-- ********************************************************************************************* -- * -- * Description: Implements definitions for the Optical Amplifiers -- * -- * Note: This specification is written for the new high power optical anplifiers, -- * but is intended to represent all new optical amplifiers in the future !!! -- * That is why a superset of all optical amplifier features is specified here. -- * -- * Copyright 2007 by BKtel communications GmbH -- * -- * V.0.1 23.03.2007 M. Heldmann first draft -- * V.0.2 25.04.2007 M. Heldmann some items added to oaDisplayTable -- * V.0.3 01.06.2007 M. Heldmann changed oaStatesTecHeatHigh to oaStatesTecCurrentLow -- * and oaStatesTecCoolHigh to oaStatesTecCurrentHigh -- * V.0.4 12.09.2007 M. Heldmann adjusted 'LaserFeatures' type strings -- * (max. stringsize less than 64 characters) -- * V.0.5 04.04.2008 M. Heldmann oaReturnLossLoLo..oaReturnLossHiHi made read-write -- * (same behaviour as in web-interface) -- * V.0.6 22.03.2013 M. Heldmann added raman-type amplifier extensions -- * oaStatesRamanBackReflectionRatio, oaStatesRamanOscSignalMissing -- * and oaDisplayAmplifierIsRamanType -- * V.0.7 11.07.2013 M. Heldmann adjusted syntax of "CommonEntry" to remove MIB compiler warnings -- * V.0.8 06.05.2014 M. Heldmann marked all internal voltage parameters as 'optional' -- * V.0.9 05.09.2014 M. Heldmann changed CommonModuleWidth and ConfigNESlotWrite STATUS to optional -- ********************************************************************************************* BKTEL-HFC862-OA-V01-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 modules, DisplayString, TruthValue, PerceivedSeverityValue, NESlotValue, ModuleWidthValue FROM BKTEL-HFC862-BASE-MIB ; oa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modules 116 } oaCommon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oa 1 } oaStates OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oa 2 } oaConfiguration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oa 3 } oaControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oa 4 } oaMeasuringValues OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oa 5 } oaDisplay OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { oa 6 } -- -- Type definitions -- RegulationMode ::= INTEGER { regModeConstantOutputPower(1), regModeConstantGain(2) } SbsEvaluationMode ::= INTEGER { evalModeDefault(1), evalModeFullScan(2) } SbsEvaluationState ::= INTEGER { evaluationNotSupported(1), evaluationDone(2), evaluationInProgress(3), evaluationFailed(4) } ExtIOmode ::= INTEGER { modeActiveLowOutput(1), modeActiveHighOutput(2), modeRedundantMasterIrreversible(3), modeRedundantMasterFallback(4), modeRedundantSlave(5) } ExtIOmask ::= INTEGER { maskAlarmsOnly(1), maskAlarmsAndWarnings(2), maskSpecial(3) -- This item is NOT writable !! } LaserFeatures ::= INTEGER { lasNonExistent(0), lasCurrent(1), lasCurrentLasTec(3), lasCurrentLasTemperature(5), lasCurrentLasTecLasTemperature(7), lasCurrentLasVoltage(9), lasCurrentLasTecLasVoltage(11), lasCurrentLasTemperatureLasVoltage(13), lasCurrentLasTecLasTemperatureLasVoltage(15), lasCurrentLasPumpPower(17), lasCurrentLasTecLasPumpPower(19), lasCurrentLasTemperatureLasPumpPower(21), lasCurrentLasTecLasTemperatureLasPumpPower(23), lasCurrentLasVoltageLasPumpPower(25), lasCurrentLasTecLasVoltageLasPumpPower(27), lasCurrentLasTemperatureLasVoltageLasPumpPower(29), lasCurrentLasTecLasTemperatureLasVoltageLasPumpPower(31) } NESlotWriteValue ::= INTEGER (-1..99) -- MibCompiler defs -- -- $idx$: InternalVoltage -- $idx$: Laser -- MibCompiler defs -- --***************************************************************************************** -- OA ( Optical Amplifier) --***************************************************************************************** -- oaCommon group oaCommonNumberOfModules OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..50) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of modules in table." ::= { oaCommon 1 } oaCommonTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OaCommonEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table contains all modules of the OA-type in the NE" ::= { oaCommon 2 } -- table of states entry(ro/rw) oaCommonEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OaCommonEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Common-Values for a module." INDEX { oaNESlot } ::= { oaCommonTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry OaCommonEntry ::= SEQUENCE { oaNESlot NESlotValue, oaCommonType DisplayString, oaCommonDescr DisplayString, oaCommonFirmwareId DisplayString, oaCommonModuleWidth ModuleWidthValue } oaNESlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NESlotValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The slot number of the chassis for which this entry contains management information." ::= { oaCommonEntry 1 } oaCommonType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of physical module. modSlotEmpty indicates an empty slot. A Value of modSlotUnknown indicates that the type of module is unknown." ::= { oaCommonEntry 2 } oaCommonDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the module. If not available, this Value should be set to a zero length string." ::= { oaCommonEntry 3 } oaCommonFirmwareId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware Id of the module." ::= { oaCommonEntry 4 } oaCommonModuleWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ModuleWidthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The width of the module in multiples of slots (1, 2, ...)" ::= { oaCommonEntry 5 } --***************************************************************************************** -- oaMeasuringValues group -- -- !!! NOTE !!! -- -- Measuring values in this table that are not supported by the device -- return zero for the value and its limits. -- table of measuring Values oaMeasuringValuesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OaMeasuringValuesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { oaMeasuringValues 1 } -- table of measuring Values entry oaMeasuringValuesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OaMeasuringValuesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Common-Values for a module." INDEX { oaNESlot } ::= { oaMeasuringValuesTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry OaMeasuringValuesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { oaTemperatureLoLo INTEGER, oaTemperatureLo INTEGER, oaTemperatureValue INTEGER, oaTemperatureHi