--- ArubaOS -- vim:set ts=4 sw=4: WLSX-IFEXT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, snmpModules, Integer32, Counter32, IpAddress, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TDomain, DisplayString, PhysAddress, TAddress, TimeInterval, RowStatus, StorageType, TestAndIncr, MacAddress, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF ifIndex FROM RFC1213-MIB ArubaPoeState, ArubaDot1dState, ArubaPortMode, ArubaVlanValidRange, ArubaEnableValue, ArubaOperStateValue, ArubaPortType, ArubaPortDuplex, ArubaPortSpeed, ArubaIfType FROM ARUBA-TC wlsxEnterpriseMibModules FROM ARUBA-MIB; wlsxIfExtMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202008141745Z" ORGANIZATION "Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company" CONTACT-INFO "Postal: 3333 Scott Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95054 E-mail: aruba-ext-eng-reg@hpe.com Phone: 408 227 4500 Fax: 408 752 0626" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module defines MIB objects which provide System level information about the Aruba controller." REVISION "202008141745Z" DESCRIPTION "Deprecated wlsxIfExtPortTable and added new table wlsxIfExtNPortTable" REVISION "1001261806Z" DESCRIPTION "The initial revision." ::= { wlsxEnterpriseMibModules 3 } wlsxIfExtGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { wlsxIfExtMIB 1 } -- Port Table defines all the physical ports in the controller. wlsxIfExtPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WlsxIfExtPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The table of processors contained by the controller. This table is deprecated in favor of wlsxIfExtNPortTable. " ::= { wlsxIfExtGroup 1 } wlsxIfExtPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WlsxIfExtPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " An entry for one processor contained by the controller. " INDEX {ifExtSlotNumber, ifExtPortNumber} ::= { wlsxIfExtPortTable 1 } WlsxIfExtPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifExtSlotNumber Integer32, ifExtPortNumber Integer32, ifExtPortIfIndex Integer32, ifExtAdminState ArubaEnableValue, ifExtOperState INTEGER, ifExtPoeState ArubaPoeState, ifExtIsTrusted TruthValue, ifExtDot1DState ArubaDot1dState, ifExtMode ArubaPortMode, ifExtAccessVlanId ArubaVlanValidRange, ifExtTrunkNativeVlanId ArubaVlanValidRange, ifExtTrunkIsAllowedAll TruthValue, ifExtTrunkAllowedVlanList OCTET STRING, ifExtIngressACLName DisplayString, ifExtEgressACLName DisplayString, ifExtSessionACLName DisplayString, ifExtXsecVlan ArubaVlanValidRange, ifExtIsMonitoring TruthValue, ifExtIsMux TruthValue, ifExtUserSlotNumber Integer32, ifExtUserPortNumber Integer32, ifExtPortSpeed ArubaPortSpeed, ifExtPortDuplex ArubaPortDuplex, ifExtPortType ArubaPortType, ifExtDescr DisplayString, ifExtUserModuleNumber Integer32 } ifExtSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Physical Slot of the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 1 } ifExtPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Physical Port of the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 2 } ifExtPortIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " This is the ifIndex in ifTable, representing this slot and port. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNPortIfIndex. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 3 } ifExtAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaEnableValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The desired state of the interface. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNAdminState. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 4 } ifExtOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ up(1), down(2), testing(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The current operational state of the interface. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNOperState. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 5 } ifExtPoeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaPoeState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The current state of the power over ethernet capability of the port. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNPoeState. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 6 } ifExtIsTrusted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The object indicates if the port is used in the trusted side of the network or the untrusted side. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNIsTrusted. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 7 } ifExtDot1DState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaDot1dState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " Current Dot1d state of the Port. This object provides default switch port value if ifExtIsMonitoring is true(1). This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNDot1DState. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 8 } ifExtMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaPortMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " This object indicates if the port is in a Trunk mode or access mode. This object provides default switch port value if ifExtIsMonitoring is true(1). This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNMode. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 9 } ifExtAccessVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaVlanValidRange MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The VLAN Id when the port is in Access Mode. This object provides default switch port value if ifExtIsMonitoring is true(1). This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNAccessVlanId. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 10 } ifExtTrunkNativeVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaVlanValidRange MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The native VLAN Id of the Port, when the port is in dot1q mode. This object provides default switch port value if ifExtIsMonitoring is true(1). This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNTrunkNativeVlanId. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 11 } ifExtTrunkIsAllowedAll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " When the mode of the port is Trunk, this Object indicates if the port is part of all the configured Vlans. This object provides default switch port value if ifExtIsMonitoring is true(1). This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNTrunkIsAllowedAll. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 12 } ifExtTrunkAllowedVlanList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..512)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for a total of 4096 VLANs in the management domain. The most significant bit of the octet string is the lowest value VLAN of 4096 VLANs. By setting the bit(1) we indicate that the vlan is part of the interface. The most significant bit of the bitmap is transmitted first. Note that if the length of this string is less than 512 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain the value zero. This object provides default switch port value if ifExtIsMonitoring is true(1). This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNTrunkAllowedVlanList. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 13 } ifExtIngressACLName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Ingress ACL name applied to the port. An Empty string indicates that there is not ACL applied on this port. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNIngressACLName. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 14 } ifExtEgressACLName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Egress ACL name applied to the port. An Empty string indicates that there is not ACL applied on this port. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNEgressACLName. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 15 } ifExtSessionACLName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Session ACL name applied to the port. An Empty string indicates that there is not ACL applied on this port. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNEgressACLName. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 16 } ifExtXsecVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaVlanValidRange MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " This object indicates if the port is an Xsec Port. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNXsecVlan. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 17 } ifExtIsMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " This object indicates if the port is used for Port monitoring. When the value of this object is true(1), then below objects provide default switch port values configured on this port. ifExtMode, ifExtAccessVlanId, ifExtTrunkNativeVlanId, ifExtTrunkIsAllowedAll, ifExtTrunkAllowedVlanList This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNIsMonitoring. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 18 } ifExtIsMux OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " This object indicates if the port is used as a MUX Port. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNIsMux. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 19 } ifExtUserSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The user-visible (zero-based) slot number. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 20 } ifExtUserPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The user-visible (zero-based) port number. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 21 } ifExtPortSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaPortSpeed MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " Speed of the Port. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNPortSpeed. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 22 } ifExtPortDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaPortDuplex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " Duplexity of the Port. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNPortDuplex. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 23 } ifExtPortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaPortType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " Type of the Port. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNPortType. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 24 } ifExtDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " Port Description. This object is deprecated in favour of ifExtNDescr. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 25 } ifExtUserModuleNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The user-visible (zero-based) module number. " ::= { wlsxIfExtPortEntry 26 } -- VLAN Table defines all the VLAN in the controller. wlsxIfExtVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WlsxIfExtVlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { wlsxIfExtGroup 2 } wlsxIfExtVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WlsxIfExtVlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An entry for one processor contained by the controller. " INDEX {ifExtVlanId} ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanTable 1 } WlsxIfExtVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifExtVlanId ArubaVlanValidRange, ifExtVlanName DisplayString, ifExtVlanStatus RowStatus } ifExtVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaVlanValidRange MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the VLAN Id of the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanEntry 1 } ifExtVlanName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Name of the VLAN. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanEntry 2 } ifExtVlanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A Row status Object used to create/modify the row. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanEntry 3 } -- VLAN Port Member Table defines port membership in the vlan. wlsxIfExtVlanMemberTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WlsxIfExtVlanMemberEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { wlsxIfExtGroup 3 } wlsxIfExtVlanMemberEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WlsxIfExtVlanMemberEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An entry for one processor contained by the controller. " INDEX {ifExtVlanId, ifIndex} ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanMemberTable 1 } WlsxIfExtVlanMemberEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifExtVlanMemberStatus RowStatus, ifExtVlanMemberSlot Integer32, ifExtVlanMemberPort Integer32, ifExtVlanMemberType ArubaIfType } ifExtVlanMemberStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A Row status Object used to create/modify and indicate the status row. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanMemberEntry 1 } ifExtVlanMemberSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The slot index of the slot referred to by this row (1-based). " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanMemberEntry 2 } ifExtVlanMemberPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The slot index of the slot referred to by this row (1-based). " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanMemberEntry 3 } ifExtVlanMemberType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaIfType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The VLAN member type. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanMemberEntry 4 } -- VLAN Interface Table defines Layer3 VLAN Interfaces. wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " " ::= { wlsxIfExtGroup 4 } wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An entry for one processor contained by the controller. " INDEX {ifExtVlanId} ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceTable 1 } WlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifExtVlanInterfaceIfIndex Integer32, ifExtVlanInterfaceDescription DisplayString, ifExtVlanInterfaceBWContract DisplayString, ifExtVlanInterfaceAdminState ArubaEnableValue, ifExtVlanInterfaceOperState ArubaOperStateValue, ifExtVlanInterfaceIpAddress IpAddress, ifExtVlanInterfaceIpMask IpAddress, ifExtVlanInterfaceIsLocalArp ArubaEnableValue, ifExtVlanInterfaceStatus RowStatus, ifExtVlanInterfaceIpRouting ArubaEnableValue, ifExtVlanInterfaceIpNatInside ArubaEnableValue, ifExtVlanInterfaceIpIgmpSnooping ArubaEnableValue } ifExtVlanInterfaceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This is the ifIndex in ifTable, representing VLAN Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry 1 } ifExtVlanInterfaceDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object indicates the description of the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry 2 } ifExtVlanInterfaceBWContract OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object indicates the Bandwidth contract on the interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry 3 } ifExtVlanInterfaceAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaEnableValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object indicates the administrative state of the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry 4 } ifExtVlanInterfaceOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaOperStateValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object indicates the operational state of the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry 5 } ifExtVlanInterfaceIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object indicates the IP Address of the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry 6 } ifExtVlanInterfaceIpMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object indicates the subnet mask of the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry 7 } ifExtVlanInterfaceIsLocalArp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaEnableValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object indicates if the Local Arp is set on the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry 8 } ifExtVlanInterfaceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A Row status Object used to create/modify and indicate the status row. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry 9} ifExtVlanInterfaceIpRouting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaEnableValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object indicates if the IP routing is set on the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry 10 } ifExtVlanInterfaceIpNatInside OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaEnableValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object indicates if the IP nat inside is set on the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry 11 } ifExtVlanInterfaceIpIgmpSnooping OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaEnableValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This Object indicates if the IP IGMP snooping is set on the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtVlanInterfaceEntry 12 } wlsxIfExtNPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF WlsxIfExtNPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The table of interface details. " ::= { wlsxIfExtGroup 5 } wlsxIfExtNPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX WlsxIfExtNPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An entry in wlsxIfExtNPortTable. " INDEX { ifExtNSlotNumber, ifExtNModuleNumber, ifExtNPortNumber } ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortTable 1 } WlsxIfExtNPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifExtNSlotNumber Integer32, ifExtNModuleNumber Integer32, ifExtNPortNumber Integer32, ifExtNPortIfIndex Integer32, ifExtNAdminState ArubaEnableValue, ifExtNOperState INTEGER, ifExtNPoeState ArubaPoeState, ifExtNIsTrusted TruthValue, ifExtNDot1DState ArubaDot1dState, ifExtNMode ArubaPortMode, ifExtNAccessVlanId ArubaVlanValidRange, ifExtNTrunkNativeVlanId ArubaVlanValidRange, ifExtNTrunkIsAllowedAll TruthValue, ifExtNTrunkAllowedVlanList OCTET STRING, ifExtNIngressACLName DisplayString, ifExtNEgressACLName DisplayString, ifExtNSessionACLName DisplayString, ifExtNXsecVlan ArubaVlanValidRange, ifExtNIsMonitoring TruthValue, ifExtNIsMux TruthValue, ifExtNPortSpeed ArubaPortSpeed, ifExtNPortDuplex ArubaPortDuplex, ifExtNPortType ArubaPortType, ifExtNDescr DisplayString } ifExtNSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the user-visible (zero-based) Physical Slot of the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 1 } ifExtNModuleNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the user-visible (zero-based) Physical Module of the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 2 } ifExtNPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the user-visible (zero-based) Physical Port of the Interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 3 } ifExtNPortIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This is the ifIndex in ifTable, representing this slot, module and port. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 4 } ifExtNAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaEnableValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The desired state of the interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 5 } ifExtNOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ up(1), down(2), testing(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The current operational state of the interface. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 6 } ifExtNPoeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaPoeState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The current state of the power over ethernet capability of the port. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 7 } ifExtNIsTrusted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The object indicates if the port is used in the trusted side of the network or the untrusted side. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 8 } ifExtNDot1DState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaDot1dState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Current Dot1d state of the Port. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 9 } ifExtNMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaPortMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object indicates if the port is in a Trunk mode or access mode. This object provides default switch port value if ifExtIsMonitoring is true(1). " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 10 } ifExtNAccessVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaVlanValidRange MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The VLAN Id when the port is in Access Mode. This object provides default switch port value if ifExtIsMonitoring is true(1). " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 11 } ifExtNTrunkNativeVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaVlanValidRange MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The native VLAN Id of the Port, when the port is in dot1q mode. This object provides default switch port value if ifExtIsMonitoring is true(1). " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 12 } ifExtNTrunkIsAllowedAll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " When the mode of the port is Trunk, this Object indicates if the port is part of all the configured Vlans. This object provides default switch port value if ifExtIsMonitoring is true(1). " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 13 } ifExtNTrunkAllowedVlanList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..512)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN for a total of 4096 VLANs in the management domain. The most significant bit of the octet string is the lowest value VLAN of 4096 VLANs. By setting the bit(1) we indicate that the vlan is part of the interface. The most significant bit of the bitmap is transmitted first. Note that if the length of this string is less than 512 octets, any 'missing' octets are assumed to contain the value zero. This object provides default switch port value if ifExtIsMonitoring is true(1). " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 14 } ifExtNIngressACLName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Ingress ACL name applied to the port. An Empty string indicates that there is not ACL applied on this port. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 15 } ifExtNEgressACLName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Egress ACL name applied to the port. An Empty string indicates that there is not ACL applied on this port. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 16 } ifExtNSessionACLName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object represents the Session ACL name applied to the port. An Empty string indicates that there is not ACL applied on this port. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 17 } ifExtNXsecVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaVlanValidRange MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object indicates if the port is an Xsec Port. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 18 } ifExtNIsMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object indicates if the port is used for Port monitoring. When the value of this object is true(1), then below objects provide default switch port values configured on this port. ifExtNMode, ifExtNAccessVlanId, ifExtNTrunkNativeVlanId, ifExtNTrunkIsAllowedAll, ifExtNTrunkAllowedVlanList " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 19 } ifExtNIsMux OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object indicates if the port is used as a MUX Port. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 20 } ifExtNPortSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaPortSpeed MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Speed of the Port. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 21 } ifExtNPortDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaPortDuplex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Duplexity of the Port. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 22 } ifExtNPortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArubaPortType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Type of the Port. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 23 } ifExtNDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Port Description. " ::= { wlsxIfExtNPortEntry 24 } END