ARRIS-C3-FPD-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI cmtsC3 FROM ARRIS-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF; cmtsC3FPDMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200308200000Z" -- 20th August 2003 ORGANIZATION "Arris International" CONTACT-INFO " Network Management Postal: Arris International. 4400 Cork Airport Business Park Cork Airport, Kinsale Road Cork, Ireland. Tel: +353 21 7305 800 Fax: +353 21 4321 972" DESCRIPTION "This MIB manages the Front Panel Display (FPD) software on the Arris CMTS C3" ::= { cmtsC3 3 } dcxFPDObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cmtsC3FPDMIB 1 } dcxFPDMsgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DcxFPDMsgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of Front Panel LCD Messages." ::= { dcxFPDObjects 1 } dcxFPDMsgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DcxFPDMsgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." INDEX {dcxFPDMsgIndex} ::= { dcxFPDMsgTable 1 } DcxFPDMsgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dcxFPDMsgIndex Unsigned32, dcxFPDMsgString OCTET STRING } dcxFPDMsgIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index used to order the FPD Messages." ::= { dcxFPDMsgEntry 1 } dcxFPDMsgString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies a string that can be displayed on the front panel." ::= { dcxFPDMsgEntry 2 } dcxFPDControlGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcxFPDObjects 2 } dcxFPDAttachedStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { attached (1), detached (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays if the front panel display is attached to the Cmts or not." ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 1 } dcxFPDPowerStatus1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on (1), off (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies if the primary power supply is working. This is the rightmost power supply. The following values are possible: on(1) and off(2)" ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 2 } dcxFPDPowerStatus2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on (1), off (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies if the secondary power supply is working. This is the leftmost power supply(nearest the fan tray). The following values are possible: on(1) and off(2)" ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 3 } dcxFPDTemp1Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the temperature reading for the sensor on the CPU card closest to the CPU." ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 4 } dcxFPDTemp2Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the temperature reading for the sensor on the CPU card, on the right hand side." ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 5 } dcxFPDTemp3Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the temperature reading for the sensor on the Kanga card under the Roo cards between RX4 and RX5." ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 6 } dcxFPDTemp4Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the temperature reading for the sensor on the Kanga card under the Roo cards between RX2 and RX3." ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 7 } dcxFPDFan1Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rotating (1), badRotating (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the fan status for the fan nearest the front of the box. The following values are possible: Rotating(1) and BadRotating(2). BadRotating is set when the fan is operating outside of dcxFPDFanUpperLimit and dcxFPDFanLowerLimit." ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 8 } dcxFPDFan2Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rotating (1), badRotating (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the fan status for the fan 2nd from the front. The following values are possible: Rotating(1) and BadRotating(2). BadRotating is set when the fan is operating outside of dcxFPDFanUpperLimit and dcxFPDFanLowerLimit." ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 9 } dcxFPDFan3Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rotating (1), badRotating (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the fan status for the fan 3rd from the front. The following values are possible: Rotating(1) and BadRotating(2). BadRotating is set when the fan is operating outside of dcxFPDFanUpperLimit and dcxFPDFanLowerLimit." ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 10 } dcxFPDFan4Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rotating (1), badRotating (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the fan status for the fan 4th from the front. The following values are possible: Rotating(1) and BadRotating(2). BadRotating is set when the fan is operating outside of dcxFPDFanUpperLimit and dcxFPDFanLowerLimit." ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 11 } dcxFPDFan5Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rotating (1), badRotating (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the fan status for the fan 5th from the front. The following values are possible: Rotating(1) and BadRotating(2). BadRotating is set when the fan is operating outside of dcxFPDFanUpperLimit and dcxFPDFanLowerLimit." ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 12 } dcxFPDFan6Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rotating (1), badRotating (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the fan status for the fan nearest the back of the box The following values are possible: Rotating(1) and BadRotating(2). BadRotating is set when the fan is operating outside of dcxFPDFanUpperLimit and dcxFPDFanLowerLimit." ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 13 } dcxFPDFanUpperLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the upper fan limit(Upper threshold of expected current draw)" ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 14 } dcxFPDFanLowerLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the lower fan limit(Lower threshold of expected current draw)" ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 15 } dcxFPDLCDContrast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the contrast level for the LCD" ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 16 } dcxFPDLedSetStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to turn on or off a Led on the front panel" ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 17 } dcxFPDHwRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the front panel h/w revision" ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 18 } dcxFPDSwRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the front panel s/w revision" ::= { dcxFPDControlGroup 19 } dcxFPDTrapGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcxFPDObjects 3 } dcxFPDAttached NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Front Panel Display has been attached." ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 1 } dcxFPDDetached NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Front Panel Display has been detached." ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 2 } dcxFPDFan1Fail NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan nearest the front of the box failed" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 3 } dcxFPDFan1FailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan nearest the front of the box is working" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 4 } dcxFPDFan2Fail NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan 2nd from the front failed" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 5 } dcxFPDFan2FailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan 2nd from the front is working" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 6 } dcxFPDFan3Fail NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan 3rd from the front failed" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 7 } dcxFPDFan3FailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan 3rd from the front is working" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 8 } dcxFPDFan4Fail NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan 4th from the front failed" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 9 } dcxFPDFan4FailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan 4th from the front is working" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 10 } dcxFPDFan5Fail NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan 5th from the front failed" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 11 } dcxFPDFan5FailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan 5th from the front is working" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 12 } dcxFPDFan6Fail NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan nearest the back of the box failed" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 13 } dcxFPDFan6FailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan nearest the back of the box is working" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 14 } dcxFPDPwr1Fail NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rightmost power supply failed" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 15 } dcxFPDPwr1FailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rightmost power supply is working" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 16 } dcxFPDPwr2Fail NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Leftmost power supply failed" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 17 } dcxFPDPwr2FailClr NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Leftmost power supply is working" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 18 } dcxFPDTempOkay NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System temperature is OK" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 19 } dcxFPDTempBad NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System temperature is too hot!" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 20 } dcxFPDTempCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System temperature is critical!!!, CMTS will shut itself down!!!!" ::= { dcxFPDTrapGroup 21 } -- -- Conformance Statement -- dcxFPDConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcxFPDObjects 4 } dcxFPDCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcxFPDConformance 1 } dcxFPDGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dcxFPDConformance 2 } -- compliance statements dcxFPDCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for devices that implement Arris C3 compliant FPD features" MODULE -- FPD MANDATORY-GROUPS { dcxFPDMsgGroup, dcxFPDControlConfGroup } ::= { dcxFPDCompliances 1 } -- units of conformance dcxFPDMsgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dcxFPDMsgString } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Arris C3 FPD message group" ::= { dcxFPDGroups 1 } dcxFPDControlConfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dcxFPDAttachedStatus, dcxFPDPowerStatus1, dcxFPDPowerStatus2, dcxFPDTemp1Status, dcxFPDTemp2Status, dcxFPDTemp3Status, dcxFPDTemp4Status, dcxFPDFan1Status, dcxFPDFan2Status, dcxFPDFan3Status, dcxFPDFan4Status, dcxFPDFan5Status, dcxFPDFan6Status, dcxFPDFanUpperLimit, dcxFPDFanLowerLimit, dcxFPDLCDContrast, dcxFPDLedSetStatus, dcxFPDHwRevision, dcxFPDSwRevision } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Arris C3 FPD Control group" ::= { dcxFPDGroups 2 } END