BCS-IDENT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI; gi MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201008250000Z" ORGANIZATION "Motorola Broadband Home Solutions" CONTACT-INFO "Motorola Technical Response Center Inside USA 1-888-944-HELP (1-888-944-4357) Outside USA 1-215-323-0044 TRC Hours: Monday through Friday 8am - 7pm Eastern Standard Time Saturdays 10am - 5pm Eastern Standard Time" DESCRIPTION "The SMIv2 MIB module for the MOTOROLA BCS common ident objects. The MIB Tree for this is shown below." ::= {iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) 1166} giproducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gi 1 } acc4000d OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 1 } anicd OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 2 } item1000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 4 } irt1000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 5 } nc1500 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 6 } -- OM-2000 shares same OID as OM-1000 om1000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 7 } im1000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 8 } mps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 9 } rpd1000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 10 } -- Access Control Processors; TSODAs and other ACPs in various products. acpStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 11 } -- Heartbeat MIB used in the Satellite environment heartbeat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 12 } -- Entitlement Key Common MIB - used by SDM/SEM entitlementKey OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 13 } arpd OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 14 } svom OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 15 } svm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 16 } erm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 17 } -- GI SURBboard BNH surfBbnh OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 18 } -- GI SURFboard cable modem sb2100 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 19 } sb2100D OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 20 } sb2000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 21 } -- CHS digital video headend equipment -- saDANIS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 30 } apex OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 31 } rem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 32 } mpe OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 33 } spe OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 34 } ne2000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 35 } apex1500 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 36 } agb OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 37 } ne2500 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 38 } -- hdd2000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 40 } -- merlin OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 50 } -- rsr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 60 } gsrm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 61 } gom OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 62 } b3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 63 } adm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 64 } -- San Diego Headend devices sem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 70 } ecmg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 71 } bsiAdapter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 72 } oles OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 73 } ne OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 74 } tmxCommTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 75 } drmenginekskdc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 76 } drmenginerte OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 77 } drmengineecmg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 78 } drmengineskgpkg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 79 } tmx OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 80 } prs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 81 } se2000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 82 } dem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 83 } ncs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 84 } ucs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 85 } lmm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 86 } se4000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 87 } rc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 88 } -- -- Element Management System Range -- netSentry OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 99 } sdm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 100 } hfcEms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 101 } bnc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 102 } drmenginecm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 103 } stdc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 104 } tview OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 105 } -- -- OIDS 106 thru 110 reserved for other EMS -- -- -- -- OIDS 150 thru 225 reserved for TNS/NIS -- ponOa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 150 } mwtea200 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 151 } bti OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 200 } rfModMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 201 } btiIntMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 202 } sg4000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 203 } ponEm870 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 210 } -- -- OIDS 250 thru 290 reserved for TAS -- rpa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 250 } rpc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 251 } -- -- OIDS 300 thru 310 reserved for ASTBs -- dct5000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 300 } dct5100 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 301 } dct5200 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 302 } -- -- OIDS 314 thru 320 reserved for other CPEs -- edfaMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 311 } corvusMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 312 } oa600 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 313 } -- -- Range 321-330 reserved for DSRs -- dsr350f OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 321 } radd6000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 400 } cs1000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 401 } kls OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 402 } dac6000 