--======================================================== -- -- MIB : IPO Avaya Inc. -- -- Version : 2.00.25 04 July 2014 -- --======================================================== -- -- Copyright (c) 2003 - 2014 Avaya Inc. -- All Rights Reserved. -- --======================================================== IPO-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Unsigned32, Integer32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI DateAndTime FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB sysDescr FROM SNMPv2-MIB ItuPerceivedSeverity FROM ITU-ALARM-TC-MIB ifIndex FROM IF-MIB mibs FROM AVAYAGEN-MIB ; ipoMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201407040000Z" -- 04 July 2014 ORGANIZATION "Avaya Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Avaya Customer Services Postal: Avaya, Inc. 211 Mt Airy Rd. Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 USA Tel: +1 908 953 6000 WWW: http://www.avaya.com" DESCRIPTION "Avaya IP Office MIBs OID tree. This MIB module defines the root items for MIBs for use with Avaya IP Office family of telephone switches." REVISION "201407040000Z" -- 04 July 2014 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.25 Added new value serviceAMServerNotAvailable" REVISION "201406250000Z" -- 25 June 2014 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.24 Added new value serviceCCRNotSupported" REVISION "201406250000Z" -- 25 June 2014 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.23 Added new value serviceNonSelectAlarm" REVISION "201406160000Z" -- 16 June 2014 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.22 Added new values serviceGeneralAlarm and serviceSystemInfo" REVISION "201406040000Z" -- 04 June 2014 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.21 Added new value serviceIPDECTSystemError " REVISION "201405230000Z" -- 23 May 2014 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.20 Added new value monitorLogStamped " REVISION "201405080000Z" -- 08 May 2014 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.19 Added new values trunkSIPDNSInvalidConfig and trunkSIPDNSTransportError " REVISION "201401060000Z" -- 06 January 2014 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.18 Added oneXPortal values for ipoGTEventAppEntity" REVISION "201310080000Z" -- 08 October 2013 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.17 Added new values serviceSystemHardDriveAlarm and serviceAdditionalHardDriveAlarm " REVISION "201308060000Z" -- 06 August 2013 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.16 Added new values of serviceACCSAlarm for ipoGTEventReason object" REVISION "201304241900Z" -- 24 April 2013 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.15 Added new values for ipoGTEventReason object serviceCpuAlarm, serviceCpuIOAlarm, serviceMemoryAlarm" REVISION "201304241518Z" -- 24 April 2013 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.14 Added new value of serviceLocalBackup for ipoGTEventReason object" REVISION "201211171511Z" -- 17 November 2012 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.13 Added new notification: ipoGenEmergencyCallSvcEvent Added new value of serviceEmergencyCall to the ipoGTEventReason object." REVISION "201202281300Z" -- 28 February 2012 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.12 Added new values for ipoGTEventReason object from servicePortRangeExhausted to serviceWebservicesUWSError." REVISION "201111012200Z" -- 1 November 2011 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.11 Added new values for ipoGTEventReason object from servicePlannedMaintenance to serviceSslVpnServerReportedError." REVISION "201109271130Z" -- 27 September 2011 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.10 Added new value of testAlarm for ipoGTEventReason object." REVISION "201103151517Z" -- 15 March 2011 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.09 Added new value of securityError for ipoGTEventReason object" REVISION "201010131417Z" -- 13 October 2010 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.08 Added new value of serviceLicenseFileInvalid for ipoGTEventReason object" REVISION "201007121345Z" -- 12 July 2010 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.07 Introduced new notifications, see ipoGenSvcMiscNotificationsGroup and new objects, see ipoGenSvcMiscNotificationObjectsGroup" REVISION "200910190735Z" -- 19 October 2009 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.06 System Running Backup, Invalid Memory Card, No Licence Key Dongle Notifications added. Corrections to MIB syntax for System Shutdown Notification." REVISION "200910091347Z" -- 09 October 2009 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.05 System shutdown Notification added." REVISION "200909110950Z" -- 11 September 2009 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.04 QOS Monitoring Notification added." REVISION "200909071620Z" -- 07 September 2009 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.03 smallBusinessContactCenter(3) value for ipoGTEventAppEntity changed to customerCallReporter." REVISION "200804281640Z" -- 28 April 2008 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.02 Added smallBusinessContactCenter(3) value to ipoGTEventAppEntity." REVISION "200804181450Z" -- 18 April 2008 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.01 Added traps related to Universal PRI licensing." REVISION "200606290000Z" -- 29 June 2006 DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.00.00 Traps/notifications revised to provide more information about the entity and device concerned." REVISION "200410060000Z" -- 06 October 2004 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.00.08 Corrected description of event severities for physical entities." REVISION "200408270000Z" -- 27 August 2004 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.00.07 Corrected mandatory groups after addition of SOG event related objects and notifications." REVISION "200408060000Z" -- 06 August 2004 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.00.06 Added SOG event related object and notifications." REVISION "200407100000Z" -- 10 July 2004 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.00.05 Added application event related object and notifications. Corrected description of ipoGenLKSCommsOperationalEvent." REVISION "200405280000Z" -- 28 May 2004 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.00.04 Revised usage description for ipoGTEventSeverity." REVISION "200403030000Z" -- 03 March 2004 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.00.03 Revised for external publication." REVISION "200312150000Z" -- 15 December 2003 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.00.02 Added loopback object and notification." REVISION "200311110000Z" -- 11 November 2003 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.00.01 Corrected ipoGTEventEntity MAX-ACCESS." REVISION "200310100000Z" -- 10 October 2003 DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.00.00 The first published version of this MIB module." ::= { mibs 2 } -- sub-tree for IP Office wide objects and events irrespective of function ipoGeneric OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipoMIB 1 } -- sub-tree for IP Office functional MIBs ipoGenMibs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipoGeneric 1 } -- sub-tree for IP Office wide traps/notifications ipoGenTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipoGeneric 2 } -- sub-tree for IP Office wide conformance information ipoGenConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipoGeneric 3 } --******************************************************************** -- IP Office wide traps/notifications --******************************************************************** ipoGTEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipoGenTraps 0 } ipoGTObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipoGenTraps 1 } -- -- trap objects -- ipoGTEventSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { critical(1), major(2), minor(3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Severity