apexQrmDownloadConfigEntry {apexQrmDownloadConfigTable 1} -- apexQrmDownloadConfigQrmNum {apexQrmDownloadConfigEntry 1} -- apexQrmDownloadConfigRequest {apexQrmDownloadConfigEntry 2} apexQrmDownloadStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexQrmDownload 2} apexQrmDownloadStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexQrmDownloadStatus 1} -- apexQrmDownloadStatusTable {apexQrmDownloadStatus 2} -- apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry {apexQrmDownloadStatusTable 1} -- apexQrmDownloadStatusRfPortNum {apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry 1} -- apexQrmDownloadStatusDescription {apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry 2} -- apexQrmDownloadProgress {apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry 3} -- apexQrmDownloadSupported {apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry 4} -- apexQrmDownloadRequired {apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry 5} -- apexQrmDownloadFileSet {apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry 6} -- apexQrmFileRevisionTable {apexQrmDownloadStatus 3} -- apexQrmFileRevisionEntry {apexQrmFileRevisionTable 1} -- apexQrmFileRevFileSetNum {apexQrmFileRevisionEntry 1} -- apexQrmFileRevFirmware {apexQrmFileRevisionEntry 2} -- apexQrmFileRevCalibration {apexQrmFileRevisionEntry 3} -- apexQrmFileRevFpga {apexQrmFileRevisionEntry 4} -- apexQrmFileRevFpga2 {apexQrmFileRevisionEntry 5} -- apexQrmFileRevDateTime {apexQrmFileRevisionEntry 6} apexSessionControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 9} apexSessionControlConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexSessionControl 1} apexSessionControlConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexSessionControlConfig 1} -- apexSesContConfProtocol {apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 1} -- apexSesContConfTableApplyChange {apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 2} -- apexSesContConfRateCompareType {apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 3} -- apexSesContConfRedundThreshold [obsolete] {apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 4} -- apexSesContConfInputPreEncryptCheck {apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 5} -- apexSesContConfRedundType {apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 6} -- apexSesContConfFollowDtcp {apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 7} -- apexSesContConfTable {apexSessionControlConfig 2} -- apexSesContConfEntry {apexSesContConfTable 1} -- apexSesContConfOutputTsNum {apexSesContConfEntry 1} -- apexSesContConfGbePrimaryInterface {apexSesContConfEntry 2} -- apexSesContConfGbeSecondaryInterface {apexSesContConfEntry 3} apexSessionControlStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexSessionControl 2} apexSessionControlStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexSessionControlStatus 1} -- apexSesContStatProtocol {apexSessionControlStatusGeneral 1} apexRpc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexSessionControl 3} apexRpcConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRpc 1} apexRpcConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRpcConfig 1} -- apexRpcDataCarouselProgram {apexRpcConfigGeneral 1} -- apexRpcReportAllSessions {apexRpcConfigGeneral 2} -- apexRpcDeviceName {apexRpcConfigGeneral 3} -- apexRpcDeviceType {apexRpcConfigGeneral 4} -- apexRpcControlInterface {apexRpcConfigGeneral 5} -- apexRpcNumShellSessions {apexRpcConfigGeneral 6} -- apexRpcAvgBandwidthEnable {apexRpcConfigGeneral 7} -- apexRpcApplyChange {apexRpcConfigGeneral 8} -- apexRpcRfPortTable {apexRpcConfig 2} -- apexRpcRfPortEntry {apexRpcRfPortTable 1} -- apexRpcRfPortNum {apexRpcRfPortEntry 1} -- apexRpcRfPortName {apexRpcRfPortEntry 2} -- apexRpcRfPortServiceGroup {apexRpcRfPortEntry 3} -- apexRpcRfChannelTable {apexRpcConfig 3} -- apexRpcRfChannelEntry {apexRpcRfChannelTable 1} -- apexRpcRfChannelNum {apexRpcRfChannelEntry 1} -- apexRpcRfChannelName {apexRpcRfChannelEntry 2} apexRpcStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRpc 2} apexRpcStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRpcStatus 1} -- apexRpcSessionStatTable {apexRpcStatus 2} -- apexRpcSessionStatEntry {apexRpcSessionStatTable 1} -- apexRpcSessionStatIndex {apexRpcSessionStatEntry 1} -- apexRpcSessionStatInputTsIndex {apexRpcSessionStatEntry 2} -- apexRpcSessionStatInputProgramNum {apexRpcSessionStatEntry 3} -- apexRpcSessionStatSourceIpAddr3 {apexRpcSessionStatEntry 4} -- apexRpcSessionStatOutputQamChannel {apexRpcSessionStatEntry 5} -- apexRpcSessionStatOutputProgramNum {apexRpcSessionStatEntry 6} -- apexRpcSessionStatProgramBandwidth {apexRpcSessionStatEntry 7} -- apexRpcSessionStatSessionType {apexRpcSessionStatEntry 8} -- apexRpcSessionStatSessionIdWord1 {apexRpcSessionStatEntry 9} -- apexRpcSessionStatSessionIdWord2 {apexRpcSessionStatEntry 10} -- apexRpcSessionStatSessionIdWord3 {apexRpcSessionStatEntry 11} -- apexRpcSessionStatManagerIpAddr {apexRpcSessionStatEntry 12} -- apexRpcQamStatTable {apexRpcStatus 3} -- apexRpcQamStatEntry {apexRpcQamStatTable 1} -- apexRpcQamStatQamChannelNum {apexRpcQamStatEntry 1} -- apexRpcQamStatNumSdvSessions {apexRpcQamStatEntry 2} -- apexRpcQamStatNumVodBcSessions {apexRpcQamStatEntry 3} -- apexRpcQamStatSdvGroupBandwidth {apexRpcQamStatEntry 4} apexRtsp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexSessionControl 4} apexRtspConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRtsp 1} apexRtspConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRtspConfig 1} -- apexRtspReportGbeInterfaces {apexRtspConfigGeneral 1} -- apexRtspConfControllerApplyTable {apexRtspConfig 2} -- apexRtspConfControllerApplyEntry {apexRtspConfControllerApplyTable 1} -- apexRtspConfControllerApplyNum {apexRtspConfControllerApplyEntry 1} -- apexRtspConfControllerApplyChange {apexRtspConfControllerApplyEntry 2} -- apexRtspConfControllerTable {apexRtspConfig 3} -- apexRtspConfControllerEntry {apexRtspConfControllerTable 1} -- apexRtspConfControllerNum {apexRtspConfControllerEntry 1} -- apexRtspConfControllerIp {apexRtspConfControllerEntry 2} -- apexRtspConfControllerPort {apexRtspConfControllerEntry 3} -- apexRtspConfControllerHoldTime {apexRtspConfControllerEntry 4} -- apexRtspConfControllerBandwidthDelta {apexRtspConfControllerEntry 5} -- apexRtspConfControlNamesTable {apexRtspConfig 4} -- apexRtspConfControlNamesEntry {apexRtspConfControlNamesTable 1} -- apexRtspConfControlNamesNum {apexRtspConfControlNamesEntry 1} -- apexRtspConfControlNamesStreamingZone {apexRtspConfControlNamesEntry 5} -- apexRtspConfControlNamesDeviceName {apexRtspConfControlNamesEntry 6} -- apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyTable {apexRtspConfig 5} -- apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyEntry {apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyTable 1} -- apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyNum {apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyEntry 1} -- apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyChange {apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyEntry 2} -- apexRtspConfQamChannelTable {apexRtspConfig 6} -- apexRtspConfQamChannelEntry {apexRtspConfQamChannelTable 1} -- apexRtspConfQamChannelNum {apexRtspConfQamChannelEntry 1} -- apexRtspConfQamChannelGroupName {apexRtspConfQamChannelEntry 2} -- apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupTable {apexRtspConfig 7} -- apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupEntry {apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupTable 1} -- apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupNum {apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupEntry 1} -- apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupName {apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupEntry 2} -- apexRtspConfMhaTable {apexRtspConfig 8} -- apexRtspConfMhaEntry {apexRtspConfMhaTable 1} -- apexRtspConfMhaNum {apexRtspConfMhaEntry 1} -- apexRtspConfMhaAddressDomain {apexRtspConfMhaEntry 2} -- apexRtspConfMhaPort {apexRtspConfMhaEntry 3} apexRtspConfMhaGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRtspConfig 9} -- apexRtspConfMhaUdpMapEnable {apexRtspConfMhaGeneral 1} apexRtspConfMhaSbe OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRtspConfig 10} -- apexRtspConfMhaSbeEncryptionMode {apexRtspConfMhaSbe 1} -- apexRtspConfMhaSbeCciLevel {apexRtspConfMhaSbe 2} -- apexRtspConfMhaSbeApsLevel {apexRtspConfMhaSbe 3} -- apexRtspConfMhaSbeCitSetting {apexRtspConfMhaSbe 4} -- apexRtspConfMhaSbeApplyChange {apexRtspConfMhaSbe 5} apexRtspStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRtsp 2} apexRtspStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRtspStatus 1} -- apexRtspSessionStatTable {apexRtspStatus 2} -- apexRtspSessionStatEntry {apexRtspSessionStatTable 1} -- apexRtspSessionStatIndex {apexRtspSessionStatEntry 1} -- apexRtspSessionStatInputTsIndex {apexRtspSessionStatEntry 2} -- apexRtspSessionStatInputProgramNum {apexRtspSessionStatEntry 3} -- apexRtspSessionStatOutputQamChannel {apexRtspSessionStatEntry 4} -- apexRtspSessionStatOutputProgramNum {apexRtspSessionStatEntry 5} -- apexRtspSessionStatProgramBandwidth {apexRtspSessionStatEntry 6} -- apexRtspSessionStatManagerIpAddr {apexRtspSessionStatEntry 7} -- apexRtspSessionIdTable {apexRtspStatus 3} -- apexRtspSessionIdEntry {apexRtspSessionIdTable 1} -- apexRtspSessionIdIndex {apexRtspSessionIdEntry 1} -- apexRtspSessionId {apexRtspSessionIdEntry 2} -- apexRtspQamStatTable {apexRtspStatus 4} -- apexRtspQamStatEntry {apexRtspQamStatTable 1} -- apexRtspQamStatQamChannelNum {apexRtspQamStatEntry 1} -- apexRtspQamStatNumSessions {apexRtspQamStatEntry 2} -- apexRtspQamStatAllocatedBandwidth {apexRtspQamStatEntry 3} -- apexRtspStatControllerTable {apexRtspStatus 5} -- apexRtspStatControllerEntry {apexRtspStatControllerTable 1} -- apexRtspStatControllerNum {apexRtspStatControllerEntry 1} -- apexRtspStatControllerDiscovery {apexRtspStatControllerEntry 2} -- apexRtspStatControllerConnection {apexRtspStatControllerEntry 3} -- apexRtspStatControllerCommFault {apexRtspStatControllerEntry 4} -- apexRtspStatQamChannelTable {apexRtspStatus 6} -- apexRtspStatQamChannelEntry {apexRtspStatQamChannelTable 1} -- apexRtspStatQamChannelNum {apexRtspStatQamChannelEntry 1} -- apexRtspStatQamChannelName {apexRtspStatQamChannelEntry 2} -- apexRtspStatQamMptsModeTable {apexRtspStatus 7} -- apexRtspStatQamMptsModeEntry {apexRtspStatQamMptsModeTable 1} -- apexRtspStatQamMptsModeQamChannelNum {apexRtspStatQamMptsModeEntry 1} -- apexRtspStatQamMptsModeQamChannelMode {apexRtspStatQamMptsModeEntry 2} apexManualRouting OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 10} apexManualRoutingConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexManualRouting 1} apexManualRoutingConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexManualRoutingConfig 1} -- apexManualRouteRmdClear {apexManualRoutingConfigGeneral 1} -- apexManualRouteApplyTable {apexManualRoutingConfig 2} -- apexManualRouteApplyEntry {apexManualRouteApplyTable 1} -- apexManualRouteApplyIndex {apexManualRouteApplyEntry 1} -- apexManualRouteApplyChange {apexManualRouteApplyEntry 2} -- apexManualRouteTable {apexManualRoutingConfig 3} -- apexManualRouteEntry {apexManualRouteTable 1} -- apexManualRouteIndex {apexManualRouteEntry 1} -- apexManualRouteEnable {apexManualRouteEntry 2} -- apexManualRouteInputType {apexManualRouteEntry 3} -- apexManualRouteInputInterface {apexManualRouteEntry 4} -- apexManualRouteInputUdp {apexManualRouteEntry 5} -- apexManualRouteInputMulticastIp {apexManualRouteEntry 6} -- apexManualRouteInputSourceIp {apexManualRouteEntry 7} -- apexManualRouteInputProgNum {apexManualRouteEntry 8} -- apexManualRouteInputPreEncryptCheck {apexManualRouteEntry 9} -- apexManualRouteOutputTsNum {apexManualRouteEntry 10} -- apexManualRouteOutputProgNum {apexManualRouteEntry 11} -- apexManualRouteOutputEncryptMode {apexManualRouteEntry 12} -- apexManualRouteOutputCopyProtectSource {apexManualRouteEntry 13} -- apexManualRouteSourceId {apexManualRouteEntry 14} -- apexManualRouteProviderId {apexManualRouteEntry 15} -- apexManRtePassThroughApplyTable {apexManualRoutingConfig 4} -- apexManRtePassThroughApplyEntry {apexManRtePassThroughApplyTable 1} -- apexManRtePassThroughApplyOutputTsNum {apexManRtePassThroughApplyEntry 1} -- apexManRtePassThroughApplyChange {apexManRtePassThroughApplyEntry 2} -- apexManRtePassThroughTable {apexManualRoutingConfig 5} -- apexManRtePassThroughEntry {apexManRtePassThroughTable 1} -- apexManRtePassThroughOutputTsNum {apexManRtePassThroughEntry 1} -- apexManRtePassThroughEnable {apexManRtePassThroughEntry 2} -- apexManRtePassThroughInputType {apexManRtePassThroughEntry 3} -- apexManRtePassThroughInputInterface {apexManRtePassThroughEntry 4} -- apexManRtePassThroughInputUdp {apexManRtePassThroughEntry 5} -- apexManRtePassThroughInputMulticastIp {apexManRtePassThroughEntry 6} -- apexManRtePassThroughInputSourceIp {apexManRtePassThroughEntry 7} apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexManualRoutingConfig 6} apexManRteGbeInRedConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundConfig 1} -- apexManRteGbeInRedApplyTable {apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundConfig 2} -- apexManRteGbeInRedApplyEntry {apexManRteGbeInRedApplyTable 1} -- apexManRteGbeInRedApplyIndex {apexManRteGbeInRedApplyEntry 1} -- apexManRteGbeInRedApplyChange {apexManRteGbeInRedApplyEntry 1} -- apexManRteGbeInRedTable {apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundConfig 3} -- apexManRteGbeInRedEntry {apexManRteGbeInRedTable 1} -- apexManRteGbeInRedIndex {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 1} -- apexManRteGbeInRedPriInterface {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 2} -- apexManRteGbeInRedPriUdp {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 3} -- apexManRteGbeInRedPriMulticastIp {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 4} -- apexManRteGbeInRedPriSourceIp {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 5} -- apexManRteGbeInRedPriLowAlarmBitRate {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 6} -- apexManRteGbeInRedPriHighAlarmBitRate {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 7} -- apexManRteGbeInRedRateCompareType {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 8} -- apexManRteGbeInRedEnable {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 9} -- apexManRteGbeInRedThreshold {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 10} -- apexManRteGbeInRedSuspend {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 11} -- apexManRteGbeInRedSecInterface {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 12} -- apexManRteGbeInRedSecUdp {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 13} -- apexManRteGbeInRedSecMulticastIp {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 14} -- apexManRteGbeInRedSecSourceIp {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 15} -- apexManRteGbeInRedSecLowAlarmBitRate {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 16} -- apexManRteGbeInRedSecHighAlarmBitRate {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 17} -- apexManRteGbeInRedSecRedundMcJoin {apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 18} -- apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchTable {apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundConfig 4} -- apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchEntry {apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchTable 1} -- apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchIndex {apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchEntry 1} -- apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitch {apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchEntry 2} apexManualRoutingStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexManualRouting 2} apexManualRoutingStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexManualRoutingStatus 1} -- apexManualRouteInvalidApplyText {apexManualRoutingStatusGeneral 1} -- apexManRtePassThroughInvalidApplyText {apexManualRoutingStatusGeneral 2} -- apexManRteGbeInRedInvalidApplyText {apexManualRoutingStatusGeneral 3} apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexManualRoutingStatus 2} apexManRteGbeInRedStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundStatus 1} -- apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapTable {apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundStatus 2} -- apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapEntry {apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapTable 1} -- apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapIndex {apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapEntry 1} -- apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapInputTsStatRow {apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapEntry 2} apexManualRoutingServiceStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexManualRoutingStatus 3} apexManualRoutingServiceStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexManualRoutingServiceStatus 1} -- apexManualRoutingServiceStatusTable {apexManualRoutingServiceStatus 2} -- apexManualRoutingServiceStatusEntry {apexManualRoutingServiceStatusTable 1} -- apexManualRoutingServiceStatusIndex {apexManualRoutingServiceStatusEntry 1} -- apexManualRoutingServiceErrorStatus {apexManualRoutingServiceStatusEntry 2} apexAncillaryPidMapping OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 11} apexPidMapConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexAncillaryPidMapping 1} -- apexPidMapTable {apexPidMapConfig 1} -- apexPidMapEntry {apexPidMapTable 1} -- apexPidMapIndex {apexPidMapEntry 1} -- apexPidMapEnable {apexPidMapEntry 2} -- apexPidMapInputType {apexPidMapEntry 3} -- apexPidMapInputInterface {apexPidMapEntry 4} -- apexPidMapInputUdp {apexPidMapEntry 5} -- apexPidMapInputMulticastIp {apexPidMapEntry 6} -- apexPidMapInputSourceIp {apexPidMapEntry 7} -- apexPidMapInputPid {apexPidMapEntry 8} -- apexPidMapOutputTsNum {apexPidMapEntry 9} -- apexPidMapOutputPid {apexPidMapEntry 10} -- apexPidMapApplyTable {apexPidMapConfig 2} -- apexPidMapApplyEntry {apexPidMapApplyTable 1} -- apexPidMapApplyIndex {apexPidMapApplyEntry 1} -- apexPidMapApplyChange {apexPidMapApplyEntry 2} -- apexBulkPidMapTable {apexPidMapConfig 3} -- apexBulkPidMapEntry {apexBulkPidMapTable 1} -- apexBulkPidMapIndex {apexBulkPidMapEntry 1} -- apexBulkPidMapEnable {apexBulkPidMapEntry 2} -- apexBulkPidMapInputType {apexBulkPidMapEntry 3} -- apexBulkPidMapInputInterface {apexBulkPidMapEntry 4} -- apexBulkPidMapInputUdp {apexBulkPidMapEntry 5} -- apexBulkPidMapInputMulticastIp {apexBulkPidMapEntry 6} -- apexBulkPidMapInputSourceIp {apexBulkPidMapEntry 7} -- apexBulkPidMapInputPid {apexBulkPidMapEntry 8} -- apexBulkPidMapOutputTsNum01to32 {apexBulkPidMapEntry 9} -- apexBulkPidMapOutputTsNum33to48 {apexBulkPidMapEntry 10} -- apexBulkPidMapOutputPid {apexBulkPidMapEntry 11} -- apexBulkPidMapApplyTable {apexPidMapConfig 4} -- apexBulkPidMapApplyEntry {apexBulkPidMapApplyTable 1} -- apexBulkPidMapApplyIndex {apexBulkPidMapApplyEntry 1} -- apexBulkPidMapApplyChange {apexBulkPidMapApplyEntry 2} apexPidMapConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPidMapConfig 5} -- apexPidMapConfigApplyChange {apexPidMapConfigGeneral 1} -- apexPidMapConfigBulkPidEnable {apexPidMapConfigGeneral 2} apexPidMapInputAncillaryPidDetection OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPidMapConfig 6} -- apexPidMapInputAncillaryPidDetectionTimeout {apexPidMapInputAncillaryPidDetection 1} apexPidMapStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexAncillaryPidMapping 2} apexPidMapStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPidMapStatus 1} -- apexPidMapMaxPidMappings {apexPidMapStatusGeneral 1} -- apexPidMapInvalidApplyText {apexPidMapStatusGeneral 3} apexBulkPidMapStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPidMapStatus 2} -- apexBulkPidMapInvalidApplyText {apexBulkPidMapStatusGeneral 1} apexInsertion OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 12} apexInsertionConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexInsertion 1} apexInsertionConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexInsertionConfig 1} -- apexInsertionMode {apexInsertionConfigGeneral 1} apexInsertionStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexInsertion 2} apexInsertionStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexInsertionStatus 1} -- apexInsertPacketStatisticsTable {apexInsertionStatus 2} -- apexInsertPacketStatisticsEntry {apexInsertPacketStatisticsTable 1} -- apexInsertPacketStatOutputTsNum {apexInsertPacketStatisticsEntry 1} -- apexInsertPacketStatTotPkts {apexInsertPacketStatisticsEntry 2} -- apexInsertPacketStatNumPkts {apexInsertPacketStatisticsEntry 3} apexInputTransport OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 13} apexInputTsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexInputTransport 1} apexInputTsConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexInputTsConfig 1} apexInputTsStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexInputTransport 2} apexInputTsStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexInputTsStatus 1} -- apexInputTsStatTable {apexInputTsStatus 2} -- apexInputTsStatEntry {apexInputTsStatusTable 1} -- apexInputTsStatIndex {apexInputTsStatEntry 1} -- apexInputTsStatStreamInUse {apexInputTsStatEntry 2} -- apexInputTsStatInputType {apexInputTsStatEntry 3} -- apexInputTsStatRoutingType {apexInputTsStatEntry 4} -- apexInputTsStatPriState {apexInputTsStatEntry 5} -- apexInputTsStatPriInputInterface {apexInputTsStatEntry 6} -- apexInputTsStatPriInputUdp {apexInputTsStatEntry 7} -- apexInputTsStatPriInputMulticastIp {apexInputTsStatEntry 8} -- apexInputTsStatPriInputSourceIp {apexInputTsStatEntry 9} -- apexInputTsStatSecState {apexInputTsStatEntry 10} -- apexInputTsStatSecInputInterface {apexInputTsStatEntry 11} -- apexInputTsStatSecInputUdp {apexInputTsStatEntry 12} -- apexInputTsStatSecInputMulticastIp {apexInputTsStatEntry 13} -- apexInputTsStatSecInputSourceIp {apexInputTsStatEntry 14} -- apexInputTsStatRateCompareType {apexInputTsStatEntry 15} apexOutputTransport OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 14} apexOutputTsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputTransport 1} apexOutputTsConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputTsConfig 1} apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitoring OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputTsConfig 4} apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitoring 1} -- apexOutputTsUtilMonAlarmThreshold {apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorGeneral 1} -- apexOutputTsUtilMonSetAlarmDelay {apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorGeneral 2} -- apexOutputTsUtilMonClearAlarmDelay {apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorGeneral 3} -- apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorTable {apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitoring 2} -- apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorEntry {apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorTable 1} -- apexOutputTsUtilMonOutputTsNum {apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorEntry 1} -- apexOutputTsUtilMonResetTotDropPacket {apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorEntry 2} -- apexOutputTsConfApplyTable {apexOutputTsConfig 5} -- apexOutputTsConfApplyEntry {apexOutputTsConfApplyTable 1} -- apexOutputTsConfApplyIndex {apexOutputTsConfApplyEntry 1} -- apexOutputTsConfApplyChange {apexOutputTsConfApplyEntry 2} -- apexOutputTsConfigTable {apexOutputTsConfig 6} -- apexOutputTsConfigEntry {apexOutputTsConfigTable 1} -- apexOutputTsConfOutputTsNum {apexOutputTsConfigEntry 1} -- apexOutputTsConfPidRemappingMode {apexOutputTsConfigEntry 2} -- apexOutputTsConfOperatingMode {apexOutputTsConfigEntry 3} -- apexOutputTsConfOutPatTsId {apexOutputTsConfigEntry 4} -- apexOutputTsConfPsipEnable {apexOutputTsConfigEntry 5} -- apexOutputTsConfEncryptionType {apexOutputTsConfigEntry 6} -- apexOutputTsConfSimulcryptMode {apexOutputTsConfigEntry 7} -- apexOutputTsConfPcrLess {apexOutputTsConfigEntry 8} -- apexOutputTsConfAutoSDTEnable {apexOutputTsConfigEntry 9} apexOutputTsStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputTransport 2} apexOutputTsStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputTsStatus 1} apexOutputTsUtilization OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputTsStatus 2} apexOutputTsUtilizationGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputTsUtilization 1} -- apexOutputTsUtilizationSamplePeriod {apexOutputTsUtilizationGeneral 1} -- apexOutputTsUtilizationTable {apexOutputTsUtilization 2} -- apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry {apexOutputTsUtilizationTable 1} -- apexOutputTsUtilizOutpuTsNum {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 1} -- apexOutputTsUtilizDataFlag {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 2} -- apexOutputTsUtilizNumSamples {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 3} -- apexOutputTsUtilizThreshold {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 4} -- apexOutputTsUtilizTime {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 5} -- apexOutputTsUtilizCurPercent {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 6} -- apexOutputTsUtilizAvgPercent {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 7} -- apexOutputTsUtilizMinPercent {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 8} -- apexOutputTsUtilizPeakPercent {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 9} -- apexOutputTsUtilizCurRate {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 10} -- apexOutputTsUtilizAvgRate {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 11} -- apexOutputTsUtilizMinRate {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 12} -- apexOutputTsUtilizPeakRate {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 13} -- apexOutputTsUtilizOverflow {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 14} -- apexOutputTsUtilizCurDropPackets {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 15} -- apexOutputTsUtilizPeakDropPackets {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 16} -- apexOutputTsUtilizRollingDropPackets {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 17} -- apexOutputTsUtilizTotalDropPackets {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 18} -- apexOutputTsUtilizThresholdAlarm {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 19} -- apexOutputTsUtilizOverflowAlarm {apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 20} -- apexOutputTsStatusTable {apexOutputTsStatus 3} -- apexOutputTsStatusEntry {apexOutputTsStatusTable 1} -- apexOutputTsStatusOutputTsNum {apexOutputTsStatusEntry 1} -- apexOutputTsStatusProgramsPerTs {apexOutputTsStatusEntry 2} -- apexOutputTsStatusServicesMapped {apexOutputTsStatusEntry 3} -- apexOutputTsStatusAncillaryPidsMapped {apexOutputTsStatusEntry 4} -- apexOutputTsStatusInputStreamsMapped {apexOutputTsStatusEntry 5} -- apexOutputTsStatusFault {apexOutputTsStatusEntry 6} -- apexOutputTsStatusServicesInError {apexOutputTsStatusEntry 7} -- apexOutputTsStatusDepiSessionsMapped {apexOutputTsStatusEntry 8} -- apexOutputTsStatusMessageGenerationNum {apexOutputTsStatusEntry 9} -- apexOutputTsStatusScgsProvisioned {apexOutputTsStatusEntry 10} -- apexOutputTsStatusServicesMuxed {apexOutputTsStatusEntry 11} apexPsi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 15} apexPsiConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPsi 1} apexPsiConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPsiConfig 1} -- apexPsiDetectionEnabled {apexPsiConfigGeneral 1} -- apexPsiDetectionTimeout {apexPsiConfigGeneral 2} -- apexPsiRangeStart {apexPsiConfigGeneral 3} -- apexPsiRangeStop {apexPsiConfigGeneral 4} -- apexPatVersionIncrement {apexPsiConfigGeneral 5} -- apexPmtVersionIncrement {apexPsiConfigGeneral 6} -- apexEcmEmmFirstPid {apexPsiConfigGeneral 7} -- apexEcmEmmNumberPids {apexPsiConfigGeneral 8} -- apexProgramBasedPmtOffset {apexPsiConfigGeneral 9} -- apexPsiCcErrorDetectionTimeout {apexPsiConfigGeneral 10} -- apexPsiCcErrorDetectionEnabled {apexPsiConfigGeneral 11} apexPsiStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPsi 2} apexPsiStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPsiStatus 1} -- apexPsiStatusTable {apexPsiStatus 2} -- apexPsiStatusEntry {apexPsiStatusTable 1} -- apexPsiStatusTableType {apexPsiStatusEntry 1} -- apexPsiStatusIndex {apexPsiStatusEntry 2} -- apexPsiStatusPid {apexPsiStatusEntry 3} -- apexPsiStatusMessageType {apexPsiStatusEntry 4} -- apexPsiStatusProgramNumber {apexPsiStatusEntry 5} -- apexPsiStatusSegment {apexPsiStatusEntry 6} -- apexPsiStatusPart {apexPsiStatusEntry 7} -- apexPsiStatusBody {apexPsiStatusEntry 8} -- apexPsiStatusGpsTime {apexPsiStatusEntry 9} apexOutputProgram OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 16} apexOutputProgramConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputProgram 1} apexOutputProgramConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputProgramConfig 1} apexOutputProgramStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputProgram 2} apexOutputProgramStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputProgramStatus 1} -- apexOutputProgramTable {apexOutputProgramStatus 2} -- apexOutputProgramEntry {apexOutputProgramTable 1} -- apexOutputProgramIndex {apexOutputProgramEntry 1} -- apexOutputProgramInputTsIndex {apexOutputProgramEntry 2} -- apexOutputProgramInputProgNum {apexOutputProgramEntry 3} -- apexOutputProgramOutputProgNum {apexOutputProgramEntry 4} -- apexOutputProgramRoutingStatus {apexOutputProgramEntry 5} -- apexOutputProgramInputPreEncrypted {apexOutputProgramEntry 6} -- apexOutputProgramOutputTsNum {apexOutputProgramEntry 7} -- apexOutputProgramError {apexOutputProgramEntry 8} -- apexOutputProgramEncryptionMode {apexOutputProgramEntry 9} -- apexOutputProgramEncryptionStatus {apexOutputProgramEntry 10} -- apexOutputProgramEcmServiceId {apexOutputProgramEntry 11} -- apexOutputProgramCciLevel {apexOutputProgramEntry 12} -- apexOutputProgramApsLevel {apexOutputProgramEntry 13} -- apexOutputProgramCitSetting {apexOutputProgramEntry 14} -- apexOutputProgramNumberTiers {apexOutputProgramEntry 15} -- apexOutputProgramTierData {apexOutputProgramEntry 16} -- apexOutputProgramSourceId {apexOutputProgramEntry 17} -- apexOutputProgramProviderId {apexOutputProgramEntry 18} -- apexOutputProgramProgramType {apexOutputProgramEntry 19} -- apexOutputProgramDtaEncryptionMode {apexOutputProgramEntry 20} -- apexOutputProgramMcSimAccessCriteria {apexOutputProgramEntry 21} -- apexOutputProgramMcSimAccessCriteriaStatus {apexOutputProgramEntry 22} -- apexOutputProgramCurrentCSN {apexOutputProgramEntry 23} -- apexOutputProgramMcSimAccessCriteriaString {apexOutputProgramEntry 24} apexAcp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 17} apexAcpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexAcp 1} apexAcpConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexAcpConfig 1} apexAcpStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexAcp 2} apexAcpStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexAcpStatus 1} -- apexAcpStatusTable {apexAcpStatus 2} -- apexAcpStatusEntry {apexAcpStatusTable 1} -- apexAcpStatusIndex {apexAcpStatusEntry 1} -- apexAcpUnitAddress {apexAcpStatusEntry 2} -- apexAcpHealthByte {apexAcpStatusEntry 3} -- apexAcpEvenCsn {apexAcpStatusEntry 4} -- apexAcpOddCsn {apexAcpStatusEntry 5} -- apexAcpUnitAttribute {apexAcpStatusEntry 6} apexUdpPortMapping OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 18} apexUdpMapConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexUdpPortMapping 1} apexUdpMapConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexUdpMapConfig 1} -- apexUdpMapPreEncryptCheck {apexUdpMapConfigGeneral 1} -- apexUdpMapModeBits {apexUdpMapConfigGeneral 2} -- apexUdpMapTsOffset {apexUdpMapConfigGeneral 3} -- apexUdpMapFollowDtcp {apexUdpMapConfigGeneral 4} -- apexUdpMapApplyTable {apexUdpMapConfig 2} -- apexUdpMapApplyEntry {apexUdpMapApplyTable 1} -- apexUdpMapApplyOutputTsNum {apexUdpMapApplyEntry 1} -- apexUdpMapApplyChange {apexUdpMapApplyEntry 2} -- apexUdpMapTable {apexUdpMapConfig 3} -- apexUdpMapEntry {apexUdpMapTable 1} -- apexUdpMapOutputTsNum {apexUdpMapEntry 1} -- apexUdpMapInputInterface {apexUdpMapEntry 2} -- apexUdpMapStartProgNum {apexUdpMapEntry 3} -- apexUdpMapNumberProgs {apexUdpMapEntry 4} -- apexUdpMapMulticastTable {apexUdpMapConfig 4} -- apexUdpMapMulticastEntry {apexUdpMapMulticastTable 1} -- apexUdpMapMulticastIndex {apexUdpMapMulticastEntry 1} -- apexUdpMapMulticastEnable {apexUdpMapMulticastEntry 2} -- apexUdpMapMulticastInterface {apexUdpMapMulticastEntry 3} -- apexUdpMapMulticastUdp {apexUdpMapMulticastEntry 4} -- apexUdpMapMulticastMcastIp {apexUdpMapMulticastEntry 5} -- apexUdpMapMulticastSourceIp {apexUdpMapMulticastEntry 6} -- apexUdpMapMulticastApplyTable {apexUdpMapConfig 5} -- apexUdpMapMulticastApplyEntry {apexUdpMapMulticastApplyTable 1} -- apexUdpMapMulticastApplyIndex {apexUdpMapMulticastApplyEntry 1} -- apexUdpMapMulticastApplyChange {apexUdpMapMulticastApplyEntry 2} apexUdpMapStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexUdpPortMapping 2} apexUdpMapStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexUdpMapStatus 1} -- apexUdpMapMulticastInvalidApplyText {apexUdpMapStatusGeneral 1} -- apexUdpMapStatusTable {apexUdpMapStatus 2} -- apexUdpMapStatusEntry {apexUdpMapStatusTable 1} -- apexUdpMapStatusOutputTsNum {apexUdpMapStatusEntry 1} -- apexUdpMapInvalidApplyText {apexUdpMapStatusEntry 2} apexRds OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 19} apexRdsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRds 1} apexRdsConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRdsConfig 1} -- apexRdsIpAddr {apexRdsConfigGeneral 1} -- apexRdsTcpPort {apexRdsConfigGeneral 2} -- apexRdsProgramEpochDuration {apexRdsConfigGeneral 3} -- apexRdsCetPollInterval {apexRdsConfigGeneral 4} -- apexRdsCetRefresh {apexRdsConfigGeneral 5} -- apexRdsRmdPollInterval {apexRdsConfigGeneral 6} -- apexRdsRmdRefresh {apexRdsConfigGeneral 7} -- apexRdsPollRandomization {apexRdsConfigGeneral 8} -- apexRdsSetDefault {apexRdsConfigGeneral 9} -- apexRdsErrorCountReset {apexRdsConfigGeneral 10} -- apexRdsConfigApplyChange {apexRdsConfigGeneral 11} -- apexRdsConfigRds2Enable {apexRdsConfigGeneral 12} -- apexRdsConfigServerUrl {apexRdsConfigGeneral 13} -- apexRdsInitialEcmRetryInterval {apexRdsConfigGeneral 14} -- apexRdsDeviceId {apexRdsConfigGeneral 15} apexRdsStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRds 2} apexRdsStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexRdsStatus 1} -- apexRdsConnectionStatus {apexRdsStatusGeneral 1} -- apexRdsCurrentCsn {apexRdsStatusGeneral 2} -- apexRdsCetNextPollTime {apexRdsStatusGeneral 3} -- apexRdsRmdNextPollTime {apexRdsStatusGeneral 4} -- apexRdsEmmStatusTableSize {apexRdsStatusGeneral 5} -- apexRdsProgramMessagesReceived {apexRdsStatusGeneral 6} -- apexRdsProgramMessagesFailed {apexRdsStatusGeneral 7} -- apexRdsCommErrorCount {apexRdsStatusGeneral 8} -- apexRdsCommStatus {apexRdsStatusGeneral 9} -- apexRdsFlashWriteCount {apexRdsStatusGeneral 10} -- apexRdsMcast16 {apexRdsStatusGeneral 11} -- apexRdsStatusServerIp {apexRdsStatusGeneral 12} -- apexRdsStatusServerPort {apexRdsStatusGeneral 13} -- apexRdsStatusServerRootDirPath {apexRdsStatusGeneral 14} -- apexRdsStatusValidation {apexRdsStatusGeneral 15} -- apexRdsEmmStatusTable {apexRdsStatus 2} -- apexRdsEmmStatusEntry {apexRdsEmmStatusTable 1} -- apexRdsEmmStatusIndex {apexRdsEmmStatusEntry 1} -- apexRdsEmmStatusCsn {apexRdsEmmStatusEntry 2} -- apexRdsEmmStatusState {apexRdsEmmStatusEntry 3} -- apexRdsEmmStatusGpsTime {apexRdsEmmStatusEntry 4} -- apexRdsEmmStatusServerError {apexRdsEmmStatusEntry 5} -- apexRdsEmmStatusUnitAddress {apexRdsEmmStatusEntry 6} -- apexRdsSourceLookupTable {apexRdsStatus 3} -- apexRdsSourceLookupEntry {apexRdsSourceLookupTable 1} -- apexRdsSourceLookupIndex {apexRdsSourceLookupEntry 1} -- apexRdsSourceLookupDescription {apexRdsSourceLookupEntry 2} -- apexRdsSourceLookupSourceId {apexRdsSourceLookupEntry 3} -- apexRdsSourceLookupProviderId {apexRdsSourceLookupEntry 4} -- apexRdsEventTable {apexRdsStatus 4} -- apexRdsEventEntry {apexRdsEventTable 1} -- apexRdsEventProgramIndex {apexRdsEventEntry 1} -- apexRdsEventEventIndex {apexRdsEventEntry 2} -- apexRdsEventEpochNumber {apexRdsEventEntry 3} -- apexRdsEventEpochStart {apexRdsEventEntry 4} -- apexRdsEventEpochEnd {apexRdsEventEntry 5} -- apexRdsEventInterstitialDuration {apexRdsEventEntry 6} -- apexRdsEventPreviewDuration {apexRdsEventEntry 7} -- apexRdsEventPurchaseDuration {apexRdsEventEntry 8} -- apexRdsEventNumberTiers {apexRdsEventEntry 9} -- apexRdsEventTierData {apexRdsEventEntry 10} -- apexRdsEventProgramCost {apexRdsEventEntry 11} -- apexRdsEventRatingRegion {apexRdsEventEntry 12} -- apexRdsEventRatingData {apexRdsEventEntry 13} -- apexRdsEventRatingText {apexRdsEventEntry 14 -- apexRdsEventControlByte {apexRdsEventEntry 15} -- apexRdsEventPrkmWkemAvailable {apexRdsEventEntry 16} -- apexRdsEventCcmAvailable {apexRdsEventEntry 17} apexEncryption OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 20} apexEncryptionConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexEncryption 1} apexEncryptionConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexEncryptionConfig 1} -- apexEncryptionConfAlgorithm {apexEncryptionConfigGeneral 1} -- apexSimulcryptExternalEisSetting {apexEncryptionConfigGeneral 2} -- apexSimulcryptEmEnable {apexEncryptionConfigGeneral 3} -- apexEncryptionConfApplyChange {apexEncryptionConfigGeneral 4} -- apexEncryptionConfInvalidApplyText {apexEncryptionConfigGeneral 5} apexCteConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexEncryptionConfig 2} -- apexCteEncryptionMode {apexCteConfig 1} -- apexCteCciLevel {apexCteConfig 2} -- apexCteApsLevel {apexCteConfig 3} -- apexCteCitEnable {apexCteConfig 4} -- apexCteCommonTier {apexCteConfig 5} -- apexCteApplyChange {apexCteConfig 6} apexEncryptionStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexEncryption 2} apexEncryptionStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexEncryptionStatus 1} -- apexEncryptionStatAlgorithm {apexEncryptionStatusGeneral 1} apexEncryptionCwgStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexEncryptionStatusGeneral 2} -- apexEncryptionCwgPerSecond {apexEncryptionCwgStatus 1} -- apexEncryptionMux1CollisionCount {apexEncryptionCwgStatus 2} -- apexEncryptionMux2CollisionCount {apexEncryptionCwgStatus 3} -- apexEncryptionMux1RolloverCount {apexEncryptionCwgStatus 4} -- apexEncryptionMux2RolloverCount {apexEncryptionCwgStatus 5} -- apexEncryptionEmmRequestsSent {apexEncryptionCwgStatus 6} -- apexEncryptionEmmGoodRepliesRecvd {apexEncryptionCwgStatus 7} -- apexEncryptionEmmBadRepliesRecvd {apexEncryptionCwgStatus 8} -- apexEncryptionEmmGoodDeliveryTimeMs {apexEncryptionCwgStatus 9} -- apexEncryptionEmmMaxDeliveryTimeMs {apexEncryptionCwgStatus 10} -- apexEncryptionEmmMinDeliveryTimeMs {apexEncryptionCwgStatus 11} -- apexEncryptionMcDiagTable {apexEncryptionCwgStatus 12} -- apexEncryptionMcDiagEntry {apexEncryptionMcDiagTable 1} -- apexEncryptionMcDiagDeviceIndex {apexEncryptionMcDiagEntry 1} -- apexEncryptionCwCountsPerSecond {apexEncryptionMcDiagEntry 2} apexEas OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 21} apexEasConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexEas 1} apexEasConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexEasConfig 1} -- apexEasApplyChange [obsolete] {apexEasConfigGeneral 1} -- apexEasPhysInType [obsolete] {apexEasConfigGeneral 2} -- apexEasPhysInPort [obsolete] {apexEasConfigGeneral 3} -- apexEasRcvUdpPort [obsolete] {apexEasConfigGeneral 4} -- apexEasMulticastIpAddress [obsolete] {apexEasConfigGeneral 5} -- apexEasSourceIpAddress [obsolete] {apexEasConfigGeneral 6} -- apexEasMessageReceiveTimeoutDuration {apexEasConfigGeneral 7} -- apexEasMessageReceiveTimeoutEventEnable {apexEasConfigGeneral 8} -- apexEasOutputTable {apexEasConfig 2} -- apexEasOutputEntry {apexEasOutputTable 1} -- apexEasOutputStreamNum {apexEasOutputEntry 1} -- apexEasOutputEnable {apexEasOutputEntry 2} -- apexEasServerApplyTable {apexEasConfig 3} -- apexEasServerApplyEntry {apexEasServerApplyTable 1} -- apexEasServerApplyNum {apexEasServerApplyEntry 1} -- apexEasServerApplyChange {apexEasServerApplyEntry 2} -- apexEasServerTable {apexEasConfig 4} -- apexEasServerEntry {apexEasServerTable 1} -- apexEasServerNum {apexEasServerEntry 1} -- apexEasServerPhysInType {apexEasServerEntry 2} -- apexEasServerPhysInPort {apexEasServerEntry 3} -- apexEasServerRcvUdpPort {apexEasServerEntry 4} -- apexEasServerMulticastIpAddress {apexEasServerEntry 5} -- apexEasServerSourceIpAddress {apexEasServerEntry 6} apexEasStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexEas 2} apexEasStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexEasStatus 1} -- apexEasNumRcvMsgs {apexEasStatusGeneral 1} -- apexEasNumInvalRcvMsgs {apexEasStatusGeneral 2} -- apexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusTable {apexEasStatus 2} -- apexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusEntry {apexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusTable 1} -- apexEasLastReceivedMessageServerNum {apexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusEntry 1} -- apexEasLastReceivedMessageTime {apexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusEntry 2} apexChassisRedundancy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 22} apexChassisRedundancyConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexChassisRedundancy 1} apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexChassisRedundancyConfig 1} -- apexChassisRedundancyConfigEnable {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 1} -- apexChassisRedundancyMode {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 2} -- apexChassisRedundancyMulticastRedundancyMode {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 3} -- apexChassisRedundancyUdpPort {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 4} -- apexChassisRedundancyRedundantApexIp {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 5} -- apexChassisRedundancySuspend {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 6} -- apexChassisRedundancyForceFailOver {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 7} -- apexChassisRedundancyFailOverGigE12LinkLoss {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 8} -- apexChassisRedundancyFailOverGigE34LinkLoss {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 9} -- apexChassisRedundancyFailOverEnet1LinkLoss {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 10} -- apexChassisRedundancyFailOverEnet2LinkLoss {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 11} -- apexChassisRedundancyFailOverTemperatureFault {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 12} -- apexChassisRedundancyFailOverQamModuleFault {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 13} -- apexChassisRedundancyFailOverQamRfPortFault {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 14} -- apexChassisRedundancyFailOverQamChannelFault {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 15} -- apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 16} -- apexChassisRedundancyPrimaryStandbyOverride {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 17} -- apexChassisRedundancyRedundantApexSecIp {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 18} -- apexChassisRedundancyRedundantHBEnable {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 19} -- apexChassisRedundancyFailOverQamModuleRemoval {apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 20} apexChassisRedundancyStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexChassisRedundancy 2} apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexChassisRedundancyStatus 1} -- apexChassisRedundancyPrimaryApexStatus {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 1} -- apexChassisRedundancySecondaryApexStatus {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 2} -- apexChassisRedundancyState {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 3} -- apexChassisRedundancyCommunicationStatus {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 4} -- apexChassisRedundancyConfigurationStatus {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 5} -- apexChassisRedundancyStatusInvalidApplyText {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 6} -- apexChassisRedundancyGeneralConfigSyncStatusText {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 7} -- apexChassisRedundancyGigEMismatchStatus {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 8} -- apexChassisRedundancyQamMismatchStatus {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 9} -- apexChassisRedundancyFirmwareMismatchStatus {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 10} -- apexChassisRedundancyGigE12LinkStatus {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 11} -- apexChassisRedundancyGigE34LinkStatus {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 12} -- apexChassisRedundancyCurrHBIntfIPStatus {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 13} -- apexChassisRedundancyAppliedEncAlgorithmStatus {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 14} -- apexChassisRedundancyMCSimEntitlementStatus {apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 15} apexDta OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 23} apexDtaConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDta 1} apexDtaGeneralConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDtaConfig 1} -- apexDtaGeneralConfigCatSourceType {apexDtaGeneralConfig 1} -- apexDtaGeneralConfigCatEmmPidMulticastIP {apexDtaGeneralConfig 2} -- apexDtaGeneralConfigCatEmmPidSourceIP {apexDtaGeneralConfig 3} -- apexDtaGeneralConfigCatEmmPidUdpPort {apexDtaGeneralConfig 4} -- apexDtaGeneralConfigCatEmmPidInterface {apexDtaGeneralConfig 5} -- apexDtaGeneralConfigEmmPidNum {apexDtaGeneralConfig 6} -- apexDtaGeneralConfigApplyChange {apexDtaGeneralConfig 7} -- apexDtaGeneralConfigInvalidApplyText {apexDtaGeneralConfig 8} -- apexDtaConfigApplyTable {apexDtaConfig 2} -- apexDtaConfigApplyEntry {apexDtaConfigApplyTable 1} -- apexDtaConfigApplyIndex {apexDtaConfigApplyEntry 1} -- apexDtaConfigApplyChange {apexDtaConfigApplyEntry 2} -- apexDtaRfPortConfigTable {apexDtaConfig 3} -- apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry {apexDtaRfPortConfigTable 1} -- apexDtaRfPortConfigIndex {apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry 1} -- apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidMulticastIP {apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry 2} -- apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidSourceIP {apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry 3} -- apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidUdpPort {apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry 4} -- apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidInterface {apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry 5} -- apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidNum {apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry 6} -- apexDtaOtsConfigTable {apexDtaConfig 4} -- apexDtaOtsConfigEntry {apexDtaOtsConfigTable 1} -- apexDtaOtsConfigIndex {apexDtaOtsConfigEntry 1} -- apexDtaOtsConfigEnable {apexDtaOtsConfigEntry 2} apexDepi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 24} apexDepiConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDepi 1} apexDepiConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDepiConfig 1} -- apexDepiConfigHostname {apexDepiConfigGeneral 1} apexDepiStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDepi 2} apexDepiStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDepiStatus 1} -- apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiPort1LinkActive {apexDepiStatusGeneral 1} -- apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiPort2LinkActive {apexDepiStatusGeneral 2} -- apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiClientStatusMode {apexDepiStatusGeneral 3} -- apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiClientPhaseError {apexDepiStatusGeneral 4} -- apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiCurrentTimestamp {apexDepiStatusGeneral 5} -- apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiPort1CableAdvanceValue {apexDepiStatusGeneral 6} -- apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiPort2CableAdvanceValue {apexDepiStatusGeneral 7} apexDepiControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDepi 3} apexDepiControlConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDepiControl 1} apexDepiControlConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDepiControlConfig 1} -- apexDepiControlConfigGeneralKeepaliveTimeout {apexDepiControlConfigGeneral 1} -- apexDepiControlConfigApplyTable {apexDepiControlConfig 2} -- apexDepiControlConfigApplyEntry {apexDepiControlConfigApplyTable 1} -- apexDepiControlConfigApplyIndex {apexDepiControlConfigApplyEntry 1} -- apexDepiControlConfigApplyChange {apexDepiControlConfigApplyEntry 2} -- apexDepiControlConfigTable {apexDepiControlConfig 3} -- apexDepiControlConfigEntry {apexDepiControlConfigTable 1} -- apexDepiControlConfigIndex {apexDepiControlConfigEntry 1} -- apexDepiControlConfigEnable {apexDepiControlConfigEntry 2} -- apexDepiControlConfigInterfaceNumber {apexDepiControlConfigEntry 3} -- apexDepiControlConfigSrcIpAddr {apexDepiControlConfigEntry 4} -- apexDepiControlConfigOverUdp {apexDepiControlConfigEntry 5} -- apexDepiControlConfigType {apexDepiControlConfigEntry 6} apexDepiControlStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDepiControl 2} apexDepiControlStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDepiControlStatus 1} -- apexDepiControlStatusGeneralTotalConnections {apexDepiControlStatusGeneral 1} -- apexDepiControlStatusGeneralCurrentConnections {apexDepiControlStatusGeneral 2} -- apexDepiControlStatusGeneralRejectedConnections {apexDepiControlStatusGeneral 3} -- apexDepiControlStatusGeneralUnknownConnectionMessages {apexDepiControlStatusGeneral 4} -- apexDepiControlStatusGeneralUnknownSessionMessages {apexDepiControlStatusGeneral 5} -- apexDepiControlStatusGeneralInvalidApplyText {apexDepiControlStatusGeneral 6} -- apexDepiControlStatusTable {apexDepiControlStatus 2} -- apexDepiControlStatusEntry {apexDepiControlStatusTable 1} -- apexDepiControlStatusIndex {apexDepiControlStatusEntry 1} -- apexDepiControlStatusLocalUdp {apexDepiControlStatusEntry 2} -- apexDepiControlStatusRemoteUdp {apexDepiControlStatusEntry 3} -- apexDepiControlStatusConnectionStatus {apexDepiControlStatusEntry 4} -- apexDepiControlStatusUnknownCtl {apexDepiControlStatusEntry 5} -- apexDepiControlStatusMalformedCtl {apexDepiControlStatusEntry 6} -- apexDepiControlStatusUnknownAvp {apexDepiControlStatusEntry 7} -- apexDepiControlStatusMalformedAvp {apexDepiControlStatusEntry 8} -- apexDepiControlStatusInvalidVendorId {apexDepiControlStatusEntry 9} -- apexDepiControlStatusHbitSet {apexDepiControlStatusEntry 10} -- apexDepiControlStatusTotalSessions {apexDepiControlStatusEntry 11} -- apexDepiControlStatusCurrentSessions {apexDepiControlStatusEntry 12} -- apexDepiControlStatusRejectedSessions {apexDepiControlStatusEntry 13} apexDepiSession OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDepi 4} apexDepiSessionConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDepiSession 1} -- apexDepiSessionConfigApplyTable {apexDepiSessionConfig 1} -- apexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry {apexDepiSessionConfigApplyTable 1} -- apexDepiSessionConfigApplyOutputTsNum {apexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry 1} -- apexDepiSessionConfigApplyChange {apexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry 2} -- apexDepiSessionConfigTable {apexDepiSessionConfig 2} -- apexDepiSessionConfigEntry {apexDepiSessionConfigApplyTable 1} -- apexDepiSessionConfigOutputTsNum {apexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry 1} -- apexDepiSessionConfigEnable {apexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry 2} -- apexDepiSessionConfigControlId {apexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry 3} -- apexDepiSessionConfigDocsisTsid {apexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry 4} -- apexDepiSessionConfigUdpPort {apexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry 5} -- apexDepiSessionConfigSyncCorrection {apexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry 6} apexDepiSessionStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDepiSession 2} apexDepiSessionStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexDepiSessionStatus 1} -- apexDepiSessionStatusGeneralInvalidApplyText {apexDepiSessionStatusGeneral 1} -- apexDepiSessionStatusTable {apexDepiSessionStatus 2} -- apexDepiSessionStatusEntry {apexDepiSessionStatusTable 1} -- apexDepiSessionStatusIndex {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 1} -- apexDepiSessionStatusControlId {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 2} -- apexDepiSessionStatusOutputQAMChannel {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 3} -- apexDepiSessionStatusLocalUdp {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 4} -- apexDepiSessionStatusRemoteUdp {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 5} -- apexDepiSessionStatusStatus {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 6} -- apexDepiSessionStatusPerHopBehavior {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 7} -- apexDepiSessionStatusUnknownCtl {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 8} -- apexDepiSessionStatusMalformedCtl {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 9} -- apexDepiSessionStatusUnknownAvp {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 10} -- apexDepiSessionStatusMalformedAvp {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 11} -- apexDepiSessionStatusInvalidVendorId {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 12} -- apexDepiSessionStatusHbitSet {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 13} -- apexDepiSessionStatusInSLIMsgs {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 14} -- apexDepiSessionStatusOutSLIMsgs {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 15} -- apexDepiSessionStatusIngressDlmMsgs {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 16} -- apexDepiSessionStatusEgressDlmMsgs {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 17} -- apexDepiSessionStatusLatencyStart {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 18} -- apexDepiSessionStatusLatencyEnd {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 19} -- apexDepiSessionStatusInDataPackets {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 20} -- apexDepiSessionStatusInSequenceDiscards {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 21} -- apexDepiSessionStatusInDataPacketDiscards {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 22} -- apexDepiSessionStatusSessionID {apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 23} apexPsip OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 25} apexPsipConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPsip 1} apexPsipConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPsipConfig 1} -- apexPsipConfigApplyChange {apexPsipConfigGeneral 1} -- apexPsipConfigMgtMsgInsertionPeriod {apexPsipConfigGeneral 2} -- apexPsipConfigSttMsgInsertionPeriod {apexPsipConfigGeneral 3} -- apexPsipConfigCvctMsgInsertionPeriod {apexPsipConfigGeneral 4} -- apexPsipConfigRrtMsgInsertionPeriod {apexPsipConfigGeneral 5} -- apexPsipConfigEit0InsertionPeriod {apexPsipConfigGeneral 6} -- apexPsipConfigEit1InsertionPeriod {apexPsipConfigGeneral 7} -- apexPsipConfigEit2InsertionPeriod {apexPsipConfigGeneral 8} -- apexPsipConfigEit3InsertionPeriod {apexPsipConfigGeneral 9} apexPsipConfigTime OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPsipConfig 2} -- apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange {apexPsipConfigTime 1} -- apexPsipConfigTimeDsMonthIn {apexPsipConfigTime 2} -- apexPsipConfigTimeDsDayIn {apexPsipConfigTime 3} -- apexPsipConfigTimeDsHourIn {apexPsipConfigTime 4} -- apexPsipConfigTimeDsMonthOut {apexPsipConfigTime 5} -- apexPsipConfigTimeDsDayOut {apexPsipConfigTime 6} -- apexPsipConfigTimeDsHourOut {apexPsipConfigTime 7} apexPsipStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPsip 2} apexPsipStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPsipStatus 1} -- apexPsipStatusInputTable {apexPsipStatus 2} -- apexPsipStatusInputEntry {apexPsipStatusInputTable 1} -- apexPsipStatusInputIndex {apexPsipStatusInputEntry 1} -- apexPsipStatusInputPid {apexPsipStatusInputEntry 2} -- apexPsipStatusInputMessageType {apexPsipStatusInputEntry 3} -- apexPsipStatusInputSourceId {apexPsipStatusInputEntry 4} -- apexPsipStatusInputSegment {apexPsipStatusInputEntry 5} -- apexPsipStatusInputPart {apexPsipStatusInputEntry 6} -- apexPsipStatusInputBody {apexPsipStatusInputEntry 7} -- apexPsipStatusInputGpsTime {apexPsipStatusInputEntry 8} -- apexPsipStatusInputInfo {apexPsipStatusInputEntry 9} -- apexPsipStatusOutputTable {apexPsipStatus 3} -- apexPsipStatusOutputEntry {apexPsipStatusOutputTable 1} -- apexPsipStatusOutputIndex {apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 1} -- apexPsipStatusOutputPid {apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 2} -- apexPsipStatusOutputMessageType {apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 3} -- apexPsipStatusOutputSourceId {apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 4} -- apexPsipStatusOutputSegment {apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 5} -- apexPsipStatusOutputPart {apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 6} -- apexPsipStatusOutputBody {apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 7} -- apexPsipStatusOutputGpsTime {apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 8} -- apexPsipStatusServiceTable {apexPsipStatus 4} -- apexPsipStatusServiceEntry {apexPsipStatusServiceTable 1} -- apexPsipStatusServiceIndex {apexPsipStatusServiceEntry 1} -- apexPsipStatusServiceNum {apexPsipStatusServiceEntry 2} -- apexPsipStatusServiceOutputTs {apexPsipStatusServiceEntry 3} -- apexPsipStatusServiceState {apexPsipStatusServiceEntry 4} -- apexPsipStatusServiceSourceId {apexPsipStatusServiceEntry 5} apexPreencryption OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 26} apexPreencryptionConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPreencryption 1} apexPreencryptionConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexPreencryptionConfig 1} -- apexSupportPreencryptedSimulcrypt {apexPreencryptionConfigGeneral 1} apexOutputAncillaryPid OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 27} apexOutputAncillaryPidConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputAncillaryPid 1} apexOutputAncillaryPidConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputAncillaryPidConfig 1} apexOutputAncillaryPidStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputAncillaryPid 2} apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexOutputAncillaryPidStatus 1} -- apexOutputAncillaryPidBitrateSamplePeriod {apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusGeneral 1} -- apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusTable {apexOutputAncillaryPidStatus 2} -- apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry {apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusTable 1} -- apexOutputAncillaryPidIndex {apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 1} -- apexOutputAncillaryPidInputTsNum {apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 2} -- apexOutputAncillaryPidInputPid {apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 3} -- apexOutputAncillaryPidOutputTsNum {apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 4} -- apexOutputAncillaryPidOutputPid {apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 5} -- apexOutputAncillaryPidRoutingStatus {apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 6} -- apexOutputAncillaryPidAverageBitrate {apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 7} apexUls OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 28} apexUlsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexUls 1} apexUlsConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexUlsConfig 1} -- apexUlsConfigGenerateRequest {apexUlsConfigGeneral 1} -- apexUlsConfigValidateResponse {apexUlsConfigGeneral 2} -- apexUlsConfigCommitNewFeatures {apexUlsConfigGeneral 3} apexUlsConfigMcSimFeatures OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexUlsConfig 2} -- apexUlsConfigMcSimChannelsRequest {apexUlsConfigMcSimFeatures 1} apexUlsStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexUls 2} apexUlsStatusGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexUlsStatus 1} -- apexUlsStatusGenerateRequestText {apexUlsStatusGeneral 1} -- apexUlsStatusValidateResponseText {apexUlsStatusGeneral 2} -- apexUlsStatusCommitNewFeaturesText {apexUlsStatusGeneral 3} apexUlsStatusMcSimFeatures OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexUlsStatus 2} -- apexUlsStatusMcSimChannelsCurrent {apexUlsStatusMcSimFeatures 1} -- apexUlsStatusMcSimChannelsInUse {apexUlsStatusMcSimFeatures 2} -- apexUlsStatusMcSimChannelsMax {apexUlsStatusMcSimFeatures 3} apexSimulcryptEcmgInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 29} apexSimulcryptEcmgStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexSimulcryptEcmgInfo 1} -- apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusTable {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatus 1} -- apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusTable 1} -- apexSimulcryptEcmgProgramIndex {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 1} -- apexOutputProgramCAS1EcmgChannel {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 2} -- apexOutputProgramCAS1EcmgStream {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 3} -- apexOutputProgramCAS2EcmgChannel {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 4} -- apexOutputProgramCAS2EcmgStream {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 5} -- apexOutputProgramCAS3EcmgChannel {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 6} -- apexOutputProgramCAS3EcmgStream {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 7} -- apexOutputProgramCAS4EcmgChannel {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 8} -- apexOutputProgramCAS4EcmgStream {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 9} -- apexOutputProgramCAS5EcmgChannel {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 10} -- apexOutputProgramCAS5EcmgStream {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 11} -- apexOutputProgramCAS6EcmgChannel {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 12} -- apexOutputProgramCAS6EcmgStream {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 13} -- apexOutputProgramCAS7EcmgChannel {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 14} -- apexOutputProgramCAS7EcmgStream {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 15} -- apexOutputProgramCAS8EcmgChannel {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 16} -- apexOutputProgramCAS8EcmgStream {apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 17} apexMcSim OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 30} apexMcSimConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexMcSim 1} apexMcSimConfigGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexMcSimConfig 1} -- apexMcSimEnableDacId {apexMcSimConfigGeneral 1} -- apexMcSimDacId {apexMcSimConfigGeneral 2} -- apexMcSimConfigApplyChange {apexMcSimConfigGeneral 3} -- apexMcSimConfigInvalidApplyText {apexMcSimConfigGeneral 4} apexAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 100} -- apexAlarmHardwareFault {apexAlarms 8000} -- apexAlarmInvalidInitData {apexAlarms 8001} -- apexAlarmTemperatureFault {apexAlarms 8002} -- apexAlarmFanFault {apexAlarms 8003} -- apexAlarmPowerFault {apexAlarms 8004} -- -- apexAlarmGbeLossOfPhysicalInput {apexAlarms 8020} -- apexAlarmGbeBufferFullness {apexAlarms 8021} -- apexAlarmGbeInputStreamLowBitRate {apexAlarms 8022} -- apexAlarmGbeInputStreamHighBitRate {apexAlarms 8023} -- apexAlarmGbeMptsRedundPrimaryThreshold {apexAlarms 8024} -- apexAlarmGbeMptsRedundFailOver {apexAlarms 8025} -- apexAlarmServiceInError {apexAlarms 8026} -- apexAlarmGbeLossOfInputStream {apexAlarms 8027} -- apexAlarmGigeToHostCommFault {apexAlarms 8028} -- apexAlarmGbeInterfaceRedundFailOver {apexAlarms 8029} -- apexAlarmLossOfInputAncillaryPid {apexAlarms 8030} -- apexAlarmGbeInputStreamPacketDrop {apexAlarms 8031} -- -- apexAlarmOutputUtilizationFault {apexAlarms 8040} -- apexAlarmOutputOverflow {apexAlarms 8041} -- apexAlarmQamModuleFault {apexAlarms 8042} -- apexAlarmQamRfPortFault {apexAlarms 8043} -- apexAlarmQamChannelFault {apexAlarms 8044} -- apexAlarmQamRfRedundFailOver {apexAlarms 8045} -- apexAlarmQamRfRedundMismatch {apexAlarms 8046} -- apexAlarmQamModuleRemovalFault {apexAlarms 8047} -- -- apexAlarmRtspControllerCommFault {apexAlarms 8050} -- -- apexAlarmRdsCommFault {apexAlarms 8060} -- -- apexAlarmRemCommFault {apexAlarms 8070} -- apexAlarmRemFault {apexAlarms 8071} -- apexAlarmDepiControlConnectionFault {apexAlarms 8080} -- apexAlarmDepiSessionSetupFault {apexAlarms 8081} -- apexAlarmDtiSyncLossFault {apexAlarms 8082} -- -- apexAlarmChassisRedundancyPrimaryFailover {apexAlarms 8090} -- apexAlarmChassisRedundancySecondaryFailover {apexAlarms 8091} -- apexAlarmChassisRedundancyAvailabilityFault {apexAlarms 8092} -- apexAlarmChassisRedundancyLinkFault {apexAlarms 8093} -- apexAlarmChassisRedundancyConfigurationFault {apexAlarms 8094} -- apexEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 101} -- apexEventEmUserLoginFailed {apexEvents 8100} -- apexEventQamModuleUpgraded {apexEvents 8101} -- apexEventSnmpCommunityStringChanged {apexEvents 8102} -- apexEventEasMessageNotReceived {apexEvents 8103} -- apexEventLossOfInputAncillaryPid {apexEvents 8104} -- apexEventChassisRedunPrimaryForceFailover [obsolete] {apexEvents 8110} -- apexEventChassisRedunSecondaryForceFailover [obsolete] {apexEvents 8111} -- apexEventChassisRedunFirmwareVersionMismatch {apexEvents 8112} -- apexEventChassisRedunQAMVersionMismatch {apexEvents 8113} -- apexConfigAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 102} apexConfAlarmEnable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexConfigAlarms 1} -- apexEnableInvalidInitData {apexConfAlarmEnable 8001} -- apexEnableGbeLossOfPhysicalInput {apexConfAlarmEnable 8020} -- apexEnableGbeBufferFullness {apexConfAlarmEnable 8021} -- apexEnableGbeInputStreamLowBitRate {apexConfAlarmEnable 8022} -- apexEnableGbeInputStreamHighBitRate {apexConfAlarmEnable 8023} -- apexEnableGbeMptsRedundPrimaryThreshold {apexConfAlarmEnable 8024} -- apexEnableGbeMptsRedundFailOver {apexConfAlarmEnable 8025} -- apexEnableServiceInError {apexConfAlarmEnable 8026} -- apexEnableGbeLossOfInputTsFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8027} -- apexEnableGbeInterfaceRedundFailOver {apexConfAlarmEnable 8029} -- apexEnableLossOfInputAncillaryPid {apexConfAlarmEnable 8030} -- apexEnableGbeInputStreamPacketDrop {apexConfAlarmEnable 8031} -- apexEnableOutputUtilizationFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8040} -- apexEnableOutputOverflow {apexConfAlarmEnable 8041} -- apexEnableQamModuleFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8042} -- apexEnableQamRfPortFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8043} -- apexEnableQamChannelFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8044} -- apexEnableQamRfRedundFailOver {apexConfAlarmEnable 8045} -- apexEnableQamRfRedundMismatch {apexConfAlarmEnable 8046} -- apexEnableQamModuleRemovalFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8047} -- apexEnableRtspControllerCommFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8050} -- apexEnableRdsCommAlarmFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8060} -- apexEnableRemCommFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8070} -- apexEnableRemFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8071} -- apexEnableDepiControlConnectionFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8080} -- apexEnableDepiSessionSetupFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8081} -- apexEnableDtiSyncLossFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8082} -- -- apexEnableChassisRedundancyPrimaryFailover {apexConfAlarmEnable 8090} -- apexEnableChassisRedundancySecondaryFailover {apexConfAlarmEnable 8091} -- apexEnableChassisRedundancyAvailabilityFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8092} -- apexEnableChassisRedundancyLinkFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8093} -- apexEnableChassisRedundancyConfigurationFault {apexConfAlarmEnable 8094} -- apexConfAlarmClear OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apexConfigAlarms 2} -- apexClearInvalidInitData {apexConfAlarmClear 8001} apexLogs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 200} -- apexHwEventTable {apexLogs 1} -- apexHwEventEntry {apexHwEventTable 1} -- apexHwEventIndex {apexHwEventEntry 1} -- apexHwEventTimeLogged {apexHwEventEntry 2} -- apexHwEventAlarmCode {apexHwEventEntry 3} -- apexHwEventAlarmSeverity {apexHwEventEntry 4} -- apexHwEventData {apexHwEventEntry 5} -- apexHwEventDescription {apexHwEventEntry 6} -- apexInvalidInitDataTable {apexLogs 2} -- apexInvalidInitDataEntry {apexInvalidInitDataTable 1} -- apexInvalidInitDataIndex {apexInvalidInitDataEntry 1} -- apexInvalidInitDataTimeLogged {apexInvalidInitDataEntry 2} -- apexInvalidInitDataDescription {apexInvalidInitDataEntry 3} -- apexOutputTsEventTable {apexLogs 3} -- apexOutputTsEventEntry {apexOutputTsEventTable 1} -- apexOutputTsEventIndex {apexOutputTsEventEntry 1} -- apexOutputTsEventTimeLogged {apexOutputTsEventEntry 2} -- apexOutputTsEventAlarmCode {apexOutputTsEventEntry 3} -- apexOutputTsEventAlarmSeverity {apexOutputTsEventEntry 4} -- apexOutputTsEventOutputTsNum {apexOutputTsEventEntry 5} -- apexOutputTsEventCurRate {apexOutputTsEventEntry 6} -- apexOutputTsEventAvgRate {apexOutputTsEventEntry 7} -- apexOutputTsEventMinRate {apexOutputTsEventEntry 8} -- apexOutputTsEventPeakRate {apexOutputTsEventEntry 9} -- apexOutputTsEventCurDropPackets {apexOutputTsEventEntry 10} -- apexOutputTsEventPeakDropPackets {apexOutputTsEventEntry 11} -- apexOutputTsEventRollingDropPackets {apexOutputTsEventEntry 12} -- apexOutputTsEventTotalDropPackets {apexOutputTsEventEntry 13} -- apexOutputTsEventDescription {apexOutputTsEventEntry 14} -- apexGbeInputTsEventTable {apexLogs 4} -- apexGbeInputTsEventEntry {apexGbeInputTsEventTable 1} -- apexGbeInputTsEventIndex {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 1} -- apexGbeInputTsEventTimeLogged {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 2} -- apexGbeInputTsEventAlarmCode {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 3} -- apexGbeInputTsEventAlarmSeverity {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 4} -- apexGbeInputTsEventRedundantConfig {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 5} -- apexGbeInputTsEventGbeInterface {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 6} -- apexGbeInputTsEventUdpPort {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 7} -- apexGbeInputTsEventMulticastIp {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 8} -- apexGbeInputTsEventSourceIp {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 9} -- apexGbeInputTsEventInputTsState {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 10} -- apexGbeInputTsEventRateCompareType {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 11} -- apexGbeInputTsEventSamplingPeriod {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 12} -- apexGbeInputTsEventPriCurStreamCount {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 13} -- apexGbeInputTsEventPriCurDataCount {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 14} -- apexGbeInputTsEventSecCurStreamCount {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 15} -- apexGbeInputTsEventSecCurDataCount {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 16} -- apexGbeInputTsEventDescription {apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 17} -- apexRtspEventTable {apexLogs 5} -- apexRtspEventEntry {apexRtspEventTable 1} -- apexRtspEventIndex {apexRtspEventEntry 1} -- apexRtspEventTimeLogged {apexRtspEventEntry 2} -- apexRtspEventControllerIp {apexRtspEventEntry 3} -- apexRtspEventSessionCount {apexRtspEventEntry 4} -- apexRtspEventSourceDescription {apexRtspEventEntry 5} -- apexRtspEventDescription {apexRtspEventEntry 6} -- apexMappingErrorTable {apexLogs 6} -- apexMappingErrorEntry {apexMappingErrorTable 1} -- apexMappingErrorIndex {apexMappingErrorEntry 1} -- apexMappingErrorTimeLogged {apexMappingErrorEntry 2} -- apexMappingErrorCode {apexMappingErrorEntry 3} -- apexMappingErrorMappingType {apexMappingErrorEntry 4} -- apexMappingErrorInputType {apexMappingErrorEntry 5} -- apexMappingErrorInputInterface {apexMappingErrorEntry 6} -- apexMappingErrorUdpPort {apexMappingErrorEntry 7} -- apexMappingErrorMulticastIp {apexMappingErrorEntry 8} -- apexMappingErrorSourceIp {apexMappingErrorEntry 9} -- apexMappingErrorInputProgramPid {apexMappingErrorEntry 10} -- apexMappingErrorOutputProgramPid {apexMappingErrorEntry 11} -- apexMappingErrorOutputOpMode {apexMappingErrorEntry 12} -- apexMappingErrorOutputTsNum {apexMappingErrorEntry 13} -- apexMappingErrorSecInputInterface {apexMappingErrorEntry 14} -- apexMappingErrorSecUdpPort {apexMappingErrorEntry 15} -- apexMappingErrorSecMulticastIp {apexMappingErrorEntry 16} -- apexMappingErrorSecSourceIp {apexMappingErrorEntry 17} -- apexChassisRedundancyEventTable {apexLogs 7} -- apexChassisRedundancyEventEntry {apexChassisRedundancyEventTable 1} -- apexChassisRedundancyEventIndex {apexChassisRedundancyEventEntry 1} -- apexChassisRedundancyEventTimeLogged {apexChassisRedundancyEventEntry 2} -- apexChassisRedundancyEventDescription {apexChassisRedundancyEventEntry 3} apexTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 0} -- not used for APEX {apexTraps 1} -- not used for APEX {apexTraps 2} -- trapConfigurationChangeInteger {apexTraps 3} -- trapConfigurationChangeDisplayString {apexTraps 4} -- trapConfigurationChangeOID {apexTraps 5} -- trapConfigurationChangeIpAddress {apexTraps 6} -- trapConditionNotInList {apexTraps 20} -- trapConditionAlreadyInList {apexTraps 21} -- trapConditionListFull {apexTraps 22} -- trapInvalidCaseInSwitch {apexTraps 23} -- trapCannotCreateSemaphore {apexTraps 24} -- trapCannotOpenSocket {apexTraps 25} -- trapUnknownMessageReceived {apexTraps 26} -- trapInvalidMessageReceived {apexTraps 27} -- -- trapHardwareFault {apexTraps 8000} -- trapInvalidInitData {apexTraps 8001} -- trapTemperatureFault {apexTraps 8002} -- trapFanFault {apexTraps 8003} -- trapPowerFault {apexTraps 8004} -- trapGbeLossOfPhysicalInput {apexTraps 8020} -- trapGbeBufferFullness {apexTraps 8021} -- trapGbeInputStreamLowBitRate {apexTraps 8022} -- trapGbeInputStreamHighBitRate {apexTraps 8023} -- trapGbeMptsRedundPrimaryThreshold {apexTraps 8024} -- trapGbeMptsRedundFailOver {apexTraps 8025} -- trapServiceInError {apexTraps 8026} -- trapGbeLossOfInputStream {apexTraps 8027} -- trapGigeToHostCommFault {apexTraps 8028} -- trapGbeInterfaceRedundFailOver {apexTraps 8029} -- trapLossOfInputAncillaryPid {apexTraps 8030} -- trapGbeInputStreamPacketDrop {apexTraps 8031} -- trapOutputUtilizationFault {apexTraps 8040} -- trapOutputOverflow {apexTraps 8041} -- trapQamModuleFault {apexTraps 8042} -- trapQamRfPortFault {apexTraps 8043} -- trapQamChannelFault {apexTraps 8044} -- trapQamRfRedundFailOver {apexTraps 8045} -- trapQamRfRedundMismatch {apexTraps 8046} -- trapQamModuleRemovalFault {apexTraps 8047} -- trapRtspControllerCommFault {apexTraps 8050} -- trapRdsCommFault {apexTraps 8060} -- trapRemCommFault {apexTraps 8070} -- trapRemFault {apexTraps 8071} -- trapDepiControlConnectionFault {apexTraps 8080} -- trapDepiSessionSetupFault {apexTraps 8081} -- trapDtiSyncLossFault {apexTraps 8082} -- -- trapChassisRedundancyPrimaryFailover {apexTraps 8090} -- trapChassisRedundancySecondaryFailover {apexTraps 8091} -- trapChassisRedundancyAvailabilityFault {apexTraps 8092} -- trapChassisRedundancyLinkFault {apexTraps 8093} -- trapChassisRedundancyConfigurationFault {apexTraps 8094} -- -- trapEmUserLoginFailed {apexTraps 8100} -- trapQamModuleUpgraded {apexTraps 8101} -- trapSnmpCommunityStringChanged {apexTraps 8102} -- trapEasMessageNotReceived {apexTraps 8103} -- trapLossOfInputAncillaryPidEvent {apexTraps 8104} -- trapChassisRedundancyPrimaryForceFailover {apexTraps 8110} -- trapChassisRedundancySecondaryForceFailover {apexTraps 8111} -- trapChassisRedundancyFirmwareVersionMismatch {apexTraps 8112} -- trapChassisRedundancyQAMVersionMismatch {apexTraps 8113} apexDebug OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {apex 5000} -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- APEX MIB -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexSys -- -- apexSysConfig -- -- apexSysConfigGeneral -- apexSaveConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { saveNotInProgress (1), startSaveToFlash (2), savingConfigToFlash (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Writing this object will commit the current configuration to Flash. While a read returns the value savingConfigToFlash, the flash is being saved; the save may not have been initiated by an SNMP set. