-- ============================================================================ -- AT-FILEv2.MIB, Allied Telesis enterprise MIB: -- File MIB for the AlliedWare Plus(tm) operating system -- -- Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 by Allied Telesis, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- ============================================================================ AT-FILEv2-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS modules FROM AT-SMI-MIB IpAddress, Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter64, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC; atFilev2 MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201703310000Z" ORGANIZATION "Allied Telesis Labs New Zealand" CONTACT-INFO "http://www.alliedtelesis.com" DESCRIPTION "The AT File v2 MIB, for listing file contents of flash, nvs and sd-cards on local and stacked devices, and copying, moving and deleting files from local, stacked and remote sources." REVISION "201703310000Z" DESCRIPTION "Remove '_' in the MIB object names to comply with the ASN.1 standard." REVISION "201404300000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated decriptions to refer to chassisMappingTable" REVISION "201404230000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added more descriptions to atFilev2FileViewerDevice" REVISION "201404160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added more descriptions to atFilev2StackID, atFilev2SourceStackID, atFilev2DestinationStackID, atFilev2DirStackID, atFilev2USBMediaStackMemberId, atFilev2FileViewerStackId for VCStack Plus." REVISION "201401170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Obsoleted atFilev2InfoTable table, so this cannot be used in the future" REVISION "201209270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Deprecate atFilev2InfoTable table, since this has been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer table." REVISION "201209210000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added chassis switch (e.g. SBx8100) descriptions to stack-related MIB objects" REVISION "201205220500Z" DESCRIPTION "Change syntax of atFilev2DirFileSystem to have USB in line with its definition in other parts of the MIB." REVISION "201205070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added atFilev2FileViewer group. This allows a directory at a time view of files on the device. This change also foreshadows the deprecation of the atFilev2InfoTable, which the atFilev2FileViewer group replaces. However, the InfoTable will be left in place as a transition mechanism. However, support for SD cards and USB memory devices has been removed from this table." REVISION "201109120000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for USB media." REVISION "201105300000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated enumeration type to use INTEGER." REVISION "201104210000Z" DESCRIPTION "Clarified object descriptions." REVISION "201103240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Obsoleted existing file listing objects and created replacements." REVISION "201101260000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new objects to manipulate directories." REVISION "201009070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Generic syntax tidy up" REVISION "201006140459Z" DESCRIPTION "MIB revision history dates in descriptions updated." REVISION "200812050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added SD card table." REVISION "200811110000Z" DESCRIPTION "Normalised object names." REVISION "200809240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial revision." ::= { modules 600 } -- -- Node definitions -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The options objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atFilev2TableOptions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atFilev2 1 } atFilev2Recursive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Set a value of '1' to enable recursive listing of directories in the atFilev2Table listing. NOTE: atFilev2Table and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { atFilev2TableOptions 1 } atFilev2AllFiles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Set a value of '1' to enable listing of all files (including hidden etc) in the atFilev2Table listing. NOTE: atFilev2Table and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { atFilev2TableOptions 2 } atFilev2Device OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Set a value that corresponds with the various devices listed below: 1. Flash (default) 2. Card 3. NVS Subsequent SNMP queries to the atFilev2Table will use this as the device to generate a file listing from. NOTE: atFilev2Table and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { atFilev2TableOptions 3 } atFilev2StackID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Set an integer to correspond to the stack ID of a stack member. For devices that are not capable of being stacked, set with the value 1. For a chassis switch, it corresponds to the card ID. For VCStack Plus, 1-12 refers to the cards on VCS stack member 1 and 13-24 refers to the cards on VCS stack member 2. Refer to chassisMappingTable for more details. Subsequent SNMP queries to the atFilev2Table will use this as the stack member to generate a file listing from. NOTE: atFilev2Table and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { atFilev2TableOptions 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The file table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atFilev2Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtFilev2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A list of files present on the device and stack-member specified by the atFilev2Device and atFilev2StackID objects. NOTE: atFilev2Table and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." ::= { atFilev2 2 } atFilev2Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtFilev2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An entry in the list of files containing