of the event that has occurred. The event severity depends upon the type of entity/notification that the operational state change event relates to: GenEntityEvents: Type of physical Severity entity container critical module major port major Known transient errors for entities have a severity of minor. LKSCommsEvents: Severity is major GenLoopbackEvent: Severity is major GenAppEvents: Severity depends on sub-event Failure/Operational - severity is major Event - severity depends on event condition ipoGenSogEvents: Severity depends on sub-event HostFailure - severity is Major ModeChange: - Mode survivable: severity is Major - Mode subTending: severity is Minor PhoneChangeEvents: Severity is minor **NOTE: This object is deprecated and replaced by ipoGTEventStdSeverity." ::= { ipoGTObjects 1 } ipoGTEventDateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Date and time of the occurence of the event." ::= { ipoGTObjects 2 } ipoGTEventEntity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference, by entPhysicalIndex value, to the EntPhysicalEntry representing the physical entity that an event is associated with in an entity MIB instantiation within the IP Office agent." ::= { ipoGTObjects 3 } ipoGTEventLoopbackStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..127) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This variable represents the current state of the loopback on the DS1 interface. It contains information about loopbacks established by a manager and remotely from the far end. The ipoGTEventLoopbackStatus is a bit map represented as a sum, therefore is can represent multiple loopbacks simultaneously. The various bit positions are: 1 noLoopback 2 nearEndPayloadLoopback 4 nearEndLineLoopback 8 nearEndOtherLoopback 16 nearEndInwardLoopback 32 farEndPayloadLoopback 64 farEndLineLoopback" ::= { ipoGTObjects 4 } ipoGTEventAppEntity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { voiceMail(1), deltaServer(2), customerCallReporter(3), oneXPortal(4) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP Office application to which a notification/trap relates." ::= { ipoGTObjects 5 } ipoGTEventAppEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { storageFull(1), -- severity: Critical storageNearlyFull(2), -- severity: Major storageOkay(3), -- severity: Minor backupCommunicationError(4), -- severity: Major backupFileError(5), -- severity: Major httpFailure(6), -- severity: Major httpSslAcceptFailure(7), -- severity: Major httpSslConnection(8), -- severity: Major httpSslFailure(9), -- severity: Major httpSslPortFailure(10), -- severity: Major ignoringRequest(11), -- severity: Major imapInitializationFailed(12), -- severity: Major imapInvalidMsgNr(13), -- severity: Major imapMailboxNotExist(14), -- severity: Major imapMessageInvalid(15), -- severity: Major imapMessageNotExist(16), -- severity: Major imapMessageNrNotExist(17), -- severity: Major imapMissingConnection(18), -- severity: Major imapMissingSettings(19), -- severity: Major imapNoLicence(20), -- severity: Major imapNotConfigured(21), -- severity: Major imapShiftConnection(22), -- severity: Major mapiInitializationFailed(23), -- severity: Major mapiMissingSettings(24), -- severity: Major mapiConnectionFailed(25), -- severity: Major mapiShiftConnection(26), -- severity: Major licence(27), -- severity: Major licenceDistributed(28), -- severity: Major licenceExpired(29), -- severity: Major licenceSOG(30), -- severity: Major loginFailure(31), -- severity: Major loginFailureInvalidMailbox(32), -- severity: Major mailboxNotFound(33), -- severity: Major makeLiveFileAccess(34), -- severity: Major makeLiveMissingFile(35), -- severity: Major offlineMakeLive(36), -- severity: Major onexError(37), -- severity: Major pbxConnectionLost(38), -- severity: Major pbxIncompatibility(39), -- severity: Major smgrSettingsError(40), -- severity: Major smtpConnectionFailed(41), -- severity: Major smtpConnectionTimeout(42), -- severity: Major smtpError(43), -- severity: Major smtpSecureConnectionFailed(44), -- severity: Major smtpUnexpectedData(45), -- severity: Major smtpUnsuportedData(46), -- severity: Major socketAbortingError(47), -- severity: Major socketBindError(48), -- severity: Major socketClientDisconnectedError(49), -- severity: Major socketConnectionError(50), -- severity: Major socketNoresponseError(51), -- severity: Major socketOptionError(52), -- severity: Major socketReceiveError(53), -- severity: Major socketRecvFailedError(54), -- severity: Major socketSendFailedError(55), -- severity: Major socketSelectError(56), -- severity: Major socketTimedOutError(57), -- severity: Major switchedToPrimary(58), -- severity: Major switchedToSecondary(59), -- severity: Major tcpAcceptError(60), -- severity: Major tcpListenError(61), -- severity: Major tcpSelectError(62), -- severity: Major tcpError(63), -- severity: Major testTimeExpired(64), -- severity: Major tftpConnectionError(65), -- severity: Major tftpMonitoringError(66), -- severity: Major tftpReadingError(67), -- severity: Major tftpReceivingError(68), -- severity: Major tftpWrittingError(69), -- severity: Major tooManyClients(70), -- severity: Major updateEerror(71), -- severity: Major updateSuccess(72), -- severity: Major vmScript(73) -- severity: Major } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Office application event states. The associated event severity of the notification/trap the object is carried in varies depending upon the event condition. The appropriate severity is detailed against event enumeration." ::= { ipoGTObjects 6 } ipoGTEventHostAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Address of an IP Office Small Office Gateway Subtending Host." ::= { ipoGTObjects 7 } ipoGTEventSOGMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { survivable(1), -- severity: Major subTending(2) -- severity: Minor } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Office Small Office Gateway operating modes. survivable(1) indicates the control unit has no current host, either through confguration error or communication failure. subTending(2) indicates normal operation to a valid Sub- tending Host." ::= { ipoGTObjects 8 } ipoGTEventStdSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ItuPerceivedSeverity MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity of the event that has occurred. The event severity depends upon the type of entity/notification that the operational state change event relates to. The severity values that are normally used are detailed below: The enterprise versions of standard SNMP traps all have a severity of major (4). Operational events which notify the transition back to an operational state from a failure state have a severity of cleared (1). GenEntityEvents: Operational - severity is cleared (1) Failure event severity levels Type of physical Severity for failure entity container critical (3) module major (4) port major (4) Error Known transient errors for entities have a severity of warning (6). Change - severity is major (4) LKSCommsSvcEvents: Operational - severity is cleared (1) Failure - severity is major (4) GenLoopbackSvcEvent: Severity is major (4) GenAppSvcEvents: Severity depends on sub-event Operational - severity is cleared (1) Failure - severity is major (4) Event - severity depends on event condition For voicemail storage conditions the severity is as follows: storageOkay - severity is cleared (1) storageNearlyFull - severity is warning (6) (Only warning severity as it could be transitory.) storageFull - severity is critical (3) GenSogSvcEvents: Severity depends on sub-event HostFailure - severity is Major (4) ModeChange: - Mode survivable: severity is Major (4) - Mode subTending: severity is Minor (5) GenUPriLicSvcEvents: Severity depends on sub-event ChansReduced - severity is Major (4) CallRejected - severity is Minor (5) GenQoSMonSvcEvent: QoSWarning - severity is Warning (6) PhoneChangeSvcEvents: Severity is minor (5) ipoGenSystemRunningBackupEvent: Severity is cleared (1) Severity is critical (3) ipoGenInvalidMemoryCardEvent: Severity is cleared (1) Severity is Major (4) ipoGenNoLicenceKeyDongleEvent: Severity is cleared (1) Severity is warning (6) Severity is critical (3) ipoGenMemoryCardCapacityEvent: Severity depends on sub-event storageOkay - severity is cleared (1) storageNearlyFull - severity is warning (6) storageFull - severity is critical (3)" ::= { ipoGTObjects 9 } ipoGTEventDevID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (10)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique textual identifier of the alarming device." ::= { ipoGTObjects 10 } ipoGTEventEntityName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The textual name of the alarming physical entity. The contents of this object is made of concatenated entPhysicalName values that fully identify the object with the overall IP Office entity. Examples values are: Controller, Trunk Slot B, Trunk Module, T1 PRI 2 = T1 PRI Port 2, on a dual T1 Trunk Module, in Trunk Slot B, on the IP Office Controller Unit Controller, VCM Slot 1, VCM 1 = VCM Card, in VCM Slot 1, on the IP Office Controller Unit Controller, EXP 1, DS EXP 16, DS 12 = DS Phone Port 12, on a DS16 Expansion Module, attached to Expansion Port 1, on the IP Office Controller Unit" ::= { ipoGTObjects 11 } ipoGTEventLoopbackStatusBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { noLoopback(0), nearEndPayloadLoopback(1), nearEndLineLoopback(2), nearEndOtherLoopback(3), nearEndInwardLoopback(4), farEndPayloadLoopback(5), farEndLineLoopback(6) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable represents the current state of the loopback on the DS1 interface. It contains information about loopbacks established by a manager and remotely from the far end. The ipoGTEventLoopbackStatus is a bit map therefore is can represent multiple loopbacks simultaneously." ::= { ipoGTObjects 12 } ipoGTEventQoSMonJitter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Office QoS monitoring Received Jitter time in milliseconds." ::= { ipoGTObjects 13 } ipoGTEventQoSMonRndTrip OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Office QoS monitoring Round Trip Delay time in milliseconds." ::= { ipoGTObjects 14 } ipoGTEventQoSMonPktLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Office QoS monitoring Received Packet Loss." ::= { ipoGTObjects 15 } ipoGTEventQoSMonCallId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Office QoS monitoring Call Identifier." ::= { ipoGTObjects 16 } ipoGTEventQoSMonDevType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { line(1), extn(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Office QoS monitoring Device Type." ::= { ipoGTObjects 17 } ipoGTEventQoSMonDevId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Office QoS monitoring Device Identifier." ::= { ipoGTObjects 18 } ipoGTEventQoSMonExtnNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Office QoS monitoring Extension Number." ::= { ipoGTObjects 19 } ipoGTEventSystemShutdownSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable represents the source from where the system shutdown was performed. Possible values are: DTE-Port - if the system shutdown is performed using the DTE, AUX-Button - if the system shutdown is performed using the AUX button (available only for IP500v2), Phone - if the system shutdown is performed from a phone, Manager - if the system shutdown is performed from Manager, SSA - if the system shutdown is performed from SSA." ::= { ipoGTObjects 20 } ipoGTEventSystemShutdownTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable represents the period of time the system will be in the shutdown state for. Possible values are in the 5 to 1440 minutes range, 0 meaning infinite." ::= { ipoGTObjects 21 } ipoGTEventMemoryCardSlotId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { compactFlash(1), systemSD(2), optionalSD(3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates a memory card physical position identifier. System(2) and Optional(3) are valid for the IP500 V2. CF(1) valid for the IP500." ::= { ipoGTObjects 22 } ipoGTEventNoValidKeyReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noReason(1), notPresent(2), noRegisterAccess(3), invalidRegisters(4), invalidWatermark(5), invalidClusterSize(6), invalidVolume(7), invalidHeaderFiles(8), nonSpecificError(9) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates the reason no valid licence feature key is assumed. This is also the order of importance and check precedence. noReason(1) - cleared condition notPresent(2) - license feature key no present noRegisterAccess(3) - license feature key present, but no access invalidRegisters(4) - invalid register values invalidWatermark(5) - watermark invalid or not present invalidClusterSize(6) - filesystem not as expected" ::= { ipoGTObjects 23 } ipoGTEventReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { configurationAgentNotTargeted(1), configurationSCNDialPlanConflict(2), configurationNoIncomingCallRoute(3), configurationHWTypeFailure(4), serviceFeatureLicenseMissing(5), serviceAllLicensesInUse(6), serviceClockSourceChanged(7), serviceLogonFailed(8), serviceNoFreeChannelsAvail(9), serviceHoldMusicFileFailure(10), serviceAllResourcesInUse(11), serviceAlarm(12), serviceNetworkInterconnectFailure(13), trunkSeizeFailure(14), trunkIncomingCallOutgoingTrunk(15), trunkCLINotDelivered(16), trunkDDIIncomplete(17), trunkLOS(18), trunkOOS(19), trunkRedAlarm(20), trunkBlueAlarm(21), trunkYellowAlarm(22), trunkIPConnectFail(23), trunkSCNInvalidConnection(24), linkDeviceChanged(25), linkLDAPServerCommFailure(26), linkResourceDown(27), linkSMTPServerCommFailure(28), linkVMProConnFailure(29), serviceTimeServerAlarm(30), serviceLicenseFileInvalid(31), serviceLicenseError(32), securityError(33), codecError(34), scepNoRespError(35), configAppsProcAlarm(36), serviceAppsProcAlarm(37), serviceLicenseServerError(38), testAlarm(39), servicePlannedMaintenance(40), serviceNetworkDisconnection(41), serviceFailedTlsNegotiation(42), serviceFailedTlsRenegotiation(43), serviceLackOfResources(44), serviceInternalError(45), serviceTooManyMissedHeartbeats(46), serviceFailedDnsResolution(47), serviceDuplicateIpAddress(48), serviceAuthenticationFailure(49), serviceSslVpnStackProtocolError(50), serviceSslVpnServerReportedError(51), servicePortRangeExhausted(52), serviceWebservicesUWSError(53), trunkNoFreeVoIPChannel(54), serviceEmergencyCall(55), serviceLocationCongestion(56), serviceCpuAlarm(57), serviceCpuIOAlarm(58), serviceMemoryAlarm(59), serviceLocalBackup(60), trunkSMConnectAsSIP(61), trunkSIPConnectAsSM(62), serviceSipRxPacketSizeError(63), serviceACCSAlarm(64), serviceSystemHardDriveAlarm(65), serviceAdditionalHardDriveAlarm(66), linkDialerConnFailure(67), trunkSIPDNSInvalidConfig(68), trunkSIPDNSTransportError(69), monitorLogStamped(70), trunkSCNInvalidSubOperMode(71), serviceIPDECTSystemError(72), serviceIPOCCAlarm(73), serviceGeneralAlarm(74), serviceSystemInfo(75), serviceNonSelectAlarm(76), serviceCCRNotSupported(77), serviceAMServerNotAvailable(78), trunkMediaSecuritySettingsIncompatible(79) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates what event took place within Configuration, Service, Trunk or Link category alarm" ::= { ipoGTObjects 24 } ipoGTEventData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable contains opaque data that can be used to provide additional information when the ipoGTEventReason value is not sufficient." ::= { ipoGTObjects 25 } ipoGTEventAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable describes the alarm" ::= { ipoGTObjects 26 } ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable describes the remedial action of the alarm" ::= { ipoGTObjects 27 } -- -- traps -- ipoGenEntityFailureEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventEntity } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenEntityFailureEvent notification is generated whenever a physical entity on the IP Office fails in its operation. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the state of a physical entity of the system has transitioned from the operational to the failed state **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenEntityFailureSvcEvent" ::= { ipoGTEvents 1 } ipoGenEntityOperationalEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventEntity } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenEntityOperationalEvent notification is generated whenever a physical entity on the IP Office becomes operational again after having failed. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the state of a physical entity of the system has transitioned from the failed to the operational state **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenEntityOperationalSvcEvent." ::= { ipoGTEvents 2 } ipoGenEntityErrorEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventEntity } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenEntityErrorEvent notification is generated whenever a physical entity on the IP Office experiences a temporary error. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a transitory error on a physical entity of the system. **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenEntityErrorSvcEvent." ::= { ipoGTEvents 3 } ipoGenEntityChangeEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventEntity } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenEntityChangeEvent notification is generated whenever a physical entity on the IP Office experiences a change itself or with other entities associated with it. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a non error/failure change for a physical entity on the system. **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenEntityChangeSvcEvent." ::= { ipoGTEvents 4 } ipoGenLKSCommsFailureEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLKSCommsFailureEvent notification is generated whenever communication with a Licence Key Server fails. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the state of the communications between the Licence Key Server has transitioned from the operational to the failed state. **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenLKSCommsFailureSvcEvent." ::= { ipoGTEvents 5 } ipoGenLKSCommsOperationalEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLKSCommsOperationalEvent notification is generated whenever communication with a Licence Key Server becomes operational again after having failed. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the state of the communications between the Licence Key Server has transitioned from the failed to the operational state. **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenLKSCommsOperationalSvcEvent." ::= { ipoGTEvents 6 } ipoGenLKSCommsErrorEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLKSCommsErrorEvent notification is generated whenever a IP Office experiences a temporary error with License Key Server communication. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a transitory error with the communication between the License Key Server and Client on the system. **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenLKSCommsErrorSvcEvent." ::= { ipoGTEvents 7 } ipoGenLKSCommsChangeEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLKSCommsChangeEvent notification is generated whenever a IP Office experiences a change a non error change License Key Server communication operation. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a non error/failure change with the License Key Server and Client operation on the system. **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenLKSCommsChangeSvcEvent." ::= { ipoGTEvents 8 } ipoGenLoopbackEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventEntity, ipoGTEventLoopbackStatus } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLoopbackEvent notification is generated whenever a IP Office T1 (DS1) interface operating as a CSU actions a loopback status change. **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenLoopbackSvcEvent." ::= { ipoGTEvents 9 } ipoGenAppFailureEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventAppEntity } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenAppFailureEvent notification is generated whenever communication between a IP Office switch and a IP Office application fails. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the state of the communications between the IP Office switch and a IP Office application has transitioned from the operational to the failed state. The IP Office application between which communication has been lost is identified by the value of ipoGTEventAppEntity. **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenAppFailureSvcEvent." ::= { ipoGTEvents 10 } ipoGenAppOperationalEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventAppEntity } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenAppOperationalEvent notification is generated whenever communication between a IP Office switch and a IP Office application becomes operational again after having failed. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the state of the communications between the IP Office switch and a IP Office application has transitioned from the failed to the operational state. The IP Office application between which communication has been lost is identified by the value of ipoGTEventAppEntity. **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenAppOperationalSvcEvent." ::= { ipoGTEvents 11 } ipoGenAppEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventAppEntity, ipoGTEventAppEvent } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenAppEvent notification is generated whenever a application entity of the IP Office system experiences an event. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting as a proxy for the application, has detected an event on the application entity of the overall IP Office system. The event severity varies dependent upon the event condition. **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenAppSvcEvent." ::= { ipoGTEvents 12 } ipoGenSogHostFailureEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventHostAddress } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "An ipoGenSogFailureEvent notification is generated whenever a previously valid Sub-tending host fails during Small Office Gateway operation. The ipAddress field indicates the address of the failed host. The event severity will always indicate Major. **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenSogHostFailureSvcEvent." ::= { ipoGTEvents 13 } ipoGenSogModeChangeEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventSOGMode } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "An ipoGenSogModeChangeEvent notification is generated whenever the Small Office Gateway operating mode changes. This also includes entry to the initial mode. The ipoGTEventSOGMode field indicates the new operating mode. The event severity will be major(2) for a ipoGTEventSOGMode value of survivable(1), and minor(3) for a ipoGTEventSOGMode value of subTending(2). **NOTE: This notification is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenSogModeChangeSvcEvent." ::= { ipoGTEvents 14 } ipoGenColdStartSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enterprise version of standard coldstart trap featuring device identification information. A coldStart trap signifies that the sending protocol entity is reinitializing itself such that the agent's configuration or the protocol entity implementation may be altered." ::= { ipoGTEvents 15 } ipoGenWarmStartSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enterprise version of standard warmstart trap featuring device identification information. A warmStart trap signifies that the sending protocol entity is reinitializing that neither the agent configuration nor the protocol entity implementation is altered." ::= { ipoGTEvents 16 } ipoGenLinkDownSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enterprise version of standard linkDown trap featuring device identification information. A linkDown trap signifies that the sending protocol entity recognizes a failure in one of the communication links represented in the agent's configuration." ::= { ipoGTEvents 17 } ipoGenLinkUpSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enterprise version of standard linkUp trap featuring device identification information. A linkUp trap signifies that the sending protocol entity recognizes that one of the communication links represented in the agent's configuration has come up." ::= { ipoGTEvents 18 } ipoGenAuthFailureSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enterprise version of standard authenticationFailure trap featuring device identification information. An authenticationFailure trap signifies that the sending protocol entity is the addressee of a protocol message that is not properly authenticated. While implementations of the SNMP must be capable of generating this trap, they must also be capable of suppressing the emission of such traps via an implementation- specific mechanism." ::= { ipoGTEvents 19 } ipoGenEntityFailureSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventEntity, ipoGTEventEntityName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenEntityFailureSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a physical entity on the IP Office fails in its operation. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the state of a physical entity of the system has transitioned from the operational to the failed state" ::= { ipoGTEvents 20 } ipoGenEntityOperationalSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventEntity, ipoGTEventEntityName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenEntityOperationalSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a physical entity on the IP Office becomes operational again after having failed. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the state of a physical entity of the system has transitioned from the failed to the operational state" ::= { ipoGTEvents 21 } ipoGenEntityErrorSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventEntity, ipoGTEventEntityName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenEntityErrorSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a physical entity on the IP Office experiences a temporary error. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a transitory error on a physical entity of the system." ::= { ipoGTEvents 22 } ipoGenEntityChangeSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventEntity, ipoGTEventEntityName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenEntityChangeSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a physical entity on the IP Office experiences a change itself or with other entities associated with it. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a non error/failure change for a physical entity on the system." ::= { ipoGTEvents 23 } ipoGenLKSCommsFailureSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLKSCommsFailureSvcEvent notification is generated whenever communication with a Licence Key Server fails. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the state of the communications between the Licence Key Server has transitioned from the operational to the failed state." ::= { ipoGTEvents 24 } ipoGenLKSCommsOperationalSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLKSCommsOperationalSvcEvent notification is generated whenever communication with a Licence Key Server becomes operational again after having failed. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the state of the communications between the Licence Key Server has transitioned from the failed to the operational state." ::= { ipoGTEvents 25 } ipoGenLKSCommsErrorSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLKSCommsErrorSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a IP Office experiences a temporary error with License Key Server communication. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a transitory error with the communication between the License Key Server and Client on the system." ::= { ipoGTEvents 26 } ipoGenLKSCommsChangeSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLKSCommsChangeSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a IP Office experiences a change a non error change License Key Server communication operation. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a non error/failure change with the License Key Server and Client operation on the system." ::= { ipoGTEvents 27 } ipoGenLoopbackSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventEntity, ipoGTEventEntityName, ipoGTEventLoopbackStatusBits } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLoopbackSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a IP Office T1 (DS1) interface operating as a CSU actions a loopback status change." ::= { ipoGTEvents 28 } ipoGenAppFailureSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventAppEntity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenAppFailureSvcEvent notification is generated whenever communication between a IP Office switch and a IP Office application fails. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the state of the communications between the IP Office switch and a IP Office application has transitioned from the operational to the failed state. The IP Office application between which communication has been lost is identified by the value of ipoGTEventAppEntity." ::= { ipoGTEvents 29 } ipoGenAppOperationalSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventAppEntity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenAppOperationalSvcEvent notification is generated whenever communication between a IP Office switch and a IP Office application becomes operational again after having failed. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the state of the communications between the IP Office switch and a IP Office application has transitioned from the failed to the operational state. The IP Office application between which communication has been lost is identified by the value of ipoGTEventAppEntity." ::= { ipoGTEvents 30 } ipoGenAppSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventAppEntity, ipoGTEventAppEvent, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenAppSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a application entity of the IP Office system experiences an event. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting as a proxy for the application, has detected an event on the application entity of the overall IP Office system. The event severity varies dependent upon the event condition." ::= { ipoGTEvents 31 } ipoGenSogHostFailureSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventHostAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ipoGenSogFailureSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a previously valid Sub-tending host fails during Small Office Gateway operation. The ipAddress field indicates the address of the failed host. The event severity will always indicate major(4)." ::= { ipoGTEvents 32 } ipoGenSogModeChangeSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventSOGMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ipoGenSogModeChangeSvcEvent notification is generated whenever the Small Office Gateway operating mode changes. This also includes entry to the initial mode. The ipoGTEventSOGMode field indicates the new operating mode. The event severity will be major(4) for a ipoGTEventSOGMode value of survivable(1), and minor(5) for a ipoGTEventSOGMode value of subTending(2)." ::= { ipoGTEvents 33 } ipoGenUPriLicChansReducedSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenUPriLicChansReducedSvcEvent notification is generated whenever the number of Universal PRI Licensed channels has been reduced. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a reduction in the licensed channels on a Univeral PRI trunk." ::= { ipoGTEvents 34 } ipoGenUPriLicCallRejectedSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenUPriLicCallRejectedSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a call on a Universal PRI is rejected due to a licensed channel not being available. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a licensed channel not available in order to make a call on a Univeral PRI trunk." ::= { ipoGTEvents 35 } ipoGenQoSMonSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventQoSMonJitter, ipoGTEventQoSMonRndTrip, ipoGTEventQoSMonPktLoss, ipoGTEventQoSMonCallId, ipoGTEventQoSMonDevType, ipoGTEventQoSMonDevId, ipoGTEventQoSMonExtnNo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenQoSMonSvcEvent notification is generated when one of the monitored QoS parameters (e.g. round trip delay, jitter, packet loss, etc) exceeds its pre-selected threshold during the duration of the call. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a state that one of the monitored QoS parameters for the call exceeded its pre-selected threshold. The ipoGTEventQOSMonExtnNo value is only valid when the device monitored is an extension rather than a line." ::= { ipoGTEvents 36 } ipoGenSystemShutdownSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventSystemShutdownSource, ipoGTEventSystemShutdownTimeout } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ipoGenSystemShutdownSvcEvent notification is generated when a system shutdown is performed. It signifies that the SNMP entity has detected a system shutdown." ::= { ipoGTEvents 37 } ipoGenSystemRunningBackupEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ipoGenSystemRunningBackup notification is generated when a system is running partially or wholly from alternate/backup software and/or configuration data. In the case of an IP500 V2, it indicates that the current boot location is not the System SD card slot, \system\primary." ::= { ipoGTEvents 38 } ipoGenInvalidMemoryCardEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventMemoryCardSlotId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ipoGenInvalidMemoryCard notification is generated when a memory card is detected present but cannot be used due to failure in the filesystem or card type checks. The checks are carried out on startup and whenever a memory card is inserted." ::= { ipoGTEvents 39 } ipoGenNoLicenceKeyDongleEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventNoValidKeyReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenNoLicenceKeyDongle notification is generated if a system either does not detect presence, or fails to validate a Licence Feature Key Dongle. In the case of an IP500 V2, it indicates that either the System SD card is not present, or that one of the validation checks has failed. Note that removing the System SD card will cause this event immediately, however the licences will remain valid for approximately 2 hours. ipoGTEventStdSeverity will indicate the events state: Severity is cleared(1): license dongle OK Severity is warning(6): license dongle not OK, in grace period Severity is critical(3): license dongle not OK, grace period expired The first check to fail is contained within ipoGTEventNoKeyReason." ::= { ipoGTEvents 40 } ipoGenMemoryCardCapacityEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventMemoryCardSlotId, ipoGTEventAppEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenMemoryCardCapacityEvent notification is generated if a memory card passes one of the preset capacity thresholds. In the case of an IP500 V2, the thresholds shall be storageFull(1) - greater than 99% of nominal capacity storageNearlyFull(2) - greater than 90% of nominal capacity storageOkay(3) - less than 90% of nominal capacity." ::= { ipoGTEvents 41 } ipoGenConfigFailureSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenConfigFailureSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a configuration component fails in its operation. It signifies that the SNMP entity,acting in an agent role,has detected that the state of a configuration component has transitioned from the operational to the failed state. This notification event is associated with a configuration system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 42} ipoGenConfigOperationalSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenConfigOperationalSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a configuration component becomes operational again after having failed.It signifies that the SNMP entity,acting in an agent role,has detected that the state of a configuration component of thesystem has transitioned from the failed to the operational state. This notification event is associated with a configuration system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 43} ipoGenConfigErrorSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenConfigErrorSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a configuration component experiences a temporary error.It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role,has detected a transitory error on a configuration component of the system. This notification event is associated with a configuration system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 44} ipoGenConfigChangeSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenConfigChangeSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a configuration component experiences a change or a non error change event.It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role,has detected a non error/failure change on a configuration component of the system. This notification event is associated with a configuration system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 45} ipoGenServiceFailureSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenServiceFailureSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a Service component fails in its operation. It signifies that the SNMP entity,acting in an agent role,has detected that the state of a Service component has transitioned from the operational to the failed state. This notification event is associated with a service system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 46} ipoGenServiceOperationalSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenServiceOperationalSvcEvent notificationis generated whenever a service component becomes operational again after having failed.It signifiest hat the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the state of a service component of the system has transitioned from the failed to the operational state. This notification event is associated with a service system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 47} ipoGenServiceErrorSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenServiceErrorSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a service component experiences a temporary error. It signifiest hat the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role,has detected a transitory error on a service component of the system. This notification event is associated with a service system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 48} ipoGenServiceChangeSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenServiceChangeSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a service component experiences a change or a non error change event. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role,has detected a non error/failure change on a service component of the system. This notification event is associated with a service system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 49} ipoGenTrunkFailureSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenTrunkFailureSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a trunk component fails in its operation. It signifies that the SNMP entity,acting in an agent role,has detected that the state of a Trunk component has transitioned from the operational to the failed state. This notification event is associated with a trunk system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 50} ipoGenTrunkOperationalSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenTrunkOperationalSvcEvent notificationis generated whenever a trunk component becomes operational again after having failed. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role,has detected that the state of a trunk component of the system has transitioned from the failed to the operational state. This notification event is associated with a trunk system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 51} ipoGenTrunkErrorSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenTrunkErrorSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a trunk component experiences a temporary error. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a transitory error on a trunk component of the system. This notification event is associated with a trunk system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 52} ipoGenTrunkChangeSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenTrunkChangeSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a trunk component experiences a change or a non error change event. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected a non error/failure change on a trunk component of the system. This notification event is associated with a trunk system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 53} ipoGenLinkFailureSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLinkFailureSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a Link component fails in its operation. It signifies that the SNMP entity,acting in an agent role,has detected that the state of a Link component has transitioned from the operational to the failed state. This notification event is associated with a link system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 54} ipoGenLinkOperationalSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLinkOperationalSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a link component becomes operational again after having failed. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, hasdetected that the state of a link component of the system has transitioned from the failed to the operational state. This notification event is associated with a link system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 55} ipoGenLinkErrorSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLinkErrorSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a link component experiences a temporary error. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role,has detected a transitory error on a link component of thesystem. This notification event is associated with a link system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 56} ipoGenLinkChangeSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenLinkChangeSvcEvent notification is generated whenever a link component experiences a change or a non error change event. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role,has detected a non error/failure change on a link component of the system. This notification event is associated with a link system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 57} ipoGenEmergencyCallSvcEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventDevID, sysDescr, ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ipoGenEmergencyCallSvcEvent notification is generated whenever an emergency call is made, regardless whether successfully or not. It signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected an emergency call attempt on the system. This notification event is associated with a service system status category alarm. Details about the alarm are provided in the included object variables." ::= { ipoGTEvents 58} --******************************************************************** -- IP Office wide compliance --******************************************************************** ipoGenCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipoGenConformance 1 } ipoGenGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ipoGenConformance 2 } -- -- compliance statements -- ipoGenCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for IP Office agents which implement up to and including version 1.00.05 of this MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipoGenNotificationObjectsGroup, ipoGenNotificationsGroup } ::= { ipoGenCompliances 1 } ipoGen2Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for IP Office agents which implement version 1.00.06 and later versions of this MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipoGenNotificationObjectsGroup, ipoGenNotificationsGroup } GROUP ipoGenSOGNotificationObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office SOG devices." GROUP ipoGenSOGNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office SOG devices." ::= { ipoGenCompliances 2 } ipoGen3Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for IP Office agents which implement version 1.01.01 and later versions of this MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipoGenv2NotificationObjectsGroup, ipoGenEntGenNotificationsGroup, ipoGenSvcNotificationsGroup } GROUP ipoGenSOGNotificationObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office SOG devices." GROUP ipoGenSvcSOGNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office SOG devices." ::= { ipoGenCompliances 3 } ipoGen4Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for IP Office agents which implement version 2.00.01 and later versions of this MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipoGenv2NotificationObjectsGroup, ipoGenEntGenNotificationsGroup, ipoGenSvcNotificationsGroup } GROUP ipoGenSOGNotificationObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office SOG devices." GROUP ipoGenSvcSOGNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office SOG devices." GROUP ipoGenUPriLicSvcNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support the Universal PRI trunk module such as the IP500." ::= { ipoGenCompliances 4 } ipoGen5Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for IP Office agents which implement version 2.00.04 and later versions of this MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipoGenv2NotificationObjectsGroup, ipoGenEntGenNotificationsGroup, ipoGenSvcNotificationsGroup } GROUP ipoGenSOGNotificationObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office SOG devices." GROUP ipoGenSvcSOGNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office SOG devices." GROUP ipoGenUPriLicSvcNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support the Universal PRI trunk module such as the IP500." GROUP ipoGenQosMonNotificationObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support the QoS monitoring such as the IP500." GROUP ipoGenSvcQoSMonNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support the QoS monitoring such as the IP500." ::= { ipoGenCompliances 5 } ipoGen6Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for IP Office agents which implement version 2.00.03 and later versions of this MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipoGenv2NotificationObjectsGroup, ipoGenEntGenNotificationsGroup, ipoGenSvcNotificationsGroup } GROUP ipoGenSOGNotificationObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office SOG devices." GROUP ipoGenSvcSOGNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office SOG devices." GROUP ipoGenUPriLicSvcNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support the Universal PRI trunk module such as the IP500." GROUP ipoGenSvcQoSMonNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support the QoS monitoring such as the IP500." GROUP ipoGenSvcSystemShutdownNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support the system shutdown such as the IP406v2, IP412, IP500 and IP500v2." GROUP ipoGenSvcSystemShutdownObjectGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support the system shutdown such as the IP406v2, IP412, IP500 and IP500v2." GROUP ipoGenSDcardNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support an SD Card for primary operation" GROUP ipoGenSDcardNotificationObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support an SD Card for primary operation" ::= { ipoGenCompliances 6 } ipoGen7Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for IP Office agents which implement version 2.00.07 and later versions of this MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { ipoGenv2NotificationObjectsGroup, ipoGenEntGenNotificationsGroup, ipoGenSvcNotificationsGroup, ipoGenSvcMiscNotificationsGroup, ipoGenSvcMiscNotificationObjectsGroup } GROUP ipoGenSOGNotificationObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office SOG devices." GROUP ipoGenSvcSOGNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office SOG devices." GROUP ipoGenUPriLicSvcNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support the Universal PRI trunk module such as the IP500." GROUP ipoGenSvcQoSMonNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support the QoS monitoring such as the IP500." GROUP ipoGenSvcSystemShutdownNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support the system shutdown such as the IP406v2, IP412, IP500 and IP500v2." GROUP ipoGenSvcSystemShutdownObjectGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support the system shutdown such as the IP406v2, IP412, IP500 and IP500v2." GROUP ipoGenSDcardNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support an SD Card for primary operation" GROUP ipoGenSDcardNotificationObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "Implementation of this group is only mandatory for IP Office systems that support an SD Card for primary operation" ::= { ipoGenCompliances 7 } -- -- MIB groupings -- ipoGenNotificationObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSeverity, ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventEntity, ipoGTEventLoopbackStatus, ipoGTEventAppEntity, ipoGTEventAppEvent } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Objects that are contained in IP Office wide notifications. **NOTE: This group is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenv2NotificationObjectsGroup." ::= { ipoGenGroups 1 } ipoGenNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ipoGenEntityFailureEvent, ipoGenEntityOperationalEvent, ipoGenEntityErrorEvent, ipoGenEntityChangeEvent, ipoGenLKSCommsFailureEvent, ipoGenLKSCommsOperationalEvent, ipoGenLKSCommsErrorEvent, ipoGenLKSCommsChangeEvent, ipoGenLoopbackEvent, ipoGenAppOperationalEvent, ipoGenAppFailureEvent, ipoGenAppEvent } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The notifications which indicate specific changes in the state of the IP Office system. **NOTE: This group is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenSvcNotificationsGroup." ::= { ipoGenGroups 2 } ipoGenSOGNotificationObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ipoGTEventHostAddress, ipoGTEventSOGMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects that are contained in IP Office SOG notifications." ::= { ipoGenGroups 3 } ipoGenSOGNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ipoGenSogHostFailureEvent, ipoGenSogModeChangeEvent } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The notifications which indicate specific changes in the state of the IP Office SOG system. **NOTE: This group is deprecated and replaced by ipoGenSvcNotificationsGroup." ::= { ipoGenGroups 4 } ipoGenv2NotificationObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ipoGTEventDateTime, ipoGTEventEntity, ipoGTEventAppEntity, ipoGTEventAppEvent, ipoGTEventStdSeverity, ipoGTEventDevID, ipoGTEventEntityName, ipoGTEventLoopbackStatusBits } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects that are contained in IP Office wide notifications." ::= { ipoGenGroups 5 } ipoGenEntGenNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ipoGenColdStartSvcEvent, ipoGenWarmStartSvcEvent, ipoGenLinkDownSvcEvent, ipoGenLinkUpSvcEvent, ipoGenAuthFailureSvcEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Office Enterpise versions of the generic traps as defined RFC1215 that provide more identification of the entity concerned." ::= { ipoGenGroups 6 } ipoGenSvcNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ipoGenEntityFailureSvcEvent, ipoGenEntityOperationalSvcEvent, ipoGenEntityErrorSvcEvent, ipoGenEntityChangeSvcEvent, ipoGenLKSCommsFailureSvcEvent, ipoGenLKSCommsOperationalSvcEvent, ipoGenLKSCommsErrorSvcEvent, ipoGenLKSCommsChangeSvcEvent, ipoGenLoopbackSvcEvent, ipoGenAppOperationalSvcEvent, ipoGenAppFailureSvcEvent, ipoGenAppSvcEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The service notifications which indicate specific changes in the state of the IP Office system." ::= { ipoGenGroups 7 } ipoGenSvcSOGNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ipoGenSogHostFailureSvcEvent, ipoGenSogModeChangeSvcEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The service notifications which indicate specific changes in the state of the IP Office SOG system." ::= { ipoGenGroups 8 } ipoGenUPriLicSvcNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ipoGenUPriLicChansReducedSvcEvent, ipoGenUPriLicCallRejectedSvcEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The service notifications which indicate specific changes related to the state licensing and Universal PRI trunks on the IP Office system." ::= { ipoGenGroups 9 } ipoGenQosMonNotificationObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ipoGTEventQoSMonJitter, ipoGTEventQoSMonRndTrip, ipoGTEventQoSMonPktLoss, ipoGTEventQoSMonCallId, ipoGTEventQoSMonDevType, ipoGTEventQoSMonDevId, ipoGTEventQoSMonExtnNo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional objects that are contained in IP Office QOS Monitoring notifications." ::= { ipoGenGroups 10 } ipoGenSvcQoSMonNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ipoGenQoSMonSvcEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The service notifications which indicate specific changes related to the value of QoS parameters for a call on a physical entity on the IP Office system." ::= { ipoGenGroups 11 } ipoGenSvcSystemShutdownObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ipoGTEventSystemShutdownSource, ipoGTEventSystemShutdownTimeout } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional objects that are contained in the system shutdown notification" ::= { ipoGenGroups 12 } ipoGenSvcSystemShutdownNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ipoGenSystemShutdownSvcEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The service notifications which indicate specific changes related to the system shutdown performed on the IP Office system." ::= { ipoGenGroups 13 } ipoGenSDcardNotificationObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ipoGTEventMemoryCardSlotId, ipoGTEventNoValidKeyReason } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional objects that are contained in IP Office SD card notifications." ::= { ipoGenGroups 14 } ipoGenSDcardNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ipoGenAppOperationalSvcEvent, ipoGenAppFailureSvcEvent, ipoGenAppSvcEvent, ipoGenSystemRunningBackupEvent, ipoGenInvalidMemoryCardEvent, ipoGenNoLicenceKeyDongleEvent, ipoGenMemoryCardCapacityEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notifications associated with IP Office SD card usage." ::= { ipoGenGroups 15 } ipoGenSvcMiscNotificationObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ipoGTEventReason, ipoGTEventData, ipoGTEventAlarmDescription, ipoGTEventAlarmRemedialAction } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional objects that are contained in IP Office notifications to provide additional information to end user" ::= { ipoGenGroups 16 } ipoGenSvcMiscNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { ipoGenConfigFailureSvcEvent, ipoGenConfigOperationalSvcEvent, ipoGenConfigErrorSvcEvent, ipoGenConfigChangeSvcEvent, ipoGenServiceFailureSvcEvent, ipoGenServiceOperationalSvcEvent, ipoGenServiceErrorSvcEvent, ipoGenServiceChangeSvcEvent, ipoGenTrunkFailureSvcEvent, ipoGenTrunkOperationalSvcEvent, ipoGenTrunkErrorSvcEvent, ipoGenTrunkChangeSvcEvent, ipoGenLinkFailureSvcEvent, ipoGenLinkOperationalSvcEvent, ipoGenLinkErrorSvcEvent, ipoGenLinkChangeSvcEvent, ipoGenEmergencyCallSvcEvent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The notifications indicating change in status related to four areas: Configuration, Sevice, Trunk and Link" ::= { ipoGenGroups 17 } END