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexSysConfigGeneral 1 } apexProductName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the Product Name of the APEX loaded at initialization from the config.ini file. Specific configurations of the APEX have specific purposes and are identified by their product name. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2, default=yes) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSysConfigGeneral 2 } apexBootMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noDhcpOrBootp (1), bootpOnly (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is used to set the boot method for the APEX. Selection of noDhcpOrBootp means the APEX will not use DHCP or BOOTP - this will result in about a 10 second savings in boot time. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSysConfigGeneral 3 } apexAutoRebootEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting to 'enabled' allows the APEX to automatically reboot when specific APEX hardware errors occur. Setting this to Enabled will cause the APEX to automatically reboot upon specific HW faults, such as a GigE processor crash, or upon a Host processor watchdog event. When disabled, HW faults and watchdog events will not cause an automatic reboot. This is useful when it is necessary to debug the event (to allow time to gather status prior to manually rebooting). Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSysConfigGeneral 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion -- apexMcEmmInsertionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outOfBand(1), fullInBand(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the mode in which MediaCipher EMMs are inserted, out of band or full in band. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexMcEmmInsertionApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexMcEmmInsertionApplyChange , value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion 1 } apexMcEmmInsertionPid1Enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable first EMM PID to include in the CAT for MediaCipher Full In Band mode. Default value is enabled. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexMcEmmInsertionApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexMcEmmInsertionApplyChange , value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion 2 } apexMcEmmInsertionPid1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(7168..8190) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "First EMM PID to include in the CAT for MediaCipher Full In Band mode. Allowed values: from 0x1C00 to 0x1FFE. Default value is 0x1C02. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexMcEmmInsertionApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexMcEmmInsertionApplyChange , value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion 3 } apexMcEmmInsertionPid2Enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable first EMM PID to include in the CAT for MediaCipher Full In Band mode. Default value is disabled. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexMcEmmInsertionApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexMcEmmInsertionApplyChange , value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion 4 } apexMcEmmInsertionPid2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(7168..8190) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Second EMM PID to include in the CAT for MediaCipher Full In Band mode. Allowed values: from 0x1C00 to 0x1FFE. Default value is 0x1C03. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexMcEmmInsertionApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexMcEmmInsertionApplyChange , value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion 5 } apexMcEmmInsertionApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the MediaCipher EMM Insertion group. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the MC EMM Insertion group to take effect in the device. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the MC Emm Insertion group has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexSysConfigMcEmmInsertion 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexSysStatus -- -- apexSysStatusGeneral -- apexBootReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { powerCycle (0), operatorReboot (1), hwFault (2), wdFault (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates reason for APEX boot: 'powerCycle' - Power-up or power cycled. 'operatorReboot' - Operator commanded reboot (refer to manual). 'hwFault' - Automatic reboot occurred as per apexAutoRebootEnable. 'wdFault' - Automatic Watchdog reboot as per apexAutoRebootEnable. " ::= { apexSysStatusGeneral 1 } apexMaxServiceMappings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of service mappings supported by the APEX. " ::= { apexSysStatusGeneral 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexSysStatusVersions -- apexHostProcessorBootCodeVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX Host Processor Boot Code Version." ::= { apexSysStatusVersions 1 } apexMuxFpgaVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX MUX FPGA Version." ::= { apexSysStatusVersions 2 } apexMuxFpgaEncryption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noEncryption (0), des (1), csa (2), aes (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX MUX FPGA Encryption type currently loaded." ::= { apexSysStatusVersions 3 } apexMainBoardVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX Main Board Version. This is the revision of the apexMainBoardType." ::= { apexSysStatusVersions 4 } apexHostApplicationDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX Host Processor Application Creation Date." ::= { apexSysStatusVersions 5 } apexProductType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { invalid (0), apex1000 (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX Product Type. The corresponding product name text setting can be found in identUnitModel." ::= { apexSysStatusVersions 6 } apexMainBoardType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX Main Board Type. The revision is found in apexMainBoardVersion." ::= { apexSysStatusVersions 7 } apexGlueFpgaVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX Glue FPGA Version." ::= { apexSysStatusVersions 8 } apexGlueCpldVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX Glue CPLD Version." ::= { apexSysStatusVersions 9 } apexDtiFpgaVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX DTI FPGA Version." ::= { apexSysStatusVersions 10 } apexMpc2FpgaVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX MPC2 FPGA Version." ::= { apexSysStatusVersions 11 } apexDpmVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX DPM Version." ::= { apexSysStatusVersions 12 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexTime -- -- apexTimeConfig -- -- apexTimeConfigGeneral -- apexTimeSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sntp (1), internal (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source for system time. The time source can be configured to come from an SNTP time source, or be generated internally. When configured as internal: - The APEX will internally keep time starting at GPS time 0. A user can set the time to a valid GPS time in this mode. - The system time and UTC offset in internal mode are not updated and therefore are not valid. When configured to receive time via SNTP the SntpServerSpecified object and SntpServiceIP objects can be used to optionally define the SNTP server. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexTimeConfigGeneral 1 } apexSntpUtcOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object is the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) offset from GPS time. Subtract this from GPS time to convert from GPS to UTC. Units are seconds. When time source is SNTP, this object can be set to specify the UTC offset that the APEX will use in calculating GPS time. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexTimeConfigGeneral 2 } apexSntpServerSpecified OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSpecified (1), specified (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the TimeSource is SNTP, this object specifies whether the APEX will only accept time for a single SNTP server or from any server that broadcasts time. When notSpecified, the APEX will accept time from any SNTP server. When specified, the APEX will poll for time from the address of the SNTP server specified by the SntpServerIP address object. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexTimeConfigGeneral 3 } apexSntpServerIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains the IP address of the specified SNTP server. If apexTimeSource is SNTP and apexSntpServerSpecified is set to specified, then the apex will poll for time from this IP address. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexTimeConfigGeneral 4 } apexUserSuppliedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object is the GPS Time the APEX is given via user entry. The time is reported in GPS seconds. This time is ONLY used when the APEX is set to Internal time mode. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexTimeConfigGeneral 5 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexTimeStatus -- -- apexTimeStatusGeneral -- apexSystemTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object is the current System Time of the APEX. The system time is reported in GPS seconds. To determine the APEXs system time in UTC the apexSntpUtcOffset object must also be read and used in the calculation." ::= { apexTimeStatusGeneral 1 } apexOperationalTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Operational Time is the time in seconds since the APEX completed the boot sequence. It is the time that the APEX has been operational." ::= { apexTimeStatusGeneral 8 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexTemperature -- -- apexTemperatureConfig -- -- apexTemperatureConfigGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexTemperatureStatus -- -- apexTemperatureStatusGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexMainBoardTemperature -- apexMainBoardTempFrontIntake OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ambient temperature at the intake vent at the front of the unit. Measured in whole number degrees Celsius." ::= { apexMainBoardTemperature 1 } apexMainBoardTempMuxFpga OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ambient temperature at the MUX FPGAs. Measured in whole number degrees Celsius." ::= { apexMainBoardTemperature 2 } apexMainBoardTempAcpModule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ambient temperature at the ACP Module location. This reading is valid for all models whether an ACP Module is standard on the model. Measured in whole number degrees Celsius." ::= { apexMainBoardTemperature 3 } apexMainBoardTempHostProcessor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ambient temperature at the Host Processor. Measured in whole number degrees Celsius." ::= { apexMainBoardTemperature 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexMainBoardTemperatureFault -- apexMainBoardTempFrontIntakeFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), overTemp (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fault status of ambient temperature at the intake vent at the front of the unit." ::= { apexMainBoardTemperatureFault 1 } apexMainBoardTempMuxFpgaFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), overTemp (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fault status of ambient temperature at the MUX FPGAs." ::= { apexMainBoardTemperatureFault 2 } apexMainBoardTempAcpModuleFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), overTemp (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fault status of ambient temperature at the ACP Module location." ::= { apexMainBoardTemperatureFault 3 } apexMainBoardTempHostProcessorFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), overTemp (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fault status of ambient temperature at the Host Processor." ::= { apexMainBoardTemperatureFault 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPowerSupply -- -- apexPsConfig -- -- apexPsConfigGeneral -- apexPsPowerFaultFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexPsPowerFaultFilter. When set to 'enabled', the device ignore the power fault alarm for two consecutive positive samples of an AC power interruption. When set to 'disabled' the alarm(apexAlarmPowerFault) will operate as described. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsConfigGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPsStatus -- -- apexPsStatusGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPsStatusTable -- apexPsStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexPsStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table of status parameters for the two Power Supplies." ::= { apexPsStatus 2 } apexPsStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexPsStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Supply Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexPsStatusPsNum } ::= { apexPsStatusTable 1 } ApexPsStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexPsStatusPsNum Integer32, apexPsStatusInstalled INTEGER, apexPsStatusOutputVoltage Integer32, apexPsStatusOutputCurrent Integer32, apexPsStatusFanSpeed Unsigned32, apexPsStatusFanStatus INTEGER, apexPsStatusTemperatureStatus INTEGER, apexPsStatusInputPowerStatus INTEGER, apexPsStatusOutputPowerStatus INTEGER, apexPsStatusErrorStatus INTEGER, apexPsStatusFaultCondition INTEGER, apexPsStatusDiagnosticData1 Integer32, apexPsStatusDiagnosticData2 Integer32, apexPsStatusCommError INTEGER } apexPsStatusPsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PS Number." ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 1 } apexPsStatusInstalled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notInstalled (1), installedAcInput (2), installedDcInput (3), fanModuleInstalled (4), unsupported (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates installed status of the PS." ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 2 } apexPsStatusOutputVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PS measured output voltage in milli-Volts." ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 3 } apexPsStatusOutputCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PS measured output current in milli-Amps." ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 4 } apexPsStatusFanSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fan speed in RPM an installed Power Supply or Fan Module. Zero if not installed." ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 5 } apexPsStatusFanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PS Fan Status." ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 6 } apexPsStatusTemperatureStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the power supply is in protection mode due to an over temperature condition. The PS is shut down while in 'overTemp' and will recover when the temperature returns to normal operating range. A power cycle is not required for recovery. Note that Output Power Status will be 'error' when Temperature status is 'overTemp'." ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 7 } apexPsStatusInputPowerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether AC Input is within specification. Note that Output Power Status will be 'error' when Input Power status is 'error'" ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 8 } apexPsStatusOutputPowerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the +12V and +3.3V output power are within specification. If the output power error occurs with an Input Power error, apply input power to recover. If the output power error occurs with an Over Temperature error, a power cycle is not required for recovery. Otherwise, a power cycle is required for recovery. If the problem persists after the power cycle, the PS must be replaced for recovery." ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 9 } apexPsStatusErrorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (1), psNotInstalled (2), psUnsupported (3), inputPower (4), fanFault (5), overTemp (6), outputPower (7), commLost (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Summary of errors reported on a power supply basis. The reported error will be the most severe." ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 10 } apexPsStatusFaultCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current fault condition of the power supply errors." ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 11 } apexPsStatusDiagnosticData1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Diagnostic data word 1 (HP) - Contents for Arris diagnostic purposes." ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 12 } apexPsStatusDiagnosticData2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Diagnostic data word 2 (PS) - Contents for Arris diagnostic purposes." ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 13 } apexPsStatusCommError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communication with the Power Supply has failed and status cannot be determined. Only applies when valid PS installed." ::= { apexPsStatusEntry 14 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPsStatusVersionsTable -- apexPsStatusVersionsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexPsStatusVersionsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table of version status parameters for the two Power Supplies." ::= { apexPsStatus 3 } apexPsStatusVersionsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexPsStatusVersionsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Supply Version Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexPsStatusVersionsPsNum } ::= { apexPsStatusVersionsTable 1 } ApexPsStatusVersionsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexPsStatusVersionsPsNum Integer32, apexPsStatusVersionsModel DisplayString, apexPsStatusVersionsSerialNumber DisplayString } apexPsStatusVersionsPsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PS Number." ::= { apexPsStatusVersionsEntry 1 } apexPsStatusVersionsModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PS Model." ::= { apexPsStatusVersionsEntry 2 } apexPsStatusVersionsSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PS serial number." ::= { apexPsStatusVersionsEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexAsi -- -- apexAsiConfig -- -- apexAsiMonitorPortConfig -- apexAsiMonitorPortOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..48) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the output transport stream to route to the ASI Monitor Port. Zero indicates that no stream is to be routed to the ASI Monitor port. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexAsiMonitorPortConfig 1 } apexAsiMonitorPortEncryption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { preEncryption (1), postEncryption (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Selects pre or post encryption for the ASI monitor port. This parameter is only applicable to APEXs with encryption capability. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexAsiMonitorPortConfig 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexFastEnet -- -- apexFastEnetConfig -- -- apexFastEnetConfigGeneral -- apexFastEnetDefaultGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IP address of the default gateway for the Fast Ethernet interfaces. This should be zero or a valid Class A, B, or C IP address. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexFastEnetConfigGeneral 1 } apexFastEnetRoutingApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the Fast Ethernet Static Routing Table. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the apexFastEnetRoutingTable to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the apexFastEnetRoutingTable has been configured. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexFastEnetConfigGeneral 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexFastEnetRoutingTable -- apexFastEnetRoutingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexFastEnetRoutingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is the configuration Static Routing table for the Fast Ethernet Interface. @Commit(param=apexFastEnetRoutingApplyChange, value=2) @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexFastEnetConfig 2 } apexFastEnetRoutingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexFastEnetRoutingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fast Ethernet Interface Configuration Static Routing Table Entry." INDEX { apexFastEnetRoutingIndex } ::= { apexFastEnetRoutingTable 1 } ApexFastEnetRoutingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexFastEnetRoutingIndex Integer32, apexFastEnetRoutingDestinIp IpAddress, apexFastEnetRoutingGatewayIp IpAddress, apexFastEnetRoutingSubnetMask IpAddress } apexFastEnetRoutingIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Routing table entry. Currently limited to 16." ::= { apexFastEnetRoutingEntry 1 } apexFastEnetRoutingDestinIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Fast Ethernet Routing Destination IP address. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexFastEnetRoutingApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. " ::= { apexFastEnetRoutingEntry 2 } apexFastEnetRoutingGatewayIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Fast Ethernet Routing Gateway IP address. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexFastEnetRoutingApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. " ::= { apexFastEnetRoutingEntry 3 } apexFastEnetRoutingSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Fast Ethernet Routing Subnet Mask. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexFastEnetRoutingApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. " ::= { apexFastEnetRoutingEntry 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexFastEnetInsertRateTable -- apexFastEnetInsertRateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexFastEnetInsertRateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table of configuration parameters for Output Transport Rate of Fast Ethernet MPEG data Insertion." ::= { apexFastEnetConfigGeneral 2 } apexFastEnetInsertRateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexFastEnetInsertRateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Rate of Fast Ethernet MPEG Insertion Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexFastEnetInsertRateOutputTsNum } ::= { apexFastEnetInsertRateTable 1 } ApexFastEnetInsertRateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexFastEnetInsertRateOutputTsNum Integer32, apexFastEnetInsertRate Integer32 } apexFastEnetInsertRateOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Number." ::= { apexFastEnetInsertRateEntry 1 } apexFastEnetInsertRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insertion Rate for the transport stream for Fast Ethernet MPEG data. Maximum MPEG data rate to insert data received via Fast Ethernet interfaces. Range is 0 Kbps to 2500 Kbps for each transport stream. Total for all transport streams must not exceed 10000 Kbps. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Range(min=0, max=2500) @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexFastEnetInsertRateEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexFastEnetStatus -- -- apexFastEnetStatusGeneral -- apexFastEnetMaxInputUdpPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of Fast Ethernet input UDP ports that can be opened on this APEX." ::= { apexFastEnetStatusGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexFastEnetStatusPacketsTable -- apexFastEnetStatusPacketsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Fast Ethernet Insert Packet Statistics for each Fast Ethernet interface. Indexed by FE interface port number." ::= { apexFastEnetStatus 2 } apexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the FE Insert Packets table." INDEX { apexFastEnetPacketsPortNum } ::= { apexFastEnetStatusPacketsTable 1 } ApexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexFastEnetPacketsPortNum Integer32, apexFastEnetPacketsNumPkts Unsigned32, apexFastEnetPacketsTotPkts Unsigned32, apexFastEnetPacketsNumDiscarded Unsigned32, apexFastEnetPacketsTotDiscarded Unsigned32 } apexFastEnetPacketsPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fast Ethernet interface port Number." ::= { apexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry 1 } apexFastEnetPacketsNumPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of MPEG packets inserted during the last monitoring period (currently 5 seconds) on this FE interface port." ::= { apexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry 2 } apexFastEnetPacketsTotPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of MPEG packets inserted on this FE interface port." ::= { apexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry 3 } apexFastEnetPacketsNumDiscarded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of MPEG packets discarded during the last monitoring period (currently 5 seconds) on this FE interface port. This may be due to a buffer overflow or incorrect configuration of the FE output stream insertion rate." ::= { apexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry 4 } apexFastEnetPacketsTotDiscarded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of FE MPEG packets discarded on this Output Transport Stream. Discarded packets on an FE interface port are those packets discarded due to an overflow condition." ::= { apexFastEnetStatusPacketsEntry 5 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexFastEnetInsertPacketsTable -- apexFastEnetInsertPacketsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Output Transport Stream FE Insert Packet Statistics. Indexed by Output Transport Stream number." ::= { apexFastEnetStatus 3 } apexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the Output Transport Stream FE Insert Packets table." INDEX { apexFastEnetInsPacketsOutputTsNum } ::= { apexFastEnetInsertPacketsTable 1 } ApexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexFastEnetInsPacketsOutputTsNum Integer32, apexFastEnetInsPacketsNumPkts Unsigned32, apexFastEnetInsPacketsTotPkts Unsigned32, apexFastEnetInsPacketsNumDiscarded Unsigned32, apexFastEnetInsPacketsTotDiscarded Unsigned32 } apexFastEnetInsPacketsOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Number." ::= { apexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry 1 } apexFastEnetInsPacketsNumPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of MPEG packets inserted during the last monitoring period (currently 5 seconds) on this Output Transport Stream." ::= { apexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry 2 } apexFastEnetInsPacketsTotPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of MPEG packets inserted on this Output Transport Stream." ::= { apexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry 3 } apexFastEnetInsPacketsNumDiscarded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of MPEG packets discarded during the last monitoring period (currently 5 seconds) on this Output Transport Stream. This may be due to a buffer overflow or incorrect configuration of the FE output stream insertion rate." ::= { apexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry 4 } apexFastEnetInsPacketsTotDiscarded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of FE MPEG packets discarded on this Output Transport Stream. Discarded packets on an output stream are those packets discarded due to an overflow condition." ::= { apexFastEnetInsertPacketsEntry 5 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOamp -- -- apexOampConfig -- -- apexOampConfigGeneral -- apexOampIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IP address of the OAMP IP (Enet1) interface of the APEX. This IP address is set via a BootP when connected to a Bootp server. When not connected to a BootP server, the IP address may directly be changed by setting this parameter. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexOampConfigGeneral 1 } apexOampSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is subnet mask of the OAMP IP (Enet1) interface of the APEX. The subnet mask is normally via a BootP when connected to a BootP server. When not connected to a Bootp Server, the Subnet Mask may directly be changed by setting this parameter. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexOampConfigGeneral 2 } apexOampAutoNegotiate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OAMP IP (Enet1) Ethernet Auto-Negotiation setting. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexOampConfigGeneral 3 } apexOampNetworkDuplexMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NetworkDuplexModeTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OAMP (Enet1) Ethernet Network Duplex Mode. Enet1 is set to the configured mode, only if 'apexOampAutoNegotiate' is disabled. Default value is full duplex mode. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexOampConfigGeneral 4 } apexOampNetworkSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NetworkSpeedTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OAMP (Enet1) Ethernet Network Speed. Enet1 is set to the configured speed, only if 'apexOampAutoNegotiate' is disabled. Default value is 100 Mbps. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexOampConfigGeneral 5 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOampStatus -- -- apexOampStatusGeneral -- apexOampMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the MAC address of the APEX OAMP IP (Enet1) Interface. It is set at the factory and cannot be changed. The string length is 17 characters in the format 'hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh' where 'hh' is a hexadecimal number." --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexOampStatusGeneral 1 } apexOampSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), interfaceSpeed10Mbps (1), interfaceSpeed100Mbps (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OAMP IP (Enet1) Ethernet speed (10Mbps or 100Mbps). This is determined by the results of the auto-negotiation process. If auto-negotiation fails, the default speed is 100Mbps." ::= { apexOampStatusGeneral 2 } apexOampDuplexMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), halfDuplex (1), fullDuplex (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OAMP IP (Enet1) Ethernet Duplex Mode (full or half) This is determined by the results of the auto-negotiation process. If auto-negotiation fails, the default mode is Full." ::= { apexOampStatusGeneral 3 } apexOampInputTsAssignedCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of input transport streams assigned to the OAMP IP interface (Enet1)." ::= { apexOampStatusGeneral 4 } apexOampLinkActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ActiveTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates if the OAMP (ENET1) link is active." ::= { apexOampStatusGeneral 5 } apexOampCurrentAutoNegotiateState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current auto-negotiation status on OAMP network " ::= { apexOampStatusGeneral 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDataIp -- -- apexDataIpConfig -- -- apexDataIpConfigGeneral -- apexDataIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IP address of the Data IP (Enet2) interface of this APEX. The data IP address may directly be changed by setting this parameter. The Data IP address must be configured such that the Data IP interface and the OAMP interface are on different networks. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDataIpConfigGeneral 1 } apexDataIpSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is subnet mask of the Data IP (Enet2) interface of this APEX. The data IP Subnet Mask may directly be changed by setting this parameter. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDataIpConfigGeneral 2 } apexDataIpAutoNegotiate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data IP (Enet2) Ethernet Auto-Negotiation setting. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDataIpConfigGeneral 3 } apexDataIpNetworkDuplexMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NetworkDuplexModeTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DATA IP (Enet2) Ethernet Network Duplex Mode. Enet2 is set to the configured mode, only if 'apexDataIpAutoNegotiate'is disabled. Default value is full duplex mode. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDataIpConfigGeneral 4 } apexDataIpNetworkSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NetworkSpeedTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DATA IP (Enet2) Ethernet Network Speed. Enet2 is set to the configured speed, only if 'apexDataIpAutoNegotiate'is disabled. Default value is 100 Mbps. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDataIpConfigGeneral 5 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDataIpStatus -- -- apexDataIpStatusGeneral -- apexDataIpMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the MAC address of the APEX Data IP (Enet2) Interface. It is set at the factory and cannot be changed. The string length is 17 characters in the format 'hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh' where 'hh' is a hexadecimal number." ::= { apexDataIpStatusGeneral 1 } apexDataIpSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), interfaceSpeed10Mbps (1), interfaceSpeed100Mbps (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data IP (Enet2) Ethernet speed (10Mbps or 100Mbps). This is determined by the results of the auto-negotiation process. If auto-negotiation fails, the default speed is 100Mbps. This status item is only valid when the Data IP port is enabled and properly configured." ::= { apexDataIpStatusGeneral 2 } apexDataIpDuplexMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), halfDuplex (1), fullDuplex (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data IP (Enet2) Ethernet Duplex Mode (full or half) This is determined by the results of the auto-negotiation process. If auto-negotiation fails, the default mode is Full. This status item is only valid when the Data IP port is enabled and properly configured." ::= { apexDataIpStatusGeneral 3 } apexDataIpInputTsAssignedCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of input transport streams assigned to the Data IP interface." ::= { apexDataIpStatusGeneral 4 } apexDataIpAddrInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the IP Address currently being used by the Data IP port (Enet2). This parameter will be either apexDataIpAddr or an APEX selected IP address. Refer to apexDataIpInUseReason for more information." ::= { apexDataIpStatusGeneral 5 } apexDataIpSubnetMaskInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Subnet Mask currently being used by the Data IP port (Enet2). This parameter will be either apexDataIpSubnetMask or an APEX selected mask. Refer to apexDataIpInUseReason for more information." ::= { apexDataIpStatusGeneral 6 } apexDataIpInUseReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), userConfig (1), directRemConnection (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reason for apexDataIpAddrInUse and apexDataIpSubnetMaskInUse Data IP (Enet2) parameters. 'notApplicable' - Enet2 not configured by user or for REM connection. 'userConfig' - APEX is not overriding user configured parameters. 'directRemConnection' - The DATA IP port (Enet2) is in use for QAM RF Redundancy so the APEX has overridden the user configured parameters. " ::= { apexDataIpStatusGeneral 7 } apexDataIpLinkActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ActiveTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates if the DataIP (ENET2) link is active." ::= { apexDataIpStatusGeneral 8 } apexDataIpCurrentAutoNegotiateState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current auto-negotiation status on DATA IP network " ::= { apexDataIpStatusGeneral 9 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbe -- -- apexGbeConfig -- -- apexGbeConfigGeneral -- apexGbeDefaultGateway1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IP address of the default gateway for Gigabit Ethernet interfaces 1 and 2. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigGeneral 1 } apexGbeDefaultGateway2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IP address of the default gateway for Gigabit Ethernet interfaces 3 and 4. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigGeneral 2 } apexGbeJitterAbsorption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..200) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object is obsolete. Jitter Absorption setting in range of 0 to 200 milliseconds in increments of 5 ms. A change to this parameter will cause the Gigabit Ethernet processor to reset all of its internal Ethernet frame buffers. This will result in a momentary loss of data causing a minor glitch on all output streams. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Range(step=5) @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigGeneral 3 } apexGbeGarpPeriodicity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(20..300) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gratuitous ARP period in range of 20 to 300 seconds. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigGeneral 4 } apexGbeConfigTableApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the Gigabit Ethernet Configuration Table. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the apexGbeConfigTable to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the apexGbeConfigTable has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexGbeConfigGeneral 5 } apexGbeNominalBufferLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(50..475) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Nominal Buffer Level. Range of 50 to 475 milliseconds in increments of 5 ms. A change to this parameter will cause the Gigabit Ethernet processor to reset all of its internal Ethernet frame buffers. This will result in a momentary loss of data causing a minor glitch on all output streams. The buffer level is the normal standard starting level for an input stream buffer. It is highly recommended that this level not be changed from its default setting. The buffer level needs to be set at an appropriate amount to allow for network jitter, clock skew between the APEX and input source, and for maximum time between PCRs (100ms). In addition, the level must not be set too high as the buffer needs to be able to grow as packets are received and PCR processing is applied. This buffer level is the initial level the APEX will attempt to maintain at all times. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigGeneral 6 } apexGbeInputDataTsSmoothingPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(250..650) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Data stream smoothing period. Amount of time in milliseconds over which the GigE will smooth out input streams that do not contain PCRs. This allows the GigE to play out the input streams with the packets equally spaced out over this period. This helps to reduce network jitter and bursts of data to the output. The smoothing period is used in conjunction with the data stream buffer depth to perform this smoothing algorithm. The smoothing period must be equal to or less than the data stream buffer depth. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(bcmr.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigGeneral 7 } apexGbeInputDataTsBufferDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(250..650) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GBE Input Data stream buffer depth. Amount of time in milliseconds that the GigE will buffer input streams that do not contain PCRs. This allows the GigE to buffer these streams to remove network jitter and then play them out with the packets equally spaced out. The buffer depth must be equal to or greater than the data stream smoothing period. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(bcmr.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigGeneral 8 } apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyChange is set to 'applyNotInProgressInvalidData' this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply of a related entry that was invalid. " ::= { apexGbeConfigGeneral 9 } apexGbeConfInputUnicastTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(600..6000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of input stream timeout value (in milliseconds) for unicast inputs. This determines the amount of time a unicast input stream is missing before the APEX will declare the input stream lost. Loss of input is used for determining all SDV failover conditions. It is also used for Manual Routing failover conditions when using hot/warm transport stream redundancy. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Range(step=200) @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigGeneral 10 } apexGbeConfInputMulticastTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(600..6000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of input stream timeout value (in milliseconds) for multicast inputs. This determines the amount of time a unicast input stream is missing before the APEX will declare the input stream lost. Loss of input is used for determining all SDV failover conditions. It is also used for Manual Routing failover conditions when using hot/warm transport stream redundancy. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Range(step=200) @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigGeneral 11 } apexGbeConfLossOfInputTsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RateComparisonTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of input stream type. Determines if detection of loss of an input stream is based on data rate or stream rate. Data rate includes only non-null MPEG packets (such as video and audio packets). Stream rate includes all packets, including null packets. The loss of an input stream uses the timeout value for the specific input (unicast or multicast) and the input type. If no packets are received within the specified timeout value, taking into account the loss of input type checking, then the input stream is determined to be missing. Data rate should be used for detecting loss of input when the input stream is normally null filled. When a user requires notification of a loss of input stream when there is no content streamed, data rate should be selected. Stream rate should be used for detecting loss of input stream when the user requires to be notified when there is no input stream at all being received. Loss of input is used for determining all SDV failover conditions. It is also used for Manual Routing failover conditions when using hot/warm transport stream redundancy. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigGeneral 12 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeConfigTable -- apexGbeConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table of configuration parameters for the Gigabit Ethernet Interfaces. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexGbeConfigTableApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexGbeConfigTableApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfig 2 } apexGbeConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Interface Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeConfigInterfaceNum } ::= { apexGbeConfigTable 1 } ApexGbeConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeConfigInterfaceNum Integer32, apexGbeConfigEnable EnableDisableTYPE, apexGbeConfigIpAddr IpAddress, apexGbeConfigIpSubnetMask IpAddress, apexGbeConfigAutoNegotiate EnableDisableTYPE } apexGbeConfigInterfaceNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Interface Number." ::= { apexGbeConfigEntry 1 } apexGbeConfigEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter enables the Gigabit Ethernet Interface. " ::= { apexGbeConfigEntry 2 } apexGbeConfigIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IP address of this Gigabit Ethernet interface. It is recommended that each Gigabit Ethernet interface be on a different subnet. Each must be given a unique IP address. indicates the interface is not in use. " ::= { apexGbeConfigEntry 3 } apexGbeConfigIpSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is subnet mask of this Gigabit Ethernet interface. " ::= { apexGbeConfigEntry 4 } apexGbeConfigAutoNegotiate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Auto negotiation enabled or disabled. " ::= { apexGbeConfigEntry 5 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeConfigFrameBufferTable -- apexGbeConfigFrameBufferTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeConfigFrameBufferEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table of configuration parameters related to Gigabit Ethernet Frame Buffer statistics gathering. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfig 3 } apexGbeConfigFrameBufferEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeConfigFrameBufferEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Frame Buffer Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeConfigFrameBufferProcessorNum } ::= { apexGbeConfigFrameBufferTable 1 } ApexGbeConfigFrameBufferEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeConfigFrameBufferProcessorNum Integer32, apexGbeConfigFrameBufferMaxInDataRate Unsigned32, apexGbeConfigFrameBufferAlarmThreshold Integer32 } apexGbeConfigFrameBufferProcessorNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Processor Number. Proc 1 = GBE Interfaces 1 and 2 Proc 2 = GBE Interfaces 3 and 4 " ::= { apexGbeConfigFrameBufferEntry 1 } apexGbeConfigFrameBufferMaxInDataRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1000000..2000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum Gigabit Ethernet MPEG input data rate in bps. This is the total amount of MPEG data expected to be received by Gigabit Ethernet frame interfaces on the processor. This data rate is used to determine the frame buffer reset limit. The expected data rate should always be set equal to or greater than the actual input data rate. The value of apexGbeJitterAbsorption can limit the valid range of this data rate. It is highly recommended that the user consult with Arris prior to changing the expected data rate. " ::= { apexGbeConfigFrameBufferEntry 2 } apexGbeConfigFrameBufferAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User defined threshold representing a percentage of frame buffer depth. The frame buffer level is monitored by the APEX and the maximum level is based on the actual input data rate. The threshold percentage is used to determine when to issue a Gigabit Ethernet Frame Buffer Fullness alarm (apexAlarmGbeBufferFullness). " ::= { apexGbeConfigFrameBufferEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeConfigInputRedundancy -- -- apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral -- apexGbeConfInRedundMonitorPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..30) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the time in seconds over which Redundant Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Pairs will be monitored. Range is 1 to 30 seconds. Primary to Secondary Fail Over - The monitored data rate of the Primary must be below the Secondary by apexManRteGbeInRedThreshold (for Manual Routing) percent for apexGbeConfInRedundMonitorPeriod before fail over to Secondary will occur. Fail over to Secondary will not occur if fail over is suspended for the Primary. Secondary to Primary Switch Back - The monitored data rate of the Primary must have returned above apexManRteGbeInRedThreshold (for Manual Routing) percent below the Secondary for apexGbeConfInRedundMonitorPeriod before switch back to Primary will occur. Switch back to Primary will not occur if fail over is suspended for the Secondary. Once the Primary is restored, switch back to Primary will be delayed by apexGbeConfInRedundSwitchTime when apexGbeConfInRedundAutoSwitchBack is 'enabled'. Note that if apexGbeConfInRedundAutoSwitchBack is 'disabled' switch back will not occur. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(gige_red.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral 1 } apexGbeConfInRedundSwitchTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..3600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the time in seconds to wait before switching back to the Primary of a Redundant Gigabit Ethernet Input TS pair after the Primary is healthy. Range is 0 to 3600. This time is in addition to apexGbeConfInRedundMonitorPeriod. Switch back to Primary will not occur if fail over is suspended for the Secondary. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(gige_red.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral 2 } apexGbeConfInRedundAutoSwitchBack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the enable/disable of automatic switch back from Secondary to Primary for Gigabit Ethernet redundancy. When 'enabled', switch back to the Primary will automatically occur when the Primary is restored. When 'disabled', the user must force back to the Primary using apexGbeConfInRedundForceToPrimary or apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitch. This parameter applies to all configured redundant pairs. Auto switch back to the primary will not occur if the user forced a failover to the secondary. Auto switch back only occurs after a non-forced failover event. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(gige_red.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral 3 } apexGbeConfInRedundForceToSecondary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { switchNotInProgress (1), forceSwitch (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Gigabit Ethernet Redundant Pair force switch any pair that is currently on the Primary to the Secondary. This will have no effect if the corresponding row setting of apexManRteGbeInRedEnable is 'disabled'. This will only have an effect when the Primary is the In-Use Input TS of a Redundant Pair (apexInputTsStatPriState or apexInputTsStatSecState is 'openedInUse'). Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral 4 } apexGbeConfInRedundForceToPrimary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { switchNotInProgress (1), forceSwitch (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Gigabit Ethernet Redundant Pair force switch any pair that is currently on the Secondary to the Primary. This will have no effect if the corresponding row setting of apexManRteGbeInRedEnable is 'disabled'. This will only have an effect when the Secondary is the In-Use Input TS of a Redundant Pair (apexInputTsStatPriState or apexInputTsStatSecState is 'openedInUse'). Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral 5 } apexGbeConfInRedundManualRouteRedundType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hotWarm (1), hotHot (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The redundancy type for output streams in Manual Routing operating mode. - hotWarm indicates only 1 input stream, primary or secondary, is open at any one time. For multicast streams, primary will be joined initially. The secondary is joined after a failover (the primary will be dropped prior to joining the secondary). When falling back to the primary, the secondary is dropped (closed), then the primary is joined (opened). - hotHot indicates both the primary and secondary streams are opened at the same time. For multicast streams, both streams are joined immediately. Changes to the redundancy type cannot be made while there are active routes. All routes must be deleted prior to changing the redundancy type. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(gige_red.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigInputRedundancyGeneral 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsTable -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of data for GBE input data stream identification. Each entry in this table identifies a Gigabit Ethernet input stream that is a data stream only. Data streams are streams without PCR. These streams require special processing to avoid overflowing the output. There are 128 rows in this table. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyChange is set to 'apply'. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(bcmr.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfig 5 } apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GBE Input Data Stream Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsIndex } ::= { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsTable 1 } ApexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsIndex Integer32, apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEnable EnableDisableTYPE, apexGbeConfigInputDataTsInterface Integer32, apexGbeConfigInputDataTsUdp Integer32, apexGbeConfigInputDataTsMulticastIp IpAddress, apexGbeConfigInputDataTsSourceIp IpAddress, apexGbeConfigInputDataTsMaxRate Integer32 } apexGbeConfigInputDataTsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of GBE Input Data Stream Table." ::= { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 1 } apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this GBE Input Data Stream entry is enabled or disabled. " ::= { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 2 } apexGbeConfigInputDataTsInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the input interface (Port number). Range: '0' = Not Applicable GBE = 1-4 " ::= { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 3 } apexGbeConfigInputDataTsUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GBE Input UDP Port. Range: 0-65535 " ::= { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 4 } apexGbeConfigInputDataTsMulticastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Multicast receive IP address. An IP address of indicates singlecast only. Multicast IP addresses to are reserved. " ::= { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 5 } apexGbeConfigInputDataTsSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IP address of the source device. This field is only used when a multicast IP address is also specified. " ::= { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 6 } apexGbeConfigInputDataTsMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..54000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum data rate in Kbps for the data stream. A value of zero (0) is the default and the data stream is not rate limited. The maximum data rate limit may not exceed 54 Mbps. " ::= { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsEntry 7 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyTable -- apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the GBE Input Data Stream Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the GBE Input Data Stream table (apexGbeConfigInputDataTsTable). " ::= { apexGbeConfig 6 } apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GBE Input Data Stream Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyIndex } ::= { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyTable 1 } ApexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyIndex Integer32, apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the GBE Input Data Stream Apply Table." ::= { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyEntry 1 } apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the row of data in the GBE Input Data Stream Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the GBE Input Data Stream table. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the table rows to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the table row has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexGbeConfigInputDataTsApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancy -- -- apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyGeneral -- apexGbeConfIfRedundAutoSwitchBackEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables the ability for the secondary interface to switch back when link is re-detected on the primary interface. Auto switch back to the primary interface will not occur if the user forced a failover to the secondary. Auto switch back only occurs after a non-forced failover. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(gige_red.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyGeneral 1 } apexGbeConfIfRedundAutoSwitchBackPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..30) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timer for determining that the primary interface is OK for auto- switchback. The primary interface must have link for the configured amount of time. Valid time is 1-30 seconds. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(gige_red.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyGeneral 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyTable -- apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table of configuration parameters for GbE Interface Redundancy." ::= { apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancy 2 } apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GbE Interface Redundancy Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeConfIfRedundIndex } ::= { apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyTable 1 } ApexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeConfIfRedundIndex Integer32, apexGbeConfIfRedundEnable EnableDisableTYPE, apexGbeConfIfRedundForceFailover INTEGER, apexGbeConfIfRedundSuspendFailover EnableDisableTYPE } apexGbeConfIfRedundIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GbE Interface Pair number. Value of 1 is GbE1 and GbE2 pair. Value of 2 is GbE3 and GbE4 pair." ::= { apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyEntry 1 } apexGbeConfIfRedundEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables GbE Interface Redundancy for ports pair. Failover is based on link status. If the primary GbE fails, the secondary GbE will become active and will start receiving content. There is no data rate comparison, as only one interface in the redundancy pair is active. The secondary GbE cannot be in use prior to enabling redundancy. TS redundancy may not be used at the same time as interface redundancy. Interface redundancy is not applicable when chassis redundancy is enabled. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexGbeConfIfRedundApplyChange is set to 'apply'. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexGbeConfIfRedundApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(gige_red.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyEntry 2 } apexGbeConfIfRedundForceFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { failoverNotInProgress (1), failover (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When set to failover(2), this results in the APEX switching to the interface that is currently not in use. If the primary GbE is in use and this is set to failover(2) mappings will be then routed to the secondary GbE. If the secondary GbE is in use and this is set to failover(2) mappings will then be routed back to the primary GbE. Once written, the change to this table will take immediate @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyEntry 3 } apexGbeConfIfRedundSuspendFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables and disables suspending of Interface failover. Prevents failovers to or from backup. Force failover (apexGbeConfIfRedundForceFailover) overrides this setting. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexGbeConfIfRedundApplyChange is set to 'apply'. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexGbeConfIfRedundApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(gige_red.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyEntry 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyTable -- apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the GBE Interface Redundancy Configuration Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the GBE Config Interface Redundancy table (apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyTable). " ::= { apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancy 3 } apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GBE Config Interface Redundancy Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeConfIfRedundApplyIndex } ::= { apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyTable 1 } ApexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeConfIfRedundApplyIndex Integer32, apexGbeConfIfRedundApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexGbeConfIfRedundApplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the GBE Config Interface Redundancy Table." ::= { apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyEntry 1 } apexGbeConfIfRedundApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the row of data in the GBE Config Interface Redundancy Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the GBE Config Interface Redundancy table. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the GBE Input Data Stream Table row to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the GBE Input Data Stream Table row has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexGbeConfigInterfaceRedundancyApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeStatus -- -- apexGbeStatusGeneral -- apexGbeBootCodeVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX Gigabit Ethernet Processor Boot Code Version." ::= { apexGbeStatusGeneral 1 } apexGbeApplicationCodeVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "APEX Gigabit Ethernet Processor Application Code Version." ::= { apexGbeStatusGeneral 2 } apexGbeMaxInputTs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of Gigabit Ethernet input transport streams that can be opened on this APEX. This is the maximum across all installed GigE interfaces. One GigE interface can use all Input TS." ::= { apexGbeStatusGeneral 3 } apexGbeRoutedPacketUpdateInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in seconds between Gigabit Ethernet Routed Packet Count updates. The count during this time is defined as one sample. This time applies to packet counts contained in apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketTable. To compute rate from packet count for the last update interval: Rate(bps) = (Packet_Count * 188 bytes/packet * 8 bits/byte) / Update_Interval This value is set by the APEX at startup and is constant. " ::= { apexGbeStatusGeneral 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeStatusTable -- apexGbeStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table of status parameters for the Gigabit Ethernet Interface." ::= { apexGbeStatus 2 } apexGbeStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Interface Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeStatusGbeInterfaceNum } ::= { apexGbeStatusTable 1 } ApexGbeStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeStatusGbeInterfaceNum Integer32, apexGbeStatusMacAddr DisplayString, apexGbeStatusLinkActive ActiveTYPE, apexGbeStatusIgmpVersion INTEGER, apexGbeStatusLossOfPhysicalInput INTEGER } apexGbeStatusGbeInterfaceNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Interface Number." ::= { apexGbeStatusEntry 1 } apexGbeStatusMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the MAC address of the Gigabit Ethernet Interface. It is set at the factory and cannot be changed. The string length is 17 characters in the format 'hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh' where 'hh' is a hexadecimal number." ::= { apexGbeStatusEntry 2 } apexGbeStatusLinkActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ActiveTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates if the Gigabit Ethernet optical link is active." ::= { apexGbeStatusEntry 3 } apexGbeStatusIgmpVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), igmpV1 (1), igmpV2 (2), igmpV3 (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the IGMP Version being used on this interface." ::= { apexGbeStatusEntry 4 } apexGbeStatusLossOfPhysicalInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current severity of apexAlarmGbeLossOfPhysicalInput for this interface. " ::= { apexGbeStatusEntry 5 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeInputTsAssignedTable -- apexGbeInputTsAssignedTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeInputTsAssignedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Gigabit Ethernet Input TS Assigned data." ::= { apexGbeStatus 3 } apexGbeInputTsAssignedEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeInputTsAssignedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Interface Input TS Assigned Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeInputTsAssignedGbeInterfaceNum } ::= { apexGbeInputTsAssignedTable 1 } ApexGbeInputTsAssignedEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeInputTsAssignedGbeInterfaceNum Integer32, apexGbeInputTsAssignedCount Counter32 } apexGbeInputTsAssignedGbeInterfaceNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Gigabit Ethernet Input TS Assigned Table. Represents the Gigabit Ethernet interface number." ::= { apexGbeInputTsAssignedEntry 1 } apexGbeInputTsAssignedCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of input transport streams assigned to the GigE interface." ::= { apexGbeInputTsAssignedEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortTable -- apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeOpenInputUdpPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Gigabit Ethernet Input Open UDP Port data." ::= { apexGbeStatus 4 } apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeOpenInputUdpPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Interface Input Open UDP Port Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortGbeInterfaceNum } ::= { apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortTable 1 } ApexGbeOpenInputUdpPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortGbeInterfaceNum Integer32, apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortCount Counter32 } apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortGbeInterfaceNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Gigabit Ethernet Input Open UDP Port Table. Represents the Gigabit Ethernet interface number." ::= { apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortEntry 1 } apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of open Input UDP Ports on the GigE interface." ::= { apexGbeOpenInputUdpPortEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketTable -- apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeStatusRoutedPacketEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains Gigabit Ethernet MPEG packet counts for each Output Transport Stream of this APEX. Update interval is apexGbeRoutedPacketUpdateInterval." ::= { apexGbeStatus 5 } apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeStatusRoutedPacketEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Interface Status Routed Packet Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketOutputTsNum } ::= { apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketTable 1 } ApexGbeStatusRoutedPacketEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketOutputTsNum Integer32, apexGbeStatusTotRoutedPackets Counter32, apexGbeStatusNumRoutedPackets Counter32 } apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Gigabit Ethernet Routed Packet Status Table. Represents Output Transport Stream number." ::= { apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketEntry 1 } apexGbeStatusTotRoutedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of Gigabit Ethernet MPEG packets routed to this Output Transport Stream." ::= { apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketEntry 2 } apexGbeStatusNumRoutedPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Gigabit Ethernet MPEG packets routed to this Output Transport Stream during the last monitoring period (apexGbeRoutedPacketUpdateInterval)." ::= { apexGbeStatusRoutedPacketEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeStatusFrameCounter -- -- apexGbeStatusFrameCounterGeneral -- apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTableResetAll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ResetStatisticsTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset Ethernet Frame Counter Totals for all GigE interfaces: - apexGbeTotalRxSinglecastFrames - apexGbeTotalRxMulticastFrames - apexGbeTotalRxBroadcastFrames - apexGbeTotalRxErrorFrames - apexGbeTotalRxFrames - apexGbeTotalTxGoodFrames - apexGbeTotalTxErrorFrames Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterGeneral 1 } apexGbeFrameCounterUpdateInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in seconds between Gigabit Ethernet Frame Counter updates. The count during this time is defined as one sample. This time applies to packet counts contained in apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTable. To compute rate from frame count for the last update interval: Rate(bps) = (Frame_Count * 7 packets/frame 188 bytes/packet * 8 bits/byte) / Update_Interval This value is set by the APEX at startup and is constant. " ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterGeneral 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTable -- apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Gigabit Ethernet Frame Counter Statistics." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounter 2 } apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Interface Frame Counter Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeFrameCounterGbeInterfaceNum } ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTable 1 } ApexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeFrameCounterGbeInterfaceNum Integer32, apexGbeFrameCounterReset ResetStatisticsTYPE, apexGbeTotalRxSinglecastFrames Counter32, apexGbeTotalRxMulticastFrames Counter32, apexGbeTotalRxBroadcastFrames Counter32, apexGbeTotalRxErrorFrames Counter32, apexGbeTotalRxFrames Counter32, apexGbeRxSinglecastFrames Counter32, apexGbeRxMulticastFrames Counter32, apexGbeRxBroadcastFrames Counter32, apexGbeRxErrorFrames Counter32, apexGbeRxFrames Counter32, apexGbeTotalTxGoodFrames Counter32, apexGbeTotalTxErrorFrames Counter32, apexGbeTxGoodFrames Counter32, apexGbeTxErrorFrames Counter32, apexGbeRxDocsisFrames Counter32, apexGbeRxMpegDocsisFrames Counter32, apexGbeTotalRxDocsisFrames Counter32, apexGbeIpFragmentedPkts Counter32, apexGbeTotalIpFragmentedPkts Counter32 } apexGbeFrameCounterGbeInterfaceNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Gigabit Ethernet Frame Counter Table. Represents the Gigabit Ethernet interface number." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 1 } apexGbeFrameCounterReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ResetStatisticsTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset Ethernet Frame Counter Statistics totals for a single GigE interface: - apexGbeTotalRxSinglecastFrames - apexGbeTotalRxMulticastFrames - apexGbeTotalRxBroadcastFrames - apexGbeTotalRxErrorFrames - apexGbeTotalRxFrames - apexGbeTotalTxGoodFrames - apexGbeTotalTxErrorFrames Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 2 } apexGbeTotalRxSinglecastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of singlecast Ethernet frames received since last reset. Reset using apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTableResetAll or apexGbeFrameCounterReset." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 3 } apexGbeTotalRxMulticastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of multicast Ethernet frames received since last reset. Reset using apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTableResetAll or apexGbeFrameCounterReset." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 4 } apexGbeTotalRxBroadcastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of broadcast Ethernet frames received since last reset. Reset using apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTableResetAll or apexGbeFrameCounterReset." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 5 } apexGbeTotalRxErrorFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of bad Ethernet frames received since last reset. Reset using apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTableResetAll or apexGbeFrameCounterReset." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 6 } apexGbeTotalRxFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of Ethernet frames received since last reset. This is the sum of apexGbeTotalRxSinglecastFrames, apexGbeTotalRxMulticastFrames, apexGbeTotalRxBroadcastFrames, and apexGbeTotalRxErrorFrames. Reset using apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTableResetAll or apexGbeFrameCounterReset." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 7 } apexGbeRxSinglecastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of singlecast Ethernet frames received during last status checking interval. Status checking interval is apexGbeFrameCounterUpdateInterval." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 8 } apexGbeRxMulticastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of multicast Ethernet frames received during last status checking interval. Status checking interval is apexGbeFrameCounterUpdateInterval." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 9 } apexGbeRxBroadcastFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of broadcast Ethernet frames received during last status checking interval. Status checking interval is apexGbeFrameCounterUpdateInterval." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 10 } apexGbeRxErrorFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bad Ethernet frames received during last status checking interval. Status checking interval is apexGbeFrameCounterUpdateInterval." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 11 } apexGbeRxFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Ethernet frames received during last status checking interval. This is the sum of apexGbeRxSinglecastFrames, apexGbeRxMulticastFrames, apexGbeRxBroadcastFrames, and apexGbeRxErrorFrames. Status checking interval is five seconds." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 12 } apexGbeTotalTxGoodFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of good Ethernet frames (singlecast, multicast, and broadcast) transmitted since last reset. Reset using apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTableResetAll or apexGbeFrameCounterReset." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 13 } apexGbeTotalTxErrorFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of bad Ethernet frames transmitted since last reset. Reset using apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTableResetAll or apexGbeFrameCounterReset." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 14 } apexGbeTxGoodFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of good Ethernet frames (singlecast, multicast, and broadcast) transmitted during last status checking interval. Status checking interval is five seconds." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 15 } apexGbeTxErrorFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bad Ethernet frames transmitted during last status checking interval. Status checking interval is five seconds." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 16 } apexGbeRxDocsisFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of good Ethernet frames containing DOCSIS (singlecast, multicast, and broadcast) received during last status checking interval. Status checking interval is five seconds." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 17 } apexGbeTotalRxDocsisFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of good Ethernet frames containing DOCSIS(singlecast, multicast, and broadcast) received since last reset. Reset using apexGbeStatusFrameCounterTableResetAll or apexGbeFrameCounterReset." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 18 } apexGbeRxMpegDocsisFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of MPEG packets generated from DOCSIS data (singlecast, multicast, and broadcast) received during last status checking interval. Status checking interval is five seconds." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 19 } apexGbeIpFragmentedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of IP fragmented packets received during last status checking interval. Status checking interval is five seconds." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 20 } apexGbeTotalIpFragmentedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of IP fragmented packets received during last status checking interval. Status checking interval is five seconds." ::= { apexGbeStatusFrameCounterEntry 21 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeFrameBufferStats -- -- apexGbeFrameBufferStatsGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeFrameBufferStatsTable -- apexGbeFrameBufferStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Gigabit Ethernet Frame Buffer Statistics for each GBE processor." ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferStats 2 } apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Frame Buffer Statistics Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeFrameBufferProcessorNum } ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferStatsTable 1 } ApexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeFrameBufferProcessorNum Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferResetLevelLimit Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferCurrMsLevel Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferCurrPercentFull Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferUnderflowLevel Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferOverflowLevel Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferAlarmStatus INTEGER } apexGbeFrameBufferProcessorNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the Gigabit Ethernet Buffer Statistics Table. Gigabit Ethernet Processor Number. Proc 1 = GBE Interfaces 1 and 2 Proc 2 = GBE Interfaces 3 and 4 " ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 1 } apexGbeFrameBufferResetLevelLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The point at which the GigE frame buffer will be reset, in milliseconds. This value is equal to (maximum buffer depth - 5). The maximum buffer depth is calculated based on the expected input data rate (apexGbeConfigFrameBufferMaxInDataRate)." ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 2 } apexGbeFrameBufferCurrMsLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current highest Gigabit Ethernet Frame Buffer level in milliseconds." ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 3 } apexGbeFrameBufferCurrPercentFull OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current highest Gigabit Ethernet Frame Buffer fullness as a percentage of the buffer depth available for a given aggregate rate. This percentage is calculated using the current buffer level (apexGbeFrameBufferCurrMsLevel) and the actual input data rate." ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 4 } apexGbeFrameBufferUnderflowLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The point at which the GigE frame buffer will underflow, in milliseconds. This value is calculated based on the sum of the number of received frames per second for all interfaces." ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 5 } apexGbeFrameBufferOverflowLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The point at which the GigE frame buffer will overflow, in milliseconds. This value is calculated based on the sum of the number of received frames per second for all interfaces." ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 6 } apexGbeFrameBufferAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current highest severity of apexAlarmGbeBufferFullness for the GBE Processor. " ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferStatsEntry 7 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyTable -- apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Gigabit Ethernet Frame Buffer Statistics. There can be up to 24 entries in the table for each GBE Processor. Each entry represents one hour. The newest entry is placed at the beginning of the table and, if necessary, the oldest entry is pushed off the end of the table. The table will not be full until 24 hours have passed." ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferStats 3 } apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Interface Frame Buffer Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyProcessorNum, apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyIndex } ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyTable 1 } ApexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyProcessorNum Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyIndex Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyInInterface Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyInUdp Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyInMulticastIp IpAddress, apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyInSourceIp IpAddress, apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyMaxMsLevel Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyMaxPercentFull Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyGpsTime Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyOverflows Integer32, apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyResets Integer32 } apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyProcessorNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "First index of the Gigabit Ethernet Buffer Status Table. Gigabit Ethernet Processor Number. Proc 1 = GBE Interfaces 1 and 2 Proc 2 = GBE Interfaces 3 and 4 " ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 1 } apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..24) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Second index of the Gigabit Ethernet Buffer Status Table. Each index represents one hour. There can be up to 24 entries in the table. The most recent entry is always at the beginning of the table." ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 2 } apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyInInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the input interface for the Gigabit Ethernet interface that experienced the highest buffer level for the hour. " ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 3 } apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyInUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input UDP Port for the Gigabit Ethernet interface that experienced the highest buffer level for the hour. " ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 4 } apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyInMulticastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Multicast IP address for the Gigabit Ethernet interface that experienced the highest buffer level for the hour. " ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 5 } apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyInSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input IGMP v3 Source IP for the Gigabit Ethernet interface that experienced the highest buffer level for the hour. " ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 6 } apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyMaxMsLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum Gigabit Ethernet frame buffer level (in milliseconds) recorded for the hour." ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 7 } apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyMaxPercentFull OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum Gigabit Ethernet frame buffer level percentage recorded for the hour." ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 8 } apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyGpsTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The GPS time when the maximum Gigabit Ethernet frame buffer level was reached." ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 9 } apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyOverflows OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of overflows recorded on Gigabit Ethernet interface for the hour." ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 10 } apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyResets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of resets reported by the GigE processor during the hour." ::= { apexGbeFrameBufferHourlyEntry 11 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeStatusInputTransportStream -- -- apexGbeStatusInputTsGeneral -- apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in seconds between Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Packet Count updates. The count during this time is defined as one sample. This time applies to packet counts contained in apexGbeStatusInputTsTable. To compute rate from packet count for the last update interval: Rate(bps) = (Packet_Count * 188 bytes/packet * 8 bits/byte) / Update_Interval This value is set by the APEX at startup and is constant. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeStatusInputTsTable -- apexGbeStatusInputTsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeStatusInputTsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream status. A row in this table corresponds to the same index row in apexInputTsStatTable and apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorTable. Packet Counts are updated every apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval. The count during a apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval is a sample. The samples are accumulated into a set of rolling statistics that cover a maximum of a 15 minute sampling time period. The sampling period is the amount of time over which the data in the corresponding row has been collected. When the sampling period reaches 15 minutes, old data is removed from the accumulated statistics and new data is rolled in. In this way, the average, minimum, and peak rates for the sampling period are maintained. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTransportStream 2 } apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeStatusInputTsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeStatInTsInputTsNum } ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsTable 1 } ApexGbeStatusInputTsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeStatInTsInputTsNum Integer32, apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod Integer32, apexGbeStatInTsPriCurDataCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsPriAvgDataCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsPriMinDataCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsPriPeakDataCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsPriCurStreamCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsPriAvgStreamCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsPriMinStreamCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsPriPeakStreamCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsSecCurDataCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsSecAvgDataCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsSecMinDataCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsSecPeakDataCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsSecCurStreamCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsSecAvgStreamCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsSecMinStreamCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsSecPeakStreamCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsTotPacketDropCount Counter32, apexGbeStatInTsCurPacketDropCount Counter32 } apexGbeStatInTsInputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Status table index. A row in this table corresponds to the same index row in apexInputTsStatTable and apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorTable. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 1 } apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..900) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total time, in seconds, over which the packet counts statistics in this row have been collected. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 2 } apexGbeStatInTsPriCurDataCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Data Packet Count of the most recent sample for the primary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 3 } apexGbeStatInTsPriAvgDataCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Average Data Packet Count per sample during apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod for the primary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 4 } apexGbeStatInTsPriMinDataCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Minimum Data Packet Count sample during apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod for the primary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 5 } apexGbeStatInTsPriPeakDataCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Peak Data Packet Count sample during apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod for the primary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 6 } apexGbeStatInTsPriCurStreamCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Transport Stream Packet Count of the most recent sample for the primary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 7 } apexGbeStatInTsPriAvgStreamCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Average Transport Stream Packet Count per sample during apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod for the primary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 8 } apexGbeStatInTsPriMinStreamCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Minimum Transport Stream Packet Count sample during apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod for the primary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 9 } apexGbeStatInTsPriPeakStreamCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Peak Transport Stream Packet Count sample during apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod for the primary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 10 } apexGbeStatInTsSecCurDataCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Data Packet Count of the most recent sample for the secondary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 11 } apexGbeStatInTsSecAvgDataCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Average Data Packet Count per sample during apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod for the secondary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 12 } apexGbeStatInTsSecMinDataCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Minimum Data Packet Count sample during apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod for the secondary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 13 } apexGbeStatInTsSecPeakDataCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Peak Data Packet Count sample during apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod for the secondary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 14 } apexGbeStatInTsSecCurStreamCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Transport Stream Packet Count of the most recent sample for the secondary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 15 } apexGbeStatInTsSecAvgStreamCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Average Transport Stream Packet Count per sample during apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod for the secondary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 16 } apexGbeStatInTsSecMinStreamCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Minimum Transport Stream Packet Count sample during apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod for the secondary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 17 } apexGbeStatInTsSecPeakStreamCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Peak Transport Stream Packet Count sample during apexGbeStatInTsSamplingPeriod for the secondary. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsTable for an explanation of packet counting. Refer to the description of apexGbeStatusInputTsUpdateInterval for an explanation of update interval and computing rates. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 18 } apexGbeStatInTsTotPacketDropCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of dropped packets for the Input Transport Stream. Clear using apexGbeStatusInputTsDropCounterClearAll. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 19 } apexGbeStatInTsCurPacketDropCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of packets dropped for the Input Transport Stream in the last five (5) seconds. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsEntry 20 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorTable -- apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Error status. A row in this table corresponds to the same index row in apexInputTsStatTable and apexGbeStatusInputTsTable. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTransportStream 3 } apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeStatInTsErrorInputTsNum } ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorTable 1 } ApexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeStatInTsErrorInputTsNum Integer32, apexGbeStatInTsPriErrorSummary INTEGER, apexGbeStatInTsPriLowBitRateError INTEGER, apexGbeStatInTsPriHighBitRateError INTEGER, apexGbeStatInTsMptsRedundPriError INTEGER, apexGbeStatInTsMptsRedundFailError INTEGER, apexGbeStatInTsSecErrorSummary INTEGER, apexGbeStatInTsSecLowBitRateError INTEGER, apexGbeStatInTsSecHighBitRateError INTEGER, apexGbeStatInTsPriLossInputError INTEGER, apexGbeStatInTsSecLossInputError INTEGER, apexGbeStatInTsPacketDropError INTEGER } apexGbeStatInTsErrorInputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Error Status table index. A row in this table corresponds to the same index row in apexInputTsStatTable and apexGbeStatusInputTsTable. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 1 } apexGbeStatInTsPriErrorSummary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current highest error of the following errors for the primary input transport stream: apexGbeStatInTsPriLowBitRateError apexGbeStatInTsPriHighBitRateError apexGbeStatInTsMptsRedundPriError apexGbeStatInTsMptsRedundFailError apexGbeStatInTsPriLossInputError apexGbeStatInTsPriPacketDropError " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 2 } apexGbeStatInTsPriLowBitRateError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current low bit rate state for the primary input stream. Ok indicates no errors or not checking low bit rate. Error indicates primary input stream is below the low bit rate specified. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 3 } apexGbeStatInTsPriHighBitRateError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current high bit rate state for the primary input stream. Ok indicates no errors or not checking high bit rate. Error indicates primary input stream is above the high bit rate specified. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 4 } apexGbeStatInTsMptsRedundPriError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current redundant threshold state for the primary input stream. Ok indicates no errors or input stream is not part of a redundant pair. Error indicates primary input stream is below the threshold level specified. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 5 } apexGbeStatInTsMptsRedundFailError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current fail over state for a redundancy pair. Ok indicates no errors or input stream is not part of a redundant pair. Error indicates primary input stream is no longer in use and the APEX has fallen over to use the secondary input stream. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 6 } apexGbeStatInTsSecErrorSummary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current highest error state of the following for the secondary input transport stream: apexGbeStatInTsSecLowBitRateError apexGbeStatInTsSecHighBitRateError apexGbeStatInTsSecLossInputError " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 7 } apexGbeStatInTsSecLowBitRateError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current low bit rate state for the secondary input stream. Ok indicates no errors or not checking low bit rate. Error indicates secondary input stream is below the low bit rate specified. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 8 } apexGbeStatInTsSecHighBitRateError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current high bit rate state for the secondary input stream. Ok indicates no errors or not checking high bit rate. Error indicates secondary input stream is above the high bit rate specified. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 9 } apexGbeStatInTsPriLossInputError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current loss of input stream state for the primary input stream. Ok indicates no errors or not checking for loss of input stream. Error indicates primary input stream is missing. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 10 } apexGbeStatInTsSecLossInputError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current loss of input stream state for the secondary input stream. Ok indicates no errors or not checking for loss of input stream. Error indicates secondary input stream is missing. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 11 } apexGbeStatInTsPacketDropError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current packet drop state for the active input stream. Ok indicates no errors or not checking for packet drops. Error indicates there are packet drops on the active input stream. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsErrorEntry 12 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedund -- -- apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundTable -- apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table of status parameters for GbE Interface Redundancy." ::= { apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedund 1 } apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GbE Interface Redundancy Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundIndex } ::= { apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundTable 1 } ApexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundIndex Integer32, apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundActiveIf Integer32, apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundInvalidApplyText DisplayString, apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundFaultCondition INTEGER } apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..2) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GbE Interface Pair number. Value of 1 is GbE1 and GbE2 pair. Value of 2 is GbE3 and GbE4 pair." ::= { apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry 1 } apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundActiveIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current active interface for the redundant pair. This is only applicable if GbE Interface Redundancy is enabled for the pair. If GbE Interface Redundancy is not enabled it will be set to zero. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry 2 } apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexGbeConfIfRedundApplyChange is set to applyNotInProgressInvalidData this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply of an entry that was invalid." ::= { apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry 3 } apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundFaultCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current fault condition of the GbE Interface pair. Reflects apexAlarmGbeInterfaceRedundFailOver for this redundant pair. " ::= { apexGbeStatusInterfaceRedundEntry 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeStatusInputTsDropCounter -- -- apexGbeStatusInputTsDropCounterGeneral -- apexGbeStatusInputTsDropCounterClearAll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClearCountersTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clear dropped packet counts for all Input Streams: - apexGbeStatInTsTotPacketDropCount Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexGbeStatusInputTsDropCounterGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeSfp -- -- apexGbeSfpConfig -- -- apexGbeSfpConfigGeneral -- apexGbeSfpUpdateStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), updateNotInProgress (1), update (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When set to 'update' the APEX will update the apexGbeSfpStatusTable by performing an one-time read of SFP memory. APEX sets back to 'updateNotInProgress' when complete. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexGbeSfpConfigGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeSfpStatus -- -- apexGbeSfpStatusTable -- apexGbeSfpStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeSfpStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of SFP status parameters. Indexed by Gigabit Ethernet Interface Number. " ::= { apexGbeSfpStatus 2 } apexGbeSfpStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeSfpStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SFP status table entry." INDEX { apexGbeSfpStatusGbeIfNum } ::= { apexGbeSfpStatusTable 1 } ApexGbeSfpStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeSfpStatusGbeIfNum Integer32, apexGbeSfpStatusVendorId DisplayString, apexGbeSfpStatusDiagInfo DisplayString } apexGbeSfpStatusGbeIfNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Interface Number." ::= { apexGbeSfpStatusEntry 1 } apexGbeSfpStatusVendorId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ASCII format of bytes 0-127 from SFP-MSA ID Memory Map address A0h. Zero-length indicates that no SFP module is installed. " ::= { apexGbeSfpStatusEntry 2 } apexGbeSfpStatusDiagInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ASCII format of bytes 96-127 from SFP Diagnostic Memory address A2h. Zero-length indicates that diagnostic information is not available. " ::= { apexGbeSfpStatusEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQam -- -- apexQamConfig -- -- apexQamConfigGeneral -- apexQamConfigTransmissionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { annexB-ATSC-DCII (1), annexA-DVB (2), annexC-Asia-Pacific (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the QAM Transmission Mode as defined in: Series J: Transmission of Television, Sound Programme and other Multimedia Signals, ITU-T J.83. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexQamConfigGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamModuleUpgrade -- apexQamModuleUpgradeSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..3) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the QAM slot number of the QAM Module that is being upgraded from a 2x4 channel module to a 2x8 channel module. Zero indicates no slot selected. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexQamModuleUpgradeApplyChange is set to 'apply'. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexQamModuleUpgradeApplyChange, value=2) " ::= { apexQamModuleUpgrade 1 } apexQamModuleUpgradeCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..48)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the encrypted upgrade code for the QAM Module that is being upgraded from a 2x4 channel module to a 2x8 channel module. The Upgrade Code is specific to a QAM Module and can only be used for the QAM Module with the serial number for which the Upgrade Code was created. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after the corresponding apexQamModuleUpgradeApplyChange is set to 'apply'. This parameter is cleared by the APEX after the apply is complete. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexQamModuleUpgradeApplyChange, value=2) " ::= { apexQamModuleUpgrade 2 } apexQamModuleUpgradeApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the Apply for QAM Module Upgrade Slot and Code. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for apexQamModuleUpgradeSlot and apexQamModuleUpgradeCode to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after apexQamModuleUpgradeSlot and apexQamModuleUpgradeCode has been configured. The APEX will set this to applyNotInProgressInvalidData if the Upgrade Code is incorrect and the QAM Module is not upgraded. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexQamModuleUpgrade 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamConfigApplyTable -- apexQamConfigApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQamConfigApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the data for apexQamRfConfigTable. " ::= { apexQamConfig 3 } apexQamConfigApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQamConfigApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Configuration Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexQamConfigApplyRfPortNum } ::= { apexQamConfigApplyTable 1 } ApexQamConfigApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQamConfigApplyRfPortNum Integer32, apexQamConfigApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexQamConfigApplyRfPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM RF Port number. Port 1,2,7,8 is Slot 1 Port 3,4,9,10 is Slot 2 Port 5,6,11,12 is Slot 3" ::= { apexQamConfigApplyEntry 1 } apexQamConfigApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for a row of data in apexQamRfConfigTable. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the apexQamRfConfigTable. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the rows to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the configuration table rows has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexQamConfigApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamRfConfigTable -- apexQamRfConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQamRfConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of configuration items configurable on a QAM RF Port basis. There can be up to 12 RF Ports on an APEX1000 depending on how the 3 QAM slots are populated. There can be 2 or 4 RF Ports in each QAM slot. The 2 RF Ports in a 2x8(2x4) QAM module (1,2) in a QAM slot are mapped to table rows as follows: Slot Rows (RF port) 1 1,2 2 3,4 3 5,6 If a QAM Module in a slot only has 2 RF ports, the first three rows in this table for that slot are to be used. For example, if there is a 2x4 or 2x8 module in slot 3, port 5 and 6 are to be used for configuring the RF Ports of the module. The 4 RF Ports in a 4x4 QAM module (1,2,7,8) in a QAM slot are mapped to table rows as follows: Slot Rows (RF port) 1 1,2,7,8 2 3,4,9,10 3 5,6,11,12 All entries/rows in this table are used for the 4x4 QAM Module with any exceptions noted in the descriptions for the table entries. All entries in this table have the same ranges for the 4x4 QAM Module with any exceptions noted in the descriptions for the table entries. Refer to the description of apexQamChannelConfigTable for information on QAM Channel to RF Port mapping. Tables apexQamRfPortChannelInfoTable and apexQamChannelIdTable can be used to assist in referencing between QAM slots, RF Ports, and QAM Channels (Output Transport Streams) for the installed modules. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexQamConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexQamConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexQamConfig 4 } apexQamRfConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQamRfConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM RF Port Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexQamRfConfigRfPortNum } ::= { apexQamRfConfigTable 1 } ApexQamRfConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQamRfConfigRfPortNum Integer32, apexQamRfConfigNumChannelsEnabled Integer32, apexQamRfConfigModulationMode INTEGER, apexQamRfConfigSymbolRate Integer32, apexQamRfConfigSpectrumInvert INTEGER, apexQamRfConfigTuningMode INTEGER, apexQamRfConfigEiaFrequencyPlan INTEGER, apexQamRfConfigEiaChanNumChannelA Integer32, apexQamRfConfigRfCenterFreqChannelA Integer32, apexQamRfConfigRfChanSpacing Integer32, apexQamRfConfigRfLevelAttenuation Integer32, apexQamRfConfigRfLevelLowThreshold Integer32, apexQamRfConfigRfLevelHighThreshold Integer32, apexQamRfConfigMute INTEGER, apexQamRfConfigInterleaverDepth1 INTEGER, apexQamRfConfigInterleaverDepth2 INTEGER } apexQamRfConfigRfPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM RF Port number." ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 1 } apexQamRfConfigNumChannelsEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..8) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of QAM Channels enabled on the RF Port. APEX will not allow enabling of more channels than the installed QAM Module will support. Note that when this parameter is changed and applied there will be an interruption in service on all active channels on this RF Port. When QAM Transmission Mode is 'annexA-DVB', enabled channels is also limited by the Channel Spacing such that the total bandwidth of the RF must not exceed 48 MHz. " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 2 } apexQamRfConfigModulationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { qam64 (1), qam256 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM Modulation mode for the QAM RF Port. This is the QAM Modulation mode of all QAM Channels enabled on the RF Port. For 4x4 QAM Modules: This parameter applies on an RF pair basis, 1-2 and 7-8. APEX1000 will use only odd table indices. Even index of pair will be ignored and set to value for odd index of pair. " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 3 } apexQamRfConfigSymbolRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(800000..6980000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Symbol Rate Setting of the QAM Channels enabled on the RF Port. It is in symbols per second (sps). When QAM Transmission Mode is 'annexA-DVB' the range is 800,000 sps to 6,980,000 sps in 1000 sps steps. When QAM Transmission Mode is 'annexC-Asia-Pacific' the range is 800,000 sps to 5,310,000 sps in 1000 sps steps. The APEX will correct values not on a 1000 sps boundary so the user or management system does not need to enforce the step size. When QAM Transmission Mode is 'annexB-ATSC-DCII' this parameter is not configurable and is set by the APEX based on QAM Modulation Mode. For 4x4 QAM Modules: This parameter applies on an RF pair basis, 1-2 and 7-8. APEX1000 will use only odd table indices. Even index of pair will be ignored and set to value for odd index of pair. @Range(step=1000) " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 4 } apexQamRfConfigSpectrumInvert OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), invert (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Spectrum Inversion Setting of the QAM Channels enabled on the RF Port. " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 5 } apexQamRfConfigTuningMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { frequency (1), channel (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tuning mode of the QAM Channels enabled on the RF Port. 'frequency' - The APEX tunes based on frequency as configured in RF Center Frequency for QAM Channel A and channel spacing as configured in RF Channel Spacing to determine the frequency of the B - H channels. 'channel' - The APEX tunes based on channel as configured in Channel Number for QAM Channel A using the selected Frequency Plan. The APEX will set the B - H channels to the next sequential channels. Applies only when QAM Transmission Mode is 'annexB-ATSC-DCII'. " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 6 } apexQamRfConfigEiaFrequencyPlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { std (1), hrc (2), irc (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the frequency plan to use for tuning of the QAM Channels enabled on the RF Port. Frequency plans are as per CEA Standard: Cable Television Channel Identification Plan (CEA-542-B). This parameter is valid only when QAM Transmission Mode is 'annexB-ATSC-DCII'. 'std' - Standard (STD) North American frequency plan. 'hrc' - Harmonic Related Carrier (HRC) frequency plan. 'irc' - Incremental Related Carrier (IRC) frequency plan. " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 7 } apexQamRfConfigEiaChanNumChannelA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..158) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Channel Number for QAM Channel A. Range is 0 to 158, with valid channels being 1 to 158 and 0 indicating 'not applicable'. This parameter is valid only when QAM Transmission Mode is 'annexB-ATSC-DCII'. This parameter is configurable only when Tuning Mode is 'channel'. When Tuning Mode is 'channel', this is the Channel Number used to determine the output frequency of QAM Channel A using the selected Frequency Plan. When Tuning Mode is 'frequency', this value is determined by the APEX using the selected Frequency Plan. If there is no channel number for the frequency, the value is set to zero. This parameter is not configurable for Transmission Modes of 'annexA-DVB' or 'annexC-Asia-Pacific' and the value is set to zero by the APEX. Channel 1 is not defined in CEA Standard: Cable Television Channel Identification Plan (CEA-542-B) for the Standard (STD) North American frequency plan. Channel 1 cannot be selected when apexQamRfConfigEiaFrequencyPlan is 'std'. Channel 2 as defined in defined in CEA Standard: Cable Television Channel Identification Plan (CEA-542-B) for the Harmonic Related Carrier (HRC) frequency plan is below the APEX 57 MHz minimum frequency. Channel 2 cannot be selected when apexQamRfConfigEiaFrequencyPlan is 'hrc'. For 4x4 QAM Modules: Channels with frequencies below 69 MHz may not be available. This limitation is dependent upon the HW version installed and number of channels enabled. " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 8 } apexQamRfConfigRfCenterFreqChannelA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(57000000..999000000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RF Center Frequency for QAM Channel A. When QAM Transmission Mode is 'annexA-DVB' the range is 85,000,000 Hz to 999,000,000 Hz in 250,000 Hz steps. For 2x4/2x8 QAM Modules: When QAM Transmission Mode is 'annexB-ATSC-DCII' or 'annexC-Asia-Pacific' the range is 57,000,000 Hz to 999,000,000 Hz in 250,000 Hz steps. For 4x4 QAM Modules: When QAM Transmission Mode is 'annexB-ATSC-DCII' or 'annexC-Asia-Pacific' the range may be limited to 69,000,000 Hz to 999,000,000 Hz in 250,000 Hz steps. This limitation is dependent upon the HW version installed and number of channels enabled. The APEX will correct values not on a 250 kHz boundary so the user or management system does not need to enforce the step size. This parameter is configurable ONLY when Tuning Mode is 'frequency'. When Tuning Mode is 'channel', the value is set by the APEX using the selected Frequency Plan. @Range(step=250000) " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 9 } apexQamRfConfigRfChanSpacing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1000000..8000000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Channel spacing for the QAM Channels enabled on the RF Port. This value must be in Hz in the range 1,000,000 Hz to 8,000,000 Hz in 500,000 Hz steps. The APEX will correct values not on a 500,000 Hz boundary so the user or management system does not need to enforce the step size. For 2x4/2x8 QAM Modules: When Transmission Mode is 'annexA-DVB' this value is configurable. Note that number of channels enabled can be affected by changing channel spacing. The total bandwidth of the RF must not exceed 48 MHz. For 2x4/2x8 QAM Modules: When Transmission Mode is 'annexB-ATSC-DCII' or 'annexC-Asia-Pacific' this value is fixed and is set by the APEX. For 4x4 QAM Modules: This value is fixed and is set by the APEX. @Range(step=500000) " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 10 } apexQamRfConfigRfLevelAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-300..800) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RF level attenuation setting of each enabled channel on the RF Port. Range is -300 to 800 representing -3 to 8 dB attenuation in 0.01 dB steps. (See 'Note' below.) Positive values are the amount below the nominal RF output level for the number of channels enabled on the RF Port. Negative values are the amount above the nominal. Number Nominal dBmV dBmV Channels dBmV W/-300 W/800 1 60 63 52 2 56 59 48 4 52 55 44 6 50 53 42 8 49 52 41 Note: Early APEX only supported attenuation. Gain was added later, hence the negative attenuation values for this parameter. For clarity, the APEX Element Manager display indicates 'RF Level Adjust', with a user selectable range of -8.00 to +3.00 dB, rather than 'Attenuation'. The APEX EM then sets this MIB parameter appropriately. " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 11 } apexQamRfConfigRfLevelLowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold delta relative to the configured RF level that will indicate an RF Low condition. The measured output must drop this amount for RF Low condition. Range is 0 to 100 representing 0 to 10 dB in 0.1 dB steps. " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 12 } apexQamRfConfigRfLevelHighThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold delta relative to the configured RF level that will indicate an RF High condition. The measured output must rise this amount for RF High condition. Range is 0 to 100 representing 0 to 10 dB in 0.1 dB steps. " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 13 } apexQamRfConfigMute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unmute (1), mute (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mute the RF Port. This will mute all QAM channels enabled on the RF Port. " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 14 } apexQamRfConfigInterleaverDepth1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { i64-j2 (1), i32-j4 (2), i16-j8 (3), i8-j16 (4), i128-j1 (5), i128-j2 (6), i128-j3 (7), i128-j4 (8), i128-j5 (9), i128-j6 (10), i128-j7 (11), i128-j8 (12) , i12-j17 (13) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The first of two Interleaver settings that can be assigned to the QAM Channels of this RF Port. Configurable only for Transmission Mode 'annexB-ATSC-DCII'. Values 1 to 12 used only for Transmission Mode 'annexB-ATSC-DCII'. Value 13 (i12-j17) used only for Transmission Modes 'annexA-DVB' and 'annexC-Asia-Pacific' and is set by the APEX. " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 15 } apexQamRfConfigInterleaverDepth2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { i64-j2 (1), i32-j4 (2), i16-j8 (3), i8-j16 (4), i128-j1 (5), i128-j2 (6), i128-j3 (7), i128-j4 (8), i128-j5 (9), i128-j6 (10), i128-j7 (11), i128-j8 (12) , i12-j17 (13) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The second of two Interleaver settings that can be assigned to the QAM Channels of this RF Port. Configurable only for Transmission Mode 'annexB-ATSC-DCII'. Values 1 to 12 used only for Transmission Mode 'annexB-ATSC-DCII'. Value 13 (i12-j17) used only for Transmission Modes 'annexA-DVB' and 'annexC-Asia-Pacific' and is set by the APEX. " ::= { apexQamRfConfigEntry 16 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamChannelConfigTable -- apexQamChannelConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQamChannelConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of configuration items configurable on a QAM Channel basis. There are 48 Output Transport Streams (OTS) on an APEX1000. There can be up to 48 QAM Channels on an APEX1000 depending on how the 3 QAM slots are populated. There is a one-to-one mapping between QAM Channels and Output Transport Streams. QAM Channel (OTS) ranges are mapped to QAM slots as follows: Slot Channels 1 1..15 2 15..32 3 33..48 There can be either 4 or 8 QAM channels (OTS) on each RF Port. The slot and RF Port to QAM Channel (OTS) mappings for each QAM Module type are shown below. For a 2x4 or 2x8 QAM Module, QAM Channels (OTS) are mapped to RF Ports in a QAM Slot and table rows as follows: QAM Channel RF Port and OTS Slot/Port Table Row Table Rows 1/1 1 1..8 1/2 2 9..16 2/1 5 17..24 2/2 6 25..32 3/1 9 33..40 3/2 10 41..48 If a 2x4 QAM Module is in a slot, only the first four rows in this table for the slot/port are to be used. For example, if there is a 2x4 module in slot 3, rows 8..12 are to be used for configuring the QAM Channels of RF Port 1 on the module. For a 4x4 QAM Module, QAM Channels (OTS) are mapped to RF Ports in a QAM Slot and table rows as follows: QAM Channel RF Port and OTS Slot/Port Table Row Table Rows 1/1 1 1..4 1/2 2 5..8 1/3 7 9..12 1/4 8 13..16 2/1 3 17..20 2/2 4 21..24 2/3 9 25..28 2/4 10 29..32 3/1 5 33..36 3/2 6 37..40 3/3 11 41..44 3/4 12 45..48 Note that the QAM Channels on an RF Port are designated with the letters 'A'..'H' on the APEX Element Manager. Refer to the description of apexQamChannelConfigTable for information on QAM Channel to RF Port mapping. Tables apexQamRfPortChannelInfoTable and apexQamChannelIdTable can be used to assist in referencing between QAM slots, RF Ports, and QAM Channels (Output Transport Streams) for the installed modules. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexQamConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexQamChannelConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexQamConfig 5 } apexQamChannelConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQamChannelConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Channel Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexQamChanConfigChannelNum } ::= { apexQamChannelConfigTable 1 } ApexQamChannelConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQamChanConfigChannelNum Integer32, apexQamChanConfigInterleaverSelect INTEGER, apexQamChanConfigTestMode INTEGER } apexQamChanConfigChannelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM RF Port number." ::= { apexQamChannelConfigEntry 1 } apexQamChanConfigInterleaverSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { interleaverDepth1 (1), interleaverDepth2 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interleaver selection for this Channel. Will use either apexQamRfConfigInterleaverDepth1 or apexQamRfConfigInterleaverDepth2. " ::= { apexQamChannelConfigEntry 2 } apexQamChanConfigTestMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off (0), cwtest (2), prbs23m (3), prbs23 (5), mpegNull (6), suppress (9), prbs60 (10), prbs63 (11), prbs65 (12), prbs68 (13), prbs71 (14), prbs73 (15), prbs79 (16), prbs81 (17) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Test mode setting for the QAM Channel. Setting to other than 'off' will cause a service interruption. " ::= { apexQamChannelConfigEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamRfRedundancyConfig -- -- apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral -- apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for QAM RF Redundancy Configuration parameters. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for the data to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all QAM RF Redundancy parameters affected by this parameter have been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral 1 } apexQamRfRedundConfigEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables RF redundancy mode, allowing the APEX to failover to backup RF port and communicate with the REM1000. Allows for failover/ switching without requiring a REM1000 connection. Cannot be 'enabled' if the backup port (RF Port 6) is not present (there is no QAM Module in QAM slot 3). Cannot be 'enabled' if there are any mappings to any QAM Channel on the backup port. RF Port 6, QAM Channels 6A to 6H (Output Transport Streams 41 to 48). Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral 2 } apexQamRfRedundConfigRemConnection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), direct (1), common (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures how the APEX is connected to the REM1000. 'none' - Not connecting to REM1000. 'direct' - Connected to REM1000 dedicated IP interface through APEX Data IP (Enet2). Broadcast connection is always used in this case. Cannot be set to 'direct' if the QAM RF Redundancy UDP Port is in use on the Data IP Port (Enet2). QAM RF Redundancy UDP Port value is found in apexQamRfRedundStatusUdpPort. 'common' - Connected to REM1000 OAM&P interface through APEX OAM&P IP (Enet 1). Requires user to configure REM1000 IP address in apexQamRfRedundConfigRemCommonIpAddr. Cannot be set to 'common' if the QAM RF Redundancy UDP Port is in use on the OAM&P IP (Enet 1). QAM RF Redundancy UDP Port value is found in apexQamRfRedundStatusUdpPort. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral 3 } apexQamRfRedundConfigApexId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies which set of RF inputs on the REM1000 are associated with this APEX. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral 4 } apexQamRfRedundConfigRemCommonIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Target REM1000 IP address. Must be singlecast address. Only used when apexQamRfRedundConfigRemConnection is set to 'common'. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral 5 } apexQamRfRedundConfigAutoSwitchBack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the enable/disable of automatic switch back to the previous RF port from backup for QAM RF redundancy. When 'enabled', switch back to the previous RF port will automatically occur when the RF port comes back online. When 'disabled', the user must force back to the previous RF port using apexQamRfRedundConfigForceSwitch. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini')" ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral 6 } apexQamRfRedundConfigSuspendFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enables and disables suspending of RF failover. Prevents failovers to or from backup. Force failover (apexQamRfRedundConfigForceSwitch) overrides this setting. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral 7 } apexQamRfRedundConfigForceSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { switchNotInProgress (0), forceFrom1 (1), forceFrom2 (2), forceFrom3 (3), forceFrom4 (4), forceFrom5 (5), forceFromBackup (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Force a switch of an RF Port to or from the backup. Selects which RF Port to switch from. Overrides Suspend Failover (apexQamRfRedundConfigSuspendFailover). Parameter is ignored when: - apexQamRfRedundConfigEnable is 'disabled'. - backup is active and other than 'forceFromBackup' is selected. - backup is not active and 'forceFromBackup' is selected. 'forceFromBackup' will force back to the failed primary indicated in apexQamRfRedundStatusFailedPort. APEX sets back to 'switchNotInProgress' when complete. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral 8 } apexQamRfRedundConfigRemDirectIpOctet1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..126) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Target REM1000 IP address first octet. Only used when apexQamRfRedundConfigRemConnection is set to 'direct'. The remainder of the IP address will be filled in by the APEX. The IP address used will be reflected in apexDataIpAddrInUse. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyConfigGeneral 9 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamChannelConfigApplyTable -- apexQamChannelConfigApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQamChannelConfigApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the data for apexQamChannelConfigTable. " ::= { apexQamConfig 7 } apexQamChannelConfigApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQamChannelConfigApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Channel Configuration Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexQamChannelConfigApplyChannelNum } ::= { apexQamChannelConfigApplyTable 1 } ApexQamChannelConfigApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQamChannelConfigApplyChannelNum Integer32, apexQamChannelConfigApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexQamChannelConfigApplyChannelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM Channel number." ::= { apexQamChannelConfigApplyEntry 1 } apexQamChannelConfigApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for a row of data in apexQamChannelConfigTable. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the apexQamChannelConfigTable. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the rows to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the configuration table rows has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexQamChannelConfigApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamStatus -- -- apexQamStatusGeneral -- apexQamStatusTransmissionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { annexB-ATSC-DCII (1), annexA-DVB (2), annexC-Asia-Pacific (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the QAM Transmission Mode that is currently in use. QAM Transmission Mode is defined in: Series J: Transmission of Television, Sound Programme and other Multimedia Signals, ITU-T J.83. " ::= { apexQamStatusGeneral 1 } apexQamModuleInstalledCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of hot swappable QAM Modules currently installed." ::= { apexQamStatusGeneral 2 } apexFanModuleInstalledCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Fan-Only Modules currently installed in QAM Module slots." ::= { apexQamStatusGeneral 3 } apexQamChannelsActiveCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of QAM Channels that are present (QAM Module installed) and enabled for use." ::= { apexQamStatusGeneral 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamModuleStatusTable -- apexQamModuleStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQamModuleStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of QAM Module Status. Refer to the descriptions of apexQamRfConfigTable and apexQamChannelConfigTable for information on QAM slot, RF Port mapping, and QAM Channel mapping. Tables apexQamRfPortChannelInfoTable and apexQamChannelIdTable can be used to assist in referencing between QAM slots, RF Ports, and QAM Channels (Output Transport Streams) for the installed modules. " ::= { apexQamStatus 2 } apexQamModuleStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQamModuleStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Module Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexQamModuleStatQamModuleNum } ::= { apexQamModuleStatusTable 1 } ApexQamModuleStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQamModuleStatQamModuleNum Integer32, apexQamModuleStatInstalled INTEGER, apexQamModuleStatFanSpeed Unsigned32, apexQamModuleStatFanFault INTEGER, apexQamModuleStatTemperature Integer32, apexQamModuleStatTemperatureFault INTEGER, apexQamModuleStatError INTEGER, apexQamModuleStatFaultCondition INTEGER, apexQamModuleStatFaultSumm INTEGER, apexQamModuleStatPowerFault INTEGER, apexQamModuleStatBoardTemperature Integer32, apexQamModuleStatBoardTemperatureFault INTEGER, apexQamModuleStat5VdcSupply Integer32, apexQamModuleStat5VdcFault INTEGER, apexQamModuleStat3dot3VdcSupply Integer32, apexQamModuleStat3dot3VdcFault INTEGER, apexQamModuleStatCommError INTEGER, apexQamModuleStatCodeInitError INTEGER } apexQamModuleStatQamModuleNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..3) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Module slot number. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 1 } apexQamModuleStatInstalled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notInstalled (1), qam2x4Channel (2), qam2x8Channel (3), fanModule (4), unsupported (5), removed (6), qamDiscovery (7), qam4x4Channel (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if a module is installed and what type. notApplicable - When APEX does not boot properly. notInstalled - No QAM or Fan Module detected in slot. Reported in apexAlarmQamModuleFault. qam2x4Channel - A 2x4 Channel QAM Module installed. qam2x8Channel - A 2x8 Channel QAM Module installed. fanModule - A Fan Module installed. unsupported - Unknown module installed. Reported in apexAlarmQamModuleFault. removed - A QAM Module removed when there are active QAM channels. Reported in apexAlarmQamModuleFault. qamDiscovery - A QAM Module is present and type is being determined. qam4x4Channel - A 4x4 Channel QAM Module is installed. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 2 } apexQamModuleStatFanSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fan speed in RPM for installed QAM or Fan Module. Zero if not installed. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 3 } apexQamModuleStatFanFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan Fault. This fault is reported in apexAlarmFanFault not apexAlarmQamModuleFault. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 4 } apexQamModuleStatTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature at sensor near the fan of the QAM Module or Fan Module in degrees Celsius. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 5 } apexQamModuleStatTemperatureFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), overTemp (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature fault. This fault is reported in apexAlarmTemperatureFault not apexAlarmQamModuleFault. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 6 } apexQamModuleStatError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), removed (2), unsupported (3), notInstalled (4), powerFault (5), offline (6), dc5VoltError (7), dc3-3VoltError (8), commLost (9), codeVersions (10), codeDownload (11), codeDownloadError (12) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Summary of errors reported on an QAM Module basis. These errors are reported in apexAlarmQamModuleFault. ok - No errors. removed - Reflects apexQamModuleStatInstalled. unsupported - Reflects apexQamModuleStatInstalled. notInstalled - Reflects apexQamModuleStatInstalled. powerFault - Reflects apexQamModuleStatPowerFault. offline - Indicates the QAM Module and the RF Ports on it are being brought to operational mode after module is inserted or the module has recovered from a power fault. dc5VoltError - 5 Vdc error, see also apexQamModuleStat5VdcSupply and apexQamModuleStat5VdcFault. dc3-3VoltError - 3.3 Vdc error, see also apexQamModuleStat3dot3VdcSupply and apexQamModuleStat3dot3VdcFault. commLost - Communication Lost, see also apexQamModuleStatCommError. codeVersions - Incorrect Code Versions on module, see also apexQamModuleStatCodeInitError, apexQamQrmRevisionTable, and apexQamQrmRevisionStatusTable. codeDownload - Code Download In Progress, see also apexQrmDownloadStatusTable. codeDownloadError - Code Download Error, see also apexQrmDownloadStatusTable. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 7 } apexQamModuleStatFaultCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current fault condition of the QAM Module errors. Reflects apexAlarmQamModuleFault for this QAM Module. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 8 } apexQamModuleStatFaultSumm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Roll-up of QAM RF Port and QAM Channel fault conditions for this QAM Module. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 9 } apexQamModuleStatPowerFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), lowVoltageMainboard (2), lowVoltageQamModule (3), overCurrent (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power fault. notApplicable - No module installed. ok - Power good. lowVoltageMainboard - Low voltage detected on Mainboard side of connector. lowVoltageQamModule - Low voltage detected on QAM Module side of connector. overCurrent - Over current detected on QAM Module. This fault is reported in apexAlarmQamModuleFault. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 10 } apexQamModuleStatBoardTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature of the 4x4 QAM module board ('plate' temp) in degrees Celsius. Used only for 4x4 QAM Modules. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 11 } apexQamModuleStatBoardTemperatureFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), overTemp (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Board temperature fault of the 4x4 QAM module board ('plate' temp). Used only for 4x4 QAM Modules. This fault is reported in apexAlarmTemperatureFault not apexAlarmQamModuleFault. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 12 } apexQamModuleStat5VdcSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Measured level of the +5 VDC supply input of the 4x4 QAM module board. Used only for 4x4 QAM Modules. Range is 0 to 1000 representing 0 to 10 Volts in 0.01 Volt steps. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 13 } apexQamModuleStat5VdcFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), low (2), high (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The +5 VDC supply fault of the 4x4 QAM module board. Used only for 4x4 QAM Modules. Indicates there is a problem with the direct 5 VDC supply or any internal module supply derived from the 5 VDC supply. Indicates voltage problem that can impair module function. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 14 } apexQamModuleStat3dot3VdcSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Measured level of the +3.3 VDC supply input of the 4x4 QAM module board. Used only for 4x4 QAM Modules. Range is 0 to 1000 representing 0 to 10 Volts in 0.01 Volt steps. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 15 } apexQamModuleStat3dot3VdcFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), low (2), high (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The +3.3 VDC supply fault of the 4x4 QAM module board. Used only for 4x4 QAM Modules. Indicates there is a problem with the direct 3.3 VDC supply or any internal module supply derived from the 3.3 VDC supply. Indicates voltage problem that can impair module function. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 16 } apexQamModuleStatCommError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), inComm (1), commLost (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communication with the 4x4 QAM Module has failed. Used only for 4x4 QAM Modules. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 17 } apexQamModuleStatCodeInitError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Code initialization error of the 4x4 QAM Module. Used only for 4x4 QAM Modules. Indicates a code, firmware, or FPGA startup issue. The module failed to load the FW/FPGA files to the devices or valid FW/FPGA files could not be found in the module. Code download is required to restore the module. " ::= { apexQamModuleStatusEntry 18 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamModuleSerialNumTable -- apexQamModuleSerialNumTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQamModuleSerialNumEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of QAM Module Serial Numbers. " ::= { apexQamStatus 3 } apexQamModuleSerialNumEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQamModuleSerialNumEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Module Serial Number Table Entry." INDEX { apexQamModuleSerialNumQamModuleNum } ::= { apexQamModuleSerialNumTable 1 } ApexQamModuleSerialNumEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQamModuleSerialNumQamModuleNum Integer32, apexQamModuleSerialNumber DisplayString } apexQamModuleSerialNumQamModuleNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..3) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Module slot number." ::= { apexQamModuleSerialNumEntry 1 } apexQamModuleSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The serial number of an installed QAM Module. Zero if not installed." ::= { apexQamModuleSerialNumEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamQrmRevisionTable -- apexQamQrmRevisionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQamQrmRevisionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of QAM Module hardware and software revisions. There are 2 QRM modules on each 2x4/2x8 QAM Module. QRMs in QAM Module slots are mapped to table rows as follows: Slot/QRM Table Row 1/1 1 1/2 2 2/1 3 2/2 4 3/1 5 3/2 6 4x4 QAM Modules do not use QRM boards. There is only one board. These will be found in the odd indexed rows of this table. The even indexed rows of the table are not used for 4x4 QAM Modules. 4x4 QAM Modules in QAM Module slots are mapped to table rows as follows: Slot Table Row 1 1 2 3 3 5 " ::= { apexQamStatus 4 } apexQamQrmRevisionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQamQrmRevisionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Module Revision Table Entry." INDEX { apexQamQrmRevRfPortNum } ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionTable 1 } ApexQamQrmRevisionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQamQrmRevRfPortNum Integer32, apexQamQrmRevBoardId DisplayString, apexQamQrmRevAppFw DisplayString, apexQamQrmRevBootLoaderFw DisplayString, apexQamQrmRevFpga DisplayString, apexQamQrmRevHw DisplayString, apexQamQrmRevSerialNumber DisplayString, apexQamQrmRevFpga2 DisplayString } apexQamQrmRevRfPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Module Revision Table index." ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 1 } apexQamQrmRevBoardId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Model ID of the 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Hex XXYY." ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 2 } apexQamQrmRevAppFw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Application firmware version of the 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Hex XXYY where XX is major version and YY is minor version. 'FFFF' indicates no valid application code is present." ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 3 } apexQamQrmRevBootLoaderFw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boot loader firmware version of the 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Hex XXYY where XX is major version and YY is minor version." ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 4 } apexQamQrmRevFpga OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FPGA version of the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board or FPGA1 version of the 4x4 QAM Module. Hex XXYY where XX is major version and YY is minor version." ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 5 } apexQamQrmRevHw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware version of the 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Hex XXYY where XX is major version and YY is minor version." ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 6 } apexQamQrmRevSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The serial number of the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Used only for 2x4/2x8 QAM Modules. Zero if not installed." ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 7 } apexQamQrmRevFpga2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FPGA2 version of the 4x4 QAM Module. Used only for 4x4 QAM Modules. Hex XXYY where XX is major version and YY is minor version. " ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionEntry 8 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamRfPortStatusTable -- apexQamRfPortStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQamRfPortStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of QAM RF Port Status. Refer to the descriptions of apexQamRfConfigTable and apexQamChannelConfigTable for information on QAM slot, RF Port mapping, and QAM Channel mapping. Tables apexQamRfPortChannelInfoTable and apexQamChannelIdTable can be used to assist in referencing between QAM slots, RF Ports, and QAM Channels (Output Transport Streams) for the installed modules. " ::= { apexQamStatus 5 } apexQamRfPortStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQamRfPortStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM RF Port Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexQamRfPortStatRfPortNum } ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusTable 1 } ApexQamRfPortStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQamRfPortStatRfPortNum Integer32, apexQamRfPortStatInfoRate Unsigned32, apexQamRfPortStatNumChannelsActive Integer32, apexQamRfPortStatOutputLevel Integer32, apexQamRfPortStatOutputLevelFault INTEGER, apexQamRfPortStatTemperature Integer32, apexQamRfPortStatTemperatureFault INTEGER, apexQamRfPortStat5VdcSupply Integer32, apexQamRfPortStat5VdcFault INTEGER, apexQamRfPortStat3dot3VdcSupply Integer32, apexQamRfPortStat3dot3VdcFault INTEGER, apexQamRfPortStatFreqPllLock INTEGER, apexQamRfPortStatRefClockPresent INTEGER, apexQamRfPortStatRefClockLock INTEGER, apexQamRfPortStatDataClockPresent INTEGER, apexQamRfPortStatDataSyncFault INTEGER, apexQamRfPortStatCommError INTEGER, apexQamRfPortStatError INTEGER, apexQamRfPortStatFaultCondition INTEGER, apexQamRfPortStatChanFaultSumm INTEGER, apexQamRfPortStatCodeInitError INTEGER } apexQamRfPortStatRfPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RF Port number." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 1 } apexQamRfPortStatInfoRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The information rate of the QAM channels on this RF Port in bits per second." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 2 } apexQamRfPortStatNumChannelsActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of QAM Channels that are present (QAM Module installed) and enabled for use on this RF Port." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 3 } apexQamRfPortStatOutputLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..8000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Measured per channel RF Output Level. Range is 0 to 8000 representing 0 to 80 dBmV in 0.01 dBmV steps." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 4 } apexQamRfPortStatOutputLevelFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), low (2), high (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RF Output Level fault. Indicates if the user configured apexQamRfConfigRfLevelLowThreshold or apexQamRfConfigRfLevelHighThreshold has been reached." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 5 } apexQamRfPortStatTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature of the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board ('plate' temp) in degrees Celsius. Used only for 2x4/2x8 QAM Modules. " ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 6 } apexQamRfPortStatTemperatureFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), overTemp (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature fault of the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board ('plate' temp). Used only for 2x4/2x8 QAM Modules. This fault is reported in apexAlarmTemperatureFault not apexAlarmQamRfPortFault." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 7 } apexQamRfPortStat5VdcSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Measured level of the +5 VDC supply input of the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Used only for 2x4/2x8 QAM Modules. Range is 0 to 1000 representing 0 to 10 Volts in 0.01 Volt steps." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 8 } apexQamRfPortStat5VdcFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), low (2), high (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The +5 VDC supply fault of the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Used only for 2x4/2x8 QAM Modules. Indicates voltage problem that can impair QRM function." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 9 } apexQamRfPortStat3dot3VdcSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Measured level of the +3.3 VDC supply input of the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Used only for 2x4/2x8 QAM Modules. Range is 0 to 1000 representing 0 to 10 Volts in 0.01 Volt steps." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 10 } apexQamRfPortStat3dot3VdcFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), low (2), high (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The +3.3 VDC supply fault of the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Used only for 2x4/2x8 QAM Modules. Indicates voltage problem that can impair QRM function." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 11 } apexQamRfPortStatFreqPllLock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), locked (1), notLocked (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency tuning PLL lock status." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 12 } apexQamRfPortStatRefClockPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), present (1), notPresent (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "External reference clock present indication." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 13 } apexQamRfPortStatRefClockLock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), locked (1), notLocked (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Board not phase-locked to the External reference clock. " ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 14 } apexQamRfPortStatDataClockPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), present (1), notPresent (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data clock present indication." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 15 } apexQamRfPortStatDataSyncFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), inSync (1), syncLost (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One or more of the QAM Channel data interfaces is not synchronized." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 16 } apexQamRfPortStatCommError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), inComm (1), commLost (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communication with the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board has failed. " ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 17 } apexQamRfPortStatError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), outputRfLevel (2), dc5VoltError (3), dc3-3VoltError (4), freqPllNotLocked (5), extClkNotPresent (6), extClkNotLocked (7), dataClkNotPresent (8), dataSyncLost (9), commLost (10), unsupportedQrm (11), configFailed (12), codeVersions (13), codeDownload (14), codeDownloadError (15) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error status on an RF Port basis. These errors are reported in apexAlarmQamRfPortFault. 'major' for: 'outputRfLevel', 'dc5VoltError', 'dc3-3VoltError'. 'critical' for: 'freqPllNotLocked', 'extClkNotPresent', 'extClkNotLocked', 'dataClkNotPresent', 'dataSyncLost', 'commLost', 'codeVersions', 'codeDownload', 'codeDownloadError', 'unsupportedQrm', or 'configFailed'. outputRfLevel - RF Output Level error, see also apexQamRfPortStatOutputLevel and apexQamRfPortStatOutputLevelFault. dc5VoltError - 5 Vdc error, see also apexQamRfPortStat5VdcSupply and apexQamRfPortStat5VdcFault. dc3-3VoltError - 3.3 Vdc error, see also apexQamRfPortStat3dot3VdcSupply and apexQamRfPortStat3dot3VdcFault. freqPllNotLocked - Frequency PLL not locked, see also apexQamRfPortStatFreqPllLock. extClkNotPresent - External Reference Clock Not Present, see also apexQamRfPortStatRefClockPresent. extClkNotLocked - Not Locked to External Reference Clock, see also apexQamRfPortStatRefClockLock. dataClkNotPresent - Data Clock Not Present, see also apexQamRfPortStatDataClockPresent. dataSyncLost - Data Synchronization Lost, see also apexQamRfPortStatDataSyncFault. commLost - Communication Lost, see also apexQamRfPortStatCommError. unsupportedQrm - QRM Revision Not Supported, see also apexQamQrmRevisionTable and apexQamQrmRevisionStatusTable. configFailed - RF Port Configuration Failed. codeVersions - Incorrect Code Versions on QRM, see also apexQamRfPortStatCodeInitError, apexQamQrmRevisionTable, and apexQamQrmRevisionStatusTable. codeDownload - Code Download In Progress, see also apexQrmDownloadStatusTable. codeDownloadError - Code Download Error, see also apexQrmDownloadStatusTable. " ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 18 } apexQamRfPortStatFaultCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current fault condition of the RF Port errors. Reflects apexAlarmQamRfPortFault for this RF Port. " ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 19 } apexQamRfPortStatChanFaultSumm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Roll-up of Channel fault conditions for this RF Port." ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 20 } apexQamRfPortStatCodeInitError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), fpgaInitError (2), calDataError (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Code initialization error of the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Indicates a code, firmware, or FPGA startup issue. 'fpgaInitError' - FPGA not loaded. Caused by incompatible code images or corrupted FPGA image on the QRM. 'calDataError' - Working copy of calibration data was corrupted and needs to be restored by code download process. Caused by interruption of previous code download process. " ::= { apexQamRfPortStatusEntry 21 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamChannelStatusTable -- apexQamChannelStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQamChannelStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of QAM Channel Status. Refer to the descriptions of apexQamRfConfigTable and apexQamChannelConfigTable for information on QAM slot, RF Port mapping, and QAM Channel mapping. Tables apexQamRfPortChannelInfoTable and apexQamChannelIdTable can be used to assist in referencing between QAM slots, RF Ports, and QAM Channels (Output Transport Streams) for the installed modules. " ::= { apexQamStatus 6 } apexQamChannelStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQamChannelStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Channel Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexQamChanStatChannelNum } ::= { apexQamChannelStatusTable 1 } ApexQamChannelStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQamChanStatChannelNum Integer32, apexQamChanStatActive ActiveTYPE, apexQamChanStatRfFreq Integer32, apexQamChanStatEiaChanNum Integer32, apexQamChanStatDataPresent INTEGER, apexQamChanStatError INTEGER, apexQamChanStatFaultCondition INTEGER } apexQamChanStatChannelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Channel number." ::= { apexQamChannelStatusEntry 1 } apexQamChanStatActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ActiveTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "'active' indicates that mappings can be made to the channel. This means that either: 1) The channel is present (apexQamModuleStatInstalled 'qam2x4Channel' or 'qam2x8Channel') and enabled for use (apexQamRfConfigNumChannelsEnabled); 2) Or, the channel is on the backup RF port when QAM RF Redundancy is enabled (apexQamRfRedundConfigEnable). " ::= { apexQamChannelStatusEntry 2 } apexQamChanStatRfFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The center frequency for the QAM Channel in Hz." ::= { apexQamChannelStatusEntry 3 } apexQamChanStatEiaChanNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The EIA Channel number for the QAM Channel. Will be zero if there is no EIA Channel number corresponding to the frequency in use." ::= { apexQamChannelStatusEntry 4 } apexQamChanStatDataPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), data (1), noData (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of MPEG data activity on the interface for this QAM channel. This includes MPEG null packets." ::= { apexQamChannelStatusEntry 5 } apexQamChanStatError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), noData (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Summary of errors reported on a QAM channel. This is enumerated and the reported error will be the most severe. " ::= { apexQamChannelStatusEntry 6 } apexQamChanStatFaultCondition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current fault condition of the QAM channel errors. Reflects apexAlarmQamChannelFault for this QAM Channel. " ::= { apexQamChannelStatusEntry 7 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamRfRedundancyStatus -- -- apexQamRfRedundancyStatusGeneral -- apexQamRfRedundStatusBackupPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), standby (1), active (2), failed (3), removed (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of configured backup port. 'disabled' - QAM RF Redundancy is disabled. 'standby' - QAM RF Redundancy is enabled but backup is inactive. No failure has occurred. 'active' - Failover has occurred and backup is active. Refer to apexQamRfRedundStatusFailedPort for port being backed up. 'failed' - Backup port has failed. APEX cannot provide RF redundancy. 'removed' - QAM Module with Backup port has been removed. APEX cannot provide RF redundancy. " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyStatusGeneral 1 } apexQamRfRedundStatusFailedPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates which port (1 to 5) has failed over to the backup port. Zero indicates backup port is not active. " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyStatusGeneral 2 } apexQamRfRedundStatusMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), noMismatch (1), backup2x4 (2), primary2x4 (3), any4x4 (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether there is a potential for channels being lost when failing to the backup or when switching back to a primary due to a mixture of 2x4 and 2x8 QAM Modules. Indicates whether RF redundancy is unavailable due to a 4x4 QAM Module installed. A 2x4 QAM Module is capable of supporting a maximum of 4 channels per RF port. A 2x8 QAM Module is capable of supporting a maximum of 8 channels per RF port. The number of channels enabled (apexQamRfConfigNumChannelsEnabled) is not considered. 'notApplicable' - QAM RF Redundancy is disabled. 'noMismatch' - Indicates no channels would be lost because there is no mismatch. 'backup2x4' - Indicates a loss of channels could occur on failover to the backup because the backup RF Port is in a 2x4 module and at least one primary RF Port is in a 2x8 module. 'primary2x4' - Indicates a loss of channels could occur on switch- back from the backup to the primary because the backup RF Port is in a 2x8 module and the primary RF Port is in a 2x4 module. This would occur if the failed 2x8 primary is replaced with a 2x4. 'any4x4' - Indicates a 4x4 QAM Module is installed in any slot and RF Redundancy is not available. Failover and/or switchback are suspended until the 4x4 is replaced. " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyStatusGeneral 3 } apexQamRfRedundStatusUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDP Port that is used for QAM RF Redundancy communication between the APEX and REM. When apexQamRfRedundConfigRemConnection is: 'direct' - APEX sends/receives broadcast on this UDP Port. 'common' - APEX sends/receives singlecast on this UDP Port. " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyStatusGeneral 4 } apexQamRfRedundStatusRemConnection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notConnected (1), connected (2), connectionLost (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of communication with REM. 'notApplicable' - QAM RF Redundancy is not enabled and/or the connection to the REM is not enabled. 'notConnected' - Initial condition. APEX has not sent a switch_port() message yet. 'connected' - received ack() message from REM for current switch_port() message. 'connectionLost' - REM has not replied to last 3 heartbeat switch_port() messages. " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyStatusGeneral 5 } apexQamRfRedundStatusRemError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of REM1000 taken from error_code field in REM1000 ack() response (defined in REM1000 Message Stream Protocol). Valid only when apexQamRfRedundConfigRemConnection is other than 'none'. Values as defined in REM1000 MSP: 0x00 - No Errors. No problems switching, parsing switch_port() message, or with HW. 0x01 - Invalid apex_id value in prior switch_port() message. 0x02 - Invalid msg_type value in prior switch_port() message. 0x03 - Invalid port value in prior switch_port() message. 0x04 - Error switching after receiving valid switch_port() message. 0x05 - Minor HW error. REM can still switch. 0x81 - Apex_id Conflict. Switch_port() messages with the same apex_id have been received from multiple APEXs. Switch reset to pass- through configuration. 0x85 - Major HW error. REM failure. Switch reset to pass-through configuration. " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyStatusGeneral 6 } apexQamRfRedundStatusRemSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the REM1000 switches indicated through ack() response from REM1000 (e.g. pass-through or switching port 'x'). Valid only when apexQamRfRedundConfigRemConnection is other than 'none'. Zero indicates REM is in passing inputs 1 to 5 straight through to outputs 1 to 5. Values of 1 to 5 indicate REM backup input port is switched to output port 1 to 5 and other ports are passed through. " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyStatusGeneral 7 } apexQamRfRedundStatusInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexQamRfRedundConfigApplyChange is set to 'applyNotInProgressInvalidData' this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply of a related entry that was invalid. " ::= { apexQamRfRedundancyStatusGeneral 8 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamRfPortMuteStatusTable -- apexQamRfPortMuteStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQamRfPortMuteStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of QAM RF Port Mute Status. " ::= { apexQamStatus 8 } apexQamRfPortMuteStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQamRfPortMuteStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM RF Port Mute Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexQamRfPortMuteStatusRfPortNum } ::= { apexQamRfPortMuteStatusTable 1 } ApexQamRfPortMuteStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQamRfPortMuteStatusRfPortNum Integer32, apexQamRfPortMuteStatus INTEGER } apexQamRfPortMuteStatusRfPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RF Port number." ::= { apexQamRfPortMuteStatusEntry 1 } apexQamRfPortMuteStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unmuted (1), muted (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the QAM channels on the RF port are muted or unmuted. " ::= { apexQamRfPortMuteStatusEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamQrmRevisionStatusTable -- apexQamQrmRevisionStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of status of QRM hardware and software revisions. Indications of whether they are supported, current, etc.. There are 2 QRM modules on each 2x4/2x8 QAM Module. QRMs in QAM Module slots are mapped to table rows as follows: Slot/QRM Table Row 1/1 1 1/2 2 2/1 3 2/2 4 3/1 5 3/2 6 4x4 QAM Modules do not use QRM boards. There is only one board. These will be found in the odd indexed rows of this table. The even indexed rows of the table are not used for 4x4 QAM Modules. 4x4 QAM Modules in QAM Module slots are mapped to table rows as follows: Slot Table Row 1 1 2 3 3 5 " ::= { apexQamStatus 9 } apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QRM Revision Status Table Entry" INDEX { apexQamQrmRevStatQrmNum } ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionStatusTable 1 } ApexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQamQrmRevStatQrmNum Integer32, apexQamQrmRevStatBoardId INTEGER, apexQamQrmRevStatAppFw INTEGER, apexQamQrmRevStatBootLoaderFw INTEGER, apexQamQrmRevStatFpga INTEGER, apexQamQrmRevStatHw INTEGER, apexQamQrmRevStatQrmSupported INTEGER, apexQamQrmRevStatFpga2 INTEGER } apexQamQrmRevStatQrmNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QRM Revision Status Table index." ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 1 } apexQamQrmRevStatBoardId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notSupported (1), supported (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the Model ID of the 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Refer to apexQamQrmRevisionTable for the revisions of each QRM. " ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 2 } apexQamQrmRevStatAppFw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notSupported (1), belowRelease (2), atRelease (3), aboveRelease (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of Application firmware version of the 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Refer to apexQamQrmRevisionTable for the revisions of each 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Refer to apexQrmFileRevisionTable for the revisions of files in the APEX release resident on the device. " ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 3 } apexQamQrmRevStatBootLoaderFw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notSupported (1), supported (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of Boot loader firmware version of the 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Refer to apexQamQrmRevisionTable for the revisions of each 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. " ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 4 } apexQamQrmRevStatFpga OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notSupported (1), belowRelease (2), atRelease (3), aboveRelease (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of FPGA version of the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board or FPGA1 version of the 4x4 QAM Module. Refer to apexQamQrmRevisionTable for the revisions of each 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Refer to apexQrmFileRevisionTable for the revisions of files in the APEX release resident on the device. " ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 5 } apexQamQrmRevStatHw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notSupported (1), supported (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of Hardware version of the 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Refer to apexQamQrmRevisionTable for the revisions of each 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. " ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 6 } apexQamQrmRevStatQrmSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notSupported (1), supported (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board is supported. Summary of above status. If any 4x4 QAM Module or the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board revision status is 'notSupported' this parameter will indicate 'notSupported' and apexQamRfPortStatError will report 'unsupportedQrm'. " ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 7 } apexQamQrmRevStatFpga2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notSupported (1), belowRelease (2), atRelease (3), aboveRelease (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of FPGA2 version of the 4x4 QAM Module. Refer to apexQamQrmRevisionTable for the revisions of each 4x4 QAM Module. Refer to apexQrmFileRevisionTable for the revisions of files in the APEX release resident on the device. " ::= { apexQamQrmRevisionStatusEntry 8 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamRfPortChannelInfoTable -- apexQamRfPortChannelInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQamRfPortChannelInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of QAM Channel information for each QAM RF Port. Refer to the descriptions of apexQamRfConfigTable and apexQamChannelConfigTable for information on QAM slot, RF Port mapping, and QAM Channel mapping. Tables apexQamRfPortChannelInfoTable and apexQamChannelIdTable can be used to assist in referencing between QAM slots, RF Ports, and QAM Channels (Output Transport Streams) for the installed modules. " ::= { apexQamStatus 10 } apexQamRfPortChannelInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQamRfPortChannelInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM RF Port Channel Information Table Entry." INDEX { apexQamRfPortChannelInfoRfPortNum } ::= { apexQamRfPortChannelInfoTable 1 } ApexQamRfPortChannelInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQamRfPortChannelInfoRfPortNum Integer32, apexQamRfPortChannelInfoChanA Integer32, apexQamRfPortChannelInfoChanCount Integer32 } apexQamRfPortChannelInfoRfPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RF Port number." ::= { apexQamRfPortChannelInfoEntry 1 } apexQamRfPortChannelInfoChanA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0|1|5|9|13|17|21|25|29|33|37|41|45) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Channel number (Output Transport number) of QAM Channel 'A' on this RF port. This may be used to access data in tables indexed by QAM Number or Output Transport Stream. Used in combination with apexQamRfPortChannelInfoChanCount, data for all QAM Channels on this RF Port may be accessed. '0' - Indicates RF Port is not present. " ::= { apexQamRfPortChannelInfoEntry 2 } apexQamRfPortChannelInfoChanCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0 | 4 | 8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of QAM Channels on the RF port. '0' - Indicates RF Port is not present. '4' - RF Port has 4 QAM Channels, 'A'-'D'. '8' - RF Port has 8 QAM Channels, 'A'-'H'. " ::= { apexQamRfPortChannelInfoEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQamChannelIdTable -- apexQamChannelIdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQamChannelIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of QAM Channel Identification data. Identifies the physical location of the QAM Channel (Output Transport Stream) in the APEX chassis. Refer to the descriptions of apexQamRfConfigTable and apexQamChannelConfigTable for information on QAM slot, RF Port mapping, and QAM Channel mapping. Tables apexQamRfPortChannelInfoTable and apexQamChannelIdTable can be used to assist in referencing between QAM slots, RF Ports, and QAM Channels (Output Transport Streams) for the installed modules. " ::= { apexQamStatus 11 } apexQamChannelIdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQamChannelIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Channel Identification Table Entry." INDEX { apexQamChannelIdChannelNum } ::= { apexQamChannelIdTable 1 } ApexQamChannelIdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQamChannelIdChannelNum Integer32, apexQamChannelIdSlotNum Integer32, apexQamChannelIdRfPortNum Integer32, apexQamChannelIdModuleRfPortNum Integer32, apexQamChannelIdChannelLetter DisplayString, apexQamChannelIdChannelDescription DisplayString } apexQamChannelIdChannelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Channel number (Output Transport number)." ::= { apexQamChannelIdEntry 1 } apexQamChannelIdSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..3) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Slot number of the channel. " ::= { apexQamChannelIdEntry 2 } apexQamChannelIdRfPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..12) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RF Port number of the channel. This may be used to access data in tables indexed by RF Port Number. '0' - Indicates QAM Channel is not present. " ::= { apexQamChannelIdEntry 3 } apexQamChannelIdModuleRfPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Module RF Port number of the channel. Corresponds to RF Port numbering on the back of physical QAM Module. '0' - Indicates QAM Channel is not present. " ::= { apexQamChannelIdEntry 4 } apexQamChannelIdChannelLetter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..1)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The letter symbol ('A'..'H') for the channel. String will be empty if QAM Channel not present. " ::= { apexQamChannelIdEntry 5 } apexQamChannelIdChannelDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..11)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text description for the QAM Channel (Output Transport Stream). Format is as follows where brackets and bracketed descriptions are replaced by a number/letter as appropriate: [QAM Channel / TS Num]:Slot[QAM Slot Num]-[Module Rf Port Num][Channel Letter] Examples: TS 9, in QAM Slot 1, on RF Port 2: '09:Slot1-2A' TS 17, in QAM Slot 2, on RF Port 1: '17:Slot2-1A' TS 48, in QAM Slot 3, on RF Port 2: '48:Slot3-2H' TS 48, in QAM Slot 3, on RF Port 4: '48:Slot3-4D' This may be used for display purposes on a management system. String will be empty or contain '[QAM Channel / TS Num]:Inactive' if apexQamChanStatActive is not set to 'active', i.e. if QAM Channel is not present and/or not enabled. " ::= { apexQamChannelIdEntry 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQrmDownload -- -- apexQrmDownloadConfig -- -- apexQrmDownloadConfigGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQrmDownloadConfigTable -- apexQrmDownloadConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQrmDownloadConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of QAM Module Code Download Configuration. There are 2 QRM modules on each 2x4/2x8 QAM Module. QRMs in QAM Module slots are mapped to table rows as follows: Slot/QRM Table Row 1/1 1 1/2 2 2/1 3 2/2 4 3/1 5 3/2 6 4x4 QAM Modules do not use QRM boards. There is only one board. These will be found in the odd indexed rows of this table. The even indexed rows of the table are not used for 4x4 QAM Modules. 4x4 QAM Modules in QAM Module slots are mapped to table rows as follows: Slot Table Row 1 1 2 3 3 5 " ::= { apexQrmDownloadConfig 2 } apexQrmDownloadConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQrmDownloadConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Code Download Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexQrmDownloadConfigQrmNum } ::= { apexQrmDownloadConfigTable 1 } ApexQrmDownloadConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQrmDownloadConfigQrmNum Integer32, apexQrmDownloadConfigRequest INTEGER } apexQrmDownloadConfigQrmNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Code Download Configuration Table index." ::= { apexQrmDownloadConfigEntry 1 } apexQrmDownloadConfigRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { requestNotInProgress (0), requestDownload (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User initiated manual 4x4 QAM Module or 2x4/2x8 QAM Module QRM board Code Download request. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexQrmDownloadConfigEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQrmDownloadStatus -- -- apexQrmDownloadStatusGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQrmDownloadStatusTable -- apexQrmDownloadStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQrmDownloadStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of QAM Module Code Download Status. Refer to apexQrmDownloadConfigTable description for table indexing information. " ::= { apexQrmDownloadStatus 2 } apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQrmDownloadStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QRM Code Download Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexQrmDownloadStatusRfPortNum } ::= { apexQrmDownloadStatusTable 1 } ApexQrmDownloadStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQrmDownloadStatusRfPortNum Integer32, apexQrmDownloadStatusDescription DisplayString, apexQrmDownloadProgress Integer32, apexQrmDownloadSupported INTEGER, apexQrmDownloadRequired INTEGER, apexQrmDownloadFileSet INTEGER } apexQrmDownloadStatusRfPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Code Download Status Table index." ::= { apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry 1 } apexQrmDownloadStatusDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text description of the current state of 4x4 QAM Module or 2x4/2x8 QAM Module QRM board Code Download. " ::= { apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry 2 } apexQrmDownloadProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(-1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Completion percentage of Code Download. '-1' indicates failure." ::= { apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry 3 } apexQrmDownloadSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notSupported (1), supported (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the module HW and SW will support Code Download. 'notSupported' if the module is unsupported or the code download might downgrade the code resident on the module. Refer to apexQamQrmRevisionTable, apexQamQrmRevisionStatusTable, and apexQrmDownloadFileSet for additional status. The user cannot initiate a manual download (apexQrmDownloadConfigRequest) when download 'notSupported'. " ::= { apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry 4 } apexQrmDownloadRequired OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notRequired (1), required (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the module requires Code Download. Code download is needed if the versions are not up to date with the resident APEX FW Release. Refer to apexQamQrmRevisionTable, apexQamQrmRevisionStatusTable, and apexQrmDownloadFileSet for additional status. The user can initiate a manual download (apexQrmDownloadConfigRequest) when download 'notRequired'. " ::= { apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry 5 } apexQrmDownloadFileSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), fileSet1 (1), fileSet2 (2), fileSet3 (3), fileSet4 (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates which file set will be used for this module. " ::= { apexQrmDownloadStatusEntry 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexQrmFileRevisionTable -- apexQrmFileRevisionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexQrmFileRevisionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of revisions of QAM Module files released with the resident APEX FW Release. Refer to identSoftwareVersion in BCS-IDENT-MIB for the release number. " ::= { apexQrmDownloadStatus 3 } apexQrmFileRevisionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexQrmFileRevisionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QRM File Revision Table Entry." INDEX { apexQrmFileRevFileSetNum } ::= { apexQrmFileRevisionTable 1 } ApexQrmFileRevisionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexQrmFileRevFileSetNum Integer32, apexQrmFileRevFirmware DisplayString, apexQrmFileRevCalibration DisplayString, apexQrmFileRevFpga DisplayString, apexQrmFileRevFpga2 DisplayString, apexQrmFileRevDateTime DisplayString } apexQrmFileRevFileSetNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM file set number." ::= { apexQrmFileRevisionEntry 1 } apexQrmFileRevFirmware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Revision of the Application firmware file of the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board or revision of the Application firmware portion of the 4x4 QAM Module Code File. Hex XXYY where XX is major version and YY is minor version. " ::= { apexQrmFileRevisionEntry 2 } apexQrmFileRevCalibration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Revision of the Calibration data file of the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board. Used only for 2x4/2x8 QAM Module QRM board file sets. Hex XXYY where XX is major version and YY is minor version. " ::= { apexQrmFileRevisionEntry 3 } apexQrmFileRevFpga OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Revision of FPGA firmware file of the 2x4/2x8 QAM Module's QRM board or revision of the FPGA1 firmware portion of the 4x4 QAM Module Code File. Hex XXYY where XX is major version and YY is minor version. " ::= { apexQrmFileRevisionEntry 4 } apexQrmFileRevFpga2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Revision of FPGA2 firmware portion of the 4x4 QAM Module Code File. Used only for 4x4 QAM Module file sets. Hex XXYY where XX is major version and YY is minor version. " ::= { apexQrmFileRevisionEntry 5 } apexQrmFileRevDateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Date and time the 4x4 QAM Module code file was created. Used only for 4x4 QAM Module file sets. Format: 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM' Where HH is a 24 hour clock. " ::= { apexQrmFileRevisionEntry 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexSessionControl -- -- apexSessionControlConfig -- -- apexSessionControlConfigGeneral -- apexSesContConfProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), rpc (1), rtsp (2), mha-ermi (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The communication protocol for output streams in Session Control operating mode. This determines the type of protocol the APEX will use to communicate with an Edge Resource Manager/Switch Digital Video Manager. This parameter cannot be changed when there are any active Session Control mappings. All Session Control mappings must be removed prior to changing this protocol. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 1 } apexSesContConfTableApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the apexSesContConfTable. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the apexSesContConfTable to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the apexSesContConfTable has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 2 } apexSesContConfRateCompareType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RateComparisonTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the rate to use for comparing input streams. It is either Information rate or Stream rate. This applies to monitoring for Bit Rate alarming and monitoring of Redundant Pairs. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 3 } apexSesContConfRedundThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object is obsolete. Session Control Redundancy Threshold. This is the percent used to determine Fail Over from Primary to Secondary, and Switch Back from Secondary to Primary. If a value of zero is specified, Fail Over or Switch Back will not occur. Range is 0 to 100%. Primary Fail Over to Secondary: FailOver = (PrimaryRate) < (Threshold * SecondaryRate) The Primary must remain below the threshold for apexGbeConfInRedundMonitorPeriod. Secondary Switch Back to Primary: SwitchBack = (PrimaryRate) >= (Threshold * SecondaryRate) The Primary must remain at or above the threshold for apexGbeConfInRedundMonitorPeriod seconds. The APEX will delay Switch Back an additional apexGbeConfInRedundSwitchTime seconds. Switch Back will not occur when apexGbeConfInRedundAutoSwitchBack is 'disabled'. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 4 } apexSesContConfInputPreEncryptCheck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Session Control Pre-Encryption Checking. Indicates if the APEX is to check if the input service is pre-encrypted or clear. Pre-encrypted is determined by examining the input PMT for a CA ECM descriptor (any CA ECM descriptor). If pre-encrypted, setting this flag will cause the APEX to pass through ECM PID for this service. For input services that have a GI CA ECM descriptor, the APEX will also pass through the PIT message (extract and re-insert the PIT). The output PMT for pre-encrypted services will contain a CA ECM descriptor (referencing the ECM PID). When PID Remapping is enabled, pre-encryption for a service is only valid when the input ECM PID is on a different PID than the associated PMT PID. If this flag is set to pre-encryption and the input service is not pre-encrypted, then the setting of this flag has no affect on the output service. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 5 } apexSesContConfRedundType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hotWarm (1), hotHot (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The redundancy type for output streams in Session Control operating mode. - hotWarm indicates only 1 input stream, primary or secondary, is open at any one time. For multicast streams, primary will be joined initially. The secondary is joined after a failover (the primary will be dropped prior to joining the secondary). - hotHot indicates both the primary and secondary streams are opened at the same time. For multicast streams, both streams are joined immediately. Changes to the redundancy type cannot be made while there are active routes or sessions. All routes and sessions must be deleted prior to changing the redundancy type. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 6 } apexSesContConfFollowDtcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines how the copy protection settings (CCI, APS, and CIT) within the PRK will be set. All outputs in Session Control (SDV) mode will use this setting for following input DTCP. Disabled - Use ERM Configuration settings if encryption blob provided. Use CTE settings when in CTE encryption mode and no ERM encryption blob provided. Enabled - Follow input DTCP Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSessionControlConfigGeneral 7 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexSesContConfTable -- apexSesContConfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexSesContConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table of Session Control configuration parameters for each output transport stream. This table defines the primary and secondary Gigabit Ethernet interfaces for each output stream in Session Control operating mode. The primary and secondary interfaces cannot be changed for an output stream when there are active Session Control mappings. All Session Control mappings on an output stream must be removed prior to changing the primary or secondary interface settings. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexSesContConfTableApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexSesContConfTableApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexSessionControlConfig 2 } apexSesContConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexSesContConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Session Control Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexSesContConfOutputTsNum } ::= { apexSesContConfTable 1 } ApexSesContConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexSesContConfOutputTsNum Integer32, apexSesContConfGbePrimaryInterface Integer32, apexSesContConfGbeSecondaryInterface Integer32 } apexSesContConfOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output transport stream number (index)." ::= { apexSesContConfEntry 1 } apexSesContConfGbePrimaryInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The primary Gbe interface for Session Control. Zero indicates not available. This parameter cannot be changed for any output stream if there is at least 1 active session control mapping. Not configurable for RTSP. " ::= { apexSesContConfEntry 2 } apexSesContConfGbeSecondaryInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The secondary Gbe interface for RPC SDV. Zero indicates not available. This parameter cannot be changed for any output stream if there is at least 1 active session control mapping. Secondary selection is restricted based on Primary as follows: - Primary 1 or 2: Secondary must be 1 or 2 - Primary 3 or 4: Secondary must be 3 or 4 Not configurable for RTSP. " ::= { apexSesContConfEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexSessionControlStatus -- -- apexSessionControlStatusGeneral -- apexSesContStatProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), rpc (1), rtsp (2), mha-ermi (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The communication protocol in use for output streams in Session Control operating mode. " ::= { apexSessionControlStatusGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRpc -- -- apexRpcConfig -- -- apexRpcConfigGeneral -- apexRpcDataCarouselProgram OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates which Input Program Number to use for the Data Carousel. The data carousel in SDV mode (RPC or RTSP) is on a fixed PMT PID along with a fixed component PID. In order to maintain these PID values, the APEX will check for a specific input service number defined by this parameter. This service mapping is assumed to be the Data Carousel mapping. The APEX will maintain the PMT PID value along with the component PID value. To facilitate this mapping, the Data Carousel input/output program number is configurable. - Data Carousel Service Number Default: 0xF38F (62351) The PMT PID and component PID will be determined by the APEX by analyzing the PAT and PMT based on the program number configured. A program number of zero (0) indicates that there is no data carousel. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRpcConfigGeneral 1 } apexRpcReportAllSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Session reporting mode. Indicates what sessions will be reported when the APEX is requested to report sessions to a manager. When 'enabled', the APEX will report all sessions. When 'disabled', the APEX will report only the sessions for the requesting manager. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRpcConfigGeneral 2 } apexRpcDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device name of this APEX. This variable is only used to generate an XML configuration file via the EM. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRpcConfigGeneral 3 } apexRpcDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device type string reported in XML configuration file. This variable is only used to generate an XML configuration file via the EM. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRpcConfigGeneral 4 } apexRpcControlInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EthernetInterfaceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Enet interface that will be used to set the IP address attribute in the generated XML file. This variable is only used to generate an XML configuration file via the EM. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRpcApplyChange is changed to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRpcApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRpcConfigGeneral 5 } apexRpcNumShellSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of shell sessions to be created on each channel marked for session control mode. This variable is only used to generate an XML configuration file via the EM. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRpcApplyChange is changed to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRpcApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRpcConfigGeneral 6 } apexRpcAvgBandwidthEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled the APEX populates the sessionRate in the QuerySessionInfo Response message with groupRate divided by the number of sessionIds in the group. The value reported makes no distinction between bound and unbound sessions. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRpcConfigGeneral 7 } apexRpcApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for RPC Settings. This applies to apexRpcControlInterface, apexRpcNumShellSessions, apexRpcRfPortServiceGroup. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexRpcConfigGeneral 8 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRpcRfPortTable -- apexRpcRfPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRpcRfPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Configuration data for RPC Session RF Ports. This variable is only used to generate an XML configuration file via the EM. " ::= { apexRpcConfig 2 } apexRpcRfPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRpcRfPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RPC RF Port Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexRpcRfPortNum } ::= { apexRpcRfPortTable 1 } ApexRpcRfPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRpcRfPortNum Integer32, apexRpcRfPortName DisplayString, apexRpcRfPortServiceGroup Unsigned32 } apexRpcRfPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RF Port number." ::= { apexRpcRfPortEntry 1 } apexRpcRfPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RF Port name. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRpcRfPortEntry 2 } apexRpcRfPortServiceGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RF Port service group. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRpcApplyChange is changed to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRpcApplyChange , value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRpcRfPortEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRpcRfChannelTable -- apexRpcRfChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRpcRfChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Configuration data for RPC Session RF Channels. This variable is only used to generate an XML configuration file via the EM. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRpcConfig 3 } apexRpcRfChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRpcRfChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RPC RF Channel Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexRpcRfChannelNum } ::= { apexRpcRfChannelTable 1 } ApexRpcRfChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRpcRfChannelNum Integer32, apexRpcRfChannelName DisplayString } apexRpcRfChannelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RF Channel number." ::= { apexRpcRfChannelEntry 1 } apexRpcRfChannelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of this RF Channel. " ::= { apexRpcRfChannelEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRpcStatus -- -- apexRpcStatusGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRpcSessionStatTable -- apexRpcSessionStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRpcSessionStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of RPC Switched Digital Video Session status. This table contains 1 row up to the maximum number of service mappings supported. " ::= { apexRpcStatus 2 } apexRpcSessionStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRpcSessionStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RPC Switched Digital Video Session Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexRpcSessionStatIndex } ::= { apexRpcSessionStatTable 1 } ApexRpcSessionStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRpcSessionStatIndex Integer32, apexRpcSessionStatInputTsIndex Integer32, apexRpcSessionStatInputProgramNum Integer32, apexRpcSessionStatSourceIpAddr3 IpAddress, apexRpcSessionStatOutputQamChannel Integer32, apexRpcSessionStatOutputProgramNum Integer32, apexRpcSessionStatProgramBandwidth Integer32, apexRpcSessionStatSessionType INTEGER, apexRpcSessionStatSessionIdWord1 Unsigned32, apexRpcSessionStatSessionIdWord2 Unsigned32, apexRpcSessionStatSessionIdWord3 Unsigned32, apexRpcSessionStatManagerIpAddr IpAddress } apexRpcSessionStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RPC Switched Digital Video Session Status table index. " ::= { apexRpcSessionStatEntry 1 } apexRpcSessionStatInputTsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into the apexInputTsStatTable." ::= { apexRpcSessionStatEntry 2 } apexRpcSessionStatInputProgramNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Gigabit Ethernet Input Program Number. A value of zero (0) indicates that the input is an SPTS and the first program listed in the input PAT will be mapped by the APEX. " ::= { apexRpcSessionStatEntry 3 } apexRpcSessionStatSourceIpAddr3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Gigabit Ethernet IGMP v3 Source IP Address 3. This IP address is currently unsupported by the APEX. " ::= { apexRpcSessionStatEntry 4 } apexRpcSessionStatOutputQamChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Output QAM Channel. " ::= { apexRpcSessionStatEntry 5 } apexRpcSessionStatOutputProgramNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Output Program Number (1 - 65535). " ::= { apexRpcSessionStatEntry 6 } apexRpcSessionStatProgramBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Expected Program Bandwidth (bps). This is the bandwidth of the program as defined in the service mapping. A value of 0 indicates that the program BW is unknown. " ::= { apexRpcSessionStatEntry 7 } apexRpcSessionStatSessionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noSession (0), sdv (1), vodOrBroadcast (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Type of session (SDV binding or VOD/Broadcast session). 1 = Switched Digital Video (SDV) 2 = VOD or Broadcast " ::= { apexRpcSessionStatEntry 8 } apexRpcSessionStatSessionIdWord1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Session ID Word 1. Session IDs are 10 byte character arrays. Session IDs are be stored as 3 4-byte words (3 ulongs) in this MIB. First 2 Bytes are always 0, next 10 contain the session ID. Session ID is broken up as follows: Word 1: 00:01 = 0x0000 (unused) Word 1: 02:03 = 1st 2 bytes of session ID (1st 2 bytes of MAC address) Word 2: 00:03 = Next 4 bytes (these 4 plus 1st 2 are the MAC address of manager) Word 3: 00:03 = Last 4 bytes (unique number assigned by manager) " ::= { apexRpcSessionStatEntry 9 } apexRpcSessionStatSessionIdWord2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Session ID Word 2. Session IDs are 10 byte character arrays. Session IDs are be stored as 3 4-byte words (3 Unsigned32) in this MIB. First 2 Bytes are always 0, next 10 contain the session ID. Session ID is broken up as follows: Word 1: 00:01 = 0x0000 (unused) Word 1: 02:03 = 1st bytes of session ID (1st 2 bytes of MAC address) Word 2: 00:03 = Next 4 bytes (these 4 plus 1st 2 are the MAC address of manager) Word 3: 00:03 = Last 4 bytes (unique number assigned by manager) " ::= { apexRpcSessionStatEntry 10 } apexRpcSessionStatSessionIdWord3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Session ID Word 3. Session IDs are 10 byte character arrays. Session IDs are be stored as 3 4-byte words (3 Unsigned32) in this MIB. First 2 Bytes are always 0, next 10 contain the session ID. Session ID is broken up as follows: Word 1: 00:01 = 0x0000 (unused) Word 1: 02:03 = 1st bytes of session ID (1st 2 bytes of MAC address) Word 2: 00:03 = Next 4 bytes (these 4 plus 1st 2 are the MAC address of manager) Word 3: 00:03 = Last 4 bytes (unique number assigned by manager) " ::= { apexRpcSessionStatEntry 11 } apexRpcSessionStatManagerIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the RPC SDV, VOD, or Broadcast manager sending session commands. " ::= { apexRpcSessionStatEntry 12 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRpcQamStatTable -- apexRpcQamStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRpcQamStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of RPC Switched Digital Video QAM status. This table is indexed by output stream number and 48 rows. " ::= { apexRpcStatus 3 } apexRpcQamStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRpcQamStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RPC Switched Digital Video QAM Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexRpcQamStatQamChannelNum } ::= { apexRpcQamStatTable 1 } ApexRpcQamStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRpcQamStatQamChannelNum Integer32, apexRpcQamStatNumSdvSessions Integer32, apexRpcQamStatNumVodBcSessions Integer32, apexRpcQamStatSdvGroupBandwidth Unsigned32 } apexRpcQamStatQamChannelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RPC Switched Digital Video QAM Status table index. " ::= { apexRpcQamStatEntry 1 } apexRpcQamStatNumSdvSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Number of reserved SDV sessions on this QAM Channel. This is the number of SDV sessions that have been reserved by the manager. Each SDV session requires that a manager reserve a QAM. This is the count of SDV sessions reserved (not the actual number of active SDV sessions). " ::= { apexRpcQamStatEntry 2 } apexRpcQamStatNumVodBcSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Number of VOD/Broadcast sessions on this QAM Channel. This is the number of VOD/Broadcast sessions active on a QAM Channel. Since VOD and Broadcast sessions are not required to be reserved for an output, this is the count of active VOD and Broadcast sessions on a specific QAM. " ::= { apexRpcQamStatEntry 3 } apexRpcQamStatSdvGroupBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Group BW for SDV sessions (not used for VOD/Broadcast sessions). This is the total amount of BW allocated for all SDV sessions on a channel. The total SDV BW for a channel is defined by the session manager. The manager reserves this BW for future SDV sessions. This is not the BW of current active SDV sessions, but the total BW reserved by the manager for SDV sessions. " ::= { apexRpcQamStatEntry 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtsp -- -- apexRtspConfig -- -- apexRtspConfigGeneral -- apexRtspReportGbeInterfaces OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), reportGbe1and2 (1), reportGbe3and4 (2), pairedPortAssignment (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This selects which pair of GBE interfaces are to be reported to the RTSP controller (ERM) via VREP. The pairedPortAssignment selection allows for both pairs of GBE interfaces to be reported to the ERM. This allows for all 4 GBE interfaces to be used by the ERM for session mappings. This effectively splits the APEX into 2x24 QAM devices where the first GBE interface pair (1&2) are assigned to the first 24 output QAM streams (output TS 1 - 24) and the second GBE pair (3&4) are assigned to the second 24 output QAM streams (output TS 25-48). Selecting reportGbe1and2 or reportGbe3and4 limits the ERM to 2 GBE interfaces only. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRtspConfigGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspConfControllerApplyTable -- apexRtspConfControllerApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspConfControllerApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the data for apexRtspConfControllerTable. A row of this table corresponds to a row in apexRtspConfControllerTable. " ::= { apexRtspConfig 2 } apexRtspConfControllerApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspConfControllerApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP Controller Configuration Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspConfControllerApplyNum } ::= { apexRtspConfControllerApplyTable 1 } ApexRtspConfControllerApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspConfControllerApplyNum Integer32, apexRtspConfControllerApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexRtspConfControllerApplyNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RTSP Session Controller number." ::= { apexRtspConfControllerApplyEntry 1 } apexRtspConfControllerApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for a row of data in apexRtspConfControllerTable and apexRtspConfControlNamesTable. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the apexRtspConfControllerTable and apexRtspConfControlNamesTable. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the rows to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the configuration table rows has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexRtspConfControllerApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspConfControllerTable -- apexRtspConfControllerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspConfControllerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of RTSP configuration items configurable on a Controller basis. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexRtspConfControllerApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRtspConfControllerApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRtspConfig 3 } apexRtspConfControllerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspConfControllerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP Controller Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspConfControllerNum } ::= { apexRtspConfControllerTable 1 } ApexRtspConfControllerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspConfControllerNum Integer32, apexRtspConfControllerIp IpAddress, apexRtspConfControllerPort Integer32, apexRtspConfControllerHoldTime Integer32, apexRtspConfControllerBandwidthDelta Integer32 } apexRtspConfControllerNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Controller Number. APEX currently supports only one controller. " ::= { apexRtspConfControllerEntry 1 } apexRtspConfControllerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Address of the RTSP session controller. " ::= { apexRtspConfControllerEntry 2 } apexRtspConfControllerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1024..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port for the RTSP session controller. " ::= { apexRtspConfControllerEntry 3 } apexRtspConfControllerHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0 | 9..300) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The session hold time in seconds. If the APEX does not receive a keep session alive message from the controller in this time the APEX will close the session. The APEX will transmit keep session alive messages at one-third of this time. Zero indicates that the APEX should not send keep session alive messages. " ::= { apexRtspConfControllerEntry 4 } apexRtspConfControllerBandwidthDelta OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0 | 50..100000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Bandwidth Delta, in kilobits per second (kbps), for sending an Update Message. Whenever a QAM Channel's output utilization changes by more than the bandwidth delta, the APEX will send a update message providing the current BW being utilized. Zero indicates that the APEX should not send update messages based on bandwidth changes. " ::= { apexRtspConfControllerEntry 5 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspConfControlNamesTable -- apexRtspConfControlNamesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspConfControlNamesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of RTSP configuration items configurable on a Controller basis. Contains the control names. This table is a row-for-row index match to the apexRtspConfControllerTable. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexRtspConfControllerApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRtspConfControllerApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRtspConfig 4 } apexRtspConfControlNamesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspConfControlNamesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP Controller Names Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspConfControlNamesNum } ::= { apexRtspConfControlNamesTable 1 } ApexRtspConfControlNamesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspConfControlNamesNum Integer32, apexRtspConfControlNamesStreamingZone DisplayString, apexRtspConfControlNamesDeviceName DisplayString } apexRtspConfControlNamesNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Controller Number. APEX currently supports only one controller. " ::= { apexRtspConfControlNamesEntry 1 } apexRtspConfControlNamesStreamingZone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The streaming zone that the APEX is a member of. " ::= { apexRtspConfControlNamesEntry 2 } apexRtspConfControlNamesDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device name of this APEX. " ::= { apexRtspConfControlNamesEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyTable -- apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspConfQamChannelApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the data for apexRtspConfQamChannelTable. A row of this table corresponds to a row in apexRtspConfQamChannelTable. " ::= { apexRtspConfig 5 } apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspConfQamChannelApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP QAM Configuration Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyNum } ::= { apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyTable 1 } ApexRtspConfQamChannelApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyNum Integer32, apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM Channel number." ::= { apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyEntry 1 } apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for a row of data in apexRtspConfQamChannelTable. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the apexRtspConfQamChannelTable. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the rows to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the configuration table rows has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspConfQamChannelTable -- apexRtspConfQamChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspConfQamChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Configuration data for RTSP Session QAM Channels. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyChange to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRtspConfQamChannelApplyChange , value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRtspConfig 6 } apexRtspConfQamChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspConfQamChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP QAM Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspConfQamChannelNum } ::= { apexRtspConfQamChannelTable 1 } ApexRtspConfQamChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspConfQamChannelNum Integer32, apexRtspConfQamChannelGroupName DisplayString } apexRtspConfQamChannelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM Channel number." ::= { apexRtspConfQamChannelEntry 1 } apexRtspConfQamChannelGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM Group Name that this QAM Channel is a member of. " ::= { apexRtspConfQamChannelEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupTable -- apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Configuration data for RTSP Session GigE Interfaces. Once written, the change to this table will take immediate effect. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRtspConfig 7 } apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP GigE Edge Group Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupNum } ::= { apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupTable 1 } ApexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupNum Integer32, apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupName DisplayString } apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The GigE Edge Group Interface number." ::= { apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupEntry 1 } apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Name of this GigE Interface. " ::= { apexRtspConfGbeEdgeGroupEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspConfMhaTable -- apexRtspConfMhaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspConfMhaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of MHA RTSP configuration items configurable on a Controller basis. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexRtspConfControllerApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRtspConfControllerApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRtspConfig 8 } apexRtspConfMhaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspConfMhaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MHA RTSP Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspConfMhaNum } ::= { apexRtspConfMhaTable 1 } ApexRtspConfMhaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspConfMhaNum Integer32, apexRtspConfMhaAddressDomain Integer32, apexRtspConfMhaPort Integer32 } apexRtspConfMhaNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MHA Controller Number. APEX currently supports only one controller. " ::= { apexRtspConfMhaEntry 1 } apexRtspConfMhaAddressDomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Address Domain of the sender used in ERRP. Address Domain of the ERM and APEX must match in order to establish an ERRP connection. Zero is used as the global address domain, which is interpreted to mean that any advertised address can be reached from any address domain. " ::= { apexRtspConfMhaEntry 2 } apexRtspConfMhaPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1024..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port for the MHA session controller. " ::= { apexRtspConfMhaEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspConfMhaGeneral -- apexRtspConfMhaUdpMapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the UDP Map is populated in the Update message sent by the APEX to the ERM when in MHA mode. When 'enabled', the APEX will report UDP ports available. When 'disabled', the APEX will include the UDP Map field but will not populate it with data. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexRtspConfControllerApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRtspConfControllerApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRtspConfMhaGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspConfMhaSbe -- apexRtspConfMhaSbeEncryptionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { full (1), fwk (2), fpk (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is used to set the Session based Encryption Mode. It applies to all session based encryption sessions. - 'full' - The APEX will use Full encryption. - 'fwk' - The APEX will use Fixed Working Key (FWK) encryption. - 'fpk' - The APEX will use Fixed Program Key (FPK) encryption. The APEX will not attempt to get EMMs. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRtspConfMhaSbeApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRtspConfMhaSbeApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRtspConfMhaSbe 1 } apexRtspConfMhaSbeCciLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notDefined (1), copyFreely (2), copyOnce (3), copyNever (4), noMoreCopies (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Copy Control Information (CCI) Level setting for session based PRK messages if CCI is not defined in the XML encryption blob. - notDefined - CCI is not defined, settop box applications can configure CCI - copyFreely - program can be copied - copyOnce - program can be copied once - copyNever - program can never be copied - noMoreCopies - Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRtspConfMhaSbeApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRtspConfMhaSbeApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= {apexRtspConfMhaSbe 2} apexRtspConfMhaSbeApsLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notDefined (1), off (2), splitBurstOff (3), splitBurst2Line (4), splitBurst4Line (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Protection System (APS) Level setting for session based PRK messages if APS is not defined in the XML encryption blob. Defines what copy protection encoding will be applied to the analog composite output by the settop box. - notDefined - analog protection is not defined, settop box applications can configure APS - off - no analog protection - splitBurstOff - AGC on, split burst off - splitBurst2Line - AGC on, 2 line split burst on - splitBurst4Line - AGC on, 4 line split burst on Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRtspConfMhaSbeApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRtspConfMhaSbeApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= {apexRtspConfMhaSbe 3} apexRtspConfMhaSbeCitSetting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Copy protection Constraint Image Trigger setting. This is only applicable when the session is being encrypted and the CIT setting was not contained in the XML encryption blob. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRtspConfMhaSbeApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRtspConfMhaSbeApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(sdv.ini, type='ini') " ::= {apexRtspConfMhaSbe 4} apexRtspConfMhaSbeApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the MHA session based encryption settings. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in MHA SBE to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the MHA SBE has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= {apexRtspConfMhaSbe 5} -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspStatus -- -- apexRtspStatusGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspSessionStatTable -- apexRtspSessionStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspSessionStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of RTSP Session status. This table contains 768 rows. " ::= { apexRtspStatus 2 } apexRtspSessionStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspSessionStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP Session Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspSessionStatIndex } ::= { apexRtspSessionStatTable 1 } ApexRtspSessionStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspSessionStatIndex Integer32, apexRtspSessionStatInputTsIndex Integer32, apexRtspSessionStatInputProgramNum Integer32, apexRtspSessionStatOutputQamChannel Integer32, apexRtspSessionStatOutputProgramNum Integer32, apexRtspSessionStatProgramBandwidth Integer32, apexRtspSessionStatManagerIpAddr IpAddress } apexRtspSessionStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RTSP Session Status table index. " ::= { apexRtspSessionStatEntry 1 } apexRtspSessionStatInputTsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into the apexInputTsStatTable." ::= { apexRtspSessionStatEntry 2 } apexRtspSessionStatInputProgramNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Gigabit Ethernet Input Program Number. A value of zero (0) indicates that the input is an SPTS and the first program listed in the input PAT will be mapped by the APEX. " ::= { apexRtspSessionStatEntry 3 } apexRtspSessionStatOutputQamChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Output QAM Channel. " ::= { apexRtspSessionStatEntry 4 } apexRtspSessionStatOutputProgramNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Output Program Number. " ::= { apexRtspSessionStatEntry 5 } apexRtspSessionStatProgramBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Expected Program Bandwidth (bps). This is the bandwidth of the program as defined in the service mapping. A value of 0 indicates that the program BW is unknown. " ::= { apexRtspSessionStatEntry 6 } apexRtspSessionStatManagerIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the manager sending session commands. " ::= { apexRtspSessionStatEntry 7 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspSessionIdTable -- apexRtspSessionIdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspSessionIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of RTSP Session Ids. This table contains 768 rows and is a row-for-row index match to apexRtspSessionStatTable. " ::= { apexRtspStatus 3 } apexRtspSessionIdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspSessionIdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP Session ID Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspSessionIdIndex } ::= { apexRtspSessionIdTable 1 } ApexRtspSessionIdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspSessionIdIndex Integer32, apexRtspSessionId DisplayString } apexRtspSessionIdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RTSP Session ID table index. This is a row-for-row match to the RTSP Session Status table index. " ::= { apexRtspSessionIdEntry 1 } apexRtspSessionId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Session ID. " ::= { apexRtspSessionIdEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspQamStatTable -- apexRtspQamStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspQamStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of RTSP Session QAM status. This table is indexed by QAM channel number and contains 48 rows. " ::= { apexRtspStatus 4 } apexRtspQamStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspQamStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP Session QAM status Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspQamStatQamChannelNum } ::= { apexRtspQamStatTable 1 } ApexRtspQamStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspQamStatQamChannelNum Integer32, apexRtspQamStatNumSessions Integer32, apexRtspQamStatAllocatedBandwidth Unsigned32 } apexRtspQamStatQamChannelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RTSP Session Control Video QAM Status table index. " ::= { apexRtspQamStatEntry 1 } apexRtspQamStatNumSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Number of active sessions on this QAM Channel. " ::= { apexRtspQamStatEntry 2 } apexRtspQamStatAllocatedBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the total amount of BW allocated for all sessions on a channel. " ::= { apexRtspQamStatEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspStatControllerTable -- apexRtspStatControllerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspStatControllerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of RTSP status items configurable on a Controller basis. " ::= { apexRtspStatus 5 } apexRtspStatControllerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspStatControllerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP Controller Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspStatControllerNum } ::= { apexRtspStatControllerTable 1 } ApexRtspStatControllerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspStatControllerNum Integer32, apexRtspStatControllerDiscovery INTEGER, apexRtspStatControllerConnection INTEGER, apexRtspStatControllerCommFault INTEGER } apexRtspStatControllerNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Controller Number. APEX currently supports only one controller. " ::= { apexRtspStatControllerEntry 1 } apexRtspStatControllerDiscovery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notDiscovered (1), discovered (2), discoveredConnectionLost (3), discoveredAnotB (4), discoveredBnotA (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of Controller to APEX discovery. " ::= { apexRtspStatControllerEntry 2 } apexRtspStatControllerConnection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notConnected (1), connected (2), connectedPort554 (3), connectedPort2048 (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the connection between the APEX and the Controller. 