-- **************************************************************************** -- aviatModem.mib: Aviat Networks Modem Configuration MIB -- -- Copyright © 2014-2015,2017 Aviat U.S, Inc. All rights reserved. -- Certain information and content may be provided by third parties to AVIAT, -- and in each case, such copyrighted work remains the property of that third -- party creator/licensor. -- All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Except as otherwise -- required by applicable law, any reproduction, distribution, modification, -- retransmission, or publication of any copyrighted material is strictly -- prohibited without the express written consent of the copyright owner. -- "AVIAT", "AVIAT NETWORKS" and the AVIAT logo are trademarks of Aviat -- Networks, Inc. All other trademarks or brand names may be trademarks or -- registered trademarks of AVIAT's affiliated companies in the United States -- and/or other countries. -- -- **************************************************************************** AVIAT-MODEM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Gauge32, Integer32, Counter32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF entPhysicalIndex FROM ENTITY-MIB AviatModulationType FROM AVIAT-TEXTCONVENTION-MIB aviatModules FROM STXN-GLOBALREGISTER-MIB; aviatModemModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201703280119Z" ORGANIZATION "Aviat Networks" CONTACT-INFO "Aviat Networks Customer Service Postal: 5200 Great America Parkway Santa Clara California 95054 United States of America Tel: 408 567 7000 E-mail: mibsupport@aviatnet.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module defines the Modem configuration objects for Aviat Networks radios." REVISION "201809201130Z" DESCRIPTION "Added aviatModemStatusOper" REVISION "201703280119Z" DESCRIPTION "Added aviatModemModulationStatsTable, aviatModemCurCapacityTx/Rx and aviatModemCurModulationTx/Rx. Fixed descriptions of module and previous revision." REVISION "201504281530Z" DESCRIPTION "Add MLHC support" REVISION "201409191505Z" DESCRIPTION "L1LA-Lite support added." REVISION "201402032220Z" DESCRIPTION "Added aviatModemStatusMaxCapacity to show the maximum possible capacity of the radio link." REVISION "201401210157Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Version." ::= { aviatModules 3 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Conformance area, containing groups and compliance specifications -- **************************************************************************** aviatModemConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aviatModemModule 1 } aviatModemGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aviatModemConformance 1 } aviatModemCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aviatModemConformance 2 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Sub-tree for Modem MIB objects -- **************************************************************************** aviatModemMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { aviatModemModule 2 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Textual Conventions -- **************************************************************************** AviatModemCapacityType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the capacity of a modem in one direction. This value is reported in kilobits per second, rounded to the nearest multiple of 1 kbps. Therefore, if the value of this object is equal to `n' then the capacity is somewhere in the range of `n*1000 - 500` to `n*1000 + 499` bits per second. If the capacity is greater than 4,294,967,295,499 bits per second then the value of this object shall be 4,294,967,295." SYNTAX Gauge32 -- **************************************************************************** -- Modem Table -- **************************************************************************** aviatModemTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AviatModemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the modem configuration objects for a particular entity of the system." ::= { aviatModemMIBObjects 1 } aviatModemEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a row in the modem table." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex } ::= { aviatModemTable 1 } AviatModemEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aviatModemBandwidth Gauge32, aviatModemModulationType INTEGER, aviatModemModulationBase AviatModulationType, aviatModemModulationMax AviatModulationType, aviatModemLicensedModulationMask AviatModulationType, aviatModemRegulatoryStandard INTEGER, aviatModemProfileVersion Integer32, aviatModemCapacity Integer32, aviatModemL1laLiteEnabled INTEGER, aviatModemMLHCEnabled INTEGER, aviatModemCurCapacityTx AviatModemCapacityType, aviatModemCurCapacityRx AviatModemCapacityType, aviatModemCurModulationTx AviatModulationType, aviatModemCurModulationRx AviatModulationType } aviatModemBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "kHz" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The modem channel bandwidth currently in use, in kilohertz." ::= { aviatModemEntry 1 } aviatModemModulationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fixed (0), acm256 (1), acm1024 (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This allocates an ACM license for this radio link allowing modulation up to and including this modulation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { aviatModemEntry 2 } aviatModemModulationBase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModulationType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This specifies the base modulation to use for modem. Together with aviatModemModulationMax this is used to define the range of modulations that can be active for ACM. The modem will configure the ACM operation to include the minimum and maximum modulations and an appropriate set of intermediate modulations between the minimum and maximum. Some combinations of min and max modulations may not be supported in which case an INCONSISTENT_VALUE error will be reported." ::= { aviatModemEntry 3 } aviatModemModulationMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModulationType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This