INTEGER, oaTemperatureHiHi INTEGER, oaInputPowerLoLo INTEGER, oaInputPowerLo INTEGER, oaInputPowerValue INTEGER, oaInputPowerHi INTEGER, oaInputPowerHiHi INTEGER, oaOutputPwrOrGainLoLo INTEGER, oaOutputPwrOrGainLo INTEGER, oaOutputPwrOrGainValue INTEGER, oaOutputPwrOrGainHi INTEGER, oaOutputPwrOrGainHiHi INTEGER, oaReturnLossLoLo INTEGER, oaReturnLossLo INTEGER, oaReturnLossValue INTEGER, oaReturnLossHi INTEGER, oaReturnLossHiHi INTEGER, oaInputVoltageLoLo INTEGER, oaInputVoltageLo INTEGER, oaInputVoltageValue INTEGER, oaInputVoltageHi INTEGER, oaInputVoltageHiHi INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage1LoLo INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage1Lo INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage1Value INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage1Hi INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage1HiHi INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage2LoLo INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage2Lo INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage2Value INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage2Hi INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage2HiHi INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage3LoLo INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage3Lo INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage3Value INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage3Hi INTEGER, oaInternalVoltage3HiHi INTEGER, -- *** oaLaser1CurrentRelLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser1CurrentRelLo INTEGER, oaLaser1CurrentRelValue INTEGER, oaLaser1CurrentRelHi INTEGER, oaLaser1CurrentRelHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser1TecRelLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser1TecRelLo INTEGER, oaLaser1TecRelValue INTEGER, oaLaser1TecRelHi INTEGER, oaLaser1TecRelHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser1TemperatureLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser1TemperatureLo INTEGER, oaLaser1TemperatureValue INTEGER, oaLaser1TemperatureHi INTEGER, oaLaser1TemperatureHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser1VoltageLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser1VoltageLo INTEGER, oaLaser1VoltageValue INTEGER, oaLaser1VoltageHi INTEGER, oaLaser1VoltageHiHi INTEGER, -- *** oaLaser2CurrentRelLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser2CurrentRelLo INTEGER, oaLaser2CurrentRelValue INTEGER, oaLaser2CurrentRelHi INTEGER, oaLaser2CurrentRelHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser2TecRelLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser2TecRelLo INTEGER, oaLaser2TecRelValue INTEGER, oaLaser2TecRelHi INTEGER, oaLaser2TecRelHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser2TemperatureLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser2TemperatureLo INTEGER, oaLaser2TemperatureValue INTEGER, oaLaser2TemperatureHi INTEGER, oaLaser2TemperatureHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser2VoltageLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser2VoltageLo INTEGER, oaLaser2VoltageValue INTEGER, oaLaser2VoltageHi INTEGER, oaLaser2VoltageHiHi INTEGER, -- *** oaLaser3CurrentRelLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser3CurrentRelLo INTEGER, oaLaser3CurrentRelValue INTEGER, oaLaser3CurrentRelHi INTEGER, oaLaser3CurrentRelHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser3TecRelLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser3TecRelLo INTEGER, oaLaser3TecRelValue INTEGER, oaLaser3TecRelHi INTEGER, oaLaser3TecRelHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser3TemperatureLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser3TemperatureLo INTEGER, oaLaser3TemperatureValue INTEGER, oaLaser3TemperatureHi INTEGER, oaLaser3TemperatureHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser3VoltageLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser3VoltageLo INTEGER, oaLaser3VoltageValue INTEGER, oaLaser3VoltageHi INTEGER, oaLaser3VoltageHiHi INTEGER, -- *** oaLaser4CurrentRelLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser4CurrentRelLo INTEGER, oaLaser4CurrentRelValue INTEGER, oaLaser4CurrentRelHi INTEGER, oaLaser4CurrentRelHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser4TecRelLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser4TecRelLo INTEGER, oaLaser4TecRelValue INTEGER, oaLaser4TecRelHi INTEGER, oaLaser4TecRelHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser4TemperatureLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser4TemperatureLo INTEGER, oaLaser4TemperatureValue INTEGER, oaLaser4TemperatureHi INTEGER, oaLaser4TemperatureHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser4VoltageLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser4VoltageLo INTEGER, oaLaser4VoltageValue INTEGER, oaLaser4VoltageHi INTEGER, oaLaser4VoltageHiHi INTEGER, -- *** oaLaser5CurrentRelLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser5CurrentRelLo INTEGER, oaLaser5CurrentRelValue INTEGER, oaLaser5CurrentRelHi INTEGER, oaLaser5CurrentRelHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser5TecRelLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser5TecRelLo INTEGER, oaLaser5TecRelValue INTEGER, oaLaser5TecRelHi INTEGER, oaLaser5TecRelHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser5TemperatureLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser5TemperatureLo INTEGER, oaLaser5TemperatureValue INTEGER, oaLaser5TemperatureHi INTEGER, oaLaser5TemperatureHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser5VoltageLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser5VoltageLo INTEGER, oaLaser5VoltageValue INTEGER, oaLaser5VoltageHi INTEGER, oaLaser5VoltageHiHi INTEGER, -- *** oaLaser6CurrentRelLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser6CurrentRelLo INTEGER, oaLaser6CurrentRelValue INTEGER, oaLaser6CurrentRelHi INTEGER, oaLaser6CurrentRelHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser6TecRelLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser6TecRelLo INTEGER, oaLaser6TecRelValue INTEGER, oaLaser6TecRelHi INTEGER, oaLaser6TecRelHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser6TemperatureLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser6TemperatureLo INTEGER, oaLaser6TemperatureValue INTEGER, oaLaser6TemperatureHi INTEGER, oaLaser6TemperatureHiHi INTEGER, oaLaser6VoltageLoLo INTEGER, oaLaser6VoltageLo INTEGER, oaLaser6VoltageValue INTEGER, oaLaser6VoltageHi INTEGER, oaLaser6VoltageHiHi INTEGER } -- ***** oaTemperatureLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The module temperature low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 1 } oaTemperatureLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The module temperature low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 2 } oaTemperatureValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The module temperature in steps of 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 3 } oaTemperatureHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The module temperature high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 4 } oaTemperatureHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The module temperature high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 5 } -- ***** oaInputPowerLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input power low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dBm." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 6 } oaInputPowerLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input power low warning threshold in steps of 0.1dBm." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 7 } oaInputPowerValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input power in steps of 0.1dBm." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 8 } oaInputPowerHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input power high warning threshold in steps of 0.1dBm." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 9 } oaInputPowerHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input power high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dBm." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 10 } -- ***** oaOutputPwrOrGainLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output power (or gain) low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dB(m). See oaConfigRegulationMode variable too" ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 11 } oaOutputPwrOrGainLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output power (or gain) low warning threshold in steps of 0.1dB(m). See oaConfigRegulationMode variable too" ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 12 } oaOutputPwrOrGainValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output power (or gain) in steps of 0.1dB(m). See oaConfigRegulationMode variable too" ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 13 } oaOutputPwrOrGainHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output power (or gain) high warning threshold in steps of 0.1dB(m). See oaConfigRegulationMode variable too" ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 14 } oaOutputPwrOrGainHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output power (or gain) high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dB(m). See oaConfigRegulationMode variable too" ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 15 } -- ***** oaReturnLossLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ReturnLoss low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 dB." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 16 } oaReturnLossLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ReturnLoss low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 dB." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 17 } oaReturnLossValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ReturnLoss in steps of 0.1 dB." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 18 } oaReturnLossHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ReturnLoss high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 dB." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 19 } oaReturnLossHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ReturnLoss high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 dB." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 20 } -- ***** oaInputVoltageLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input supply voltage low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 21 } oaInputVoltageLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input supply voltage low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 22 } oaInputVoltageValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input supply voltage in steps of 0.1 Volts. Input supply voltage nominal value, see 'oaDisplayInputVoltageNominal'" ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 23 } oaInputVoltageHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input supply voltage high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 24 } oaInputVoltageHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The input supply voltage high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 25 } -- #####+20 Space reserved for 4 additional measuring values with limits -- ########################### Internal Voltages Section ################################## -- ***** oaInternalVoltage1LoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 46 } oaInternalVoltage1Lo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 47 } oaInternalVoltage1Value OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage in steps of 0.1 Volts. Internal voltage nominal value, see 'oaDisplayInternalVoltage1Nominal'" ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 48 } oaInternalVoltage1Hi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 49 } oaInternalVoltage1HiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 50 } -- ***** oaInternalVoltage2LoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 51 } oaInternalVoltage2Lo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 52 } oaInternalVoltage2Value OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage in steps of 0.1 Volts. Internal voltage nominal value, see 'oaDisplayInternalVoltage2Nominal'" ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 53 } oaInternalVoltage2Hi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 54 } oaInternalVoltage2HiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 55 } -- ***** oaInternalVoltage3LoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 56 } oaInternalVoltage3Lo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 57 } oaInternalVoltage3Value OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage in steps of 0.1 Volts. Internal voltage nominal value, see 'oaDisplayInternalVoltage3Nominal'" ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 58 } oaInternalVoltage3Hi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 