information about a single file. NOTE: atFilev2Table and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." INDEX { atFilev2Filename } ::= { atFilev2Table 1 } AtFilev2Entry ::= SEQUENCE { atFilev2Filename OCTET STRING, atFilev2FileSize Integer32, atFilev2FileCreationTime OCTET STRING, atFilev2FileAttribs OCTET STRING } atFilev2Filename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..112)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The name of the file. Files are sorted in alphabetical order. Directory names end with / and have a 'd' present in the atFilev2FileAttribs object. The filename is truncated at 112 characters due to SNMP OID length limitations. If two files are not uniquely distinguishable within the first 112 characters, the listing will halt after the first file. NOTE: atFilev2Table and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." ::= { atFilev2Entry 1 } atFilev2FileSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The size of the file in bytes. NOTE: atFilev2Table and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." ::= { atFilev2Entry 2 } atFilev2FileCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "File creation time in the form . Eg: Sep 7 2008 06:07:54. NOTE: atFilev2Table and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." ::= { atFilev2Entry 3 } atFilev2FileAttribs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The standard file accessibility attributes in the form . d - directory r - readable w - writeable x - executable If a file does not have a particular attribute set, the respective position will contain a -. For example, <-r-x> indicates a readable and executable file that is not a directory or writeable. NOTE: atFilev2Table and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." ::= { atFilev2Entry 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The file operation objects -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atFilev2FileOperation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atFilev2 3 } atFilev2SourceStackID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set to the stack ID of the source device to be used for the file operation. For devices that are not capable of being stacked, set with the value 1. For a chassis switch, it corresponds to the card ID. For VCStack Plus, 1-12 refers to the cards on VCS stack member 1 and 13-24 refers to the cards on VCS stack member 2. Refer to chassisMappingTable for more details. This value is ignored if the source device is set to TFTP." ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 1 } atFilev2SourceDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flash(1), card(2), nvs(3), tftp(4), usb(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set to the value representing the source file system to be used for the file operation: 1. Flash 2. Card 3. NVS 4. TFTP 5. USB For copying files, any combination of source and destination file system types may be selected, with the exception of TFTP to TFTP, which is not supported. For moving files, TFTP may not be selected as the source or destination file system type. For deleting files, the source file system type cannot be TFTP. All required parameters must be fully configured before an operation can commence. Where a TFTP operation is configured, an IP address must also be set via atFilev2TftpIPAddr." ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 2 } atFilev2SourceFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The filename of the source file to be copied, moved or deleted. Include any path as required, but the file system type is not necessary. For example, to copy the file latest.cfg from the backupconfigs/routers directory on the TFTP server, this object should be set to: backupconfigs/routers/latest.cfg" ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 3 } atFilev2DestinationStackID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set to the stack ID of the destination device to be used for the file operation. For devices that are not capable of being stacked, set with the value 1. For a chassis switch, it corresponds to the card ID. For VCStack Plus, 1-12 refers to the cards on VCS stack member 1 and 13-24 refers to the cards on VCS stack member 2. Refer to chassisMappingTable for more details. This value is ignored if the destination device is set to TFTP, or if a deletion operation is carried out." ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 4 } atFilev2DestinationDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flash(1), card(2), nvs(3), tftp(4), usb(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set to the value representing the destination file system to be used for the file operation: 1. Flash 2. Card 3. NVS 4. TFTP 5. USB For copying files, any combination of source and destination file system types may be selected, with the exception of TFTP to TFTP, which is not supported. For moving files, TFTP may not be selected as the source or destination file system type. For deleting files, this object is ignored. All required parameters must be fully configured before an operation can commence. Where a TFTP operation is configured, an IP address must also be set via atFilev2TftpIPAddr." ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 5 } atFilev2DestinationFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination filename for the copy or move operation. Include any path as required, but the file system type is not necessary. The destination filename does not need to be the same as the source filename, and this object is ignored for file deletion operations. For example, to copy a release file from a TFTP server to the backuprelease directory on the flash file system, this object should be set to: backuprelease/latest.rel Note: Any file at the destination that shares the destination filename will be overwritten by a move or copy operation." ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 6 } atFilev2CopyBegin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A read on this object can return several possible values, depending on the current status of the system and the various file operation objects: idle There is no file operation in progress and all required objects have been set correctly. Setting a '1' to this object will begin the file copy. Error codes: [1-7] A copy operation cannot be started until these errors are resolved. See below for key. [action]ing x [--> y] A file operation is currently in progress. You cannot start another operation while the object is returning this value. [action] x [--> y] success The last copy, move or delete operation was successfully completed. [action] x [--> y] failure: [err] The last copy, move or delete operation failed, with the error message attached. Common failures include lack of space on the destination file system, incorrect source file names or communication errors with remote services. Upon reading a success or failure message, the message will be cleared and the next read will result in either an 'idle' message or an 'Error codes' message if not all required objects have been correctly set. If a read returns 'idle', a new file operation can be started. Error codes for file copy: 1 - atFilev2SourceDevice has not been set 2 - atFilev2SourceFilename has not been set 3 - atFilev2DestinationDevice has not been set 4 - atFilev2DestinationFilename has not been set 5 - atFilev2SourceDevice and atFilev2DestinationDevice are both set to TFTP 6 - the combination of source device, stackID and filename is the same as the destination device, stackID and filename (i.e. it is not valid to copy a file onto itself. 7 - TFTP IP address has not been set and TFTP has been set for one of the devices Note that if the above requirements are met and the operation would result in a system file being modified, then an SNMP set to this object will be disallowed. For valid operations, immediately upon executing the SNMP set operation on this object, the file copy will begin and will continue on the device until either it has completed, or a failure occurs. For large files, operations can take several minutes to complete. Subsequent reads of the object will return one of the messages shown above, to track the progress of the copy operation." ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 7 } atFilev2MoveBegin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A read on this object can return several possible values, depending on the current status of the system and the various file operation objects: idle There is no file operation in progress and all required objects have been set correctly. Setting a '1' to this object will begin the file move. Error codes: [1-6] A move operation cannot be started until these errors are resolved. See below for key. [action]ing x [--> y] A file operation is currently in progress. You cannot start another operation while the object is returning this value. [action] x [--> y] success The last copy, move or delete operation was successfully completed. [action] x [--> y] failure: [err] The last copy, move or delete operation failed, with the error message attached. Common failures include lack of space on the destination file system, incorrect source file names or communication errors with remote services. Upon reading a success or failure message, the message will be cleared and the next read will result in either an 'idle' message or an 'Error codes' message if not all required objects have been correctly set. If a read returns 'idle', a new file operation can be started. Error codes for file move: 1 - atFilev2SourceDevice has not been set 2 - atFilev2SourceFilename has not been set 3 - atFilev2DestinationDevice has not been set 4 - atFilev2DestinationFilename has not been set 5 - either atFilev2SourceDevice or atFilev2DestinationDevice are set to TFTP 6 - the combination of source device, stackID and filename is the same as the destination device, stackID and filename (i.e. it is not valid to move a file onto itself. Note that if the above requirements are met and the operation would result in a system file being modified or deleted, then an SNMP set to this object will be disallowed. For valid operations, immediately upon executing the SNMP set operation on this object, the file move will begin and will continue on the device until either it has completed, or a failure occurs. For large files, operations can take several minutes to complete. Subsequent reads of the object will return one of the messages shown above, to track the progress of the move operation." ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 8 } atFilev2DeleteBegin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A read on this object can return several possible values, depending on the current status of the system and the various file operation objects: idle There is no file operation in progress and all required objects have been set correctly. Setting a '1' to this object will begin the file deletion. Error codes: [1-3] A delete operation cannot be started until these errors are resolved. See below for key. [action]ing x [--> y] A file operation is currently in progress. You cannot start another operation while the object is returning this value. [action] x [--> y] success The last copy, move or delete operation was successfully completed. [action] x [--> y] failure: [err] The last copy, move or delete operation failed, with the error message attached. Common failures include lack of space on the destination file system, incorrect source file names or communication errors with remote services. Upon reading a success or failure message, the message will be cleared and the next read will result in either an 'idle' message or an 'Error codes' message if not all required objects have been correctly set. If a read returns 'idle', a new file operation can be started. File deletion operations ignore the values set in the atFilev2DestinationStackID, atFilev2DestinationDevice and atFilev2DestinationFilename objects. Error codes for file deletion: 1 - atFilev2SourceDevice has not been set 2 - atFilev2SourceFilename has not been set 3 - atFilev2SourceDevice has been set to TFTP Note that if the above requirements are met and the operation would result in a system file being deleted, then an SNMP set to this object will be disallowed. For valid operations, immediately upon executing the SNMP set operation on this object, the file deletion will begin and will continue on the device until either it has completed, or a failure occurs. For large files, operations can take several minutes to complete. Subsequent reads of the object will return one of the messages shown above, to track the progress of the deletion operation." ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 9 } -- Begin file operation devices. atFilev2Flash1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 10 } atFilev2Card2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 11 } atFilev2Nvs3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 12 } atFilev2Tftp4 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 13 } atFilev2TftpIPAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the TFTP server that is to be used for the file copy process. This IP address needs to be reachable from the device or the file copy will fail." ::= { atFilev2Tftp4 1 } atFilev2Usb5 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 15 } -- End file operation devices. -- Directory operations. atFilev2DirOperation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atFilev2FileOperation 14 } atFilev2DirStackID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set to the stack ID of the device containing the directory to be renamed or deleted, or to the stack ID of the device on which to create a new directory. For devices that are not capable of being stacked, set with the value 1. For a chassis switch, it corresponds to the card ID. For VCStack Plus, 1-12 refers to the cards on VCS stack member 1 and 13-24 refers to the cards on VCS stack member 2. Refer to chassisMappingTable for more details." ::= { atFilev2DirOperation 1 } atFilev2DirFileSystem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flash(1), card(2), nvs(3), usb(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set to the value representing the file system on which the existing directory resides, or on which a new directory should be created: 1. Flash 2. Card 3. NVS 5. USB" ::= { atFilev2DirOperation 2 } atFilev2DirPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object should be set to the path of the directory to be created/deleted/renamed, but should not include the name of the directory itself, or the file system on which it resides. For example, to delete directory 'backupconfigs/old' from the flash filesystem, this object should be set to 'backupconfigs'." ::= { atFilev2DirOperation 3 } atFilev2SourceDirName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is required for directory deletion or rename operations only. It should be set to the name of the directory to be deleted/renamed, but should not include any path data. Operations on hidden directories are not supported. For example, to delete directory 'backupconfigs/old' from the flash filesystem, this object should be set to 'old'." ::= { atFilev2DirOperation 4 } atFilev2DestDirName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is required for directory creation or rename operations only. It should be set to the name of the directory to be created, or the destination directory name for a rename operation. It should not include any path data and operations on hidden directories are not supported. For example, to create directory 'backupconfigs/old' on the flash filesystem, this object should be set to 'old'." ::= { atFilev2DirOperation 5 } atFilev2BeginDirOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idle(1), createDir(2), renameDir(3), deleteEmptyDir(4), deleteForceDir(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A read of this object will always return 'idle' (1). All applicable objects above must have been set correctly in order to commence an operation. The following values may be set to perform the operations described: createDir (2) : This will create a new directory with a name equating to atFilev2DestDirName, on the device indicated by atFilev2DirStackID, and the file system indicated by atFilev2DirFileSystem, with the path to the directory being indicated by atFilev2DirPath. The given path structure must already exist. renameDir (3) : This will rename an existing directory with a name equating to atFilev2SourceDirName, to a name equating to atFilev2DestDirName on the device indicated by atFilev2DirStackID, and the file system indicated by atFilev2DirFileSystem, with the path to the directory being indicated by atFilev2DirPath. The given path structure and source directory must already exist, and a rename operation cannot change the path where the directory currently resides. deleteEmptyDir (4) : This will delete an existing directory with a name equating to atFilev2SourceDirName, on the device indicated by atFilev2DirStackID, and the file system indicated by atFilev2DirFileSystem, with the path to the directory being indicated by atFilev2DirPath. However, the operation will fail if the specified directory is not empty. Only sub-directories within the specified file system can be deleted. deleteForceDir (5) : This will delete an existing directory with a name equating to atFilev2SourceDirName, on the device indicated by atFilev2DirStackID, and the file system indicated by atFilev2DirFileSystem, with the path to the directory being indicated by atFilev2DirPath. The operation will also automatically delete any contents within the specified directory. Only sub- directories within the specified file system can be deleted." ::= { atFilev2DirOperation 6 } atFilev2LastDirOpResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gives an indication of the result of the last completed SNMP directory operation." ::= { atFilev2DirOperation 7 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The SD Card