--- **************************************************************************** -- * -- * Description: Implements definitions for the BK-Ethernet-Switch-modules -- * -- * Copyright 2007 by BKtel communications GmbH -- * -- * -- * V.0.1 12.05.2006 M. Heldmann first draft -- * V.0.2 04.10.2006 M. Heldmann NESlotWriteValue expanded due to new 2G6 platform needs -- * V.1.0 11.05.2007 M. Heldmann renamed this module from "bkswitch" to "bkbes" -- * added a couple of parameters -- * V.1.1 11.07.2013 M. Heldmann adjusted syntax of "CommonEntry" to remove MIB compiler warnings -- * V.1.2 05.09.2014 M. Heldmann changed CommonModuleWidth and ConfigNESlotWrite STATUS to optional -- **************************************************************************** BKTEL-HFC862-BES-V01-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS experimental, enterprises, TimeTicks, IpAddress, Counter FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 modules, DisplayString, TruthValue, PerceivedSeverityValue, NESlotValue, ModuleWidthValue FROM BKTEL-HFC862-BASE-MIB ; bes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modules 114 } besCommon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bes 1 } besStates OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bes 2 } besConfiguration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bes 3 } besControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bes 4 } besMeasuringValues OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bes 5 } besDisplay OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bes 6 } besDisplayPorts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bes 56 } -- -- Type definitions -- PortType ::= INTEGER { typeCopper(1), typeFiber(2) } PortLinkState ::= INTEGER { linkDown(1), linkUp(2) } PortStatus ::= INTEGER { statusUnknown(1), statusInit(2), statusValid(3), statusBusy(4), statusEmpty(5), statusInvalid(6), statusLossOfSignal(7) } PortDuplexMode ::= INTEGER { duplexFull(1), duplexHalf(2) } PortSpeed ::= INTEGER { speedUnknown(0), speed10Mbps(10), speed100Mbps(100), speed1000Mbps(1000) } PortFlowControl ::= INTEGER { flowControlDisabled(1), flowControlEnabled(2) } NESlotWriteValue ::= INTEGER (-1..99) -- MibCompiler defs -- -- $idx$: besDisplayConfiguration -- MibCompiler defs -- --***************************************************************************************** -- BES (BK Ethernet Switch) --***************************************************************************************** -- besCommon group besCommonNumberOfModules OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..50) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of modules in table." ::= { besCommon 1 } besCommonTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BesCommonEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table contains all modules of the BES-type in the NE" ::= { besCommon 2 } -- table of states entry(ro/rw) besCommonEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BesCommonEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Common-Values for a module." INDEX { besNESlot } ::= { besCommonTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry BesCommonEntry ::= SEQUENCE { besNESlot NESlotValue, besCommonType DisplayString, besCommonDescr DisplayString, besCommonFirmwareId DisplayString, besCommonModuleWidth ModuleWidthValue } besNESlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NESlotValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The slot number of the chassis for which this entry contains management information." ::= { besCommonEntry 1 } besCommonType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of physical module. modSlotEmpty indicates an empty slot. A Value of modSlotUnknown indicates that the type of module is unknown." ::= { besCommonEntry 2 } besCommonDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the module. If not available, this Value should be set to a zero length string." ::= { besCommonEntry 3 } besCommonFirmwareId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware Id of the module." ::= { besCommonEntry 4 } besCommonModuleWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ModuleWidthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The width of the module in multiples of slots (1, 2, ...)" ::= { besCommonEntry 5 } --***************************************************************************************** -- besMeasuringValues group -- table of measuring Values besMeasuringValuesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BesMeasuringValuesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { besMeasuringValues 1 } -- table of measuring Values entry besMeasuringValuesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BesMeasuringValuesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Common-Values for a module." INDEX { besNESlot } ::= { besMeasuringValuesTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry BesMeasuringValuesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { besTemperatureLoLo INTEGER, besTemperatureLo INTEGER, besTemperatureValue INTEGER, besTemperatureHi INTEGER, besTemperatureHiHi INTEGER, besInputVoltageLoLo INTEGER, besInputVoltageLo INTEGER, besInputVoltageValue INTEGER, besInputVoltageHi INTEGER, besInputVoltageHiHi INTEGER } -- ***** besTemperatureLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device temperature low alarm threshold in 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { besMeasuringValuesEntry 1 } besTemperatureLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device temperature low warning threshold in 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { besMeasuringValuesEntry 2 } besTemperatureValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device temperature in 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { besMeasuringValuesEntry 3 } besTemperatureHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device temperature high warning threshold in 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { besMeasuringValuesEntry 4 } besTemperatureHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device temperature high alarm threshold in 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { besMeasuringValuesEntry 5 } -- ***** besInputVoltageLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input supply voltage low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { besMeasuringValuesEntry 6 } besInputVoltageLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input supply voltage low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { besMeasuringValuesEntry 7 } besInputVoltageValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input supply voltage in steps of 0.1 Volts. Input supply voltage nominal value, see 'besDisplayInputVoltageNominal'" ::= { besMeasuringValuesEntry 8 } besInputVoltageHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input supply voltage high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { besMeasuringValuesEntry 9 } besInputVoltageHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input supply voltage high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { besMeasuringValuesEntry 10 } --***************************************************************************************** -- besStates group -- Note: For every control OId there must be a correspondant alarm OId! besStatesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BesStatesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { besStates 1 } -- table of states entry(ro/rw) besStatesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BesStatesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarms for a module." INDEX { besNESlot } ::= { besStatesTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry BesStatesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { besStatesBootloader PerceivedSeverityValue, besStatesCommLoss PerceivedSeverityValue, besStatesTemperatureLow PerceivedSeverityValue, besStatesTemperatureHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, besStatesInputVoltageLow PerceivedSeverityValue, besStatesInputVoltageHigh PerceivedSeverityValue } besStatesBootloader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The device is running in bootloader mode without a legal application software." ::= { besStatesEntry 1 } besStatesCommLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The NEC has lost the connection to the device. Reason may be a removed or defective device. Note that this state is set by the NEC and not by the device" ::= { besStatesEntry 2 } besStatesTemperatureLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device temperature low" ::= { besStatesEntry 3 } besStatesTemperatureHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device temperature high" ::= { besStatesEntry 4 } besStatesInputVoltageLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input supply voltage low" ::= { besStatesEntry 5 } besStatesInputVoltageHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input supply voltage high" ::= { besStatesEntry 6 } --***************************************************************************************** -- besControl group besControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BesControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { besControl 1 } -- table of control entry(ro/rw) besControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BesControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarms for a module." INDEX { besNESlot } ::= { besControlTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry BesControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { besControlReset TruthValue, besControlModuleLedBlink TruthValue } besControlReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset the module." ::= { besControlEntry 1 } besControlModuleLedBlink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Writing this variable to true(1) lets the device's modul LED blink green for 10 seconds. Writing this variable to false(2) stbes blinking at once. This variable always returns false(2) on read requests" ::= { besControlEntry 2 } --***************************************************************************************** -- besConfiguration group besConfigurationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BesConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { besConfiguration 1 } -- table of configuration entry(ro/rw) besConfigurationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BesConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { besNESlot } ::= { besConfigurationTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry BesConfigurationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { besConfigNESlotWrite NESlotWriteValue, besConfigConfigurationIndex INTEGER, besConfigConfiguration DisplayString } -- Common part besConfigNESlotWrite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NESlotWriteValue ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "By writing this variable a slot can be assigned for devices that dont support hardware slot detection. Reading '-1' means that the slot position is NOT writable." ::= { besConfigurationEntry 1 } besConfigConfigurationIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of the active configuration (1..besDisplayNumberOfConfigs)" ::= { besConfigurationEntry 2 } besConfigConfiguration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of the active configuration" ::= { besConfigurationEntry 3 } --***************************************************************************************** -- Display group besDisplayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BesDisplayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { besDisplay 1 } -- table of configuration entry(ro/rw) besDisplayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BesDisplayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { besNESlot } ::= { besDisplayTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry BesDisplayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { besDisplayNumberOfPorts INTEGER, besDisplayInputVoltageNominal INTEGER, besDisplayNumberOfConfigs INTEGER, besDisplayConfiguration1 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration2 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration3 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration4 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration5 