59 } oaInternalVoltage3HiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The internal voltage high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 60 } -- #####+25 Space reserved for 5 additional internal voltage measuring values with limits -- ################################### Lasers Section ################################## -- *********************************** oaLaser1CurrentRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 86 } oaLaser1CurrentRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 87 } oaLaser1CurrentRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The laser no.1 current relative to the current at begin of life in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 88 } oaLaser1CurrentRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 89 } oaLaser1CurrentRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 90 } -- ***** oaLaser1TecRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 91 } oaLaser1TecRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 92 } oaLaser1TecRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 relative to its maximum value in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 93 } oaLaser1TecRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 94 } oaLaser1TecRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 95 } -- ***** oaLaser1TemperatureLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 96 } oaLaser1TemperatureLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 97 } oaLaser1TemperatureValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 98 } oaLaser1TemperatureHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 99 } oaLaser1TemperatureHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 100 } -- ***** oaLaser1VoltageLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 101 } oaLaser1VoltageLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 102 } oaLaser1VoltageValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 103 } oaLaser1VoltageHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 104 } oaLaser1VoltageHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 105 } -- #####+5 Space reserved for 1 additional laser measuring value with limits -- *********************************** oaLaser2CurrentRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 111 } oaLaser2CurrentRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 112 } oaLaser2CurrentRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The laser no.1 current relative to the current at begin of life in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 113 } oaLaser2CurrentRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 114 } oaLaser2CurrentRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 115 } -- ***** oaLaser2TecRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 116 } oaLaser2TecRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 117 } oaLaser2TecRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 relative to its maximum value in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 118 } oaLaser2TecRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 119 } oaLaser2TecRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 120 } -- ***** oaLaser2TemperatureLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 121 } oaLaser2TemperatureLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 122 } oaLaser2TemperatureValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 123 } oaLaser2TemperatureHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 124 } oaLaser2TemperatureHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 125 } -- ***** oaLaser2VoltageLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 126 } oaLaser2VoltageLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 127 } oaLaser2VoltageValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 128 } oaLaser2VoltageHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 129 } oaLaser2VoltageHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 130 } -- #####+5 Space reserved for 1 additional laser measuring value with limits -- *********************************** oaLaser3CurrentRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 136 } oaLaser3CurrentRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 137 } oaLaser3CurrentRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The laser no.1 current relative to the current at begin of life in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 138 } oaLaser3CurrentRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 139 } oaLaser3CurrentRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 140 } -- ***** oaLaser3TecRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 141 } oaLaser3TecRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 142 } oaLaser3TecRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 relative to its maximum value in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 143 } oaLaser3TecRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 144 } oaLaser3TecRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 145 } -- ***** oaLaser3TemperatureLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 146 } oaLaser3TemperatureLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 147 } oaLaser3TemperatureValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 148 } oaLaser3TemperatureHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 149 } oaLaser3TemperatureHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 150 } -- ***** oaLaser3VoltageLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 151 } oaLaser3VoltageLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 152 } oaLaser3VoltageValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 153 } oaLaser3VoltageHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 154 } oaLaser3VoltageHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 155 } -- #####+5 Space reserved for 1 additional laser measuring value with limits -- *********************************** oaLaser4CurrentRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 161 } oaLaser4CurrentRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 162 } oaLaser4CurrentRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The laser no.1 current relative to the current at begin of life in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 163 } oaLaser4CurrentRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 164 } oaLaser4CurrentRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 165 } -- ***** oaLaser4TecRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 166 } oaLaser4TecRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 167 } oaLaser4TecRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 relative to its maximum value in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 168 } oaLaser4TecRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 169 } oaLaser4TecRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 170 } -- ***** oaLaser4TemperatureLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 171 } oaLaser4TemperatureLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 172 } oaLaser4TemperatureValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 173 } oaLaser4TemperatureHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 174 } oaLaser4TemperatureHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 175 } -- ***** oaLaser4VoltageLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 176 } oaLaser4VoltageLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 177 } oaLaser4VoltageValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 178 } oaLaser4VoltageHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 179 } oaLaser4VoltageHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 180 } -- #####+5 Space reserved for 1 additional laser measuring value with limits -- *********************************** oaLaser5CurrentRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 186 } oaLaser5CurrentRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 187 } oaLaser5CurrentRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The laser no.1 current relative to the current at begin of life in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 188 } oaLaser5CurrentRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 189 } oaLaser5CurrentRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 190 } -- ***** oaLaser5TecRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 191 } oaLaser5TecRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 192 } oaLaser5TecRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 relative to its maximum value in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 193 } oaLaser5TecRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 194 } oaLaser5TecRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 195 } -- ***** oaLaser5TemperatureLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 196 } oaLaser5TemperatureLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 197 } oaLaser5TemperatureValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 198 } oaLaser5TemperatureHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 199 } oaLaser5TemperatureHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 200 } -- ***** oaLaser5VoltageLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 201 } oaLaser5VoltageLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 202 } oaLaser5VoltageValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 203 } oaLaser5VoltageHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 204 } oaLaser5VoltageHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 205 } -- #####+5 Space reserved for 1 additional laser measuring value with limits -- *********************************** oaLaser6CurrentRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 211 } oaLaser6CurrentRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 212 } oaLaser6CurrentRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The laser no.1 current relative to the current at begin of life in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 213 } oaLaser6CurrentRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 214 } oaLaser6CurrentRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser no.1 current high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 215 } -- ***** oaLaser6TecRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 216 } oaLaser6TecRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 217 } oaLaser6TecRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 relative to its maximum value in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 218 } oaLaser6TecRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 219 } oaLaser6TecRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 220 } -- ***** oaLaser6TemperatureLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 221 } oaLaser6TemperatureLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 222 } oaLaser6TemperatureValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 223 } oaLaser6TemperatureHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 224 } oaLaser6TemperatureHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Celsius Degrees." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 225 } -- ***** oaLaser6VoltageLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 226 } oaLaser6VoltageLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 227 } oaLaser6VoltageValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 228 } oaLaser6VoltageHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 229 } oaLaser6VoltageHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The supply voltage of laser no.1 high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 Volts." ::= { oaMeasuringValuesEntry 230 } -- #####+5 Space reserved for 1 additional laser measuring value with limits --***************************************************************************************** -- oaStates group oaStatesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OaStatesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { oaStates 1 } -- table of states entry(ro/rw) oaStatesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OaStatesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarms for a module." INDEX { oaNESlot } ::= { oaStatesTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry OaStatesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { oaStatesBootloader PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesCommLoss PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesInitializing PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesLaserShutdown PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesTemperatureLow PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesTemperatureHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesSystem PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesInputPwrLow PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesInputPwrHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesOutputPwrOrGainLow PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesOutputPwrOrGainHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesReturnLossLow PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesReturnLossHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesRedundancySwitch PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesInputVoltageLow PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesInputVoltageHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, -- ** Only for 19 inch devices with supply and fan units oaStatesPowerSupplyLeft PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesPowerSupplyRight PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesFanLeft PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesFanRight PerceivedSeverityValue, -- ** Shared alarms for all internal voltages oaStatesInternalVoltageLow PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesInternalVoltageHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, -- ** Shared alarms for all laser parameters oaStatesLaserCurrentLow PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesLaserCurrentHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesTecCurrentLow PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesTecCurrentHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesLaserTempLow PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesLaserTempHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesLaserVoltageLow PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesLaserVoltageHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, -- ** Only for amplifiers of raman type (see oaDisplayAmplifierIsRamanType) - oaStatesRamanBackReflectionRatio PerceivedSeverityValue, oaStatesRamanOscSignalMissing PerceivedSeverityValue } oaStatesBootloader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The device is running in bootloader mode without a legal application software." ::= { oaStatesEntry 1 } oaStatesCommLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The NEC has lost the connection to the device. Reason may be a removed or defective device. Note that this state is set by the NEC and not by the device" ::= { oaStatesEntry 2 } oaStatesInitializing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The device is initializing" ::= { oaStatesEntry 3 } oaStatesLaserShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Lasers are shutdown, no optical output" ::= { oaStatesEntry 4 } oaStatesTemperatureLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device internal temperature low" ::= { oaStatesEntry 5 } oaStatesTemperatureHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device internal temperature high" ::= { oaStatesEntry 6 } oaStatesSystem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Internal error occured" ::= { oaStatesEntry 7 } oaStatesInputPwrLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical input power low" ::= { oaStatesEntry 8 } oaStatesInputPwrHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical input power high" ::= { oaStatesEntry 9 } oaStatesOutputPwrOrGainLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical output power (or gain) low" ::= { oaStatesEntry 10 } oaStatesOutputPwrOrGainHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical output power (or gain) high" ::= { oaStatesEntry 11 } oaStatesReturnLossLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Return loss low" ::= { oaStatesEntry 12 } oaStatesReturnLossHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Return loss high" ::= { oaStatesEntry 13 } oaStatesRedundancySwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This (redundant) device has been activated (redundancy switchover)" ::= { oaStatesEntry 14 } oaStatesInputVoltageLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input supply voltage low" ::= { oaStatesEntry 15 } oaStatesInputVoltageHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input supply voltage high" ::= { oaStatesEntry 16 } -- #####+8 Space reserved for additional states oaStatesPowerSupplyLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The left (looking from front) power supply unit fails. Only valid for devices in 19 inch housing" ::= { oaStatesEntry 25 } oaStatesPowerSupplyRight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The right (looking from front) power supply unit fails. Only valid for devices in 19 inch housing" ::= { oaStatesEntry 26 } oaStatesFanLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The left (looking from front) fan unit fails. Only valid for devices in 19 inch housing" ::= { oaStatesEntry 27 } oaStatesFanRight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The right (looking from front) fan unit fails. Only valid for devices in 19 inch housing" ::= { oaStatesEntry 28 } oaStatesInternalVoltageLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "One (or more) internal voltages low" ::= { oaStatesEntry 29 } oaStatesInternalVoltageHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "One (or more) internal voltages high" ::= { oaStatesEntry 30 } oaStatesLaserCurrentLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser current of one (or more) lasers low" ::= { oaStatesEntry 31 } oaStatesLaserCurrentHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser current of one (or more) lasers high (laser is aging)" ::= { oaStatesEntry 32 } oaStatesTecCurrentLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser TEC current limit of one (or more) lasers reached (heating limit)" ::= { oaStatesEntry 33 } oaStatesTecCurrentHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser TEC current limit of one (or more) lasers reached (cooling limit)" ::= { oaStatesEntry 34 } oaStatesLaserTempLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser temperature of one (or more) lasers low" ::= { oaStatesEntry 35 } oaStatesLaserTempHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser temperature of one (or more) lasers high" ::= { oaStatesEntry 36 } oaStatesLaserVoltageLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser voltage supply of one (or more) lasers low" ::= { oaStatesEntry 37 } oaStatesLaserVoltageHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser voltage supply of one (or more) lasers high" ::= { oaStatesEntry 38 } oaStatesRamanBackReflectionRatio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Raman amplifier back reflection ratio high alarm Only used if oaDisplayAmplifierIsRamanType == true(1)" ::= { oaStatesEntry 39 } oaStatesRamanOscSignalMissing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Raman amplifier oscillator signal missing alarm Only used if oaDisplayAmplifierIsRamanType == true(1)" ::= { oaStatesEntry 40 } --***************************************************************************************** -- oaControl group oaControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OaControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { oaControl 1 } -- table of control entry(ro/rw) oaControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OaControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarms for a module." INDEX { oaNESlot } ::= { oaControlTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry OaControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { oaControlLaserShutdown TruthValue, oaControlReset TruthValue, oaControlModuleLedBlink TruthValue, oaControlSbsEvaluationStart TruthValue } oaControlLaserShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shutdown the laser(s), optical power on/off." ::= { oaControlEntry 1 } oaControlReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset the module." ::= { oaControlEntry 2 } oaControlModuleLedBlink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Writing this variable to true(1) lets the device's modul LED blink green for 10 seconds. Writing this variable to false(2) stops blinking at once. This variable always returns false(2) on read requests" ::= { oaControlEntry 3 } oaControlSbsEvaluationStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting to true(1) starts an SBS threshold evaluation process. Always reads as false(2)" ::={ oaControlEntry 4 } --***************************************************************************************** -- oaConfiguration group oaConfigurationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OaConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { oaConfiguration 1 } -- table of configuration entry(ro/rw) oaConfigurationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OaConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { oaNESlot } ::= { oaConfigurationTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry OaConfigurationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { oaConfigNESlotWrite NESlotWriteValue, oaConfigRegulationMode RegulationMode, oaConfigOutputPwrOrGainAdjust INTEGER, oaConfigModeExtIO ExtIOmode, oaConfigMaskExtIO ExtIOmask, oaConfigSbsEvaluationMode SbsEvaluationMode } oaConfigNESlotWrite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NESlotWriteValue ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "By writing this variable a slot can be assigned for devices that dont support hardware slot detection. Reading '-1' means that the slot position is NOT writable." ::= { oaConfigurationEntry 1 } oaConfigRegulationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RegulationMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The regulation mode of the device. - regModeConstantOutputPower(1): If the device runs in constant output power mode, then all *OutputPwrOrGain* variables are interpreted as 'Output Power' specific. - regModeConstantGain(2): If the device runs in constant gain mode, then all *OutputPwrOrGain* variables are interpreted as 'Gain' specific." ::={ oaConfigurationEntry 2 } oaConfigOutputPwrOrGainAdjust OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This variable can be used to adjust the desired output power (or gain) value in 0.1 dB units relative to its nominal level. See oaConfigRegulationMode variable too" ::={ oaConfigurationEntry 3 } oaConfigModeExtIO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ExtIOmode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode and usage of the device's external IO port." ::= { oaConfigurationEntry 4 } oaConfigMaskExtIO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ExtIOmask ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The alarm/warning mask that activates the device's external IO port." ::= { oaConfigurationEntry 5 } oaConfigSbsEvaluationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SbsEvaluationMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The SBS threshold evaluation mode." ::={ oaConfigurationEntry 6 } --***************************************************************************************** -- Display group oaDisplayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OaDisplayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { oaDisplay 1 } -- table of configuration entry(ro/rw) oaDisplayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OaDisplayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { oaNESlot } ::= { oaDisplayTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry OaDisplayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { oaDisplayNumberOfLasers INTEGER, oaDisplayNumberOfInternalVoltages INTEGER, oaDisplayExtIOSupported TruthValue, oaDisplaySbsSupported TruthValue, oaDisplayReturnLossSupported TruthValue, oaDisplaySbsEvaluatedThreshold INTEGER, oaDisplaySbsLastEvaluationState SbsEvaluationState, oaDisplaySbsLastEvaluationTime DisplayString, oaDisplayOutputPwrOrGainNominal INTEGER, oaDisplayOutputPwrOrGainAdjusted INTEGER, oaDisplayInputVoltageNominal INTEGER, oaDisplayInternalVoltage1Nominal INTEGER, oaDisplayInternalVoltage2Nominal INTEGER, oaDisplayInternalVoltage3Nominal INTEGER, oaDisplayLaser1VoltageNominal INTEGER, oaDisplayLaser2VoltageNominal INTEGER, oaDisplayLaser3VoltageNominal INTEGER, oaDisplayLaser4VoltageNominal INTEGER, oaDisplayLaser5VoltageNominal INTEGER, oaDisplayLaser6VoltageNominal INTEGER, oaDisplayLaser1PumpPowerRel INTEGER, oaDisplayLaser2PumpPowerRel INTEGER, oaDisplayLaser3PumpPowerRel INTEGER, oaDisplayLaser4PumpPowerRel INTEGER, oaDisplayLaser5PumpPowerRel INTEGER, oaDisplayLaser6PumpPowerRel INTEGER, oaDisplayLaser1FeaturesSupported LaserFeatures, oaDisplayLaser2FeaturesSupported LaserFeatures, oaDisplayLaser3FeaturesSupported LaserFeatures, oaDisplayLaser4FeaturesSupported LaserFeatures, oaDisplayLaser5FeaturesSupported LaserFeatures, oaDisplayLaser6FeaturesSupported LaserFeatures, oaDisplayAmplifierIsRamanType TruthValue } oaDisplayNumberOfLasers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of lasers used by this optical amplifier" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 1 } oaDisplayNumberOfInternalVoltages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The number of internal voltages monitored by this optical amplifier" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 