--- **************************************************************************** -- * -- * Description: Implements definitions for the Ovtx-modul -- * (External Modulated Optical Transmitters) -- * -- * Copyright 2003 by BKtel communications GmbH -- * -- * V.0.1 18.02.03 J. Anhorn first draft -- * V.0.2 17.03.03 M. Heldmann ovtxStates group changed completely, more changes -- * V.0.3 23.04.03 M. Heldmann ovtxDisplay group shrinked, removed J.Anhorns comments -- * V.0.4 30.04.03 M. Heldmann ovtxControlReset, ovtxControlModuleLedBlink added -- * V.0.5 05.05.03 M. Heldmann ovtxStatesLaserShutdown, ovtxStatesInitializing added -- * V.0.6 23.07.03 M. Heldmann added descriptions for the states -- * V.0.7 16.09.03 M. Heldmann adjusted description for the state ovtxStatesInputLow -- * V.1.0 17.12.03 M. Heldmann added ovtxRfInputMin..ovtxRfInputMax -- * ovtxStatesInputHigh, ovtxStatesRedundancySwitch -- * ovtxConfigurationRfInputLimitLoLo..ovtxConfigurationMaskExtIO -- * ovtxDisplayOmiNominal -- * renamed ovtxControlLaserShutdown to ovtxControlLaserOutputMode and expanded it -- * renamed ..ItuFrequency.. to ..LaserFrequency.. -- * adjusted some descriptions -- * V.1.1 27.02.04 M. Heldmann changed ExtIOmask parameter name from maskUnknown(3) to maskSpecial(3) -- * V.1.2 01.09.04 M. Heldmann ovtxConfigurationSbsSuppression expanded to SBS on/off settings -- * V.1.3 18.04.05 M. Heldmann ovtxConfigurationSbsSuppression changed description -- * V.1.4 04.10.06 M. Heldmann NESlotWriteValue expanded due to new 2G6 platform needs -- * V.2.0 14.01.08 M. Heldmann renamed threshold parameters in ovtxMeasuringValuesTable -- * renamed ovtxStatesDefective -> ovtxStatesCommLoss -- * some threshold parameters in ovtxMeasuringValuesTable made read-write -- * parameters needed for new transmitter hardware with extended features: -- * - ovtxConfigurationCsoRegulationMode, ovtxConfigurationSlope -- * ovtxConfigurationFiberLength configuration parameters -- * - ovtxDisplayRegulationState, ovtxDisplayExtendedCapabilities -- * parameters needed for new transmitter hardware with SAT RF input: -- * - ovtxSatRfInputValue, ovtxSatOmiMeasuredValue, -- * ovtxSatRfGainMeasuredValue measuring values and their thresholds -- * - ovtxStatesSatInputLow, ovtxStatesSatInputHigh. -- * ovtxStatesSatOmiOrRfgainLow. ovtxStatesSatOmiOrRfgainHigh alarm states -- * - ovtxConfigurationSatModeAGC, ovtxConfigurationSatOmi, ovtxConfigurationSatRfGain -- * ovtxConfigurationSatSlope, ovtxConfigurationRfInputMode configuration parameters -- * - ovtxDisplaySatOmiNominal, ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities -- * V.2.1 26.06.09 M. Heldmann added ovtxConfigurationSatLnbSupply and ovtxDisplaySatLnbSupplySupported -- * V.2.1b 14.05.10 M. Heldmann renamed ovtxConfigurationModeExtIO and ovtxConfigurationMaskExtIO -- * to ovtxConfigurationRedundancyMode and ovtxConfigurationRedundancyMask -- * V.2.2 27.04.12 M. Heldmann added ovtxStatesSatLnbShortCircuit, ovtxStatesSbs1Level, ovtxStatesSbs2Level -- * ovtxStatesSbs1PllNotLocked ovtxStatesSbs2PllNotLocked -- * ovtxConfigurationSbsSuppressionMode, -- * ovtxDisplaySbsExtensionsSupported, ovtxDisplaySbsSuppressionModeSupported -- * V.2.2b 03.12.12 M. Heldmann added ovtxStatesInternalAlarm -- * V.2.2c 20.03.13 M. Heldmann changed ovtxConfigurationSbsSuppressionMode to ovtxConfigurationSbsSuppressionMode -- * added ovtxConfigurationSbsFiberType, ovtxConfigurationSbsFiberLength and -- * ovtxDisplaySbsFiberParametersSupported -- * V.2.3 11.07.13 M. Heldmann adjusted syntax of "CommonEntry" to remove MIB compiler warnings -- * V.2.4 05.09.14 M. Heldmann changed CommonModuleWidth and ConfigurationNESlotWrite STATUS to optional -- **************************************************************************** BKTEL-HFC862-OVTX-V11-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS experimental, enterprises, TimeTicks, IpAddress, Counter FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 modules, DisplayString, TruthValue, PerceivedSeverityValue, NESlotValue, ModuleWidthValue FROM BKTEL-HFC862-BASE-MIB ; ovtx OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { modules 101 } ovtxCommon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ovtx 1 } ovtxStates OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ovtx 2 } ovtxConfiguration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ovtx 3 } ovtxControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ovtx 4 } ovtxMeasuringValues OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ovtx 5 } ovtxDisplay OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ovtx 6 } -- -- Type definitions -- AGCmode ::= INTEGER { modeAgcOff(1), modeUnmodulatedAgcOn(2), modeModulatedAgcOn(3) } SatAGCmode ::= INTEGER { satAgcOff(1), satAgcOn(2) } RedundancyMode ::= INTEGER { modeActiveLowOutput(1), modeActiveHighOutput(2), modeNominalMasterIrreversible(3), modeNominalMasterFallback(4), modeRedundantSlave(5) } RedundancyMask ::= INTEGER { maskAlarmsOnly(1), maskAlarmsAndWarnings(2), maskSpecialAdjusted(3) -- This item is NOT writable !! } LaserOutputMode ::= INTEGER { laserShutdown(1), laserActive(2), laserShutdownOnMaskedError(3) -- Automatic laser shutdown on RedundancyMask'ed error condition } CsoRegulationMode ::= INTEGER { csoRegModeChannelControlled(1), csoRegModePilotControlled(2) } RegulationState ::= INTEGER { regulationStateUnknownOrNotSupported(1), regulationStateOutputpowerBased(2), regulationStateCsoBasedRough(3), regulationStateCsoBasedFine(4), regulationStatePilotBased(5) } RfInputCapabilities ::= INTEGER { rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), rfInputSatOnlySupported(2), rfInputCatvAndSatSupported(3) } RfInputAlarmMode ::= INTEGER { alarmEnableAll(1), alarmCatvEnableSatDisable(2), alarmSatEnableCatvDisable(3) } LnbSupplyValue ::= INTEGER { lnbSupplyOff(1), lnbSupply14V(2), lnbSupply18V(3), lnbSupply14V_22kHz(4), lnbSupply18V_22kHz(5) } LnbSupplySupportedValue ::= INTEGER { notSupported(1), lnbSupply14V18VSwitchSupported(2), lnbSupply14V18VAnd22kHzSwitchSupported(3) } SbsSuppressionModeValue ::= INTEGER { modeStandard(1), modeCatvOnly(2) } SbsFiberTypeValue ::= INTEGER { typeStandardFiber(1), typeSbsOptimizedFiber(2) } SbsFiberLengthValue ::= INTEGER { length10km(1), length25km(2), length40km(3), length65km(4) } NESlotWriteValue ::= INTEGER (-1..99) --***************************************************************************************** -- OVTX ( Optical Transmitter with design release V11 ) --***************************************************************************************** -- ovtxCommon group ovtxCommonNumberOfModules OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..50) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of modules in table." ::= { ovtxCommon 1 } ovtxCommonTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OvtxCommonEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table