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration6 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration7 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration8 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration9 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration10 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration11 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration12 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration13 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration14 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration15 DisplayString, besDisplayConfiguration16 DisplayString } besDisplayNumberOfPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of ports" ::={ besDisplayEntry 1 } besDisplayInputVoltageNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal value of input voltage in 0.1 V units." ::={ besDisplayEntry 2 } besDisplayNumberOfConfigs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of different configurations supplied" ::={ besDisplayEntry 3 } besDisplayConfiguration1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #1" ::= { besDisplayEntry 4 } besDisplayConfiguration2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #2" ::= { besDisplayEntry 5 } besDisplayConfiguration3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #3" ::= { besDisplayEntry 6 } besDisplayConfiguration4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #4" ::= { besDisplayEntry 7 } besDisplayConfiguration5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #5" ::= { besDisplayEntry 8 } besDisplayConfiguration6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #6" ::= { besDisplayEntry 9 } besDisplayConfiguration7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #7" ::= { besDisplayEntry 10 } besDisplayConfiguration8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #8" ::= { besDisplayEntry 11 } besDisplayConfiguration9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #9" ::= { besDisplayEntry 12 } besDisplayConfiguration10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #10" ::= { besDisplayEntry 13 } besDisplayConfiguration11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #11" ::= { besDisplayEntry 14 } besDisplayConfiguration12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #12" ::= { besDisplayEntry 15 } besDisplayConfiguration13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #13" ::= { besDisplayEntry 16 } besDisplayConfiguration14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #14" ::= { besDisplayEntry 17 } besDisplayConfiguration15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #15" ::= { besDisplayEntry 18 } besDisplayConfiguration16 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of configuration no. #16" ::= { besDisplayEntry 19 } --***************************************************************************************** -- DisplayPorts group -- MibCompiler defs -- -- $suboids$: 56,1 -- MibCompiler defs -- besDisplayPortsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BesDisplayPortsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { besDisplayPorts 1 } -- table of configuration entry(ro/rw) besDisplayPortsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BesDisplayPortsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { besNESlot, besDisplayPortsPortIndex } ::= { besDisplayPortsTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry BesDisplayPortsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { besDisplayPortsPortIndex INTEGER, besDisplayPortsPortName DisplayString, besDisplayPortsType PortType, besDisplayPortsLinkState PortLinkState, besDisplayPortsStatus PortStatus, besDisplayPortsDuplexMode PortDuplexMode, besDisplayPortsSpeed PortSpeed, besDisplayPortsFlowControl PortFlowControl, besDisplayPortsFiberTxDistance INTEGER, besDisplayPortsFiberTxWavelen INTEGER, besDisplayPortsFiberRxWavelenMin INTEGER, besDisplayPortsFiberRxWavelenMax INTEGER, besDisplayPortsFiberSfpData DisplayString } besDisplayPortsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port index (1..besDisplayNumberOfPorts)" ::={ besDisplayPortsEntry 1 } besDisplayPortsPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port name" ::={ besDisplayPortsEntry 2 } besDisplayPortsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port type" ::={ besDisplayPortsEntry 3 } besDisplayPortsLinkState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortLinkState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port link status" ::={ besDisplayPortsEntry 4 } besDisplayPortsStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port status" ::={ besDisplayPortsEntry 5 } besDisplayPortsDuplexMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortDuplexMode ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port duplex mode" ::={ besDisplayPortsEntry 6 } besDisplayPortsSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortSpeed ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port speed" ::={ besDisplayPortsEntry 7 } besDisplayPortsFlowControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortFlowControl ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port speed" ::={ besDisplayPortsEntry 8 } besDisplayPortsFiberTxDistance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port transmission distance in units of km (Fiber ports only)" ::={ besDisplayPortsEntry 9 } besDisplayPortsFiberTxWavelen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port transmission wavelength in units of nm (Fiber ports only)" ::={ besDisplayPortsEntry 10 } besDisplayPortsFiberRxWavelenMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port minimum receive wavelength in units of nm (Fiber ports only)" ::={ besDisplayPortsEntry 11 } besDisplayPortsFiberRxWavelenMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port maximum receive wavelength in units of nm (Fiber ports only)" ::={ besDisplayPortsEntry 12 } besDisplayPortsFiberSfpData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port SFP data text (Fiber ports only)" ::={ besDisplayPortsEntry 13 } --***************************************************************************************** END