--- ArubaOS AI-AP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, snmpModules, Integer32, Counter32, Counter64, IpAddress, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, PhysAddress, TimeInterval, RowStatus, StorageType, TestAndIncr, MacAddress, TruthValue, DateAndTime FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF aiEnterpriseMibModules FROM ARUBA-MIB; aiMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202008141745Z" ORGANIZATION "Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company" CONTACT-INFO "Postal: 3333 Scott Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95054 E-mail: aruba-ext-eng-reg@hpe.com Phone: 408 227 4500 Fax: 408 752 0626" DESCRIPTION "This MIB is for managing Aruba Instant WLAN" REVISION "202008141745Z" DESCRIPTION "The initial revision." ::= { aiEnterpriseMibModules 1 } ArubaEnableValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents a Flag which is either Enabled or Disabled." SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } ArubaFrameType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the Frame type." SYNTAX INTEGER { associateRequest(0), associateResponse(1), reassociateRequest(2), reassociateResponse(3), probeRequest(4), probeResponse(5), beacon(8), atim(9), disassociate(10), auth(11), deauth(12) } ArubaPhyType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the PHY-type of the access point or client. Wired clients will show 'wired' in user MIB entries. " SYNTAX INTEGER { dot11a(1), dot11b(2), dot11g(3), dot11ag(4), wired(5) } ArubaHTMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the HT status of the access point or client. " SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), ht20(2), ht40(3), vht20(4), vht40(5), vht80(6), vht160(7), vht80plus80(8), he20(9), he40(10), he80(11), he160(12), he80plus80(13) } ArubaHTExtChannel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the extension channel offset relative to the current channel." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), above(2), below(3) } ArubaMonEncryptionType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the encryption type supported by the access point." SYNTAX INTEGER { open(0), wep(1), wpa(2), wpa2(3), wpa3(4) } ArubaMonEncryptionCipher ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the WPA encryption cipher supported by the access point." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), wep40(1), wep104(2), tkip(3), aesccmp(4), other(5), gcm256(6) } ArubaMonAuthAlgorithm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the WPA authentication algorithm supported by the access point." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), psk(1), dot1x(2), ft8021x(3), ftpsk(4), dot1x256(5), psk256(6), tdls(7), sae(8), ftsae(9), other(10), suiteb(11), owe(12) } ArubaSwitchRole ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the role of the controller" SYNTAX INTEGER { master(1), local(2), backupmaster(3) } ArubaSupportStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents if a feature is supported or unsupported." SYNTAX INTEGER { unsupported(1), supported(2) } ArubaActiveState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents if a feature is active or inactive." SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), inactive(2) } ArubaACLDomain ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents both the source and destination to which an ACL rule will be applied. " SYNTAX INTEGER { alias(1), any(2), user(3), host(4), network(5) } ArubaACLNetworkServiceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the network service in an ACL Rule." SYNTAX INTEGER { alias(1), any(2), tcp(3), udp(4), protocol(5) } ArubaACLAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the Actions in an ACL rule." SYNTAX INTEGER { deny(1), permit(2), srcNAT(3), dstNAT(4), redirect(5) } ArubaDaysOfWeek ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the Actions in an ACL rule." SYNTAX INTEGER { sun(1), mon(2), tue(3), wed(4), thu(5), fri(6), sat(7) } ArubaAuthenticationMethods ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Authentication Method." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), web(1), mac(2), vpn(3), dot1x(4), kerberos(5), secureId(7), pubcookie(15), xSec(16), xSecMachine(17), via-vpn(28), other(255) } ArubaSubAuthenticationMethods ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Sub Authentication Method (e.g. EAP type)." SYNTAX INTEGER { authPAP(1), authCHAP(2), authMSCHAP(3), authMSCHAPv2(4), eapTLS(5), eapTTLS(6), eapLEAP(7), eapMD5(8), eapPEAP(9) } ArubaEncryptionType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Encryption Method." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), static-wep(1), dynamic-wep(2), wpa-psk-tkip(3), wpa-tkip(4), wpa-psk-aes(5), wpa-aes(6), wpa2-psk-tkip(7), wpa2-tkip(8), wpa2-psk-aes(9), wpa2-aes(10), xSec(11), bSec-128(12), bSec-256(13), aes-128-cmac(14), unknown(15), ft-psk(16), ft-8021x(17), wpa3-cnsa(18), owe-aes(20), wpa3-sae-aes(21), wpa3-aes-gcmp-256(22) } ArubaUserForwardMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " User Forwarding Mode." SYNTAX INTEGER { tunnel-encrypted(0), bridge(1), tunnel-decrypted(2), split-tunnel(3) } ArubaRogueApType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the Rogue AP Type. " SYNTAX INTEGER { valid(1), interfering(2), unsecure(3), dos(4), unknown(5), knownInterfering(6), suspectedUnsecure(7) } ArubaAPMatchType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the match type of a suspected rogue AP. " SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), configuredWiredMac(1), ethernetWiredMac(2), apWiredMac(3), externalWiredMac(4), manual(5), baseBSSIDOverride(6), mms(7), ethernetGatewayWiredMac(8), classificationDisabled(9), apBSSID(10), propagatedEthernetWiredMac(11), apRule(12), systemWiredMac(13), systemGatewayMac(14) } ArubaAPMatchMethod ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the match method of a suspected rogue AP. " SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(0), exactMatch(1), plusOneMatch(2), minusOneMatch(3), ouiMatch(4) } ArubaStationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the station type. " SYNTAX INTEGER { valid(1), interfering(2), dos(3) } ArubaEncryptionMethods ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the Actions in an ACL rule." SYNTAX BITS{ disabled(0), static-wep(1), dynamic-wep(2), static-wpa(3), dynamic-wpa(4), wpa2-psk-aes(5), wpa2-8021x-aes(6), wpa2PreAuth(7), xsec(8), wpa-psk-aes(9), wpa-aes(10), wpa2-psk-tkip(11), wpa2-8021x-tkip(12), bSec-128(13), bSec-256(14), owe-aes(16), wpa3-sae-aes(17), wpa3-cnsa(18), wpa3-aes-ccm-128(19), mpsk-aes(21), wpa3-aes-gcm-256(22) } ArubaHashAlgorithms ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the Actions in an ACL rule." SYNTAX INTEGER { md5(1), sha(2) } ArubaVlanValidRange ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the Valid Vlan Id Range." SYNTAX INTEGER(1..4095) ArubaPortMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the controller port mode." SYNTAX INTEGER { access(1), dot1q(2) } ArubaDot1dState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the controller port spanning tree state." SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), blocked(2), listening(3), learning(4), forwarding(5) } ArubaPoeState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the POE mode." SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), enabled(2), enabledCisco(3), notAvailable(4) } ArubaCardType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Type of the hardware module. " SYNTAX INTEGER { lc1(1), lc2(2), sc1(3), sc2(4), sw2400(5), sw800(6), sw200(7), m3mk1(8), sw3200(9), sw3400(10), sw3600(11), sw650(12), sw651(13), reserved1(14), reserved2(15), sw620(16) } ArubaESIServerMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The mode of the ESI server. " SYNTAX INTEGER { bridged(1), routed(2), nat(3) } ArubaESIServerStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of the ESI server. " SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) } ArubaIfType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The type of interface referred to by the value of ifIndex. " SYNTAX INTEGER { port(1), vlan(2), tunnel(3), loopback(4) } ArubaVoipProtocolType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The type of VoIP protocols supported. " SYNTAX INTEGER{ sccp(1), svp(2), vocera(3), sip(4), unknown(10) } ArubaAccessPointMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The mode of the access point. " SYNTAX INTEGER{ airMonitor(1), accessPoint(2), accessPointAndMonitor(3), meshPortal(4), meshPoint(5), rfprotectSensor(6), spectrumSensor(7) } ArubaAuthServerType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The type of the auth server. " SYNTAX INTEGER{ internaldb(1), radius(2), ldap(3), kerberos(4), tacacs(5) } ArubaAddressType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Address Type. " SYNTAX INTEGER{ srcAddress(1), dstAddress(2), bssid(3) } ArubaBlackListReason ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Black List Reason. " SYNTAX INTEGER { userDefined(1), mitmAttack(2), authFailure(3), pingFlood(4), sessionFlood(5), synFlood(6), sessionBlacklist(7), ipSpoofing(8), esiBlacklist(9), other(100) } ArubaDBType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " DataBase Type. " SYNTAX INTEGER { mssql(1), mysql(2) } ArubaVrrpState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " DataBase Type. " SYNTAX INTEGER { initialize(1), backup(2), master(3) } ArubaOperStateValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents Operational state of an interface." SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2), testing(3) } ArubaAntennaSetting ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the status of the external antenna." SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent(1), enabled(2), disabled(3) } ArubaAPStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of the access point. " SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) } ArubaPortSpeed ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Port Speed. " SYNTAX INTEGER { speed10Mbps(1), speed100Mbps(2), speed1000Mbps(3), speedAuto(4), speed10Gbps(5) } ArubaPortDuplex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Port Duplexity. " SYNTAX INTEGER { half(1), full(2), auto(3) } ArubaPortType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Port Type. " SYNTAX INTEGER { fastethernet(1), gigabitethernet(2), xgigabitethernet(3) } ArubaEnet1Mode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the Mode of the Ethernet port on the Access Point" SYNTAX INTEGER { activeStandby(1), tunnel(2), bridge(3), notApplicable(4), split(5) } ArubaUnprovisionedStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents whether the AP is provisioned or not." SYNTAX INTEGER { yes(1), no(2) } ArubaMonitorMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents whether the AP has any radios dedicated to monitoring." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), all(1), none(2), mixed(3) } ArubaConfigurationState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration Transfer Types." SYNTAX INTEGER { success(1), error(2) } ArubaConfigurationChangeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration Change Types." SYNTAX INTEGER { create(1), delete(2), modify(3) } ArubaCallStates ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The Call state. " SYNTAX INTEGER { idle(0), initiated(1), connecting(2), delivered(3), connected(4), offered(5), alerting(6), releasing(7), cancelling(8), challenging(9), transient(10), blockwait(11), succ(12), fail(13), aborted(14), blocked(15) } ArubaVoipProtocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " VoIP protocol used " SYNTAX INTEGER { sccp(1), svp(2), vocera(3), sip(9), ua(11) } ArubaVoipRegState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " VoIP registered state " SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), registering(1), unregistering(2), challenge(3), registered(4), unregistered(5) } ArubaVoiceCdrDirection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " VoIP CDR direction " SYNTAX INTEGER { og(0), ic(1) } ArubaVoiceCacBit ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Voice CAC bit flags " SYNTAX BITS { cacActiveLoadBalancing(0), cacHighCapThresholdReached(1), cacHandRsrvThresholdReached(2), cacPeakCapacityReached(3) } ArubaMeshRole ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Mesh role " SYNTAX INTEGER { nonmesh(0), point(1), portal(2) } ArubaHTRate ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents HT rate" SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), ht6dot5(1), ht13(2), ht13dot5(3), ht15(4), ht19dot5(5), ht26(6), ht27(7), ht30(8), ht39(9), ht40dot5(10), ht45(11), ht52(12), ht54(13), ht58dot5(14), ht60(15), ht65(16), ht78(17), ht81(18), ht90(19), ht104(20), ht108(21), ht117(22), ht120(23), ht121dot5(24), ht130(25), ht135(26), ht150(27), ht162(28), ht180(29), ht216(30), ht240(31), ht243(32), ht270(33), ht300(34) } ArubaUSBStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " USB device status " SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), notPresent(1), inactive(2), active(3) } ArubaARMChangeReason ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The reason for ARM based change. " SYNTAX INTEGER { radarDetected(1), radarCleared(2), txHang(3), txHangClear(4), fortyMhzIntol(5), cancel40mhzIntol(6), fortyMhzAlign(7), armInterference(8), armInvalidCh(9), armErrorThresh(10), armNoiseThresh(11), armEmptyCh(12), armRogueCont(13), armDecreasePower(14), armIncreasePower(15), armTurnOffRadio(16), armTurnOnRadio(17) } ArubaAPMasterStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " AP status as seen by the master controller (used to indicate a status change). " SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2), move(3) } ArubaAPUplinkType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " AP uplink type " SYNTAX INTEGER { ethernet(1), usb(2), pppoe(3), wifi(4) } ArubaAPUplinkChangeReason ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to specify the reason for AP uplink change. linkFailure - The uplink went down vpnFailure - VPN tunnel could not be sustained using the uplink preemption - The uplink was pre-empted by a higher-priority uplink" SYNTAX INTEGER { linkFailure(1), vpnFailure(2), preemption(3), internetFailover(4) } ArubaPortalServerDownReason ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to specify the reason for Portal server down. connectFail - Connect Portal server fail" SYNTAX INTEGER { connectFail(1) } aiInfoGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aiMIB 1 } aiStateGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aiMIB 2 } aiManagedInfoGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aiMIB 3 } aiVirtualControllerKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique Virtual Controller key" ::= { aiInfoGroup 1 } aiVirtualControllerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Virtual Controller name" ::= { aiInfoGroup 2 } aiVirtualControllerOrganization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Virtual Controller organization" ::= { aiInfoGroup 3 } aiVirtualControllerVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software Version" ::= { aiInfoGroup 4 } aiVirtualControllerIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Virtual Controller IP Address. If this is not set, returns" ::= { aiInfoGroup 5 } aiMasterIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Address of AP where virtual controller software is active" ::= { aiInfoGroup 6 } aiWlanSSIDTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AiWlanSSIDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { aiInfoGroup 7 } aiWlanSSIDEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AiWlanSSIDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { aiSSIDIndex } ::= { aiWlanSSIDTable 1} AiWlanSSIDEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aiSSIDIndex Integer32, aiSSID OCTET STRING, aiSSIDStatus INTEGER, aiSSIDClientNum Integer32, aiSSIDHide INTEGER } aiSSIDIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SSID Index" ::= { aiWlanSSIDEntry 1 } aiSSID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SSID" ::= { aiWlanSSIDEntry 2 } aiSSIDStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(0), disable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the whether the SSID is enabled(0) or disabled(1)" ::= { aiWlanSSIDEntry 3 } aiSSIDClientNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Client Number of per SSID" ::= { aiWlanSSIDEntry 4 } aiSSIDHide OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(0) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the whether the SSID is hide enabled(1) or disabled(0)" ::= { aiWlanSSIDEntry 5 } aiMeshTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AiMeshEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { aiInfoGroup 15 } aiMeshEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AiMeshEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { aiMeshIndex } ::= { aiMeshTable 1} AiMeshEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aiMeshIndex Integer32, aiMeshPointMac MacAddress, aiMeshPortalMac DisplayString, aiMeshChannel DisplayString, aiMeshAvgRssi Integer32, aiMeshHops Integer32, aiMeshAge Integer32, aiMeshCost DisplayString, aiMeshRelation DisplayString } aiMeshIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mesh Index" ::= { aiMeshEntry 1 } aiMeshPointMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mesh Point Mac Address" ::= { aiMeshEntry 2 } aiMeshPortalMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mesh Portal Mac Address" ::= { aiMeshEntry 3 } aiMeshChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mesh Channel" ::= { aiMeshEntry 4 } aiMeshAvgRssi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mesh Average RSSI" ::= { aiMeshEntry 5 } aiMeshHops OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mesh Hops" ::= { aiMeshEntry 6 } aiMeshAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mesh Age" ::= { aiMeshEntry 7 } aiMeshCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mesh Cost" ::= { aiMeshEntry 8 } aiMeshRelation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mesh Relation" ::= { aiMeshEntry 9 } aiAccessPointTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AiAccessPointEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains all access points connected to the virtual controller. This table is empty on AP where virtual controller is not active" ::= { aiStateGroup 1 } aiAccessPointEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AiAccessPointEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { aiAPMACAddress } ::= { aiAccessPointTable 1 } AiAccessPointEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aiAPMACAddress MacAddress, aiAPName DisplayString, aiAPIPAddress IpAddress, aiAPSerialNum DisplayString, aiAPModel OBJECT IDENTIFIER, aiAPModelName DisplayString, aiAPCPUUtilization Integer32, aiAPMemoryFree Integer32, aiAPUptime TimeTicks, aiAPTotalMemory Integer32, aiAPStatus INTEGER, aiAPHwopmode INTEGER, aiAPRole DisplayString } aiAPMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Access Point MAC Address" ::= { aiAccessPointEntry 1 } aiAPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Access Point name" ::= { aiAccessPointEntry 2 } aiAPIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Access Point IP Address" ::= { aiAccessPointEntry 3 } aiAPSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Access Point Serial Number" ::= { aiAccessPointEntry 4 } aiAPModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Access Point System OID" ::= { aiAccessPointEntry 5 } aiAPModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Access Point Model Name" ::= { aiAccessPointEntry 6 } aiAPCPUUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Access Point CPU Utilization" ::= { aiAccessPointEntry 7 } aiAPMemoryFree OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Amount of memory free in the access point in bytes" ::= { aiAccessPointEntry 8 } aiAPUptime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Access Point uptime" ::= { aiAccessPointEntry 9 } aiAPTotalMemory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total amount of memory available in the AP in bytes" ::= { aiAccessPointEntry 10 } aiAPStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Access Point Status" ::= { aiAccessPointEntry 11 } aiAPHwopmode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { default(0), rsdbsplit(1), rsdb5g(2), rsdb2g(3), dual5gon(4), dual5goff(5), split5goff(6), split5gon(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AP HW OPMODE" ::= { aiAccessPointEntry 12 } aiAPRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AP State" ::= { aiAccessPointEntry 13 } aiRadioTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AiRadioEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains all radios of all access points connected to the virtual controller. This table is indexed by Access Point MAC Address and radio number" ::= { aiStateGroup 2 } aiRadioEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AiRadioEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { aiRadioAPMACAddress, aiRadioIndex } ::= { aiRadioTable 1 } AiRadioEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aiRadioAPMACAddress MacAddress, aiRadioIndex Integer32, aiRadioMACAddress MacAddress, aiRadioChannel DisplayString, aiRadioTransmitPower Integer32, aiRadioNoiseFloor Integer32, aiRadioUtilization4 Integer32, aiRadioUtilization64 Integer32, aiRadioTxTotalFrames Counter32, aiRadioTxMgmtFrames Counter32, aiRadioTxDataFrames Counter32, aiRadioTxDataBytes Counter32, aiRadioTxDrops Counter32, aiRadioRxTotalFrames Counter32, aiRadioRxDataFrames Counter32, aiRadioRxDataBytes Counter32, aiRadioRxMgmtFrames Counter32, aiRadioRxBad Counter32, aiRadioPhyEvents Counter32, aiRadioStatus INTEGER, aiRadioClientNum Integer32, aiRadioMode DisplayString } aiRadioAPMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC Address of access point where this radio is active" ::= { aiRadioEntry 1 } aiRadioIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radio number" ::= { aiRadioEntry 2 } aiRadioMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radio MAC Address" ::= { aiRadioEntry 3 } aiRadioChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Radio channel. First byte contains primary channel and first two bits on second byte contains indicator for secondary channel. If first two bits of second byte is 0, it is a 20MHz channel. If first two bits of second byte is 01, secondary channel is above primary channel, if first two bits of second by is 10, secondary channel is below the primary channel. " ::= { aiRadioEntry 4 } aiRadioTransmitPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radio transmit power" ::= { aiRadioEntry 5 } aiRadioNoiseFloor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radio noise floor in dBm" ::= { aiRadioEntry 6 } aiRadioUtilization4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radio channel utilization 4 second average" ::= { aiRadioEntry 7 } aiRadioUtilization64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radio channel utilization 64 second average" ::= { aiRadioEntry 8 } aiRadioTxTotalFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total transmitted frames" ::= { aiRadioEntry 9 } aiRadioTxMgmtFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmitted management frames" ::= { aiRadioEntry 10 } aiRadioTxDataFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmitted data frames" ::= { aiRadioEntry 11 } aiRadioTxDataBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmitted data bytes" ::= { aiRadioEntry 12 } aiRadioTxDrops OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total frames dropped during transmission" ::= { aiRadioEntry 13 } aiRadioRxTotalFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total received frames" ::= { aiRadioEntry 14 } aiRadioRxDataFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received data frames" ::= { aiRadioEntry 15 } aiRadioRxDataBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received data bytes" ::= { aiRadioEntry 16 } aiRadioRxMgmtFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received management frames" ::= { aiRadioEntry 17 } aiRadioRxBad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frames received in error" ::= { aiRadioEntry 18 } aiRadioPhyEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of phy events that indicates frames not received because of interference" ::= { aiRadioEntry 19 } aiRadioStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radio state of AP - UP/DOWN" ::= { aiRadioEntry 20 } aiRadioClientNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Client Number of per Radio" ::= { aiRadioEntry 21 } aiRadioMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Radio state of AP - access/monitor" ::= { aiRadioEntry 22 } aiWlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AiWlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains all BSSIDs active on this virtual controller. This table is indexed by Access Point MAC Address and a WLAN Index" ::= { aiStateGroup 3 } aiWlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AiWlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { aiWlanAPMACAddress, aiWlanIndex } ::= { aiWlanTable 1 } AiWlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aiWlanAPMACAddress MacAddress, aiWlanIndex Integer32, aiWlanESSID DisplayString, aiWlanMACAddress MacAddress, aiWlanTxTotalFrames Counter32, aiWlanTxDataFrames Counter32, aiWlanTxDataBytes Counter32, aiWlanRxTotalFrames Counter32, aiWlanRxDataFrames Counter32, aiWlanRxDataBytes Counter32 } aiWlanAPMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC Address of access point where WLAN is active" ::= { aiWlanEntry 1 } aiWlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of WLAN. This is a unique index assigned to the WLAN active on the access point." ::= { aiWlanEntry 2 } aiWlanESSID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ESSID of WLAN" ::= { aiWlanEntry 3 } aiWlanMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BSSID of WLAN" ::= { aiWlanEntry 4 } aiWlanTxTotalFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total transmitted frames" ::= { aiWlanEntry 5 } aiWlanTxDataFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmitted data frames" ::= { aiWlanEntry 6 } aiWlanTxDataBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmitted data bytes" ::= { aiWlanEntry 7 } aiWlanRxTotalFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total received frames" ::= { aiWlanEntry 8 } aiWlanRxDataFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received data frames" ::= { aiWlanEntry 9 } aiWlanRxDataBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Received data bytes" ::= { aiWlanEntry 10 } aiClientTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AiClientEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about all clients connected to the virtual controller. When a client roams from one access point to another, all counters in this table are reset to 0. aiClientUptime also get reset on a mobility event" ::= { aiStateGroup 4 } aiClientEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AiClientEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { aiClientMACAddress } ::= { aiClientTable 1 } AiClientEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aiClientMACAddress MacAddress, aiClientWlanMACAddress MacAddress, aiClientIPAddress IpAddress, aiClientAPIPAddress IpAddress, aiClientName DisplayString, aiClientOperatingSystem DisplayString, aiClientSNR Integer32, aiClientTxDataFrames Counter32, aiClientTxDataBytes Counter32, aiClientTxRetries Counter32, aiClientTxRate Integer32, aiClientRxDataFrames Counter32, aiClientRxDataBytes Counter32, aiClientRxRetries Counter32, aiClientRxRate Integer32, aiClientUptime TimeTicks, aiClientPhyType ArubaPhyType, aiClientHtMode ArubaHTMode } aiClientMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC Address of client" ::= { aiClientEntry 1 } aiClientWlanMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BSSID of WLAN where client is associated" ::= { aiClientEntry 2 } aiClientIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Client IP Address" ::= { aiClientEntry 3 } aiClientAPIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Associated Access Point IP Address" ::= { aiClientEntry 4 } aiClientName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of user using the client" ::= { aiClientEntry 5 } aiClientOperatingSystem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Client operating system" ::= { aiClientEntry 6 } aiClientSNR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signal to noise ratio of client connection to the access point" ::= { aiClientEntry 7 } aiClientTxDataFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total frames transmitted by the client" ::= { aiClientEntry 8 } aiClientTxDataBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total bytes transmitted by the client" ::= { aiClientEntry 9 } aiClientTxRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of retry frames transmitted by the client" ::= { aiClientEntry 10 } aiClientTxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmit rate of client in mbps" ::= { aiClientEntry 11 } aiClientRxDataFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total frames received by the client" ::= { aiClientEntry 12 } aiClientRxDataBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total bytes received by the client" ::= { aiClientEntry 13 } aiClientRxRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of retry frames received by the client" ::= { aiClientEntry 14 } aiClientRxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Receive rate of client in mbps" ::= { aiClientEntry 15 } aiClientUptime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Client uptime. On mobility event all counters are reset to 0 and uptime gets reset to 0." ::= { aiClientEntry 16 } aiClientPhyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaPhyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The wireless PHY type to which the client is associated, or 'wired'" ::= { aiClientEntry 17 } aiClientHtMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaHTMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The HT mode of this Client" ::= { aiClientEntry 18 } --- Begining of voice client location entry aiVoiceClientTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AiVoiceClientEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of voice clients" ::= { aiStateGroup 5 } aiVoiceClientEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AiVoiceClientEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry of a voice client" INDEX { aiClientMac } ::= { aiVoiceClientTable 1} AiVoiceClientEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aiClientMac MacAddress, aiClientIP IpAddress, aiClientAPMac MacAddress, aiClientAPName DisplayString } aiClientMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of voice client" ::= { aiVoiceClientEntry 1 } aiClientIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of voice client" ::= { aiVoiceClientEntry 2 } aiClientAPMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of AP on which voice client is associated currently" ::= { aiVoiceClientEntry 3 } aiClientAPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of AP on which voice client is associated currently" ::= { aiVoiceClientEntry 4 } --- End of voice client location entry --- Begin of Interfer AP entry aiInterferAccessPointTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AiInterferAccessPointEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains all interfer access points infomation" ::= { aiInfoGroup 8 } aiInterferAccessPointEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AiInterferAccessPointEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " INDEX { aiInterferAPIndex } ::= { aiInterferAccessPointTable 1 } AiInterferAccessPointEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aiInterferAPIndex Integer32, aiInterferAPBSSID MacAddress, aiInterferAPESSID OCTET STRING, aiInterferAPChannel DisplayString, aiInterferAPPhyType DisplayString, aiInterferAPEncr DisplayString, aiInterferAPAvgSnr Integer32, aiInterferAPType DisplayString } aiInterferAPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interfer Access Point Index" ::= { aiInterferAccessPointEntry 1 } aiInterferAPBSSID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interfer Access Point MAC" ::= { aiInterferAccessPointEntry 2 } aiInterferAPESSID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interfer Access Point ESSID" ::= { aiInterferAccessPointEntry 3 } aiInterferAPChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interfer Access Point Channel" ::= { aiInterferAccessPointEntry 4 } aiInterferAPPhyType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interfer Access Point Phy Type" ::= { aiInterferAccessPointEntry 5 } aiInterferAPEncr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interfer Access Point Encryption" ::= { aiInterferAccessPointEntry 6 } aiInterferAPAvgSnr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interfer Access Point Average Snr" ::= { aiInterferAccessPointEntry 7 } aiInterferAPType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interfer Access Point AP Type" ::= { aiInterferAccessPointEntry 8 } --- End of Interfer AP entry aiManagedModeSinceLastSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time since last config was applied" ::= { aiManagedInfoGroup 1 } -- aiTrapsGroup -- This group defines all the traps generated by the switch. aiTrapsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aiMIB 200 } --Trap Object Group contains objects used in the traps. aiTrapObjectsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aiTrapsGroup 1 } --Trap Definitions Group contains Traps definitions. aiTrapDefinitionsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aiTrapsGroup 2 } wlsxTrapAPMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the wired MAC address of an access point, for which the trap is being raised. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 1 } wlsxTrapAPIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the IP address of an access point, for which the trap is being raised. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 2 } wlsxTrapAPBSSID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the BSSID of the access point, for which the trap is being raised. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 3 } wlsxTrapEssid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the SSID of the access point, for which the trap is being raised. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 4 } wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the BSSID of the access point, for which we are raising the trap. If an Air Monitor is sending the trap then this will indicate AP. If an access point is sending the trap, then it will point to itself. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 5 } wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the SSID of the access point, for which the trap is being raised. If an Air Monitor is sending the trap then this will indicate AP. If an access point is sending the trap, then it will point to itself. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 6 } wlsxTrapTargetAPChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the channel of the access point, for which the trap is being raised. If an wlsxr monitor is sending the trap then this will indicate AP. If an access point is sending the trap, then it will point to itself. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 7 } wlsxTrapNodeMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the MAC address of a node. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 8 } wlsxTrapSourceMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the MAC address of the source. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 9 } wlsxReceiverMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the MAC address of the receiver. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 10 } wlsxTrapTransmitterMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the MAC address of the transmitter. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 11 } wlsxTrapReceiverMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the MAC address of the receiver. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 12 } wlsxTrapSnr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Signal to Noise ratio. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 13 } wlsxTrapSignatureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Signature Name. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 14 } wlsxTrapFrameType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaFrameType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Frame Type " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 15 } wlsxTrapAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Address type. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 16 } wlsxTrapAPLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Location of the AP. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 17 } wlsxTrapAPChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Current Channel. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 18 } wlsxTrapAPTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the AP Transmit Power. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 19 } wlsxTrapMatchedMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the MAC address " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 20 } wlsxTrapMatchedIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the IP address " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 21 } wlsxTrapRogueIfoURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used to point to the WEBUI Rogue AP information URL. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 22 } wlsxTrapVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the VLAN Id. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 23 } wlsxTrapAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaEnableValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the admin status of VLAN. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 24 } wlsxTrapOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaOperStateValue MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the admin status of VLAN. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 25 } wlsxTrapAuthServerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Authentication Server used for Authentication. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 26 } wlsxTrapAuthServerTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Authentication Server Timeout. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 27 } wlsxTrapCardSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Slot in which this card is present. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 28 } wlsxTrapTemperatureValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Temperature Value. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 29 } wlsxTrapProcessName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Process name. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 30 } wlsxTrapFanNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Fan Number. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 31 } wlsxTrapVoltageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the type of Voltage. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 32 } wlsxTrapVoltageValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the voltage value in Float. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 33 } wlsxTrapStationBlackListReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaBlackListReason MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The Reason for which a station is black listed. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 34 } wlsxTrapSpoofedIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in a trap to identify a spoofed IP address. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 35 } wlsxTrapSpoofedOldPhyAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in a trap to identify an old MAC address. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 36 } wlsxTrapSpoofedNewPhyAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in a trap to identify a New MAC address. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 37 } wlsxTrapDBName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in a trap to identify name of the database. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 38 } wlsxTrapDBUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in a trap to identify name of the database user. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 39 } wlsxTrapDBIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in a trap to identify the IpAddress of the Database. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 40 } wlsxTrapDBType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaDBType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in a trap to identify the port of the user. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 41 } wlsxTrapVrrpID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object contains the Virtual Router Identifier. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 42 } wlsxTrapVrrpMasterIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object contains the Master IP address. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 43 } wlsxTrapVrrpOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaVrrpState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the VRRP Operational state. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 44 } wlsxTrapESIServerGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the External Services Interface (ESI) Server Group name " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 45 } wlsxTrapESIServerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the External Services Interface (ESI) Server Name " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 46 } wlsxTrapESIServerIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the External Services Interface (ESI) Server IP address " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 47 } wlsxTrapLicenseDaysRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents number of the days remaining prior to a license expiry. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 48 } wlsxTrapSwitchIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the controller IP address. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 49 } wlsxTrapSwitchRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaSwitchRole MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Role of the controller. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 50 } wlsxTrapUserIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents IP address of the User. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 51 } wlsxTrapUserPhyAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents MAC address of the User. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 52 } wlsxTrapUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the user name. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 53 } wlsxTrapUserRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Authentication method of the user. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 54 } wlsxTrapUserAuthenticationMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaAuthenticationMethods MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Authentication method of the user. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 55 } wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the radio number. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 56 } wlsxTrapRogueInfoURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used to point to the WEBGUI Rogue AP information URL. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 57 } wlsxTrapInterferingAPInfoURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used to point to the WEBGUI Rogue interfering AP information URL. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 58 } wlsxTrapPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the port number. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 59 } wlsxTrapTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in all the enterprise traps to indicate the the time when the trap is generated on the controller. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 60 } wlsxTrapHostIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Trap host. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 61 } wlsxTrapHostPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Trap host port. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 62 } wlsxTrapConfigurationId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the ID of the configuration, to be used in traps. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 63 } wlsxTrapCTSURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the URL from which the transfer should happen. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 64 } wlsxTrapCTSTransferType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the transfer type, upload or download. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 65 } wlsxTrapConfigurationState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaConfigurationState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents state of the configuration transfer. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 66 } wlsxTrapUpdateFailureReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the reason for the update failure. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 67 } wlsxTrapUpdateFailedObj OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This variable represents the AMAPI object which is the reason for the the update failure. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 68 } wlsxTrapTableEntryChangeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaConfigurationChangeType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents type of the configuration change. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 69 } wlsxTrapGlobalConfigObj OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This variable represents the AMAPI object corresponding to the global configuration change. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 70 } wlsxTrapTableGenNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents generation number of a table. Used in the MMS, to keep track of the table content changes. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 71 } wlsxTrapLicenseId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the license ID. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 72 } wlsxTrapConfidenceLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Confidence Level as a percentage " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 73 } wlsxTrapMissingLicenses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This variable indicates any licenses that are not present during a configuration update " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 74 } wlsxVoiceCurrentNumCdr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the number of CDRs in buffer. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 75 } wlsxTrapTunnelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object represents the tunnel ID. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 76 } wlsxTrapTunnelStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object represents the tunnel Status. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 77 } wlsxTrapTunnelUpReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object represents the tunnel up reason. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 78 } wlsxTrapTunnelDownReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object represents the tunnel down reason. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 79 } wlsxTrapApSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the AP Serial Number. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 80 } wlsxTrapTimeStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Time in String format. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 81 } wlsxTrapMasterIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the master IP address. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 82 } wlsxTrapLocalIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Local IP address. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 83 } wlsxTrapMasterName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the master controller name. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 84 } wlsxTrapLocalName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the local controller name. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 85 } wlsxTrapPrimaryControllerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the IP address of the AP's primary controller. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 86 } wlsxTrapBackupControllerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the IP address of the AP's backup controller. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 87 } wlsxTrapSpoofedFrameType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Spoofed Frame Type " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 88 } wlsxTrapAssociationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the type of association " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 89 } wlsxTrapDeviceIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the IP address of a device seen by an AP. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 90 } wlsxTrapDeviceMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the MAC address of a device seen by an AP. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 91 } wlsxTrapVcIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Ip Address of a Voice client. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 92 } wlsxTrapVcMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the MAC address of a Voice client. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 93 } wlsxTrapAPName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Name of the AP. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 94 } wlsxTrapApMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object represents the AP Mode. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 95 } wlsxTrapAPPrevChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Previous Channel. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 96 } wlsxTrapAPPrevChannelSec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaHTExtChannel MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Previous Secondary Channel. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 97 } wlsxTrapAPPrevTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate previous AP Transmit Power. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 98 } wlsxTrapAPCurMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaAccessPointMode MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object represents the APs Current Mode. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 99 } wlsxTrapAPPrevMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaAccessPointMode MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object represents the APs Previous Mode. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 100 } wlsxTrapAPARMChangeReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaARMChangeReason MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object represents the APs Previous Mode. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 101 } wlsxTrapAPChannelSec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaHTExtChannel MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Current Secondary Channel. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 102 } wlsxTrapUserAttributeChangeType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaConfigurationChangeType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents type of the configuration change. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 103 } wlsxTrapApControllerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " IP address of the controller to which the AP is (or was most recently) registered. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 104 } wlsxTrapApMasterStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaAPMasterStatus MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Status of the AP as seen by the master when the status changes. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 105 } wlsxTrapCaName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the name of the trustpoint. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 106 } wlsxTrapCrlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the name of the crl. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 107 } wlsxTrapCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the number of occurrence of this trap. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 108 } wlsxTrapAPPreviousUplinkType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaAPUplinkType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object specifies the up link type for an AP. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 130 } wlsxTrapAPPreviousUplinkActiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object specifies the up link type for an AP. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 131 } wlsxTrapAPActiveUplinkType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaAPUplinkType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object specifies the up link type for an AP. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 132 } wlsxTrapAPUplinkChangeReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaAPUplinkChangeReason MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object specifies the up link change reason. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 133 } wlsxTrapAPManagedModeConfigFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object indicates the error for the failure of config apply on IAP. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 138 } wlsxTrapAuthServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Authentication Server IP used for Authentication. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 139 } wlsxTrapPortalServerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Captive Portal Server used for Authentication. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 140 } wlsxTrapPortalServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the Captive Portal Server IP or host name used for Authentication. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 141 } wlsxTrapPortalServerDownReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaPortalServerDownReason MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object specifies the captive portal server down reason. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 142 } wlsxTrapStationBlackListReasonStr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is used in the traps to indicate the type of Blacklist reason. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 144 } wlsxTrapAPUSBStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents plug in or plug out status of an USB device. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 147 } wlsxTrapUSBVendorProductID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents vendor ID or product ID of an USB device. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 148 } wlsxTrapAuthFailureReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the reason for the authentication failure. " ::= {aiTrapObjectsGroup 155 } -- Definition of traps wlsxNodeRateAnomaly NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapFrameType,wlsxTrapNodeMac, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPBSSID, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a node is exceeding the threshold set for the frame type. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1003 } wlsxNUserEntryCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapUserIpAddress,wlsxTrapUserPhyAddress} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a new user was created. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1014 } wlsxNUserEntryDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapUserIpAddress,wlsxTrapUserPhyAddress} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a user was deleted. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1015 } wlsxNUserEntryAuthenticated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapUserIpAddress,wlsxTrapUserPhyAddress, wlsxTrapUserName,wlsxTrapUserAuthenticationMethod, wlsxTrapUserRole} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a user is Authenticated. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1016 } wlsxNUserEntryDeAuthenticated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapUserIpAddress,wlsxTrapUserPhyAddress} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a user is Deauthenticated. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1017 } wlsxNUserAuthenticationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapUserName, wlsxTrapUserIpAddress,wlsxTrapUserPhyAddress,wlsxTrapAuthServerName,wlsxTrapAuthServerAddress,wlsxTrapAPBSSID,wlsxTrapAPName} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a user authentication has failed. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1018 } wlsxNAuthServerReqTimedOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapUserName, wlsxTrapUserIpAddress,wlsxTrapUserPhyAddress,wlsxTrapAuthServerName,wlsxTrapAuthServerAddress,wlsxTrapAPBSSID,wlsxTrapAPName} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the authentication server request timed out. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1019 } wlsxNAuthServerTimedOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAuthServerName,wlsxTrapAuthServerTimeout} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the authentication server timed out. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1020 } wlsxNAuthServerIsUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAuthServerName, wlsxTrapAuthServerAddress} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an authentication server is up. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1021 } wlsxNAccessPointIsUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A Trap which indicates that an access point up. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1040 } wlsxNAccessPointIsDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A Trap which indicates that an access point down. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1041 } wlsxNChannelChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPBSSID,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an access point at Location wlsxTrapAPLocation has changed the channel. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1043 } wlsxNStationAddedToBlackList NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapStationBlackListReason, wlsxTrapStationBlackListReasonStr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the station is black listed. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1044 } wlsxNStationRemovedFromBlackList NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapNodeMac} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the station is removed from the black list. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1045 } wlsxNRadioAttributesChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPIpAddress,wlsxTrapAPChannel, wlsxTrapAPTxPower} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A Trap which indicates changes in the Radio attributes of an access point. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1049 } wlsxUnsecureAPDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel, wlsxTrapMatchedMac,wlsxTrapMatchedIp, wlsxTrapRogueInfoURL} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an unauthorized access point is connected to the wired network. The access point is declared Rogue because it was matched to a MAC address. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1053 } wlsxUnsecureAPResolved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a previously detected access point, classified as Rogue, is no longer present in the network. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1054 } wlsxStaImpersonation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM detected Station Impersonation. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1055 } wlsxReservedChannelViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM detected an access point which is violating the Reserved Channel configuration. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1056 } wlsxValidSSIDViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has detected an access point is violating Valid SSID configuration by using an SSID that is reserved for use by a valid AP only. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1057 } wlsxChannelMisconfiguration NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an access point that has a channel misconfiguration because it is using a channel that is not valid. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1058 } wlsxOUIMisconfiguration NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an access point that has an OUI misconfiguration because it is using an OUI that is not valid. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1059 } wlsxSSIDMisconfiguration NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an access point that has an SSID misconfiguration because it is using an SSID that is not valid. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1060 } wlsxShortPreableMisconfiguration NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an access point has bad Short preamble configuration. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1061 } wlsxWPAMisconfiguration NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an access point that is misconfigured because it is not using WPA. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1062 } wlsxAdhocNetworkDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM has detected an Ad hoc network. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1063 } wlsxAdhocNetworkRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a previously detected Ad hoc Network is no longer present in the network. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1064 } wlsxStaPolicyViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapNodeMac, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that Protection was enforced because a valid station's association to a non-valid access point violated Valid Station policy. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1065 } wlsxRepeatWEPIVViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected that a valid access point is using the same WEP initialization vector in consecutive packets. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1066 } wlsxWeakWEPIVViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected that a valid access point is using a Weak WEP initialization vector. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1067 } wlsxChannelInterferenceDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has detected channel interference. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1068 } wlsxChannelInterferenceCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a previously detected channel interference is no longer present. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1069 } wlsxAPInterferenceDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has detected interference for an access point. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1070 } wlsxAPInterferenceCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the previously detected interference for an access point is no longer present. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1071 } wlsxStaInterferenceDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has detected interference for a station. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1072 } wlsxStaInterferenceCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the previously detected interference for a station is no longer present. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1073 } wlsxFrameRetryRateExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected that an access point has exceeded the configured upper threshold for Frame Retry Rate. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1074 } wlsxFrameReceiveErrorRateExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapTargetAPChannel,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected that an access point has exceeded the configured upper threshold for Frame Receive Error Rate. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1075 } wlsxFrameFragmentationRateExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapTargetAPChannel,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected that an access point exceeded the configured upper threshold for Frame Fragmentation Rate. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1076 } wlsxFrameBandWidthRateExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected that a station or access point has exceeded the configured upper threshold for Bandwidth rate. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1077 } wlsxFrameLowSpeedRateExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected that a station has exceeded the configured upper threshold for Low speed rate. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1078 } wlsxFrameNonUnicastRateExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected that a station has exceeded the configured upper threshold for Non Unicast traffic rate. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1079 } wlsxLoadbalancingEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM is reporting that an AP has enabled Load balancing. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1080 } wlsxLoadbalancingDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM is reporting that an AP has enabled Load balancing. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1081 } wlsxChannelFrameRetryRateExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has detected that the configured upper threshold for Frame Retry Rate was exceeded on a channel. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1082 } wlsxChannelFrameFragmentationRateExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has detected that the configured upper threshold for Frame Fragmentation Rate was exceeded on a channel. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1083 } wlsxChannelFrameErrorRateExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has detected that the configured upper threshold for Frame Receive Error Rate was exceeded on a channel. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1084 } wlsxSignatureMatchAP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSignatureName,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match in a frame from an access point. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1085 } wlsxSignatureMatchSta NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSignatureName,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match in a frame from a Station. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1086 } wlsxChannelRateAnomaly NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapFrameType,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected frames on a channel which exceed the configured IDS rate threshold. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1087 } wlsxNodeRateAnomalyAP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapFrameType,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected frames transmitted or received by an access point, which exceed the configured IDS rate threshold. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1088 } wlsxNodeRateAnomalySta NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapFrameType,wlsxTrapNodeMac, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected frames transmitted or received by a node, which exceed the configured IDS rate threshold. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1089 } wlsxEAPRateAnomaly NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the rate of EAP Handshake packets received by an AP has exceeded the configured IDS EAP Handshake rate threshold. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1090 } wlsxSignalAnomaly NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM detected a Signal Anomaly. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1091 } wlsxSequenceNumberAnomalyAP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM received packets from an AP which exceeds the acceptable sequence number difference. The acceptable sequence number difference is an IDS configuration object. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1092 } wlsxSequenceNumberAnomalySta NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSourceMac,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM received packets from a Node which exceeds the acceptable sequence number difference. The acceptable sequence number difference is an IDS configuration object. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1093 } wlsxDisconnectStationAttack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapFrameType,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM detected a station Disconnect attack. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1094 } wlsxApFloodAttack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the number of potential fake APs detected by an AP has exceeded the configured IDS threshold. This is the total number of fake APs observed across all bands. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1095 } wlsxAdhocNetwork NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSourceMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM detected an Ad hoc Network. An Station is connected to an ad hoc AP. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1096 } wlsxWirelessBridge NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTransmitterMac,wlsxTrapReceiverMac, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a Wireless Bridge when a WDS frame was seen between the transmitter and receiver addresses. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1097 } wlsxInvalidMacOUIAP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAddressType,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an invalid MAC OUI in the BSSID of a frame. An invalid MAC OUI suggests that the frame may be spoofed. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1098 } wlsxInvalidMacOUISta NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAddressType,wlsxTrapNodeMac, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an invalid MAC OUI in the SRC or DST address of a frame. An invalid MAC OUI suggests that the frame may be spoofed. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1099 } wlsxWEPMisconfiguration NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an access point that is misconfigured because it does not have Privacy enabled. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1100 } wlsxStaRepeatWEPIVViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected that a valid station is using the same WEP initialization vector in consecutive packets. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1101 } wlsxStaWeakWEPIVViolation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected that a valid station is using a Weak WEP initialization vector. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1102 } wlsxStaAssociatedToUnsecureAP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapRogueInfoURL} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM detected a client associated with a Rogue access point. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1103 } wlsxStaUnAssociatedFromUnsecureAP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapNodeMac} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a previously detected rogue access point association is no longer present. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1104 } wlsxAdhocNetworkBridgeDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSourceMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM has detected an Ad hoc network that is bridging to a wired network " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1105 } wlsxInterferingApDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel, wlsxTrapInterferingAPInfoURL} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an access point classified as Interfering. The access point is declared Interfering because it is neither authorized or classified as Rogue. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1106 } wlsxColdStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An enterprise version of cold start trap, which contains the controller time stamp. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1111 } wlsxWarmStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An enterprise version of warm start trap, which contains the controller time stamp. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1112 } wlsxAPImpersonation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected AP Impersonation because the number of beacons seen has exceeded the expected number by the configured percentage threshold. The expected number is calculated based on the Beacon Interval Field in the Beacon frame. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1113 } wlsxNAuthServerIsDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAuthServerName, wlsxTrapAuthServerAddress} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an authentication server is down. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1115 } wlsxWindowsBridgeDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSourceMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM has detected a station that is bridging from a wireless network to a wired network " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1129 } wlsxSignAPNetstumbler NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSignatureName,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for Netstumbler from an access point. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1134 } wlsxSignStaNetstumbler NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSignatureName,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for Netstumbler from a Station. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1135 } wlsxSignAPAsleap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSignatureName,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for ASLEAP from an access point. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1136 } wlsxSignStaAsleap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSignatureName,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for ASLEAP from a Station. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1137 } wlsxSignAPAirjack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSignatureName,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for AirJack from an access point. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1138 } wlsxSignStaAirjack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSignatureName,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for AirJack from a Station. