CADANT-TC DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Integer32, MODULE-IDENTITY, Counter64 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC cadant FROM CADANT-PRODUCTS-MIB; cadTextualConventions MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200910150000Z" -- Oct 15, 2009 ORGANIZATION "Arris International Inc" CONTACT-INFO "Arris Technical Support Phone: +1 630 281 3000 Email:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module contains the textual conventions that are shared among multiple ARRIS MIBs." REVISION "200910150000Z" -- Oct 15, 2009 DESCRIPTION "Add CadCpeDeviceTypes." REVISION "200909140000Z" -- Sep 14, 2009 DESCRIPTION "Add ipv6-access-list(5) to CadAclType." REVISION "200908280000Z" -- Aug 28, 2009 DESCRIPTION "Add CadCpeDeviceTypes." REVISION "200810230000Z" -- Oct 23, 2008 DESCRIPTION "Remove superGreedy(4) from FlowActivityState." REVISION "200808060000Z" -- August 6, 2008 DESCRIPTION "Add support for 16D CAM PIC types." REVISION "200711050000Z" -- Nov 5, 2007 DESCRIPTION "Add support for port flow control." REVISION "200706250000Z" -- June 25, 2007 DESCRIPTION "Add support for EUI IPv6 addresses." REVISION "200610160000Z" -- October 16, 2006 DESCRIPTION "Add new card subtype rcardhcp to represent the HCP on the RCM." REVISION "200608230000Z" -- Aug 23, 2006 DESCRIPTION "Add new card type dmm(15) and new card subtype dcard0d12u(35), dmm16m16p4iu(36) and dmm16m(37)." REVISION "200607270000Z" -- July 27, 2006 DESCRIPTION "This MIB modules contains textual conventions that are shared among two or more Cadant MIBs." REVISION "200607270000Z" -- July 27, 2006 DESCRIPTION "This MIB modules contains textual conventions that are shared among two or more Cadant MIBs." REVISION "200512020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add support from scheduling types from DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB." REVISION "200508300000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for RCM ports." REVISION "200509230000Z" DESCRIPTION "Remove SshSession and SshConnectionState. Add SshService, SshAuthMethod, SshMacAlg, SshCipherType, and SshMacAlg." REVISION "200508310000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added another ACL type to support embedded remarks." REVISION "200411120000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added OUIAddress" REVISION "200409150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add support for CAR feature." REVISION "200403090000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add cadIfDirection" REVISION "200312180000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add port type to support logical uchannels." REVISION "200308200000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add type to support start-stop and stop-only accounting." REVISION "200306080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add additional port types to support gbic detection." REVISION "200305080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add serverType for INET service support." REVISION "200304210000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add cadExtAclCondition for IPSec/IKE support." REVISION "200304040000Z" DESCRIPTION "Fixed comment for FlowActivityState" REVISION "200304010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rename AuthenticationMethod as AAAmethod." REVISION "200303310000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add premilinary pic support and card reset action" REVISION "200303170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add card detail support." REVISION "200211010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add diskVolume support." REVISION "200210250000Z" DESCRIPTION "Remove enable authentication method type." REVISION "200210160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Change SshCipher to bitmask." REVISION "200209250000Z" -- 2002, Sept 25th, midnight DESCRIPTION "Align card subtypes and types." REVISION "200102030000Z" -- 2001, Feb 3rd, midnight DESCRIPTION "Created." ::= { cadant 0 } --=============================Begin Definitions===================-- ShelfId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies the shelf. Number of 99 indicate an invalid ShelfId." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..99) CardId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies the individual Circuit Pack. Number of 99 indicates an invalid CardId." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..99) CardSubId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies an entity on the circuit pack." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) PortId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies the port. Number of 99 indicates an invalid PortId. " SYNTAX Integer32 (1..99) CardType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration of generic Card Type." SYNTAX INTEGER { dcard(1), ecard(2), fcard(3), mcard(4), rcard(6), fanA(7), fanB(8), fanC(9), fanD(10), powerA(11), powerB(12), discdriveA(13), discdriveB(14), dmm(15), unknown(98), invalid(99) } CardSubType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration of more specific current Card Type. For cards with only one subtype, the type and subtype should be identical." SYNTAX INTEGER { dcardiu1d8u(1), ecard4e(2), fcard(3), mcard(4), rcard(6), fanA(7), fanB(8), fanC(9), fanD(10), powerA(11), powerB(12), discdriveA(13), discdriveB(14), dcard1d8u(20), dcard2d8u(21), dcardiu2d8u(22), dcardiu2d12u(23), ecard8e(30), ecard4oc3(31), ecard7oc3(32), ecard1oc12(33), ecard1gig(34), dcard0d12u(35), dmm16m16p4iu(36), dmm16m(37), rcardhcp(40), unknown(98), invalid(99) } PortType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration of current Port Type." SYNTAX INTEGER { dport(1), uport(2), eport10BaseT(3), eport100BaseT(4), macport(5), mport(6), eport1000BaseT(7), uchannel(8), eport10000BaseT(9), dportMac(10), invalid(99) } MacChlPortType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration of current Port Type." SYNTAX INTEGER { dport(1), uchannel(8), invalid(99) } PortMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mode settings for a network port." SYNTAX INTEGER { autoNegotiate (1), fullDuplex100Mpbs (2), halfDuplex100Mpbs (3), fullDuplex10Mpbs (4), halfDuplex10Mpbs (5), fullDuplex1000Mpbs (6), halfDuplex1000Mpbs (7), fullDuplex10000Mpbs (8), invalid (99) } PortDetectedMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "detected mode settings for a network port." SYNTAX INTEGER { fullDuplex100Mpbs (2), halfDuplex100Mpbs (3), fullDuplex10Mpbs (4), halfDuplex10Mpbs (5), sfpFullDuplex1000BaseT (9), sfpHalfDuplex1000BaseT (10), sfpFullDuplex100BaseT (11), sfpHalfDuplex100BaseT (12), sfpFullDuplex10BaseT (13), sfpHalfDuplex10BaseT (14), sfpFullDuplex1000BaseSX (15), sfpFullDuplex1000BaseLX (16), sfpFullDuplex1000BaseLH (17), sfpFullDuplex1000BaseLXLH (18), sfpFullDuplex1000BaseZX (19), sfpFullDuplex1000BaseCWDM (20), sfpFullDuplex1000BaseDWDM (21), xfpFullDuplex10GBaseSR (22), xfpFullDuplex10GBaseLRM (23), xfpFullDuplex10GBaseLR (24), xfpFullDuplex10GBaseER (25), xfpFullDuplex10GBaseZR (26), xfpFullDuplex10GBaseLX4 (27), unknown (98), invalid (99) } FlowControlMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "flow control settings for a network port." SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2), desired(3), unknown(98), invalid(99) } AdminState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative or the desired states of the element and are set by the EMS." SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) } PrimaryState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operational state IS(1): The element is operable and available for use OOS(2): The element/resource is inoperable and unable to provide service UNEQ(3): The element/resource is unequiped." SYNTAX INTEGER { is(1), oos(2) } SecondaryState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each PrimaryState, there might be an associated secondary state" SYNTAX INTEGER { notapplicable(0), manual(1), fault(2), diagnostic(3), overload(4), normal(5), degrade(6), initializing(7), swdownload(8), firmwarepump(9) } UnknownState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Similar to TMN representation of the Unknown Status. " SYNTAX INTEGER { known(0), unknown(1) } DuplexStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "not applicable to all components " SYNTAX INTEGER { notapplicable(0), active(1), standby(2), simplex(3), protected(4) } MacPortId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A valid unique identifier for a MAC port in a C4 CMTS system." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..448) MacPortIdWithInvalid ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifier for a MAC port in a C4 CMTS system." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..449) -- 449 is invalid EqActionType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "not applicable to all components " SYNTAX INTEGER { notapplicable(0), initialize(1), switch(2), remove(3), restorecond(4), restoreuncd(5), systemreset(6), cardreset(7) } OverloadStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Three levels indicating how much work the card is doing." SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), yellow(2), red(3) } DiskVolumeUsageLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describe the disk volume usage level" SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4) } CadBridgeGroupId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Uniquely identifies the bridge group." SYNTAX Integer32 (33..255) CadBridgePortType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of traffic allowed on a bridge port. Ethernet ports allow any type of traffic. RF ports can be sub divided for CM traffic, authorized CPE traffic, and unauthorized CPE traffic." SYNTAX INTEGER { cm(1), cpeauth(2), cpeunauth(3), any(4), none(5) } VlanId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unique identifier for a Virtual LAN. A value of 1000000 indicates unknown VLAN." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1000000) FlowActivityState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flow Activity State describes the recent bandwidth utilization history of a service flow relative to its Service Level Agreement. A flow that is operating below its Tmin is said to be 'needy'. A flow that is operating above Tmin but below Tmid is said to be 'normal'. A flow that is operating above Tmid but below Tmax is said to be 'greedy'." SYNTAX INTEGER { needy(1), normal(2), greedy(3) } InetAddressIPv4or6 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION is similar to InetAddress as defined in the INET-ADDRESS-MIB. However, InetAddressIPv4or6 does not allow DNS addresses and its address type, either IPv4 or IPv6, can be readily determined from its length alone. If the address is an IPv4 address, then the length will be exactly 4 bytes. If the address is an IPv6 address, then the length will be either 16 or 20 bytes. If the length if 0, then the address is empty or null. If the length is 4: octets contents encoding 1-4 IP address network-byte order If the length is 8: octets contents encoding 1-8 EUI IPv6 address network-byte order If the length is 16: octets contents encoding 1-16 IPv6 address network-byte order If the length is 20: octets contents encoding 1-16 IPv6 address network-byte order 17-20 scope identifier network-byte order The scope identifier (bytes 17-20) MUST NOT be present for global IPv6 addresses. For non-global IPv6 addresses (e.g. link-local or site-local addresses), the scope identifier MUST always be present. It contains a link identifier for link-local and a site identifier for site-local IPv6 addresses. The scope identifier MUST disambiguate identical address values. For link-local addresses, the scope identifier will typically be the interface index (ifIndex as defined in the IF-MIB, RFC 2233) of the interface on which the address is configured. The scope identifier may contain the special value 0 which refers to the default scope. The default scope may be used in cases where the valid scope identifier is not known (e.g., a management application needs to write a site-local InetAddressIPv6 address without knowing the site identifier value). The default scope SHOULD NOT be used as an easy way out in cases where the scope identifier for a non-global IPv6 is known." REFERENCE "InetAddress from INET-ADDRESS-MIB, RFC2851" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0|4|8|16|20)) LineType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION describes the type line connections available on the C4." SYNTAX INTEGER { console(1), vty(2) } AAAmethod ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION describes the type of AAA methods available on the C4." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), line(2), local(4), group(5) } SshService ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION describes the SSH service types available in SSH on the C4." SYNTAX INTEGER { terminal(1), sftp(2) } SshAuthMethod ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION describes the authentication method available in SSH on the C4." SYNTAX INTEGER { password(1), public-key(2) } SshCipher ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION describes the ciphers available in SSH on the C4." SYNTAX BITS { other(0), -- 0x80 threedes(1), -- 0x40 arcfour(2), -- 0x20 blowfish(3), -- 0x10 cast(4), -- 0x08 aes(5) -- 0x04 } SshCipherType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION describes the specific cipher type on the C4." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), threedes(2), arcfour(3), blowfish(4), cast128(5), aes128(6), aes192(7), aes256(8), des(9), rc4(10) } SshMacAlg ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION describes the MAC algorithm available in SSH on the C4." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), hmac-sha1(2) } SshProtocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION describes the SSH protocol versions available in SSH on the C4." SYNTAX INTEGER { ssh1(1), ssh2(2), ssh1ssh2(3) } CadDouble ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d-10" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This type is used to express and display 64-bit, double-precision floating-point values." SYNTAX Counter64 FirmwareSource ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This type describes the initial source of the firmware running on a card. Committed and transient indicate the card flash device and the downloaded image, respectively. Boot1 and Boot2 indicate which of the resident boot images was used to boot the card." SYNTAX INTEGER { committed(1), transient(2), boot1(3), boot2(4), unknown(5) } PicType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This type describes the PIC attached to the backplane behind a a card." SYNTAX INTEGER { cameven(1), camevensp1to1(2), camevensp2to1(3), camevensp4to1(4), camevensp8to1(5), camodd(6), camoddsp1to1(7), camoddsp2to1(8), camoddsp4to1(9), camoddsp8to1(10), camspare(11), nam(12), scm(13), cam16d(14), cam16dspare(15), unknown(98), invalid(99) } CadExtAclCondition ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION describes the condition of Extended ACLs." SYNTAX INTEGER { na(0), -- not applicable eq(1), ne(2), lt(3), le(4), gt(5), ge(6), range(7) } ServerType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION describes the INET services available on the SCM." SYNTAX INTEGER { telnet(1), ftp(2), snmp(3), syslog(4), radius(5), tacacs(6), other(7) } AccountingType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION describes the different types of accounting services." SYNTAX INTEGER { start-stop(1), -- Sends an accounting record both when session is initiated and when session terminates stop-only(2) -- Sends an accounting record only when a session terminates } CadIfDirection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A direction of flow on an interface." SYNTAX INTEGER { in(1), -- upstream for cable interfaces, downstream for network interfaces out(2) -- downstream for cable interfaces, upstream for network interfaces } CadIpPort ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port of an IP packet. The value -1 indicates that this field is not used." SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535|-1) CadIpTos ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type-of-service of an IP packet. The value 0 indicates that this field is not used." SYNTAX INTEGER (0..254) CadIpTosMask ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The allowed type-of-service mask of an IP packet. 30 is used when the 4 bit TOS is specified. 224 is used when the 3 bit precedence is specified, and 254 is used when the entire 7 bit TOS is specified. A value of 0 indicates that the TOS field is not used." SYNTAX INTEGER (0|30|224|254) CadProtocolType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The protocol type an IP packet (8 bits). 0 is IP, 1 is ICMP, 2 is IGMP, 6 is TCP 17 is UDP. See RFC-1700 for complete list. The value -1 indicates an invalid/unused protocol type." SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255|-1) CadTcpFlags ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The values available in the flags portion of the TCP header." SYNTAX BITS { urg(0), ack(1), push(2), rst(3), syn(4), fin(5) } CadAclType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of ACL this ACE is part of." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), std-access-list(1), ext-access-list(2), rate-limit-access-list(3), remark(4), ipv6-access-list(5) } CadAclString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the ACL this ACE is part of." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32)) OUIAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1x:" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the first three(3), most significant bytes of an 802 MAC address represented in the `canonical' order defined by IEEE 802.1a, i.e., as if it were transmitted least significant bit first, even though 802.5 (in contrast to other 802.x protocols) requires MAC addresses to be transmitted most significant bit first." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (3)) -- -- Scheduling types borrowed from DISMAN-SCHEDULE-MIB that allow -- recurring scheduling with wildcards. -- SchedWeekDay ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of weekdays on which the scheduled action should take place. Setting multiple bits will include several weekdays in the set of possible weekdays for this schedule. Setting all bits will cause the scheduler to ignore the weekday." SYNTAX BITS { sunday(0), monday(1), tuesday(2), wednesday(3), thursday(4), friday(5), saturday(6) } SchedMonth ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of months during which the scheduled action should take place. Setting multiple bits will include several months in the set of possible months for this schedule. Setting all bits will cause the scheduler to ignore the month." SYNTAX BITS { january(0), february(1), march(2), april(3), may(4), june(5), july(6), august(7), september(8), october(9), november(10), december(11) } SchedDay ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of days in a month on which a scheduled action should take place. There are two sets of bits one can use to define the day within a month: Enumerations starting with the letter 'd' indicate a day in a month relative to the first day of a month. The first day of the month can therefore be specified by setting the bit d1(0) and d31(30) means the last day of a month with 31 days. Enumerations starting with the letter 'r' indicate a day in a month in reverse order, relative to the last day of a month. The last day in the month can therefore be specified by setting the bit r1(31) and r31(61) means the first day of a month with 31 days. Setting multiple bits will include several days in the set of possible days for this schedule. Setting all bits will cause the scheduler to ignore the day within a month. Setting all bits starting with the letter 'd' or the letter 'r' will also cause the scheduler to ignore the day within a month." SYNTAX BITS { d1(0), d2(1), d3(2), d4(3), d5(4), d6(5), d7(6), d8(7), d9(8), d10(9), d11(10), d12(11), d13(12), d14(13), d15(14), d16(15), d17(16), d18(17), d19(18), d20(19), d21(20), d22(21), d23(22), d24(23), d25(24), d26(25), d27(26), d28(27), d29(28), d30(29), d31(30), r1(31), r2(32), r3(33), r4(34), r5(35), r6(36), r7(37), r8(38), r9(39), r10(40), r11(41), r12(42), r13(43), r14(44), r15(45), r16(46), r17(47), r18(48), r19(49), r20(50), r21(51), r22(52), r23(53), r24(54), r25(55), r26(56), r27(57), r28(58), r29(59), r30(60), r31(61) } SchedHour ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of hours within a day during which the scheduled action should take place." SYNTAX BITS { h0(0), h1(1), h2(2), h3(3), h4(4), h5(5), h6(6), h7(7), h8(8), h9(9), h10(10), h11(11), h12(12), h13(13), h14(14), h15(15), h16(16), h17(17), h18(18), h19(19), h20(20), h21(21), h22(22), h23(23) } SchedMinute ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of minutes within an hour when the scheduled action should take place." SYNTAX BITS { m0(0), m1(1), m2(2), m3(3), m4(4), m5(5), m6(6), m7(7), m8(8), m9(9), m10(10), m11(11), m12(12), m13(13), m14(14), m15(15), m16(16), m17(17), m18(18), m19(19), m20(20), m21(21), m22(22), m23(23), m24(24), m25(25), m26(26), m27(27), m28(28), m29(29), m30(30), m31(31), m32(32), m33(33), m34(34), m35(35), m36(36), m37(37), m38(38), m39(39), m40(40), m41(41), m42(42), m43(43), m44(44), m45(45), m46(46), m47(47), m48(48), m49(49), m50(50), m51(51), m52(52), m53(53), m54(54), m55(55), m56(56), m57(57), m58(58), m59(59) } CadCpeDeviceTypes ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPE Device types." SYNTAX BITS { cable-modem(0), cpe(1), ps(2), mta(3), stb(4), tea(5), erouter(6), dva(7), sg(8), reserved9(9), reserved10(10), reserved11(11), reserved12(12), reserved13(13), reserved14(14), reserved15(15), reserved16(16), reserved17(17), reserved18(18), reserved19(19), reserved20(20), reserved21(21), reserved22(22), reserved23(23), reserved24(24), reserved25(25), reserved26(26), reserved27(27), reserved28(28), reserved29(29), reserved30(30), reserved31(31) } --=============================End of Definitions===================-- END