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 403 } sdi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 404 } cpms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 405 } ap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 406 } ps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 407 } -- -- Range 350-359 reserved for Cable Cards -- cableCard OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 350 } -- -- The following branch identifies the BCS/IPNS Devices MIB. -- motoIPNSprodID OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 450 } -- -- Range 500-510 reserved for Simulcrypt -- -- -- Range 600-650 reserved for IRDs -- ird4500x OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 610 } ird4520x OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { giproducts 620 } giproxies OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gi 3 } gicommon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gi 4 } identity OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gicommon 1 } state OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gicommon 2 } traps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gicommon 3 } logs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gicommon 4 } -- -- nlsbbn OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gi 5 } -- added to create new path for gx2 hfc common and device mibs motproxies OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gi 6 } -- -- The following is the SMIv2 COMMON MIB branch -- bcs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gi 7 } bcsIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcs 1 } -- bcsState OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcs 2 } -- bcsTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcs 3 } bcsLogs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcs 4 } -- dms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcs 5 } -- -- New OID for SMIv2 of ACP MIB -- -- bcs_acp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcs 6 } -- -- bcs OID 7 - 10 reserved for Simulcrypt -- bcsSimulcryptScs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcs 7 } bcsSimulcryptMux OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcs 8 } bcsSimulcrypt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcs 9 } -- bcs OID 11 - 20 reserved for common BCS infrastructure MIBs -- bcsDatabase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcs 11 } bcsRedundancy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcs 12 } bcsMsgGeneration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcs 21 } -- -- Reserved for TNS mea OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gi 8 } -- -- Reserved for common Addressable Control MIBs addressablecontrol OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gi 9 } acCommon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { addressablecontrol 1 } acSecurity OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { addressablecontrol 2 } acServices OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { addressablecontrol 3 } acBsi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { addressablecontrol 4 } acOperations OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { addressablecontrol 5 } acTopology OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { addressablecontrol 6 } -- -- Reserved for common CHS internal MIBs chsInternal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { gi 10 } emLogin OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { chsInternal 1 } radiusClient OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { chsInternal 2 } -- Need to explicitly define EntryStatus since most do not recognize -- the version 1 format. EntryStatus ::= INTEGER { valid(1), createRequest(2), underCreation(3), invalid(4) } -- groups in the GI-IDENT MIB -- MIB Tree -- -- The following diagram defining the objects in this MIB is for -- reference purposes only. -- -- bcs -- | -- +..bcsIdent -- | | -- | +..identSerialNumber -- | | -- | +..identChassisNumber -- | | -- | +..identIfIndex -- | | -- | +..identHardwareVersion -- | | -- | +..identHardwareFeatures -- | | -- | +..identInventoryCode -- | | -- | +..identSoftwareVersion -- | | -- | +..identLocationArea -- | | -- | +..identLocationRack -- | | -- | +..identLocationShelf -- | | -- | +..identMIBVersion -- | | -- | +..identAgentVersion -- | | -- | +..identCommand -- | | -- | +..identIfExtensionTable -- | | | -- | | +..identIfExtensionEntry -- | | | -- | | +..identIfExtensionIndex -- | | | -- | | +..identIfSerialNumber -- | | | -- | | +..identIfHardwareVersion -- | | | -- | | +..identIfHardwareFeatures -- | | | -- | | +..identIfInventoryCode -- | | | -- | | +..identIfFirmwareVersion1 -- | | | -- | | +..identIfFirmwareVersion2 -- | | | -- | | +..identIfFirmwareVersion3 -- | | | -- | | +..identIfFirmwareVersion4 -- | | | -- | | +..identIfSlotId -- | | | -- | | +..identIfCommand -- | | | -- | | +..identIfAdministrativeState -- | | | -- | | +..identIfOperationalState -- | | | -- | | +..identIfAlarmStatus -- | | | -- | | +..identIfAvailabilityStatus -- | | | -- | | +..identIfSpecific -- | | | -- | | +..identIfEntryStatus -- | | -- | +..identUnitModel -- The Identification Group. -- This group of objects contains the identification of the software -- and hardware for a specific unit. identSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains the serial number of the unit. There is no specification of the internal format of the serial number. The serial number is entered into either permanent or non- volatile memory of the unit at the time of manufacture. Note - the unit itself supplies the serial number." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 1 } identChassisNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains the chassis number of the unit. This is applicable only to a limited number of products, currently, only the ITEM-1000. For products for which this is not applicable, this will be a null object. There is no specification of the internal format of the chassis number. The means by which any product determines its chassis number is to be determined by each individual product." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 2 } identIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains the IfIndex of the OAM&P port." REFERENCE " -- " DEFVAL { 2147483647 } ::= { bcsIdent 3 } identHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains a display string that defines the hardware version of this particular unit. There is no specification of the internal format of the hardware version. The hardware version is entered into the either permanent or non-volatile memory of the unit at the time of manufacture." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 4 } identHardwareFeatures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains a display string that defines the features of this particular unit. There is no specification of the internal format of the hardware features. The hardware features is entered into the either permanent or non-volatile memory of the unit at the time of manufacture." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 5 } identInventoryCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains a display string that defines the inventory code for this unit. Once an inventory code has been set, it should be kept in non-volatile memory. The unit should only allow this object to be set when it is in the 'configuration' mode. There is no specification of the internal format of the inventory Code." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 6 } identSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains a display string that defines the current version of the software for this unit. The format of the software version is a fully qualified directory name. This value is received by a unit as within a BOOTP response from the BOOTP server. It is available to the network manager for applications that track the installed software. Once the software version has been set, it should be kept in non-volatile memory." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 7 } identLocationArea OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is different from the MIB II sysLocation variable as it contains only the location area and does not describe the precise location. This contains a display string that defines the area in which the unit is installed. Location is defined by a set of three objects: 'Area', 'Rack', and 'Shelf'. These location objects cannot be determined by the unit itself, but can only be determined by the network manager. It is available to the unit for display on a front panel. Display of the location on the front panel is useful in validating the configuration established by the network manager. The unit should only allow this object to be set when it is in the 'configuration' mode. Once the Location Area has been set, it should be kept in non-volatile memory." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 8 } identLocationRack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains a display string that defines the rack in which the unit is installed. Location is defined by a set of three objects: 'Area', 'Rack', and 'Shelf'. These location objects cannot be determined by the unit itself, but can only be determined by the network manager. It is available to the unit for display on a front panel. Display of the location on the front panel is useful in validating the configuration established by the network manager. The unit should only allow this object to be set when it is in the 'configuration' mode. Once the Location Area has been set, it should be kept in non-volatile memory." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 9 } identLocationShelf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains a display string that defines the shelf in which the unit is installed. Location is defined by a set of three objects: 'Area', 'Rack', and 'Shelf'. These location objects cannot be determined by the unit itself, but can only be determined by the network manager. It is available to the unit for display on a front panel. Display of the location on the front panel is useful in validating the configuration established by the network manager. The unit should only allow this object to be set when it is in the 'configuration' mode. Once the Location Area has been set, it should be kept in non-volatile memory." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 10 } identMIBVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The version number of this MIB." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 11 } identAgentVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version number of the Agent." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 12 } identCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { restart(1), currentlyRestarting(2), unspecified(3), purgeAndRestart(4), currentlyPurgingAndRestarting(5), purgeNvramAndRestart(6), currentlyPurgingNvramAndRestarting(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the command to be executed by the resource managed by the agent. The value unspecified is always returned on SNMP Get/GetNext while the resource is running. If the restart(1) command is given, currentlyRestarting(2) is returned while the resource is preparing to restart (reboot)." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 13 } identIfExtensionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IdentIfExtensionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains extensions to the MIB II ifTable which contains the definitions of all interfaces. An ifTable entry may be a board or just a port on a board. Any ifTable entry can have an extension in the identIfExtensionTable. The corrsponding entry in that table will have the identIfIndex = ifIndex. Within the ifTable the presence of such an entry is indicated by setting the variable ifSpecific to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER value of identIfExtensionTable. Otherwise iFSpecific is set to {0 0}. The ifType - other - is used for all board types not envisoned by MIB II." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 14 } identIfExtensionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IdentIfExtensionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the Board Table." REFERENCE " -- " INDEX { identIfExtensionIndex } ::= { identIfExtensionTable 1 } IdentIfExtensionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { identIfExtensionIndex INTEGER, identIfSerialNumber DisplayString, identIfHardwareVersion DisplayString, identIfHardwareFeatures DisplayString, identIfInventoryCode DisplayString, identIfFirmwareVersion1 DisplayString, identIfFirmwareVersion2 DisplayString, identIfFirmwareVersion3 DisplayString, identIfFirmwareVersion4 DisplayString, identIfSlotId INTEGER, identIfCommand INTEGER, identIfAdministrativeState INTEGER, identIfOperationalState INTEGER, identIfAlarmStatus INTEGER, identIfAvailabilityStatus INTEGER, identIfSpecific OBJECT IDENTIFIER, identIfEntryStatus EntryStatus } identIfExtensionIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Same value as ifIndex of MIB II for the same board." REFERENCE " -- " DEFVAL { 2147483647 } ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 1 } identIfSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains the serial number of the board. There is no specification of the internal format of the serial number. The serial number is entered into either permanent or non-volatile memory of the unit at the time of manufacture. Note - the unit itself supplies the serial number." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 2 } identIfHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains a display string that defines the version of this particular board. There is no specification of the internal format of the hardware version. The hardware version is entered into the either permanent or non-volatile memory of the unit at the time of manufacture." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 3 } identIfHardwareFeatures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains a display string that defines the features of this particular board. There is no specification of the internal format of the hardware features. The hardware features is entered into the either permanent or non-volatile memory of the unit at the time of manufacture." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 4 } identIfInventoryCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains a display string that defines the inventory code for this board. This is an optional value; if there is no inventory code, The unit will respond with a null string. Once an inventory code has been set, it should be kept in non-volatile memory. The unit should only allow this object to be set when it is in the 'configuration' mode. There is no specification of the internal format of the inventory Code." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 5 } identIfFirmwareVersion1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Within a product, there may be several identifiers of such firmware, boot proms, kernel versions, flash versions, etc. This field (and the 3 that follow) are used to hold the identification of these items. These values must be entered into the board at the time of manufacturing. Unused fields are reported as null values. These fields are available to the network manager for applications that keep track of the firmware related identification. There is no specification of the internal format of firmware version identifiers." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 6 } identIfFirmwareVersion2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firmware related identification field # 2." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 7 } identIfFirmwareVersion3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firmware related identification field # 3." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 8 } identIfFirmwareVersion4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firmware related identification field # 4" REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 9 } identIfSlotId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable identifies the board slot." REFERENCE " -- " DEFVAL { 2147483647 } ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 10 } identIfCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unspecified(1), reset(2), restart(3), halt(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the command to be executed by the resource managed by the agent. The value unspecified(10 is always returned on SNMP Get/GetNext while the other values are set by the manager and executed by the resource." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 11 } identIfAdministrativeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { locked(1), unlocked(2), shuttingDown(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The current Adminsitrative state of the interface as defined in ISO/IEC 10164-2." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 12 } identIfOperationalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The current Operational state of the interface as defined in ISO/IEC 10164-2" REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 13 } identIfAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { underRepair(1), critical(2), major(3), minor(4), alarmOutstanding(5), idle(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object defines the Alarm status of the interface as defined in ISO/IEC 10164-2 and state-machine" REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 14 } identIfAvailabilityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inTest(1), failed(2), powerOff(3), offLine(4), offDuty(5), dependency(6), degraded(7), notInstalled(8), logFull(9), available(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object controls the Availability status of the interface as defined in ISO/IEC 10164-2 and state-machine" REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 15 } identIfSpecific OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The object identifier of a board type specific extension to the ifTable if necessary. Otherwise, identIfSpecific is set to {0 0}." REFERENCE " -- " ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 16 } identIfEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EntryStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to create, delete or modify a row in this table. To create a a new network element, this object is initially set to 'createRequest'. After completion of the configuration of the new entry, the manager must set the appropriate instance of this object to the value valid(1) or aborts, setting this object to invalid(4). This object must not be set to 'active' unless the following columnar objects exist in this row: identIfExtensionIndex identIfSerialNumber identIfHardwareVersion identIfInventoryCode identIfFirmwareVersion1 identIfSpecific To delete an existing entry in this table, the manager must set the appropriate instance of this object to the value invalid(4). Creation of an instance of this object has the effect of creating the supplemental object instances to complete the conceptual row. An existing instance of this entry cannot be created. If circumstances occur which cause an entry to become invalid, the agent modifies the value of the appropriate instance of this object to invalid(4). Whenever, the value of this object for a particular entry becomes invalid(4), the conceptual row for that instance may be removed from the table at any time, either immediately or subsequently." DEFVAL { valid } ::= { identIfExtensionEntry 17 } identUnitModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains the model of the product. For example, the ITEM-1000 would contain 'ITEM1000'. " REFERENCE " -- " ::= { bcsIdent 15 } END