-- ============================================================================ -- AT-ENVMONv2-MIB, Allied Telesis enterprise MIB: -- Environment Monitoring MIB objects. -- -- Copyright (c) 2008 by Allied Telesis, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- ============================================================================ AT-ENVMONv2-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS DisplayStringUnsized FROM AT-SMI-MIB sysinfo FROM AT-SYSINFO-MIB Unsigned32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; atEnvMonv2 MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201610300000Z" ORGANIZATION "Allied Telesis, Inc" CONTACT-INFO "http://www.alliedtelesis.com" DESCRIPTION "The AT Environment Monitoring v2 MIB for managing and reporting data relating to voltage rails, fan speeds, temperature sensors and power supply units." REVISION "201610300000Z" DESCRIPTION "Swapped external PSU status failed/good states" REVISION "201606280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for level 1 and level 2 critical temperature events." REVISION "201406070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Additions for Industrial Ethernet support (i.e. contact input, contact output, external PSU status)." REVISION "201406060000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added more descriptions to FanStackMemberId, VoltageStackMemberId, TemperatureStackMemberId, PsbHostStackMemberId, PsbSensorStackMemberId, and FaultLedStackMemberId." REVISION "201403310000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for critical temperature events" REVISION "201209210000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added chassis switch (e.g. SBx8100) descriptions to stack-related MIB objects" REVISION "201009150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add atEnvMonv2PsbSensorReading field to atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry" REVISION "201009070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Generic syntax tidy up" REVISION "201006140450Z" DESCRIPTION "MIB revision history dates in descriptions updated." REVISION "201005240119Z" DESCRIPTION "OID of atEnvMonv2Traps reverted to 5 but deprecated. Added atEnvMonv2Notifications" REVISION "201001150039Z" DESCRIPTION "Changed the OID value of atEnvMonv2Traps from 5 to 0 to meet RFC 3584 3.1" REVISION "200811260000Z" DESCRIPTION "Removed recently added MIB objects that went against the original intent of the environment monitoring MIB." REVISION "200809240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Appended v2 to all object names to clarify version number of this mib." REVISION "200802070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Revision" ::= { sysinfo 12 } -- -- Textual conventions -- AtEnvMonv2PsbSensorType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the type of a Power Supply Bay Device sensor." SYNTAX INTEGER { psbSensorTypeInvalid(0), fanSpeedDiscrete(1), temperatureDiscrete(2), voltageDiscrete(3) } -- -- Node definitions -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The Environment Monitoring Notifications Objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atEnvMonv2Notifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atEnvMonv2 0 } atEnvMonv2FanAlarmSetNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2FanStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2FanBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2FanIndex, atEnvMonv2FanDescription, atEnvMonv2FanLowerThreshold, atEnvMonv2FanCurrentSpeed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when the monitored speed of a fan drops below its lower threshold." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 1 } atEnvMonv2FanAlarmClearedNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2FanStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2FanBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2FanIndex, atEnvMonv2FanDescription, atEnvMonv2FanLowerThreshold, atEnvMonv2FanCurrentSpeed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when the monitored speed of a fan returns to an acceptable value, the fan having previously been in an alarm condition." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 2 } atEnvMonv2VoltAlarmSetNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2VoltageStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2VoltageBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2VoltageIndex, atEnvMonv2VoltageDescription, atEnvMonv2VoltageUpperThreshold, atEnvMonv2VoltageLowerThreshold, atEnvMonv2VoltageCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when the voltage of a monitored voltage rail goes out of tolerance, either by dropping below its lower threshold, or exceeding its upper threshold." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 3 } atEnvMonv2VoltAlarmClearedNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2VoltageStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2VoltageBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2VoltageIndex, atEnvMonv2VoltageDescription, atEnvMonv2VoltageUpperThreshold, atEnvMonv2VoltageLowerThreshold, atEnvMonv2VoltageCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when the voltage of a monitored voltage rail returns to an acceptable value, having previously been in an alarm condition." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 4 } atEnvMonv2TempAlarmSetNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2TemperatureBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2TemperatureIndex, atEnvMonv2TemperatureDescription, atEnvMonv2TemperatureUpperThreshold, atEnvMonv2TemperatureCurrent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when a monitored temperature exceeds its upper threshold." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 5 } atEnvMonv2TempAlarmClearedNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2TemperatureBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2TemperatureIndex, atEnvMonv2TemperatureDescription, atEnvMonv2TemperatureUpperThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when a monitored temperature returns to an acceptable value, having previously been in an alarm condition." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 6 } atEnvMonv2PsbAlarmSetNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorIndex, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorType, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when a monitored parameter of a power supply bay device goes out of tolerance." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 7 } atEnvMonv2PsbAlarmClearedNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorIndex, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorType, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when a monitored parameter of a power supply bay device returns to an acceptable value, having previously been in an alarm condition." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 8 } atEnvMonv2ContactInputOpenNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2ContactInputStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2ContactInputBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2ContactInputIndex, atEnvMonv2ContactInputDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when a monitored contact input opens." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 9 } atEnvMonv2ContactInputCloseNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2ContactInputStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2ContactInputBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2ContactInputIndex, atEnvMonv2ContactInputDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when a monitored contact input closes." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 10 } atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUAlarmSetNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUIndex, atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when supply potential of a monitored external power supply is not present." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 11 } atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUAlarmClearedNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUIndex, atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when supply potential of a monitored external power supply returns to an acceptable value, having previously been in an alarm condition." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 12 } atEnvMonv2TempCriticalSetNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when a monitored temperature exceeds its upper threshold." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 13 } atEnvMonv2TempCriticalClearedNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when a monitored temperature returns to an acceptable value, having previously been in an alarm condition." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 14 } atEnvMonv2TempCriticalLevel1SetNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when a monitored temperature exceeds the level 1 threshold." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 15 } atEnvMonv2TempCriticalLevel1ClearedNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when a monitored temperature returns to an acceptable value, having previously been in critical temperature level 1 condition." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 16 } atEnvMonv2TempCriticalLevel2SetNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when a monitored temperature exceeds the level 2 threshold." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 17 } atEnvMonv2TempCriticalLevel2ClearedNotify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A notification generated when a monitored temperature returns to an acceptable value, having previously been in critical temperature level 2 condition." ::= { atEnvMonv2Notifications 18 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The Environment Monitoring Fan Table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atEnvMonv2FanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtEnvMonv2FanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of information about fans installed in the device that have their fan speeds monitored by environment monitoring hardware." ::= { atEnvMonv2 1 } atEnvMonv2FanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtEnvMonv2FanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description, current speed, lower threshold speed and current status of a fan." INDEX { atEnvMonv2FanStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2FanBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2FanIndex } ::= { atEnvMonv2FanTable 1 } AtEnvMonv2FanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atEnvMonv2FanStackMemberId Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2FanBoardIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2FanIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2FanDescription DisplayStringUnsized, atEnvMonv2FanCurrentSpeed Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2FanLowerThreshold Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2FanStatus INTEGER } atEnvMonv2FanStackMemberId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the stack member hosting this fan. For a chassis switch, it corresponds to the card ID of the controller that is monitoring the chassis hardware, e.g. 5 or 6. In a VCStack Plus, the second chassis uses controller IDs 17 or 18. Refer to chassisMappingTable for more details." ::= { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 1 } atEnvMonv2FanBoardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the board hosting this fan in the board table." ::= { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 2 } atEnvMonv2FanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The numeric identifier of this fan on its host board." ::= { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 3 } atEnvMonv2FanDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringUnsized (SIZE (0..30)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of this fan." ::= { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 4 } atEnvMonv2FanCurrentSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current speed of this fan in revolutions per minute." ::= { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 5 } atEnvMonv2FanLowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum acceptable speed of the fan in revolutions per minute." ::= { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 6 } atEnvMonv2FanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { failed(1), good(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether this fan is currently in an alarm condition. A value of 'failed(1)' indicates that its current speed is too low, 'good(2)' indicates that the current speed is acceptable." ::= { atEnvMonv2FanEntry 7 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The Environment Monitoring Voltage Table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atEnvMonv2VoltageTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtEnvMonv2VoltageEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of information about voltage rails in the device