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1139 } wlsxSignAPNullProbeResp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSignatureName,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for Null-Probe-Response from an access point. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1140 } wlsxSignStaNullProbeResp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSignatureName,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for Null-Probe-Response from a Station. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1141 } wlsxSignAPDeauthBcast NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSignatureName,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for Deauth-Broadcast from an access point. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1142 } wlsxSignStaDeauthBcast NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSignatureName,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for Deauth-Broadcast from a Station. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1143 } wlsxWindowsBridgeDetectedAP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP is detecting an access point that is bridging from a wireless network to a wired network. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1144 } wlsxWindowsBridgeDetectedSta NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSourceMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP is detecting a station that is bridging from a wireless network to a wired network. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1145 } wlsxAdhocNetworkBridgeDetectedAP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM has detected an Ad hoc network that is bridging to a wired network " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1146 } wlsxAdhocNetworkBridgeDetectedSta NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSourceMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM has detected an Ad hoc network that is bridging to a wired network " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1147 } wlsxDisconnectStationAttackAP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapFrameType,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM detected a station disconnect attack. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1148 } wlsxDisconnectStationAttackSta NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapFrameType,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AM detected a station Disconnect attack. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1149 } wlsxSuspectUnsecureAPDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapMatchedMac, wlsxTrapMatchedIp,wlsxTrapConfidenceLevel, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapRogueInfoURL} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an access point, classified as Suspected Rogue, has been detected by a Controller. The AP is suspected to be rogue, with the supplied confidence level, because it was matched to the wired MAC address. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1150 } wlsxSuspectUnsecureAPResolved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a previously detected access point, classified Suspected Rogue, is either no longer present in the network or has changed its state. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1151 } wlsxHtGreenfieldSupported NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an access point that supports HT Greenfield mode. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1157 } wlsxHT40MHzIntoleranceAP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP is detecting an access point with the HT 40MHz intolerance setting. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1158 } wlsxHT40MHzIntoleranceSta NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSourceMac,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapFrameType, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the system is detecting an HT 40MHz Intolerance setting from a Station. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1159 } wlsxNAuthServerAllInService NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapESIServerGrpName} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that all authentication servers is a server group are brought back in service. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1160 } wlsxNAdhocNetwork NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSourceMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an ad hoc network where a station is connected to an ad hoc access point. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1161 } wlsxNAdhocNetworkBridgeDetectedAP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an ad hoc network that is bridging to a wired network. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1162 } wlsxNAdhocNetworkBridgeDetectedSta NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapSourceMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an ad hoc network that is bridging to a wired network. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1163 } wlsxClientFloodAttack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the number of potential fake clients detected by an AP has exceeded the configured IDS threshold. This is the total number of fake clients observed across all bands. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1170 } wlsxValidClientNotUsingEncryption NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapNodeMac, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an unencrypted data frame between a valid client and an access point. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1171 } wlsxAdhocUsingValidSSID NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an ad hoc network using a valid/protected SSID. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1172 } wlsxAPSpoofingDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapSpoofedFrameType, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected that one of its virtual APs is being spoofed using MAC spoofing. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1173 } wlsxClientAssociatingOnWrongChannel NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapSpoofedFrameType, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a client trying to associate to one of its BSSIDs on the wrong channel. This can be a sign that the BSSID is being spoofed in order to fool the client into thinking the AP is operating on another channel. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1174 } wlsxNDisconnectStationAttack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapSourceMac,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has determined that a client is under Disconnect Attack because the rate of Assoc/Reassoc Response packets received by that client exceeds the configured threshold. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1175 } wlsxNStaUnAssociatedFromUnsecureAP NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP that had previously detected a client association to a Rogue access point is no longer detecting that association. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1176 } wlsxOmertaAttack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an Omerta attack. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1177 } wlsxTKIPReplayAttack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapSnr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a TKIP replay attack. If successful this could be the precursor to more advanced attacks. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1178 } wlsxChopChopAttack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapSnr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a ChopChop attack. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1179 } wlsxFataJackAttack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a FATA-Jack attack. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1180 } wlsxInvalidAddressCombination NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapAPChannel, wlsxTrapSnr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an invalid source and destination combination. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1181 } wlsxValidClientMisassociation NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapAssociationType, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a misassociation between a valid client and an unsafe AP. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1182 } wlsxMalformedHTIEDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapSnr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a malformed HT Information Element. This can be the result of a misbehaving wireless driver or it may be an indication of a new wireless attack. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1183 } wlsxMalformedAssocReqDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapSnr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a malformed association request with a NULL SSID. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1184 } wlsxOverflowIEDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapSnr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a management frame with a malformed information element. The declared length of the element is larger than the entire frame containing the element. This may be used to corrupt or crash wireless drivers. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1185 } wlsxOverflowEAPOLKeyDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapSnr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a key in an EAPOL Key message with a specified length greater than the length of the entire message. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1186 } wlsxMalformedFrameLargeDurationDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapSnr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an unusually large duration in a wireless frame. This may be an attempt to block other devices from transmitting. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1187 } wlsxMalformedFrameWrongChannelDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapTargetAPChannel,wlsxTrapAPChannel, wlsxTrapSnr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a beacon on one channel advertising another channel. This could be an attempt to lure clients away from a valid AP. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1188 } wlsxMalformedAuthFrame NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an authentication frame with either a bad algorithm (similar to Fata-Jack) or a bad transaction. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1189 } wlsxCTSRateAnomaly NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the rate of CTS packets received by an AP exceeds the configured IDS threshold. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1190 } wlsxRTSRateAnomaly NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the rate of RTS packets received by an AP exceeds the configured IDS threshold. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1191 } wlsxNRogueAPDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an unauthorized access point is connected to the wired network. The access point is classified as Rogue by the system. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1192 } wlsxNRogueAPResolved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a previously detected access point, classified as Rogue, is either no longer present in the network or it changed its state. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1193 } wlsxNeighborAPDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an access point has been classified as a Neighbor by the system. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1194 } wlsxNInterferingAPDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an access point has been classified as Interfering by the system. The access point is declared Interfering because it is not authorized, nor has it been classified as a Rogue. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1195 } wlsxNSuspectRogueAPDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapConfidenceLevel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an access point, classified as Suspected Rogue, is detected by the system. The AP is suspected to be rogue with the supplied confidence level. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1196 } wlsxNSuspectRogueAPResolved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a previously detected access point, classified as Suspected Rogue, is either no longer present in the network or has changed its state. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1197 } wlsxBlockAckAttackDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapSnr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an attempt has been made to deny service to the source address by spoofing a block ACK add request that sets a sequence number window outside the currently used window. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1198 } wlsxHotspotterAttackDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapNodeMac, wlsxTrapSourceMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a new AP has appeared immediately following a client probe request. This is indicative of the Hotspotter tool or similar that attempts to trap clients with a fake hotspot or other wireless network. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1199 } wlsxNSignatureMatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTransmitterMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapSignatureName, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match in a frame. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1200 } wlsxNSignatureMatchNetstumbler NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTransmitterMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapSignatureName, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for Netstumbler in a frame. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1201 } wlsxNSignatureMatchAsleap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTransmitterMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapSignatureName, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for ASLEAP in a frame. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1202 } wlsxNSignatureMatchAirjack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTransmitterMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapSignatureName, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for Airjack in a frame. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1203 } wlsxNSignatureMatchNullProbeResp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTransmitterMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapSignatureName, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for Null-Probe-Response in a frame. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1204 } wlsxNSignatureMatchDeauthBcast NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTransmitterMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapSignatureName, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for Deauth-Broadcast in a frame. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1205 } wlsxNSignatureMatchDisassocBcast NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTransmitterMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapSignatureName, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for Disassoc-Broadcast in a frame. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1206 } wlsxNSignatureMatchWellenreiter NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTransmitterMac, wlsxTrapReceiverMac,wlsxTrapSignatureName, wlsxTrapSnr,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation, wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a signature match for Wellenreiter in a frame. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1207 } wlsxAPDeauthContainment NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapNodeMac, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has attempted to contain an access point by disconnecting its client. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1208 } wlsxClientDeauthContainment NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has attempted to contain a client by disconnecting it from the AP that it is associated with. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1209 } wlsxAPWiredContainment NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapNodeMac, wlsxTrapDeviceIpAddress,wlsxTrapDeviceMac, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has attempted to contain an access point by disrupting traffic to its client on the wired interface. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1210 } wlsxClientWiredContainment NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapDeviceIpAddress,wlsxTrapDeviceMac, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has attempted to contain a client by disrupting traffic to it on the wired interface. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1211 } wlsxAPTaggedWiredContainment NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapNodeMac, wlsxTrapDeviceIpAddress,wlsxTrapDeviceMac, wlsxTrapVlanId,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has attempted to contain an access point by disrupting traffic to its client on the wired interface. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1212 } wlsxClientTaggedWiredContainment NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID, wlsxTrapDeviceIpAddress,wlsxTrapDeviceMac, wlsxTrapVlanId,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has attempted to contain a client by disrupting traffic to it on the wired interface. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1213 } wlsxTarpitContainment NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapNodeMac, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapTargetAPChannel, wlsxTrapSourceMac,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP has attempted to contain an access point by moving a client that is attempting to associate to it to a tarpit. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1214 } wlsxAPChannelChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapAPChannelSec, wlsxTrapAPPrevChannel,wlsxTrapAPPrevChannelSec, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPARMChangeReason} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP changed its channel. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1216 } wlsxAPPowerChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPTxPower,wlsxTrapAPPrevTxPower, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP changed its transmit power level. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1217 } wlsxAPModeChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPCurMode,wlsxTrapAPPrevMode, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP changed its mode from AP to APMonitor or vice versa. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1218 } wlsxUserEntryAttributesChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapUserIpAddress,wlsxTrapUserPhyAddress, wlsxTrapAPBSSID,wlsxTrapAPName, wlsxTrapCardSlot,wlsxTrapPortNumber, wlsxTrapUserAttributeChangeType} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the user entry attributes have changed. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1219 } wlsxPowerSaveDosAttack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapNodeMac,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a Power Save DoS attack. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1220 } wlsxNAPMasterStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapApControllerIp, wlsxTrapApMasterStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the status of the AP as seen by the master controller has changed. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1221 } wlsxNAdhocUsingValidSSID NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapTargetAPSSID, wlsxTrapSourceMac,wlsxTrapSnr, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPChannel} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected an ad hoc network node using a valid/protected SSID. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1222 } wlsxMgmtUserAuthenticationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapUserName,wlsxTrapUserIpAddress, wlsxTrapUserPhyAddress,wlsxTrapAuthServerName, wlsxTrapAuthServerAddress} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that a management user authentication has failed. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1224 } wlsxAPActiveUplinkChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPPreviousUplinkType, wlsxTrapAPPreviousUplinkActiveTime,wlsxTrapAPActiveUplinkType, wlsxTrapAPUplinkChangeReason} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " When the active uplink of an AP changes, a notification is sent to the Management Entity with the new uplink type " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1252 } wlsxAPManagedModeConfigFailureTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPManagedModeConfigFailure} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Indicated failure in applying config. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1255 } wlsxNAuthServerAcctTimedOut NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapUserName,wlsxTrapUserIpAddress, wlsxTrapUserPhyAddress,wlsxTrapAuthServerName, wlsxTrapAuthServerAddress,wlsxTrapAPBSSID, wlsxTrapAPName} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the authentication server accounting timed out. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1256 } wlsxPortalServerDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapPortalServerName, wlsxTrapPortalServerAddress, wlsxTrapAPName,wlsxTrapPortalServerDownReason} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the portal server is down. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1259 } wlsxPortalServerUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapPortalServerName, wlsxTrapPortalServerAddress, wlsxTrapAPName} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that the portal server is up. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1260 } wlsxIAPVoiceClientLocationUpdate NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapVcIpAddress, wlsxTrapVcMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPName} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The trap represents a IAP voice client location update. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1262 } wlsxWPAFTAttack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapNodeMac, wlsxTrapAPChannel,wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates there is a possible attack of the Fast BSS Transition causing a WPA key re-installation. This can be indicative of a security breach where an attacker can hijack a client's association and/or decrypt an otherwise secure connection. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1267 } wlsxMitMDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPLocation,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress, wlsxTrapAPRadioNumber,wlsxTrapSourceMac, wlsxTrapTargetAPBSSID,wlsxTrapAPChannel, wlsxTrapSnr} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an AP detected a possible channel-based Man in the Middle attack by someone using spoofed beacons with an invalid Channel Switch Announcement. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1268 } wlsxAPLoopDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPName, wlsxTrapPortNumber} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that loop is detected on AP's secure jack port. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1271 } wlsxAPBROADCASTSTORM NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPName, wlsxTrapPortNumber} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that broadcast storm is detected on AP's secure jack port. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1272 } wlsxCLEARPASSSERVERINVALID NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAuthServerName} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that clearpass server is not valid when using the CA to verity the server for download-role. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1274 } wlsxAPUSBPLUGALARM NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPName,wlsxTrapUSBVendorProductID,wlsxTrapUSBVendorProductID,wlsxTrapAPUSBStatus} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates that an USB device is plugged in or out to an AP. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1277 } wlsxClientRejectedByMaxClientCount NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapUserPhyAddress,wlsxTrapAPBSSID, wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPName, wlsxTrapEssid} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates the client is rejected by the max client count. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1284 } wlsxClientPskAuthenticationFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {wlsxTrapTime, wlsxTrapUserPhyAddress,wlsxTrapAuthFailureReason, wlsxTrapAPBSSID,wlsxTrapAPMacAddress,wlsxTrapAPName, wlsxTrapEssid} STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This trap indicates the client PSK Authentication Failed. " ::= {aiTrapDefinitionsGroup 1285 } END