2 } oaDisplayExtIOSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Return 'true(1)' if external I/O feature is supported by the device." ::= { oaDisplayEntry 3 } oaDisplaySbsSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Return 'true(1)' if SBS feature is supported by the device." ::= { oaDisplayEntry 4 } oaDisplayReturnLossSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Return 'true(1)' if ReturnLoss feature is supported by the device." ::= { oaDisplayEntry 5 } oaDisplaySbsEvaluatedThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The evaluated SBS output power or gain threshold in 0.1 dB(m) units. Not supported by all optical amplifiers" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 6 } oaDisplaySbsLastEvaluationState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SbsEvaluationState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The result of last SBS threshold evaluation process. Returns 'evaluationNotSupported(1)' if SBS threshold evaluation is not supported by this optical amplifier" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 7 } oaDisplaySbsLastEvaluationTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time of last successfull SBS threshold evaluation process. Not supported by all optical amplifiers" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 8 } oaDisplayOutputPwrOrGainNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal value of output power (or gain) in 0.1 dB(m) units. See oaConfigRegulationMode variable too" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 9 } oaDisplayOutputPwrOrGainAdjusted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The adjusted desired value of output power (or gain) in 0.1 dB(m) units. See oaConfigRegulationMode variable too" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 10 } oaDisplayInputVoltageNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The nominal value of input voltage in 0.1 V units." ::={ oaDisplayEntry 11 } oaDisplayInternalVoltage1Nominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The nominal value of internal voltage no. 1 in 0.1 V units." ::={ oaDisplayEntry 12 } oaDisplayInternalVoltage2Nominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The nominal value of internal voltage no. 2 in 0.1 V units." ::={ oaDisplayEntry 13 } oaDisplayInternalVoltage3Nominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The nominal value of internal voltage no. 3 in 0.1 V units." ::={ oaDisplayEntry 14 } -- #####+5 Space reserved for 5 additional internal voltages oaDisplayLaser1VoltageNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The nominal supply voltage of laser no.1 in 0.1 V units." ::={ oaDisplayEntry 20 } oaDisplayLaser2VoltageNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The nominal supply voltage of laser no.2 in 0.1 V units." ::={ oaDisplayEntry 21 } oaDisplayLaser3VoltageNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The nominal supply voltage of laser no.3 in 0.1 V units." ::={ oaDisplayEntry 22 } oaDisplayLaser4VoltageNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The nominal supply voltage of laser no.4 in 0.1 V units." ::={ oaDisplayEntry 23 } oaDisplayLaser5VoltageNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The nominal supply voltage of laser no.5 in 0.1 V units." ::={ oaDisplayEntry 24 } oaDisplayLaser6VoltageNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The nominal supply voltage of laser no.6 in 0.1 V units." ::={ oaDisplayEntry 25 } -- #####+4 Space reserved for 4 additional lasers oaDisplayLaser1PumpPowerRel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The pump power of laser no.1 in steps of 0.1%" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 30 } oaDisplayLaser2PumpPowerRel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The pump power of laser no.2 in steps of 0.1%" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 31 } oaDisplayLaser3PumpPowerRel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The pump power of laser no.3 in steps of 0.1%" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 32 } oaDisplayLaser4PumpPowerRel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The pump power of laser no.4 in steps of 0.1%" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 33 } oaDisplayLaser5PumpPowerRel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The pump power of laser no.5 in steps of 0.1%" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 34 } oaDisplayLaser6PumpPowerRel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The pump power of laser no.6 in steps of 0.1%" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 35 } -- #####+4 Space reserved for 4 additional lasers oaDisplayLaser1FeaturesSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LaserFeatures ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The features supported by laser no.1 A bitfield containing the features supplied by this laser. Note that laserCurrent is always supplied." ::={ oaDisplayEntry 40 } oaDisplayLaser2FeaturesSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LaserFeatures ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The features supported by laser no.2" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 41 } oaDisplayLaser3FeaturesSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LaserFeatures ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The features supported by laser no.3" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 42 } oaDisplayLaser4FeaturesSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LaserFeatures ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The features supported by laser no.4" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 43 } oaDisplayLaser5FeaturesSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LaserFeatures ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The features supported by laser no.5" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 44 } oaDisplayLaser6FeaturesSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LaserFeatures ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The features supported by laser no.6" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 45 } -- #####+4 Space reserved for 4 additional lasers oaDisplayAmplifierIsRamanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Returns true(1) if this amplifier is of RAMAN type" ::={ oaDisplayEntry 50 } --***************************************************************************************** END