that are monitored by environment monitoring hardware." ::= { atEnvMonv2 2 } atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtEnvMonv2VoltageEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description, current value, upper & lower threshold settings and current status of a voltage rail." INDEX { atEnvMonv2VoltageStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2VoltageBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2VoltageIndex } ::= { atEnvMonv2VoltageTable 1 } AtEnvMonv2VoltageEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atEnvMonv2VoltageStackMemberId Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2VoltageBoardIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2VoltageIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2VoltageDescription DisplayStringUnsized, atEnvMonv2VoltageCurrent INTEGER, atEnvMonv2VoltageUpperThreshold INTEGER, atEnvMonv2VoltageLowerThreshold INTEGER, atEnvMonv2VoltageStatus INTEGER } atEnvMonv2VoltageStackMemberId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the stack member hosting this voltage sensor. For a chassis switch, it corresponds to the card ID of the controller that is monitoring the chassis hardware, e.g. 5 or 6. In a VCStack Plus, the second chassis uses controller IDs 17 or 18. Refer to chassisMappingTable for more details." ::= { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 1 } atEnvMonv2VoltageBoardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the board hosting this voltage sensor in the board table." ::= { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 2 } atEnvMonv2VoltageIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The numeric identifier of this voltage rail on its host board." ::= { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 3 } atEnvMonv2VoltageDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringUnsized (SIZE (0..30)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of this voltage rail." ::= { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 4 } atEnvMonv2VoltageCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current reading of this voltage rail in millivolts." ::= { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 5 } atEnvMonv2VoltageUpperThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum acceptable reading of this voltage rail in millivolts." ::= { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 6 } atEnvMonv2VoltageLowerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum acceptable reading of this voltage rail in millivolts." ::= { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 7 } atEnvMonv2VoltageStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outOfRange(1), inRange(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether this voltage rail is currently in an alarm condition. A value of 'outOfRange' indicates that its current reading is outside its threshold range, 'inRange' indicates that the current reading is acceptable." ::= { atEnvMonv2VoltageEntry 8 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The Environment Monitoring Temperature Table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atEnvMonv2TemperatureTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of information about temperature sensors in the device that are monitored by environment monitoring hardware." ::= { atEnvMonv2 3 } atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description, current value, upper threshold setting and current status of a temperature sensor." INDEX { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2TemperatureBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2TemperatureIndex } ::= { atEnvMonv2TemperatureTable 1 } AtEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2TemperatureBoardIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2TemperatureIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2TemperatureDescription DisplayStringUnsized, atEnvMonv2TemperatureCurrent INTEGER, atEnvMonv2TemperatureUpperThreshold INTEGER, atEnvMonv2TemperatureStatus INTEGER } atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the stack member hosting this temperature sensor. For a chassis switch, it corresponds to the card ID of the controller that is monitoring the chassis hardware, e.g. 5 or 6. In a VCStack Plus, the second chassis uses controller IDs 17 or 18. Refer to chassisMappingTable for more details." ::= { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 1 } atEnvMonv2TemperatureBoardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the board hosting this temperature sensor in the board table." ::= { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 2 } atEnvMonv2TemperatureIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The numeric identifier of this temperature sensor on its host board." ::= { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 3 } atEnvMonv2TemperatureDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringUnsized (SIZE (0..30)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of this temperature sensor." ::= { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 4 } atEnvMonv2TemperatureCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current reading of this temperature sensor in tenths of a degree Celsius." ::= { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 5 } atEnvMonv2TemperatureUpperThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum acceptable reading of this temperature sensor in tenths of a degree Celsius." ::= { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 6 } atEnvMonv2TemperatureStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outOfRange(1), inRange(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether this temperature sensor is currently in an alarm condition. A value of 'outOfRange' indicates that its current reading is outside its threshold range, 'inRange' indicates that the current reading is acceptable." ::= { atEnvMonv2TemperatureEntry 7 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The Environment Monitoring Power Supply Bay Device Table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atEnvMonv2PsbObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atEnvMonv2 4 } atEnvMonv2PsbTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtEnvMonv2PsbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of information about power supply bays in the system and any devices that are installed." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbObjects 1 } atEnvMonv2PsbEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtEnvMonv2PsbEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description and current status of a power supply bay device." INDEX { atEnvMonv2PsbHostStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2PsbHostBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2PsbHostSlotIndex } ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbTable 1 } AtEnvMonv2PsbEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atEnvMonv2PsbHostStackMemberId Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2PsbHostBoardIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2PsbHostSlotIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2PsbHeldBoardIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2PsbHeldBoardId OBJECT IDENTIFIER, atEnvMonv2PsbDescription DisplayStringUnsized } atEnvMonv2PsbHostStackMemberId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the stack member hosting this power supply bay. For a chassis switch, it corresponds to the card ID of the controller that is monitoring the chassis hardware, e.g. 5 or 6. In a VCStack Plus, the second chassis uses controller IDs 17 or 18. Refer to chassisMappingTable for more details." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbEntry 1 } atEnvMonv2PsbHostBoardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the board hosting this power supply bay in the board table." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbEntry 2 } atEnvMonv2PsbHostSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of this power supply bay on its host board. This index is fixed for each slot, on each type of board." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbEntry 3 } atEnvMonv2PsbHeldBoardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of a board installed in this power supply bay. This value corresponds to atEnvMonv2PsbSensorBoardIndex for each sensor on this board. A value of 0 indicates that a board is is either not present or not supported." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbEntry 4 } atEnvMonv2PsbHeldBoardId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of board installed in this power supply bay. The values of this object are taken from the pprXxx object IDs under the boards sub-tree in the parent MIB. A value of 0 indicates that a board is either not present or not supported." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbEntry 5 } atEnvMonv2PsbDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringUnsized (SIZE (0..30)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of this power supply bay." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbEntry 6 } atEnvMonv2PsbSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of information about environment monitoring sensors on devices installed in power supply bays." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbObjects 2 } atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description and current status of a device installed in a power supply bay." INDEX { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorIndex } ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorTable 1 } AtEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStackMemberId Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorBoardIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorType AtEnvMonv2PsbSensorType, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorDescription DisplayStringUnsized, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStatus INTEGER, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorReading INTEGER } atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStackMemberId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the stack member hosting this sensor. For a chassis switch, it corresponds to the card ID of the controller that is monitoring the chassis hardware, e.g. 5 or 6. In a VCStack Plus, the second chassis uses controller IDs 17 or 18. Refer to chassisMappingTable for more details." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 1 } atEnvMonv2PsbSensorBoardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the board hosting this sensor in the board table." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 2 } atEnvMonv2PsbSensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of this power supply bay environmental sensor on its host board." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 3 } atEnvMonv2PsbSensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtEnvMonv2PsbSensorType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of environmental variable this sensor detects." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 4 } atEnvMonv2PsbSensorDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringUnsized (SIZE (0..30)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of this power supply bay environmental sensor." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 5 } atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { failed(1), good(2), notPowered(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether this environmental sensor is currently in an alarm condition. A value of 'failed(1)' indicates that the device is in a failure condition, 'good(2)' indicates that the device is functioning normally." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 6 } atEnvMonv2PsbSensorReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(1), yes(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether this environmental sensor is currently reading a value for the monitored device. A value of 'no' indicates that there is no current reading, 'yes' indicates that the monitored device is supplying a reading." ::= { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorEntry 7 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The Environment Monitoring SNMP Trap Objects (Deprecated) -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atEnvMonv2Traps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atEnvMonv2 5 } atEnvMonv2FanAlarmSetEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2FanStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2FanBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2FanIndex, atEnvMonv2FanDescription, atEnvMonv2FanLowerThreshold, atEnvMonv2FanCurrentSpeed } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when the monitored speed of a fan drops below its lower threshold." ::= { atEnvMonv2Traps 1 } atEnvMonv2FanAlarmClearedEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2FanStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2FanBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2FanIndex, atEnvMonv2FanDescription, atEnvMonv2FanLowerThreshold, atEnvMonv2FanCurrentSpeed } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when the monitored speed of a fan returns to an acceptable value, the fan having previously been in an alarm condition." ::= { atEnvMonv2Traps 2 } atEnvMonv2VoltAlarmSetEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2VoltageStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2VoltageBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2VoltageIndex, atEnvMonv2VoltageDescription, atEnvMonv2VoltageUpperThreshold, atEnvMonv2VoltageLowerThreshold, atEnvMonv2VoltageCurrent } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when the voltage of a monitored voltage rail goes out of tolerance, either by dropping below its lower threshold, or exceeding its upper threshold." ::= { atEnvMonv2Traps 3 } atEnvMonv2VoltAlarmClearedEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2VoltageStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2VoltageBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2VoltageIndex, atEnvMonv2VoltageDescription, atEnvMonv2VoltageUpperThreshold, atEnvMonv2VoltageLowerThreshold, atEnvMonv2VoltageCurrent } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when the voltage of a monitored voltage rail returns to an acceptable value, having previously been in an alarm condition." ::= { atEnvMonv2Traps 4 } atEnvMonv2TempAlarmSetEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2TemperatureBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2TemperatureIndex, atEnvMonv2TemperatureDescription, atEnvMonv2TemperatureUpperThreshold, atEnvMonv2TemperatureCurrent } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when a monitored temperature exceeds its upper threshold." ::= { atEnvMonv2Traps 5 } atEnvMonv2TempAlarmClearedEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2TemperatureStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2TemperatureBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2TemperatureIndex, atEnvMonv2TemperatureDescription, atEnvMonv2TemperatureUpperThreshold } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when a monitored temperature returns to an acceptable value, having previously been in an alarm condition." ::= { atEnvMonv2Traps 6 } atEnvMonv2PsbAlarmSetEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorIndex, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorType, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorDescription } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when a monitored parameter of a power supply bay device goes out of tolerance." ::= { atEnvMonv2Traps 7 } atEnvMonv2PsbAlarmClearedEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { atEnvMonv2PsbSensorStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorIndex, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorType, atEnvMonv2PsbSensorDescription } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A trap generated when a monitored parameter of a power supply bay device returns to an acceptable value, having previously been in an alarm condition." ::= { atEnvMonv2Traps 8 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The Environment Monitoring Fault LED Table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atEnvMonv2FaultLedTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of information detailing any LED fault indications on the device." ::= { atEnvMonv2 6 } atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry pertaining to a given fault LED." INDEX { atEnvMonv2FaultLedStackMemberId } ::= { atEnvMonv2FaultLedTable 1 } AtEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atEnvMonv2FaultLedStackMemberId Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2FaultLed1Flash INTEGER, atEnvMonv2FaultLed2Flashes INTEGER, atEnvMonv2FaultLed3Flashes INTEGER, atEnvMonv2FaultLed4Flashes INTEGER, atEnvMonv2FaultLed5Flashes INTEGER, atEnvMonv2FaultLed6Flashes INTEGER } atEnvMonv2FaultLedStackMemberId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the stack member hosting this fault LED. For a chassis switch, it corresponds to the card ID of the controller that is monitoring the chassis hardware, e.g. 5 or 6. In a VCStack Plus, the second chassis uses controller IDs 17 or 18. Refer to chassisMappingTable for more details." ::= { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 1 } atEnvMonv2FaultLed1Flash OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { heatsinkFanFailure(1), noFault(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether a fault LED is currently showing a system failure by flashing once. It indicates that one or more heatsink fans have failed, or are operating below the recommended speed." ::= { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 2 } atEnvMonv2FaultLed2Flashes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { chassisFanFailure(1), noFault(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether a fault LED is currently showing a system failure by flashing twice. It indicates that one or both of the chassis fans are not installed, or the fans are operating below the recommended speed." ::= { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 3 } atEnvMonv2FaultLed3Flashes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sensorFailure(1), noFault(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether a fault LED is currently showing a system failure by flashing three times. It indicates that the ability to monitor temperature or fans has failed." ::= { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 4 } atEnvMonv2FaultLed4Flashes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { xemInitialisationFailure(1), noFault(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether a fault LED is currently showing a system failure by flashing four times. It indicates that an XEM failed to initialise or is incompatible." ::= { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 5 } atEnvMonv2FaultLed5Flashes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noFault(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether a fault LED is currently showing a system failure by flashing five times. This flashing sequence is not currently in use." ::= { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 6 } atEnvMonv2FaultLed6Flashes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { temperatureFailure(1), noFault(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether a fault LED is currently showing a system failure by flashing six times. It indicates that the device's temperature has exceeded the recommended threshold." ::= { atEnvMonv2FaultLedEntry 7 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The