BENU-DHCP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Integer32, Unsigned32, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, OBJECT-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI InetAddressIPv4 ,InetAddressPrefixLength FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB benuWAG FROM BENU-WAG-MIB; bDhcpMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201512180000Z" -- December 18, 2015 ORGANIZATION "Benu Networks,Inc" CONTACT-INFO "Benu Networks,Inc Corporate Headquarters 300 Concord Road, Suite 110 Billerica, MA 01821 USA Tel: +1 978-223-4700 Fax: +1 978-362-1908 Email:" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module for entities implementing the server side of the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) and the Dynamic Host Configuration protocol (DHCP) for IPv4 and IPv6. Copyright (C) 2014 by Benu Networks, Inc. All rights reserved." REVISION "201512180000Z" -- December 18, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added bDhcpHomeSubnetUsedAddrLow, bDhcpHomeSubnetUsedAddrHigh & added bDhcpv4NotifObjects for supporting Home wrt Home subnets." REVISION "201511120000Z" -- November 12, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added bDhcpSPWiFiGlobalTable and bDhcpHomeGlobalTable" REVISION "201501290000Z" -- January 29, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added max. values for ranges & subnet." REVISION "201501160000Z" -- January 16, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Updated notification assignments to comply with standards (RFC 2578)." REVISION "201407300000Z" -- July 30, 2014 DESCRIPTION "bDhcpGlobalTable updated with release indications sent." REVISION "201404140000Z" -- April 14, 2014 DESCRIPTION "bDhcpSubnetTable updated with peak addresses held statistic." REVISION "201310220000Z" -- October 22, 2013 DESCRIPTION "This version introduces support for DHCPv6" ::= { benuWAG 6 } -- declare top-level MIB objects bDhcpNotifications OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DHCP Notifications are defined in this branch." ::= { bDhcpMIB 0 } bDhcpv4MIBObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DHCP v4 MIB objects information is defined in this branch." ::= { bDhcpMIB 1 } bDhcpv4NotifObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DHCP v4 Notifications are defined in this branch." ::= { bDhcpMIB 2 } bDhcpv6MIBObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DHCP v6 MIB objects information is defined in this branch." ::= { bDhcpMIB 3 } bDhcpv6NotifObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DHCP v6 Notifications are defined in this branch." ::= { bDhcpMIB 4 } -- DHCP subnet table bDhcpSubnetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BDhcpSubnetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of subnets that are configured in this server." ::= { bDhcpv4MIBObjects 1 } bDhcpSubnetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BDhcpSubnetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A logical row in the bDhcpSubnetTable." INDEX { bDhcpSubnetStatsInterval, bDhcpSubnetIndex, bDhcpSubnetRangeIndex } ::= { bDhcpSubnetTable 1 } BDhcpSubnetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { bDhcpSubnetStatsInterval Integer32, bDhcpSubnetIndex Integer32, bDhcpSubnetRangeIndex Integer32, bDhcpSubnetIntervalDuration Integer32, bDhcpSubnetStartAddress InetAddressIPv4, bDhcpSubnetEndAddress InetAddressIPv4, bDhcpSubnetTotalAddresses Unsigned32, bDhcpSubnetPeakFreeAddresses Unsigned32, bDhcpSubnetPeakUsedAddresses Unsigned32, bDhcpSubnetAddress InetAddressIPv4, bDhcpSubnetMask InetAddressPrefixLength, bDhcpSubnetUsedAddrLowThreshold Unsigned32, bDhcpSubnetUsedAddrHighThreshold Unsigned32, bDhcpSubnetPeakHoldAddresses Unsigned32 } bDhcpSubnetStatsInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interval where the measurements were accumulated. The interval index one indicates the latest interval for which statistics accumulation was completed. Older the statistics interval data greater the interval index value. In a system supporting a history of n intervals with IntervalCount(1) and IntervalCount(n) the most and least recent intervals respectively, the following applies at the end of a interval: - discard the value of IntervalCount(n) - the value of IntervalCount(i) becomes that of IntervalCount(i+1) for 1 <= i