-- [RCOLEY - 06.26.2002 : MIB has been modified to successfully compile in Epilogue/Emissary v9.1] ARRIS-CM-CAPABILITY-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI arrisProdIdCM FROM ARRIS-MIB; modemCapabilities MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "0206250000Z" -- June 25, 2002 ORGANIZATION "Arris Interactive, L.L.C." CONTACT-INFO "Robert Coley Postal: Arris Interactive, L.L.C. 3871 Lakefield Drive Suite 300 Suwanee, GA 30024-1242 U.S.A. Phone: +1 770 622 8500 E-mail: robert.coley@arrisi.com" DESCRIPTION "This is the MIB Module describing modem capabilities." ::= { arrisProdIdCM 20 } -- Next branch connection is vendor proprietary modemCapabilitiesObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modemCapabilities 1 } -- [RCOLEY - 06.26.2002: AGENT-CAPABILITIES constructs modified to compile in Emissary v9.1] -- Capability description modemAgentDocsis10 OBJECT IDENTIFIER --AGENT-CAPABILITIES -- PRODUCT-RELEASE "DOCSIS 1.0 Cable Modem Agent release 2.0." -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION "DOCSIS 1.0 Cable Modem agent." -- SUPPORTS BRIDGE-MIB -- INCLUDES { dot1dBase, dot1dTp } -- SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB -- INCLUDES { snmpGroup, snmpSetGroup, systemGroup, -- snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, -- snmpCommunityGroup, -- snmpObsoleteGroup } -- SUPPORTS IP-MIB -- INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup} -- SUPPORTS UDP-MIB -- INCLUDES { udpGroup } -- SUPPORTS IF-MIB -- INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, ifStackGroup2, -- ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup, -- ifVHCPacketGroup, -- ifOldObjectsGroup } -- SUPPORTS EtherLike-MIB -- INCLUDES { etherStatsBaseGroup, -- etherStatsLowSpeedGroup, -- etherStatsHighSpeedGroup, -- etherDuplexGroup } -- SUPPORTS DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsDevBaseGroup, docsDevNmAccessGroup, -- docsDevSoftwareGroup, docsDevServerGroup, -- docsDevEventGroup, docsDevFilterGroup, -- docsDevCpeGroup } -- VARIATION docsDevNmAccessEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevNmAccessStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevFilterLLCEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevFilterLLCStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevFilterIpEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevFilterIpStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevFilterPolicyEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevFilterPolicyId, docsDevFilterPolicyStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevFilterTosEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevFilterTosStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevCpeEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevCpeStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS DOCS-IF-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsIfBasicGroup, docsIfCmGroup } -- SUPPORTS DOCS-BPI-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsBpiCmGroup } -- SUPPORTS USB-MIB -- INCLUDES { usbMibBasicGroup, -- usbMibCDCGroup, -- usbMibCDCEtherGroup } -- Fixed place for CM capabilities ::= { modemCapabilitiesObjects 1 } modemAgentDocsis11 OBJECT IDENTIFIER --AGENT-CAPABILITIES -- PRODUCT-RELEASE "DOCSIS 1.1 Cable Modem Agent release 2.0." -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION "DOCSIS 1.1 Cable Modem agent." -- SUPPORTS BRIDGE-MIB -- INCLUDES { dot1dBase, dot1dTp } -- SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB -- INCLUDES { snmpGroup, snmpSetGroup, systemGroup, -- snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, -- snmpCommunityGroup, -- snmpObsoleteGroup } -- SUPPORTS IP-MIB -- INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup} -- SUPPORTS UDP-MIB -- INCLUDES { udpGroup } -- SUPPORTS IF-MIB -- INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, ifStackGroup2, -- ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup, -- ifVHCPacketGroup, -- ifOldObjectsGroup } -- SUPPORTS EtherLike-MIB -- INCLUDES { etherStatsBaseGroup, -- etherStatsLowSpeedGroup, -- etherStatsHighSpeedGroup, -- etherDuplexGroup } -- SUPPORTS DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsDevBaseGroup, docsDevNmAccessGroup, -- docsDevSoftwareGroup, docsDevServerGroup, -- docsDevEventGroup, docsDevFilterGroup, -- docsDevCpeGroup } -- VARIATION docsDevNmAccessEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevNmAccessStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevFilterLLCEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevFilterLLCStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevFilterIpEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevFilterIpStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevFilterPolicyEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevFilterPolicyId, docsDevFilterPolicyStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevFilterTosEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevFilterTosStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevCpeEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevCpeStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS DOCS-IF-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsIfBasicGroup, docsIfCmGroup } -- SUPPORTS DOCS-BPI-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsBpiCmGroup } -- SUPPORTS USB-MIB -- INCLUDES { usbMibBasicGroup, -- usbMibCDCGroup, -- usbMibCDCEtherGroup } -- DOCSIS 1.1 additional Capabilities -- SUPPORTS SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -- INCLUDES { snmpEngineGroup } -- SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB -- INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } -- SUPPORTS SNMP-TARGET-MIB -- INCLUDES { snmpTargetBasicGroup, -- snmpTargetResponseGroup, -- snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup } -- VARIATION snmpTargetAddrEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { snmpTargetAddrRowStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION snmpTargetParamsEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { snmpTargetParamsRowStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB -- INCLUDES { snmpNotifyGroup, -- snmpNotifyFilterGroup } -- VARIATION snmpNotifyEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { snmpNotifyRowStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB -- INCLUDES { usmMIBBasicGroup } -- VARIATION usmUserEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { usmUserStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB -- INCLUDES { vacmBasicGroup } -- VARIATION vacmSecurityToGroupEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { vacmSecurityToGroupStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION vacmAccessEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { vacmAccessStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB -- INCLUDES { snmpCommunityGroup } -- VARIATION snmpCommunityEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { snmpCommunityName, snmpCommunitySecurityName, -- snmpCommunityStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS SNMP-USM-DH-OBJECTS-MIB -- INCLUDES { usmDHKeyMIBBasicGroup, -- usmDHKeyParamGroup, -- usmDHKeyKickstartGroup } -- SUPPORTS DOCS-BPI2-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsBpi2CmGroup, -- docsBpi2CodeDownloadGroup } -- SUPPORTS DOCS-QOS-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsQosBaseGroup, -- docsQosParamSetGroup, -- docsQosSrvClassPolicyGroup } -- VARIATION docsQosServiceClassPolicyEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsQosServiceClassPolicyStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS IGMP-STD-MIB -- INCLUDES { igmpBaseMIBGroup, -- igmpRouterMIBGroup, -- igmpV2HostMIBGroup, -- igmpHostOptMIBGroup, -- igmpV2RouterMIBGroup, -- igmpV2ProxyMIBGroup } -- VARIATION igmpCacheEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { igmpCacheStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS DOCS-IF-EXT-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsIfExtGroup, -- docsIfDocsisVersionGroup } -- SUPPORTS DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-TRAP-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsDevCmTrapControlGroup, -- docsDevCmNotificationGroup } -- Fixed place for CM capabilities ::= { modemCapabilitiesObjects 2 } modemAgentDocsis20 OBJECT IDENTIFIER --AGENT-CAPABILITIES -- PRODUCT-RELEASE "DOCSIS 2.0 Cable Modem Agent release 2.0." -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION "DOCSIS 2.0 Cable Modem agent." -- SUPPORTS BRIDGE-MIB -- INCLUDES { dot1dBase, dot1dTp } -- SUPPORTS SNMPv2-MIB -- INCLUDES { snmpGroup, snmpSetGroup, systemGroup, -- snmpBasicNotificationsGroup, -- snmpCommunityGroup, -- snmpObsoleteGroup } -- SUPPORTS IP-MIB -- INCLUDES { ipGroup, icmpGroup} -- SUPPORTS UDP-MIB -- INCLUDES { udpGroup } -- SUPPORTS IF-MIB -- INCLUDES { ifGeneralInformationGroup, ifStackGroup2, -- ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup, -- ifVHCPacketGroup, -- ifOldObjectsGroup } -- SUPPORTS EtherLike-MIB -- INCLUDES { etherStatsBaseGroup, -- etherStatsLowSpeedGroup, -- etherStatsHighSpeedGroup, -- etherDuplexGroup } -- SUPPORTS DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsDevBaseGroup, docsDevNmAccessGroup, -- docsDevSoftwareGroup, docsDevServerGroup, -- docsDevEventGroup, docsDevFilterGroup, -- docsDevCpeGroup } -- VARIATION docsDevNmAccessEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevNmAccessStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevFilterLLCEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevFilterLLCStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevFilterIpEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevFilterIpStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevFilterPolicyEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevFilterPolicyId, docsDevFilterPolicyStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevFilterTosEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevFilterTosStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION docsDevCpeEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsDevCpeStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS DOCS-IF-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsIfBasicGroup, docsIfCmGroup } -- SUPPORTS DOCS-BPI-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsBpiCmGroup } -- SUPPORTS USB-MIB -- INCLUDES { usbMibBasicGroup, -- usbMibCDCGroup, -- usbMibCDCEtherGroup } -- DOCSIS 2.0 additional Capabilities -- SUPPORTS SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -- INCLUDES { snmpEngineGroup } -- SUPPORTS SNMP-MPD-MIB -- INCLUDES { snmpMPDGroup } -- SUPPORTS SNMP-TARGET-MIB -- INCLUDES { snmpTargetBasicGroup, -- snmpTargetResponseGroup, -- snmpTargetCommandResponderGroup } -- VARIATION snmpTargetAddrEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { snmpTargetAddrRowStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION snmpTargetParamsEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { snmpTargetParamsRowStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB -- INCLUDES { snmpNotifyGroup, -- snmpNotifyFilterGroup } -- VARIATION snmpNotifyEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { snmpNotifyRowStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterProfileEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { snmpNotifyFilterProfileRowStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION snmpNotifyFilterEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { snmpNotifyFilterRowStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB -- INCLUDES { usmMIBBasicGroup } -- VARIATION usmUserEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { usmUserStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB -- INCLUDES { vacmBasicGroup } -- VARIATION vacmSecurityToGroupEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { vacmSecurityToGroupStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- VARIATION vacmAccessEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { vacmAccessStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB -- INCLUDES { snmpCommunityGroup } -- VARIATION snmpCommunityEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { snmpCommunityName, snmpCommunitySecurityName, -- snmpCommunityStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS SNMP-USM-DH-OBJECTS-MIB -- INCLUDES { usmDHKeyMIBBasicGroup, -- usmDHKeyParamGroup, -- usmDHKeyKickstartGroup } -- SUPPORTS DOCS-BPI2-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsBpi2CmGroup, -- docsBpi2CodeDownloadGroup } -- SUPPORTS DOCS-QOS-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsQosBaseGroup, -- docsQosParamSetGroup, -- docsQosSrvClassPolicyGroup } -- VARIATION docsQosServiceClassPolicyEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { docsQosServiceClassPolicyStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS IGMP-STD-MIB -- INCLUDES { igmpBaseMIBGroup, -- igmpRouterMIBGroup, -- igmpV2HostMIBGroup, -- igmpHostOptMIBGroup, -- igmpV2RouterMIBGroup, -- igmpV2ProxyMIBGroup } -- VARIATION igmpCacheEntry -- CREATION-REQUIRES { igmpCacheStatus } -- DESCRIPTION "Conceptual row creation is supported." -- SUPPORTS DOCS-IF-EXT-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsIfExtGroup, -- docsIfDocsisVersionGroup } -- SUPPORTS DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-TRAP-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsDevCmTrapControlGroup, -- docsDevCmNotificationGroup } -- SUPPORTS DOCS-TEST-MIB -- INCLUDES { docsTestGroup } -- -- Fixed place for CM capabilities ::= { modemCapabilitiesObjects 3 } END