Table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atFilev2SDcardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtFilev2SDcardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of information about SD cards." ::= { atFilev2 4 } atFilev2SDcardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtFilev2SDcardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data pertaining to an SD card instance." INDEX { atFilev2SDcardStackMemberId } ::= { atFilev2SDcardTable 1 } AtFilev2SDcardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atFilev2SDcardStackMemberId Unsigned32, atFilev2SDcardPresence INTEGER } atFilev2SDcardStackMemberId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the stack member hosting this SD card. For devices that are not capable of being stacked, this object will always return the value 1." ::= { atFilev2SDcardEntry 1 } atFilev2SDcardPresence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent(1), present(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether or not an SD card is inserted in a slot." ::= { atFilev2SDcardEntry 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The file info table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atFilev2InfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtFilev2InfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A list of all files, including pathnames, that are present on the device. Hidden system files are not displayed. NOTE: atFilev2InfoTable and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." ::= { atFilev2 5 } atFilev2InfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtFilev2InfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An entry in the list of files, containing information about a single file. NOTE: atFilev2Table and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." INDEX { IMPLIED atFilev2InfoFilepath } ::= { atFilev2InfoTable 1 } AtFilev2InfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atFilev2InfoFilepath OCTET STRING, atFilev2InfoFileSize Counter64, atFilev2InfoFileCreationTime OCTET STRING, atFilev2InfoFileIsDirectory TruthValue, atFilev2InfoFileIsReadable TruthValue, atFilev2InfoFileIsWriteable TruthValue, atFilev2InfoFileIsExecutable TruthValue } atFilev2InfoFilepath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..112)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The full path and name of the file. Files are sorted in alphabetical order, and any filepath that is longer than 112 characters will not be displayed due to SNMP OID length limitations. NOTE: atFilev2InfoTable and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." ::= { atFilev2InfoEntry 1 } atFilev2InfoFileSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The size of the file in bytes. NOTE: atFilev2InfoTable and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." ::= { atFilev2InfoEntry 2 } atFilev2InfoFileCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "File creation time in the form . Eg: Sep 7 2008 06:07:54. NOTE: atFilev2InfoTable and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." ::= { atFilev2InfoEntry 3 } atFilev2InfoFileIsDirectory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Returns TRUE if the entry is a directory, FALSE otherwise. NOTE: atFilev2InfoTable and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." ::= { atFilev2InfoEntry 4 } atFilev2InfoFileIsReadable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Returns TRUE if the file is readable, FALSE otherwise. NOTE: atFilev2InfoTable and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." ::= { atFilev2InfoEntry 5 } atFilev2InfoFileIsWriteable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Returns TRUE if the file is writeable, FALSE otherwise. NOTE: atFilev2InfoTable and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." ::= { atFilev2InfoEntry 6 } atFilev2InfoFileIsExecutable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Returns TRUE if the file is executable, FALSE otherwise. NOTE: atFilev2InfoTable and associated objects have been replaced by atFilev2FileViewer." ::= { atFilev2InfoEntry 7 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The USB Media Table -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atFilev2USBMediaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtFilev2USBMediaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of information about USB media." ::= { atFilev2 6 } atFilev2USBMediaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtFilev2USBMediaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data pertaining to an USB media instance." INDEX { atFilev2USBMediaStackMemberId } ::= { atFilev2USBMediaTable 1 } AtFilev2USBMediaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atFilev2USBMediaStackMemberId Unsigned32, atFilev2USBMediaPresence INTEGER } atFilev2USBMediaStackMemberId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the stack member hosting this USB media. For devices that are not capable of being stacked, this object will always return the value 1. For a chassis switch, it corresponds to the card ID. For VCStack Plus, 1-12 refers to the cards on VCS stack member 1 and 13-24 refers to the cards on VCS stack member 2. Refer to chassisMappingTable for more details." ::= { atFilev2USBMediaEntry 1 } atFilev2USBMediaPresence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent(1), present(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether or not an USB media is inserted in a slot." ::= { atFilev2USBMediaEntry 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The file viewer -- The set of objects in this section allow for a view of the files -- on this managed device that is reminiscent of the view that a -- shell user on a device would have, with the concepts of current -- working directory, changing directories and viewing files -- within a directory all supported. -- This section obseletes the first two attempts at creating a view -- of files for the reason that performance and functionality of the -- original views was not