--======================================================== -- -- MIB : AvayaGen Avaya Inc. -- -- Version : 1.4.0 27 January 2004 -- ======================================================== --- This AVAYA SNMP Management Information Base Specification (Specification) -- embodies AVAYA confidential and Proprietary intellectual property. -- AVAYA retains all Title and ownership in the Specification, including any -- revisions. -- -- It is AVAYA's intent to encourage the widespread use of this Specification -- in connection with the management of AVAYA products. AVAYA grants vendors, -- end-users, and other interested parties a non-exclusive license to use this -- Specification in connection with the management of AVAYA products. -- -- This Specification is supplied "as is," and AVAYA makes no warranty, either -- express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of -- the Specification. --======================================================== AVAYAGEN-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises,MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI; avaya MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "0401270900Z" -- 27 January 2004 ORGANIZATION "Avaya Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Avaya Customer Services Postal: Avaya, Inc. 211 Mt Airy Rd. Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 USA Tel: +1 908 953 6000 WWW: http://www.avaya.com " DESCRIPTION "Avaya top-level OID tree. This MIB module deals defines the Avaya enterprise-specific tree. Development organizations within Avaya who wish to register MIBs under the Avaya enterprise OID, should: a. Contact the maintainer of this module, and get an organization OID and group OID. b. Import the definition of their Organization OID from this MIB. " REVISION "0401270900Z" -- 27 January 2004 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.4.0 - Meir Deutsch. adds avGatewayProducts under avayaProducts. adds avGatewayMibs under avayaMibs. " REVISION "0208150900Z" -- 15 August 2002 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.3.0 - Itai Zilbershterin. adds avayaSystemStats under lsg. " REVISION "0207280900Z" -- 28 July 2002 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.2.0 - Itai Zilbershterin. adds avayaEISTopology under lsg. " REVISION "0108091700Z" -- 09 August 2001 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.1.0 - Itai Zilbershterin. adds products OID to those defined. " REVISION "0106211155Z" -- 21 June 2001 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.0.0 - Itai Zilbershterin. Fixed the mibs placement error. Avaya Mibs reside under avaya.2 and not avaya.1. The MIB branch is called avayaMibs." REVISION "0010151045Z" -- 15 Oct. 2000 DESCRIPTION "Rev 0.9.0 - Itai Zilbershterin. The initial version of this MIB module. The following Organizational top-level groups are defined: lsg - Mibs of the LAN System Group (Concord & Israel)." REVISION "0010151305Z" -- 15 Oct. 2000 DESCRIPTION "Rev 0.9.1 - Itai Zilbershterin. Dates in Revisions changed from 'yyyymmddhhmm' to 'yymmddhhmm', to support older development environments." ::= { enterprises 6889 } -- **************************** -- **************************** -- Product OIDs products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { avaya 1 } -- MIBs mibs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { avaya 2 } -- Gateway avGatewayProducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 6 } avGatewayMibs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mibs 6 } -- ********************************** -- LAN System Group's -- ********************************** lsg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mibs 1 } -- Sub branches which are NOT MIB modules (MIB modules directly under lsg -- will define their OID in relation to lsg) avayaEISTopology OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lsg 10 } avayaSystemStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {lsg 11 } END