specifies the maximum modulation to use for ACM. See the aviatModemModulationBase description for details. Setting Max without setting Acm mode to the appropriate ACM mode will cause this command to fail (i.e. 1024qam requires acm1024)." ::= { aviatModemEntry 4 } aviatModemLicensedModulationMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModulationType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When configured for adaptive modulation, this specifies the licensed RF mask. Tx power output will be controlled to maintain compliance with the operator's licensed RF mask according to the active modulation." ::= { aviatModemEntry 5 } aviatModemRegulatoryStandard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), ansi (2), etsi (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This specifies the regulatory standard to use." ::= { aviatModemEntry 6 } aviatModemProfileVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sets the profile version to use. If a new profile comes out with the same characteristics to a previous one but not over air compatible, the new one will have a different version." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { aviatModemEntry 7 } aviatModemCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This specifies the capacity to license for this interface. Set to 0 to unlicense." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { aviatModemEntry 8 } aviatModemL1laLiteEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), enabled (1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabled L1laLite for this interface and it's partner" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { aviatModemEntry 9 } aviatModemMLHCEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), -- Disable header compression enabled(1) -- Enable MLHC } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable multilayer header compression for this radio interface." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { aviatModemEntry 10 } aviatModemCurCapacityTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModemCapacityType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current capacity in the transmit direction." ::= { aviatModemEntry 11 } aviatModemCurCapacityRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModemCapacityType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current capacity in the receive direction." ::= { aviatModemEntry 12 } aviatModemCurModulationTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModulationType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current modulation used to transmit." ::= { aviatModemEntry 13 } aviatModemCurModulationRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModulationType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current modulation used to receive." ::= { aviatModemEntry 14 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Modem Modulation Table -- **************************************************************************** aviatModemModulationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AviatModemModulationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table containing the list of modem modulations configured for use with adaptive modulation. This list is based on the settings of aviatModemModulationBase and aviatModemModulationMax, and a set of automatically selected intermediate modulations. If configured for static modulation, this list will contain only one entry, the configured static modulation." ::= { aviatModemMIBObjects 2 } aviatModemModulationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModemModulationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A single modulation entry for an entity." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, aviatModemModulationIndex } ::= { aviatModemModulationTable 1 } AviatModemModulationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aviatModemModulationIndex Gauge32, aviatModemModulation AviatModulationType } aviatModemModulationIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index representing a particular modulation entry for an entity." ::= { aviatModemModulationEntry 1 } aviatModemModulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModulationType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A configured modem modulation of the system." ::= { aviatModemModulationEntry 2 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Modem Xpic Table -- **************************************************************************** aviatModemXpicTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AviatModemXpicEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing configuration objects for the cross polarisation interference cancellation (XPIC) functionality for a particular entity of the system." ::= { aviatModemMIBObjects 3 } aviatModemXpicEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModemXpicEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a row in the modem XPIC table." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex } ::= { aviatModemXpicTable 1 } AviatModemXpicEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aviatModemXpicEnable TruthValue } aviatModemXpicEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This specifies whether the cross polarisation interference cancellation (XPIC) function is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { aviatModemXpicEntry 1 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Modem Status Table -- **************************************************************************** aviatModemStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AviatModemStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing read only information about the modem." ::= { aviatModemMIBObjects 4 } aviatModemStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModemStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a row in the modem status table." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex } ::= { aviatModemStatusTable 1 } AviatModemStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aviatModemStatusMaxCapacity Integer32, aviatModemStatusOper INTEGER } aviatModemStatusMaxCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the maximum radio link capacity." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { aviatModemStatusEntry 1 } aviatModemStatusOper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), -- ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3), -- in some test mode unknown(4), -- status can not be determined -- for some reason. dormant(5), notPresent(6), -- some component is missing lowerLayerDown(7) -- down due to state of -- lower-layer interface(s) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational status of radio link. Based off ifOperStatus" ::= { aviatModemStatusEntry 2 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Modulation Time Table -- **************************************************************************** aviatModemModulationStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AviatModemModulationStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a table containing information about the amount of time the radio spends at each modulation level. Counters are cumulative. No means to reset counters is provided within this MIB module. If the radio has never used a particular modulation since statistics were reset, then a row for that modulation may or may not be present in this table." ::= { aviatModemMIBObjects 5 } aviatModemModulationStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModemModulationStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is an entry in the table containing modulation time counters for a particular entity at a particular modulation level." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, aviatModemModStatsModulation } ::= { aviatModemModulationStatsTable 1 } AviatModemModulationStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { aviatModemModStatsModulation AviatModulationType, aviatModemModStatsTxSecs Counter32, aviatModemModStatsTxPct Gauge32, aviatModemModStatsRxSecs Counter32, aviatModemModStatsRxPct Gauge32 } aviatModemModStatsModulation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AviatModulationType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the modulation type to which the data in this is row refers." ::= { aviatModemModulationStatsEntry 1 } aviatModemModStatsTxSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the number of seconds in which the radio was using the specified modulation to transmit." ::= { aviatModemModulationStatsEntry 2 } aviatModemModStatsTxPct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the fraction of the total time in which the radio was receiving, where the radio was receiving in the specified modulation, multiplied by 1000000 (10^7) and rounded in an unspecified manner." ::= { aviatModemModulationStatsEntry 4 } aviatModemModStatsRxSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the number of seconds in which the radio was using the specified modulation to receive." ::= { aviatModemModulationStatsEntry 5 } aviatModemModStatsRxPct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the fraction of the total time in which the radio was transmitting, where the radio was transmitting at the specified modulation, multiplied by 1000000 (10^7) and rounded in an unspecified manner." ::= { aviatModemModulationStatsEntry 6 } -- **************************************************************************** -- The Object and Event Groups -- **************************************************************************** aviatModemObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { aviatModemBandwidth, aviatModemModulationType, aviatModemModulationBase, aviatModemModulationMax, aviatModemLicensedModulationMask, aviatModemRegulatoryStandard, aviatModemProfileVersion, aviatModemCapacity, aviatModemL1laLiteEnabled, aviatModemModulation, aviatModemStatusMaxCapacity, aviatModemMLHCEnabled } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These are objects in the Aviat Modem management MIB." ::= { aviatModemGroups 1 } aviatModemXpicGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { aviatModemXpicEnable } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These are objects for configuring the cross polar interference cancellation (XPIC) functionality." ::= { aviatModemGroups 2 } aviatModemModulationStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { aviatModemModStatsTxSecs, aviatModemModStatsTxPct, aviatModemModStatsRxSecs, aviatModemModStatsRxPct } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These are the objects in the modulation stats table introduced for WTM4000. They are not supported on all modems." ::= { aviatModemGroups 3 } aviatModemModulationCurrentGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { aviatModemCurCapacityTx, aviatModemCurCapacityRx, aviatModemCurModulationTx, aviatModemCurModulationRx } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These are the new 'current modulation' objects introduced for WTM4000. They are not supported on all modems." ::= { aviatModemGroups 4 } aviatModemStatusGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { aviatModemStatusOper } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "These are the new 'status' objects introduced for WTM4000. They are not supported on all modems." ::= { aviatModemGroups 5 } -- **************************************************************************** -- The Compliance Specifications -- **************************************************************************** aviatModemComplV1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The implementation requirements for this MIB." MODULE -- This module MANDATORY-GROUPS { aviatModemObjectGroup } GROUP aviatModemXpicGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all modems that support cross polar interference cancellation (XPIC)." GROUP aviatModemModulationStatsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is not supported on all modems." GROUP aviatModemModulationCurrentGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is not supported on all modems." GROUP aviatModemStatusGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is not supported on all modems." ::= { aviatModemCompliance 1 } END