'notConnected' causes apexAlarmRtspControllerCommFault. " ::= { apexRtspStatControllerEntry 3 } apexRtspStatControllerCommFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current fault condition of apexRtspStatControllerConnection. This is the apexAlarmRtspControllerCommFault level for this controller. " ::= { apexRtspStatControllerEntry 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspStatQamChannelTable -- apexRtspStatQamChannelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspStatQamChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Status data for RTSP Session QAM Channels. " ::= { apexRtspStatus 6 } apexRtspStatQamChannelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspStatQamChannelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP QAM Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspStatQamChannelNum } ::= { apexRtspStatQamChannelTable 1 } ApexRtspStatQamChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspStatQamChannelNum Integer32, apexRtspStatQamChannelName DisplayString } apexRtspStatQamChannelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM Channel number." ::= { apexRtspStatQamChannelEntry 1 } apexRtspStatQamChannelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..128)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Name of this QAM Channel. " ::= { apexRtspStatQamChannelEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspStatQamMptsModeTable -- apexRtspStatQamMptsModeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspStatQamMptsModeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of MPTS Mode Status data for RTSP Session QAM Channels. " ::= { apexRtspStatus 7 } apexRtspStatQamMptsModeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspStatQamMptsModeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP QAM MPTS Mode Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspStatQamMptsModeQamChannelNum } ::= { apexRtspStatQamMptsModeTable 1 } ApexRtspStatQamMptsModeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspStatQamMptsModeQamChannelNum Integer32, apexRtspStatQamMptsModeQamChannelMode INTEGER } apexRtspStatQamMptsModeQamChannelNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM Channel number." ::= { apexRtspStatQamMptsModeEntry 1 } apexRtspStatQamMptsModeQamChannelMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), passthrough (1), multiplexing (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MPTS mode of this QAM Channel. The first session established on the QAM channel defines the MPTS mode. Each new session must have the same mode as long as one session is still active. " ::= { apexRtspStatQamMptsModeEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManualRouting -- -- apexManualRoutingConfig -- -- apexManualRoutingConfigGeneral -- apexManualRouteRmdClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Clear all RMD information from DRAM and flash. Note that apexManualRouteEnable must be set to disabled for all rows before RMD information will be cleared by this parameter. If RMD information was cleared, the APEX will set this parameter to applyNotInProgressValidData. If RMD information was not cleared, the APEX will set this parameter to applyNotInProgressInvalidData. Once written, the change to this parameter will take effect immediately. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexManualRoutingConfigGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManualRouteApplyTable -- apexManualRouteApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexManualRouteApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the data for Manual Route Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the Manual Route table. " ::= { apexManualRoutingConfig 2 } apexManualRouteApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexManualRouteApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual Route Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexManualRouteApplyIndex } ::= { apexManualRouteApplyTable 1 } ApexManualRouteApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexManualRouteApplyIndex Integer32, apexManualRouteApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexManualRouteApplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Manual Route Apply Table." ::= { apexManualRouteApplyEntry 1 } apexManualRouteApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the row of data in the Manual Route Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the Manual Route table. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the Manual Route Table row to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the Manual Route Table row has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexManualRouteApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManualRouteTable -- apexManualRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexManualRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of data for Manual Routes. Once written, the change to a row this table will only take immediate effect after the appropriate apexManualRouteApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexManualRouteApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(bcmr.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexManualRoutingConfig 3 } apexManualRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexManualRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual Route Table Entry." INDEX { apexManualRouteIndex } ::= { apexManualRouteTable 1 } ApexManualRouteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexManualRouteIndex Integer32, apexManualRouteEnable EnableDisableTYPE, apexManualRouteInputType INTEGER, apexManualRouteInputInterface Integer32, apexManualRouteInputUdp Integer32, apexManualRouteInputMulticastIp IpAddress, apexManualRouteInputSourceIp IpAddress, apexManualRouteInputProgNum Integer32, apexManualRouteInputPreEncryptCheck EnableDisableTYPE, apexManualRouteOutputTsNum Integer32, apexManualRouteOutputProgNum Integer32, apexManualRouteOutputEncryptMode INTEGER, apexManualRouteOutputCopyProtectSource INTEGER, apexManualRouteSourceId Integer32, apexManualRouteProviderId Integer32 } apexManualRouteIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Manual Route Table." ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 1 } apexManualRouteEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this Manual Route is enabled or disabled. " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 2 } apexManualRouteInputType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { gbe (1), fastEnet (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Type of input from which to obtain data. " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 3 } apexManualRouteInputInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the input interface, of type configured by Input Type, from which to obtain data. Range: '0' = Not Applicable GBE = 1-4 FastEnet = 1-2 " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 4 } apexManualRouteInputUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input UDP Port from which to obtain data. Range: GBE = 0-65535 FastEnet = 1024-65535 " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 5 } apexManualRouteInputMulticastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Multicast IP address from which to obtain data. An IP address of indicates table entry not in use. Multicast IP addresses to are reserved. " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 6 } apexManualRouteInputSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input IGMP v3 Source IP from which to obtain data. If the router supports IGMP v3 the GBE will only receive data from this source IP. If Source IP is not specified or the router does not support IGMP v3 the GBE will receive data from any source device. Source IP address must be a valid singlecast address. " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 7 } apexManualRouteInputProgNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input MPEG Program Number to multiplex. A value of 0 can be used as a wild card. This will cause the APEX to map the first program listed in the input PAT to the specified output (regardless of input program number). Input program number zero should only be used when mapping Single Program Transport Streams (SPTS). " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 8 } apexManualRouteInputPreEncryptCheck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual Routing Pre-Encryption Checking. Indicates if the APEX is to check if the input service is pre-encrypted or clear. Pre-encrypted is determined by examining the input PMT for a CA ECM descriptor (any CA ECM descriptor). If pre-encrypted, setting this flag will cause the APEX to pass through ECM PID for this service. For input services that have a GI CA ECM descriptor, the APEX will also pass through the PIT message (extract and re-insert the PIT). The output PMT for pre-encrypted services will contain a CA ECM descriptor (referencing the ECM PID). When PID Remapping is enabled, pre-encryption for a service is only valid when the input ECM PID is on a different PID than the associated PMT PID. If this flag is set to pre-encryption and the input service is not pre-encrypted, then the setting of this flag has no affect on the output service. " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 9 } apexManualRouteOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..48) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Number of the output on which to place data. Zero = NotApplicable and is only valid if the apexManualRouteTable entry is not being used. " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 10 } apexManualRouteOutputProgNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Program number to use for the program. Zero = NotApplicable and is only valid if the apexManualRouteTable entry is not being used. " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 11 } apexManualRouteOutputEncryptMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Encryption Mode. Not supported. " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 12 } apexManualRouteOutputCopyProtectSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { followInputDtcp (1), configuredSource (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Copy Protection Source. Not supported. " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 13 } apexManualRouteSourceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Broadcast Encryption Source ID. Only applies to programs if the input type is Gbe and the output encryption mode is Broadcast Encryption. (apexOutputTsConfEncryptionType set to 'broadcastEncryption') " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 14 } apexManualRouteProviderId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Broadcast Encryption Provider ID. Only applies to programs if the input type is Gbe and the output encryption mode is Broadcast Encryption. (apexOutputTsConfEncryptionType set to 'broadcastEncryption') " ::= { apexManualRouteEntry 15 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManRtePassThroughApplyTable -- apexManRtePassThroughApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexManRtePassThroughApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the data for Manual Route Pass Through Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the Manual Route Pass Through table. " ::= { apexManualRoutingConfig 4 } apexManRtePassThroughApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexManRtePassThroughApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual Route Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexManRtePassThroughApplyOutputTsNum } ::= { apexManRtePassThroughApplyTable 1 } ApexManRtePassThroughApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexManRtePassThroughApplyOutputTsNum Integer32, apexManRtePassThroughApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexManRtePassThroughApplyOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Manual Route Pass Through Apply Table." ::= { apexManRtePassThroughApplyEntry 1 } apexManRtePassThroughApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the row of data in the Manual Route Pass Through Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the Manual Route Pass Through table. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the Manual Route Pass Through Table row to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the Manual Route Pass Through Table row has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexManRtePassThroughApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManRtePassThroughTable -- apexManRtePassThroughTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexManRtePassThroughEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of data for Manual Route Pass Through. This table is used to pass through an entire input stream to an output stream. Once written, the change to a row this table will only take immediate effect after the appropriate apexManRtePassThroughApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexManRtePassThroughApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(bcmr.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexManualRoutingConfig 5 } apexManRtePassThroughEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexManRtePassThroughEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual Route Pass Through Table Entry." INDEX { apexManRtePassThroughOutputTsNum } ::= { apexManRtePassThroughTable 1 } ApexManRtePassThroughEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexManRtePassThroughOutputTsNum Integer32, apexManRtePassThroughEnable EnableDisableTYPE, apexManRtePassThroughInputType INTEGER, apexManRtePassThroughInputInterface Integer32, apexManRtePassThroughInputUdp Integer32, apexManRtePassThroughInputMulticastIp IpAddress, apexManRtePassThroughInputSourceIp IpAddress } apexManRtePassThroughOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Manual Route Pass Through Table." ::= { apexManRtePassThroughEntry 1 } apexManRtePassThroughEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that this Manual Route Pass Through is enabled or disabled. An input stream can only be passed through to an output stream when there are no active service or PID mappings to the output stream. " ::= { apexManRtePassThroughEntry 2 } apexManRtePassThroughInputType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { gbe (1), fastEnet (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Type of input from which to obtain data. " ::= { apexManRtePassThroughEntry 3 } apexManRtePassThroughInputInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the input interface, of type configured by Input Type, from which to obtain data. Range: '0' = Not Applicable GBE = 1-4 FastEnet = 1-2 " ::= { apexManRtePassThroughEntry 4 } apexManRtePassThroughInputUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input UDP Port from which to obtain data. Range: GBE = 0-65535 FastEnet = 1024-65535 " ::= { apexManRtePassThroughEntry 5 } apexManRtePassThroughInputMulticastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Multicast IP address from which to obtain data. An IP address of indicates table entry not in use. Multicast IP addresses to are reserved. " ::= { apexManRtePassThroughEntry 6 } apexManRtePassThroughInputSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input IGMP v3 Source IP address from which to obtain data. If the router supports IGMP v3 the GBE will only receive data from this source IP. If Source IP is not specified or the router does not support IGMP v3 the GBE will receive data from any source device. Source IP address must be a valid singlecast address. " ::= { apexManRtePassThroughEntry 7 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundConfig -- -- apexManRteGbeInRedConfigGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManRteGbeInRedApplyTable -- apexManRteGbeInRedApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexManRteGbeInRedApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the data for Manual Route Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the Manual Route table. " ::= { apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundConfig 2 } apexManRteGbeInRedApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexManRteGbeInRedApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual Routing Gbe Input Ts Configuration Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexManRteGbeInRedApplyIndex } ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedApplyTable 1 } ApexManRteGbeInRedApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexManRteGbeInRedApplyIndex Integer32, apexManRteGbeInRedApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexManRteGbeInRedApplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Manual Routing Gbe Input Ts Configuration Apply Table." ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedApplyEntry 1 } apexManRteGbeInRedApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the row of data in the Manual Routing Gbe Input Ts Configuration Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the Manual Routing Gbe Input Ts Configuration table. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the Manual Routing Gbe Input Ts Configuration Table row to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the Manual Routing Gbe Input Ts Configuration Table row has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManRteGbeInRedTable -- apexManRteGbeInRedTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexManRteGbeInRedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is the Manual Routing Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Configuration Table. This table contains 768 rows. For Force Switching a Redundancy pair for an Input TS configured in this table, refer to the same row index in apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchTable. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexManRteGbeInRedApplyChange is set to 'apply'. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexManRteGbeInRedApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(gige_red.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundConfig 3 } apexManRteGbeInRedEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexManRteGbeInRedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual Routing Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexManRteGbeInRedIndex } ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedTable 1 } ApexManRteGbeInRedEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexManRteGbeInRedIndex Integer32, apexManRteGbeInRedPriInterface Integer32, apexManRteGbeInRedPriUdp Integer32, apexManRteGbeInRedPriMulticastIp IpAddress, apexManRteGbeInRedPriSourceIp IpAddress, apexManRteGbeInRedPriLowAlarmBitRate Integer32, apexManRteGbeInRedPriHighAlarmBitRate Integer32, apexManRteGbeInRedRateCompareType RateComparisonTYPE, apexManRteGbeInRedEnable EnableDisableTYPE, apexManRteGbeInRedThreshold Integer32, apexManRteGbeInRedSuspend INTEGER, apexManRteGbeInRedSecInterface Integer32, apexManRteGbeInRedSecUdp Integer32, apexManRteGbeInRedSecMulticastIp IpAddress, apexManRteGbeInRedSecSourceIp IpAddress, apexManRteGbeInRedSecLowAlarmBitRate Integer32, apexManRteGbeInRedSecHighAlarmBitRate Integer32, apexManRteGbeInRedSecRedundMcJoin INTEGER } apexManRteGbeInRedIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Manual Routing Gbe Input Ts Configuration table index. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 1 } apexManRteGbeInRedPriInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The primary Gigabit Ethernet Interface. Zero indicates this row of the table is not in use. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 2 } apexManRteGbeInRedPriUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The primary Gigabit Ethernet Input UDP Port. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 3 } apexManRteGbeInRedPriMulticastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The primary Multicast receive IP address. An IP address of indicates table entry not in use. Multicast IP addresses to are reserved. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 4 } apexManRteGbeInRedPriSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IP address of the source device for the primary interface. If the router supports IGMP v3 the GBE will only receive data from this source IP. If Source IP is not specified or the router does not support IGMP v3 the GBE will receive data from any source device. Source IP address must be a valid singlecast address. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 5 } apexManRteGbeInRedPriLowAlarmBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the bit rate, in bits per second, below which the APEX will issue the apexAlarmGbeInputStreamLowBitRate alarm for the primary interface. The APEX will compare either the current Information rate or Stream rate as configured in apexManRteGbeInRedRateCompareType. Setting to zero disables the bit rate alarming. The APEX updates the bit rate statistics every five seconds. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 6 } apexManRteGbeInRedPriHighAlarmBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the bit rate, in bits per second, above which the APEX will issue the apexAlarmGbeInputStreamHighBitRate alarm for the primary interface. The APEX will compare either the current Information rate or Stream rate as configured in apexManRteGbeInRedRateCompareType. Setting to zero disables the bit rate alarming. The APEX updates the bit rate statistics every five seconds. Not supported. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 7 } apexManRteGbeInRedRateCompareType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RateComparisonTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the rate to use for comparing input streams. It is either Information rate or Stream rate. This applies to monitoring for Bit Rate alarming and monitoring of Redundant Pairs. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 8 } apexManRteGbeInRedEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry is used to enable Redundancy. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 9 } apexManRteGbeInRedThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual Routing Gigabit Ethernet Redundancy Threshold. This is the percent used to determine Fail Over from Primary to Secondary, and Switch Back from Secondary to Primary. If a value of zero is specified, Fail Over or Switch Back will not occur. Range is 0 to 100%. Primary Fail Over to Secondary: FailOver = (PrimaryRate) < (Threshold * SecondaryRate) The Primary must remain below the threshold for apexGbeConfInRedundMonitorPeriod. Fail Over will not occur when apexManRteGbeInRedSuspend is set to 'suspended'. Secondary Switch Back to Primary: SwitchBack = (PrimaryRate) >= (Threshold * SecondaryRate) The Primary must remain at or above the threshold for apexGbeConfInRedundMonitorPeriod seconds. The APEX will delay Switch Back an additional apexGbeConfInRedundSwitchTime seconds. Switch Back will not occur when apexManRteGbeInRedSuspend is set to 'suspended' or apexGbeConfInRedundAutoSwitchBack is 'disabled'. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 10 } apexManRteGbeInRedSuspend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSuspended (1), suspended (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This suspends Redundant Pair switching when set to 'suspended'. This has no effect when redundancy is disabled. Forced switching of Redundant Pairs is not prevented when this is set to 'suspended'. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 11 } apexManRteGbeInRedSecInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The secondary Gigabit Ethernet Interface for redundancy. Zero is invalid when redundancy is enabled. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 12 } apexManRteGbeInRedSecUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The secondary Gigabit Ethernet Input UDP Port for redundancy. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 13 } apexManRteGbeInRedSecMulticastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The secondary Multicast receive IP address for redundancy. An IP address of indicates singlecast only. Multicast IP addresses to are reserved. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 14 } apexManRteGbeInRedSecSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IP address of the source device for the secondary interface. If the router supports IGMP v3 the GBE will only receive data from this source IP. If Source IP is not specified or the router does not support IGMP v3 the GBE will receive data from any source device. Source IP address must be a valid singlecast address. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 15 } apexManRteGbeInRedSecLowAlarmBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the bit rate, in bits per second, below which the APEX will issue the apexAlarmGbeInputStreamLowBitRate alarm for the secondary interface. The APEX will compare either the current Information rate or Stream rate as configured in apexManRteGbeInRedRateCompareType. Setting to zero disables the bit rate alarming. The APEX updates the bit rate statistics every five seconds. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 16 } apexManRteGbeInRedSecHighAlarmBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the bit rate, in bits per second, above which the APEX will issue the apexAlarmGbeInputStreamHighBitRate alarm for the secondary interface. The APEX will compare either the current Information rate or Stream rate as configured in apexManRteGbeInRedRateCompareType. Setting to zero disables the bit rate alarming. The APEX updates the bit rate statistics every five seconds. Not supported. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 17 } apexManRteGbeInRedSecRedundMcJoin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noJoinOnOpen (1), joinOnOpen (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is not currently supported and is reserved for future use. " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedEntry 18 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchTable -- apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is the Manual Routing Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Redundancy Configuration Table. This table contains 768 rows. A row in this table corresponds to the same index in the apexManRteGbeInRedTable. " ::= { apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundConfig 4 } apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Input Stream Redundancy Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchIndex } ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchTable 1 } ApexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchIndex Integer32, apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitch INTEGER } apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Manual Routing Gbe Input Ts Redundancy Configuration table index. A row in this table corresponds to the same index in the apexManRteGbeInRedTable." ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchEntry 1 } apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { switchNotInProgress (1), forceSwitch (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Gigabit Ethernet Redundant Pair force switch. This will have no effect if the corresponding row setting of apexManRteGbeInRedEnable is 'disabled'. The corresponding row setting apexManRteGbeInRedSuspend is ignored when 'forceSwitch' is set. The switch will occur even if apexManRteGbeInRedSuspend is 'suspended'. When forced to the Secondary of the pair, the APEX will stay on the Secondary until the user forces back to the Primary. The APEX will not automatically switch back to the Primary when the Primary is restored above the failover threshold. The APEX will not allow a force to the Primary unless the Primary is above the failover threshold. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedForceSwitchEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManualRoutingStatus -- -- apexManualRoutingStatusGeneral -- apexManualRouteInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexManualRouteApplyChange is set to applyNotInProgressInvalidData this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply of a table entry that was invalid." ::= { apexManualRoutingStatusGeneral 1 } apexManRtePassThroughInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexManRtePassThroughApplyChange is set to applyNotInProgressInvalidData this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply of a table entry that was invalid." ::= { apexManualRoutingStatusGeneral 2 } apexManRteGbeInRedInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexManRteGbeInRedTableApplyChange is set to applyNotInProgressInvalidData this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply of a table entry that was invalid." ::= { apexManualRoutingStatusGeneral 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundStatus -- -- apexManRteGbeInRedStatusGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapTable -- apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides the mapping between the indexes in Manual Routing Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Redundancy Configuration and Input TS Status. This table contains 768 rows. The index in this table corresponds to the same index in the apexManRteGbeInRedTable. " ::= { apexManualRouteGbeInputRedundStatus 2 } apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Input Stream Redundancy Configuration and Status Mapping Table Entry." INDEX { apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapIndex } ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapTable 1 } ApexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapIndex Integer32, apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapInputTsStatRow Integer32 } apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Manual Routing Gbe Input Ts Redundancy Configuration and status mapping table index. A index in this table corresponds to the same index in the apexManRteGbeInRedTable." ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapEntry 1 } apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapInputTsStatRow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..784) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Manual Routing Gbe Input TS Status index. This provides the mapping between the entries in apexManRteGbeInRedTable and apexInputTsStatTable. The range of the index is 0 - 784, where 0 indicates no direct association between configuration and status and the 1-784 is the actual Input Stream status row (relative 1). @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexManRteGbeInRedStatusMapEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManualRoutingServiceStatus -- -- apexManualRoutingServiceStatusGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexManualRoutingServiceStatusTable -- apexManualRoutingServiceStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexManualRoutingServiceStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides the error status for manual routed service routing. For each routing in manual routing table, the corresponding entry in this table gives the service error status. " ::= { apexManualRoutingServiceStatus 2 } apexManualRoutingServiceStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexManualRoutingServiceStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual routing service status table entry." INDEX { apexManualRoutingServiceStatusIndex } ::= { apexManualRoutingServiceStatusTable 1 } ApexManualRoutingServiceStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexManualRoutingServiceStatusIndex Integer32, apexManualRoutingServiceErrorStatus INTEGER } apexManualRoutingServiceStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual Routing Service Status Index. This index in this table corresponds to the same index in the apexManualRouteTable." ::= { apexManualRoutingServiceStatusEntry 1 } apexManualRoutingServiceErrorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Program service error for the service routed in manual routing table. The entry in this table corresponds to the same index entry in the apexManualRouteTable. " ::= { apexManualRoutingServiceStatusEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexAncillaryPidMapping -- -- apexPidMapConfig -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPidMapTable -- apexPidMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexPidMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of data for Ancillary Pid Mapping. There are 480 rows in this table (APEX supports up to 480 ancillary PID mappings). Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexPidMapApplyChange is set to 'apply'. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPidMapApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(bcmr.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPidMapConfig 1 } apexPidMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexPidMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pid Mapping Table Entry." INDEX { apexPidMapIndex } ::= { apexPidMapTable 1 } ApexPidMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexPidMapIndex Integer32, apexPidMapEnable EnableDisableTYPE, apexPidMapInputType INTEGER, apexPidMapInputInterface Integer32, apexPidMapInputUdp Integer32, apexPidMapInputMulticastIp IpAddress, apexPidMapInputSourceIp IpAddress, apexPidMapInputPid Integer32, apexPidMapOutputTsNum Integer32, apexPidMapOutputPid Integer32 } apexPidMapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..480) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of Pid Mapping Table." ::= { apexPidMapEntry 1 } apexPidMapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this PID Mapping is enabled or disabled. " ::= { apexPidMapEntry 2 } apexPidMapInputType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { gbe (1), fastEnet (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Type of input from which to obtain data. " ::= { apexPidMapEntry 3 } apexPidMapInputInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the input, of type configured by Input Type, from which to obtain data. Range: '0' = Not Applicable GBE = 1-4 FastEnet = 1-2 " ::= { apexPidMapEntry 4 } apexPidMapInputUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input UDP Port from which to obtain data. Range: GBE = 0-65535 FastEnet = 1024-65535 " ::= { apexPidMapEntry 5 } apexPidMapInputMulticastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Multicast receive IP address on which to receive data. An IP address of indicates singlecast only. Multicast IP addresses to are reserved. " ::= { apexPidMapEntry 6 } apexPidMapInputSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IP address of the source device. If the router supports IGMP v3 the GBE will only receive data from this source IP. If Source IP is not specified or the router does not support IGMP v3 the GBE will receive data from any source device. Source IP address must be a valid singlecast address. " ::= { apexPidMapEntry 7 } apexPidMapInputPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..8191) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input MPEG PID to multiplex. When PID Remapping for an output is enabled, the input PID value and output PID value can be different. When PID Remapping for an output is disabled, the input and output PIDs must be the same. Input PID 0 (PAT PID) cannot be mapped by the user. " ::= { apexPidMapEntry 8 } apexPidMapOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..48) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Number of the output on which to place data. Zero is only valid if the apexPidMapTable entry is not being used. " ::= { apexPidMapEntry 9 } apexPidMapOutputPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..8191) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output PID to use for the data. This output PID value must match the input PID value when PID Remapping for the output stream is disabled. Zero is only valid if the apexPidMapTable entry is not being used. " ::= { apexPidMapEntry 10 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPidMapApplyTable -- apexPidMapApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexPidMapApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the data for PID Map Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the PID Map table. " ::= { apexPidMapConfig 2 } apexPidMapApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexPidMapApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PID Map Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexPidMapApplyIndex } ::= { apexPidMapApplyTable 1 } ApexPidMapApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexPidMapApplyIndex Integer32, apexPidMapApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexPidMapApplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..480) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the PID Map Apply Table." ::= { apexPidMapApplyEntry 1 } apexPidMapApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the row of data in the PID Map Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the PID Map table. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the PID Map Table row to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the PID Map Table row has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexPidMapApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexBulkPidMapTable -- apexBulkPidMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexBulkPidMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of data for Ancillary Bulk Pid Mapping. Apex supports 480 ancillary PID map routings. There are 480 rows in this table which allows user to configure upto 480*48 PID configurations, but only 480 ancillary PID mappings will be routed on apex. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexBulkPidMapApplyChange is set to 'apply'. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexBulkPidMapApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(bcmr.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPidMapConfig 3 } apexBulkPidMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexBulkPidMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bulk Pid Mapping Table Entry." INDEX { apexBulkPidMapIndex } ::= { apexBulkPidMapTable 1 } ApexBulkPidMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexBulkPidMapIndex Integer32, apexBulkPidMapEnable EnableDisableTYPE, apexBulkPidMapInputType INTEGER, apexBulkPidMapInputInterface Integer32, apexBulkPidMapInputUdp Integer32, apexBulkPidMapInputMulticastIp IpAddress, apexBulkPidMapInputSourceIp IpAddress, apexBulkPidMapInputPid Integer32, apexBulkPidMapOutputTsNum01to32 Unsigned32, apexBulkPidMapOutputTsNum33to48 Unsigned32, apexBulkPidMapOutputPid Integer32 } apexBulkPidMapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..480) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of Bulk Pid Mapping Table. This index maps with apexBulkPidMapApplyIndex Also, defines this table row size " ::= { apexBulkPidMapEntry 1 } apexBulkPidMapEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this Bulk PID Mapping entry is enabled or disabled. " ::= { apexBulkPidMapEntry 2 } apexBulkPidMapInputType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { gbe (1), fastEnet (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Type. Indicates if mapping is from gigabit ethernet or fast ethernet " ::= { apexBulkPidMapEntry 3 } apexBulkPidMapInputInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the input, of type configured by Input Type, from which to obtain data. Range: '0' = Not Applicable GBE = 1-4 FastEnet = 1-2 " ::= { apexBulkPidMapEntry 4 } apexBulkPidMapInputUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input UDP Port from which to obtain data. Range: GBE = 0-65535 FastEnet = 1024-65535 " ::= { apexBulkPidMapEntry 5 } apexBulkPidMapInputMulticastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Multicast receive IP address on which to receive data. An IP address of indicates singlecast only. Multicast IP addresses to are reserved. " ::= { apexBulkPidMapEntry 6 } apexBulkPidMapInputSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IP address of the source device. If the router supports IGMP v3 the GBE will only receive data from this source IP. If Source IP is not specified or the router does not support IGMP v3 the GBE will receive data from any source device. Source IP address must be a valid singlecast address. " ::= { apexBulkPidMapEntry 7 } apexBulkPidMapInputPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..8191) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input MPEG PID to multiplex. When PID Remapping for an output is enabled, the input PID value and output PID value can be different. When PID Remapping for an output is disabled, the input and output PIDs must be the same. Input PID 0 (PAT PID) cannot be mapped by the user. Zero is only valid if the apexBulkPidMapTable entry is not being used. " ::= { apexBulkPidMapEntry 8 } apexBulkPidMapOutputTsNum01to32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitfield for inserting PID streams into OTS 1 through 32 where: bit 0(lsb) = OTS 1, bit 31(msb) = OTS 32. If the bit for the OTS is set, then the current PID is inserted into the output. " ::= { apexBulkPidMapEntry 9 } apexBulkPidMapOutputTsNum33to48 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitfield for inserting PID streams into OTS 33 through 48 where: bit 0(lsb) = OTS 33, bit 15 = OTS 48. If the bit for the OTS is set, then the current PID is inserted into the output. Other bits are reserved. " ::= { apexBulkPidMapEntry 10 } apexBulkPidMapOutputPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..8191) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output PID to use for the data. This output PID value must match the input PID value when PID Remapping for the output stream is disabled. Zero is only valid if the apexBulkPidMapTable entry is not being used. " ::= { apexBulkPidMapEntry 11 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexBulkPidMapApplyTable -- apexBulkPidMapApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexBulkPidMapApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the data for Bulk PID Map Table (apexBulkPidMapTable). A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the Bulk PID Map table. " ::= { apexPidMapConfig 4} apexBulkPidMapApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexBulkPidMapApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bulk PID Map Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexBulkPidMapApplyIndex } ::= { apexBulkPidMapApplyTable 1 } ApexBulkPidMapApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexBulkPidMapApplyIndex Integer32, apexBulkPidMapApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexBulkPidMapApplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..480) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the bulk PID map Apply Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the entry in bulk PID map table." ::= { apexBulkPidMapApplyEntry 1 } apexBulkPidMapApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the row of data in the Bulk PID Map Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the Bulk PID Map table. This paramter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in apexBulkPidMapTable row to take effect in the APEX. If apexBulkPidMapTable is valid, host sets apexBulkPidMapApplyChange to applyNotInProgressValidData. Otherwise, host sets apexPidMapApplyChange to applyNotInProgressInvalidData. Also updates the parameter apexBulkPidMapInvalidApplyText with text description of what is wrong with changing apexBulkPidMapTable. " ::= { apexBulkPidMapApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPidMapConfigGeneral -- apexPidMapConfigApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This paramter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in apexPidMapConfigBulkPidEnable to effect. If enabled, host deletes the pid mappings created based on apexPidMapTable and creates based on apexBulkPidMapTable. If disabled, host deletes the pid mappings created based on apexBulkPidMapTable and creates based on apexPidMapTable Host after creating pid mapping, sets apexPidMapApplyChange with applyNotInProgressValidData when the entry is successfully created. Host sets the apply change to applyNotInProgressInvalidData when any error occurs when PID mapping entry is created or when the apexPidMapConfigBulkPidEnable is set with unknown value. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexPidMapConfigGeneral 1 } apexPidMapConfigBulkPidEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When enabled, this parameter indicates the host to route ancillary PIDs based on apexBulkPidMapTable. When disabled, this parameter indicates the host to route ancillary PIDs based on apexPidMapTable. Once written, a change to apexPidMapConfigBulkPidEnable, will only take effect after the appropriate apexPidMapConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPidMapConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPidMapConfigGeneral 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPidMapInputAncillaryPidDetection -- apexPidMapInputAncillaryPidDetectionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The loss of input ancillary PID detection timeout value in minutes. The APEX will monitor for the configured number of minutes to check whether atleast one TS packet for an input ancillay PID is received. If no packet is received the APEX will raise the alarm 'apexAlarmLossOfInputAncillaryPid' and sends event 'apexEventLossOfInputAncillaryPid'. Each ancillary PID previously received will be checked to determine that it is still being received based on this setting. Default value is 1 minute. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPidMapInputAncillaryPidDetection 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPidMapStatus -- -- apexPidMapStatusGeneral -- apexPidMapMaxPidMappings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of Ancillary PID mappings supported." ::= { apexPidMapStatusGeneral 1 } apexPidMapInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexPidMapApplyChange is set to applyNotInProgressInvalidData this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply of a table entry that was invalid." ::= { apexPidMapStatusGeneral 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexBulkPidMapStatusGeneral -- apexBulkPidMapInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexBulkPidMapApplyChange is set to applyNotInProgressInvalidData this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply of a table entry that was invalid. " ::= { apexBulkPidMapStatusGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexInsertion -- -- apexInsertionConfig -- -- apexInsertionConfigGeneral -- apexInsertionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { efficient (1), singleSection (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is used to set the insertion mode for the APEX. The APEX may be configured to insert messages as efficiently as possible (efficient) or restrict insertion to a single section starting per packet (singleSection). Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexInsertionConfigGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexInsertionStatus -- -- apexInsertionStatusGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexInsertPacketStatisticsTable -- apexInsertPacketStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexInsertPacketStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Output Transport Stream Insert Packet Statistics. Indexed by Output Transport Stream number." ::= { apexInsertionStatus 2 } apexInsertPacketStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexInsertPacketStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the Output Transport Stream Insert Packet Statistics table." INDEX { apexInsertPacketStatOutputTsNum } ::= { apexInsertPacketStatisticsTable 1 } ApexInsertPacketStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexInsertPacketStatOutputTsNum Integer32, apexInsertPacketStatTotPkts Integer32, apexInsertPacketStatNumPkts Integer32 } apexInsertPacketStatOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Number." ::= { apexInsertPacketStatisticsEntry 1 } apexInsertPacketStatTotPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets inserted." ::= { apexInsertPacketStatisticsEntry 2 } apexInsertPacketStatNumPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of packets inserted during the last monitoring period (currently 5 seconds)." ::= { apexInsertPacketStatisticsEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexInputTransport -- -- apexInputTsConfig -- -- apexInputTsConfigGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexInputTsStatus -- -- apexInputTsStatusGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexInputTsStatTable -- apexInputTsStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexInputTsStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Input Transport Stream Status data. For each input stream in use, an entry in this row will be utilized. This table will indicate the input stream in use by type, interface, UDP, multicast IP, and Source IP address. This table will also indicate if the input stream is a Primary or Secondary input stream. Table of 768 GigE entries plus 16 Host entries (784 total input entries). List of GigE and Host Ethernet input streams currently in use. Each row contains an entry for Primary and Secondary information along with the 1 currently in use. " ::= { apexInputTsStatus 2 } apexInputTsStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexInputTsStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Transport Stream Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexInputTsStatIndex } ::= { apexInputTsStatTable 1 } ApexInputTsStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexInputTsStatIndex Integer32, apexInputTsStatStreamInUse INTEGER, apexInputTsStatInputType INTEGER, apexInputTsStatRoutingType INTEGER, apexInputTsStatPriState InputTsStateTYPE, apexInputTsStatPriInputInterface Integer32, apexInputTsStatPriInputUdp Integer32, apexInputTsStatPriInputMulticastIp IpAddress, apexInputTsStatPriInputSourceIp IpAddress, apexInputTsStatSecState InputTsStateTYPE, apexInputTsStatSecInputInterface Integer32, apexInputTsStatSecInputUdp Integer32, apexInputTsStatSecInputMulticastIp IpAddress, apexInputTsStatSecInputSourceIp IpAddress, apexInputTsStatRateCompareType RateComparisonTYPE } apexInputTsStatIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..784) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of Input Transport Stream Status Table." ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 1 } apexInputTsStatStreamInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), primary (1), secondary (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the primary or secondary is in use. Zero indicates this row is not in use. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 2 } apexInputTsStatInputType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), gbe (1), fastEnet (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Type of both primary and secondary inputs. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 3 } apexInputTsStatRoutingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), session (1), manual (2), udpMapping (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Routing Type of both primary and secondary inputs. 'session' - applies to SDV session routes (RPC, RTSP). 'manual' - applies to all manual routes (Manual Routing, PID Mapping, and stream pass through). 'udpMapping - applies to UDP Port Mapping routes. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 4 } apexInputTsStatPriState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InputTsStateTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the primary Gigabit Ethernet Input TS configured in apexManRteGbeInRedTable. States are: closed (0) - Input TS is closed or table row is not in use. openedInUse (1) - Input TS is opened and in use. openedBackup (2) - Input TS is opened as backup only. openedTransToBackup (3) - Input TS is opened, transitioning to backup state. openedTransToInUse (4) - Input TS is opened, transitioning to in use state. The states of 'openedBackup', 'openedTransToBackup', and 'openedTransToBackup' apply only to Redundant Pairs. The state of 'openedBackup' applies to the Input TS of the pair that is not currently in use. The state of 'openedTransToBackup' applies to the Input TS of the pair that is currently in use but is transitioning to be the backup, as when a Fail Over or Switch Back is occurring. The state of 'openedTransToInUse' applies to the Input TS of the pair that is currently the backup use but is transitioning to be the in use, as when a Fail Over or Switch Back is occurring. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 5 } apexInputTsStatPriInputInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the primary input interface of type Input Type. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 6 } apexInputTsStatPriInputUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input UDP Port for primary input. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 7 } apexInputTsStatPriInputMulticastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Multicast receive IP address for primary input. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 8 } apexInputTsStatPriInputSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IGMP v3 Source IP address of the source device for the primary input. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 9 } apexInputTsStatSecState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InputTsStateTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the secondary Gigabit Ethernet Input TS configured in apexManRteGbeInRedTable. States are: closed (0) - Input TS is closed or table row is not in use. openedInUse (1) - Input TS is opened and in use. openedBackup (2) - Input TS is opened as backup only. openedTransToBackup (3) - Input TS is opened, transitioning to backup state. openedTransToInUse (4) - Input TS is opened, transitioning to in use state. The states of 'openedBackup', 'openedTransToBackup', and 'openedTransToBackup' apply only to Redundant Pairs. The state of 'openedBackup' applies to the Input TS of the pair that is not currently in use. The state of 'openedTransToBackup' applies to the Input TS of the pair that is currently in use but is transitioning to be the backup, as when a Fail Over or Switch Back is occurring. The state of 'openedTransToInUse' applies to the Input TS of the pair that is currently the backup use but is transitioning to be the in use, as when a Fail Over or Switch Back is occurring. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 10 } apexInputTsStatSecInputInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the secondary input interface of type Input Type. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 11 } apexInputTsStatSecInputUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input UDP Port for secondary input. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 12 } apexInputTsStatSecInputMulticastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Multicast receive IP address for secondary input. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 13 } apexInputTsStatSecInputSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IGMP v3 Source IP address of the source device for the secondary input. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 14 } apexInputTsStatRateCompareType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RateComparisonTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the rate in use for comparing input streams. It is either Information rate or Stream rate. This applies to monitoring for Bit Rate alarming and monitoring of Redundant Pairs. " ::= { apexInputTsStatEntry 15 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputTransport -- -- apexOutputTsConfig -- -- apexOutputTsConfigGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitoring -- -- apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorGeneral -- apexOutputTsUtilMonAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold, in percent, used to produce the apexAlarmOutputUtilizationFault alarm 'minor' while monitoring Output Transport Stream Bandwidth Utilization. An alarm of 'minor' will occur when this threshold is met or exceeded for apexOutputTsUtilMonSetAlarmDelay. The alarm will clear after remaining below this threshold for apexOutputTsUtilMonClearAlarmDelay. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorGeneral 1 } apexOutputTsUtilMonSetAlarmDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..900) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the time in seconds that the Output Transport Stream must be at or exceeding apexOutputTsUtilMonAlarmThreshold before setting the apexAlarmOutputUtilizationFault alarm. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorGeneral 2 } apexOutputTsUtilMonClearAlarmDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..900) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the time in seconds that the Output Transport Stream must be below apexOutputTsUtilMonAlarmThreshold before clearing the apexAlarmOutputUtilizationFault alarm. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorGeneral 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorTable -- apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table of configuration parameters for Rate Monitoring of the Output Transport Stream Bandwidth Utilization. Utilization information is accessed via apexOutputTsUtilizationTable." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitoring 2 } apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Rate Monitoring Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexOutputTsUtilMonOutputTsNum } ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorTable 1 } ApexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexOutputTsUtilMonOutputTsNum Integer32, apexOutputTsUtilMonResetTotDropPacket ResetStatisticsTYPE } apexOutputTsUtilMonOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Number." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorEntry 1 } apexOutputTsUtilMonResetTotDropPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ResetStatisticsTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Ts Reset total dropped packets. Setting to 'reset' resets same apexOutputTsUtilizTotalDropPackets index row in apexOutputTsUtilizationTable. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationMonitorEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputTsConfApplyTable -- apexOutputTsConfApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexOutputTsConfApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for Output Ts Config Table. This apply is only used for apexOutputTsConfOperatingMode, apexOutputTsConfEncryptionType, and apexOutputTsConfSimulcryptMode." ::= { apexOutputTsConfig 5 } apexOutputTsConfApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexOutputTsConfApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexOutputTsConfApplyIndex } ::= { apexOutputTsConfApplyTable 1 } ApexOutputTsConfApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexOutputTsConfApplyIndex Integer32, apexOutputTsConfApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexOutputTsConfApplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of Output Transport Stream Apply Table." ::= { apexOutputTsConfApplyEntry 1 } apexOutputTsConfApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The apply for Output Ts Config Table. This apply is only used for apexOutputTsConfOperatingMode, apexOutputTsConfEncryptionType, and apexOutputTsConfSimulcryptMode. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the Output Ts Config table. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for the items listed above to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after the relevant data in the Output Ts Config row has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexOutputTsConfApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputTsConfigTable -- apexOutputTsConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexOutputTsConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table of configuration parameters for Output Transport Streams. Once written, a change to apexOutputTsConfEncryptionType, apexOutputTsConfOperatingMode, or apexOutputTsConfSimulcryptMode will only take immediate effect after the appropriate apexOutputTsConfApplyChange is set to 'apply'. All other changes to this table will take immediate effect. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexOutputTsConfig 6 } apexOutputTsConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexOutputTsConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexOutputTsConfOutputTsNum } ::= { apexOutputTsConfigTable 1 } ApexOutputTsConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexOutputTsConfOutputTsNum Integer32, apexOutputTsConfPidRemappingMode INTEGER, apexOutputTsConfOperatingMode INTEGER, apexOutputTsConfOutPatTsId Integer32, apexOutputTsConfPsipEnable EnableDisableTYPE, apexOutputTsConfEncryptionType INTEGER, apexOutputTsConfSimulcryptMode INTEGER, apexOutputTsConfPcrLess EnableDisableTYPE, apexOutputTsConfAutoSDTEnable EnableDisableTYPE } apexOutputTsConfOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Number." ::= { apexOutputTsConfigEntry 1 } apexOutputTsConfPidRemappingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (1), remapWithoutReuse (2), remapProgramBased (3), remapProgramBased2 (4), unrestricted (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PID Remapping mode setting. When 'disabled', the output PIDs for all services and ancillary PIDs are the same as the input PID values. This scheme can only be used when either mapping an entire MPTS to a QAM output or when SPTS are mapped and the user has already ensured that all of the PIDs across all inputs mapped to the same output stream are unique. When 'remapWithoutReuse', the APEX will determine the output PIDs from a predetermined range of PIDs for services and ancillary PIDs. The APEX will use a scheme to limit the reuse of service PIDs for each service mapping. This scheme MUST be used for outputs in Session Control mode and in normally in UDP Port Mapping mode (exception noted below). When receiving SPTS inputs, in order to ensure there are no PID conflicts, this scheme should be selected. When 'remapProgramBased', the APEX will determine the output PIDs from a predetermined range of PIDs for services and ancillary PIDs. The APEX uses a scheme to select the PMT PID based on the program number. The PMT PID is calculated as follows: (Program Number + 1) * 16. The component PIDs are sequential after the PMT PID. This scheme only allows for a total of 15 component PIDs per program. Output program numbers are also limited (1-256). This scheme is intended to be used when in UDP Port Mapping mode at specific sites. When 'unrestricted', the APEX will allocate output PIDs as long as they are needed using the whole available PIDs range, unlike other pid-remapping modes where PID values are internally pre-allocated for different uses (PMT, components, ECM, ...). This scheme is only recommended for cases when the user need a special pre-assigned EMM pid that can't be configured in the other pid-remapping modes. PID Remapping mode changes can only occur when the output is not in use (no service, PID, or stream mapping active to the output). " ::= { apexOutputTsConfigEntry 2 } apexOutputTsConfOperatingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notInUse (0), sessionControl (1), manualRouting (2), udpMapping (3), depi (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is used to set the operating mode of the output. Operating mode changes can only occur when the output is not in use (no service, PID, or stream mapping active to the output). Session Control - User must select either RTSP or RPC to communicate with external resource manager. All service mappings on output are controlled by the external manager. - Only valid when Encryption Type is set to CTE or None - If 'apexEncryptionConfAlgorithm' is set to dvb-csa-simulcrypt, then it is valid only when Simulcrypt Mode is set to None. - PID Remapping mode should be Enabled (Without Reuse) Manual Routing - User manually maps each service - Encryption Type can be any valid setting (none, CTE, or Broadcast) - Simulcrypt Mode must be None or External EIS UDP Port Mapping - Standard UDP Port Mapping for use with VOD servers. Uses specific algorithm based on UDP Port to determine output program mappings. - Encryption Type must be None or CTE (broadcast not supported) - Simulcrypt Mode must be None or External EIS Operating mode changes can only occur when the output is not in use (no service, PID, or stream mapping active to the output). @Commit(param=apexOutputTsConfApplyChange, value=2) " ::= { apexOutputTsConfigEntry 3 } apexOutputTsConfOutPatTsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream ID to use for the output PAT in this Output Transport Stream. Changes to the output PAT TS ID can be made at any time and will cause the output PAT to automatically be updated to reflect the new TS ID setting. " ::= { apexOutputTsConfigEntry 4 } apexOutputTsConfPsipEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates that PSIP is enabled for the Output Transport Stream. " ::= { apexOutputTsConfigEntry 5 } apexOutputTsConfEncryptionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noEncryption (0), cte (1), broadcastEncryption (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is used to set the encryption type of the output. 'noEncryption' - All services are output in the clear 'cte' - Services on output use Common Tier Encryption. CTE parameters determine encryption mode, copy protection, and tiers. All services in CTE mode use the exact same configuration settings. - Valid for all operating modes - Simulcrypt Mode must be set to None if the Encryption Algorithm is set to 'dvb-csa-simulcrypt'. 'broadcastEncryption' - Services on output use Broadcast Encryption. Requires connection to RDS (DAC) to get EMMs and Rights Meta Data (tiers, encryption mode, and copy protection settings) for each individual service. - Only valid when Operating Mode is Manual Routing. - Simulcrypt Mode must be set to None if the Encryption Algorithm is set to 'dvb-csa-simulcrypt'. @Commit(param=apexOutputTsConfApplyChange, value=2) " ::= { apexOutputTsConfigEntry 6 } apexOutputTsConfSimulcryptMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), externalEIS (1), internalEIS (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is used to set the Simulcrypt mode of the output. The actual behavior is disable/enable (none/externalEIS). It can be set to externalEIS if: - The Encryption Algorithm is set to 'dvb-csa-simulcrypt' and the Operating Mode is set to 'ManualRouting' or 'udpMapping'. - The Encryption Algorithm is set to 'mc-scte-52-simulcrypt' or 'mc-csa-simulcrypt' and the Operating Mode is set to 'ManualRouting', 'udpMapping' or 'SessionControl'. It only can be none if there are no SCGs provisioned on that output TS. 'none' - Used for normal Mediacypher only encryption (CTE or Broadcast Encryption). 'externalEIS' - When Encryption Algorithm is set to 'dvb-csa-simulcrypt', it is used to indicate an external EIS can control the encryption of all services on the output. - When Encryption Algorithm is set to 'mc-scte-52-simulcrypt' or 'mc-csa-simulcrypt', it is used to indicate that APEX will act as the EIS to control encryption of all services on the output. - Only valid when: - Encryption Algorithm is set to 'dvb-csa-simulcrypt' and Operating Mode is set to 'ManualRouting' or 'udpMapping' - Encryption Algorithm is set to 'mc-scte-52-simulcrypt' or 'mc-csa-simulcrypt' and the Operating Mode is set to 'ManualRouting', 'udpMapping' or 'SessionControl'. 'internalEIS' - Not supported at this time and is invalid to select. @Commit(param=apexOutputTsConfApplyChange, value=2) " ::= { apexOutputTsConfigEntry 7 } apexOutputTsConfPcrLess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates that PCR-less is enabled for the Output Transport Stream. " ::= { apexOutputTsConfigEntry 8 } apexOutputTsConfAutoSDTEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter enables/disables the Auto SDT mapping feature for the Output Transport Stream. " ::= { apexOutputTsConfigEntry 9 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputTsStatus -- -- apexOutputTsStatusGeneral -- apexOutputTsStatusInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexOutputTsConfApplyChange is set to 'applyNotInProgressInvalidData' this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply of a related entry that was invalid. " ::= { apexOutputTsStatusGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputTsUtilization -- -- apexOutputTsUtilizationGeneral -- apexOutputTsUtilizationSamplePeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sample Period for Output Transport Stream Bandwidth Utilization Rate Monitoring. This parameter indicates the length of time in milliseconds the stream is monitored during a single sample. This can be used with apexOutputTsUtilizNumSamples to determine the amount of time or percent of time the stream was monitored during a fifteen minute sampling interval." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputTsUtilizationTable -- apexOutputTsUtilizationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexOutputTsUtilizationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table of status parameters containing bandwidth utilization for Output Transport Streams. The sampling interval is up to fifteen minutes. There is a rolling average as well as last sample, peak, and minimum information. There is overflow information and dropped packet counts. This table is indexed by Output Transport Stream Number." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilization 2 } apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexOutputTsUtilizationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Bandwidth Utilization Table Entry." INDEX { apexOutputTsUtilizOutpuTsNum } ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationTable 1 } ApexOutputTsUtilizationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexOutputTsUtilizOutpuTsNum Integer32, apexOutputTsUtilizDataFlag INTEGER, apexOutputTsUtilizNumSamples Unsigned32, apexOutputTsUtilizThreshold INTEGER, apexOutputTsUtilizTime Unsigned32, apexOutputTsUtilizCurPercent Integer32, apexOutputTsUtilizAvgPercent Integer32, apexOutputTsUtilizMinPercent Integer32, apexOutputTsUtilizPeakPercent Integer32, apexOutputTsUtilizCurRate Unsigned32, apexOutputTsUtilizAvgRate Unsigned32, apexOutputTsUtilizMinRate Unsigned32, apexOutputTsUtilizPeakRate Unsigned32, apexOutputTsUtilizOverflow INTEGER, apexOutputTsUtilizCurDropPackets Unsigned32, apexOutputTsUtilizPeakDropPackets Unsigned32, apexOutputTsUtilizRollingDropPackets Unsigned32, apexOutputTsUtilizTotalDropPackets Unsigned32, apexOutputTsUtilizThresholdAlarm INTEGER, apexOutputTsUtilizOverflowAlarm INTEGER } apexOutputTsUtilizOutpuTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Number." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 1 } apexOutputTsUtilizDataFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), samplingComplete (1), samplingIncomplete (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flag to indicate whether the Output Transport Stream was monitored a full fifteen minute sampling interval and a complete set of samples was obtained. 'samplingComplete' - indicates sampling complete with good samples. 'samplingIncomplete' - indicates incomplete sampling due to APEX startup or OTS rate changed during the period." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 2 } apexOutputTsUtilizNumSamples OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of samples included in the data. This can be used with apexOutputTsUtilizationSamplePeriod to determine the amount of time or percent of time the stream was monitored during the sampling interval." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 3 } apexOutputTsUtilizThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), noError (1), alarmThresholdReached (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether there is a utilization error has occurred. The error occurs when Output Utilization Alarm Threshold has been reached for Output Utilization Set Alarm Delay seconds and will clear after the output is below the Output Utilization Alarm Threshold for Output Utilization Clear Alarm Delay. This field is also cleared when the QAM output is disabled." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 4 } apexOutputTsUtilizTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in GPS seconds (apexSystemTime) that this table row was saved. When GPS time is not available to the apex (apexSystemTime=0) a clock maintained inside the APEX will be used. This clock starts at GPS time zero when the apex is booted. The APEX will use real GPS time if and when GPS time becomes available to the APEX." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 5 } apexOutputTsUtilizCurPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percent utilization of most recently taken sample." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 6 } apexOutputTsUtilizAvgPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average percent utilization over the rolling sampling interval." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 7 } apexOutputTsUtilizMinPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum percent utilization for a sample during the rolling sampling interval." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 8 } apexOutputTsUtilizPeakPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Peak percent utilization for a sample during the rolling sampling interval." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 9 } apexOutputTsUtilizCurRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Utilization of most recently taken sample in bits per second (bps)." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 10 } apexOutputTsUtilizAvgRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average utilization for the rolling sampling interval in bits per second (bps)." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 11 } apexOutputTsUtilizMinRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum utilization for a sample during this sampling interval in bits per second (bps)." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 12 } apexOutputTsUtilizPeakRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Peak utilization for a sample during the rolling sampling interval in bits per second (bps)." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 13 } apexOutputTsUtilizOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), noError (1), overflow (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether an overflow error has occurred. This field will clear if the output has no overflows. This field is also cleared when the QAM output is disabled." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 14 } apexOutputTsUtilizCurDropPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPEG packets dropped during the most recently taken sample." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 15 } apexOutputTsUtilizPeakDropPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Peak MPEG packets dropped for a sample during the rolling sampling interval." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 16 } apexOutputTsUtilizRollingDropPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total MPEG packets dropped during the rolling sampling interval." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 17 } apexOutputTsUtilizTotalDropPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total MPEG packets dropped on the QAM Output. Can be reset using apexOutputTsUtilMonResetTotDropPacket." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 18 } apexOutputTsUtilizThresholdAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current fault condition of apexOutputTsUtilizThreshold. This is the apexAlarmOutputUtilizationFault level for this output." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 19 } apexOutputTsUtilizOverflowAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current fault condition of apexOutputTsUtilizOverflow. This is the apexAlarmOutputOverflow level for this output." ::= { apexOutputTsUtilizationEntry 20 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputTsStatusTable -- apexOutputTsStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexOutputTsStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Output Transport Status. Indexed by Output Transport Stream number." ::= { apexOutputTsStatus 5 } apexOutputTsStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexOutputTsStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the Output Transport Stream Status table." INDEX { apexOutputTsStatusOutputTsNum } ::= { apexOutputTsStatusTable 1 } ApexOutputTsStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexOutputTsStatusOutputTsNum Integer32, apexOutputTsStatusProgramsPerTs Integer32, apexOutputTsStatusServicesMapped Integer32, apexOutputTsStatusAncillaryPidsMapped Integer32, apexOutputTsStatusInputStreamsMapped Integer32, apexOutputTsStatusFault INTEGER, apexOutputTsStatusServicesInError Integer32, apexOutputTsStatusDepiSessionsMapped Integer32, apexOutputTsStatusMessageGenerationNum Integer32, apexOutputTsStatusScgsProvisioned Integer32, apexOutputTsStatusServicesMuxed Integer32 } apexOutputTsStatusOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Number." ::= { apexOutputTsStatusEntry 1 } apexOutputTsStatusProgramsPerTs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Output Programs supported on this Output Transport Stream. " ::= { apexOutputTsStatusEntry 2 } apexOutputTsStatusServicesMapped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of services currently mapped to the output." ::= { apexOutputTsStatusEntry 3 } apexOutputTsStatusAncillaryPidsMapped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of ancillary PIDs currently mapped to the output." ::= { apexOutputTsStatusEntry 4 } apexOutputTsStatusInputStreamsMapped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of input streams currently mapped to the output." ::= { apexOutputTsStatusEntry 5 } apexOutputTsStatusFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Highest current fault condition associated with this Output Transport Stream. The following Alarms are included: - apexAlarmOutputOverflow - apexAlarmOutputUtilizationFault - apexAlarmQamModuleFault - apexAlarmQamRfPortFault - apexAlarmQamChannelFault " ::= { apexOutputTsStatusEntry 6 } apexOutputTsStatusServicesInError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of services in error mapped to the output stream." ::= { apexOutputTsStatusEntry 7 } apexOutputTsStatusDepiSessionsMapped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of DEPI sessions currently mapped to the output." ::= { apexOutputTsStatusEntry 8 } apexOutputTsStatusMessageGenerationNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of messages generated (DVB tables) currently in the output." ::= { apexOutputTsStatusEntry 9 } apexOutputTsStatusScgsProvisioned OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of SCGs provisioned currently in the output." ::= { apexOutputTsStatusEntry 10 } apexOutputTsStatusServicesMuxed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of services successfully multiplexed." ::= { apexOutputTsStatusEntry 11 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPsi -- -- apexPsiConfig -- -- apexPsiConfigGeneral -- apexPsiDetectionEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The loss of input PSI detection enabled or disabled setting. When enabled, the APEX will check for missing input PSI (PATs and PMTs) based on the PSI detection timeout value. When an input PSI message is determined to be missing, the APEX will assume the input service or services are no longer being streamed and unmap the service(s). This checking only occurs after an initial PSI message has been extracted. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsiConfigGeneral 1 } apexPsiDetectionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..21600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The loss of input PSI detection timeout value. When PSI detection is enabled, this is the number of seconds the APEX will use to determine if an input PSI message is missing. Each PSI message previously extracted will be checked to determine that it is still being received based on this setting. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsiConfigGeneral 2 } apexPsiRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..15) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum PSI version number. Used to limit the APEX to use a specific range of PSI numbers. Set this to 0 to allow the APEX to use the full range of PSI version numbers (requires apexPsiRangeStop to be set to 31). Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsiConfigGeneral 3 } apexPsiRangeStop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..31) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum PSI version number. Used to limit the APEX to use a specific range of PSI numbers. Set this to 31 to allow the APEX to use the full range of PSI version numbers (requires apexPsiRangeStart to be set to 0). Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsiConfigGeneral 4 } apexPatVersionIncrement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Increment of PAT version upon reboot. Used to force the APEX to use a different PAT version number upon rebooting. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsiConfigGeneral 5 } apexPmtVersionIncrement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Increment of PMT version upon reboot. Used to force the APEX to use a different PMT version number upon rebooting. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsiConfigGeneral 6 } apexEcmEmmFirstPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(2..7591) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "First ECM-EMM PID when PID Remapping is disabled on an output stream. This PID along with the apexEcmEmmNumberPids defines a range of PIDs that the APEX will use for all ECMs and EMMs. These configuration settings allow a user to select a range that other service and ancillary PIDs will not use. This allows the APEX to use PIDs for ECMs and EMMs without having PID collisions. PID collisions will cause the APEX to select another ECM or EMM PID causing momentary glitches of the output video and audio. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsiConfigGeneral 7 } apexEcmEmmNumberPids OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of ECM-EMM PIDs to use when PID Remapping is disabled on an output stream. Refer to the apexEcmEmmFirstPid parameter for a complete description. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsiConfigGeneral 8 } apexProgramBasedPmtOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1 | 2) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Program Based PID Remapping PMT PID offset. Determines the first PMT PID to use when Program Based algorithm selected. PMT PID is calculated as: (Program Number + Offset) * 16 Program Numbers can range from 1 - 255, allowing for PMTs to start at 0x0020 or 0x0030 up to 0x1000 and 0x1010. Changes to offset will NOT require a reboot, but if there are any service mappings already in use on an output in Program Based mode, then the change will NOT take effect and the user will have to remove all mappings on outputs in Program Based mode. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsiConfigGeneral 9 } apexPsiCcErrorDetectionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..60) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in seconds to wait for PSI extraction after a CC error is detected. This is applicable if the object apexPsiCcErrorDetectionEnabled is set to enabled only. Default value is 2 seconds. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsiConfigGeneral 10 } apexPsiCcErrorDetectionEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable field to start/stop PSI extraction when a Continuity Counter error is detected. The PSI extraction is stopped for the time duration configured in the object apexPsiCcErrorDetectionTimeout. Default value is enabled. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsiConfigGeneral 11 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPsiStatus -- -- apexPsiStatusGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPsiStatusTable -- apexPsiStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexPsiStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The following table contains a list of messages that are either being extracted from the input side or being inserted to the output side of the apex. On the input side all extracted messages that are being used by the APEX are displayed. On the output side, only PATs, PMTs, and CATs are displayed. These messages were either given to the apex when it is in external mode or created by the apex when it is in internal mode." ::= { apexPsiStatus 2 } apexPsiStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexPsiStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSI Table Entry." INDEX { apexPsiStatusTableType, apexPsiStatusIndex, apexPsiStatusPid, apexPsiStatusMessageType, apexPsiStatusProgramNumber, apexPsiStatusSegment, apexPsiStatusPart } ::= { apexPsiStatusTable 1 } ApexPsiStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexPsiStatusTableType INTEGER, apexPsiStatusIndex Integer32, apexPsiStatusPid Integer32, apexPsiStatusMessageType Integer32, apexPsiStatusProgramNumber Integer32, apexPsiStatusSegment Integer32, apexPsiStatusPart Integer32, apexPsiStatusBody DisplayString, apexPsiStatusGpsTime Integer32 } apexPsiStatusTableType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inputPsiTable (1), outputPsiTable (2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this message is extracted from an input or being inserted on an output." ::= { apexPsiStatusEntry 1 } apexPsiStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..784) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the input index or output number for which this message applies. For input, this is the index into the apexInputTsStatTable (1..784). For output, this is the Output Transport Stream number (1..48). " ::= { apexPsiStatusEntry 2 } apexPsiStatusPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..8191) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the PID that this message is contained in." ::= { apexPsiStatusEntry 3 } apexPsiStatusMessageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the MPEG message type of this message." ::= { apexPsiStatusEntry 4 } apexPsiStatusProgramNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Program Number which this message is part of. When a message is not specifically related to a program, this value is 0." ::= { apexPsiStatusEntry 5 } apexPsiStatusSegment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..256) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the segment number of this message. Useful for PAT messages. Otherwise this is 0." ::= { apexPsiStatusEntry 6 } apexPsiStatusPart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Since a message can be 1024 bytes long the message may divided into parts. Each part of the message is indexed using this index." ::= { apexPsiStatusEntry 7 } apexPsiStatusBody OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raw ASCII hex of the PSI message." ::= { apexPsiStatusEntry 8 } apexPsiStatusGpsTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The GPS time when the PSI was added to the table." ::= { apexPsiStatusEntry 9 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputProgram -- -- apexOutputProgramConfig -- -- apexOutputProgramConfigGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputProgramStatus -- -- apexOutputProgramStatusGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputProgramTable -- apexOutputProgramTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexOutputProgramEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table shows the input program to output program mapping status." ::= { apexOutputProgramStatus 2 } apexOutputProgramEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexOutputProgramEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Program Table Entry." INDEX { apexOutputProgramIndex } ::= { apexOutputProgramTable 1 } ApexOutputProgramEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexOutputProgramIndex Integer32, apexOutputProgramInputTsIndex Integer32, apexOutputProgramInputProgNum Integer32, apexOutputProgramOutputProgNum Integer32, apexOutputProgramRoutingStatus DisplayString, apexOutputProgramInputPreEncrypted INTEGER, apexOutputProgramOutputTsNum Integer32, apexOutputProgramError INTEGER, apexOutputProgramEncryptionMode INTEGER, apexOutputProgramEncryptionStatus DisplayString, apexOutputProgramEcmServiceId Integer32, apexOutputProgramCciLevel INTEGER, apexOutputProgramApsLevel INTEGER, apexOutputProgramCitSetting INTEGER, apexOutputProgramNumberTiers Integer32, apexOutputProgramTierData DisplayString, apexOutputProgramSourceId Integer32, apexOutputProgramProviderId Integer32, apexOutputProgramProgramType INTEGER, apexOutputProgramDtaEncryptionMode INTEGER, apexOutputProgramMcSimAccessCriteria Integer32, apexOutputProgramMcSimAccessCriteriaStatus INTEGER, apexOutputProgramCurrentCSN Integer32, apexOutputProgramMcSimAccessCriteriaString DisplayString } apexOutputProgramIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Program Table Index. " ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 1 } apexOutputProgramInputTsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into the apexInputTsStatTable." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 2 } apexOutputProgramInputProgNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input MPEG Program Number." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 3 } apexOutputProgramOutputProgNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output MPEG Program Number." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 4 } apexOutputProgramRoutingStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Program Routing Status." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 5 } apexOutputProgramInputPreEncrypted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), clear (1), preEncrypted (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the program was pre-encrypted. Pre-encryption status is determined by the presence or absence of a CA ECM descriptor within the input PMT." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 6 } apexOutputProgramOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..48) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Number." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 7 } apexOutputProgramError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the program is in error." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 8 } apexOutputProgramEncryptionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), full (1), fwk (2), fpk (3), clear (4), unencrypted (5), preEncrypted (6), unencryptedWithCci (7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Currently configured encryption mode for the program. none - indicates the program is not being encrypted for CTE or Broadcast encryption. unencrypted - Applies to Broadcast services only. Unencrypted services are treated the same as clear services (no encryption). preEncrypted - Applies to Broadcast services only. Input program pre-encryption checking is applied. Output program is not encrypted by the APEX, regardless if input encrypted or not. unencryptedWithCci - True unencrypted mode where packets are not scrambled, but ECMs are inserted and ECM CA reference is added to output PMT (PRK contains Copy Protection information)." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 9 } apexOutputProgramEncryptionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Program Encryption Status." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 10 } apexOutputProgramEcmServiceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ECM service ID used when this program is encrypted. This is the service ID used in all ECM messages for this program." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 11 } apexOutputProgramCciLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notDefined (1), copyFreely (2), copyOnce (3), copyNever (4), noMoreCopies (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Copy protection CCI Level. This is only applicable when the program is being encrypted." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 12 } apexOutputProgramApsLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), notDefined (1), off (2), splitBurstOff (3), splitBurst2Line (4), splitBurst4Line (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Copy protection Analog Protection Services Level. This is only applicable when the program is being encrypted." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 13 } apexOutputProgramCitSetting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), disabled (1), enabled (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Copy protection Constraint Image Trigger setting. This is only applicable when the program is being encrypted." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 14 } apexOutputProgramNumberTiers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of program tiers. This is only applicable when the program is being encrypted." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 15 } apexOutputProgramTierData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Program Tier Data. Tier information is in hexadecimal format. Up to 7 tiers of information are provided for each program. Tier information for each program consists of 8 bytes of information. First 4 bytes are the program tier value in hexadecimal. Next 4 bytes are the tier type in hexadecimal format. This is only applicable when the program is being encrypted." ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 16 } apexOutputProgramSourceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Broadcast Encryption Source ID. Only applies to programs when the input type is Gbe and the output encryption mode is Broadcast Encryption. (apexOutputTsConfEncryptionType set to 'broadcastEncryption') " ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 17 } apexOutputProgramProviderId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Broadcast Encryption Provider ID. Only applies to programs when the input type is Gbe and the output encryption mode is Broadcast Encryption. (apexOutputTsConfEncryptionType set to 'broadcastEncryption') " ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 18 } apexOutputProgramProgramType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { programsDerived (1), programInfoProvided (2), programEcmProvided (3), programInfoAndEcmProvided (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates how programs are to be built by the encryptor. 1 - programsDerived (default) - programs are derived where the encryptor builds the programs internally for the specified service. The program related ECM messages and program name/info messages are derived from the service RMD data and internal schedules. This program type is typically used for subscription services. 2 - programInfoProvided - the encryptor should build the programs based on the program information provided by the controller via the element of the ServiceProgramReply payload. The service RMD data is still used to generate the program related ECM messages. 3 - programEcmProvided - the encryptor should use pre-built ECM program messages as provided by the controller via the element of the ServiceProgramReply payload. For this program type, the controller provides the schedules; however, the encryptor must default much of the program info message since not detailed program information is provided. DTA content protection encryption makes use of the 'programEcmProvided' program type since the ECM messages cannot be derived by the encryptor. 4 - programInfoAndEcmProvided - the encryptor should build the programs based on both the program information and pre-built ECM messages provided by the controller via the and elements of the ServiceProgramReply payload. " ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 19 } apexOutputProgramDtaEncryptionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), dtaWithCcm (1), dtaWithoutCcm (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter identifies whether a service in Full Encryption is in Modified Privacy Mode (DTA) and whether the DTA service has CCM messages. This parameter is applicable only when apexOutputProgramEncryptionMode is 'full'. In other encryption modes this value is ignored. notApplicable - Non DTA Service and/or No DTA CA descriptor found dtaWithCcm - DTA, Full Encryption, Modified Privacy Mode, CCM present dtaWithoutCcm - DTA, Full Encryption, Modified Privacy Mode, CCM absent. " ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 20 } apexOutputProgramMcSimAccessCriteria OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MC SimulCrypt Access Criteria. This is only applicable when 'apexEncryptionConfAlgorithm' is set to either mc-scte-52-simulcrypt or mc-csa-simulcrypt. " ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 21 } apexOutputProgramMcSimAccessCriteriaStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notRequired (0), retrievedAC (1), waitingForAC (2), invalidAC (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SimulCrypt Access Criteria Status. This is only applicable when 'apexEncryptionConfAlgorithm' is set to either mc-scte-52-simulcrypt or mc-csa-simulcrypt. " ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 22 } apexOutputProgramCurrentCSN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Category Sequence Number. This is Category Sequence Number which is used for encrypt the current service. The valid range is 0 to 255 and -1 is for NOT Applicable. This is not applicable for broadcast unencrypted, pre-encrypted , CTE clear services and for the services which MC encryption type is NONE. " ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 23 } apexOutputProgramMcSimAccessCriteriaString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Access Criteria used in the ECMG CW Provision Request when MC SimulCrypt is enabled. An empty string means the Access Criteria (AC) is not being used. " ::= { apexOutputProgramEntry 24 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexAcp -- -- apexAcpConfig -- -- apexAcpConfigGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexAcpStatus -- -- apexAcpStatusGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexAcpStatusTable -- apexAcpStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexAcpStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table shows the status of the Control Word Generating ACPs." ::= { apexAcpStatus 2 } apexAcpStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexAcpStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Program Table Entry." INDEX { apexAcpStatusIndex } ::= { apexAcpStatusTable 1 } ApexAcpStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexAcpStatusIndex Integer32, apexAcpUnitAddress DisplayString, apexAcpHealthByte Integer32, apexAcpEvenCsn Integer32, apexAcpOddCsn Integer32, apexAcpUnitAttribute Integer32 } apexAcpStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Acp Status Index. Index for one of six control word generating ACPs." ::= { apexAcpStatusEntry 1 } apexAcpUnitAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..11)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unit address of the ACP in ASCII Hex. The Unit address is a 5 byte value." ::= { apexAcpStatusEntry 2 } apexAcpHealthByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The health byte of the ACP. Indicates whether the ACP has intact fuses. The health should read 255 (hex 0xFF) for all APEX ACPs. Otherwise, the ACP will not properly function." ::= { apexAcpStatusEntry 3 } apexAcpEvenCsn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Even Category Sequence Number of the ACP. Should match the even CSN assigned by DAC, if not may indicate a communications problem." ::= { apexAcpStatusEntry 4 } apexAcpOddCsn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Odd Category Sequence Number of the ACP. Should match the odd CSN assigned by DAC, if not may indicate a communications problem." ::= { apexAcpStatusEntry 5 } apexAcpUnitAttribute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unit attribute byte is made available to verify that the MC2.1 was properly unit created during factory production." ::= { apexAcpStatusEntry 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexUdpPortMapping -- -- apexUdpMapConfig -- -- apexUdpMapConfigGeneral -- apexUdpMapPreEncryptCheck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDP Mapping pre-encryption checking. Indicates if the APEX is to check if input services are pre-encrypted or clear. Pre-encrypted is determined by examining the input PMT for a CA ECM descriptor (any CA ECM descriptor). If pre-encrypted, setting this flag will cause the APEX to pass through ECM PID for the service. For input services that have a GI CA ECM descriptor, the APEX will also pass through the PIT message (extract and re-insert the PIT). The output PMT for pre-encrypted services will contain a CA ECM descriptor (referencing the ECM PID). When PID Remapping is enabled, pre-encryption for a service is only valid when the input ECM PID is on a different PID than the associated PMT PID. If this flag is set to pre-encryption and the input service is not pre-encrypted, then the setting of this flag has no affect on the output service. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect and all mappings will be removed. Mappings will not be re-added until apexUdpMapApplyChange is set to 'apply' for all transport streams. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(bcmr.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexUdpMapConfigGeneral 1 } apexUdpMapModeBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..3) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value that will be placed in the two MSBs of each the calculated UDP port number (bits 14 and 15). Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect and all mappings will be removed. Mappings will not be re-added until apexUdpMapApplyChange is set to 'apply' for all transport streams. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(bcmr.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexUdpMapConfigGeneral 2 } apexUdpMapTsOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used as part of the Standardized UDP Port calculation. Transport Stream index can be relative 0 or relative 1. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect and all mappings will be removed. Mappings will not be re-added until apexUdpMapApplyChange is set to 'apply' for all transport streams. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(bcmr.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexUdpMapConfigGeneral 3 } apexUdpMapFollowDtcp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines how the copy protection settings (CCI, APS, and CIT) within the PRK will be set. All outputs in UDP Port Mapping mode will use this setting for following input DTCP. Disabled - Use CTE configured settings if output in CTE encryption mode Enabled - Follow input DTCP Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(bcmr.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexUdpMapConfigGeneral 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexUdpMapApplyTable -- apexUdpMapApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexUdpMapApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the data for UDP Map Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the UDP Map table. " ::= { apexUdpMapConfig 2 } apexUdpMapApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexUdpMapApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDP Map Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexUdpMapApplyOutputTsNum } ::= { apexUdpMapApplyTable 1 } ApexUdpMapApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexUdpMapApplyOutputTsNum Integer32, apexUdpMapApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexUdpMapApplyOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Udp Map Apply Table." ::= { apexUdpMapApplyEntry 1 } apexUdpMapApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the row of data in the Udp Map Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the Udp Map table. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the Udp Map Table row to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the Udp Map Table row has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexUdpMapApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexUdpMapTable -- apexUdpMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexUdpMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of data for Udp Mapping. There are 48 rows in this table. Each row corresponds to one QAM channel. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexUdpMapApplyChange is set to 'apply'. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexUdpMapApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(bcmr.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexUdpMapConfig 3 } apexUdpMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexUdpMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Udp Mapping Table Entry." INDEX { apexUdpMapOutputTsNum } ::= { apexUdpMapTable 1 } ApexUdpMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexUdpMapOutputTsNum Integer32, apexUdpMapInputInterface Integer32, apexUdpMapStartProgNum Integer32, apexUdpMapNumberProgs Integer32 } apexUdpMapOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of Udp Mapping Table. " ::= { apexUdpMapEntry 1 } apexUdpMapInputInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input GBE port. Range: '1 - 4' = GBE port number " ::= { apexUdpMapEntry 2 } apexUdpMapStartProgNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the first program number in a sequential range of programs that are to be routed to the same output transport stream. " ::= { apexUdpMapEntry 3 } apexUdpMapNumberProgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..200) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of programs that are to be mapped to the output transport stream. One UDP port is opened for each program mapped to the output transport stream. " ::= { apexUdpMapEntry 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexUdpMapMulticastTable -- apexUdpMapMulticastTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexUdpMapMulticastEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of data for UDP Map Multicast. Each entry in this table identifies a Gigabit Ethernet input stream that is used for multicast UDP Port Mapping. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexUdpMapMulticastApplyChange is set to 'apply'. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexUdpMapMulticastApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(bcmr.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexUdpMapConfig 4 } apexUdpMapMulticastEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexUdpMapMulticastEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDP Map Multicast Table Entry." INDEX { apexUdpMapMulticastIndex } ::= { apexUdpMapMulticastTable 1 } ApexUdpMapMulticastEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexUdpMapMulticastIndex Integer32, apexUdpMapMulticastEnable EnableDisableTYPE, apexUdpMapMulticastInterface Integer32, apexUdpMapMulticastUdp Integer32, apexUdpMapMulticastMcastIp IpAddress, apexUdpMapMulticastSourceIp IpAddress } apexUdpMapMulticastIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..256) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of UDP Map Multicast Stream Table." ::= { apexUdpMapMulticastEntry 1 } apexUdpMapMulticastEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this UDP Map Multicast entry is enabled or disabled. " ::= { apexUdpMapMulticastEntry 2 } apexUdpMapMulticastInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the input interface (Port number). Range: '0' = Not Applicable GBE = 1-4 " ::= { apexUdpMapMulticastEntry 3 } apexUdpMapMulticastUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GBE Input UDP Port. Range: 0-65535 " ::= { apexUdpMapMulticastEntry 4 } apexUdpMapMulticastMcastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Multicast receive IP address. An IP address of indicates singlecast only. Multicast IP addresses to are reserved. " ::= { apexUdpMapMulticastEntry 5 } apexUdpMapMulticastSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IP address of the source device. This field is only used when a multicast IP address is also specified. " ::= { apexUdpMapMulticastEntry 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexUdpMapMulticastApplyTable -- apexUdpMapMulticastApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexUdpMapMulticastApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the UDP Map Multicast Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the UDP Map Multicast Table (apexUdpMapMulticastTable). " ::= { apexUdpMapConfig 5 } apexUdpMapMulticastApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexUdpMapMulticastApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDP Map Multicast Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexUdpMapMulticastApplyIndex } ::= { apexUdpMapMulticastApplyTable 1 } ApexUdpMapMulticastApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexUdpMapMulticastApplyIndex Integer32, apexUdpMapMulticastApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexUdpMapMulticastApplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..256) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the UDP Map Multicast Table." ::= { apexUdpMapMulticastApplyEntry 1 } apexUdpMapMulticastApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for the row of data in the UDP Map Multicast Table. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the UDP Map Multicast Table. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the UDP Map Multicast Table row to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the UDP Map Multicast Table row has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexUdpMapMulticastApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexUdpMapStatus -- -- apexUdpMapStatusGeneral -- apexUdpMapMulticastInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexUdpMapMulticastApplyChange is set to 'applyNotInProgressInvalidData' this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply of a related entry that was invalid. " ::= { apexUdpMapStatusGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexUdpMapStatusTable -- apexUdpMapStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexUdpMapStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of status data for Udp Mapping. There are 48 rows in this table. Each row corresponds to one QAM channel. " ::= { apexUdpMapStatus 2 } apexUdpMapStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexUdpMapStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Udp Mapping Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexUdpMapStatusOutputTsNum } ::= { apexUdpMapStatusTable 1 } ApexUdpMapStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexUdpMapStatusOutputTsNum Integer32, apexUdpMapInvalidApplyText DisplayString } apexUdpMapStatusOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of Udp Mapping Status Table." ::= { apexUdpMapStatusEntry 1 } apexUdpMapInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexUdpMapApplyChange is set to applyNotInProgressInvalidData, this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. " ::= { apexUdpMapStatusEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRds -- -- apexRdsConfig -- -- apexRdsConfigGeneral -- apexRdsIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rights Data Server IP address. Class A, B, or C IP address of the RDS. Changing this parameter will cause the APEX to perform an EMM rollover sequence. This parameter is not changed by apexRdsSetDefault. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRdsConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRdsConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 1 } apexRdsTcpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rights Data Server TCP port. Changing this parameter will cause the APEX to perform an EMM rollover sequence. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRdsConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRdsConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 2 } apexRdsProgramEpochDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(60..1440) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Program Epoch Duration in minutes. Changes are not applied until the end of the current epoch. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRdsConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRdsConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 3 } apexRdsCetPollInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(15..1440) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interval that the APEX will use to poll for CSN/State information. After receiving the CSN/State information, the APEX will determine if it needs to retrieve new EMMs. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRdsConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRdsConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 4 } apexRdsCetRefresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { refreshNotInProgress (1), refresh (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting to 'refresh' forces the APEX to retrieve new EMMs (APEX performs an EMM rollover sequence). Once written, the change to this parameter will take effect immediately. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 5 } apexRdsRmdPollInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(15..1440) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interval that the APEX will use to poll for RMD information. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRdsConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRdsConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 6 } apexRdsRmdRefresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { refreshNotInProgress (1), refresh (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting to 'refresh' forces the APEX to retrieve new RMD data from RDS server. Once written, the change to this parameter will take effect immediately. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 7 } apexRdsPollRandomization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RDS Polling Randomization Time. Maximum time in minutes to delay polling at startup in order to avoid having many APEXs polling the RDS simultaneously. The actual delay time will be randomly calculated by the APEX and will be no greater than this value. A value of zero means no delay and the APEX will poll immediately at startup. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRdsConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRdsConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 8 } apexRdsSetDefault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSettingToDefault (1), setToDefault (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter sets apexRdsCetPollInterval, apexRdsPollRandomization, apexRdsTcpPort, apexRdsRmdPollInterval, apexRdsProgramEpochDuration and apexRdsInitialEcmRetryInterval to default values. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRdsConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'.. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRdsConfigApplyChange, value=2) " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 9 } apexRdsErrorCountReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ResetStatisticsTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resets RDS Communication error counts. Once written, the change to this parameter will take effect immediately. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 10 } apexRdsConfigApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for RDS configuration items. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the following to take effect: apexRdsIpAddr apexRdsTcpPort apexRdsPollRandomization apexRdsCetPollInterval apexRdsRmdPollInterval apexRdsProgramEpochDuration apexRdsConfigRds2Enable apexRdsConfigServerUrl This parameter MUST be set LAST after all associated parameters has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 11 } apexRdsConfigRds2Enable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether RDS-2 Interface is enabled or disabled. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRdsConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRdsConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 12 } apexRdsConfigServerUrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..254)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rights Data Server Uniform Resource Locator (RDS-2 Server URL). This is introduced to support RDS 2 Interface since APEX 2.5 release. The syntax of this parameter shall be: [http://][:]/ Note: 1. The 'http://' protocol part is default and optional, 2. 'RDS-2 Server IP' is Class A, B, or C IP address, 3. 'TCP Port' is optional, if not present, default to 80, 4. 'Server Root Directory Path' is not optional e.g. (default port is 80) The apex host will validate this parameter upon applying change, and set the following three status parameter accordingly: - apexRdsStatusServerIp - apexRdsStatusServerPort - apexRdsStatusServerRootDirPath - apexRdsStatusValidation This parameter is not changed by apexRdsSetDefault. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRdsConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRdsConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 13 } apexRdsInitialEcmRetryInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(5..30) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is used to configure RDS2 server ECM retry time. This value defines when the next retry will be performed by the host. Units are seconds. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRdsConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRdsConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 14 } apexRdsDeviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..40)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is used to configure Device ID. This value will be used by APEX1000 to fetch the Access Criteria, using RDS1 interface when 'apexEncryptionConfAlgorithm' is set to either mc-scte-52-simulcrypt or mc-csa-simulcrypt. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexRdsConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexRdsConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexRdsConfigGeneral 15 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRdsStatus -- -- apexRdsStatusGeneral -- apexRdsConnectionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notConnectedInHoldoff (1), notConnectedNoRdsIpAddress (2), csnAquisitionSuccessful (3), emmAquisitionSuccessful (4), serviceListAquisitionSuccessful (5), rmdAquisitionSuccessful (6), csnAquisitionFailed (7), emmAquisitionFailed (8), serviceListAquisitionFailed (9), rmdAquisitionFailed (10), acAquisitionSuccessful (11), acAquisitionFailed (12) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rights Data Server connection status." ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 1 } apexRdsCurrentCsn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the current CSN that the APEX is using for encrypting all programs. " ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 2 } apexRdsCetNextPollTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in seconds until the next CET polling period." ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 3 } apexRdsRmdNextPollTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in seconds until the next RMD polling period." ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 4 } apexRdsEmmStatusTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EMM Status Table Size. This is the maximum number of rows in the EMM Status Table and is the limit on apexRdsEmmStatusIndex. " ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 5 } apexRdsProgramMessagesReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of successful ServiceEncrypt messages received in the last 15 minutes." ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 6 } apexRdsProgramMessagesFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of failed ServiceEncrypt messages received in the last 15 minutes." ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 7 } apexRdsCommErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of total server communication errors. This parameter is set to 0 when the APEX boots up." ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 8 } apexRdsCommStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), ok (1), error (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of communication with RDS." ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 9 } apexRdsFlashWriteCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Running count of the number of flash memory erasures/writes." ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 10 } apexRdsMcast16 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multicast-16 bit address used for build PRK messages. The multicast-16 bit address is from the EMMs received." ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 11 } apexRdsStatusServerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Effective Rights Data Server IP address. Derived from RDS Server URL. This is set to when validation on RDS Server URL fails. See apexRdsConfigServerUrl. " ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 12 } apexRdsStatusServerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Effective Rights Data Server TCP port. Derived from RDS Server URL. This is set to 0 when validation on RDS Server URL fails. See apexRdsConfigServerUrl. " ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 13 } apexRdsStatusServerRootDirPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..254)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Effective Rights Data Server Root Directory Path. Derived from RDS Server URL. This is set to Null String when validation on RDS Server URL fails. See apexRdsConfigServerUrl. " ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 14 } apexRdsStatusValidation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), urlValid (1), missingIpOrPath (2), emptyRootPath (3), invalidTcpPort (4), invalidIpClass (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the current RDS Server URL parameter is valid. urlValid (1) - RDS-2 URL is valid, missingIpOrPath (2) - RDS-2 IP or Root Path is missing, emptyRootPath (3) - RDS-2 Root Path cannot be empty, invalidTcpPort (4) - RDS-2 TCP Port ranges from 1~65535, default to 80, invalidIpClass (5) - RDS-2 IP shall be class A/B/C. See apexRdsConfigServerUrl. " ::= { apexRdsStatusGeneral 15 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRdsEmmStatusTable -- apexRdsEmmStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRdsEmmStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Table of the most recent RDS responses." ::= { apexRdsStatus 2 } apexRdsEmmStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRdsEmmStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RDS EMM Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexRdsEmmStatusIndex } ::= { apexRdsEmmStatusTable 1 } ApexRdsEmmStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRdsEmmStatusIndex Integer32, apexRdsEmmStatusCsn Integer32, apexRdsEmmStatusState INTEGER, apexRdsEmmStatusGpsTime Integer32, apexRdsEmmStatusServerError Unsigned32, apexRdsEmmStatusUnitAddress DisplayString } apexRdsEmmStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of EMM Status Table. Size of table can be found in apexRdsEmmStatusTableSize." ::= { apexRdsEmmStatusEntry 1 } apexRdsEmmStatusCsn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Category Sequence Number (CSN). " ::= { apexRdsEmmStatusEntry 2 } apexRdsEmmStatusState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { transitionComplete (1), transitionStart (2), startOfNewEpoch (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Category Epoch Transition (CET) State." ::= { apexRdsEmmStatusEntry 3 } apexRdsEmmStatusGpsTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the time in GPS seconds that this row was written." ::= { apexRdsEmmStatusEntry 4 } apexRdsEmmStatusServerError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the error code reported to the APEX by the RDS. Zero indicates no error." ::= { apexRdsEmmStatusEntry 5 } apexRdsEmmStatusUnitAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the ACP address of the ACP associated with the error reported in apexRdsEmmStatusServerError. If no address is contained in this entry, the error applies to all ACPs or to the entire APEX. The address is made up of decimal digits formatted as ###-#####-#####-###. " ::= { apexRdsEmmStatusEntry 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRdsSourceLookupTable -- apexRdsSourceLookupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRdsSourceLookupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides a list of Source IDs and Provider IDs along with an associated string. This table of information is provided by the RDS to make it easier for a user to figure out the Source ID and Provider ID for a particular service. " ::= {apexRdsStatus 3 } apexRdsSourceLookupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRdsSourceLookupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source Lookup Table Entry." INDEX { apexRdsSourceLookupIndex } ::= { apexRdsSourceLookupTable 1 } ApexRdsSourceLookupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRdsSourceLookupIndex Integer32, apexRdsSourceLookupDescription DisplayString, apexRdsSourceLookupSourceId Integer32, apexRdsSourceLookupProviderId Integer32 } apexRdsSourceLookupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source Lookup Table Index." ::= { apexRdsSourceLookupEntry 1 } apexRdsSourceLookupDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text Description of the service provided by the Rights Data Server." ::= { apexRdsSourceLookupEntry 2 } apexRdsSourceLookupSourceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source Id of the service." ::= { apexRdsSourceLookupEntry 3 } apexRdsSourceLookupProviderId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Provider Id of the service." ::= { apexRdsSourceLookupEntry 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRdsEventTable -- apexRdsEventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRdsEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Rds2 Events. The first index (apexRdsEventProgramIndex) matches to the same row index in the apexManualRouteTable. " ::= { apexRdsStatus 4 } apexRdsEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRdsEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rds2 Events Table Entry." INDEX { apexRdsEventProgramIndex, apexRdsEventEventIndex } ::= { apexRdsEventTable 1 } ApexRdsEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRdsEventProgramIndex Integer32, apexRdsEventEventIndex Integer32, apexRdsEventEpochNumber Integer32, apexRdsEventEpochStart Integer32, apexRdsEventEpochEnd Integer32, apexRdsEventInterstitialDuration Integer32, apexRdsEventPreviewDuration Integer32, apexRdsEventPurchaseDuration Integer32, apexRdsEventNumberTiers Integer32, apexRdsEventTierData DisplayString, apexRdsEventProgramCost Integer32, apexRdsEventRatingRegion Integer32, apexRdsEventRatingData DisplayString, apexRdsEventRatingText DisplayString, apexRdsEventControlByte DisplayString, apexRdsEventPrkmWkemAvailable INTEGER, apexRdsEventCcmAvailable INTEGER } apexRdsEventProgramIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "apexRdsEventProgramIndex is the last 10 bits of apexOutputProgramEcmServiceId from apexOutputProgramTable." ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 1 } apexRdsEventEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rds Event Index." ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 2 } apexRdsEventEpochNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies a program epoch for the specified service." ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 3 } apexRdsEventEpochStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Start time in GPS seconds of the returned program epoch for the specified service. " ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 4 } apexRdsEventEpochEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "End time in GPS seconds of the returned program epoch." ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 5 } apexRdsEventInterstitialDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interstitial duration provides the time duration in seconds between the start of the program epoch and the start of the actual program or event. " ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 6 } apexRdsEventPreviewDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The preview window provides the time duration in seconds between the start of the program epoch and the start of the pay portion of the program. " ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 7 } apexRdsEventPurchaseDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The purchase window provides the time duration in seconds between the start of the program epoch that IPPV purchases are allowed. " ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 8 } apexRdsEventNumberTiers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A program can be associated with at most 7 tiers." ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 9 } apexRdsEventTierData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Program Tier Data in Hexadecimal format (28 bytes). Up to 7 tiers of information are provided for each program. Tier information for each program consists of 4 bytes. First 3 bytes are the Tier Value, next 1 bytes are the Tier Type. " ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 10 } apexRdsEventProgramCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the cost, in program units, of the program epoch." ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 11 } apexRdsEventRatingRegion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the Program Rating Region. The US region attribute is 0." ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 12 } apexRdsEventRatingData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Program Rating Data in Hexadecimal format (3 bytes). Contains 6 rating dimensions where each rating dimension is a 4-bit integer that represents a different rating control for the region. A US region defines 4 rating dimensions: MPAA rating, violence content rating, language content rating and sexual content rating. " ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 13 } apexRdsEventRatingText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Program Rating optionally contains a Rating Text." ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 14 } apexRdsEventControlByte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The program control byte used in the PRKM (1 Hexadecimal byte)." ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 15 } apexRdsEventPrkmWkemAvailable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { available (1), notAvailable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flag indicates that PRKM, WKEM (odd and even) is available for the associated epoch." ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 16} apexRdsEventCcmAvailable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { available (1), notAvailable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flag indicates that CCM (odd and even) is available for the associated epoch." ::= { apexRdsEventEntry 17} -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexEncryption -- -- apexEncryptionConfig -- -- apexEncryptionConfigGeneral -- apexEncryptionConfAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { des-dcii (1), des-scte-52 (2), dvb-csa (3), dvb-csa-simulcrypt (4), mc-scte-52-simulcrypt (5), mc-csa-simulcrypt (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configured encryption algorithm. This value determines which MUX FPGA image will be loaded. dvb-csa-simulcrypt must be selected to allow for configuration of Simulcrypt. Operator need to procure the license to select mc-scte-52-simulcrypt or mc-csa-simulcrypt. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=yes) @Commit(param=apexEncryptionConfApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexEncryptionConfigGeneral 1 } apexSimulcryptExternalEisSetting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear (0), encrypt (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Default simulcrypt External EIS encryption setting. This determines if services are sent out in the clear or are encrypted when Simulcrypt mode is set to External EIS and the services have not yet been provisioned. This allows a user to have services scrambled but unviewable prior to services being provisioned (to prevent services from being viewable). This parameter is only applicable for output streams that are in Simulcrypt External EIS mode. When this setting is changed, it only affects new service mappings. Services that are already mapped will not be modified. Not used when the APEX1000 is in MC-SCTE52-SimulCrypt or MC-CSA SimulCrypt mode. Once written, a save must be performed via the apexSaveConfig parameter and the APEX must be rebooted for the change to take effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexEncryptionConfigGeneral 2 } apexSimulcryptEmEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Simulcrypt EM Enable. If set to 'enabled' the EM will display the Simulcrypt specific screens. User will be allowed to view Simulcrypt status and perform configuration changes via the EM. This parameter only enables and disables the ability to use the EM Simulcrypt screens. It does not enable or disable Simulcrypt as there is a specific Simulcrypt mode per output stream. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexEncryptionConfigGeneral 3 } apexEncryptionConfApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for apexEncryptionConfAlgorithm. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for apexEncryptionConfAlgorithm to take effect: This parameter MUST be set LAST after apexEncryptionConfAlgorithm parameter has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexEncryptionConfigGeneral 4 } apexEncryptionConfInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexEncryptionConfApplyChange is set to 'applyNotInProgressInvalidData' this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. " ::= { apexEncryptionConfigGeneral 5 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexCteConfig -- apexCteEncryptionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { full (1), fwk (2), fpk (3), clear (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is used to set the Encryption Mode. It applies to all services on all QAMs in CTE mode. - 'full' - The APEX will use Full encryption. The APEX will only be able to encrypt programs in Full encryption mode if the APEX is able to communicate with an RDS. - 'fwk' - The APEX will use Fixed Working Key (FWK) encryption. - 'fpk' - The APEX will use Fixed Program Key (FPK) encryption. The APEX will not attempt to get EMMs. - 'clear' - The APEX performs no encryption of output programs. If the APEX is unable to encrypt programs in the configured mode, then those programs will not be mapped. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexCteApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexCteApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexCteConfig 1 } apexCteCciLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notDefined (1), copyFreely (2), copyOnce (3), copyNever (4), noMoreCopies (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Copy Control Information (CCI) Level setting for PRK messages. - notDefined - CCI is not defined, settop box applications can configure CCI - copyFreely - program can be copied - copyOnce - program can be copied once - copyNever - program can never be copied - noMoreCopies - Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexCteApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexCteApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexCteConfig 2 } apexCteApsLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notDefined (1), off (2), splitBurstOff (3), splitBurst2Line (4), splitBurst4Line (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Protection System (APS) Level setting for PRK messages. Defines what copy protection encoding will be applied to the analog composite output by the settop box. - notDefined - analog protection is not defined, settop box applications can configure APS - off - no analog protection - splitBurstOff - AGC on, split burst off - splitBurst2Line - AGC on, 2 line split burst on - splitBurst4Line - AGC on, 4 line split burst on The APEX will set Tier Type based on apexCteApsLevel. The APEX will set tier type to subscription with right to tape when apexCteApsLevel is 'off' or 'notDefined'. The APEX will set tier type to subscription without right to tape when apexCteApsLevel is 'splitBurstOff', 'splitBurst2Line', or 'splitBurst4Line'. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexCteApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexCteApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexCteConfig 3 } apexCteCitEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Constrained Image Trigger (CIT) setting. If set to 'enabled' the settop box is notified not to allow a high quality digital output unless the receiving device also adheres to CIT processing. If the apexCteApsLevel is set to 'notDefined', the setting of the CIT value has no affect (CIT and APS are only used when APS is set to a defined value). Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexCteApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexCteApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexCteConfig 4 } apexCteCommonTier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..16777215) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EncryptionCommon Tier. Identifies the tier number for which access is granted. Range is 0 to 16777215. 65535 is reserved and cannot be used. The APEX will set Tier Type based on apexCteApsLevel setting. Refer to the apexCteApsLevel description for more details. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexCteApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexCteApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexCteConfig 5 } apexCteApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for CTE configuration items. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the following to take effect: apexCteEncryptionMode apexCteCciLevel apexCteApsLevel apexCteCitEnable apexCteCommonTier This parameter MUST be set LAST after all associated parameters has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexCteConfig 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexEncryptionStatus -- -- apexEncryptionStatusGeneral -- apexEncryptionStatAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { des-dcii (1), des-scte-52 (2), dvb-csa (3), dvb-csa-simulcrypt (4), mc-scte-52-simulcrypt (5), mc-csa-simulcrypt (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current encryption algorithm. This value determines which MUX FPGA image will be loaded. " ::= { apexEncryptionStatusGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexEncryptionCwgStatus -- apexEncryptionCwgPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Average control words per second generated integrated over the last minute." ::= { apexEncryptionCwgStatus 1 } apexEncryptionMux1CollisionCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Triton collision counter for MUX FPGA #1." ::= { apexEncryptionCwgStatus 2 } apexEncryptionMux2CollisionCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Triton collision counter for MUX FPGA #2." ::= { apexEncryptionCwgStatus 3 } apexEncryptionMux1RolloverCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts rollovers of triton message circular buffer for MUX FPGA #1." ::= { apexEncryptionCwgStatus 4 } apexEncryptionMux2RolloverCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts rollovers of triton message circular buffer for MUX FPGA #2." ::= { apexEncryptionCwgStatus 5 } apexEncryptionEmmRequestsSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts number of triton EMM reports sent to 6 MC2.1 devices." ::= { apexEncryptionCwgStatus 6 } apexEncryptionEmmGoodRepliesRecvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts number of triton EMM replies marked good received from mc2.1 devices." ::= { apexEncryptionCwgStatus 7 } apexEncryptionEmmBadRepliesRecvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Counts number of triton EMM replies marked bad received from mc2.1 devices." ::= { apexEncryptionCwgStatus 8 } apexEncryptionEmmGoodDeliveryTimeMs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Amount of time expressed in milliseconds taken to deliver entire set of EMMs for most recent successful attempt. Note it takes MC2.1 a significant amount of time to process an EMM. They are delivered in batches of 6 (1 per MC2.1) the firmware then waits for all 6 EMM replies before continuing with the next batch." ::= { apexEncryptionCwgStatus 9 } apexEncryptionEmmMaxDeliveryTimeMs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum amount of time expressed in milliseconds taken to deliver an entire set of EMMs since the Apex unit was last rebooted." ::= { apexEncryptionCwgStatus 10} apexEncryptionEmmMinDeliveryTimeMs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum amount of time expressed in milliseconds taken to deliver an entire set of EMMs since the Apex unit was last rebooted." ::= { apexEncryptionCwgStatus 11} -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexEncryptionMcDiagTable -- apexEncryptionMcDiagTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexEncryptionMcDiagEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Diagnostic table that breaks out individual mc21 performance parameters. Indexed 1-6 for the 6 MC2.1 devices in an APEX ACP Module." ::= { apexEncryptionCwgStatus 12 } apexEncryptionMcDiagEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexEncryptionMcDiagEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the mc2.1 diagnostic table." INDEX { apexEncryptionMcDiagDeviceIndex } ::= { apexEncryptionMcDiagTable 1 } ApexEncryptionMcDiagEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexEncryptionMcDiagDeviceIndex Integer32, apexEncryptionCwCountsPerSecond Unsigned32 } apexEncryptionMcDiagDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index represents 1 of 6 MC2.1 devices installed on ACP Module." ::= { apexEncryptionMcDiagEntry 1 } apexEncryptionCwCountsPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of CW successfully generated on this MC2.1 per second, integrated over the last minute." ::= { apexEncryptionMcDiagEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexEas -- -- apexEasConfig -- -- apexEasConfigGeneral -- apexEasApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object is obsolete. The Apply for any entries in the apexEasConfigGeneral group. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the apexEasConfigGeneral group to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the group has been configured. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexEasConfigGeneral 1 } apexEasPhysInType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), gbe (1), fastEnet (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object is obsolete. Input Type of input from which to extract EAS messages. When set to 0, no EAS is received (disables EAS extraction). Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexEasApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexEasApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexEasConfigGeneral 2 } apexEasPhysInPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object is obsolete. Number of the input, of type configured by apexEasPhysInType, from which to extract EAS messages. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexEasApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Range(min=0) @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexEasApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexEasConfigGeneral 3 } apexEasRcvUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object is obsolete. This parameter indicates the UDP port on which to receive EAS messages. Range is 1024 to 65535 when apexEasPhysInType is 'fastEnet'. Range is 0 to 65535 when apexEasPhysInType is 'gbe'. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexEasApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexEasApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexEasConfigGeneral 4 } apexEasMulticastIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object is obsolete. This parameter indicates the Multicast IP Receive address on which to receive EAS messages. If, then EAS messages will be received via singlecast only. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexEasApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexEasApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexEasConfigGeneral 5 } apexEasSourceIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object is obsolete. This parameter indicates the Source IP Receive address on which to receive EAS messages. This is only for IGMP v3 networks. If, then source IP is not used. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexEasApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexEasApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexEasConfigGeneral 6 } apexEasMessageReceiveTimeoutDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..30) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is the timeout duration(in days)that the device expects at least one EAS message from the each EAS server configured in 'apexEasServerTable'. Default value is 7 days. Value can be configured with the increment of 1 day in the given range. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexEasConfigGeneral 7 } apexEasMessageReceiveTimeoutEventEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It enables or disables raising of the event 'trapEasMessageNotReceived' Default value is disabled. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexEasConfigGeneral 8 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexEasOutputTable -- apexEasOutputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexEasOutputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of parameters for configuring EAS Output. Table is indexed by Output Transport Stream Number. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexEasConfig 2 } apexEasOutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexEasOutputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the EAS output table." INDEX { apexEasOutputStreamNum } ::= { apexEasOutputTable 1 } ApexEasOutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexEasOutputStreamNum Integer32, apexEasOutputEnable EnableDisableTYPE } apexEasOutputStreamNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The output transport stream number." ::= { apexEasOutputEntry 1 } apexEasOutputEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The enable setting for EAS output on this Output Transport Stream. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. " ::= { apexEasOutputEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexEasServerApplyTable -- apexEasServerApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexEasServerApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Apply table for the apexEasServerTable. Table is indexed by RF Port number. " ::= { apexEasConfig 3 } apexEasServerApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexEasServerApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EAS Server Configuration Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexEasServerApplyNum } ::= { apexEasServerApplyTable 1 } ApexEasServerApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexEasServerApplyNum Integer32, apexEasServerApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexEasServerApplyNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The EAS Server number." ::= { apexEasServerApplyEntry 1 } apexEasServerApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for a row in the apexEasServerTable. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the apexEasServerTable table to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the table has been configured. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexEasServerApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexEasServerTable -- apexEasServerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexEasServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of parameters for configuring EAS Servers. Table is indexed by RF Port number. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexEasServerApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexEasConfig 4 } apexEasServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexEasServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the EAS server table." INDEX { apexEasServerNum } ::= { apexEasServerTable 1 } ApexEasServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexEasServerNum Integer32, apexEasServerPhysInType INTEGER, apexEasServerPhysInPort Integer32, apexEasServerRcvUdpPort Integer32, apexEasServerMulticastIpAddress IpAddress, apexEasServerSourceIpAddress IpAddress } apexEasServerNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The EAS Server number." ::= { apexEasServerEntry 1 } apexEasServerPhysInType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), gbe (1), fastEnet (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Type of input from which to extract EAS messages. When set to 0, no EAS is received (disables EAS extraction). Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexEasServerApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. " ::= { apexEasServerEntry 2 } apexEasServerPhysInPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the input, of type configured by apexEasServerPhysInType, from which to extract EAS messages. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexEasServerApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Range(min=0) " ::= { apexEasServerEntry 3 } apexEasServerRcvUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates the UDP port on which to receive EAS messages. Range is 1024 to 65535 when apexEasServerPhysInType is 'fastEnet'. Range is 0 to 65535 when apexEasServerPhysInType is 'gbe'. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexEasServerApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. " ::= { apexEasServerEntry 4 } apexEasServerMulticastIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates the Multicast IP Receive address on which to receive EAS messages. If, then EAS messages will be received via singlecast only. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexEasServerApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. " ::= { apexEasServerEntry 5 } apexEasServerSourceIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates the Source IP Receive address on which to receive EAS messages. This is only for IGMP v3 networks. If, then source IP is not used. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexEasServerApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. " ::= { apexEasServerEntry 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexEasStatus -- -- apexEasStatusGeneral -- apexEasNumRcvMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of EAS messages received." ::= { apexEasStatusGeneral 1 } apexEasNumInvalRcvMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of Invalid EAS messages received (invalid CRC). These messages are discarded." ::= { apexEasStatusGeneral 2 } apexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of parameters for last received EAS message details." ::= { apexEasStatus 2 } apexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the last received EAS message details table." INDEX { apexEasLastReceivedMessageServerNum } ::= { apexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusTable 1 } ApexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexEasLastReceivedMessageServerNum Integer32, apexEasLastReceivedMessageTime Integer32 } apexEasLastReceivedMessageServerNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The EAS Server index number." ::= { apexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusEntry 1 } apexEasLastReceivedMessageTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time when the last EAS message was received. Zero indicates EAS message is yet to be received or not configured. This time is reported in GPS seconds. To determine the system time in UTC the apexSntpUtcOffset object must also be read and used in the calculation. " ::= { apexEasLastReceivedMessageStatusEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexChassisRedundancy -- -- apexChassisRedundancyConfig -- -- apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral -- apexChassisRedundancyConfigEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is to enable/disable APEX chassis redundancy. When set to disabled(1), APEX is not allowed to failover. When set to enabled(2), APEX can failover on its redundant APEX. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 1 } apexChassisRedundancyMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { primary (1), secondary (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures the desired role of APEX. Primary has active output ports, secondary is inactive with output ports muted. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 2 } apexChassisRedundancyMulticastRedundancyMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hot (1), warm (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is used to process route mappings by the standby APEX. When set to hot(0) on standby APEX, all the routes processed by the active APEX will also be processed by standby APEX. When set to warm(1) on standby APEX, all the routes processed by the active APEX will be muted by standby APEX. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 3 } apexChassisRedundancyUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1024..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This UDP port number value is used as: (1) The port number on which to receive heartbeat messages from the redundant APEX (2) The port number to which heartbeat messages are sent to the redundant APEX. Valid range of UDP port numbers are 1024 to 65535. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 4 } apexChassisRedundancyRedundantApexIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unicast IP address of redundant APEX. This IP address is used to send heartbeat messages to the redundant IP. This IP address should match with the ENET1 or ENET2 IP address of the redundant APEX. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 5 } apexChassisRedundancySuspend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When set to enabled(2), this results in APEX unit failover and become active if it is in standby or suspend state. If the condition above is not met, setting the value to enabled(2) has no effect. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 6 } apexChassisRedundancyForceFailOver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { failoverNotInProgress (1), failover (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When set to failover(2), this results in the APEX unit failing over if it is in active state and the redundant APEX is in standby state. If the condition above is not met, setting the value to failvoer(2) has no effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 7 } apexChassisRedundancyFailOverGigE12LinkLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures if both GigE 1&2 link loss is cause for a failover. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 8 } apexChassisRedundancyFailOverGigE34LinkLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures if both GigE 3&4 experience link loss is cause for failover. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 9 } apexChassisRedundancyFailOverEnet1LinkLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures if ENET1 link loss is cause for failover. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 10 } apexChassisRedundancyFailOverEnet2LinkLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures if ENET2 link loss is cause for failover. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 11 } apexChassisRedundancyFailOverTemperatureFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures if the temperature fault is a cause for failover. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 12 } apexChassisRedundancyFailOverQamModuleFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures if a QAM module fault is a cause for failover. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 13 } apexChassisRedundancyFailOverQamRfPortFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures if a QAM RF port fault is a cause for failover. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 14 } apexChassisRedundancyFailOverQamChannelFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configures if a QAM channel fault is a cause for failover. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 15 } apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for Chassis Redundancy Configuration parameters. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for the data to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all Chassis Redundancy parameters affected by this parameter have been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 16 } apexChassisRedundancyPrimaryStandbyOverride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is set to ENABLED while configuring the apex as primary apex. If this parameter is set, the apex will goto ACTIVE state irrespective of secondary status. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 17 } apexChassisRedundancyRedundantApexSecIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unicast IP address of redundant APEX heartbeat backup interface. This IP address is used to send backup heartbeat messages to the redundant IP. This IP address should match with the ENET1 or ENET2 IP address of the redundant APEX. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 18 } apexChassisRedundancyRedundantHBEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is set to ENABLED to configure backup heartbeat interface IP. Heartbeat message in the Backup heartbeat interface is used if the Primary heartbeat inteface fails. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 19 } apexChassisRedundancyFailOverQamModuleRemoval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If this parameter is set to ENABLED then QAM Module removal fault will cause the failover. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyConfigGeneral 20 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexChassisRedundancyStatus -- -- apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral -- apexChassisRedundancyPrimaryApexStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), active (1), standby (2), fault (3), suspend (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is applicable for an APEX where chassis redundancy is enabled. The APEX configured as primary will report the following values: active(1): Primary RF outputs are active. standby(2): Primary RF outputs are muted. Waiting to become active. fault(3): Primary has experienced a fault. suspend(4): Primary is suspended. The APEX configured as secondary will report the following values. These are based on its knowledge about the primary APEX from heartbeat messages. unknown(0): State of primary is not known (heartbeat not received). active(1): Primary RF outputs are active. standby(2): Primary RF outputs are muted. Waiting to become active. fault(3): Primary has experienced a fault. suspend(4): Primary is suspended. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 1 } apexChassisRedundancySecondaryApexStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), active (1), standby (2), fault (3), suspend (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is applicable for an APEX where chassis redundancy is enabled. The APEX configured as primary will report the following values: These are based on its knowledge about the secondary APEX from heartbeat messages. unknown(0): State of secondary is not known (heartbeat not received). active(1): Secondary RF outputs are active. standby(2): Secondary RF outputs are muted. Waiting to become active. fault(3): Secondary has experienced a fault. suspend(4): Secondary is suspended. The APEX configured as secondary will report the following values: active(1): Secondary RF outputs are active. standby(2): Secondary RF outputs are muted. Waiting to become active. fault(3): Secondary has experienced a fault. suspend(4): Secondary is suspended. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 2 } apexChassisRedundancyState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), available (1), protected (2), unavailable (3), synchronizing (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is applicable for an APEX where chassis redundancy is enabled. This parameter will report the chassis redundancy availability status. These are based on its knowledge about the secondary APEX from heartbeat messages. The APEX configured as primary will report the following values: unknown(0): State of redundancy is not known (heartbeat not received). available(1): Primary is active and secondary is in standby, configurations are synchronized and no critical faults on either of the APEX. protected(2): Primary is fault and secondary is in active. unavailable(3): Configuration not synchronized or primary has not received heartbeat message from secondary. synchronizing(4): Synchronizing configuration between active and standby APEX's. The APEX configured as secondary will report the following values: unknown(0): State of redundancy is not known (heartbeat not received). available(1): Secondary is active and primary is in standby, configurations are synchronized and no critical faults on either of the APEX. protected(2): Secondary is in active and primary is fault state. unavailable(3): Configuration not synchronized or secondary is in fault state or secondary has not received heartbeat message from primary. synchronizing(4): Synchronizing configuration between active and standby APEX's. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 3 } apexChassisRedundancyCommunicationStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disconnected (0), connected (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is applicable for an APEX where chassis redundancy is enabled. This parameter will report the chassis redundancy communication status. These are based on its knowledge about the secondary APEX from heartbeat messages. The APEX configured as primary will report the following values: disconnected(0): No heartbeat messages are received from secondary or communication timed out. connected(1): Heartbeat messages are received from secondary and communication has not timed out. The APEX configured as secondary will report the following values: disconnected(0): No heartbeat messages are received from primary or communication timed out. connected(1): Heartbeat messages are received from primary and communication has not timed out. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 4 } apexChassisRedundancyConfigurationStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), synchronized (1), outofsync (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter is applicable for an APEX where chassis redundancy is enabled. This parameter will report the chassis redundancy configuration status. These are based on its knowledge about the secondary APEX from heartbeat messages. The APEX configured as primary will report the following values: unknown(0): Secondary configuration is not known or secondary is not connected. synchronized(1): Secondary has same configuration as primary (except for QAM outputs). outofsync(2): Secondary configuration is not in sync with primary. The APEX configured as secondary will report the following values: unknown(0): Primary configuration is not known or primary is not connected. synchronized(1): Primary has same configuration as secondary (except for QAM outputs). outofsync(2): Primary configuration is not in sync with secondary. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 5 } apexChassisRedundancyStatusInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexChassisRedundancyConfigApplyChange is set to 'applyNotInProgressInvalidData' this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 6 } apexChassisRedundancyGeneralConfigSyncStatusText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "GigE Config Sync Error info " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 7 } apexChassisRedundancyGigEMismatchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), match (1), mismatch (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates whether the GigE configuration of the apexes in Chassis Redundancy pair match. Both the APEXs will report the following values: These are based on its knowledge about the secondary APEX GigE configuration from heartbeat messages. unknown (0): GigE configuration of pair APEX is not known (heartbeat not received). match (1): GigE configuration of APEXs in redundancy pair match. mismatch (2): GigE configuration of APEXs in redundancy pair do not match. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 8 } apexChassisRedundancyQamMismatchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), match (1), mismatch (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates whether the QAM configuration of the apexes in Chassis Redundancy pair match. Both the APEXs will report the following values: These are based on its knowledge about the secondary APEX QAM configuration from heartbeat messages. unknown (0): QAM configuration of pair APEX is not known (heartbeat not received). match (1): QAM configuration of APEXs in redundancy pair match. mismatch (2): QAM configuration of APEXs in redundancy pair do not match. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 9 } apexChassisRedundancyFirmwareMismatchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), match (1), mismatch (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates whether the Firmware version of the apexes in Chassis Redundancy pair match. Both the APEXs will report the following values: These are based on its knowledge about the secondary APEX Firmware version from heartbeat messages. unknown (0): Firmware version of pair APEX is not known (heartbeat not received). match (1): Firmware version of APEXs in redundancy pair match. mismatch (2): Firmware version of APEXs in redundancy pair do not match. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 10 } apexChassisRedundancyGigE12LinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates the combined alarm status of the GigE 1 and GigE 2. Indicates the lower of the gigE input interface alarm conditions. ok (1): No alarm on either of GigE1 and GigE2. warning (3): Warning alarm on both GigE1 or GigE2 minor (4): minor alarm on both GigE1 or GigE2 major (5): Major alarm on both GigE1 or GigE2 critical (6): critical alarm on both GigE1 and GigE2. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 11 } apexChassisRedundancyGigE34LinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates the combined alarm status of the GigE3 and GigE4. Indicates the lower of the gigE input interface alarm conditions. ok (1): No alarm on either of GigE3 and GigE4. warning (3): Warning alarm on both GigE3 or GigE4 minor (4): minor alarm on both GigE3 or GigE4 major (5): Major alarm on both GigE3 or GigE4 critical (6): critical alarm on both GigE3 and GigE4. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 12 } apexChassisRedundancyCurrHBIntfIPStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates the heartbeat interface used for receiving heartbeat from the redundant APEX. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 13 } apexChassisRedundancyAppliedEncAlgorithmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), match (1), mismatch (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates if there is a match/mismatch in the applied encryption algorithm of the pair APEXs in chassis redundancy. Both the APEXs will report the following values: These are based on its knowledge about the secondary APEX GigE configuration from heartbeat messages. unknown (0): Applied encryption Algorithm of pair APEX is not known (heartbeat not received). match (1): Applied encryption Algorithm of APEXs in redundancy pair match. mismatch (2): Applied encryption Algorithm of APEXs in redundancy pair do not match. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 14 } apexChassisRedundancyMCSimEntitlementStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), match (1), mismatch (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates if there is a match/mismatch in the ULS license of MC SimulCrypt for the chassis redundancy pair APEXes. The mismatch will be indicated only when both the pair APEXs are configured for MC SimulCrypt encryption mode. Both the APEXs will report the following values: These are based on its knowledge about the secondary APEX GigE configuration from heartbeat messages. unknown (0): ULS license for MC SimulCrypt of pair APEX is not known (heartbeat not received). match (1): ULS license for MC SimulCrypt of APEXs in redundancy pair match. mismatch (2): ULS license for MC SimulCrypt of APEXs in redundancy pair do not match. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyStatusGeneral 15 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDta -- -- apexDtaConfig -- -- apexDtaGeneralConfig -- apexDtaGeneralConfigCatSourceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { internal (1), external (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When set to internal(0), APEX generates CAT and inserts EMM pid received from DAC. When set to external(1), APEX will not generate CAT, it will receive both CAT and EMM pids from DAC and inserts EMM pid into CAT. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexDtaGeneralConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDtaGeneralConfig 1 } apexDtaGeneralConfigCatEmmPidMulticastIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multicast IPv4 address on which CAT/EMM PID stream is available. An IP Address of indicates unicast stream. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexDtaGeneralConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDtaGeneralConfig 2 } apexDtaGeneralConfigCatEmmPidSourceIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address to receive CAT/EMM PID stream. This is used only if apexQamRfConfigDtaNetworkPidMulticastIP is set to a multicast address. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexDtaGeneralConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDtaGeneralConfig 3 } apexDtaGeneralConfigCatEmmPidUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1024..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDP port to receive CAT/EMM PID stream. The range of valid UDP port numbers are 1024 to 65535. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexDtaGeneralConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDtaGeneralConfig 4 } apexDtaGeneralConfigCatEmmPidInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InputInterfaceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fast Ethernet or GIGE Interface to receive CAT/EMM PID stream. CAT/EMM PID streams can be received from either fast etherent (ENET1 or ENET2) or GIGE etherent port (GIGE1, GIGE2, GIGE3, GIGE4). @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexDtaGeneralConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDtaGeneralConfig 5 } apexDtaGeneralConfigEmmPidNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(7168..8190) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EMM PID to insert on DTA enabled OTS. The range of valid PID numbers are 0x1C00 to 0x1FFE. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexDtaGeneralConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDtaGeneralConfig 6 } apexDtaGeneralConfigApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for DTA Configuration parameters. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for the DTA Cat Config data to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all DTA Config parameters affected by this parameter have been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexDtaGeneralConfig 7 } apexDtaGeneralConfigInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexDtaGeneralConfigApplyChange is set to 'applyNotInProgressInvalidData' this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with DTA CAT/EMM PID Config data or NET PID Config data. " ::= { apexDtaGeneralConfig 8 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDtaConfigApplyTable -- apexDtaConfigApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexDtaConfigApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Apply table for the configuration tables apexDtaRfPortConfigTable and apexDtaOtsConfigTable. " ::= { apexDtaConfig 2 } apexDtaConfigApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexDtaConfigApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DTA RF Port Configuration Apply Table Entry." INDEX { apexDtaConfigApplyIndex } ::= { apexDtaConfigApplyTable 1 } ApexDtaConfigApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexDtaConfigApplyIndex Integer32, apexDtaConfigApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexDtaConfigApplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the size of apexDtaRfPortConfigTable. DTA NET PID can be configured for each RF port. This shall be the number of maximum number of QAM RF port." ::= { apexDtaConfigApplyEntry 1 } apexDtaConfigApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for a row of data in apexDtaRfPortConfigTable. The Apply for eight rows of data in apexDtaOtsConfigTable. A row in this table corresponds to the same row index in the apexDtaRfPortConfigTable. A row in this table corresponds to eight rows in the apexDtaOtsConfigTable when QAM module is type of either 2x4 or 2x8 as follows: Apply Table DTA OTS/QAM Config Table ----------- ----------------- 1 1-8 2 9-16 3 17-24 4 25-32 5 33-40 6 41-48 A row in this table corresponds to four rows in the apexDtaOtsConfigTable when QAM module is type of 4x4 as follows: Apply Table DTA OTS/QAM Config Table ----------- ----------------- 1 1-4 2 5-8 3 17-20 4 21-24 5 33-36 6 37-40 7 9-12 8 13-16 9 25-28 10 29-32 11 41-44 12 45-48 This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the rows to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the configuration table rows has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexDtaConfigApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDtaRfPortConfigTable -- apexDtaRfPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexDtaRfPortConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of DTA configuration items configurable on a RF Port basis. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexDtaConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexDtaConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDtaConfig 3 } apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexDtaRfPortConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DTA RF port configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexDtaRfPortConfigIndex } ::= { apexDtaRfPortConfigTable 1 } ApexDtaRfPortConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexDtaRfPortConfigIndex Integer32, apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidMulticastIP IpAddress, apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidSourceIP IpAddress, apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidUdpPort Integer32, apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidInterface InputInterfaceTYPE, apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidNum Integer32 } apexDtaRfPortConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..12) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM RF Port number." ::= { apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry 1 } apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidMulticastIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multicast IPv4 address on which Network PID stream is available. An IP Address of indicates unicast stream. " ::= { apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry 2 } apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidSourceIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address to receive Network PID stream. This is used only if apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidMulticastIP is set to a multicast address. " ::= { apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry 3 } apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1024..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDP port number to receive Network PID stream. The range of valid port numbers are 1024 to 65535. " ::= { apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry 4 } apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InputInterfaceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fast Ethernet or GIGE Interface to receive Network PID stream. Network PID stream can be received from either fast etherent (ENET1 or ENET2) or GIGE etherent port (GIGE1, GIGE2, GIGE3, GIGE4). " ::= { apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry 5 } apexDtaRfPortConfigNetPidNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(7168..8190) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Network PID to insert on DTA enabled OTS. The range of valid PID numbers are 0x1C00 to 0x1FFE. " ::= { apexDtaRfPortConfigEntry 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDtaOtsConfigTable -- apexDtaOtsConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexDtaOtsConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of DTA configuration items for output transport streams (OTS). Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexDtaConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexDtaConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDtaConfig 4 } apexDtaOtsConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexDtaOtsConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DTA OTS enable configuration Table Entry." INDEX { apexDtaOtsConfigIndex } ::= { apexDtaOtsConfigTable 1 } ApexDtaOtsConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexDtaOtsConfigIndex Integer32, apexDtaOtsConfigEnable EnableDisableTYPE } apexDtaOtsConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Output Transport Stream(OTS) number." ::= { apexDtaOtsConfigEntry 1 } apexDtaOtsConfigEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is to enable/disable of inserting DTA messages on OTS. When set to disabled(1), DTA messages are not allowed to insert on OTS. When set to enabled(2), DTA messages are allowed to insert on OTS. " ::= { apexDtaOtsConfigEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDepi -- -- apexDepiConfig -- -- apexDepiConfigGeneral -- apexDepiConfigHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Host name defined as the FQDM of the APEX-EQAM device. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2, default=yes) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDepiConfigGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDepiStatus -- -- apexDepiStatusGeneral -- apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiPort1LinkActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ActiveTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates if the DTI Ethernet link is active." ::= { apexDepiStatusGeneral 1 } apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiPort2LinkActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ActiveTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates if the second DTI Ethernet link is active." ::= { apexDepiStatusGeneral 2 } apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiClientStatusMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { warmup(1), free-run(2), fast(3), normal(4), bridging(5), holdover(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DTI Client MUST support and report these operational modes." ::= { apexDepiStatusGeneral 3 } apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiClientPhaseError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "24-bit Phase Error in units of 149.8 MHz sample clock cycles. The lower eight bits of the 24-bit field MUST be padded with zeros and MUST NOT be used by the DTI server. The value MUST be a signed 2's complement number. If the DTI client supports more bits of resolution, the DTI client MUST round the reported value to the nearest integer sample clock cycle. " ::= { apexDepiStatusGeneral 4 } apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiCurrentTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DOCSIS 32-bit timestamp (DTS). " ::= { apexDepiStatusGeneral 5 } apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiPort1CableAdvanceValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "24-bit Cable Advance value is derived by dividing the cable delay by 2." ::= { apexDepiStatusGeneral 6 } apexDepiStatusGeneralDtiPort2CableAdvanceValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "24-bit Cable Advance value is derived by dividing the cable delay by 2." ::= { apexDepiStatusGeneral 7 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDepiControl -- -- apexDepiControlConfig -- -- apexDepiControlConfigGeneral -- apexDepiControlConfigGeneralKeepaliveTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(10..600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timeout in seconds to wait while no control or data messages are received within the connection before sending a DEPI:HELLO message. Default is 60 seconds. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDepiControlConfigGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDepiControlConfigApplyTable -- apexDepiControlConfigApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexDepiControlConfigApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the data for apexDepiControlConfigTable. Entries in the apexDepiControlConfigTable cannot be modified while DEPI Control Connections and DEPI Sessions currently exist. " ::= { apexDepiControlConfig 2 } apexDepiControlConfigApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexDepiControlConfigApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DEPI Control Configuration Apply Table Entry. " INDEX { apexDepiControlConfigApplyIndex } ::= { apexDepiControlConfigApplyTable 1 } ApexDepiControlConfigApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexDepiControlConfigApplyIndex Integer32, apexDepiControlConfigApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexDepiControlConfigApplyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..10) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Depi Control Config Apply Table." ::= { apexDepiControlConfigApplyEntry 1 } apexDepiControlConfigApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for any entries in the apexDepiControlConfigTable. Entries in the apexDepiControlConfigTable cannot be modified while DEPI Control Connections and DEPI Sessions currently exist. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the apexDepiControlConfigTable to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the group has been configured. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexDepiControlConfigApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDepiControlConfigTable -- apexDepiControlConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexDepiControlConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides a list of DEPI Control Connections initiated by M-CMTS Cores. A maximum of 10 connections is accepted. Entries in the apexDepiControlConfigTable cannot be modified while DEPI Control Connections and DEPI Sessions currently exist. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexDepiControlConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDepiControlConfig 3 } apexDepiControlConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexDepiControlConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DEPI Control Configuration Table Entry. " INDEX { apexDepiControlConfigIndex } ::= { apexDepiControlConfigTable 1 } ApexDepiControlConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexDepiControlConfigIndex Integer32, apexDepiControlConfigEnable EnableDisableTYPE, apexDepiControlConfigInterfaceNumber Integer32, apexDepiControlConfigSrcIpAddr IpAddress, apexDepiControlConfigOverUdp INTEGER, apexDepiControlConfigType INTEGER } apexDepiControlConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..10) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Depi Control Config Table." ::= { apexDepiControlConfigEntry 1 } apexDepiControlConfigEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The enable setting for DEPI Control Connection. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. " ::= { apexDepiControlConfigEntry 2 } apexDepiControlConfigInterfaceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the Gigabit Ethernet interface number. Range: '0' = Not Applicable GBE = 1-4 " ::= { apexDepiControlConfigEntry 3 } apexDepiControlConfigSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates the M-CMTS Core IP address. " ::= { apexDepiControlConfigEntry 4 } apexDepiControlConfigOverUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { over-IP (1), over-UDP (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates whether the DEPI Control Connection and Sessions will be accepted over the UDP protocol. " ::= { apexDepiControlConfigEntry 5 } apexDepiControlConfigType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static (1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates whether DEPI Sessions are established dynamically using the DEPI control protocol or statically. Not supported. " ::= { apexDepiControlConfigEntry 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDepiControlStatus -- -- apexDepiControlStatusGeneral -- apexDepiControlStatusGeneralTotalConnections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of DEPI Control Connections established since reboot." ::= { apexDepiControlStatusGeneral 1 } apexDepiControlStatusGeneralCurrentConnections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current number of DEPI Control Connections currently connected." ::= { apexDepiControlStatusGeneral 2 } apexDepiControlStatusGeneralRejectedConnections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of control connection requests rejected for any reason." ::= { apexDepiControlStatusGeneral 3 } apexDepiControlStatusGeneralUnknownConnectionMessages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of DEPI control messages ignored not related to any existing control connection i.e. unrecognized connection identifier." ::= { apexDepiControlStatusGeneral 4 } apexDepiControlStatusGeneralUnknownSessionMessages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of DEPI messages ignored not related to any existing session i.e. unrecognized session identifier." ::= { apexDepiControlStatusGeneral 5 } apexDepiControlStatusGeneralInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexDepiControlConfigApplyChange is set to 'applyNotInProgressInvalidData' this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply of a related entry that was invalid. " ::= { apexDepiControlStatusGeneral 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDepiControlStatusTable -- apexDepiControlStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexDepiControlStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of read-only status information pertaining to the DEPI Control Connections." ::= { apexDepiControlStatus 2 } apexDepiControlStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexDepiControlStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DEPI Control Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexDepiControlStatusIndex } ::= { apexDepiControlStatusTable 1 } ApexDepiControlStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexDepiControlStatusIndex Integer32, apexDepiControlStatusLocalUdp Integer32, apexDepiControlStatusRemoteUdp Integer32, apexDepiControlStatusConnectionStatus INTEGER, apexDepiControlStatusUnknownCtl Unsigned32, apexDepiControlStatusMalformedCtl Unsigned32, apexDepiControlStatusUnknownAvp Unsigned32, apexDepiControlStatusMalformedAvp Unsigned32, apexDepiControlStatusInvalidVendorId Unsigned32, apexDepiControlStatusHbitSet Unsigned32, apexDepiControlStatusTotalSessions Unsigned32, apexDepiControlStatusCurrentSessions Unsigned32, apexDepiControlStatusRejectedSessions Unsigned32 } apexDepiControlStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..10) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DEPI Session ID" ::= { apexDepiControlStatusEntry 1 } apexDepiControlStatusLocalUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The EQAM UDP port used in DEPI session messages from M-CMTS core. Only valid for DEPI connections using L2TPv3/UDP/IP. " ::= { apexDepiControlStatusEntry 2 } apexDepiControlStatusRemoteUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The M-CMTS UDP port used in DEPI session messages from M-CMTS core. Only valid for DEPI connections using L2TPv3/UDP/IP. " ::= { apexDepiControlStatusEntry 3 } apexDepiControlStatusConnectionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { terminated (1), failed (2), waiting (3), established (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "M-CMTS core to the EQAM control connection status" ::= { apexDepiControlStatusEntry 4 } apexDepiControlStatusUnknownCtl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of unrecognized DEPI messages not marked as mandatory received on this control connection. " ::= { apexDepiControlStatusEntry 5 } apexDepiControlStatusMalformedCtl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of malformed DEPI messages received on this control connection. " ::= { apexDepiControlStatusEntry 6 } apexDepiControlStatusUnknownAvp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of messages received on this control connection with an unsupported AVP. " ::= { apexDepiControlStatusEntry 7 } apexDepiControlStatusMalformedAvp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of messages received on this control connection with malformed AVP. " ::= { apexDepiControlStatusEntry 8 } apexDepiControlStatusInvalidVendorId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of messages with an unsupported Vendor ID received on this control connection. The supported vendor IDs are 0 or 4491. " ::= { apexDepiControlStatusEntry 9 } apexDepiControlStatusHbitSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of messages received on this control connection with H-bit set to 1. " ::= { apexDepiControlStatusEntry 10 } apexDepiControlStatusTotalSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of sessions established on this control connection since EQAM reboot. Only valid for dynamically established connections. " ::= { apexDepiControlStatusEntry 11 } apexDepiControlStatusCurrentSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of session currently established on this control connection. Only valid for dynamically established connections. " ::= { apexDepiControlStatusEntry 12 } apexDepiControlStatusRejectedSessions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of session setup related (ICQR/ICCN) messages rejected on this control connection. " ::= { apexDepiControlStatusEntry 13 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDepiSessionConfigApplyTable -- apexDepiSessionConfigApplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Apply Change for the data for apexDepiSessionConfigTable. " ::= { apexDepiSessionConfig 1 } apexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DEPI Session Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexDepiSessionConfigApplyOutputTsNum } ::= { apexDepiSessionConfigApplyTable 1 } ApexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexDepiSessionConfigApplyOutputTsNum Integer32, apexDepiSessionConfigApplyChange ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE } apexDepiSessionConfigApplyOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Depi Session Config Apply Table." ::= { apexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry 1 } apexDepiSessionConfigApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for any entries in the apexDepiSessionConfigTable. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for any of the data in the apexDepiSessionConfigTable to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data in the table entry has been configured. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexDepiSessionConfigApplyEntry 2 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDepiSessionConfigTable -- apexDepiSessionConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexDepiSessionConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of data for DEPI Session Mapping. There are 48 rows in this table mapping QAM output TS to DEPI Session. Once written, the change to this table will only take immediate effect after apexDepiSessionConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexDepiSessionConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexDepiSessionConfig 2 } apexDepiSessionConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexDepiSessionConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DEPI Session Config Table Entry." INDEX { apexDepiSessionConfigOutputTsNum } ::= { apexDepiSessionConfigTable 1 } ApexDepiSessionConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexDepiSessionConfigOutputTsNum Integer32, apexDepiSessionConfigEnable EnableDisableTYPE, apexDepiSessionConfigControlId Integer32, apexDepiSessionConfigDocsisTsid Integer32, apexDepiSessionConfigUdpPort Integer32, apexDepiSessionConfigSyncCorrection EnableDisableTYPE } apexDepiSessionConfigOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM output transport stream number which to associate the DEPI Session. " ::= { apexDepiSessionConfigEntry 1 } apexDepiSessionConfigEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The enable setting for DEPI Session. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. " ::= { apexDepiSessionConfigEntry 2 } apexDepiSessionConfigControlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DOCSIS Control ID assignment. Value of 0 indicates transport stream to be used for Video only. " ::= { apexDepiSessionConfigEntry 3 } apexDepiSessionConfigDocsisTsid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system wide unique M-CMTS TSID mapped to the QAM. This TSID is specified by the remote ID from the ICRQ message. " ::= { apexDepiSessionConfigEntry 4 } apexDepiSessionConfigUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UDP port number defining the DEPI Session (if UDP is enabled.) The range of valid port numbers is 1 to 65535. " ::= { apexDepiSessionConfigEntry 5 } apexDepiSessionConfigSyncCorrection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable updating the timestamp in the SYNC messages. This is only valid for static connections. (For dynamically established sessions, M-CMTS core enables or disables the SYNC correction during session establishment) " ::= { apexDepiSessionConfigEntry 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDepiSessionStatusGeneral -- apexDepiSessionStatusGeneralInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexDepiSessionConfigApplyChange is set to 'applyNotInProgressInvalidData' this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply of a related entry that was invalid. " ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexDepiSessionStatusTable -- apexDepiSessionStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexDepiSessionStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of read-only status information pertaining to the DEPI Sessions." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatus 2 } apexDepiSessionStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexDepiSessionStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DEPI Session Status Table Entry." INDEX { apexDepiSessionStatusIndex } ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusTable 1 } ApexDepiSessionStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexDepiSessionStatusIndex Integer32, apexDepiSessionStatusControlId Integer32, apexDepiSessionStatusOutputQAMChannel Integer32, apexDepiSessionStatusLocalUdp Integer32, apexDepiSessionStatusRemoteUdp Integer32, apexDepiSessionStatusStatus INTEGER, apexDepiSessionStatusPerHopBehavior Integer32, apexDepiSessionStatusUnknownCtl Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusMalformedCtl Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusUnknownAvp Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusMalformedAvp Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusInvalidVendorId Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusHbitSet Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusInSLIMsgs Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusOutSLIMsgs Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusIngressDlmMsgs Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusEgressDlmMsgs Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusLatencyStart Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusLatencyEnd Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusInDataPackets Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusInSequenceDiscards Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusInDataPacketDiscards Unsigned32, apexDepiSessionStatusSessionID Unsigned32 } apexDepiSessionStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DEPI Session ID." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 1 } apexDepiSessionStatusControlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DEPI Control ID this session belongs to." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 2 } apexDepiSessionStatusOutputQAMChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The QAM Channel number this session is mapped to." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 3 } apexDepiSessionStatusLocalUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local UDP port used by the APEX to communicate the DEPI Session messages to the M-CMTS Core" ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 4 } apexDepiSessionStatusRemoteUdp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remote UDP port used by the M-CMTS Core to communicate the DEPI Session messages to the Apex." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 5 } apexDepiSessionStatusStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { terminated (1), failed (2), waiting (3), established (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "M-CMTS core to the EQAM control connection status" ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 6 } apexDepiSessionStatusPerHopBehavior OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Per Hop Behavior value for this session." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 7 } apexDepiSessionStatusUnknownCtl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of unrecognized DEPI messages not marked as mandatory received on this session." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 8 } apexDepiSessionStatusMalformedCtl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of malformed DEPI messages received on this session." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 9 } apexDepiSessionStatusUnknownAvp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of messages received on this session with an unsupported AVP." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 10 } apexDepiSessionStatusMalformedAvp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of messages received on this session with malformed AVP." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 11 } apexDepiSessionStatusInvalidVendorId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of messages with an unsupported Vendor ID received on this session. The supported vendor IDs are 0 or 4491." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 12 } apexDepiSessionStatusHbitSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of messages received on this session with H-bit set to 1." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 13 } apexDepiSessionStatusInSLIMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of SLI messages received on this session." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 14 } apexDepiSessionStatusOutSLIMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of SLI messages sent on this session." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 15 } apexDepiSessionStatusIngressDlmMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of DLM messages received on this session." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 16 } apexDepiSessionStatusEgressDlmMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of DLM messages sent on this session." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 17 } apexDepiSessionStatusLatencyStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Last latency related timestamp start value received." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 18 } apexDepiSessionStatusLatencyEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Last latency related timestamp end value received." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 19 } apexDepiSessionStatusInDataPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of data packets received on this session." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 20 } apexDepiSessionStatusInSequenceDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of data packets received on this session that are discarded due to sequencing error." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 21 } apexDepiSessionStatusInDataPacketDiscards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of data packets received on this session that are discarded for reasons other than sequencing errors." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 22 } apexDepiSessionStatusSessionID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote DEPI Session ID, used by the Remote End to identify the DEPI Session and locally to bind the Session to a QAM Channel." ::= { apexDepiSessionStatusEntry 23 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPsip -- -- apexPsipConfig -- -- apexPsipConfigGeneral -- apexPsipConfigApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for parameters in apexPsipConfigGeneral. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for other apexPsipConfigGeneral parameters to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after other apexPsipConfigGeneral parameters have been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexPsipConfigGeneral 1 } apexPsipConfigMgtMsgInsertionPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(150..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify insertion rate (ms) for MGT PSIP table. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigGeneral 2 } apexPsipConfigSttMsgInsertionPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1000..5000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify insertion rate (ms) for STT PSIP table. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigGeneral 3 } apexPsipConfigCvctMsgInsertionPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(400..1000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify insertion rate (ms) for CVCT PSIP table. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigGeneral 4 } apexPsipConfigRrtMsgInsertionPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(30000..60000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify insertion rate (ms) for RRT PSIP table. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigGeneral 5 } apexPsipConfigEit0InsertionPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(500..60000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EIT insertion rate (ms) of EIT-0. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigGeneral 6 } apexPsipConfigEit1InsertionPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(500..60000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EIT insertion rate (ms) of EIT-1. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigGeneral 7 } apexPsipConfigEit2InsertionPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(500..60000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EIT insertion rate (ms) of EIT-2. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigGeneral 8 } apexPsipConfigEit3InsertionPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(500..60000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EIT insertion rate (ms) of EIT-3. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigGeneral 9 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPsipConfigTime -- apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for parameters in apexPsipConfigTime group. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for other apexPsipConfigTime parameters to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after other apexPsipConfigTime parameters have been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexPsipConfigTime 1 } apexPsipConfigTimeDsMonthIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..12) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configurable month for entering DST. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigTime 2 } apexPsipConfigTimeDsDayIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..31) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configurable day for entering DST. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigTime 3 } apexPsipConfigTimeDsHourIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..18) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configurable hour for entering DST. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigTime 4 } apexPsipConfigTimeDsMonthOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..12) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configurable month for exiting DST. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigTime 5 } apexPsipConfigTimeDsDayOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..31) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configurable day for exiting DST. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigTime 6 } apexPsipConfigTimeDsHourOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..18) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configurable hour for exiting DST. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexPsipConfigTimeApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPsipConfigTime 7 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPsipStatusInputTable -- apexPsipStatusInputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexPsipStatusInputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The following table contains a list of messages that are being extracted from the input side. " ::= { apexPsipStatus 2 } apexPsipStatusInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexPsipStatusInputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSIP Table Entry." INDEX { apexPsipStatusInputIndex, apexPsipStatusInputPid, apexPsipStatusInputMessageType, apexPsipStatusInputSourceId, apexPsipStatusInputSegment, apexPsipStatusInputPart } ::= { apexPsipStatusInputTable 1 } ApexPsipStatusInputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexPsipStatusInputIndex Integer32, apexPsipStatusInputPid Integer32, apexPsipStatusInputMessageType Integer32, apexPsipStatusInputSourceId Integer32, apexPsipStatusInputSegment Integer32, apexPsipStatusInputPart Integer32, apexPsipStatusInputBody DisplayString, apexPsipStatusInputGpsTime Integer32, apexPsipStatusInputInfo DisplayString } apexPsipStatusInputIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..784) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the input index for which this message applies." ::= { apexPsipStatusInputEntry 1 } apexPsipStatusInputPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..8191) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the PID that this message is contained in." ::= { apexPsipStatusInputEntry 2 } apexPsipStatusInputMessageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the PSIP message type. 199 - MGT 200 - TVCT 201 - CVCT 203 - EIT 202 - RRT 205 - STT " ::= { apexPsipStatusInputEntry 3 } apexPsipStatusInputSourceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Source Id of EIT tables. When a message is not specifically related to a program, this value is 0." ::= { apexPsipStatusInputEntry 4 } apexPsipStatusInputSegment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..256) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the segment number of this message. Otherwise this is 0." ::= { apexPsipStatusInputEntry 5 } apexPsipStatusInputPart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Since a message can be 4096 bytes long the message may divided into parts. Each part of the message is indexed using this index." ::= { apexPsipStatusInputEntry 6 } apexPsipStatusInputBody OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raw ASCII hex of the PSIP message." ::= { apexPsipStatusInputEntry 7 } apexPsipStatusInputGpsTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The GPS time when the PSIP message was added to the table." ::= { apexPsipStatusInputEntry 8 } apexPsipStatusInputInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Comma-separated string showing Input Interface, UDP port, Multicast IP, and Source IP for this PSIP message." ::= { apexPsipStatusInputEntry 9 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPsipStatusOutputTable -- apexPsipStatusOutputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexPsipStatusOutputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The following table contains a list of messages that are being inserted to the output side of the apex. " ::= { apexPsipStatus 3 } apexPsipStatusOutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexPsipStatusOutputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSIP Table Entry." INDEX { apexPsipStatusOutputIndex, apexPsipStatusOutputPid, apexPsipStatusOutputMessageType, apexPsipStatusOutputSourceId, apexPsipStatusOutputSegment, apexPsipStatusOutputPart } ::= { apexPsipStatusOutputTable 1 } ApexPsipStatusOutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexPsipStatusOutputIndex Integer32, apexPsipStatusOutputPid Integer32, apexPsipStatusOutputMessageType Integer32, apexPsipStatusOutputSourceId Integer32, apexPsipStatusOutputSegment Integer32, apexPsipStatusOutputPart Integer32, apexPsipStatusOutputBody DisplayString, apexPsipStatusOutputGpsTime Integer32 } apexPsipStatusOutputIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Output index for which this message applies. This is the Output Transport Stream number (1..48). " ::= { apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 1 } apexPsipStatusOutputPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..8191) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the PID that this message is contained in." ::= { apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 2 } apexPsipStatusOutputMessageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..255) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the PSIP message type. 199 - MGT 200 - TVCT 201 - CVCT 203 - EIT 202 - RRT 205 - STT" ::= { apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 3 } apexPsipStatusOutputSourceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Source Id of EIT tables. When a message is not specifically related to a program, this value is 0." ::= { apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 4 } apexPsipStatusOutputSegment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..256) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the segment number of this message. Otherwise this is 0." ::= { apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 5 } apexPsipStatusOutputPart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..16) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Since a message can be 4096 bytes long the message may divided into parts. Each part of the message is indexed using this index." ::= { apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 6 } apexPsipStatusOutputBody OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raw ASCII hex of the PSIP message." ::= { apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 7 } apexPsipStatusOutputGpsTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The GPS time when the PSIP message was added to the table." ::= { apexPsipStatusOutputEntry 8 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPsipStatusServiceTable -- apexPsipStatusServiceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexPsipStatusServiceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The following table shows the PSIP status per service. For each service, the service number, the Output Transport Stream number, its PSIP state and its source id are shown in the current entry. This table is indexed the same as apexOutputProgramTable. " ::= { apexPsipStatus 4 } apexPsipStatusServiceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexPsipStatusServiceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PSIP Status Table Entry per service." INDEX { apexPsipStatusServiceIndex } ::= { apexPsipStatusServiceTable 1 } ApexPsipStatusServiceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexPsipStatusServiceIndex Integer32, apexPsipStatusServiceNum Integer32, apexPsipStatusServiceOutputTs Integer32, apexPsipStatusServiceState DisplayString, apexPsipStatusServiceSourceId Integer32 } apexPsipStatusServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Program Table Index." ::= { apexPsipStatusServiceEntry 1 } apexPsipStatusServiceNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Output Service Number." ::= { apexPsipStatusServiceEntry 2 } apexPsipStatusServiceOutputTs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Output Transport Stream of this service." ::= { apexPsipStatusServiceEntry 3 } apexPsipStatusServiceState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current program PSIP state." ::= { apexPsipStatusServiceEntry 4 } apexPsipStatusServiceSourceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current PSIP Program Source Id." ::= { apexPsipStatusServiceEntry 5 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexPreencryption -- -- apexPreencryptionConfig -- -- apexPreencryptionConfigGeneral -- apexSupportPreencryptedSimulcrypt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allows to configure the APEX to support services pre-encrypted with Simulcrypt. All the CA descriptors present in the input PMT will be copied to the output PMT, modifying the ECM PID references if needed. Default value is enabled. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexPreencryptionConfigGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputAncillaryPid -- -- apexOutputAncillaryPidConfig -- -- apexOutputAncillaryPidConfigGeneral -- -- none -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputAncillaryPidStatus -- -- apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusGeneral -- apexOutputAncillaryPidBitrateSamplePeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sample Period for Output Ancillary PID bitrate collection. This parameter indicates the length of time in the unit of milliseconds the TS packets are collected during a sample. " ::= { apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusGeneral 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusTable -- apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table shows the status of input ancillary PID to output ancillary PID mappings which are configured through either apexPidMapTable or apexBulkPidMapTable. As 'apexBulkPidMapTable' maps the same PID to multiple output transport streams, then for each selected OTSs a separate PID mapping will be created. Accordingly, for each mapping there will be a separate status entry in the status table. " ::= { apexOutputAncillaryPidStatus 2 } apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Ancillary PID Status Table Entry. As 'apexBulkPidMapTable' maps the same PID to multiple output transport streams, then for each selected OTSs a separate PID mapping will be created. Accordingly, for each mapping there will be a separate status entry in the status table. The manually configurable ancillary PIDs are 480. DTA configured ancillary PIDs are 144 (CAT, EMM and NET pids routed to all 48 OTSs) " INDEX { apexOutputAncillaryPidIndex } ::= { apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusTable 1 } ApexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexOutputAncillaryPidIndex Integer32, apexOutputAncillaryPidInputTsNum Integer32, apexOutputAncillaryPidInputPid Integer32, apexOutputAncillaryPidOutputTsNum Integer32, apexOutputAncillaryPidOutputPid Integer32, apexOutputAncillaryPidRoutingStatus DisplayString, apexOutputAncillaryPidAverageBitrate Unsigned32 } apexOutputAncillaryPidIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..624) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Ancillary PID Status Table Index. " ::= { apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 1 } apexOutputAncillaryPidInputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..784) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This input TS number points the index in the 'apexInputTsStatTable'. The index will be used to retrieve the input TS details like Input Interface, UDP port, Multicast IP and Source IP. " ::= { apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 2 } apexOutputAncillaryPidInputPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This input ancillary PID will be extracted from the input TS pointed by the 'apexOutputAncillaryPidInputTsNum'. " ::= { apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 3 } apexOutputAncillaryPidOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..48) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Number to which the Input ancillary PID is routed. " ::= { apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 4 } apexOutputAncillaryPidOutputPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Ancillary PID. " ::= { apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 5 } apexOutputAncillaryPidRoutingStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ancillary PID Routing Status. The list of status information is mentioned below. Not Defined - When a PID is mapped, but not activated. Successfully multiplexing - When a PID is mapped, activated and input PID is available. Input ancillary PID is missing - When a PID is mapped and activated, but the input PID is not available. " ::= { apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 6 } apexOutputAncillaryPidAverageBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bitrate is measured for the sample period 'apexOutputAncillaryPidBitrateSamplePeriod'. This parameter contains the average bitrate, calculated from the samples collected for the rolling sampling interval. The sampling interval is upto last fifteen minutes. This parameter is in bits per second (bps). " ::= { apexOutputAncillaryPidStatusEntry 7 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexUls -- -- apexUlsConfig -- -- apexUlsConfigGeneral -- apexUlsConfigGenerateRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for generating ULS Feature Requests. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for apexUlsConfigMcSimChannelsRequest to take effect. This parameter MUST be set LAST after all other data has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexUlsConfigGeneral 1 } apexUlsConfigValidateResponse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for validating ULS Feature Response. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for ULS-generated feature key file to be submitted. This parameter MUST be set after the binary key file has been SFTP to the target device. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexUlsConfigGeneral 2 } apexUlsConfigCommitNewFeatures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for committing ULS feature Keys. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for the validated feature keys to be committed. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexUlsConfigGeneral 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexUlsConfigMcSimFeatures -- apexUlsConfigMcSimChannelsRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of MediaCipher Simulcrypt channels, being requested in this feature. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexUlsConfigGenerateRequest , value=2) " ::= { apexUlsConfigMcSimFeatures 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexUlsStatus -- -- apexUlsStatusGeneral -- apexUlsStatusGenerateRequestText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexUlsConfigGenerateRequest is set to applyNotInProgressInvalidData this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply that was invalid. " ::= { apexUlsStatusGeneral 1 } apexUlsStatusValidateResponseText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexUlsConfigValidateResponse is set to applyNotInProgressInvalidData this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply that was invalid. " ::= { apexUlsStatusGeneral 2 } apexUlsStatusCommitNewFeaturesText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When apexUlsConfigCommitNewFeatures is set to applyNotInProgressInvalidData this entry may contain a text description of what was wrong with the data. This entry contains the description for the most recent apply that was invalid. " ::= { apexUlsStatusGeneral 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexUlsStatusMcSimFeatures -- apexUlsStatusMcSimChannelsCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of MediaCipher Simulcrypt channels, currently allowed in this feature." ::= { apexUlsStatusMcSimFeatures 1 } apexUlsStatusMcSimChannelsInUse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of MediaCipher Simulcrypt channels, in use." ::= { apexUlsStatusMcSimFeatures 2 } apexUlsStatusMcSimChannelsMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of MediaCipher Simulcrypt channels allowed to be used, even if the license provides for more." ::= { apexUlsStatusMcSimFeatures 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusTable -- apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Rds2 Events. The index apexSimulcryptEcmgProgramIndex matches the row index in apexManualRouteTable. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatus 4 } apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rds2 Events Table Entry." INDEX { apexSimulcryptEcmgProgramIndex} ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusTable 1 } ApexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexSimulcryptEcmgProgramIndex Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS1EcmgChannel Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS1EcmgStream Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS2EcmgChannel Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS2EcmgStream Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS3EcmgChannel Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS3EcmgStream Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS4EcmgChannel Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS4EcmgStream Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS5EcmgChannel Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS5EcmgStream Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS6EcmgChannel Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS6EcmgStream Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS7EcmgChannel Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS7EcmgStream Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS8EcmgChannel Integer32, apexOutputProgramCAS8EcmgStream Integer32 } apexSimulcryptEcmgProgramIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..768) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "apexSimulcryptEcmgProgramIndex is the last 10 bits of apexOutputProgramEcmServiceId from apexOutputProgramTable." ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 1 } apexOutputProgramCAS1EcmgChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into the simulcryptEcmgStatChannelTable for the first CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 2 } apexOutputProgramCAS1EcmgStream OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This combined with apexOutputProgramCAS1EcmgChannel gives the index into simulcryptEcmgStatStreamTable for the first CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 3 } apexOutputProgramCAS2EcmgChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into the simulcryptEcmgStatChannelTable for the second CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 4 } apexOutputProgramCAS2EcmgStream OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This combined with apexOutputProgramCAS2EcmgChannel gives the index into simulcryptEcmgStatStreamTable for the second CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 5 } apexOutputProgramCAS3EcmgChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into the simulcryptEcmgStatChannelTable for the third CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 6 } apexOutputProgramCAS3EcmgStream OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This combined with apexOutputProgramCAS3EcmgChannel gives the index into simulcryptEcmgStatStreamTable for the third CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 7 } apexOutputProgramCAS4EcmgChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into the simulcryptEcmgStatChannelTable for the fourth CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 8 } apexOutputProgramCAS4EcmgStream OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This combined with apexOutputProgramCAS4EcmgChannel gives the index into simulcryptEcmgStatStreamTable for the fourth CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 9 } apexOutputProgramCAS5EcmgChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into the simulcryptEcmgStatChannelTable for the fifth CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 10 } apexOutputProgramCAS5EcmgStream OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This combined with apexOutputProgramCAS5EcmgChannel gives the index into simulcryptEcmgStatStreamTable for the fifth CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 11 } apexOutputProgramCAS6EcmgChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into the simulcryptEcmgStatChannelTable for the sixth CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 12 } apexOutputProgramCAS6EcmgStream OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This combined with apexOutputProgramCAS6EcmgChannel gives the index into simulcryptEcmgStatStreamTable for the sixth CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 13 } apexOutputProgramCAS7EcmgChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into the simulcryptEcmgStatChannelTable for the seventh CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 14 } apexOutputProgramCAS7EcmgStream OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This combined with apexOutputProgramCAS7EcmgChannel gives the index into simulcryptEcmgStatStreamTable for the seventh CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 15 } apexOutputProgramCAS8EcmgChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into the simulcryptEcmgStatChannelTable for the eigth CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 16 } apexOutputProgramCAS8EcmgStream OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..19) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This combined with apexOutputProgramCAS8EcmgChannel gives the index into simulcryptEcmgStatStreamTable for the eigth CAS system. This is applicable only when Simulcrypt is enabled. " ::= { apexSimulcryptEcmgStatusEntry 17 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexMcSim -- -- apexMcSimConfig -- -- apexMcSimConfigGeneral -- apexMcSimEnableDacId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This enables prepending the DAC ID to the Access Criteria in the SCS<=>ECMG Control Word Provision request. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexMcSimConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. Default value is disabled. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexMcSimConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexMcSimConfigGeneral 1 } apexMcSimDacId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DAC ID to be prepended to the Access Criteria in the SCS<=>ECMG Control Word Provision request. Once written, the change to this parameter will only take immediate effect after apexMcSimConfigApplyChange is set to 'apply'. In order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via apexSaveConfig. Default value is 0. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Commit(param=apexMcSimConfigApplyChange, value=2) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexMcSimConfigGeneral 2 } apexMcSimConfigApplyChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApplyDataToDeviceTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Apply for MC SimulCrypt Configuration. This parameter MUST be set to 'apply' in order for the Queuing Device ID, or DAC ID to take effect in the APEX. This parameter MUST be set LAST after the MC Simulcrypt Enable has been configured. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexMcSimConfigGeneral 3 } apexMcSimConfigInvalidApplyText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When corresponding apexMcSimEnableApplyChange is set to 'applyNotInProgressInvalidData' this entry may contain a text description of why MC Simulcrypt was not enabled/disabled. " ::= { apexMcSimConfigGeneral 4 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexAlarms -- apexAlarmHardwareFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates that a Hardware related error occurred. Examples include missing or uncommunicative HW, failures in initialization of HW, and failures to configure HW. These can occur at startup or when the system is operational. Types of HW Faults include: Application File(s) Download failure; SPI Interface Initialization failure; PCI Interface Initialization failure; GigE Configuration failure; MUX Configuration failure; QAM Module Communication failure; Unsupported/Incorrect HW/FW Version (QAM, etc.); Fatal Host Firmware Exception. 'critical' indicates a fatal error occurred that prevents the APEX from performing operational requirements. 'warning' indicates an error that does not prevent the APEX from performing operational requirements. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8000 } apexAlarmInvalidInitData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set when invalid Initialization data (ini files) is encountered. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8001 } apexAlarmTemperatureFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "'critical' indicates one or more temperature sensors is reporting a high temperature condition. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8002 } apexAlarmFanFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "'major' indicates one or more fans has reduced RPM readings. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8003 } apexAlarmPowerFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Supply Fault Alarm. 'warning' indicates power supply not compatible (apexPsStatusInstalled). 'major' indicates power supply or fan only module) removed (apexPsStatusInstalled). 'major' indicates power supply input power fault (apexPsStatusInputPowerStatus), output power fault (apexPsStatusOutputPowerStatus), or comm fault (apexPsStatusCommError). 'critical' indicates power supply over temperature fault (apexPsStatusTemperatureStatus). " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8004 } apexAlarmGbeLossOfPhysicalInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of Physical Gigabit Ethernet Input Alarm. 'critical' indicates that one or more physical interfaces that are configured as enabled to receive input have a failure (apexGbeStatusLossOfPhysicalInput). Physical input interfaces can be disabled to prevent this alarm when no input is connected. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8020 } apexAlarmGbeBufferFullness OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Frame Buffer Fullness Alarm. This alarm is used to inform the user when one or more Gigabit Ethernet Frame buffers are about to or have overflowed. The overflow level is based on the actual input data rate. 'major' when the frame buffer crosses a user specified threshold (apexGbeConfigFrameBufferAlarmThreshold). Cleared when the buffer level drops below the threshold. 'critical' when the frame buffer is completely full and frames are being dropped. Cleared when the overflow condition stops. A Major alarm, depending on the threshold setting, indicates that the APEX is getting close to overflowing it's internal Gigabit Ethernet frame buffers. A Critical alarm indicates that the frame buffer levels have overflowed. This will cause loss of packets and may result in tiling and other output anomalies. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8021 } apexAlarmGbeInputStreamLowBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Input Stream Low Bit Rate Alarm. This alarm is used to inform the user when one or more Gigabit Ethernet Input Streams as configured in apexManRteGbeInRedTable have a low bit rate condition. For alarm status of each stream refer to entries apexGbeStatInTsPriLowBitRateAlarm and apexGbeStatInTsSecLowBitRateAlarm. 'major' when one or more stream bit rates are below their apexManRteGbeInRedPriLowAlarmBitRate or apexManRteGbeInRedSecLowAlarmBitRate. Clears when all streams have been restored to at or above their configured apexManRteGbeInRedPriLowAlarmBitRate or apexManRteGbeInRedSecLowAlarmBitRate. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8022 } apexAlarmGbeInputStreamHighBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Input Stream High Bit Rate Alarm. This alarm is used to inform the user when one or more Gigabit Ethernet Input Streams as configured in apexManRteGbeInRedTable or via a Session Controller have a high bit rate condition. For alarm status of each stream refer to entry apexGbeStatInTsPriHighBitRateAlarm and apexGbeStatInTsSecHighBitRateAlarm. 'major' when one or more stream bit rates are above their apexManRteGbeInRedPriHighAlarmBitRate or apexManRteGbeInRedSecHighAlarmBitRate. Clears when all streams have been restored to at or below their configured apexManRteGbeInRedPriHighAlarmBitRate or apexManRteGbeInRedSecHighAlarmBitRate. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8023 } apexAlarmGbeMptsRedundPrimaryThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Input MPTS Redundant Primary Stream Below Threshold Alarm. This alarm is used to inform the user when one or more Gigabit Ethernet Input Streams configured in apexManRteGbeInRedTable as being the Primary stream of a Redundant Pair are below the configured threshold. For alarm status of each stream refer to entry apexGbeStatInTsMptsRedundPriAlarm. 'major' when one or more stream bit rates are below their threshold as specified in apexManRteGbeInRedThreshold. Clears when all streams have been restored to at or above their configured apexManRteGbeInRedThreshold. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8024 } apexAlarmGbeMptsRedundFailOver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Input MPTS Redundant Fail Over Alarm. This alarm is used to inform the user when one or more Gigabit Ethernet Input Streams configured in apexManRteGbeInRedTable as being the Primary stream of a Redundant Pair have Failed Over to the Secondary stream. For alarm status of each stream refer to entry apexGbeStatInTsMptsRedundFailAlarm. 'major' when one or more Redundant Primary streams have failed over to the Secondary. Clears when all Primary streams have been restored and the APEX has switched back to the Primary from the Secondary. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8025 } apexAlarmServiceInError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm Service In Error. 'major' indicates that one or more services is in error (unable to fully continue processing). However, this is only for very specific errors where the error could be caused by either the input stream being invalid or another command along with the input stream is causing the error. For example, if mapping an input service to an output and that PMT is not referenced in the PAT, or the number of PIDs in the PMT is greater than the number of PIDs supported, then the command is in error. This error condition would be cleared if a new PAT is received referencing the PMT or in the other case, if a new PMT is received referencing a valid number of PIDs. Refer to apexOutputProgramRoutingStatus for more information. This alarm occurs on the first error. It is not issued for additional errors. It is cleared when all errors are cleared. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8026 } apexAlarmGbeLossOfInputStream OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (1), indeterminate(2), warning (3), minor (4), major (5), critical (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of Gbe Input Stream Alarm. This alarm is used to inform the user when one or more Gigabit Ethernet Input Streams is missing. A missing input stream is determined based on user configured data or stream rate and detection timeout value. This alarm is only applicable when the input streams are configured to be monitored for loss of input stream. This alarm occurs on the first error. It is not issued for additional errors. It is cleared when all errors are cleared. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8027 } apexAlarmGigeToHostCommFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (1), indeterminate(2), warning (3), minor (4), major (5), critical (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of Communications from Gige to Host Alarm. This alarm is used to inform the user when the Host processor is no longer receiving periodic status messages from the Gige processor. This alarm occurs on the first error. It is not issued for additional errors. It is cleared when the condition is resolved. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8028 } apexAlarmGbeInterfaceRedundFailOver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Interface Redundant Fail Over Alarm. This alarm is used to inform the user when one or more Gigabit Ethernet interfaces have Failed Over to the Secondary interface. The APEX determines an interface as failed when link has been lost. 'major' when one or more Primary interfaces have failed over to the Secondary. Clears when all Primary interfaces have been restored and the APEX has switched back to the Primary from the Secondary. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8029 } apexAlarmLossOfInputAncillaryPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of input ancillary PID Alarm. This alarm is raised when one or more input ancillary PID(s) is(are) missing in the input transport streams. The APEX monitors each input ancillary PID configured through either 'apexPidMapTable' or 'apexBulkPidMapTable' or 'apexDtaOtsConfigTable'. The APEX will monitor for the 'apexPidMapInputAncillaryPidDetectionTimeout' period, before declaring the loss of input ancillary PID. 'minor' - When one or more input ancillary PIDs are missing. 'clear' - When all the ancillary PIDs are available in the input. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8030 } apexAlarmGbeInputStreamPacketDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Input Stream Packet Drop Alarm. This alarm is used to inform the user when one or more Gigabit Ethernet Input Streams have a dropped packet condition. 'major' when one of the stream's packets is dropped. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8031 } apexAlarmOutputUtilizationFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Utilization Threshold Alarm. 'minor' when apexOutputTsUtilMonAlarmThreshold is met or exceeded for apexOutputTsUtilMonSetAlarmDelay for an OTS. The alarm will clear after the OTS remains below apexOutputTsUtilMonAlarmThreshold for apexOutputTsUtilMonClearAlarmDelay. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8040 } apexAlarmOutputOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Transport Stream Overflow Alarm. 'critical' when apexOutputTsUtilizOverflow occurs for an OTS. The alarm will clear when OTS no longer in overflow. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8041 } apexAlarmQamModuleFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Port Fault Alarm. 'major' when apexQamModuleStatError occurs when all QAM channels on the QAM Module have apexQamChanStatActive of not 'active'. 'critical' when apexQamModuleStatError occurs when all QAM channels on the QAM Module have apexQamChanStatActive of 'active'. The alarm will clear after all faults clear on the QAM Module. The current alarm status on a QAM Module basis can be found in apexQamModuleStatFaultCondition. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8042 } apexAlarmQamRfPortFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM RF Port Fault Alarm. 'major' when power voltage or output RF level error occurs on the RF Port. 'critical' when clock, PLL, or data sync error occurs on the RF Port. The alarm will clear after all faults clear for the RF Port. The current alarm status on an RF port basis can be found in apexQamRfPortStatFaultCondition. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8043 } apexAlarmQamChannelFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Channel Fault Alarm. 'critical' when any or all of the QAM Channel errors enumerated in apexQamChanStatError occur on a QAM channel. The alarm will clear after all faults clear on the QAM channel. The current alarm status on a QAM channel basis can be found in apexQamChanStatFaultCondition. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8044 } apexAlarmQamRfRedundFailOver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM RF Redundancy Fail Over Alarm. 'major' when the backup QAM RF Port status is 'active' (apexQamRfRedundStatusBackupPort). This occurs when a primary QAM RF Port has failed over to the backup RF Port or the user has forced a primary to the backup. The alarm will clear when the backup QAM RF Port status returns to 'standby'. The alarm is relevant only when apexQamRfRedundConfigEnable is 'enabled'. The current QAM RF Port that is active on the backup port can be found in apexQamRfRedundStatusFailedPort. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8045 } apexAlarmQamRfRedundMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM RF Redundancy Mismatch Alarm. 'warning' when channels could be lost on QAM RF Fail Over to backup or on Switch Back to primary. Refer to apexQamRfRedundStatusMismatch for more information. The alarm will clear when mismatch condition clears. The alarm is relevant only when apexQamRfRedundConfigEnable is 'enabled'. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= {apexAlarms 8046 } apexAlarmQamModuleRemovalFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "QAM Module Removal Fault Alarm. 'critical' when apexQamModuleStatError occurs when any QAM channels on the QAM Module have apexQamChanStatActive of 'active'. The alarm will clear after the fault is cleared on the QAM Module. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8047 } apexAlarmRtspControllerCommFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP Controller Communication Fault. 'major' when the RTSP Controller is experiencing a communication fault. The alarm will clear when connection is restored the RTSP controller. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8050 } apexAlarmRdsCommFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RDS Communication Fault. 'major' when experiencing an RDS communication fault. The alarm will clear when RDS connection is restored. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8060 } apexAlarmRemCommFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "REM Communication Fault. 'major' when experiencing an REM communication fault. The alarm will clear when REM connection is restored. Refer to apexQamRfRedundStatusRemConnection for more information. The alarm is relevant only when apexQamRfRedundConfigEnable is 'enabled' and apexQamRfRedundConfigRemConnection is not 'none'. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8070 } apexAlarmRemFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "REM Fault. 'warning' when REM is reporting a 0x05 error code. 'major' when error received from REM (other than 0x05) or REM is reporting incorrect switch configuration. The alarm will clear when REM errors clear. Refer to apexQamRfRedundStatusRemError and apexQamRfRedundStatusRemSwitch for more information. The alarm is relevant only when apexQamRfRedundConfigEnable is 'enabled' and apexQamRfRedundConfigRemConnection is not 'none'. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8071 } apexAlarmDepiControlConnectionFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (1), indeterminate(2), warning (3), minor (4), major (5), critical (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DEPI Control connection setup Fault. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8080 } apexAlarmDepiSessionSetupFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (1), indeterminate(2), warning (3), minor (4), major (5), critical (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DEPI Session Setup Fault. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8081 } apexAlarmDtiSyncLossFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (1), indeterminate(2), warning (3), minor (4), major (5), critical (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EQAM lost SYNC with the DTI Server. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8082 } apexAlarmChassisRedundancyPrimaryFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the primary active APEX fails over to the secondary standby unit. Trap tells if failover is operator induced, or automatic because of a fault. Major if automatic due to some fault Warning if force-failover. Cleared when redundancy is disabled or when the primary becomes active and the secondary is standby. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8090 } apexAlarmChassisRedundancySecondaryFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the secondary active APEX fails over to the primary standby unit. Trap tells if failover is operator induced, or automatic because of a fault. Major if automatic due to some fault Warning if force-failover. Cleared when redundancy is disabled or when the secondary becomes active and the primary is standby. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8091 } apexAlarmChassisRedundancyAvailabilityFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when redundancy status is unavailable (except for link loss) configuration not synchronized secondary in fault state Cleared when redundancy status is available or redundancy disabled. " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8092 } apexAlarmChassisRedundancyLinkFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when ENET2 link is lost Cleared when ENET 2 link is present or redundancy disabled." --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8093 } apexAlarmChassisRedundancyConfigurationFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when primary APEX receives heartbeat from another primary. Critical if APEX was in active state (sourcing broadcast content) Major if APEX was in standby state (broadcast ports muted). Cleared when primary APEX receives heartbeat from a secondary, configuration is changed to secondary, or redundancy is disabled." --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexAlarms 8094 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexEvents -- apexEventEmUserLoginFailed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event to indicate APEX EM User login failed 5 times." --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexEvents 8100 } apexEventQamModuleUpgraded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event to indicate a QAM Module has been upgraded from 2x4 to 2x8 channel capability." --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexEvents 8101 } apexEventSnmpCommunityStringChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event to indicate that the read/read-write SNMP community strings are changed Trap description is given in trapSnmpCommunityStringChanged " --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexEvents 8102 } apexEventEasMessageNotReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the EAS message is not received for the amount of time configured by the object 'apexEasMessageReceiveTimeoutDuration'" --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexEvents 8103 } apexEventLossOfInputAncillaryPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event to indicate that the input PID has not received. This event is sent when one or more input ancillary PID(s) is(are) missing in the input transport streams. The APEX monitors each input ancillary PID configured through either 'apexPidMapTable' or 'apexBulkPidMapTable' or 'apexDtaOtsConfigTable'. The APEX will monitor for the 'apexPidMapInputAncillaryPidDetectionTimeout' period, before declaring the loss of input ancillary PID. 'minor' - When one or more input ancillary PIDs are missing. 'clear' - When the ancillary PIDs and input TS are not available in the input" --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexEvents 8104 } apexEventChassisRedunPrimaryForceFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when the operator forces a failover from the primary, back to the secondary APEX." --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexEvents 8110 } apexEventChassisRedunSecondaryForceFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Generated when the operator forces a failover from the secondary, back to the primary APEX." --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexEvents 8111 } apexEventChassisRedunFirmwareVersionMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the primary and secondary APEX firmware versions are mismatched." --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexEvents 8112 } apexEventChassisRedunQAMVersionMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Generated when the primary and secondary APEX QAM versions are mismatched." --MOT-MIBCOMP-BE-EXT ::= { apexEvents 8113 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexConfigAlarms -- -- apexConfAlarmEnable -- apexEnableInvalidInitData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmInvalidInitData. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8001 } apexEnableGbeLossOfPhysicalInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmGbeLossOfPhysicalInput. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8020 } apexEnableGbeBufferFullness OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmGbeBufferFullness. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8021 } apexEnableGbeInputStreamLowBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmGbeInputStreamLowBitRate. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8022 } apexEnableGbeInputStreamHighBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmGbeInputStreamHighBitRate. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8023 } apexEnableGbeMptsRedundPrimaryThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmGbeMptsRedundPrimaryThreshold. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8024 } apexEnableGbeMptsRedundFailOver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmGbeMptsRedundFailOver. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8025 } apexEnableServiceInError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmServiceInError. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8026 } apexEnableGbeLossOfInputTsFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmGbeLossOfInputStream. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8027 } apexEnableGbeInterfaceRedundFailOver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmGbeInterfaceRedundFailOver. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8029 } apexEnableLossOfInputAncillaryPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It enables or disables the alarm 'apexAlarmLossOfInputAncillaryPid'. When set to 'enabled', the alarm will operate as described in the description for 'apexAlarmLossOfInputAncillaryPid' and sends event 'apexEventLossOfInputAncillaryPid'. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Also, when set to 'disabled', clear/minor apexEventLossOfInputAncillaryPid events will not be sent. Default value is disabled. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8030 } apexEnableGbeInputStreamPacketDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmGbeInputStreamPacketDrop. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8031 } apexEnableOutputUtilizationFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmOutputUtilizationFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8040 } apexEnableOutputOverflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmOutputOverflow. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8041 } apexEnableQamModuleFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmQamModuleFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8042 } apexEnableQamRfPortFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmQamRfPortFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8043 } apexEnableQamChannelFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmQamChannelFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8044 } apexEnableQamRfRedundFailOver OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmQamRfRedundFailOver. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8045 } apexEnableQamRfRedundMismatch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmQamRfRedundMismatch. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8046 } apexEnableQamModuleRemovalFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmQamModuleRemovalFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8047 } apexEnableRtspControllerCommFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmRtspControllerCommFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8050 } apexEnableRdsCommAlarmFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmRdsCommFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8060 } apexEnableRemCommFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmRemCommFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8070 } apexEnableRemFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmRemFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8071 } apexEnableDepiControlConnectionFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmDepiControlConnectionFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8080 } apexEnableDepiSessionSetupFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmDepiSessionSetupFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8081 } apexEnableDtiSyncLossFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexAlarmDtiSyncLossFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8082 } apexEnableChassisRedundancyPrimaryFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexEnableChassisRedundancyPrimaryFailover. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8090 } apexEnableChassisRedundancySecondaryFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexEnableChassisRedundancySecondaryFailover. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8091 } apexEnableChassisRedundancyAvailabilityFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexEnableChassisRedundancyAvailabilityFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8092 } apexEnableChassisRedundancyLinkFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexEnableChassisRedundancyLinkFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8093 } apexEnableChassisRedundancyConfigurationFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This setting enables or disables apexEnableChassisRedundancyConfigurationFault. When set to 'enabled' the alarm will operate as described. When set to 'disabled' the alarm will not be reported or wrapped into unitAlarmStatus and the alarm condition will remain 'ok'. If the alarm condition is not 'ok' when it is 'disabled', the alarm will be cleared. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. However, in order for the change to persist through subsequent reboots or power cycles, the change must be saved via the apexSaveConfig parameter. @Config(config=yes, reboot=no) @Save(apexSaveConfig, value=2) @File(config.ini, type='ini') " ::= { apexConfAlarmEnable 8094 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexConfAlarmClear -- apexClearInvalidInitData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ClearAlarmTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting to 'clearAlarm' clears the apexAlarmInvalidInitData. The APEX will set this parameter back to 'clearAlarmNotInProgress' after clearing the alarm. Once written, the change to this parameter will take immediate effect. @Config(config=no, reboot=no) " ::= { apexConfAlarmClear 8001 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexLogs -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexHwEventTable -- apexHwEventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexHwEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Hardware Events that have occurred. Maximum of 100 events will be recorded. " ::= { apexLogs 1 } apexHwEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexHwEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware Event Table Entry." INDEX { apexHwEventIndex } ::= { apexHwEventTable 1 } ApexHwEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexHwEventIndex Integer32, apexHwEventTimeLogged Integer32, apexHwEventAlarmCode Integer32, apexHwEventAlarmSeverity INTEGER, apexHwEventData Integer32, apexHwEventDescription DisplayString } apexHwEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..'7fffffff'h) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to HW Event table entry." ::= { apexHwEventEntry 1 } apexHwEventTimeLogged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in GPS seconds (apexSystemTime) that this event was logged. " ::= { apexHwEventEntry 2 } apexHwEventAlarmCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Last number of alarm OID. Can be one of the following: 0 Indicates event is informational and may or may not cause an alarm. 8000 apexAlarmHardwareFault 8002 apexAlarmTemperatureFault 8003 apexAlarmFanFault 8004 apexAlarmPowerFault 8042 apexAlarmQamModuleFault 8043 apexAlarmQamRfPortFault 8044 apexAlarmQamChannelFault 8045 apexAlarmQamRfRedundFailOver 8046 apexAlarmQamRfRedundMismatch 8070 apexAlarmRemCommFault 8071 apexAlarmRemFault More details about the error can be found in apexHwEventDescription. " ::= { apexHwEventEntry 3 } apexHwEventAlarmSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm severity level of this event. " ::= { apexHwEventEntry 4 } apexHwEventData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional integer data. When apexHwEventAlarmCode is non-zero, this will be the same as Additional Data 1 as in the trap for the alarm. When apexHwEventAlarmCode is zero, this may contain additional data helpful in debug. " ::= { apexHwEventEntry 5 } apexHwEventDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text description of the event." ::= { apexHwEventEntry 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexInvalidInitDataTable -- apexInvalidInitDataTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexInvalidInitDataEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Invalid Initialization Data Errors. Maximum of 100 errors will be recorded. " ::= { apexLogs 2 } apexInvalidInitDataEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexInvalidInitDataEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Invalid Initialization Data Table Entry." INDEX { apexInvalidInitDataIndex } ::= { apexInvalidInitDataTable 1 } ApexInvalidInitDataEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexInvalidInitDataIndex Integer32, apexInvalidInitDataTimeLogged Integer32, apexInvalidInitDataDescription DisplayString } apexInvalidInitDataIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..'7fffffff'h) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to Invalid Initialization Data table entry." ::= { apexInvalidInitDataEntry 1 } apexInvalidInitDataTimeLogged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in GPS seconds (apexSystemTime) that this event was logged. " ::= { apexInvalidInitDataEntry 2 } apexInvalidInitDataDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text string describing the data error." ::= { apexInvalidInitDataEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexOutputTsEventTable -- apexOutputTsEventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexOutputTsEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Output Stream events that have occurred. Maximum of 200 events will be recorded. " ::= { apexLogs 3 } apexOutputTsEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexOutputTsEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output Stream Error Table Entry." INDEX { apexOutputTsEventIndex } ::= { apexOutputTsEventTable 1 } ApexOutputTsEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexOutputTsEventIndex Integer32, apexOutputTsEventTimeLogged Integer32, apexOutputTsEventAlarmCode Integer32, apexOutputTsEventAlarmSeverity INTEGER, apexOutputTsEventOutputTsNum Integer32, apexOutputTsEventCurRate Integer32, apexOutputTsEventAvgRate Integer32, apexOutputTsEventMinRate Integer32, apexOutputTsEventPeakRate Integer32, apexOutputTsEventCurDropPackets Integer32, apexOutputTsEventPeakDropPackets Integer32, apexOutputTsEventRollingDropPackets Integer32, apexOutputTsEventTotalDropPackets Integer32, apexOutputTsEventDescription DisplayString } apexOutputTsEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..'7fffffff'h) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to Output Stream Error table. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 1 } apexOutputTsEventTimeLogged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in GPS seconds (apexSystemTime) that this event was logged. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 2 } apexOutputTsEventAlarmCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Last number of alarm OID. Can be one of the following: 0 Indicates event is informational and may or may not cause an alarm. 8040 apexAlarmOutputUtilizationFault 8041 apexAlarmOutputOverflow More details about the error can be found in apexOutputTsEventDescription. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 3 } apexOutputTsEventAlarmSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm severity level of this event. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 4 } apexOutputTsEventOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..48) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the output transport stream for this event. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 5 } apexOutputTsEventCurRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of apexOutputTsUtilizCurRate when event occurred. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 6 } apexOutputTsEventAvgRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of apexOutputTsUtilizAvgRate when event occurred. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 7 } apexOutputTsEventMinRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of apexOutputTsUtilizMinRate when event occurred. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 8 } apexOutputTsEventPeakRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of apexOutputTsUtilizPeakRate when event occurred. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 9 } apexOutputTsEventCurDropPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of apexOutputTsUtilizCurDropPackets when event occurred. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 10 } apexOutputTsEventPeakDropPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of apexOutputTsUtilizPeakDropPackets when event occurred. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 11 } apexOutputTsEventRollingDropPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of apexOutputTsUtilizRollingDropPackets when event occurred. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 12 } apexOutputTsEventTotalDropPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of apexOutputTsUtilizTotalDropPackets when event occurred. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 13 } apexOutputTsEventDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text description of the event. Maximum length is 128 characters. " ::= { apexOutputTsEventEntry 14 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexGbeInputTsEventTable -- apexGbeInputTsEventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexGbeInputTsEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Events that have occurred. Maximum of 100 events will be recorded. " ::= { apexLogs 4 } apexGbeInputTsEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexGbeInputTsEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Event Table Entry." INDEX { apexGbeInputTsEventIndex } ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventTable 1 } ApexGbeInputTsEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexGbeInputTsEventIndex Integer32, apexGbeInputTsEventTimeLogged Integer32, apexGbeInputTsEventAlarmCode Integer32, apexGbeInputTsEventAlarmSeverity INTEGER, apexGbeInputTsEventRedundantConfig INTEGER, apexGbeInputTsEventGbeInterface Integer32, apexGbeInputTsEventUdpPort Integer32, apexGbeInputTsEventMulticastIp IpAddress, apexGbeInputTsEventSourceIp IpAddress, apexGbeInputTsEventInputTsState InputTsStateTYPE, apexGbeInputTsEventRateCompareType RateComparisonTYPE, apexGbeInputTsEventSamplingPeriod Integer32, apexGbeInputTsEventPriCurStreamCount Counter32, apexGbeInputTsEventPriCurDataCount Counter32, apexGbeInputTsEventSecCurStreamCount Counter32, apexGbeInputTsEventSecCurDataCount Counter32, apexGbeInputTsEventDescription DisplayString } apexGbeInputTsEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..'7fffffff'h) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to Gigabit Ethernet Input Transport Stream Event table. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 1 } apexGbeInputTsEventTimeLogged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in GPS seconds (apexSystemTime) that this event was logged. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 2 } apexGbeInputTsEventAlarmCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Last number of alarm OID. Can be one of the following: 0 Indicates event is informational and may or may not cause an alarm. 8022 apexAlarmGbeInputStreamLowBitRate 8023 apexAlarmGbeInputStreamHighBitRate 8024 apexAlarmGbeMptsRedundPrimaryThreshold 8025 apexAlarmGbeMptsRedundFailOver More details about the error may be found in apexGbeInputTsEventDescription. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 3 } apexGbeInputTsEventAlarmSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), indeterminate(2), warning(3), minor(4), major(5), critical(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm severity level of this event. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 4 } apexGbeInputTsEventRedundantConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), primary (1), secondary (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this input transport stream was configured as a primary or secondary at the time of the event. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 5 } apexGbeInputTsEventGbeInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of apexInputTsStatPriInputInterface or apexInputTsStatSecInputInterface at the time of the event. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 6 } apexGbeInputTsEventUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of apexInputTsStatPriInputUdp or apexInputTsStatSecInputUdp at the time of the event. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 7 } apexGbeInputTsEventMulticastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of apexInputTsStatPriInputMulticastIp or apexInputTsStatSecInputMulticastIp at the time of the event. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 8 } apexGbeInputTsEventSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of apexInputTsStatPriInputSourceIp or apexInputTsStatSecInputSourceIp at the time of the event. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 9 } apexGbeInputTsEventInputTsState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InputTsStateTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of apexInputTsStatPriState or apexInputTsStatSecState at the time of the event. For threshold or fail over events, the state reported is always the Primary input stream state. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 10 } apexGbeInputTsEventRateCompareType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RateComparisonTYPE MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Comparison type at time of event (stream or data). " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 11 } apexGbeInputTsEventSamplingPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sample period in seconds of the stream and data counts reported. Using the sample period and the stream or data counts, the actual input rate at the time of the event can be computed. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 12 } apexGbeInputTsEventPriCurStreamCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Primary input stream Packet Count at the time of the event. This is the number of packets received, including Nulls, during the sample period defined in apexGbeInputTsEventSamplingPeriod. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 13 } apexGbeInputTsEventPriCurDataCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Primary input data Packet Count at the time of the event. This is the number of data packets received (non-Nulls), during the sample period defined in apexGbeInputTsEventSamplingPeriod. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 14 } apexGbeInputTsEventSecCurStreamCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Secondary input stream Packet Count at the time of the event. This is the number of packets received, including Nulls, during the sample period defined in apexGbeInputTsEventSamplingPeriod. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 15 } apexGbeInputTsEventSecCurDataCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Secondary input data Packet Count at the time of the event. This is the number of data packets received (non-Nulls), during the sample period defined in apexGbeInputTsEventSamplingPeriod. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 16 } apexGbeInputTsEventDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text description of the event. Maximum length is 128 characters. " ::= { apexGbeInputTsEventEntry 17 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexRtspEventTable -- apexRtspEventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexRtspEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of RTSP Events that have occurred. Maximum of 100 events will be recorded. " ::= { apexLogs 5 } apexRtspEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexRtspEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTSP Event Table Entry." INDEX { apexRtspEventIndex } ::= { apexRtspEventTable 1 } ApexRtspEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexRtspEventIndex Integer32, apexRtspEventTimeLogged Integer32, apexRtspEventControllerIp IpAddress, apexRtspEventSessionCount Integer32, apexRtspEventSourceDescription DisplayString, apexRtspEventDescription DisplayString } apexRtspEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..'7fffffff'h) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to RTSP Event table entry." ::= { apexRtspEventEntry 1 } apexRtspEventTimeLogged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in GPS seconds (apexSystemTime) that this event was logged. " ::= { apexRtspEventEntry 2 } apexRtspEventControllerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the RTSP Controller associated with this event. Value will be zero if the event is not associated with a specific controller. Refer to apexRtspEventSourceDescription for the source of the event. " ::= { apexRtspEventEntry 3 } apexRtspEventSessionCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of active sessions for the RTSP Controller associated with this event. Value will be total count of all sessions for all controllers if the event is not associated with a specific controller. Refer to apexRtspEventSourceDescription for the source of the event. " ::= { apexRtspEventEntry 4 } apexRtspEventSourceDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text description of the source of the event. May indicate a controller identifier or an APEX application process. " ::= { apexRtspEventEntry 5 } apexRtspEventDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text description of the event." ::= { apexRtspEventEntry 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexMappingErrorTable -- apexMappingErrorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexMappingErrorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of program, ancillary PID, and stream pass through mapping errors that have occurred. Maximum of 100 error events will be recorded. " ::= { apexLogs 6 } apexMappingErrorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexMappingErrorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Program, PID, Stream Pass Through Error Table Entry." INDEX { apexMappingErrorIndex } ::= { apexMappingErrorTable 1 } ApexMappingErrorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexMappingErrorIndex Integer32, apexMappingErrorTimeLogged Integer32, apexMappingErrorCode Integer32, apexMappingErrorMappingType INTEGER, apexMappingErrorInputType INTEGER, apexMappingErrorInputInterface Integer32, apexMappingErrorUdpPort Integer32, apexMappingErrorMulticastIp IpAddress, apexMappingErrorSourceIp IpAddress, apexMappingErrorInputProgramPid Integer32, apexMappingErrorOutputProgramPid Integer32, apexMappingErrorOutputOpMode INTEGER, apexMappingErrorOutputTsNum Integer32, apexMappingErrorSecInputInterface Integer32, apexMappingErrorSecUdpPort Integer32, apexMappingErrorSecMulticastIp IpAddress, apexMappingErrorSecSourceIp IpAddress } apexMappingErrorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..'7fffffff'h) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to Program, PID, Stream Pass Through, DEPI Control, DEPI Session Error table. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 1 } apexMappingErrorTimeLogged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in GPS seconds (apexSystemTime) that this error was logged. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 2 } apexMappingErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error code for this mapping error. 0 indicates no error. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 3 } apexMappingErrorMappingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), program (1), ancillaryPid (2), streamPassthru (3), depiControl (4), depiSession (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of mapping (program, ancillary PID, or stream pass through). " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 4 } apexMappingErrorInputType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable (0), gbe (1), fastEnet (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Type. Indicates if mapping is from Gigabit Ethernet or Fast Ethernet. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 5 } apexMappingErrorInputInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interface port number of the primary input interface. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 6 } apexMappingErrorUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input UDP Port for primary input. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 7 } apexMappingErrorMulticastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Multicast receive IP address for primary input. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 8 } apexMappingErrorSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IGMP v3 Source IP address of the source device for the primary input. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 9 } apexMappingErrorInputProgramPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For program mappings, this is the input program number of the program being mapped. For ancillary PID mappings, this is the input PID number being mapped. For stream pass through mappings, this field is not used and is set to 0. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 10 } apexMappingErrorOutputProgramPid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For program mappings, this is the output program number of the program being mapped. For ancillary PID mappings, this is the output PID number being mapped. For stream pass through mappings, this field is not used and is set to 0. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 11 } apexMappingErrorOutputOpMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notInUse (0), sessionControl (1), manualRouting (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operating mode of the output transport stream for this mapping. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 12 } apexMappingErrorOutputTsNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..48) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of the output transport stream for this mapping error. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 13 } apexMappingErrorSecInputInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interface port number of the secondary input interface. An interface number of 0 indicates no secondary input. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 14 } apexMappingErrorSecUdpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input UDP Port for secondary input. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 15 } apexMappingErrorSecMulticastIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Multicast receive IP address for secondary input. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 16 } apexMappingErrorSecSourceIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the IGMP v3 Source IP address of the source device for the secondary input. " ::= { apexMappingErrorEntry 17 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexChassisRedundancyEventTable -- apexChassisRedundancyEventTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ApexChassisRedundancyEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Chassis Redundancy Events. Maximum of 300 events will be recorded. " ::= { apexLogs 7 } apexChassisRedundancyEventEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ApexChassisRedundancyEventEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis Redundancy Event Table Entry." INDEX { apexChassisRedundancyEventIndex } ::= { apexChassisRedundancyEventTable 1 } ApexChassisRedundancyEventEntry ::= SEQUENCE { apexChassisRedundancyEventIndex Integer32, apexChassisRedundancyEventTimeLogged Integer32, apexChassisRedundancyEventDescription DisplayString } apexChassisRedundancyEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..'7fffffff'h) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for Chassis Redundancy Event table." ::= { apexChassisRedundancyEventEntry 1 } apexChassisRedundancyEventTimeLogged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in GPS seconds (apexSystemTime) that this event was logged. " ::= { apexChassisRedundancyEventEntry 2 } apexChassisRedundancyEventDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text string describing the event." ::= { apexChassisRedundancyEventEntry 3 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- apexTraps -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- BCS Traps -- -- Objects are commonly defined but ENTERPRISE is APEX specific. -- Trap ID starts at 1. Trap ID 1 and 2 are not issued by the APEX. -- trapConfigurationChangeInteger NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is issued if configuration of a single variable with integer type was changed (via ANY interface). TrapChangedValueInteger variable may contain current reading of that variable. trapPerceivedSeverity - 'indeterminate'" ::= { apexTraps 3 } trapConfigurationChangeDisplayString NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueDisplayString } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is issued if configuration of a single variable with DisplayString type was changed (via ANY interface). TrapChangedValueDisplayString variable may contain current reading of that variable. trapPerceivedSeverity - 'indeterminate'" ::= { apexTraps 4 } trapConfigurationChangeOID NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueOID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is issued if configuration of a single variable with OID type was changed (via ANY interface). TrapChangedValueOID variable may contain current reading of that variable. trapPerceivedSeverity - 'indeterminate'" ::= { apexTraps 5 } trapConfigurationChangeIpAddress NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueIpAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is issued if configuration of a single variable with IpAddress type was changed (via ANY interface). TrapChangedValueIpAddress variable may contain current reading of that variable. trapPerceivedSeverity - 'indeterminate'" ::= { apexTraps 6 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- DNS Traps -- -- Objects are commonly defined but ENTERPRISE is APEX specific. -- Trap ID starts at 20. -- trapConditionNotInList NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is issued if a condition is being cleared and it is not in the condition list. trapAdditionalInfoInteger1 : Task and Function ID (task and function generates the error condition) trapAdditionalInfoInteger2 : Condition number trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 : Condition severity" ::= { apexTraps 20 } trapConditionAlreadyInList NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is issued if a condition is being set and it is already in the condition list. trapAdditionalInfoInteger1 : Task and Function ID (task and function generates the error condition) trapAdditionalInfoInteger2 : Condition number trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 : Condition severity" ::= { apexTraps 21 } trapConditionListFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is issued if a condition is being set and the condition list is full. trapAdditionalInfoInteger1 : Task and Function ID (task and function generates the error condition) trapAdditionalInfoInteger2 : Condition number trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 : Condition severity" ::= { apexTraps 22 } trapInvalidCaseInSwitch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is issued when in a switch statement the default case is reached. The trapAdditionalInfoInteger1 will contain the task and Function ID. The trapAdditionalInfoInteger2 will contain value of the switch. The trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 is not used." ::= { apexTraps 23 } trapCannotCreateSemaphore NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is issued when a semaphore cannot be created. The trapAdditionalInfoInteger1 will contain the task and Function ID, the trapAdditionalInfoInteger2 and trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 will not be used." ::= { apexTraps 24 } trapCannotOpenSocket NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is issued when a socket cannot be opened. The trapAdditionalInfoInteger1 will contain the task and Function ID. The trapAdditionalInfoInteger2 will contain the errno returned by the call to socket(). The trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 is not used." ::= { apexTraps 25 } trapUnknownMessageReceived NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is issued when an unknown message is received. The trapAdditionalInfoInteger1 will contain the task and Function ID. The trapAdditionalInfoInteger2 will contain the message ID and the trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 is not used." ::= { apexTraps 26 } trapInvalidMessageReceived NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is issued when an invalid message is received. The trapAdditionalInfoInteger1 will contain the task and Function ID. The trapAdditionalInfoInteger2 will contain the message ID and the trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 is not used." ::= { apexTraps 27 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- APEX Alarm Traps -- -- Trap ID starts at 8000. -- trapHardwareFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmHardwareFault. Additional Info 1 carries HW Error Code (refer to HW Event Log for details). Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8000 } trapInvalidInitData NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmInvalidInitData. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info 1 is not used. Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8001 } trapTemperatureFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmTemperatureFault. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info 1 is not used. Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8002 } trapFanFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmFanFault. This trap is sent on summary basis. Additional Info 1 is not used. Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8003 } trapPowerFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmPowerFault. Additional Info 1 carries the apexPsStatusTable index (1 to 2). Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8004 } trapGbeLossOfPhysicalInput NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmGbeLossOfPhysicalInput. Additional Info 1 carries the Gigabit Ethernet Interface Number (1 to 4). Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8020 } trapGbeBufferFullness NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmGbeBufferFullness. Additional Info 1 carries the Gigabit Ethernet Processor Number (1 to 2). Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8021 } trapGbeInputStreamLowBitRate NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmGbeInputStreamLowBitRate. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info 1 is not used. Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8022 } trapGbeInputStreamHighBitRate NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmGbeInputStreamHighBitRate. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info 1 is not used. Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8023 } trapGbeMptsRedundPrimaryThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmGbeMptsRedundPrimaryThreshold. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info 1 is not used. Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8024 } trapGbeMptsRedundFailOver NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmGbeMptsRedundFailOver. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info 1 is not used. Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8025 } trapServiceInError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmServiceInError. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info 1 is not used. Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8026 } trapGbeLossOfInputStream NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmGbeLossOfInputStream. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info 1 is not used. Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8027 } trapGigeToHostCommFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmGigeToHostCommFault. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info 1 is not used. Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8028 } trapGbeInterfaceRedundFailOver NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmGbeInterfaceRedundFailOver. This trap is sent on a GbE Redundant Pair basis. Additional Info 1 contains the GbE interface number that lost link. Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8029 } trapLossOfInputAncillaryPid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent if 'apexAlarmLossOfInputAncillaryPid' is enabled by 'apexEnableLossOfInputAncillaryPid' and if any of the input ancillary PID is not received for the duration 'apexPidMapInputAncillaryPidDetectionTimeout'. Severity level of the alarm is minor. " ::= { apexTraps 8030 } trapGbeInputStreamPacketDrop NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent if 'apexAlarmGbeInputStreamPacketDrop' is enabled by 'apexEnableGbeInputStreamPacketDrop' and if any of the input data streams drops a packet. " ::= { apexTraps 8031 } trapOutputUtilizationFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmOutputUtilizationFault. This trap is sent on an Output Transport Stream basis. Additional Info 1 carries the Output Transport Stream number (1 to 48). Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8040 } trapOutputOverflow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmOutputOverflow. This trap is sent on an Output Transport Stream basis. Additional Info 1 carries the Output Transport Stream number (1 to 48). Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8041 } trapQamModuleFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmQamModuleFault. This trap is sent on a QAM Module basis. Additional Info 1 carries the QAM Module number (1 to 3). Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8042 } trapQamRfPortFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmQamRfPortFault. This trap is sent on a QAM RF Port basis. Additional Info 1 carries the QAM RF Port number: RF Port 1 = QAM Module 1, RF 1 RF Port 2 = QAM Module 1, RF 2 RF Port 3 = QAM Module 2, RF 1 RF Port 4 = QAM Module 2, RF 2 RF Port 5 = QAM Module 3, RF 1 RF Port 6 = QAM Module 3, RF 2 Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8043 } trapQamChannelFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmQamChannelFault. This trap is sent on a QAM Channel basis. Additional Info 1 carries the QAM Channel number. 1 to 8 = QAM Module 1, RF 1, QAM Channel A to H 9 to 16 = QAM Module 1, RF 2, QAM Channel A to H 17 to 24 = QAM Module 2, RF 1, QAM Channel A to H 25 to 32 = QAM Module 2, RF 2, QAM Channel A to H 33 to 40 = QAM Module 3, RF 1, QAM Channel A to H 41 to 48 = QAM Module 3, RF 2, QAM Channel A to H Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8044 } trapQamRfRedundFailOver NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmQamRfRedundFailOver. This trap is sent on a Primary QAM RF Port basis. Additional Info 1 carries the Primary QAM RF Port number. Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8045 } trapQamRfRedundMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmQamRfRedundMismatch. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8046 } trapQamModuleRemovalFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmQamModuleRemovalFault. This trap is sent on a QAM Module Removal basis. Additional Info 1 carries the QAM Module number (1 to 3). Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8047 } trapRtspControllerCommFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmRtspControllerCommFault. This trap is sent on a controller basis. Additional Info 1 carries the controller number. Additional Info 2 is not used. Additional Info 3 is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8050 } trapRdsCommFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmRdsCommFault. Additional Info is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8060 } trapRemCommFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmRemCommFault. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8070 } trapRemFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmRemFault. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8071 } trapDepiControlConnectionFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmDepiControlConnectionFault. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8080 } trapDepiSessionSetupFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmDepiSessionSetupFault. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8081 } trapDtiSyncLossFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmDtiSyncLossFault. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8082 } trapChassisRedundancyPrimaryFailover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmChassisRedundancyPrimaryFailover. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8090 } trapChassisRedundancySecondaryFailover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmChassisRedundancySecondaryFailover. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8091 } trapChassisRedundancyAvailabilityFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmChassisRedundancyAvailabilityFault. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8092 } trapChassisRedundancyLinkFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmChassisRedundancyLinkFault. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8093 } trapChassisRedundancyConfigurationFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding alarm apexAlarmChassisRedundancyConfigurationFault. This trap is sent on a summary basis. Additional Info is not used. " ::= { apexTraps 8094 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- APEX Event Traps -- -- Trap ID starts at 8100. -- trapEmUserLoginFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding event apexEventEmUserLoginFailed. Additional Info is not used." ::= { apexTraps 8100 } trapQamModuleUpgraded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding event apexEventQamModuleUpgraded. Additional Info is not used." ::= { apexTraps 8101 } trapSnmpCommunityStringChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap event is sent when read/read-write SNMP community strings are changed. See corresponding event 'apexEventSnmpCommunityStringChanged'. Severity level of the event is warning. The type of community strings which are changed is sent in the 'Additional Info' parameters as explained below. trapAdditionalInfoInteger1 - 1 - read community string is changed 0 - read community string is not changed trapAdditionalInfoInteger2 - 1 - read write community string is changed 0 - read write community string is not changed trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 - Not used " ::= { apexTraps 8102 } trapEasMessageNotReceived NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This event is raised, if 'apexEasMessageReceiveTimeoutEventEnable' is enabled, when there is no EAS message received from any of the EAS sever configured in 'apexEasServerTable' in the duration 'apexEasMessageReceiveTimeoutDuration'. Severity level of this event is warning. Input interface, input UDP port, multicast IP and source IP details are passed with the below optional parameters. trapAdditionalInfoInteger1 - bits 0 to 15 : Input UDP port number bit 16 : Type of interface value 0 : GIGE value 1 : Fast Enet bits 17 to 18 : Interface Number and it is zero based Ex: If this value is 3 and the type of interface is GIGE then it represents GIGE4 interface bits 21 to 31 : Reserved trapAdditionalInfoInteger2 - contains EAS multicast IP address trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 - contains EAS source IP address Note: As trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 contains IP addresses in the 'IpAddress' type format. See corresponding event apexEventEasMessageNotReceived. " ::= { apexTraps 8103 } trapLossOfInputAncillaryPidEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent if apexEnableLossOfInputAncillaryPid enabled and if any of the input ancillary PID is not received for the duration 'apexPidMapInputAncillaryPidDetectionTimeout'. Refer 'apexEventLossOfInputAncillaryPid' for more details. Severity level of the event is minor. The trap with clear severity is sent, when the event is cleared. Input interface type, Input interface type input UDP port, multicast IP and source IP details are passed with the below optional parameters. trapAdditionalInfoInteger1 - bits 0 to 12 - Input ancillary PID bit 13 - Input interface type 0 - GIGE 1 - Fast Enet bits 14 to 15 - Input interface number Zero based index runs from 0 to 3. bits 16 to 31 - Input UDP port number trapAdditionalInfoInteger2 - Input multicast IP address trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 - Input source IP address Note: As trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 contains IP addresses which is in the 'IpAddress' type format,this should be decoded as the same way as the type 'IpAddress'. " ::= { apexTraps 8104 } trapChassisRedundancyPrimaryForceFailover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding event apexEventChassisRedunPrimaryForceFailover. Additional Info is not used." ::= { apexTraps 8110 } trapChassisRedundancySecondaryForceFailover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding event apexEventChassisRedunSecondaryForceFailover. Additional Info is not used." ::= { apexTraps 8111 } trapChassisRedundancyFirmwareVersionMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding event apexEventChassisRedunFirmwareVersionMismatch. Additional Info is not used." ::= { apexTraps 8112 } trapChassisRedundancyQAMVersionMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { trapIdentifier, trapSequenceId, trapNetworkElemModelNumber, trapNetworkElemSerialNum, trapPerceivedSeverity, trapNetworkElemOperState, trapNetworkElemAlarmStatus, trapNetworkElemAdminState, trapNetworkElemAvailStatus, trapText, trapNETrapLastTrapTimeStamp, trapChangedObjectId, trapChangedValueInteger, trapAdditionalInfoInteger1, trapAdditionalInfoInteger2, trapAdditionalInfoInteger3 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See corresponding event apexEventChassisRedunQAMVersionMismatch. Additional Info is not used." ::= { apexTraps 8113 } END