contains all modules of the OVTX-type in the NE" ::= { ovtxCommon 2 } -- table of states entry(ro/rw) ovtxCommonEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OvtxCommonEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Common-Values for a module." INDEX { ovtxNESlot } ::= { ovtxCommonTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry OvtxCommonEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ovtxNESlot NESlotValue, ovtxCommonType DisplayString, ovtxCommonDescr DisplayString, ovtxCommonFirmwareId DisplayString, ovtxCommonModuleWidth ModuleWidthValue } ovtxNESlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NESlotValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The slot number of the chassis for which this entry contains management information. Equal to: modOVTXv11UniqueID" ::= { ovtxCommonEntry 1 } ovtxCommonType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of physical module. modSlotEmpty indicates an empty slot. A Value of modSlotUnknown indicates that the type of module is unknown." ::= { ovtxCommonEntry 2 } ovtxCommonDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A textual description of the module. If not available, this Value should be set to a zero length string." ::= { ovtxCommonEntry 3 } ovtxCommonFirmwareId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware Id of the module." ::= { ovtxCommonEntry 4 } ovtxCommonModuleWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ModuleWidthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The width of the module in multiples of slots (1, 2, ...)" ::= { ovtxCommonEntry 5 } --***************************************************************************************** -- ovtxMeasuringValues group -- table of measuring Values ovtxMeasuringValuesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OvtxMeasuringValuesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { ovtxMeasuringValues 1 } -- table of measuring Values entry ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OvtxMeasuringValuesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Common-Values for a module." INDEX { ovtxNESlot } ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry OvtxMeasuringValuesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ovtxOmiMeasuredLoLo INTEGER, ovtxOmiMeasuredLo INTEGER, ovtxOmiMeasuredValue INTEGER, ovtxOmiMeasuredHi INTEGER, ovtxOmiMeasuredHiHi INTEGER, ovtxRfGainMeasuredLoLo INTEGER, ovtxRfGainMeasuredLo INTEGER, ovtxRfGainMeasuredValue INTEGER, ovtxRfGainMeasuredHi INTEGER, ovtxRfGainMeasuredHiHi INTEGER, ovtxLaserCurrentRelLoLo INTEGER, ovtxLaserCurrentRelLo INTEGER, ovtxLaserCurrentRelValue INTEGER, ovtxLaserCurrentRelHi INTEGER, ovtxLaserCurrentRelHiHi INTEGER, ovtxTecCurrentRelLoLo INTEGER, ovtxTecCurrentRelLo INTEGER, ovtxTecCurrentRelValue INTEGER, ovtxTecCurrentRelHi INTEGER, ovtxTecCurrentRelHiHi INTEGER, ovtxOutputPowerLoLo INTEGER, ovtxOutputPowerLo INTEGER, ovtxOutputPowerValue INTEGER, ovtxOutputPowerHi INTEGER, ovtxOutputPowerHiHi INTEGER, ovtxPlus3p3VLoLo INTEGER, ovtxPlus3p3VLo INTEGER, ovtxPlus3p3VValue INTEGER, ovtxPlus3p3VHi INTEGER, ovtxPlus3p3VHiHi INTEGER, ovtxPlus5VLoLo INTEGER, ovtxPlus5VLo INTEGER, ovtxPlus5VValue INTEGER, ovtxPlus5VHi INTEGER, ovtxPlus5VHiHi INTEGER, ovtxPlus12VLoLo INTEGER, ovtxPlus12VLo INTEGER, ovtxPlus12VValue INTEGER, ovtxPlus12VHi INTEGER, ovtxPlus12VHiHi INTEGER, ovtxPlus24VLoLo INTEGER, ovtxPlus24VLo INTEGER, ovtxPlus24VValue INTEGER, ovtxPlus24VHi INTEGER, ovtxPlus24VHiHi INTEGER, ovtxMinus5VLoLo INTEGER, ovtxMinus5VLo INTEGER, ovtxMinus5VValue INTEGER, ovtxMinus5VHi INTEGER, ovtxMinus5VHiHi INTEGER, ovtxMinus12VLoLo INTEGER, ovtxMinus12VLo INTEGER, ovtxMinus12VValue INTEGER, ovtxMinus12VHi INTEGER, ovtxMinus12VHiHi INTEGER, ovtxTemperatureLoLo INTEGER, ovtxTemperatureLo INTEGER, ovtxTemperatureValue INTEGER, ovtxTemperatureHi INTEGER, ovtxTemperatureHiHi INTEGER, ovtxRfInputLoLo INTEGER, ovtxRfInputLo INTEGER, ovtxRfInputValue INTEGER, ovtxRfInputHi INTEGER, ovtxRfInputHiHi INTEGER, ovtxSatRfInputLoLo INTEGER, ovtxSatRfInputLo INTEGER, ovtxSatRfInputValue INTEGER, ovtxSatRfInputHi INTEGER, ovtxSatRfInputHiHi INTEGER, ovtxSatOmiMeasuredLoLo INTEGER, ovtxSatOmiMeasuredLo INTEGER, ovtxSatOmiMeasuredValue INTEGER, ovtxSatOmiMeasuredHi INTEGER, ovtxSatOmiMeasuredHiHi INTEGER, ovtxSatRfGainMeasuredLoLo INTEGER, ovtxSatRfGainMeasuredLo INTEGER, ovtxSatRfGainMeasuredValue INTEGER, ovtxSatRfGainMeasuredHi INTEGER, ovtxSatRfGainMeasuredHiHi INTEGER } -- ***** ovtxOmiMeasuredLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-OMI offset low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dB (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 1 } ovtxOmiMeasuredLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-OMI offset low warning threshold in steps of 0.1dB (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 2 } ovtxOmiMeasuredValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The offset from nominal OMI in steps of 0.1dB (CATV input). If AGC is on this parameter is equal to ovtxConfigurationOmi. If AGC is off this paramters shows the Measured-OMI for the adjusted gain." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 3 } ovtxOmiMeasuredHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-OMI offset high warning threshold in steps of 0.1dB (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 4 } ovtxOmiMeasuredHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-OMI offset high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dB (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 5 } -- ***** ovtxRfGainMeasuredLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-Rf-Gain offset low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dB (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 6 } ovtxRfGainMeasuredLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-Rf-Gain offset low warning threshold in steps of 0.1dB (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 7 } ovtxRfGainMeasuredValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The offset from nominal gain in steps of 0.1dB (CATV input). If AGC is off this parameter is equal to ovtxConfigurationRfGain. If AGC is on this paramters shows the Measured-Rf-Gain for the adjusted omi." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 8 } ovtxRfGainMeasuredHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-Rf-Gain offset high warning threshold in steps of 0.1dB (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 9 } ovtxRfGainMeasuredHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-Rf-Gain offset high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dB (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 10 } -- ***** ovtxLaserCurrentRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser current low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 11 } ovtxLaserCurrentRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser current low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 12 } ovtxLaserCurrentRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The laser current relative to the current at begin of life in steps of 0.1%." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 13 } ovtxLaserCurrentRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser current high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 14 } ovtxLaserCurrentRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Relative laser current high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 15 } -- ***** ovtxTecCurrentRelLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 16 } ovtxTecCurrentRelLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current low warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 17 } ovtxTecCurrentRelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The thermo-electric-cooler current relative to its absolute high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 18 } ovtxTecCurrentRelHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current high warning threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 19 } ovtxTecCurrentRelHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Thermo-electric-cooler current high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1%." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 20 } -- ***** ovtxOutputPowerLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output power low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dBm." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 21 } ovtxOutputPowerLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output power low warning threshold in steps of 0.1dBm." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 22 } ovtxOutputPowerValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output power in steps of 0.1dBm." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 23 } ovtxOutputPowerHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output power high warning threshold in steps of 0.1dBm." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 24 } ovtxOutputPowerHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output power high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dBm." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 25 } -- ***** ovtxPlus3p3VLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +3.3V supply voltage low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 26 } ovtxPlus3p3VLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +3.3V supply voltage low warning threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 27 } ovtxPlus3p3VValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +3.3V supply voltage in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 28 } ovtxPlus3p3VHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +3.3V supply voltage high warning threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 29 } ovtxPlus3p3VHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +3.3V supply voltage high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 30 } -- ***** ovtxPlus5VLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +5V supply voltage low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 31 } ovtxPlus5VLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +5V supply voltage low warning threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 32 } ovtxPlus5VValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +5V supply voltage in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 33 } ovtxPlus5VHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +5V supply voltage high warning threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 34 } ovtxPlus5VHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +5V supply voltage high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 35 } -- ***** ovtxPlus12VLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +12V supply voltage low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 36 } ovtxPlus12VLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +12V supply voltage low warning threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 37 } ovtxPlus12VValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +12V supply voltage in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 38 } ovtxPlus12VHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +12V supply voltage high warning threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 39 } ovtxPlus12VHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +12V supply voltage high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 40 } -- ***** ovtxPlus24VLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +24V supply voltage low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 41 } ovtxPlus24VLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +24V supply voltage low warning threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 42 } ovtxPlus24VValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +24V supply voltage in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 43 } ovtxPlus24VHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +24V supply voltage high warning threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 44 } ovtxPlus24VHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The +24V supply voltage high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 45 } -- ***** ovtxMinus5VLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The -5V supply voltage low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 46 } ovtxMinus5VLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The -5V supply voltage low warning threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 47 } ovtxMinus5VValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The -5V supply voltage in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 48 } ovtxMinus5VHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The -5V supply voltage high warning threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 49 } ovtxMinus5VHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The -5V supply voltage high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 50 } -- ***** ovtxMinus12VLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The -12V supply voltage low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 51 } ovtxMinus12VLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The -12V supply voltage low warning threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 52 } ovtxMinus12VValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The -12V supply voltage in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 53 } ovtxMinus12VHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The -12V supply voltage high warning threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 54 } ovtxMinus12VHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The -12V supply voltage high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1V." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 55 } -- ***** ovtxTemperatureLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The module temperature low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 56 } ovtxTemperatureLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The module temperature low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 57 } ovtxTemperatureValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The module temperature in steps of 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 58 } ovtxTemperatureHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The module temperature high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 59 } ovtxTemperatureHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The module temperature high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 celsius degrees." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 60 } -- ***** ovtxRfInputLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RfInput (total rms) low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 dBm (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 61 } ovtxRfInputLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RfInput (total rms) low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 dBm (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 62 } ovtxRfInputValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RfInput (total rms) in steps of 0.1 dBm (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 63 } ovtxRfInputHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RfInput (total rms) high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 dBm (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 64 } ovtxRfInputHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RfInput (total rms) high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 dBm (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 65 } -- ***** ovtxSatRfInputLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RfInput (total rms) low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 dBm (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 66 } ovtxSatRfInputLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RfInput (total rms) low warning threshold in steps of 0.1 dBm (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 67 } ovtxSatRfInputValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RfInput (total rms) in steps of 0.1 dBm (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 68 } ovtxSatRfInputHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RfInput (total rms) high warning threshold in steps of 0.1 dBm (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 69 } ovtxSatRfInputHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RfInput (total rms) high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1 dBm (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 70 } -- ***** ovtxSatOmiMeasuredLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-OMI offset low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dB (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 71 } ovtxSatOmiMeasuredLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-OMI offset low warning threshold in steps of 0.1dB (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 72 } ovtxSatOmiMeasuredValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The offset from nominal OMI in steps of 0.1dB (SAT input). If SAT AGC is on this parameter is equal to ovtxConfigurationSatOmi. If SAT AGC is off this paramters shows the measured-OMI for the adjusted gain. Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 73 } ovtxSatOmiMeasuredHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-OMI offset high warning threshold in steps of 0.1dB (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 74 } ovtxSatOmiMeasuredHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-OMI offset high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dB (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 75 } -- ***** ovtxSatRfGainMeasuredLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-Rf-Gain offset low alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dB (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 76 } ovtxSatRfGainMeasuredLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-Rf-Gain offset low warning threshold in steps of 0.1dB (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 77 } ovtxSatRfGainMeasuredValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The offset from nominal gain in steps of 0.1dB (SAT input). If AGC is off this parameter is equal to ovtxConfigurationSatRfGain. If AGC is on this paramters shows the measured-Rf-Gain for the adjusted omi. Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 78 } ovtxSatRfGainMeasuredHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-Rf-Gain offset high warning threshold in steps of 0.1dB (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 79 } ovtxSatRfGainMeasuredHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Measured-Rf-Gain offset high alarm threshold in steps of 0.1dB (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero." ::= { ovtxMeasuringValuesEntry 80 } --***************************************************************************************** -- ovtxStates group -- Note: For every control OId there must be a correspondant alarm OId! ovtxStatesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OvtxStatesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { ovtxStates 1 } -- table of states entry(ro/rw) ovtxStatesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OvtxStatesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarms for a module." INDEX { ovtxNESlot } ::= { ovtxStatesTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry OvtxStatesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ovtxStatesOutputLow PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesOutputHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesInputLow PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesLaserAging PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesTecHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesLaserTempLow PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesLaserTempHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesOmiOrRfgainLow PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesOmiOrRfgainHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesPowerSupplyLeft PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesPowerSupplyRight PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesFanLeft PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesFanRight PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesTemperatureLow PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesTemperatureHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesPlus3p3VLow PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesPlus3p3VHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesPlus5VLow PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesPlus5VHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesPlus12VLow PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesPlus12VHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesPlus24VLow PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesPlus24VHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesMinus5VLow PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesMinus5VHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesMinus12VLow PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesMinus12VHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesLaserShutdown PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesInitializing PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesBootloader PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesCommLoss PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesInputHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesRedundancySwitch PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesSatInputLow PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesSatInputHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesSatOmiOrRfgainLow PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesSatOmiOrRfgainHigh PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesSatLnbShortCircuit PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesSbs1Level PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesSbs2Level PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesSbs1PllNotLocked PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesSbs2PllNotLocked PerceivedSeverityValue, ovtxStatesInternalAlarm PerceivedSeverityValue } ovtxStatesOutputLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical output power low" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 1 } ovtxStatesOutputHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Optical output power high" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 2 } ovtxStatesInputLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RF input power low (CATV input)" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 3 } ovtxStatesLaserAging OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The laser is aging" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 4 } ovtxStatesTecHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser cooler limit reached" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 5 } ovtxStatesLaserTempLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser temperature low" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 6 } ovtxStatesLaserTempHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser temperature high" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 7 } ovtxStatesOmiOrRfgainLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Omi or rf-gain (depending on mode) low (CATV input)" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 8 } ovtxStatesOmiOrRfgainHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Omi or rf-gain (depending on mode) high (CATV input)" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 9 } ovtxStatesPowerSupplyLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The left (looking from front) power supply unit fails" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 10 } ovtxStatesPowerSupplyRight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The right (looking from front) power supply unit fails" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 11 } ovtxStatesFanLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The left (looking from front) fan unit fails" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 12 } ovtxStatesFanRight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The right (looking from front) fan unit fails" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 13 } ovtxStatesTemperatureLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device internal temperature low" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 14 } ovtxStatesTemperatureHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device internal temperature high" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 15 } ovtxStatesPlus3p3VLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "3.3 Volt supply low" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 16 } ovtxStatesPlus3p3VHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "3.3 Volt supply high" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 17 } ovtxStatesPlus5VLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5 Volt supply low" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 18 } ovtxStatesPlus5VHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5 Volt supply high" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 19 } ovtxStatesPlus12VLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "12 Volt supply low" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 20 } ovtxStatesPlus12VHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "12 Volt supply high" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 21 } ovtxStatesPlus24VLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "24 Volt supply low" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 22 } ovtxStatesPlus24VHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "24 Volt supply high" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 23 } ovtxStatesMinus5VLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "-5 Volt supply low" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 24 } ovtxStatesMinus5VHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "-5 Volt supply high" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 25 } ovtxStatesMinus12VLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "-12 Volt supply low" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 26 } ovtxStatesMinus12VHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "-12 Volt supply high" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 27 } ovtxStatesLaserShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser is shutdown, no optical output" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 28 } ovtxStatesInitializing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The device is initializing" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 29 } ovtxStatesBootloader OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The device is running in bootloader mode without a legal application software." ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 30 } ovtxStatesCommLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The NEC has lost the connection to the device. Reason may be a removed or defective device. Note that this state is set by the NEC and not by the device" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 31 } ovtxStatesInputHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RF input power high (CATV input)" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 32 } ovtxStatesRedundancySwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This (redundant) device has been activated (redundancy switchover)" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 33 } ovtxStatesSatInputLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RF input power low (SAT input) Only used if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports clear(5)." ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 34 } ovtxStatesSatInputHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RF input power high (SAT input) Only used if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports clear(5)." ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 35 } ovtxStatesSatOmiOrRfgainLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Omi or rf-gain (depending on mode) low (SAT input) Only used if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports clear(5)." ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 36 } ovtxStatesSatOmiOrRfgainHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Omi or rf-gain (depending on mode) high (SAT input) Only used if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports clear(5)." ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 37 } ovtxStatesSatLnbShortCircuit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Short-circuit at SAT LNB Only used if ovtxDisplaySatLnbSupplySupported != notSupported(1), otherwise always reports clear(5)." ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 38 } ovtxStatesSbs1Level OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SBS #1 level alarm Only used if ovtxDisplaySbsExtensionsSupported == true(1), otherwise always reports clear(5)." ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 39 } ovtxStatesSbs2Level OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SBS #2 level alarm Only used if ovtxDisplaySbsExtensionsSupported == true(1), otherwise always reports clear(5)." ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 40 } ovtxStatesSbs1PllNotLocked OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SBS #1 PLL not locked Only used if ovtxDisplaySbsExtensionsSupported == true(1), otherwise always reports clear(5)." ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 41 } ovtxStatesSbs2PllNotLocked OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SBS #2 PLL not locked Only used if ovtxDisplaySbsExtensionsSupported == true(1), otherwise always reports clear(5)." ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 42 } ovtxStatesInternalAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerceivedSeverityValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Internal hardware failure" ::= { ovtxStatesEntry 43 } --***************************************************************************************** -- ovtxControl group ovtxControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OvtxControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { ovtxControl 1 } -- table of control entry(ro/rw) ovtxControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OvtxControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarms for a module." INDEX { ovtxNESlot } ::= { ovtxControlTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry OvtxControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ovtxControlLaserOutputMode LaserOutputMode, ovtxControlReset TruthValue, ovtxControlModuleLedBlink TruthValue } ovtxControlLaserOutputMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LaserOutputMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output mode of the laser. NOTE: The error mask used for parameter 'laserShutdownOnMaskedError(3)' is the same mask used for external IO port, 'ovtxConfigurationRedundancyMask'" ::= { ovtxControlEntry 1 } ovtxControlReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset the module." ::= { ovtxControlEntry 2 } ovtxControlModuleLedBlink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Writing this variable to true(1) lets the device's modul LED blink green for 10 seconds. Writing this variable to false(2) stops blinking at once. This variable always returns false(2) on read requests" ::= { ovtxControlEntry 3 } --***************************************************************************************** -- ovtxConfiguration group ovtxConfigurationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OvtxConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { ovtxConfiguration 1 } -- table of configuration entry(ro/rw) ovtxConfigurationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OvtxConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { ovtxNESlot } ::= { ovtxConfigurationTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry OvtxConfigurationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ovtxConfigurationNESlotWrite NESlotWriteValue, ovtxConfigurationModeAGC AGCmode, ovtxConfigurationOmi INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationRfGain INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationSbsSuppression INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationChannelDistance INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationLaserFrequency INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationRfInputLimitLoLo INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationRfInputLimitLo INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationRfInputLimitHi INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationRfInputLimitHiHi INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationRfGainMeasuredLimitLoLo INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationRfGainMeasuredLimitLo INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationRfGainMeasuredLimitHi INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationRfGainMeasuredLimitHiHi INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationOmiMeasuredLimitLoLo INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationOmiMeasuredLimitLo INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationOmiMeasuredLimitHi INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationOmiMeasuredLimitHiHi INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationOutputPwrLimitLoLo INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationOutputPwrLimitLo INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationOutputPwrLimitHi INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationOutputPwrLimitHiHi INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationRedundancyMode RedundancyMode, ovtxConfigurationRedundancyMask RedundancyMask, ovtxConfigurationCsoRegulationMode CsoRegulationMode, ovtxConfigurationSlope INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationFiberLength INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationSatModeAGC SatAGCmode, ovtxConfigurationSatOmi INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationSatRfGain INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationSatSlope INTEGER, ovtxConfigurationRfInputAlarmMode RfInputAlarmMode, ovtxConfigurationSatLnbSupply LnbSupplyValue, ovtxConfigurationSbsSuppressionMode SbsSuppressionModeValue, ovtxConfigurationSbsFiberType SbsFiberTypeValue, ovtxConfigurationSbsFiberLength SbsFiberLengthValue } ovtxConfigurationNESlotWrite OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NESlotWriteValue ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "By writing this variable a slot can be assigned for devices that dont support hardware slot detection. Reading '-1' means that the slot position is NOT writable." ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 1 } ovtxConfigurationModeAGC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AGCmode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The AGC mode of the optical transmitter (CATV input)." ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 2 } ovtxConfigurationOmi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The desired offset from nominal OMI in 0.1dB units (CATV input). This parameter is only used if AGC is on." ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 3 } ovtxConfigurationRfGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The desired offset from nominal gain in 0.1dB units (CATV input). This parameter is only used if AGC is off." ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 4 } ovtxConfigurationSbsSuppression OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sbs suppression in 0.1dBm units." ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 5 } ovtxConfigurationChannelDistance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The channel raster in MHz units." ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 6 } ovtxConfigurationLaserFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The laser frequency in GHz units." ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 7 } -- ***** ovtxConfigurationRfInputLimitLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The rf input power low alarm limit in 0.1 dBm units" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 8 } ovtxConfigurationRfInputLimitLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The rf input power low warning limit in 0.1 dBm units" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 9 } ovtxConfigurationRfInputLimitHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The rf input power high warning limit in 0.1 dBm units" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 10 } ovtxConfigurationRfInputLimitHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The rf input power high alarm limit in 0.1 dBm units" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 11 } -- ***** ovtxConfigurationRfGainMeasuredLimitLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Measured-Rf-Gain offset low alarm limit in 0.1 dB units (in AGC ON mode)" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 12 } ovtxConfigurationRfGainMeasuredLimitLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Measured-Rf-Gain offset low warning limit in 0.1 dB units (in AGC ON mode)" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 13 } ovtxConfigurationRfGainMeasuredLimitHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Measured-Rf-Gain offset high warning limit in 0.1 dB units (in AGC ON mode)" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 14 } ovtxConfigurationRfGainMeasuredLimitHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Measured-Rf-Gain offset high alarm limit in 0.1 dB units (in AGC ON mode)" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 15 } -- ***** ovtxConfigurationOmiMeasuredLimitLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Measured-OMI offset low alarm limit in 0.1 dB units (in AGC OFF mode)" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 16 } ovtxConfigurationOmiMeasuredLimitLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Measured-OMI offset low warning limit in 0.1 dB units(in AGC OFF mode)" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 17 } ovtxConfigurationOmiMeasuredLimitHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Measured-OMI offset high warning limit in 0.1 dB units(in AGC OFF mode)" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 18 } ovtxConfigurationOmiMeasuredLimitHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Measured-OMI offset high alarm limit in 0.1 dB units(in AGC OFF mode)" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 19 } -- ***** ovtxConfigurationOutputPwrLimitLoLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output power low alarm limit in 0.1 dBm units" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 20 } ovtxConfigurationOutputPwrLimitLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output power low warning limit in 0.1 dBm units" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 21 } ovtxConfigurationOutputPwrLimitHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output power high warning limit in 0.1 dBm units" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 22 } ovtxConfigurationOutputPwrLimitHiHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output power high alarm limit in 0.1 dBm units" ::={ ovtxConfigurationEntry 23 } -- ***** ovtxConfigurationRedundancyMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RedundancyMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The device's redundancy mode." ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 24 } ovtxConfigurationRedundancyMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RedundancyMask ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The device's redundancy mask setings." ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 25 } -- ***** ovtxConfigurationCsoRegulationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CsoRegulationMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The desired CSO regulation mode of the optical transmitter. Only usable if ovtxDisplayExtendedCapabilities == true(1), otherwise always reports csoRegModeChannelControlled(1)" ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 26 } ovtxConfigurationSlope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The desired slope in 0.1 dB units (CATV input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayExtendedCapabilities == true(1), otherwise always reports zero" ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 27 } ovtxConfigurationFiberLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The optical fiber length in meter units. Only usable if ovtxDisplayExtendedCapabilities == true(1), otherwise always reports zero" ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 28 } ovtxConfigurationSatModeAGC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SatAGCmode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The AGC mode of the optical transmitter (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports satAgcOff(1)" ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 29 } ovtxConfigurationSatOmi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The desired offset from nominal OMI in 0.1dB units (SAT input). This parameter is only used if AGC is on. Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero" ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 30 } ovtxConfigurationSatRfGain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The desired offset from nominal gain in 0.1dB units (SAT input). This parameter is only used if AGC is off. Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero" ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 31 } ovtxConfigurationSatSlope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The desired slope in 0.1 dB units (SAT input). Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero" ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 32 } ovtxConfigurationRfInputAlarmMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RfInputAlarmMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The RF input alarm mode (Can be used to disable alarms of unused RF inputs) Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities == rfInputCatvAndSatSupported(3), otherwise always reports alarmEnableAll(1)" ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 33 } ovtxConfigurationSatLnbSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LnbSupplyValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SAT LNB supply control. This feature is not supported by all transmitter devices, see ovtxDisplaySatLnbSupplySupported" ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 34 } ovtxConfigurationSbsSuppressionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SbsSuppressionModeValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SBS suppression mode. This feature is not supported by all transmitter devices, see ovtxDisplaySbsSuppressionModeSupported" ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 35 } ovtxConfigurationSbsFiberType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SbsFiberTypeValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SBS fiber type. This feature is not supported by all transmitter devices, see ovtxDisplaySbsFiberParametersSupported" ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 36 } ovtxConfigurationSbsFiberLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SbsFiberLengthValue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SBS suppression mode. This feature is not supported by all transmitter devices, see ovtxDisplaySbsFiberParametersSupported" ::= { ovtxConfigurationEntry 37 } --***************************************************************************************** -- Display group ovtxDisplayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OvtxDisplayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { ovtxDisplay 1 } -- table of configuration entry(ro/rw) ovtxDisplayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OvtxDisplayEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { ovtxNESlot } ::= { ovtxDisplayTable 1 } -- the structure of the entry OvtxDisplayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ovtxDisplayRfInputValue INTEGER, ovtxDisplayLaserFrequencyMin INTEGER, ovtxDisplayLaserFrequencyMax INTEGER, ovtxDisplayLaserFrequencyStep INTEGER, ovtxDisplayOmiNominal INTEGER, ovtxDisplaySatOmiNominal INTEGER, ovtxDisplayRegulationState RegulationState, ovtxDisplayExtendedCapabilities TruthValue, ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities RfInputCapabilities, ovtxDisplaySatLnbSupplySupported LnbSupplySupportedValue, ovtxDisplaySbsExtensionsSupported TruthValue, ovtxDisplaySbsSuppressionModeSupported TruthValue, ovtxDisplaySbsFiberParametersSupported TruthValue } ovtxDisplayRfInputValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RfInput (total rms) in steps of 0.1 dBm." ::= { ovtxDisplayEntry 1 } -- ***** ovtxDisplayLaserFrequencyMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum adjustable laser frequency in GHz units." ::={ ovtxDisplayEntry 2 } ovtxDisplayLaserFrequencyMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum adjustable laser frequency in GHz units." ::={ ovtxDisplayEntry 3 } ovtxDisplayLaserFrequencyStep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The supported laser frequency stepsize in GHz units." ::={ ovtxDisplayEntry 4 } -- ***** ovtxDisplayOmiNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal OMI in 0.1 percent units (CATV input)" ::={ ovtxDisplayEntry 5 } -- ***** ovtxDisplaySatOmiNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal OMI in 0.1 percent units (SAT input) Only usable if ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities != rfInputCatvOnlySupported(1), otherwise always reports zero" ::={ ovtxDisplayEntry 6 } ovtxDisplayRegulationState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RegulationState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The transmitters current regulation state Only usable if ovtxDisplayExtendedCapabilities == true(1), otherwise always reports regulationStateUnknownOrNotSupported(1)" ::={ ovtxDisplayEntry 7 } ovtxDisplayExtendedCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Returns true(1) if the transmitter supports the extended features represented by the variables ovtxConfigurationCsoRegulationMode, ovtxConfigurationSlope and ovtxConfigurationFiberLength" ::={ ovtxDisplayEntry 8 } ovtxDisplayRfInputCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RfInputCapabilities ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Returns the transmitter supported RF input capabilities" ::={ ovtxDisplayEntry 9 } ovtxDisplaySatLnbSupplySupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LnbSupplySupportedValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Returns the supported SAT LNB supply features" ::={ ovtxDisplayEntry 10 } -- ***** ovtxDisplaySbsExtensionsSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Returns true(1) if the transmitter supports the extended SBS alarm features" ::={ ovtxDisplayEntry 11 } ovtxDisplaySbsSuppressionModeSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Returns true(1) if the transmitter supports the SbsSuppressionMode configuration feature" ::={ ovtxDisplayEntry 12 } ovtxDisplaySbsFiberParametersSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Returns true(1) if the transmitter supports the SbsFiber configuration feature" ::={ ovtxDisplayEntry 13 } END