Environment Monitoring Contact Input Table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atEnvMonv2ContactInputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of information about contact inputs available in the device that are monitored by environment monitoring hardware." ::= { atEnvMonv2 7 } atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description and current state of a contact input." INDEX { atEnvMonv2ContactInputStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2ContactInputBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2ContactInputIndex } ::= { atEnvMonv2ContactInputTable 1 } AtEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atEnvMonv2ContactInputStackMemberId Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2ContactInputBoardIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2ContactInputIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2ContactInputDescription DisplayStringUnsized, atEnvMonv2ContactInputState INTEGER } atEnvMonv2ContactInputStackMemberId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the stack member hosting this contact input." ::= { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 1 } atEnvMonv2ContactInputBoardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the board hosting this contact input in the board table." ::= { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 2 } atEnvMonv2ContactInputIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The numeric identifier of this contact input on its host board." ::= { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 3 } atEnvMonv2ContactInputDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringUnsized (SIZE (0..30)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of this contact input." ::= { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 4 } atEnvMonv2ContactInputState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { closed(1), open(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether this contact input is currently open or closed." ::= { atEnvMonv2ContactInputEntry 5 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The Environment Monitoring Contact Output Table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atEnvMonv2ContactOutputTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtEnvMonv2ContactOutputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of information about contact outputs available in the device that are managed by environment monitoring hardware." ::= { atEnvMonv2 8 } atEnvMonv2ContactOutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtEnvMonv2ContactOutputEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description and current state of a contact output." INDEX { atEnvMonv2ContactOutputStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2ContactOutputBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2ContactOutputIndex } ::= { atEnvMonv2ContactOutputTable 1 } AtEnvMonv2ContactOutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atEnvMonv2ContactOutputStackMemberId Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2ContactOutputBoardIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2ContactOutputIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2ContactOutputDescription DisplayStringUnsized, atEnvMonv2ContactOutputState INTEGER } atEnvMonv2ContactOutputStackMemberId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the stack member hosting this contact output." ::= { atEnvMonv2ContactOutputEntry 1 } atEnvMonv2ContactOutputBoardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the board hosting this contact output in the board table." ::= { atEnvMonv2ContactOutputEntry 2 } atEnvMonv2ContactOutputIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The numeric identifier of this contact output on its host board." ::= { atEnvMonv2ContactOutputEntry 3 } atEnvMonv2ContactOutputDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringUnsized (SIZE (0..30)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of this contact output." ::= { atEnvMonv2ContactOutputEntry 4 } atEnvMonv2ContactOutputState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { closed(1), open(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether this contact output is currently open or closed." ::= { atEnvMonv2ContactOutputEntry 5 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The Environment Monitoring External Power Supply Status Table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of external PSU status." ::= { atEnvMonv2 9 } atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description and current status of an external power supply." INDEX { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStackMemberId, atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUBoardIndex, atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUIndex } ::= { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUTable 1 } AtEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStackMemberId Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUBoardIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUIndex Unsigned32, atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUDescription DisplayStringUnsized, atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUState INTEGER } atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUStackMemberId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the stack member hosting this external PSU." ::= { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry 1 } atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUBoardIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the board hosting this external PSU in the board table." ::= { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry 2 } atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The numeric identifier of this external PSU on its host board." ::= { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry 3 } atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayStringUnsized (SIZE (0..30)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of this external PSU." ::= { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry 4 } atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { failed(1), good(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An indication of whether the supply potential of the external power supply is present or not. A value of 'failed(1)' indicates that no power is being received on this input, 'good(2)' indicates that this input is receiving power from the external power supply." ::= { atEnvMonv2ExternalPSUEntry 5 } END -- -- at-envmonv2.mib --