sufficient. In particular, trying to -- create a view of all files in the device, sorted by path and -- file name, proved to be very difficult when scaling considerations -- were taken into account. -- Note that in order to use this group of objects the ability to -- write MIB variables is required. -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- atFilev2FileViewer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { atFilev2 7 } atFilev2FileViewerStackId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The stack ID of the stack member for which files will be displayed in the FileViewer table. For devices that are not capable of being stacked, this variable will always read as 1, and will cause an error on being written to with any value other than 1. Write this variable with the stack ID of the stack member for which a view of files is required. If the stack member doesn't exist, an error will be returned. For a chassis switch, it corresponds to the card ID. For VCStack Plus, 1-12 refers to the cards on VCS stack member 1 and 13-24 refers to the cards on VCS stack member 2. Refer to chassisMappingTable for more details. Note that the other variables specifying the files to view will not be altered by changing the stack ID, which means that the file view table could be empty if a non-existant device or path has been referenced previously." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { atFilev2FileViewer 1 } atFilev2FileViewerDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flash(1), card(2), nvs(3), tftp(4), usb(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The file system device for which files will be displayed in the FileViewer table. The values supported for this variable are identical to the values for other variables in the MIB, although not all values will actually result in the display of files. The different devices and whether they will result in the display of files are: 1. Flash - Onboard Flash - supported 2. Card - Removable SD card - supported 3. NVS - Onboard battery backed RAM - supported 4. TFTP - not supported 5. USB - Removable USB media - supported Note: Card and USB are supported on the stack master or Active CFC. The devices cannot be read if atFilev2FileViewerStackId is set with the ID of a different stack member or chassis card. Setting this variable to an unsupported value will result in an error, but setting to a value that is supported but on a system that doesn't contain that type of device will not. However, no files will be displayed in the File Viewer table in this case." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { atFilev2FileViewer 2 } atFilev2FileViewerCurrentPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The file system path for which files will be displayed in the FileViewer table. This path will always read as a full pathname starting with the '/' character. Setting this variable will specify a new directory for which files will be displayed. The path specified must be the full path, relative setting of path does not work. Only paths with invalid characters in them will cause an error, paths specifying non-existant directories will be accepted, but no files will be displayed in the File Viewer table in this case." -- DEFVAL { "//" } ::= { atFilev2FileViewer 3 } atFilev2FileViewerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AtFilev2FileViewerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of all files, not including pathnames, that are present on the device specified by atFilev2FileViewerStackId and atFilev2FileViewerDevice, in the path specified by atFilev2FileViewerCurrentPath. Hidden and system files are not displayed. If the Stack ID, device and path are invalid (the path is for a non-existant directory), the table will be empty. This will allow a MIB walk through the table even though the setup parameters are incorrect." ::= { atFilev2FileViewer 4 } atFilev2FileViewerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AtFilev2FileViewerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the list of files, containing information about a single file." INDEX { IMPLIED atFilev2FileViewerName } ::= { atFilev2FileViewerTable 1 } AtFilev2FileViewerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { atFilev2FileViewerName DisplayString, atFilev2FileViewerSize Counter64, atFilev2FileViewerCreationTime DisplayString, atFilev2FileViewerIsDirectory TruthValue, atFilev2FileViewerIsReadable TruthValue, atFilev2FileViewerIsWriteable TruthValue, atFilev2FileViewerIsExecutable TruthValue } atFilev2FileViewerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..112)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the file. Files are sorted in alphabetical order, and any name that is longer than 112 characters will not be displayed due to SNMP OID length limitations." ::= { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 1 } atFilev2FileViewerSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The size of the file in bytes." ::= { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 2 } atFilev2FileViewerCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File creation time in the form . Eg: Sep 7 2008 06:07:54." ::= { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 3 } atFilev2FileViewerIsDirectory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns TRUE if the entry is a directory, FALSE otherwise." ::= { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 4 } atFilev2FileViewerIsReadable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns TRUE if the file is readable, FALSE otherwise." ::= { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 5 } atFilev2FileViewerIsWriteable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns TRUE if the file is writeable, FALSE otherwise." ::= { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 6 } atFilev2FileViewerIsExecutable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns TRUE if the file is executable, FALSE otherwise." ::= { atFilev2FileViewerEntry 7 } END -- -- at-filev2.mib --