BENU-WAG-STATS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Integer32, Unsigned32, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, OBJECT-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Counter64 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, MacAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB benuWAG FROM BENU-WAG-MIB; benuWagStatsMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201702020000Z" -- Feb 02, 2017 ORGANIZATION "Benu Networks,Inc" CONTACT-INFO "Benu Networks,Inc Corporate Headquarters 300 Concord Road, Suite 110 Billerica, MA 01821 USA Tel: +1 978-223-4700 Fax: +1 978-362-1908 Email:" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module defines statistics of Benu Wireless Access Gateway. Copyright (C) 2012 by Benu Networks, Inc. All rights reserved." REVISION "201702210000Z" -- Feb 02, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Added fragmentation scalars." REVISION "201701310000Z" -- Jan 31, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Removed bWagDsLiteProfileSubscribers from DSLite profile stats table." REVISION "201701200000Z" -- Jan 20, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Added DSLite profile stats table and scalars." REVISION "201607050000Z" -- July 05, 2016 DESCRIPTION "Added scalar bWagNumPreAuthenticatedSubscribersS2aPmip6." REVISION "201607050000Z" -- July 05, 2016 DESCRIPTION "Added scalar bWagNumCurrentSSIDS2aSubscribersPmip6." REVISION "201605300000Z" -- May 30, 2016 DESCRIPTION "Added 1 more scalar leaf bWagNumCurrentTunnelsDSLite to the bWagTunnelStatsMIBObject ." REVISION "201605270000Z" -- May 27, 2016 DESCRIPTION "Added 1 more leaf to the bWagSubscriberMIBObject bWagNumCurrentDSLiteSubscribers and Added new row bWagSubscriberDsLiteActivationsCount in bWagSubscriberTable." REVISION "201603030000Z" -- March 03, 2016 DESCRIPTION "Modified bWagCgnatAuthIpAddrHighThresholdReached and bWagCgnatAuthIpAddrLowThresholdReached traps." REVISION "201510050000Z" -- October 05, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added new rows in bWagSubscriberTable to differentiate added and deleted subscribers count." REVISION "201509300000Z" -- September 30, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added scalars for bWagNumPreAuthSpwifiSubscribers and bWagNumPreAuthHomeSubscribers." REVISION "201509290000Z" -- September 29, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Updated home profiles." REVISION "201509260000Z" -- September 26, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Home profile scalars added." REVISION "201509240000Z" -- September 24, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Updated home profiles." REVISION "201509240001Z" -- September 24, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added 2 more leaves to the bWagSubscriberMIBObject bWagNumCurrentHomeSubscribers bWagNumCurrentSPWiFiSubscribers" REVISION "201509220001Z" -- September 22, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added bWagVrgApiNotifObjects." REVISION "201509220000Z" -- September 22, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added new objects in tunnel table bWagTunnelDeletedDueToReject bWagTunnelDeletedDueToAbort bWagTunnelDeletedDueToMacResFail bWagTunnelDeletedDueToLifDown bWagTunnelDeletedDueToB2bSubsDelete." REVISION "201509210000Z" -- September 21, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added bWagMHNProfileStatsTable." REVISION "201509150000Z" -- September 15, 2015 DESCRIPTION " Obsoleting MIB objects no longer valid and/or supported. Obseleting Upstream Processing Latency scalars." REVISION "201509080000Z" -- September 08, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Obsoleting CGNAT port usage notifications." REVISION "201508060000Z" -- August 06, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added bWagDHCPv6Table." REVISION "201507150000Z" -- July 15, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added new scalar for number of subscribers with local authentication policy." REVISION "201506260000Z" -- June 25, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added new object bWagNumTunnelsDeletedDuetoLIFDown." REVISION "201506240000Z" -- June 24, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Modified bWagDhcpTPSIntervalDuration description." REVISION "201506120000Z" -- June 12, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added new object for unauthenticated and authenticated subscribers with IPv6 prefix bWagNumSubsUnauthenticatedWithIPv6Prefix and bWagNumSubsAuthenticatedWithIPv6Prefix. " REVISION "201505210000Z" -- May 21, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Modified bWagDhcpTPSLowReached notification to bWagStatsNotifications." REVISION "201505200000Z" -- May 20, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Modified description of bWagDhcpTPSIntervalDuration." REVISION "201505120000Z" -- May 12, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Obsoleting MIB objects no longer valid