-- --defines TEMPAGER3E-MIB for SNMP agent extension of TemPageR 3E --Contents: Global Registration Module -- TemPageR OIDs - Enterprise 20916 --Version: 1.0.0 --Date: 30 July 2008 --Developed By: AVTECH Software, Inc. -- --Copyright (c) 2008 AVTECH Software, Inc. -- TEMPAGER3E-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, IpAddress, Counter, TimeTicks FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215; avtech OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 20916 } products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { avtech 1 } TEMPAGER3E OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 7 } sensors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { TEMPAGER3E 1 } traps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { TEMPAGER3E 2 } internal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sensors 1 } temperature OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internal 1 } digital OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sensors 2 } digital-sen1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { digital 1 } digital-sen2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { digital 2 } -- TemPageR 3E MIB -- Parameters internal-tempc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The internal temperature reading in Celsius. Because the SNMP Protocol does not support floating point numbers, values are scaled by 100 and should be divided by 100 to get the actual value." ::= { temperature 1 } internal-tempf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The internal temperature reading in Fahrenheit. Because the SNMP Protocol does not support floating point numbers, values are scaled by 100 and should be divided by 100 to get the actual value." ::= { temperature 2 } digital-sen1-1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this sensor is a Temperature or Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current temperature in Celsius. If this sensor is a Digital Power Sensor, this value represents the Current reading in Amperage." ::= { digital-sen1 1 } digital-sen1-2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this sensor is a Temperature or Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current temperature in Fahrenheit. If this sensor is a Digital Power Sensor, this value represents the Power reading in Watts." ::= { digital-sen1 2 } digital-sen1-3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this sensor is a Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current relative humidity in % Relative Humidity. If this sensor is a Digital Power Sensor, this value represents the Voltage reading in Volts." ::= { digital-sen1 3 } digital-sen1-4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this sensor is a Temperature or Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current heat index in Fahrenheit. If this sensor is a Digital Power Sensor, this value represents the Reference reading in Volts." ::= { digital-sen1 4 } digital-sen2-1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this sensor is a Temperature or Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current temperature in Celsius. If this sensor is a Digital Power Sensor, this value represents the Current reading in Amperage." ::= { digital-sen2 1 } digital-sen2-2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this sensor is a Temperature or Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current temperature in Fahrenheit. If this sensor is a Digital Power Sensor, this value represents the Power reading in Watts." ::= { digital-sen2 2 } digital-sen2-3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this sensor is a Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current relative humidity in % Relative Humidity. If this sensor is a Digital Power Sensor, this value represents the Voltage reading in Volts." ::= { digital-sen2 3 } digital-sen2-4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..65535) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If this sensor is a Temperature or Temp/Humidity sensor, this value represents the current heat index in Fahrenheit. If this sensor is a Digital Power Sensor, this value represents the Reference reading in Volts." ::= { digital-sen2 4 } alarmmessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Last Alarm Message" ::= { traps 1 } -- TEMPAGER3E TRAPS tempager3e-snmp-trap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE TEMPAGER3E VARIABLES { alarmmessage } DESCRIPTION "A tempager3e-snmp-trap indicates that an alarm condition has occurred on the sensor indicated by the alarmmessage variable." ::= 2 END