--- **************************************************************************** -- * -- * Description: Implements definitions for the NECE -- * -- * Copyright 2003 by BKtel communications GmbH -- * -- * V.0.1 28.03.03 M. Heldmann first draft -- * V.0.2 31.03.03 M. Heldmann added GpioType -- * V.0.3 23.07.03 M. Heldmann modified descriptions for the states -- * V.0.4 05.01.04 M. Heldmann added two additional neceConfigTrapReceiver's and -- * configurable Get and Set Communities -- * V.1.0 19.03.04 M. Heldmann added neceConfigTrapReceiverVerify..neceConfigTrapAccumulationTime (ISDN dial up things) -- * neceDisplayTrapsSent, neceDisplayTrapsDiscarded -- * V.1.1 29.04.04 M. Heldmann added some descriptions -- * V.1.2 16.09.04 M. Heldmann added neceConfigHmsTrapsCompliance ... neceConfigFactoryInternal -- * V.1.3 08.12.04 M. Heldmann changed neceConfigFactoryInternal to neceConfigTimezone -- * M. Heldmann added neceConfigNtpServerIp ... neceConfigFactoryCommandLine -- * V.1.4 25.10.05 M. Heldmann changed name neceConfigNtpTimezone to neceConfigTimezone -- * M. Heldmann added neceConfigDaylightSavingFrom ... neceConfigDaylightSavingTo -- * V.1.5 13.09.06 M. Heldmann added neceStatesPowerSupplyLeft ... neceStatesFanRight -- * 29.09.06 M. Heldmann modified description for neceConfigCableWatchUsed -- * 04.10.06 M. Heldmann NESlotWriteValue expanded due to new 2G6 platform needs -- * V.1.6 27.05.08 M. Heldmann marked neceConfigHfcInventoryFormat as read-only -- * 29.05.08 M. Heldmann renamed threshold parameters in xxxxMeasuringValuesTable -- * V.1.7 16.09.09 M. Heldmann renamed type of neceConfigFactoryCommandLine from DisplayString to OCTET STRING -- * V.1.8 11.07.13 M. Heldmann adjusted syntax of "CommonEntry" to remove MIB compiler warnings -- * V.1.9 05.09.14 M. Heldmann changed CommonModuleWidth and ConfigNESlotWrite STATUS to optional -- **************************************************************************** BKTEL-HFC862-NECE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS experimental, enterprises, TimeTicks, IpAddress, Counter FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 modules, DisplayString, TruthValue, PerceivedSeverityValue, NESlotValue, ModuleWidthValue FROM BKTEL-HFC862-BASE-MIB ; nece OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modules 100 } neceCommon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nece 1 } neceStates OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nece 2 } neceConfiguration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nece 3 } neceControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nece 4 } neceMeasuringValues OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nece 5 } neceDisplay OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nece 6 } -- -- Type definitions -- GpioType ::= INTEGER { gpioTypeNotSupported(1), -- port is not supported be this type of NEC gpioTypeInputOnly(2), gpioTypeInputOrOutput(3), gpioTypeOutputOnly(4) } GpioMode ::= INTEGER { gpioModeInput(1), gpioModeInputIsNotify(2), -- only used for web interface gpioModeInputIsWarning(3), gpioModeInputIsAlarm(4), gpioModeOutputOnAnyAlarm(5), -- not usable for all gpio ports gpioModeOutputOnAnyWarning(6) -- not usable for all gpio ports } GpioLogicLevel ::= INTEGER { gpioLevelActiveHigh(1), gpioLevelActiveLow(2) } HmsTrapsComplianceValue ::= INTEGER { fullCompliant(1), minorCompliant(2) -- Default setting until NECE Software 1.10 } HfcInventoryFormatValue ::= INTEGER { format_DKS_T12_9(1), format_T_Nova_E531i(2) -- Default setting until NECE Software 1.10 } TrapVerifyTimeoutValue ::= INTEGER (30..600) TrapAccumulationTimeValue ::= INTEGER (0..60) NESlotWriteValue ::= INTEGER (-1..99) --***************************************************************************************** -- neceCommon group neceCommonNumberOfModules OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of modules in table." ::= { neceCommon 1 } neceCommonTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NeceCommonEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table contains all modules of the nece-type in the NE" ::= { neceCommon 2 } neceCommonEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NeceCommonEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Common-Values for a module." INDEX { neceNESlot } ::= { neceCommonTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry NeceCommonEntry ::= SEQUENCE { neceNESlot NESlotValue, neceCommonType DisplayString, neceCommonDescr DisplayString, neceCommonFirmwareId DisplayString, neceCommonModuleWidth ModuleWidthValue } neceNESlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NESlotValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The virtual slotID" ::= { neceCommonEntry 1 } neceCommonType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Module model name" ::= { neceCommonEntry 2 } neceCommonDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Module alias name" ::= { neceCommonEntry 3 } neceCommonFirmwareId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Module firmware version" ::= { neceCommonEntry 4 } neceCommonModuleWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ModuleWidthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The width of the module." ::= { neceCommonEntry 5 } --***************************************************************************************** -- neceStates group neceStatesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NeceStatesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { neceStates 1 } -- table of states entry(ro/rw) neceStatesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NeceStatesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarms for a module." INDEX { neceNESlot } ::= { neceStatesTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry NeceStatesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { neceStatesGpInput1 PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesGpInput2 PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesGpInput3 PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesGpInput4 PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesGpInput5 PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesGpInput6 PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesGpInput7 PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesGpInput8 PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesGpInput9 PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesGpInput10 PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesGpInput11 PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesGpInput12 PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesPowerSupplyLeft PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesPowerSupplyRight PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesFanLeft PerceivedSeverityValue, neceStatesFanRight PerceivedSeverityValue } neceStatesGpInput1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of general purpose input no. 1." ::= { neceStatesEntry 1 } neceStatesGpInput2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of general purpose input no. 2." ::= { neceStatesEntry 2 } neceStatesGpInput3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of general purpose input no. 3." ::= { neceStatesEntry 3 } neceStatesGpInput4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of general purpose input no. 4." ::= { neceStatesEntry 4 } neceStatesGpInput5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of general purpose input no. 5." ::= { neceStatesEntry 5 } neceStatesGpInput6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of general purpose input no. 6." ::= { neceStatesEntry 6 } neceStatesGpInput7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of general purpose input no. 7." ::= { neceStatesEntry 7 } neceStatesGpInput8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of general purpose input no. 8." ::= { neceStatesEntry 8 } neceStatesGpInput9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of general purpose input no. 9." ::= { neceStatesEntry 9 } neceStatesGpInput10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of general purpose input no. 10." ::= { neceStatesEntry 10 } neceStatesGpInput11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of general purpose input no. 11." ::= { neceStatesEntry 11 } neceStatesGpInput12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "State of general purpose input no. 12." ::= { neceStatesEntry 12 } neceStatesPowerSupplyLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The left (looking from front side) power supply unit fails. Only valid for 2G6 Systems !! Non 2G6 Systems always report clear(5)" ::= { neceStatesEntry 13 } neceStatesPowerSupplyRight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The right (looking from front side) power supply unit fails. Only valid for 2G6 Systems !! Non 2G6 Systems always report clear(5)" ::= { neceStatesEntry 14 } neceStatesFanLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The left (looking from front side) fan unit fails. Only valid for 2G6 Systems !! Non 2G6 Systems always report clear(5)" ::= { neceStatesEntry 15 } neceStatesFanRight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The right (looking from front side) fan unit fails. Only valid for 2G6 Systems !! Non 2G6 Systems always report clear(5)" ::= { neceStatesEntry 16 } --***************************************************************************************** -- neceConfiguration group neceConfigurationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NeceConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { neceConfiguration 1 } -- table of configuration entry(ro/rw) neceConfigurationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NeceConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { neceNESlot } ::= { neceConfigurationTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry NeceConfigurationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { neceConfigGpio1Type GpioType, neceConfigGpio1Mode GpioMode, neceConfigGpio1LogicLevel GpioLogicLevel, neceConfigGpio1Description DisplayString, neceConfigGpio2Type GpioType, neceConfigGpio2Mode GpioMode, neceConfigGpio2LogicLevel GpioLogicLevel, neceConfigGpio2Description DisplayString, neceConfigGpio3Type GpioType, neceConfigGpio3Mode GpioMode, neceConfigGpio3LogicLevel GpioLogicLevel, neceConfigGpio3Description DisplayString, neceConfigGpio4Type GpioType, neceConfigGpio4Mode GpioMode, neceConfigGpio4LogicLevel GpioLogicLevel, neceConfigGpio4Description DisplayString, neceConfigGpio5Type GpioType, neceConfigGpio5Mode GpioMode, neceConfigGpio5LogicLevel GpioLogicLevel, neceConfigGpio5Description DisplayString, neceConfigGpio6Type GpioType, neceConfigGpio6Mode GpioMode, neceConfigGpio6LogicLevel GpioLogicLevel, neceConfigGpio6Description DisplayString, neceConfigGpio7Type GpioType, neceConfigGpio7Mode GpioMode, neceConfigGpio7LogicLevel GpioLogicLevel, neceConfigGpio7Description DisplayString, neceConfigGpio8Type GpioType, neceConfigGpio8Mode GpioMode, neceConfigGpio8LogicLevel GpioLogicLevel, neceConfigGpio8Description DisplayString, neceConfigGpio9Type GpioType, neceConfigGpio9Mode GpioMode, neceConfigGpio9LogicLevel GpioLogicLevel, neceConfigGpio9Description DisplayString, neceConfigGpio10Type GpioType, neceConfigGpio10Mode GpioMode, neceConfigGpio10LogicLevel GpioLogicLevel, neceConfigGpio10Description DisplayString, neceConfigGpio11Type GpioType, neceConfigGpio11Mode GpioMode, neceConfigGpio11LogicLevel GpioLogicLevel, neceConfigGpio11Description DisplayString, neceConfigGpio12Type GpioType, neceConfigGpio12Mode GpioMode, neceConfigGpio12LogicLevel GpioLogicLevel, neceConfigGpio12Description DisplayString, neceConfigNESlotWrite NESlotWriteValue, neceConfigIpAddress IpAddress, neceConfigNetmask IpAddress, neceConfigDefaultrouter IpAddress, neceConfigTrapReceiver1HostIp IpAddress, neceConfigTrapReceiver1Community DisplayString, neceConfigTrapReceiver2HostIp IpAddress, neceConfigTrapReceiver2to4Community DisplayString, neceConfigTrapReceiver3HostIp IpAddress, neceConfigTrapReceiver4HostIp IpAddress, neceConfigGetCommunity DisplayString, neceConfigSetCommunity DisplayString, neceConfigTrapReceiverVerify TruthValue, neceConfigTrapVerifyReceiverIp IpAddress, neceConfigTrapVerifyTimeout TrapVerifyTimeoutValue, neceConfigTrapAccumulationTime TrapAccumulationTimeValue, neceConfigCableWatchUsed TruthValue, neceConfigHmsTrapsCompliance HmsTrapsComplianceValue, neceConfigHmsNotificationsEnable TruthValue, neceConfigHfcInventoryFormat HfcInventoryFormatValue, neceConfigTimezone INTEGER, neceConfigNtpServerIp IpAddress, neceConfigFactoryCommandLine OCTET STRING, neceConfigDaylightSavingFrom DisplayString, neceConfigDaylightSavingTo DisplayString } neceConfigGpio1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioType ACCESS read-only -- READONLY !!! STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the general purpose port no. 1" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 1 } neceConfigGpio1Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode of the general purpose port no. 1" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 2 } neceConfigGpio1LogicLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioLogicLevel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The logic level of the general purpose port no. 1" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 3 } neceConfigGpio1Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description for the general purpose port no. 1" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 