and/or supported." REVISION "201504150000Z" -- April 15, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Changed tunnel scalar SYNTAX." REVISION "201504130000Z" -- April 13, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added new object bWagNumTunnelsDeletedByB2B for tunnel deleted due to B2B subscriber delete." REVISION "201504120000Z" -- April 12, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added new row in bWagSubscriberTable." REVISION "201503270000Z" -- March 27, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added scalar: bWagNumCurrentSingleStaticSubscribers bWagNumCurrentRoutedSubnetSubscribers Added new object for authenticated subscriber for bWagSubscriberAuthenticationsCountViaSingleStatic bWagSubscriberAuthenticationsCountViaRoutedSubnet" REVISION "201502270000Z" -- February 27, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added scalar bWagNumPreAuthenticatedSubscribers." REVISION "201502250000Z" -- February 25, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added scalar bWagNumCurrent8021xSubscribers." REVISION "201502200000Z" -- February 20, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added bWagCgnatPoolGroupStatsTable" REVISION "201502180000Z" -- February 18, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added new object for authenticated subscriber via 802.1x. bWagSubscriberAuthenticationsCountVia8021x" REVISION "201502170000Z" -- February 17, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added new object for subscribers with IPv6 prefix. bWagNumSubsWithIPv6Prefix" REVISION "201502160000Z" -- February 16, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added new objects for current IPv4 & IPv6 tunnels. bWagNumCurrentTunnelsIPv4 bWagNumCurrentTunnelsIPv6 " REVISION "201501280000Z" -- January 28, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Obsoleting MIB objects no longer valid and/or supported." REVISION "201501120000Z" -- January 12, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Updated status of WagDownstreamProcessingLatency scalars to obsolete." REVISION "201501080000Z" -- January 08, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added bWagCgnatProfileNATIPPoolGroup varbind in bWagCgnatAuthIpAddrLowThresholdReached and bWagCgnatAuthIpAddrHighThresholdReached traps." REVISION "201501050000Z" -- January 05, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Updated notification assignments to comply with standards (RFC 2578)." REVISION "201501020000Z" -- January 02, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Added bWagDhcpTPSTable, bWagDhcpTPSLowReached and bWagDhcpTPSHighReached" REVISION "201409090000Z" -- Sept 09, 2014 DESCRIPTION "Added Processing latency scalar objects." REVISION "201404280000Z" -- April 28, 2014 DESCRIPTION "Updated Subscriber Stats Table." REVISION "201403050000Z" -- March 05, 2014 DESCRIPTION "Updated descriptions for CGNAT Auth periodic table." REVISION "201402250000Z" -- February 25, 2014 DESCRIPTION "Updated descriptions for CGNAT periodic tables." REVISION "201402190000Z" -- February 19, 2014 DESCRIPTION "Clarified descriptions for CGNAT profile table." REVISION "201402140000Z" -- February 14, 2014 DESCRIPTION "Clarified descriptions for CGNAT tables & notifications." REVISION "201401170000Z" -- January 17, 2014 DESCRIPTION "Added CGNAT portblocks notifications." REVISION "201401160000Z" -- January 16, 2014 DESCRIPTION "Updated Subscriber Stats Table." REVISION "201401090000Z" -- January 09, 2014 DESCRIPTION "Added a new CGNAT variable." REVISION "201312310000Z" -- 31 December 2013 DESCRIPTION "Added a new CGNAT scalar." REVISION "201312230001Z" -- 23 December 2013 DESCRIPTION "Updated Subscriber Stats Table." REVISION "201312170001Z" -- 17 December 2013 DESCRIPTION "Updated DHCP Stats Table." REVISION "201312100001Z" -- 10 December 2013 DESCRIPTION "Updated SYNTAX of bWagCgnatAuthSubscriberMac." REVISION "201312100000Z" -- 10 December 2013 DESCRIPTION "Updated description of object in CGNAT Auth Subscriber Port Utilization Table." REVISION "201311290000Z" -- 29 November 2013 DESCRIPTION "Added notification definitions for CGNAT Auth IP Address utilization." REVISION "201311230000Z" -- 23 November 2013 DESCRIPTION "Updated object identifier for Policy Table. Cleaned up MIB based on smilint report." REVISION "201311210000Z" -- 21 November 2013 DESCRIPTION "Updated the CGNAT Profile Stats Table." REVISION "201311130000Z" -- 13 November 2013 DESCRIPTION "A separate table to show CGNAT subscribers actively utilizing ports greater than the configured threshold." REVISION "201309130000Z" -- 13 September 2013 DESCRIPTION "Initial Version" REVISION "201607080000Z" -- 08 July 2016 DESCRIPTION "Added Mibs for L2tpv3 Tunnel" ::= { benuWAG 3 } -- declare top-level MIB objects for each component bWagStatsNotifications OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WAG stats notifications are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 0 } bWagRadiusMIBObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WAG RADIUS statistics are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 1 } bWagRadiusNotifObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications of WAG RADIUS statistics are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 2 } bWagDhcpMIBObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WAG DHCP statistics are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 3 } bWagDhcpNotifObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications of WAG DHCP statistics are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 4 } bWagSubscriberMIBObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WAG subscriber statistics are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 5 } bWagSubscriberNotifObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications of WAG subscriber statistics are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 6 } bWagTunnelStatsMIBObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WAG tunnel statistics are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 7 } bWagTunnelNotifObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications of WAG tunnel statistics are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 8 } bWagCgnatMIBObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WAG CGNAT objects are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 9 } bWagCgnatNotifObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications of WAG CGNAT are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 10 } bWagProcessingLatencyMIBObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WAG Processing Latency objects are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 11 } bWagProcessingLatencyNotifObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications of WAG Processing Latency are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 12 } bWagDhcpv6MIBObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WAG DHCPv6 statistics are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 13 } bWagMHNMIBObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WAG MHN objects are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 14 } bWagVrgApiNotifObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications of WAG VrgApi are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 15 } bWagDsLiteMIBObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WAG DSLite objects are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 16 } bWagDsLiteNotifObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications of WAG DSLite are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 17 } bWagIpSystemStatsMIBObjects OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WAG IP system statistics objects are defined in this branch." ::= { benuWagStatsMIB 18 } -- RADIUS Stats Table bWagRadiusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BWagRadiusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of RADIUS statistics." ::= { bWagRadiusMIBObjects 1 } bWagRadiusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BWagRadiusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A logical row in the bWagRadiusTable." INDEX { bWagRadiusStatsInterval } ::= { bWagRadiusTable 1 } BWagRadiusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { bWagRadiusStatsInterval Integer32, bWagRadiusIntervalDuration Integer32, bWagRadiusAuthLatencyMin Unsigned32, bWagRadiusAuthLatencyMax Unsigned32, bWagRadiusAuthLatencyAvg Unsigned32, bWagRadiusAuthLatencyLast Unsigned32, bWagRadiusAcctLatencyMin Unsigned32, bWagRadiusAcctLatencyMax Unsigned32, bWagRadiusAcctLatencyAvg Unsigned32, bWagRadiusAcctLatencyLast Unsigned32, bWagRadiusAccessRequestSent Unsigned32, bWagRadiusAccessAcceptReceived Unsigned32, bWagRadiusAccessRejectReceived Unsigned32, bWagRadiusAcctRequestSent Unsigned32, bWagRadiusAcctResponseReceived Unsigned32, bWagRadiusCoAAckSent Unsigned32, bWagRadiusCoANackSent Unsigned32, bWagRadiusCoARequestReceived Unsigned32, bWagRadiusCoALatencyMin Unsigned32, bWagRadiusCoALatencyMax Unsigned32, bWagRadiusCoALatencyAvg Unsigned32, bWagRadiusCoALatencyLast Unsigned32, bWagRadiusDMLatencyMin Unsigned32, bWagRadiusDMLatencyMax Unsigned32, bWagRadiusDMLatencyAvg Unsigned32, bWagRadiusDMLatencyLast Unsigned32, bWagRadiusDMAckSent Unsigned32, bWagRadiusDMNackSent Unsigned32, bWagRadiusDMRequestReceived Unsigned32 } bWagRadiusStatsInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interval where the measurements were accumulated. The interval index one indicates the latest interval for which statistics accumulation was completed. Older the statistics interval data greater the interval index value. In a system supporting a history of n intervals with IntervalCount(1) and IntervalCount(n) the most and least recent intervals respectively, the following applies at the end of a interval: - discard the value of IntervalCount(n) - the value of IntervalCount(i) becomes that of IntervalCount(i+1) for 1 <= i