-- **************************************************************************** -- STXN-GLOBALREGISTER.mib: Aviat Networks MIB Registration MIB -- -- Copyright © 2014 Aviat U.S, Inc. All rights reserved. -- Certain information and content may be provided by third parties to AVIAT, -- and in each case, such copyrighted work remains the property of that third -- party creator/licensor. -- All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Except as otherwise -- required by applicable law, any reproduction, distribution, modification, -- retransmission, or publication of any copyrighted material is strictly -- prohibited without the express written consent of the copyright owner. -- "AVIAT", "AVIAT NETWORKS" and the AVIAT logo are trademarks of Aviat -- Networks, Inc. All other trademarks or brand names may be trademarks or -- registered trademarks of AVIAT's affiliated companies in the United States -- and/or other countries. -- -- **************************************************************************** STXN-GLOBALREGISTER-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI; stxnGlobalRegModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201401210358Z" ORGANIZATION "Aviat Networks" CONTACT-INFO "Aviat Networks Customer Service Postal: 5200 Great America Parkway Santa Clara California 95054 United States of America Tel: 408 567 7000 E-mail: mibsupport@aviatnet.com" DESCRIPTION "This module defines the OID infrastructure under the DMC Enterprise MIB Branch." REVISION "201401210358Z" DESCRIPTION "Added sub-module branches for Aviat products." REVISION "201111280007Z" DESCRIPTION "Added the registration for stxnProductOIDs branch." REVISION "201103140119Z" DESCRIPTION "Added the registration for aviatModules, aviatEvents and aviatProducts branches. Refer to MDR #320." REVISION "200907230415Z" DESCRIPTION "Added the registration for stxnEfficientSiteControllerUnit branch. Refer to MDR #288." REVISION "200904162358Z" DESCRIPTION "Added the registration for EfficientSite products and new product event branches. Refer to MDR #273." REVISION "200402200055Z" DESCRIPTION "Added the registration for ProVision products and new product event branches." REVISION "200301290331Z" DESCRIPTION "Added the registration for UNITY products branch." REVISION "200211282358Z" DESCRIPTION "Added the registration for AOU and CTU product branches." REVISION "200210081935Z" DESCRIPTION "Added the registration for AOU and CTU events." REVISION "200209032315Z" DESCRIPTION "As part of the clean up exercise for the STXN Generic MIB modules that have not been 'released', the stxnGeneric branch has been re-registered under a different number. It used to be dmc 3 and now it is dmc 8." REVISION "200111150110Z" DESCRIPTION "Added registration for event OIDs." REVISION "200103142041Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated following the Common MIB Review held in Wellington." REVISION "200102132021Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version." ::= { stxnModules 1 } -- **************************************************************************** -- The root of the OID infrastructure for DMC Stratex Networks -- **************************************************************************** dmc OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The root of the OID sub-tree assigned to DMC Stratex Networks by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)." ::= { enterprises 2509 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Pre-DMC Stratex Networks registrations for Digital Microwave Corporation. -- **************************************************************************** dmcNet OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dmcNet branch." ::= { dmc 1 } proxyAgent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "proxyAgent branch." ::= { dmcNet 1 } nonsnmpRadio OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "nonsnmpRadio branch." ::= { dmcNet 2 } snmpRadio OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "snmpRadio branch." ::= { dmcNet 3 } dmcEvents OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dmcEvents branch." ::= { dmcNet 4 } dmcSecurity OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dmcSecurity branch." ::= { dmcNet 5 } sp2Radio OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "sp2Radio branch for the Spectrum II product." ::= { snmpRadio 1 } altium OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "altium branch for the Altium product." ::= { snmpRadio 2 } dmcModules OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dmcModules branch." ::= { dmc 2 } -- **************************************************************************** -- DMC Stratex Networks registrations for STXN MIB modules. -- **************************************************************************** stxnEngineering OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all the MIB modules developed for Engineering purposes within Harris Stratex Networks." ::= { dmc 4 } stxnProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all the MIB modules developed for specific products of Harris Stratex Networks." ::= { dmc 5 } stxnLMCDR OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all the MIB modules developed for the Low / Medium Capacity Data Radio of Harris Stratex Networks." ::= { stxnProducts 1 } stxnAOU OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all the MIB modules developed for the Eclipse All Outdoor Unit (AOU) product of Harris Stratex Networks." ::= { stxnProducts 2 } stxnCTU OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all the MIB modules developed for the Eclipse Intelligent Node Unit (INU) product of Harris Stratex Networks. Note that the INU was previously known as CTU." ::= { stxnProducts 3 } stxnUNITY OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all the MIB modules developed for the Eclipse products of Harris Stratex Networks. Note that Eclipse was previously referred to as Unity." ::= { stxnProducts 4 } stxnProVision OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all the MIB modules developed for the ProVision product of Harris Stratex Networks." ::= { stxnProducts 5 } stxnEfficientSite OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all the MIB modules developed for the Efficient Site products of Harris Stratex Networks." ::= { stxnProducts 6 } stxnEfficientSiteControllerUnit OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all the MIB modules developed for the Efficient Site Controller Unit - partnership product with Asentria. Note that the MIB definitions below this node are managed and controlled by Asentria." ::= { stxnEfficientSite 1 } stxnProductOIDs OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds the object identifiers that are assigned to Eclipse products." ::= { stxnProducts 10 } stxnModules OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all MIB modules that are registered for STXN under the DMC tree." ::= { dmc 6 } stxnEvents OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all Event Definitions registered for STXN under the DMC tree." ::= { dmc 7 } stxnGeneric OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all the reusable generic MIB modules for the Harris Stratex Networks product range." ::= { dmc 8 } aviatModules OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all MIB modules that are registered for Aviat under the DMC tree." ::= { dmc 9 } aviatAfModules OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds a group of MIBs that are common to a specific functional area for Aviat products." ::= { aviatModules 1000 } aviatAaModules OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds a group of MIBs that are common to a specific functional area for Aviat products." ::= { aviatModules 1001 } aviatAlModules OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds a group of MIBs that are common to a specific functional area for Aviat products." ::= { aviatModules 1002 } aviatAmModules OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds a group of MIBs that are common to a specific functional area for Aviat products." ::= { aviatModules 1003 } aviatEvents OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree holds all Event Definitions registered for Aviat under the DMC tree." ::= { dmc 10 } aviatProducts OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This sub-tree contains objects to describe Aviat Networks products." ::= { dmc 11 } -- **************************************************************************** -- Harris Stratex Networks registrations for Product EVENTS. -- **************************************************************************** stxnOvationEvents OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event Definition." ::= { stxnEvents 1 } stxnUnityAOUEvents OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event Definition." ::= { stxnEvents 2 } stxnUnityCTUEvents OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event Definition." ::= { stxnEvents 3 } stxnUnityIDUEvents OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event Definition." ::= { stxnEvents 4 } stxnEfficientSiteEvents OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event Definition." ::= { stxnEvents 5 } END