4 } neceConfigGpio2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioType ACCESS read-only -- READONLY !!! STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the general purpose port no. 2" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 5 } neceConfigGpio2Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode of the general purpose port no. 2" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 6 } neceConfigGpio2LogicLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioLogicLevel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The logic level of the general purpose port no. 2" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 7 } neceConfigGpio2Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description for the general purpose port no. 2" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 8 } neceConfigGpio3Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioType ACCESS read-only -- READONLY !!! STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the general purpose port no. 3" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 9 } neceConfigGpio3Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode of the general purpose port no. 3" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 10 } neceConfigGpio3LogicLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioLogicLevel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The logic level of the general purpose port no. 3" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 11 } neceConfigGpio3Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description for the general purpose port no. 3" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 12 } neceConfigGpio4Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioType ACCESS read-only -- READONLY !!! STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the general purpose port no. 4" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 13 } neceConfigGpio4Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode of the general purpose port no. 4" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 14 } neceConfigGpio4LogicLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioLogicLevel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The logic level of the general purpose port no. 4" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 15 } neceConfigGpio4Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description for the general purpose port no. 4" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 16 } neceConfigGpio5Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioType ACCESS read-only -- READONLY !!! STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the general purpose port no. 5" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 17 } neceConfigGpio5Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode of the general purpose port no. 5" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 18 } neceConfigGpio5LogicLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioLogicLevel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The logic level of the general purpose port no. 5" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 19 } neceConfigGpio5Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description for the general purpose port no. 5" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 20 } neceConfigGpio6Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioType ACCESS read-only -- READONLY !!! STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the general purpose port no. 6" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 21 } neceConfigGpio6Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode of the general purpose port no. 6" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 22 } neceConfigGpio6LogicLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioLogicLevel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The logic level of the general purpose port no. 6" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 23 } neceConfigGpio6Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description for the general purpose port no. 6" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 24 } neceConfigGpio7Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioType ACCESS read-only -- READONLY !!! STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the general purpose port no. 7" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 25 } neceConfigGpio7Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode of the general purpose port no. 7" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 26 } neceConfigGpio7LogicLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioLogicLevel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The logic level of the general purpose port no. 7" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 27 } neceConfigGpio7Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description for the general purpose port no. 7" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 28 } neceConfigGpio8Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioType ACCESS read-only -- READONLY !!! STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the general purpose port no. 8" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 29 } neceConfigGpio8Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode of the general purpose port no. 8" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 30 } neceConfigGpio8LogicLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioLogicLevel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The logic level of the general purpose port no. 8" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 31 } neceConfigGpio8Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description for the general purpose port no. 8" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 32 } neceConfigGpio9Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioType ACCESS read-only -- READONLY !!! STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the general purpose port no. 9" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 33 } neceConfigGpio9Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode of the general purpose port no. 9" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 34 } neceConfigGpio9LogicLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioLogicLevel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The logic level of the general purpose port no. 9" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 35 } neceConfigGpio9Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description for the general purpose port no. 9" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 36 } neceConfigGpio10Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioType ACCESS read-only -- READONLY !!! STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the general purpose port no. 10" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 37 } neceConfigGpio10Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode of the general purpose port no. 10" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 38 } neceConfigGpio10LogicLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioLogicLevel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The logic level of the general purpose port no. 10" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 39 } neceConfigGpio10Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description for the general purpose port no. 10" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 40 } neceConfigGpio11Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioType ACCESS read-only -- READONLY !!! STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the general purpose port no. 11" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 41 } neceConfigGpio11Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode of the general purpose port no. 11" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 42 } neceConfigGpio11LogicLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioLogicLevel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The logic level of the general purpose port no. 11" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 43 } neceConfigGpio11Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description for the general purpose port no. 11" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 44 } neceConfigGpio12Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioType ACCESS read-only -- READONLY !!! STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the general purpose port no. 12" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 45 } neceConfigGpio12Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode of the general purpose port no. 12" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 46 } neceConfigGpio12LogicLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GpioLogicLevel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The logic level of the general purpose port no. 12" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 47 } neceConfigGpio12Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A description for the general purpose port no. 12" ::={ neceConfigurationEntry 48 } neceConfigNESlotWrite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NESlotWriteValue ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "By writing this variable a slot can be assigned for devices that dont support hardware slot detection. Reading '-1' means that the slot position is NOT writable." ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 49 } neceConfigIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ip address of the NEC. NOTE: The NECE executes a reset if this parameter gets changed" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 50 } neceConfigNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The netmask of the NEC. NOTE: The NECE executes a reset if this parameter gets changed" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 51 } neceConfigDefaultrouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The default router of the NEC. NOTE: The NECE executes a reset if this parameter gets changed" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 52 } neceConfigTrapReceiver1HostIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ip address of the host no.1 that should receive traps Address disables the trap. Broad- or multicast addresses are not allowed" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 53 } neceConfigTrapReceiver1Community OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(4..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The community name used for traps to host no.1" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 54 } neceConfigTrapReceiver2HostIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ip address of the host no.2 that should receive traps Address disables the trap. Broad- or multicast addresses are not allowed" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 55 } neceConfigTrapReceiver2to4Community OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(4..31)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The community name used for traps to hosts no.2 to no.4" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 56 } neceConfigTrapReceiver3HostIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ip address of the host no.3 that should receive traps Address disables the trap. Broad- or multicast addresses are not allowed NOTE: The community name 'neceConfigTrapReceiver2to4Community' is used for this trap receiver no. 3" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 57 } neceConfigTrapReceiver4HostIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ip address of the host no.4 that should receive traps Address disables the trap. Broad- or multicast addresses are not allowed NOTE: The community name 'neceConfigTrapReceiver2to4Community' is used for this trap receiver no. 4" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 58 } neceConfigGetCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..15)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The community name that is allowed for GET requests NOTES: - By writing 'neceConfigGetCommunity' AND 'neceConfigSetCommunity' to an empty string of size 0, the default community settings are used." ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 59 } neceConfigSetCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..15)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The community name that is allowed for SET and GET requests NOTES: - By writing 'neceConfigGetCommunity' AND 'neceConfigSetCommunity' to an empty string of size 0, the default community settings are used." ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 60} neceConfigTrapReceiverVerify OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If TRUE, the NECE verifies if the 'sysDescr' variable is readable on host with ip-address 'neceConfigTrapVerifyReceiverIp' before sending new traps. NOTE: The NECE executes a reset if this parameter gets changed" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 61 } neceConfigTrapVerifyReceiverIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ip address of the host that should receive the 'sysDescr' verify request. Broad- or multicast addresses are not allowed. !!! Only valid if neceConfigTrapReceiverVerify == true(1) !!!" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 62 } neceConfigTrapVerifyTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrapVerifyTimeoutValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Timeout in seconds after which the NECE stops trying to verify 'sysDescr'. All pending traps are sent, although no verify response, after that timeout. !!! Only valid if neceConfigTrapReceiverVerify == true(1) !!!" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 63 } neceConfigTrapAccumulationTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrapAccumulationTimeValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time in seconds that the NECE waits before sending all pending traps. NOTE: There are two condition where the NECE sends its pending traps earlier ignoring this accumulation time (of course verifying first): 1) The NECE's internal trap buffer is 3/4 full 2) The NECE's SNMP agent is polled by a request from manager !!! Only valid if neceConfigTrapReceiverVerify == true(1) !!!" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 64 } neceConfigCableWatchUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter is obsolete and no more needed, always returns false(2)" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 65 } neceConfigHmsTrapsCompliance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HmsTrapsComplianceValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Set the compliance mode of the SCTE HMS traps In earlier versions of NECE (<= Sw.Rel. 1.10) the trap compliance to the SCTE HMS MIBs was not fully given. See manual for details." ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 66 } neceConfigHmsNotificationsEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "With this control the user can disable all traps of type NOTIFY and there entries in the SCTE HMS tree. NOTE: The NECE executes a reset if this parameter gets changed" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 67 } neceConfigHfcInventoryFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HfcInventoryFormatValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Selects the supported format of the hfcInventoryFabricData (T-NOVA-HFC-INVENTORY-MIB)" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 68 } neceConfigTimezone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-24..24) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The timezone in units of half hours from GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). For example: Berlin => +2 half hours means GMT+1 hour Tokio => +18 half hours means GMT+9 hours NewYork => -10 half hours means GMT-5 hours NOTE: Not all NECE's support an NTP server." ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 69 } neceConfigNtpServerIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ip address of an NTP time server. Setting the ip to disables the time server lookup. NOTE: Not all NECE's support an NTP server." ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 70 } neceConfigFactoryCommandLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A factory internal command interface" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 71} neceConfigDaylightSavingFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Daylight saving start time in a special textformat (see manual for detail)" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 72} neceConfigDaylightSavingTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Daylight saving end time in a special textformat (see manual for detail)" ::= { neceConfigurationEntry 73} --***************************************************************************************** -- neceControl group neceControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NeceControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { neceControl 1 } -- table of control entry(ro/rw) neceControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NeceControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarms for a module." INDEX { neceNESlot } ::= { neceControlTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry NeceControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { neceControlReset TruthValue } neceControlReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset the module." ::= { neceControlEntry 1 } --***************************************************************************************** -- neceMeasuringValues group -- table of measuring Values neceMeasuringValuesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NeceMeasuringValuesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { neceMeasuringValues 1 } -- table of measuring Values entry neceMeasuringValuesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NeceMeasuringValuesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Common-Values for a module." INDEX { neceNESlot } ::= { neceMeasuringValuesTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry NeceMeasuringValuesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { neceTemperatureLoLo INTEGER, neceTemperatureLo INTEGER, neceTemperatureValue INTEGER, neceTemperatureHi INTEGER, neceTemperatureHiHi INTEGER } neceTemperatureLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature low alarm threshold in steps of 0,1°C." ::= { neceMeasuringValuesEntry 1 } neceTemperatureLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature low warning threshold in steps of 0,1°C." ::= { neceMeasuringValuesEntry 2 } neceTemperatureValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature in steps of 0,1°C." ::= { neceMeasuringValuesEntry 3 } neceTemperatureHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature high warning threshold in steps of 0,1°C." ::= { neceMeasuringValuesEntry 4 } neceTemperatureHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature high alarm threshold in steps of 0,1°C." ::= { neceMeasuringValuesEntry 5 } --***************************************************************************************** -- Display group neceDisplayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NeceDisplayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { neceDisplay 1 } -- table of configuration entry(ro/rw) neceDisplayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NeceDisplayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { neceNESlot } ::= { neceDisplayTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry NeceDisplayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { neceDisplayTrapsSent INTEGER, neceDisplayTrapsDiscarded INTEGER } neceDisplayTrapsSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of traps that the NECE has sent." ::= { neceDisplayEntry 1 } neceDisplayTrapsDiscarded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of traps that the NECE has discarded. Discarded traps occur because of trap buffer overflow or timeouts." ::= { neceDisplayEntry 2 } END --*****************************************************************************************--